Babylon the Great Deposed Under World Government

Babylon the Great Deposed Under World Government Outline Index

Proof ‘Babylon the Great’ Global Religious Complex Deposed Last—Under Completed “Scarlet Wildbeast” “8th King” World Government

Why Babylon the Great goes down at the end of the final cycle, after world government is in complete form under its final “one hour” of world power.

Section 1. Babylon the Great Judgment and Salvation Completion

Longest Range Forecast

I. Prophecy Details of Babylon the Great (BTG) Deposition Timing
Background Rationale: Core Prophecy Framework Repeats
Future Seven Trumpets Gauging
Four UN Cycles in Prophecy and Global Development

Babylon the Great Final Cycle Position in Prophecy—Five Prophecy Clues of Babylon the Great Going Down in the End of the Final Cycle

1. Revelation 17:8-18 Final Sequence
2. Revelation 16:12-19 Deep Final Cycle Fifth and Sixth Plagues
3. Revelation 19:1-16 Final Sequence
4. Revelation 11:7-13 Final Sequence
5. Revelation 14:1-16 Final Sequence

The Key “Hour” Cross Connection in Revelation
Revelation 17:12
Revelation 3:10
Revelation 11:13
Revelation 14:7,15-16

Related Note on 144000 “Temple” Completion
Pre Christ Arrival 144000 Completion—”Tent” Word Used
Revelation 11:1
Revelation 15:5

Post Christ Arrival 144000 Completion—”Temple” Word Used
Revelation 7:15
Revelation 11:19

Revelation 14:15

II. Background Global Development Context—Global “Sword Stroke” to Global “Healing”; Global “Chaos” to Global “Order” Formulaic Final Cycle
The Fourth World War-to-World Government Formulaic Cycle
Final Cycle Recovery Inspires Great Global Hope
Nation-State Sovereignty Deposed First
Nation-State and Babylon the Great Sovereignties Deposed in the Same Overall Process and Prophecy

III. Babylon the Great Deposition Period Proof in Logical and Strategic Terms
1. The “Old World Order” Nation-State is the Highest Priority Target to Depose First
2. Babylon the Great Will be More Useful to Aid the Confusions of Whole Final Cycle
3. Deposing Babylon the Great Under World Government Aids Its “World Peace” Believability (1Thss5:1-3)
Clue: World System is Still Functioning as Babylon the Great Goes Down:
4. Babylon the Great Has a Massive Global Wealth Store That Can Aid Global Recovery Under World Government

5. Babylon the Great’s Total Global “Harlot” Multi-Purpose Must Be Fully Expended Before “She” is Deposed
6. Babylon the Great Purpose Is to Aid World Government Presentation

IV. The Required “Babylon the Great” Downfall Salvation Purpose and the Total “Scarlet Wildbeast” World Government Total Parallel Completions
The Bethel Foregleam of Babylon the Great Downfall and Liberation Purpose
Complete Babylon the Great Ride of Complete Scarlet Wildbeast as Complete World Government
Babylon the Great Full Purpose Must Complete Before Removal
Babylon the Great Downfall Liberation for Salvation Must Complete
Divine Judgment and Human Salvation Dual Purpose of Babylon the Great “Fall” Met Simultaneously
Babylon the Great “Plagues” First—Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses Signal
Increasing Signals of Babylon the Great Judgment
Babylon the Great Actual Downfall Deliverance of Many
How Religious Error in the Babylon the Great Complex Aids the Whole Final Cycle
The Bethel Jehovah’s Witness Diversion Methods and Purpose
Christendom and Babylon the Great Related False Prophecy Purpose
Discredit Prophecy Year Over Year
Bethel Forecast Fails First During Daniel 8:13-14 Temple Judgment Timing and Events
Keep Re-Spinning the Interpretation
Babylon the Great
‘s Human Waters Start to Evaporate
God’s Whole Prophecy Completes

Section 2. Bethel Apostasy and the Temple Judgment

V. The Final Temple Judgment Cycle
Bethel: “It is ALL Done Brothers and Sisters” Modern “The End” Delusion for Jehovah’s Witnesses!
The Fictional Bethel Delusion by Prophetic Disarrangement Utilizing Valid Prophecy

The BTG Central Spider Web of Jehovah’s Witness Delusion
Bethel’s Delusion Menu for Jehovah’s Witnesses
1. The Overall The End Formula
2. The Great Tribulation Signal

3. Triggers “The End” Signal
4. It’s Too Late Doomsday for Those Still in Babylon the Great
5. Tribulation of Those Days Bypassed
6. Peace and Security Potential Hoax Enabled
7. Christendom Fall Guy Diversion

8. Anointed Sealing All Complete
9. The Jehovah’s Witness Expected Cancellation of the Jehovah’s Witness Ministry
10. Gog of Magog “New Light” and the Final King North Decoy
11. The Bethel Attack “Soon, Very Soon”
12. Post Babylon the Great Jehovah’s Witness Obedience Directives

Global Sovereign Warning and “1914” Based Diversion
Unique Subversion of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Critics, At The Same Time
1914: Four Concurrently Emerging Sovereign Themes
Multiple Prophecies Establish 1914—Not Just Daniel 4
Another “Seven Times” to Manifest as 2 Witnesses X 1260 Days = 2520 Days
Bethel’s Modern Jehovah’s Witness Subversion
The First Cycle is the Sovereign Plot of the Final Cycle Completing
Good News of the Sacred Secret Completes Before Christ Arrives
The Temple Judgment Upon Apostate, Subverted and Befouled Modern Bethel and their Grand-Standing So-called “Governing Body” (GB)… of the Final Apostasy
The Progression of the Final Apostasy in Prophecy
General Apostasy
More Specific Apostasy
Daniel 8 and 11 Bethel Apostasy in Very Specific Details
Daniel 11:41 and Daniel 8:11 Overviews
Daniel 8:12-14
Daniel 8:13-14 Timed Temple Judgment Events
King North Guided and Controlled Modern Bethel Apostate “Man of Lawlessness”
Daniel 11:32
Fully Catching Sight of the Bethel “Disgusting Thing”—The Bethel Neo-Romans and Their UN NGO “Disgusting Thing” Whole
Signal Features of the Final Apostasy Now at Bethel
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 “The End of the World” Delusion
Open Salvation “For The Many” Truth, Over The Whole “Week” of Final Cycle Conclusion
Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses Signal

VI. The Jehovah’s Witness Hoax Setup Promoted by Modern Apostate Bethel
Bethel False Prophetic Application
1. Conceal Bethel judgment with Babylon the Great and “it’s the end of the world” delusional diversions.
2. Cancel the Jehovah’s Witness ministry globally, as if prophetic in the sense of completion and “the end” signal.
3. Mislead and trap Jehovah’s Witnesses by misplaced trust and faith in the “organization” and its “Governing Body” (GB). (Dan8:12; Dan11:32a)
4. Promote the premature end delusion among Jehovah’s Witnesses that aids the final cycle “doomsday” global delusion; (2Thess2:1-2)

5. Bewilder Jehovah’s Witnesses as long as possible during Bethel’s “trampling” and in its aftermath; (Dan8:14)

Section 3. Revelation and the Final Cycle Completion

VII.1 Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses First, Next
Creates Context of the Full Explanation
Governing Body of Babel Origins
From an Error to a Lie
Governing Body
Connections to King North and Revelation’s Final Judgment Cycle

VII.2 Revelation 8-9 Final Warning Preparation— Temple Judgment Purification, Ministerial Recovery and Apostate Bethel Removal and Exposure
Revelation 8—Temple Judgment Parallel of Daniel 8:13-14 (1Pet4:17; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)
The Temple Judgment Actuality
First Six Trumpets
First Trumpet—Temple Judgment “Alarming” Summary
Second Trumpet—”Burning Mountain” Bethel Snapshot Microcosm of “King North”
Third Trumpet—Apostate Bethel and Governing Body Apostasy “Root of All Evil” 

Fourth Trumpet—”1/3″ Of Jehovah’s Witness Ministry in Darkness
Temple Judgment Parallels of Revelation 8 Events
Zechariah 3 Temple Judgment Purification Parallel
Daniel 8:13-14 Timed and Phased Temple Judgment Parallel
CSI Bethel: Nailing the Governing (Babel) Body “King North” Puppets
Bethel’s Little “Government Body” “King North” “Burning Mountain” Clones Final Warning “Little Scroll” Chapter 1—Taking the Temple Judgment and Bethel
Governing Body First “Lift Up” to Bethel “North”
Final Warning “Little Scroll” Preparation Chapter 1—Taking the Temple Judgment and Bethel Apostasy Four Trumpet Explanations Global in Complete Summarization of Prophetic Reality
Revelation 9—Temple and Ministerial Recovery
Trumpets 5-6 (Woes 1 and 2 of 3)
Fifth Trumpet—Anointed Christian Ministerial Recovery
Ministerial Recovery Completes Bethel Exposure First
The King, Destroyer
Three Year Signal Ends
6th Trumpet—Christian Recovery of Jehovah’s Witnesses Ministry

VIII. Almighty Jehovah: The Sovereign God of Total Completion
Revelation Completion
Revelation’s Dual Fulfillment Basis
Four Global War Cycles Complete for Four United Nations Presentations, UN1-2-3-4
Two Witnessing Cycles Must Complete
Ending the Jehovah’s Witness Slumber Party and Their Bethel GB Wino Influence
Revelation 10-11—Sovereign Commission of “Little Scroll” to be Deployed as the “Two Witnesses” Final Witness
Revelation 10—Divine Completion Command and the “Little Scroll” Final Commission
Divine Completion Statement
Divine Completion Final Warning Commission
Final Divine Commission for Final Kingdom Proclamation Parallels
Zechariah 3 Post Temple Purification Commission parallel:
2. Matthew 22 Final Open Salvation Call for Completion of Anointing and More
3. Mathew 24 Faithful Slave Designate Commission Parallel:
4. “Five Discreet Virgins” Final Enlightenment Commission Parallel

Second Witnessing of “Two Witnesses” Divine Command—Again
Zechariah 3 Portent of Temple Completion Parallel
Everything Completes
Zechariah 4 Parallel
Something New, Yet the Same: The Second Witness
Revelation 11—”Two Witnesses” “Second Witnessing” Final Kingdom Proclamation—Messianic Kingdom Completion and “Good News” Completion Events
Jehovah’s Witness Alarm Clock Purpose

Final 1260 Days “Seven Times” Completion as 2520 Days
Zechariah 4 “Two Witnesses” Parallel

1260 Days Cross Prophetic Registration
1. Spiritual Aspect
2. Satanic Aspect
3. Wildbeast Aspect

Successful “Two Witnesses” Final Warning Completion

Final Warning Completed and “Constant Feature” Cessation
Final “Three and a Half Days” Segway to Christ Arrival
Christ Arrival Parallel
Christ Arrival Parallels of Revelation 11:11-12

Sixth Seal Parallel of Christ Arrival
Open Salvation Finality
Global Salvation Effects of Second Witnessing and Christ Arrival
5th and 6th Trumpet, First Two Woes, Complete

Seventh Trumpet—Christ Messianic “Kingdom of the World” Conquest Completion
Temple Completion
Christ Arrives for Revelation 7 Completions

Heavenly “Gathering” Completion First:
Earthly “Gathering” Completion Last:
At an an hour that you do not think likely the Son of man is coming…
Some Big Questions to Answer Before Christ Arrives
A “World War Three” “Doomsday” is NOT how it ends!
Peace and Security Hoax Versus World Peace Reality
As Though “Slaughtered to Death”—As Though “Doomsday”—As Though “the End of the World”; But Not!
Eventual Global UN Military Monopoly Under World Government
King North’s Global Wealth Monopoly (Daniel 11:42-43)
Final “King North” Decoy in Potential Russia Centered “Coalition of Nations”—How Intense Will the Global Sword-Stroke” and its Global-Decoy Become and for How Long?
The Ultimate Global and Prophetic Sovereign Convergence
Christ Arrival Parallels
Final Christ Messianic Kingdom Based Conquest Parallels

Revelation 14 Final Phase Sequence
Kingdom “Zion” Completion
Parallel: Revelation 11:11-13 Christ arrival, 144000 completion, and “tenth of the city” of Babylon the Great spared for salvation
Global Wildbeast World Government active in “one hour” parallel
Global Judgment Sequence
Revelation 19 Final Phase Sequence
Marriage Event Prepared
Revelation 14:8 Parallel
Revelation 14:6-7 Parallel directive
Bride is complete in Revelation 14:1 parallel
Ezekiel 38:18-20 Parallel
Armageddon: Rival sovereign “wildbeast” world government system deposition
Capture, bounding and “sealed” abyssing of Satan
1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ in full Messianic Kingdom power begins


Seven Trumpets Framework of the Final Cycle  

1. The “seven trumpets”
2. The “seven plagues”

Timed Periods Overlay the Seven Trumpets for Further Detail
Unique and Repeating Prophecy Will Parallel in Final Fulfillment to Completion
US/EU 7th King/King South Required Downfall
Structured Global Sovereign Progression in Seven Bible Chapters and Its Christendom and Bethel Cover Up
We Are Here
Names and Numbers
Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the First Milestone Event
Milestone Steps in Fulfillment Eventually “Explains” Itself
Daniel 8:13-14 Purpose of Awareness
Daniel 8:13-14 Timing and Phasing (Dan8:26)
First Milestone: The Temple Judgment
1. Temple Judgment
2. Temple purification
3. The Final Warning of the “second witness” of the “two witnesses”
4. World Government Triggers Christ’s Arrival


Pdf Version 1.0


Babylon the Great Deposed Under World Government ( Version 1.0)

Proof ‘Babylon the Great’ Global Religious Complex Deposed Last—Under Completed “Scarlet Wildbeast” “8th King” World Government
Why Babylon the Great goes down at the end of the final cycle, after world government is in complete form under its final “one hour” of world power.

Section 1. Babylon the Great Judgment and Salvation Completion


This article will:

1. Explain the prophetic (1Pet4:17), logical, and strategic reasons why “Babylon the Great” (BTG) enormous Global Religious Corporate Complex cannot be “attacked” first and next, but is deposed deep in the final cycle under complete 8th King World Government while in its “one hour” final phase of true global sovereign implementation. (Rev17:8-18; Rev16:12-19);

2. Explain why the longest range forecast is advantageous to consider for global awareness to be aided by the true magnitude of the final cycle “new world ordering” that will occur (Dan11:41-43), especially after world government completes (Dan8:25; Dan11:44-45; 1Thess5:1-3), at which time Babylon the Great will be deposed among other 8th King final agenda events. (Rev17:11-18; Rev16:12-19; Rev13:15-18);

3. Explain how the false and premature expectation that in the “first phase of the [great] tribulation, God will move the political rulers of this world to destroy “Babylon the Great””, now prevalent at apostate Bethel, actually aids a modern day premature “the end” delusion (2Thess2:1-2), with what is also a false prophetic diversion from the truth that the “the judgment starts with the house of God” as the modern temple judgment. (1Pet4:17; Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)

4. Explain the entire “Babylon” “the Great” symbol and complete overall theme of divine deliverance and human salvation from that Global Corporate Religious complex now, as it is deposed, and after, which is aided by total Babylon the Great global-deposition to completion under complete world government, culminated fully after Christ has arrived prior to global conquest culmination.

Longest Range Forecast

By thoroughly examining the actual Babylon the Great judgment prophetic position deep in the final cycle, the long range forecast and its advantages for increasing global awareness year over year in that completion cycle, can be demonstrated as it is proven why Babylon the Great goes down under world government global sovereign authority in the end—and the global milestones coming, which will be leading to that climax.

The final cycle runs its full course so that every forecast out there will be put to the full test, including this one, as that final cycle plays out for real, beginning with the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses, already signaled in the apostate Bethel modern defection.

This longest range full final fulfillment cycle completion provides several advantages to aid global progressive awareness for salvation purposes.

1. First, aided by the long range manifested future verification, over several final years, the longer range forecast allows the premature “the end” delusion prevalent among many in uncertainty, and Jehovah’s Witnesses in specific (2Thess2:1-2), to fail in day over day and year over year manner. “The end” will not manifest as soon as expected nor in the ambiguous manner expected.

Instead prophecy is specific on the milestones that will instead manifest enroute to world government.

2. As that short range forecast fails, it will become increasingly obvious other developments rather than “the end” are in action instead and they are prophetic as in the real global developments, leading to world government first, that are manifesting. The uncertainty and overall “the end” and “doomsday” delusion were well engineered diversions to distract from the real global development.

Thus all the prophetic and secular forecasts out there, including this one, will be put to the test over the long range duration of this whole final cycle.

3. Instead, the long range complete cycle allows the trajectory to the Christ arrival to be marked by several global milestones yet to manifest, like the temple judgment, the final warning recovery, the nation-state system downfall context in which those signal developments manifest within, and the arrival of world government in a progressive “ascension” “rise” with the global system recovery phase prior to the Christ arrival triggered by that required globalized sovereign rival completion.

4. That allows the true context of Babylon the Great’s deep final cycle deposition to be identified now, while showing how the expected “Babylon the Great goes down first” was merely an initial diversion to reinforce “the end” delusion among Jehovah’s Witnesses, and to suspend their minds in stalled progress as to the meaning of modern globalism developments. By that the Jehovah’s Witness audience was also misled in all those considering Jehovah’s Witnesses modern stalled and diverted “forecast” which main delusion is the premature “the end” expectation. (2Thess2:1-2)

In reality, the Jehovah’s Witness forecast, the shortest range and most detailed one out there, will also, by virtue of that fact, be the first to fail—but it will take time for Jehovah’s Witnesses to perceive the failure. (Dan8:14; Hos6:1-3; Isa37:30-32)

Now we can place the Babylon the Great deposition judgment where it actually is located in the final cycle manifestation, deep in the final cycle in its true global context of the foretold “8th King” world government “one hour” completion phase (Rev17:8-18) in prophecy and in the globalist strategy logic. The prophetic and global strategic context basis will now be examined in detail, as the cross relate to place Babylon the Great deposition deep in the final cycle, not first, as some are expecting too soon. (2Thess2:1-2)

I. Prophecy Details of Babylon the Great Deposition Timing

Background Rationale: Core Prophecy Framework Repeats

This forecast is based on the principle that Revelation had a preview fulfillment and explanation given by Jehovah’s Witnesses in valid form of the principles of the seven trumpets and plagues and their focus on the temple and the global system beginning in 1914. But obviously it did not complete as global reality—it demonstrated a valid preview of the core sovereign principles and its main global cycle phases. But, in time the final total fulfillment must be fully “seen” and experienced by the world for real. (Rev3:10; Rev1:7)

Yet Jehovah’s Witnesses did lay out a nice “warm up” awareness of the valid Revelation outline which aids understanding the future full global-impact of “The Revelation to John”, wherein modern updates are applied rather than the modern Bethel diversions and stalls.

The “seven trumpets” forms the sequential future framework into which all supporting prophecy registers within. Daniel’s prophecy temple judgment and recovery recovery 1150-2300 days (Dan8:13-14), and the eventual parallel 1260 days final warning parallel-period (Rev11:2-3, Rev12:14, Rev13:5-7; Dan7:25, Dan12:7) that the temple judgment will lead to, will all register within the Revelation “seven trumpet” framework, over a final period of several years of the final fulfillment cycle.

That being the case, Revelation will have a true global scale “grand climax” in the future as all “seven trumpets” (temple context) and all “seven plagues” (global context) progressively and sequentially manifest in true global parallel form, respecting the core principles already explained by Jehovah’s Witnesses prior to the modern Bethel progressive and gradually give over apostasy. (Dan8:12; Dan11:30-32a)

Though based on the initial preview “warm up” pattern (1914-1919+), the future final cycle manifests in completing form of all global and spiritual requirements to manifest prior to the Christ arrival. That cycle first verification is based on the timed temple judgment (Dan8:13-14) (and its “trumpet” signal) beginning the Revelation 8 fulfillment (eventually all of Revelation 8-11), in the Revelation 16 first four “plague” global developing context of the “tribulation of those days” beginning and running its full required course. (Rev16:1-9; Hag2:7; Matt24:29-31; Isa41:1)

Basically the whole applicable portions of the initial Revelation preview fulfillment known by Jehovah’s Witnesses, will repeat with the final cycle it already forecasts, but in the final fulfillment cycle total completion form (Rev10:5-11), as the unfulfilled portions of Revelation and all prophecy (like Daniel 11:40-45 climax) also manifest to the full as unique, repeating or fully maturing on-going developments all manifesting within the “seven trumpets” global-sequence framework.

Thus the “seven trumpets” provide a timeline to place all of these final global milestone developments within to map the final cycle before, during and after it completes into World Government, and hence the Christ arrival thereafter.

(Revelation 1:1) A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.

And those “things” must have a total completion beyond the now stalled “all done” impression now prevalent among derailed Jehovah’s Witnesses. Jehovah’s Witnesses from 1914 forward merely laid out the “dress rehearsal” in valid initial form of the “first witnessing” of the “two witnesses” (Rev10-11:1-7) which aids understanding the final cycle grand finale because that final Revelation cycle must respect the core spiritual and sovereign themes of the trajectory to world government to trigger the Christ arrival that the first Revelation cycle demonstrated in 1914-1919’s global cycle. There are “TWO witnessings” because Revelation has two main cycles, past and future.

The valid rationale in that preview fulfillment of divine sovereign global-warning, demonstrates one of the reasons why Jehovah’s Witnesses are now under the Bethel maintained impression that “it is all done”.

*** Watchtower 2012 6/15 – p. 18 par. 19 ***

We are living in the days of the seventh head. No more heads will appear on this beast before it is annihilated. The Anglo-American World Power will be the dominant world power when false religion is eradicated.  The prophecies of Daniel and John have been fulfilled to the smallest detail.  We can be confident that the destruction of false religion and the battle of Armageddon will soon come. God has revealed these details in advance. Will we pay attention to the prophetic warnings? (2 Pet. 1:19) Now is the time to take sides with Jehovah and to support his Kingdom.—Rev. 14:6, 7.

In reality the Revelation has not fully fulfilled in final form like it will, and the preview is how “God has revealed these details in advance” to aid the Christian understanding of the coming final cycle, this time, before and as it manifests in full, sequential 1-7, “trumpet” form, unfolding with that final cycle. Except this time the temple judgment focus will not be Christendom’s apostasy, but that of modern Bethel. (Rev8)

This is advantageous for others coming to this awareness now and year over year as this final cycle fully unfolds to completion at enormous global scale—a true Biblical “prophetic proportions” reality coming, with compounding awareness as these final years play out according to the Revelation outline “seven trumpet” framework.

And this is how we also can demonstrate now, when Babylon the Great will actually be deposed in an enormous global scale judgment under world government in globally complete sovereign form, which we will examine in detail now.

Future Seven Trumpets Gauging

As we will see in final fulfillment cycle prophecy, Babylon the Great must go down deep in the 6th to 7th Plague, and after the post 1260 days “one hour” of 8th King World Government is active. The 6th and 7th plague transition is obviously deep in that final cycle, once we know it has a future final fulfillment. Though Jehovah’s witnesses have explained the preview first cycle of the applicable portions of Revelation 8-11 and Revelation 16, obviously all those foregleamed events must have a true and final total actual, “Revelation Grand Climax”, fulfillment in the future.

The “seven trumpets” meanings will help gauge this fulfillment cycle from temple judgment to world government to Christ arrival as it unfolds in a massive developing global context of notable events, such as Babylon the Great’s eventual global-deposition.

The future “seven trumpets” will span other supporting notable events such as the 7th King national system fall (Dan11:42-43; Rev16:1-9), as the initial context of the final warning timed periods of Daniel 8:13-14 (Rev8; Initial 1150 days temple desolation) and Revelation 9-11 (final 1150 days recovery to transition to the final warning 1260 days), and then the Daniel 12:11 final open salvation period in which Christ arrives and must oversee the Babylon the Great judgment under rival world government authority first. (Ps110:2)

Many saved people will actually emerge from Babylon the Great’s judgment, even that deep into the final cycle (Rev14:1-8; Rev11:13) as that is also why Babylon the Great is saved for last.

What Jehovah’s witnesses anointed Christian core ministry has done is it fully explained the full sovereign warning, plot and principles of the “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” in the 1914-1919 first ministerial cycle and the global war and recovery of that time’s context.

Four UN Cycles in Prophecy and Global Development (1919, 1945, 1990, Future)

1. Thus the first global Kingdom proclamation began, amidst a World War 1 first global cycle that just so happened to resolve into the League of Nations nucleus “image” as the first step to World Government fully manifested on the global scene. (Rev13:11-15; Dan12:11, first cycle)

Thus the cyclic principle of the use of world war to resolve into a world government pitch was set, as was the first Kingdom proclamation cycle context it emerged within. The main pattern was thoroughly set by more than just prophecy.

2. The second step in the 1945 United Nations post WW2 cycle presentation was also revealed, and its principles of “abyss ascension” were also demonstrated in the Revelation 17:8-11 prophecy first cycle,

Thus the principle of “world government” recovery, for a “global rise” presentation, from the completed world war cycle then becoming a world peace pitch, was demonstrated as formulaic and cyclic, and used in principle the same “world-war-to-world-government” cycle formula as in WW1, now WW2.

Those global-principles will also be useful in this final cycle replication of that same “revival” principle, from the same world war global cycle formula. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13)

3. (Note: The unique “Cold War” (Dan11:29) also used a global cyclic formula to present its 1990 3rd UN presentation (Dan11:30-31b; Dan8:23) after the Cold War “resolved” as the USSR dissolved. This is the one UN NGO Bethel bypasses the prophecy and global meaning of, breaking the UN 1-2-3 awareness among Jehovah’s Witnesses, and third use of a “global war”, a threat this time, to also present a United Nations global presentation and “New World Order” world government statement.)

Because of those UN1-2-3 cyclic principles, it can now be fully understood the future final cycle , UN1-2-3-4, will use the same formula in some form.

4. The Revelation future final fulfillment cycle, with those same “seven trumpets” and “seven plague”, will now parallel through another world war in some form (Rev13:3), to also resolve a final time (Rev17:8-13; Dan11:42-45; 1Thess5:1-3), into this time, full 8th King World Government upon the same principles and main cyclic pattern of the 1914-1919 “first witness” cycle. (See [1] Four 8th King UN Cycles to World Government – 1919 to Future)

And of course the “United Nations” will still be the “Nucleus” of World Government, to be conveniently revived in final form (Rev17:8), from that final “sword stroke” cycle (Rev13:3)  as all of Revelation 17:8-18 runs its full true final sequence to that completion. And lo and behold, in Revelation 17:15-18, in that deep final cycle, is when Babylon the Great is deposed.

With this final fulfillment cycle replication of the “seven trumpets” and the “seven plagues” in mind, the same prophetic outline Jehovah’s Witnesses already understand, now of the final prophecy and its final global development cycle activating, is now the same framework for the final cycle.

Jehovah’s witnesses already understand the final cycle, they just do not know they understand it because it has been directed to the past, rather than the future, so Bethel can stall them with the truth, though in valid, yet now incomplete, understanding. That is why Bethel’s apostasy is removed first. (Dan8:13-14; Rev8; Zech3:1-5)

(Isaiah 42:9) .The first things (1914-1919)—here they have come, but new things (of the future) I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear [them].

That final cycle and its final global events, is now the “seven trumpet” and “seven plague” fully registered future global criteria to now examine in detail, to fully understand when Babylon the Great is to be fully deposed, for real, at global scale with the global milestone event Revealtion gauged trajectory that will be leading to that enormous global-event.

Babylon the Great Final Cycle Position in Prophecy—Five Prophecy Clues of Babylon the Great Going Down in the End of the Final Cycle

1. Revelation 17:8-18 Final Sequence

In Revelation 17:8-18 final cycle sequence, World Government “One Hour” is active first as Revelation 17:8-13 events of the recovery phase:

(Revelation 17:12-13) “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (humanly complete global power meaning), who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as (globalized) kings one hour with the (world government) wild beast. 13 These have one thought (sovereign continuation), and so they give their power and authority (national sovereign deposition) to the wild beast. (as World Government global sovereignty whole. (Dan11:45; Dan8:25));

After Revelation 17:8-13 in the final cycle of the future, Babylon the Great is deposed, by that time of Revelation 17:15-18, under complete World Government in this Revelation 17:8-18 whole sequence to arrive at this final portion:

(Revelation 17:15-18) And he says to me: “The waters that you saw (Rev16:12), where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make (1) her devastated and naked, and (2) will eat up her fleshy parts and (3) will completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. (Rev18) 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city (Rev11:8-10) that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (is a religious sovereignty to also depose, lastly.)

Which Babylon the Great deposition events parallel the 6th to 7th plague developments, as will be shown next.

2. Revelation 16:12-19 Deep Final Cycle Fifth and Sixth Plagues

This is all coming to a climax parallel with the Revelation 17 sovereign deposition phase of the nation-state global system into world government completed globalization.

Babylon the Great human resource defense system is weakened with the sixth plague:

(Revelation 16:12) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up (Rev17:15), that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun.

Which “waters” were “the waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues” (Rev17:15), which is developing with the globalization “gathering” completing into the world government it has been empowering to also complete “scarlet wildbeast” form, parallel with this deep final cycle culmination:

(Revelation 16:13-16) And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (globalization is the main global force of this global “gathering”) … 16 And they gathered them together (to globalization completion into world government) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.

As Babylon the Great goes down fully in the seventh plague, after the above has completed:

(Revelation 16:17-19) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. 19 And the great city split into three parts (utter and complete destruction), and the cities of the nations fell (national sovereign deposition complete); and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath.

Since the 7th plague is the Christ Air event of parallel 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Babylon the Great goes down under Christ’s post arrival oversight, and thus that takes time, hence Daniel 12:11 parallel period of that Christ arrival, that 1290 days period then active to some degree (Rev11:7-12) after this 1260 days parallel has expired, into Daniel 7:26 Christ arrival parallel.

(Daniel 7:25-26) And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law (world government parallel), and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (final warning 1260 days) 26 And the (Christ arrival, Messianic Kingdom) Court itself proceeded to sit (into Messianic Kingdom completion (Rev14:1), Dan12:11 period active), and his own (world government) rulership they finally took away (very last event), in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.

(Daniel 7:12) But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away (by world government as we see now), and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time (nation-state era) and a season (League to world government “one hour” globalism developmental period).

3. Revelation 19:1-16 Final Sequence

Because all that above, is a final cycle sequence that also leads to Revelation 14’s and 19’s final post Christ arrival parallel global-sequence, the required “marriage of the lamb” preparatory Christ “gathering” total completions are already accomplished at this time, after world government has completed, as Christ as “King of kings” must oversee these final global judgments:

(Revelation 19:1-3) After these things I heard what was as a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven. (144000 completion parallel; Rev14:1; Rev7:1-4) They said: “Praise Jah, you people! The salvation and the glory and the power belong to our God, 2 because his judgments are true and righteous. For he has executed judgment upon the great harlot (Rev14:8) who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his slaves at her hand.” 3 And right away for the second time they said: “Praise Jah, you people! And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.”

Parallel of the final “glad tidings” open salvation appeal backed by the post-arrived Christ at global scale, Babylon the Great’s downfall is now allowing many formerly spiritually imprisoned people to heed this Christ backed final open salvation call, from that Babylon the Great global-downfall context:

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

Which period paralleled the Babylon the Great downfall, as it leads to this final statement of Babylon the Great judgment completion:

(Revelation 14:8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

By that time that will not be a spiritual, but a total, Babylon the Great downfall reality.

Prophetically and logically Christ saves certain people globally and from the Babylon the Great judgment as the “harlot” is being deposed during that Revelation prelude 14:1-7 period within Daniel 12:11 1290 days, so he will have been in complete Messianic Kingdom complete power enabled by the final “gathering” of the “remaining ones of her seed” to complete the 144000 first (Rev7:1-4; Rev14:1), which enabled the total Messianic Kingdom completion requirement to oversee these final global judgments—with salvation as the highest priority.

The Messianic Kingdom must be complete to oversee that final earthly “sheep” (Matt25:31-40) and “harvest of the earth” (Rev14:14-16) salvation “gathering” parallel, which has people coming out of the specific Babylon the Great judgment, in true global deposition mode (Rev14:1-8; Rev11:13) for salvation. In general, the global salvation context is that final overall “rocking the nations” finale period which also brings in other final “desirable things” for salvation first, as the top priority of “King of kings” Jesus Christ. (Hag2:7)

(Haggai 2:7) “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

Babylon the Great‘s rocking will provide some of those “desirable things” for salvation under the then fully complete and functional Messianic Kingdom.

Christ is in “sit down on his glorious throne” (Matt25:31) Messianic Kingdom “King of kings” complete power as Revelation 19:1-5, 6-9, and 11-16 have overlapping salvation parallels of the whole final sequence also parallel to Revelation 14 post Christ arrival final sequence details.

Note: This is also all late 7th plague event parallels which is Christ’s arrival, hence all this is after Christ arrives. These are late 6th trumpet parallels, because the 7th trumpet is 100% total global conquest of Christ, after the 7th plague has completed, after Christ has secured all the global “harvest of the earth” “sheep”.

The full 144000 Bride is complete, God “has begun” to “rule as king”, but not total global conquest as salvation is the first priority. God’s Son is then in completed Messianic Kingdom power “begun”, as the “marriage of the lamb” invitational is secure and certain in all these completions while world government is complete and active (Ps110:2), but Babylon the Great has been deposed as in Revelation 19:1-5,so this is a global “sheep” invitation to obviously be included in the coming “marriage” festivities:

(Revelation 19:6-9) And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. 7 Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.” 9 And he tells me: “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.” Also, he tells me: “These are the true sayings of God.”

Then the full manifestation of the already “arrived” “Word of God” Christ in “white horse” war mode, 7th Trumpet parallel, is the total Christ conquest phase (Rev11:15-18, Rev14:17-20 “He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty”, Matt25:41-46).

This is the 7th trumpet parallel, conquest phase of the already arrived Christ, which first saved people before this period climaxes in this, now, Christ total global conquest:

(Revelation 19:11-16) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

Now the Christ roles as “he judges and carries on war in righteousness”  is manifest as the already “name written” completed Messianic Kingdom “King of kings” and “Lord of lords” as Christ in complete Messianic “Kingdom of the World” power. It is then merely in the final phase of total global conquest: And thus Babylon the Great is pictured as deposed at the end of the final cycle, prior to total global conquest to aid human salvation of those who will be still trapped in “Babylon the Great Global” up until that actual time, as all these final events unfold at global scale in the salvation priority sequence first.

4. Revelation 11:7-13 Final Sequence

In this sixth trumpet period finale parallel leading to, but before the Christ arrival (Rev11:11-12), as the 1260 days final “two witnesses” warning and Kingdom proclamation is complete and being ceased, we see the “great city” Babylon the Great is still present even after the final warning is ceased all under world government “ascending” and then fully ascended into world government in this phase:

(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their (1260 days of) witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (Rev17:8-13, into world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (Dan12:11 “remove the constant feature, place the disgusting thing in the world government signal) 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days (final symbolic timed segway that must expire before the Christ arrival parallel of Rev11:11-12, as Daniel 12:11 timing has begun), and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. 10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another (world system still functioning), because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.

Then Christ arrives on a still existent Babylon the Great “great city” implied in the following sequence (Rev11:13) after the “three and a half days” symbolic “two witnesses” “death” state period expires (Rev11:11), and a “tenth” of that “great city” is spared… (Rev11:13):

(Revelation 11:11-12) And after the three and a half days
(the final pre-Christ arrival symbolic period to expire prior to Christ’s arrival; must converge into Daniel 12:11) spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet (known in earthly manner first), and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them.

…as it must then be in this post Christ arrival Babylon the Great deposition phase (Rev14:1-8), from which Babylon the Great judgment some final humans are to be saved, “a tenth the city”, which manifests from this post Christ arrival event:

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred (this late 6th trumpet sequence parallels the 7th plague “air” event of Christ’s arrival prior to 7th trumpet Messianic Kingdom conquest), and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. (some final repentance effects)

That “fell” and “killed” are human salvations. Thus the purpose of “saving” Babylon the Great for last, is that judgment can aid the salvation of some who will see these Babylon the Great world government deposition events and repent as they are being freed for real—”a tenth of the [BTG] city” will be saved, as Christ completes his salvation mission and purpose first.

5. Revelation 14:1-16 Final Sequence

Since Revelation 14:1-7 is the post Christ arrival Messianic Kingdom “Zion” completion (Rev14:1), and thus Christ completing his own ministry (Rev14:6-7; Matt10:23) in full Kingdom power, this angelic statement announcing the conclusion of the Babylon the Great judgment (Rev14:8 of Rev18:8) means it was transpiring with the global and spiritual events concurrent with Revelation 14:1-7 (Hag2:7) which then led to this fully angelic global announcement of the completion of the Babylon the Great judgment finality:

(Revelation 14:8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

Thus as Babylon the Great is going down for real, during Revelation 14:6-7,  period, to completion marked in Revelation 14:8. This angelic “everlasting good news” open salvation totally global salvation offer and appeal is going forth as Babylon the Great is being judged as Revelation 14:6-7 precedes Revelation 14:8 in this final sequence detail:

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

Therefore some people can and will survive the Babylon the Great judgment as still “God’s people” within that system to the very end. “Sharing in her sins” and “plagues” does not mean all individuals will be destroyed with the Babylon the Great symbolic religious system entity—but it will not be a picnic either, that is for sure:

(Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.

And those saved from the midst of the Babylon the Great complete judgment, are these “tenth of the city” who will be spared and saved from that enormous global judgment totality of the entire global “harlot” Babylon the Great global-religious system under world government:

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake (Kingdom/temple completion “quake”), and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. (those fallen and killed are saved ones in the prophetic meaning here “in that hour” of world government.)

Which brings us to that “in that hour” as the eight key Revelation “hours” are in the same 8th King “one hour” of global world government in completion and active in zenith defiance to God and Christ and their Kingdom power then present, but saving many people first, as well, “in that [final] hour”.

The Key “Hour” Cross Connection in Revelation

Almost every “hour” in Revelation, eight out of the eleven full “hour” references, is referring to the same symbolic judgment period and its signal final “hour” of world government “kingdom” rival sovereign rulership in very short duration—hence “ONE hour”.

That “one hour” is the symbolic meaning of the complete, yet shortest rule of them all, the global rule of eventually complete “8th King” “scarlet wildbeast” world government for “one hour”—it must yet come, and it must yet complete, but it will not conquer all, except the nation-state (Dan11:42-43; Rev17:11-18) and Babylon the Great, and that not for very long—it is the briefest prophetic human “kingdom” rule of all world history covered in prophecy”, hence “one hour” of the “8th King” world government.

Revelation 17:12—World Government

All these “hours” are while world government “one hour” is complete and active.

(Revelation 17:12) “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.

Revelation 3:10—Global Judgment

The scale and scope of the whole world system and planet Earth will come under this final cycle and its world government finale agenda (Rev13:15-18; Rev14:9-11):

(Revelation 3:10) Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth.

(Luke 21:34-36) “But pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you 35 as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. 36 Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man.”

Revelation 11:13—Babylon the Great Judgment

As shown the “two witnesses” final warning to emerge during this final cycle recovery from the Bethel apostasy, will effect repentance in some even within active Babylon the Great going into global world government empowered judgment, of this time:

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Revelation 14:7,15-16—Global Judgment

As this final global “sheep and goat” (Matt25:31-40), “harvest of the earth” (Rev14:14-16) parallel , within this global judgment completing, is being carried out by God and Christ in that same “hour”:

(Revelation 14:7) “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

And so that “great crowd” “that come out of the great tribulation” are this “harvest of the earth” “sheep” parallel of the open salvation “harvest” of Christ to be accomplished first during all these final intrigues, fully under the “one hour” of world government:

(Revelation 14:15-16) And another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary], crying with a loud voice to the one seated on the cloud: “Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.” 16 And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

Revelation 18:10,17,19—Babylon the Great Judgment Triplicate Emphasis

As Babylon the Great’s judgment is also in that same “one hour” under World Government:

(Revelation 18:10) …Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!’

(Revelation 18:17) …because in one hour such great riches have been devastated!’

(Revelation 18:19) …because in one hour she has been devastated!’

And thus in final form:

(Psalm 110:2) The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, [saying:] “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.”

That is how post-arrival Christ will then fully “subdue” “in the midst” of his completed world government and Babylon the Great “enemies” still present upon his arrival in their face. Thus the Revelation final “hour” is the final “hour” and full completion of it all.

Related Revelation Completion Notes on 144000 “Temple” Completion

This is a slight divergence to further illustrate the completion requirement and certainty of God’s complete purpose for the final cycle. We can examine the use of the word “temple” in Revelation as used in these five applicable cases before, (“tent”, “measured”) and after, (“temple”) the 144000 are “temple” completed in post Christ arrival as God completes the “temple” totally by Christ “head stone” capping placement, upon the 144000 completion of the finally gathered “remaining ones of her seed”. (Rev12:14-17)

(Zechariah 4:6-9) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the (Christ arrival completing) headstone. There will be shoutings to it: “How charming! How charming!”’” 8 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 9 “The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his own hands will finish [it]. (the temple will be completed)

The point will be shown that the word “temple” is only used in applicable portions of Revelation, for after Christ has arrived to complete the 144000 (Rev14, Rev7:1-4), and thereby God has completed the “temple” in the Christ “placement” of the final “stone” “set before Joshua” (Zech3:8-9) upon all 144000. (Rev3:12)

Pre Christ Arrival 144000 Completion—”Tent” (Tabernacle) Word Used

1. Revelation 11:1 Implied

“Measuring” the “temple” means it is not yet complete, but is guaranteed to complete, hence “measured”. (Eze45-47; Zech2; Zech4:6-9) At this time in Revelation 11:1 it is not complete, but being “measured” for guaranteed completion in Revelation 11 unfolding (Rev11:8-12 parallel).

(Revelation 11:1) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it.

2. Revelation 15:5

And since the seven plagues also lead to the completion of the temple, they are deployed before the temple completes. This is why before the final seven plagues are deployed in Revelation 16, the “temple” is referred to as the “tent of the witness”, “tent” as in the interim state prior to completion:

(Revelation 15:5-8) And after these things I saw, and the sanctuary of the tent of the witness was opened in heaven, 6 and the seven angels with the seven plagues emerged from the sanctuary, clothed with clean, bright linen and girded about their breasts with golden girdles. 7 And one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls that were full of the anger of God, who lives forever and ever. 8 And the sanctuary became filled with smoke because of the glory of God and because of his power, and no one was able to enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.

Even Christ offered his sacrifice in the incomplete temple, the “tent” “not of this creation”, prior to “temple” completion:

(Hebrews 9:11) However, when Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have come to pass, through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands, that is, not of this creation…

(Greek Skenes; Greek Scriptures four occurrences)
Hebrews 8:2, Hebrews 9:8, Hebrews 9:11, Revelation 15:5

Thus the word “tent” used in Revelation 15:5 means the “Temple” is not yet complete at that time (pre seven plagues), but will complete with the Christ arrival. And by this detail, in certain Revelation cases, we know what is post Christ arrival, complete “temple”, sequences.

Post Christ Arrival 144000 Completion—”Temple” (Naos) Word Used

All these Revelation events and sequences are in post Christ arrival significance of completion.

1. Revelation 7:15 (Revelation 7 Completions of heavenly and earthling groups parallels Revelation 14 events)

(Revelation 7:14-15) And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them.

Thus that is a post Christ arrival sequence. The reason the earthly “great crowd” (Rev14:14-16) can be “before the throne” and “in his temple” is because the “Kingdom has come” to earth (Matt6:10), the “holy city” has “come down from heaven” (Matt6:10; Rev21:2,10) in initial full human salvation form. The temple is thus accessible to humans in then completed form, through the then fully arrived “High Priest” Christ.

2. Revelation 11:19

(Revelation 11:19) And the temple [sanctuary] of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple [sanctuary]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.

3. Revelation 14:15,17

The “great crowd” is this synonymous “harvest of the earth” as the final “sacrifice” Christ gives to God in living “gifts” of human beings saved in the final cycle finale, offered in the complete temple system by this time.

(Revelation 14:15-16) And another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary], crying with a loud voice to the one seated on the cloud: “Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.” 16 And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

(Revelation 14:17) And still another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary] that is in heaven, he, too, having a sharp sickle.

Thus those salvation completions are completed after Christ has arrived, and that will also be when Babylon the Great will be being deposed to shake out the final saved human beings from that specific system to come “in his temple”, in the overall general assessment of every human on earth, with salvation as Christ’s first priority, for many.

The final destructions and 8th King termination are the very last events of the Christ arrival for this Adamic and Satan present period (Rev20:1-3) prior to the full 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ.

Before the global-strategic reasons that Babylon the Great goes down to then aid the world government promoting recovery phase are examined, we will look at the global crisis “tribulation of those days” aspect in prophecy. This is to better understand the context from which the global-recovery, and the Babylon the Great deposition progressively manifest within, as that phase of the final cycle runs its full course, as it must as well in the future final cycle.

II. Background Global Development Context—Global “Sword Stroke” to Global “Healing”; Global “Chaos” to Global “Order” Formulaic Final Cycle

The Fourth World War-to-World Government Formulaic Cycle

What we need to understand first for future global context, is the final cycle of the future employs a “global crisis” (the “tribulation of those days” period) to formulaically recover into the eventual World Government centered global recovery process in controlled manner, for the effect of global-psychological “admiration” and hopefulness such a transformation in global outlook will inspire to reinforce the final world government global presentation effect:

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. Let them approach. At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the judgment itself.

Thus the global “sword stroke” final cycle initial phase of the future is the “global-problem” context, for which the world government system is the “global-solution”, and people greatly admire and have hope in this great recovery phase from the “tribulation of those days” global-crisis of the final cycle, prior to the full world government global-presentation completion finale to progress with that recovery.

The World Government “solution” eventually responds with that hopeful global “reaction” for the “global solution”, into massive global-recovery with that upswing “global healing” phase beginning and proceeding, to globally relieve what will have been an enormous global downturn in multiple sectors of global dysfunction as the prelude and beginning developments of the final cycle. (Rev13:3; Dan11:42-43; Rev17:8-11)

That coming global-crisis is also know as the “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29) as its prophetic parallel. Matthew 24:29 is the global “tribulation of those days” transition point into the global-recovery, leading into world government and thus prior to Christ’s arrival.

The global scale “healing” beginning point, from the former “tribulation of those days” global-crisis which has run its full course to this required recovery, is what begins with this transition of Matthew 24:29, then to be heading into full world government—hence the “old world” order of “lights” is what first goes “dark”, as the “new world order” goes into full global power as world government.

And notice Christ does not even arrive until after the “tribulation of those days” has expired, explicitly stated here for this reason, this is a key transition into world government as that “tribulation of those days” expires on its own by formulaic design:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallels) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (the whole sovereign structure of world rulership has changed. Rev6:12-17 parallel) 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Rev11:11-12 parallel) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion, “in the days of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet”. Rev10:5-7), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of that final “great tribulation” phase), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

That is why Christ arrives after the “tribulation of those days” fully runs its course to that climax resolution and global “healing” then activating to aid the world government “global solution” final presentation. It is the turning point into world government “ascension” to also proceed after that “global crisis” has resolved formulaically with this final cycle.

And that is why the “four winds” of Matthew 24:31 is the “four winds” “of the earth” (Rev13:11 “earth” principle, that is of human earthly origin) of Revelation 7:1-4, as the affirmation sealing of anointed Christians is accomplished in the preceding final warning being completed.

Christ is not being needlessly redundant in the Matthew 24:31 passage “and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity”. No, it is this period Christ is cross referencing in the exact “four winds” term:

(Revelation 7:1-4a) After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” (accomplished as the final warning commission is competed) 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel…

Thus the “four winds” is under fully globalized world government authority, hence its peak severity while at the same time the “world peace” context is also being promoted concurrently. (Dan8:25; 1Thess5:1-3)

(Daniel 8:25b) And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) 5 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.

The “four winds” period of total global severity is empowered by the total world government “one hour” of global control of the entire global financial and military systems to then go into their final “four winds” agenda mode at truly global scale. And that is also why Christ must arrive at this critical transition and final “one hour” period activating.

(Matthew 24:21-22) then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days (of the “four winds”) were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

That final period of global severity under world government rule is when the most dangerous period in human history is reached, hence why Christ “drops in” on them at that perfect timing as the Matthew 24:29-31 parallel prelude to cutting “short the days” of the “four winds” and 8th King “one hour” world government period.

Final Cycle Recovery Inspires Great Global Hope

The purpose of the manipulation of the global psychology to global-hopefulness is to foster great global admiration and acceptance for this recovery and its world government presentation into that final “world peace” “and security” period as the global context in which they present the final 8th King/King North World Government system. Transforming global “doomsday” expectations, “as though slaughtered to death”, into instead, global peace and recovery, will have an enormous globally psychologically positive effect as enormous as was the preceding dreaded “doomsday” possibility backed for some time by huge global crisis developments.

The global “healing” recovery inspires admiration for both the Wildbeast world government system, and for the United Nations World Government Nucleus which must emerge from this global crisis in “abyss ascension” final manner, this time into full world government. World Government will become the global-focus of all the global hope and “salvation” to highlight its global presentation as world government and its final signal “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3), and its counterfeit claims to be “God’s Kingdom on earth”:

1. The wildbeast recovery from the global crisis inspires global admiration:

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

2. The United Nations future revival, in total world government mode, from the final global crisis “sword stroke” “abyss” context of UN inability to keep “world peace” during the start of the global crisis “sword stroke period”, will inspire great world admiration and hopefulness as well:

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

This is why the “global problem” phase is required first, to stress out the global nations, systems and people, to maximize the eventual “global recovery” hope-effect when it develops later from that crisis cycle resolving into global recovery amidst great celebratory attitudes globally, and the final “world peace” signal of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 which emerges under world government.

To wit, this is why this final cycle has a global-crisis “chaos” phase first from which the “new” “world” “order” will emerge from, in the future, in formulaic and cyclic grand manner for this very reason: to get people to globally accept and admire the human 8th King wildbeast World Government system, thus accepting the “mark of the wildbeast”, 666, willingly aided by great relieving hopefulness, actual recovery and accompanying grandiose global deceptions. (Rev13:15-18; Dan7:11; Dan8:25)

All that time, Babylon the Great will be useful to help sell and promote the “utopian” “Kingdom of God” “Zion” World Government panacea in various decoy prophecy, and claims, to various peoples globally.

This future final cycle formula understanding is helpful to develop the real global-context Babylon the Great goes down under. Babylon the Great is used first though, to AID this “healing” phase, and to AID the global promotions of world government as if “God’s Kingdom on earth everyone!” until the point the “harlot” is no longer needed, is fully utilized, and has served her full global-purpose, then under full world government.

Nation-State Sovereignty Deposed First

We also know from these prophecies, and the world system research and cyclic patterns themselves, the world power system national order crisis phase, and required eventual full nation-state sovereign deposition it will aid, transitions into eventual global-recovery into then emerging world government global-sovereignty (Rev11:7; Rev17:8-13).

Thus the national sovereign deposition first, is the highest global priority of the globalist system “new order” of globally sovereign world government as the cycle begins—not Babylon the Great yet.

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

Nation-State and Babylon the Great Sovereignties Deposed in the Same Overall Process and Prophecy

And that above nation-state transferred global wealth, asset and gold control coup, for King North emerging World Government, will enable the national system sovereign deposition, which will enable the Babylon the Great spiritual sovereign deposition in the same overall final global-sovereign progression to complete 8th King/King North World government:

(Revelation 17:12-14) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (global national power set), who have not yet received a kingdom (in the apostle John’s time), but they do receive authority as kings one hour (limited period) with the (globalized “scarlet”) wild beast. (in the 8th King “one hour” of completed world government authority) 13 These have one thought (global sovereign preservation and exercise), and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. (national sovereignty transferred to world government) 14 These will battle with the Lamb (Rev19:11-21), but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him (Rev14:1) [will do so].”

Which sovereign transition from national to globalized sovereign “power and authority” aids the Babylon the Great deposition phase here:

(Revelation 17:15-18) And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. (Rev16:12) 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist 8th King power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (absorbing religious sovereignty and assets aids global recovery) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. (national sovereigns giving their financial power to world government (Dan11:42-43) empowers the national need to absorb religious assets for their own recovery) 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty goes down as the national sovereignty is converging into the 8th King world government super-sovereign);

When the required national subservience in sovereign “power and authority” transition to world government is complete, then full attention can be given to Babylon the Great’s religious spiritual sovereignty,

Babylon the Great’s spiritual sovereignty also “has a kingdom over the kings of the earth”, but in spiritual form, and world government is leaving no rival sovereigns standing on earth. Babylon the Great, even if dwindling in global influence (Rev16:12), will greatly aid the final world government presentation, “riding the wildbeast” into its full power as one of its top promoters all the way to and into world government, prior to the Babylon the Great final total deposition. (Rev17:3,15-18)

Thus the “harlot” must be preserved and used for her main purpose at the very time in global history when it is most important to influence the religious sector of the world for world government acceptance and admiration.

The global sovereign control of the whole nation-state system to the full, aided by their own “giving their [national] kingdom” to the globalized “wildbeast”, aids the complete orchestration of the globalist world government authority to then fully concentrate on the Babylon the Great total asset pillage and eventual complete deposition under world government global legal “power and authority” as also aided by the globalized 100% controlled military “ten horns” complex.

Why depose one of the greatest global government supporters right when they need the religious “harlot” system worldwide the most, to help sell that pinnacle world government abomination to all the people that she can, for the whole finale presentation?

Thus in prophecy, nation-state sovereignty and Babylon the Great sovereignty are deposed in the same overall final cycle segway to world government global-sovereignty culminating at global scale, for real.

Special Note: The globalist world government developing system (Rev13:11-15; Dan12:36-39) is preparing a final cycle that involves the sovereign deposition process of the nation-state global “old world” order, that will involve a global crisis of “Biblical proportions”—the “tribulation of those days”, not “the end”. It is NOT “the end of the world” (Rev13:3), it is the birthing period (Rev17:8-13) of full “scarlet wildbeast” Global 8th King/King North/King Fierce in Countenance—World Government—for global finale public presentation. It is this coming 7th King/King South (Dan11:40-43) required downfall period that Bethel is attempting to sell to Jehovah’s witnesses as “the end” prematurely (2Thess2:1-2) to conceal the true meaning and intent of the cycle. Instead, that final cycle results as the fourth cycle climax to United Nations “image” centered 8th King World Government global “disgusting thing” finale. (Rev17:8-18; Dan11:44-45; Dan8:25)

But in regard to Babylon the Great deposition process as this phase transitions into full world government to complete the judgment (Rev18:8), there are more reasons, the globally strategic ones, to support the rationale as to why Babylon the Great is saved for last, so to speak.

III. Babylon the Great Deposition Period Proof in Logical and Global Strategic Terms

(Revelation 17:1-2) And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying: “Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

Thus Revelation 17 will describe the global context of “the judgment upon the great harlot”. We can now gather this is a statement of ultimately completion of these symbolic entities:

(Revelation 17:3-6) And he carried me away in [the power of the] spirit into a wilderness. And I caught sight of a woman sitting
(drunken freeloading, not controlling) upon a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns. (ultimately, the world government “wildbeast” in full and complete form) 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls and had in her hand a golden cup that was full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication. 5 And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: “Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.” 6 And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.

By knowing the national system “old world order” is the primary sovereign target to depose first and next (Dan11:42-43), to transition as one global whole into the “new world order” of the World Government global sovereign system (Rev17:8-13), we can understand when it is most advantageous to depose Babylon the Great. There are several globally strategic reasons, which will be covered below, which climax with the end of that nation-state era of diffused “power and authority” consolidating into globalized world sovereignty as one whole “8th King” “scarlet wildbeast” World Government to better carry out this monumental global-judgment on the global religious complex.

In logical terms, there are several other reasons of global-secular system importance, though with supporting prophetic principles, that indicate Babylon the Great cannot be deposed first as Bethel is claiming.

1. The “Old World Order” Nation-State is the Highest Priority Target to Depose First

1. Firstly, the global wealth and internal national sovereign deposition global “front” of sovereign transference is itself enormous in scale. (Dan11:42-43) In addition the external “nation versus nation” final global “sword stroke” phase and global context, however it may finally truly manifest, is also enormous (Dan11:40 climaxing), and as such attacking the enormous Babylon the Great Global Corporate Religious Complex simultaneously, is not feasible nor is it of real strategic advantage—there are higher priorities in the global system, than a drunken harlot of no real threat.

A. The top priority to depose first is the “old world order” nation-state complex, not Babylon the Great yet.

B. Nor is such a multi-front “attack” phase of strategic advantage, as global wealth consolidation (Dan11:42-43) is the highest priority because wealth and finance system control accomplished first, to fully control every nation, controls everything else, such as Global Military expansion, complete globalize consolidation and continued operations.

There is a known top  priority system in the global system, and it is not Babylon the Great, it is the national based global “order”.

C. Thus as shown in Daniel 11:42-43, first in the whole Daniel 11:42-45 final cycle details (in Daniel 11:40-41 global context), global gold and silver control, wealth control and asset control, to fully fall out of the national “King South” hands, as guided by the “King North” globalist financial system, is what enables the deposition of the primary target first, the nation-state system sovereign deposition.

D. That initial global-wealth control accomplished (aided by the financial intrigues during the global crisis (Dan11:42-43)), is what then enables the final phase of the recovery cycle into world government, as Revelation 17:11-13, as the Daniel 11:44-45 World Government parallel transpires as and after the global-wealth is secured by the King North 8th King world government system fully “gathered”, that is fully globalized (Rev16:12-16):

(Revelation 17:11-13) And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king] (the final global sovereign system), but springs from the seven (nation-state system; Rev13:1), and it goes off into destruction. 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (humanly complete global power meaning), who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as (globalized) kings one hour with the (world government) wild beast. 13 These have one thought (sovereign continuation), and so they give their power and authority (national sovereign deposition) to the wild beast. (as World Government global sovereignty whole. (Dan11:45; Dan8:25));

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36 reference), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

E. After World Government is fully completed, then the Babylon the Great lower priority can be concentrated on fully and totally globally under world government authority from shore to shore, saved for last for several more good reasons.

2. Babylon the Great Will be More Useful to Aid the Confusions of Whole Final Cycle

2. As already covered, but listed here for this summary, Babylon the Great global religious institution is actually most useful to aid the outworking of the whole final “tribulation of those days” cycle from start to finish and then into the full world government transition and presentation for a couple of good reasons within the final cycle: aid global “drunken” religious confusion and false prophetic deception, amplify the religious war and instability dimension, then in the end, help present world government under Babylon the Great promoted false prophecy “fulfilling” first to cloak that decoy.

A. Why depose the most useful global religious error-system “harlot” first, when the global religious confusions and the religious wars instability sector is also needed the most for this initial preparatory cycle to amplify the global crisis period bewilderment?

B. Thus before aiding the world government presentation, Babylon the Great can first aid the false prophetic deceptions, confusion and religious war developments of the final cycle crisis period, well before world government is fully presented.

C. Babylon the Great can continue to also be a “global recruiting agency” for global conflict needs in all the nations influenced by religious war cheerleading. For example the coming “Global Christian Crusade” versus the “Global Jihad” finale, will benefit from Babylon the Great coaching of all sectors of conflict, Christendom/Israel “tag team” and Islamic.

3. Deposing Babylon the Great Under World Government Aids Its “World Peace” Believability (1Thss5:1-3)

3. In addition to Babylon the Great eventually helping sell world government to her sector of global-influence, deposing Babylon the Great at the end of the cycle will also maximize the “world peace” global-psychological effect, to be aided by her global-removal as a well known religious war mongering system, whose removal also aids the 8th King “world peace” phase, and its believability to the world.

A. Deposing Babylon the Great “religious warmonger” will have a great global psychological effect upon the then functioning world system and the global recovery claims aiding world government “world peace” believability (1Thess5:1-3)—they will have just deposed one of, if not the greatest enemy, of “world peace” as well as the great global fomenter of hatred and conflict ever known to mankind.

Clue: World System is Still Functioning as Babylon the Great Goes Down:


(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their
(final 1260 days warning) witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (Rev17:8-13, into world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days, and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. 10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another (world system still functioning), because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.

Finality of Four Global Entities Still Present (Global System Yet Functioning):

After Babylon the Great is deposed…:

(Revelation 18:1-3) After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, with great authority; and the earth was lighted up from his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen…

…the prophecy then relates these post Babylon the Great reactions of a still functional global system:

(Revelation 18:9-19) “And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, 10 while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment… 11 “Also, the traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her, because there is no one to buy their full stock anymore… 15 “The traveling merchants of these things, who became rich from her, will stand at a distance because of [their] fear of her torment and will weep and mourn… “And every ship captain and every man that voyages anywhere, and sailors and all those who make a living by the sea, stood at a distance 18 and cried out as they looked at the smoke from the burning of her…

And last but not least, Babylon the Great 100s of trillions, in nicely stored and formerly protected global hard wealth, can then be used to help boost the nations into the recovery “healing” objective being described previously. (Rev13:3; Isa41:1)

4. Babylon the Great Has a Massive Global Wealth Store That Can Aid Global Recovery Under World Government

4. Deposing Babylon the Great deep into the final cycle (Dan11:42-45), nearing and into its world government finale, would be most advantageous to then use Babylon the Great massive stored wealth for world government distribution to aid the global national recovery (Isa41:1; Rev13:3, Rev17:8) to give the final cycle a final stage hard global-wealth, and enormous Babylon the Great held, capital boost (a few 100 trillion in Babylon the Great hard assets; Rev17:15-18) for all the nations to benefit from.

(Revelation 17:4) And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls…

A. Thus preserving Babylon the Great for the whole final cycle was also a way for the 8th King system to safely store massive amounts of globally dispersed hard and liquid assets, during the whole “sword stroke” phase, for future use in the recovery “healing” phase, as it can then be fully absorbed by the world government and recovering national proxies as Babylon the Great is deconstructed, pillaged and finally fully deposed.

B. And as shown in the prophecy, the deposition of Babylon the Great has three phases:

(Revelation 17:15-18) 16 And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make (1) her devastated and naked, and (2) will eat up her fleshy parts and (3) will completely burn her with fire. (See Rev18 for more details)

C. Thus Babylon the Great deposition is a controlled process wherein  (1) asset pillage and  (2) human resource system absorption “fleshy parts” precedes the (3) total deposition of the Babylon the Great global religious system “completely burn her with fire” of the final Babylon the Great destruction phase, as all three phases climax at global scale under world government, when they no longer need the harlot system, it will have served its total global purpose from start to finish.

D. And we see the national system subservient and surrendered “ten kings”, and the globalist world government “scarlet wildbeast” are the two global power tiers who deconstruct Babylon the Great at global scale and from top to bottom, in full attention then given to that massive Babylon the Great deposition process.

E. Obviously those pictured at Revelation 18:9-18 are more concerned with Babylon’s destruction for selfish reasons of profiteering (and the world government’s authority), than their own destruction at that time. Everything remains functional until the 8th King world government totality final period of the final “one hour” ends, under Christ’s conquest. (Rev17:8-18; Rev11:15; Dan8:25; Dan11:45; Rev19:19-21)

F. Thus as Babylon the Great is going down, we have a fully functioning global system in the global recovery phase which Babylon the Great seized assets, nicely stored and protected up to that time, will greatly aid at global scale of distribution and enormity to aid the global “healing” phase.

5. Babylon the Great’s Total Global “Harlot” Multi-Purpose Must Be Fully Expended Before “She” is Deposed

5. Thus when Babylon the Great has served her full “harlot” purpose, especially in this ever important final cycle to present World Government, then Babylon the Great can be fully deposed as the true “world peace” effect aiding grand climax of the World Government phase. It will be the climactic culmination of also that of Revelation’s Babylon the Great applicable climax prophecies which fully forecast this whole final cycle in every needed detail of all of these required total completions. (Rev10:5-11)

A. We can note that in Revelation 17:11-18, the national sovereignty and the religious sovereignty (Rev17:18) are BOTH deposed in that sequence, and in that order. Thus all rival sovereigns competing with world government globalized sovereignty maturing to the full, are targets for subservience (nation-state) or destruction (BTG).

B. World Government allows this to be carried out “legally”, as aided by international law now being globally enforced well beyond “consent”, but by wealth and military “superior force” potential and reality.

(Daniel 7:25) And [world government] will intend to change times and law…

And for a brief “one hour” period, they will succeed in the application of international law under world government to some extent, which is where the Babylon the Great global religious system is globally “outlawed”.

6. Babylon the Great Purpose Is to Aid World Government Presentation

6. But really, as a “wildbeast” riding “harlot” the Babylon the Great complex main Satanic purpose and global task is to incrementally prepare her diminishing flocks to accept world government, and its “666” allegiance, for the whole Babylon the Great “drunken” global “ride” of the whole development to complete world government and shortly thereafter.

IV. The Required Classic “Babylon the Great” Downfall Salvation Purpose and the Total “Scarlet Wildbeast” World Government Total Parallel Completions

Ultimately the Global Babylon the Great complete purpose is met astride a complete 8th King Scarlet Wildbeast World Government totality being implemented at global scale for also the final “Babylon has fallen” actuality to free some final saved ones.

Though what follows is further proof of Babylon the Great late final cycle deposition, it is perhaps the most important spiritual dimension of final salvation proof—The “Babylon has fallen” meaning is ultimately Babylon the Great’s divine judgment total global downfall aids an important element within God and Christ’s final human salvation purpose, then going into full activation under “Cyrus” Christ at that same total culmination period of world government completion, and the Global Babylon the Great downfall.

In Bethel’s haste to render judgment upon Babylon the Great, we cannot also rush to prematurely expecting that judgment, and miss its whole purpose and required finale timing. By such an over eager expectation, Jehovah’s witnesses have been taught to overlook the original “Babylon has fallen” overall purpose of God’s judgment, by means of today’s Jehovah’s witnesses expecting the Babylon the Great judgment too soon, due to Bethel error. By this coarse assumption, Jehovah’s witnesses are thereby bypassing the very important liberation and salvation theme of the original classic Babylon downfall, which principle must also apply to the final manifestation on global corporate religion.

The basic purpose of the Babylon the Great downfall is going to have to respect that same grand liberation theme. The reason why Babylon the Great goes down in a judgment of God, is to ultimately free people for salvation from that oppressive system. THAT was the overall theme of the classic downfall of the Babylon of old. We cannot lose sight of that truth. Many are yet to come to salvation by the future total fall of Babylon the Great, respecting the whole theme of the original Babylon total downfall by Cyrus the Great who allowed many nations to recover under his unique and more friendly manner of rule—and no wonder he is a representation of Jesus Christ in that role.

(Isaiah 45:1) This is what Jehovah has said to his anointed one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue before him nations, so that I may ungird even the hips of kings; to open before him the two-leaved doors, so that even the gates will not be shut…

(Isaiah 48:20) Go forth, you people, out of Babylon! Run away from the Chaldeans. Tell forth even with the sound of a joyful cry, cause this to be heard. Make it to go forth to the extremity of the earth.

(Revelation 16:12) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun.

Final salvation is to be effected for some still stuck in Babylon the Great at that time, deep in the final cycle, from the enormous global shakings of the actual Babylon the Great judgment downfall.

That is a very important comprehensive look at a principle that must also manifest with the Babylon the Great, now truly global counterpart, judgment and liberating downfall into the Christ “Cyrus” protection and guidance.

1. First it is a final signal judgment of God (Rev18; Rev17:8-18), first for the purpose of God cleansing his own name (Matt6:10), in generic “God” title/name and specific form in the Name of Jehovah (Yahweh; YHWH) to be effected from these Babylon the Great downfall judgment events, prior to the total God and Christ universal and global conquest.

2. BUT the whole while of the Babylon the Great actual “judgment of God” downfall process, at the same time, God and Christ will also be shaking out a final Babylon the Great based “harvest” for salvation of some people.

A. These are some people today fleeing, and for some final years to come, who in the Babylon the Great judgment actual downfall, will be LITERALLY AND ACTUALLY—FREED AND SAVED—from the total global Babylon the Great deposition process, as now still “my people” imprisoned in that system, for various reasons. Which very important salvation-from-downfall theme is the whole overall original Babylon downfall main plot—judgment, then liberating salvation recovery.

The Bethel Foregleam of Babylon the Great Downfall and Liberation Purpose

As stated at the beginning of this section, it is Bethel error that has created this over eager expectation of Babylon the Great downfall, while missing its great global liberating purpose to aid Christ’s final global “sheep sweep” for God’s “my people” who will remain imprisoned by that Babylon the Great system until it is removed, as shown. In reality Babylon has NOT “fallen” at this time, but was merely given the Revelation preview of the future certainty. In the meantime, Jehovah’s witnesses are hanging in a spiritual limbo of non-advancement in prophetic understanding.

1. Now in effect Bethel has become part of Babylon the Great. Bethel, as a UN NGO, is “sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast” in its “image” form of incompletion as they co-promote the UN between the lines by omission in saying nothing about that 1990 3rd UN presentation as prophecy (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23).

In effect Bethel is in Babylon the Great itself.

2. Even Bethel’s “Governing Body” of 1944-1976 invention, to present, is from “Babel”. In Bethel’s and Jehovah’s witnesses one last Babel “hold out” from the very origin of Babel’s religious system and its eventual historic “Masonic” “governing bodies”, Bethel has adopted this age old “governing body” concept (in 1944).

“”The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body.””

A. The heart of Bethel’s leadership is not Christian (Dan11:30b), much less anointed of God, not from God, but from Babel. And that soon became the 1976 dictatorial  “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses” as the heart of the historic Babel administration method, which is the now the heart of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry—and thus the leadership of the modern Jehovah’s Witness UN allied apostasy of global renown and reproach.

B. It is a now a globally known “Governing Body of Lawlessness” (2Thess2:3-4) as seen in Bethel’s progressive abysmal record of sheep abuse in rampant protected child abuse (as policy) and cold hearted “beyond the things written” shunning and familial devastation. And all that while in “the love of money” in extreme multi-billion dollar “JW TV” commercial milking form. In addition, all while “lofting themselves over everyone” to the stellar position of the one and only, supposed, “Faithful” and supposedly also “Discreet” Slave”, by their own self-judgment, self approval and self appointment at the 2012 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS) Annual Meeting.

C. What it obviously was, in grand global-public manner, is the shameless “Man of Lawlessness” and drunken “Evil Slave” designate (Matt24:48-51), in modern form, making his required public grandiose counter-claims of “faithfulness” and self-judgment for stellar approval, as the global signal marking of what has truly developed INSIDE of Bethel’s Jehovah’s Witness leadership. (Dan11:32a)

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed… 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone… so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself

(Daniel 11:32a) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant
(at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Ridiculous is one word. A lie is another.

(2 Thessalonians 2:11) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie…

(Revelation 2:2) ‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.

It begins with a mere “error”, such as thinking the “Governing Body” was something special, and Biblical, when in reality it is a Babel originating “operation of error” controlling “body” that is used to lead all Babel and now Babylon the Great and Christendom system apostasies. ALL of Christendom is guided by their self same “governing bodies”.

In reality the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is how the temple “wrong condition” was “gradually” produced (Dan8:12), now requiring the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment for the “right condition”.

3. Thus God permitted this error to go to Jehovah’s witnesses (Dan11:30-32a; Dan8:12; Zech1-3), to create the context of this final apostasy and the temple judgment signal it will lead to, to begin the final cycle (1Pet4:17; Rev8:3-5) with a grand initial judgment event of global notoriety and eventual global attention.

A. In time Jehovah’s witnesses will have to admit we were just as subject to foretold apostasy as any other peoples in any other period in human history. That honest admission and required full disclosure for our repentance and public apology, will give greater force to the validity of that final warning to emerge from this temple judgment certainty.

4. Thus now Jehovah God must now produce by Christ the “Bethel has fallen” preview of the eventual Babylon the Great downfall for a warning, by now having to depose “Apostate Bethel” in order to free Jehovah’s witnesses to the actual truth Bethel is subverting in brazen and effective foretold manner. (Dan11:30-35, Dan11:32a; Dan8:12; Zech3:1-3; Isa1-12; 2Thess2:1-4) Now all that Bethel and Jehovah’s Witness talk about “Christendom’s judgment” to start the “great tribulation” is actually required to come ON APOSTATE BETHEL first, instead. (1Pet4:17)

A. The prophecy of the temple judgment is accurate, except it comes on Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses first, not Christendom who goes down under world government. Thus to get the real application in Jehovah’s Witness prophecy exposition in the Bethel literature, just swap out “Christendom” and swap in “Bethel” “will be judged next”, and that is the reality.

For example:

*** “The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How? chap. 13 p. 238 par. 4 Christendom’s Associates Turn upon Her! ***

[Diversion:] Centuries-old Christendom has been just as heedless of the warning examples of Bible history. There is only one outcome to be expected. Just as surely as ancient Jerusalem was made to know, in a disastrous way, the God with whom she was dealing, so Christendom will have Jerusalem’s terrible experience repeat itself upon her, and that very soon.

[Reality:] Century-old Bethel has been just as heedless of the warning examples of Bible history. There is only one outcome to be expected. Just as surely as ancient Jerusalem was made to know, in a disastrous way, the God with whom she was dealing, so Bethel will have Jerusalem’s terrible experience repeat itself upon her, and that very soon.

As Revelation 8 repeats:

*** Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! chap. 21 p. 133 pars. 13-14 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***

[Diversion:] Yes, the whole of mankind is in danger of receiving an adverse judgment. But one section thereof is particularly guilty. One part—“a third”—should have known better! What is that “third”?

14 It is Christendom! In the 1920’s, her realm embraced about one third of mankind. Her religion is the fruit of the great apostasy from true Christianity—the apostasy that Jesus and his disciples foretold. (Matthew 13:24-30; Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Peter 2:1-3) The clergy of Christendom claim to be in God’s temple and have represented themselves as teachers of Christianity. But their doctrines are far removed from Bible truth, and they continually bring God’s name into disrepute. Aptly represented by the symbolic third, Christendom receives potent, plaguing messages from Jehovah. That third of mankind merits no divine favor whatsoever!

[Reality:] Yes, the whole of mankind is in danger of receiving an adverse judgment. But one section thereof is particularly guilty. One part—“a third” affecting apostasy—should have known better! What is that “third”?

14 It is Bethel! In the 1990’s, her realm embraced the UN NGO. Her religion is the fruit of the modern apostasy from true Christianity—the final apostasy that Jesus and his disciples foretold. (Matthew 13:24-30; Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Peter 2:1-3) The clergy of Bethel and their “Governing Body” claim to be in God’s temple and have represented themselves as teachers of Christianity. But their doctrines are now far removed from Bible truth, for “a third” of their history (1976-2015), and they continually bring God’s name into UN NGO disrepute. Aptly represented by the symbolic third in modern apostasy, Bethel receives potent, plaguing messages from Jehovah. That third affecting modern apostasy merits no divine favor whatsoever!

B. Thus in Bethel’s downfall as Daniel 11:41 “invasion” to create the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment “trampling” and timed context, the same theme of God having to depose a tyrannical spiritual system, to free people, will be demonstrated upon Bethel, as a “snap shot” “microcosm” of the eventual judgment to come upon Babylon the Great, as the truth of that “Babylon has fallen” purpose also comes forth from that Bethel “trampling” removal of that obstacle.

(Zechariah 4:6-7) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain (Bethel; Rev8:8-9)? Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the (temple completion Christ) headstone. There will be shoutings to it: “How charming! How charming!”’” (in the news of the “second witnessing” requirement to make known the Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion purpose of God, then progressing to that event.)

C. 8th King World government complete, functional (Dan11:45, Rev17:8-18) and stated (1Thess5:1-3; Dan12:11), triggers Christ’s arrival, not before, but AFTER it completes. That takes several more years.

D. Because Bethel will not divulge that SIMPLE SUMMARY, they are removed first in the process. Bethel is removed first, because Christendom goes down under world government (Rev17:15-18), their global scale is too enormous to be concentrated on at this time. Bethel is the perfect place for a prophetic proportions judgment to occur, and that first and soon. (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5; Rev8:3-5)

Complete Babylon the Great Ride of Complete Scarlet Wildbeast as Complete World Government

And in the completion that will lead to that “Babylon the Great has fallen” global liberation for some, the Babylon the Great purpose must first complete in all ways, of her first ‘riding of the wildbeast’ in totality, as the “scarlet wildbeast” must also meet the complete meaning of its whole spiritual symbol totality of “8th King” World Government:

(Revelation 17:3) And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a
(complete) scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns.

Since the “scarlet wildbeast” totality, the whole “wildbeast”, is a symbol of a complete world government global scale final sovereign entity, Babylon the Great must also completely “ride” the “wildbeast” in its complete “scarlet wildbeast” world government form as well.

At that time of total completions, the Babylon the Great complete judgment will take place, to fully manifest the entire meaning of that “harlot” “Babylon” symbol in that spiritual prostitution sense complete, selling out to world government. That meaning complete, then leads to the completion of also the “Babylon has fallen” global-downfall and its final purpose of liberation of some of the final ones to be saved at that time (rev11:13; Rev14:6-8), from a divine judgment carried out by that same world government and “ten horns” system then also in global completion.

For Babylon the Great, her final period of existence will be less than the symbolic “one hour” of the whole world government symbolic timeframe of global sovereignty in complete form. In that final timeframe the Babylon the Great judgment comes within that “one hour” of world government, when we understand God and Christ salvation purpose from the Babylon the Great downfall fall out, MUST be effected from the actual Babylon the Great downfall, while world government is at global-zenith.

And thus world government remains active for a short time after Babylon the Great is deposed to completion, as the main tool of carrying out that monumental global divine judgment.

And thus Christ is also completing his own salvation ministry in the midst of his final enemies in complete form. (Ps110:2)

Babylon the Great Full Purpose Must Complete Before Removal

And thus God and Christ, as the true “Kings from the rising of the sun” (Rev16:12 parallel Dan11:44), can effect the salvation priority as the supporting judgment purpose of why they are deposing Babylon the Great globally, specifically to also shake many to-be-saved ones out of those final global events (Hag2:7) which “rocking the nations” includes the final Babylon the Great deposition. Thus all that can be divinely accomplished, as back by arrived full power Christ (yet prior to total global-conquest), while bringing the words of God to total global completion in the “harlot” deposition, while salvation and judgment purposes are met simultaneously to completion from that foretold Babylon the Great system culmination:

(Revelation 17:17) For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been (completely) accomplished.

(Revelation 10:6-7) he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

(Revelation 16:17) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!”

Bethel is also bypassing Jehovah’s witnesses past the full “good news” breadth of the salvation message, with their truncated, incomplete and premature overly hyped expectation that Babylon the Great goes down first and next, rather than apostate Bethel, who is of course also covering over the true magnitude of their “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) and progressively developed post 1976 sins, fully under the rogue tutelage of the human created “Governing Body” since 1944-1976 development.

They have even invented a new history to give the deceptive impression they were existent in Jehovah’s witnesses from the beginning and in Christianity from the beginning, to divert Jehovah’s Witness awareness from the truth the “governing body” was first mentioned in 1944, and went full dictatorship to override and downward spiral Bethel’s ministry since 1976, to become UN NGO by 1990, and to cover up that 3rd United Nations presentation event of prophecy also in the post Cold War 1990 period.

Babylon the Great Downfall Liberation for Salvation Must Complete

Divinely aided, Babylon the Great prison smashing—SALVATION—is what comes with the Babylon the Great global-downfall for some people; “a tenth the city” is spared (Rev11:13), as the overall “Babylon the Great” downfall-to-salvation theme of the original “Babylon has fallen” symbol is carried out to now global completion. (Rev14:6-8) When the Bible prophecy says “Babylon has fallen”, it meant “Babylon has fallen” as totally destroyed in sovereign power and authority—done.

(Isaiah 21:9) And here, now, there is coming a war chariot of men, [with] a span of steeds!” And he began to speak up and say: “She has fallen! Babylon has fallen, and all the graven images of her gods he has broken to the earth!”

And that is why the final salvation call of Revelation 14:1-7, is taking place leading to this complete finalized announcement from God:

(Revelation 14:8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

That to will be a total deposition, not just a spiritual meaning of “she has fallen”, but—THE REAL THING!

(Revelation 19:1-3) The salvation and the glory and the power belong to our God, 2 because his judgments are true and righteous. For he has executed judgment upon the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his slaves at her hand.” 3 And right away for the second time they said: “Praise Jah, you people! And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.”

As some of “those people” actually come out of the Babylon the Great downfall, to fully honor the whole principle of why Babylon the Great is judged and destroyed with also human salvation as priority with the Babylon the Great deposition. And thus the ultimate symbol and meaning of the Babylon the Great downfall (Rev18:8), as a judgment of God to effect a great global liberation for Babylon the Great’s prisoners,  is met to total completion.

(Revelation 18:1-3) After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, with great authority; and the earth was lighted up from his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird! 3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.”

(Revelation 18:8) That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.

(Revelation 18:21) And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: “Thus with a swift pitch (backed by world government authority) will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.

Divine Judgment and Human Salvation Dual Purpose of Babylon the Great “Fall” Met Simultaneously

But in that final actual Babylon the Great deposition process under world government, at global magnitude, individual human “fallout” for salvation will occur as all people will see this enormous global-deposition process of Babylon the Great (Rev18:9-19), but some will actually fully experience that Babylon the Great downfall—and from that experience, some will be shaken to full awareness, aided by God. (Rev14:6-7)

When the walls of the Babylon the Great prison city collapse all around these “my people”, there is little choice left but to repent and accept the reality of the situation, which for some will mean salvation, as Christ is also present and bringing all the final sheep under global securement “gathering”, in that deep final cycle conclusion period. (Dan12:11 transitioning into Daniel 12:12)

And as covered earlier, the total judgment is in the “one hour” complete world government phase, so the Revelation 18:8 “in one day” is the whole final cycle period that will bring various “plagues” upon the Babylon the Great system prior to her full deposition as warning signs, as she is prepared and “tenderized” in prelude “plaguing” intrigues, first. Jehovah’s witnesses’ apostate Bethel system, now a UN NGO wildbeast riding religion as well (Dan11:31b), will be the perfect place for the first example (1Pet4:17; Isa28) of this kind of initial anti-religious “plaguing” intrigue at global scale to develop first.

Babylon the Great “Plagues” First—Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses Signal

We know from prophecy that anti-JW-organization “invasion” coming (Dan11:41; Hos1:4-7), is actually backed by “King North” world government developers in the globalist system, beforehand, as in the Jehovah’s Witness Bethel internally guided apostasy of today (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12-13), as Bethel still conceals King North world government progress, as they help set up the JW Organization for this coming coup to define Daniel 8:13-14 “trampling” context of the temple judgment in the future.

These “in one day her plagues will come” preparations may become anti-religious diversions upon smaller or high priority corporate religions, such as Jehovah’s witnesses, to aid the hoax Babylon the Great is being targeted at that time, well premature of required reality. Jehovah’s witnesses are who are actually “attacked” first (Dan11:41; Dan8:11) in the temple judgment which will be covered later in greater detail. (1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14)

To give Jehovah’s witnesses the “Babylon the Great” is being attacked hoaxed impression, other smaller religions or picked religious targets may be “plagued” along with the JW Organization in the initiation of the final cycle starting—but it will NOT be the total Babylon the Great deposition to occur under world government, when the Babylon the Great error is fully complete and the “harlot” is absolutely all used up for these world government aiding purposes.

Increasing Signals of Babylon the Great Judgment

That being the case, in God’s wisdom and perfect judgment ability expressed through Jesus Christ, with the salvation objective as the highest priority, all people within Babylon the Great will “receive part of her plagues “, but of these who will still be stuck in that system for various reasons, all the way to complete world government and shortly thereafter, all the way to the Babylon the Great true downfall, who for now ignore or do not comprehend this warning…:

(Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.

…some of them people will be spared (Rev11:13). All of the “my people” symbol meaning, as rather than “get out of her” NOW, as still God’s “my people”, for various reasons, will have to be freed from the actual global Babylon the Great deposition all around them, freed as of old, by the actual total destruction of that global religious complex of spiritual enslavement.

(Zechariah 2:7) “Hey there, Zion! Make your escape, you who are dwelling with the daughter of Babylon.

(Jeremiah 50:8) “Take your flight out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth even out of the land of the Chaldeans, and become like the leading animals before the flock.

Of course this time these “my people” go forth into Christ’s Kingdom power as the greater “Cyrus the Great” deliverer.

Babylon the Great Actual Downfall Deliverance of Many

Obviously the grandest true meaning of the Babylon the Great downfall is to LIBERATE many people, this time at global scale, when Babylon the Great falls in true and final form—that was the whole main theme and plot of the downfall of actual classic Babylon, deposed by God, to free far more than just Israel, as many others had been captured by that world power, and thus were FREED when Babylon fell. God cannot depose the Babylon the Great dungeons until the global salvation “sheep sweep” of Christ is fully active in his post arrival mission. (Rev14:1-8; Rev19:1-7)

(Zechariah 2:6-9) 6 “Hey there! Hey there! Flee, then, you people, from the land of the north,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “For in the direction of the four winds of the heavens I have spread you people (general Rev18:4 “my people” global) abroad,” is the utterance of Jehovah. 7 “Hey there, Zion! (and the Christian context) Make your escape, you who are dwelling with the daughter of Babylon. 8 For this is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘Following after [the] glory he has sent me to the nations that were despoiling you people; for he that is touching you is touching my eyeball. 9 For here I am waving my hand against them, and they will have to become spoil to their slaves.

So any of the people God considers “my people” will be spared at that time, and “escape” into guaranteed divine protection will be provided (even now, and during the signal “plagues”, some can “flee” and get out. Rev18:4; Matt24:15). But the final complete divine deliverance, aided by Babylon the Great being actually globally despoiled as the final signal judgment prior to the total global-conquest of Jesus Christ, then already arrived in full Messianic Kingdom power, is then completed.

(Zechariah 2:10-13) “Cry out loudly and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for here I am coming, and I will reside in the midst of you,” is the utterance of Jehovah. 11 “And many nations will certainly become joined to Jehovah in that day, and they will actually become my people; and I will reside in the midst of you.” And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies himself has sent me (Christ “Cyrus” deliverer foregleam) to you. 12 And Jehovah will certainly take possession of Judah as his portion upon the holy ground, and he must yet choose Jerusalem. 13 Keep silence, all flesh, before Jehovah, for he has aroused himself from his holy dwelling.

Which is at this climax period of the prelude to global conquest and divine protection of “my people” by means of that “chosen Jerusalem”, then in fully immortal spirit form:

(Zechariah 2:5) And I myself shall become to her,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.”’”

(Isaiah 48:20-21) Go forth, you people, out of Babylon! Run away from the Chaldeans. Tell forth even with the sound of a joyful cry, cause this to be heard. Make it to go forth to the extremity of the earth. Say: “Jehovah has repurchased his servant Jacob. 21 And they did not get thirsty when he was making them walk even through devastated places. Water out of the rock he caused to flow forth for them, and he proceeded to split a rock that the water might stream forth.” (as more than just “Jacob” “Israel” must be delivered to salvation by Christ overseeing the Babylon the Great destruction process, while sifting out his “sheep”.)

And those “escaped ones” and “liberated ones”—”sheep”—who many will not even fully realize they are God’s sheep at that time (Matt25:31-40), are in these final globally diverse salvation symbols in Isaiah:

(Isaiah 11:16) And there must come to be a highway out of Assyria for the remnant of his people who will remain over, just as there came to be [one] for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt. (by divine deliverance, hence the “seven plagues” on Global Egypt)

That “highway” is opened up to “many nations will certainly become joined to Jehovah in that day” by the Babylon the Great actual downfall under “Cyrus” Christ, the “highway out of Assyria” is paved with the pieces of Babylon the Great’s total “three pieces” irrecoverable global destruction.

(Revelation 16:19) And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath.

Thus the same “great city” here:

(Revelation 11:8a, 13) And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city…And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

And thus this “three part” emphatic global salvation is what comes forth from the utter and total destruction of the Global Corporate Religious Babylon the Great complex at worldwide scale:

(Isaiah 19:23-25) In that day there will come to be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will actually come into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria; and they will certainly render service, Egypt with Assyria. 24 In that day Israel will come to be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, namely, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25 because Jehovah of armies will have blessed it, saying: “Blessed be my people, Egypt, and the work of my hands, Assyria, and my inheritance, Israel.”

Thus from all walks of life, various classes as well, people from all the nations, part of that “great crowd”, are delivered from the actual ruination of Babylon the Great. That being the case, we must remember the true divine “moral” in the whole “Babylon has fallen” story, as applied to Babylon the Great’s total destruction in the finale period of world government and Christ SAVING PEOPLE FIRST, before he crushes the globalist world government in totality. This enormous Babylon the Great event must fully complete the entire meaning of the main salvation theme.

How Religious Error in the Babylon the Great Complex Aids the Whole Final Cycle

Bethel false prophetic interpretive complex, now has much in common with the purpose of Christendom’s even longer hi-jacked prophecy complex and its also well engineered forecast. Other religions also display these same features of ambiguous understanding and easily misled expectations of “the end” way too soon, and under a completely contrary context which ignores the world government completion.

We can look at the Bethel JW Global Hoax set-up first, for the deceptive principles Babylon the Great and Christendom’s Babylon the Great sector will also display, but in more ambiguous yet far more globally distributed scope of the same related “end of the world” and “doomsday” well premature and false impression.

This aids the “as though” “slaughtered to death” global impressions and false expectations of the final global sword stroke phase. (Rev13:3)

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

But it is not the “death stroke” it seemed to be, it is merely a severe enough global crisis “sword stroke” to give the “as though” impression of “doomsday”, so that when it does “heal” into eventual world government its hopefulness and optimism will be in peak recovery form for global acceptance of the world government “solution” to arrive instead.

(Revelation 13:11-12) And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. (Anglo-American based globalist elite system) 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.

In this case worshiping the “first wildbeast” will now be worshiping the “scarlet wildbeast” then absorbing the whole global national system for this global 666 promoting purpose. Babylon the Great error and constant “re spinning” will aid this process and will finally spin the final “interpretation” as if that human 8th King world government is “God’s Kingdom” and “Zion” on earth. They will merely be led to world government first.

(Revelation 13:14) And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.

By this time of the future that “image” is now the “nucleus” and global-center of international based globalist World Government 8th King “scarlet wildbeast manifestation of the final complete form of global-sovereign rival to God’s Kingdom.

If we notice, in the Bethel case of a post 1990 total Jehovah’s Witness stall regarding world government, globalization and UN presentation prophecy (Dan11:30-31; Dan8:23-25) of modern progress, since that 3rd United Nations presentation of 1990 was covered up at a Bethel (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23), that instead became a UN NGO co-promoter of the “New World Order”, we can also recognize a similar premature “the end” purpose that the stalled and hi-jacked Jehovah’s Witness prophecy complex is accomplishing among Jehovah’s Witness also premature expectations.

Thus the real goal at Bethel, in union with the real King North globalist agenda (aided from within Bethel Dan11:32a), is to misapply REAL prophecy, too soon, for a few key goals to continue the deception among Jehovah’s witnesses and their audience as long as possible.

The Bethel Jehovah’s Witness Diversion Methods and Purpose

Apostate Bethel’s objective of Jehovah’s Witness subversion are as follows:

1. The main goal is promoting the premature Christ arrival and “the end” false impression among Jehovah’s witnesses to fulfill the principle in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (way too soon)

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 we see instead the apostasy at Bethel now, is what must be reveled first before the real “the end” sequence:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because [the Christ arrival and the end] will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed…

Of course modern “man of lawlessness” apostate Bethel is not going to come out and expose themselves as apostates of prophetic signal note. Rather, apostate Bethel will continue the deception until they are removed in the temple judgment. (Dan8:13-14; Rev8)

2. Over advance Jehovah’s Witness expectations in the Daniel 8 and Daniel 11 hi-jacked and erred interpretations to reinforce the “the end” impression.

A. Rather than tell Jehovah’s witnesses Daniel 11:41 is the “invasion” manifesting next and fully upon the apostate Bethel global organization, Bethel has Jehovah’s witnesses expecting “Daniel 11:44 King North “attack” must come next brothers!. Thus Bethel can now sell the Daniel 11:41-43 Bethel King North backed invasion for the “trampling” coup of Daniel 8:13-14, as if it is the “King North” “attack” of Daniel 11:44, way too soon, and by use of a King North decoy.

B. That “King North” decoy can be “revisited” in the Jehovah’s Witness psyche by very real global Russian and or a “coalition of nations” “Gog of Magog” events that can demonstrate the long Jehovah’s Witness awaited “identify of King North”—but in deceptive form, to mislead Jehovah’s witnesses further.

C. But that development will be a decoy that will give Jehovah’s witnesses the false impression Daniel 11:44 really has activated as the final leg of “King North” activity, to logically proceed to “the end” at Daniel 11:45—but way too soon of World Government King North reality to develop very deep in the final cycle, and to instead manifest fully from this period over several final years.

D. Further in this goal of amping up the Jehovah’s Witness “the end” expectation way too soon, “Gog of Magog” has been recently updated by Bethel “new light” as if that now handy “coalition of nations” that can then connect quite nicely to these final supposed “King North” developments, for a 1-2-3-the end scenario Bethel has recently finalized the concoction of.

3. Create the Jehovah’s Witness psychological setup for an eventual Jehovah’s Witness encompassing global hoax to be backed by globalist orchestrated global events seeming to match the Bethel interpretation with enormous anti-JW-org events in a severe global crisis phase also developing to aid the Jehovah’s Witness “Armageddon” hoax.

4. Use key “prophecy” events, from a former context of previous Jehovah’s Witness ministerial prophetic truth, to create a Jehovah’s Witness paralyzing wide diversion to give the hoax its “prophecy is fulfilling brothers!” seeming credibility, backed by global events that seem to match the events of the prophecy, but way too soon.

A. In this way Jehovah’s witnesses are focused on prophecy developments that will indeed eventually come true, but Bethel will apply them too soon, aided by global developments that will appear to be “fulfilling prophecy” prior to the Jehovah’s Witness expected “Armageddon”.

5. Conceal Bethel’s apostasy and actual temple judgment events, as if “the end”, using such an amplified Jehovah’s Witness premature expectation to cloak the real meaning of their “trampling” downfall. (Dan8:13-14) In this way Bethel will try to sell their apostasy end, as if “the end”, to smokescreen realty as long as they can (Dan8:14) among Jehovah’s witnesses.

6. In the meantime, and in the climax of the hoax, continue to conceal the reality that 8th King King North World Government is what comes with the fall of the 7th King.

A. Thus Bethel will attempt to sell the massive 7th King King South nation-state system downfall and preparatory transition into world government as if that required global crisis is “the end” altogether. (Dan11:42-43)

7. Globally cancel the Jehovah’s Witness ministry prematurely, allowed by God temporarily, due to apostasy (Dan8:13; Zech3:1-3), as if “prophecy fulfilling”, further reinforcing in Jehovah’s Witness minds that it “really is the end!”.

Christendom and Babylon the Great Related False Prophecy Purpose

By understanding how Bethel uses these principles, but far more detailed than other religions, with far more backing formerly accepted truth, we can understand how the more ambiguous Christendom complex of delusion will also aid the same deception of a premature “end of the world”, in its own way, for its own sector of deceptions—for the whole cycle all the way to the World Government focus these false prophecies will eventually arrive at.

Religions will just keep revising expectations, over their failed premature expectations year over year, until the 8th King world government and “Israel” decoys “arrive” first, at that very location in false prophetic expectations, as if the “Kingdom of God” and “Zion”, and that first..

But in the meantime, the principle is to use great global amped up impressions of “Armageddon”, “the end”, “WW3”, and “doomsday”, to paralyze the collective awareness as long as possible prior to the recovery.

As shown earlier, instead, the global “sword stroke” backed “global crisis” will progress into an upswing “healing” recovery (Rev13:3; Isa41:1) in order to sell world government along this progression into global hope, under what will eventually become far more hopeful developments, first, as if “God’s Kingdom on earth”, as the counterfeit human system uses the false prophetic expectations to cloak the world government “Kingdom of God” and “Zion” decoy within, along the whole final cycle which Babylon the Great will be there to help, for the whole final progression.

Discredit Prophecy Year Over Year

At the same time, as the cycle begins, and the premature expectations of Christ’s arrival and “the end” do not materialize, the overall Christian prophecy complex will be greatly discredited as the cycle unwinds into other milestone developments, other than what has been expected, year over year.

Bethel’s most premature forecast of them all, will fail first over the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment verification timing manifesting instead.

As a hint you can verify in the future, some of those understanding some prophecy, will begin to apply the 1260 days period too soon (during the Daniel 8:14 timing running in reality), as global events begin to seem to match pre-Christ arrival prophecy. Daniel 8:13-14 events are timed and phased for future verification, as Daniel 8:14 will meet its purpose and it will verify its own temple judgment fulfillment—so pay attention to Daniel 8:14 3.19 to 6.38 year timing, and its dual “the evening” darkness and “the morning” recovery phasing (Dan8:26). Mark that timing from when the start of the JW organizational downfall begins in some notable form yet to be seen.

Those premature 1260 days forecasts will also fail as, instead, Daniel 8:13-14 timing and phasing (Dan8:26) will unwind first as the start of Revelation 8 final fulfillment, as anointed Christian ministerial recovery (Rev9) must be accomplished first, before the real final warning 1260 days can begin as the “second witnessing” of the “two witnesses”.

Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7; Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:14, Revelation 13:5-7, 1260 days, all have a final fulfillment after the temple and its ministry is judged, cleansed and recovered for a fully valid final warning (Matt25:1-13), contained in that Daniel 8:13-14 timed period to run its full course first. (1Pet4:17)

Bethel Forecast Fails First During Daniel 8:13-14 Temple Judgment Timing and Events

But deceptive Bethel’s forecast recently adds extra details of the “attack” on the JW Organization, “soon, very soon”, yet also diverted to the Babylon the Great impression among Jehovah’s witnesses. Bethel also now details a signal “interval” signal for Jehovah’s witnesses to “flee” to the “refuge Jehovah provides” as if Matthew 24:15. But inside of Bethel is really the King North guided enemy, planning to herd Jehovah’s witnesses to capture “at that time” (Watchtower 2013 11/15 p. 20, par. 17, #3 ), through obedience to the “organization”. (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12)

Because of the temple purification “right condition” guarantee, from the modern Bethel “wrong condition” profanation phase (Zech3:1-3), their plans will be stymied at some point in Daniel 8:14 “evening” phase of the temple judgment turning to the “morning” phase of recovery. (Isa66:6)

But in any event, for the world audience and for Jehovah’s witnesses who start to understand the hoax, and for those now under it, the Bethel forecast will fail, Christ will not arrive, and “the end” will not come as soon as Jehovah’s witnesses have been misled to expect. In time, Jehovah’s witnesses will have to accept the real reality of the situation. (Dan8:13-14; Rev8)

Keep Re-Spinning the Interpretation

Though Bethel, at some point in this process, will not be able to “re-spin” a new damage control plan and “new light” “explanation” (due to divine ejection (Isa66:6)), Christendom and the Babylon the Great complex they are within, will be able to continue the updated the grander delusion to arrive at World Government “second coming” first, in which climax Satan and the demons can become the ultimate “Christ and his angels” climax decoy. (Eze38:7)

In the meantime, the premature prophecy delusion complex will be used to eventually focus on human world government first, as that decoy is guaranteed and was a major theme of the “counterfeit Kingdom of God” as applied to the League of Nations and United nations cloaking deceptions, as explained in the original Jehovah’s Witness ministry, only recently subverted by Bethel’s apostates and impostors, as Jehovah’s witnesses now support the same overall delusion among their global sector of influence.

Today’s Jehovah’s witnesses have been misled to the point of thinking a Bethel UN NGO is a harmless research credential to gain “UN Library” access!

Eventually, all the main Babylon the Great provided applicable false prophecy will end up “foretelling” world government as if “God’s Kingdom” and “Zion”, where in Satan and the demons get to play the God and his angels generic decoy, as this final cycle fully unfolds over several final years—into world government first. And God allows this because these developments will end up being able to save more people through the progressive awareness of some, and the liberation of some others as it unwinds to the Babylon the Great grand deposition at truly global scale as the big lie that led people to this catastrophic misidentification.

Then of course the Babylon the Great “harlot” is no longer needed, its deceptive, distracting and misleading purpose will have been fully completed after world government is complete as the eventual focus of the Babylon the Great false prophecy complex. Though Babylon the Great will be at the all time low of global influence, there will still be some within that spiritual prison city, and she will still provide one of the main “God’s Kingdom” labels which world government can use to present itself to the world.

Babylon the Great‘s Human Waters Start to Evaporate

But all this failed prophecy will also have aid the effect on Babylon the Great overall credibility, especially in Christendom’s false prophecy complex, aiding this development:

(Revelation 16:12) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun.

It seems the more this drags on with more and more religious failures at forecasting, only the “die hards” will remain subject to religious guesses and deceptions the whole time, many will vacate the Babylon the Great system as this discrediting peaks on Christendom first. Many will get out before the Babylon the Great downfall, aiding the “waters” “drying up” as some people leave on their own.

(Revelation 17:15) And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.

God’s Whole Prophecy Completes

And thus God’s prophecy through His prophets will have come to a completion regarding the Babel based entity that dispersed in a delaying fashion, since the language confusion, to arrive at the same defiant unification against God’s Kingdom, as arose in the “land of Shinar” thousands of years prior:

(Genesis 10:8-12) And Cush became father to Nimrod. He made the start in becoming a mighty one in the earth. 9 He displayed himself a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. That is why there is a saying: “Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.” 10 And the beginning of his kingdom came to be Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land he went forth into Assyria and set himself to building Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah 12 and Resen between Nineveh and Calah: this is the great city.

(Genesis 11:1-9) Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words. 2 And it came about that in their journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valley plain in the land of Shinar, and they took up dwelling there. 3 And they began to say, each one to the other: “Come on! Let us make bricks and bake them with a burning process.” So brick served as stone for them, but bitumen served as mortar for them. 4 They now said: “Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth.”

5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built. 6 After that Jehovah said: “Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them. 7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another’s language.” 8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city. 9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth.

As God will then reset the “one language and one set of words” to the “pure language” for His Christ’s Messianic Kingdom use and purpose:

(Zephaniah 3:8-9) “‘Therefore keep yourselves in expectation of me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘till the day of my rising up to [the] booty, for my judicial decision is to gather nations, for me to collect together kingdoms, in order to pour out upon them my denunciation, all my burning anger; for by the fire of my zeal all the earth will be devoured. 9 For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder.’

And that chapter of Babel’s defiance in its aiding Babylon the Great religious control system that eventually matured all over the earth, that helped lead to world government control, will be ended, but the “Babylon” “head of gold” world government will still be existent for a very very short period after Babylon the Great’s deposition as the last hold out of some of God’s last sheep to be secured as the remaining ones of Hid “my people” are liberated for the salvation assessment in some of these Babylon the Great subjects.

(Romans 2:12-16) For instance, all those who sinned without law will also perish without law; but all those who sinned under law will be judged by law. 13 For the hearers of law are not the ones righteous before God, but the doers of law will be declared righteous. 14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused. 16 This will be in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.

Thus in the “Job principle” God was always assessing all human behavior and reactions to the various trails and tests Satan was putting all mankind through since Eden’s sin. In reality all humans were under the Satanic accusation and thus all mankind was to be assessed (Acts 17:30-31) with Christ’s salvation purchase in his perfect sacrifice as the goal (John3:16; 1John2:2). Thus any human God deemed recoverable in his end period while still alive can make the final salvation global sweep of Christ (Matt25:31-40; Rev14:14-16), in the final living sacrifice “harvest of the earth” “great crowd” form. This stars the total recovery that God completes in the whole earthly resurrection process (John5:28) and its global “re-creation” “all things made new” certainty. (Matt19:28; Rev21:-22; Rom8:18-22; Ps133; Gen3:15; Gen22:17; Eze47; Isa65:17; Isa54)

After that Babylon the Great liberation process is complete, then at that time the full brunt of Armageddon’s “war of the great day of God the Almighty” purpose can then be brought on the rival 8th King system, and the final total global judgment, as Christ “completes his conquest” (Rev6:1-2, Rev19:11-21; 20:1-3) And that is when the already arrived Christ, crowned over the complete Messianic Kingdom as “King of kings”, enters in the White War Horse form, to complete the mission in global conquest, at the very end of the whole process.

(Revelation 19:11) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness.

The “hells bells” on that White War “horse” will always prove to be a reminder to all mankind, what results to those who challenge God’s Global Sovereignty:

(Zechariah 14:20-21) “In that day there will prove to be upon the bells of the horse ‘Holiness belongs to Jehovah!’ And the widemouthed cooking pots in the house of Jehovah must become like the bowls before the altar. 21 And every widemouthed cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah must become something holy belonging to Jehovah of armies, and all those who are sacrificing must come in and take from them and must do boiling in them. And there will no more prove to be a Canaanite in the house of Jehovah of armies in that day.”

And that required totality is why Babylon the Great must be deposed to release some final salvation subjects in God’s “my people”. Babylon the Great is utilized for the whole final cycle, in its entirety, the judgment of that global religious entity cannot start the “great tribulation”, but will instead end at the final cycle terminus into 8th King King North World Government, after the Babylon the Great “harlot” is completely used for its ultimate purpose of selling world government to its various followers.

In the meantime:

Section 2. Bethel Apostasy and the Temple Judgment

V. The Final Temple Judgment Cycle

Then what does start the “great tribulation”, with the “tribulation of those days” phase first as also a final cycle “attack”?

(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.

Stated plain as day, the final judgment cycle BEGINS with the “house of God”, that is anointed Christians and the ministerial context of all Jehovah’s witnesses now in blatant UN allied publicly known apostasy. (Dan11:30-35,41; Dan8:11-14) It is a common principle as well that the “temple” “sanctuary” is judged, accounted and cleansed first:

(Ezekiel 9:6) But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near, and from my sanctuary you should start.

And there are more connections in prophecy to activate with the modern future temple judgment in that general 1 Peter 4:17 criteria of what is the highest priority on God and Christ’s list: Judging their own house FIRST!  (1Pet4:17; Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)

(Jeremiah 25:29) For, look! it is upon the city upon which my name is called that I am starting off in bringing calamity, and should you yourselves in any way go free of punishment?”’

In reality the Daniel 8:13-14 Temple Judgment starts the context of the first four trumpets eventual global alarm proclamation of the temple judgment events of the initial judgment events of Revelation 8:3-5—the seven trumpet Revelation 8-11 final global cycle and final Revelation fulfillment cycle will begin with the temple judgment of MODERN Jehovah’s witnesses!

*** Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! chap. 1 p. 6 Revelation—Its Happy Climax! ***

A REVELATION TO JOHN—this thrilling book of the Bible brings the divine record to a happy climax.

Well not quite yet. But Revelation is the divine record of the “grand climax” yet to unfold! (Rev1:1; Rev10:5-11; Rev16:17-20; Rev14; Rev19-20:1-3)

What Bethel is doing is failing to publicly recognize Revelation must have “TWO witnessings” worth of fulfillment (past, future), TWO overall fulfillments but the final in complete form, rather than just the preparatory valid preview “first witness” cycle since 1914. Revelation MUST have a true “Grand Climax” which the original valid anointed Christian ministry, utilizing the Jehovah’s witnesses global vessel and ministerial resource “established place” (Dan8:11), “fortress” (Dan11:31a), was merely a “preview” valid “first witnessing” of the true final fulfillment cycle of Revelation coming up.

Revelation outlines the framework of the whole final cycle from the temple judgment, to the final warning recovery to post 7th King downfall world government to the Christ arrival and God’s own final required completions.

The “first witness” went forth since 1914 to get everyone warmed up for the “second witness” true “Revelation Grand Climax” NOW “at hand”, upon the exact original master pattern accurately explained by Fred Franz during his era of the anointed Christian ministry as a result of the first phase of the foretold progressive enlightenment (Mal3:1-5)—the principle of a kingdom ministry that goes forth as a global warning BEFORE “world government” appears on the scene as in the 1914-1919 WW1-to-League-of-Nations main first pattern and cycle parallel unique global development.

Now that master pattern preview in both the first world system world government development cycle utilizing world war, and the Kingdom proclamation cycle parallel to emerge concurrently, can have its true final culmination cycle in the same diametric sovereign realms of final required development to completion in both the world government and spiritual Kingdom of God system.

Now we will cover:

1. The modern Bethel “the end” delusion of modern note, and

2. The “1914” focused discrediting campaign they aid for discrediting purposes at the other end of of the historic Jehovah’s Witness ministry.

Now with both of these developments and the modern Bethel global spectacle of real reproach and real criminal activity they fully undermine the whole Jehovah’s Witness ministry from its beginning in 1914 events to modern times, as the Jehovah’s Witness ministry whole is thoroughly attacked externally as aided internally by the modern Bethel apostasy from within, affecting both ends of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry and its credibility.

Bethel: “It is ALL Done Brothers and Sisters!” Modern “The End” Delusion for Jehovah’s witnesses

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us (Rev2:2), to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (way too soon and premature of prophetic gauged reality)

In keeping with that principle theme of the main signal delusion to be present, again, in the above, instead Bethel has that “all done” “the end is right around the corner” delusion in place among modern Jehovah’s witnesses as if these Revelation 14 events will not have a true grand climax in the future:

“Keep on the Watch”—The Hour of Judgment Has Arrived!

Watchtower 2005 10/1 p. 25

16. Why can we say that the judgment against Babylon the Great stated at Revelation 14:8 has already been fulfilled?

16 Revelation chapter 14 goes on to describe further events that are to take place in the hour of judgment. Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is mentioned first: “Another, a second angel, followed, saying: ‘She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!’” (Revelation 14:8) Yes, from God’s viewpoint, Babylon the Great has already fallen. In 1919, Jehovah’s anointed servants were set free from the bondage of Babylonish doctrines and practices, which have dominated peoples and nations for millenniums. (Revelation 17:1, 15) They could henceforth devote themselves to promoting true worship. Global preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom has taken place since then.—Matthew 24:14.

Jehovah Is “a Revealer of Secrets”

Watchtower 2012 6/15  p. 11 par. 19

We are living in the days of the seventh head. No more heads will appear on this beast before it is annihilated. The Anglo-American World Power will be the dominant world power when false religion is eradicated. The prophecies of Daniel and John have been fulfilled to the smallest detail. We can be confident that the destruction of false religion and the battle of Armageddon will soon come. God has revealed these details in advance. Will we pay attention to the prophetic warnings? (2 Pet. 1:19) Now is the time to take sides with Jehovah and to support his Kingdom.—Rev. 14:6, 7.

Only problem is, none of that is actually the whole truth, and some of it is outright LIES. Revelation will indeed have a grand climax total fulfillment including the Babylon the Great required total global judgment under “8th King” “Scarlet Wildbeast” world government, to meet the complete liberation purpose of that downfall as well. (Rev19:1-3; Rev14:1-8; Rev11:13)

How can people still be required to “get out of her my people” if the Babylon the Great entity is as good as fallen and gone? Obviously Babylon the Great is still standing, bigger than it was in 1914, and has been merely warned of eventual judgment that has not yet come in literal form, and many have yet to flee—and some will be released instead by the Babylon the Great real downfall under world government.

The “Babylon the Great has fallen judgment” that Jehovah’s witnesses validly proclaimed globally for decades now, is the initial preview warning and foregleam of the future real thing. It is why we are even still having this discussion today in this notable seeming “delay”. (Matt25:1-13; Rev10:5-7; Matt24:45-51)

As one example of the five covered earlier, the Revelation 14 post Christ arrival final sequence final fulfillment, MUST manifest in earnest at global scale in the future, after World Government is complete, and fully forewarned and ready for God and Christ’s arrival. (Rev11:7-12; Rev19:11-16; Matt24:29-31; Rev1:7-8)

The Fictional Bethel Delusion by Prophetic Rearrangement Utilizing Valid Prophecy

But until that real prophecy clarification mounts upon the progressive milestone steps unfolding in the actual fulfillments coming, to activate all of Revelation 8-11 in sequential 1-7 “trumpet” alarm order this time, Jehovah’s witnesses are subject to this apostate Bethel rearrangement of prophecy. The prophecy itself is guaranteed to fulfill, but not in this order that apostate Bethel has hi-jacked and engineered for another purpose.

Since no one can literally reverse the final sequence prophecy nor overcome God Himself, Bethel has now, shuffled the order of these prophecies while ignoring the completion of world government in order to sell modern Jehovah’s witnesses the Babylon the Great judgment to lead to the Armageddon development, or “the end”, prematurely.

But as convoluted as this may seem at first glance, recently Bethel has updated the “Gog of Magog” “understanding” to nicely align with “King North” and the “kings of the earth” as well as provide Jehovah’s witnesses with a nice 1-2-3-“The End” formula at the same time, amped up just in time.

*** Watchtower 2015 5/15 pp. 29-30 “Questions From Readers” ***

Who, then, is Gog of Magog? To answer that question, we need to search the Scriptures to find out who attacks God’s people. The Bible speaks not only of the attack by ‘Gog of Magog’ but also of the attack by “the king of the north” and of the attack by “the kings of the earth.” (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19) Do these represent separate attacks? Not likely. The Bible is no doubt referring to the same attack under different names.

When we compare all these Scriptural references about the final attack on God’s people, it becomes evident that the name Gog of Magog refers, not to Satan, but to a coalition of nations. Will this coalition be led by the figurative “king of the north”? We cannot say with any certainty. But this thought does seem to be in harmony with what Jehovah says about Gog: “You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.”—Ezek. 38:6, 15.

Thus the 1-2-3-“The End” formula is nicely in place. (See this article)


Image and over-simplified formula from Watchtower 5/15/2015 Study Edition.

And now everything ties together even further for the final cycle covering hoax that will prevail among Jehovah’s witnesses for quite some time. (Dan8:14; Hos6:1-3; Isa37:30-32) Now we can reverse the overall Bethel delusional arrangement webbed around the “Babylon the Great judgment destruction” false expectation central hub.

The BTG Central Spider Web Hub Jehovah’s Witness Delusion and All Its Supporting Relationships

Bethel’s Delusion Menu for Jehovah’s witnesses

The main nucleus of the whole delusional and premature “the end” web of expectation of Jehovah’s witnesses is the Babylon the Great destruction expectation for that “event” to trigger the start of the great tribulation. Since Babylon the Great will not go down first, the expectation itself must be so strong that global events of peak instability starting to manifest will naturally cause the Jehovah’s Witness mind to expect it anyways, as per the Bethel menu of Jehovah’s Witness delusions, as it can then drag on as insider Bethel anticipates, to aid King North anti-temple maneuvers at global scale. (Dan8:12; Dan11:32-35)

Very interestingly the premature Babylon the Great “Black Widow” judgment expectation is the central webbing hub of the whole main Bethel Modern “The End” Delusion Formula into which a number of premature expectations, misapplications and deceptions all web together with that hyped up key central false expectation, as Jehovah’s witnesses and by way of their minds are the “flies” caught in this well engineered Bethel “smooth words” spider web of delusion. (Dan11:32a)

In the Babylon the Great judgment formula, expected well too soon of the prophetic requirements and sequence, we have all of the following disarrangements and deceptions hubbed into that core eventual guaranteed prophecy, merely applied way way too soon, as these are the main delusions and obedience hype that come with the Babylon the Great judgment super-hyped Jehovah’s Witness expectation, forming an overall Jehovah’s Witness premature “end of the world” expectation (2Thess2:1-2):

1. The Overall The End Formula
2. The Great Tribulation Signal

3. Triggers “The End” Signal
4. It’s Too Late Doomsday for Those Still in Babylon the Great
5. Tribulation of Those Days True Meaning Bypassed
6. Peace and Security Potential Hoax Enabled
7. Christendom Fall Guy Diversion

8. Anointed Sealing All Complete
9. The Jehovah’s Witness Expected Cancellation of the Jehovah’s Witness Ministry
10. Gog of Magog “New Light” and the Final King North Decoy
11. The Bethel Attack “Soon, Very Soon”
12. Post Babylon the Great Jehovah’s Witness Obedience Directives

And thus the whole thing, which will not manifest the actual Babylon the Great judgment, can instead turn into a bait and switch and mega Jehovah’s Witness smokescreen to envelope the events of the Bethel organization downfall as what actually goes under global attack instead (Dan11:41; Dan8:11; Dan8:13-14). Jehovah’s witnesses are then hyped up to “obey the “Zion” organization” as if their lives and salvation depended on it, aiding Jehovah’s Witness capture intrigues instead.

*** Watchtower  2013 11/15 p. 20, par. 17 ***

(3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.

But before we get to that key final Bethel coup and anti-JW capture goal, let us see how it developed into such a web of delusion, as Bethel simply ignores all modern UN and globalism development, while cloaking their echo chamber of the past in the well suited CEO veneer of being God’s “apostles” doing the will of God up to “the end”.

Now keep in mind a real storm is building over Bethel, and it is in reality the conflagration of the Temple Judgment of Modern Jehovah’s Witnesses (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5; Rev8:3-5), and it will be in the Daniel 11:41-43 context of a global crisis “tribulation of those days” in development. Thus this handy Bethel “forecast” also very conveniently provides a nice cover story smokescreen, under which that Bethel JW organizational downfall can be misrepresented, for a period of time. (Dan8:14)

Is this all then really just coincidental how these hyped up Jehovah’s Witness expectations, utilizing prophecies that will fulfill in time, but not in this order, can all be used to tell another story to Jehovah’s witnesses and others, to conceal the Bethel also expected “attack” as long as they can?

1. The Overall The End Formula

Firstly as in this sample, Babylon the Great’s judgment expectation is the hub of the whole web of delusion and overall “the end” formula of Jehovah’s Witness premature expectations:

*** Worship God ch. 20 p. 182-183 Keep Close in Mind Jehovah’s Day

14. What events will take place during the great tribulation, and in what order?

14 At the beginning of the great tribulation, the rulers will turn against Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and will annihilate her. (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 17:15, 16) After that, the nations will turn against those who uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty, provoking Jehovah’s fury against the political governments and their supporters, resulting in total destruction for them. That will be the Armageddon climax of the great tribulation. Then, Satan and his demons will be abyssed, no longer able to influence mankind. This will conclude Jehovah’s day when his name will be put on high.—Ezekiel 38:18, 22, 23; Revelation 19:11–20:3.

*** Watchtower 1997 5/1 pp. 17-18 par. 17 No Peace for the False Messengers! ***

Shortly, “crazed” members of the UN will be maneuvered by Jehovah to turn on false religion, as described at Revelation 17:16: “These will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.” This will mark the start of the great tribulation that is referred to at Matthew 24:21 and that will climax at Armageddon, the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

What is “crazy” is Bethel’s totally baseless forecast of Babylon the Great’s destruction as far as any global signals showing any evidence of such an event, at this time of available research. But since they do have the valid prophecy, but being applied way too soon, the only “rationale” Bethel has is the “crazed” members of the UN” is what motivates this near future supposed Babylon the Great attack—otherwise there would be no logical proof at this time, “crazy” must be the basis of the Babylon the Great destruction rationale.

And this is because the real evidence points to a deep final cycle Babylon the Great actual deposition as we already have been covering in detail.

2. The Great Tribulation Signal

Jehovah’s witnesses, expecting the impression of “doomsday” coming on Babylon the Great first, will then perceive the “great tribulation”, and all it implies, has begun, to shortly arrive at “the end”, with any enormous global events that may develop seeming to indicate this turn of events. It will be the “tribulation of those days”, that much is true, but everything else Bethel is now misrepresenting to provide their cover story, exit strategy and some final Jehovah’s Witness capture setups. (Hence Matt24:15 command of Christ as applied to “apostate Jerusalem” Bethel)

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 10-11 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near” ***

4 How will the great tribulation begin? With the destruction of all false religion. In the Bible, false religion is called “Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes.” (Revelation 17:5-7)

*** Watchtower 2010 7/15 p. 3 What Jehovah’s Day Will Reveal ***

In the first phase of that tribulation, God will move the political rulers of this world to destroy “Babylon the Great,” thus showing his contempt for that religious harlot. (Rev. 17:5, 16; 18:8) Then, in the war of Armageddon, the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah himself will wipe out the rest of Satan’s world.—Rev. 16:14, 16; 19:19-21.

*** Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! (1989) chap. 20 p. 126 par. 23 A Multitudinous Great Crowd ***
On an earlier occasion, Jesus had said that his presence in Kingdom glory would culminate in “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24:21, 22) In fulfillment of that prophecy, the angels will unleash the four winds of the earth to devastate Satan’s world system. First to go will be Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Then, at the peak of the tribulation, Jesus will deliver the remaining ones of the 144,000 on earth, together with the multitudinous great crowd.—Revelation 7:1; 18:2.

3. Triggers “The End” Signal

Since Babylon the Great goes down first, and Jehovah’s witnesses are left seemingly untouched:

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 16-17 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***

10 None of this will go unnoticed by our enemies. Under inspiration, the prophet Ezekiel explains what Gog of Magog, a coalition of nations, will do: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan. You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth.’” (Ezek. 38:10-12) Spiritually speaking, God’s people will stand out as unique, “in the center of the earth,” as it were. This will be too much for the nations. Yes, they will be eager to attack Jehovah’s anointed ones as well as their associates.

4. It’s Too Late Doomsday fro Those Still in Babylon the Great

*** Watchtower 2008 1/15 p. 5 par. 7 “Keep Watching the Ministry Which You Accepted in the Lord” ***

But those who remain in Babylon the Great and who continue to reject Bible standards will not be spared through “the great tribulation.”—Rev. 7:14.

Though this was recently updated in the Watchtower 2015 7/15 issue, ” Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of all the former members of those religions? Apparently not.”, the long held former impression of destruction for all in Babylon the Great still amps up the modern “doomsday” effect to no doubt still manifest when this final cycle begins in earnest. Thus such a lie works contrary to the open salvation period that actually develops with the final cycle, it is not “doomsday”, merely “as if slaughtered to death” in this initial “sword stroke” phase coming up. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13; Isa41:1)

5. Tribulation of Those Days Bypassed

Now Bethel has virtually silenced all talk about the “tribulation of those days” after 1999, when they stated this:

*** Watchtower 1999 5/1 p. 12 par. 17 “These Things Must Take Place” ***

Referring to the tribulation just ahead of us, Jesus said: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days [the destruction of false religion] the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”—Matthew 24:29, 30.

Until this recent peep was uttered from Bethel in 2006 below, to actually, instead, directly contradict the Matthew 24:29-31 scripture itself, which is about the end of the “tribulation of those days” before Christ arrives. To Bethel it means this:

*** Jehovah’s Day (2006) p. 38 ***

15 The combined description of Jehovah’s day as presented in these 12 Bible books makes us think of Jesus Christ’s words: “There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” He said that “immediately after” the beginning of that great tribulation, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Matthew 24:21, 29) This helps us to pinpoint the timing of the day of Jehovah. It is just ahead. The Scriptures indicate that the great tribulation will destroy “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. Then, as the climax of the great tribulation, Jehovah’s day will wipe God’s enemies off the face of the earth.—Revelation 17:5, 12-18; 19:11-21.

Thus for nefarious reasons Bethel has been all but ignoring Matthew 24:29-31 transitional clue as to when Christ arrives, and that “immediately after the tribulation of those days” has expired, not as it is “beginning” as Bethel now states in direct contradiction to the prophecy itself. But have no fear, Bethel does not just contradict explicit Bible prophecy of Christ, they also spin a strange mixed message in relation to their own “tribulation of those days” former deceptions.

For example how is it the “the beginning of that great tribulation” and yet “Immediately after… [the destruction of false religion]” as well, as if taking down global religion is an overnight affair and not part of the tribulation? And these statements certainly do not help shed light on this very important Matthew 24:29-31 pivotal scripture.

*** Watchtower 2013 7/15 p. 7-8 ***

15 In the part of his prophecy that is recorded at Matthew 24:29–25:46, Jesus focuses primarily on what will happen during these last days and during the coming great tribulation.

Although the prophecy is about what happens after the “tribulation of those days” has expired as explicitly stated. Though this below, is indeed truthful, the “tribulation of those days” is the first phase, leading to world government and the “four winds” phase under world government, Bethel uses it to fast track the end, not the open salvation reality “during that interval”:

*** Watchtower 2013 7/15 p. 5-6 ***

8 What happens after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed? Jesus’ words indicate that there will be a period of time that will last until the start of Armageddon. What events will occur during that interval? The answer is recorded at Ezekiel 38:14-16 and Matthew 24:29-31. (Read.) After that, we will witness Armageddon, the climax of the great tribulation, which parallels Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 C.E. (Mal. 4:1) With the battle of Armageddon as its climax, that coming great tribulation will be unique—an event “such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning.” (Matt. 24:21) When it has passed, Christ’s Millennial Rule will begin.

Thus Bethel spins any tale they need to given the context of the predictive programming they are implementing at the time. And thus the true meaning of that “immediately after the tribulation of those days” transition into world government and the Christ arrival, for the open salvation purpose first is bypassed. The “tribulation of those days” is to be a global signal period that instead resolves into that signal “world peace and security” by design (Rev13:3), for the world government recovery.

Christ does not even arrive until after the “tribulation of those days” has fully run its course, and for other purposes contrary to the Bethel JW “Doomsday” Hoax they are setting up now.

6. Peace and Security Potential Hoax Enabled

Since the real “world peace” is under United Nations centered complete World Government “global security” (1Thess5:1-3; Dan8:25 “freedom from care”), anything to manifest in the world before world government is complete is to be suspect and used for the coming super-hoax on more than just Jehovah’s witnesses, as many Christians are also aware of that 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 “peace and security” scripture.

And Bethel now advances just such a premature “peace and security” notion as well, that we will have to wait and see if it manifests as “foretold” by Bethel, but it will not mean “the end”, just further hyped up expectation of that “the end” delusion:

*** Watchtower 2008 5/15 pp. 15-16 par. 17 Deliverance by God’s Kingdom Is at Hand! ***

17 The great tribulation will begin suddenly. Yes, “Jehovah’s day” will come unexpectedly “whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’” (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.) The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations think that they are close to solving some of their big problems. The sudden destruction of “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, will catch the world by surprise. Kings and others will be amazed when judgment is executed upon Babylon the Great.—Rev. 17:1-6, 18; 18:9, 10, 15, 16, 19.

Now conveniently shuffled in with the Babylon the Great overall focus, is the diversion to the Christendom “holy place”, for the poor fall guys to be prosecuted again, when it comes to providing cover and misidentifying the modern temple transgressors at Bethel:

7. Christendom Fall Guy Diversion

*** Watchtower 2013 7/15 p. 3-5 “Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?” ***

6 How will we know when the great tribulation has started? Jesus foretold: “When you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.” (Matthew 24:15, 16) The first fulfillment was in the year 66 when the Roman army attacked Jerusalem and its temple. The army was “the disgusting thing” that was “standing in a holy place,” that is, a place that the Jews viewed as holy. This prophecy will have a second and larger fulfillment. The United Nations is “the disgusting thing,” and Christendom is viewed as “a holy place” by its followers. The United Nations will attack Christendom and the rest of Babylon the Great, as also foretold at Revelation 17:16-18. This attack on Babylon the Great will be the beginning of the great tribulation.

Thus either Christendom was judged and shown a terminal apostasy in “auto pilot” error now, since 1919, or we have a case of Bethel prosecuted “double jeopardy” at work here. How can Christendom be “judged” twice? They cannot.

Rather, it is “smooth word” fork-silver-tongued Bethel’s judgment time. In Daniel 11:30-32a, Bethel is the modern “leaving the holy covenant” apostasy and the UN NGO is the “disgusting thing standing in a holy place” (Matt24:15), as Christendom was lump summed into the overall Babylon the Great system for a reason, to undergo judgment in Babylon the Great under world government.

In the meantime Christendom is Bethel’s “usual suspect” to divert attention away from their prophetic apostasy as if Christendom can still apply almost 100 years after their apostasy exposure was complete as a core theme of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry. Christendom cannot be “leaving the holy covenant” they already left centuries ago (Dan11:30b), nor can they be “led into apostasy” they are already in (Dan11:32), to the point it is just a ripple effect error now.

Bethel is who the real “King North” 8th King globalist developers have “given consideration to those leaving the holy covenant”. And that is why Bethel also conceals the obvious King North world government designate identity. Thus the whole “disgusting thing” complex, even “King North” elements, as signaled by the UN NGO, is “standing in a holy place” profaning a once anointed Christian ministry. (Matt24:15)

But when it is convenient, Bethel claims to be the “holy place”:

*** Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! (1999) chap. 10 p. 179 par. 29 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

The enemy’s vicious attempts to desolate and destroy “the holy place” had failed completely. Indeed, the remaining “holy ones” on earth, along with their companions of the “great crowd,” had come off victorious. (Revelation 7:9) And the sanctuary, in its rightful theocratic state, now continues to render sacred service to Jehovah.

Thus Bethel claims that since 1938 they have represented the purified “right condition” “holy place” as per prophecy:

*** Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! chap. 10 pp. 177-178 par. 26 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

For “the holy place” to be “brought,” or restored, to what it should be, the 2,300 days must have begun when it previously was in the “right condition” from God’s standpoint. At the earliest, this was on June 1, 1938…

In reality Bethel is in the terminal “wrong condition” which will instead trigger the real Daniel 8:13-14 required temple judgment upon them, to restore the temple purified “right condition” in the future.

8. Anointed Sealing All Complete

*** Watchtower 2015 3/15 p. 12-13 Will You “Keep on the Watch”? ***

11 So, then, before the great tribulation starts, all the faithful anointed on earth will have received their final sealing. (Rev. 7:1-4) From then on, their calling is sure.

*** Watchtower 1996 8/15 p. 20 par. 22 Will You Be Saved When God Acts? ***

Recall that “flesh,” both of the anointed remnant and of the “great crowd,” already will have been saved when Babylon the Great goes down swiftly and completely in the first part of the tribulation. Likewise in the final part of the tribulation, “flesh” that has fled to Jehovah’s side will be saved.

*** Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! (1989) chap. 38 p. 277 par. 17 Praise Jah for His Judgments! ***

At this point in Jehovah’s timetable, when the sealing of the 144,000 has reached completion, the angels release the four winds of the great tribulation. (Revelation 7:1-3) First, judgment is executed on harlotlike Babylon the Great. The victorious Christ next moves on quickly to Armageddon to destroy the rest of Satan’s organization on earth and, finally, to abyss Satan and his demons. (Revelation 19:11–20:3) If any anointed ones still survive on earth, they will doubtless enter into their heavenly reward soon after Christ completes his conquest and will join their fellow members of the bride class. Then, at God’s due time, the marriage of the Lamb can take place!

In the “Ten Virgins” temple judgment parallel parable, in Matthew 25:1-13 reality, the modern temple judgment will produce not a final anointed Christian affirmation sealing, but a final testing and a final anointed “five foolish virgin” fall out. After some anointed topple with the Bethel apostates (Matt13:36-42), by means of apostate Bethel’s modern profaning deceptions (Dan11:30b-35) and the apostasy morphing of the Jehovah’s Witness faith (Dan8:12) into another apostate religion, there will have to be a final anointing drive to bring in the alternates during and after the temple judgment.

In reality the final sealing is accomplished with the final warning mission completion. (Zech3:6-9; Matt24:45-51; Rev11:1-12; Rev7:1-4; Matt25:1-13)

That principle, of instead completing the Christian anointing process by God (not the final sealing yet), during the temple judgment within the beginning of the “tribulation of those days” (Dan8:14 timing), to prepare the final Kingdom announcement, is found in other parables that parallel the temple judgment with the same kind of supporting details. (Matt25:1-13;  Signal Bethel judgment downfall event, then final anointing and open salvation call with the emerging final Kingdom proclamation, to refill the Bethel fallout to affect some of both groups, thus requiring the final call:

(Matthew 22:7-10) “But the king grew wrathful, and sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned their (Bethel organization) city. 8 Then he said to his slaves, ‘The marriage feast indeed is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go to the roads leading out of the city, and anyone you find invite to the marriage feast.’ 10 Accordingly those slaves went out to the roads and gathered together all they found, both wicked and good; and the room for the wedding ceremonies was filled with those reclining at the table.

9. The Jehovah’s Witness Expected Cancellation of the Jehovah’s Witness Ministry

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 16-17 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***

9 This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. The Bible likens this message to hailstones when it says: “Great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great.”—Rev. 16:21.

Thus Jehovah’s witnesses can expect that cancellation of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry from Bethel’s own mouth, in lieu of a ” hard-hitting judgment message” that will not manifest on the world. Instead, it will be coming on Bethel as Daniel 8:13-14 in the Daniel 11:41 context. (Rev8) Because Bethel’s forecast will fail and fall flat taking time to become recognizable as such (Dan8:14), Jehovah’s witnesses will eventually become the “butt of the joke”—proclaiming a “hard hitting judgment message” that will not come—except on Bethel first.

Until the real “little scroll” message emerges, Bethel is ensuring Jehovah’s witnesses become a global laughing stock when in time the “tribulation of those days” must run its full course, and that to a global recovery, not “the end” yet. In that drawn out process the ministry will be recovered and regrouped with the proper final understanding, as the Bethel apostasy is swept away in the global context (Dan11:41-43) of this temple judgment.

And as covered earlier but reiterated for this end formula list, the Gog “coalition of nations” has been aligned by Bethel, to meet future globalist international “sword stroke” events (Rev13:3), that can then fit the renewed and revised expectation:

10. Gog of Magog “New Light” and the Final King North Decoy

*** Watchtower 2015 5/15 pp. 29-30 “Questions From Readers” ***

Who, then, is Gog of Magog? To answer that question, we need to search the Scriptures to find out who attacks God’s people. The Bible speaks not only of the attack by ‘Gog of Magog’ but also of the attack by “the king of the north” and of the attack by “the kings of the earth.” (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19) Do these represent separate attacks? Not likely. The Bible is no doubt referring to the same attack under different names.

When we compare all these Scriptural references about the final attack on God’s people, it becomes evident that the name Gog of Magog refers, not to Satan, but to a coalition of nations. Will this coalition be led by the figurative “king of the north”? We cannot say with any certainty. But this thought does seem to be in harmony with what Jehovah says about Gog: “You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.”—Ezek. 38:6, 15.

Now “Gog” and “King of the North” are all well aligned by implication for the Jehovah’s Witness mind to “interpret” for itself in the future filling of the required “King North” decoy, which may very well become a Russia centric decoy and “coalition of nations” lead nation, thus relating to the original “USSR is King North” error. Jehovah’s witnesses will be super-hyped and in a psychological frenzy when these expectations begin to be filled by the real King North system developers to aid what will become a great Jehovah’s Witness hoax.

And the nice curve ball is that with all this Babylon the Great and “the end” over advanced diversion and expectation, Bethel also has predictively programmed in the Jehovah’s Witness mind, the weaved in expectation of Bethel’s attack “soon, very soon” at the same time, very conveniently. Jehovah’s witnesses now have many psychological balls to juggle. But the real temple judgment “ball” is unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses. And now, these hi-jacked prophecy expectations can be used to cloak that actual main driving temple judgment event.

Now THAT expectation of the Bethel “trampling” (Dan8:13) will indeed manifest first (1Pet4:17 as Dan11:41), in a co-developing and distracting global context intensifying the needed events and features “as if” “the end” (Rev13:3; Dan11:41-43). Thus Jehovah’s witnesses will also be juggling several chainsaws, like the Babylon the Great expectation, which will keep their perception off balance, as they walk the Bethel high-wire of obedience priming constant inadequacy on the perpetual guilt trip across this ominous chasm known as the temple judgment. And all that as the high winds and storm bust out on Bethel first, also recently and very conveniently weaved into this “end of the world” hyping scenario in greater detail.

11. The Bethel Attack “Soon, Very Soon”

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 “Your Deliverance is Getting Near” ***

2… No doubt you remember the words of Jesus as recorded by the Gospel writer Luke: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.” (Luke 21:20) However, you may wonder, ‘How can I obey the instructions given along with that warning?’ Jesus also said: “Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, let those in the midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter into her.” (Luke 21:21) How can you possibly leave Jerusalem with so many troops surrounding it? Then, an amazing thing happens. Right before your very eyes, the Roman troops start to retreat! As foretold, their attack is being “cut short.” (Matt. 24:22) Now you have the opportunity to obey Jesus’ instructions. Immediately you flee to the mountains across the Jordan River, along with all the other faithful Christians in the city and its surroundings.* Then, in 70 C.E., a new Roman army heads for Jerusalem and destroys the city. But your life is spared because you obeyed Jesus’ instructions.

3. What similar situation will Christians soon face, and what will we consider in this article?

3 Soon, very soon, each of us will face a similar situation. Jesus not only warned Christians about the destruction of Jerusalem but also used those first-century events to parallel what will occur when the “great tribulation” suddenly breaks out. (Matt. 24:3, 21, 29) In fact, the good news is that “a great crowd” of people will survive this worldwide catastrophe. (Read Revelation 7:9, 13, 14.) What does the Bible tell us about these upcoming events? We should be keenly interested in the answer, for our very salvation is involved. Let us now examine in detail how these future events will affect us personally.

Now this Bethel “attack” scenario has several other purposes that are installed with that expectation and its scriptural context which Bethel twists for these Jehovah’s Witness controlling purpose. In addition in this article, Bethel has also added the “interval” detail in this “attack” expectation for added programming of what to expect and what to do in that “brief respite”.

This Bethel deception now describes, in detail, a Jehovah’s Witness “call to action” sequence to the Jehovah’s Witness predictive program of expectation as a time for Jehovah’s Witness “obedience to the organization” in a deceptive context as if that “organizational listen, obey and be blessed” requirement of the Governing Body is a divine requirement for salvation. Now lets put this all together highlighting the Bethel attack hype and the mind control elements:

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 par. 3-8 “Your Deliverance is Getting Near” ***

Soon, very soon, each of us will face a similar situation. Jesus…used…first-century events to parallel what will occur when the “great tribulation” suddenly breaks out…our very salvation is involved…these future events will affect us personally. How will the great tribulation begin?…the destruction of “Babylon the Great.”…the initial part of the future great tribulation will be “cut short”…there will be a brief respite. It will be a time to reveal what is really in our heart…mankind will seek refuge in human organizations…God’s people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides…the interval…was a time for action and obedience on the part of…Christians…the future interruption…will be an opportunity for…believers to prove their love for Jehovah and give their support to Christ’s brothers…it will involve some measure of sacrifice…leave behind…possessions…to remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah?

In reality it is all obedience to the illegal Governing Body and its apostate Bethel organization, disobedience to God in reality. And that “refuge that” Bethel will provide, is what is meant, even though they cannot even take care of their own “Bethel Family” as recent layoffs and firings attest to cutthroat Bethel’s impotence and methods.

And yet they expect Jehovah’s witnesses to trust these “cost cutting” religious CEOs? Thus all this hype and lies leads to the supposed post Babylon the Great destruction Jehovah’s Witness obedience hype.

Bethel is now also implying they are attacked first, but it pales in the Jehovah’s Witness mind in comparison to the Babylon the Great and “the end” expectation smokescreening and aligns with the long held eventual “Gog attack” as the Armageddon trigger. Thus that “soon, very soon” hype of the Watchtower July 15, 2015 issue “Your Deliverance is Getting Near” article, is actually a strangely mixed message. But to cover that contradiction, Bethel also employs a “brief interval” expectation as Bethel is also newly programming the Bethel attack sequence in greater detail prior to game day, to aid the Jehovah’s Witness “deliverance” to other purposes in the process.

12. Post Babylon the Great Jehovah’s Witness Obedience Directives

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 16-17 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***


7 What will happen after the destruction of false religious organizations? It will be a time to reveal what is really in our heart. The majority of mankind will seek refuge in human organizations that are likened to “the rocks of the mountains.” (Rev. 6:15-17) Figuratively speaking, however, God’s people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides.

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 16-17 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***

8 Although we do not fully understand all that will happen during that time of test, we can expect that it will involve some measure of sacrifice. In the first century, Christians had to leave behind their possessions and endure hardships in order to survive. (Mark 13:15-18) To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah? Just think! At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what.—Dan. 6:10, 11.

*** Watchtower  2014 11/15 p. 27 “Now You Are God’s People” ***

18 If, therefore, we wish to benefit from Jehovah’s protection during the great tribulation, we must recognize that Jehovah has a people on earth, organized into congregations. We must continue to take our stand with them and remain closely associated with our local congregation. With all our hearts, may we join the psalmist in proclaiming: “Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people.”—Ps. 3:8.

Which brings us to the ultimate goal: trap Jehovah’s witnesses by use of misdirected trust in the organizational system:

*** Watchtower  2013 11/15 p. 20, par. 17 ***

(3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.

And that is the Bethel Menu of Delusion as “food at the proper time” that the Governing Body is feeding Jehovah’s witnesses on a scheduled and regular mind hyping schedule prior to its final use “soon, very soon” as if they have some kind of “inside information” from God.

But in reality Bethel’s “inside information” comes from their King North globalist handler who will provide Bethel’s false prophecy “fulfillment” for them, for the same purpose to cancel the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, attempt to wipe out the JW org, and trap as many JW Lemmings as possible as they hear only the flute of the JW Organization flutes and their GB Pipers.

Global Sovereign Warning and the Now “1914” Based Diversion

The Unique Subversion of Jehovah’s witnesses and Their Critics, At The Same Time

We have a very interesting 1914 discrediting development working at the other end of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry in regard to the “1914 teaching”, which is actually fueled and reinforced by the GB Circus of Scandal discrediting operation. Live and real-time, the discrediting of 1914 is actually aided by the very real Bethel global record and spectacle of policied lawlessness, public reproach and numerous scandals.

Some “discreet” “slave” eh?

But anyways, by this undermining operation, globally amplified and Internet expanded by the modern Bethel apostasy reproach in our times, in essence, the whole Jehovah’s Witness ministry is being called into question and systematically discredited, like a battering ram in which Bethel hypocrisy is the penetrating ram-head, and global information accessibility is the driving constant force propelling that demolition of Jehovah’s Witness ministerial credibility.

But the interesting thing is how the discrediting operation works in Jehovah’s witnesses and in the Jehovah’s Witness critic mind in different ways, equally deceptive, at the same time.

1. For the critics, it is a one dimensional critique that mainly focuses on one prophecy, the Daniel 4 method of determining the 1914 date.

A. Daniel 4 is focused on, while critics conveniently ignore the other five parallel timed prophecies, the 1260 days ones (Dan7:25; Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3; Rev12:14; Rev13:5-7), which are not dependent on Daniel 4 nor connected to it in timing, yet established the 1914 connection in other ways backed by real events and real global developments of world government designate presentation.

B. On the post 1914 front end doubt mill, there is also the “this generation” Bethel maintained debacle.

C. Thus whether from the 607 BCE basis of deriving the 1914 date and meaning, or that “this generation” folly of the total die off of the supposed “this generation”, 1914 is being “surgically removed” by massive Governing Body lawlessness aided overall discrediting.

2. For Jehovah’s witnesses, we have a whole population of newer Jehovah’s witnesses, and older Jehovah’s witnesses who have been subjected to a full 25 years of a post 1990 Jehovah’s Witness dumbing down prophecy lobotomy campaign and operation Bethel even admits, has been policy possibly noticed by some Jehovah’s Witness zombies “in recent years”.

*** Watchtower  2015 3/15 p. 8-9, par. 4,7 ***

4. In recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by Jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity.7 If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible.

In other words Jehovah’s witnesses are being “gradually” (Dan8:12) dumbed down, and it has been unspoken purposeful Bethel policy for years, now being admitted. Thus even Jehovah’s witnesses are being distracted, blinded, over busied and over hyped while being taught to ignore the deeper truths of that 1260 days period, for the “all done, it no longer matters” attitude, as Bethel also totally ignores all post 1990 UN developmental steps towards world government at the same time, now fully diametric to the Kingdom mission of the Jehovah’s witnesses of 1914-1960.

No way would Joseph Rutherford, Nathan Knorr or Fred Franz have just let that 3rd United Nations global-presentation in “New World Order” mode stated as such, slip by with no peep of a comment on its global and prophetic significance! NO WAY! But what did Bethel do in addition to silencing all comment on that 1990 3rd UN presentation as the Cold War unique (Dan11:29) global war expansion cycle ended?

They JOINED the UN Secretariat “Department of Public Information” as a UN NGO co-promoter!

“NGOs have been partners of the United Nations since 1947. In accordance with Article 71 of the UN Charter, NGOs can have consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Their relationship with entities of the United Nations system differs depending on their location and mandate. For example, NGOs which have an information component can become associated with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI) to help disseminate information on the work and aims of the [UN] Organization.””As an inter-governmental body, the UN relies primarily on Member States but also welcomes grassroots initiatives to promote its work and ideas. Hundreds of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) RALLY SUPPORT for the UN and influence legislation at the national level.”

“Like the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), The United Nations Secretariat, is one of the main organs of the UN, organized along departmental lines, with each department or office having a distinct area of action and responsibility. Offices and departments coordinate with each other to ensure cohesion as they carry out the day to day work of the Organization in offices and duty stations around the world. At the head of the United Nations Secretariat is the Secretary-General.””

Under the UN Secretariat “Departments and Offices”, is the UN Department of Public Information, and thus the WTBTS UN NGO.

Make no mistake, modern Bethel is riding high on the “scarlet wildbeast” ride in the UN NGO harlot saddle, to aid global “social engineering” efforts of UN planners, and comatose Jehovah’s witnesses think nothing of it! THAT is how far Jehovah’s witnesses have been drifted off course by the “apostate Jerusalem” modern Bethel UN NGO Annex system and its UN-GB central apostate leadership. (Matt24:15; Dan11:32a) It is a foretold apostasy, in the leadership, that is affecting all Jehovah’s witnesses while signalling an epic judgment coming—simultaneously.

Thus both JW critics and Jehovah’s witnesses are equally subverted, merely by different subversive methods and custom designed delusions.

1. Many Jehovah’s Witness critics believe the entire Jehovah’s Witness ministry is invalid, and never had any validity whatsoever from the beginning.

2. Most Jehovah’s witnesses know their original ministry is valid (well in the past), yet many Jehovah’s witnesses continue to imagine it is still valid and in divine approval, as they vehemently deny and do not believe that it could have gradually drifted into modern apostasy—while silencing and expelling all protesters to the contrary—all as Bethel controlling policy.

Now very interestingly, both groups are being subverted in different ways. And both groups cannot both be correct, but they can both be incorrect on this matter. And in that they are in unison, though neither group in general, is aware of this divisive reality of their own unique deceptions that the Bethel Spider has aided spinning upon their minds all webbed in a false impression either internally (JWs) or externally (JW critics) presented. Yet both developments are aided by hypocritical and lawless Bethel’s role in the subversion.

In any event, 1914 is a target of many missiles from outside, and Bethel sleeping-gas bombs from inside. And there are real errors also aiding the discrediting and doubt creation process. Though 1914 is a valid date as is its 607 BCE basis, there is another way of fully explaining the “seven times” superior to the manner of Bethel’s current event/date “glitch”.

But now we shall review what everyone is now ignoring by this Bethel bypass, including Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses, in the unique sovereign themes that emerged in the unique 1914-1919 period and the other multiple prophecies that establish 1914-1918 validity and meaning. These secondary prophecies mirrored this actually unique sovereign antithesis that just so happened to globally emerge at the same time, in this very 1914 based WW1 parallel period, an epic period for many reasons including 8th King based world government development.

1914: Four Concurrently Emerging Sovereign Themes

1. In reality the 1914 “Christ Coronation” in God’s Kingdom (Rev4-Rev6:1-2), required first for reasons to be explained fully below, is also valid as a preview and warning of a related Kingdom reality that did manifest in 1914, with prophetic backing (Rev10-11:1-7), in the Messianic Kingdom “birth”. (Dan7:13-14,21-22,27; Rev11:15 preview)

Thus both God’s Kingdom and Christ’s Messianic Kingdom emerged simultaneously.

2. Thus, as noted, the Messianic Kingdom also manifested in “birth” (Rev12), as the progressive full awareness of that epic period become fully understandable in time. The only distinction that needs to be made is “God’s Kingdom” is not the sovereign entity purposed to rule the Earth, the Messianic Kingdom is that entity yet to complete—that “Kingdom” was only “born” in 1914, yet that entity also manifested its presence at that time.

God’s Kingdom is from all eternity, it was NOT “born” in 1914—the Messianic Kingdom “stone cut from [that Gods’ Kingdom] mountain” (Dan2:31-46) was born and “cut not by hands” at that time.

3. And all that amidst a first global war cycle (WW1; 1914-1918) which formulaic purpose was to globally present the first 8th King world government designate version, since the days of Babel (Gen11:1-8), in that “League of Nations” first prophetic fulfillment in 1919. (Dan12:11; Rev13:11-15)

4. And the 7th King alliance Anglo main system, and the American system also merged in national partnership significance becoming fully recognizable.

Thus both the 7th King system, and the 8th King globalist system also both emerged in that same period, simultaneously.

Thus the counter-kingdom world rulership rival also just so happened to also manifest in the world scene in this same period that the Kingdom of God and the Messianic Kingdom “birth” also emerged in progressive awareness in that global Jehovah’s Witness proclamation.

Now was that merely all a lot of convenient coincidences with a “world government” theme of sovereign dichotomy also manifesting all at the same time? Who can ignore those basic global meanings? Those distracted by Bethel’s global reproach and stumbling campaign, that’s who. (Dan11:32-35,41) 

God’s Kingdom manifestation since 1914, was a “dress rehearsal” warm up preview, of what the Messianic Kingdom must yet complete and carry out in fully literal and globally manifested final form. The 1914 ministry “first witnessing” set the world on the first chapter of this certainty.

Now focus on “1914”, rather than its basic first cycle significance and original sovereign warning theme, is now what we have as the convenient internal Bethel aided global Jehovah’s Witness diversion and scandal campaign systematically aids the undermining of the 1914 period significance while external sources support that discrediting, but all for the same purpose, in one overall 1914 targeting global discrediting operation. (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12)

And that according to secular claims that are as subject to as much human error as would be Jehovah’s witnesses claims, if we did not have the assured 70 years desolations in prophecy from God, and the known Cyrus the Great date 539-537 BCE dating. Meaning the “certainty” of either date by purely archaeological and “Babylonian chronology” means is equally based on human calculations and evidence. Thus the prophetic certainty of the 70 year requirement and the well known and accepted more more recent Cyrus and Babylon downfall dating must override human efforts to establish this distant dating.

(Jeremiah 25:11-12) And all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon seventy years.”’ 12 “‘And it must occur that when seventy years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘their error, even against the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite.

(Jeremiah 29:10) “For this is what Jehovah has said, ‘In accord with the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon I shall turn my attention to you people, and I will establish toward you my good word in bringing you back to this place.’

(Daniel 9:1-2) 9 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans; 2 in the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books the number of the years concerning which the word of Jehovah had occurred to Jeremiah the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, [namely,] seventy years. 

Cyrus the Great’s “King of Babylon” Reign 539-530 BC

“After victory over Babylonia, Cyrus The Great presented himself not as a conqueror, but a liberator and the legitimate successor to the crown. He took the title of “King of Babylon and King of the Land”. Cyrus had no thought of forcing conquered people into a single mould, and had the wisdom to leave unchanged the institution of each kingdom he attached to the Persian Crown. In 537 BC he allowed more than 40,000 Jews to leave Babylon and return to Palestine.”

Now as far as 607 BCE, Jerusalem’s destruction did not necessarily have to be the event that marks that date, as Nebuchadnezzar’s ascension to global power also began in 607 BCE. (See article on this matter, here.)

Multiple Prophecies Establish 1914—Not Just Daniel 4

Thus those buying the global 1914 discrediting of Daniel 4’s “seven times”, are ignoring the 1260 days prophecies that are not dependent on Daniel 4, but which continued the same sovereign theme in the same 1914 year, but independently established by different rationale and events.

We are talking about Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6 and Revelation 13:5-7 as parallels with their own affirming features to establish 1914, and the 1260 days of the “first witnessing”.

And that sovereign theme was present in 1260 days of parallel God’s Kingdom developments (Rev11:1-7), the wildbeast developments (Rev13:5-7) and the Satanic developments (Rev12:6) as those opposing developments also ceased that ministry temporarily. (Dan12:7; Dan7:25 themes)

1. Spiritual 1260 Days Context:

(Revelation 11:2-3) But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”

(Daniel 7:25) And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time.

(Daniel 12:7) And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.”

And that mirrors the fact an anointed Christian ministry emerged in this same 1914-1918 period, with a unique sovereign theme of the divine permission of sovereign rivalry ending, which was “trampled” and ceased by illegal means, as foretold, after the 1260 days completed.

Now had that “first witness” of the “two witnesses” ministry had its earthly leadership imprisoned for decades, as intended and hyped up and utilizing the WW1 phase context, we would not be talking about this today.

A. The Daniel 12 and Revelation 8-11 preview would never have been accomplished;

B. The UN related “wild beast”, then in League of Nations initial global-presentation form, would have fallen off the prophecy radar;

C. And obviously no other ministry would have picked up the torch, the first enlightenment of the modern era would have been extinguished.

And was Christendom big global corporate councils endorsing and touting the “League of Nations” “disgusting thing” as if  “God’s Kingdom on earth”, in this same period, just a coincidental “harlotous” act marking the major Christian apostasy of its time—at the exact same time?

How can all these kinds of diverse sovereign themes and co-developments, all emerging at the same time in the same epic global period, with a first ever major global war cycle, all be random and coincidental?

2. Satanic1260 Days  Context:

(Revelation 12:6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

(Revelation 12:14) But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent.

3. Wildbeast1260 Days  Context:

(Revelation 13:5-7) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.

With modern understanding we know great political, financial and industrial changes occur with the geo-strategic and geo-political objectives actually behind these progressive world wars. We know the League of Nations is no innocent international social club, and it does intend to be the United Nations “nucleus” of World Government in time. Thus it was no accident a budding honest Christian ministry that would lead to, and through, that initial exposure of these intentions and its prophecies in time, would be conveniently deposed.

Did they depose any other Christian ministry by illegal “legal” means at that time?

Has any Christian ministry ever stated these prophetic sovereign facts since then or even now?

Now we understand the significance of that “first witnessing” ministry and its exposure of core sovereign prophecy of Daniel and Revelation’s structured progressions to world government—it is what it is, and the Jehovah’s witnesses Christian ministry is unique in being what it is—or should we say what it used to be, much has changed in the Jehovah’s Witness ministry since 1914-1950.

That being the case, we have, thereby, evidence in separate prophecy and in spiritual and global contextual developments that are beyond denial in the WW1 cycle, and its intended first cycle capping world government designate formulaic purpose, to emerge with the resolution of that global war, as a spiritual diametric counter-sovereign message was deposed—at the exact same time!

Thus Daniel 4 is not the only prophecy that arrives in 1914 (October) as claimed by Jehovah’s witnesses.

The 1914 incept 1260 days (Dan7:25; Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3, Rev12:6,14, Rev13:5), manifested INDEPENDENTLY of the Daniel 4 prophecy, if we notice, in December of 1914, not directly temporally connected to the Daniel 4 timing, its sovereign period manifested independently in the year 1914, but not in the Daniel 4 terminus month.

And rather than forecast it for decades beforehand, as was the case with Daniel 4’s “seven times” 2520 years, the 1260 days was uniquely identified later, after the fact. Yet, the related prophetic period that carried forth that global sovereign expiration news as Daniel 4’s basic “appointed times of the nations have expired” “gentile” sovereign-expiration theme, as taught by the International Bible Students, is definitely related to the Revelation 11:1-7 counter-sovereign-claim of God’s Kingdom that emerged in that first 1260 days period. But Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7; Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6,14, and Revelation 13:5 are not prophetically dependent on the Daniel 4 prophecy terminus point in time, but it is definitely perfectly related to its sovereign theme. 

Thus there was also five globally contextual evidentiary prophecies to found 1914 by yet another manner. (Dan7:25; Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3, Rev12:6,14, Rev13:5) Those independent prophecies just so happened to manifest in the same year, as marked by ministerial events and the resistance to that ministry in a globally unique period which resulted in a global government developmental first step. By the use of the first world war cycle to utilize this first used formula to eventually resolve to highlight the “we need world peace” claims of the world government designate League of Nations also unique emergence in the same period, we have a totally unique and significant period in world history that set the “world-war-to-world-government statement” theme for the following century plus, as WW2 cycle (1939-1945) and the Cold WW3 cycle (1947-1990) also used the exact same formula.

Another “Seven Times” to Manifest as 2 Witnesses X 1260 Days = 2520 Days

Yet Revelation 1260 days, eventually having to occur twice in “two witnessings”, of the past and the future, (2 Witnessings) X (1260 days), = 2520 days, is a new “seven times” of verification. This “seven times” is in 2520 days, that also began in 1914, with that initial 1260 day timing beginning December 1914, as that period ran in 1914-1918 in its initial “3.5 times” full course as 1260 days, 42 months—half of the seven times, in a hanging and incomplete divine number. There is no prophecy that God foretold, that uses an incomplete hanging number as the completion of the matter, there are no “.5s” in God’s timing, except for both halves of a progressively complete prophecy. Now, on the other hand, “seven” times, a full “seven”,  is a well known spiritually and prophetically complete number.

That is why there are “two witnesses”, and why Revelation’s applicable prophecies have two cycles—past and future.

It will also witness to the fact and Biblical legality of the fullness of the purpose of the Kingdom of God, to be fully exercised on earth through the yet to complete Messianic Kingdom, while meeting that requirement in the full “seven times” fully unfolding.

(2 Corinthians 13:1) “At the mouth of two witnesses or of three every matter must be established.”

The original initial “time, times and half a time” of 1914-1918’s 1260 days of the “first witnessing” is only “3.5 times”, a noticeably “hanging” and divinely incomplete number. It must also be completed as “seven times” as 2520 days and that completion is in the future, and that is all the related “holy city” “trampling” there will ever be. (Rev11:2; Luke 21:24)

Thus Revelation’s applicable prophecy has two fulfillments, one for each witnessing cycle of the “two witnesses” as all of Revelation 8-11 replicates in the future, en route to the completion of all the sovereign entities already identified.

That is why this Revelation 11:2-3 prophecy will occur twice to complete that final “seven times” of divinely permitted “trampling” in the repeating process of Revelation 11:1-7’s final fulfillment:

(Revelation 11:2) But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

1914-1918 merely firmly established the initial warning and preview meanings in full, regardless what the opposing system and doubters may say, as actually aided by apostate Bethel. There is thus a final “seven times” of the final divine permission of rival rulership and “trampling” of the “holy city” of anointed Christian “Jerusalem”, already half completed.

The clarification for the completion coming, is “God’s Kingdom” (1914 event) proclamation is to then be followed by the Messianic Kingdom (Future) agency proclamation (Dan2:31-45) required to mature from “birth” (1914; Rev12:1-10), to full power completion as well (Rev14:1; Rev7; Rev11:15).  And that Kingdom, the Messianic Kingdom, will also get a warning prelude proclamation (Rev10:11) prior to completion, hence the “second witnessing”, and its Kingdom theme, of the overall “two witnesses”.

That Messianic Kingdom proclamation and its following completion will manifest over this final cycle as both diametric sovereign systems, the 8th King World Government and the Messianic Kingdom, will both be completing concurrently, and will arrive at Armageddon in fully warned manner during that final trajectory of global development and prophecy, again. (Rev10:11)

THAT Messianic “Kingdom of the World” is the divine entity which is purposed by God to directly rule planet Earth (Rev21-22; Ps2; Ps110; Luke22:28-30; Rev5:10; Rev11:15-19; Dan2:31-45), which coming completion drive, and its required Messianic Kingdom completion, is still required.

The “God’s Kingdom” events were not the end of the development, but its beginning, in 1914-1919 and after.

And thus Daniel 4 is a stand alone prophecy not linked to these other supporting prophecies as all together they all support the same time period by separate methods, with the same sovereign theme and its limited time announcement.

Thus by all the “1914 is a delusion” controversy, and the Bethel total spiritual and prophetic stall, the primary logic is now being totally bypassed, as Bethel will not lift so much as one finger to make these required clarifications. Hence why the “second witnessing”, for that Messianic Kingdom proclamation of the future, will.

And Apostate Bethel does this, so as to drift Jehovah’s witnesses to that premature “the end” expectation (2Thess2:1-2), way too soon of prophetic and global developmental reality, while stumbling millions by retained key errors. In reality BOTH the 8th King “world government” and the Messianic Kingdom must totally complete, and that at the same approximate time deep in the final cycle coming up. Thus after Bethel’s apostate obstacle is removed in the temple judgment, en route not to “the end”, but to 8th King World Government, the final “good news” Kingdom proclamation will emerge. (Rev10:11)

And that global sovereign trajectory of the required completion of those two diametric sovereign powers focused on ruling the world, is what arrives at the Armageddon Sovereign Arena of the global sovereign confrontation of all time, to forever settle this dispute as to who it is that will rule planet Earth forever , to certainly manifest when BOTH of these final sovereign entities are in 100% complete form.

Of course, the opposing system will attempt to discredit the original proclamation message—that is a no brainer, the doubts prove nothing, but further affirm, the sovereign truth of the matter. And they will also resist the final warning as well—it merely affirms the enemy sovereign system did get the gist of the first divine public message and that this is all very real. But in case they forgot, a second warning, the final one, will also be given to the new new world generation of globalist contenders for the global crown.

It all just makes the book’s Armageddon plot, as good and as real as the movie’s real-world build up, coming out in time, as worldwide reality.

The “1914 delusion” is the real delusion, now adversely affecting global awareness of this limited time reality.

(Jehovah’s witnesses are merely stalled by the Bethel purposeful ignorance of this requirement, as Bethel instead aligned with the UN Secretariat by way of the United Nations Department of Public Information as a United Nations Non-Governmental Agency affiliate partner organization or “UN NGO” co-promoter of the New World Order centered 3rd United Nations presentation. (Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”)

Now the one Christian “system of worship” on Earth, best situated to understand the 1914 preview truth, is that of Jehovah’s witnesses. But, at the same time, they are in the Bethel Dungeons of Darkness (Rev8:12), and are also the most spiritually misled of those who can come to see the final cycle certainty based on that initial preview cycle of Revelation.

Thus first, something has to “liberate” Jehovah’s witnesses from the Apostate “Bethel the Great” “Babylon the Great” annex system, as a warning foregleam of the Babylon the Great and global judgment, to manifest first, right there on apostate Bethel, for that very reason. (Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5 (final fulfillment cycle)) Apostate Bethel is in God’s Bull’s-eye—and that divine “Bullseye” of the temple judgment is not “a large, round, hard peppermint-flavored candy”.

Bethel’s Modern Jehovah’s Witness Subversion

1. That Bethel “holy covenant” defection (Dan11:30b-32a), for a “UN Covenant” (UN NGO; 1991-2001), is of course far far more significant than those apostates, impostors, misled and liars at Bethel rationalize it as (Rev2:2; Dan8:12b), for derailed Jehovah’s witnesses to also accept it. Jehovah’s witnesses are who do not know they are derailed but good (Dan8:12), and that it is all already in the final cycle precursor prophecy.

2. The UN NGO apostasy signal and defection event is so significant it is also in the prophecy with the co-development of the modern Bethel apostasy with that very “transgression causing desolation” link to the UN counter-kingdom “disgusting thing causing desolation”. (Dan8:13; Matt24:15)

In any event, what Jehovah’s witnesses have done since 1914, is set the main global cyclic pattern in prophecy and the global cycle principle it forecasts, which also forecasts very real future events as the applicable portions of Revelation repeat in the final global cycle, as also the final fulfillment cycle of the final prophetic total manifestation also runs again, in climax form, in the future. (Rev8-11; Rev15-16; Rev14; Rev19)

Jehovah’s witnesses have also made known the true sovereign “appointed times of the nations” divine expiration reality and the earthly sovereignty issue it focuses on, and the dual sovereign entities to keep tracking in prophecy continuously, in God’s Kingdom further developments, and in the UN world government designate nucleus “image” further developments, as they also mature side by side to total completions, and then to Armageddon culmination over time, all in the same prophetic “seven trumpet” and “seven plague” framework—repeating in final form with the final cycle.

Of course modern UN NGO Bethel says nothing about the modern continuum of UN developments since 1990. Instead they partnered with the UN as UN NGO global “new world order” initiative global co-promoters.

In addition, stalled Bethel has also not made a modern clarification update of the sovereign difference between God’s Kingdom total sovereign purpose, and the Messianic Kingdom specific sovereign purpose, to rule earth. The Messianic Kingdom is the direct sovereign agency fulfilling the Davidic Kingdom Covenant (2Sam7:11-16) to do exactly that in the future, along the same continuum to “God’s will done on Earth” (Matt6:10) as both Kingdoms meet their complete purpose in unison (1Cor15:24-28), as the Satanic and earthly rival UN-centered-kingdom also matures to the foretold complete and total “8th King” “Scarlet Wildbeast” ‘World Government‘, all at the same approximate time during the final cycle.

But the Messianic Kingdom specialized sovereign agency is the one that completes in the future, also along the trajectory of that final prophetic cycle, to begin God’s full “will done on Earth”, not the UN “8th King” impotent counterfeit system.

(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.”

(Revelation 22:1-5) And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations. 3 And no more will there be any curse. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in [the city], and his slaves will render him sacred service; 4 and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight nor [do they have] sunlight, because Jehovah God will shed light upon them, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.

All modern Bethel is doing is the same as the rival and world system, undermining the truth while ignoring reality so Jehovah’s witnesses also ignore the true position in prophecy we are actually at: Bethel’s apostasy, covering up the 1990 3rd UN event while subverting Jehovah’s witnesses (Dan812), as part of the rival system development continuum, heading to the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses signal event to kick off this final cycle.

Now modern Bethel reproach also aids the discrediting campaign of the 1914-1919 first sovereign cycle and its basic sovereign warning. Rather than recall the basic sovereign warning “God’s Kingdom 1.0 Proclamation” “Little Scroll 1.0” message of 1914-1919 and after, people focus on the “1914” “delusion” delusion. The whole initial God’s Kingdom 1.0 sovereign basics, that lead to the Messianic Kingdom 2.0 portion which is also required to yet complete, and is now coming in, merely born in 1914, but also requiring a total Christ Coronation 2.0 completion as “King of kings” (Rev19:11-21), has been fully diverted among Jehovah’s witnesses.

That diversion and stumbling campaign is actually aided by modern Bethel hypocrisy, sins and reproach. (Dan8:12; Dan11:32-35,41) The Bethel UN NGO and mass global public reproach and scandals seen by millions globally, encourages people to now also doubt the whole anointed Christian ministry since 1914. Thus the final Kingdom proclamation is the Messianic Kingdom 2.0 Global Proclamation of the “Two Witnesses” witnessing 2.0, of the “Little Scroll 2.0” for the fulfillment of Revelation 2.0.

Of course the rival “8th King” system, and their “7th King” puppet are going to undermine the 1914 based divine sovereign truth of their global eviction as rival sovereigns “under construction” in full public view since 1919! It’s a no brainer! Yet it does not all of a sudden make all prophecy invalid as if because Bethel has defected, God and Christ have abandoned their purpose, nor does it negate that initial true divine warning! That is why we are still talking about it, in spite of the discrediting effort Bethel actually aids.

(Romans 3:4) But let God be found true, though every man be found a liar…

Just because Bethel has gone foretold apostate does not mean everything else is all fine and dandy now, by virtue of their epic failure. (Dan11:30-35)

The First Cycle is the Sovereign Plot of the Final Cycle Completing

Regardless of all this Bethel aided diversion, it is the same sovereign theme for the final cycle. It is now just time for the global reality to be arrived at upon the unique temple judgment timing (Dan8:14 1150-2300 days), leading to the final warning 1260 day timing (Rev11:2-3), to unfold before World Government completes in the 1290 day timing (Dan12:11)—the same period of the cessation of the “second witnessing” under world government, and then the Christ arrival it will trigger.

That all unfolds to the Christ arrival upon the first six global trumpets of the temple judgment (Rev8; 1-4) and its guaranteed recovery (Rev9; 5-6) into that final warning commission (Rev10-11:1-7) of the same “little scroll” sovereign theme as was present in the “first witnessing”, now revisited “again” (Rev10:11) for the final “second witnessing” prior to the Christ arrival of Revelation 11:11-12, to go forth globally, “again”, as the totally final ministry, the “second Kingdom witnessing” of the “two witnesses”:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy AGAIN with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

The Revelation 10:5-11″good news”  import, truly “brought to a finish”:

(Revelation 10:6-7) “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

Good News of the Sacred Secret Completes Before Christ Arrives

1. Now because the “New Covenant” “seed” in Christ is now present (Gen3:14-17; Heb2:14-16), who also inherits all the Abrahamic (Gen12:3, 22:15-18) and Davidic covenant (2Sam7:12-13) benefits in the Mosaic covenant (Ex19:5-6) purpose completed in Christ, it must be fully summarized prior to Christ’s arrival: “in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet”.

2. Christ was rewarded all the covenantal authority and benefits, which he captured in perfect absolute moral integrity to God’s law, sealed in the anointing of God and his perfect human sacrifice to empower the New Covenant (Luke22:19-20) which empowered Christ’s Kingdom covenant (Luke22:28-30). And now because that Christ “seed” is who is now arriving into the Messianic Kingdom also coming into required covenantal completion (Rev6:12-17; Rev7; Rev14:1-8), the “good news” of all that prophecy is truly being “brought to a finish” in total completion of the whole prophecy and its open salvation summary to manifest first.

3. Now as God covenanted with Christ (Gen3:15; Luke22:28-30) “for a Kingdom”, now that earthly sovereign agency of that very Kingdom of God, the “Messianic” “Kingdom of the World” (Rev11:15-19), is being empowered by God’s Kingdom whose anointed agent King, Christ, was already empowered since 1914, in God’s Kingdom, to oversee this Messianic Kingdom completion drive of everything after 1914 (Rev4-6:1-2; Rev12:1-12), as the whole Kingdom authority of BOTH Kingdoms as one, comes to that arrival.

(Matthew 6:9-10) “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

And thus Christ “hands over” God’s Kingdom of 1914 Christ coronation significance, after the 1000 Year Reign has accomplished everything God willed and purposed by this arrangement in the Messianic Kingdom of Christ, his forever as he alone is immortal “Son of David”, and he alone is “last Adam”.

Christ “hands over” God’s Kingdom, not the Messianic Kingdom subservient agency:

(1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet. 26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 27 For [God] “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.

Because only Christ can be “Son of David” (Ps2, Ps 110) and “Last Adam” (1Cor15:45), thus he must forever retain his “Messianic Kingdom”, subservient to God’s Kingdom.

God’s Kingdom does God’s will in heaven, the Messianic Kingdom will do God’s will on the earth, to fully fulfill the promises of every covenant God has ever made. Thus the “the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish”.

The Messianic Kingdom completion “secret” withheld from Jehovah’s witnesses for a time, for example, is what now unfolds in total explanation with that “second witnessing”, before Christ arrives, thus before world government completes as a final warning, open salvation invitation and Global Sovereign Ultimatum to all people. And to those the final “two witnesses” cannot reach “until the Son of man arrives” (Matt10:23), Christ personally extends the offer in Revelation 14 and Revelation 19 post Christ arrival sequences with open salvation as the first goal.

8th King World government complete, functional (Dan11:45, Rev17:8-18) and stated (1Thess5:1-3; Dan12:11), triggers Christ’s arrival, not before, but AFTER it completes. That takes several more years.

THAT is why the final warning will go forth, in time. It is not “all done”.

Because Bethel will not divulge that SIMPLE SUMMARY, they are removed first in the process. Bethel is removed first, because Christendom goes down under world government (Rev17:15-18), their global scale is too enormous to be concentrated on at this time. Bethel is the perfect place for a prophetic proportions judgment to occur, and that first and soon. (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5; Rev8:3-5)

Of course God is going to give full updated warning prior to world government completion of the future, which triggers the God and Christ arrival! That’s the whole point of “The Revelation” is it not?!

(Revelation 1:1) A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.

(Revelation 1:7-8) Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says Jehovah God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.”

That all being the case, in prophetic and UN purpose logic Jehovah’s witnesses themselves originally made known, merely requiring the “wrap up” concluding summary, is why Bethel has to go down first as the epicenter of the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses—the Divine Volcano of Bethel and its “smoke ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace” to be seen globally. (The Rev9 “abyss” “smoke” is that judgment coming)

The original Jehovah’s Witness truth was so strong, it is the cloaking and propelling means by which apostate Bethel is camouflaged, just acting like the next step is merely “the end of the world brothers!”, to continue to derail and bypass Jehovah’s witnesses past the truth that more is required. (Rev10:11) The power of the original Jehovah’s Witness truth is why it is imbibed so deeply by Jehovah’s witnesses, and is so effective for the subversion purpose as well, as Bethel slips in their subversive toxins with that original truth vehicle. (Rev8:10-11) Thus the Bethel apostasy is using the truth against the truth, while squarely manifesting major prophetic apostasy signals, all at the same time.

By understanding the sovereign theme and plot of the first cycle (1914-1919), Jehovah’s witnesses already understand the final cycle, they just do not know they already understand it. This is because Jehovah’s witnesses have never been told of the “second witness” to complete the “two witnesses, in the proper progression and final summarizing of everything. (Rev10:5-11) Bethel has instead been thoroughly covering up that reality since 1990, with that concealed 3rd United Nations presentation fulfilling prophecy (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23), and Bethel’s simultaneous UN NGO apostate signal manifestation in full publicly known UN NGO league with the UN 8th King designate system. (Dan8:11-14; Dan11:30-35,41)

(Isaiah 43:18-19) 18 “Do not remember the first things (1914-1919), and to the former things do not turn your consideration. 19 Look! I am doing something new. Now it will spring up. you people will know it, will you not?

The Temple Judgment Upon Apostate, Subverted and Befouled Modern Bethel and their Grand-Standing So-called “Governing Body”… of the Final Apostasy

Do not be fooled (Rev2:2), modern Bethel is in terminal matured foretold signal apostasy that co-developed with that 3rd UN presentation cover up and the Bethel UN NGO as further proof. (Dan11:30-35; Dan8:11-14; 2Thss2:1-12; Zech3:1-3; Isa1-12)

By such a brilliantly effective bypass now present at apostatized Bethel, as just part of their transgressions and subversion “operation of error” (2Thess2:3-4), the “temple inspection” principle on Bethel’s apostatized ministry would now be in a terminally “befouled” state and under the temple judgment indictment (Zech3:1-3), for eventual purification required (Zech3:4-5) now present at “befouled” and “wrong condition” Bethel. (Dan8:14)

This is that modern temple inspection parallel, to result in the indictment and the eventual purification in the temple judgment. (Dan8:13-14, Rev8):

(Zechariah 3:1-4) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?” 3 Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel. 4 Then he answered and said to those standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.”

The initializing “house of God” Temple Judgment (1Pet4:17) event and signal is what actually starts the “tribulation of those days” final cycle. That final temple judgment cycle is coming on the apostate Bethel visible system (Dan11:41), as the temple judgment “earthquake” epicenter (Rev8:3-5), for the UN NGO sins (Dan8:13-14), and other major transgressions (Zech3:1-3) now “befouling” the Jehovah’s Witness ministry. It gives a high profile “epicenter” of an otherwise invisible Christian judgment now located since 1919 in this known claimant anointed Christian “field”. (Matt13:36-42) It results in a far broader final appeal.

In the meantime, the visible Bethel global system will provide a globally seen focal point of this anointed Christian actual judgment (which cannot be “seen”), allowing the temple judgment prophecy (Dan8:13-14) to be fully explained aided by the coming massive visible anti-Bethel events (Dan11:41), as the “evening” darkened period arrives at its final enlightenment “morning” period. (Matt25:1-13)

And that will come forth in a context of climaxing apostate Bethel global-notoriety (2Pet2:1-3) and the strange WTBTS anomalies and mixed signals, now compounding and going into overdrive in the “JW Organization” as many have seen since 2012 in marked manner. (Public self glorification of the Governing Body (2Thess2:1-4) along with these massive liquidations, strange re-organization, corporate branding and packaging, commercialized money milking, pedophile cover ups and inquiries, and other things that can form from these investigation into racketeering and money laundering. At the same time the true and final anti-temple, anti-JW-org, and anti-Jehovah’s Witness ministry real objective is to be met.)

As God allows and requires Bethel’s massive accounting, as the whole ministry “was gradually given over” (Dan8:12) to progressive subversion under post 1944 progressive illegal “governing body” authority in the ministry, in time the true reason for Bethel’s “trampling” will become known as the temple judgment unwinds fully. (Dan8:13-14)

From the 1944 first mentioning of the “governing body” term, it did not take long for that to become the “Governing Body” capitalized “lifted up” title in 1971, to the “board of directors” assuming that title as the Bethel Dictators of 1976, and on into the UN covenant as UN NGO in the 1990s, and now just continuing that smoke screen in a spiritual circus-like Bethel “house of smoke and mirrors”—all an illegal “wrong condition” “temple” authority (Zech3:1-3) with a well covering gradually implemented delusional cover. The main Bethel delusion, that of premature “the end” (2Thess2:1-2) distracts Jehovah’s witnesses now, and provides a nice hoax when the temple judgment “trampling context activates.

The Progression of the Final Apostasy in Prophecy

General Apostasy

Of course all the prophets of Israel cover the apostasy of Israel whose general nature repeated in the Christendom apostasy, which also repeats the same principles in the Bethel apostasy. For example the Israel era apostasy is covered in Isaiah, Hosea, Amos and Micah in details of the first judgment of God under the Assyrians. Then there is the Jerusalem era apostasy a century later in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which resulted in the judgment of God by the Babylonians.

The Bible covers many very general to slightly more specific to completely specific apostasy details in prophecy and in parables and general teachings of the apostles. (Matt13:25, Matt13:38-39, 2John7, 1Tim4:1, 2Tim2:18, 2Tim4:3, 2Pet2:1-3, 1John2:18, Jude10-13)

More Specific Apostasy

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 gives more contextual detail of the central apostasy symbol in the “man of lawlessness”, “son of destruction” and his “mystery of lawlessness” that must develop in “the Temple of the God”, not within some already apostatized spiritual location as modern Bethel apostates claim, while their own apostasy has gone to terminal proportions.

That is how we know the “man of lawlessness” like his “son of destruction” Judas father meaning (John17:12), is an apostate betrayer development (Dan11:30-32a; Zech11), much like that now based upon the 1944-1976 Knorr/Franz leadership backstabbing Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses—but it is going to get worse in time. (Zech11; Dan11:41; Dan8:13; Rev8:3-5). The Governing Body Experiment was not pleasing to God, and that is why the lights went out after that time, and 1969 was the peak growth and spiritual insight period of Jehovah’s witnesses.

Zechariah 3:1-10 gives apostasy details in the “befouling” condition it produces (Zech3:1-3), and the structured outline of the temple judgment it triggers for purification (Zech3:2,4-5) and what that purification and “log” “snatched from the fire” leads to in the final commission (Zech3:6-7) and its subject matter (Zech3:8-9). Zechariah 3 gives temple inspection details (Zech3:1-3) and the apostasy ultimately being guided guided by Satan to resist the “good news”. (Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:9) Zechariah 3 therefore has Zechariah 4 parallels in that final commission and final announcement notification whose parallel is in Revelation 10-11, and its final fulfillment cycle.

And the Bible gives the background that imposters and “certain men have slipped in” to result in the misleading of many people.

(Jude 4) My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment

(2 Timothy 3:13) But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.

But Daniel 8 and 11 give specific contextual details not found in the other apostasy prophecies which give the principles to look for in all the apostasies. Daniel 8 and 11 give the principles and details to look for in the Bethel apostasy and its 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation cover up and UN NGO “alternative covenant” of partnered affiliation with the “wildbeast”. (Matt24:15)

Daniel 8 and 11 Bethel Apostasy in Very Specific Details

Daniel 11:41 and Daniel 8:11 Overviews

Though Bethel is infiltrated as per Daniel 8:12 and Daniel 11:30b-32a, it is getting very obvious this Daniel 11:41 prophecy has yet to fulfill in final blatant form upon Bethel as their infiltration matures to its final coup phase on the JW organization. (Zech11: Zech13:7)

Daniel 11:41 is the real Daniel 11 location in the final progression to world government as this judgment activates upon their apostate locale for global visibility. Daniel 11:41 prophecy (not Daniel 11:44 as Bethel claims) must climax next under the King North globalists guiding the apostasy (Dan11:32a) and coming Bethel global sacking, to form the Daniel 8:13 JW organization global “trampling” context of events:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (internally infiltrates, then externally invades the Bethel ministry as Dan8:13 anti-JW org context), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel, but will climax into ministerial JW-org coup; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal now and later. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

Now we see, even now, the Bethel lawless infiltration of Daniel 11:32a, fully recognizable in hindsight of the UN NGO since 1990, is stumbling millions of people as per Daniel 11:41. But they are already Daniel 11:41 “entered” at Bethel fulfilling the prelude condition by this prophecy meaning:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

But when Bethel goes into this final round of “invasion” “enter into the land of Decoration” the intrigues of that time and after, the eventual failure of their premature forecast, will stumble even more people. Now although Daniel 8:11-12 is also active in the apostate Bethel infiltration parallel with Daniel 11 applicable prophecy, this is present in spiritual profanation:

(Daniel 8:11) And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away (by UN NGO profanation resulting in spiritual rejection by God), and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization) of his sanctuary was thrown down. (in spiritual rejection as now, first)

But that, too, must go into a globally seen culmination of the Jehovah’s Witness organization “established place” coup to parallel Daniel 11:41, and the official cancellation of the now profaned anointed Christian “constant feature” as spoken of in that Watchtower 7/15 2015 “Your Deliverance is Getting Near” article with a new “hard hitting judgment” message send off, to cap off the Jehovah’s Witness cancelled ministry:

*** Watchtower 2015 07/15 pg. 16, par. 9

This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matthew 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end.

.And so Bethel can use these premature expectations in among Jehovah’s witnesses, to conceal the true reason and meaning of their coming “trampling” in a distracting global context also sure to intensify with the Bethel sacking process of Daniel 8:13. And so such an event, and or a Bethel JW org coup event, will begin the Daniel 8:13-14 timing in its first three year phase of “the evening” desolation, the modern Jehovah’s Witness centered “sign of Jonah”.

However, that “hard-hitting judgment message” and possible “declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end” will fail as Jehovah’s witnesses instead eventually become a global laughing stock as the apostasy prophecy actually culminates and manifests to the temple judgment first (1Pet4:17), as God’s “hard-hitting judgment message” is actually to come upon apostate Bethel first, as their apostasy is what “comes to its complete end” instead. (Rev8:7-12)

Daniel 8:12-14

Now the proof of the Bethel apostasy is also contained in the way in which they have now hi-jacked prophecy, and disarranged and misapplied it to provide a final hoax setup for Jehovah’s witnesses—a very useful exit strategy is now well in place by this mature override. Bethel has stalled and re-engineered their “prophetic theology” to fit another agenda and to prepare their downfall cover story with that “the end of the world” hyped-up Jehovah’s Witness smokescreen. In reality it is “the end” of the Bethel apostasy, not the world system, and its modern Governing Body “Reign of Error” (2Thess2:1-2,11-12; Dan8:13-14)

But the gradual nature of this progressive apostasy and cover up is in the Daniel 8:12 prophecy in short order but applicable to the modern Bethel state main features—a successful transgression complex, aiding subversion with a concealing of the truth of the whole:

(Daniel 8:12) And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with disinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is actually active for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation from Bethel), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” parallel completely successful unlike anything World War 2 produced in ultimate failure when compared to this 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the Governing Body and installed Bethel agents); 

Now as shown in Daniel 11:32a, and this Daniel 8:12 “small horn” globalist system root of King North, Bethel is working in unison as guided by the opposing King North/8th King world power developers, situated within Bethel’s leadership and top administrations, as shown in prophecy and UN NGO evidence.

Now Jehovah’s witnesses stagnated prophetic outlook, subverted by Bethel purposeful error, can also then use the Babylon the Great false impression of a “great tribulation starting in the judgment of God on Babylon the Great”, to be expected by Jehovah’s witnesses next on Babylon the Great. Yet another diversion from reality.

But it is all actually well premature of reality to eventually fully hoax Jehovah’s witnesses, and that delusion can now be the false impression among Jehovah’s witnesses that is used to conceal the context of the WTBTS corporate “trampling” intrigues coming upon the actually apostate Bethel visible epicenter of the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses at global scale (Rev8:3-5)—which judgment actually must come first (1Pet4:17) on Bethel, for required eventual cleansing and ministerial recovery, as the temple judgment is what triggers the “tribulation of those days” spiritual signal context (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41). not an attack on Babylon the Great.

Daniel 8:13-14 Timed Temple Judgment Events

In reality apostate Bethel is now in the “befouled” “wrong condition” (Zech3:1-3) and this timed, phased and future verifiable temple judgment prophecy will come as the 1 Peter 4:17 “judgment starts with the house of God” priority next:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning); 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

And that prophecy is timed and phased for future verification to come upon the bewildered Jehovah’s witnesses of that time, for recovery purposes of the final warning.

As we know Bethel uses the prophecy of a real Babylon the Great eventual judgment, but merely extracts it from its context, continues to apply it too soon with no global evidence whatsoever to back their claims, and no furtherance of Jehovah’s Witness progress in understanding, to enable the modern Jehovah’s Witness hypnosis and delusion feature which relies heavily on this now merely assumed “Babylon the Great destruction next” expectation to start of the supposed trajectory to “the end”. It is an “Armageddon Hoax”.

In reality it is the 7th King required downfall period that must transpire before the final rise of 8th King world government—Bethel wants to sell that severe global crisis as if “the end”; but it recovers into world government as per Revelation 13:3 final cycle application. (Also see here, here, and here)

King North Guided and Controlled Modern Bethel Apostate “Man of Lawlessness”

Daniel 11:32

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively. (after the temple judgment ends this modern apostasy)

Thus the apostate and UN NGO Bethel goal is to continue to be “set in opposition” (2Thess2:3-4) to the final truth of prophecy to undermine the Jehovah’s Witness ministry now, and to fully depose it also prematurely later aiding King North globalists from within Bethel, internally.

(Daniel 11:32a) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Which is the final apostasy parallel signal of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, now present at apostate Bethel, which is what will be judged and exposed in the coming temple judgment now for obvious reasons of brazen and rampant apostasy among Jehovah’s witnesses centered in the leadership, as foretold.

(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed…

…As the Bethel apostasy must be judged, accounted and exposed well before the real “the end”.

That Jehovah’s Witness “constant feature” cessation, that God requires and permits  (1Pet4:17; Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5; Rev8:3-5), due to these Bethel based ministerial subversions and profanations, is premature in that its cessation is by intrigue (Dan8:11; Dan11:30-31a), that yes, is permitted by God (2Thess2:11-12), but it is not in reality the divine purpose to end the ministry at this time, as if it is the “end of the world”. Instead the purpose is a recovery amidst a great global signal of the final cycle beginning.

As we will see Bethel promotes the premature “end of the world” because that greatly paralyzes and over excites the Jehovah’s Witness mind to aid their subversion “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here” (2Thess2:1-2) way way TOO SOON!

Fully Catching Sight of the Bethel “Disgusting Thing”—The Bethel Neo-Romans and Their UN NGO “Disgusting Thing” Whole

Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 9:26 and Daniel 11:30-35

And thus we have all the principles in the modern Bethel apostasy which Daniel 8 and 11 give specific details regarding, and the 1990 3rd UN timeframe with which it starts to fully manifest in, with that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” red flag signal discovered from the global press in hindsight, after it was way too late.

But to those paying attention, we just “caught sight” of the UN NGO “disgusting thing” as linked to Daniel 11:30-31b developments with apostate Bethel that resulted in that doomed UN NGO partnership:

(Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” as parallel of Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”), standing in a holy place (in the JW “constant feature” ministry as UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

Now true, in reference to the first Daniel “disgusting thing” prophecy, Bethel’s idolatrous Governing Body is illegally “standing in a holy place” and “lifting themselves over everyone” as “seated” in “the temple of the God”, to fulfill this Roman system parallel as a “neo-Roman” “King North” of our day “leading into apostasy” within the Bethel apostate empowered also impostor GB Bethel control center:

(Daniel 9:24,26-27) “There are seventy weeks that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies… 26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. “And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood. And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations. 27 “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. “And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate.”

And as we see “King North”, that modern “Roman”, is who also lads the Jehovah’s Witness apostasy:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North, our modern “Romans”) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “kept throwing truth to the earth” as led by the opposing power of our time, King North from the “small horn” context of the Anglo-American globalist system “King Fierce in Countenance” maturation);

But what led to Daniel 11:32-35?

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

What led to Daniel 11:32 was the events of Daniel 11:30-31 and the 1990 3rd United Nations presentation now covered up by apostate Bethel. That is the specific “disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet” terminology of Christ referring to Daniel 11:31b in the 3rd UN presentation of 1990 and that UN NGO Bethel covenant with the wildbeast.

And that specific and modern development is the modern “disgusting thing” and its UN NGO endorsement of Bethel that we are to “catch sight” of now, not just the modern “Roman” connected “King North” who has also “entered” “into the land of the Decoration” to effect the Daniel 8:12 conditions inside of Jehovah’s witnesses. Now we have the whole “disgusting thing” at Bethel, the UN NGO and also including its backers from King North inside of Bethel.

And thus we have BOTH the modern Roman King North “in the temple” to give the whole meaning of the modern “man of lawlessness” now at Bethel who has also adjoined the Jehovah’s Witness ministry to the “scarlet wildbeast” system as a UN NGO. Hence Bethel displays their father’s character:

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things.

(2 Thessalonians 2:4) He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

Now to mark this period, we also have the unique Cold War constructive global war cycle referred to prior to these 3rd UN events that manifested after that unique Cold War cycle and marker:

(Daniel 11:29) “At the time appointed he will go back, and he will actually come against the south; but it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first.

And as the Bethel apostasy was “gradually give over” to the 8th King King North agenda fully within Jehovah’s witnesses, the “because of transgression” lawlessness progressively developed in the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, means God’s blessing and spirit are minimized, which allowed the corruption to get stronger over time to the point of today’s terminal Bethel outlaw condition.

Thus the Bethel internal intrigues against real anointed Christians, lawless polices against all Christians and people of earth, UN covenant and lobbies scandals, and global reproach on Jehovah’s witnesses and the ministry, have created a well documented 40 years of Governing Body led temple mayhem. Like ever so slowly boiling a poor frog, Jehovah’s witnesses are now in hot water and not even aware the boiling point has been reached, because this Bethel corruption process was very gradual.

The King North Governing Body method is to profane the ministry as per Daniel 11:31a “profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant feature”, with mixed in and imbibed like “wormwood” “befouling” and injustices permeating into the whole Jehovah’s Witness ministerial context (Rev8:10-11), its worsening global reputation (Zech3:3; 2Pet2:1-3) and its “1/3” progressive apostasy under the 1976 Governing Body “1/3” tenure of spiritual ruin (Rev8:12; 1976-to-present, approximately 33% of the whole 1914 based Jehovah’s Witness century of ministry).

And all that very elusive and deceptive development, though with astounding anti-Christian activities and effects focused on Bethel lawlessness, is what these Daniel 11:32-35 details are in regard to that “gradually given over” process (Dan8:12), since especially 1976 under the Governing Body Reign of Error.

(Daniel 11:33-35) And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days. 34 But when they are made to stumble they will be helped with a little help; and many (insincere) will certainly join themselves to them by means of (Bethel’s) smoothness. 35 And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of [the] end; because it is yet for the time appointed. (Dan8:14 is when this all ends)

The temple judgment is what forms the final purification.

In the general context, where a withdrawn divine blessing (Hag1; Mal1; Dan8:12; Matt24:11-12) is present in a spiritual environment exacerbated by real crimes, injustice and Jehovah’s Witness hypocrisy, the compounding reproach seen compounds and becomes enormous. This is the case with “slow boiled frog” Bethel, gradually it has become an abomination, while presenting the act that it is still a valid ministry, aided by parroting decades of the work of former anointed Christians who were doing approved work, as the Governing Body took the 1976 controls after everything was accomplished, merely going into reiteration mode.

The modern Governing Body just stretches the harmonization Fred Franz had made after 1969’s spiritual completion works, and gives the impression they are involved with the Jehovah’s Witness past—now well in the past. And as anyone can see there is no leader, there is no real “new light” of any significance, the plane is being flown by committee and it is all just a veneer, just an act, to smoke and mirror the real apostate folly Bethel has become.

It is so bad now at Bethel it is even arousing incensed modern national legal authorities (like that Australian Royal Commission and its “Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse” investigation; more is sure to come.) to take a closer look inside the Bethel “private corporate legal system” and its dungeons. Such an atmosphere of rampant hypocrisy aids the general resistance to the “good news”, for it looks more like “bad news”. (2Pet2:1-3)

(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3 Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. But as for them, the judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering.

And that is true, Bethel’s coming judgment is by no means “slumbering”, the Governing Body has led the place to the point of true spiritual ruination when we admit the real talk is not about the good news, but about the amassed pile of post 1976 Governing Body led sins, controversies over scandal, the UN NGO, and publicly damaging one sided protective policy, designed to keep those rogues in power, policied folly masquerading as if it is scripturally sound. What many national legal authorities are now examining, is the Bethel “private legal system” that overrides the law of the land, for the law of Bethel, to enforce their lawlessness by threat, coercion, banishment and attack on the basic family unit, while allowing child abusers to roam free in the entire Bethel system.

It is what it is, a total distraction and reproach upon the original Jehovah’s Witness message and ministry. A bald faced “ugly baby” of a joke, now matured into the full grown Bethel “man of lawlessness” clergy.

Signal Features of the Final Apostasy Now at Bethel

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 “The End of the World” Delusion

Bethel has the premature end delusion hype as their main covering deception, “as though” from anointed Christian modern “apostles” (Rev2:2), now fully active among Jehovah’s witnesses as per this principle of a key apostasy covering feature of our times:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us (Rev2:2), to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (way too son of reality)

But before Bethel “the end” will come (Matt24:14), the Bethel apostasy and its core lawless head and “body” is what has to be judged, “revealed” and exposed well before their premature “the end” current projection as the modern Jehovah’s Witness diversion:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

Now that in itself means for God to judge and expose Bethel for what it is, it will take time. Daniel 8:13-14 provides that time and the timing. And that is also why Daniel 8:13-14 is phased, timed, and that timing will cover the modern temple judgment and the initial recovery to a “right condition” which will require that exposure to remain approved.

Now the duality of what is to be exposed in apostasy and its “man of lawlessness” is described as the leaders of the apostasy are IN “the temple of the God” anointed Christian environment and its global-ministry, “lifting themselves over everyone” as easily seen in that uppity Governing Body.

BUT it has to be “publicly showing” themselves as “seated” as the Kinged Lords of Bethel as the capital of that modern terminal apostasy. Now as we saw in 2012, in that globally public “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses” recent “lifting themselves over everyone” as the “one and only” beneficiary “faithful and discreet slave”, this stellar lift off “lift up” has gone to the required level of the “publicly showing” themselves in that global apostate spectacle signal.

The Governing Body is now furthered in “lift up” as the one and only “faithful and discreet slave”, totally self approved and deemed worthy, prior to the divine judgment determination, to award themselves the privilege to “receive all the Lord’s belongings”, no chance of an “Evil Slave”, it is all done. Thus that recent GLOBAL SPECTACLE of that 2012 Annual Meeting of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is that “publicly showing themselves” as gods-to-be, in terminal maturation “seated” “in the temple”—it can get no worse in the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it has reached the pinnacle of blasphemy.

And of course, Jehovah’s witnesses have forgotten these things can apply to any apostasy, such as the one at modern Bethel:

(2 Thessalonians 2:5) Do you not remember that, while I was yet with you, I used to tell you these things?

Now we have the following present at Bethel in just five verses of 2 Thessalonians 2:

1. The Bethel “the end” delusion claims fro claimant “apostles”;
2. The Bethel based apostasy “set in opposition”;
3. The Bethel “man of lawlessness” Governing Body led clergy system;
4. The stellar public “lift up” in a pinnacle global spectacle of Governing Body “godship”;
5. Deceived Jehovah’s Witness forgetfulness.

Think that is all just accidental, yet completely in harmony with the still existent first “man of lawlessness” in corporate Christendom’s main sell out corporate religions, as Bethel also endorsed the latest UN presentation as UN NGO? Now the whole “man of lawlessness” global “pod”, has merely received its latest “pea” member at Bethel, as one whole “pea in a pod” of apostasy and organized lawlessness with anointed Christian claims.

The modern restraint of actual Bethel anointed like Charles Russell (1897 board coup), JF Rutherford (quelled 1917 board coup), Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz have been put “out of the way”, one way (1976 Governing Body board coup realized) or another (death), and any anointed Christians in the Bethel locale have also been squelched from any real spiritual input. In time those first two board revolts finally met success in the 1976 Governing Body “board” coup of Bethel’s leadership as its self placed Governing Body Dictators. (Isa1-12)

The general anointed Christian influence and “restraint” is what is now 100% absent at modern apostate Bethel::

(2 Thessalonians 2:6-8) And so now you know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way. (input from former Bethel anointed and its leadership removed) 8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed (fully, after the temple judgment complete), whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. (in the temple judgment purification the “spirit of his mouth” exposure takes place, and the temple purge (Isa66:6) Christ temple manifestation of Malachi 3:1-2 before the total “manifestation” at Armageddon (Rev19:11-21) Christ “visits” the temple first. (Isa66:6; Matt22:1-14, Mat13:36-42, Matt25:1-13; Dan8:14; Mal3:1-5; Zech3:1-5; Rev8:3-5; 1Pet4:17)

(Matthew 21:12-14) And Jesus entered into the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. (Eze7:22) 13 And he said to them: “It is written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a cave of robbers.” (Recovery foregleam:) 14 Also, blind and lame persons came up to him in the temple, and he cured them.

As a sixth detail, as per Zechariah 3:1-3, the “operation of Satan” is involved with the modern Bethel apostasy development by use of “King North” as per Daniel 11:30b-32a, with the same objective:

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents (such as that Bethel premature end delusion and the illegal justification of the Babel GB) 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved.

And the Bethel apostasy also started as an “error” in that initial 1944 Governing Body presumption, then became an “operation of error” in that 1976 Governing Body coup and after, which has now been “gradually given over” to the modern Jehovah’s Witness developed of the full blown “the lie”: total 3rd UN presentation prophecy cover up (Dan8:12b), and total deceptive cover up of the modern Bethel apostate condition, and our real position in modern prophecy, while totally subverting the Jehovah’s Witness ministerial message into a “doomsday” supporting deception:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

And that completes 8 details of modern Bethel apostasy, the “operation of error” maturing to an overall “the lie” of the apostasy now active at Bethel, as a signal apostasy prelude to the temple judgment, fully in action from Bethel’s leadership.

And thus the basis of the temple judgment is now fully set in Jehovah’s witnesses.

But the purpose is that we “all may be judged” for “discreet” and “foolish” outcomes (Matt25:1-13), not a lump sum adverse judgment except on the Bethel apostasy. (Hos1:4-7) The real purpose of the temple judgment is repentance (Rev8), purification leading to the final enlightening clarification, ministerial recovery (Rev9), and then the final Kingdom proclamation warning and open salvation call. (Rev10-11:1-7)

Thus the complete and total modern apostasy picture and reality is present at and inside of modern Bethel and it is adversely affecting Jehovah’s witnesses, and many many others. (2Pet2:1-3)

Open Salvation “For The Many” Truth, Over The Whole “Week” of Final Cycle Conclusion

In effect the Bethel “the lie” is concealing “the truth” of the  final open salvation opportunity of Daniel 9:27 “for the many” globally, by way of their modern “the lie” deception network now matured over Jehovah’s witnesses, and going out to affect the Jehovah’s Witness global audience.

(Matthew 23:13) “Woe to you, [Bethel] scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in.

Thus the “Bethel the Great” downfall occurring first, will open a far broader and more realistic final open salvation call once again. In reality the temple judgment is “good news” that this WHOLE final cycle is of course, open for global salvation to anyone willing to choose God and Christ’s Kingdom over the human 8th King world government “abomination” as that diametric reality arrives over the final 1260 days, yet Christ extends the final open salvation offer for the full 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 (Rev14:1-8) guaranteed.

This open Abrahamic covenant principle from the Christ era has great application to the final open salvation offer. In the Christ fulfillment period it pictured the transition of Israel’s exclusivity being extended for the first “half of the week”, or 3.5 years, to then the gentile nations being included in that Abrahamic covenant in the last “half of the week”, as one full week, or 7 years, .

(Daniel 9:27) “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week (Dan12:7 and 12:11 “one week” period); and at the half of the week (1260 day expiration; Rev11:1-7; Rev13:5-7; Rev12:14) he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. (in the cessation of that final “two witnesses” “second witnessing” warning. Rev11:7 (Dan11:44; Dan8:25); Dan12:7; Dan7:25; Rev13:5-7, as full world government completes.)

The reason this has a final application is those coming under the Kingdom of Christ, will have a final covenant for this period opened up to them as the “great crowd” of the “harvest of the earth” “sheep”. This is because the Revelation 14:1-5 final 144000 completion of Revelation 17:1-8 completes the “Kingdom Covenant” membership in 100% spirit form (Zech2:5), as the “new covenant” has empowered, allowing the earthling “great crowd” completion and the “harvest of the earth” completion as human sheep.

Thus in the “marriage of the lamb” to the complete “bride” also completing at that time, a covenant for the human children of that marriage will be made, as the “Bride of Christ” is to eventually “birth” billions of human beings. In the final fulfillment this “desolate one”, formerly unmarried and a slave of sin in its former human members (Heb2:14-16), is the Bride of Christ bearing the Eternal Father’s (Isa9:6; Ps45:16) children as Last Adamic perfect humans:

(Isaiah 54:1-4) “Cry out joyfully, you barren woman that did not give birth! Become cheerful with a joyful outcry and cry shrilly, you that had no childbirth pains, for the sons of the desolated one are more numerous than the sons of the woman with a husbandly owner,” Jehovah has said. 2 “Make the place of your tent more spacious. And let them stretch out the tent cloths of your grand tabernacle. Do not hold back. Lengthen out your tent cords, and make those tent pins of yours strong. 3 For to the right and to the left you will break forth, and your own offspring will take possession even of nations, and they will inhabit even the desolated cities. 4 Do not be afraid, for you will not be put to shame; and do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disappointed. For you will forget even the shame of your time of youth, and the reproach of your continuous widowhood you will remember no more.”

And this has to have a very real final fulfillment that leads to that final covenant of God with the human children of the “Bride of Christ”:

(Isaiah 55:1-4) Hey there, all you thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price. 2 Why do you people keep paying out money for what is not bread, and why is your toil for what results in no satisfaction? Listen intently to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul find its exquisite delight in fatness itself. 3 Incline your ear and come to me. Listen, and your soul will keep alive, and I shall readily conclude with you people an indefinitely lasting covenant respecting the loving-kindnesses to David that are faithful. 4 Look! As a witness to the national groups I have given him, as a leader and commander to the national groups.

Which has been enabled by the “new covenant” “blood of Christ” (Matt26:28):

(Zechariah 9:11-12) “Also, you, [O woman,] by the blood of your covenant I will send your prisoners out of the pit in which there is no water. 12 “Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of the hope.

Now the “loving kindness to David” is the human symbol that did picture Christ, but in final form it is picturing the human “Kingdom of the World” Christ “son of David” realm for human beings (Rev11:15-19), under Christ, as the “David” symbol continues for humans into the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and the Messianic Kingdom::

(Ezekiel 34:20-31) “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said to them: “Here I am, I myself, and I shall certainly judge between a plump sheep and a lean sheep, 21 for the reason that with flank and with shoulder you kept pushing and with your horns you kept shoving all the sickened ones until you had scattered them to the outside. 22 And I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become something for plunder; and I will judge between a sheep and a sheep. 23 And I will raise up over them one shepherd, and he must feed them, even my servant David. He himself will feed them, and he himself will become their shepherd. 24 And I myself, Jehovah, will become their God, and my servant David a chieftain in the midst of them. I myself, Jehovah, have spoken. 25 “‘“And I will conclude with them a covenant of peace, and I shall certainly cause the injurious wild beast to cease out of the land, and they will actually dwell in the wilderness in security and sleep in the forests.

(Ezekiel 37:24-28) “‘“And my servant David will be king over them, and one shepherd is what they will all come to have; and in my judicial decisions they will walk, and my statutes they will keep, and they will certainly carry them out. 25 And they will actually dwell upon the land that I gave to my servant, to Jacob, in which your forefathers dwelt, and they will actually dwell upon it, they and their sons and their sons’ sons to time indefinite, and David my servant will be their chieftain to time indefinite. 26 “‘“And I will conclude with them a covenant of peace; an indefinitely lasting covenant is what there will come to be with them. And I will place them and multiply them and place my sanctuary in the midst of them to time indefinite. 27 And my tabernacle will actually prove to be over them, and I shall certainly become their God, and they themselves will become my people. 28 And the nations will have to know that I, Jehovah, am sanctifying Israel when my sanctuary comes to be in the midst of them to time indefinite.”’”

Because the “new covenant” enabled “sanctuary” is “in the midst” of these humans in this final covenant of the Messianic Kingdom “tent” coming over all earth and all creation, it is a different covenant, the final one for humans to live forever under.

(Revelation 7:15) That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them.

And in that final Babylon the Great liberation by final downfall, that “and I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become something for plunder” are the “my people” of Revelation 18:4 who will still be stuck in Babylon the Great, but will come into this final covenant:

(Jeremiah 50:1-7) The word that Jehovah spoke concerning Babylon, concerning the land of the Chaldeans, by means of Jeremiah the prophet: 2 “Tell [it] among the nations and publish [it]. And lift up a signal; publish [it]. Hide nothing, O men. Say, ‘Babylon has been captured. Bel has been put to shame… 4 “In those days and at that time,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “the sons of Israel, they and the sons of Judah together, will come. They will walk, weeping as they walk, and for Jehovah their God they will seek. 5 To Zion they will keep asking the way, with their faces in that direction, [saying,] ‘Come and let us join ourselves to Jehovah in an indefinitely lasting covenant that will not be forgotten.’ 6 A flock of perishing creatures my people has become. Their own (BTG) shepherds have caused them to wander about. On the mountains they have led them away. From mountain to hill they have gone. They have forgotten their resting-place. 7 All those finding them have eaten them up, and their own adversaries have said, ‘We shall not become guilty, due to the fact that they have sinned against Jehovah the abiding place of righteousness and the hope of their forefathers, Jehovah.’”

Thus, the Babylon the Great downfall purpose is to save the final batch of God’s “my people”, in those will be imprisoned by religions there until the end:

(Jeremiah 50:8) “Take your flight out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth even out of the land of the Chaldeans, and become like the leading animals before the flock.

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; (in salvation spared ones) and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

(Genesis 7:4) For in just seven days more I am making it rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and I will wipe every existing thing that I have made off the surface of the ground.

And therein a final “week” of salvation is assured as per Daniel 9:27. We can get the implication that many animals began to stream to Noah’s Ark, by divine aid, as a final signal of that world’s end. And those principles are in the Bible to be demonstrated to the full in the final cycle manifestation of every applicable prophetic meaning in truly final form in the future—especially noteworthy upon the Bethel downfall judgment first, for the great signal center for the rest of the prophecy to emerge from those globally seen events.

Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses Signal

Thus God allows the sacking of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry temporarily so temple judgment prophecy can be fulfilled to become an eventual global signal of the precursor of this full blown global cycle to the be activating as the “tribulation of those days”—which leads to more prophecy en route to 7th King downfall then the 8th King world government rise, then the Christ arrival it all will trigger. The temple judgment also allows Jehovah’s witnesses to be woken up. (Matt25:1-13)

VI. The Jehovah’s Witness Hoax Setup Promoted by Modern Apostate Bethel

Keep in mind Bethel apostasy and Jehovah’s witnesses being misled does not negate the prophecies of God, or His long range purpose regarding Christ, the Kingdom of God and the Messianic Kingdom and its certainty. Much of the force behind the Jehovah’s Witness off course progress is ironically aided by that very certain prophecy complex.

The whole prophecy outline will unfold in the guaranteed final fulfillment of everything Jehovah’s witnesses have spoken about, just not in the order Bethel has now arranged to suit another objective. And thus the original truthful validity is what generated the massive momentum of the original Jehovah’s Witness proclaimed truth of prophecy.

That original truth and its well identified global power characters now fully on the global scene, amidst the original divine proclamation of the real Kingdom of God message since the 1914 Jehovah’s Witness renaissance of revival, is what empowers this misleading phase so well among modern Jehovah’s witnesses caught up in this massive wake of valid truth. And this is also what has propelled the Jehovah’s Witness ship in that truth inertia, into modern times, so as to also eventually drift off course with the same force, under the navigation of today’s Governing Body Captains of Mutiny for the King North agenda. So even the apostasy is foretold as the precursor signal of the temple judgment to start the final cycle.

Thus the GB Captains are serving a number of anti-Christian purposes at the same time in the true complexity of the modern “operation of error” now matured to a full blown lie.

For example, the illegal Governing Body ministerial authority from its inception, and its modern terminal maturity and its UN alliances, as well as lawless Bethel policies, is now also reproaching the whole Jehovah’s Witness ministry (2Pet2:1-3) from start to modern times. The reproach of this modern apostasy is what is also aiding the global discrediting attack on the Jehovah’s Witness ministerial credibility now plaguing Jehovah’s witnesses due to, and as aided internally by, Bethel rampant globally seen public spectacle lawlessness. (2Pet2:1-3) Bethel reproaches the modern ministry, to also discredit its original validity, an attack on both ends of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry.

Now Bethel is merely hi-jacking former Jehovah’s Witness truths, and re-arranging and misapplying them for another purpose to aid the modern Jehovah’s Witness premature end delusion and the Bethel downfall psychological cover. Now Bethel can present their own “sacking” in the temple judgment, as if valid prophecy of “the end” is what is fulfilling—but way too soon in reality.

Now aiding the Bethel lawless cover and the concealment of the real prophecy they are fulfilling as the final apostasy, the hi-jacked apostate Bethel prophecy forecast now accomplishes the needed false prophetic applications that will actually aid the Bethel JW organization desolation cycle in several key ways, as in time Jehovah’s witnesses come under, instead, a global enemy designed HOAX.

Bethel can use misapplied prophecy to aid the following anti-ministerial objectives of King North world government developers:

1. Promote the premature end delusion among Jehovah’s witnesses that aids the final cycle “doomsday” global delusion; (2Thess2:1-2)

2. Conceal Bethel judgment with Babylon the Great and “it’s the end of the world” delusional diversions.

3. Cancel the Jehovah’s Witness ministry globally, as if prophetic in the sense of completion and “the end” signal.

4. Mislead and trap Jehovah’s witnesses by misplaced trust and faith in the “organization” and its “Governing Body”. (Dan8:12; Dan11:32a)

5. Bewilder Jehovah’s witnesses as long as possible during Bethel’s “trampling” and in its aftermath; (Dan8:14)

And all of that by misapplied prophecy, applied way too soon:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

Now keep in mind eventually the prophecy will fulfill, but not as soon as, or in the order, apostate Bethel is now promoting.

Bethel False Prophetic Application

1. Promote the premature end delusion among Jehovah’s witnesses that aids the final cycle “doomsday” global delusion; (2Thess2:1-2)

*** Watchtower 2010 7/15 p. 3 What Jehovah’s Day Will Reveal ***

4. What is the “earth,” and how will it be destroyed?

4 The “earth” represents the world of mankind alienated from God. Such a world existed in Noah’s day and, by divine decree, ended with the Flood. “By the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” (2 Pet. 3:7) Whereas the Flood destroyed the ungodly all at one time, the coming destruction will occur in stages during “the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:14) In the first phase of that tribulation, God will move the political rulers of this world to destroy “Babylon the Great,” thus showing his contempt for that religious harlot. (Rev. 17:5, 16; 18:8) Then, in the war of Armageddon, the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah himself will wipe out the rest of Satan’s world.—Rev. 16:14, 16; 19:19-21.

2. Conceal Bethel judgment with Babylon the Great and “it’s the end of the world” delusional diversions.

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 10-11“Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***

4. How will the great tribulation begin?

4 How will the great tribulation begin? With the destruction of all false religion. In the Bible, false religion is called “Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes.” (Revelation 17:5-7) Why is false religion called a prostitute? Because its clergy have been unfaithful to God. Instead of loyally supporting Jesus and his Kingdom, they have supported human governments and ignored Bible teachings in order to have more influence. Their worship is not like the clean worship of the anointed. (2 Corinthians 11:2; James 1:27; Revelation 14:4) But who will destroy Babylon the Great? Jehovah will cause “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast” to “carry out his thought.” The “scarlet-colored wild beast” represents the United Nations, and “the ten horns” represent all the political powers that support it.—Read Revelation 17:3, 16-18.

3. Cancel the Jehovah’s Witness ministry globally, as if prophetic in the sense of completion and “the end” signal.

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 10-11“Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***

7 What will happen after the destruction of false religious organizations?…

9 This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. The Bible likens this message to hailstones when it says: “Great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great.”—Rev. 16:21.

4. Mislead and trap Jehovah’s witnesses by misplaced trust and faith in the “organization” and its “Governing Body”. (Dan8:12; Dan11:32a)

*** Watchtower 2013 11/15 p. 20, par. 17, #3 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today ***

“”Elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered:…

[And sandwiched into the admonishment:]

(3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.

Obviously Bethel is planning to use the org, to herd Jehovah’s witnesses to capture.

And thus that “at that time” is the time for Jehovah’s witnesses to “obey the organization as crazy as it may sound”:

*** Watchtower 2015 7/15 p. 16-17 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! ***


7, 8. What opportunity will present itself after the destruction of false religious organizations, and how will God’s faithful people stand out as different at that time?

7 What will happen after the destruction of false religious organizations? It will be a time to reveal what is really in our heart. The majority of mankind will seek refuge in human organizations that are likened to “the rocks of the mountains.” (Rev. 6:15-17) Figuratively speaking, however, God’s people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides. In the first century, the interval was not a time for a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity. It was a time for action and obedience on the part of those who were already Christians. Similarly, we cannot expect that the future interruption in the great tribulation will result in an influx of new believers. Rather, it will be an opportunity for all true believers to prove their love for Jehovah and give their support to Christ’s brothers.—Matt. 25:34-40.

8 Although we do not fully understand all that will happen during that time of test, we can expect that it will involve some measure of sacrifice. In the first century, Christians had to leave behind their possessions and endure hardships in order to survive. (Mark 13:15-18) To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah? Just think! At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what.—Dan. 6:10, 11.

5. Bewilder Jehovah’s witnesses as long as possible during Bethel’s “trampling” and in its aftermath; (Dan8:14)

Section 3. Revelation and the Final Cycle Completion

VII.1 Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses First, Next

And this is the reason Bethel’s apostate override is what is removed first and next, to allow the final cycle prophecy to be explained without this subverting influence.

In addition to these diversions, Daniel 8 and 11 has also been overridden by maintaining errors of a period that had not yet seen the 3rd United Nations global presentation (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23) (with the USSR dissolution), which is what is contained in those prophecies, as the 3rd (1990) and 4th United Nations (future) events are what has been forming since 1990 (Dan11:31-45; Dan8:23-25), along with this concurrent apostate Bethel co-development also revealed in those same prophecies (Dan11:30-35,41; Dab8:11-14) as they are covered up by Bethel to aid their cover.

Thus the “good news” in all this bad news, is prophecy is actually fulfilling in the apostasy. In addition, in time, the far far broader and accurately truthful final salvation call and message is what will be required to come forth, by virtue of the “set in opposition” reality of the now spiritually defunct, UN allied and diverting, Jehovah’s Witness ministry defection. Now if Jehovah’s witnesses are even now in disapproval, which the whole is (Zech3:1-3), then God cannot hold the world accountable, nor offer full salvation, in the manner described by lawless Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses—instead a final full salvation clarification will be required and it will utilize the apostate Jehovah’s Witness lessons to meet its goal.

There is now way the current Jehovah’s Witness message is a true final warning approvable by God, nor will it all end as soon as Jehovah’s witnesses now believe. (2Thess2:1-2) MORE will be required (Rev10:11), after the sins are accounted and admitted at global scale. No way can God “end the world”, while holding anyone liable to the current Jehovah’s Witness version of  “undeserved kindness”, actually all just Christ dishonoring “obey the organization and the Governing Body” rubbish they now promote, nor apostate Bethel’s brand of “righteousness”, nothing more than global reproach amidst the worship of men and organizational idols. NO WAY!!!

Ironically, that is actually good news!

Instead, we Jehovah’s witnesses will eventually be required to make amends, full admission and disclosure and a full required global apology for the lawless and merciless conduct and stellar hubris of the now adored “Korah” Governing Body “golden calf” rogues, a failed experiment gone horribly awry, which required global confession will open the flood gates of the waters of life opportune reality to EVERYONE comprehending what this correction really means, after Bethel dam breaks. (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41; Matt22:1-14) It means the final open salvation call at global scale offer to anyone! The entire nature of the Bethel apostasy must come out fully, not just the Governing Body clowns who lead this circus at this time, as their “stranger’s voice” of “smooth word” cover-up and apostasy leading (Dan11:32a) will be put to silence “in the temple”. (Isa66:6; 2Thess2:3-4)

If Jehovah’s witnesses think God is accepting that modern Bethel abomination, in the shape it is in today in terminal “evil slave” spiritual drunkenness (Matt24:48-51) run into the gutter by its merciless UN-GB Architects of Hurtfulness and Sheep Abuse, Jehovah’s witnesses better think again—and they will. Much thinking takes place in the Daniel 8:13-14 “evening” and the Revelation 9 “abyss” of the temple judgment accounting phase, as the “sign of Jonah” parallel coming upon modern Jehovah’s witnesses:

(Jonah 2:1-10) Then Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the inward parts of the fish…7 When my soul fainted away within me, Jehovah was the One whom I remembered. Then my prayer came in to you, into your holy temple.  8 As for those who are observing the idols of untruth, they leave their own loving-kindness.  9 But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will pay. Salvation belongs to Jehovah.” 10 In time Jehovah commanded the fish, so that it vomited out Jonah onto the dry land.

(Hosea 2:14-15) “‘Therefore here I am prevailing upon her, and I will cause her to go into the wilderness, and I will speak to her heart. 15 And I will give her her vineyards from then onward, and the low plain of Achor as an entrance to hope; and she will certainly answer there as in the days of her youth and as in the day of her coming up out of the land of Egypt.

(Hosea 6:1-3) “Come, you people, and do let us return to Jehovah, for he himself has torn in pieces but he will heal us. He kept striking, but he will bind us up. 2 He will make us alive after two days. On the third day he will make us get up, and we shall live before him. 3 And we will know, we will pursue to know Jehovah. Like dawn, his going forth is firmly established. And he will come in like a pouring rain to us; like a spring rain that saturates [the] earth.”

(Malachi 3:3-4) And he must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. 4 And the gift offering of Judah and of Jerusalem will actually be gratifying to Jehovah, as in the days of long ago and as in the years of antiquity.

In the meantime, the Governing Body managed and led Jehovah’s Witness apostasy means the current hijacked “truth of salvation” Jehovah’s witnesses are now preaching, and the activity we have now condoned as blessed by Bethel’s Governing Body “Pope”, are not just (Am5:6-7), and that now so-called “kingdom message” is not a truthfully fully complete or fully valid “final warning”, it is “half vast”, half done, half brained, and half cooked full apostasy:

(Hosea 7:8-10) “As for Ephraim, it is among the peoples that he personally mingles himself. Ephraim himself has become a round cake not turned on the other side. 9 Strangers have eaten up his power, and he himself has not come to know [it]. Also, gray hairs themselves have become white on him, but he himself has not come to know [it]. 10 And the pride of Israel has testified to his face, and they have not returned to Jehovah their God…

Further cleansing and clarification is obviously required (Zech3:1-5) to form a truthful final open salvation offer to all people, free of the Bethel millstone of the burdens and distractions of their own “law covenant with the Governing Body” that attempted to supercede the very Word of God, for their own rules and regulations to promote coerced obedience to a mere mundane and profane “organization” of sinful men, human follies, a pretty facade and an ugly racket of professional Jehovah’s Witness ear ticklers. (2Tim4:3-4)

(Matthew 15:7-9) You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’

(Isaiah 10:1-3) Woe to those who are enacting harmful regulations and those who, constantly writing, have written out sheer trouble, 2 in order to push away the lowly ones from a legal case and to wrest away justice from the afflicted ones of my people, for the widows to become their spoil, and that they may plunder even the fatherless boys! 3 And what will you men do at the day of being given attention and at the ruin, when it comes from far away? Toward whom will you flee for assistance, and where will you leave your glory

But, there is more good news. The Jehovah’s Witness apostasy will actually allow the hub of the final summary to form, to have a true global impact and logic, backed by a public global confession of apostasy from repentant Jehovah’s witnesses while correcting the problems, for all to see. It allows the final open salvation forecast actually in the prophecy set to repeat, to be explained and opened well prior to world government completion and thus well prior to the Christ arrival, which even that event is for global judgment and salvation priorities first. (Matt24:31; Rev14:6-7, 14-16)

By allowing Jehovah’s witnesses to go well off course into terminal apostasy (2Thess2:11-12), as aided by Bethel’s forked silver tongued “smooth words” smiths, everything that needs to be made known is required to come forth fully, in detail, to rectify the apostate ministry to the eventual Daniel 8:14 “right condition”:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively.

Well nothing is effective but apostasy among Jehovah’s witnesses at this time. (Dan8:12b; Dan11:30b)

It just had to take time (Dan8:13-14) for the overall ministry to also “prevail and act effectively” to do just that, by means of the coming temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses (1Pet4:17), now looming over one seriously off course and globally reproachful Jehovah’s Witness motley crew of modern Christian sleepers and their “King North” Governing Body Zombie Pied Viper, which temple judgment event, on “God’s house” first, will set the proper stage (Rev8-9), spotlight and final “little scroll” script for that eventual adjustment recovery. (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41; Mal3:1-5)

Creates Context of the Full Explanation

Thus, very interestingly, Bethel’s apostasy, the Jehovah’s Witness subversion anatomy and its world government modern development cover-up already is allowing the full context of the full revelation of just what is being covered up, and why, to become recognized as one whole world government aiding apostasy and infiltration guided subversion “operation of error”. When the real apostate Bethel focused temple judgment events are allowed as required by God to fully transpire in the future, then a globally seen set of anti-JW-org events will further aid the global attention and the full explanation of the whole prophetic outline now being subverted by Bethel, until that time of their removal and eventual complete exposure.

From the Jehovah’s Witness scene of the crime, we have the real story to be reverse engineered to properly shed light on the whole apostate Bethel reality.

Governing Body of Babel Origins

This creates the exposure of the core Governing Body, Jehovah’s Witness, leadership element that progressively brought Jehovah’s witnesses under “Babel” influence since 1944 when the “governing body” term began being used as if a valid “first century” Christian management “body” “from Jerusalem” “in perpetuity”, similar to the Papacy cover story. In time that “governing body” error aligned for its 1944-1971 “theocratic organization” co-application to the WTBTS “board of directors” as if that mundane corporate “body” was rather, the “governing body”, the real center of apostate “theocracy”. In a little more time that “governing body” became the “Governing Body” in 1971, to become the “board of directors” new title and label and a full blown Bethel dictatorship by 1976—then on to the 1991 “UN NGO” and onward into the JW fog.

The “Governing Body” control device is as old as the Babel system it actually originated from, which will be shown below, nothing new, nothign “Christian” about it.

And thus since 1944 Jehovah’s witnesses have gradually come under the control of what is a Babel based “supreme council” which was used in Babel and Babylon as the central authority of the “Mystery Priesthood” to run their original Babel “Mystery Religion” from within that “body” to then head the fictitious “Theocracy” as the parallel developmental cover.

And this will have connections to keep in mind for the Revelation final fulfillment cycle to be fully explained later here, and to the Bethel judgment that will begin it (1Pet4:17) as other prophecies and their principles will also support the exposure of Bethel’s apostasy. And this is required to demonstrate the a foregleam of the Babylon the Great judgment liberation principle when Jehovah’s witnesses are eventually first freed from the gradually morphed Bethel “Babel” Bondage system as a Babylon the Great and UN System annex that has to be dealt with first, for now obvious reasons.

Prophecy outlines all the principles that led to the modern apostasy of Jehovah’s witnesses as led by their progressive (Dan8:12) Babel Bethel illegal authority, for now, hiding under an accepted “governing body” deception veneer, now long set in stone, that must in time also be fully removed and exposed as part of the continuing anointed Christian ministry, once recovered and clarified, which has been utilizing the Jehovah’s witnesses identity, but now in an apostate “wrong condition” state as “King North” has assumed control instead—through the Governing Body device. (Zech3:3-5; Dan8:13-14; Dan11:32)

In reality Jehovah’s witnesses still have a key Babel element running their ministry into the ground, and it is now at the very heart of the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, hence its apostasy and UN alliance—the same Babel suspects are still there!

From an Error to “The Lie”

In keeping with the principle of God permitting a core error to “go to them”, in this case we Jehovah’s witnesses, for decades, to form the basis of a judgment with undisputable evidence:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

The core error is the “governing body” concept itself; it comes from Babel:

Bloodlines of the Illuminati pg. 2-3 Introduction (by Fritz Springmeier 1998)

The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body.

Thus the very core element of the Babel Religious System, is the very heart of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now! “The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses”—and there is a great modern example of that Babel controlling “body” concept. But before Christendom employed it, it was also in the Pharisees who led the Jerusalem apostasy of Christ’s time:

Occult Theocracy ch. 7 pg 77 Judaism, The Pharisees (by Edith Starr Miller 1933)

In his book Nicholas II et les Juifs, Netchvolodow explains that ” the Chaldean science acquired by many of the Jewish priests, during the captivity of Babylon, gave birth to the sect of the Pharisees whose name only appears in the Holy Scriptures and in the writings of the Jewish historians after the captivity (606 B. C).

The same Babel origin “Supreme Council” or “Governing Body” concept defines the Catholic Papal system and all of Christendom’s “governing bodies” as well, all merely under various “clergy” controlling titles:

The Two Babylons ch. 6 p. 301-302 Religious Orders Section 1 The Sovereign Pontiff (by Alexander Hislop 1858)

If there be any who imagine that there is some occult and mysterious virtue in an apostolic succession that comes through the Papacy, let them seriously consider the real character of the Pope’s own orders, and of those of his bishops and clergy. From the Pope downwards, all can be shown to be now radically Babylonian. The College of Cardinals, with the Pope at its head, is just the counterpart of the Pagan College of Pontiffs, with its “Pontifex Maximus,” or “Sovereign Pontiff,” which had existed in Rome from the earliest times, and which is known to have been framed on the model of the grand original Council of Pontiffs at Babylon. The Pope now pretends to supremacy in the Church as the successor of Peter…

Sound familiar?

*** Watchtower 2013 7/15 p. 18, par. 12 Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few ***

The channel he used for spiritual feeding was clearly recognizable. After all, the apostles—the original members of the governing body—could provide visible proof of heavenly backing.

(Revelation 2:2) ‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.

The Bethel “Papacy” is merely the same clergy defining “governing body” from Babel, to Babylon, to Jerusalem, to Rome, to all of Christendom, continued to modern times, to Bethel, to now lead Jehovah’s witnesses—leading that ministry in but another apostasy, merely repeating in the same gradual fashion as a latent signal of the whole cycle also starting to repeat with this replication (the apostasy is the first signal of the final cycle latently active, about to go full blown.) Jehovah’s witnesses have been so busy exposing Christendom’s Babel clone, we forgot to inspect Bethel’s DNA and its own Governing Body clone more closely by the same kind of deeper research and examination, but now of Bethel’s modern apostate evidence.

Then when the “apostate Christendom” exposure drive from the late 1800’s through 1919 and after, had plateaued amidst the death of Joseph Rutherford (1942), during the WW2 distraction, the “governing body” term was then first peeped in the Jehovah’s Witness ministry in 1944. Good timing.

That introduction of the Governing Body term was at at the perfect time of distraction and the eventual lull in urgency by 1971, to seed in the core error, in hindsight, from way back, now well accepted in the Jehovah’s Witness ministry as “the way it always was”—now its core controlling device, the Governing Body, is that very initial incept error. From a single peep of the “governing body” term itself in 1944, applied to nothing in the Bethel ministry at first, we now have the full blown Bethel Apostate Dictatorship now utilizing the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses as the infallible tyrants, the stars of the show, the main distraction, now a full blown circus of global reproach and public UN alliance.

Since that “governing body” concept is itself in error, the “Governing Body of Jehovah’ Witnesses” is as illegal in its foisted-up authority as was King Omri, Ahab and Jezebel of ancient Israel, as was the Pharisees, as is the Pope, as is any of these man made human corporate control devices; they all are derived from Babel. The non-Biblical—but Babel based—so-called “governing body”, is now the same kind of illegal usurpation, only developed in Jehovah’s witnesses ministry since 1944-1976Now look what has happened.

Crisis of Conscience (by Ray Franz) ch. 4

No wonder Fred Franz had this to say in 1979, about his veiled suspicions of the Governing Body coup of 1976:

[Fred Franz]  “went on to say that he had not been in favor of the [GB dictatorial] change then and that from that point forward he had “just been watching” to see what would result.”… “I never had in mind what the Governing Body wants to do now.” in regard to the 1976 full dictatorial Governing Body coup.

Fred Franz and Nathan Knorr were the target anointed Christian individual authority to be squelched by the Governing Body “misrule by committee”, so they are not implicated in this testimony—other than being the backs, for the 1976 Governing Body power grasping limelight seeking rogues, to stab.

And this is why Ray Franz’s two books, (Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom), are a former Governing Body railroaded member’s record of the folly the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses began displaying immediately, in the 1970s, in their grasp for Bethel power—it is a complete record of busy body meddlers just beginning to fully ruin the Jehovah’s Witness ministerial core, the Bethel version of the Keystone Cops and Three Stooges of Jehovah’s Witness history, overriding the diligent guidance of Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz for the joke and total fraud act the Apostate and Babel-borne “Governing Body” has devolved into in terminal “man of lawlessness” form in today’s Jehovah’s Witness Circus sideshow.

(2 Timothy 3:13) But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.

(1 Timothy 5:24-25) The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men [their sins] also become manifest later. 25 In the same way also the fine works are publicly manifest and those that are otherwise cannot be kept hid.

It was all just a matter of time, for it to go terminal and also for it to be called to account and exposed by God, in a little more time.

Governing Body Connections to King North and Revelation’s Final Judgment Cycle

But because that now post 1976 dictatorial “Governing Body” error center is full of modern day apostates at best (Dan11:30b), and King North infiltrators at worst (Dan11:32a), and probably now a mix in the whole of Bethel’s top administrations, it has very gradually led Jehovah’s witnesses to the state of today’s even UN allied “religion”. God, Christ, the faith and the original Kingdom focus are now lost and eclipsed by the Bethel Kingdom of Occult Priests known as the “modern” “Governing Body of Jehovah’ Witnesses”—all from one accepted error, and error prophecy indicates God permits, “lets go to them” for a grander purpose: the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses. (2Thess2:11-12)

Thus the overall 2Thessalonians 2:11 “the lie” has matured from that initial “error”, now developed fully as guided (Dan11:32a) by this “governing body” initial error as actually a Babylonian well rooted concept for management of “religious order” error, which slipped by Jehovah’s witnesses for decades now (Dan8:12)—but it is what it is and its fruitage of lawlessness is now abUNndant.

The exposure of this core Bethel Governing Body initial “weed cell” (Matt13:36-42), and everything they have brought in in their “a system of things” among Jehovah’s witnesses since, with further connections to be made as well, is therefore at the heart of the first four trumpet temple judgment exposé to eventually come with their downfall and its aftermath. (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5)

And thus such an actually fully serious and terminal apostasy will be found in the entire repeating apostasy principle and its specific details in prophecy in Daniel and its cross connections to Revelation’s final fulfillment cycle of its applicable “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” true grand climax to manifest with this final global cycle heading to 8th King King North world government first. That reality is what the Governing Body’s task is to cover up (Dan8:12b) for their King North “burning mountain” masters, as some or all of the Governing Body, by now, may very well be from that opposing system itself to cap off the true blasphemy hidden “in the temple of the God”. The temple “wrong condition” as guided by that Governing Body Abomination, is now complete, hence requiring the temple judgment purification to be brought into the Daniel 8:14 “right condition” in the future..

And that is how Bethel’s progressive “gradually given over” modern apostasy connects to Revelation 8’s final fulfillment cycle and everything to proceed after that temple judgment activation to come in full blown manner next. (hence Daniel 8:13-14’s temple judgment timing and phasing) That timed judgment event period is to result in the removal of the Governing Body and Bethel apostasy to effect the “right condition” purification (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5), for the eventual recovery of ministerial truth (Rev9). And that is for the final “little scroll” warning “two witnesses” proclamation to emerge prior to the full global presentation of 8th King World Government as the Christ arrival true prophecy revealed trigger event. (Rev10-11:1-7)

Now can be examined how this progressive Bethel apostasy and their UN NGO connects to the final fulfillment cycle of Revelation, to begin the focus on the apostate Governing Body ruled “world government of Jehovah’s witnesses”, and the 8th King/King North World Government they are working and covering for as a well organized globalist system King North/8th King developers (Rev13:11-15) modern Bethel engineered apostasy . It is all in the final cycle prophecy, also being covered up by Bethel and its “the end of the world is right around the corner” smokescreening delusion.

Now God permits this error and lie to develop, for a greater overall purpose. And Revelation 8-9 outlines that purpose of the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses, and the purification to a clarifying recovery prior to the final warning emergence. In essence everything the Bethel apostasy is concealing has now formed the outline of what is to be exposed in the final warning summary as Revelation 8’s “seven trumpets” frameworks the whole final progression to world government and the Christ arrival.

Now we can see where the Bethel apostasy is leading in its eventual Revelation 8 final fulfillment cycle temple judgment parallel of modern signal apostasy judgment, ministerial purification for recovery and then the full coming exposure of the that final apostasy as part of the basis of the overall final warning whole.

VII.2 Revelation 8-9 Final Warning Preparation—Temple Judgment Purification, Ministerial Recovery and Apostate Bethel Removal and Exposure

(Note: as in the first fulfillment cycle of Revelation 8-11 and 15-16, the trumpets portend spiritual temple alarming events, as the plagues affect the global context in fully sequential 1-7 parallel manifestation in the final cycle as the global context of their respective focus.)

Revelation 8—Temple Judgment Parallel of Daniel 8:13-14 (1Pet4:17; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)

(Revelation 8:1-2) And when he opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour.
(God permits the Bethel apostasy, heaven is “silent” on the matter for a while; (2Thess2:11-12; Dan8:12)) 2 And I saw the seven angels that stand before God, and seven trumpets were given them. (the whole temple judgment (Rev8) to purification recovery (Rev9) to final warning (Rev10-11:1-7) to world government to Christ arrival (Rev11:10-13) to Messianic Kingdom completion “good news brought to a finish” to Christ conquest (Rev11:1519) are gauged by the “seven trumpets” framework of final fulfillment. Rev8-11)

Revelation 8:1-6 is the temple judgment divine context in “seven trumpet” preparation and the temple judgment event in one description of the whole temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 parallel In time that results, in the first four trumpets of alarm and recovery as backed by God and Christ’s recovery, hence the angels back the “trumpets” and produce this “cry” wake up call:

(Matthew 25:6-7) Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order.

The purpose is an anointed Christian “wake up call” for a coming final enlightenment aided by the first four trumpet meanings of the temple judgment carried forth with the fifth and sixth trumpets of recovery into the final warning commission and deployment of Revelation 10:11-1-7. The “night” is the Revelation 9 “abyss” ministerial darkness the temple judgment throws the anointed Christian ministry into, the “evening” parallel of Daniel 8:13. (Dan11:41 time point)

Revelation 8-11 repeats upon the same theme as the first Jehovah’s Witness explanation, updated for the modern apostasy, its UN alliance (Matt24:15), and the trek to 8th King world government and hence the Christ arrival. And this is how the rogue apostate Bethel development connects into Revelation 8’s final fulfillment cycle as the target of God’s eventual purge of that apostasy (Isa66:6; Zech3:4-5; Matt22:7-10), after the accounting period of Daniel 8:13 has run its “evening” phase course in the Revelation 9 “abyss”-to-“opening” process. (Hence the modern Jehovah’s Witness “sign of Jonah”  Matt12:38-40; Jonah1:17)

Due to Bethel apostasy, anointed Christians are now in this Zechariah 3 temple judgment parallel “befouled” state, as this temple inspection parallel is complete at this time:

(Zechariah 3:1-3) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?”
(Rev8:3-5) 3 Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel.

The Bethel apostasy is the cause of that “befouled” effect in the anointed Christian and Jehovah’s Witness ministry as that crew of rogues are in trajectory to arrive at Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment, and their eventual apostate downfall. (Dan8:11; Dan11:41; Isa66:6) And so this “fire of the altar” is the purification symbol meaning of events that create the purifying context of the “weed” removal “all the green vegetation was burned up”. (Rev8:7; Matt13:36-42).

The purifying “fire” of the temple judgment (Zech3:2; Isa6:6-9; Eze10; Mal3:1-5) produces the Daniel 8:14 “holy place” “right condition” of accounted purification by the future events that produce the cleansing of  Daniel 8:14. That temple purification is what comes with Revelation 8:3-5 events and purification meaning to the eventual “morning” phase of recovery and final enlightenment. (Matt25:1-13; Dan8:26; Dan8:14) At this time “heaven” will no longer remain “silent” about all the “detestable things being done” at Bethel attempting to corrupt all Jehovah’s witnesses.

(Ezekiel 9:4) And Jehovah went on to say to him: “Pass through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and you must put a mark on the foreheads of the men that are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of it.

The Temple Judgment Actuality

This Revelation temple judgment parallel events are in this “hurled” the “fire of the altar” to the anointed Christian “earth” which create the purification context. (Eze10; Isa6:6-9; Zech3:2; Mal3:1-5) Those events are global and must must be in Daniel 8:13-14 “trampling” parallel activating with the Daniel 8:14 “evening” phase starting the 1150 days of Jehovah’s witnesses centered judgment activity in the “trampling” mode, which eventually leads to the “morning” phase of recovery and full purification. So these will be enormous “prophetic proportions” temple judgment developments on the JW org visible epicenter, to affect the whole Jehovah’s Witness “earth” in time. (Hos1:4-7) This starts the temple judgment to world government to Christ arrival import of Revelation 8-11.

This is an overview of the temple judgment “fire of the altar” “right condition” producing purification events, aided by anti-JW-org and ministry intrigues at global scale in the Daniel 8:13 (Dan11:41) “trampling” “invasion” events and global prophetic context:

(Revelation 8:3-5) And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, having a golden incense vessel; and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones
(Mal3:16) upon the golden altar that was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God. 5 But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar (pre “little scroll” commission purification “fire” of Isa6:6-8 parallel) and hurled it to the earth. (the temple judgment “fire of the altar” purification events symbolized) And thunders occurred and voices and lightnings and an (temple judgment awakening) earthquake.

Since the temple judgment creates the global events (Isa66:6) to remove the apostasy in the Daniel 8:13-14 context and timing, Revelation 8:3-5 is a summary of those events as the whole temple judgment. The trumpets emerge in full force later, with the Revelation 9 recovery. The first four trumpets of the temple judgment meaning are encapsulated in Revelation 8 as the context of temple judgment explanations to eventually affect the whole anointed Christian ministry awareness, as the “trampling” “desolation” (Dan8:13) approximate three year phase ends (Dan8:14; Hos6:1-3; Isa37:30; Jonah1:17; Matt12:38-40) into the foretold ministerial recovery for the eventual final warning. (Rev9-11)

Thus all the above temple judgment development in Revelation 8:3-5 symbology occurs before the alarming “trumpet” heralds of what it means come forth later with the 5th and 6th trumpet recovery. (Rev9) The temple judgment is detailed in the first four trumpets, only being “prepared” to be blown in Revelation 8:2-6, as the judgment events of Revelation 8:3-5 are manifesting upon the JW organization in response to its rampant apostasy, as the events of Daniel 8:13-14 in the Daniel 11:41 context of the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

(Ezekiel 10:2) And he proceeded to say to the man clothed with the linen, even to say: “Enter in between the wheelwork, in under the cherubs, and fill the hollows of both your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubs and toss [them] over the city.”

(Revelation 8:6) And the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them. (the first four trumpets explain the whole temple judgment meaning within the 5th to 6th trumpet recovery, which must herald those first four trumpets judgment meanings, to merge with the final “little scroll” and “two witnesses” final warning in the eventual deployment of the 1260 days.)

(Joel 2:1-2) “Blow a horn in Zion, O men, and shout a war cry in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land get agitated; for the day of Jehovah is coming, for it is near! 2 It is a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick gloom, like light of dawn spread out upon the mountains.

(Joel 2:15-16) “Blow a horn in Zion, O men. Sanctify a time of fasting. Call together a solemn assembly. 16 Gather [the] people together. Sanctify a congregation. Collect [the] old men together. Gather children and those sucking the breasts together. Let [the] bridegroom go forth from his interior room, and [the] bride from her nuptial chamber. (Matt25:1-13)

Jehovah’s witnesses are the ears first meant for these trumpets.

First Six Trumpets

1. Revelation 8 (final fulfillment cycle of the future), and its first four trumpets are spiritual temple alarms, and fully encapsulate the modern temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses of the future as the parallel of Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment, in the Daniel 11:41 global-context going full blown.

2. The fifth and sixth trumpets are the recovery that first issues the first four trumpets meanings of the preceding temple judgment “trampling” events of Bethel, to come upon also Jehovah’s witnesses to some degree (Hos1:4-7; Hos6:1-3; Isa37:30-32), and the apostate Bethel system completely, by Revelation 9:1-4 deposed and headed for recovery.

3. Christ arrives in the sixth trumpet conclusion (Rev11:11-12,13-14), but does not conquer the world until the 7th trumpet (Rev11:15-18), hence the final divine sovereign warning precedes the milestone completions that it is warning of (world government, Christ arrival, Kingdom completion), and this is why these three final trumpets, 5-7, are the three final “woes”.

4. The foundational principles of the original cycle of Revelation fulfillment that initiated in the 1914-1919 “first witness” cycle, are respected for the final fulfillment “second witness” cycle, except Jehovah’s witnesses are the focus of the purifying judgment, not Christendom any longer.

5. The broadened salvation message to emerge from this temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses means the “trumpet” alarm is for public notice (trumpets 5-6), beyond the spiritual “trumpet” context from which they arose in those first four trumpets of the temple judgment.

(Note: The Revelation 15-16 seven plagues are the global context of the whole development (Dan11:41-43), as the first four plagues are the global developments that the temple judgment and first four trumpets will emerge in the progression  of the “tribulation of those days”. (Matt24:29))

First Trumpet—Temple Judgment “Alarming” Summary

Trumpet 1-4 are the temple judgment “first chapter” summarization of the effects of the modern apostasy now in the anointed Christian ministry and Jehovah’s Witness “earth” spiritual communal system, to become fully dealt with by God and Christ by this time in the prophecy, progressing with the temple purification. The first trumpet is the “snapshot” of the whole temple judgment of Revelation 8:3-5, as it will eventually be heralded forth in accurate meaning in the fifth to sixth trumpets.

(Revelation 8:7) And the first one blew his trumpet.
(the temple judgment alarm) And there occurred a hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees was burned up, and all the green vegetation was burned up. (JW focused “earth” as the final temple judgment upon the modern apostasy “wrong condition” as Daniel 8:13-14 events, phasing, and timing)

This first trumpet is the summarized parallel of the whole temple judgment of Revelation 8:3-5. (Daniel 8:13 “trampling” events context; Dan11:41) The “trumpets” being blown means the alarming events of Revelation 8:3-5 whole overview of the temple judgment is being then made known in the “trumpet alarm” explanatory mode that goes forth with the recovery in the 5th and 6th trumpets (Rev9). It is the 5th and 6th “trumpets” which are the context of the recovered ministry that must explain the details of all four temple judgment trumpets 1 through 4.

Second Trumpet—“Burning Mountain” Bethel Snapshot Microcosm of “King North”

Now the apostate Bethel first “four trumpets” summarization of Revelation 8 begins to take place in the details of trumpets two through four. In these following three trumpets all the patterns of the real global sovereign development, which Bethel is now covering up (Dan8:12b) in the global “burning mountain” UN prophecies and world government development alliances, concealment and disinformation, are revealed. The apostasy and its purpose are encapsulated in this Bethel related Revelation 8:8-9 second trumpet “burning mountain” which Bethel is UN NGO allied with as its counterpart.

(Revelation 8:8-9) And the second angel blew his trumpet. (apostate Bethel purpose alarm) And something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea. And a third of the sea became blood; 9 and a third of the creatures that are in the sea which have souls died, and a third of the boats were wrecked.

Bethel is a UN supporting UN NGO “UN Annex” to be judged, neutralized and totally exposed for a first signal warning. (1Pet4:17) So though the “burning mountain” of 8th King world government opposed to God’s Kingdom is the real “burning mountain” and ultimate sovereign “government issue” now escalating to the “world government” issue, Bethel’s own downfall will illustrate the meaning in their “snapshot” of downfall “trampling” (Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14) as if hurled into the “sea” of the Jehovah’s Witness communal system and ministry.

Now the very sovereign “burning mountain” issue Bethel is concealing in modern world government development, that has been actively progressing since that 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23) cover up, “splashes” down into the Jehovah’s Witness “sea” of communal ramifications and eventual awareness. (Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5)

Worse, “burning mountain” Apostate-Bethel has also allied themselves as a UN NGO under the United Nations Secretariat UN organ, as a UN DPI Outreach Division UN NGO co-promoter, so they are in effect a “United Nations Annex” system among Jehovah’s witnesses. So Bethel’s own “trampling” downfall for that sin (Dan8:13), will also create the temple judgment context of notoriety that will eventually encapsulate and expose the reality of the magnitude and purpose of the Bethel apostasy.

Bethel’s “UN Annex” downfall is a foregleam of the UN centered World Government “burning mountain” as also, but a much larger, doomed rival sovereign system to also go down later (in the 7th trumpet), as now the updated sovereign issue is revisited among Jehovah’s witnesses misled to cover up all these developments as led by the Bethel UN allied apostasy. (Dan11:32a) Judging Bethel’s UN annex first (1Pet4:17), is advantageous to aid the final warning theme, well prior to complete 8th King world government “mountain” completion.

Now the very things Bethel has been concealing, come to global light by their plunging removal, in time backed by God, so they will not spin new damage control to continue to mislead Jehovah’s witnesses and misrepresent the anointed Christian ministry any longer.

Third Trumpet—Apostate Bethel and Governing Body Apostasy “Root of All Evil”

Now the third trumpet exposes the true Bethel internal “fallen” anointed Christian “great star burning as a lamp” condition as the now profaned and darkened, but once fully valid and up to date anointed Christian ministry, that had been actively exposing UN prophecy since the 1914-1919 first cycle and first step of that entity to world government as its “image” “of the wildbeast”. And that valid exposure continued to the 1945 2nd United Nations related global presentation and its exposure as the second step to the world government which that UN “image” pictures.

(Revelation 8:10-11) And the third angel blew his trumpet. (temple judgment alarm explanations) And a great star burning as a lamp fell from heaven (those leaving the holy covenant at Bethel. Dan11:30-32), and it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. (Bethel’s teachings are polluted, profanation of Daniel 11:31a, Dan8:12, Zech3:1-3) 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. (the whole “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” Bethel and Governing Body misled JW “earth” system and ministry) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. (the effects of the Bethel apostasy are spiritually toxic);

Because of Bethel apostasy, of course, the 3rd UN presentation of 1990 has been covered up (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23), in addition to gradually and progressively introducing all kinds of illegal idolatries and lawlessness into the Jehovah’s Witness ministry. Thus the spiritual fall of Bethel, precedign tis real fall, started as they officially fully left the holy covenant for the UN NGO.

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

And that initial King North “give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant” apostasy at Bethel is what developed first, opened the door to further infiltration, and eventually led to the UN NGO and 3rd UN prophecy cover up later, but it had been developing in Bethel since the 1944-1976 “governing body” marker. That is when the “great star” of modern advancement of Christian light fell into apostasy in now fully recognized, UN allied, covert to overt form, at Bethel.

Fourth Trumpet—”1/3″ Of Jehovah’s Witness Ministry in Darkness

That being the case in this “gradually given over” apostasy at Bethel, since 1976 Governing Body Bethel coup marker, in spiritual “1/3” profaned and subverted magnitude,  the Jehovah’s Witness ministry has literally been subverted for “1/3” (1976-2016 is roughly 1/3) of its existence since the 1914 benchmark into Governing Body led darkness from 1976 to today, fully under the Governing Body Reign of Error:

(Revelation 8:12) And the fourth angel blew his trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten and a third of the moon and a third of the stars, in order that a third of them might be darkened and the day might not have illumination for a third of it, and the night likewise.

And thus the removal of the current apostate Bethel “a system of things” (Matt12:36-42) headed by the Governing Body and their anti-temple cohorts “weeds”, is what is removed as heralded in the first four trumpets which must come forth fully with the 5th and 6th trumpet total recovery in the cleansed Daniel 8:14 “right condition” state. In addition Bethel displays signs of the “33” of their “Masonic” management, as that too is purged from the ministry as now well rooted in Bethel’s corporate control context. (The “33” chapters in the Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom book of organizational idolatry, is no accident. The JW sum, J (10) + W (23) in “JW Org”, or “33” Org is also no accident.)

And thus the first four trumpets are “1/3” Jehovah’s Witness affecting apostasy descriptions and the temple judgment for purification it triggered, as trumpets 2-4 fully described the Bethel apostasy, its subversion goal and its core alliance and timing. Thus those “fire of the altar” events will effect the final temple purification as these parallels below, also activate with Revelation 8 events.

Temple Judgment Parallels of Revelation 8 Events

Zechariah 3 Temple Judgment Purification Parallel:

(Zechariah 3:3-5) Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel. (current state of anointed Christians due to apostate Bethel) 4 Then he answered and said to those standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.” 5 At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; and the angel of Jehovah was standing by. (Dan8:14 “right condition” of temple purification met, Revelation 8 “fire of the altar” cleansing complete as Malachi 3:1-5 parallel of the temple judgment.)

Daniel 8:13-14 Timed and Phased Temple Judgment Parallel

The Bethel UN NGO is the Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation” that enables and requires Bethel’s “desolation” for that serious breech of faith.

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning); 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

The purpose of that Daniel 8:13-14 totally unfulfilled and unique temple judgment prophecy of the future is to provide the verifiable events, timing, phasing and “causing desolation” developments on UN NGO Bethel’s visible “established place” which will in time prove itself in that temple judgment full course required to meet the “right condition”, that is, full accounting and full apostasy removal. (Zech3:4-5)

We see the “evening and morning” is an obvious reference to the “constant feature”, but also to the timing and phasing requirement for all those profaned things in the “constant feature” the “army” and the “holy place” to be “trampled” as the context of their purification.

(Zechariah 3:2) Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?”

When God and Christ are done dealing with the Bethel apostasy then these things will have “first four trumpets” of light shed upon them (Rev9 “abyss” opened, Matt25:1-13 “lamps lit”) for recovery and final warning purposes. And that unique temple judgment will manifest upon the JW organization globally, and affect all Jehovah’s witnesses, over that Daniel 8:14 “2300” “evenings and mornings”.

The Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment must include an accounting phase of “the evening” “trampling” (Dan11:41 parallel) and a “the morning” of recoevry to run its full temple judgment course:

1. “The Evening” Temple Judgment Phase 1 “trampling” “desolations”; That is potentially 3.19 years (1150 days), and

2. “The Morning” Temple Judgment Phase 2 The recovery; That phase is to follow with possibly another 3.19 years (1150 days) for a total of 2300 “evenings and mornings”.

At a minimum, 3.19 years of temple judgment will manifest upon Jehovah’s witnesses as a timed signal to aid Jehovah’s Witness future awareness. It seems it may include the full 6.38 years of Daniel 8:14, given the backward state of today’s Jehovah’s Witness slumber party. But because Daniel 8:14 timing is rather cryptic in wording, it is to be paid attention to from the time a notable “trampling” development comes on the JW org and or the Jehovah’s Witness ministry cancellation.

From the time the JW org “invasion” of Daniel 11:41 goes into a marked anti-JW-org or Jehovah’s Witness ministry canceling event, mark your calendar, and observe the following years and Daniel 8:13-14 events and timing. It is not “the end” of the world, just the end of the Bethel apostasy.

The angel Gabriel reiterated the importance of this coming “the evening” and “the morning” temple judgment meaning, and its phased order:

(Daniel 8:26) “And the thing seen concerning the evening and the morning, which has been said, it is true. And you, for your part, keep secret the vision, because it is yet for many days.” 

After Daniel received this prophecy and its full future import impression, that is why he was made physically exhausted and perplexed for days—it will be a temple judgment of “prophetic proportions” and it will come on the apostate Jehovah’s Witness ministry as led by “lawless one” modern Bethel.

(Daniel 8:27) And as for me, Daniel, I felt exhausted and was made sick for [some] days. Then I got up and did the work of the king; but I kept showing myself numbed on account of the thing seen, and there was nobody understanding [it].

Most certainly Daniel 8:13-14 has not fulfilled yet, but will in the future temple judgment. Likewise, Bethel is NOT in their claimed “right condition” “since 1944”, as if Daniel 8:14 purity fulfilled upon the very 1944 developments that have instead led to the full blown Bethel apostasy of today. (See here, and here as well.)

CSI Bethel: Nailing the Governing (Babel) Body “King North” Puppets

Now we will establish Bethel’s “King North” and 8th King aiding connections to all these developments in prophecy all co-developing with the 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23). That 3rd UN event is the one Bethel has ignored and partnered with as UN NGO, while completing their post 1976 “Governing Body” apostate dictatorship, as this all becomes the basis of the first chapter of the final exposure of their reality in apostasy prophecy in time after the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses.

Revelation 9’s fifth and sixth trumpets are what take the news of the Bethel apostasy forth in its purpose and its origination, as the Bethel apostates and impostors pre-summarize everything that must be exposed, in everything they have been ignoring as UN NGO since 1990. The Bethel apostasy is the hub of that element of final fulfillment awareness.

The fifth and sixth trumpets and its anointed Christian “locusts” to scour the Bethel apostasy in global exposure, are basically angelically blown out of the “pit of the abyss” by the alarming realizations in those first four trumpets. In time the “locusts” and supporting global “cavalry” of temple and ministerial recovery must carry forth that news as “enlightening” updates, in those first four trumpets, for Revelation final fulfillment awareness, to come forth from that abyss darkness to global “morning” light; “abyss” “opened”. (Dan8:14; Matt25:1-13; Rev9:1-4)

But before we get to the fifth and sixth trumpet, we will first thoroughly nail the Rogue Governing Body and their King North allied apostasy from which they spring as per prophecy (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12), with the key parallels in notable 3rd UN centered global developments (which Bethel fully ignores), which catches Bethel and their King North spawn Governing Body at the scene of the crime.

Bethel’s Little “Government Body” “King North” “Burning Mountain” Clones

King North world government designate priorities, (and its planners (Rev13:11-15)) is revealed in prophecy as the main guiding force of the internal Bethel apostasy, as led by the “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses”:

(Daniel 11:30-31) [King North globalists] will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. 31 And there will be (infiltrative) arms that will stand up, proceeding from [King North]; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (divine disapproval first by apostasy-to-infiltration anti-Christian activity)

(Daniel 11:32) “And those (led by Bethel) who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

(Jude 3-4) Beloved ones, though I was making every effort to write you about the salvation we hold in common, I found it necessary to write you to exhort you to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones. 4 My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment, ungodly men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.

(2 Timothy 3:13) But (Bethel’s) wicked men (apostates) and impostors (infiltrators) will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.

Of course such a notion as that, revealed by God in prophecy detailing exact lawless Bethel conduct and concurrent UN cover-up and UN NGO alliance evidence, in the whole Daniel 11:30-35 1990 evident sequence, is preposterous to today’s sleepwalking Jehovah’s witnesses.

But since when has an apostasy of Biblical proportions in Israel, Jerusalem or Christendom ever been noticed by the flock most affected by it? Never. And such is the case with today’s drifting Jehovah’s witnesses, expecting “the end” as the main mental override aiding their lack of awareness (2Thess2:1-2), while being led by Bethel’s Governing Body Pied Piper for King North, the real Jehovah’s Witness ministerial leader as shown in prophecy and modern Bethel apostate reality.

But not all Jehovah’s witnesses are so easy to fool, as Bethel reproach raises some interesting questions:

Penny’s Disassociation Letter excerpts (posted November 6, 2015)

3] The appointment of the ‘faithful slave’ over all his belongings – already accomplished?? True??

Jesus says HE appoints the slave over all his belongings on his return does he not, at his future coming (Matt.24:46) and AFTER they have proved themselves faithful?

4] No evil slave CLASS?? True??

We are not ignorant of the evil ones designs; after all he would prefer us to believe he doesn’t exist. What an achievement for his cohorts to enter into the house of the true God! Even to hijack his most holy name! Further examination of this scripture seems to indicate that this ‘evil slave’ is the same as the ‘faithful slave’ but who becomes impatient for his masters return and starts to beat his fellow slaves (Matt.24:48). This becomes clearer when one examines the same text in Luke’s gospel (Luke 12:42-45). The Watchtower has always pointed the finger at individuals who have left the society as ‘evil slave’, but surely these ones are powerless as to the beating of fellow slaves once outside the organisation are they not?=
Was the Society without blemish at the end of 1919? Have they remained in a clean and undefiled state since then, with no further need of inspection?? The increasing number of paedophilia cases within the organisation is indeed alarming – certainly a further cleansing is imperative.

The cleansing of the organisation in 1919, with no further cleansing required?? True??

Now as serious as it is, decades of enforced pedophile protection policies and family devastation coercion policies, from Bethel’s own hand, are one thing, adjoining to the United Nations post 1990 “New World Order” initiative and “objective” is another—joining the “UN System” as an affiliate global promoter, is apostasy and in prophecy! (UN NGO System meaning cover up as well; Daniel exposes Bethel, here, here, here. UN NGO prophetic meaning, here, here, here, here, Matt24:15.)

Evidence of this Bethel based anointed Christian leadership “leaving the holy covenant” (Dan11:30b) and the apostasy it enables, is displayed in UN NGO Bethel’s cover up of the obviousness that King North must be the final world government global developing system, synonymous with the 8th King. Bethel joining the UN Secretariat>>United Nations Department of Public Information as a UN “Non-governmental Organization” (UN NGO) affiliate partner is also a red flag of their true “King North” allied nature—that is the sign of the other “covenant”, the official Bethel UN alliance, that they “left the holy covenant” for. (Dan11:30b)

Now that registers in the 1990’s period with that 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation in “New World Order” mode, after the unique “it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first” Cold War global war of military expansion period ceased, in the USSR system. (Real King North)

Of course, after the Cold War, Russia focused on globalized economy with China and India (and others), scrapping socialism for global-capitalism, helping globalize all the investment markets, while adding trillions of dollars and billions of people to the globalist corporate globalization effort in then fully global participation in the post Cold War trajectory to world government. That occurred as the US and NATO military system went into all out global NATO system expansion, at the same time, utilizing China’s and other “off shore” technology manufacturing sectors as one big “global team globalization” effort. The Governing Body says nothing about these globalization-to-world-government basics, or the post 2001, 911, and Global War on Terror super-expansion of Global NATO.

The Bethel Sleeping Pill says nothing to reveal the true nature of the post Cold War globalization system, the global corporate super-system that administers it, or how all global research and “conspiracy theory” themes focusing on the “new world order” of world government has been forming since that epic pivot into full globalization progress are now CONVERGING WITH ALL PROPHECY! Thus the whole Bible prophecy’s sovereign entities are also all converging into world government, merely requiring the final cycle to complete their objective.

Governing Body First “Lift Up” to Bethel “North”

Of course before that huge rogue Governing Body red flag and its monumental USSR dissolution period, the 1976 “Governing Body” had already made their own special “covenant for a kingdom” as the self-appointed Lords and Kings of Jehovah’s witnesses ruling from Bethel—it slipped in with a well covered up Bethel scandal and coercive purge to enforce the legitimacy of what was actually an illegal power coup produced to checkmate presidential seated ministerial authority in Jehovah’s witnesses that had been present since Charles Russell time up until 1976 for the illegal Governing Body rogue entity. That too, since 1976, is an illegal corporate based covenant of dictatorial authority and celebrity which was the locus of control to form the rest later. (“Theocracy” was the term also used to cloak this transformation since 1944.)

It is the same principle as in apostate Israel under Kings Omri to Ahab, of Isaiah and Hosea note, synonymous in principle with apostate Jerusalem, and thus the Bethel principle as well. (Matt24:15), Just like the illegal Israel kings and Jerusalem priests or the Babel based Pharisees, the Bethel Pharisees now receive all the attention, worship and resources of Jehovah’s witnesses, while promoting mass delusion to cover their tracks—but another perfect similarity with all the other foretold apostasies before them.

From the first “governing body” reference (1944), to an eventual “lift up” in the capitalized “Governing Body” self-important terminology and title (1971), then deified in the 1976 “Lords of Bethel” coup development as the “board of directors” became the “Governing Body” of Bethel Dictators, we have the the first signal of the “Governing Body” “lifting themselves over everyone” in a special corporate covenant—it was indeed the first major red flag.

That Bethel Governing Body coup was the first truly ministerially illegal action of the modern Bethel “Korah class” “rule by committee” authority, as they deposed the individual “Moses class” leadership of the anointed Christian ministry among Jehovah’s witnesses. In former times, the managerial practice was that of individual ministerial spearheads like Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Fred Franz. Instead, when everything was in peak spiritual and organizational from, the Governing Body decided to throw Knorr and Franz under the bus, for their own “supreme authority”, and their own power to enforce their tyranny by an amplified Bethel Inquisition that also became far worse from this 1976 time period onward.

Now these same “power trip” attributes of King North, below, will be displayed in their Apostate Bethel Governing Body clone counterpart’s characteristics as well:

(Daniel 11:36-39) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done. 37 And to the God of his fathers he will give no consideration; and to the desire of women and to every other god he will give no consideration, but over everyone he will magnify himself. 38 But to the god of fortresses, in his position he will give glory; and to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things. 39 And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. Whoever has given [him] recognition he will make abound with glory, and he will actually make them rule among many; and [the] ground he will apportion out for a price.

Those principles could just as well be applied to modern Bethel and its System of Sycophants in today’s “Neo-Jesuit” “Elder body” as these characteristics now spread like leaven into all the congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses. All those offering such a critique, are of course banished to the Bethel Gehenna judgment of the sinful men enforcing the Bethel Tribunal of their Collective Pope Governing Body. But to misled Jehovah’s witnesses, it is an effective tyrannical coercion and truly “captive audience” device, as the ministry has now gradually morphed (Dan8:12a) into but another Bethel Vatican fully under the control of their “most holy” and infallible Governing Body “father”—or else.

Though these are the unique qualities of the “King North” “the king” globalist system as it is capable of capitalizing upon any and all nation-state systems in “King South”, that it eventually controls at global scale (Dan11:42-43; Rev17:11-18), the Bethel apostate and infiltrated leadership also displays the same principles of self-exaltation, anti-Christian character, and effective infiltration, deception and eventual total subversion.

Bethel’s Daniel 8:11 “established place” and “fortress” (Dan11:31a) is merely one of those “most fortified strongholds” that King North has overcome by apostasy and infiltration as per Daniel 11:32a, and Daniel 8:12.

This is why the Daniel 8:23-25 “King Fierce in Countenance” parallel of the Daniel 11:30-45 “King North”, in that prophetic outline of the 3rd  (1990 Dan11:31b; Dan8:23) and 4th UN presentations (future Dan11:45; Dan8:25 the 4th as World Government), also has “personality characteristics” seen in the Governing Body DNA and persona:

(Daniel 8:23-25) “And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, there will stand up a king fierce in countenance and understanding ambiguous sayings. (1990, Dan11:31b) 24 And his power must become mighty, but not by his own power. (utilizes the nation-state system) And in a wonderful way he will cause ruin, and he will certainly prove successful and do effectively. (Dan8:11-14; Dan11:30-35,41) And he will actually bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of [the] holy ones. 25 And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care he will bring many to ruin. And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken.

So the spiritual megalomaniacs in Bethel’s leadership display those related “King North” qualities because they are from and with that globalist system to also a serious degree of infiltrated presence, right inside the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, right “in the temple” of anointed Christians, guiding the core initial anointed defection to the terminal maturity of today. The “Little King North” Bethel Tyrants and Conmen are also master deceivers to conceal this from Jehovah’s witnesses, as permitted by God to operate the “operation of error” (2Thess2:9-12), in the anointed Christian ministry (Zech3:1-3; 2Thess2:3-4), especially marked in the last 40 years of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses dictatorship since 1976.

Thus these evil attributes are also blatantly present at Outlaw Bethel, in their “lifted up” self-appointed illegal reign through the Governing Body “Bethel North” usurpers “in the temple”:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God (in terminal form), publicly showing himself to be a god.

As covered earlier, that Watchtower Bible and Tract Society 2012 Annual Meeting was just such a global “Faithful Slave” stunt of pinnacle and terminal “Evil Salve” and “Man of Lawlessness” apostasy and blasphemy to mark the true Global Apostate Zenith of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses in globally public and totally ridiculous form, as required by prophecy—it was the stellar final “lifting themselves over everyone” we were waiting to see to mark the final apostasy, as the Governing Body “sat down”, in terminal form, “in the temple” on their final flight to the moon, while dancing on the volcano that is modern Bethel’s “burning mountain” clone system apostasy.

And thus we see the true nature of the real news that is to “first four trumpet” blow out of the “abyss” with that fifth and sixth trumpet ministerial recovery after Bethel has been fully sacked (Dan8:13-14), and purged (Isa66:6), if not wiped off the face of the earth—we do not yet know if Bethel can even be offered repentance, it has yet to be seen. (See here, here, here and here)

But there is some hope, we shall see, God willing.

(Nahum 2:1) One that does a scattering has come up before your face. Let there be a safeguarding of the fortified place. (Dan8:11 “established place”? Dan11:31a “fortress”?) Watch [the] way. Strengthen [the] hips. Reinforce power very much.

And that is why we must pay attention to the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment, its events and its timing.

Final Warning “Little Scroll” Preparation Chapter 1—Taking the Temple Judgment and Bethel Apostasy Four Trumpet Explanations Global in Complete Summarization of Prophetic Reality

Revelation 9—Temple and Ministerial Recovery

Trumpets 5-6 (Woes 1 and 2 of 3)

(Revelation 8:13) And I saw, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven say with a loud voice: “Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling on the earth because of the rest of the trumpet blasts of the three angels who are about to blow their trumpets!”

Fifth Trumpet—Anointed Christian Ministerial Recovery

Thus the end of the temple judgment “evening” “darkness” phase of Daniel 8:13-14 “tramplings” come to an end, for the  anointed Christian recovery to the “morning” enlightenment phase of Daniel 8:14 to proceed, well pictured by the opening of the pitch black “pit of the abyss” of the temple judgment accounting phase, upon anointed Christians:

(Revelation 9:1-4) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet. And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key of the pit of the abyss was given him. 2 And he opened the pit of the abyss,
(Dan8:14 “morning” 1150 days begins) and smoke ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace (the world sees the temple judgment “fire” purifying (Rev8:5; Zech3:2) events), and the sun was darkened, also the air, by the smoke of the pit. (the recovery is an ominous “sun darkening” sign of the fifth plague parallel) 3 And out of the smoke (anointed Christians) locusts came forth upon the earth; and authority was given them, the same authority as the scorpions of the earth have. 4 And they were told to harm no vegetation of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree (as all that JW related entities were temple judgment purified in Revelation 8:7), but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. (Not all “unsealed” majority of mankind in general, but those claiming to be “sealed”, who are the apostates of the Bethel defection in specific, coming into full global “lawless one revealed” apostasy exposure. (2Thess2:1-12)

As noted, the original “first witness” cycle of Revelation fulfillment meanings and principles still apply, just focused on Bethel’s apostasy and the updated 8th King/King North trek to world government and the Christ arrival.

So for the complete symbols of Revelation (9:5-12, 16-21), which still apply in the final witnessing development, just look at the Revelation-Grand Climax book (chap. 22-23 p. 142-154) for those details on the core principles, keeping in mind the recovered anointed Christian (Eze37) scouring “apostasy” exposé’ is now coming on apostate Bethel, while en route to 8th King World Government.

For example of the original core principles still applying:

*** Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! chap. 22 pp. 144-145 par. 10 The First Woe—Locusts ***

Notice that this plague is not directed first against the people or prominent ones among them—the ‘vegetation and trees of the earth.’ (Compare Revelation 8:7.) The locusts are to harm only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, those in Christendom who claim to be sealed but whose record belies that claim. (Ephesians 1:13, 14) Thus, the tormenting utterances of these modern-day locusts were directed first against the religious leaders of Christendom. How these self-assuming men must have been tormented at hearing it publicly announced that not only were they failing to lead their flocks to heaven but they themselves would not get there! Truly, it has been a case of ‘the blind leading the blind’!—Matthew 15:14.

Example of new focus:

Notice that this plague is not directed first against the people or prominent ones among Jehovah’s witnesses—the ‘vegetation and trees of the earth’ which were already judged in the temple judgment. (Compare Revelation 8:7.) The locusts are to harm only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, those in Bethel’s system who claim to be sealed but whose record belies that claim. (Ephesians 1:13, 14) Thus, the tormenting utterances of these truly modern-day locusts are directed first against the religious leaders of Bethel. How these self-assuming men will be tormented at hearing it publicly announced that not only were they failing to lead their flocks to heaven but they themselves would not get there! Truly, it has been a case of ‘the blind leading the blind’!—Matthew 15:14.

Ministerial Recovery Completes Bethel Exposure First

Of course God by Christ, not mere men, will determine the state of individuals within the whole Jehovah’s Witness ministry during the temple judgment, as the purpose of the temple judgment is purification for repentance and carrying out the final open salvation call and Kingdom announcement.

(Revelation 9:5-10) And it was granted the [locusts], not to kill them, but that these should be tormented five months, and the torment upon them was as torment by a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to die but death keeps fleeing from them. 7 And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle; and upon their heads [were] what seemed to be crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as men’s faces, 8 but they had hair as women’s hair. And their teeth were as those of lions; 9 and they had breastplates like iron breastplates. And the sound of their wings [was] as the sound of chariots of many horses running into battle. 10 Also, they have tails and stings like scorpions; and in their tails is their authority to hurt the men five months.

And maybe as Jehovah’s witnesses we “shoulda, woulda, coulda” been a little more appealing to reasonable salvation, repentance and mercy when addressing Christendom’s leaders and masses. But of course that is what happens when one does not know the judgment is coming on us first, we ended up uttering our own judgment! Live and learn. But God’s purpose for judging modern Jehovah’s witnesses, as in the past with all of his people, is for adjustments motivated by repentance amidst what become undeniable judgment circumstances for the stubborn amongst us. Isaiah, Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Amos—in fact all the prophets, the full house—are what are all now coming on us Jehovah’s witnesses; it is what it is. Yet knowing all this is really “good news”.

The King, Destroyer

At the end of this sequence we get more details on the one who opens this temple judgment abyss: the super-natural spiritual “Destroyer” and “King”, and “star that had fallen from heaven to the earth” to whom the “key of the pit of the abyss was given him” as “he opened the pit of the abyss” from the “furnace” of the temple judgment purification.

That “opening” to light comes in the end of the period of the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 (Zech3:2), as that bedarkened “the evening” phase ends into that “opened the pit of the abyss” “morning” “light” implied by the “abyss” being opened for the anointed Christian ministerial recovery phase.


(Revelation 9:11) They have over them a king (Dan12:1), the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

Thus the “Destroyer” is also prominent in the temple recovery, as the impostors will be purged by angelic assistance, neutralized one way, or another…

(Isaiah 66:6) There is a sound of uproar out of the city, a sound out of the temple! It is the sound of Jehovah repaying what is deserved to his enemies.

…which removal of those damage control artists opens up Bethel for full exposure. And the Destroyers as Abaddon judge of “Hebrews” and Apollyon judge of “Greeks” mean this “angel of the covenant” is comprehensive in his God given temple judgment clean-up, final warning producing and exposure assignment. He will not be stopped by a mere King North human anti-JW crew or their demon leaders.

When the Daniel 8:13-14 “evening” of Jehovah’s Witness darkness phase turns to that relieving “morning” of “abyss” “opened” light and recovery phase of the temple judgment, the impostor enemies in Jehovah’s witnesses system, will meet “The Destroyer” in covert power—guaranteed—not to end the world, but to open the final warning period. If they ever wondered why the temple judgment prophecies are chock-full and overflowing with holy angels, they won’t wonder anymore after they meet Apollyon and his boys. (Isa31:8-9; Mal3:1-5; Zech3:4-5; Rev8-11)

But as we see here in the Israel period of the Destroyer parallel to ceasing the Assyrian invasions of Jerusalem (as Egypt also experienced when they met “The Destroyer” in the last plague), global Jehovah’s witnesses will not be given to the King North anti-JW-org full intention, as Bethel’s “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) will have been, and that is why the “evening” of desolations are timed and limited in Daniel 8:14:

(Hosea 1:6-7) I shall no more show mercy again to the house of Israel (Bethel) because I shall positively take them away. 7 But to the house of Judah (worldwide approved anointed in the JW global context) I shall show mercy, and I will save them by Jehovah their God; but I shall not save them by a bow or by a sword or by war, by horses or by horsemen.”;

Now just as Egypt had to “let my people go”, and a handful of Assyrians (Isa10:19) had to pack up and get out of the Jerusalem vicinity, so will King North have to back off of Jehovah’s witnesses, but for final warning purposes. Many Global Jehovah’s witnesses coming into divine approval and repentance are delivered for the final warning recovery by the Destroyer as Jesus Christ the “angel of the covenant”, the representative of God’s “light of Zion” and the “furnace of Jerusalem” (Isa31:8-9) securing the final recovery period:

(Hosea 1:4-7) And Jehovah went on to say to him: “Call his name Jezreel (“God will sow seed”), for yet a little while and I must hold an accounting (pictures “man of lawlessness” accounting at apostate Bethel’s overall lawless development that matured to the modern “King Ahab” GB development, since the “first witness” success) for the acts of bloodshed of Jezreel against the house of Jehu (overall, the GB “man of lawlessness” sins against anointed “house” (Dan11:32-35), which aided further apostasy and stumbling later), and I must cause the royal rule of the house of Israel to cease. (removal of the illegal “Man of lawlessness” “King Ahab” GB and Bethel “Mother Jezebel” organization in the temple judgment); 5 And it must occur in that day that I must break the bow (Bethel) of Israel in the low plain (judgment) of Jezreel.” (Temple judgment marked by Bethel event); 6 And she proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a (second witness symbol now in apostasy (UN fornication), led by Bethel) daughter. And He went on to say to him: “Call her name Lo-ruhamah (“not shown mercy”), for I shall no more show mercy again to the house of Israel (Bethel apostasy), because I shall positively take them away. (In Dan8:13-14 temple purification events); ( worldwide JWs anointed and earthlings spared by angelic “Destroyer” aid) 7 But to the house of Judah (worldwide approved JWs) I shall show mercy, and I will save them by Jehovah their God; but I shall not save them by a bow or by a sword or by war, by horses or by horsemen.” (the salvation deliverance from the temple judgment precursor will be by Christ and his angels, hence all the angels being all over the temple judgment prophecies);

Which “I will save them by Jehovah their God” was fulfilled by “The Destroyer” at this time:

(Isaiah 37:36-37) And the angel of Jehovah proceeded to go forth and strike down a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. When people rose up early in the morning, why, there all of them were dead carcasses. 37 Hence Sennacherib the king of Assyria pulled away and went and returned and took up dwelling in Nineveh. (as will the temple trespassers also flee, while leaving the “King of Assyria” globalists system intact, for later)

Thus the “sword”, to also effect the temple purge for total purification in the future, is angelic, or the Abaddon/Apollyon symbol:

(Isaiah 31:8-9) And the Assyrian must fall by the sword, not [that of] a man; and a sword, not [that of] earthling man, will devour him. And he must flee because of the sword, and his own young men will come to be for forced labor itself. 9 And his own crag (of the burning mountain Bethel knob) will pass away out of sheer fright, and because of the signal his princes must be terrified,” is the utterance of Jehovah, whose light is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.

The “seven shepherds” are angelic. The distinction in the “eight dukes” “of mankind” is for the assisting human anointed Christian completion of the final warning as guided by God and his “shepherding”, in both witnessings combining, or “eight”.

(Micah 5:5-6) As for the Assyrian, when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our dwelling towers, we shall also have to raise up against him seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes of mankind. 6 And they will actually shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in its entrances. And he will certainly bring about deliverance from the Assyrian, when he comes into our land and when he treads upon our territory.

(Zechariah 9:8) And I will encamp as an outpost for my house, so that there will be no one passing through and no one returning; and there will no more pass through them a taskmaster, for now I have seen [it] with my eyes.

And no more apostasy will be born in the ministry:

(Hosea 9:15-16) “All their badness was in Gilgal, for there I had to hate them. On account of the evil of their dealings I shall drive them away from my own house. I will not continue on loving them. All their princes are acting stubborn. 16 Ephraim must be struck down. Their very root must dry up. There will be no fruit that they produce. Also, in case they bring to birth, I will even put to death the desirable things of their belly.”

Thus the final warning period is opened by God, by Christ and angelic aid, not destroying the then incomplete “Assyrian” “8th King”, just removing their trespassing influence in the context of the Bethel apostasy events being dealt with in the temple judgment, so that the final 1260 days may emerge in fully accurate and complete form for the final warning.

Three Year Signal Ends

Thus 3.19 years of “the evening” passing and becoming “the morning” of recovery (Dan8:26), is the angel backed opening of the abyss at the halfway point of the temple judgment in the accounting to purification phase competing “the evening” phase, as possibly the “evening” half of the 2300 days 6.38 years:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?” 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.”

Now that is affirmed in other cross connections to the Israel initial judgment under the Assyrians, as the parallel of Bethel’s downfall judgment under the modern day Assyrians in all of Hosea’s prophecy, and most of Isaiah’s:

(Hosea 6:1-3) “Come, you people, and do let us return to Jehovah, for he himself has torn in pieces (temple desolation) but he will heal us. He kept striking, but he will bind us up. 2 He will make us alive after two days. On the third day he will make us get up, (relating to the Daniel 8:14 “evening” of desolation ending) and we shall live before him. 3 And we will know, we will pursue to know Jehovah. Like dawn, his going forth is firmly established. (temple recovery cannot be reversed) And he will come in like a pouring rain to us; like a spring rain that saturates [the] earth.” (temple recovery);

As the sign of the Assyrian “setback” also had a three year principle, showing recovery certainty:

(Isaiah 37:30-32) “‘And this will be the sign for you: There will be an eating this year of the growth from spilled kernels, and in the second year grain that shoots up of itself; but in the third year sow seed, you people, and reap, and plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. 31 And those who escape of the house of Judah, those who are left remaining, will certainly take root downward and produce fruitage upward. 32 For out of Jerusalem a remnant will go forth and those who escape out of Mount Zion. The very zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this.

(Matthew 12:38-40) Then as an answer to him some of the scribes and Pharisees said: “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.” 39 In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. 

Thus the darkness of the “three days” is what transpires as Jehovah’s witnesses are tossed into the sea for dereliction of ministerial duty, by omission, as led by the Bethel apostasy.

(Jonah 1:17) Now Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, so that Jonah came to be in the inward parts of the fish three days and three nights.

6th Trumpet—Christian Recovery of Jehovah’s Witnesses Ministry

And with that 5th trumpet anointed Christian recovery, in time, comes the 6th trumpet ministerial recovery of approved Christians still utilizing the Jehovah’s witnesses foundational ministry of the “first witness”, that must now be comprehensively explaining the first four trumpet meanings fully, as part of the 5th and 6th trumpet “woeful” heralds. And that “good news” comes forth, instead of into “the end”, actually en route to world government completion and the final full “little scroll” commission of God in Revelation 10 to be deployed in Revelation 11:1-7 as the “two witnesses” “second witnessing” period of the final 1260 days warning, once everything is in total line with modern prophetic reality to God’s specification. (Zech3:4-10; Zech4:6-9; Matt24:45-51; Matt25:1-13; Matt22:1-14)

Thus the fifth and sixth trumpets proceed to envelope the “little scroll” and final “two witnesses 2.0” witnessing for Kingdom of God proclamation, now concerning the Messianic Kingdom completion, as others are also informed of the first four trumpet news, as the fifth trumpet blows here to trumpet six:

(Revelation 9:13-17) And the sixth angel blew his trumpet. And I heard one voice out of the horns of the golden altar that is before God 14 say to the sixth angel, who had the trumpet: “Untie the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels were untied, who have been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, to kill a third of the men. 16 And the number of the armies of cavalry was two myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them.

And so the whole recovery goes forth on the same pattern as the “first witness”, but this time in sequential trumpet 1-7 order.

(Revelation 9:16-21) And the number of the armies of cavalry was two myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them. 17 And this is how I saw the horses in the vision, and those seated on them: they had fire-red and hyacinth-blue and sulphur-yellow breastplates; and the heads of the horses were as heads of lions, and out of their mouths fire and smoke and sulphur issued forth. 18 By these three plagues a third of the men were killed, from the fire and the smoke and the sulphur which issued forth from their mouths. 19 For the authority of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents and have heads, and with these they do harm. (repentance is the goal of these developments (Rev11:13), even if ignored by some:) 20 But the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they should not worship the demons and the idols of gold and silver and copper and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; 21 and *they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritistic practices nor of their fornication nor of their thefts.

(Revelation 16:8-9) And the fourth one poured out his bowl upon the sun; and to [the sun] it was granted to scorch the men with fire. 9 And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues, and *they did not repent so as to give glory to him.

By the time the anointed Christian ministry emerges from the “abyss” of purifying events, the “constant feature” will be arriving into complete clarity and accuracy required to be reached before the final commission “little scroll” and final “two witnesses” final warning, open salvation appeal, and Messianic Kingdom proclamation deploys. Thus Revelation 9’s fifth and sixth trumpets take place in “the morning” phase of the temple judgment still reaching the point of the commission, but exposing the Bethel apostasy as it provides the hub of summarizing everything being covered up since 1990.

And thus the “evening” and the “morning” of both temple judgment phases of Daniel 8:13-14 are both accomplished in Revelation 8-9 for the purified Temple “right condition”, prior to full commission (Rev10) and final “two witnesses” deployment. (Rev11:1-7) It is the “evening and morning” relationship to the constant feature, but also its purification timing and phasing*:

(Daniel 8:14) So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.

Which was also phased as reiterated by God through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel. The evening and the morning indicates the phasing:

(*Daniel 8:26) “And the thing seen concerning the evening and the morning, which has been said, it is true. And you, for your part, keep secret the vision, because it is yet for many days.”

(Below, Revelation 10-11 future final fulfillment cycle of the “second witness” of the “two witnesses”, and their “little scroll” summary, will be explained as the prophecy of the fifth and sixth trumpets must extend into Revelation 10-11:1-7 completion (Rev10:5-11), prior to the 7th trumpet Christ conquest (Rev11:15-19), hence the prelude ominous yet “good news” warning that it is. (Rev10:5-11) The final “two witnesses” warning cessation (Rev11:8-10; Dan12:11; Rev13:5-7) under world government (Rev11:7; Rev17:8-13), and then the Christ arrival (Rev11:11-12), concludes within sixth trumpet sequence completing. (Rev11:7-12))

VIII. Almighty Jehovah: The Sovereign God of Total Completion

Revelation Completion

Revelation 8-11 is the most significant structured prophecy of total completion, into which core sequential framework, spanning several final years and global milestone developments, all Revelation and the Bible’s applicable prophecy register.

(Matthew 6:9-10) Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

(Ephesians 1:8-10) This he caused to abound toward us in all wisdom and good sense, 9 in that he made known to us the sacred secret of his will. (Rev10:5-7) It is according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself 10 for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.

God’s purpose is to do His will to completion on planet Earth (Matt6:10; Gen3:15; Gen22:17), and thus open the whole complete prophecy prior to that guaranteed completion of the chief sovereign element in the Messianic Kingdom to begin to do that “will of God” globally. (Rev10:5-7)

(Revelation 1:1) A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.

(1 John 2:17) Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.

The preview cycle of Revelation’s “first witness” has already shown us the basic sovereign plot, theme and summary, which merely now completes according to the same master pattern and meanings, but in global final form. Revelation 8-11 is that core final cycle framework sequence that must manifest again, and completely “show his slaves” its full complete meaning prior to the completion, as is the Revelation 10 “little scroll” theme of that final summary.

(Revelation 10:6-7) “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

The complete “seven trumpets” are the spiritual framework of gauged milestone developments that produce the temple purification (Rev8; and first timing: Dan8:14) first, in the first four trumpets. From that initial verification events (Dan8:13), timing (Dan8:14), and phasing (Dan8:26) comes the final ministerial recovery, the final apostasy exposure (Rev9) now rampant at Bethel, and the eventual full “little scroll” understanding (Rev10) to be “witnessed” to in a final witnessing. (Rev11:1-7; 1260 days timed)

(Isaiah 43:18-19) 18 “Do not remember the first things (1914-1919; first witness), and to the former things do not turn your consideration. 19 Look! I am doing something new. (second witness) Now it will spring up. you people will know it, will you not?

But that “second witness” “something new” is of course related to and based on the “first witness” truth:

(Isaiah 42:9) .The first things (1914-1919)—here they have come, but new things (of the future) I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear [them].

And that final “second witnessing” is required  (Rev10:11), before the sovereign completion of both the 8th King World Government and then the Christ arrival to complete the Messianic Kingdom along that same “seven trumpet” trajectory to complete “Har-Magedon” (Rev16:13-16) as the “seven plagues” complete as the parallel global context of the “seven trumpets” manifestation.

And that is why the “first witness” and the “second witness” of the future all respect the same spiritual and sovereign principles as demonstrated in the 1914-1919 first cycle.

Revelation’s Dual Fulfillment Basis

As implied in the “two witnesses” as actually two Kingdom witnessing cycles, Revelation has two fulfillments, as there are also two Kingdom developments that form the focus of the both witness cycles, for God’s Kingdom, and Christ’s Messianic Kingdom duality. The “first witness” fulfillment of 1914-1919 and after was for the warning preview of the ultimate final fulfillment meaning, emerging in a global context displaying unmistakable global developments related to global sovereign development.

Revelation 8-9 final fulfillment cycle are the developments that produce the first six trumpets, from temple judgment to purification recovery, to final warning, to world government, to Christ arrival. The first six trumpets converge Revelation 8-9 all the way to Revelation 10-11:1-14, prior to the seventh trumpet total global conquest of Jesus Christ (Rev11:15), by that time the Messianic Kingdom “King of kings”. Hence why the final warning goes forth before world government and thus before the Christ arrival, and thus before his global conquest.

Revelation 11:11-12 Christ arrival parallel activates Revelation 14’s final salvation sequence to conclude in the global judgment. Revelation 19 is the post Christ arrival parallel of Revelation 14, and the focus of the final Kingdom proclamation of Christ’s arrival to oversee that final sequence. The “Seventh Trumpet” contains all that related detail of Christ’s salvation priority to be accomplished first. (Rev14:6-8)

And thus the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses is leading to the purification recovery of the entirety of the final prophetic forecast to completion which has mirrored, and will continue to mirror, the final global development to 8th King/King North “Scarlet Wildbeast” world government (and hence the Christ arrival). That is the same global context that the anointed Christian modern ministry first began in, in 1914-1919, merely running its final cycle of completion.

We can now review the real global completion requirements of complete “8th King” “King North” world government and how it uses four formulaic world war cycles, to present itself (and that first) as the required means of “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3), which is also encapsulated in the Revelation first fulfillment preview cycle of 1914-1919, and will repeat in the same related manner of significance for the final cycle.

Keeping this comprehensive completion requirement and complete 8th King global government goal in mind, is important to understand the full impact of the final fulfillment cycle of Revelation 8-11, as Revelation 10-11 arrives at this very development as preview foregleamed in the 1914-1919 first fulfillment.

Four Global War Cycles Complete for Four United Nations Presentations, UN1-2-3-4

In 1914, in the World War 1 first cycle and main master pattern utilizing the first “global crisis” (for formulaic use to present the League of Nations), we have the main “world-war-to-world-government” formulaic global cycle formula.

1. That first formulaic global war cycle had a greater purpose. WW1 resolved to highlight and amplify the League of Nations “image of the wildbeast” World Government Nucleus presentation. (Rev13:11-15) That was a formulaic global cycle designed to play out its global stressing purpose and then lead to the relieving WW1 “we need world peace” resolution (Rev13:3), during the whole 1914-1919 first cycle, and its eventual “League of Nations” first counter-Kingdom presentation. (Rev13:11-15)

2. That reliable global war cycle “problem-reaction-solution” formula repeated in WW2 (Rev17:8-11)

3. Then amidst Bethel silence and their UN NGO “UN covenant” the formula repeated again, in the  unique Cold War global cycle. (Dan11:29-31) In spite of that cycle’s uniqueness and Bethel’s concurrent silence as if nothing unusual or significant occurred in that 3rd United Nation presentation, it was a THIRD global cycle demonstrating the same “world peace” resolution to highlight a notable United Nations global presentation climax to end that cycle as well.

Thus when this now triple cycle, with the same UN presentation outcome, is noted properly, and prophetically (Dan8:23; Dan11:29-31), a three time repeating pattern of the use of a global war, whether “hot” or “cold”, is what emerges.

4. Now it does not take a prophet, rocket scientist or Sherlock Holmes to see the predictability of a fourth cycle forming in the future, as demonstrated in those first three cycles all conveniently resolving to give credibility to the UN “world peace” pitch and the existence of that world government designate, to easily now suggest a fourth cycle will repeat in the future (Rev13:3) prior to world government as the climax of this final cycle. [1]

Now it is predictable, not just by prophetic means and its presence in the four steps of world government development forming since 1914, and these first three cycles. Thus, far more than prophecy marks 1914’s significance for these very reasons leading to world government, which will of course merit the long foretold divine reaction in God and Christ’s arrival.

And that is how and why Revelation will also repeat, along with that final world-war-to-world-government cycle repeating for its final run to full world government, not “doomsday” nor “the end”.

Two Witnessing Cycles Must Complete

Thus identifying the first cycle use of this formula, is what makes that 1914-1919 “first witness” ministry significant because it also aids the final cycle understanding that must emerge with the fourth and final cycle [1] and the “second witness” cycle that must emerge with that final cycle. At this time, Bethel now stalls and undermines the fullest meaning by silencing any commentary on that third cycle in the Cold War and the significance of its third capping United Nations presentation.

Thus if Jehovah’s witnesses are unaware of the UN1-2-3, of course at this time they will also be unaware of the required UN1-2-3-4.

In 1914-1919 that WW1-to-League of Nations rival sovereignty development, just so happened to be developing as the modern “God’s Kingdom proclamation” of the “first witnessing” cycle of the “little scroll” of the “two witnesses” of that time, was also coming forth in progressive understanding since 1914. Though this full understanding was progressively understood later, the 1914 prophecy era of God’s Kingdom manifestation, in preview form at that time, had a clear-as-day basic global-sovereign statement from God’s Kingdom, that the “gentile times have ended”. That basic warning meaning of the temporary human rulership reality, was developing since the time of Charles Russell as that basic theme of the warning message was present and emerging since 1874.

It does not need a “seven times” affirmation to get the point that rival human rulership of planet earth is indeed nearing its end. As well, the 1260 days prophecies in 5 cross referenced sequences with great contextual detail, are not dependent on the 607-to-1914 dating, they stand alone as significant in their own right. Thus all the 1914 controversy is merely a distraction from the same basic reality that human based rulership is nearing its end in very basic terms of divine warning.

But the meaning of the “appointed times of the nations” “seven times” ending as 2520 years in 1914, did give support to the basic message that the world’s “kings have had their day”, and were being warned well in advance of what will now come to a completion with this final cycle. We have the exact same story, as present in 1914-1919, now also present in the future formulaic principle in which they will present world government in completion. This time, in the future, as that coming “global crisis” also resolves (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13) for that same overall purpose—by design, to present world government—AGAIN (Rev10:11), a final proclamation, a “second witnessing” sovereign warning cycle, also must come forth, just like in 1914-1919; but this one is the finality.

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

It is a no brainer really, once we respect and maintain the “first witnessing” cycle of the 1914-1919, in that first anointed Christian based International Bible Students clarification and the eventual Jehovah’s witnesses global-ministry that made known its sovereign principles.

1. We just understand and respect the basic gist of the entire preview explanation of God’s Kingdom prophecy, while simultaneously exposing that first step to world government after 1914-1919. (1919; Rev13:11-15; Dan12:11)

2. That vigilant counter-Kingdom “disgusting thing” tracking then continued into the second United Nations ((1945; Rev17:8-11) developments as prophecy, live and real-time, from 1919 to 1945 in continual tracking manner. The cyclic use of world war, to resolve to aid a United Nations presentation, was well set in the WW1 and WW2 patterns and outcome, UN1-2.

3. It is modern Bethel who has ignored the meaning of the Cold War third cycle, UN1-2-3, thus breaking this continual tracking assignment as the final apostasy.

Thus the cyclic and formulaic principles of Revelation 13:3, were well demonstrated in “The Great War” (WW1) resolving to highlight the “League of Nations” first placement in 1914-1919. The same principle, but in “abyss ascension” form, Revelation 17:8-11, emerged in WW2 and the United Nations presentation, to come forth from the “world peace” impotence of the League of Nations, after WW2; when world wars started being numbered WW1 and WW2.

Thus WW2  also very conveniently “resolved” for that principle of the “wildbeast ascension” from the global crisis “abyss” of WW2, as it then resolved, to meet the prophetic principles, to also highlight the second UN abomination and counterfeit of “God’s Kingdom” presentation of 1945—all clearly stated by Jehovah’s witnesses of that time, while these events were transpiring, live and real-time.

In 1990 Jehovah’s witnesses dropped the UN from radar, by Bethel lead (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12b), and stopped tracking and commenting on modern UN presentation significance live and real-time—by 1990, the ministry had fallen asleep on the budding apostate Bethel sleeping pills continuing on down to this day, in backwardized world view silence typifying Bethel’s purposeful ignorance campaign.

As we know Jehovah’s witnesses have gone totally mum with Bethel on the 1990 THIRD United Nations presentation after the Cold War third cycle also ran its course for the same kind of UN highlighting presentation.

Ending the Jehovah’s Witness Slumber Party and Their Bethel GB Wino Influence

Now all Jehovah’s witnesses have to do (Rev10:11 principle), in an eventual recovered anointed Christian “second witnessing” (Rev11:1-7) to emerge guaranteed (Rev9) from the temple judgment (Rev8), is to explain the 3rd United Nations presentation of 1990, the one in “New World Order” mode, along with the FOURTH and final UN step it will be taking to global-sovereign World Government which Jehovah’s witnesses will be smack dab in the middle of, in that fourth global cycle fully active and heading to world government—not “the end” quite as soon as Jehovah’s witnesses have been misled to anticipate too soon. (2Thess2:1-2)

That really is connecting UN3-4 for the full UN1-2-3-4 [1]—which Bethel has been, and is now since 1990, fully diverting Jehovah’s witnesses prophetic awareness away from. At the same time, Bethel also became a United Nations Non-governmental Organization, or “UN NGO” under the United Nations Secretariat (3rd UN “Principal Organ”), under the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council, as a publicly “covenanted” affiliated United Nations Department of “Public Information” partner “grass roots” organization and 3rd UN New World Order global co-promoting advertiser. (Dan11:30-32a)

As shown the exposure of that modern apostasy at UN-Bethel, is much of the subject matter of the second and third trumpets of the temple judgment explanation to come forth as “chapter one” of the final sovereign ultimatum of God’s Kingdom, all contained and then some, in that final “little scroll”—short but powerful—ministerial Kingdom proclamation now concerning the guaranteed Messianic Kingdom completion in the complete 8th King’s face in the future.

Completing that final summary and complete awareness is why the subverting Governing Body’s days are numbered (Dan8:14), and those temple judgment events and that “liberation” will end up being quite the Global Jehovah’s Witness Wake Up Call. (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41; Hag2:7)

Revelation 8:5 does not have an initiating temple “earthquake” for nothing! Only these astounding Bethel sacking events can possibly wake up the modern Jehovah’s Witness snoozing “Rip Van J-Winkle” “Encino Man” from their Bethel “Ice Age” fossilized hibernation.

Revelation 10-11—Sovereign Commission of “Little Scroll” to be Deployed as the “Two Witnesses” Final Witness

In time, anointed Christians and Jehovah’s witnesses have to be woken up from the apostate Bethel coma. (Matt25:1-13):

(Revelation 11:1) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up!!!…

(Matthew 25:6-7) Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order.

(Zechariah 4:1-2) And the angel who was speaking with me proceeded to come back and wake me up, like a man that is awakened from his sleep. 2 Then he said to me: “What are you seeing?”

And as per Zechariah 4 parallel of the “two witnesses” they have to tell the world what it is they will then be “seeing”, though it was present all along, merely darkened by that Bethel “fallen” and burnt out “lamp”. (Rev8:10-12) Hence the first four trumpets alarming blast in the Jehovah’s Witness ears, to eventually aid those wake ups in the above.

And the “fire of the altar” temple judgment purification will aid the holy spirit blast that will help recover and revive that final awareness and its final commission:

(Isaiah 6:6-9) At that, one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand there was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs off the altar. 7 And he proceeded to touch my mouth and to say: “Look! This has touched your lips, and your error has departed and your sin itself is atoned for.” (temple judgment purification; Zech3:3-5,9) 8 And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I proceeded to say: “Here I am! Send me.” (Rev10:8-11; two witnesses parallel of “little scroll” commission of final warning from God and Christ) 9 And he went on to say: “Go, and you must say to this people, ‘Hear again and again (two witnesses “you must prophesy again”. (Rev10:11)), O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.’

The purification to enter once again divine approval will allow full divine aid, as this all repeats with that purification by the temple judgment purpose:

(Joel 2:28-31) “And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy. As for your old men, dreams they will dream. As for your young men, visions they will see. 29 And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit. 30 “And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.

There has to be a “second witnessing” of the “two witnesses” to complete the “seven times”, now as 2520 days, 1260 days times (2) “witnesses”. Each witnessing is for 1260 days (1914-1919 first witness example), and the final one must complete in a final 1260 days in the future. But the “Kingdom of God” sovereign theme is the same, it is just entering universal completion prior to the Christ arrival. (Rev10:5-7)

So now we can examine the “little scroll” and the required divine commission of its ministerial mission (Rev10:5-11), which must then be based on the full understanding of the sovereign and spiritual requirements, which will all come forth from the Revelation 8 temple judgment (Dan8:13-14 “trampling”  events and timing), and the Revelation 9 modern anointed Christian and Jehovah’s Witness ministerial recovery period it will then lead to in the future, to eventually arrive into Revelation 10-11 final fulfillment.

Revelation 10—Divine Completion Command and the “Little Scroll” Final Commission

In time the first six trumpets will produce the fully “right condition” of Daniel 8:14 as the ultimate purpose of the temple judgment, to lead, by this time, to the completed purification and clarification refinements to understand “open scroll”, accept and deliver the final divine commission of now the Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion proclamation, the second Kingdom testimony, thus the “second witnessing” of the overall “two witnesses” since 1914-1919 original “Kingdom proclamation”.

This is still within the sixth trumpet and begins the background symbolism of the second “little scroll” sovereign requirements of that “second witness” of the “two witnesses”, as Jesus Christ is poised to arrive and conquer planet Earth, now “making contact” in pre-arrival symbolic proximity (Zech9:8-9) to planet Earth, the target, the trophy planet:

(Revelation 10:1-4) And I saw another strong angel descending from heaven, arrayed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet were as fiery pillars, 2 and he had in his hand a little scroll opened.
(then fully “opened” to full understanding; complete) And he set his right foot upon the sea, but his left one upon the earth, 3 and he cried out with a loud voice just as when a lion roars. And when he cried out, the seven thunders uttered their own voices. 4 Now when the seven thunders spoke, I was at the point of writing; but I heard a voice out of heaven say: “Seal up the things the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them down.”

There is no doubt who that angel is, as the clarification of Malachi 3:1-5, from the complete temple judgment, now takes full effect for its intended purpose in the “open scroll” awareness for anointed Christians, the finale purpose of the preceding Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment. This is the King in God’s Kingdom since 1914, Shiloh, the immortal “Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Gen49:9-10), Jesus Christ, now fully “The Mighty God” (Isa6:9). Now Christ is positioning for the total “King of kings” arrival for Messianic Kingdom completion and final Universal Coronation by God Almighty, as the climax arrival of the sixth trumpet, Christ arrival (Rev11:11-12), nears at this time prior to final completions. The purpose of the “little scroll” is to of course provide full fair sovereign warning and open salvation invitation to anyone responding to the “message” in that “little scroll”. It will be a complete “message”.

Divine Completion Statement

The message of the “second witness” is that the “Messianic Kingdom” portion of the Divine Purpose “Kingdom of the World” must also complete, and as yet, and at that time of this prophecy, will be incomplete and preparing for that sovereign culmination along with 8th King World Government developments also climaxing at the same time as King North climax parallel. (Rev17:8-13; Dan11:44-45; Dan8:25)

The “two witnesses” are required because there are two Kingdoms and two Kingdom covenants in prophecy (Dan2:31-45; Luke22:28-20; Zech6:1-8), one with God and Christ in God’s Kingdom (the temporary position; 1914 significance; 1Cor15:24-18; Gen3:15; Ps2; Ps110), and one with Christ with “those who stuck to him in his trials” for Christ’s Messianic Kingdom covenant with the 144000, of the coming completion:

(Luke 22:28-30) However, you are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; 29 I make a (kingdom) covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, 30 that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

The “New Covenant” with God, the primary and first covenant, legally enables those who “stick to” Christ “in his trials”, ultimately all the anointed Christians approved, to enter the “Kingdom Covenant” with Christ. This is why the “New Covenant”, as seen, is discussed first in Luke 22:19-30’s record, prior to that Kingdom covenant cited in the above at Luke 22:28-30:

(Luke 22:19-20) Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 20 Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf.

That secondary Kingdom membership offer/invitation, empowered through Christ’s comprehensive perfect human sacrifice, validating all the covenants, is the Kingdom covenant with Christ. This Christ covenant is for Christ’s “brothers and sisters” Messianic Kingdom participation (Heb2:14), under his God appointed authority as “King of kings”, in the sovereign entity, the Messianic Kingdom, “set up” by God to rule the world (Rev11:15).

The Messianic Kingdom is the specific and specialized sovereign agency that rules planet Earth, under God’s Kingdom. That distinction, is very important, and is why this Messianic Kingdom completion phase is so important, and also has a “witnessing” announcement of the “second witnessing” of the “two witnessings” to this truth, in 1914-1919, and in the future.

The Messianic Kingdom, Christ’s “Son of David” specialized and new Kingdom, is the “stone” cut from an existing “mountain” of God’s Kingdom in this prophecy, thus TWO Kingdoms shown here as well:

(Daniel 2:44-45) “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will (newly) set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; 45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain (God’s Kingdom) a stone (Christ’s Kingdom) was cut (by God) not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the molded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.”

Obviously the Kingdom that God “sets up” is new, the “stone” is Christ Kingdom, whereas God’s Kingdom has been from all eternity and manifested in 1914 with Christ anointed as designated King to oversee BOTH “witnessings” of the “two witnesses”. God’s Kingdom “mountain” already present, is not what is yet requiring to be fully “set up” over Earth—and the Messianic Kingdom purpose is Earthly sovereign focus:

(Daniel 2:35) At that time the iron, the molded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain and filled the whole earth.

Of course such a Messianic Kingdom required completion and certainty, will also get a big proclamation for 1260 days.

The two symbolic “mountains” are these two kingdoms, as this is what is described before the “King-Priest” section of Zechariah 6:9-15:

(Zechariah 6:1) Then I raised my eyes again and saw; and, look! there were four chariots coming forth from between two mountains, and the mountains were copper mountains.

And the purpose is to complete the Messianic Kingdom “Temple” as well, to complete the basis of Christ’s “King Priest” final coronation in the Messianic Kingdom entity, as also High Priest of the Messianic Kingdom Temple, also set to complete in the future:

(Zechariah 6:12-13) “‘This is what Jehovah of armies has said: “Here is the man whose name is Sprout. And from his own place he will sprout, and he will certainly build the temple of Jehovah. 13 And he himself will build the temple of Jehovah, and he, for his part, will carry [the] dignity; and he must sit down and rule on his throne, and he must become a priest upon his throne, and the very counsel of peace will prove to be between both of them.

(Psalm 110:4-6) Jehovah has sworn (and he will feel no regret): “You are a priest to time indefinite According to the manner of Melchizedek!”  5 Jehovah himself at your right hand will certainly break kings to pieces on the day of his anger.  6 He will execute judgment among the nations;

God’s Kingdom manifestation of 1914, is where Christ assumed Kingdom power first as anointed King appointed by God (Rev6:1-2), “as my Father made a covenant for a Kingdom with me”. (Ps2; Ps110) But that is not the last Kingdom Christ will manifest in. This was Christ Kingdom of God manifestation of 1914, long range “bow” meaning, “Crown given”:

(Revelation 6:1-2) And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice as of thunder: “Come!” 2 And I saw, and, look! a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him (in God’s Kingdom), and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.

Which leads from 1914, to the Messianic Kingdom completion of the future, and that final “Christ triumphal entry” of Revelation 19:11-21 as “King of kings”:

(Revelation 19:11) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness.

Now by that time of 7th Trumpet conquest parallel (Rev11:15-19), not the preceding Christ arrival (Rev11:11-12; Rev16:17-20), it will no longer be a “long range” “bow” spiritual war. It will be a final Kinged Christ “sword” direct war on the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” in full World Government fully warned and ready with Satan (Eze38:7) and the chaining, abyssing and sealed incarceration of Satan, POW of Armageddon’s “war of the great day of God the Almighty”. (Rev20:1-3; Isa24:21-22)

(Revelation 19:14-16) Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

(Isaiah 24:21-23) And it must occur in that day that Jehovah will turn his attention upon the army of the height in the height (Satan and the demons), and upon the kings of the ground upon the ground. 22 And they will certainly be gathered with a gathering as of prisoners into the pit, and be shut up in the dungeon; and after an abundance of days they will be given attention. 23 And the full moon has become abashed, and the glowing [sun] has become ashamed, for Jehovah of armies has become king in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and in front of his elderly men with glory. (Rev14)

That must be in final coronated war mode of Christ, Triumphal Entry as fully God coronated King of kings, in Messianic Kingdom complete power heading for the conquest phase, after total global earthly “sheep” securement. (Rev11:15-19)

Thus it is the Messianic Kingdom yet to complete, not God’s Kingdom, that has the specialized earthly sovereign focus and appointment to rule planet Earth as a “Kingdom and priests” (Rev5:10), though it is also a spiritual based superpower (Rev21:22), “not from this source” of planet Earth:

(John 18:33-38) So Pilate entered into the governor’s palace again and called Jesus and said to him: “Are you the king of the Jews?” 34 Jesus answered: “Is it of your own originality that you say this, or did others tell you about me?” 35 Pilate answered: “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered you up to me. What did you do?” 36 Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.” 37 Therefore Pilate said to him: “Well, then, are you a king?” Jesus answered: “You yourself are saying that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” 38 Pilate said to him: “What is truth?”

(Daniel 7:14) And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.

(Daniel 2:44) “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.

(Psalm 2:6-8) [Saying:] “I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain.”  7 Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah; He has said to me: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father.  8 Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance And the ends of the earth as your own possession.

The truth is the Kingdom of Christ, when complete, will eventually “fight” to secure the global sovereignty and take the Trophy Planet Earth. In the meantime God has to complete the final anointing and final affirmation sealing, to enable that Kingdom completion (Rev7:1-4; Rev14), from the Bethel “five foolish virgin” based apostate fall out coming in the temple judgment (Matt25:1-13), and the resistance to the final cycle recovery to develop in that Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment context of Daniel 11:41 going full blown on the “land of Decoration”, first. (1Pet4:17)

That being the case, in time, Christ’s “I make a covenant for a Kingdom with you”, that Kingdom of Christ (Dan2:31-45; Luke 22:28-30), must also complete in the full Christ arrival to “gather” the by then fully “sealed” 144000 to completion (Rev7:1-4), not as a preview as was his true “presence” since 1914, as stated, it is true. But that preview which manifested this certainty below, will become global reality, hence the final warning and open salvation offer that precedes it:

(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.”
(Gen1:26-28; Matt19:28; Gen3:15; Ps133; Rom8:18-22; Eze47:9; John6:39; Rev21-22)

Now that “strong angel” “crying out” has this divine objective and requirement of total prophetic and sovereign completion of the “sacred secret” and the “good news” full summarizing explanation. This is also prophecy that must fulfill to completion, and be stated as such, as this directive below is carried out in the final witnessing of the “two witnesses”, before the Messianic Kingdom completes, “in the days” “when he is about to blow” the “seventh trumpet” of the Messianic Kingdom conquest:

(Revelation 10:5-7) And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” 
(the summary of the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty, goes forth in the “little scroll” “two witnesses” final deployment)

Thus the “good news” of the “sacred secret” of the whole prophecy explained in all these divine Kingdoms and their sovereign purpose and focus, BOTH OF THEM, must be completed before Christ arrives, and before 8th King world government counter-kingdom completes (Rev11:1-7), for a final warning, and for a final global open salvation call that will go from human anointed Christians (two witnesses), to divine, as Christ completes his own ministry after arrival with salvation focus first. (Rev14:1-8; Matt10:23).

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “FEAR God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

And that has to be going forth globally, backed by Christ completing the very ministry he began in 100% complete Messianic Kingdom power, as Babylon the Great is present (Rev11:13), and by then going into full deposition, aiding the freeing of the final of God’s “my people” “sheep” (Rev18:4)  into the final Christ global “sheep sweep” (Rev14:14-16) prior to conquest:

(Revelation 14:8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

(Revelation 16:17-19) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. (Christ arrival; 1Thess4:17 “air”) At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. (Rev11:13) 19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath.

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell (those saved from BTG downfall judgment, under world government complete authority Rev17:11-18); and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Thus it is truly total, Christ and angel full Kingdom backed, “everlasting good news” of open salvation opportunity the whole time of Daniel 12:11’s 1290 days, prior to Christ’s total conquest mode! The sovereign theme of the “little scroll”, to contain that full prophetic summary, is for the second Kingdom proclamation, for the Kingdom of Christ, the Messianic Kingdom, also set to manifest at universal and earthly global scale and permanence. Hence the “two witnesses”, TWO “witnessings”.

Divine Completion Final Warning Commission

But in the meantime, that “opened little scroll” full awareness, leads to the final ministerial commission, which God times and deploys and commands, not humans, but in God’s time, obviously after the temple judgment has made purification and clarifications to be acceptable to God to progress to this commission from God:

(Revelation 10:8-10) And the voice that I heard out of heaven is speaking again with me and saying: “Go, take the opened scroll that is in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth.” 9 And I went away to the angel and told him (will be requested, in affirmation of both God and anointed Christians; Isa6:8 “send me”) to give me the little scroll. And he said to me: “Take it and eat it up (full divine commission commanded), and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” 10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up (mission accepted by anointed Christians), and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter.

Given the nature of that ominous sovereign ultimatum “little scroll” message, and the temple judgment reality that led to it, the same theme of the “bitter” yet “sweet” message is present, and will also be affected by the “sackcloth” attitude of mourning and humbled anointed Christians.

Final Divine Commission for Final Kingdom Proclamation Parallels

1. Zechariah 3 Post Temple Purification Commission parallel:

(Zechariah 3:6-7) And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua, saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards; and I shall certainly give you free access among these (angels) who are standing by.’ (the final commission divine ultimatum)

2. Matthew 22 Final Open Salvation Call for Completion of Anointing and More

(Matthew 22:7-10) “But the king grew wrathful, and sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. (Apostate Bethel “city”; Isa66:6) 8 Then he said to his slaves, ‘The marriage feast indeed is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go to the roads leading out of the city, and anyone you find invite to the marriage feast.’ 10 Accordingly those slaves went out to the roads and gathered together all they found, both wicked and good; and the room for the wedding ceremonies was filled with those reclining at the table.

Thus it is a big final salvation call to emerge in the aftermath of the apostate Bethel downfall!

3. Matthew 24 “Faithful Slave” Designate Commission Parallel:

The “faithful slave” designate is commissioned as a result of the temple judgment of God and His approval, not by humans, as a result of the purification to eventual official divine final commission the temple judgment of the future will produce:

(Matthew 24:45-47) “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving (at the temple first!) finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.

And thus completing the mission faithfully is what results in the affirmation sealing of anointed Christians accomplishing that divine requirement.

4. “Five Discreet Virgins” Final Enlightenment Commission Parallel

(Matthew 25:5-7) While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6 (the temple judgment:…) Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, (…to final commission:) ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’   7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order.

The point of the five discreet virgin final enlightenment is to explain the arrival of Christ before he arrives in complete power, as then he will have arrived at the temple first, as in all cases of Christ’s “presence”, to aid the final anointing and final commission success for salvation purposes first, well prior to total global conquest.

This indicates not the end, but the completion of the anointing process, prior to the full affirmation sealing in that final “be on your way out to meet him” final commission of final open salvation enlightenment and final warning of Messianic Kingdom completion.

(Matthew 25:10) While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut.

Which alarming proclamation of Christ arrival is in the same period:

(Joel 2:15-16) “Blow a horn in Zion, O men. Sanctify a time of fasting. Call together a solemn assembly. 16 Gather [the] people together. Sanctify a congregation. Collect [the] old men together. Gather children and those sucking the breasts together. Let [the] bridegroom go forth from his interior room, and [the] bride from her nuptial chamber.

Which final warning and open salvation invitation is aided by God in a final surge of holy spirit:

(Joel 2:28-31) And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy. As for your old men, dreams they will dream. As for your young men, visions they will see. 29 And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit. 30 “And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. 

Thus in reality a final phase of the anointed Christian ministry is gearing up with a far broader salvation message. And it is at a time now, with a depletion in anointed Christians projected, due to Bethel apostasy and the required judgment determinations which God must now make, based partly on the effects of this apostasy. (2Thess2:11-12)

And thus it is also plain as day that “set in opposition” Bethel (2Thess2:3-4) is now promoting a lie “to the effect” the end is coming sooner than possible in prophecy (2Thess2:1-2), as all the earmarks of the “man of lawlessness” instead are demonstrated in the Bethel apostasy. Instead, Bethel is trying to close off the salvation, cease the ministry, and install the impression in Jehovah’s witnesses that is is all over.

But in reality the ultimate period of all Christian history and all human history is just beginning!

That being the case, Apostate Bethel has fallen dead asleep on the watch, just as the illustrations indicate would be the case with the “five foolish virgins”. So a wake up call must arise well before the Christ arrival.

Second Witnessing of “Two Witnesses” Divine Command—Again

And thus explicitly stated, the “two witnesses” must prophesy again as the parallel command, to result in the above completion mission, is issued to complete this final commission preview:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy AGAIN with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

And by anointed Christians carrying out this final commission (Rev10:5-11), as there deployed by God and Christ as a command in Revelation 10:11, the final anointed Christians full affirmation sealings are effected, for all those remaining faithful and carrying out the mission, during that final 1260 days final Kingdom proclamation mission being completed. The 1260 days will begin when God dictates and Christians may or may not discern that timing, but the comprehensiveness of the message will indicate it is active or near activation as the commission must come from God, not human presumption.

This Revelation 10 final commission prophecy will fulfill when God is in full approval of the “right condition” met “in the temple” and the validity and fullness of the “message” in the “little scroll” which comes from divine origin through Jesus Christ (Rev1:1)—but with the original import, the “saved oil”, of the “first witness” of 1914-1918, just updated for modern global developments and the prophecy that mirrors it. Of course it is now leading to the “two witnesses” second manifestation to be covered below.

For some anointed Christians, carrying out that final mission faithfully and fully will result in the final sealing throughout that period and its 1260 days completion to enable the Christ arrival of Revelation 11:11-12 to complete the Kingdom “gathering” first. (Matt24:29-31; Rev14:1-7) In the principle of the “saved oil” of the “five discreet virgins”, it is the same “light” based on the original Kingdom proclamation, with the required updates.

And thus the anointed Christian affirmation sealing is complete (Rev7:1-4), by the time the “tribulation of those days” resolves into world government (Matt24:29-31), with the 1260 days concluding in that parallel initial phase of the “great tribulation”. That is prior to, but then enabling the “four winds” final “great tribulation” phase of the complete world government final global agenda period (Rev11:7-10; Rev13:15-18; Dan11:44-45; Dan8:25), entering its final “one hour” of global sovereign defiance. (Rev17:8-13)

And that is why Christ arrives in that final post 1260 days time frame to “cut short” the whole overall “great tribulation”:

(Matthew 24:21-22) for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

Christ did not “cut short” the “tribulation of those days”, it resolves on its own, before Christ arrives, as the 1260 days are ending the final warning:

(Matthew 24:29-30) Immediately after the tribulation of those days… 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven…

Which results not in “the end”, but Christ completing the open salvation “gathering” first as post 1260 days Revelation 11:11-12 parallel during that enabled “four winds” of the total “one hour” rule of 8th King/King North World Government:

(Matthew 24:31) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.

Which is the post 1260 days gathering of the final affirmation sealed ones, in the same “four winds” period referenced above:

(Revelation 7:1-3) After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth (of human origin), that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.”

And thus the final events, then under world government are in sequence connecting to Revelation 14 and Revelation 19 activation and final progression in post Christ arrival mode (Dan12:11) of Christ “subduing in the midst of” his 8th King “enemy” (Ps110:2), as Christ is also present completing Messianic Kingdom and Temple power by gathering all the sheep, heavenly and earthly, first in the final process of salvation prior to global conquest. (Rev14:14-16, Matt25:31-40)

Zechariah 3 Portent of Temple Completion Parallel

And this message of the divine mission of completion is the priority, as paralleled here:

(Zechariah 3:8-9) “‘Hear, please, O Joshua the high priest, you and your companions who are sitting before you, for they are men [serving] as portents (a final warning sign); for here I am bringing in (Christ pre-arrival preparations) my servant Sprout! (Christ King-Priest parallel Zech6:9-15) 9 For, look! the (Christ temple completion) stone that I have put before Joshua! (see Zech4:6-9) Upon the one stone there are seven eyes. Here I am engraving its engraving,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘and I will take away the error of that land in one day.’ (purification “right condition” parallel of Dan8:14)

As these finalizations to Christ arrival, sheep securement, Messianic Kingdom completion and finally, global conquest, will begin God’s purpose to be fully set under Christ and the Messianic Kingdom along this process, for this assured promise as a Messianic Kingdom 1000 Year Reign of Christ assurance:

(Zechariah 3:10) “‘In that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘you will call, each one to the other, while under [the] vine and while under [the] fig tree.’”

Everything Completes

Now “temple completion” is synonymous in principle with the coming completion of the Messianic “Kingdom”, and the “Jerusalem” “Holy City”, and the whole “Bride of Christ”, into fully 100% spiritual form under Christ to be the God Coronated “King of kings”—also King-Priest over the whole Temple arrangement, as Christ is set as Temple “crown stone” High Priest and the Messianic Kingdom “King of kings” completely and finally, by God, simultaneously.

Christ was the “foundation stone” of the “temple” placed by God (Ps118:22-23; 1Pet2:4), and he continues the work of temple construction in gathering the rest of the anointed Christian “stones”, and he is the “cap stone” “headstone” “crown” “stone” as well. But it is God who completes the temple by setting that final Christ temple “stone”, parallel with his Messianic Kingdom coronation as “King of kings” in total completion:

(Zechariah 6:12-13) “‘This is what Jehovah of armies has said: “Here is the man whose name is Sprout. And from his own place he will sprout, and he will certainly build the temple of Jehovah. 13 And he himself will build the temple of Jehovah, and he, for his part, will carry [the] dignity; and he must sit down and rule on his throne, and he must become a priest upon his throne, and the very counsel of peace will prove to be between both of them. 

God completes the final “temple” “stone” placement of Jesus Christ, as this proclamation will be announcing that event before it occurs.

Zechariah 4 Parallel

(Zechariah 4:6-9) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain? (such as apostate Bethel and then the 8th King) Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the headstone. There will be shoutings to it: “How charming! How charming!” (two witnessings) 8 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 9 “The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his own hands will finish [it].

Now that temple completion “crown” “stone”, or “headstone” is Christ himself, not to be confused with the Daniel 2:31-45 “stone” that is the whole Messianic Kingdom totality which complete with the “temple” completion, which Messianic Kingdom and Temple Christ heads as the “Temple” High Priest and King, King-Priest (Zech6:9-15):

(Psalm 110:1-6) The utterance of Jehovah to my Lord is: “Sit at my right hand Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”  2 The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion (Rev14:1), [saying:] “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.” (God and Christ complete his Kingdom in the face of the 8th King world government also complete, right in their “midst” as this final warning will eventually make known.)  3 Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, You have your company of young men just like dewdrops.  4 Jehovah has sworn (and he will feel no regret): “You are a priest to time indefinite According to the manner of Melchizedek!”  5 Jehovah himself at your right hand Will certainly break kings to pieces on the day of his anger.  6 He will execute judgment among the nations;

And thus the whole “sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish” as the entire prophecy is made known while the fulfillment is in the completion process, leading to the Messianic Kingdom completion. Now because 8th King World Government will also be completing to full form, Christ will “subdue” “in the midst” of that enemy system, merely retained so the sheep can be saved first, as the rival is destroyed at the end of this whole post Christ arrival process.

(Daniel 7:25-26) 25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time. (1260 days completes, leading to this complete Messianic Kingdom “Court” in the Daniel 12:11 1290 day convergence:) 26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.

Something New, Yet the Same: The Second Witness

Isaiah foretold these new things on the way for the second witnessing (Rev10:11) of the future. It is repeating the original message, but it is “new” in that anointed Christians and Jehovah’s witnesses will eventually understand the “two witnesses” totality in the “second witnessing” fully, by that time:

(Isaiah 48:6-7) You have heard. Behold it all. As for you people, will you not tell [it]? I have made you hear new things from the present time, even things kept in reserve, that you have not known. 7 At the present time they must be created, and not from that (former) time, even things that before today you have not heard, that you may not say, ‘Look! I have already known them.’

Thus as valid as the 1914-1919 “first witnessing” was and is, the anointed Christians of that time, and Jehovah’s witnesses today, do not fully understand yet, the “two witnesses” has a “second witnessing”, and it all repeats in full. Yet in the “two witnesses” it is actually increasingly obvious that there must be two Kingdom witnessings for total completion of the Revelation and all the supporting prophets like Daniel and the rest—you must prophesy again.

(Isaiah 42:9) “The first things—here they have come, but new things I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear [them].”

(Isaiah 43:18-19) “Do not remember the first things (1914-1919), and to the former things do not turn your consideration. 19 Look! I am doing something new. Now it will spring up. you people will know it, will you not?

And that is how it is “as if a new song”, the 1914-1919 original “song” merely goes into “reprise” “repeat” completion of the same “song”, then in finality “as if a new song”, as by Revelation 14 Christ has arrived, and the 144000 are complete as forewarned fully, by “two witnessings” over roughly 100 years by this time of completion.

(Revelation 14:3) And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth.

Not everyone can “master” the “song”, but many people will hear it and come to realize what the “little scroll” “lyrics” mean.

Revelation 11—”Two Witnesses” “Second Witnessing” Final Kingdom Proclamation—Messianic Kingdom Completion and “Good News” Completion Events

Jehovah’s Witness Alarm Clock Purpose

The divine wake up call, and overall “divine directive” of temple completion is the Jehovah’s Witness “crash course” to manifest the “cry arose in the middle of the night”, as delivered by that coming temple judgment event period and context (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41). As Daniel 8:14 phasing and timing runs its course, through the events to define the first four trumpets of the temple judgment, to come forth with the fifth and sixth trumpets recovery, eventually the final part of that whole fifth to sixth trumpet development arrives.

The fifth and sixth trumpets eventually envelop Revelation 10 to Revelation 11:1-13 final pre to post Christ arrival developments, as the final commission and warning is in those trumpets leading here, to the final Kingdom proclamation events:

(Revelation 11:1) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it.

That means the temple judgment “evening” parallel with Revelation 8 (first four trumpets) leads to the Revelation 9 “enlightening” “morning” recovery (fifth and sixth trumpets), all still within the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 timing. Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment will then be in the “morning” enlightenment phase of the temple judgment completing. That, in time, leads to the official divine commission, which official divine deployment begins the final warning 1260 days new phase, en route to world government and Christ arrival, as the ultimate purpose of the temple judgment whole.

The final kingdom and temple meanings are elucidated as prepared by the temple judgment purification and initial recovery developments in the details of Zechariah 4, the Revelation 11 parallel supporting prophecy:

(Zechariah 4:1-5) And the angel who was speaking with me proceeded to come back and wake me up, like a man that is awakened from his sleep. 2 Then he said to me: “What are you seeing?” So I said: “I have seen, and, look! there is a lampstand, all of it of gold, with a bowl on top of it. And its seven lamps are upon it, even seven; and the lamps that are at the top of it have seven pipes. 3 And there are two olive trees alongside it, one on the right side of the bowl and one on its left side.” 4 Then I answered and said to the angel who was speaking with me, saying: “What do these [things] mean, my lord?” 5 So the angel who was speaking with me answered and said to me: “Do you not really know what these things mean?” In turn I said: “No, my lord.”

Thus in the anointed Christian and Jehovah’s Witness “nod off” (Matt25:1-13), as with Zechariah 4:1, the “prophet” is also asleep and needs to “get up!” in this parallel of the wake up call, and does not yet understand what the “lord” angel is about to tell him. And so in Revelation 10, was the same angelic context found of full awareness and acceptance of the mission, leading to the Revelation 11 “get up” “and do it” parallel.

(Matthew 25:5-7) While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6 Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order.

In other words, more “light” is needed, from the reserved same “oil” as the “first witnessing”. Now the post 194 period has turned into another notable “delay”—enough of one for Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses to have fallen asleep—ALL the “virgins”” nodded and went to sleep”. zzz zz zzz…

But not for long!

Final 1260 Days “Seven Times” Completion as 2520 Days

For the second time, the “second witnessing” of the “two witnesses”, a 1260 days “3.5 times” final warning and open salvation period is decreed by God, to now be coming forth for that final Kingdom proclamation, the one concerning the Messianic Kingdom required and assured completion:

(Revelation 11:2-3) But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”

And that is why there are “two” witnessings of the “two witnesses”. The “holy city” “trampled”, is the connection to “Jerusalem will be trampled” until the final 2520 days “seven times” appointed times have fulfilled relating to this same prophecy principle, but now in 2520 days form:

(Luke 21:24) Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.

The “holy city” and “two witnesses” parallel “trampling” symbols in this same period of 42 months, and 1260 days repeating, first in 1914-1919, now in final form of replication, therefore “two witnesses” and therefore, all Revelation’s “seven times” are also completing 84 months for the “holy city” “seven times” and 2520 days for the “two witnesses” full seven. Thus all of the 1260 days parallels repeat in final form en route to world government and the Christ arrival. (1260 Days “Time Signature” cross connections of important prophecy: Dan7:25; Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3; Rev12:14; Rev13:5-7)

And the prophecy framework repeats as the final global cycle to birth full 8th King world government also repeats.

Which 1260 days additional “witnessing”, in the future, will complete the whole “seven times” full 2520 days “trampling” and final warning decree to the full, as begun in 1914-1918 as this Zechariah 4 parallel of temple completion continues to the full completion that the “two witnessings” will have been warning of:

(Zechariah 4:6-10) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. (all obstacles, like the “burning mountain” aiding Bethel apostasy are removed) And he will certainly bring forth the (temple completion) headstone. There will be shoutings to it: (first witness:) “How charming! (second witness:) How charming!”’” 8 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 9 (Temple completion in Christ certainty:) The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his own hands will finish [it]. And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies himself has sent me to you people. 10 For who has despised the day of small things? And they will certainly rejoice and see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel. These seven are the eyes of Jehovah. They are roving about in all the earth.”

Two Witness =  Two witnessings: 2 x 1260 days = 2520 days; 2 x 3.5 times = 7 times; “seven times”= completion.

(Revelation 11:4) These are [symbolized by] the two olive trees and the two lampstands and are standing before the Lord of the earth.

Zechariah 4 “Two Witnesses” Parallel

(Zechariah 4:11-14) And I proceeded to answer and say to him: “What do these two olive trees on the right side of the lampstand and on its left side mean?” 12 Then I answered the second time and said to him: “What are the two bunches of twigs of the olive trees that, by means of the two golden tubes, are pouring forth from within themselves the golden [liquid]?” 13 So he said to me: “Do you not really know what these [things] mean?” In turn I said: “No, my lord.” 14 Accordingly he said: “These are the two anointed ones who are standing alongside the Lord of the whole earth.”

Thus a final supply of all enlightening “oil” is guaranteed to continue to completion along with that reserved “oil” from the “first witnessing”, as the “prophet” is elucidated as it progresses to full divine commission and into the deployment of that final warning and open salvation invitation. By that time anyone can choose one of two choices:

1. New World Order World Government Abomination; or…

2. The Kingdom of God as expressed in Christ’s Messianic Kingdom Divine “World Government”; The New Universal Order.

1260 Days Cross Prophetic Registration

1. Spiritual Aspect:

(Revelation 11:2-3) But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”

(Daniel 7:25) And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time.

(Daniel 12:7) And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.”

2. Satanic Aspect:

(Revelation 12:6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

(Revelation 12:14) But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent.

3. Wildbeast Aspect:

(Revelation 13:5) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.

Successful “Two Witnesses” Final Warning Completion

(Revelation 11:5-6) And if anyone wants to harm them, fire issues forth from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if anyone should want to harm them, in this manner he must be killed. 6 These have the authority to shut up heaven that no rain should fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every sort of plague as often as they wish.

This is symbology of a divine backing that will accomplish the purpose for which it manifests in Revelation 10:5-7, and that for the final 1260 days it is guaranteed to give its “3.5 times”, “seven times” completing Messianic Kingdom proclamation within. Since the “two witness” are also “killed” when the final warning time period expires, this is not indomitable super human powers, but indomitable divine backing to accomplish the salvation and judgment messages as both Moses and Elijah also accomplished as related symbols here.

Since it also cross references Zechariah 3 and 4’s prophecy, it is a guarantee to the final Temple completion announcement, and its eventuality (Zech4:6-9; Zech3:6-9; Rev11:19), to result from the temple judgment, as with the Zechariah 3-4 import of Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua as backed by God as proclaimed by Haggai and Zechariah.

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government; Rev17:8-13) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them.

The details here are important to understand that the 1260 days is expiring into the concurrent ascension of the “scarlet wildbeast” of Revelation 17:8-13 progression into 8th King world government. Thus the 1260 days precedes world government.

(Revelation 13:5-8) (global transition into world government “ascension”:) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. (Revelation 11:7 parallel:) 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (complete world government:) 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world.

And the “two witnesses” are deposed under the 8th King world government it was giving warning of as this sequence unfolds into the Christ arrival. The Christ arrival will be signaled by complete world government global milestone of rival sovereignty before Christ manifests presence (sign of the Son of Man) for the “Global Sheep Sweep” prior to total global conquest in total manifestation.

Now we have world government ascending to “place the disgusting thing” in final form (Dan12:11b), and the removal of the final earthly constant feature as that final warning must be ceased after it completes its divine final 1260 days (Dan12:11a), as concurrent events that will be globally seen.

Final Warning Completed and “Constant Feature” Cessation

Now after the ministry completes its 1260 days and warning mission, we arrive at the final Christ arrival prelude developments and that final “three and a half days” symbolic timing activation prior to Christ arrival, the final symbolic-timed segway preceding Christ. When this segway of symbolic time expires, Christ arrives:

(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their
(second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government; Rev17:8-13) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.); 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days, (the final symbolic period of time that must expire before Christ arrives) and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. 10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.

Thus the “three and a half days” “death” state of the ceased second witnessing ministry, is proceeding into the then active 1290 days just beginning, to some unknown final time period to expire into the Christ arrival.

And thus in Revelation 11:7-10 we have the dual criteria that defines Daniel 12:11 to activate the beginning of the 1290 days. And thus it is in this Daniel 12:11 1290 days period that the “3.5 days” “two witnesses” “death” state converges into. Thus the “3.5 days” expires in the starting of the 1290 days to some unknown “3.5 day” degree, to transition in marked manner, in final warning cessation under world government, into Christ’s arrival:

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second “two witnesses” deposition of Rev11:7) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (fully “ascended”, in fourth and final 8th King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25; Rev17:11-13), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Thus in the cessation of that final “two witnesses” warning, under “ascended” world government complete or completing into a final “disgusting thing” global “placement” the dual criteria of Daniel 12:11 1290 days requirements is present to mark the beginning of the 1290 days. Thus Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:14 and Revelation 13:5-7’s time periods have expired into what follows their respective sequences as Daniel 7:26, Daniel 12:11, Revelation 11:7-12, Revelation 12:15-17, Revelation 13:15-18—all converging into the 1290 days final developments.

Final “Three and a Half Days” Segway to Christ Arrival

This symbolic “three and a half days” will also now repeat and complete as “seven days”, as the final prelude period to expire prior to the Christ arrival:

(Revelation 11:11) And after the three and a half days
(the final pre-Christ arrival symbolic period to expire prior to Christ’s arrival; must converge into Daniel 12:11) spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them.

There are two things going on here in Revelation 11:11-12. An earthly “stood upon their feet”, then a heavenly “come on up here” manifestation regarding the “two witnesses” final restoration and “gathering” into the Christ arrival.

1. That the “two witnesses” “stood upon their feet” first, is a manifestation of earthly significance in a divine manner to be revealed, first, to aid the final open salvation call effort, now soon to be going into the Christ post-arrival mode of Revelation 14. (Rev19:1-9) As Christ completes his own ministry in Revelation 14, it appears after the heavenly sheep are completed in “gathering”, the earthly sheep focus will be the priority for further salvation “gathering” of Christ to global completion—first.

(Matthew 13:43) At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let him that has ears listen.

(Mark 13:27) And then he will send forth the angels and will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (Rev7:1-4), from earth’s extremity (earthly sheep) to heaven’s extremity (heavenly sheep).

As connected in the dual criteria of Daniel 12:11, the “three and a half days” occurs in the Daniel 12:11 1290 days, then begun, once both criteria of two witnesses removal and “abyss ascended” world government in complete form are met together. That post 1260 days, “three and a half days” starting point, is enabled by that “constant feature has been removed” “death” of the “two witnesses” final warning ministry fully ceased under world government authority concurrent, in its “one hour” active (Rev17:13), and that is in Daniel 12:11 parallel period of the Revelation 11:7 world government “ascension” to full global “placement” of “8th King” world government. (Rev17:8-13)

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second two witnesses deposition of Rev11:7) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (in fourth and final 8th King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. (final open salvation period as Christ completes his own ministry; Dan9:27);

(Daniel 9:27) “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week (1260 days and 1290 days periods); and at the half of the week (post 1260 days) he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease (two witnesses cessation; Rev11:7; Rev13:5-7).

Christ Arrival Parallel

2. Then the manifestation of heavenly significance  “come on up here” “into heaven in the cloud” is described as the whole of the “two witnesses” “gathering” (Matt24:31; Rev14:1; Rev7:1-3)) into Messianic Kingdom completion with that Christ arrival parallel first priority:

(Revelation 11:12) And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them.

Christ Arrival Parallels of Revelation 11:11-12:

(1 Thessalonians 4:17) Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.

The “seventh plague” occurs as the “sixth trumpet” ends in Revelation 11:11-12 Christ arrival meanings, before the 7th trumpet Messianic Kingdom conquest, as Christ must arrive and do the “gathering” and global salvation priority first, before the “7th Trumpet” total global judgment and total end of the Adamic era in the 8th King conquered in God and Christ’s Earthly planetary global conquest.

(Revelation 16:17) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. (Christ arrival) At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” (Christ arrival and salvation “gathering” completion occurs to complete the Messianic Kingdom, to final universal conquest.)

Which is this Christ arrival as the “tribulation of those days” resolves into first, world government, as the context of these parallel events:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation “transition phase” ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallels) (1) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and (2) the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Rev6:12-17 parallel) 30 And (3) then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and (4) then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and (5) they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 (6) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and (7) they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (“great tribulation” final phase), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

Now please note a number of things occur before and as Christ fully manifests for final gathering, and no conquest events are explicitly noted in this scripture, as this is a salvation highest priority gathering period, during the “four winds” of the world government period, as all anointed are sealed by completing the final mission, and ready for this “gathering” in Matthew 24:31. This is a Christ salvation sequence, to be accomplished first at God and Christ backed global scale. (Rev14:1-8)

This is why Babylon the Great going down under world government, can actually aid this salvation sequence as many sheep are freed for the “gathering” as all their “religions” topple all around them as Babylon the Great is deposed by world government global legal authority.

(Daniel 7:25) And he will intend to change times and law…

World government will be successful for “one hour” of such global law enforcement to the degree God permits (Rev13:15-18, Rev18), especially on the Babylon the Great harlot global religious system. But some individuals in that bondage to Babylon, can be freed and saved.

(Daniel 7:12) But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away (by world government first, as we see now), and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time (nation-state era) and a season (League to world government “one hour” globalism developmental period).

Sixth Seal Parallel of Christ Arrival

Keep in mind, for what is referenced below (Rev6:12-17), the “seven seals” are “secrets” in a “two sided” divine “scroll” from God, that were “opened”, (revealed), to Christ “the lamb”, by God, way back in 1914—that scroll has two sides, because there are “two witnessings” and it is the forecast from God of the whole post 1914 final development of Revelation 1:1.

(Revelation 1:1) A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.

The “seven seals” are not a future fulfilling sequence, but are a summary prophecy of nested completion prophecies that unfold in actual global sequence with the “seven trumpets” of the “seventh seal”, as the “opened seals” understandings given to Christ, already.

The “opening” of the “seven seals” have already occurred, they are already “opened” by “the lamb”, that is Christ already has had that full “sacred secret” understanding revealed to him by God, in 1914. Hence the events of Revelation 5.

(Revelation 5:4-5) And I gave way to a great deal of weeping because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5 But one of the elders says to me: “Stop weeping. Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

The “seven trumpets” are the actual sequential future progression of real events, some of which is summarized in the first six “seals”, hence the “seven trumpets” come forth in the “seventh seal” conclusion, as the reality of global fulfillment in the future, with added details of events beyond the scope of the seals completion summaries.

(Those trying to explain the “seven seals” as a time sequence of the future leading to the “seven trumpets” as if seals-to-trumpets in sequence in the real world, are thus led into error by trying to do so; some believe the seals all must open before the trumpets, thus the trumpets are not for salvation purposes, but of the “too late” end of it all sequence. The “seven trumpets” are the final sequence from temple judgment to Christ arrival and global conquest, which is the related completion overview given Christ in the sixth “seal” “arrival” parallel. The seals are parallels of related full completions (sixth seal: Christ arrival, then anointed and great crowd completions (Rev7), all in the sixth seal overview, but the deep sixth trumpet reality). This “seven trumpet” framework of the final cycle is explained at the end of this article in detail.)

Thus the sixth seal is the Christ arrival parallel of the deep sixth trumpet expiring as seen in the above Revelation 11:11-12 symbolic, but very real, Christ arrival event. And this is followed by the “gathering” of the final anointed and the “great crowd” as the Matthew 24:31 parallel, and its deep sixth trumpet conclusion as Revelation 11:11-13 parallel.

Thus this sixth seal prophecy, occurs deep in the sixth trumpet:

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal (Christ had this revealed to him in God’s Kingdom coronation (Rev6:1-2) in 1914), and a great earthquake occurred (Christ arrival “quake”; Hag2:7 culmination); and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. (Matt29 parallel) 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. (a final time period transpires; Dan12:11) 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Even that is not the immediate end, but the Matthew24:29-31 parallel of Revelation 11:11-12, activating Revelation 14, and Revelation 19’s final sequence details of final salvation completions, hence the Revelation 7 parallel of the full “gathering” of Christ of both heavenly (Rev7:1-8) and earthly (Rev7:9-17) sheep—final 144000, and the “great crowd”.

Open Salvation Finality

But the preceding “two witnesses” proclamation and warning will be so complete by that time, the “kings of the earth” know exactly who they are dealing with, in the greatest detail to ever be provided for them in all human history. (Rev10:5-7)

(Psalm 2:10-12) And now, O kings, exercise insight; Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth. 11 Serve Jehovah with fear And be joyful with trembling. 12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed And you may not perish [from] the way, For his anger flares up easily. Happy are all those taking refuge in him.

In the interim period God offers open salvation even to individuals in the top level enemy system of “Nineveh” as Jonah’s successful ministry pictured, as connected to Jehovah’s witnesses also being “swallowed” by the “great fish” of the Revelation 9 “abyss” temple judgment parallel to be “thrown up” to complete their mission to “Nineveh”, with the same repentance for assured salvation message.

Though all of the “Nineveh” system will not repent this time, some within that system will eventually understand the human world government development will indeed trigger the arrival and response of God and “His Christ” and they will have second thoughts regarding their loyalty and future in a doomed rival system centered around well known globalist and nationalist cons, frauds and betrayers. By the final message clearly explaining ANYONE can be saved by surrender to Christ, of course this is of great advantage to those responding to that open salvation reality in their hearts.

(Revelation 2:23) I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.

Thus some humans, from all walks of life, even in the so-called “elite” tier (1Cor1:26), will make the smart choice and forsake the “New World Order” and instead choose the Messianic Kingdom Eternal World Government, the Super-Cosmic Kingdom, the Super-Celestial Superpower, the Super-Galactic Government, then completing the reality of the Super-Astral Administration (Eph1) of Jesus Christ’s Messianic Kingdom, and that reality will start to truly sink in for some. (Rev11:13)

It is not a so-called “new world order” counterfeit of fallen men, it is a New Universal Order promise of the Almighty God and His Christ King.

God, and Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, by that time in his final form of Messianic Kingdom Coronation of the “Kingdom of the World” completion (Rev11:15-19), will open the final Kingdom and holy angel overseen open salvation opportunity to all people globally (Rev14:6-7; Matt10:23) for the whole Daniel 12:11 final 1290 day period (Dan9:27a; Gen7:4) which 1290 days will be active in its early period when Christ arrives. (Dan12:11; Rev14:1,6-8,14-16) Thus Christ is active for salvation, while the 8th King world government are in their final “hour”, also concurrently active (Rev17:11-13), and no doubt catching wind of the “reports” and supernatural presence of Christ looming over their rivalry (Dan11:44-45) at global scale—no where to hide, only one way to escape.

Thus the true most important purpose of the “seven trumpets”, is to also make the final “open salvation” opportunity known, while giving the final global judgment “little scroll” message, at the same time. It is not just a lump sum, Christ arrives, and everyone’s fate is already predetermined and they are all in a doomed “reality” as even taught by Criminal Bethel, and the misled corporate Christendom complex. In fact Bethel teaches that even in the start of the “great tribulation”, it is pretty much all done, and all decided—but that is not the truth, but we know why that apostasy would promote such a “set in opposition” outright lie. (2Thess2:3-4,11-12)

Instead, the truth is, the final cycle fully unfolds to the total “skin of the teeth” completion of everything, with open salvation for ANYONE who chooses to accept Jesus Christ (Rev14:6-7; Rev7:9-17; Rev14:14-16; Zech9:9) as the true and rightful God appointed King of kings, and the King the Universe and Earth and everything in them, forsaking the 8th King “New World Order” World Government “abomination”, and thus avoiding the 666 mark of world government allegiance and servitude. (Rev13:15-18; Rev14:9-11)

Some people, from all quarters of earth, will do just that!

THAT is why Christ’s arrival is truly EVERLASTING GOOD NEWS, in fact GREAT News! It is the “New World Order” who intends to remove billions of people, NOT GOD! God and Christ are coming TO SAVE all willing to accept them as the Kings they alone are. (Rev11:15; Rev19:1-9)

(Revelation 15:3-4) “Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are your ways, King of eternity. 4 Who will not really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? For all the nations will come and worship before you, because your righteous decrees have been made manifest.”

So that offer will extend all the way through the Christ arrival as Christ completes his own ministry and offers the “big salvation” to all people willing, backed by God, Christ, angels and the whole Kingdom of God, as assuredly this offer will be given to every last man, woman and child of planet earth—GUARANTEED*:

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

(Psalm 2:10-12) And now, O kings, exercise insight; Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth. 11 Serve Jehovah with fear And be joyful with trembling. 12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed And you may not perish [from] the way, For his anger flares up easily. Happy are all those taking refuge in him.

(Matthew 4:17) From that time on Jesus commenced preaching and saying: “Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”

(Revelation 4:11) “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”

The global events ushering in world government, will wake some people up, as we will cover in Revelation 11:13 next.

(Haggai 2:7) “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

(*Romans 2:12-16) 12 For instance, all those who sinned without law will also perish without law; but all those who sinned under law will be judged by law. 13 For the hearers of law are not the ones righteous before God, but the doers of law will be declared righteous. 14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused. 16 This will be in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.

Global Salvation Effects of Second Witnessing and Christ Arrival

These are the salvation parallels of Revelation 14:1-16 and Matthew 25:31-40 that come after the Christ arrival, but are aided by that final expired 1260 days warning and the open salvation explanation which continues for the rest of the Daniel 12:11 1290 days open salvation guarantee as overseen by God and Christ himself in 100% Messianic Kingdom complete power:

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred
(Christ’s arrival, Messianic Kingdom completion; Rev16:17-19), and a tenth of the city fell (because BTG goes down, aiding salvation, after Christ arrives); and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. (those are all repentant saved people in this “killed” symbology);

Which salvation segway takes place before the “7th Trumpet” total conquest of all earth (Rev11:15-19), by then, nearing the Christ in the Messianic Kingdom of the World “third woe” (global conquest) 7th Trumpet totality to come after all the global heavenly sheep and “harvest of the earth” “sheep” are secured. Which is this more detailed parallel of Revelation 14, which activates AFTER Christ has arrived to activate Revelation 14:1, with this final salvation offer to available all people:

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

And thus as shown previously, this Christ “Air event” arrival, occurs before Babylon the Great is deposed:

(Revelation 16:17-19) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. 19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath. 

(1 Thessalonians 4:17-18) Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord. 18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words.

(Zechariah 12:7-9) “And Jehovah will certainly save the tents of Judah first (anointed remnant gathered fully before earth sheep at Matthew 24:31, Mark 13:27 sequence), to the end that the beauty of the house of David (previously glorified anointed spirits with Christ “David”) and the beauty of the inhabitants of Jerusalem (collective whole “flock”) may not become too great over Judah. (Kingdom domain); (144000 completion “beautification” “balance” is met) 8 In that day Jehovah will be a defense around the inhabitants of Jerusalem; (By full Kingdom forces implied in Kingdom/temple completion previous) and the one (humans) that is stumbling among them (inhabitants of Jerusalem; thus includes human counterparts in fullest meaning) must become in that day like David (a human symbol of faith miraculously filled with holy spirit – not stumbling any longer), and the house of David (144000 with Christ) like God, like (Michael Mighty God) Jehovah’s angel before them. (as the “wall of fire” of Zech2:5 protecting the “great crowd” at Armageddon period) 9 And it must occur in that day (Armageddon) [that] I shall seek to annihilate all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem. (Including earthly interests; Eze38-39 parallel);

(Ezekiel 38:10-12) “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘And it must occur in that day that things will come up into your heart, and you will certainly think up an injurious scheme; 11 and you must say: “I shall go up against the land of open rural country. (earthly domain of earthling sheep; Zech2) I shall come in upon those having no disturbance, dwelling in security, all of them dwelling without (earthly) wall (there is a “Jerusalem” “wall”, but it has gone heavenly, 100%—the “wall of fire”; Zech2:5), and they do not have even bar and doors.” 12 It will be to get a big spoil and to do much plundering, in order to turn your hand back upon devastated places reinhabited and upon a people gathered together out of the nations (earthling sheep totality), [one] that is accumulating wealth and property, [those] who are dwelling in the center of the earth. (the “new earth” nucleus of “great crowd” protected survivors);

5th and 6th Trumpet, First Two Woes, Complete

(Revelation 11:14) The second woe is past. Look! The third woe is coming quickly.

The “third woe” and the 7th Trumpet are the complete Messianic Kingdom final universal and global conquest. (Rev19:11-21; Rev20:1-3)

Seventh Trumpet—Christ Messianic “Kingdom of the World” Conquest Completion

What it was all warning and appealing to for salvation now completes:

(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.”

All seven trumpets complete.

(Revelation 11:16-18) And the twenty-four elders who were seated before God upon their thrones fell upon their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

Temple Completion

Temple completion symbol:

(Revelation 11:19) And the temple [sanctuary] of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his
(complete) temple [sanctuary]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.

Now the completion of the Kingdom symbol, and its Temple “have come to pass” and “is indeed brought to a finish” in the same complete meaning is accomplished. This ensues with that 7th plague “Christ Air” event (Rev17:12) and its Matthew 24:29-31 aftermath to lead into the completion of the Revelation 14:1 statement.

As shown earlier, use of the “temple” word, rather than the “tent”, means total completion is accomplished in Revelation 11:15-19.

(Revelation 15:5) And after these things I saw, and the sanctuary of the tent of the witness was opened in heaven…

That is all required for the global judgment salvation purposes first, prior to the 7th trumpet symbol of global conquest of Christ. It is also the completion of the “Jerusalem” symbol in the “Holy City” and “Zion” which is the parallel completion reality that begins with the complete Christ arrival and what is purposed to proceed from that event forward, in time:

(Revelation 21:1-2) And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. 2 I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

(Revelation 21:10-11a) So he carried me away in [the power of the] spirit to a great and lofty mountain, and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God 11 and having the glory of God.

In prophecy these symbols represent the realities to come at that time for the absolute completion of also the “Bride” for the “marriage of the Lamb”, for the complete unity of the “new covenant” purpose to extend and affect all mankind and all planet Earth:

(Matthew 6:9-10) ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

(Revelation 19:6-9) And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. 7 Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.” 9 And he tells me: “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.” Also, he tells me: “These are the true sayings of God.”

Which is why, in that initial post Christ arrival salvation operation to be accomplished first, before the 7th trumpet global conquest, only the “happy” enter this final Daniel 12 period of the Daniel 12:12 cut off period:

(Daniel 12:12) “Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!

(Luke 12:35-40) “Let your loins be girded and your lamps be burning (Matt25:1-13), 36 and you yourselves be like men waiting for their master when he returns from the marriage, so that at his arriving and knocking they may at once open to him. 37 Happy are those slaves whom the master on arriving finds watching! Truly I say to you, He will gird himself and make them recline at the table and will come alongside and minister to them. 38 And if he arrives in the second watch (Dan12:11, second time period of Dan12), even if in the third, and finds them thus, happy are they! 39 But know this, that if the householder had known at what hour the thief would come, he would have kept watching and not have let his house be broken into. 40 you also, keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely the Son of man is coming.”

(Revelation 19:9) And he tells me: “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.” Also, he tells me: “These are the true sayings of God.”

The reason this final cycle must in reality run its complete course, is because the “hour” that the “the Son of man is coming”, will in reality get clearer by the extended and milestone gauged nature of the final cycle to but begin (1Pet4:17) with the “temple judgment” initial wake up call of those who are supposed to already be awake, but “nodded” off as all “ten virgins” do fall asleep:

(Matthew 25:5-7) While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6 Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order.

But as in all preludes to judgment, those on the watch invariably “nod off”:

(Matthew 26:40-41) And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter: “Could you men not so much as watch one hour with me? 41 Keep on the watch…

(Matthew 26:43-44) And he came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 44 So leaving them, he again went off and prayed for the third time, saying once more the same word.

(Matthew 26:45) Then he came to the disciples and said to them: “At such a time as this you are sleeping and taking your rest! Look! The hour has drawn near for the Son of man to be betrayed into the hands of sinners.

So the temple judgment is four trumpet blasts worth of an astounding “cry arose” wake up call by enormous temple judgment events to manifest first with a notable global context development (Dan11:41-43) , in the future, to prepare the “five discreet virgins” for the final enlightening proclamation mission and deployment as that symbol parallels the “second witness” of the “two witnesses”.

Christ Arrives for Revelation 7 Completions

Thus the “seven trumpets” gauge the entire marked progression to Christ’s arrival, from temple judgment (Rev8), to ministerial recovery (Rev9), to final warning commission and deployment (Rev10-11:1-7), as that heads into the world government counter-kingdom it will also be warning of, first. (Rev11:7; Rev17:8-13) Thereby that final global sovereign abomination of a counterfeit “Kingdom of God” “Zion”, and doomed human/demon Utopia “New World Order” for secular appeal, is the monumental global milestone that signals and triggers the Christ mega-arrival of all time.

They have to be ready and complete first:

(Joel 3:9-17) “Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances. As for the weak one, let him say: “I am a powerful man.” 11 Lend your aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together.’” To that place, O Jehovah, bring your powerful ones down. 12 “Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat; for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about.

(Ezekiel 38:7) Be ready!, and let there be preparation on your part, you with all your congregation (“united nations” world government), those congregated alongside you, and you (Satan) must become their guard.

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. Let them approach. At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the judgment itself.

But Christ arrives in “signal” mode of presence first, “in the midst” of complete world government (Ps110:2), to accomplish his final salvation tasks first, and to oversee the full deposition judgment of Babylon the Great, under his Messianic Court (Dan7:26; Matt25:31), as carried out as permitted and required by God (Rev18; Rev17:15-18; Rev16:12,17-20). Ironically, yet logically, this judgment is carried out by the very world government element the “harlot” has been servicing the whole time, by then finally totally unneeded to service that objective in her realm of diminishing (Rev16:12), yet effective influence. (And keep in mind final failed prophecy forecasts of Christendom (by premature over-expectations), and other religious complexes, will aid the discrediting exit from religions of the sixth plague.)

Therefore the real open salvation opportunity is finalized amidst the divine judgment conquest of Babylon the Great, to aid the release of the final prisoners, as some of God’s “my people” (Rev18:4) will remain captured by the global-religion-complex, all the way until it collapses all around them, leaving but one option for those with wondering faith.

And that is how the Revelation 7 total completions of all heavenly and earthly sheep “gathering” parallels as revealed to Christ first, in the already opened “sixth seal”, is carried out in the sixth trumpet Christ arrival finale, prior to total global conquest.

(Matthew 24:31) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.

Now all “sheep” and “sheep-to-be” will be “chosen ones” for the final salvation sweep of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly “Gathering” Completion First:

(Revelation 7:1-4) After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel…

(1 Thessalonians 4:17-18) Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord. 18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words.

(1 Corinthians 15:51-52) Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet.

Earthly “Gathering” Completion Last:

(Revelation 7:9-10) After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

(Revelation 7:14-15) And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his (completed, “coming down out of heaven” to earth) temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. 

(Revelation 14:14-16) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 And another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary], crying with a loud voice to the one seated on the cloud: “Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.” 16 And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

(Matthew 25:31-33) “When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand (first), but the goats on his left.

Now by that time of Christ sitting on his Messianic Kingdom completion “throne”, the only “sheep” left remaining will be earthling sheep!

Thus there will definitely be surviving earthly sheep!

(Matthew 16:28) Truly I say to you that there are some of those standing here that will not taste death at all until first they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

But, but there will also be surviving heavenly sheep—”we the living who are surviving” to be miraculously “changed” first, to complete the Messianic Kingdom body by Christ, as God completes the Kingdom and Temple by “setting” Christ in final position in that final Kingdom manifestation—the Messianic Kingdom agency finality. (Zech3:6-9; Zech4:6-9) (And this is why the “transferred” earthling Enoch, is the first to utter this Christ arrival prophecy. The principle of “be changed” salvation to “transfer” also human sheep to divine protection, simultaneously with anointed Christians “changed in the twinkling of an eye” for total completion in gathering, is in Enoch’s “transference” principle:

(Jude 14-15) Yes, the seventh one [in line] from Adam, Enoch, prophesied also regarding them, when he said: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, 15 to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.”

Thus the same principle applies to both the heavenly “sheep” being gathered to compete the Messianic Kingdom body, or the earthling sheep being separated out of the coming Armageddon Battle Zone of God and Christ, into absolute and complete divine protection:

(Matthew 24:40-42) Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; 41 two women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned. 42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.

Thus when Christ arrives, the living “sheep” will begin to go under divine “Heavenly Jerusalem” “wall of fire” protection at globally “separated” scale:

(Zechariah 2:3-5) And, look! the angel who was speaking with me was going forth, and there was another angel going forth to meet him. 4 Then he said to him: “Run, speak to the young man over there, saying, ‘“As (global) open rural country Jerusalem will be inhabited (the complete defense “wall” of “Jerusalem” goes heavenly), because of the multitude of men and domestic animals in the midst of her. 5 And I myself shall become to her,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.”’”

And from this “pulverization” eventual finality below, many will be saved and spared first:

(Micah 4:13) “Get up and thresh, O daughter of Zion; for your horn I shall change into iron, and your hoofs I shall change into copper, and you will certainly pulverize many peoples; and by a ban you will actually devote to Jehovah their unjust profit, and their resources to the [true] Lord of the whole earth.”

Which “rock the nations” prelude global developments being covered here, which are to be leading to the grand finale, will shake many survivors-to-be out of the global system first:

(Haggai 2:7) “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

And that rocking has a salvation phase, and a final conquest phase:

(Haggai 2:21-22) ‘I am rocking the heavens and the earth. 22 And I shall certainly overthrow the throne of kingdoms and annihilate the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow [the] chariot and its riders, and [the] horses and their riders will certainly come down, each one by the sword of his brother.’”

(Numbers 24:17) 17 I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not near. A star will certainly step forth out of Jacob, And a scepter will indeed rise out of Israel. And he will certainly break apart the temples of Moab’s [head] And the cranium of all the sons of tumult of war.

But as also covered previously, a full warning will be given:

(Joel 2:30-32) “And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. 32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors, whom Jehovah is calling.”

And global complete “gathering” initializing in first form in the Christ arrival events, is the first objective of Christ:

(Ephesians 1:8-10) This he caused to abound toward us in all wisdom and good sense, 9 in that he made known to us the sacred secret of his will. (Rev10:5-7) It is according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself 10 for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. [Yes,] in him…

Which is the Messianic Kingdom total earthly “kingdom of the world” “administration” eventuality which this final “gathering” completion is populating in initial “center of the earth” earthly subjects (Eze38:12), to perform “God’s will done on earth” (Matt6:10) as that “will of God” is in its heavenly basis of power.

That “new earthly” life power is based on the immortal “indestructible life” of Jesus Christ (Heb7:16), King and High Priest in completion, rather than Satan’s death-dealing spirit (Heb2:14-17), which is being deposed, disconnected and abyssed (Rev20:1-3), which God to Christ based positive immortal spirit will affect all life on Earth beneficially forevermore:

(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (Rom8:18-22; Matt19:28; Isa34:14-17; Rev21-22; Eze47)

(Revelation 22:1-3) And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations. 3 And no more will there be any curse.

Thus “finally” Christ conquers the 8th King/King North totality, to their complete and active face, to end this entire divine completion process:

(Daniel 7:26) And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.

At an an hour that you do not think likely the Son of man is coming…

(Luke 12:39-40) But know this, that if the householder had known at what hour the thief would come, he would have kept watching and not have let his house be broken into. 40 you also, keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely the Son of man is coming.”

Some Big Questions to Answer Before Christ Arrives

1. Who would expect the entire corporate Christendom “prophecy” complex to fall flat in premature failed “prophetic” expectations, like its earthbound “rapture” failure, to instead, totally discredit the whole Christian prophecy complex?

2. Who would have expected that to be starting with Bethel’s forecast failure to eventually fall flat first (2Thess2:1-2), as instead 8th King World Government will be looming on the global horizon?

3. Who would expect Jehovah’s witnesses to perceive prerequisite the end of the “7th” “King” period of incomplete global domination, required to fall before 8th King world government final “ascension”, to be “the end of the world”, as “the hour” they expected Christ to arrive, well premature of global and prophetic completion requirements?

4. Who would expect apostasy at Bethel and its illegal and criminal Governing Body tyrannical anti-Christian farce, to go full signal apostate as United Nations UN NGO allies instead (Dan11:30b-32a; Dan8:12), subverting the entire Jehovah’s Witness ministry into the same final signal apostasy context? (2Thess2:11-12)

5. Who would expect the “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, as the self placed and self-appointed “Lords of Bethel” (2Thess2:1-4) to be the main JW Pied Vipers, the modern trusted promoters of the modern Jehovah’s Witness premature “its the end  brothers!” delusion?

6. Who would expect that super-deception to instead mislead and then globally hoax Jehovah’s witnesses and subvert and derail the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, which they profaned as such (Zech3:1-3; Dan11:31a), also to be prematurely cancelled by their own Bethell “Jezebel Mother” “man of lawlessness” and terminal “evil slave” “fool virgin” “stranger’s voice” mouth as King North puppets? (Dan8:11; Dan8:13-14; Dan11:41; Dan11:32-35)

7. Who would have thought Jehovah’s witnesses would be the final apostasy of our times, to join Babylon the Great and its Christendom complex as the latest UN “pea” in that “pod”? (Isa1-12)

Who would have thought all that, right?

8. Who would expect Christ to instead arrive in a global upswing of “sword stroke healing” of “prophetic proportions”, as the 8th King World Government declares “World Peace”, as well engineered as was their use of World War to progressively develop the very idea and institution of United nations World Government designate?

9. Who would expect it not to be “doomsday” the “end of the world everyone!” development, but that it was, instead, a severe global crisis “tribulation of those days” that was intended to formulaically resolve, in grand global climax fashion, into “world peace” and total “8th King” “world government”?

10. Who would expect that “hour” of the “Son of man coming” to be in that very “one hour” of required full global government worldwide deployment in totally complete, ready and stated manner in a global recovery mode of great global hopefulness instead?

Answer: Just about everyone on earth, including Christendom and Bethel influenced persons, is promoting gloom, “doomsday” in “WW3” “end of the world” supposed possibilities, all prematurely, as most are totally needlessly anxious and uncertain about the unfolding of the future.

(Luke 21:25-26) “Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth;

Those “signs” are manifest well before the arrival of Christ, as Matthew 24:29-31 is not a portent “sign”, but the real thing. That global anxiety effect above, and the ominous “signs” in the global systems themselves, are developing now and will continue in “pangs of distress” through the “tribulation of those days” as it merges into the real Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 realities. This time BOTH the full birth of full world government in maturation, and the full maturation of the Messianic Kingdom will be co-completing at approximately the same time!

God will send plenty of “signals” prior to the Christ arrival!

And there you have it; as to why no one expected any of these kinds of developments to be “the hour” that portends Christ arrival, few “thought it likely” in the least! But that is exactly what the harmonized final gauged prophecy indicates! And thus, that “hour the son of Man is coming” is that final “one hour” of world government, the exact “hour you do not think to be likely”, when Christ arrives, as foretold and fully gauged in the final cycle prophecy!

A “World War Three” “Doomsday” is NOT how it ends!

Now we can consider the great Christ clue as to what will NOT be present to signal the real end:

(Luke 21:9) Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

Thus the “tribulation of those days” will have peak wars and global disorders, to signal instead that it is NOT the end. And thus if we take this hint from Christ:

(Matthew 24:6) you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

We know the period that signals the real end is the opposite of “wars and reports of wars”. And what will produce such an “unlikely” development of world peace implied in such a very very important Christ clue and final detail?

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.

Why 8th King “world peace” of course! So that “sudden destruction” is not the “great tribulation” but the conquest of Christ, which as shown “does not occur immediately”, but must run the full course of both prophecy and the global culmination developments it forecasts. Thus when the 8th King is complete and stated as global-sovereign in that final formulaic period, that is the true “world peace under world government” signal of the end.

The global crisis phase is to “miraculously” bring the end of national wars previously based on free-for-all nation-state level sovereign conflicts, to give great credibility to the final “world government solution”, as the global national system is coming fully under world government “rule of law” at global world government military monopoly backed scale.

Peace and Security Hoax Versus World Peace Reality

Thus we also cannot be deceived by a premature “peace and security” statement, possibly designed to prime the “end of the world” expectations, if it does arise before full world government, as the enemy system full well knows Jehovah’s witnesses and much of Christendom has that “peace and security” expectation on their “end of the world” radar systems.

Thus uttering such a “peace and security” statement, purposely prematurely, will then bait the “end of the world” expectation to a fever pitch, as the “sudden destruction” is now well delusionally expected to soon follow that statement. But if such is the case, it will be premature as the 7th King downfall cycle is what must begin (Dan11:41-43), run its full course, and “miraculously” resolve into the real global “peace and security” proclamation of global-sovereign world government.

As Though Slaughtered to Death—As Though “Doomsday”—As Though “the End of the World”; But Not!

In any event, it cannot be and is not going to be the “end of the world” in this final cycle inception events. Rather, it is a final fourth “global war” intended to resolve into a fourth and final global United Nations centered world government presentation in a hopeful and “admirable” period of global recovery and its “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) to make their final “world peace” “and security” claims fully believable and acceptable to many of earth’s peoples. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8)

It will have been a fourth and final “world-war-to-world-government” formulaic cycle, counting the Cold WW3, designed to resolve the “global problem” for the final “global solution” amidst a designed “global reaction” to usher in world government with great hopeful fanfare.

It is not  “doomsday”, the “sword stroke” is “as though” “slaughtered to death, not actually a “death stroke” but an intended global crisis that is designed to “heal” into world government.

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

(Revelation 13:12) And (the two horned wildbeast globalist elite guiding “beast”) exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.

Thus the healing of the “death stroke” is to have an intended global-psychologically “admirable” effect.

(Revelation 13:14-15) And (the two horned wildbeast globalist elite guiding “beast”) misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. (the League of Nations and UN image eventually becomes the global nucleus of full world government, as the final cycle completes the process) 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast (since the 1919 “League of Nations” world government designate presentation; Dan12:11, to completion of world government arriving at Daniel 12:11, again, in the final cycle as Daniel 12 repeats with the final cycle as this prophecy culminates and repeats with that final cycle), so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.

And so, in the future, the United Nations will plunge again into a global “sword stroke” induced “abyss”, with that final global “sword stroke” phase “as though” the whole system is “slaughtered to death”—as though doomsday itself. But, in time, like a snake shedding its old skin, the UN global serpent, (in whatever form they may brand it as), will “ascend” from that formulaic “abyss” phase.

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss (Rev11:7), and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. Let them approach. At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the judgment itself.

The whole UN super-system will globally rise into world government (Rev17:8-13; Rev11:7), simultaneously with the final global mega “healing” phase as the big global “world peace” heroes of their own global play’s final act and its obligatory “world peace” “good guys” epilogue grand finale—engineered world peace! All by four global running cycles of this same cyclic formula, UN 1-2-3-4.

And now this is already demonstrated as the three former cycles in WW1, WW2 and Cold WW3, all resolved into their own UN related presentations to cap off those three former cycles! They are now predictable! But it is also logical, and it is also prophetic all at the same time.

Now that eventual final cycle ending UN climax in grandly hopeful global super-recovery will boost the complete world government based “peace and security” temporary “reality” believability, just as designed, engineered and formulaically brought in at global scope as was a century of engineered world wars that marked its four developmental steps to world government. If they engineer “world war” for their developmental needs, they will also engineer “world peace” to sell their final deception: World Government “God’s Kingdom” NWO Utopia.

And that is also when Babylon the Great is no longer needed.

The ultimate “multi-polar” world system, that is even now emerging as the US/UK/EU nation-state battery is drained, is at the same time the ultimate globalized conglomeration of world government centralized world power—yet, in globally distributed form of the ultimate application of a world power system in all world history:

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his (global; plural) palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon “denunciation brought to a finish” of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

Thus  capitalism, and globalism based globalization are not an endless complimentary processes. Global capitalism culminates into an eventual global corporate system monopoly as the globalization it drives also fully completes, as both completed processes and their financial and corporate super-systems are already an integral part of world government maturing into reality. That dual-process is actually aided by the downfall and sovereign transformation of the nation-state to eventually transition under full world government authority, not by consent, but by international law enforcement also at global scales of financial and military backing and “incentive”.

Eventual Global UN Military Monopoly Under World Government

And that is also why the 7th King US dominated system, had to be equalized for the global participation of all the other nations on a more equitable level, such as Russia and China, also guaranteed to “fall in” and fully participate in their own Global NATO Unified Command positions and “areas of responsibility”.

Now when they, the “powers that be” and prophecy, say “United Nations” at comprehensive global scale of all the nations participating (Rev16:13-16), to form the basis of distributed yet centralized world government power, they mean it.

(Daniel 11:38-39) But to the god of fortresses, in his position he will give glory; and to a (globalization) god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things. 39 And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds (like the whole nation-state system “stronghold” Dan11:40), along with a foreign god. Whoever has given [him] recognition (in the King South nation-state puppet system) he (King North world government in development to complete) will make abound with glory, and he will actually make them rule among many; and [the] (worldwide) ground he will apportion out for a price (being the global owner).

UN “World Peace” is actually equal to them having the 100% global military and weapons technology system monopoly!

Now we can see in the Global NATO “Unified Combatant Command” map, Russia and China are already nicely placed in their own “areas of responsibility”, nicely distributed among the six global NATO “areas of responsibility” for the eventual time when World Government truly “unifies” this global “combatant command” into one massive globalized military system under United Nations centric World Government. Just change the current NATO “US” prefix, to the “UN” final “UN-NATO” prefix, in the command area labels,  and you can see the “big picture” even now. This is because in time the “7th King” US/UK and their EU and US home domains are to be placed in their relative positions under “8th King” world government, with everyone else in the “United Nations” global system, equating to full world government.

And that is the global military plan to deliver “world peace” once the whole is under “UN-Command”, under 8th King World Government final global-sovereign authority, as the national sovereignty is transferred into world government final global and globalized “power and authority”:

(Revelation 17:11-18) And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an (globalist) eighth [king], but springs from the seven (national power progression), and it goes off into destruction. 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the (globalist) wild beast. 13 These have one thought (sovereign preservation), and so they give their (national based) power and authority to the (globalist world government forming) wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” 15 And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (absorbing religious sovereignty and assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist world government) wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty deposed in the same process under world government);

And thus the globalist controlling system and its eventual world government, utilizes the global nation-state system by its final subservience as shown in Daniel 11:42-43 as mostly wealth control intrigues:

(Daniel 8:24) And his power must become mighty, but not by his own power.

Now global wealth control is the main objective because that empowers the fueling of everything else.

King North’s Global Wealth Monopoly (Daniel 11:42-43)

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (eventually feminized King South subservience) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

Now in the same theme of global consolidation completing in this final transformation cycle in the main sectors of world power, we can see by these kinds of wealth distribution statistics that the globalist system and its global corporate super-matrix, is already in control of most of the world’s wealth:

Now in this “1%” is also a .1% and .01% and .001% of enormously wealthy individuals, families and corporate control complexes:

But is is all boiling down to a global wealth momentum well on the way to the top, or the King North ultimate realm of control as per Daniel 11:42-43 requiring further and final consolidation:

Now we also realize all of those wealth numbers have individuals representing the various tiers of affluence, but all of them have that nominal wealth tied up in banks, investment devices and legal asset control systems all governed by the biggest trans-national corporations. Thus they can be told their “net worth”, but in reality the banks own all the nominal realities of super-symbolic wealth. When push comes to shove, the corporate banking and investment “entity” will look out for itself first, and it is “legally” programmed in their advantage as nation-state governments have been controlled to facilitate the process.

Now if we research the voluminous details of this financial system control, to already align dominant wealth under supra-national super-corporate system control, that even debt driven national governments are enslaved to, we can understand the globalist wealth and hard asset system, and its international corporate legal systems of control and ownership, are well beyond the scale of Global World Product (GWP), as combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all the national systems.

The post 2001 debt expansion alone, of the US, has nearly surpassed its GDP of around 17 trillion dollars, in just around a decade—and no one seems to notice what that implies.

The GWP is in the 70 trillions. Yet the globalist system owns global hard wealth in the 100s of trillions, gold bullion in at least the 10s of trillions, and 100s of trillions in secured debt and unfunded liabilities of all the nations as the “Master Creditor” system. Everyone talks about the Global Debtor national system, but few realize a Master Creditor must also exist. Thus at this enormity of real wealth control, and the control of the global symbolic financial system of its fiat currency as credit facilitation, the globalist system is fully prepared for the final cycle, while the reciprocal full liability is upon the indebted national systems, amplified by enormous debt and economic dependency as the global nation-state has never been in a worse position in all human history.

And that is how, to simply put the manner in which the globalist system will achieve the final world government of wealth control sector. King North will be able to super-fund their own system’s final global wealth consolidation operation, by real wealth and real gold. And because they designed the current central banking and global investment network model, they can revamp it also according to their own final global terms for the eventual global recovery (Isa41:1)—but fully on King North’s world government terms. (Dan11:42-43; Rev13:15-18)

Thus in addition to enormous hard wealth ownership and corporate control, they engineered the current nation-state debt system that they own and operate by supranational corporate international authority in the 100s of trillions in debt, interest and unfunded liabilities distributed in varying degrees in all the nations. In effect, they are the “Master Creditor”, and the nation-state is the credit pawned “Master Debtor”. In effect the nation-state finance system can be transitioned out of the world system progressively, like a King North Python shedding its dead and out-dated nation-state system “skin”, and its fiat currency based debt system, for the shiny new serpent of a truly wealthy and powerful world government controlled final wealth and finance system to come in, as the old global “skin” is taken off.

Now this is just a simple outline that anyone can research the subject matter of in more detail, to see the actualities in these approximated statements and the meaning that the nation-state is system is financially as done as an indebted mortgaged homeowner—it is the same debtor to foreclosure to new ownership creditor control principle. It is just a matter of time and the final transformation cycle into full monopoly of the King North globalist system global ownership, and their “new world financial solution” which they have engineered just as thoroughly as the current global debt trap system. This kind of global wealth control transformation is not random, but by design.

Final “King North” Decoy in Potential Russia Centered “Coalition of Nations”—How Intense Will the Global Sword-Stroke” and its Global-Decoy Become and for How Long?

Now we know the USSR did not fulfill any true “King North” reality, but were a “King South” system partial national bloc alliance for the third global war cycle “Cold War” play. By Bethel’s retention of that key “King North” error the “Russia” live wire connection to the former USSR impression remains sputtering in the Jehovah’s Witness mind, for potential amped up re-connection to “King North” in the future. Now in spite of the meaning of the USSR failure—although the real King North must be continuously successful all the way to Armageddon (Dan11:36), and the subsequent rise of the 3rd United Nations presentation in 1990 (Dan11:30-31; Dan8:23), with the end of the 3rd global war cycle in the unique Cold War (Dan11:29), the potential Russian decoy thus remains present.

What we do not know is to what degree the King North hoax will develop in the future in Russia’s globalist use on the global stage world war play to again aid the continuance of this “King North” decoy and global distraction. And the danger is, the greater the impression Russia is “King North” in the Jehovah’s Witness ministry, and in unofficial speculations of roving Christendom influenced commentators, the longer the real “King North” world government globalization system will be remain unidentified in that key sovereign prophecy. (Dan11:27-45)

We do not know at this time as well, how severe the 7th King/ King South downfall will become, and how severe the global “sword stroke” world war context will become. We know it must become marked as undeniable when that Daniel 11:41-43 phase has matured into the final segway to full world government (Dan11:44-45) as the real King North, 8th King, final developmental parallel.

But to what degree will the Russia and China potential “coalition of nations” intrigues be used in the global military dimension of that potential anti-Anglo-American development in those potential seeming rivals?

And because a “coalition of nations” can also assume the King North decoy with Russian involvement, to meet the Jehovah’s Witness “King North=Gog of Magog” hoaxing requirements, the cloaking of the real King North world government development, with these pseudo-King-North potentialities, can potentially be extended for some time. And the effectiveness of this globally hoaxing decoy development will be amplified by the potential magnitude of the possible Russian and Chinese military success, times the severity of the 7th King system core downfall, plus how how severe the final global war is and how long this goes on for. It is the grand finale distraction, so it may very well be of the most epic proportions ever, we do not know. (Rev13)

That creates the perfect engineered global anti-thesis system in conflict with the Anglo-American system, for this final global “sword stroke” cycle in what has always been the engineered world war “problem”, to present the “world government” “solution”, as the context of this final global transformation phase into said real King North World Government, cloaking its meaning the whole time, while confusing and distracting the global masses at the same time. This is merely the fourth and final cycle.

And because they want everyone to believe it is the “end of the world”, of course they want to provide global developments that reinforce that delusion as powerfully as possible. We can expect an epic cycle for all these reasons, and the context must be distracting to also divert attention away from the final warning which must emerge at some time in this global development context.

But we do know from prophecy and global geostrategic logic and real objectives that it will all converge as per Revelation 16:13-16 and Revelation 17:8-18 into world government. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13) And we know true world government requires global “united nations” 100% participation at all tiers of global “power and authority”, especially in wealth and financial control (Dan11:42-43), to fund global military expansion (Joel3:9-12; Dan11:36-40), as administered by a global super-corporate sovereign system co-expansion, above national authority, that actually dictates nation-state puppet government goals, objectives, and direction.

Babylon the Great Religion is just a salesman, a “harlot”, and wealth store to be deposed when that function is complete, otherwise they are inconsequential in real world power development. Everything else, and every other nation of lower priority, will fall in (Dan11:43b) with the critical mass of the industrialized core nation-state systems imploding into the final transformation cycle into true world government, and that total globalization of the consolidation of “power and authority” (Rev17:11-18) and global wealth. (Dan11:42-43) It is not “the end”, just “as though” “slaughtered to death” (Rev13:3), which expectation was just a distraction. Only “the end” of the nation-state era of global dominance as an independent “sovereign” world power system of order, the “old world order”, is what is coming as required before the “new” “world order” starts to be truly implemented as a real global planetary government “8th” “King” and “King” “NORTH”, “top of the world” global-sovereign so to speak.

In reality all the final “sword stroke” intrigues for the final world war cycle are to aid that final global transformation, but its drama will provide the final global distraction period to cloak that reality, until it is totally too late to reverse, and they can just come out and plainly state that world government is the objective and the to-be-prevailing global reality. (1Thess5:1-3; Dan8:25; Dan11:44-45; Rev16:13-16; Rev17:8-18)

The Ultimate Global and Prophetic Sovereign Convergence

And that is why the ultimate “King South” and “King North” global systems simplify in final meaning, yet are truly totally global in scope:

1. King South is the global scale complete nation-state system, 7th King national system “Egypt” domain, “old world order”, required to be normalized and equalized into distributed multi-polarity required to be controlled by King North “8th” King, to “rule the world”.

2. King North is the worldwide globalization system, ultimately headed for total world government completion, as the “top of the world” overlord of the whole global system, the 8th King “new world order” domain, dominating the 7th King system “old world order”.

A. Thus the Revelation 13 historically developed national “seven headed” “wildbeast from the sea” is absorbed into Revelation 17 final 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” fully globalized final form.

B. The Daniel 2 “immense image” whole totality, the whole structure, is complete world government.

C. The “King Fierce in Countenance” also converges into that final global sovereign equation of global-sovereign culmination as a King North, 8th King, parallel.

That being the case, that is also why all world power converges into a single “8th King” global-system “world government” along with its final global-sovereign claim of “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3; Dan8:25 “freedom from care” in global recovery), as all of the prophecy that forecasts it also converges into that one totality, in a global recovery of global healing to highlight that very final global-sovereign entity.

Thus Christ arrival is triggered by that Globalized Final Abomination “disgusting thing” fully globally placed as all four UN presentations were leading to that Global Grand Finale the whole time. And as the “as though” “doomsday” impression in a severe final global crisis cycle transforms, by design and formula, into a great global phase of hopefulness, the world will be suckered the final time, in final form, to accept and celebrate the then incoming 8th King World Government “Solution”. (Rev14:9-11)

This allows the world’s own progressive milestone marked development towards world government, to rise upon the 7th King downfall global-crisis period, to stunningly provide the real “global milestone” “hints” of the Christ arrival, which produces a final year-over-year progressive global gauging to the global-trigger of the Christ arrival. And that all along the “seven trumpets” final framework sequence fully emerging with the “seven plagues” of the global context, that will become more and more obvious as it matures, as to where it is all leading: World Government and then the Christ arrival!

This is why Satan must present the 8th King first, to cloak his final decoy in false prophetic expectations, which fail year over year as it leads instead, to world government presented first, to take advantage of that drawn out process to present itself as if “God’s Kingdom” amidst a global recovery at the greatest potential magnitude of all human history. The globalist system, already the wealthiest system of all human history, will go into 100% global ownership and resource control (Dan11:42-43), to effect that cloaking in globally hopeful and “admirable” super-recovery.

Since world government triggers the Christ arrival, there will eventually be plenty of world government warning prior to Christ arrival, not just of the “second witnessing” of the “two witnesses” but right from the global system developments themselves as well and from their own “we need world government” mouth. (Luke 21:25-28; 1Thess5:1-3; Rev16:13-16; Rev17:8-18) But in Christ’s arrival, sheep salvation is Christ’s first priority, not deposing the then completed rival sovereign immediately.

Christ Arrival Parallels

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

(Revelation 11:11-13) And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them. 13 And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

(Revelation 16:17-19) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. 19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath. 

(Zechariah 9:9-12) “Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem. Look! Your king himself comes to you. He is righteous, yes, saved; humble, and riding upon an ass, even upon a full-grown animal the son of a she-ass. 10 And I shall certainly cut off [the] war chariot from Ephraim and [the] horse from Jerusalem. And the battle bow must be cut off. And he will actually speak peace to the nations; and his rulership will be from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of [the] earth. 11 “Also, you, [O woman,] by the blood of your covenant I will send your prisoners out of the pit in which there is no water. 12 “Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of the hope.

(Revelation 1:7-8) Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says Jehovah God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.”

(Zechariah 14:6-9) 6 “And it must occur in that day [that] there will prove to be no precious light—things will be congealed. 7 And it must become one day that is known as belonging to Jehovah. It will not be day, neither will it be night; and it must occur [that] at evening time it will become light. 8 And it must occur in that day [that] living waters will go forth from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea. In summer and in winter it will occur. 9 And Jehovah must become king over all the earth. In that day Jehovah will prove to be one, and his name one.

Final Christ Messianic Kingdom Based Conquest Parallels

Though Christ will be present after initial arrival (Dan12:1; Ps110:2), this below is the “White Horse” conquest mode of total global and universal manifestation for war with the rival totality also complete, fully warned and ready to be conquered at truly global scale leading to Satan and the demons abyssing taking the whole conquest to universal proportions:

(Revelation 19:11-16) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

(Revelation 19:17-18) I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: “Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, 18 that you may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.”

(Revelation 19:19-21) And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army. 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur. 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse, which [sword] proceeded out of his mouth. And all the birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them.

(Revelation  20:1-2) And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

(Daniel 11:44) “But there will be reports that will disturb him (ultimately the “little scroll” reports, but Christ’s “presence” will also add to the King North fear complex), out of the sunrising (Christ domain) and out of the north (God’s domain), and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. (in Rev17:13 “one hour” world government mode, of two witnesses cessation, and BTG deposition, and Rev13:15-18)

King South “Egypt”, whose 7th King sovereignty is deposed in this progression of Daniel 11:42-44, to come under complete world government forming control, will also receive similar ominous “messages” and “reports”:

(Ezekiel 30:8-9) And they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I set a fire in Egypt and all its helpers are actually broken. 9 In that day messengers will go forth from before me in the ships, in order to drive self-confident Ethiopia into trembling. And severe pains must occur among them in the day of Egypt, for, look! it must come.’

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant (place disgusting thing in final form; Dan12:11) his (world government) palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration (implied “Jerusalem” locale); and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

“Jerusalem” is not mentioned here, but its location, “between the grand sea and the holy mountain” is implied. This is because “Jerusalem” will be in heavenly completion at this time. (Rev14:1) This “unnamed” but implied location is King North’s counterfeit “Zion” and “God’s Kingdom” final global-claims at that “locale”, to attempt to block the peoples of earth, the “grand sea”, from the real “holy mountain” of complete real “Zion” in Revelation 14:1-8 post Christ arrival mode. They will probably use physical Israel as the final decoy, to then be “restored” by King North (not God), with physical Jerusalem itself as their final play staging area for that very false-prophetic effect.

(Daniel 12:1) “And during that time (of Daniel 11:41-45 progressive developments marked by the temple judgment “stand” first) Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress (final global cycle resulting in Daniel 11:42-43) such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. (as the rest of Daniel 12 runs its full timed course)

Thus as per the established manner and divine pattern of Christ’s ordered tasks,

1. Christ “stands” in the “temple” first, well before arrival, to clean out the Bethel apostasy and its “cave of robbers” and then to guide and ensure its global final warning initiating full exposure before he arrives. (That final warning describes the world government development to trigger the Christ arrival in salvation mode first.)

2. Then Christ arrives in that salvation “parousia” “sign of the Son of man” signal mode (Matt24:29-30), in final Messianic Kingdom designate completion mode, to complete that Messianic Kingdom entity’s “body” of heavenly “sheep” members first, and then secure the global earth sheep next, as salvation is the first priority. That too is non-destructive to the King North system at that time. (Dan7:26)

3. God must fully complete everything as Christ is the final temple “stone” and Messianic Kingdom “King” “of kings”, full “King-Priest”, to be finally “set” and coronated by God Almighty Himself, prior to full global earthly sheep securement as they come into that specific Messianic Kingdom “tent” of Christ’s Kingdom, complete. (Rev7:9-17; Rev21:1-5)

4. Then as those required full completions finalize, with all “sheep” under global protection, the final “war of the great day of God the Almighty” mode is embarked upon at global and universal scale as Christ will indeed fully conquer the 8th King King North rival, by vastly superior force and perfect global scale assault.

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care he will bring many to ruin. And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken.

(Revelation 11:15-19) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders who were seated before God upon their thrones fell upon their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” 19 And the temple [sanctuary] of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple [sanctuary]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.

(Ezekiel 38:18-20) “‘And it must occur in that day, in the day when Gog comes in upon the soil of Israel,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘that my rage will come up into my nose. 19 And in my ardor, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak. Surely in that day a great quaking will occur in the soil of Israel. 20 And because of me the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the wild beasts of the field and all the creeping things that are creeping on the ground and all mankind that are upon the surface of the ground will be bound to shiver, and the mountains will actually be thrown down and the steep ways will have to fall, and to the earth even every wall will fall.’

(2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, 7 but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength, 10 at the time he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among you.

(Isaiah 24:21-23) And it must occur in that day that Jehovah will turn his attention upon the army of the height in the height, and upon the kings of the ground upon the ground. 22 And they will certainly be gathered with a gathering as of prisoners into the pit, and be shut up in the dungeon; and after an abundance of days they will be given attention. 23 And the full moon has become abashed, and the glowing [sun] has become ashamed, for Jehovah of armies has become king in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and in front of his elderly men with glory.

(Matthew 24:21-22) 21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

(Joel 3:9-17) “Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances. As for the weak one, let him say: “I am a powerful man.” 11 Lend your aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together.’” To that place, O Jehovah, bring your powerful ones down. 12 “Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat; for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about. 13 “Thrust in a sickle, for harvest has grown ripe. Come, descend, for [the] winepress has become full. The press vats actually overflow; for their badness has become abundant. 14 Crowds, crowds are in the low plain of the decision, for the day of Jehovah is near in the low plain of the decision. 15 Sun and moon themselves will certainly become dark, and the very stars will actually withdraw their brightness. 16 And out of Zion Jehovah himself will roar, and out of Jerusalem he will give forth his voice. And heaven and earth certainly will rock; but Jehovah will be a refuge for his people, and a fortress for the sons of Israel. 17 And you people will have to know that I am Jehovah your God, residing in Zion my holy mountain. And Jerusalem must become a holy place; and as regards strangers, they will no more pass through her.

(Revelation 14:17-20) And still another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary] that is in heaven, he, too, having a sharp sickle. 18 And still another angel emerged from the altar and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one that had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because its grapes have become ripe.” 19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of the anger of God. 20 And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs.

(Matthew 25:41-46) 41 “Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘Be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. 42 For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 Then they also will answer with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”

Revelation 14 Final Phase Sequence

Kingdom “Zion” Completion

This is post Christ arrival in the Daniel 12:11 1290 days active to some initial degree to have completed the Kingdom, Temple, New Jerusalem and Bride “body” parallels in that Christ arrival event period:

(Revelation 14:1-5) And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a sound out of heaven as the sound of many waters and as the sound of loud thunder; and the sound that I heard was as of singers who accompany themselves on the harp playing on their harps. 3 And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been bought from the earth. 4 These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones that keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb, 5 and no falsehood was found in their mouths; they are without blemish.

But as shown the first priority is Christ completing the ministry he began with the open salvation final offer as backed by the Kingdom angels, not limited humans (Matt10:23), as this is after the “two witnesses” “second witnessing” is completed and ceased:

(Revelation 14: 6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

Thus open salvation is available through Christ’s arrival and afterwards for the whole Daniel 12:11 final period.

Parallel: Revelation 11:11-13 Christ arrival, 144000 completion, and “tenth of the city” of Babylon the Great spared for salvation

(Revelation 14: 8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

Thus that announcement of the finality of Babylon the Great downfall, had been transpiring for the whole Revelation 14:6-7 extended “everlasting good news” opportunity to gather scattered God’s “my people” “sheep” from the Babylon the Great downfall human liberation fallout.

Global Wildbeast World Government active in “one hour” parallel

(Revelation 14: 9-11) And another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, 10 he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and day and night they have no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.

And the “scarlet wildbeast” totality is also fully active in “8th” “King” world government complete, as both Christ’s Messianic Kingdom and the 8th King have to be complete to oversee the Babylon the Great downfall, performed by the wildbeast world government and its “ten horns” of the “ten kings” aiding national network subservient to the 8th King (Rev17:15-18), but ultimately overseen by God and Christ’s judgment authority. (Rev18:8)

(Revelation 14: 12-13) Here is where it means endurance for the holy ones, those who observe the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” 13 And I heard a voice out of heaven say: “Write: Happy are the dead who die in union with [the] Lord from this time onward. Yes, says the spirit, let them rest from their labors, for the things they did go right with them.”

Since as shown in Revelation 14:1-5, the Kingdom is complete with all the “holy ones”, so this directive is concerning the whole wildbeast ascension period (Rev11:7; Rev17:8-13) which warning applies to anyone “observing the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus”. But since when Christ arrives as he must have to complete Revelation 14:1, global sheep are going under full Messianic Kingdom protection in this sequence, but as it progresses over the Babylon the Great fallout period, avoiding the 666 of world government allegiance and servitude is an important requirement for salvation.

Global Judgment Sequence

Global “sheep sweep” to completion of Matthew 25:31-40 parallel:

(Revelation 14: 14-16) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 And another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary], crying with a loud voice to the one seated on the cloud: “Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.” 16 And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

Final operation of world judgment completion and conquest of Matthew 25:41-46 parallel:

(Revelation 14: 17-20) And still another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary] that is in heaven, he, too, having a sharp sickle. 18 And still another angel emerged from the altar and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one that had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because its grapes have become ripe.” 19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of the anger of God. 20 And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs.

Revelation 19 Final Phase Sequence

Marriage Event Prepared

Christ has already arrived in the Revelation 14:1-7 parallel of these meanings, as the complete 144,000 are a numbered “great crowd” “in heaven”, to assist in overseeing the deliverance of the “great crowd that no man was able to number” of Christ’s final sheep deliverance to the completed temple for final sacrificial offer to God Almighty (Rev14:14-16):

Revelation 14:8 Parallel:

(Revelation 19:1-3) After these things I heard what was as a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven. They said: “Praise Jah, you people! The salvation and the glory and the power belong to our God, 2 because his judgments are true and righteous. For he has executed judgment upon the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his slaves at her hand.” 3 And right away for the second time they said: “Praise Jah, you people! And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.”

And that is the Revelation 14:8 Babylon the Great completed judgment announcement parallel.

Revelation 14:6-7 Parallel directive:

(Revelation 19: 4-6) And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God seated upon the throne, and said: “Amen! Praise Jah, you people!” 5 Also, a voice issued forth from the throne and said: “Be praising our God, all you his slaves, who fear him, the small ones and the great.” 6 And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king.

Bride is complete in Revelation 14:1 parallel:

(Revelation 19: 7-9) Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.” 9 And he tells me: “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.” Also, he tells me: “These are the true sayings of God.”

(Revelation 19: 10) At that I fell down before his feet to worship him. But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who have the work of witnessing to Jesus. Worship God; for the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying.”

Since angels will be assisting the global Christ “sheep sweep” of salvation, that “worship God” alone directive applies here as a foregleam.

Since Christ has already arrived in “parousia” for salvation first, this is his global conquest “triumphal entry” parallel of the Armageddon “white horse” “war of the great day of God the Almighty” battle mode in the “sheep-free” battle zones of planet Earth:

(Revelation 19: 11-16) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

Ezekiel 38:18-20 Parallel:

(Revelation 19: 17-18) I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: “Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, 18 that you may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.”

Armageddon: Rival sovereign “wildbeast” world government system deposition:

(Revelation 19: 19-21) And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army. 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur.

Now these do not end up in the “lake of fire”, so their destruction may be mitigated in the general resurrection:

21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse, which [sword] proceeded out of his mouth. And all the birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them.

Capture, bounding and “sealed” abyssing of Satan:

(Revelation 20:1-3) And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 And he hurled him into the abyss and shut [it] and sealed [it] over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while.

1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ in full Messianic Kingdom power begins.

(John 12:31) Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 


Seven Trumpets Framework of the Final Cycle

1. The “seven trumpets” contain the entire framework of every final cycle milestone event gauging and leading to the Christ arrival and global conquest, in the spiritually significant framework of significance to completion.

The seven trumpets will gauge the following:

A. The Temple Judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 1150 day dual phased 2300 days;
B. The Temple purification and ministerial recovery;
C. The final warning commission and open salvation mission deployment for 1260 days;
D. The final warning cessation under “ascended” world government;
E. The Christ arrival, salvation mission and global judgment finalizing conquest;

2. The “seven plagues” roughly parallel the seven trumpets as the globally significant framework of the final cycle gauging context milestones.

The seven plagues will gauge or parallel the following:

A. The first four plagues global context of the 7th King/King South nation-state system downfall at global scale. (Hag2:7; Dan11:42-43);
B. The parallel global context of the “tribulation of those days” in its 7th King downfall aiding global “sword stroke” and its resolution into the eventual global “healing” phase (Rev13:3) and its final “world peace”. (1Thess5:1-3);
C. The final ascension “throne of the wildbeast” into world government fifth plague (Rev16:10) as the final global sovereign milestone finality in total zenith defiance to God’s Kingdom.
D. The sixth plague globalization (Rev16:13-17) to global “gathered” completion in the global recovery matured context to enable the globalized 8th King/King North world government implementation to completion;
E. The “seventh plague” Christ arrival (Rev16:17) and “Babylon the Great” judgment (Rev16:18-20) to proceed to the ensuing “war of the great day of God the Almighty” in complete global judgment and Christ conquest;

Timed Periods Overlay the Seven Trumpets for Further Detail

All the four timed sequential progressions of prophecy overlay with the “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” for further identifying features of that seven trumpet/plague based final cycle framework. (The first three periods (Dan8:13-14; Dan12:7 (Rev11:2-3); Dan12:11) are all open for salvation, in intensifying manner of notification leading to the Christ arrival to finalize the salvation “gathering” priority first.

1. The 1150/2300 days of Daniel 8:14, and the

2. 1260 days of Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:14, Revelation 13:5 and the

3. 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 all overlay the “seven trumpets” as milestone periods within the “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues”.

Every other applicable prophecy registers into its applicable event/period in this final cycle prophetic framework, detailing various aspects of these events and milestones enroute to 8th King World government and the Christ arrival it will trigger. But the seven trumpets and plagues and the 3 final open salvation timed periods give all the main needed detail to identify these period, before, during, as, and after they fulfill in 1-7 sequence.

The original IBSA and Jehovah’s Witnesses ministry laid out all the global sovereign and prophetic principles of the final “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” framework, as Revelation’s preview was accurately described by the once valid anointed Christian and Jehovah’s Witness ministry. Thus respecting that original “first witnessing” cycle, helps people understand the final cycle replication of that prophecy, but this time, in exact 1-7 order.

Much Revelation prophecy is repeating, but unique prophecy is fulfilling and or continuing the active Daniel 8 and 11 specifics of the modern world system. And these are the only two areas apostate Bethel is now maintaining former significant total errors to divert attention from the apostasy and world government clues in Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45.

Unique and Repeating Prophecy Will Parallel in Final Fulfillment to Completion

1. Daniel 8 and 11 contain unique specifics of the modern world government development, aided by the Bethel apostasy cover up in the same overall prophecy (Dan8:11-14; Dan11:30-35,41), which will come to a head in the future in the world system context and in the temple judgment accounting and exposure of the Bethel apostasy.

2. The Revelation prophecy contains already demonstrated principles, which will activate in final form with the unique final fulfillment of Daniel 8 and 11. Daniel 12 will repeat in the same manner, as the parallel portions of Revelation it will support in final form.

As those unique prophecies continue in maturation and proceed to the full multi-year manifestation, they will activate the replication of Revelation 8-11 (seven trumpets), and Revelation 15-16 (seven plagues). But Daniel 8 and 11 will provide explicit modernly verifiable developmental features to identify the principles already described in the repeating portions of Revelation. But Daniel 8 and 11 continuations will be manifesting with the Revelation replication in final cycle fulfillment to completion.

US/EU 7th King/King South Required Downfall

Structured Global Sovereign Progression in Seven Bible Chapters and Its Christendom and Bethel Cover Up

We Are Here:


To get where we are today in world power progress understanding, we just track history and modern global developmental news in relation to well known prophetic patterns maturing, aided by the far more voluminous post Roman era developmental information. The structural incremental gauging of Daniel and Revelation provide a world power developmental framework based on the post Noachian record of Genesis 10-11, but tracks it through all world time since then, to today, to the final phase coming up. Thus everything discussed in the spiritual seven trumpet and seven plagues framework will merge with the 8th King finale progression to the end of the road.

Both Daniel and Revelation outline the entire world power progression from the national powers. But Revelation explicitly numbers the 8 Kings in final order of significance en route to world government. (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Babylon, (4) Medo-Persia, (5) Greece, (6) Rome, (7) Anglo-America, are all numbered as seven national powers which eventually unify into a collective unification (United Nations) of ALL the world powers. Thus the globalization of nations in the 8th King globalist unification final world power, is the (8) 8th King globalized global government; (This is the 8th King entity the Messianic Kingdom will war with as a collective whole symbol and its global reality representing ALL world powers combined). (Dan2:31-46; Dan8:23-25; Dan11:40-45; Rev16:13-16; Rev17:8-18)

We can note, just for extra interest, the first four world powers are of Eastern origin, as the Greece (5th world power) split is the beginning of the following four Western based powers. Yet the “8th King” is the finale globalization of all the nations that is actually a final combine of all world powers as global unified nations in totality, to define King 8 as one global whole—the last in the trajectory and the one slated for the shortest reign of them all; just “one hour” of symbolic final folly as it rolls into the Lake of Fire at Armageddon, its eternal destiny. (Rev16:13-20; Rev17:8-13; Rev19:19-21)

To arrive to today’s true global meaning, the updates from 1914 in actively fulfilling prophecy, regarding the marked dual development of the ascendant post Roman “7th King” national alliance of Anglo-America, is the nearly final portion of the prophecy to track. All that needs to complete is the 8th King world government. That 8th King designate entity has been co-developing in its own progress since 1914-1919 in “image of the wildbeast” development which development has paralleled that of the 7th King (Rev13:11-15; Dan12:11; Rev17:8-11), as both the 7th King and that 8th King designate “image” emerged in the same 1914-1919 period of marked significance. What we now know is the United Nations focused international development tier, is also implied in quadruple numbering as an overall UN 1-2-3-4 incremental progress to its coming fourth cycle completion and ominous terminus: Armageddon.

Now, if, let’s say, 99% of the prophecy has already turned to history, of course the final “1%” will also transform into live history in the irreversible future, as we are in that epic final period. Now this final cycle is also well gauged in all the primary needed features and details to ascertain where we are in pre-to-full 7th King required downfall development, to allow that grand finale 8th King final ascension into world government—and thus, finally, the long awaited trigger event of the Christ arrival. (Dan12:11; Rev11:7-13; Matt24:29-31)

Therefore the “seven trumpet” future “itinerary” 1-7 sequential framework, and its three final timed periods of the sovereign Kingdom and temple progression noted earlier (Dan8:14; Dan12:7; Dan12:11), adds additional unique detailing to those structural seven chapters of prophecy-turned-to-history of Daniel and Revelation which track the global developments reliably to today. (Dan2,7,811-12; Rev13,17)

It is not that the prophecy is incomprehensible in such a basic 1-8 progression, now undeniably at king 7, requiring king 8 to complete the trajectory. Rather, it is by sheer spiritually “harlotous” ignorance that Christendom’s coma, and Bethel lobotomy have devolved to the sad state of spiritual catatonia that they both now share on their figurative gurneys and “sick beds”. (Rev2:20-23) In basic terms the “old world order” national system is to be pawned by the “new world order” world government system, also easy to ascertain from prophecy and globalism research, it is not rocket science to see how the two converge for Armageddon’s final maturation of world government. Thus, in also easy to answer, but for some “ugly truth” hard-to-accept form, Christendom and Bethel are BOTH working for the world government concealment operation.

In reality, Daniel lays the sovereign historic yet prophetic foundation that Revelation builds upon and finalizes, as both forecast the grand finale, for both God’s Kingdom objective completion and the defiant progression of the first seven world powers to final future 8th King world government completion, concurrently, in this final cycle parallel phase.

Thus the final cycle is the epic period of the completion of both the rival system “8th King” “King North” purpose and God’s purpose of Messianic Kingdom completion as they mature to the final long foretold confrontation to eternally settle the global sovereign issue as to who will actually rule planet earth, upon the “trampled” rubble of the loser. Of course, at Armageddon, the domitable poor 8th King is who is “rubbleized” in Daniel 2:31-46 and in its final parallels in prophecy covered earlier, but as the typical blind, forlorn, and power addicted world rulers—they do not seem to get the first message, actually just diametrically defiant to it.

So God gives them a final warning, the “second witness” of the “two witnesses”, prior to their divine demolition under the “White War Horse” and “boot heel” of the real “King of kings”—the IMMORTAL Jesus Christ. (Ps2)

Names and Numbers

Daniel 2, 7, 8, 11-12, structures the sovereign progression of human world power in historically verifiable world power symbols and themes of conflict. The named historic benchmarks, times and historically ascertainable national benchmarks of Babylon, Persia and Greece are identified by name. Now the well known progression of (1) Egypt, (2) and Assyria, to (3) Babylon (Dan2,4), (4) Medo-Persia (Dan8:20-21; Dan11:2), and (5) Greece (Dan8:20-21; Dan11:1-4), to the subsequent (6) Rome, (7) Anglo-America (in nation-state decline), and (8) the 8th King globalist unification world power development (in progress), which developed from that historic national basis (Rev17:10-11), can be “registered” into Daniel’s implied eight “Kings” 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

But by Revelation’s explicit 1-8 structure of those same 8 Kings, it is symphonic in final progress and its global-sovereign meaning. Very simple math, backed by available histories, amplified by modern research and globalization news—all working for, and headed to, the so-called “New World Order” 8th King finale.

All they have to do is finally gitterdone for Armagitterdone.

Revelation 13 and 17 continues from the Christian era, and its contextual Roman world power period. (Rev17:10) The base named world powers of Daniel, thus, are present as a historic benchmark in Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece (Dan2; Dan8:20-21; Dan11:1-4), also present in the seven headed wildbeast progressions of those Revelation chapters 3rd, 4th, and 5th “Kings”/”heads”, to the globalist full bodied 8th King, total “scarlet wildbeast”, as a complete globalization based unification of all national powers into an apex world sovereign world government and its representative “United Nations” “image” 8th King world power nucleus, as one final totality. (Rev17:8-18; Dan12:11)

Over time, all that Bible students and researchers have had to do was match a simple global power history, and then keep up with modern events, through post Rome activity to that prophecy’s continuation of the main 1-8 structure, to nail the “7th King” Anglo to Anglo-American rivals of God’s Kingdom to the well founded 1-6 base structure at Rome, which Christendom conveniently fully ignores and truncates for centuries now, at the Rome “cut off” of all prophetic reality.

Thus Jehovah’s witnesses are truly unique in bridging the post Roman “gap” to 1914 marked “7th King” Anglo-American progress with the “8th King” designate “League of Nations” world government nucleus development, which will complete and arrive at Armageddon. The Babylon the Great enveloped Christendom “harlot” has not, and will not, expose that “7th” “King”, because that rival power system is her true global masters and handlers. Yet tracking the final two kings in prophecy, 7-8, from the history that led to Rome as kings 1-6, is not really rocket science, nor requiring Sherlock Holmes, or the prophet Daniel to complete for us. It’s just 1-2-3-4-5-6 and then 7-8, really a “no brainer” that a kindergartner could “add up”.

Thus Christendom is in a blatant cover up of easy-to-see prophecy, “miraculously” stalled at Rome—yet that mother apostasy is also a fulfilled prophecy made known by Jehovah’s witnesses. And like that sold out corporate Christendom Madame “harlot”, modern Bethel as the shiny new “fresh harlot” is also now performing a similar, but more modern and crucial, cover up to truncate the 8th King defining, UN1-2-3-4 ascertainable prophecy, from being explained fully, stalled at WW2 and the United Nations 1945 global-presentation revealed prophetic event.

That the “8th” “King” is marked by four developmental UN related “steps to world government” [1], as UN1-2-3-4. And it is also in an easy-to-see, numbered, four UN related world government developmental steps in (1) 1919, (2) 1945, (3) 1990 and (4) the future, as Bethel conceals the 3rd (1990) and 4th (Future) UN manifestations, as our modern signal apostate and impostor hybrid-harlot miscreants. (Dan8:12; Dan11:30b-35; 2Thess2:1-4; Zech3:1-3)

Thus one can cross reference all the other prophetic details from other prophets and Bible portions into this timeline and framework—including Bethel’s modern apostasy and cover up—but the basic Daniel and Revelation chapters of those prophecies are the basis of it all as far as an identifiable structured prophetic-to-historic progression that for the most part are prophecies that are now world histories. So there is not much direct structured prophecy to actually read to review the framework of the dual progression of God’s Kingdom and 8th King “world government” finale final development which parallel each other, to arrive together, to Armageddon Global Arena. This is because most of the other unstructured “floating” Bible prophecies and histories are just supporting information to give extra detail to the main prophetic framework. The actual base Kingdom and temple framework is but a few pages of the Bible, everything else “registers” into that overall master guide.

Because of this latest cover up and apostate activity at Bethel, they are who are dealt with first by God and Christ in the coming Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses timed for future verification in Daniel 8:13-14.

Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the First Milestone Event

The trumpet context (Rev8-11) is sequential and starts (1Pet4:17) with the temple judgment accounting to purification (Rev8) of the Bethel apostasy and the full revelation of its apostate purpose (2Thess2:1-4; Rev8:10-11), in those first four temple judgment encapsulating “trumpets”, which fully emerge in full progressive awareness after the temple judgment is complete.

Daniel 8:13-14 Timed Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses, will be the unique fulfilling timed prophecy to manifest first in the spiritual context. Though it is a repeating principle of ministerial leadership apostasy originating within some anointed Christians “leaving the holy covenant” (Dan11:30b), allowing an impostor seeded infiltration (Dan11:31a,32a), Daniel 8:13-14 will be uniquely fulfilling as a timed and phased prophecy upon anointed Christians, and Jehovah’s witnesses, yet utilizing the visible Bethel “JW Organization” context of “trampling” intrigues. (Isa28)

And to aid Daniel 8:13-14’s temple judgment verification it is phased and timed for future verification for anointed Christians, especially those in the Jehovah’s Witness context of the judgment.

Though the main Bethel sin is “holy covenant” apostasy (Dan11:30b; Dan11:32a; Dan8:12), as signaled by the UN NGO alliance (Dan11:31-32; Dan8:13) primary “transgression” “causing desolation”, overall lawlessness and reproach of Bethel’s ministerial leadership and spiritually overridden ministry itself, affecting all Jehovah’s witnesses and misleading their audience as well, is also to be dealt with by God and Christ, in time, to effect the Daniel 8:14 “right condition” by means of the temple judgment and purification. (Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)

And this is accomplished first, to allow the updated and accurate prophetic truth to eventually come forth (Rev9-11:1-7), well before world government completes and the Christ arrival it will trigger manifests.

Milestone Steps in Fulfillment Eventually “Explains” Itself

Though these things are being described before they happen for now, when they finally manifest and run their stepped course in the future, then eventually they can be best explained in hindsight. In that process of prophetic progress forecasting real global developments, the stepping nature of these milestone manifestations and their timed periods, will begin to provide the details of their own full prophetic identification features in compounding manner of more and more certainty.

In other words, the more the final cycle matures in marked global developments manifesting progressively, one after the other, which purpose is detailed in prophecy, the more obvious the progress and reality becomes. And this is why the big initial milestones, like the temple judgment downfall of Bethel, and its 7th King sovereign deposition phase, will manifest and indicate where they are leading: to world government.

The purpose of the Bethel downfall is to remove the subverting agency within that ministry, to then be required to make these then more obvious things known in a final warning.

Daniel 8:13-14 Purpose of Awareness

The reason the judgment starts with Jehovah’s witnesses in final form, this final time, is because:

1. That furthest point of modern anointed Christian and prophetic progress has been subverted and diverted and must be realigned into the divine prophecy to begin to unfold on that enormous global signal.

2. The temple judgment is purposed to wake up and adjust the awareness of approved Jehovah’s witnesses first (1Pet4:17; Matt25:1-13), and those to come in later as all of us must repent.

A. The Jehovah’s witnesses original progress must be re-continued upon the same sovereign and prophetic themes as those that first emerged in the 1914-1919 first cycle, and thereafter for quite some time, until the modern Bethel apostates gradually subverted the ministry from within.

3. This enormous event will clearly mark the beginning of the final cycle of prophecy.

Daniel 8:13-14 Timing and Phasing (Dan8:26)

1. The reason the Daniel 8:13-14 unique temple judgment prophecy is timed (1150 minimum-2300 days total), and will come upon all Jehovah’s witnesses globally, is because that will aid the eventual verification of that key prophecy beyond all doubt for those examining it fully.

2. The reason Daniel 8:13-14 is also phased in “the evening” and “the morning” phases, is because it gives us the temple judgment order and purpose in that “evenings and mornings” constant feature related key phrase.

3. We know “the evening” is the “trampling” time of temple judgment accounting darkness (Rev9:1-4) upon all Jehovah’s witnesses to proceed with the initial 1150 days of “the evening” as 3.19 years. That phase of judgment will lead to eventual “morning” purification recovery and final enlightenment to progress after the purification has been met. (Zech3:4-5; Rev9:1-4; Mal3:1-5)

First Milestone: The Temple Judgment

For those reasons the timed temple judgment will become recognizable for what it is, after Jehovah’s witnesses go through the intrigues on Bethel which will be at the Daniel 11:41 position in Daniel 11, not the misleading Daniel 11:44 Bethel will claim to extend the premature end delusion as long as they can, as long as “the evening” phase allows as permitted by God.

Now when that first milestone in the Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses activates, most Jehovah’s witnesses will not comprehend the reality of the situation in lieu of that “it’s the end brothers” delusion Bethel has thoroughly placed into the Jehovah’s Witness short range expectation window. It will take time for the Bethel forecast to fail, amidst another global milestone also developing: The 7th King/King South downfall phase.

That timing of Jehovah’s Witness darkness is within the Daniel 8:13-14 “evening” phase of the temple judgment, and appears to be a required 3.19 years of the “trampling” phase of the JW organization as the first priority of the opposing system. (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12) That “King North” opposing system has elements that have guided the Bethel apostasy aided by infiltration (Dan11:41 initial form of “entry”), as it is now situated inside of Bethel as per prophecy, to guide that God permitted global JW-org “desolation” of the Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation”, especially required for the UN NGO “transgression”.

Though God allows Bethel to be corporately sacked, however that may actually manifest, global Jehovah’s witnesses will not be given to the enemy system. Instead the “morning” phase of recovery will be effected by God and Christ by angelic aid. In that “enlightening” aftermath of the Bethel accounting phase, for eventual full temple “right condition” purification, the anointed Christian ministry will be recovered to make the necessary update to prophetic reality and its modern position at that time.

Thus by that time the “desolation” of Bethel will be complete, the Bethel premature “the end” forecast will have failed, and the first step in Daniel 8:13-14 meaning and timing will start to explain itself, so to speak. It will be the only explanation Jehovah’s witnesses will have to progressively accept for the apostate Bethel downfall events required to remove, silence and expose the enemy system override in the ministry up to that time of guaranteed expulsion.

The temple desolation event itself will create the context of the Jehovah’s Witness “wake up” awareness phase of the “morning” phase of the temple judgment to reach full purification by clarification of the whole prophecy, now in the 7th King downfall requirement phase as well, to eventually transition into the foretold “healing” phase at some unknown time in all these developments.

From there everything we have covered here in detail will unfold.

1. Temple Judgment

And that apostasy will ignite a judgment on the JW organization, which will be prophetically timed as Daniel 8:13-14 ignites Daniel 11:41, first (1Pet4:17)

2. Temple purification

As the 7th King nation-state system takes its initial sovereign financial hit, the JW org visible corporate “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 will be in action to form an eventual recovery, in which the Bethel apostasy (permitting Dan11:41) and everything they are now covering up regarding 7th King downfall (Dan11:42-43), UN abyss plunge and global “sword-stroke” (Rev13), to ascend the 8th King world government eventual “rise” (Rev17:8-12), will become part of:

3. The Final Warning of the “second witness” of the “two witnesses”

And by that time, that final warning will precede full world government full “8th King” finality by 1260 days as Revelation 11:2-3, parallels Revelation 13:5, 12:14 and Daniel 12:7, 7:25 enroute to world government.

4. World Government Triggers Christ’s Arrival

That final warning is ceased in Revelation 11:7-10, climaxing Revelation 13:5-7, as Daniel 12:11 activating the final 1290 days, in which period, Christ arrives, triggered by complete world government. (Rev11:11-12; Matt24:29-31)




Four 8th King UN Cycles to World Government – 1919-Future

WW1 Cycle to UN 1. 1919 – Rev13:11-15 (Dan12:11 first fulfillment) as League of Nations after WW1;

A. International Bible Students Association (IBSA) explained as prophecy;

WW2 Cycle to UN 2. 1945 – Rev17:8-11 as United Nations after WW2;

A. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) explained as prophecy;

Unknown and unstated by UN NGO allied Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses:

WW3 Cold War Cycle to UN 3. 1990 – Daniel 11:31b as United Nations “New World Order” Initiative after WW3 (Cold War) (Dan11:29);

A. Covered up by Bethel as UN NGO, not explained as prophecy by any religious group;

[We are Here…]

WW4 “Sword Stroke” to UN 4. Future – Daniel 11:45; Daniel 8:25; (Rev13:3, Daniel 12:11 last fulfillment) as United Nations and World Government after 4th world tribulation/war cycle to come.

A. Not currently explained by Bethel in lieu of a premature “end of the world” deception. (2Thess2:1-2)

B. To be explained after the Jehovah’s Witness temple judgment desolation, purification and removal of lawless Bethel engineered subversion (2Thess2:1-4; Dan11:30-31; Dan8:11-13);


Categorized Links and Recent Related Articles

Temple Judgment Background

Temple Judgment Background – Governing Body Covers Up “King of the North” Actual 8th King Meaning

Temple Judgment – The Prophets in Details of the Final Prophetic Cycle

Temple Judgment – Book of Hosea Primer for Jehovah’s Witness Bethel Judgment of Daniel 8:11-14 – Near Future Jehovah’s Witness Temple Desolation and Purifications

Temple Judgment – Micah’s Prophecy – Micah Applied to Modern Bethel Under “Man of Lawlessness” Spiritually Illegal Governing Body

Temple Judgment – Zechariah’s Prophecy – Complete Temple Revelation

Malachi’s Prophecy – Temple Judgment and Christ’s Temple Presence

Joel’s Prophecy – Temple Judgment and Global Effects of Temple Recovery and Completion

Temple Judgment – Comprehensive Globalist Symbology in Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jonah and Other Prophets

Temple Judgment – Habakkuk’s Prophecy – Amazing 8th King Globalism

Temple Judgment – Zephaniah’s Prophecy of Temple and World Judgment

Temple Judgment – Nahum’s Prophecy of Infiltration and Bethel Judgment

Temple Judgment

Timed Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Daniel 8:13-14

Daniel 8:13-14 Details the Coming Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Total World Judgment “The Judgment” Begins With Jehovah’s Witnesses

Temple Judgment Progression to Temple Completion – Table and Description

Jehovah’s Witness Judgment is First and Will Picture the World Judgment It Will Lead To

Fire Purification: Proving the JW Temple Judgment as Daniel 8:13-14 Connection to Revelation 8

Modern Sign of Jonah – Jehovah’s Witnesses Going Down for Three Years by Bethel Global Organizational Intrigues

Ten Virgins and Temple Judgment

Foretold Apostasy Always Precedes a Global Epic World Power Transition—5 Times in Prophecy

Background to the Revelation 8 Final Fulfillment on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Revelation 9 – “The Destroyer” and Temple Judgment

Modern Bethel Apostasy

Jehovah’s Witnesses Foretold Organized Apostasy Development in the Bible Symbols

Faithful and Discreet Slave Identified by God After Divine Temple Judgment

The Governing Body Popes and the Bethel Inquisition Fulfills Signal Prophecy Leading to Final Temple Judgment

The Governing Body “Apostolic Succession” – WT 7/15/13

Governing Body Fulfills 2Thess2:4 Public Worldwide “Man of Lawlessness”

The Modern Man of Lawlessness – Governing Body Based Bethel UN Prophetic Deception Operation

Governing Body Aided UN Aiding Subversion and Diversion Campaign (1976-2014 Approximated);

Temple Prophecy in Jehovah’s Witnesses from Man of Lawlessness at Temple Inspection to Temple Judgment and Purification

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Daniel 8 and 11 Final Apostasy and 3rd UN Placement (1990) Connections and Parallels

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Modern Bethel Apostasy UN NGO

JW UN NGO Prophecy, Information and Details

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UN NGO: What the United Nations of Non-Governmental Organizations Global Expansion System Really Is

How UN NGO Bethel Joined the “UN System” under the “UN Secretariat” Principal UN Organ

How UN NGO Bethel Joined the “UN System” under the “UN Secretariat” Principal UN Organ

When UN NGO Bethel Placed The Disgusting Thing

1990: 3RD UN Presentation—The Key to Modern Bethel Reality

GB 1944

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1944 Governing Body Birthday—1914-1976 WTBTS Board of Directors Coup Finally Realized

1944: The Governing Body, UN Allied Apostate Leaders of the Implied “Wrong Condition” of Daniel 8:14

The Governing Body Experiment—1944 to Present

1944: The Governing Body Wrong Condition of Daniel 8:14

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JWs – FLEE The JW Org!! – Matthew24:15

The “Event” JW Bethel is Planning For

How to Set-Up JWs Like 8th King Sitting Ducks

Former JW Validity

Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses’ UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost and Soon Recovered

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Development as Prophecy Properly

What Used to Make Jehovah’s Witnesses’ UN Prophecy Tracking Valid

The Trek to Armageddon in JW Known Prophecy

The Divine Advantage of the Prophetic Replication for Jehovah’s Witnesses

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Jerusalem Exile=Destruction? 607 BCE versus 586 BCE Dating—All’s Good! All’s Well, Couldn’t Be Better!

Jehovah’s Witnesses Valid Kingdom Ministry and Preview Master Pattern of Prophecy That Must Repeat (1914-1919)

1969—The JW Peak of Spiritual Enlightenment: Revelation Complete

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Prophecy Properly
Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost

Progressive National to Final Globalist World Power in Bible Prophecy

7th King/King South Downfall

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8th King World Government Rise with 7th King Nation State Fall

King 8 Versus King 7—The New World Order to Capture the Old World Order

8 Kings: Why the 7th King Anglo-American National System Must “Fall”

The End of National Sovereignty, Not The End of the World

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Future Global War “Sword-Stroke” to Define UN Peace Keeping “Abyss” Impotence— Sets the Global Stage for the “Healing” “Ascension” of Full 8th King World Government

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World Peace

8th King World Peace—Guaranteed

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UN Four Cycles of Prophecy and Global Development

8th King UN World Government Progress as Gauge to Armageddon Arrival

JW Self Fulfilling Prophecy Aids Cover Up of Final Cycle – UN 1-2-3-4 Cycle

On the Significance of the UN 1-2-3-4 Super-Cycle to 8th King World Government

Outline – UN has Four Cycles in World History and Bible Prophecy

Four Time World War to World Government Formula

All Four United Nations Presentations are Foretold in Bible Prophecy

World Government

8th King/King North World Government as Simple as Possible

Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

8th King United Nations World Government Final Cycle – Final Prophetic Replication and Milestones

Worldwide Globalization Provides 8th King World Government Components

“One Hour” of 8th King World Government Revelation Parallels

The 8th King World Government: Convergence of Global Sovereignty— Convergence of All Bible Prophecy Symbolisms

World Government—4th UN Event Converges All Prophecy Principles; Abyss Ascension and Placement

Global NATO Convergence into World Government

Final World Government Cycle Graphics

Revelation 13 Replication and World Government

World Government, Bible Prophecy and Conspiracy Theory Converge

Real King North

USSR Fails, Also Fails as King North, as UN Third Placement of 1990 Assumes King North Identity as 8th King!


Daniel Prophecy and 8th King Globalists
Daniel 11:36-41 and Daniel 8:23-25 8th King Globalist Details and the Bethel Apostasy Co-Development

Final Cycle Milestones

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Simple Outline of Major Prophetic Milestones to Armageddon Divine War Finality

Major Prophetic Milestones to Armageddon

The Final Phase – Final Prophetic Cycle Periods and Sovereign Meanings

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End Time Prophecy Coming Milestones To Christ Arrival – Now and of the Future

Satan’s Grand Finale 666 Global Drive

Kingdom Completion

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Sovereign Progression in Seven Bible Chapters

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Revelation 14 – 144000 and Messianic Kingdom Completion

Appointed Seven Times of the Nations Sovereign Lease Has Expired – Appointed Seven Times of Divine Warning Yet to Complete

Comprehensive Completion Requirement of Prophecy, History, World Government and the Messianic Kingdom

Why TWO Witnesses?

Prophecy Repeats

Kingdom Come: The Final Revelation is the Final Replication of Prophecy

Daniel 12 Repeats – Patterns That Repeat in the Future the Initial Prophetic Patterns of the Past

World Government and Prophecy Repeating Principles

Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion

Timed Periods

Daniel 11:42-45 Converges Into Daniel 12 Final Fulfillment
Global Tribulation is Guaranteed, Everything Else is Unknown to Jehovah’s Witnesses

1260 Days Time Signature Cross Links Final Cycle Events in Final Kingdom Warning and World Government Authority

Daniel 12 Repeats to UN 4th Placement as Complete World Government 8th King

Daniel 12:12 1335 Days Clues

Daniel 12 Final Prophetic Cycle Images and Graphics

The Final Phase – Final Prophetic Cycle Periods and Sovereign Meanings

Final Prophetic Cycle – Signals of Commencement

Identifying the Two Criteria of Daniel 12:11 in Future World Government and Final Warning Cessation Concurrency

Identifying the Two Criteria of Daniel 12:11 in Future World Government and Final Warning Cessation Concurrency


Great Tribulation Phasing

Great Tribulation Phases and Meanings – 144000 Completion Prelude

Global Tribulation is Guaranteed, Everything Else is Unknown to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Four Winds of World Government “8th King”

Bethel Diversions

Final World Cycle Prophetic Truths Versus Bethel Smokescreen Deceptions

Bethel Hoax: Premature End Expectation

Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy

Your Deliverance is Getting Near!—The Question is: Deliverance to What?

Bethel Delusional 1-2-3 Formula Versus Prophetic and Global Reality

JW and Bethel UNfinished Suite

Bethel Trick: Conceal Truth with Truth

Bethel Silence on Modern Global Developments

Bethel Record Main Source of Opposition; Changes Nature of the JW Discussion

The Bethel Watchtower March 15, 2015 Dumb Down Policy Revealed and Applied

Diversion Examples: Watchtower 6-15-2012

World Government and Premature “Fulfillment” of Prophecy

Fake “Christ” Arrives First!

Keep The Baby, Throw Out Dirty Bethel Bathwater

Next King North Hoax, Now “Gog” Primed For JWs

Russia Framed as King North—The Purpose

Bethel’s Armageddon Hoax Basics

How and Why the Bethel “The End” Delusion Works

JW Org—CIA Run Intel Coup Now

Bethel’s “This Generation” “No Light” Reality—This Apostate “Jerusalem” Generation

Can Bethel Repent? Part 1 of 4

Can Bethel Repent? Part 2 of 4

Can Bethel Repent? Part 3 of 4

Can Bethel Repent? Part 4 of 4

Open Salvation

Positive Global Message—Open Global Salvation Opportunity

Global Open Salvation—How Christ Completes His Own Ministry

Why This JW Testimony is Unique

Why I Think Charles Russell was a Sincere Christian, Not an “Illuminati” Agent

Urantia and New World Order Preparations for Wandering Christians

Four Winds of World Government “8th King”

Resurrection of the Dog

Jesus Christ—Last Adam Perfect DNA

Jesus Christ—From Archangel to Human to Mighty God to King of kings to Forever

Why Daniel 12:1 Must be Jesus Christ “Stand” as King of kings

3 thoughts on “Babylon the Great Deposed Under World Government

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  2. Pingback: What We Can Now Fully Foretell About the Future | templelijah

  3. Pingback: Superior Authorities Versus Super Authority And the Modern JW King North Armageddon Hoax | JWUpdate

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