“Seven Times” Updates Coming—”Appointed Times of the Nations” Reconsidered, Again

“Seven Times” Updates Coming—”Appointed Times of the Nations” Reconsidered, Again, but in a New More Complete Manner

Update Here:

Appointed Times of the Nations Reconsidered, Again—Seven “Seven times” Applications; Initial, Offset and Extended to World Government and Christ Arrival



There is an update coming on the Jerusalem Destruction “seven times” historic context, that retains 607 BCE, but clarifies the events that marked that first “seven times” as 70 years. This keeps the harmony of the original Jehovah’s witnesses “seven times” truth, but removes some dating/event glitches, for a fuller proof.

I now agree Jerusalem was not destroyed in 607 BCE, and have an initial article on how 607 BCE actually applies to Babylon, and Jerusalem’s Kingline progressive to complete disruptions from that timing. This was the first article, a more complete summary is coming*, God willing:

Jerusalem Exile=Destruction? 607 BCE versus 586 BCE Dating—All’s Good! All’s Well, Couldn’t Be Better!

*The “Seven Times” Comprehensive Connection to All Sovereign Prophecy (Draft Portions)

The purpose of the “seven times” of 2520 years, and its 70 year inception, is not about “the end”, but about connecting to the Revelation 11 1914-1918 “first witness” 1260 days, and the future “second witness” 1260 days, for a “seven times” finality, as 2520 days.

So, back to Babylon based 607 BCE, in the process the Jerusalem destruction of 586 BCE spans 70 years, “seven times”, to the Temple Completion of 516 BCE, thus Zechariah (3,4; 6:9-15) ties to Revelation 11’s final “seven times” as [1260 days] X [2 Witnesses] is to equate to a future 2520 days, or “seven times” final warning and permission of “trampling”. That, of course, is to warn in the future, 1260 days prior to 8th King world government, and hence the universal trigger of the arrival of God and Christ. (Rev1:7-8)

But in the process of this research, the “seven times” is far more comprehensive than first thought in the Bethel version, which basis end date/event assumption is the main glitch, from which error other problems arise. So I did a “score card” of this “seven times” update’s benefits, versus the Bethel version which has key timing errors:

On The Ray Franz 1976-1980 Bethel Expulsion Events Real Reason and The Eventual Full Exoneration of Ray

In future articles, God willing, I will also reveal now why Ray Franz and Carl Olof Jonsson’s research was covered up, and why Ray Franz was extricated from Bethel entirely, to attempt to conceal what the full complete research actually reveals—which BOTH Ray and Carl were starting to investigate.

In the meantime, the Bethel “Jerusalem Destruction” controversy, has eclipsed the simple fact the “Gentile Times”, are as stated, to be based on globally well known GENTILE entities in first Babylon and Medo-Persia, and their 607 BCE and 537 BCE. That defines the main first “seven times” benchmark in that initial 70 years which Jerusalem’s intrigues are “trimmed to fit” within that master time template. It is after all, the “appointed times of the NATIONS“, and thus, upon the nations—the RIVAL “gentiles”—the timing is defined first.

Bethel does not recognize the first 70 years as significant, but indeed it ties in Babylon fully into Daniel 4 in comprehensive initial pattern meaning (and 70 years “seven times” timing), and from there the rest of the “seven times” 2520 year and 2520 days prophecies are fully harmonized. All that now needs to go down is apostate “gentile” run Bethel, to allow this truth to come forth in time. (They are also at their 70 year limit of “GB” progressive (since 1944), to full 40 years (1976 based) of totally ILLEGAL APOSTATE influence. [1])

It is also nice God will terminate and then fully expose the Governing Body Racket as the MAIN criminal cabal now “in the temple”, and exonerate Ray Franz of all wrong doing, as Ray Franz was on to this update, since the late 1970s, and that is one of the main reasons they axed him. (They also wanted to make sure Ray and Fred did not form a “pass the torch” team relationship, to go past Fred’s 1992 assassination, and thus update the Daniel 11 USSR error on time. Instead all errors, PLUS a UN NGO, are all maintained now helping kill the JW credibility, and bring it into rampant apostasy.) The TRUTH always comes out, and God will nail, neutralize and condemn forever the GB before the eyes of all (Dan8:13-14) and throw them in the garbage dump of world history and the eternal infamy where they belong and where they crawled and slithered in from in the first place.

But it is not literally overnight, (but “evening” close (Dan8:14)), and it isn’t going to be pretty. BUT, it is coming! (Dan11:41) Bethel’s shenanigans are about to be judged and exposed (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5), and the context will be enormous and Daniel 11:41 finalizing.

Thus below is links and examples of the graphics which developed from this coming update.

Figure 1 Versions – Seven “Seven Times” Applications with Global Sovereign Convergence

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1.  Right-click Links, “Save link as” .png format. to save full size fully readable graphics.

Right-click image, “Save LINK as” .png format. to save full size fully readable graphics.


Full size Photobucket server images have “final-name.png” plus “~original” suffix, at end of file url.






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Figure 2 – Detail 1 – Sovereign Convergence

Full Size:






Figure 3 – Detail 2 – Seven “Seven Times”

Full Size:






Figure 4 – Detail 3 – Seven Times Initial – Babylon/Jerusalem First 70 Years

Full Size:







Draft Outline

Appointed Times of the Nations Reconsidered, Again—Seven “Seven times” Applications; Initial, Offset and Extended

Considering Babylon’s 607 BCE Significance Benchmark

Daniel 4 Comprehensive “Seven Times” Summary  


Rectify Bethel’s Current Interpretive Limitations Concurrently
Bethel’s Main Problem: Event/Date Assumption
The Twenty Year “Shift”
Glossing Over Jehoiakim and Zedekiah’s Royal Intrigues Required in the Initial 70 Year “Seven Times” Concurrency, for a Psychologically Dramatic Distraction
Gentile Nations Main Radar of Prophecy as “Seven Times” Connects to Revelation
Complete Prophetic Summarization
Clears Ray Franz of All Apostate Bethel Charges
29. Helps Expose “Gentile” Bethel’s Modern Apostasy

Daniel 4’s Seven “Seven Times” Applications Enroute to Christ Arrival
Global Sovereign Conflict Symbolism in Daniel 4
Full Connection to Christ and the Final Period

Babylon and Jerusalem’s 70 Years “Seven Times” Base
Seven “Seven Times” Applications

The Seven “Seven Times” Applications from Main to Extended

Main “Seven Times” 607 BCE-537BCE
Main Dating Benchmarks
Daniel 2 and 4
Two Gentile Kingdom Identifying Entities

Main 70 Year Applications
Babylon/Nebuchadnezzar Dynasty Symbol
2. Davidic Kings Interference to Cyrus Liberation
3. Exile/Sabbath Accounting

70 Years Scriptural Requirements on Jerusalem
Partial to Complete Principle Within Main 70 Years
Davidic King Interference

Partial to Complete Principle Within Overall 90 Years in 2 70 Years Offset 20 Years
Flexible Seventy Sabbaths Accounting

The Seven “Seven Times” Main Benchmark Application
Figure 1 All

Main “Gentile Times” Dating Markers of the “Appointed Times of the Nations”
1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persia
Main Gentile “Defined” 70 Years Initial “Seven Times” Defines Context of Spiritual Significance 
From here all the “seven times” applications from initial to offset to extended to Revelation 11 are numbered 1-7.
1. Babylon’s Main 70 Years “Seven Times”
2. Jerusalem Kings 70 Years Concurrent
3. Exile 70 Year Concurrent
A. Sabbaths Covered Anywhere in 70 Years Plus Temple Completion Period

The Seven “Seven Times” Offset and Extended Applications

(1) Offset “Seven Times” Jerusalem/Temple Destruction Permission Period and its Zerubbabel/Joshua Connection Significance (586 BCE – 516 BCE)
Figure 4 Initial Seven Times
70 Years to Temple Completion Begins With Jerusalem Destruction

4. Jerusalem Destruction Period Marker
A. Temple Destruction Period Marker
Allows Full Summarization of Hebrew Prophecy Era
Allows Seven Times Connection to Christian Era Prophecy
Seven Times Extension to Global Significance (607 BCE-1914 CE)
Figure 3 Seven “Seven Times”
Maintains Seven Times Connection to 1914

5. Gentile Rulership Permission Principle
6. Davidic King “Trampling” Continuum
The Final “Seven Times” in Revelation 8-11 1914-1918-Future
Connects to Modern Era

7. Revelation 11 “Seven Times” as 2520 Days
Allows Seven Times Connection to Revelation 8-11 Two Witnesses Final  “Seven Times” 1914-1918
Allows Seven Times Connection to Revelation 8-11 Two Witnesses Final  “Seven Times” Future

Allows Complete Daniel 4 Explanation and Extended Sovereign Rivalry Parallels
Principle of Permitted Sovereign Limit Present on Babylon’s 70 Years
Overall Gentile and Jerusalem Permissions Concurrent For Entire Post 607 BCE Progression
Babylon and Jerusalem Symbology Firmly Parallel
World Government and the Messianic Kingdom Are the Final Parallel

Allows Christ Arrival Milestone Progression in Gentile System to be Known and Gauged Before Arrival
Thus the Final Warning “3.5 Times” of the Future

The “Seven Times” Comprehensive Connection to All Sovereign Prophecy
Figure 2 Sovereign Convergence
Every Sovereign Bible Prophecy Gentile and Jerusalem Sovereign Progression Converges with Daniel 4
Daniel 2
Daniel 7
Daniel 8
Daniel 11
Daniel 12
Revelation 13
Revelation 17
National Sovereign Transfer as BTG Deposition of Spiritual Sovereignty Global Context

Sovereign Parallel Extends to Armageddon for Final Comprehensive Summary
Christ Arrival Connection
Matthew 24:29-31 (Rev6:12-17)
Revelation 11:7-12
Revelation 16:13-20
Ties to Post Christ Arrival Final Sequence
Daniel 12:11
Revelation 14
Revelation 19
Concurrent Grand Finale

Demonstrates the Real Messianic Kingdom and Temple Completion Certainty
Demonstrates the World Government Completion and Deposition Certainty
Demonstrates Temple Judgment to Christ Arrival Pattern

“Seven Times” Prophecy and Context
Main 607 BCE to 537 BCE 70 Years Proof
With 586 BCE to 516 BCE 70 Years Extra Proof Support

Final Features of “Seven Times” Logic
Jeremiah’s 40 Years Full Opportunity Warning (626 BCE – 586 BCE)

Further Global Ramifications to Begin Upon Apostate Bethel
A Side Note on the Governing Body of Apostasy also Foretold in Daniel’s Prophecy
Attack on 1914 Aided by Bethel; Yet—It is Really a Non Issue
The 1
914 Problems—The Comprehensive Front and Back End Attack on 1914
Back End Distraction
“This Generation” Debacle Front End Distraction
Apostate GB Scandal Distraction “Cherry on Top”
Temple Judgment Starts the Final Cycle
Purification Enables Preparation for Final Warning “3.5 Times”



The Real ” King of the South” Nation-State and ” King of the North” Globalizer Global Scale Entities

How Apostate Bethel Developed Their Continued Daniel 11:27-43 USSR=King North Decoy Fiction Cover-up While Ignoring Massive Modern Global Events and the Globalization Development at the Same Time

I. Questions, Questions, Questions
II. The Initial King North/South Details
III. How Bethel Connected to Daniel 11:27 While Later Fully Bypassing The Globalization of King North
IV. Daniel 11:1-26 Overview
V. The Main Bethel Maintained Diversion and Premature Time Point
VI. Implications of Fictional Interpretive Extensions
VII. REALITY: Daniel 11:27-45 The Globalists’ “North” Versus The Nation-State “South” at Worldwide Scale
VIII. Daniel 11:40-45 Culmination Final Cycle Must Converge into Daniel 12 Final Fulfillment

I. Questions, Questions, Questions

To cut to the chase, would not a worldwide nation-state “south” “old world order” system being progressively financially, corporately and militarily dominated by a worldwide globalist “north” globalization system be far more significant than the failed USSR blip in history?

In light of global historic milestone events since WW1 to the end of the Cold War, that instead led to the downfall of the USSR and the emergence of a 3rd United Nations global presentation in 1990 (the one in “New World Order” mode), and the phenomenal expansion of the globalization system since then (Hab1:5-6), Bethel’s Daniel 11:27-45 interpretation requires an update for several reasons, does it not?

Yet, why does Bethel act as if nothing has changed since 1945 at that 2nd United Nations related presentation?

Is not that odd and backward stagnant behavior from Bethel’s supposed “full time Bible studiers”?

1. For example every notable King North/South transition has been explicitly noted in the Daniel 11:1-26 prophecy matching historic events and patterns.

Why is it the prophecy does not note the global monumental fall of the USSR?

2. Why has Bethel not noted the 3rd United Nations presentation of 1990 that climaxed with the end of the Cold War and that USSR global-fall?

If the first two United Nations related global presentations are in prophecy, UN1-2 (1919,1945), is not the 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation also in this UN progression, UN1-2-3, to World Government as perhaps UN1-2-3-4 of the future?

3. Why has “UN NGO” Bethel instead joined the United Nations of Non-Governmental Organizations?

Why has Bethel instead become “UN NGO”, while at the same time downplaying that 1990 3rd UN presentation?

Why is Bethel also refusing to update Daniel 11:27-45 in light of these HUGE global developments and the big questions which arise with the Cold War 3rd global war cycle cessation with the fall of the USSR to result in a THIRD United Nations capping global presentation?

Could perhaps all those Bethel anomalies of potential UN aligned and allied fresh apostasy, seemingly concurrently co-developing at Bethel, in their purposeful ignorance, actually be found somewhere in Daniel 11:27-45’s details as well? (Such as the apostate co-developments of Daniel 11:30b-32a perhaps?)

So how is it Bethel has hit this 1990 UN dead end at the UN NGO cul-de-sac?

II. The Initial King North/South Details

Well by examining Daniel 11:1-26 prophecy turned history, we can examine how Daniel 11 actually has previously demonstrated the required explicit details recorded in the prophetic text regarding King South and King North historic development which we can review to see these details that matched historic events and patterns. Those details have been provided to match the “kings'” progression of that time, that we can now fully examine in hindsight, as an example of the detail that Bethel has been instead bypassing and at times fudging with connective assumptions between historic sections of Daniel 11.

This examination is in agreement with the Bethel methods and interpretation of Daniel 11:1-26, and will examine its details from the Fred Franz 1958 era Daniel’s prophecy commentary which is the basis of the “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” commentary of 1999, which we will select excerpts from in regard to Daniel 11:1-26.

By examining the former standard practices of Bethel prophetic interpretation in Daniel 11:1-26, we can then see the manner in which they diverged into assumptions after that successful explanation, to connect by these speculative connections into Daniel 11:27-45, and the now Bethel continued error that ensued.

Now in the Bethel interpretation, since Daniel 11:27, Bethel has gone from understandable error while World War 2 (WW2) had passed into the then active Cold War and USSR period, from 1958. But in time of more significant global events in 1990, such as the fall of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, not noted in the prophecy, Bethel has now devolved into blatant stagnant ignorance regarding Daniel 11:27-45 in 1999.

Thus, since the USSR fell Bethel is now concealing far greater and more modernly significant, truly global scope, world developments, while maintaining what has now become a bypass of the whole Daniel 11:27-45 prophecy. What was former error, has now become unaddressed bold faced lies, which is aided by not responding to, and addressing, the HISTORY of these modern milestone global developments since 1990 of these “two kings” (Dan11:27), that actually match the prophecy in detail.

For example, is not that 1990 3rd United Nations successful “placement” also required to be in prophecy? And is not that 3rd UN event also matching this Daniel 11:27-45 section of prophecy which also reveals a co-developing apostasy and its negative effects in Daniel 11:30-35?

That being the case, we will examine this Daniel 11:27-45 mostly post 1990 developmental prophecy of King North development in regard to these details provided in the prophecy:

1. A marked unique period of world war development; e.g. the unique “Cold” World War period (Dan11:29)

2. A notable King North backed “place the disgusting thing” event, matching the post Cold War 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation. (Dan11:31b)

3. A notable King North guided co-developing apostasy, ministerial profanation, and “disgusting thing” “placement” collusion which “acts effectively” in successful ministerial subversion. (Dan11:30-35)

4. A fully King North successful and fully dominating system emerging in prophecy and the global system in all details. (Dan11:36-39)

5. A progressive and successful “globalism” based global scale invasion (Dan11:40) and anti-ministerial invasion and event (Dan11:41), leading into the climax portion as Daniel 11:42-43, en route to World Government as Daniel 11:44-45, which must fully fulfill that whole sequence in the future to full global culmination.

Thus there are some details apostate Bethel is concealing, which also marks what would be expected from a King North globalist designed subversion operation (Dan11:32a), as EVERYTHING is now fitting hand-in-glove, in the ENTIRE overall development especially since the 3rd UN event marked 1990 point actually in the prophecy at Daniel 11:31b.

Daniel 11:1-45 Basic Structure

The setup and subsequent progression of the King North and King South development appears in four sections of progressions in the prophecy as distinct periods of that historic Medo-Persian-to-Greece setup (Dan11:1-4) and the following King North/King South development. (Daniel 11:5-45)

The four progressions are from the initial historic setup of the Medo-Persian transition to Grecian Alexander in Daniel 11:1-4, the Grecian developments after Alexander in Daniel 11:5-19, into the classic Roman era marked domination of Daniel 11:20-26 as these first three of these four progressions:

1. Daniel 11:1-4 Setup;

2. Daniel 11:5-19 Grecian Period;

3. Daniel 11:20-26 Roman Period;

Those sections are not being examined to attempt to update the now well proven periods leading to Christ (Dan11:22), now eclipsed by far more serious modern globalization implications upon Daniel 11:27-45. They are being examined to see how the real “north” and “south” progression has been noted in the prophecy to match former historical details actually in the prophecy.

It is the fourth section (Dan11:27-45), that we need to understand just how Bethel originally bridged into Daniel 11:27-45, not by historic details in the prophecy, but by Bethel assumptions after Daniel 11:26. And once “connected” there, the events spanning WW1, WW2 and the Cold War then seemed to match the great nation-state based polarity that formed with Germany and Russian “pushing” against the Anglo-American national based global empire co-expansion.

Before we get to the fourth section of Daniel 11, what must now be closely examined is the Bethel claims that led to, and into, the fourth progression as Daniel 11:27-45. Bethel still claims Daniel 11:27-43 as being WW1 to Cold War era outlines of national based conflicts which led to the problems addressed in the above as the globalization system became more recognizable. This is Bethel’s retained claim, in spite of the USSR deposition events covered above:

4. Daniel 11:27-43 WW1-WW2-Cold War USSR national bloc and Anglo-American national alliance period up to 1990. (Bethel version)

It is agreed this is the period in question, WW1-Cold War. But what defines the “north” and the “south” is not mere nation-state squabbles (Dan11:27b), but the actual “north” globalist tier of real “King North” power that developed with all these world wars, into what is now a rampant globalization system as the globalizing corporate framework of world government is what is really forming over the “south” global nation-state system.

While Bethel diverts Jehovah’s witnesses attention to WW1-WW2-Cold War national system distractions and decoys, it seems another global development has been at work unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses. Now, in full ignorance of the real “north” globalization tier of world power, which actually forms the real final progression of King North with their 3rd United Nations marked global presentation of 1990 to World Government of the Future, that real globalist “north” and nation-state “south” systems’ “pushing” has been in action the whole time:

4. Daniel 11:27-45 Nation-State “King South” and Globalist “King North” Development Period Since World War I—Still Active and Preparing for the Final Cycle Push to World Government “North” (Dan11:41-45);

The actually “king” “south” national “puppets” on the stage of the “world war” ( WW1/WW2 and Cold War “world war”) cycle ” global play stage”, thus became the focus of many nations and people, which aided the diversion of attention from the real corporate and financial Anglo-American guided “north” tier that was actually expanding and consolidating wealth in all those global war cycles. Even the USSR was partly financially funded by the Anglo-American globalists “north” system of wealth.

Examining Daniel 11:1-26 For Interpretation Principles

What this Daniel 11 study will establish first, is the fact every needed King North and King South detail is given in the Daniel 11 prophecy to identify the historic reality of the progression over time since around 490 BCE.

A. The rise and fall, and the major contextual characteristics, events and personalities of these “kings” times, now mostly historic development, are noted in explicit detail.

B. When an initial historic power setup, and the King North or King South entity changes, within the middle two periods (Dan11:5-19, Dan11:20-26), as initially individuals noted in the role of “kings”, it does not change the overall nation-state era it is within. For example, Post Alexander Grecian expansion (Dan11:5-19), or Roman expansion (Dan11:20-26),  remain the overall national related context those respective kings develop within.

And NONE of them are just “left hanging” like the Bethel USSR “King North” supposedly stalled at Daniel 11:43, with no major event marker EXPLICITLY NOTED IN THE PROPHECY.

And worse, by Bethel assumption, “King North” cannot be “on hold” in a  prophecy the USSR plainly did NOT fulfill in Daniel 11:42-43 global gold and wealth rulership in the first place!

Rather, a major fall event is ALWAYS noted, explicitly or implied by opposing “king” success. For example in Daniel 11:42-43 of the future, there will be no question King North rules the global wealth system!

Thus the identifiable power system, contextual circumstances and identity changing transition point, is clearly noted within the four historic progressions of these polar kings, as Daniel 11:1-26 first three sections will demonstrate.

But come the time of Daniel 11:27-45, Bethel naturally tried to “fill the gap” of time after the Roman Empire into modern times of that time, in hindsight, prematurely. From the time of the well meaning Fred Franz interpretive attempt (1958), which premature attempt became well set in Jehovah’s witnesses teachings, this error was set. But when far greater developments in the national system real global “south”, and the globalization system of developing world government “north”, started to manifest fully after 1990, Bethel decided to ignore all that reality and concrete in the original Daniel interpretation of Daniel 11:27-45, now clearly in error, in the 1999 “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” book.

More aptly, in hindsight, the book should be titled “Pay NO Attention to Daniels Prophecy”.

Thus rather than explain peak post Cold War globalization King North development since 1990 from Daniel 11:30 forward, Bethel ends the commentary at 1990, as if Daniel 11:43! Nearly the entire globalization “north” system detailing, and 3rd United Nations marker, is IGNORED AND BYPASSED by this Bethel modern trick.

So we need to see how Bethel arrived at Daniel 11:27, well premature of the reality of the prophecy, in the first place.

III. How Bethel Connected to Daniel 11:27 While Later Fully Bypassing The Globalization of King North

The reason this premature foray into Daniel 11:27-45 is significant is that after Roman fulfillment of Daniel 11:20-26, Bethel pulls a completely speculative fill-in bridging rationale as to what the global historic developments in the nation-state system mean, after classic Roman development.

From that speculative connection (with historic events, but not prophetic details), as it seems to lead into Daniel 11:27-45 in Bethel’s premature attempt at interpretation, eventually Germany and England are derived by historical projection into WW1, as national blocks of seeming respective “north” and “south” continuation of these “kings” progression into modern times.

Except none of these Daniel 11:26 to Daniel 11:27-45 bridging assumptions, which we will cover next, are actually detailed in the Daniel 11 explicit prophecy, as will be shown. (Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy chap. 14 pp. 242-247, ch. The Two Kings Change Identities)

Starting with page 242, everything after Daniel 11:26 (and the rest of that Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy book), is the bridge of speculation and error that led to Daniel 11:27 misapplication of national powers as, in hindsight, decoys of Britain supposed “King South” and Germanic-to-USSR supposed “King North”.

In reality, WW1, WW2, and the Cold War were a all Globalist “King North” engineered world war cycles, three of four, which in hindsight, all cap off with a United Nations global capping presentation, all three times—which is a very important cycle culmination to take note of.

1. First was the WW1 resolving League of Nations global presentation in 1919 (Dan12:11; Rev13:11-15);

2. The WW2 resolved United Nations global presentation in 1945 (Rev17:8-11);

3. The Cold War resolution United Nations global presentation in 1990 (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23);

4. And thus in the future, there will be a fourth, World Government, as Daniel 11:40-45 final global war cycle culmination. [1]

Instead, at Bethel, “nation versus nation” speculatively applied diversions are then applied to lead to and into Daniel 11:27-43 through WW1, WW2 and into the Cold War, to terminate, or rather to go “King North on hold at Daniel 11:43”, as the assumed “King North”  USSR fails and falls, with also no prophetic indication of such a major truly global scope event, while all real globalization system reality is totally bypassed in all its Daniel 11:27-45 details, set in 1990 stone at Bethel, in the meantime!

Thus the very erred connective historic based assumptions that led to the Daniel 11:27-45 interpretive attempt are based on the assumptions of the time, not actual Daniel 11 prophetic details that lead to Daniel 11:27, or actually applicable in Daniel 11:27-45. Bethel is who connected Daniel 11:26 to Daniel 11:27 for us, by an exercise in summarizing connective history—not actually prophecy.

In so doing, in the Bethel speculative “interpretations” leading to and into Daniel 11:27-43, the fall of the USSR is also not noted explicitly in the prophecy, as has been the case in the entire lead in to Daniel 11:27-45 where every “king” transition is noted. (which we will cover)

Thus it is also questionable that the USSR ever has applied to anything in Daniel 11, except for this “nothing will succeed”:

(Daniel 11:27) “And as regards these two kings (national and globalist system), their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking. But nothing will succeed, because [the] end is yet for the time appointed.

For the USSR cannot fulfill this requirement of success.

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done.

Instead the USSR is one of these “most fortified strongholds” overcome by the real King North Globalist system they are actually as controlled by as the USA and EU national systems.

(Daniel 11:39) And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds…

So the real “King North” entity, as one unbroken “success” from Daniel 11:27 forward, is the one who prevailed in “UN Cold Victory” in the “Cold War” collapse of the USSR. And they had a global milestone United Nations presentation in 1990, actually explicit in Daniel 11, to mark the real King North “success”.

Thus what is also ignored with these telling details, is the 1990 3rd United Nations Global Presentation event, which is the key modern event actually explicitly marked in the prophecy:

(Daniel 11:31b) “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation.

They were successful in the same cyclic manner after WW2 in 1945 with the United Nations presentation resolution. They were successful in the same cyclic manner after WW1 in 1919  with the League of Nations presentation resolution.

Thus the whole ASSUMPTION that Bethel used to span the Daniel 11:26 Roman era, to national Germanic and British development not actually noted in prophecy, then into Daniel 11:27 according to that premature, speculative and erred momentum, is the very bridge of speculation that began the attempted application of WW1, WW2 and Cold War USSR developments and events to Daniel 11:27-43 as national powers.

The WW1, WW2 and Cold War era is within Daniel 11:27-31, but the concurrent real “King North” is the Globalist System globalization features capitalizing on the “King South” global nation-state systems.

The connective assumptions result:

*** dp chap. 15 pp. 256-259 The Rival Kings Enter the 20th Century ***

The Rival Kings Enter the 20th Century

“THERE is a dynamism about nineteenth-century Europe that far exceeds anything previously known,” writes historian Norman Davies. He adds: “Europe vibrated with power as never before: with technical power, economic power, cultural power, intercontinental power.” The leaders of “Europe’s triumphant ‘power century,’” says Davies, “were in the first instance Great Britain and in the later decades Germany.”


2 As the 19th century neared its end, the German Empire was “the king of the north” and Britain stood in the position of “the king of the south.” (Daniel 11:14, 15) “As regards these two kings,” said Jehovah’s angel, “their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking.” He continued: “But nothing will succeed, because the end is yet for the time appointed.”—Daniel 11:27.

3 On January 18, 1871, Wilhelm I became the first emperor of the German Reich, or Empire. He appointed Otto von Bismarck as chancellor. With his focus on developing the new empire, Bismarck avoided conflicts with other nations and formed an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy, known as the Triple Alliance. But the interests of this new king of the north soon clashed with those of the king of the south. (Britain)

While that is all historic truth, it is not the truth of King North and King South as actually none of that is noted in the prophecy, it is all applied from the summarizing commentary after Daniel 11:26 in the previous chapter (which we will cover below). That then continued the post WW1, WW2 Cold War diversion, to what ended up being the USSR “decoy” “King North” in Daniel 11:31-43.

The only reason the prophecy is ended in the Bethel interpretation at Daniel 11:43, as if the USSR King North, is because the USSR fell, while the premature interpretation was already in action for over 30 years. It was “left hanging” not due to any noting of such a major global event in the prophecy. In effect the dissolution of the USSR, upon already speculative application of Daniel 11:36-43 to that national bloc entity, was why Bethel was over advanced to Daniel 11:43 at the time the USSR just happened to be another “and nothing will succeed” of Daniel 11:27.

The death of Fred Franz in 1992, meant the previous commentator of this whole development had now died. And Bethel did not pick up the torch, but let the error continue to ride with no proper re-examination in light of the USSR collapse and that 3rd UN event in 1990. They just put “King North” “on hold” at Daniel 11:43.

And not only is the prophecy over advanced to Daniel 11:44 expectations to fulfill next, as if the USSR was the whole time the real King North, the USSR is not even the real King North, but just another squabbling and temporary King South nation-state partial national bloc system decoy. The whole real King South has been composed of rival nation-state systems vying with the 7th King US/UK national alliance bloc, also a King South national based entity, in the first two world wars—world wars orchestrated by the Globalist King North massive technocratic, industrial and banking system.

That whole speculation after Daniel 11:26, from bridging to Daniel 11:27 and on into the Daniel 11:27-43 prophecy in error, which was an exercise in understandable root-error from Fred Franz era (1958; Your Will Be Done commentary on Daniel’s Prophecy), is how the WW1 and WW2 era developments ended up being actually misapplied in Daniel 11:27-31—now in place 57 years among Jehovah’s witnesses as of 2015.

In hindsight, this is now but a concealment of the real developments of an increasingly controlled global nation-state system of the real King North Globalist System global controller, who, in the future, end up capturing the whole “King South” worldwide nation-state system in Daniel 11:42-43 coming up:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

But at modern Bethel since 1990, with all these real developments on the global historic record, it is inexcusable for modern Bethel to merely continue the 1958 based error in spite of the major marked 3rd UN presentation events and the fall of the USSR in the 1990 critical period of true “King North” United Nations success!

Are we to think God would not have noted such massive global events and USSR downfall in the key prophecy to World Government?

(Daniel 11:39) And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds…

The USSR was merely one of those “most fortified strongholds” to fold under the real Globalist System King North “success” and “act effectively”!

But now let us see how Daniel 11:1-26 is explicit as to any rise or fall of King South and King North that is actually prophetic, as we move to the real meaning of Daniel 11:27-45, by this examination of the former valid fulfillments. 

IV. Daniel 11:1-26 Overview

Daniel 11:1-4 Historic Context Setup (490 BCE-300 BCE)

Daniel 11:1-2 Medo-Persian Transition to Greece Ascension (490 BCE-479 BCE)

Daniel 11:1-2

Root Medo-Persian Development to Greece Ascension
Medo-Persia: Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, and Darius I, Xerxes I Greece
Medo-Persian power cessation historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:1-2a)
“And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede I stood up as a strengthener and as a fortress to him. 2 And now what is truth I shall tell to you: “Look! There will yet be three kings standing up for Persia, and the fourth one will amass greater riches than all [others]. And as soon as he has become strong in his riches, he will rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 212-213 par. 5 Two Kings in Conflict ***

The first three kings were Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, and Darius I (Hystaspes). Since Bardiya (or perhaps a pretender named Gaumata) ruled for only seven months, the prophecy did not take his brief reign into consideration. In 490 B.C.E., the third king, Darius I, attempted to invade Greece for the second time. However, the Persians were routed at Marathon and retreated to Asia Minor. Though Darius made careful preparations for a further campaign against Greece, he could not carry it out before his death four years later. That was left up to his son and successor, the “fourth” king, Xerxes I. He was the King Ahasuerus who married Esther.—Esther 1:1; 2:15-17.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 213 par. 7 Two Kings in Conflict ***

Planning on nothing less than a complete conquest, Xerxes I moved his huge force against Greece in 480 B.C.E. Overcoming a Greek delaying action at Thermopylae, the Persians ravaged Athens. At Salamis, though, they met with terrible defeat. Another Greek victory took place at Plataea, in 479 B.C.E. None of the seven kings who succeeded Xerxes on the throne of the Persian Empire during the next 143 years carried war into Greece. But then there arose a mighty king in Greece.

Greece Alexander (336 BCE-300 BCE)

Daniel 11:3-

Greece Ascension Greece Four Generals
Alexander the Great Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus I Nicator, Ptolemy Lagus
Alexander’s rise and fall historic benchmark Grecian military kingdom root development historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:3-4) “And a mighty king will certainly stand up and rule with extensive dominion and do according to his will. 4 And when he will have stood up, his kingdom will be broken and be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, but not to his posterity and not according to his dominion with which he had ruled; because his kingdom will be uprooted, even for others than these.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 213-215 par. 11 Two Kings in Conflict ***


8 “A mighty king will certainly stand up and rule with extensive dominion and do according to his will,” said the angel. (Daniel 11:3) Twenty-year-old Alexander ‘stood up’ as king of Macedonia in 336 B.C.E. He did become “a mighty king”—Alexander the Great. Driven by a plan of his father, Philip II, he took the Persian provinces in the Middle East. Crossing the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, his 47,000 men scattered the 250,000 troops of Darius III at Gaugamela. Subsequently, Darius fled and was murdered, ending the Persian dynasty. Greece now became the world power, and Alexander ‘ruled with extensive dominion and did according to his will.’

9 Alexander’s rulership over the world was to be brief, for God’s angel added: “When he will have stood up, his kingdom will be broken and be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, but not to his posterity and not according to his dominion with which he had ruled; because his kingdom will be uprooted, even for others than these.” (Daniel 11:4) Alexander was not quite 33 years old when sudden illness took his life in Babylon in 323 B.C.E.

10 Alexander’s vast empire did not pass to “his posterity.” His brother Philip III Arrhidaeus reigned for less than seven years and was murdered at the instance of Olympias, Alexander’s mother, in 317 B.C.E. Alexander’s son Alexander IV ruled until 311 B.C.E. when he met death at the hands of Cassander, one of his father’s generals. Alexander’s illegitimate son Heracles sought to rule in his father’s name but was murdered in 309 B.C.E. Thus ended the line of Alexander, “his dominion” departing from his family.

11 Following the death of Alexander, his kingdom was “divided toward the four winds.” His many generals quarreled among themselves as they grabbed for territory. One-eyed General Antigonus I tried to bring all of Alexander’s empire under his control. But he was killed in a battle at Ipsus in Phrygia. By the year 301 B.C.E., four of Alexander’s generals were in power over the vast territory that their commander had conquered. Cassander ruled Macedonia and Greece. Lysimachus gained control over Asia Minor and Thrace. Seleucus I Nicator secured Mesopotamia and Syria. And Ptolemy Lagus took Egypt and Palestine. True to the prophetic word, Alexander’s great empire was divided into four Hellenistic kingdoms.

Daniel 11:5-19 Greece/Post Alexander—Egypt and Syria (300 BCE-187 BCE)

Daniel 11:5

King South
King North
Rise or Notable Event (bold)
Fall or Defeat Noted (underline)

King South  King North
Egypt— Ptolemy I Syria— King Seleucus I Nicator

(Daniel 11:5) “And the king of the south will become strong, even [one] of his princes; and he will prevail against him and will certainly rule with extensive dominion [greater than] that one’s ruling power.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 218 par. 16 Two Kings in Conflict ***

The designations “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” refer to kings north and south of Daniel’s people, who were by then freed from Babylonian captivity and restored to the land of Judah. The initial king of the south” was Ptolemy I of Egypt. One of Alexander’s generals who prevailed against Ptolemy I and ruled “with extensive dominion” was Syrian King Seleucus I Nicator. He assumed the role of “the king of the north.”

Daniel 11:6-8

King South King North
Ptolemy II Antiochus II

(Daniel 11:6-8) “And at the end of [some] years they will ally themselves with each other, and the very daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north in order to make an equitable arrangement. But she will not retain the power of her arm; and he will not stand, neither his arm; and she will be given up, she herself, and those bringing her in, and he who caused her birth, and the one making her strong in [those] times.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 219 par. 19 Two Kings in Conflict ***

The prophecy did not take note of Seleucus I Nicator’s son and successor, Antiochus I, because he did not wage a decisive war against the king of the south. But his successor, Antiochus II, fought a long war against Ptolemy II, the son of Ptolemy I. Antiochus II and Ptolemy II respectively constituted the king of the north and the king of the south. Antiochus II was married to Laodice, and they had a son named Seleucus II, whereas Ptolemy II had a daughter named Berenice. In 250 B.C.E., these two kings entered into “an equitable arrangement.” To pay the price of this alliance, Antiochus II divorced his wife Laodice and married Berenice, “the very daughter of the king of the south.” By Berenice, he had a son who became heir to the Syrian throne instead of the sons of Laodice.

Berenice’s “arm,” or supporting power, was her father, Ptolemy II. When he died in 246 B.C.E., she did not “retain the power of her arm” with her husband. Antiochus II rejected her, remarried Laodice, and named their son to be his successor. As Laodice planned, Berenice and her son were murdered. Evidently, the attendants who had brought Berenice from Egypt to Syria—“those bringing her in”—suffered the same end. Laodice even poisoned Antiochus II, and thus “his arm,” or power, also did “not stand.” Hence, Berenice’s father—“he who caused her birth”—and her Syrian husband—who had temporarily made her “strong”—both died. This left Seleucus II, the son of Laodice, as Syrian king. How would the next Ptolemaic king react to all of this?

Daniel 11:7-8

King South King North
Ptolemy III Seleucus II

(Daniel 11:7-8) And one from the sprout of her roots will certainly stand up in his position, and he will come to the military force and come against the fortress of the king of the north and will certainly act against them and prevail. 8 And also with their gods, with their molten images, with their desirable articles of silver and of gold, [and] with the captives he will come to Egypt. And he himself will for [some] years stand off from the king of the north.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 220-221 Two Kings in Conflict ***


21 “One from the sprout of her roots will certainly stand up in his position,” said the angel, “and he will come to the military force and come against the fortress of the king of the north and will certainly act against them and prevail.” (Daniel 11:7) “One from the sprout” of Berenice’s parents, or “roots,” was her brother. At his father’s death, he ‘stood up’ as the king of the south, the Egyptian Pharaoh Ptolemy III. At once he set out to avenge his sister’s murder. Marching against Syrian King Seleucus II, who Laodice had used to murder Berenice and her son, he came against “the fortress of the king of the north.” Ptolemy III took the fortified part of Antioch and dealt a deathblow to Laodice. Moving eastward through the domain of the king of the north, he plundered Babylonia and marched on to India.

22 What happened next? God’s angel tells us: “And also with their gods, with their molten images, with their desirable articles of silver and of gold, and with the captives he will come to Egypt. And he himself will for some years stand off from the king of the north.” (Daniel 11:8) Over 200 years earlier, Persian King Cambyses II had conquered Egypt and carried home Egyptian gods, “their molten images.” Plundering Persia’s former royal capital Susa, Ptolemy III recovered these gods and took them ‘captive’ to Egypt. He also brought back as spoils of war a great many “desirable articles of silver and of gold.” Obliged to quell revolt at home, Ptolemy III ‘stood off from the king of the north,’ inflicting no further injuries upon him.

Daniel 11:9

King South King North
Ptolemy III Seleucus II

(Daniel 11:9) “And he will actually come into the kingdom of the king of the south and go back to his own soil.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 221 par. 23 Two Kings in Conflict ***

The king of the north—Syrian King Seleucus II—struck back. He entered “the kingdom,” or realm, of the Egyptian king of the south but met defeat. With only a small remnant of his army, Seleucus II ‘went back to his own soil,’ retreating to the Syrian capital Antioch in about 242 B.C.E. At his death, his son Seleucus III succeeded him.

Daniel 11:10

King South King North
Ptolemy IV Antiochus III

(Daniel 11:10) “Now as for his sons, they will excite themselves and actually gather together a crowd of large military forces. And in coming he will certainly come and flood over and pass through. But he will go back, and he will excite himself all the way to his fortress.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 221-222 par. 24 Two Kings in Conflict ***

Assassination ended the reign of Seleucus III in less than three years. His brother, Antiochus III, succeeded him on the Syrian throne. This son of Seleucus II assembled great forces for an assault on the king of the south, who was by then Ptolemy IV. The new Syrian king of the north successfully fought against Egypt and won back the seaport of Seleucia, the province of Coele-Syria, the cities of Tyre and Ptolemaïs, and nearby towns. He routed an army of King Ptolemy IV and took many cities of Judah. In the spring of 217 B.C.E., Antiochus III left Ptolemaïs and went north, “all the way to his fortress” in Syria. But a change was in sight.

Daniel 11:11-12

King South King North
Ptolemy IV Antiochus III

(Daniel 11:11-12) “And the king of the south will embitter himself and will have to go forth and fight with him, [that is,] with the king of the north; and he will certainly have a large crowd stand up, and the crowd will actually be given into the hand of that one. 12 And the crowd will certainly be carried away. His heart will become exalted, and he will actually cause tens of thousands to fall; but he will not use his strong position.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 222 par. 25 Two Kings in Conflict ***

With 75,000 troops, the king of the south, Ptolemy IV, moved northward against the enemy. The Syrian king of the north, Antiochus III, had raised “a large crowd” of 68,000 to stand up against him. But “the crowd” was “given into the hand” of the king of the south in battle at the coastal city of Raphia, not far from Egypt’s border.

Ptolemy IV, the king of the south, “carried away” 10,000 Syrian infantry and 300 cavalry into death and took 4,000 as prisoners. The kings then made a treaty whereby Antiochus III kept his Syrian seaport of Seleucia but lost Phoenicia and Coele-Syria. Over this victory, the heart of the Egyptian king of the south ‘became exalted,’ especially against Jehovah. Judah remained under the control of Ptolemy IV. However, he did not “use his strong position” to follow up his victory against the Syrian king of the north. Instead, Ptolemy IV turned to a life of debauchery, and his five-year-old son, Ptolemy V, became the next king of the south some years before the death of Antiochus III.

Daniel 11:13-14

King South King North
Ptolemy V Antiochus III

(Daniel 11:13-14) “And the king of the north must return and set up a crowd larger than the first; and at the end of the times, [some] years, he will come, doing so with a great military force and with a great deal of goods. 14 And in those times there will be many who will stand up against the king of the south.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 223 par. 27-28 Two Kings in Conflict ***

These “times” were 16 or more years after the Egyptians defeated the Syrians at Raphia. When young Ptolemy V became king of the south, Antiochus III set out with “a crowd larger than the first” to recover the territories he had lost to the Egyptian king of the south. To that end, he joined forces with Macedonian King Philip V.

The king of the south also had troubles within his kingdom. “In those times there will be many who will stand up against the king of the south,” said the angel. (Daniel 11:14a) Many did “stand up against the king of the south.” Besides facing the forces of Antiochus III and his Macedonian ally, the young king of the south faced problems at home in Egypt. Because his guardian Agathocles, who ruled in his name, dealt arrogantly with the Egyptians, many revolted.

Daniel 11:14

King South King North
Ptolemy V Antiochus III
Israel historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:14) “And the sons of the robbers belonging to your people will, for their part, be carried along to try making a vision come true; and they will have to stumble.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 223-224 par. 28 Two Kings in Conflict ***

Because his guardian Agathocles, who ruled in his name, dealt arrogantly with the Egyptians, many revolted. The angel added: “And the sons of the robbers belonging to your people will, for their part, be carried along to try making a vision come true; and they will have to stumble.” (Daniel 11:14b) Even some of Daniel’s people became ‘sons of robbers,’ or revolutionaries. But any “vision” such Jewish men had of ending Gentile domination of their homeland was false, and they would fail, or “stumble.”

Daniel 11:15-16

King South King North
Ptolemy V Antiochus III
Israel historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:15-16) “And the king of the north will come and throw up a siege rampart and actually capture a city with fortifications. And as for the arms of the south, they will not stand, neither the people of his picked ones; and there will be no power to keep standing. 16 And the one coming against him will do according to his will, and there will be no one standing before him. And he will stand in the land of the Decoration, and there will be extermination in his hand.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 224 par. 30 Two Kings in Conflict ***

Military forces under Ptolemy V, or “arms of the south,” succumbed to assault from the north. At Paneas (Caesarea Philippi), Antiochus III drove Egypt’s General Scopas and 10,000 select men, or “picked ones,” into Sidon, “a city with fortifications.” There Antiochus III ‘threw up a siege rampart,’ taking that Phoenician seaport in 198 B.C.E. He acted “according to his will” because the forces of the Egyptian king of the south were unable to stand before him. Antiochus III then marched against Jerusalem, the capital of “the land of the Decoration,” Judah. In 198 B.C.E., Jerusalem and Judah passed from domination by the Egyptian king of the south to that of the Syrian king of the north. And Antiochus III, the king of the north, began to “stand in the land of the Decoration.” There was “extermination in his hand” for all opposing Jews and Egyptians. For how long would this king of the north be able to do as he pleased?

Daniel 11:17

King South King North
Ptolemy V Antiochus III
Cleopatra historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:17) And he will set his face to come with the forcefulness of his entire kingdom, and there will be equitable [terms] with him; and he will act effectively. And as regards the daughter of womankind, it will be granted to him to bring her to ruin. And she will not stand, and she will not continue to be his.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 225-226 pars. 32-33 Two Kings in Conflict ***

32 The king of the north, Antiochus III, “set his face” to dominate Egypt “with the forcefulness of his entire kingdom.” But he ended up making “equitable terms” of peace with Ptolemy V, the king of the south. Rome’s demands had caused Antiochus III to change his plan. When he and King Philip V of Macedonia leagued against the Egyptian king of tender years to take over his territories, the guardians of Ptolemy V turned to Rome for protection. Taking advantage of the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence, Rome flexed its muscles.

33 Under compulsion by Rome, Antiochus III brought terms of peace to the king of the south. Rather than surrendering conquered territories, as Rome had demanded, Antiochus III planned to make a nominal transfer of them by having his daughter Cleopatra I—“the daughter of womankind”—marry Ptolemy V. Provinces that included Judah, “the land of the Decoration,” would be given as her dowry. At the marriage in 193 B.C.E., however, the Syrian king did not let these provinces go to Ptolemy V. This was a political marriage, formed to make Egypt subject to Syria. But the scheme failed because Cleopatra I did “not continue to be his,” for she later sided with her husband. When war broke out between Antiochus III and the Romans, Egypt took the side of Rome.

Daniel 11:18-19

King South King North
Ptolemy V Antiochus III

Although Bethel notes the continuation of Ptolemy VI and Seleucus IV and Antiochus IV, they are not actually detailed in the propehcy.

(Daniel 11:18-19)
 And he will turn his face back to the coastlands and will actually capture many. And a commander will have to make the reproach from him cease for himself, [so that] his reproach will not be. He will make it turn back upon that one. 19 And he will turn his face back to the fortresses of his [own] land, and he will certainly stumble and fall, and he will not be found.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 p. 226 par. 35 Two Kings in Conflict ***

The “coastlands” were those of Macedonia, Greece, and Asia Minor. A war broke out in Greece in 192 B.C.E., and Antiochus III was induced to come to Greece. Displeased because of the Syrian king’s efforts to capture additional territories there, Rome formally declared war on him. At Thermopylae he suffered a defeat at Roman hands. About a year after losing the battle of Magnesia in 190 B.C.E., he had to give up everything in Greece, Asia Minor, and in areas west of the Taurus Mountains. Rome exacted a heavy fine and established its domination over the Syrian king of the north. Driven from Greece and Asia Minor and having lost nearly all his fleet, Antiochus III ‘turned his face back to the fortresses of his own land,’ Syria. The Romans had ‘turned back upon him his reproach against them.’ Antiochus III died while trying to rob a temple at Elymaïs, Persia, in 187 B.C.E. He thus ‘fell’ in death and was succeeded by his son Seleucus IV, the next king of the north.

As we see in the above the progression of the “king of the north” and the “king of the south”, the progress is very detailed in the prophecy to later identify historic reality that matches the prophecy provided unique criteria. Now the practice of overextending the prophecy to details not found in the prophecy is set (Such as that last sentence “Seleucus IV, the next king of the north”, which is implied, not actually an explicit part of the prophecy).

Continuing in such a non-prophetic overextension beyond the explicit details of the prophecy, none of this below is actually described in Daniel 11. Though it is a way of summarizing the period, this practice of “filling in” “king north” and “king south” extending details not in the prophecy, though of no deceptive effect here, will become useful for fictional overextension by the time the transition from Daniel 11:26 to Daniel 11:27 is reached. Just make note, that this, though historic, is not explicit prophetic “king” “north/south” activity noted in the prophecy:

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 13 pp. 227-229 Two Kings in Conflict ***


36 As the king of the south, Ptolemy V tried to gain the provinces that should have come to him as Cleopatra’s dowry, but poison ended his efforts. He was succeeded by Ptolemy VI. What about Seleucus IV? In need of money to pay the heavy fine owed to Rome, he sent his treasurer Heliodorus to seize riches said to be stored in Jerusalem’s temple. Desiring the throne, Heliodorus murdered Seleucus IV. However, King Eumenes of Pergamum and his brother Attalus had the slain king’s brother Antiochus IV enthroned.

37 The new king of the north, Antiochus IV, sought to show himself mightier than God by trying to eradicate Jehovah’s arrangement of worship. Defying Jehovah, he dedicated Jerusalem’s temple to Zeus, or Jupiter. In December 167 B.C.E., a pagan altar was erected on top of the great altar in the temple courtyard where a daily burnt offering had been made to Jehovah. Ten days later, a sacrifice to Zeus was offered on the pagan altar. This desecration led to a Jewish uprising under the Maccabees. Antiochus IV battled them for three years. In 164 B.C.E., on the anniversary of the desecration, Judas Maccabaeus rededicated the temple to Jehovah and the festival of dedication—Hanukkah—was instituted.—John 10:22.

38 The Maccabees probably made a treaty with Rome in 161 B.C.E. and established a kingdom in 104 B.C.E. But the friction between them and the Syrian king of the north continued. Finally, Rome was called upon to intervene. The Roman General Gnaeus Pompey took Jerusalem in 63 B.C.E. after a three-month siege. In 39 B.C.E., the Roman Senate appointed Herod—an Edomite—to be king of Judea. Ending the Maccabean rule, he took Jerusalem in 37 B.C.E.

39 How thrilling it is to see the first part of the prophecy of the two kings in conflict fulfilled in detail! Indeed, how exciting to peer into the history of some 500 years after the prophetic message was delivered to Daniel and identify the rulers occupying the positions of the king of the north and the king of the south! However, the political identities of these two kings change as the battle between them continues through the time when Jesus Christ walked the earth and down into our day. By matching historical developments with intriguing details revealed in this prophecy, we will be able to identify these two contending kings.

Though the commentary will return to Roman era verifiable historic events (Dan11:20-26), actually described in the Daniel 11:20-26 portion of prophecy, as we see in the above, the principle of overextending known history in that connective tangent, not actually in the prophecy, will be used again to end this section as well. And that connective tangent will have a greater effect come the time for the transition from Daniel 11:20-26 into Daniel 11:27-43.

Just keep that practice in mind of Bethel of employing prophetically unfounded tangents for what will begin another total departure from the prophecy on page 242 come Daniel 11:26-27 transition attempt time after this section below.

Roman Period Daniel 11:20-26 (27 BCE-272 CE)

Daniel 11:20

King South King North
Caesar Augustus
Augustus census historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:20) “And there must stand up in his position one who is causing an exactor to pass through the splendid kingdom, and in a few days he will be broken, but not in anger nor in warfare.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 14 pp. 232-233 The Two Kings Change Identities ***


4 In the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus Christ told his disciples: “When you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.” (Matthew 24:15, 16) Quoting from Daniel 11:31, Jesus warned his followers about a future ‘disgusting thing causing desolation.’ This prophecy involving the king of the north was given some 195 years after the death of Antiochus IV, the last Syrian king in that role. Surely, another ruling entity would have to assume the identity of the king of the north. Who would that be?

5 Jehovah God’s angel foretold: “There must stand up in his position [that of Antiochus IV] one who is causing an exactor to pass through the splendid kingdom, and in a few days he will be broken, but not in anger nor in warfare.” (Daniel 11:20) The one ‘standing up’ in this way proved to be the first Roman emperor, Octavian, who was known as Caesar Augustus.—See “One Honored, the Other Despised,” on page 248.

6 “The splendid kingdom” of Augustus included “the land of the Decoration”—the Roman province of Judea. (Daniel 11:16) In 2 B.C.E., Augustus sent out “an exactor” by ordering a registration, or census, probably so that he could learn the number of the population for purposes of taxation and military conscription. Because of this decree, Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem for registration, resulting in Jesus’ birth at that foretold location. (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-12) In August 14 C.E.—“in a few days,” or not long after decreeing the registration—Augustus died at the age of 76, neither “in anger” at an assassin’s hands nor “in warfare,” but as a result of illness. The king of the north had indeed changed identity! This king had by now become the Roman Empire in the person of its emperors.

Daniel 11:21-22

King South King North
Tiberius Caesar
Jesus Christ historic benchmark
Pax Romana historic period benchmark

(Daniel 11:21-22) “And there must stand up in his position one who is to be despised, and they will certainly not set upon him the dignity of [the] kingdom; and he will actually come in during a freedom from care and take hold of [the] kingdom by means of smoothness. 22 And as regards the arms of the flood, they will be flooded over on account of him, and they will be broken; as will also the Leader of [the] covenant.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 14 pp. 234-238 pars. 8-11 The Two Kings Change Identities ***

The “one who is to be despised” was Tiberius Caesar, the son of Livia, Augustus’ third wife. (See “One Honored, the Other Despised,” on page 248.) Augustus hated this stepson because of his bad traits and did not want him to become the next Caesar. “The dignity of the kingdom” was unwillingly bestowed upon him only after all other likely successors were dead. Augustus adopted Tiberius in 4 C.E. and made him heir to the throne. After the death of Augustus, 54-year-old Tiberius—the despised one—‘stood up,’ assuming power as the Roman emperor and the king of the north.

9 “Tiberius,” says The New Encyclopædia Britannica, “played politics with the Senate and did not allow it to name him emperor for almost a month [after Augustus died].” He told the Senate that no one but Augustus was capable of carrying the burden of ruling the Roman Empire and asked the senators to restore the republic by entrusting such authority to a group of men rather than to one man. “Not daring to take him at his word,” wrote historian Will Durant, “the Senate exchanged bows with him until at last he accepted power.” Durant added: “The play was well acted on both sides. Tiberius wanted the principate, or he would have found some way to evade it; the Senate feared and hated him, but shrank from re-establishing a republic based, like the old, upon theoretically sovereign assemblies.” Thus Tiberius ‘took hold of the kingdom by means of smoothness.’

10 “As regards the arms of the flood”—the military forces of the surrounding kingdoms—the angel said: ‘They will be flooded over and will be broken.’ When Tiberius became the king of the north, his nephew Germanicus Caesar was commander of the Roman troops on the Rhine River. In 15 C.E., Germanicus led his forces against the German hero Arminius, with some success. However, the limited victories were won at great cost, and Tiberius thereafter aborted operations in Germany. Instead, by promoting civil war, he tried to prevent German tribes from uniting. Tiberius generally favored a defensive foreign policy and focused on strengthening the frontiers. This stance was fairly successful. In this way “the arms of the flood” were controlled and were “broken.”

11 “Broken” too was “the Leader of the covenant” that Jehovah God had made with Abraham for blessing all the families of the earth. Jesus Christ was the Seed of Abraham promised in that covenant. (Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16) On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate in the Roman governor’s palace in Jerusalem. The Jewish priests had charged Jesus with treason against the emperor. But Jesus told Pilate: “My kingdom is no part of this world. My kingdom is not from this source.” So that the Roman governor might not free the faultless Jesus, the Jews shouted: “If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar. Every man making himself a king speaks against Caesar.” After calling for Jesus’ execution, they said: “We have no king but Caesar.” According to the law of “injured majesty,” which Tiberius had broadened to include virtually any insult to Caesar, Pilate handed Jesus over to be “broken,” or impaled on a torture stake.—John 18:36; 19:12-16; Mark 15:14-20.

Daniel 11:23-24

King South King North
Tiberius Caesar
Pax Romana period historic benchmark

(Daniel 11:23-24) And because of their allying themselves with him he will carry on deception and actually come up and become mighty by means of a little nation. 24 During freedom from care, even into the fatness of the jurisdictional district he will enter in and actually do what his fathers and the fathers of his fathers have not done. Plunder and spoil and goods he will scatter among them; and against fortified places he will scheme out his schemes, but only until a time.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 14 pp. 238-240 The Two Kings Change Identities ***


12 Still prophesying about Tiberius, the angel said: “Because of their allying themselves with him he will carry on deception and actually come up and become mighty by means of a little nation.” (Daniel 11:23) Members of the Roman Senate had constitutionally ‘allied themselves’ with Tiberius, and he formally depended upon them. But he was deceptive, actually becoming “mighty by means of a little nation.” That little nation was the Roman Praetorian Guard, encamped close to Rome’s walls. Its proximity intimidated the Senate and helped Tiberius keep in check any uprisings against his authority among the populace. By means of some 10,000 guards, therefore, Tiberius remained mighty.

13 The angel added prophetically: “During freedom from care, even into the fatness of the jurisdictional district he will enter in and actually do what his fathers and the fathers of his fathers have not done. Plunder and spoil and goods he will scatter among them; and against fortified places he will scheme out his schemes, but only until a time.” (Daniel 11:24) Tiberius was extremely suspicious, and his reign abounded with ordered killings. Largely because of the influence of Sejanus, commander of the Praetorian Guard, the latter part of his reign was marked by terror. Finally, Sejanus himself fell under suspicion and was executed. In tyrannizing over people, Tiberius exceeded his forefathers.

14 Tiberius, however, scattered “plunder and spoil and goods” throughout the Roman provinces. By the time of his death, all the subject peoples were enjoying prosperity. Taxes were light, and he could be generous to those in areas undergoing hard times. If soldiers or officials oppressed anyone or promoted irregularity in handling matters, they could expect imperial vengeance. A firm grip on power maintained public security, and an improved communications system helped commerce. Tiberius made sure that affairs were administered fairly and steadily inside and outside Rome. The laws were improved, and social and moral codes were enhanced by the furthering of reforms instituted by Augustus Caesar. Yet, Tiberius ‘schemed out his schemes,’ so that Roman historian Tacitus described him as a hypocritical man, skilled at putting on false appearances. By the time he died in March 37 C.E., Tiberius was considered to be a tyrant.

15 The successors to Tiberius who filled the role of the king of the north included Gaius Caesar (Caligula), Claudius I, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, and Hadrian. “For the most part,” says The New Encyclopædia Britannica, “the successors to Augustus continued his administrative policies and building program, though with less innovation and more ostentation.” The same reference work further points out: “In the late 1st and early 2nd centuries Rome was at the peak of its grandeur and population.” Although Rome had some trouble on the imperial frontiers during this time, its first foretold confrontation with the king of the south did not occur until the third century C.E.

Paragraph 15 is also an example of an implied extension of king north, that is not noted in the prophecy in these ways of specifics just covered.

Daniel 11:25-26

King South King North
Queen Zenobia Aurelian

(Daniel 11:25-26) “And he will arouse his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great military force; and the king of the south, for his part, will excite himself for the war with an exceedingly great and mighty military force. And he will not stand, because they will scheme out against him schemes. 26 And the very ones eating his delicacies will bring his breakdown. “And as for his military force, it will be flooded away, and many will certainly fall down slain.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 14 pp. 240-247 The Two Kings Change Identities ***


17 About 300 years after Octavian had made Egypt a Roman province, Roman Emperor Aurelian assumed the role of the king of the north. Meanwhile, Queen Septimia Zenobia of the Roman colony of Palmyra occupied the position of the king of the south. (See “Zenobia—The Warrior Queen of Palmyra,” on page 252.) The Palmyrene army occupied Egypt in 269 C.E. under the pretext of making it secure for Rome. Zenobia wanted to make Palmyra the dominant city in the east and wanted to rule over Rome’s eastern provinces. Alarmed by her ambition, Aurelian aroused “his power and his heart” to proceed against Zenobia.

18 As the ruling entity headed by Zenobia, the king of the south ‘excited himself’ for warfare against the king of the north “with an exceedingly great and mighty military force” under two generals, Zabdas and Zabbai. But Aurelian took Egypt and then launched an expedition into Asia Minor and Syria. Zenobia was defeated at Emesa (now Homs), whereupon she retreated to Palmyra. When Aurelian besieged that city, Zenobia valiantly defended it but without success. She and her son fled toward Persia, only to be captured by the Romans at the Euphrates River. The Palmyrenes surrendered their city in 272 C.E. Aurelian spared Zenobia, making her the prize feature in his triumphal procession through Rome in 274 C.E. She spent the rest of her life as a Roman matron.

19 Aurelian himself ‘did not stand because of schemes against him.’ In 275 C.E., he set out on an expedition against the Persians. While he was waiting in Thrace for the opportunity to cross the straits into Asia Minor, those who ‘ate his food’ carried out schemes against him and brought about his “breakdown.” He was going to call his secretary Eros to account for irregularities. Eros, however, forged a list of names of certain officers marked for death. The sight of this list moved the officers to plot Aurelian’s assassination and to murder him.

V. The Main Bethel Maintained Diversion and Premature Time Point

Begin Non-Prophetic Speculative Bridge to Daniel 11:27

Here in the Daniel’s Prophecy book of 1999, on page 242, paragraph 20, is where the commentary diverges from Daniel 11 provided details into an overextension of what becomes, in time, a major NON-PROPHETIC connective bridge into Daniel 11:27-43’s  base founding rationale, and its then subsequent speculations (present since 1958, recapped in the 1999 Daniel Prophecy commentary).

This practice of going off on tangents into details not found in the prophecy itself, though historic, was shown previously on pages 227-229. What is significant about this foray into connective non-prophetic assumptions, though based on real historic events, is that it continues from these speculative connections into the totally premature speculation of Daniel 11:27-43, but beginning to be set up right here:

20 The career of the king of the north did not end with the death of Emperor Aurelian. Other Roman rulers followed. For a time, there was an emperor of the west and one of the east. Under these men the “military force” of the king of the north was “flooded away,” or “scattered,” and many ‘fell down slain’ because of the invasions of the Germanic tribes from the north. Goths broke through the Roman frontiers in the fourth century C.E. Invasions continued, one after the other. In 476 C.E., German leader Odoacer removed the last emperor ruling from Rome. By the beginning of the sixth century, the Roman Empire in the west had been shattered, and German kings ruled in Britannia, Gaul, Italy, North Africa, and Spain. The eastern part of the empire lasted into the 15th century.


21 Without giving unnecessary details about the breakdown of the Roman Empire, which stretched over centuries, Jehovah’s angel went on to foretell further exploits of the king of the north and the king of the south. However, a brief review of certain developments in the Roman Empire will help us to identify the two rival kings in later times.

Because no specific prophecy details are provided in Daniel 11 regarding this stretch of imagination (in hindsight), this is all quite detailed speculation to connect the Roman era to Britain and Germany in history, by just such a non-prophetic over extension, which proved to be in error in hindsight. It allowed the WW1, WW2 and Cold War major global periods to also be “retrofitted” into Daniel 11:27-45 before its actual time.

What this non-prophetic extending speculation originally allowed was the assumption of a Germanic “North” and a British “South” as national powers, that became retrofitted upon Daniel 11:27-31, with ZERO actual prophetic details—only events and national power traits that seemed to fit the prophecy. That furthered the setup for the error of the USSR “North” to be applied later from Daniel 11:31 transition to a supposed USSR “King North” for the concluding Daniel 11:31-43 fictions, by use of the same premature connective fiction.

As will be noted again, the USSR “fall” is not mentioned in the prophecy, when most certainly it would have been, had the USSR actually been the real “King of the North”, as a general principle of how this detailed prophecy has unfolded to this point, covered previously for this reason.

And never has a “king” in Daniel 11 been just left hanging to be “reconnected” and summarized by pure human speculations, unbacked by actual prophetic details, especially at such an important final portion en route to the real King North climax into obvious World Government in Daniel 11:45.

Example of The Real “King North” Criteria of Success

Now if we notice EVERY transition in prophecy of King North and King South is noted in the prophecy, of course the “fall of the USSR” would have to be in prophecy to establish that true “King North” supposed identity. The opposite is the case required by the prophecy: “King North” required success from Daniel 11:36-45.

(Daniel 11:36) And he (King North) will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; (at Armageddon) because the thing decided upon must be done.

Now by a lax use of the truth the “kings” “north” and “south” have indeed changed identity over 2300 years, but with a prophetically noted transitional event, that lax “changes identity” “principle” is then used to simply leave the now failed USSR supposed “King North” hanging at Daniel 11:43, with no indication whatsoever of this monumental, supposed King North, USSR collapse. A larger and greatly significant power system collapse than anything ever noted in the prophecy up to that alleged point in Daniel 11:43.

All of these speculation connections to be covered below, that allowed these errors to continue unbacked by any prophetic details in reality, is how the great global “King South” Nation-State System, and the great global “King North” Globalization System of the Globalists is fully bypassed from modern Jehovah’s witnesses awareness. The entire significance of Globalization to effect that actual final development of World Government, instead, has fully fallen out of Jehovah’s witnesses awareness as well—TOTALLY ignored by modern Apostate Bethel. (The real Dan11:32a)

According to this lax Bethel interpretive practice, they just bypass the fall of the USSR, alleged “King North”, as if:

1. That monumental global USSR fall was not noted in a prophecy that previously notes every King North or King South fall event!

2. God would waste half of Daniel 11 on an insignificant partial national bloc which failed, as well as not even noting this striking and significant global event!

3. This Daniel 11 error is acceptable to be retained in light of the USSR fall, and the emergence of, instead: the 3rd United Nations global presentation after the Cold War in 1990. (Well that UN 1990 3rd presentation detail is noted at Daniel 11:31b, they were the “north” that was successful the whole time!)

4. All post 1990 rampant globalization can be fully ignored. The whole expansion and globalization of a global military, financial and corporate complex system, shelling and supporting it all can be fully ignored, as if Russia, China and India and others joining this globalization wave with trillions of dollars and billions of people after 1990  is insignificant!

More Speculative Bridging to Daniel 11:27

All this below is the speculative connection to Daniel 11:27-45, not actually anywhere in the Daniel 11 prophecy details, that allowed all the above error to be created upon these overextensions not found in prophecy:

22 In the fourth century, Roman Emperor Constantine gave State recognition to apostate Christianity. He even called and personally presided over a church council at Nicaea, Asia Minor, in 325 C.E. Later, Constantine moved the imperial residence from Rome to Byzantium, or Constantinople, making that city his new capital. The Roman Empire continued under the rulership of a single emperor until the death of Emperor Theodosius I, on January 17, 395 C.E.

23 Following the death of Theodosius, the Roman Empire was divided between his sons. Honorius received the western part, and Arcadius the eastern, with Constantinople as his capital. Britannia, Gaul, Italy, Spain, and North Africa were among the provinces of the western division. Macedonia, Thrace, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt were provinces of the eastern division. In 642 C.E., the Egyptian capital, Alexandria, fell to the Saracens (Arabs), and Egypt became a province of the caliphs. In January 1449, Constantine XI became the last emperor of the east. Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II took Constantinople on May 29, 1453, ending the Eastern Roman Empire. The year 1517 saw Egypt become a Turkish province. In time, though, this land of the ancient king of the south would come under the control of another empire from the western sector.

24 In the western wing of the Roman Empire arose the Catholic bishop of Rome, notably Pope Leo I, who was renowned for asserting papal authority in the fifth century C.E. In time, the pope took it upon himself to crown the emperor of the western section. This occurred in Rome on Christmas day of 800 C.E., when Pope Leo III crowned Frankish King Charles (Charlemagne) emperor of the new Western Roman Empire. This coronation revived the emperorship in Rome and, according to some historians, marked the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire. From then on there existed the Eastern Empire and the Holy Roman Empire to the west, both claiming to be Christian.

25 As time passed, the successors of Charlemagne proved to be ineffectual rulers. The office of the emperor even lay vacant for a time. Meanwhile, German King Otto I had gained control of much of northern and central Italy. He proclaimed himself king of Italy. On February 2, 962 C.E., Pope John XII crowned Otto I emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Its capital was in Germany, and the emperors were Germans, as were most of their subjects. Five centuries later the Austrian house of Hapsburg obtained the title of “emperor” and held it for most of the remaining years of the Holy Roman Empire.

Note: NONE of that is actually in the Daniel 11 prophecy!


26 Napoléon I delivered a deathblow to the Holy Roman Empire when he refused to recognize its existence following his victories in Germany during the year 1805. Unable to defend the crown, Emperor Francis II resigned from Roman imperial status on August 6, 1806, and withdrew to his national government as emperor of Austria. After 1,006 years, the Holy Roman Empire—founded by Leo III, a Roman Catholic pope, and Charlemagne, a Frankish king—came to an end. In 1870, Rome became the capital of the kingdom of Italy, independent of the Vatican. The following year, a Germanic empire began with Wilhelm I being named caesar, or kaiser. Thus the modern-day king of the north—Germany—was on the world scene.

27 But what was the identity of the modern-day king of the south? History shows that Britain took on imperial power in the 17th century. Wanting to disrupt British trade routes, Napoléon I conquered Egypt in 1798. War ensued, and a British-Ottoman alliance forced the French to withdraw from Egypt, identified as the king of the south at the onset of the conflict. During the following century, British influence in Egypt increased. After 1882, Egypt was actually a British dependency. When World War I broke out in 1914, Egypt belonged to Turkey and was ruled by a khedive, or viceroy. After Turkey sided with Germany in that war, however, Britain deposed the khedive and declared Egypt a British protectorate. Gradually forming close ties, Britain and the United States of America became the Anglo-American World Power. Together, they came into the position of the king of the south.

Though those historic details are true and compelling, NONE of that is actually in the Daniel 11 prophecy!

Note: Please keep in mind the original Daniel commentary of 1958 was not “updated” while the 1989-1991 Cold War cessation, marked by the USSR fall into a 3rd United nations global-presentation was in action on the global scene. Instead, first, the 750 page “Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom” distracting “JW Bible of Organizational Idolatry” book was released in 1993, as the Gulf War distraction (1990-1991) had passed.

Then in 1999, when just enough time had passed, yet not too much time for failed USSR questions to be raised about the 1958 Daniel commentary, the final Bethel version was released in the 1999 “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” book. The 1999 Daniel commentary book was released, maintaining the old Bethel interpretation as a well concreted in error-turned-lie at Bethel, just long enough after these key USSR centered events had passed from the JW collective memory—as if the USSR failure and the 1990 3rd UN presentation was totally insignificant in the world system and in Daniel 11:27-45!

Very well planned indeed!

VI. Implications of Fictional Interpretive Extensions

What that did was set up the well meaning Fred Franz attempted extension of that rationale, into Daniel 11:27-45, in the “Your Will Be Done” book of the Daniel Prophecy commentary of 1958. This is not meant to accuse Fred Franz, who, given the high profile nature of…

1. The WW1, WW2 second world war cycle (1939-1945), Nazi Germany, and

2. the USA versus USSR Cold War mentality prevalent in the quickly following Cold War third cycle period (1947-1991),

…and that practice of speculative overextension already being employed, would have logically thought that WW1, WW2 and then the USSR was potentially in the rest of Daniel 11:27-45.

Since the “kings” “north” and “south” theme already was well established, and the Cold War, a unique (Dan11:29) World War of Military Expansion final phase, now seen in hindsight, was not then known to result in the monumental USSR collapse and failure (Dan11:27 “nothing will succeed”), it is understandable how the national based theater of distractions had their intended global effect of distraction.

In reality, all these world wars (WW1, WW2, Cold War), (including the Cold War cycle), and the final one to come (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13) are within the squabbling Global “King South” worldwide nation-state system of limited sovereign conflict. And that has been the perfect distracting atmosphere to found the decoys and an error for quite some time in the minds of Jehovah’s witnesses.

But when it could have been clarified with the end of the Cold War in mind, and the spectacular global failure of the USSR system, Bethel merely retained what is now an obvious error. Obviously such huge global developments required a total examination of Daniel 11:27-45 in light of these significant global developments, especially that 3rd United Nations “disgusting thing” presentation of 1990! (Fred Franz died in 1992, and no doubt would have re-examined the Daniel 11 prophecy very very carefully in light of these quite unexpected events.)

And thus a “third world war was averted” as the Cold War third global cycle also fell off the radar of significance in prophecy as a third global war cycle, merely “cold” in nature, to also culminate, a third time now, in yet another global United Nations capping presentation in “New World Order” mode!

Awake! 9/8/1991; UN NGO Bethel sure noted it, in that first UN NGO Awake! issue, but not as prophecy!—keep that in mind please.

Can a Co-Developing Apostasy Noted in Daniel 11:30-32 Have Anything to do with this Odd Bethel Behavior?

And thus the emergence of a final apostasy, also co-developing as explicitly noted in Daniel 11:30-35, is very interesting to instead answer the true internal motives and condition of what amounts to a Globalist King North control of Apostate Bethel, explicit in Daniel 11:32a.

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

And this apostasy development, in a well known new Christian location since 1919, well after the Christendom apostasy was fully exposed from after 1919, is the reason why Bethel stubbornly refuses to update the prophecy to modern Nation-State “king south” versus Globalization System “king north” reality of modern times.

Bethel would also have to admit or disclose their own apostasy! But they sure got the “smooth words” to aid the cover up instead!

Now when Bethel also joined the United Nations of Non-Governmental Organizations (UN NGO), with a Bethel approved “non-kingdom” implication as well, then it became obvious who Bethel is actually allied with, and why they as the final foretold King North attaché will not expose the real King North Globalized World Government System or its final developments.

Now apostate, Bethel will not divulge the marked Daniel 11:30-45 progression from the 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation of Daniel 11:31b actuality, to the final King North World Government fourth UN presentation to come as the real culmination of Daniel 11:40-45, in the future.

Of course we cannot expect Bethel to expose their own foretold Daniel 11 apostasy that co-develops in Daniel 11:30-32a with that also covered up 3rd United Nations presentation! They will not connect themselves to the co-developing apostasy that they now exhibit in marked manner as also publicly known UN NGO, while at the same time retaining a former Daniel 11:27-43 error which allows the concealment of the real Globalist King North and National King South global systems from Jehovah’s witnesses and their audience.

The Real King North: Globalized World Government

The real King South and King North have simplified in meaning, yet the symbols have gone truly global in scope:

1. King South is the Global National System, or the Nation-State based “Old World Order”;

2. King North is the Anglo-American Globalist guided Globalization core Elite World Government System, or the Globalist “New World Order”;

The Bethel “King North” Modern Overextension to Daniel 11:44

And that is what Bethel will not divulge, as instead they retain the over-advanced in error, and misapplied USSR=King North myth, to keep Jehovah’s witnesses expecting “Daniel 11:44 “attack” next brothers!”, by use of a supposedly “fulfilled prophecy” in Daniel 11:40-43 that the “USSR fulfilled as King North”.

*** Daniel’s Prophecy (1999) chap. 16 pp. 278-280 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***


18 Jehovah’s angel continued: “He [the king of the north] will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.” (Daniel 11:42, 43) Even the king of the south, “Egypt,” did not escape the effects of the expansionist policies of the king of the north. For example, the king of the south suffered a notable defeat in Vietnam. And what of “the Libyans and the Ethiopians”? These neighbors of ancient Egypt might well foreshadow nations that are, geographically speaking, neighbors of modern “Egypt” (the king of the south). At times, they have been followers of—‘at the steps of’—the king of the north.

Obviously the Anglo-American supposed “King South” “Egypt” modern day “king” DID prove to be “an escapee” and the implied “Cold War Victor” over the, instead, failed USSR! The OPPOSITE as Bethel is proposing here!

19 Has the king of the north ruled over ‘the hidden treasures of Egypt’? He has indeed had a powerful influence on the way that the king of the south has used his financial resources. Because of fear of his rival, the king of the south has devoted huge sums to maintaining a formidable army, navy, and air force. To this extent, the king of the north ‘ruled over,’ or controlled, the disposition of the wealth of the king of the south.

Now how can a bankrupt and non-existent USSR also be a world  ruler of the GLOBAL gold and silver bullion supplies and ALL the “desirable things” and “hidden treasures of Egypt” of the Anglo-American King South, there under USSR TOTAL Global domination?

When did that happen?

And so by the use of that “smooth word” bypass of ALL REALITY (Dan11:32a), Jehovah’s witnesses expectations are left hanging here at Daniel 11:44, (too far into the prophecy as well), for a “new” “King North” that can be “filled in” with but another “King North” decoy, like Russia or the recently Bethel prepared “coalition of nations” “Gog” parallel:


20 The rivalry between the king of the north and the king of the south—whether by military, economic, or other means—is nearing its end. Revealing the details of a conflict yet to come, Jehovah’s angel said: “There will be reports that will disturb him [the king of the north], out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his palatial tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.”—Daniel 11:44, 45.

Daniel 11:44—Keep JWs Hanging at the “End of the World” Next!

No way can a “King North” transition be left hanging in such a detailless and unfounded fantasy such as that of the modern Bethel apostates!

By this over advancement into Daniel 11, the premature “is nearing its end” delusion can also be amplified by the impression “Daniel 11:44 must fulfill next brothers!”. (2Thess2:1-2)

The UN allied Bethel Apostates and Infiltrators (Dan11:30-32a) have now capitalized on that former error, to keep it in place, “throwing truth to the earth” (Dan8:12), for future use against Jehovah’s witnesses by deception of the premature “end of the world” it instead suggests to Jehovah’s witnesses. (2Thess2:1-2) Along with a handy “King North” “attack” that can also be prematurely misrepresented in the future!

This means Bethel has, also at the same time, been actively bypassing all post 1990 post Cold War real “King North” guided globalization expansion of the real Globalist King North system (Rev16:13-16), and its explicit global dominating details in Daniel 11:30-45—right from the very time in 1990, when all this real “King North” Anglo-American globalist detail could be explained with a 1990 3rd United Nations presentation too boot!

When it all could have started to be truly explained in 1990, Bethel said the whole Daniel 11 progress had ended at Daniel 11:43!

The Watchtower Watchtower June 15, 2012; Jehovah is a “Revealer of Secrets” – Paragraph 19

We are living in the days of the seventh head. No more heads will appear on this beast before it is annihilated. The Anglo-American World Power will be the dominant world power when false religion is eradicated. The prophecies of Daniel and John have been fulfilled to the smallest detail. We can be confident that the destruction of false religion and the battle of Armageddon will soon come.  God has revealed these details in advance. Will we pay attention to the prophetic warnings? (2 Pet. 1:19) Now is the time to take sides with Jehovah and to support his Kingdom.—Rev. 14:6, 7.

What we can be confident of is Bethel is promoting the premature “the end” delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2.

Final “Sword Stroke” in Daniel 11:40 Ongoing Globalist King North Global Military Positioning Context

Now this allows the real already active Daniel 11:40 global takeover culmination of the King North Globalizing NATO military system and all its supporting systems, in a final cycle coming up, which will run to the finale of Daniel 11:40-43, to remain unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses for quite some time. (Dan8:13-14)

Now with the real Daniel 11:41 culmination to come on apostate Bethel in the future, as already “entered” and aided internally at infiltrated and subverted Bethel (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12), for the future final JW Organization global coup, Bethel can sell those JW organization downfall and invasion “trampling” events as if Daniel 11:44 and “the end of the world” to Jehovah’s witnesses—a total premature “the end” Armageddon Hoax smokescreen. (2Thess2:1-2)

Thus a “it’s the end of the world!” smokescreen, to apply to JWs with very real Daniel 11:41 and Daniel 8:13 events, is now, instead, in place and well primed in the JW mind.

Daniel 11:41 Temple Judgment Parallel and Global Context on Bethel Soon

In reality Daniel 11:41 globalist King North Bethel “invasion” will be the parallel of the Daniel 8:13-14 Temple Judgment “Trampling”, well before World Government completes to unfold with the real fall of “King South” into “King North” globalization system total domination of the global nation-state system. (Dan11:42-43)

And Jehovah’s witnesses will not only be none the wiser, they will be under the false impression “the end” has arrived, as instead Daniel 8:13 “trampling” events on Bethel (Dan11:41 context) will manifest instead. That will be the Daniel 8:14 Temple Judgment “evening” phase timing (3.19 years) of accounting that will fully expire in the temple “trampling” for the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13 parallel of Daniel 11:31b apostate Bethel UN NGO.

Those developments of “prophetic proportions” of the future, will be how the “Temple” “right condition” will be achieved in the total purification of the “morning” phase of the Temple Judgment recovery period (Dan8:14,26), also timed as 3.19 years, for a total “2300 evenings and mornings” of 6.38 years. (Lunar Year/360 Days)

Of course a Bethel that joined the United Nations of Organizations, and conceals modern prophecy as if dead to the world, with no required updates whatsoever, cannot be in the “right condition”. Instead the Bethel global record includes other criminal activities now undermining the anointed Christian ministry, and subverting it and its “constant feature” into a global “befouled” reproach. (Zech3:1-3)

VII. REALITY: Daniel 11:27-45 The Globalists’ “North” Versus The Nation-State “South” at Worldwide Scale

Daniel 11:27—World War1, World War2, Cold War First Three Cycles of Four (Dan11:27-30)

A dominant feature of this section of prophecy is that King North is the driving global force for the entire progression and final sequence to “King North” World Government in Daniel 11:27-45—truly this prophecy’s “the king”. (Dan11:36)

(Daniel 11:36a) “And the king will actually do according to his own will

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”

(Daniel 11:27) “And as regards these two kings, their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking. But nothing will succeed, because [the] end is yet for the time appointed.

(Daniel 11:27a)
“And as regards these two kings, their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking.

1. These two kings are “south” nation-state system, and “north” globalizing system, all at global scope.

2. The “one table” is the common sovereign goal, though by differing means, of the “one thought” of global rulership, synonymous with the “empty thing” of Psalm 2, upon the whole planet Earth scope.

(Psalm 2:1-2) Why have the nations been in tumult And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing?  2 The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one

3. The lie is the same lie of successful human global rulership sovereign development in opposition to God’s Kingdom of Christ.

(Daniel 11:27b) But nothing will succeed, because [the] end is yet for the time appointed.

1. All nation-state and globalist efforts at premature world domination fail;

A. Eventually the globalist “King North” will succeed, and does succeed at the United Nations capping global presentations of all four global war cycles.

B. NOTHING “national” based, as single nations or partial blocs of nations, will succeed.

2. The nation-state failures of Germany and the USSR are the visible “and nothing will succeed” in all three first world wars, WW1, WW2, and Cold WW3.

3. What has “proven successful” (Dan11:36b) was and is the King North United Nations global presentation marked “image” finales of all THREE of those world war periods, so far.

Daniel 11:28

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”

(Daniel 11:28) “And he will go back to his land with a great amount of goods, and his heart will be against the holy covenant. And he will act effectively and certainly go back to his land.

(Daniel 11:28)
 “And he will go back to his land with a great amount of goods (WW1 booty), and his heart will be against the holy covenant. (WW1 Holy Covenant major identification 1914-1922  period) And he will act effectively (WW1 and League placement) and certainly go back to his land. (WW2 prep)

1. From first identification of holy covenant location 1870s-1922, the WTBTS corporate coup attempts in 1897 and 1917, then the 1918 imprisonment are examples of these King North ” denunciation” attempts;

2. The King North globalists did not want the first League of Nations placement (1919) or the 2nd United Nations placement (1945) exposed as prophecy;

3. The “act effectively” is in regard to the successful orchestration of the first world war cycle, upon an international scale Anglo-American industrial and finance war profiteering system fully in action in Europe and the US system. This was aided by the 1913-1914 Federal Reserve central bank system being fully implemented by US government legislation;

A. That globalist run industrial and financial system was how a “great amount of goods”, at truly enormous wealth expansion magnitudes, was brought into the King North globalist wealth consolidating camp for WW2 preparation;

4. WW1 and the 1914-1918 first cycle of such an orchestration to aid globalist “King North” objectives is significant because it was the first fully complete global war cycle and its main globalist profiteering system;

Daniel 11:29

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”
Cold War; Cold WW3 Cycle historic benchmark;

(Daniel 11:29) “At the time appointed he will go back, and he will actually come against the south; but it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first.

(Daniel 11:29) “At the time appointed he will go back, (WW2 and 2nd UN placement; Rev17:8-11) and he will actually come against the south (WW2 and Cold War beginning); but it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first.

1. The only “time appointed” of this post WW1 period is the prophetic marking of the second world war cycle and its capping second UN global presentation as the principle of the “abyss” “ascension” of that 8th King designate of 1945, at that time;

A. The “ascension” principle was also set for future reference as Revelation 17:8-13 must have a final cycle full fulfillment when world government is ready for the final global presentation of Daniel 11:45.

2. The ” Cold War” third global war cycle is a unique world war cycle of mostly non-destructive military expansion of both the US and Russian systems, merely “cold” in nature;

A. The “Cold War” is different, it did ” not prove to be at the last the same as at the first”, in that the “cold war” cycle is truly unique in comparison to the first two “hot” world wars to mark this period as certain;

B. This provides a “Cold War” unique development to mark Daniel 11:29’s point in time;

3. The final world war cycle, now being prepared by use of the “Global War on Terror” prelude global military expansion phase, is also unique in nature of initial deployment, but it is a preparatory global expansion continuing Daniel 11:40, for future use;

Daniel 11:30-31

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”
Bethel apostasy anomaly benchmark

(Daniel 11:30-31a) “And he will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. 31 And there will be arms that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature].

(Daniel 11:30b) And there will certainly come against him the ships of Kittim, and he will have to become dejected.

1. Nation-state ” vessels” of sovereign resistance impede global government in the whole WW1-Cold War phase…

(Daniel 11: 30b) “And he will actually go back

…over that whole period of preparatory world government steps in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War whole period, King North “goes back”; but this post WW2 period requires more attention to the internal aspect of capitalizing on a “holy covenant” defection internal to the anointed Christian ministerial “fortress” at Bethel’s “established place”. (Dan8:11b)

2. Thus after two successful United Nations related prophecies exposed related to 1919 and 1945, a re newed effort of subversion against the “holy covenant” ministry had to be undertaken by internal means of eventual assured success to keep the 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation severed from the continuum in prophecy of the original two, UN1-2-end-of-story, rather than UN1-2-3.

A. Thereby if Jehovah’s witnesses do not realize the UN1-2-3 in prophecy, they will also not comprehend the final cycle culmination as UN1-2-3-4.

B. Now both Daniel 11:31-45 and Daniel 8:23-25 concentrate on the 1990 3rd UN event (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23) and the fourth and final UN event (Dan11:45; Dan8:25) progressions of primarily the last two United Nations related developments and steps to world government actually in those prophecies—prophecies which Bethel now keeps buried in WW2-Cold War era developments.

3. The “hurl denunciations” is a renewed effort because since Daniel 11:28, King North’s ” heart will be against the holy covenant” and thus was already in action since the “holy covenant” renewed location was emerging since the 1870s, made fully known by 1922.

(Daniel 11:30b) and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant.

1. Since WW1 era attempts to silence the League of Nations exposure, the “hurl denunciations” are present, and “consideration” of internal Bethel subversion is first by apostasy developing inside of Bethel for the whole time.

A. By 1944-1990 “King North” “will act effectively” within the Bethel administration to effect a successful “operation of error” subversion that God permits for greater purposes later. (2Thess2:11-12);

2. Which, in time, formed an ” effective” internal operation inside of Bethel for a dictatorial ministerial controlling device:

A. 1944 “governing body” first mentioned at Bethel and accepted as valid; (introduced in WW2 period active and Rutherford 1942 death distraction)

B. 1971 “lifted up” “Governing Body” title applied at Bethel; (Cold War period)

C. 1976 Governing Body dictatorship established; (Cold War period) This third WTBTS “board of directors” coup was successful.

D. Which sets up  for the whole Cold War period the eventual 1990-1991 UN NGO and 3rd UN presentation fully apostate Bethel cover-up and silencing very “gradually given over” as per Daniel 8:12 to “throw truth to the earth”;

3. This allows apostasy and internal infiltration to mature for that whole period to the point of profaning the whole anointed Christian ministry, by subsequent King North guided “arms that stand up” in internal Bethel infiltration:

(Daniel 11:31a) And there will be arms that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature].

Daniel 11:31b—King North 1990 3rd United Nations Global Presentation

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”
3rd UN global presentation and Bethel UN NGO historic benchmark;

(Daniel 11:31b) “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation.

Third United Nations Placement, Bethel UN NGO 1990-1991

1. By the time the 1990 3rd UN presentation occurs, it is joined by infiltrated Bethel as UN NGO (Awake! 9/8/1991),

2. All these former participants just described in the above “King North” “those leaving the holy covenant” and the “arms that stand up” impostors all work for the same goal, “they” work in collusion:

(Daniel 11:31b) “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation.

1. Subsequently the 1990 fulfilled 3rd UN “place the disgusting thing” prophecy is covered up as prophecy, breaking the UN1-2-3 continuum and severing it from Jehovah’s witnesses awareness;

2. An example of “desolation” “caused” is the real King North globalist orchestration of all three of these world war cycles “global problems”, and their various “wars and reports of wars” (Matt24:6), which are all conveniently resolved for their capping United Nations “global solution” presentations—all three times so far! [1]

3. All the world war cycles culminated all three times into a marked “disgusting thing” UN related presentation, as the finale of the “desolation” cycle as per the Revelation 13:3 principle of “healing” as first seen in the WW1 first cycle.

Daniel 11:32-35—King North Led Bethel Apostasy

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”

(Daniel 11:32-35) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively. 33 And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days. 34 But when they are made to stumble they will be helped with a little help; and many will certainly join themselves to them by means of smoothness. 35 And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of [the] end; because it is yet for the time appointed.

1. This is a generalized period of the effects of King North “denunciations” that finally progress into forming the specific Daniel 11:32a apostasy inside the ministry. This development creates the “wrong condition” in the ministry, (Zech3:1-3; Dan8:14) which apostate activity is finally ceased in the timed temple judgment accounting and purification; the “time appointed” of Daniel 8:13-14. (Zech3:1-5; Rev8:3-5)

But in the meantime the ministry is compromised to unacceptable to God first:

(Daniel 8:11) And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down.

2. In a spiritual sense those things are removed and “thrown down” now by internal Bethel profanation and its illegal leadership actually guided by King North.

A. But this takes time to culminate, so these apostasy and stumbling developments will eventually have visible full judgment effects upon the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry by actually “throwing down” the “established place”, in the future, as will be fully visible and seen in the Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses future coup, now developed into a vain idol among Jehovah’s witnesses.

That being the real case in the Bethel based ministry, these developments will get worse in the coup phase on the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, which ultimately King North is there to accomplish in the future. (Dan11:41; Dan8:13)

Bethel Progressive Apostasy Period Effects

1. These sections parallel features of the whole “hurl denunciations” period, so it develops with the general persecutions but is also exacerbated by post 1944 “governing body” centered progressive apostasy developments, “gradually giving over” (Dan8:12) the anointed Christian ministry to full apostasy, as foretold.

2. This duality below, apostasy and faithfulness to God, is present the whole time, because both the “weed” and “wheat” progress (Matt13:36-42) at the same time as both are present in the anointed Christian updated “ministry” “field” for the whole period:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively.

1. King North “Leading” into fresh and progressive apostasy takes time, but it progresses to the point of apostate Bethel’s modern state;

2. But “the people” “knowing their God” are also effective at explaining prophecy the whole time (except for this period of total Bethel JW subversin), in the principle of “wheat” and “weeds” growing parallel (Matt13:36-42) for the whole period:

(Daniel 11:33) And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days.

Though the ministry is effective to “impart understanding to the many”, still general persecutions and internal “arms that stand up” “harassment” and progressive apostasy (Dan7:25) occurs at the same time.

(Daniel 11:34a) But when they are made to stumble they will be helped with a little help;

1. God helps the “wheat” through the “harassments” internal (weed) and external to the ministry;

2. “King North” “led” apostasy is the cause of the effects in that stumbling by progressive apostasy, scandal, and global JW Bethel centric controversy as an increasing global reproach developed by Bethel subversion, aids the development; (1Pet4:12; 2Pet2:1-3)

(Daniel 11:34b) and many will certainly join themselves to them by means of smoothness.

1. These “many” are also “joining themselves” to the ministry not by sincerity, but by “smoothness” of the apostasies “smooth words” which has created a transformed Christian ministry that is not in the “right condition” of purity and full prophetic truth, thus attracting some people for the wrong reasons—and so you have the duality of today’s apostate Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, now carrying out the Kingdom of God ministry, though now subverted in modern truth, but also bringing in the UN NGO, as an example of such duality and scandalous co-development.

Temple Judgment “Time Appointed”

(Daniel 11:35) And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them (2Thess2:11-12; eventually coming temple judgment as Dan8:14; Zech3:4-5; Mal3:1-5; Rev8:3-5) and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of [the] end; because it is yet for the time appointed.

1. The “time appointed” is the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment to produce that full “cleansing and “whitening” as Daniel 8:14 temple purification in the culmination of the removal and exposure of the modern apostasy. (2Thess2:3-4; Mal3:1-5; Zech3:1-5)

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning); 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

2. Thus “until the time of [the] end” is because the “yet for the time appointed” Daniel 8:13-14 “time appointed” of the temple judgment purpose, phasing, and validation timing (Dan8:14) will become the true final cycle starting signal. Thus the “last days” also have a “last days” portion— the “time of the end”— as Revelation 8-11 final fulfillment cycle must also activate with that temple judgment “appointed time”.

3. That is when the divinely permitted error (2Thess2:1-12) and apostasy aided subversion (Zech3:1-3) will climax in anti-temple operations (Dan8:13; Dan11:41), and then the apostasy will be ceased by God and Christ, well before world government, and the real “the end”.

4. Thus that “stumble work” will also be ceased as far as divine permission to carry out this apostasy, in order to form the final ministerial recovery of Revelation 9-11’s final fulfillment cycle.

5. Because the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 is the parallel of the final fulfillment parallel of Revelation 8, Revelation 8-11 is the seven trumpets gauged “time of the end” true finale prophetic and global cycle.

A. That final prophecy cycle and its true “time of the end” will be marked by major global events coming on Bethel (Dan11:41; Dan8:13), in a global context “King South” final developments of sovereign downfall (Dan11:42-43) into full King North eventual world government domination.

Daniel 11:36-39—King North Unique Globalist Attributes

Keep in mind that when the Soviet USSR System failed, that entity cannot fulfill anything but failure (Dan11:39) in the following prophecy details of modern pinnacle Globalization “global gathering” Force of the real King North Anglo-American “Globalist Elites”:

(Revelation 16:12-14,16) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. 13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.

(Revelation 16:12-14, 16) And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (complete King North/ 8th King globalist influence culminating with the “new world order” false prophecy, and the driving force of globalism “inspired expressions” ) 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together (globalization is the main global force accomplishing this especially since 1990) to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (parallels future Revelation 17:12-18 and Daniel 11:42-43 culminations into globalist 8th King power) … 16 And they gathered them (eventually “globalization” completes into King North World Government) together (into final 8th King globalist unification symbolized in world government completion by 4th UN (Dan11:45; Dan12:11) “placement” and final “world peace” proclamations (1Thess5:1-3)) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.

Thus these King North features of Daniel 11:36-39 have been fully active since “the king” made “his” 3rd United Nations “cold victory” presentation over the downed USSR, and are parallel characteristics of the whole King North growing global power through out the rest of the prophecy.

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”

(Daniel 11:36-39) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done. 37 And to the God of his fathers he will give no consideration; and to the desire of women and to every other god he will give no consideration, but over everyone he will magnify himself. 38 But to the god of fortresses, in his position he will give glory; and to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things. 39 And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. Whoever has given [him] recognition he will make abound with glory, and he will actually make them rule among many; and [the] ground he will apportion out for a price.

Globalist King North Attributes

Daniel 11:33-39 parallels the whole King North globalist development to overcome the USSR system as the prophetic marker of the irreversible global ascendancy of the real King North “the king” who alone possesses these successful attributes to overcome any nation or national bloc progressively.

1. Features of King North “globalism” system effectiveness, culminating in the 1990 3rd UN global presentation prophecy marking Cold War victory:

(Daniel 11:36a) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things.

1. A “New World Order” of the World Government objective is one of these “marvelous things”. (Rev13:5-7; Dan7:8);

2. As marked by the Cold War victorious real King North Anglo-American globalists meaning, marked by that 3rd UN presentation, the real King North globalist system is successful the whole time, from the first two UN related presentations (1919,1945), to the 3rd UN presentation of 1990, to World Government of the future in Daniel 11:45, UN1-2-3-4 [1]:

(Daniel 11:36b) And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done.

(Daniel 11:37) And to the God of his fathers he will give no consideration; and to the desire of women (“women” example; Dan11:42 “she” nation-states) and to every other god he will give no consideration, but over everyone he will magnify himself.

(Daniel 11:38) But to the god of fortresses (Joel3:9-12), in his position he will give glory; and to a god (globalism god) that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things.

1. Thus King North Globalism System is unique in all ways pertaining to the “north” rise of the ascendant global power system to eventually implement world government at global scale in the future. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8-13 final cycle parallel);

2. King North progressive military global monopoly “god of fortresses” progresses at global scale under NATO to Global NATO, as Daniel 11:40-41 active now, must culminate in the final cycle of the future global takeover of the globalist system.

3. Global King North financial and wealth control domination has been forming since WW1 in marked manner, to culminate as Daniel 11:42-43 in the future.

4. All of the above allows globalist King North to be “act effectively” upon all rival sovereign systems such as the nation-state and religious sovereignties (Rev17:11-18), to culminate into world government in the future.

(Daniel 11:39) And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds (such as the USSR and “King South” global nation-state system), along with a foreign god. Whoever has given [him] recognition he will make abound with glory, and he will actually make them rule among many; and [the] ground he will apportion out for a price.

Daniel 11:40-41—King North Global Invasion and World Government Takeover

Though the preparatory King North globalism system setup has been active fully recognizable before and since 1990, to aid Daniel 11:40-43 progress, the final cycle culmination of those prophecies occurs in the future and before King North World Government of the Daniel 11:44-45 final cycle finale into the “one hour” of full and complete World Government. (Rev17:12)

The importance of recognizing this final cycle is because King North/8th King World Government complete, functional (Dan11:45, Rev17:8-18) and stated (1Thess5:1-3; Dan12:11), triggers Christ’s arrival, not before, but AFTER it completes. That takes several more years as this final cycle eventually fully activates and totally completes as Revelation 17:8-18 full final sequence.

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”
Post 1990 global NATO military expansion historic benchmark;

(Daniel 11:40-41) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through. 41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon.

King North Global Expansion Progress Since 1990 Marked Events (Daniel 11:40-41)

Global Invasion

1. Which real King North attributes lead to continued global expansion of the globalist system, technocratic, financial, and military as prophetically marked since 1990, as it progressively undermines the sovereignty of all national powers of the world:

(Daniel 11:40) “And in the time of [the] end (marked in 1990 3rd UN event, but culminates as Rev8-11 as marked by Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment event and timing) the king of the south (nation-state) will engage with him in a pushing (for global sovereignty), and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the (national) lands and flood over and pass through.

1. What makes 1990 unique in NATO global militarization expansion is that in the Gulf War NATO became a truly militarily deployed entity to eventually be coined “Global NATO” in 1999.

2. Now though Bethel deceptively states the “kings” engage in a “pushing” where one does not overcome the other, all of Daniel 11:30-31, and Daniel 11:36-45 is about King North as the global driving force which does overcome “Egypt” in the original “King South” symbol, in Daniel 11:42-43—King North World Government is what “proves successful” and “acts effectively” to depose the fragmented nation-state sovereign system. (Dan2:31-45);

Bethel Invasion

1. And as seen in Daniel 11:30b-31a, King North has “given consideration to those leaving the holy covenant” and the subsequent impostor “arms that stand up” in the “Decoration” ministerial “fortress” are now within the Bethel ministry as King North infiltrators. Thus by Bethel apostasy and infiltration development for some decades, they have already “entered the Decoration” as well, but this will get far more severe in the future:

(Daniel 11:41a) He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [PEOPLE] that will be made to stumble.

1. But in time of the Temple Judgment of Daniel 8:13 “trampling”, that global “invasion” above, on Bethel as the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, will become globally culminated, visible and in the global news. (Matt24:15)

2. These are apostate (Edom) “those leaving the holy covenant”, anti-Christian and opposing supports that “escape” King North by not being the actual target in the Bethel “trampling”:

(Daniel 11:41b) But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon.

1. And so all of Daniel 11:40-41 is now globally active fully marked since 1990, but it will reach the global invasion maturation in the future in far more visible and King North vocal forms of financial and military true global domination of King North.

2. What we can gather is the global developments of Daniel 11:40 culminating (Rev16:1-9), will be the global context of Bethel’s judgment phase and “trampling” context of and at Daniel 11:41 timing in the future—not yet Daniel 11:44 as the deceptive expectation (2Thess2:1-2) apostate Bethel has been promoting to Jehovah’s witnesses in by now purposeful error.

3. Thus the coming financial system coup of King North (Dan11:42-43) is also well set-up during this whole post 1990 globalization wave (as founded since WW1 financial systems), and must culminate in the future in the actuality of its intended real purpose of global wealth control also to be seen globally, before World Government completes.

A. That financial global crisis potential, however it may manifest to total King North global ownership and final finance system “solution” implementation (Rev13:15-18), it will be a striking global event and subsequent period.

B. It must parallel the Revelation 13:3 “global sword stroke” and Revelation 17:8 United Nations future “abyss plunge”, to eventually “ascend” into world government (Rev17:8-13; Dan11:44-45), upon the eventual subservient nation-state system “global healing” phase (Isa41:1) and its purpose of maximizing that fourth and final United Nations based World Government presentation to the full.

Daniel 11:42-43—King North Global Wealth and Financial Takeover

King South King North
Nation-State System “Old World Order” Globalist Globalization System “New World Order”

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.

Future Global Wealth Coup of King North Globalists

(Daniel 11:42) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands (nation-state system); and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee.

1. Now the “King South” ” Egypt” feminine “she” symbol of nation-state system subservience, will not “escape” as the nation-state system will become fully subservient to ” King North” globalization which completes for the eventual forming World Government finale (Dan11:45; Rev17:12), which “will actually rule” the total global gold/silver, wealth and asset ownership of the whole global nation-state system:

(Daniel 11:43a) And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt.

1. Insignificant nations were not yet the goal to fully dominate as dominating the core industrial nations first, will lead to every dependent nation “at his steps” falling in, in time if everything went as King North plans.

(Daniel 11:43b) And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.

Daniel 11:44-45—King North World Government

King South King North
“She” Subservient Nation-State System Globalist World Government

(Daniel 11:44-45) “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his palatial tents (world government) between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

Final King North Agenda Prelude into World Government Completion

Temple Judgment Purpose

1. In the future, after the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 (Rev8 parallel) initial timing (1150 min, 2300 days possible), phasing, and purpose completes, the temple judgment-to-purification “right condition” will be reached in the prelude timing to parallel Revelation 8, for the recovery of Revelation 9 final ministry preparation and deployment.

A. Those fifth and sixth “trumpets” of alarm carry the “four trumpets” of the temple judgment modern meaning (Rev8:3-5 is the temple judgment), as a final “two witnesses” deployed “little scroll” message will emerge. (Rev9-10)

B. Then a fully truthful and full prophetic explanation (Rev10:5-11; Rev11:3), of all these covered up prophecy and world government details will complete its final  1260 days warning mission. (Dan7:25; Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3; Rev12:14; Rev13:5-7)

2. What will emerge (Rev9), in time, is the full “little scroll” “two witnesses” second witnessing Messianic Kingdom completion announcement.

A. That will present the complete explanation of all these post 1990 3rd UN and globalization developments-to-world government 4th UN cycle prophetic meanings [1].

The Main “Report” that will “disturb” King North

1. The “little scroll” “report” subject of that final witnessing (Rev9-11:1-7), which is part of the “reports” (little scroll), is what will really “disturb” King North before (Rev11:2-3; Rev13:5-7; Dan12:7) and as King North progresses (Rev11:7) to 8th King synonymous World Government:

(Daniel 11:44) “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. (Dan8:25 parallel “during a freedom from care” (1Thess5:1-3) world government power “will bring many to ruin”)

1. What emerges in the final warning period of 1260 days before this climax, is the full Global Open Salvation Appeal, which in time Christ completes as Revelation 14:6-7.

A. Revelation 14 is the whole post Christ arrival sequence.

B. Daniel 8 and 11 provides one time only global events, to support Revelation’s applicable repeating prophecy principles in final form in the future. (Rev8-11; Rev15-16)

2. World Government global distribution of “one hour” (Rev17:12) of global sovereign power:

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

1. Because only the 8th King will become the final World Government parallel global-sovereign rival entity (Rev17:8-13), and this is obviously “palatial tents” of just such a global- system, “King North” has actually always been explicit in Daniel 11:45 as to “who” this global pinnacle world power “king” “north” must be.

A. Bethel merely attempts to keep it all “a mystery” to cover for their King North partners. (Dan11:32a)

B. This “mystery” and potential future Russian alignment also allows the over advanced Daniel 11:44 expectation to be prematurely expected among Jehovah’s witnesses (2Thess2:1-2), which false impression aids the JW false belief “the end of the world” is “right around the corner” which allows Bethel’s future “trampling” (Dan8:13) and “invasion” (Dan11:41) coming, to be misperceived as “the end” rather than what it really will be: The Temple Judgment.

2. Because the explicit “Jerusalem” location is not mentioned, but only implied ” between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain”, and the spiritual “Jerusalem” entity will be in spiritual completion as Revelation 14:1-7 in this period (Zech2:5), this implied “location” is the counterfeit “Kingdom of God” and “Zion” claims of King North’s final World Government system “location” to emerge on the world scene first.

3. Daniel 11:45 must parallel Daniel 12:11 final placing of the “disgusting thing”, thus Daniel 11:40-45 merges into Daniel 12 whose final fulfillment must be “during that time” of Daniel 11:40-45 final global cycle events.

After World Government Completes

All these events and judgments are under full World Government:

1. Final “world peace” “and security” of the King North/8th King system as the Daniel 8:25 “freedom from care” parallel;

2. Final anointed Christian sealing by completing final mission (Rev10:5-11) thus the “Four Winds” phase (Matt24:31; Rev7:1-4) activates under world government;

A. The “two witnesses” final warning is ceased at that time. (Rev11:7)

3. The larger scale Babylon the Great shelling Christendom deposition will also be within that Daniel 11:44 “devote many to destruction” and the Daniel 8:25 “bring many to ruin” parallel. (Rev17:15-18; Rev16:12,17-20);

4. The attempted global coercion of anyone resisting the 666 marking campaign of World Government will also be a King North target in Revelation 13:15-18. (Rev14:9-11 Christian focus)

Christ Arrival

1. And for those reasons those judgments and contextual final events take place under full World Government in which time (Dan12:1), the Christ arrival (Matt24:29-31; Rev11:11-12) to complete the Messianic Kingdom to oversee those judgments is the climax.

A. Christ “cuts short the days” (Matt24:21-22) of that final King North agenda (2Thess1:6-10), while securing global sheep first. (Matt25:31-40; Rev14:14-16);

2. Thus that period under full world government and its final global agenda in action is the “four winds” period in which period Christ arrives (Matt24:30-31) as Christ secures global sheep (Rev14:1-16) first, before he deposes King North/8th King completely in the “seventh trumpet” event. (Rev11:15-19);

3. Thus knowing what world government and its final cycle will mean, to be increasingly backed by enormous progressive global events and milestones of the first six “trumpets”, will be easily perceived by those believing the final witnessing “little scroll” message when it emerges—even now it can be beneficial to not accept the now prevalent “it’s the end of the world” (2Thess2:1-2) and its “doomsday” false impression. (Rev13:3)

VIII. Daniel 11:40-45 Culmination Final Cycle Must Converge into Daniel 12 Final Fulfillment

Daniel 11 is a one time only, unique prophecy, which final portion of Daniel 11:40-45 events must converge, live and real-time in the future, into Daniel 12’s final fulfillment in repeating form. Unlike Daniel 11:36-39 unique features of Globalist King North sovereign development, Daniel 11:40-45 is explicit progressive and milestone future events and developments that must fully culminate into World Government in the future, as global developments that will be explicitly recognizable.

Daniel and Revelation both have one time only, as well as repeating, prophecy. The unique feature about Daniel is it gives explicit rival sovereign developmental details which can be registered and overlaid upon Revelation’s structural details of the final cycle in revelation 8-11 and Revelation 16.

Another important detail is that Daniel 11 has been known by more than just Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses to be in active fulfillment not yet complete. And thus Daniel 11:40-45 must connect into the reference in Daniel 12:1 “and during that time” of the Daniel 11 final events.

Progressive King North global power development must culminate into World Government over the final cycle.

Daniel 11:40-45 One Time Prophecy Must Merge into Daniel 12 Repeating Prophecy
(Daniel 12:1) And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. 
Daniel 11:40-45—One Time; Final Cycle Prior to World Government Daniel 12—Repeats; World Government to Christ Arrival  Revelation8/16—Repeats; Christ Arrival Gauge in Seven Trumpets and Plagues
Daniel 12:1 “During that time” of Daniel 11:40-45 convergence Original 1914-1919 Pattern Repeats Trumpets Plagues
Daniel 11:40-43 Global Context First Time of Distress/Tribulation of Those Days Revelation 16 First 4 Plagues Global Context Rev8—Temple Rev16—Global
Daniel 11:41 Temple Invasion Daniel 8:13 “Trampling” of Temple Judgment Starting—3.19 Years (1Pet4:17) Revelation 8—Temple Judgment Rev8:3-5 activates P1-P4
Daniel 8:13-14 3.19 Years “Evening” Events and Timing First Christ Temple “Stand” Prelude (Mal3:1-4) Revelation 8:3-5 P2
Temple Judgment “Evening” 3.19 Years Begins P3
Temple must be cleansed “right condition” before the 1260 days can begin. (Dan8:14; Zech3:1-5)
Daniel 11:42-43 Global Wealth Control Prelude Developments to Daniel 12:7 1260 Days Revelation 8 First 4 Trumpets Context P4
Revelation 13:3—Global “Sword Stroke” to “Healing” Develops T1
Revelation 17:8-13—World Government “Wildbeast” “Plunge” to “Ascension” Develops T2
Revelation 13:15-18 Global “Buying and Selling” Control Develops T3
Temple Judgment “Evening” 3.19 Years Ends T4
“Healing” Upswing May Be Temple Recovery Parallel Christ Temple Arrival—Temple Cleansed
Final Warning Prelude Temple Recovery Revelation 9 Activates T5
Daniel 8:14 “Morning” 3.19 Year Phase Begins Trumpets 5-6 Declare First 4 Trumpet Meaning T6 P5
Zechariah 3:4-5 Purification P6
Malachi 3:1-5 Clarification
Isaiah 6:6-9
Daniel 8:14 “Morning” 3.19 Year Phase Ends
Final Warning Commission Final “Little Scroll” Commission
Revelation 10:5-11
Zechariah 3:6-9
Matthew 24:45-47
Daniel 12:7 1260 Days Begins Two Witnesses Final Warning Deployed Revelation 11:1-7
Revelation 11:2-3
1260 Days Expires
Daniel 11:44 King North  Attack Agenda to World Government Daniel 8:25 “Bring many to ruin” Parallel Two Witnesses Deposed Rev11:7
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3—World “Peace and security” World Government Proclamation Daniel 8:25 “during a “Freedom from care” Parallel Four Winds Period Under World Government “3.5 Days” Final Segway Begins 
Revelation 11:7—Final Sealing Accomplished by Final Warning Mission Completion
Daniel 11:45 World Government Complete Daniel 12:11 1290 Days Begins Revelation 11:8-10 “3.5 Days” Merges Into Daniel 12:11
Daniel 12:11 Dual Criteria Activation of 1290 Days
“Plant palatial tents” 1 “Place the disgusting thing” as World Government
“Tribulation of those days” ends with Global “Sword Stroke” “Healing” into World Government Presentation 2 “Constant Feature” removed as Two Witnesses Cessation (Rev11:7)
Christ Arrival—Final “Stand” into Messianic Kingdom Completion Revelation 14:1 P7
Matthew 24:29-31 Revelation 11:11-12
Revelation 6:12-17 Revelation 7 Completions
Revelation 19:11-14
Judgments Overseen by Christ in Messianic Kingdom Kingship Christ Completes Ministry (Rev14:6-7) Revelation 14:6-16
King North Final Attacks Matthew 29:31—Sheep Secured Revelation 14:14-16
1 Two Witnesses Deposed (completes first, already accomplished) Sheep Secured Throughout These Final Developments Matthew 25:31-40
2 General Global 666 Campaign (Rev13:15-18)
3 Babylon the Great Deposed (Rev17:15-18; Rev16:19)
1290 Days Ends
Armageddon Christ Global Conquest Revelation 11:15-19 T7
8th King/King North Deposed
Messianic Kingdom 1000 Year Reign Begins


Daniel 11:27-45 Simpler Details

World War1, World War2, Cold War First Three Cycles of Four (Dan11:27-30)

(Daniel 11:27a) “And as regards these two kings, their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking.

1. These ” two kings” are “south” nation-state system, and “north” globalizing system, all at global scope.

2. The one table, “one thought” of global rulership, of the “empty thing” of Psalm 2, upon the whole planet Earth scale.

3. The lie is the same lie of successful human global rulership sovereign development.

(Daniel 11:27b) But nothing will succeed, because [the] end is yet for the time appointed.

1. All nation-state and globalist efforts at premature world domination fail. The nation-state failures of Germany and the USSR are the visible “and nothing will succeed” in all three first world wars, WW1, WW2, and Cold WW3.

2. What has “proven successful” (Dan11:36b) was the King North United Nations global presentation marked “image” finales of all THREE of those world war periods.

(Daniel 11:28) “And he will go back to his land with a great amount of goods, and his heart will be against the holy covenant. (WW1 HC ID period) And he will act effectively (League placement) and certainly go back to his land. (WW2 or WW2 prep)

1. From first identification of holy covenant location; 1897-1918 Corporate coup attempts and imprisonment are examples of these denunciation attempts;

2. They did not want first League of Nations placement or the 2nd United Nations placement exposed as prophecy;

(Daniel 11:29) “At the time appointed he will go back, (WW2 and 2nd UN placement; Rev17:8-11) and he will actually come against the south (WW2 and Cold War beginning); but it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first.

1. Cold War is a unique world war cycle different in that “cold war” cycle in comparison to the first two “hot” world wars to mark this period as certain;

(Daniel 11:30) And there will certainly come against him the ships of Kittim, and he will have to become dejected.

1. Nation-state vessels of sovereign resistance impede global government in the whole WW1-Cold War phase…

(Daniel 11: 30b) “And he will actually go back

…over that whole period of preparatory world government steps in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War whole period.

2. But after two successful United Nations related prophecies exposed, a new effort of subversion against the “holy covenant” ministry had to be undertaken by internal means of assured success to keep the 3rd United Nations global presentation severed from the continuum in prophecy of the original two.

(Daniel 11:30b) and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant.

1. Since WW1 era attempts to silence the League of Nations exposure, the “hurl denunciations” are present, and “consideration” of internal Bethel subversion is first by apostasy developing inside of Bethel for the whole time.

A. By 1944-1990 “King North” “will act effectively” within the Bethel administration to effect a successful “operation of error” subversion that God permits for greater purposes later. (2Thess2:11-12);

2. Which, in time, formed an “effective” internal operation inside of Bethel for a dictatorial ministerial controlling device:

A. 1944 “governing body” first mentioned at Bethel and accepted as valid; (introduced in WW2 period active and Rutherford 1942 death distraction)

B. 1971 “lifted up” “Governing Body” title applied at Bethel; (Cold War period)

C. 1976 Governing Body dictatorship established; (Cold War period)

D. Which sets up  for the whole Cold War period the eventual 1990-1991 UN NGO and 3rd UN presentation cover-up and silencing.

3. This allows apostasy and internal infiltration to mature for that whole period to the point of profaning the whole anointed Christian ministry:

(Daniel 11:31a) And there will be arms that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature].

Third United Nations Placement, Bethel UN NGO 1990-1991

1. By the time 1990 3rd UN presentation occurs, it is joined by infiltrated Bethel as UN NGO, as all these former participants, “they” work in collusion:

(Daniel 11:31b) “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation.

1. Subsequently the 3rd UN prophecy is covered up as prophecy, breaking the UN1-2-3 continuum;

2. Example of “desolation” “caused” is the real King North globalist orchestration of all this world war cycles, and their various “wars and reports of wars”; (Matt24:6)

3. All the world war cycles culminated all three times into a marked “disgusting thing” UN related presentation, as the finale of the “desolation” cycle as per the Revelation 13:3 principle as first seen in the WW1 first cycle.

Bethel Progressive Apostasy Period Effects

1. This sections parallels features of the whole “hurl denunciations” period, because both “weed” and “wheat” progress is present in the anointed Christian updated “locale”:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively.

“Leading” into fresh apostasy takes time, but it progresses to the point of apostate Bethel’s modern state;

2. But “the people” “knowing their God” are also effective at explaining prophecy the whole time, in the principle of “wheat” and “weeds” growing parallel (Matt13:36-42) for the whole period:

(Daniel 11:33) And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days.

General persecutions and internal “arms that stand up” “harassment” (Dan7:25) occurs at the same time.

(Daniel 11:34a) But when they are made to stumble they will be helped with a little help;

1. God helps the “wheat” through the “harassments” internal and external to the ministry, yet all “King North” “led” apostasy;

(Daniel 11:34b) and many will certainly join themselves to them by means of smoothness.

1. These “many” are also “joining themselves” to the ministry not by sincerity, but by “smoothness” of the apostasies “smooth words” which has created a transformed Christian ministry that is not in the “right condition” of purity and full prophetic truth, thus attracting some people for the wrong reasons.

Temple Judgment “Time Appointed”

(Daniel 11:35) And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them (2Thess2:11-12) and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of [the] end; because it is yet for the time appointed.

1. The “time appointed” is the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment to produce that full “cleansing and “whitening” as Daniel 8:14 temple purification in the culmination of the removal and exposure of the modern apostasy. (2Thess2:3-4; Mal3:1-5; Zech3:1-5)

Globalist King North Attributes

Parallels the whole development to overcome the USSR system as the prophetic marker of irreversible global ascendancy of the real King North who alone possesses these attributes to overcome any nation or national bloc.

1. Features of King North effectiveness, culminating in the 3rd UN global presentation marking Cold War victory:

(Daniel 11:36a) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things.

1. A “New World Order” of the World Government objective is one of these “marvelous things”;

As marked by the Cold War victorious real King North Anglo-American globalists meaning, marked by that 3rd UN presentation, the real King North globalist system is successful the whole time, from the first two UN related presentations (1919,1945), to the 3rd UN presentation of 1990, to World Government of the future in Daniel 11:45, UN1-2-3-4:

(Daniel 11:36b) And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done.

(Daniel 11:37) And to the God of his fathers he will give no consideration; and to the desire of women and to every other god he will give no consideration, but over everyone he will magnify himself.

(Daniel 11:38) But to the god of fortresses, in his position he will give glory; and to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things.

1. Military global monopoly progresses under NATO to Global NATO, as Daniel 11:40-41 active now, must culminate in the final cycle.

(Daniel 11:39) And he will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. Whoever has given [him] recognition he will make abound with glory, and he will actually make them rule among many; and [the] ground he will apportion out for a price.

King North Global Expansion Progress Since 1990 Marked Events (Daniel 11:40-41)

Global Invasion

Which real King North attributes lead to continued global expansion of the globalist system, technocratic, financial, and military as prophetically marked since 1990:

(Daniel 11:40) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through.

Bethel Invasion

1. And as seen in Daniel 11:30b-31a, they have “given consideration to those leaving the holy covenant” in the “Decoration” ministerial “fortress”, so by apostasy and infiltration they have already “entered the Decoration” as well:

(Daniel 11:41a) He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble.

But in time of Daniel 8:13 “trampling” that “invasion” above on Bethel, will become globally culminated and visible.

These are anti-Christian and opposing supports that “escape” the Bethel “trampling”:

(Daniel 11:41b) But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon.

1. And so all of Daniel 11:40-41 is now active fully marked since 1990, but it will reach the global invasion maturation in the future in far more visible forms of financial and military domination of King North.

2. Thus the coming financial system coup of King North is also well set-up during this whole post 1990 globalization wave (as founded since WW1 financial systems),

3. Must culminate in the future in the actuality of its intended real purpose of global wealth control also to be seen globally, before World Government completes.

Future Global Wealth Coup of King North Globalists

(Daniel 11:42) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee.

1. Now the “King South” “Egypt” symbol, will not “escape” as the nation-state system will become fully subservient to “King North” forming World Government, by total global gold, wealth and asset ownership:

(Daniel 11:43a) And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt.

1. Insignificant nations were not yet the goal to fully dominate as dominating the core industrial nations first, will lead to every dependent nation “at his steps” falling in in time.

(Daniel 11:43b) And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.

Final King North Agenda Prelude into World Government Completion

1. In the future, the temple judgment “right condition” will restore a fully truthful prophetic explanation of all this 1990 3rd UN and globalization developments in a final witnessing which is what will really “disturb” King North before and as it progresses to World Government:

(Daniel 11:44) “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.

World Government global distribution of power:

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

1. Because only the 8th King will become final World Government parallel, and this is obviously “palatial tents” of just such a system, “King North” has actually always been explicit in Daniel 11:45 as to “who” this global pinnacle world power “king” “north” must be.

2. Because the “Jerusalem” location is not mentioned, and the entity will be in spiritual completion as Revelation 14:1-7 in this period, this “location” is the counterfeit “Kingdom of God” and “Zion” claims of King North’s World Government system.

3. Daniel 11:45 must parallel Daniel 12:11 final placing of the “disgusting thing”, thus Daniel 11:40-45 merges into Daniel 12 whose final fulfillment must be “during that time” of Daniel 11:40-45 final cycle events.

Supporting Information

[1] Back to UN1-2-3-4 Section Above

Four King North=8th King UN Cycles to World Government—1919-Future

UN 1. 1919 – Rev13:11-15 (Dan12:11 first fulfillment) as League of Nations after WW1;

A. International Bible Students Association (IBSA) explained as prophecy;

UN 2. 1945 – Rev17:8-11 as United Nations after WW2;

A. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) explained as prophecy;

Unknown and unstated by UN NGO aligned Jehovah’s witnesses:

UN 3. 1990 – Daniel 11:31b as United Nations “New World Order” Initiative after WW3 (Cold War) (Dan11:29);

A. Covered up by Bethel as UN NGO, not explained as prophecy by any religious group;

[We are Here…]

UN 4. Future; World Government- Daniel 11:45; Daniel 8:25; (Daniel 12:11 last fulfillment) as United Nations and World Government after 4th world tribulation/war cycle to come.

A. Not currently explained by Bethel in lieu of a premature “end of the world” deception. (2Thess2:1-2)

B. To be explained after the JW temple judgment desolation, purification and removal of lawless Bethel engineered subversion (2Thess2:1-4; Dan11:30-31; Dan8:11-13);

Daniel 8:13-14 Diametric “Wrong Condition” at Apostate Bethel Since 1944—It’s Future Fulfillment and Implications

Daniel 8:13-14 Diametric “Wrong Condition” at Apostate Bethel Since 1944—It’s Future Fulfillment and Implications

1. How Daniel 8:12-14 Unright Condition Has Been Developed by the Profane Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Since 1944;

2. How the 1944 “governing body” concept has been aligned with the “Theocratic Organization” “Watchtower Charter adjustments” that supposedly fulfilled the Daniel 8:14 prophecy, “bringing the sanctuary into the right condition” as if the “organization” is the “sanctuary”;

3. Why Daniel 8:13-14 Fulfills in the Future as the now required Temple Judgment “trampling” for purification “right condition” and recovery for the “second witness” final Kingdom proclamation and final global open salvation call;

But there are other problems with this shifting Bethel interpretation of this Daniel 8:11-14 prophecy in this overall post 1944 development. The irony is the modern Bethel Daniel 8:14 interpretation is actually part of the profanation development for the modern Jehovah’s witnesses “unright state”, to establish an illegal, 1944 founded, Governing Body ruled, fictional “Theocracy”.

This study is concerning this prophecy of the coming Temple Judgment:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?” 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.”

In this article, Daniel 8:14 is focused on in the whole Daniel 8:11-14 applicable sequence, because Bethel applies Daniel 8:14 to “Watchtower charter adjustments” in two versions of this interpretation to establish the “purification” meaning, while Daniel 8:13 is applied to, in the final version, now, World War 2 era events of worldly powers as the “transgressors” of Daniel 8:11-13.

In reality Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation” developments in the “sanctuary” are what initiates the purification requirement in a final temple judgment which is what Daniel 8:13-14 actually is, as it is a continuum to be applied to the coming temple judgment.

The temple judgment phase of this coming fulfillment is timed and phased for future verification.

Ironically Bethel is now the main producers of the implied Daniel 8:13 “unright condition” now well founded within the “gradually given over” to full enemy subversion of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry. Bethel transgression is the real prelude of steadily introduced lawlessness that has led to this state of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry today.

(Daniel 8:11-12) And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down. 12 And an army itself was gradually given over, together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.

(Zechariah 3:1-3) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?” 3 Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel.

(Note for this reading: Now if one considers the Jehovah’s witnesses historic ministry as invalid and “Masonic” from inception from Charles Russell’s day, then this analysis will have no meaning. But if one considers or believes the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry to be a valid anointed Christian ministry with the purpose of proclaiming God’s Kingdom as prophecy fulfillments, while concurrently exposing the progressive prophecies of the opposing “8th King” World Government development live and real-time at the same time, then one will see the real meaning in this subversion. (Dan8:12))

What is really developing in this Governing Body dictatorially guided subversion process, is an illegal ministerial controlling authority development, and the idolization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization, while concealing the post 1990 3rd and future 4th United Nations continuum of prophecy as a UN 1-2-3-4 continuum to World Government, while concurrently endorsing the Wildbeast System as UN NGO.

Conjuring Up the “Governing Body” and “Organizational Theocracy”

This draft analysis will demonstrate that the general idea of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS) “Theocratic Organization” was to, in time, radically expand and also be aligned with the parallel “Governing Body” development since its first “governing body” mention of 1944. Both of these developments of ministerial identity and structure were to later converge into the concurrently developing Daniel 8:13-14, 1958 to post 1982, interpretations as the “purified” fully “Theocratic Organization” claims of those interpretations merged with the parallel Governing Body concept, and development to fully empowered entity convergent as one whole, as the Governing Body dictatorship capstone emerged with the whole of that “Pyramid of Theocracy”.

Both the “theocracy” and the “governing body” are but cloaking terms for what is now a man controlled organization of Jehovah’s witnesses and its corporations as one ministerial whole of “gradually given over” profanation and subversion from the original ministerial objective with complete focus shifted to the “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses” progressive establishment, and its complimentary “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses” idolatries as now ever complicating distractions from the real progress of modern prophecy and the original Kingdom of God objective.

*** Watchtower 2015; 7/15 p. 9 par. 14 Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise ***

14, 15. What organizational adjustments were made in the 1970’s, and how have they proved beneficial?

14 Over the years, the older ones in our midst have personally experienced some of the organizational adjustments that have increased the beauty of the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. They remember when congregations had a congregation servant rather than a body of elders, when countries had a branch servant rather than a Branch Committee, and when direction was given by the president of the Watch Tower Society rather than by a clearly established Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although all these devoted brothers were supported by faithful assistants, one person was basically responsible for making decisions in the congregations, at the branch offices, and at world headquarters. During the 1970’s, adjustments were made to put the responsibility for oversight on groups of elders rather than on individuals.

15 Have these adjustments proved beneficial?

Yes, and logically so. Why? Because the adjustments were based on increased knowledge about the pattern set in the Scriptures. Instead of having the influence of one individual dominate, the composite good qualities of all the “gifts in men” whom Jehovah has provided benefit the organization.—Eph. 4:8; Prov. 24:6.

In reality a “composite of subversion” by a “rule by committee” dictatorship is what has formed in 70 years since 1944.

General Outline

Aiding the purpose of the whole development is a post 1944 fabricated WTBTS “prophetic” history in which the “Governing Body” progressively plays a central dictatorial role as if ever present in the Jehovah’s Witnesses ministry since 1884, now “clearly established”, and then ever present in the overall Christian history since the first century, as fraudulently applicable to Acts 15. (The Acts 15 “catch all” locale to conjure up a supposed “governing body” entity that Christendom has used to define and maintain every clergy of their system for centuries, thus unique in no way to the WTBTS. Instead it is the same “steering committee” that also was used to subvert Christendom’s many “organizations” as well.)

The general development went like this, 1-4:

1. Version 1 “Theocracy” “Purification”

The Daniel 8:13-14 “interpretation” has slid off the Jehovah’s witness radar, in general, while the 1944 instituted Governing Body has used it to seal their own “clearly established” apostate priesthood as if the prophetic and Biblical “Supreme Council of Divinely Appointed Overseers” of the then also “purified” “temple arrangement” since after 1944, by WTBTS “Charter adjustments”. This “prophecy” stays “off the radar” for most Jehovah’s witnesses, because it is flimsy (and complicated), yet behind the scenes it is a foundational “theocratic” part of the “prophetic basis” for the existence of the “Governing Body”  dictatorship over the WTBTS “Theocratic Organization”.

A. Even Fred Franz said “IF we accept this as fulfilling the prophecy…”; because the Bethel interpretation always has had major problems (in addition to trying to explain a prophecy that has not yet fulfilled.) In the meantime, Bethel has “gradually” morphed it all to fit the “Governing Body” convergent agenda of “top down” total control, by use of the “theocracy” cover it provides.

“”If we accept this as fulfilling the prophecy of the “transgression that causeth appalment” or “that makes desolate,” when is it that the sanctuary should be “victorious” (JP), “vindicated” (Ro), “justified” (Le), “cleansed” (AS, AV, LXX), or “be restored to its rightful state” (RS)?”” (Your Will Be Done chapter 9, pg. 244, par. 44; (also at Watchtower 1959 10/1 p. 600 par. 44))

So Fred Franz had doubts; (and with good reason hindsight has now revealed.)

B. There are now two versions of the Daniel 8:14 timeframe of this prophecy as taught by Bethel, the 1958-1981 (1926-1932 2300 days) ‘Version 1’, and the 1982-1999 to present (1938-1944 2300 days) ‘Version 2’.

C. But what is referred to in the first version, is the 1938 “Organization” article to form the “Theocratic Organization” restored theme in 1932 in version 1, and in 1944 in version 2, as their respective “end of the 2300 days”. This will come up later as the new, Version 2, Daniel 8:14 timing shifted to 1938-1944 as will be examined in this article—while retaining all the compounding “organizational adjustments” along the way;)

*** Watchtower 1959; 10/15 p. 632 par. 49 Part 24—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” (Your Will Be Done 1958; ch. 9 pg. 215 par. 49)***

“”That was only a right beginning, for the sanctuary had to be made theocratic in all respects. Six years later The Watchtower published the article “Organization,” Part 1 in its issue of June 1, 1938, and Part 2 in its next issue of June 15.””

The gist is a “Theocratic Organization” was thoroughly founded to fulfill the Daniel 8:14 purified “right condition” in 1932 as the end of the “2300 evenings and mornings” of Daniel 8:14; Version 1 (1958-59), 1926-1932. (first 2300 days timeframe application);

2. Version 2 “Theocracy” “Purification”

But post 1982 to now, [the timeframe for Daniel 8:14 “2300 days”] has shifted forward, but the idea remains the same: supposed “True Theocracy” “fulfilled!”—this time in 1944—as all “organizational adjustments” from the first round, have been retained for this second round, but the date slid forward for interesting reasons.):

A. The “adjusted” version in the “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” (1999) book slides the date into the WW2 period (1939-1945), from the first version’s 1926-1932 (old version) to the 1938-1944 second version, but the revision retains the same “Organizational Theocracy” restored idea and claims, as well as the former “adjustments” to the organizational charter.

(The parallel “Governing Body” progress and supporting “organizational theocracy” ideas were further prepared in Watchtower 1971 12/1 Bringing the Holy Place into Right Condition and Watchtower 1982 9/15 pp. 16-17 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place”, to end up condensed for the Daniel 8:14 final “interpretation” application in the book “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” 1999, chap. 10 pp. 177-179 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes?)

3. Governing Body Parallel Development

And while the new rationale shifted forward in timeframe (1938-1944), it also conveniently brings Jehovah’s witnesses to a very very important date: 1944 (important for the organization, mostly unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses at large), the 1944 year of the first mentioning of the “governing body” term itself.

*** Watchtower 1971; 12/15 pp. 755-756 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

“”In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine BEGAN TO SPEAK about the governing body of the Christian congregation.””

A. Thus two parallel “theocracy supporting” developments are converging behind the scenes, one, the Daniel 8:14 “interpretation” as “theocratic organization” and two, the “Governing Body” development since 1944. Thus 1944 is the target date for BOTH developments, and for a few important reasons now convergent in Jehovah’s witnesses history, to tentacle and merge as one “theocratic” theme, superimposed upon the overall Bethel Daniel 8:14 modern fiction as if “prophecy fulfilled brothers!”:

*** Daniel’s Prophecy 1999; chap. 10 p. 178 par. 26 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

“The Theocratic Alignment Today.”

At the annual corporate meeting on October 2 (1944), the Society’s charter was amended in an effort to bring it as close to a theocratic arrangement as the law would allow.”

Note the Key 1944 Timing

B. During the diversion of WW2, 1944 was two years after Joseph F. Rutherford died, to even allow the 1944 “governing body” term to even be spoken in the ministry. This is because brother Rutherford already quelled a “board of directors” takeover attempt in 1917:

***Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose 1959; pp. 70-71***

“”There he persisted in his efforts to persuade Rutherford to send him back to England so that he might make his position more secure. When Brother Rutherford refused, he sought assistance from the board of directors and finally persuaded four members to side with him in this issue by making it appear that Brother Rutherford was unfit to serve as president of the Society. Since the board of directors consisted of only seven men, this meant that now the majority of the board of directors had gone in opposition to President Rutherford, Vice-President Pierson and Secretary-Treasurer Van Amburgh. This put the officers of the Society on one side of the issue and the directors who were trying to wrest administrative control from the president on the other side.

TOM: How did they expect to do that?

JOHN: Their idea was to make the president’s position secondary to the board of directors and limit his authority to that of an adviser. That would have meant making a change in the corporation’s bylaws, and since it was a complete departure from the provisions of the original charter it warned of serious trouble ahead.

[which is exactly what the Governing Body accomplished in 1976]

Throughout the entire administration of Pastor Russell, the president and the other officers of the Society had been the ones to decide on new publications; the board of directors, as a body, WAS NOT CONSULTED. Brother Rutherford CONTINUED this same policy as he took up the new administration. “”

And that is why the “board of directors” about to transform into the “governing body” had to wait until 1944 to “begin speaking about” even the term “governing body” after brother Rutherford had died. WW2 also provided the distraction period for this key transition into the budding viral error of the “governing body” injection of eventual total dictatorial authority. And by 1971 they were further aligning the “GBeocracy” “Governing Body” framework to fit the coming Daniel 8:14 interpretation adjustments of 1982-1999.)

4. WTBTS “Governing Body” Headed “Pyramid of Theocracy”

But on closer look, now in hindsight of seventy years, since after the 1944 Jehovah’s witnesses real “history of the governing body” unfolded, it was the preparation (to the “interpretation”) of the Governing Body “GBeocracy” of 1976, in reality. It actually set the “theocratic” “organizational” ground work for the “Governing Body” reigns of 1976  dictatorial power, to extend to all congregations under their supposed “theocracy” as “fulfilling prophecy everyone!”, and then to be merged after 1982 into a new version of Bethel interpretation of Daniel 8:14.

A. First Round of “Theocratic Reorganizing”—Version 1:

*** Watchtower 1959; 10/15 p. 632 par. 49 Part 24—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” ***

That was only a right beginning, for the sanctuary had to be made theocratic in all respects. Six years later The Watchtower published the article “Organization,” Part 1 in its issue of June 1, 1938, and Part 2 in its next issue of June 15. This article opened, saying: “Jehovah’s organization is in no wise democratic. Jehovah is supreme, and his government or organization is strictly theocratic.” This article also proposed a resolution for each congregation to adopt, the resolution recognizing that “God’s government is a pure theocracy” and requesting “The Society” as his visible representative to organize the congregation for God’s service and to appoint theocratically from the visible top the various servants of the congregation.—Part 2…

*** Watchtower 1959 10/1 p. 601 par. 45 Part 23—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” ***

How was Jehovah’s “sanctuary” cleansed, vindicated or restored to its rightful state by that date? Examine the official journal of Jehovah’s witnesses, The Watchtower, as of that date. Note page 319. That page sets out the Resolution adopted by the New York company of Jehovah’s witnesses on October 5, 1932. It called for a cleansing of the congregational organization, a restoring of it to the rightful state of Jehovah’s sanctuary class. How? By the ridding of the organization of “elective elders,” or elders that had been elected to the office of eldership by the stretching out of the hands of the members of the congregation in a popular or democratic election, after the political style of the ancient Greek states and the democratic Anglo-American dual world power.

What was occurring in hindsight, in this “first round of reorganization” was loss of congregational independence, for a “theocratic organization” that equated to an eventual Governing Body ruled to corporate monopoly over the WTBTS and the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, as the eventual “second round of reorganization” merely shifted the timeframe, while retaining the previous loss of autonomy at the congregational level.

*** Watchtower 1959 10/1 pp. 601-602 par. 48 Part 23—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” ***

This Resolution was adopted by congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses throughout the earth. The announcement in the Watchtower magazine of October 15, 1932, at the end of 2,300 evenings and mornings was the official notification made by Jehovah through his visible channel of communication that his sanctuary of anointed “living stones” had been cleansed, vindicated and justified.

Hurrah! 1

Thus ends version 1 of that 2300 days first applied time frame.

B. Second Round of “Theocratic Reorganizing”—Version 2:

And thus 1982 begins the new applied time frame with the very convenient 1944 focus shift:

*** Watchtower 1982 9/15 p. 17 par. 20 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place” ***

“”To that end, a rearrangement of the work and governing structure of Jehovah’s Witnesses was initiated in 1944. The Watchtower of October 15, 1944, took as its theme “Organized for Final Work.” This and other service-oriented articles of the same period showed that the “holy place” was again in its “right condition” from Jehovah’s viewpoint.””

Hurrah! 2

For some odd reason, the Daniel 8:14 “2300 days” always ends on an October 15th, as a result of the but another “Historic Annual Meeting” of the WTBTS Pyramid of Priests forming a profanation they then cultified into the “Governing Body” as some sort of divine “cleansing” fulfilling Daniel 8:14—twice. (a blasphemous diametric opposite in reality, that is the irony of this profaning process!)

Governing Body “Theocratic” Pyramid

And the synthesis of all this error sold as “new light”?: a “theocratic” dictatorship run by the “Governing Bodied” “board of directors” atop the WTBTS Pyramid of “gradually given over” Jehovah’s witness slavery to men and diametric UN agenda. (Dan8:12)

Congregational Body Pyramid Brick

*** Watchtower 1995 5/15 p. 22 par. 7 Part 2—Flashes of Light—Great and Small ***

The Watchtower of June 1 and of June 15, 1938, contained flashes of light showing that the servants in the congregation were to be, not elected, but appointed, that is, appointed theocratically. In 1971 another flash of light showed that each congregation was not to be directed by just one congregation servant. Rather, each should have a body of elders, or overseers, assigned by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. So by the increasing light over some 40 years, it became evident that elders as well as deacons, now known as ministerial servants, should be appointed by “the faithful and discreet slave,” through its Governing Body.

Branch Body Pyramid Brick

*** Proclaimers chap. 9 p. 109 Jehovah’s Word Keeps Moving Speedily (1976-1992) ***

Starting January 1, 1976, all the activities of the Watch Tower Society and of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the earth had been brought under the supervision of six administrative committees of the Governing Body. In harmony with that arrangement, on February 1, 1976, changes had been put into effect in all branch offices of the Society around the earth. No longer was each branch supervised by one branch overseer, but three or more mature men served as a Branch Committee, with one member serving as the permanent coordinator. After the committees had been operating for some months, the Governing Body observed: “It has proved beneficial to have a number of brothers taking counsel together to consider the interests of the Kingdom work.”

Or, in other words “Starting January 1, 1976, all the activities of the Watch Tower Society and of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the earth had been brought under the supervision of… the Governing Body.

What had formed was a top down GB ministerial “board of directors” dictatorship, gradually but steadily formed since 1944 and its “governing body” cloak and “theocratic” mission, which in time equated to more and more “top down” control (Dan8:12) sold to Jehovah’s witnesses as “Theocracy” in “flashes of light”, with a capstone of time delayed blasphemy:

*** Watchtower 2001 1/15 p. 16 par. 20 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed ***

In this time of spiritual prosperity and theocratic increase in the Kingdom-preaching activity, we are thankful that Jehovah is primarily responsible for the appointment of overseers and ministerial servants.

In reality men under the broad cloak of “Theocracy” and the specific “Governing Body” dictatorial entity are involved with the furtherance of the controlled transformation of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry since especially 1944, into a top down monopoly of misplaced Jehovah’s witnesses’ trust, faith and resources—and especially “obedience” to the “theocratic organization” and its top controllers.

*** Watchtower 2013 11/15; pg. 20, par. 17, #3): ***

“”Elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered:…

[And sandwiched into the admonishment:]

(3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. 

We can emphasize again, that the terminus of the Bethel final Daniel 8:14 “2300 days” waffle version is the very year, 1944, that the parallel “governing body” term also emerges. From 1944 everything in parallel “Theocracy” WTBTS development, in time, converges into the “Governing Body” top of the modern JW Pyramid of Override. It is then converged and fused into Daniel 8:14, twice, for good measure, in a quagmire of a “Bethel interpretation” finally summed up in the 1999 “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” book, which most Jehovah’s witnesses would rather, and thus do, ignore.

Yet now the actual parallel development of this modern “operation of error” is of great significance! (2Thess2:11-12)

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Magical—Yet Nearly Secret—1944, and the Bethel Transformation

Now let us see the post 1944 trek to an Illegal Governing Body Dictatorship since 1944 first mentioning of the term among Jehovah’s witnesses:

1. “Theocracy Restored” 1944!!

*** Daniel’s Prophecy 1999; chap. 10 p. 178 par. 26 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

“”With the publication of clarified Biblical requirements, theocratic organization was soon more fully installed in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”” (1932-44)

*** Watchtower 1982 9/15 p. 17 par. 20 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place” ***

“”To that end, a rearrangement of the work and governing structure of Jehovah’s Witnesses was initiated in 1944. The Watchtower of October 15, 1944, took as its theme “Organized for Final Work.” This and other service-oriented articles of the same period showed that the “holy place” was again in its “right condition” from Jehovah’s viewpoint.””

Now here is the fully shifted condensed modern Bethel 1999 version of the timing of the 2300 days:

*** Daniel’s Prophecy 1999; chap. 10 pp. 177-178 par. 26 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

“”For “the holy place” to be “brought,” or restored, to what it should be, the 2,300 days must have begun when it previously was in the “right condition” from God’s standpoint. At the earliest, this was on June 1, 1938, when The Watchtower published part 1 of the article “Organization.” Part 2 appeared in the issue of June 15, 1938. Counting 2,300 days (6 years, 4 months, and 20 days on the Hebrew calendar) from June 1 or 15, 1938, brings us to October 8 or 22, 1944. On the first day of a special assembly held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on September 30 and October 1, 1944, the Watch Tower Society’s president spoke on the subject “The Theocratic Alignment Today.” At the annual corporate meeting on October 2, the Society’s charter was amended in an effort to bring it as close to a theocratic arrangement as the law would allow. With the publication of clarified Biblical requirements, theocratic organization was soon more fully installed in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.””

To read the full detail of the (publicly known) changes of “Round 1” (1926-1932), it starts in chapter 9 on page 188 of  the “Your Will Be Done” book, or WT Library (WT 1958-1961 “Your Will Be Done” Part1-40 series; Part 23-24):


(Recall, Fred Franz was applying the 2300 days from 1926 to 1932. (As we see it shifted to 1938 to 1944, in the 1982 Watchtower and the eventual 1999 Daniel book, to align with WW2 events to make it all more “real looking”, as they still retained the “organizational adjustments” that emerged in 1932-1938.

The WW2 event and era provided a well known context in which to couch and stall all of Daniel 8 and 11 which is actually Cold War era 3rd United Nations emergent prophecy of Daniel 8:11-14; 23-25, and Daniel 11:30-40 that culminated in the 1990 3rd United nations global presentation in their “New World Order” campaign;

To see what resulted in Round 2 (1938-1944), keep reading, as the “Governing Body” is then made more and more and more prominent since its 1944 first peep of the very word “governing body” at Bethel and in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry.

Since that Watchtower of December 1971 was preparing the “Governing Body” capitalized and soon-to-be dictatorial term for this nice “transition” to full “theocracy” ruled by the Governing Body, we now see the convergence of it all, to highlight their eventual illegal dictatorship as if that was a “purified sanctuary” based on a mundane corporation and its various “charter adjustments” to aid “theocratic alignment today”.

2. Slick “Already Waiting” 1944 Governing Body Term Connection; More “Adjustments”

*** Watchtower 1971 12/15 pp. 755-756 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

“”The official magazine of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses is The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine BEGAN TO SPEAK about the governing body of the Christian congregation.””

Now if we pay attention to the shift to 1938-1944 “rationale”, and this WTBTS “adopted six resolutions amending its charter” event of 1944 as previously now connected to Daniel 8:14 “Round 1” “cause and effect”, we see the “governing body”, ready since 1944, was to take on more and more meaning in time.

A. 1971 was the time to capitalize their title to “Governing Body” and properly position for the 1976 Bethel coup AND to make more “organizational adjustments” as if Daniel 8:14 fulfilled (again), recently enabled by that said Daniel 8:14 timeframe shift forward to 1938-1944, since that first 1932 justified period, also using the “Daniel 8:14 “right condition”, AGAIN, as the justification rationale for this second round of application.

*** Watchtower 2001 1/15 p. 28 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation ***

“”A Historic Annual Meeting

At the annual meeting held on October 2, 1944, in Pittsburgh, the members of the Pennsylvania corporation adopted six resolutions amending its charter. The charter had provided that voting shares be issued to contributors of funds to the Society’s work, but the third amendment eliminated that provision. A report on that annual meeting noted: “Membership in the Society will be limited to not more than 500 Each one chosen must be a full-time servant of the Society or a part-time servant of a company [congregation] of Jehovah’s witnesses and must show the spirit of the Lord.” Thereafter, directors of the Society were to be voted into office by individuals who were fully devoted to Jehovah, irrespective of the amount of money that they contributed to advance the Kingdom work.

That is now MORE control over the organization, to build upon the 1932 “adjustments”. (And who knows about the “charter adjustments” and “amendments” that are not mentioned in print.)

B. That was also the time, 1944, when the word “governing body” was even uttered at Bethel, for the first time:

*** Watchtower 1971 12/15 pp. 755-756 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

“”The official magazine of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses is The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine began to speak about the governing body of the Christian congregation.””

*** Watchtower 1990 3/15 p. 17 par. 9 Cooperating With the Governing Body Today ***

There were legal requirements involved in publishing magazines and other Bible study aids. Hence, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was set up and registered in the state of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. For years (actually since 1944-1976), the visible Governing Body came to be identified with the seven-member board of directors of this corporation established to publish the Bible study aids needed and used by the Lord’s people earth wide.

C. And now the imagined “line” between the “Governing Body” and the “Board of Directors” was blurred, though up to that point they were in fact the very same entity. Now Bethel divined two terms, one to fit the top of their “Governing Body” headed “Pyramid of Theocracy”, and one for the same “Board of Directors”, though they were the same thing:

*** Watchtower 1971 12/15 p. 755 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***

At this meeting a question came up and was discussed from the platform. It was as to what the relationship is between the Board of Directors of the Society as a legal corporation and the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. Are they the same, identical, or are they different? Such questions were due to the fact that it has been published in print that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses at headquarters is associated with the Board of Directors of the said Society. How did this come about, and does this make the Board of Directors the same as the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses all the earth around?

Of course the question “How did this come about” will not be fully answered.

And in just 27 years, between 1944 and 1976, from the first “governing body” concept and term uttered in the Jehovah’s Witnesses ministry, to 1971, the “board of directors” (the original cell and locale of all prior WTBTS insurrections; 1897; 1917), now merged into the “Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses” dictatorial setup for 1976, as if they were always there in that form of dictatorial authority.

By the time of at most 2001, the “Theocracy” included many “Shadow Boards” unknown to most Jehovah’s witnesses:

*** Watchtower 2001 1/15 p. 31 A Special Announcement ***

Brother Barr told the audience that recently certain members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses who had been serving as directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from the boards of directors of all the corporations used by “the faithful and discreet slave” in the United States. Responsible brothers of the other sheep class were elected as replacements.

3. 1944 to 1976 Places the Governing Body as the “Theocracy”

*** Proclaimers chap. 9 p. 109 Jehovah’s Word Keeps Moving Speedily (1976-1992) ***

Starting January 1, 1976, all the activities of the Watch Tower Society and of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the earth had been brought under the supervision of six administrative committees of the Governing Body. In harmony with that arrangement, on February 1, 1976, changes had been put into effect in all branch offices of the Society around the earth. No longer was each branch supervised by one branch overseer, but three or more mature men served as a Branch Committee, with one member serving as the permanent coordinator. After the committees had been operating for some months, the Governing Body observed: “It has proved beneficial to have a number of brothers taking counsel together to consider the interests of the Kingdom work.

So what we have is The Governing Body DICTATORSHIP 1944-1971 and the filling of its cascading “Tool Box” of “Theocratic Organization” authority, that was being well prepared for 1976, by full preparatory install in the WT charter since 1932 and 1944, by a circuitous route that then converged with the “Theocratic Organization” “purification” “right condition” of Daniel 8:14’s interpretive mythology of Bethel, all magically equating to the handy 1944 date from the hand of Bethel’s various purpose alchemists and error misled associates. (Dan11:32a)

Then they take those polluting and idolatrous changes and claim they are “bringing the sanctuary into the right condition” every time, by this “new arrangement” of ministerial management, that eventually then led to the 1976 GB Bethel Dictatorship, to “fulfill Daniel 8:14” as fully reworked from 1971 Governing Body and the “1944” preparation for the 1982 to 1999 “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” book final version of this fiction. The whole GB Burrito is now all amalgamated into one utterly profaned JW-Org Super Taco, sold to Jehovah’s witnesses as the “right condition”, yet again:

*** Daniel’s Prophecy 1999; chap. 10 p. 179 par. 29 Who Can Stand Against the Prince of Princes? ***

“”The enemy’s vicious attempts to desolate and destroy “the holy place” had failed completely. Indeed, the remaining “holy ones” on earth, along with their companions of the “great crowd,” had come off victorious. (Revelation 7:9) And the sanctuary, in its rightful theocratic state, now continues to render sacred service to Jehovah.””

But the Daniel prophecy states they are successful at this profanation action:

(Daniel 8:12) And an army itself was gradually given over, together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.

So the SUCCESS is Jehovah’s witnesses accepting this gradually developed and applied “new arrangement” action, as if “the enemy’s vicious attempts to desolate and destroy “the holy place” had failed completely”. They merely have SUCCESSFULLY INFILTRATED the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry for now, under such an effective subterfuge. “Utterly failed” is not the true state of the diversion operation inside of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now “gradually given over” to a successful full subversion at this late stage of maturity.

And Daniel 11 provides the parallel and source of this organized “theocratic” wrapped profanation process:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature].

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” and gradual subversion in the 8th King WT cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy of modern Jehovah’s witnesses);

So, the opposite “unright condition” is what formed since that 1944 milestone period of forming apostasy, now “adjusted” to fit Daniel 8:14 as well as a total blasphemous claim by the WTBTS and its 1944-1976 Governing Body invention.

*** Watchtower 1982 9/15 p. 17 par. 20 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place” ***

“To that end, a rearrangement of the work and governing structure of Jehovah’s Witnesses was initiated in 1944.”

Thus, in reality, the 1944 borne “governing body” profanation was also being born with enough time in the Jehovah’s witnesses “gradually given over” ministry to appear as if “the way it always was” to today’s Jehovah’s witnesses. AS IF since 1884, in this 1946 statement:

*** Let God Be True 1946; ch. 17 ***

“”In 1884 the legal servant body of this international association was incorporated under Pennsylvania law. That non-profit corporation, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses have been inseparably associated ever since.“”

See how Bethel just slips it all “and the governing body have been inseparably associated” in, as if it was all always there, since 1884? In 1946 they pulled that trick, to present what is an up to then non-existent “governing body”, by such smooth association to the “legal servant” “body” of the whole corporation.

“…AND the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses have been inseparably associated ever since [1884]”

Which is a TOTAL LIE. (Ironic the title of that book; “Let God Be True”, and all men liars!)

(Romans 3:3-4) What, then, [is the case]? If some did not express faith, will their lack of faith perhaps make the faithfulness of God without effect? 4 Never may that happen! But let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, even as it is written: “That you might be proved righteous in your words and might win when you are being judged.”

But after that sleight of hand had past, modern Jehovah’s witnesses are now just shifted to the Acts 15 “governing body” fictional wrapper, as the “first century governing body precedent”, which “slipped in” by these various diversions. (Jude 4-5)

All of Christendom’s boards and synods do the same thing and use the same “governing body” generic controlling entity, device and “apostolic” rationale implied or explicit. But Acts 15:1-35 is where the modern cloaking rational shifted after Bethel successfully pulled off that “since 1884” stunt, first. Now Jehovah’s witnesses have totally forgotten the real reality of what actually formed in 1944, just two years after Rutherford’s guard ceased in 1942, in his death.

(In fact the “Governing Body” concept basis and purpose goes all the way back to Babel:

“”The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body.””


Thus the very core element of the Babel Religious System, is the very heart of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now!)

Now the Bethel “Governing Body” Babel- Catholic DNA hierarchical sibling, starts to found its own rationalization of concealing the same kind of hierarchy that would spring up from these early 1940s roots and foundation of the same structure of ministerial domination:

*** Theocratic Aid To Kingdom Publishers 1945 p. 299 Lesson 76 ***

The Rise of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy

“”The organization and development of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy dates from the time of the launching of fusion religion by the Roman emperor Constantine in A.D. 325. It does not date from nor have its source in the original governing body of the apostles. All such claims to apostolic succession and origin are false, and the Hierarchy’s structure is grossly contrary to the original Theocratic organization as established by Christ Jesus.””

But Bethel makes the same claim by the same association:

*** Watchtower 2013; 7/15 pg. 18, par. 12 ***

“”The channel he used for spiritual feeding was clearly recognizable. After all, the apostles—the original members of the governing body—could provide visible proof of heavenly backing.””

Thus what did slip in was the “governing body” error itself (Jude4; 2Thess2:11-12), that the Christendom “hierarchy” has been using for centuries:

Pulpit Commentary (Acts 15:2)

“”The apostles and elders. This phrase marks the constitution of the governing part of the Church of Jerusalem.””

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (Acts 15:2)

“”These with the elders appear now as the governing body of the infant church.””


“”In the beginning of Christendom, early Christianity was a religion spread in the Greek/Roman world and beyond as a 1st-century Jewish sect, which historians refer to as Jewish Christianity. It may be divided into two distinct phases: the apostolic period, when the first apostles were alive and organizing the Church, and the post-apostolic period, when an early episcopal structure developed, whereby bishoprics were governed by bishops (overseers).””


“”The episcopate is the collective body of all the bishops of a church.””


” The immediate governing body of each church was a college of presbyteri, who possessed the power of the priesthood only – not that of the episcopate.”


Thus Bethel employs a modified version of cloaking terms and misapplied prophecy wrappers, with a quick diversion to “Christendom’s clergy apostasy” when the “clergy” is defined by the same “governing body” concept, with the same false claims as Bethel’s.

Yet all of it is just more mere claims of Bethel’s “Governing Body’s” own dictatorial development, with the very same basic justification concealing it all in both the Catholic and Bethel systems, which is what formed into Bethel’s “clergy” distraction, when Bethel is now the same hierarchical clergy under a different naming and “theocratic” rationale cover—same thing, same subversion reached today.

Except Bethel also uses prophecy to parallel their hierarchy’s justification, and has had a massive momentum of modern truth in which to couch their error to modern lie development (2Thess2:11-12) based on an original error in much the same manner, and by the same “governing body” device, as Christendom’s own prior devolution into apostasy and compounding error.

Ultimately it is now completely the same apostate objective overall.

*** Theocratic Aid To Kingdom Publishers 1945 p. 334 Lesson 85 ***

The Hierarchy’s Organization Structure

“”The Roman Catholic Hierarchy today stands as the most powerful single religious structure in the earth. In its internal re-organization since the staggering blow of the Protestant Reformation four centuries ago, the Roman Hierarchy has welded together the world’s most autocratic organization. Now this formidable body is making its all-out twentieth-century bid for universal domination. It is pushing for recognition as a spiritual overlord and super ruling organization over the nations of the earth. What is its modern structure? Is this colossus built upon Christian foundations? Is its organization Theocratic, God-ruled?

From the very founding of Catholic fusion religion the Theocratic form of organization was abandoned for episcopal and hierarchic priest rule. The rock foundations of true Christianity, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, were quickly set aside for the sands of Babylonish traditions. Jesus’ principles, “all ye are brethren” and “one fold”, were ignored in favor of a priesthood along pagan lines, thus creating a ruling class and a ruled class. Thus has come into existence the “Catholic population”. They have no voice in ruling matters, nor are they even counted members of the Catholic Church organization. They are merely the supporters of a gigantic clergy ruling organization.””

It is all sounding the same today among Jehovah’s witnesses:

The Bethel Hierarchy’s Organization Structure

“”The Jehovah’s Witnesses Hierarchy today stands as a powerful religious structure in the earth. In its internal re-organization since 1944, the Bethel Hierarchy has welded together the world’s most “theocratic” organization. Now this formidable body is making its all-out twenty-first-century bid for Jehovah’s witnesses domination. It is pushing for recognition as a spiritual overlord and super ruling organization over the nation of Jehovah’s witnesses. What is its modern structure? Is this colossus built upon Christian foundations? Is its organization Theocratic, God-ruled?

From the very founding of Bethel corporate fusion religion the Theocratic form of organization wording was adopted in lieu of episcopal and hierarchic priest rule terminology. The rock foundations of true Christianity, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, were quickly set aside for the sands of Christendom’s corporate hierarchical traditions. Jesus’ principles, “all ye are brethren” and “one fold”, were ignored in favor of a priesthood along corporate structural lines, thus creating a ruling class and a ruled class of Jehovah’s witnesses. Thus has come into existence the “JW population”. They have no voice in ruling matters, nor are they even counted members of the Bethel “Watchtower Society” organization. They are merely the supporters of a gigantic clergy ruling organization.””

Of course, in modern reality of Bethel’s “creating a ruling class” and the Jehovah’s witnesses “ruled class” corporate and ministerial hierarchy, it is now the same thing, a “hierarchic priest rule” under updated terminology to fit apostate Bethel’s apostate-cloned agenda. The new cloaking terms include the supposed “Theocracy”, the collective “Governing Body” as the cloak for a collective “Pope” “papal body”, and various labels and justifications any religion can use to give credibility to their own “governing bodies“, “papacies” and “synods”.

Along with this neo-papacy came the Bethel 1976 version of a New Inquisition, in which a JW system of excommunication overkill was designed ultimately to protect the Governing Body forming power of 1976 and to silence any feedback from expelled former “members of the congregation”. It also served the distracting goals of focusing Jehovah’s witnesses life around fear and guilt, gnat straining minutia, arbitrary rules and uniformity directives equating to a Bethel Law Covenant, to go along with their Korah “Moses” Governing Body priesthood. It also developed to ridiculous proportions of Enforced Shunning to even disrupt familial ties, isolate, eject and ultimately muffle “weak sheep”, while becoming a global stumbling device of global infamy.

The ultimate goal? Protect the Governing Body dictatorship and minimize any possible exposure of the real takeover development to external congregation information development that could have disrupted this dictatorial development. Yet the worse stumbling policies, such as harboring and concealing pedophiles in their midst, all developed with the Governing Body method of “oversight”. Like a chili produced by 7 to 18 cooks in the “Committee of Chefs”, the JW “truth” has now been tainted by ingredients only palpable to those who have been eating the mess the longest.

(Revelation 8:10-11) And the third angel blew his trumpet. (temple judgment alarm explanations) And a great star burning as a lamp fell from heaven (those leaving the holy covenant at Bethel. Dan11:30-32), and it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. (Bethel’s teachings are polluted, profanation of Daniel 11:31a, Dan8:12, Zech3:1-3) 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. (the whole “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” Bethel and Governing Body misled JW “earth” system and ministry) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. (the effects of the Bethel apostasy are spiritually toxic);

(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3 Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. But as for them, the (real Daniel 8:13-14) judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering.

The Governing Body is fulfilling prophecy alright! Apostasy prophecy.

But in fact because their is a foundational truth to expose prophetic World Government development by the 8th King King North final global power system, this Circus of GB Clowns has arisen in time, to attempt to subvert the ministry (as explicitly foretold in Daniel 8 and 11) and to seed in stumbling and “abusive talk” in the anti-JW global context of controversy developing. All of it eclipsing the former Jehovah’s witnesses and anointed Christian ministry and true spiritual progress all in retrograde decline.

The entire nature and focus of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry has now been morphed into the Governing Body Show diversion into scandal, confusions, contradictions and real criminal activity, as well as spiritual crimes piling clear to heaven.

In this case, the Bethel version of a Modern Neo-Papacy is nominally modified to install the same hierarchy under that wording cover. Then, further, uniquely prophetically couched to fit the modern WTBTS version of the same top down controlling entity ruling from the same generic authoritarian corporate and ministerial hierarchical basic structure now “created” for Jehovah’s witnesses by this overall GB Abomination.

Then came the obedience directives early on as the “organization” slips in beside and then over God and Christ as an “authority” Jehovah’s witnesses must be “in proper submission thereto” and “subject to” as a “refuge”:

*** Organizations Instructions For the Kingdom Publisher Effective October 1, 1945 ***

“”For dispensing this knowledge to the spiritually hungry ones Christ Jesus, on coming to the temple for judgment in 1918, appointed a tried “faithful and wise servant”. (Matt. 24: 45-47) This servant is “The Society”, that is to say, the association of all the remnant of Christ’s anointed body members, which association acts through its visible governing body under Christ Jesus, the Head of the “servant” or “Society”. The Society is Theocratic, because subject to its Head Christ Jesus and guided by the spirit which Jehovah God poured out upon it by Christ Jesus, and also because it acts and decides through its visible governing body. (Col. 1:18; Acts 2: 17, 18) The Society is the visible part of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization under Christ Jesus, and the Lord’s “other sheep” take refuge under that Theocratic organization and are subject to it. They assist in the work of the visible part of the organization, in proper submission thereto. (Isa. 61: 5, 6) Recognizing the forward movement of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization, his faithful servants upon the earth want to keep apace with it by making greater proclamation of the glorious Kingdom by letting their light shine. — Matt. 5: 14-16, A.S.V.””

Which “glorious Kingdom” might that be? What Kingdom has this all morphed into? The “Organization” perhaps?

*** Watchtower 2015; 7/15 p. 9 par. 13 Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise ***

“”Regardless of how long we have been in the truth, we must tell others about Jehovah’s organization.””

And as we see in 1982-1999, they then fully aligned it all with Daniel 8:14, as if the “Theocracy Ruled by the Governing Body Illegal Priesthood” is now the Daniel 8:14 purified “right condition” met; when the exact opposite condition is what was forming at that time and since 1944 as the “Governing Body” concept and entity is actually the core cell of spreading profanation and “gradually given over” ministerial corruption. (Dan8:12; 2Thess2:3-4)

*** Watchtower 1982; 9/15 p. 17 par. 20 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place” ***

“”The Watchtower of October 15, 1944, took as its theme “Organized for Final Work.” This and other service-oriented articles of the same period showed that the “holy place” was again in its “right condition” from Jehovah’s viewpoint.””

And it is also now the “holy place”, everything spiritual and of actual Biblical and divine meaning has now converged into the mundane and profaned “Theocratic Organization” idol of faith diversion.

(Exodus 32:1) Meanwhile the people got to see that Moses was taking a long time about coming down from the mountain. So the people congregated themselves about Aaron and said to him: “Get up, make for us a god who will go ahead of us, because as regards this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt, we certainly do not know what has happened to him.”

(Numbers 16:1-3) And Korah the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, proceeded to get up, together with Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth, the sons of Reuben. 2 And they proceeded to rise up before Moses, they and two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chieftains of the assembly, summoned ones of the meeting, men of fame. 3 So they congregated themselves against Moses and Aaron and said to them: “That is enough of you, because the whole assembly are all of them holy and Jehovah is in their midst. Why, then, should you lift yourselves up above the congregation of Jehovah?”

Well now the Korah Governing Body and their Bethel “Golden Calf” is “Organized for Final Work” alright, the work of foretold apostasy and “throwing the established place down”. (Dan11:41; Dan8:11) Might as well add one more centerpiece of idolatry to the Bethel pantheon: The UN NGO, before they go.

See also:

*** Watchtower 1971; 12/1 p. 711 Bringing the Holy Place into Right Condition ***
*** Watchtower 1971; 12/1 p. 717 What Its “Right Condition” Means for Us Today ***

4. 1990 UN NGO

And of course it did not take long after 1976, just 15 years, to get to Fred Franz’ death (1992), and the well timed 1991 UN NGO catastrophe, while concealing the meaning of that 1990 3rd United Nations event of Daniel 11:31b, Daniel 8:23a at the same time.

Now Daniel 8 and 11 continue to be bypassed by the context of the WW2 fictions used to form the above transformation to a Governing Body of Apostasy ruled, supposedly still anointed Christian, now fully derailed Jehovah’s witnesses and anointed Christian ministry.

This entire subversion was was then fully concreted in by the 1993 Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom book of 1990 diversion; 750 pages of pure “Organizational Idolatry Bible” to distract Jehovah’s witnesses from the post 1990 global developments regarding the United Nations 3rd presentation.

Not to mention a fabrication of actual Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial history to fit this post 1944 agenda.

The 1999 “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” book finalization of the take over was then released so that Daniel prophecy would not be revisited as the fall of the USSR would dictate the need to do, as Jehovah’s witnesses fully IGNORE Daniel 8 and 11 reality as it merely continues the 1958 version of premature errors.

In reality Matthew 24:15 is present in this UN NGO “sighting” placed at Apostate Bethel in the 1990 period of the 3rd United Nations global presentation:

(Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” as parallel of Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”), standing in a holy place (in the claimant anointed Christian “constant feature” ministry as UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

5. Final “Seating Themselves” as Lifted Up” Modern “Man of Lawlessness”

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

In October of 2012, at the WTBTS Annual Meeting, the “Governing Body is the “faithful and discreet slave”” pinnacle SIGNAL blasphemy of this whole folly finally emerged publicly, before the globe, as the modern “man of lawlessness” sign:

*** Watchtower 2013; 7/15 p. 22 par. 10 Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? ***

“”Who, then, is the faithful and discreet slave? In keeping with Jesus’ pattern of feeding many through the hands of a few, that slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ’s presence. Throughout the last days, the anointed brothers who make up the faithful slave have served together at headquarters. In recent decades, that slave has been closely identified with the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.””

This a noteworthy global public event “publicly showing himself” in self-glorification because every former “anointed class” from the apostles to 1919 is demoted for the Governing Body’s own self approving “judgment” of “lifting themselves over everyone”, premature of the final divine determination (Matt24:45-51; Matt25:1-13), which all of this subverting profanation is actually and logically leading to. (1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14) The Governing Body are now “seated” on the “Throne” of their own “Bethel Kingdom”.

In reality this marks the final “lifting themselves over everyone” self glorification stunt to mark this modern apostate Bethel signal portion of what is a finalizing Governing Body “seated” global-public blasphemy among a claimant anointed Christian “Temple” “of the God” “locale” and ministry in globally public manner. It was so globally public, the world made the GB=FDS “big announcement” in October of 2012 from “another historic Annual Meeting” before the general Jehovah’s witnesses population was informed in July of 2013! JWs were the last to know of this “no light” sold as “new light”.

Thus for them to also cover up real UN prophecy in final stages of world government development is part of their overall subversion objective as the real apostasy to trigger a major prophetic temple judgment is in the leadership.
And to add to the suspense and smokescreen of distraction, Bethel also employs their own prelude “end of the world” deception of premature expectation, to cap this all off as undeniable:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (premature of reality)

That is why their apostasy is what is revealed, judged and fully globally exposed well before even World Government, thus well before Christ arrival for final gathering purposes first and thus well before the real end. The premature “end” delusion is Bethel’s main JW delusion of modern usage.

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) 3 Let no one seduce you in any manner (such as apostate Bethel), because it will not come unless the (final) apostasy (Dan11:32a) comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. (now present at “disgusting thing” partnered Bethel) 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god. (not only is the “Governing Body” 1976 coup a “lift up”; their current “we alone are the faithful slave” fiasco is the pinnacle of such “lifted up” blasphemy “in the temple” association.)

And that apostasy, is this apostasy parallel at “King North” led Bethel:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant
(at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy, such as that shown here in this article);

Reality Check: Turn On the Bethel Apostasy Prophecy Radar

And now the Bethel “Governing Body” “all seeing eye” of “light” has the blasphemous audacity to claim all this subversion and illegal authority is what has “purified” the “sanctuary” to its “right condition” to cap of Daniel 8:13-14 for Jehovah’s witnesses, as if “all fulfilled brothers!”.

In addition to all the profaning, God, Christ and Christian demoting activities of a diversion that spotlights and gives service and ultimate authority to a pyramidal style “Governing Body” cascading over an enslaved “Egypt” style “nation of Jehovah’s witnesses”, as the WTBTS “Theocratic Organization” “JW Org Sphinx” idol has formed in the process; there is something worse, as built by this self same “Governing Body” Pharaoh Pyramid Architects—the United Nations of Non Governmental Organizations “non-kingdom” membership of the WTBTS Bethel system in that 1991 Capstone of Apostasy for the global record. (Matt24:15; Matt13:36-42)

Thus what Bethel claims is the “purified” “right condition” of Daniel 8:14 is the diametric opposite apostasy forming domination structure of the modern “UNright condition” (Dan11:32a) which is what is now required to be “cleansed” in a yet to come final divine action that will fulfill the real Daniel 8:13-14 decree and timed Temple Judgment of modern times in the future.

How God does the true “right condition” development is unknown in detail, but that He will is certain (Dan11:41; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5). Why, is now getting more and more obvious to Jehovah’s witnesses paying close attention to especially the latest GB stunts and waffle jobs.

In reality the modern Temple Judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 is yet to come

This modern Temple Judgment phase (Rev8, final fulfillment) will be timed (Dan8:14) and phased (Dan8:26) for future full verification far more precise and of far greater shaking context (Dan11:41) than the supposed “purifications” Bethel and its Governing Body Sausage of Pyramidal “Theocracy”. It will be of truly “Prophetic Proportions”.

How the UN NGO is the Real Daniel 8:13 “Transgression Causing Desolation” to Bethel, Soon

The 1990 3rd United Nations post Cold War global presentation of the Daniel 11:31b “disgusting thing that causes desolation” is connected in more than wording to the “transgression causing desolation“, here, in the below section, is how it connects to Bethel’s UN NGO “disgusting thing” placement version. (Matt24:15)

(Daniel 8:13) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning);

In reality, while “theocratic organization” was being set in stone as actually “rule by a powerful [Masonic] priesthood” forming since 1944, which was to in time be filled by the Governing Body title capitalization of 1971 to the assumed full Bethel Governing Body led dictatorship of 1976 first notable full “lift up”, that profanation would lead in time, just fifteen years, to the 1991 3rd United Nations “New World Order” sponsoring WTBTS UN NGO, sealing of the deal.

And now in hindsight, the changes that did occur actually were in time used to strengthen the Bethel iron fist grip as if “theocratic organization” upon the individual congregational hierarchical appointments in a “gradually given over” form of progressive steps to span the whole organizational control structure from the congregations, to the branches, to Bethel and the WTBTS Governing Body total control. (Which WTBTS “charter adjustments” (to aid the “Governing Body” parallel maturation), you can research in connection with the history of the Bethel attempt to “interpret” Daniel 8:13-14 to cloak the takeover steps.)

Now if we see what happened in 1976 as a third “board of directors” challenge of the authority of the president (1897, Russell; 1917, Rutherford; 1976, Knorr), as all Watchtower presidents up to and including Knorr were challenged for WTBTS and ministry control, successful against Knorr (1976), then the progressive dictatorial additions of those 1932 and 1944 “charter adjustments” were then used to further the eventual full top down parallel Governing Body dictatorial agenda, as finally the “board of directors”, aka the “governing body” to “Governing Body” (1971), seized control for good, in 1976.

That then led to the UN NGO of 1991. All coincidence?

Now the real UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” epicenter of judgment, and the real required “right condition” context (Dan11:41) of coming Daniel 8:13 “trampling” developments, can be met in final Governing Body coup events to come in the future on the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, that the GB and Bethel will play off to Jehovah’s witnesses, for the “trampling” and “invasion” phase, as “the end”, Gog and King North, as if Daniel 11:44, way too soon.

But in reality of that global JW organizational “trampling” activating Daniel 11:41 (Dan8:11) final phase beyond just infiltration, that will instead create the global temple judgment context of the true purification events, by the Daniel 8:13-14 “trampling” to come, for all this progressive to terminal apostasy at Bethel, now fully “installed in the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses” from the apostate Bethel top tier of apostasy.

Bethel will be the visible target and epicenter of the judgment starting there. (1Pet4:17) But it is really an overall anointed Christian judgment en route to “8th King” world government in 7th King required downfall as well, which these visible high profile temple judgment events will aid the explanation of later.

King North’s Bethel Capstone Development

What all this Bethel control and JW subversion development is, is actually foretold King North implanted infiltration, from way back, to invent the modern Jehovah’s witnesses “Theocracy” which is now actually a Governing Body ruled total profaned abomination totally foreign to anything Christian before its 1944 first budding cell of cancer:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b active for quite some time in preparation); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King agent internal infiltration access in time) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (inside of Bethel; Dan11:41 (Dan8:11) initial phase; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

These developments parallel Daniel 8:11-12 subversion developments inside of Bethel, for eventual WTBTS JW organization coming total coup. This is an “army” subversion prophecy:

(Daniel 8:11-12) . . .And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization) of his sanctuary was thrown down. 12 And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with disinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is effected for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” parallel, completely successful unlike anything World War 2 produced in ultimate failure when compared to this post 1944 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the eventual “Governing Body” and installed Bethel agents);

Daniel 8:13 Prelude to Daniel 8:14

And that is why Bethel tries, but fails to connect Daniel 8:13 real clues of TEMPLE TRANSGRESSION, that they are actually fulfilling, to the need for the Daniel 8:14 coming purification of the future:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?” 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.”

Watch how, in 1982, they shift that Daniel 8:13 prelude forward to a totally disconnected WW2 war persecution “transgression”, totally disconnected from the rationale of the then emerging 1944 GB ruled “theocratic organization” that purifies the “profanation”, in their following Daniel 8:14 total “spin” of “organizational adjustments” “fulfilling prophecy”. It is fulfilling prophecy alright, apostasy prophecy not anything “purified” about it, but the diametric opposite.

So then there is no real connection, in Bethel’s fictional version except to the needed 1944 year. The REAL reality between the real temple “transgression” of Daniel 8:13 and the COMING Daniel 8:14 temple purification is totally bypassed and severed and set in fossilization in Jehovah’s witnesses “theology”. This below, is Bethel’s strange new rationale, now shifted up in time to fit a nice WW2 scenario, to make it all “look real”, yet it is totally unconnectable to the following Daniel 8:14 Bethel claims.

So notice how Bethel shifts the “transgression” to the worldly powers during WW2, and the “right condition” to these modern Governing Body based abominations we have been outlining:

*** Watchtower 1982; 9/15 pp. 16-17 pars. 19-21 The Kingdom and “a Holy Place” ***

[It begins with a memorable persecution phase on some Christian Jehovah’s witnesses during WW2, applied to Daniel 8:13:]

“”Well, what was the experience of faithful Bible students—Jehovah’s Witnesses—during World War II? Intense persecution! This amounted to a “transgression,” an effort to desolate God’s “sanctuary” class, and so take away from Jehovah the “constant feature” of daily public worship. It started in Nazi-Fascist countries. But soon ‘truth was being thrown to the earth’ throughout the vast domain of the ‘small horn whose power became mighty.’ The “army” of kingdom proclaimers and their work of preaching kingdom truth was banned in almost all of the British Commonwealth. When these nations conscripted their manpower they refused to grant exemption as ministers to Jehovah’s Witnesses; they showed no respect for their theocratic appointment as ministers of God. Mob violence and other indignities were heaped upon Jehovah’s faithful servants in the United States.

[Then they shift Daniel 8:14 to the “Theocracy restored” and GB glorifying waffle they have since mixed and spun for modern Jehovah’s witnesses:]

20 However, according to Daniel 8:13, 14, after a period of ‘twenty-three hundred days’ (six years, four months and twenty days), the “holy place” would be brought again “into its right condition,” or would “emerge victorious” (New English Bible). Indeed, Jehovah’s Witnesses had been fiercely persecuted because of their insistence on ‘obeying God as ruler rather than men.’ (Acts 5:29) But during the closing months of World War II they reaffirmed their determination to magnify Jehovah’s rulership and to adhere to it within their organization. To that end, a rearrangement of the work and governing structure of Jehovah’s Witnesses was initiated in 1944. The Watchtower of October 15, 1944, took as its theme “Organized for Final Work.” This and other service-oriented articles of the same period showed that the “holy place” was again in its “right condition” from Jehovah’s viewpoint.

[Then they make this statement in outright contradiction of the prophecy of “acted and had success” (Dan8:12b) itself:]

21 The enemy’s vicious attempt to desolate and destroy the “holy place” completely had failed. The remaining “holy ones” on earth, along with their companions of the “great crowd,” had come off victorious. The kingdom of the Supreme One, Jehovah, and of his Christ, had triumphed! What would follow, according to Jehovah’s prophetic word? We shall now see.””

Previous to that Daniel 8:14 concoction to make the Governing Body of Theocracy look real, now the Daniel 8:13 “transgression” gets blamed on the worldly powers (when in reality it is a temple transgression and “unright” state (Zech3:3), “IN the temple” (2Thess2:1-4,11-12)). But in reality Daniel 8:13-14 are all totally connected to modern Bethel based temple transgression and its coming timed judgment verification of Daniel 8:14, and phasing of “evening” to “morning” of Daniel 8:14,26. 

Reality: 1944-1976 Governing Body of the 1990 UN NGO and UN Prophecy Cover Up

In reality the 1991 UN NGO is what that 1944 emergent-to 1976 “Governing Body” Dictatorship brought in as well, as the real “transgression causing desolation”:

(Daniel 8:13) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the ((profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation ((UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b)), to make both [the] holy place ((temple “established place”; Dan8:11)) and [the] ((JW worldwide)) army things to trample on?” ((first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning));

And those above temple profanation developments, and that above decree connects explicitly to the required future temple judgment purification yet to come:

(Daniel 8:14) So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.”
((Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5));

Thus that is how it is actually connected, and how the truly illegal “Governing Body” is the main profaning instrument “in the temple” (2Thess2:1-4), ALSO connected in quite another manner, to actually the final apostasy, in that same overall development, now clearly seen active since 1944 in “gradually given over” manner.

And so after over 70 years of this “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) reality in Jehovah’s witnesses whole ministry since 1944, and 40 years under the 1976 Governing Body Tyranny foisted upon total fictions since 1944, the “operation of error” in modern form is the same development, but in generalized form here:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Whereas Daniel 8:11-14 and its Daniel 11:30-35 parallel is the details of this “operation of error” “gradually” developing, that has now become a full blown lie and total ministerial “temple” “profanation. (Zech3:3) So in it being an “error” first, the 1944 developments that came after Rutherford had died, can be considered an error as some anointed Christians, at least all of those at Bethel in 1944, were in agreement with the “governing body” concept, the first “error”, not yet a total lie.

But later in 1971, the “error” is capitalized “Governing Body” and on to form today’s full blown “Theocratic Lie” of a UN NGO governing, Governing Body illegal entity and authority “in the temple”, a total dictatorship since 1976. That being the case, we have this symbolic character now “in the temple”, in its general form and principle, also still applicable to Christendom’s many “governing body” overridden ministries, which Bethel has also adjoined to for the same purposes:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-5) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god. 5 Do you not remember that, while I was yet with you, I used to tell you these things?

And Bethel ALSO has a PREMATURE “end of the world” diversion to ALSO mesmerize and further distract the modern Jehovah’s witness’ mind from reality:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (well premature of reality);

Daniel 8:13-14 Means The Modern Temple Judgment

Now the global “JW Organization”  “trampling” of Daniel 8:13, of the future, is the only way to account for this real “UNright condition” in a once valid anointed Christian ministry, and free Jehovah’s witnesses trapped in and by this totally mature error-to-lie, post 1944, development of full blown anti-Christian based apostasy inside the administration of the Jehovah’s witnesses worldwide ministry.

Soon the real Daniel 8:13-14 will begin, and it is timed in two phases for future verification, 3.19 years minimum, or 1150 days, but possibly the whole 2300 days as 6.38 years of judgment to purified recovery. (Dan8:14,26) That being the possibility, it may be an 1150 day “evening” darkness phase of temple “trampling” desolation and an 1150 day phase of “the morning” of enlightening recovery to full “right condition.

Daniel 8:14 cryptic wording means we need to pay attention to this prophecy when major notable actions come against Bethel and or the Jehovah’s witnesses profaned “constant feature”, such as the cancellation or illegal transformation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses ministry into a “hard hitting judgment message” of “the end” which will not manifest, but leave Jehovah’s witnesses in prophetic error and confusion for three years of “evening” darkness of judgment developments:
*** Watchtower 2015; 7/15  pg. 16, par. 9 Your Deliverance is Getting Near ***

9 This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matthew 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end.

And it is phased as reiterated here:

(Daniel 8:26) And the thing seen concerning the evening and the morning, which has been said, it is true. And you, for your part, keep secret the vision, because it is yet for many days.

Final Notes

Now if you per chance can ever ask a Jehovah’s witness elder to give the modern Jehovah’s witnesses interpretation for this complicated flip-flop of the “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy” 1999 version (pgs 165-179), that slid up the events to match WW2 (aiding the Daniel 8:11-13 “interpretation” “details”), from the Fred Franz era “Your Will Be Done on Earth” Daniel book of 1958 (pgs 188-219), you will find out few of them, if any, can explain the thing.

(After you read both Daniel 8:13-14 sections, you will understand why, but that the prophecy has problems, and in reality has yet to fulfill, is also why no one can explain this properly at Bethel. They ARE the “unright condition” now present.)

This is because it is not a “cornerstone” teaching of Jehovah’s witnesses because it has major inconsistencies—but to Bethel’s apostate engineers it is the foundation and capstone developmental connection to prophecy as blasphemy. It implies WTBTS “charter adjustments” were what brought the “temple” into the “right condition” of “theocratic organization”. Which is of course ridiculous, when in hindsight it brought the whole under a complete Governing Body dictatorship called a “Theocracy”, a blasphemy, “gradually given over” from 1944 to today. (the real Dan8:12)

(Daniel 8:12) [a Jehovah’s witnesses] army itself was gradually given over [to the rival system by subversion].

Only divine temple judgment can now rectify the true condition of the Jehovah’s witnesses apostatized and stalled ministry, and those coming events will be the real Daniel 8:13-14 in the context of Daniel 11:41 gone full blown on the “JW Organization” central idol of distractions and error.

This Apostate “Jerusalem” Generation

That being the case, then the [apostate] “Jerusalem judgment” pattern in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 as seen here:

(Matthew 24:32-36) “Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. 34 Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away. 36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.

which Bethel has turned into a slippery banana peel of modern Bethel waffling Stumble Works, is really “this generation” that has seen all these post 1944 Governing Body takeover of Bethel, and its apostate developments from inception to maturity. Now the modern Temple Judgment Generation of anointed Christians, dispersed in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, cast out, out of action or stumbled, or fled outside of this modern “Jerusalem” apostate parallel are the overall generation in that prophecy.

And since the temple judgment comes first, well before “the end”, this prophecy is not intended to be an “hourglass” to track the health of old anointed Christians to know “how close” “the end” is. Instead apostate Bethel has used this diversion to instead hype the premature “the end” among Jehovah’s witnesses, and stumble people as they flip the “hour glass” yet again and again.

Another clue is the use of the “generation” word as a general meaning of the apostate Jerusalem generation that developed in the time of Christ and saw that phase of the prophecy of the judgment come true in all details applicable to that time. The examples in Matthew 11:16, Matthew 12:38, Matthew 12:45,Matthew 16:4, Matthew 17:17, Matthew 23:36, show that the “generation” of Matthew 24:34 is a general description of Christ’s overall mostly apostate Jerusalem population of Israelites and others who saw all those things applicable to the Jerusalem judgment culminating in 70 CE.

Hence the reason to now flee the Bethel “organizational” “apostate Jerusalem” global-locale when one “catches sight” of the general or specific context of Bethel’s UN NGO climax modern apostasy signal, because a heavy judgment, the one in Daniel 8:13-14 is coming soon on that “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42; Matt25:1-13):

(Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” as parallel of Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”), standing in a holy place (in the claimant anointed Christian “constant feature” ministry as UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

The Question is Can Bethel Repent?

It certainly has real problems of terminal apostasy in its leadership, such as a UN NGO sponsoring deal. (Dan11:31; Matt24:15)

Unfortunately, the Governing Body Show has given some Christians actual valid reasons for leaving. (Matt24:15) Not all but some. There are GB based hypocrisies and truly anti-Christian policies and alliances that are dubious to the point God has to have also seen these MAJOR PROBLEMS, as some Christians with true Kingdom awareness have. For example, joining the United Nations of Organizations, is NOT in God’s approval, no matter how Bethel spins it, it IS Matthew 24:15 as Daniel 11:30-32a, and Daniel 8:12.

(The Daniel 8:13 Temple “TRANSGRESSION causing desolation” to the temple “established place” of Daniel 8:11.)

In fact men who claim infallibility between the lines, and set up a self protecting illegal Bethel Inquisition Judiciary to condemn men, brothers even in the GB and Bethel system for years, to a spiritual death of Gehenna in their own over-extension of well “beyond the things written” authority, are always exposed in time, BY GOD, just like the Pharisees.

This JW Reformer’s article is very telling in this matter, in a very simple manner:

Jehovah Blesses Obedience
by Meleti Vivlon  Sep 25, 2015


“”We are reaping what we have sown, and the reproach we were hoping to avoid has been magnified 100-fold by our failed hypocrisy.””

Contrary to Popular Belief, Bethel and its Governing Body are Subject to Divine Requirements and Judgment Like Anyone Else

Now the point is, to God, LEADERS are not given “Special License to Sin”, which they ALL claim between the lines, like the GB. The LEADERS are given TOP ATTENTION from God when He inspects a ministry. (Zech3:1-3; Isa1-12; Hosea; Micah; Amos)

And when God gets to exposing and judging REAL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY in a Christian LEADERSHIP, that itself is based on a Babel and Christendom “governing body” concept—as if divine, no questions asked— when it is not Biblical in the least, it will be completely revealed in time—as is the case of HOW Bethel devolved into an illegal idolatry. [1]


So it is not that Jehovah’s witnesses “never had the truth”, it is that they DO have the truth, and so God WILL deal with the problem: The Governing Body of Apostasy and their UN NGO covenant with the UN, involving God’s people. (Daniel 8:13-14 as Daniel 11:41; Revelation 8:3-5)

It WILL get serious, it is no light matter, and it will PROVE this is Jehovah’s anointed Christian house (1Pet4:17), merely using a mundane ministerial resource “established place” (Dan8:11) “organized ministry”, that He WILL create ENORMOUS Judgment event upon FIRST, to wake up BOTH Jehovah’s witness and those paying attention.

“The Organization” and its so-called “Governing Body” have become one of these illegal idols in God’s eyes, and it does NOTHING to minimize, but only to promote, such a lofty place in Jehovah’s witnesses eyes. They even had the blasphemous audacity to declare themselves the “faithful slave”, playing seated “God’s”, in God’s temple arrangement by their OWN approval, rather than God and Christ’s by judgment first. (2Thess2:3-4)

And they have the premature “it can end any day brothers!” distraction well in place as well (2Thess2:1-2), to smokescreen final prophecy that can be explained in light of globalization development to culminate into 8th King World Government, to “ascend” and “heal”, upon the REQUIRED 7th King fall and “sword stroke” coming. (Rev13:3; Dan11:42-43; Isa41:1; Rev17:8-13; Rev11:7)

Most Everyone is in Denial in Their Own Way

Now true most JWs and most JW critics alike, do not want this to be the real reason why these Days of Jehovah’s Judgment are coming on Jehovah’s witnesses and the now idolized and UN profaned organization and ministry. (Zech3:1-5)

1. JWs want to think it is in the “right condition” since 1944. (Dan8:14)

2. Many JW critics want to excuse themselves from overall divine responsibility as Christians, so they want JWs to be invalid and the sovereign warning of 1914 off their backs, and to just do their ministry the way they want, particularly to its main sovereign message, getting lax on the UN reality as the Wildbeast forming to World Government—they want to deny that will come, and that that will trigger Christ.

And all of this is NORMAL for Adamic humans, especially when a Christian ministerial leadership becomes the hypocritical problem aiding the doubt!

And by the events Jehovah Almighty God by Christ will bring on this derailed ministry, and its GB Kings of Bethel, JWs can be freed and updated, and both groups can be awakened to the revived, updated and clarified final ministry that WILL form AFTER the Bethel Apostasy is dealt with in GLOBAL MANNER as decreed by God at Daniel 8:13-14.

Bethel CLAIMS the Daniel 8:14 “RIGHT CONDITION” of the anointed “Temple” has been present SINCE 1944 [3], by a historic process of “organizational adjustments” that brought the congregations, branches and all of Bethel under the dictatorial rule of a “Governing Body” that went into Rogue Tyranny in 1976, against Nathan Knorr’s and Fred Franz’s wishes and stern advice! ON THE RECORD at Bethel and elsewhere.

1. THEY REBELLED in 1976 against the God set INDIVIDUAL ministerial spearheads since 1870.

2. They first peeped the “governing body” term in 1944, to a title in 1971, to a full dictatorship in 1976, to UN NGO in 1991, to today’s major GB based apostate problem with UN ties.

3. NOW the process they claimed was instituted under the post 1944 “right condition” is actually what has formed the WRONG CONDITION in the anointed Christians ministry!

It IS what it IS: Foretold Christian Leadership Apostasy! The Daniel 8:14 diametric “Wrong Condition”.

Face the Music—The Temple Judgment

NOW the real Daniel 8:13-14 must come on Bethel, because it is PLAIN AS DAY what the Governing Body Experiment in so-called “Theocratic Organization” has led to: The DOWNFALL of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, temporarily, in apostasy, UN alliance and total spiritual drunken slumber. (Matt25:2)

And now, in time, Bethel AND Jehovah’s witnesses will have to face, and give an account of the real Daniel 8:13-14, and Bethel’s false claims it has all been already in the “right condition”, as engineered by historic “organizational adjustments”, culminating in that 1944 “right condition” claim, in the 1999 Pay No Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy book. [3]

The 1970s final changes brought the whole JW ministry and corporate complex under Governing Body dictatorial, no questions asked, infallible, unapologetic, rigid authority, to the point they found it advisable to even join the United nations of Non Governmental Organizations, rather than explain the Outreach UN NGO Division’s true UN objective: Get all global organizations acceptable and willing to adjoin to the UN as well!

NOW the REAL Daniel 8:13-14 is coming on Bethel’s head.

Will Bethel repent in public full disclosure?

Or will they continue in blind denial?

Will God even offer Bethel repentance at this point in the development after the accounting “trampling” is completed?

These are questions Bethel, Jehovah’s witnesses and others will ask in future days, as the real Daniel 8:13-14 manifests as Revelation 8:3-5, as Daniel 11:41 in the future FINAL Temple Judgment Cycle required to prepare the final Kingdom Proclamation and Salvation awareness opportunity and warning ministry in the RIGHT CONDITION.



Governing Body Since Babel


The Governing Body Experiment—1944 to Present

1944 Governing Body Birthday—1914-1976 WTBTS Board of Directors Coup Finally Realized


How Daniel 8:14 Wrong Condition Developed in Bethel Since 1944


Global Open Salvation—How Christ Completes His Own Ministry

Why TWO Witnesses?

More Related Information

Daniel Prophecy and 8th King Globalists
Daniel 11:36-41 and Daniel 8:23-25 8th King Globalist Details and the Bethel Apostasy Co-Development

Bethel Apostasy Foretold in Daniel 8 and 11

Connecting Bethel Lawlessness to Final Prophecy

Bethel Silence on the UN NGO: What the United Nations of Non-Governmental Organizations Global Expansion System Really Is


Daniel 8:13-14 Details the Coming Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion

Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

8th King/King North World Government as Simple as Possible

The 8th King World Government: Convergence of Global Sovereignty— Convergence of All Bible Prophecy Symbolisms

Bethel Delusional 1-2-3 Formula Versus Prophetic and Global Reality

JW and Bethel UNfinished Suite

The JW and Bethel UNfinished Suite

JWs Stalling Prophecy Truncation—What JWs Do Not Understand and Will Not Finish Properly Due to Bethel Apostasy

Sovereign Symphony

The United Nations (UN) “image of the wildbeast” has four prophetically foretold presentations in its developmental trajectory to full 8th King World Government as the fourth and final UN presentation.

Three of the four UN “image” related presentations have occurred in 1919 (Rev13:11-15; Dan12:11), 1945 (Rev17:8-11) and 1990 (Dan11:31b). The fourth of these foretold presentations is in the future as world government (Dan11:45; Dan12:11), the completion of the rival sovereign symphony global orchestration opposed to God’s Kingdom.

Those four UN developments progress simultaneously with God’s Kingdom initial prophetic continuum developments since 1914-1919, since Christ was crowned the appointed temporary King in that Kingdom. But 1914 is not the end of the song, but just the beginning of the symphony.

Christ must also be placed permanent King of  the yet to complete Messianic Kingdom agency. 

Thus the 8th King World Government and the Messianic Kingdom of Christ must both concurrently co-complete for the Armageddon full global-sovereign symphony of the future.

If one notices, JWs do not track this required continuum of both the 8th King and Messianic Kingdom required final parallel completion developments of the future, outlined in the prophecy that JWs must now ignore in order to accomplish this truncation of the ministry.

Thus the main stalling subversion comes from Bethel’s point of derailed ministerial leadership by their total lack of modern commentary on modern UN and globalization prophecy fulfillment.

Unfinished Prophecy

8th Kingdom World Government

By the JW 1990 discontinuation of explaining all the major United Nations developments as prophecy, JWs are now not completing the United Nations “image” development in the Bible that eventually leads to world government, as they do not explain the marked prophetic milestones that track this future development—instead Bethel has fast forwarded JWs to “the end” expectation well premature of global developmental reality.

Related to this 1990 3rd United Nations global presentation fulfillment concealed by Bethel, Bethel instead became a UN NGO UN partnered co-promotional advertising agent for that 1990 3rd UN presentation “New World Order” initiative, instead of informing the public that the 3rd of 4 foretold UN developments had manifested in 1990. (Dan11:31b; Dan8:23)

The 1919 and 1945 UN related prophecies are the last “image of the wildbeast” prophecies JWs actually explained fully for the first two foretold UN presentations. Beginning in 1990, JWs now ignore and conceal the modern 3rd UN presentation actual significance in Bible prophecy and its third step to full global government development. Thus the UN 1-2-3 development is not explained as the continuum of prophecy it is.

Instead as UN NGO, JWs co-promoted the 3rd United Nations New World Order initiative, rather than explain its true prophetic and global developmental significance.

7th King Downfall

By this particular truncation, and its 1990 timing, the logical and prophetic required fall of the 7th King Anglo-American predominated national system is not understood as well, because the continuation of JW prophetic logic ended in 1945, as if the United Nations “image” alone is the full 8th King world government, which of course it cannot be at this time.

Thus the “7th” King falling to allow the “8th” King “ascension” fullest meaning as a final world government and the final global-sovereign rival entity, including but beyond the UN “image” scale and scope, is also not understood by JWs.

Now if JWs do not explain the sheer magnitude of the 7th King nation-state system required decline, they certainly can give no insight into the global stressing crisis period that downfall will initiate at truly global scale. Thus the true nature of the “tribulation of those days”, to be defined by 7th King downfall activity well before full 8th King “ascension”, thus well before the real “the end”, is also totally ignored by the stagnant JW ministry.

Messianic Kingdom Stall

In this process of JW truncation of prophecy and spiritual progress, the requirement of God’s Kingdom to complete the Messianic Kingdom entity in the future, over this same 7th King downfall period to ascend the final rival 8th King world government full system, is also not understood by JWs.

Thus by being an outdated prophecy development ministry, JWs are also concealing these required developments from their ministerial audience, as Bethel’s more obvious apostasy is also ignored or denied and is also swept under the JW rug with their UN NGO major prophetic transgression. (Dan8:13-14)


Thus a major apostasy means the Christian anointing process cannot be complete at this time. And further, there will instead be a depletion of anointed Christians once Bethel’s apostasy has culminated and corrupted some anointed Christians as the final temple judgment cycle manifests. (Matt25:1-13; 2Thess2:11-12)

In reality Bethel is also attempting to abort the JW ministry prematurely as is already the case in this sort of spiritual truncation now in latent but progressive form.

(Daniel 8:12) And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” completely successful apostasy deployed through the Governing Body and Bethel);

And with that kind of internal Bethel subversion, more transgression develops progressively, such as that UN NGO abomination. (Matt24:15) Thus Bethel is also trying to corrupt current anointed Christian standing.

This causes an anointed Christian fall out (Matt25:1-13), as there will be a depletion in anointed Christian numbers as the Bethel apostasy culminates into Bethel’s desolation “trampling” as already outlined in the prophecy Bethel “throws to the earth”. (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5)

The anointing process is thus incomplete, and Bethel is thereby attempting to abort the final anointing process as well, to keep the full required anointed Christian 144000 incomplete (Rev14:1), to attempt to obstruct the Messianic Kingdom completion. (Rev7:1-4; Matt24:31)

Messianic Kingdom Completion

Thus the ministry that is also supposed to announce the Messianic Kingdom completion as a “second witness” as each of the “two witnesses” makes a Kingdom proclamation, is not even aware of the requirement of completion (Rev10:5-11) due to this stall and truncation of prophetic progress.

The greatest Satanic goal of the Bethel apostasy is to attempt keep the anointing incomplete, to make the final affirmation sealing impossible at Revelation 7:1-4, to make Christ’s “four winds” arrival impossible as Matthew 24:31 and Revelation 11:11-12.

Final Apostasy

Thus the Bethel severing device is the culprit, and it too is fulfilling signal paostasy prophecy now, that must trigger the temple judgment first (1Pet4:17), that manifests Bethel downfall “trampling” events (Dan11:41; Dan8:13-14), that in time allow the apostate obstacle “in the temple” to be removed by God and Christ. (2Thess2:1-4, Isa66:6, Zech3:1-5)

Very conveniently, rather than explain the above necessary sovereign and prophetic ministerial completion REQUIREMENTS, Bethel is selling JWs the “it is simply the end brothers” delusional bypass “to the effect the day of Jehovah” and Christ’s “gathering” “is here”, well premature of reality.

That exact SIGNAL delusion at 2 Thessalonians 2:12, is what also marks Bethel’s apostasy (2Thess2:3; Dan11:32a), as they attempt to fully derail, cancel and destroy the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry.

Temple Judgment

Thus the prophetic temple judgment timing and events to purge the apostate Bethel system obstructions, are also unknown by JWs. (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5) Instead Bethel just sells JWs “the end” (1Thess5:1-3) to bypass the whole temple judgment requirement, and the final cycle that the temple judgment activates and begins.

Revelation 8 is the temple judgment parallel portion of the whole Revelation 8-11 final progression to Christ’s arrival (Rev11:7-12), Messianic Kingdom completion by total sheep “gathering” (Rev11:11-12; Matt24:31), and final “7th Trumpet” Messianic Kingdom conquest. (Rev11:15-19).

The “two witnesses” required (Rev10:11) final warning (Rev10-11:1-7), that develops from the Revelation 9 final fulfillment cycle ministerial recovery, is also not understood by Jehovah’s witnesses.

Final Prophetic Replication

Thus as the unique Daniel 11:41-45 final portion fully fulfills in the future, it must merge into Daniel 12’s final fulfillment cycle. Thus Daniel 12 has a final fulfillment cycle “during that time” (Dan12:1), and it is a repeating fulfillment as unique “King North” 8th King world government producing events of Daniel 11:41-45 culminate and converge into Daniel 12’s final sovereign symphonic convergence at global scale. (Dan11:42-43 enables Rev13:15-18)

The true meaning of the unique Daniel 11:41-45 prophecy as 8th King world government developments is bypassed by the USSR error, so JWs do not understand the urgency of that prophecy and are over-advanced within it with the Bethel promoted delusion of Daniel 11:44 to fulfill next. In reality the Bethel “trampling” of the unique Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment is to activate as Daniel 11:41 next, and that “attack” can be made to look like Daniel 11:44 to subverted JWs.

Thus all the repeating prophecies that parallel these unique prophecies are also unknown by JWs. The final 1260 days, that must eventually repeat in the future, cross links all the required final fulfillment cycle prophecies to manifest concurrently in Daniel 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 13:5, Revelation 12:14 and Daniel 7:25 as comprehensive simultaneous final 1260 day global events, that the temple judgment Daniel 8:14 timing must in time lead to.

JWs understand none of this. Instead JWs expect “the end any day now brothers!”. JWs are not only unaware of final cycle requirements their mindset is also being primed with a premature end delusion (2Thess2:1-2) which over excitation will further paralyze JW awareness when the JW delusion becomes a global JW hoax supported by this prophetic misapplication and major global developments starting the “tribulation of those days”.

World Government

World government complete, functional (Dan11:45, Rev17:8-18) and stated (1Thess5:1-3), triggers Christ’s arrival, not before, but AFTER it completes. That takes several more years, and all of it is outlined in the final prophecy framework to Christ’s arrival. Revelation 16:13-16 enables Revelation 17:11-18 in the complete globalized basis of world government.

Thus guaranteed final world government 8th King required completion is fully unknown to JWs. The final fulfillment cycle is what outlines all the milestones that lead to 8th King world government by the temple judgment (Dan8:13-14) starting with the “tribulation of those days” to unfold all the way (Matt24:29-31) to 8th King world government (Matt24:29) completion and final global presentation. (Rev17:12, Dan11:45, Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3)

Second Witness Final Warning

Thus what all these incompletions equate to is JWs not understanding the final warning of 1260 days to precede that 8th King World Government is a requirement of the future. That being the case the commission assignment of that final warning will be required to attain to the final affirmation sealing finality at that time, so that mission being aborted is part of the current anti-Christian objective that Bethel is aiding.

The final accounting of Bethel reproaches, real lawlessness and their UN NGO treason in the temple judgment and the final prophecy and truth clarification to emerge from that rectification are the realities that aid also the final anointings that must complete before the affirmation sealing can be given. Thus apostate Bethel diverting JW awareness away from all these requirements aids the attempt to keep the entire final completion requirements and prophetic fulfillment in a truncated and disapproved state which aids this goal.

Future Global War “Sword-Stroke” to Define UN Peace Keeping “Abyss” Impotence

Future Global War “Sword-Stroke” to Define UN Peace Keeping “Abyss” Impotence— Sets the Global Stage for the “Healing” “Ascension” of Full 8th King World Government

Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 Cyclic, Formulaic and Repeating Principles in World Government Development Since The 1914-1945 First Two United Nations Cycles

PDF of this article on Revelation 13 and 17

Background – Two Repeating Global Phases “Sword-Stroke” and “Abyss”

  • Revelation 13:3-4,14 contains the depiction of the “sword-stroke” to “healing” cycle affecting the nation-based world system (“seven headed” “wildbeast from the sea”).
  • Revelation 17:8-12 contains the depiction of the “abyss” “plunge to ascension” cycle on the world government designate system (“seven headed” “scarlet wildbeast”. (Revelation 17:11-18 is the whole world government final sovereign transference.)
  • The purpose of the overall cycle, working in tangent of both “sword-stroke” and “abyss” developments, is to create the global context to present the world government “image”, the “place the disgusting thing” finale, with maximum positive global beneficial claims reinforced by the “healing” recovery; (Rev13:3, Rev17:8) and in time that will effect the whole 8th King world government entity final global presentation.
  • Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 set cyclic principles recognizable in the history of the world-war-to-world-government formula that also demonstrate the repetitive nature of this overall global cycle and its world government presenting purpose. (This has now run three times, including the Cold War cycle.)
  • This review brings us up to modern United Nations (UN) developments and future projections since 1990 as Bethel is now at the dated 1945 UN development level of awareness bypassing the 3rd cycle and its 1990 3rd UN presentation significance.

Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 have a set of global cyclic principles that repeat and will parallel in the future to produce a final world government presentation after a peak phase of global stressing defining part of the “tribulation of those days” global context which contains the final form of the global “sword-stroke” manifestation to affect the 7th King Anglo-American nation-state based system. This sets up the final “rise” of the 8th King in the numeric 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 sequence of final world power “8 kings” in prophecy—that of globalized world government for real, hence what the 7th King “falls” into the “ascension” of.

In prophecy the United Nations has four cycles, 1-2-3-4, that finally produce world government, as three of those four cycles in prophecy have already run in (1; WW1) 1914-1919, (2; WW2) 1939-1945 and (3; Cold WW3) 1947-1990 to produce their own UN related presentations to conclude those “global war” cycles, including that in the unique Cold War cycle (Dan11:29).

The cyclic global principles are outlined in the Revelation 13 global war “sword stroke” to “healing” cycle as distinct phases in the overall cycle (Rev13:3-4,14), and the complimentary and parallel Revelation 17 global “abyss plunge” and “abyss ascension” cycle (Rev17:8-11), also as distinct phases, of the United Nations “world peace” apparatus’ final developments, that parallel the “sword stroke” to “healing” cycle, producing the whole world government producing global cyclic effect at the end of that final cycle of the future—the final “abyss ascension”.

  • This essay will review the preview fulfillments that demonstrated both of these cyclic principles, “sword-stroke to healing” and “abyss” “plunge to ascension”, in World War 1 (WW1) and World War 2 (WW2) as model cycles of a global example of the “sword-stroke” effect of world war, that is used to present the world government “image” to climax those global “sword-stroke” cycles. The climax of the global-cycle is in the United Nations (UN) related global presentation. In 1919 the League of Nations (LON) “placement” (Rev13:11-15, Dan12:11) came after the WW1 “sword-stroke” cycle, and in 1945 the United Nations “abyss ascension” came after WW2. (Rev17:8-11) Both of those world government steps utilize the recovery “healing” period principle to take advantage of the global hope and recovery to present their global government “image” entity along with its “we need world peace” claims and goals.

In final form both of those cyclic principles will parallel to present world government as concurrent, as the prophecy completes its fulfillment. Establishing the principles and the repeating cycle nature of the progressive world government development will aid the future recognition of the final cycle meaning, which merely repeats the same principle formula and cycle, but in final form. (In that final repetition of the cycle the prophecy also repeats in final and climax form.)

  • The purpose of the review of these key global scale cyclic principles, present in symbolic form in Revelation 13 and 17, is to demonstrate how, in the future, the global “sword-stroke” phase and its eventual “healing” phase, as a cyclic process, parallels the simultaneous “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King designate  implied “abyss” “plunge” phase, and its eventual “ascension” phase into that overall cycle’s eventual “world peace” climax, into the global presentation of the 8th King world government objective in this overall simultaneous process which taking some years to complete to that final objective. (The whole Rev17:8-18 progression of the future)
  • As the “sword-stroke” is an active global war effect eventually “healing” in emergent peace and recovery, the UN “peace keeping” impotence to prevent that final “sword-stroke” defines the “abyss” state of that coming UN world peacekeeping inactivity. (Rev17:8-11, Rev11:7)
  • Thus the “abyss ascension” applied to the “scarlet wildbeast” is the “world peace” power also progressively emerging to restored, with that final UN “image” centered world government final global “peace and security” statement (1Thess5:1-3) also emerging, to culminate the cycle into the full world government “one hour” of that climax sovereignty globally presented in full. (Revelation 17:11-18 is the global sovereign transference from nation-state to globalist uni-polarity the “abyss ascension” rises into.)
  • What is absorbed in this Revelation 17 true final “scarlet wildbeast” global world government formation, is the Revelation 13 “wildbeast from the sea” that has pictured the national based sovereign progression since Genesis 10-11 that eventually forms the base “seven headed” and full bodied structure of the final “scarlet wildbeast” form and its 8th King zenith “King North” sovereignty of its development. (Rev13:15-18 parallel of Revelation 17:11-18)
  • Thus “King South” in that national base system is also absorbed by King North dominance as a parallel of the final identical global uni-polar “north” sovereign process. (Dan11:42-45 final unique 8th King cycle, Dan12:11 final fulfillment in repetition of the 1919 League of Nations event , but in full 8th King world government.)

Revelation 13 and 17 have final fulfillment portions, some of which repeat with the final repeating cycle. This analysis applies principles in the prophecy demonstrated in the past, to the future final repeating cycle.

The Final Cycle— not “The End”

The final global “sword-stroke”, in repeating principle and world events (and the prophecy that forecasts it), takes place in the coming “tribulation of those days” cycle (Matt24:29) as a parallel of what defines the starting features of the “great tribulation” in a final “sword-stroke” phase to progress to the global “healing” phase, not “the end”.

Note: Contrary to the popular belief and expectation of the premature “the end” some promote (2Thess2:1-2), the prophecy suggests a “healing” will also take place first, rather than the expected “end”. In that global “healing” phase, instead, unexpected positive events are destined to also occur to, rather, produce a complete world government “ascension” with that global “healing” recovery process.

The principle is that the global stressing “sword-stroke” to “healing” orchestration highlights the “ascension” of the world government entity in positive global light reinforced by that global “healing” recovery as the whole works together towards the 8th King world government presentation being globally admired and accepted as finally a complete global government entity.

As a special note, this prophetic and globalization guaranteed completion of a full world government entity to define the fullest “8th King” meaning is totally bypassed by Bethel to instead promote the simplistic “its about over”, “its the end brothers!” delusion, now concealing this reality from modern Jehovah’s witnesses as that central delusion (2Thess2:1-2) promoted by Bethel bypasses the world government completion requirement (and its final cycle) as a prerequisite culmination to manifest prior to Christ’s “second coming” arrival.

That 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” “abyss” “plunge” comes with the “sword-stroke” global phase activation—in final form; they both run together to define the final fulfillment of both of these prophecies in Revelation 13 and 17 applicable portions. In time as the final cycle runs in the future, the “ascension” progresses with the global “healing” phase of the preparatory global “sword-stroke” phase. (Isa41:1, Dan8:25 “freedom from care” phase) In that way this is a parallel final global development of both of these phases running concurrently. In the future, in unique manner, this final global recovery produces that climactic synergy after a significant global war period progresses to a global peace period to fully present complete world government. (1Thess5:1-3)

Thus the world government “ascension” is marked in a renewed “world peace” power being known globally progressively as implied in the “ascension”. That has to be developing, as the “sword-stroke” phase peak must also be passing into “healing” with that 8th King promoted world “peace and security” as the whole phase converges into that recovery and that final “world peace” sovereign claim of the full 8th King world government system as one final concurrent progressive culmination.

Because of such prophetic and world cycle repeating principles in this forecast of a successful world government final presentation, guaranteed in the mirroring prophecy as well, (Rev17:8-18, Dan11:45, Dan12:11), the current premature “the end” expectation, and the general global uncertainty of the future, helps conceal the true nature of this final cycle for quite some time, until world government “healing” is going into global activation. At that time the prematurely expected “the end”, and the fear of total global collapse in that “as though slaughtered to death” impression created by this coming “sword-stroke”, is instead transformed into great global hope and admiration, produced by the intended positive effect of this cycle’s conclusion.

Thus it is a formulaic cycle designed to create great global hope in the end, after great global despair period, in order to present world government in maximum “admirable” positivity globally.

These principles are demonstrated in the World War 1 (WW1) and World War 2 (WW2) global war and recovery cycles along with their United Nations related placements for those cycles in 1914-1919 and 1939-1945. Even the Cold War cycle (Dan11:29) produced a similar effect just by the threat of a nuclear “sword-stroke” averted for the global-positivity of that 1990 3rd United Nations “New World Order” presentation. (Dan11:31, Dan8:23) Thus those first fulfillments in WW1 (sword-stoke to LON “placement”; Dan12:11) and WW2 (sword-stroke principle to “abyss ascension”; Rev17:8-11), and their respective cyclic “sword-stroke” and “abyss ascension” global cyclic examples, set the primary patterns to look for in the future.

Since the formation of world government is incomplete, we can expect features in Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 to repeat as a whole comprehensive concurrent process in the future aided by that final “tribulation of those days”, and its initializing “sword-stroke” cycle, to produce the climax 8th King world government entity. This is why Matthew 24:29 “tribulation of those days” is also a key transitional period fully running before Christ arrives. It is transitioning into world government, that is what “eclipses” the “lights” of the former nation-state sovereign autonomy even before Christ arrives as explicitly note in Matthew 24:29. (The signals seen now in the world system as per Luke 21:25-26)

In the global “sword-stroke” peak effects completing, the emergent global “healer” is to be the 8th King world government wealth control sector (Dan11:42-43; Rev13:15-18) as the intended main global focus and final global-sovereign entity. (Dan8:25, Dan11:45, Rev17:8-18, Dan12:11) The “8th King” “healer” begins to “heal” the nations globally into the final 8th King conglomeration of world government. (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18, Isa41:1, Isa19:22)

(Isaiah 19:4) And I will deliver up Egypt (Dan11:42-43; nation-state system) into the hand of a hard master, and strong will be the king that will rule over them (the 8th King),” is the utterance of the [true] Lord, Jehovah of armies. (Bethel deletes the direct reference to the “strong will be the king that will rule over them” in the Isaiah’s Prophecy book to help conceal this 8th King fact from Jehovah’s witnesses. (JWs).)

Side Note on Bethel Diversion: *** Isaiah’s Prophecy 1; chap. 15 p. 202 par. 28 Jehovah’s Counsel Against the Nations ***

“Eventually, Egypt came under “a hard master,” Assyria. (Isaiah 19:4) This foreshadows the bleak future facing this system of things.”

(Obviously Bethel just bypasses the whole meaning of final 8th King completion. “a hard master” is all Bethel noted of Isaiah 19:4. Then they just bypass the whole meaning with the “bleak future facing this system of things” diversion, rather than explain what Isaiah 19:4 is saying in regard to the guaranteed 8th King “one hour” of world government authority in Revelation 17:12 in that “strong will be the king that will rule over them” .)

Producing World Government “Admiration” Over the “Sword-Stroke” and “Healing” Cycle

The effect of both the global “healing” and the 8th King “ascension” promotes global admiration for the world government “image” and its idea—and in this coming final cycle the actuality of the whole thing as 8th King world government and its UN related “image” in totality is to be globally presented and “admired”:

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration(the “healing” aids world government acceptance)

(Revelation 13:14) And it misleads those who dwell on the earth… while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.

(Revelation 17:8) And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly. (the recovery of the “world peace” entity into world government aids its reception; the “healing” phase aids this “ascension” phase)

Now that this intended “admiration” formula, applied in a related principle, has preceded all three United Nations presentations en route to future world government as the finale fourth cycle culmination, we are starting to see the global government super-cycle is composed of four sub-cycles—three of them have fully manifested in 1919, 1945 and 1990 after the respective WW1, WW2 and Cold War global cycles.

Prophecy forecasts a fourth cycle is required along with the final required globalization process (Rev16:13-16), that will define it, in the context of another global “sword-stroke-to-healing” phase and its concurrent “abyss” “plunge-to-ascension” phase. It really is a world-war-to-world-government overall formula running four times overall, for one world government end goal.

All four United Nations presentations, the last as world government, have all been forecasted in prophecy as it tracked the national historic sovereign development (Dan2,7,8,11), which naturally further matured into the post 1990 accelerated-globalization era to finalize globalized government upon that national sovereign development and its maturity converging over developmental cycles into world government. (Rev13,17, Dan12)

The fourth cycle is to result in the end of that final cycle of the future in 8th King complete world government (Rev17:11-18)—in addition to the UN nucleus, the United Nations internationalized “image” (Rev13:11-18), that has been the global center of this development since the first cycle ran in 1914-1919 with WW1 to its resolution into the League of Nations as the base master-pattern fully manifested. (Dan12:11 first fulfillment)

From that first cycle (1914-1919), the globalizing sovereign theme was set for the rest of the century, and then some, in repetitive cyclic maturation by use of peak world war cycles, for further expansion and global power consolidation into a matrix of forming globalizing level of global-super-sovereign world power—the globalist “two horned wildbeast” and its globalizing 8th King designate “image”, has progressively extended more and more beyond national sovereign authority and power globally as each cycle has run (Rev13:11-15, Rev17:11-18, Dan11:42-43), for the eventual full world government culmination. (Dan11:45>>Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment, Dan8:25)

The fourth and final cycle of the future just completes the progression to where it has been leading the whole time: 8th King world government completion; as that global milestone final development is what enables Christ’s global arrival concurrently. This is why tracking all four UN cycles, especially this last one, is so important—it is a gauge to Christ’s arrival by globally seen world government progress over a prophetically mapped final global “sword-stroke” to global “healing” phase. Essentially the whole prophecy and its applicable Revelation and Daniel prophecies repeat with the final cycle which is also a repeating cycle but at maximum global scale into full 8th King culmination.

This is also why Bethel “lost track” of this progression purposely in 1990 at that well ignored 3rd UN presentation, and instead became a UN partnered UN NGO; now Jehovah’s witnesses have been severed from this continuum after the first two UN steps to world government were formerly exposed properly as an important prophetic progression in 1919 and 1945, UN 1-2. (Dan11:36)

It is now predictable by more than just prophecy because this formula of world government presentation is seen in the global system itself as it is also forecast in core cyclic prophetic principles in Revelation 13 and 17 that already have manifested three times in repetitive fashion. By now, it takes neither a prophet or a rocket scientist to understand we are at a fourth cycle gearing up for the final repeating formulaic run of this same cycle, first demonstrated with the WW1 cycle (1914-1918), progressing to resolution, climaxing into the first UN related 1919 League of Nations “image” global presentation. That was the master pattern set in the first cycle of how world government manifests in the final cycle by the same cyclic formula of the future.

The final cycle is not an instant “the end”— which delusion helps conceal the true meaning of the final cycle. Instead the final cycle takes years to unfold fully, and it is mapped by the prophetic timed milestone period framework ((1) Dan8:14, (2) Dan12:7/Rev11:2-3/Rev13:5, (3) Dan12:11), and it is gauged by the underlying “seven trumpets” and the “seven plagues” in the future replication of Revelation 8-11 and Revelation 15-16 respectively in final fulfillment, deploying approximately parallel.

That is the same context the Revelation 13:5 cross related 1260 days is to unfold along with, with the final “abyss ascension” of Revelation 17:8-11 and its final form world government transference of global-sovereignty in Revelation 17:11-18 into the “one hour” of actual world government. (Rev17:12)

Not “The End”; but the Beginning of the Final Cycle

The unique concept, also supported by prophecy being explained here, is this is a fourth cycle of multiple years, that results in United Nations centered world government and its final “world peace” proclamation (1Thess5:1-3); it is not the premature “end of the world” (2Thess2:1-2) that many are being misled to expect prematurely. That “doomsday” global psychology effect will aid the “healing” phase acceptance in the amplified relief that it is not “the end”— to the contrary, it is the final United Nations and 8th King world government world “peace and security” global cycle!

Of course this is the period that eventually enables the actual world “peace and security” signal period under complete 8th King world government (1Thess5:1-3), as a truly global scope sovereign proclamation of that final human global rulership. (Dan11:42-45) That development will also “ascend from the abyss” with the 8th King world government totality from this final “sword-stroke”-to-“healing” cycle.

The final developmental phase merely extends over the required final cycle, that is to fully run its foretold course, to bring about its world peace objective with full “8th King” world government. That final cycle is represented in the Bible in a number of places such as the “tribulation of those days” of Matthew 24:29-31, to be covered more fully later. (Dan11:42-45)

As that cycle matures in the post-sword-stroke “healing” phase of great global hope (Isa41:1), all “Christian prophecy” and other premature “doomsday” expectations will be failing in this “healing” process. That allows the global discrediting of all prophecy as instead, rather than the premature “the end”, the greatest hopeful period in all human history is to be embarked upon (Rev13:5) to aid the reception and the acceptance of global government in the rise (Rev17:8-12) of the full 8th King global system to full global recognition and final “world peace” proclamation. (Isa41:1) (The same principle as at Rev13:3 and Rev17:8)

Thus rather than face the premature “end”, instead a “healing” begins an upswing in global direction, with more positive expectations, into which period the “doomsday” forecast is discredited by it being applied too soon— when in fact the 8th King world government completion period is what signals the real “the end” phase (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25) that eventually sees Christ’s arrival (Matt24:29-31), first for “sheep” securement purposes first, in a global period of open salvation still offered. (Rev14, Dan12:11)

The 7th King must “fall” with this final “sword-stroke” cycle. Unlike the first WW1 “sword-stroke” cycle that established that “7th King” Anglo-American national alliance base world power in global recognition (1914-1919), while the 8th King designate “image” was founded in 1919 as the League of Nations, in the final cycle the 8th King “rises”, “ascends” fully, in intended completion as the 7th King “falls” by “sword-stroke” aid, to aid that transitional process to 8th King fullness. That “healing” process must have a multi-year projection and in that time period the final prophecy unfolds into the 1260 days to lead to full 8th King “ascension” as that “healing” starts to mature.

Additionally, the final cycle, for the first time, will manifest both the “sword-stroke”-to-“healing” and the “abyss plunge”-to-“abyss ascension” in the same single cycle prophetic fulfillment as the final cycle to full world government to “ascend” with that “healing” upon the 7th King required sovereign deposition. (Dan11:42-43)

All the World Power Cycles and Players Identified in Revelation 13 and 17 Prophecy

Thus the key cycle, principles, and objective outlined in Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 repeat along with the repetition of this final global cycle a final time with the intent of completing the world government objective globally. The same global players are again fully active as were present in the first cycle of 1914-1919. The “sword-stroke” to “healing” formulaic phase is identified as is the “abyss plunge” to “abyss ascension” formulaic phase as concurrent. When the final cycle of both those phases runs in the future in final form these same entities will reach their final point in prophecy and in final climax world power development in a globally known form of total completion: the “8th King” reality.

(Thus it was no “coincidence” the Kingdom of God also made global announcement of its own final completion requirements in the Messianic Kingdom just “born” at that time of the first cycle in 1914, that must also mature to full 144000 membership (Rev7:1-4, Rev14:1) and completion over this same overall century-plus long developmental period to its own final phase also in the final cycle. Thus 8th King completion and Messianic Kingdom completion are eventually convergent, and thus is set up the fullness of the final confrontation for planet Earth’s sovereign supremacy as full blown Armageddon)

Revelation 13 also identifies that the classic national sovereign “seven headed wildbeast from the sea” (Rev13:1-3) has a globalist world government “wildbeast” “image”, background globalizing Anglo-American related engineer, in an independent “two horned wildbeast” backing “master globalizer” progressive world government developer that is creating the “image” first, and what it pictures as the world government “disgusting thing” foundation by the time of Revelation 17: eventual 8th King world government totality. (Rev13:11-18, Rev17:11-18)

(Thus we know why the globalist  “two horned wildbeast”  is an independent “wildbeast” system— they are an independent level of global-sovereign freedom defined in their trans-national corporate and institutional complex of globalist financial, military technology and international legal system as the core designers that guide the whole nation-state base system into endless debt, wars and boom and bust cycles they profit from in all phases of deployment by design aiding the world government engineering progressively;)

The four main developmental entities are clearly identified in Revelation 13 and 17 as (1) the base national system globally (Rev13:1-3), (2) the globalist elite super-system main globalizing engineers (Rev16:13-16, Rev13:11), the (3) UN based international world government “image” forum (Rev13:11-15), and their eventual final product as (4) 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” complete world government to encompass it all at truly global scale. (Rev16:13-16; Rev17:11-18, Rev13:15-18)

Thus plainly we are seeing the nation-state global system (seven headed original wildbeast; Rev13:1), being manipulated by a globalist tier of global power development (two-horned wildbeast; Rev13:11), and their goal is not just the international forum United Nations “image” of world government (Rev13:11-15), but its actuality as the globalized “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King full world government by the time of Revelation 17:11-18 and Revelation 13:15-18 in final cycle culmination and final fulfillment.

Thus the global cycle, the overall formula, the main objective and the national and globalist power player entities are all reflected and described in Revelation 13 and 17 as all these things are becoming fully explained and exposed by secular global researchers focusing on globalism and elite globalist systems, histories, symbology and techniques. (Dan8:24-25a, Dan11:36-40) Now the 7th King national power zenith is set to “fall” for the true “rise” of the 8th King finale, and that dynamic is also exposed by global researchers as a consequence of globalist world power developmental strategies.

Now by knowing this before and as the final cycle manifests, the coming global milestones and phases, en route to the world government milestone, are as good as the progressive global mileposts leading to Christ’s arrival as the world system final cycle development will again manifest this entire prophetic overview to the global presentation of world government. (Rev17:8-18, Dan11:45, Dan12:11, Dan8:25) World government completing progress is a gauge to Christ’s arrival because Christ arrives just after world government completes fully. (Matt24:29-31)

Thus rather than be under the uncertainty and false impression of “the end” prematurely, we can know it is a great final global cycle to result as it runs its course in full 8th King world government which completion triggers God and Christ’s arrival. (2Thess1:6-10, Rev19:11-21, Rev11:11-15, Rev16:17-19, Rev6:12-17, Matt24:29-31, Rev14)

In the meantime, the now derailed “good news” (Rev10:5-11, Matt24:14) has to be completed, and before that can occur, its causative modern apostasy (Dan8:12, Dan11:30-35) at Bethel, has to be revealed (2Thess2:1-4) before the true end can arrive—and this is also why a final cycle of prophetic climax fulfillment is also necessary. And even Christ’s arrival is a final period (Dan12:11) of open salvation as he complete his own ministry with the “sheep” securement “gathering” first priority objective. (Matt24:29-31, Rev14:1-16)

Now we can look at the features of this final cycle “world government formula” that must fully manifest in the future.

The World War “Sword Stroke” to World Government “Ascension” Cycle

There are eventually four global war/tribulation cycles that precede United Nations “image” related presentations that cap off each cycle in the overall world government development in prophecy becoming history since World War 1.  The four cycles have been progressive world government development based on global expansion of the globalist system aided by those world war cycles. (Dan11:36-41, Dan8:23-24, Rev16:13-16) The fourth and final cycle is what produces full world government, in addition to its “image” as the global-center of this development.

Three of those preparatory cycles and steps to world government have already run in WW1 (1914-1919), WW2 (1939-1945) and the Cold War (1947-1990). Those first three cycles ended with their related League of Nations (1919), to United Nations (1945), to the United Nations “New World Order” mode (1990), presentations as three steps of four to world government. ((1) Rev13:11-15 (Dan12:11), (2) Rev17:8-11, (3) Dan11:31b (Dan8:23))

The fourth cycle of the future (Dan11:42-45, Dan8:25) will present full world government over the final “sword-stroke” to recovery “healing” process as elements in Revelation 13 (sword-stroke phase) and 17 (abyss phase) repeat and finalize over this fourth drawn out formulaic global-cycle. In reality, in prophecy (mirroring the global system development), all four UN presentations have been foretold along with the basic global dynamic of the global “sword-stroke” (or the psychological impression and threat of one; Cold War) progressing to the global “healing” phase in which a United Nations presentation emerges, “ascends”, as it matures to world government.

Each post world war period sees a globalist system accelerated expansion and a notable recovery period, including the Cold War conclusion and aftermath, which saw rampant globalization go into truly internationally comprehensive globalism in the economic, finance and investment dimension as economic socialistic systems were fully scrapped for full global-capitalism.

Also demonstrated in the examination of the WW1 to WW2 phase of UN development, we also see the “abyss” plunge is defined by world war active (sword-stroke) to define UN related “world peacekeeping” impotence to eventually proceed to the “abyss” “ascension” that then relates to the post world war renewed “peace” resolution into the United Nations capping presentation “abyss ascension”. (1Thess5:1-3)

Thus the “ascension” is defined in its peak “world peace” proclamation of the renewed objective as presented with the UN “image”. In the final cycle climax, the “ascension” peaks in the full world “peace and security” proclamation under full world government also being presented, beyond but including, the central “image” of the United Nations— no matter what it may be finally branded, named and presented as in the full world government complex.

All the required principles of Revelation 13:11-15 “sword-stroke-to-healing” and Revelation 17:8-11 “abyss-plunge-to-ascension” are present in the WW1 to WW2 global development bi-cyclic development from 1914 to 1945.

This cycle, present since WW1, repeated in WW2 and the Cold War, demonstrates a formulaic use of the global stressing of the preparatory global cycle to highlight the need for world government as it makes its United Nations related “world peace” pitch and presentation, when the cycle is resolved into the recovery “healing” phase into a maximized global psychologically relieving effect of hopefulness and admiration. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8)

Thus the UN “we need world peace” pitch is greatly accepted, hope inspiring and logical aiding the global idea of world government and why it is necessary—the global war “sword-stroke” must be averted in the future—the global “sword-stroke” tribulation related context maximizes the hopeful contrasting positivity of the global “healing” and its recovery hopefulness that the world government presentation capitalizes upon for maximum “good guys” effect.

Three Historic and Prophetic Cycles that Have Already Run

1. WW1 demonstrated the classic Hegelian dialectic formula of the “problem” to “reaction” to “solution” process at global scale in which process the world government “solution” recommends itself in an “admirable” manner as the global war “problem” manifests and is resolved amidst the self-recommendation of the need for world government greatly psychologically amplified overall. (Rev13:11-15, Dan12:11) That world-war-to-world-government formula repeated in WW2 and then in the Cold War and it is now set to repeat in the future.

2. WW2 created an “abyss” like state of the League of Nations inability to keep world peace, creating the global stage for the “ascension” of the United Nations as it emerged after the WW2 cycle had run and culminated into its “world peace” resolution upon the same formula. (Rev17:8-11)

Now we can easily note the world war “sword-stroke” phase-principle for the “healing” recovery phase-principle is present in those first two hot world wars to amplify the positivity of the United Nations presentation then in the global spotlight as the highlight of the whole formulaic cycle.

3. The Cold War was a bi-polar “cold”, yet still global, war cycle, that created the global psychological fear of global thermonuclear war that proceeded along with the Anglo-American versus USSR national bloc camps expanding globally, to eventually be resolved into the United Nations presentation, as the “New World Order” initiative in 1990, as the USSR dissolved as an implied failure to highlight the UN success for a 3rd global “placement of the disgusting thing”. (Dan11:31, Dan8:23)

(This is the UN cycle (Dan11:29-31) apostate Bethel ignores, covers up fully since 1990, and instead partnered with as UN NGO global endorser in 1991. This is why Jehovah’s witnesses do not recognize the significance of that 3rd UN presentation, as the unique nature of the Cold War (Dan11:29), also diverts attention from that 3rd cycle for the world in general. Basically the 3rd UN cycle slipped by everyone’s awareness, and Bethel aids this subterfuge which breaks the critical UN 1-2-3 link to the UN 1-2-3-4 finale as world government. This is why Jehovah’s witnesses accept the premature end delusion promoted by Bethel (2Thess2:1-2), this is aided by Jehovah’s witnesses’ lack of recognition that the UN has four phases in prophecy and required world development.)

The unique deployment and duration of this global war cycle greatly aided it not being perceived as a third step to world government. (Dan11:29) (The Bethel apostasy also aids the same loss of recognition of that 1990 3rd UN presentation as being prophecy and a third presentational step towards world government by simply ignoring it and omitting all commentary exposing it.)

The threat of a nuclear “sword stroke” is what also gave this period its unique psychological context (Dan11:29), as the potential magnitude of possible atomic “sword-stroke” conflagration itself, and its global psychological perception and anxiety, was thoroughly permeated into the global mind for over four decades.

Thus WW3 was averted, but in reality only a “hot” WW3 was averted, the Cold War was still a a Cold WW3, hence it being termed “cold” to denote its unique nature. (Dan11:29) In that manner the third world war cycle, that produced a third UN related presentation, as a third step to world government, completely fell out of public awareness.

It is now very difficult to see the clear 1-2-3 cyclic UN progress to the eventual 1-2-3-4 cycles of continuum, to produce world government. And this is why it is not just Jehovah’s witnesses that are unaware of the significance of the coming 4th cycle, they and the whole world even missed the third cycle meaning. Thus world government is creeping up on the world, to again globally present itself as the fourth cycle is completing.

The Significant Cold War Unique Marker in Prophecy

(Daniel 11:29-30a) “At the time appointed he will go back, and he will actually come against the south (Cold War; 3rd cycle; Unique benchmark:); but it will not prove to be at the last  (The “Cold War” phase is clearly globally unique to mark its difference in this “King North” (8th King) world government process) the same as at the first. (the first two “hot” world wars in WW1 and WW2) 30 And there will certainly come against him the ships of Kittim (nationalist “ships”, “King South” system resistance to attempt to preserve national sovereignty), and he will have to become dejected. (world government impossible in 1947-1990 Cold War cycle, because of that nationalist “King South” system sovereign “pushing” (Dan11:40) with the 8th King “King North” globalists, so the world government development requires the fourth cycle of Daniel 11:42-45)

And that Cold War marker, allows us to understand the third United Nations placement that followed that 3rd cycle:

(Daniel 11:31) (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

And we see in the UN NGO, this Bethel profanation is a co-development in that signal apostasy:

(Daniel 11:30b) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access)

And that “those leaving the holy covenant” is this parallel apostasy at Bethel aided from within by “King North” agents now infesting the JW worldwide organization:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Note that the 3rd (1990) to 4th (future) cycle “King North” 8th King final development must be a successful continuum from 1990 3rd UN marker to future world government at Daniel 11:45, Daniel 12:11 (final fulfillment):

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king (8th King/King North) will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. (globalist world power will surpass any national power system and its statements will be of world government in due time) And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish (at Armageddon divine war, King North is a constant success from Daniel 11:31 to Daniel 11:42-45 as the 8th King); because the thing decided upon must be done. (the real prophecy must fulfill as the 3rd UN placement of 1990 at Daniel 11:31 and the 4th UN placement as world government of the future at Daniel 11:45);

The “healing” phase parallel principle of the post Cold War transition was aided by the global relief of averting a hot nuclear war, a typical WW3, at that time, which positive subject matter became part of the 3rd UN presentation “New World Order” speeches. Averting that “hot” WW3, also concealed the awareness that the Cold War was still a global scale “war”, denoted as “cold” in nature for this very reason, yet it still had strategic global positioning and territory control objectives and conflicts.

The accelerated post Cold War globalization period was the “recovery” principle that progressed to true global scale “globalism” after 1990. In effect, the Cold War resolution was also the symbolic global gateway to the greatest acceleration in globalization thus far accomplished—the whole communist block scrapped the socialist economic model and adopted global-capitalism to aid the globalization process since 1991. Billions of people and trillions of dollar joined the globalization market expansion and assimilation since 1990 gone truly global in that global-marketization context. Thus we also have a globalization based global “healing” phase in this accelerated economic and financial system expansion, that truly went worldwide as Russia, China and India (and others) fully joined the global-capitalist momentum, which also helped mark the post Cold War unique “cold” “sword-stroke” overall formulaic effect.

Thus for these reasons the Daniel 11:29 clue of uniqueness “it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first” clearly marks this global Cold War cycle preceding that 1990 3rd United Nations presentation of Daniel 11:31b (Dan8:23), as unique in many ways. Of course it should have been pointed out by Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses, but priorities have changed in the ministry and that apostasy also starts to become visible in progressive manifestation from this same 1990 period.

1990: UN NGO Bethel 3rd UN Presentation Cover Up

Thus it is no coincidence the modern apostasy signal and ministerial subversion co-develops in the same prophetic context as that 1990 3rd UN presentation in Daniel 11:30-32,41 and Daniel 8:12,23. The apostasy details are also present in the same prophetic context as is its Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment decree (Dan8:13) and timing (Dan8:14) for the required future judgment of this apostasy in that same progressive context.

Now we know why Bethel ignores the 3rd UN placement meaning since 1990, they also defect at the same time, and the whole overall development is in the self-same prophecy. (Dan8:11-14,23, Dan11:30-35,41) It also just so happens to be the same Daniel 8 and Daniel 11 prophecies Bethel now fully diverts as per Daniel 8:12, with now fully impossible fictional, premature and now dated interpretations still maintained by Bethel, in spite of the fact those interpretations have been made obvious as erred by especially that USSR dissolution aiding the 1990 3rd UN presentation of the real “King North” development. (Dan11:36) (All of Daniel 11:27-45 is global “King North” assuming the 8th King identity in marked manner.)

This third global Cold WW3 cycle, which could have been thoroughly connected to the two former hot world war cycles in WW1 and WW2, essentially fell off the world’s UN 1-2-3 radar aided by the “cold” nature of that world war and those impressions described earlier as Jehovah’s witnesses have now greatly aided that subterfuge by omission of critical prophetic fulfillment information and global exposure since 1990.

Thus Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses aid the global diversion process by also implying that 3rd UN manifestation of 1990 was now not a foretold United Nations presentation as the former two UN presentations had been in 1919 and 1945. Instead Bethel became a United Nations Department of Public Information partnered UN Non-Governmental Organization (UN NGO), as they furthered the cover up of what was actually a foretold United Nations “image” related third step to world government in Daniel 8:23 and Daniel 11:31b manifesting after the Cold War cycle ended in 1990—by then, “as usual”, it had now occurred in this same manner three times, the third time had a unique Cold War cycle preceding it.

Thus Bethel’s apostasy and UN NGO centerpiece—”standing in a holy place”— of a former anointed Christian ministry, is actually now present plain as day. (Matt24:15)

What we can now see in these three cycles is the “sword stroke” (or the threat of it; Cold War), and its “healing” phase recovery, are related to the manner in which a United Nations global presentation is made, as a “placement” (Dan12:11, Dan11:31b), or an “abyss ascension”. (Rev17:8-11, Rev11:7) The 3rd UN manifestation did not “ascend from the abyss”, for overall world peace stability was kept so as to avert a true hot WW3 to define a real “abyss”. The 3rd UN manifestation was “placed” in the global direct presentation of that 3rd United Nations manifestation as per Daniel 11:31b in 1990; “they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing…”:

(Daniel 11:30-32) “And he will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. 31 And there will be arms that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. 32 “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively. 

(Daniel 11:30b-31a) . . .(1) “And he (8thKing/King North globalist) will actually go back (in the three world war cycles) and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant (only in Christian anointed among Jehovah’s witnesses at this post 1919 time) and act effectively (continual success – see Daniel 11:36b; Dan8:12b); (2) and he will have to go back and will give (unique/specialized) consideration to those (JW Christian anointed defectors) leaving (defection in progress, not possible in Christendom) the holy covenant. (anytime developing after 1919 determination of holy covenant location); 31 (3) And there will be (infiltrator subversion) arms that will stand up (internal to Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him; (8th King/King North globalists) and (4) they (team effort with the Governing Body network) will actually profane the sanctuary (temple arrangement internally compromised with UN NGO pollutions; 2Thess2:3-4), the fortress (JW organization internally compromised), and remove the constant [feature]. (Truth profaned first and “removed” as acceptable to God, as covered here in this Governing Body misinformation campaign; This must become a literal event of JW ministerial cessation of the first 8th King “trampling” of Dan8:13);

(Daniel 11:31) (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

And this is also when the Bethel apostasy fully emerges to visible:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

That 3rd UN presentation is also present in the 3rd to 4th cycle outlining Daniel 8:23-25 portion that also fulfilled:

(Daniel 8:23) And in the final part of their kingdom (final 7th King and 8th King progression), as the transgressors act to a completion (Bethel apostasy UN NGO marked), there will stand up (1990 3rd UN placement parallel; Dan11:31b) a king fierce in countenance (8th King) and understanding ambiguous sayings. (superior understanding and strategies; Dan11:36-39);

The final UN world government presentation will be both an “abyss ascension” (Rev17:8-12; Rev11:7) and a final global “disgusting thing” placement. (Dan12:11, Dan11:45, Dan8:25);

UN 1-2-X-X—Bethel Severs the Critical UN 1-2-3-4 Cycle Link at 1990 3rd UN Global Presentation

Thus we have a critical link broken by Bethel in that 3rd UN placement of 1990 covered up at also apostate revealed Bethel. Now the prophecy actually has all four UN presentations, the final as world government, fully foretold and outlined that merely required fully explaining that 3rd UN placement significance properly in 1990 after the first two UN presentations of 1919 and 1945 as a required continuum merely continuing at that time—because the 3rd UN presentation connects now, 1-2-3, to that fourth UN world government cycle and presentation, 1-2-3-4. All four UN presentations are foretold.

We also have a clear indication in prophecy and the world of a final cycle about to start. What better way to conceal this from Jehovah’s witnesses than with the “its the end of the world” delusion now promoted at Bethel. (2Thess2:1-2) Thus rather than tell people a final cycle is about to start (Dan11:42-45), and that it is a phase, not the end (Matt24:6), Bethel has Jehovah’s witnesses and others believing it is all over, its “the end” instead, as they continue their diversion.

This co-developing Bethel signal apostasy is what is fully manifesting since 1990 with that 3rd UN presentation subterfuge in lieu of their UN NGO major temple “transgression causing desolation” actually at Daniel 8:13 temple judgment required “trampling” divine decree. Thus the UN NGO defined Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 8:13 “transgression” as Bethel went UN NGO for that Daniel 11:31b 3rd UN presentation rather than explain it properly, publicly. (Daniel 8:23 is the 3rd UN presentation parallel)

Four 8th King UN Cycles to World Government – 1919-Future

UN 1. 1919 – Revelation 13:11-15 (Dan12:11 first fulfillment) as League of Nations after WW1;

A. International Bible Students Association explained as prophecy;

UN 2. 1945 – Revelation 17:8-11 as United Nations after WW2;

A. Jehovah’s Witnesses explained as prophecy;

Unknown and unstated by Jehovah’s witnesses due to Bethel apostasy:

UN 3. 1990 – Daniel 11:31b (Dan8:23) as United Nations “New World Order” Initiative after WW3 (Cold War) (Dan11:29);

A. Covered up by Bethel as UN NGO, not explained as prophecy by any religious group;

[We are Here…]

UN 4. Future – Daniel 11:45; Daniel 8:25; (Daniel 12:11 last fulfillment) as United Nations and World Government after 4th world tribulation/war cycle to come. (Rev17:8-18)

A. Not currently explained by apostate Bethel in lieu of a premature “end of the world” deception. (2Thess2:1-2)

B. To be explained after the Jehovah’s witnesses’ temple judgment desolation, purification and removal of lawless Bethel engineered subversion (2Thess2:1-4; Dan11:30-31; Dan8:11-13);

C. Will complete the final fulfillment “abyss ascension” of Revelation 17:8-11 as world government is finalized as Revelation 17:11-18 symbolic “one hour” of world government. (Rev17:12).

Now as that 4th cycle gears up to start, with the Bethel apostate signal active, the temple judgment can start with that final cycle activating 1 Peter 4:17 as Daniel 8:13-14, Zechariah 3:4-8, Malachi 3:1-5 and Revelation 8 kicking off in final fulfillment as Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment parallel:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning); 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

Thus Bethel is set up for the temple judgment as the final signal apostasy of 2Thesalonians 2:1-4.

The Unique Modern Global Instability Complex

The Multi-Dimensional Powder-Keg of Global Conflict Positioned to Aid the Final Global “Sword-Stroke” Cycle

This is an overview of general concepts in various global destabilization developments (Luke21:25-26) that will mature further to aid the final cycle multi-dimensional dynamics, that can all be fully researched on the Web in enormous amounts of detail, internationally available, in these various generalized subjects covered here. The intent is to layout the concept in a basic framework of the active multi-polarity and its actual instability effects now present and or to create future potential effects in the final global stressing cycle.

Globalist Versus Nationalist Sovereign Development

As shown, in reality, Daniel 11:27-45 is “King North” globalists capitalizing the “King South” global nation-state complex progressively as both “Kings” now simplify in concept, but go worldwide in scope at the same time. National sovereign intrigues and other national distractions help conceal the real forming tier of globalizing world power—the real 8th King “King North” system finalization.

Thus there is a mostly unseen overall true global bipolarity that has been accelerated since the 1914-1919 WW1 cycle, but that has been forming with the Anglo to American alliance development in England’s preparatory domination of Europe as first outlined in Daniel 7 and 8 “small horn” activity. The England/Anglo national system formed the nexus of what was to develop into the 7th King Anglo-American national alliance that surfaced in full form in the WW1 cycle. That is the base “King South” Anglo-American national system leader, whose elites produced the 8th King “image” designate presentation (Rev13:11-15) in the League of Nations in 1919. This is more than just coincidence to have all surfaced in the same 1914-1919 first cycle.

That national based world power system, formed the modern predominant nation-state administrative system upon which global foundation the globalist empire was also founded and progressively expanded. Its globalist versus nationalist separating bi-polar system of power, as embodied in that globalizer “two horned wildbeast” elite Anglo-American system, began presenting world government philosophies along with the all controlling Anglo-American global “elite” guidance system (Rev13:11), and their financial and military direction manifesting in actual international scale entities and growing authority. (Rev13:12)

The League of Nations was the first visible international forum of that world government development.

Thus the national and global spheres of power form a true and far more significant global bi-polarity progressing to global 8th King, King “North”, uni-polarity by design. Each world war cycle aids the progress of the global wealth and power consolidation into the globalists system real control. (Dan11:36-40) The national system multi-polar (WW1 to WW2) to bi-polar (Cold War) nationalist drama and smokescreen of global distractions furnishes the global distraction that really is not the driving bi-polarity of the overall real global sovereignty versus national sovereignty development at work in mostly unseen manner.

Instead the use of the national based bi-polarity (like the USA vs. USSR Cold War drama), aids the actual “globalist versus nationalist” bi-polarity mostly unseen and well distracted by national focused intrigues.

That globalist system progressively capitalizes upon national sovereign divisions and conflicts, especially in world war scale conflicts, for its own global uni-polar development, profiteering expansions and ideological advancement; (the globalization and world government ideology; the Rev16:13-16 “gathering” force now at work in the world system.) That actual driving global political and global power bi-polarity is also present in the Bible in Daniel and Revelation illustrative symbology of real world power development. (and so are key global developmental features being covered here from those prophecies)

The absorption of the “wildbeast from the sea” classic national sovereign system worldwide (Rev13), into the globalized sovereign system “scarlet wildbeast” (Rev17) is the process the world has been in, in accelerated manner, since the 1914-1919 WW1-to-League of Nations cycle. That classic global polarity is in the Bible in Daniel 11:27-45 “King South” (nation-state) non-destructive “pushing” and eventual nation-state system deposition into “King North” (globalist) capture and control explicit in Daniel 11:42-43.

It is the national sovereign “King South” complex that is to de deposed into the far more powerful and enriched “King North” globalist final tier of uni-polar sovereign global “power and authority” “given” to that “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King system in Revelation 17:11-18 embodied in full world government as pictured since 1919 in that UN related “image”.

Thus in reality the globalist versus nationalist global conflict (the real “pushing” of Daniel 11:40), merely distracted by class, national political, and religious divisions, is now present especially in global finance that enriches the globalist system while indebting the nationalist systems. (Dan11:42-43) That is at a unique crisis point in all human history now, exacerbated by rampant post Cold War globalization that now includes Russia, China and India, and others, in their national elite finance and investment participation as the whole monetary, investment and capitalization pool is now truly “globalized”. Thus the globalist control objective in all sectors of former nation-state “power and authority” is causing instability in all these sub-systems, because it will aid their final power consolidation and its final cycle.

Due to global globalization research expansion, this globalist system development has been greatly exposed by secular researchers progressing more fully since 1990 now proliferating on the Web in this various globalization related sectors of exposition. The absolute absence of the research insights and their many connections to modern prophecy, now missing in Bethel publications, is now also becoming more obvious, for it aids the Jehovah’s witnesses’ disinformation process in their sector of religious apostate override to ignore the implications of rampant globalization.

In addition to this core bi-polar global condition, we have national divisions still exacerbating instability all over the world orchestrated by globalist strategic financial control (Dan2:33,41-43) which aids the whole process of final uni-polarity. Now the final cycle is poised to activate for a final global “push” to go in the globalist King North/8th King direction and advantage over this final cycle. And that unique real “conflict” with, and to depose, national sovereignty, will be the more significant real global power dynamic active to the finale of world government implementation.

Now that 8th King promoting and globalist “north” power transference in finale form (Rev17:81-18, Dan11:42-45), can take advantage of also a unique visible global arena of future conflict and division covered next. It also takes advantage of the covert manner in which this has developed more fully since WW1, and then the Cold War (and its globalizing aftermath period), as few are aware of this real globalization empowered tier of globalist world power development fully active in reality.

For the first time in history we have a truly climactic situation forming, as this globalism versus nationalism covert development at global scale can use a final multi-dimensional global scale “sword-stroke” in financial, nationalist and religious realms, also at record levels of maturity and potential instability and conflict, at now a truly unique worldwide scale and potential synergy of total global effect.

Globalist Financial Setup—The Global Financial Bubble Machine

In that transference of multi-polar national sovereignty to globalized-sovereignty in uni-polar 8th King form, it is the wealth control dimension that plays the greatest overall consistent development. This is why constant war, weapons technology development and “national defense” funding, that peak in global war cycles, are used to divert “national defense” to globalist empire expansion goals under that pre-text (Dan11:36-40, Joel3:9-12). All the while the 8th King empire backing, supra-national globalist tier wealth control complex is the ultimate beneficiary consistently enriched and expanded over all phases of the “war business” and deployment phases.

Each world war cycle is a peak profit cycle for the globalist “war machine”, and diverted investment funding to prepare the cycle is also utilized by the globalist war promoting and weapons development and distribution engine. Come post war reparations funding time, the globalist network is also there to dole out more debt, then for recovery.

This is how globalist guided global weapons and war development has aided overall globalist financial system control for the final domination cycle of Daniel 11:42-43 to empower Revelation 13:15-18. It has not only positioned national finances for debt enslavement of the national powers, it has extended the whole military and martial system to back the operation with superior force where needed in the final global war cycle “sword-stroke” application.

In the meantime, the globalist financial and investment system expands in everyday national and international business and commerce development to form the stable platform for inter-world-war economic development, also consistently consolidating power into their mostly unseen corporate tier of wealth and power accumulation. Thus in war and peace, boom and bust, regardless of the phase, the globalist system is being empowered at the expense of the duped national powers of limited overall international system insight.

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand.

It is little wonder why the nations now “beat their plowshares into swords”, it has an effect on national sovereign sustenance sacrificed for the global military empire “over-reach” system development:

(Joel 3:9-10) Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! (8th King serving global military expansion; Dan11:40) Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! (God’s taunt for the 8th King military component (of Rev16:13-16) to complete) 10 Beat your plowshares (expend national resources) into swords (war and weapons technology and expansion) and your pruning shears into lances. (for overall globalist military expansion and eventual monopoly);

Thus the enormity of the present nation-state rooted, but internationally distributed, globalist designed global-finance system has progressed gradually but regularly. It is hidden from most people, including many nation-state academics and politicians, by a complicated and distracting legal layer perpetually modified by private interests through national puppets, and a complex of deep mathematics defining financial debt and investment system algorithms, further complicated in its globally administered advanced super-computer network infrastructure.

(None of that is subject to the oversight and authority of national governments—instead they are progressively subjected to it, and “it” is an actual, functioning, organized, global tier of real global power progressively growing and expanding in riches and actual supra-national authority. Virtually none of that is explained by nation-state academics and historians who instead are national mythology story tellers perpetuating instead the national play tunnel vision and dominant smokescreen concealing the real global developmental dynamics. It is a truly global “sleight of hand” maneuver of the globalist system.)

Thus the real “global financial forensics” is IMPOSSIBLE for nation-state level educated individual, groups, organizations, institutions and governments to perform properly—they do not even understand how the system actually was designed and how it actually fully operates, it itself is not subject to national government regulation, auditing or oversight!

By the time the nations see the bigger picture, a mere schematic; the “thumbnail sketch” is of them stuck in the globalist-system financial “web” that they are trying to analyze while bound in it like a bug in a spider’s web—its too late—the globalist power system is the “spider”—and this globalist system picture is what now forms much of the subject matter of modern “alternative research” into this financial system forming its unique, highly powerful, branch of world government even now. Now it is specialized micro-historians and geo-strategic globalism experts, researchers and “hobbyists” who are explaining the histories and true nature of this globalist behemoth system—it is totally absent from nation-state academic and mainstream-media subject matter.

Thus the magnitude of the various financial bubbles (in scale, number, variety and depth of potential effect), now present in the global finance system inundating national finance foundations, is also of unique magnitude and future potential. The world war cycles, their “national defense” perceptions and partial but significant “black budgets”, have all played a role in the enormity of the global financial system as an integral part of its massive global expansion, in global and national scale.

The perpetual “war business model” has amplified the magnitude into which national debt has expanded and has been exacerbated by the constant war model and its “national defense” pretext, now actually diverted to globalist-empire expansion while at the same time internal national “security” systems inundate the nation-state internally—they even scrap national government constitutions and re-write laws at national scale so as to legalize their internal national expansion under endless war and terror pretexts.

Now it is “war on” everything imaginable to divert funding and human resources to these many forms of “war” that ultimately the globalist system capitalizes upon for further control in all these “war” sectors, under the “two horns like a lamb” “peaceful and beneficial” pretext that causes nations to take part in the very operation of their own sovereign demise. It is in the final “sword-stroke” overall global war cycle that this all synergizes into for the maximum final effect.

Thus this unique global-scale financial bubble-fest accompanying all this will also be of unique scale and usefulness within globalist engineered systems to bring the nations to their financial knees, for the full uni-polar authority of the core enriched globalist entity getting richer and more powerful the whole time. When that global stressing cycle starts, the globalist system is already the richest system to ever exist (Dan11:36-40); when the cycle runs they will get richer (Dan11:42-43), when the cycle ends they will own the whole planet earth by their own globalist-legal definitions in that world government entity. (Rev17:11-18)

It is the national indebted and dependent system that will lose what is left of its power, by losing what is left of its real wealth, now compromised in massive globalist system engineered debt—and that is why the globalist financial control dimension is the main dimension of globalist King North 8th King world rulership development. This is how we can know the final global war cycle will merely accelerate an already terminal momentum into world government, it will just complete the push of Daniel 11:40 into King North’s even now irreversible advantage—the final “sword-stroke” cycle will finalize it.

Information War

Now it is not hard for a person with access to the Web, and familiarity with an internet search engine, and a little interest in the way things work to understand the volumes of non-mainstream media research, information, data and research out on the Web on virtually any subject and theorization known to mankind. It is not hard to understand the explosive emergence of new communication technologies globally since especially 1990, empowered by digital system advancements globally, has helped make this literal global tsunami of information available in such an easily accessible and massive internationally available volume.

What it means is there has never in history before this time, been the specialization and proliferation of condensed knowledge and its base data and information volumes like there is today—especially on the Web. And this tidal wave of the geometric expansion of information is a two edged sword, that creates more potential micro-divisions in human thinking than has even been present before, while at the same time advancing peoples’ particular understanding of many subjects and themes.

Thus at a time when more dots can be collected than ever before, to be connected into bigger system pictures, there is also much more information to be assessed. In that realm disinformation, misinformation, “engineered dissent”, and diversion forming falsified or incomplete “bigger pictures” also flourishes, while at the same time corporate controlled media continues the dumbed down status quo.

But never before has so much globalist system information been made available to people to help expose details and histories of what is a real global tier of world power still in progressive formation. These system details and the volume of exposition on these globalism subjects has also helped reveal another development by Bethel’s lack of commentary on these voluminous globalist system details in their so-called “Awake!” and “Watchtower” journals. Now we know Bethel’s “media” is but another example of dumbed-down custom JW disinformation parroting the Jehovah’s witnesses’ past and outdated prophetic analysis in Daniel 8 and 11.

That subterfuge in JW media also helps conceal the true globalist system reality developments from their many examples of globalist system developments in modern post 2001 finance and NATO military based global developments. Bethel not only conceals the main 3rd UN presentation event as prophecy in lieu of their UN NGO partnership, they also conceal evidence of the globalist system developments in many supporting evidentiary details Bethel fully ignores.

Even now Jehovah’s witnesses are invaded by an information retardation operation taking place right within Bethel, as guided by its compromised 8th King doting apostate and impostor leadership.

This overall global dimension of  information invasion and “information wars” also creates a unique context for the final cycle to erupt within in its particular sector of disruptions, because mainstream media is also taking advantage of such expansions and their near monopoly of traditional information sources to ply their illusion and delusion complex of diversion. Thus a peak period of matured uncertainty, error, and too many “answers” is what is now enabled to be climaxed in this final cycle of nation-state system altering global turbulence and formulaic transformational change actually in globalist control.

Now the background “revolution” themes can also be fueled into action by real information. This “revolutionary” action, when it turns violent or even truly threatening to the system, is always capitalized on by the martial state system to create an internal national condition requiring “heightened security measures”. In this formulaic development the public requests martial systems to provide their own protection, thus the internal martial invasion is invited by the very system it seeks to control. And this is why mass public protest and violence actually aids the system of ultimate control, they even engineer this instability to create this catalyzation of their own internal national invasion in a national police state and martial military state prepared well in advance to handle these kinds of actually intended uprisings.

This is also why the longer range solution of God’s Kingdom and the understanding of the prophecy’s whole final cycle prerequisites aids patiently awaiting Christ’s arrival, because when Christ applies the “solution” it is total and irreversible and it is at the very end of the whole process. (Rev14) There is no reason to physically fight a world government guaranteed to complete in prophecy, but one must make the required stand for God and Christ in spiritual warfare (Rev11:7, 13:5-7), that is a given as a Christian (Rev13:15-18, Rev14:9-11), that is the real “war” to fight the one of true faith in God and Christ—not human “solutions”.

(1 John 5:4) And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith.

In time Christ finishes the battle personally. (Rev19:11-21)

(Revelation 17:14) These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].”

That is the real “solution”—in the meantime the final cycle provides evidence to produce some final “sheep”. (Hag2:7; Rev11:13)

Islam Versus Christendom and Israel

Additionally, now this global instability complex is further amplified by the potential scale of religious based destabilization and conflict. This is now forming especially volatile in the maturing of the Islamic “Global Jihad” versus the Christian and Israel “Global Crusade” religious sphere of instability and conflict now globally polarizing into a new scale of religious based organized volatility and freelance violence at a global scale of distribution down to the regional to local scale of effect, globally. This development provides the street level “insurgency” and “terror” tier of instability, fueled by “religious differences”, now at global scale, which also amplifies the need for “national security” internally focused martial system expansions and applications globally. Thus internal national invasion, by the martial protective forces of national governments, will actually in time be formulaically requested and required and this final “Mega-Crusade” will aid the process.

That aids internal national positioning of the whole system of control in varying potential ways globally. This means that divisive religious based conflicts will potentially actually require internal “national security” amplification, giving necessity to the martial system invasion of the domestic territory of nations by their own governments and military martial systems. Thus the potential of more “terror” is already prepared for in the last decade of “police state” expansion which is also prepared to handle the economic tsunami of instability they already know will also form concurrently.

Thus all the potential instability promotes the martial system expansion with a real and “perceived” need when that instability truly manifests—they are already prepared for such a synergy of collapse to better control it for its real purpose—to what degree it “collapses” is unknown, but the whole context is controlled globally in the main power centers. Now we have an exacerbating catalyst in formation for various “domino effect” developments and calls to each side of the “global crusade” or “global jihad” camps.

Now as that gears up at a significant international scale, the unique underpinning of the political agenda it actually is supporting is again capitalized upon by the globalizer system objectives and grander globalization scheme in all phases of the “sword-stroke” to “healing” process—now they expand within and without, by aid of the same instability process while the whole “Israel” and “Christian” themes are rekindled and refocused upon. They create the “bogeyman”, then they conquer the “enemy” they helped create; they “solve” the “problem” they promote, so by “divide and conquer” at this scale and comprehensiveness in this sector, the 8th King engineering system will conquer the whole nation-state system for its own benefit. (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18) All the divisive pieces play a role for the final intended effect.

In the process the instability “problem”, and its various “combatants”, are utilized from incept as the “global solution” eventually recommends itself automatically and formulaically towards the intended conclusion: world government and the removal of religious multi-polarity (Rev17:15-18, Rev18), not just to promote the “world peace” effect (1Thess5:1-3), but to enforce “world peace” (Dan11:44-45, Dan8:25) by a capable uni-polar truly global-authority—the 8th King globalized financial, military and global-political conglomerate. (Rev16:13-16)

Now incompetent national governments and multi-religious war-mongering are being identified as the global “problem” in this whole process to self-recommend the eventual “one world government” and “one world religion” “solution”.

In the process the typical “Christian” and “Israel” “kingdom” and “restoration” themes are revisited in a global context of great change (Hag2:7) that can suggest it is all “prophecy fulfilling everyone!” in a highly emotional atmosphere—but it is not going to be the prophecies they will falsely apply to their main Christendom and “Israel” global decoy props, infiltrated and controlled from long ago, for this particular grand finale “stabilization” process borne from the coming instability climax cycle to present world government in a “world peaceful” and “Kingdom of God”/”Zion” cloak of final global deception.

Israel, and particularly the “Jerusalem” icon, is a classic age-old global nexus of religious instability, orgiastic ritualism and conflict—most of it now psychological, extending the attitude globally especially through Christendom conduits of its handy “Israel restoration” myths focused on the physical state of Israel, the chief decoy promoted for the world government objective by the Christendom, Judaism and Zionist delusional orchestrations. That theme that has been carried forward into modern times along with the United Nations evolution and its complimentary goal of aiding Israel’s national development and eventual “world peace” promoting stability. (Balfour, 1917)

The Israel and Arab polarity of the Middle East system is the older background development that also forms a world stage for the eventual “Israel restoration” to give misapplied “prophetic” credibility to that sector of the world government presentation. When in time, these religious sphere conflicts are neutralized for world government claimed global-stability, that sector of illusion will be completed. Thus religious confusion is useful for the whole final cycle transition.

The whole time these religious conflicts are utilized for global-political goals. It is all a big production to deceive the uninformed and the tunnel-visioned religious fanatics that can be manipulated at will and who are actually serving the globalist developmental global-state in a far deeper global developmental complex. This final phase of religious war, with this central Israel and Christendom focus, thus can have a far greater final delusional effect when it is conveniently resolved in time into world government. That gives the “world peace” effect great amplification, in the eventual neutralization of the well known religious realm of conflict that helps fuel the war mentality, in the deposition of that whole multi-polar “Babel” of religious authority.

The final 8th King “ascension” of the global “peace and security” period of full “sword-stroke” “healing” can then use of the global “Israel” prop maturing to UN “crown jewel” global nationhood to present the whole development to that sector of concern as “prophecy fulfilling” for both Jews, and by that time quasi-Christians, heading into world government acceptance for real. Even since 1917 and the Balfour Declaration assimilation into the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine people have claimed it is “Israel” “prophecy fulfilling everyone!”. It is actually globalist elite engineered developments—and that is who will also be cloaked in this final delusion playing “God” to present their counterfeit “Kingdom of God” and “Zion” decoy.

That delusion progressed through the subsequent further developments of Israel’s global management by the European elite as it now fully parallels United Nations goals and development at the same time. Those Israel focused developments have been alluded to by the deceivers (Rev13:14, Dan8:25a) and the deluded as supposedly “God’s work” and “prophecy fulfilling in regard to Israel”.

But it is historically demonstrated as public record that the whole Israel prop is an Anglo-American elite brainchild and is actively guided by the UN and world government developers for maximum global effect, certainly not “God”, but global politicians, technocrats, financiers and warlords— “Israel engineering” for their own world government agenda. Israel’s developments are caused by rival world power architecting men attempting to sell their “8th Kingdom” and its “Israel” prop as the “Kingdom of God” and “Zion” by the use of delusions and fraudulent associations such as these, now accepted by many in the world at face value with little further investigation as to the reality of the development. Of course the global religious system in Christendom and traditional and Zionist Judaism all aids this delusion by teaching it is prophetic fact, they too are totally controlled “harlot” systems in the whole Babylon the Great complex.

Thus the radical Islamic “Jihad” religious “bogeyman”, in a global scale “attack on Israel and Christianity”, will just help highlight “Israel’s victory” when the controlled “chaos” of the instability phase, now most useful for the global destabilization process in the religious sector, is orchestrated into its final stability process of “order”, to maximize the world government and its final “world peace” presentation for that sector of global delusion and illusion. The global “divide” dynamic is used by the 8th King architects to form the basis of their own global unification “conquer” as per Daniel 11:42-43 [+] Revelation 16:13-16 [=] Revelation 17:11-18.

This is also why Babylon the Great is used for the whole final cycle, the delusional Bethel idea that system is destroyed first, to start the final cycle, is utterly ridiculous. It is just part of the overall Bethel delusion to smokescreen the meanings of things coming upon their “a system of things” first. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13, Matt13:36-42)

Divide and Conquer at Global Scale

As time, politics and human specialization have acted upon the whole global religious complex in its totality, the divisive magnitude and delusions of the individual religions, within their own Babel-like theological variations, are also at a maximum scale of divisiveness, as the whole complex of differing religions is at a climax of division as the same thing occurs in social systems of political, cultural and economic philosophies. (Thus the preview “third plague” on these global “rivers and fountains” of worldly wisdom is very real, and so will the climax effects also become very real as this “plague” becomes global reality in the final fulfillment cycle, not just the signal previews of it now in the global research “lights” fully explaining the magnitude of these global problems in all its details (Rev16:4, Luke21:25-26), but the real thing as the background global context of that final cycle. (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9)

Thus the “clay and the iron” of Daniel 2’s 7th King system “feet and toes” has to have many “iron” fragments inside the form provided by the “molded clay”. This divided character is now in all dimensions of basic division and conflict globally manifest, down to individuals, that now define the whole “7th King” predominated nation-state system as global scale “King South” global “land of Egypt”:

(Daniel 2:31-34, 41-43) “You, O king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image (the whole 8th King totality)… standing in front of you… (the totality of that “immense image” is full world government “scarlet wildbeast” totality, in its final “stand” as the global 8th King parallel. Dan8:25) 32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, 33 its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. 34 You kept on looking until a stone (the Messianic Kingdom “stone”) was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them… 41 “And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the (7th King system) kingdom itself (1) will prove to be divided, (macro-division) but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. 42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, (2) the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, (3) they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; (multi-cultural character of the 7th King empire) but (4) they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one (micro-division), just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.

Thus the divided character of the “clay and iron” final base instability of the whole “immense image” has a few meanings in the whole system itself, and in its human component: (1) it is a systemically and comprehensively divided system, (2) it has weak and strong system features, (3) it is a multi-cultural mix of nationalities (thus with inherent divisive cultural differences), and thus (4) it is not united in reality, at all levels of its formation, even down to the “this one to that one” individual level of division in the “atomic” Adamic man in that system. Even human families have unstable qualities in comprehensively seen mannerisms. The basic building block of the nation-state, is therefore inherently unstable even within individual instability.

Thus we get the total picture of total system instability merely held together by an impression of stability and form provided by the “clay”—and ironically the weakest part of the system, the “clay”, is also the most flexible and the component that gives the illusion of solidity and unity.  Now the form of the “feet and toes”, provided by the “molded clay” form, is the current state of the 7th King illusion of solidarity, unity and structure, and that is the modern 7th King and “ten kings” implied portion the whole global system is now baaed and balanced upon—it is inherently unstable and divided—yet it still stands as the base of the Daniel 2 “immense image”.

(In the vision it is not a systemic collapse that brings the “image” down, it is an act of God and Christ (Dan2:44-45); thus this systemic instability will not bring the “image” down, it will “stand” (Rev16:16, Joel 3:11b) all the way to Christ’s arrival as shown in the prophecy and it will support the whole “immense image” meaning. The 7th King will “go down”, it is already there in the “immense image” lower portion symbology, it is already there in the numeric sequence (Rev17:10-11), but it will remain stable enough as an overall system to continue to support its central portion of the whole 8th King whole “immense image” totality and meaning of world government.)

Instead of seemingly sure structural collapse indicated in that “mix”, the 8th King utilizes this systemic instability for their own conglomerating domination system—true “divide and conquer” now at global scale. That 8th King world government is the meaning in the whole “immense image” totality, it fully stands on that 7th King base nation-state system, it does not “collapse” on its own. That final 8th King is “standing” “north”, while the 7th King is down in the “south” “feet” influencing the whole global nation-state “toes” as the final “King South” base system, for the WHOLE “King North” 8th King global government totality. (Rev17:11-18)

Thus in this final uni-polar “King North” 8th King “stand” parallel; the “King South” system is the foundational final developmental system to support the whole world government monstrosity being made subservient to the “King North” whole (Dan11:42-43), and thus aiding its final “stand”. In like manner the Revelation 13:1 “seven headed” “wildbeast from the sea” is the structural basis of the Revelation 17 globalized “seven headed” “scarlet wildbeast”, for its final ascension and global absorption for the 8th King world governmental basis.

Another important meaning is, though the 7th King must “fall”, it will remain functional, only its sovereignty is affected (Dan11:42-43; Rev17:11-18), the system “heals” fully from that final global “sword-stroke” aided fall in Revelation 13 culmination—it remains functional and it “regains power” (Isa41:1). “The end” is not by an irreversible devolution into total global pandemonium and global-dysfunction—it is only the final global stressing cycle. The system is fully functioning in 8th King zenith and national recovery active with great global hope (Rev13:3, Rev17:8), when Christ arrives. (Rev11:7-12, Rev18:9-18, Matt24:36-42, Rev14:1-11, Matt24:29-31)

Now the whole political and economic ideological system of nation-state development is hybridized as a massive global mix, whose nucleus is actually globalist-capitalism supporting truly worldwide globalization of a uni-polar global finance system and its enforcing uni-polar global military system. (Rev16:13-16, Dan11:42-43, Joel3:9-12) “Capitalism” and “globalization” are not eternally perpetual processes, they have functions while active and end product goals when complete. The dual process completes into global-system corporate monopoly (produced by terminal capitalism completion) to help form fully globalized world government as the globalization process also completes into that whole.

The final world government system is to be a “new world order”, the former nation-state “old world order” model and its myths of perpetuity, “democracy” and “free markets”, etc, are also on their way out as their real function completes; but of course it is a multi-year drawn out process. Like the Babylon the Great religious function entity, they are functional nation-state processes to form an eventual uni-polar conglomerated finality, they are not perpetual truths, they were used to involve as many as possible in the whole process until it is complete.

The background 8th King world government goal, and that of its “two horned wildbeast” system elites, is now maintaining the whole “feet and toes” 7th King system orchestration as one super-divided, and mentally distracting mishmash gone global, upon which instability, uni-polar authoritarian globalism, the whole “immense image” reality complete, the whole “immense image” meaning, will finally fully emerge, “ascend from the abyss”, into a brief world government whole 8th King final global-sovereign system definition. (Rev17:12 “one hour”)

Now that mostly unseen global-sovereign equation (Rev17:11-18) “adds up” to global-totalitarian 8th King global-government uni-polarity (King North), distributed globally through controlled national to regional to local sub-systems (King South, subservient as per Daniel 11:42-43), whose division and weakness aided their eventually being completely dominated as the whole “immense image” 8th King symbolism in Daniel 2:31-45.

Cold War 2.0 Warming Up

Now every possible global instability is climaxing as Russian national intrigues are now being amplified for a potential perfect backdrop to this perfect global storm—financial, national, and religious—to empower the real globalizing objective in a true “divide and conquer” global cycle situation. The BRICS nexus forms a final recognized financial bi-polarity to extend into the economic dimension globally with political roots, yet no doubt the same globalist background engineers. Never in history has the full plethora the orchestration of global instability been so comprehensive and mature in every system of former national, financial and religious control systems globally and all they affect.

The entire basis of the nation-state system is divided in many ways, in many dimensions, as the potential of the global “sword-stroke” is now well beyond just the military dimension, but can have ramifications in every national dimension, intra-national, religious and economic, all equating to the truly “endangered species” known as national sovereignty and the concurrent final evolutionary stage of world government forming simultaneously with this nation-state sovereign downfall now being set up for its final phase at truly global scale.

Thus the end of one system, the nation-state predominance, as foretold to fall (Dan11:42-43), also logically present in the 7th-King-to-8th-King numeric sequence, will give simultaneous rise to the globalist world government “ascension” from the only global-system capable of actually “healing” this global “sword-stroke” centered on the 7th King active “head”—the globalist 8th King “healer”. The 8th King is the final global-sovereignty as the post-sword-stroke recuperation eventually proceeds to that formulaic end.

When all these global bi-polar and multi-polar instabilities are exacerbated for the coming global financial and militant based “sword-stroke” developments, of course we will be in a unique crisis (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9) and transitionary period marked in the Bible as the “tribulation of those days” phase of this marked final global cycle (Dan11:42-45) and its critical transition into full 8th King world government “scarlet wildbeast” and the arrival of Christ it eventually will trigger. Thus there is far more to the Matthew24:29-31 phase and transition point than is commonly realized as it activates the Revelation 14 truly final sequence of all Adamic human history as Matthew 24:29 concludes.

First off Matthew 24:29-31 is not the immediate end, it is never mentioned because much takes place after the “tribulation of those days” well before the total end. While in the “tribulation of those days”, all this global “sword-stroke” activity coming, no doubt also in the military global aspect of conflict and global war, “the end” cannot come in this transitionary period of the “sword-stroke” final “wars and reports of wars”:

(Matthew 24:6) you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

(Luke 21:9) Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.

Instead it is the transition into full world government. Instead it is the logical prelude with marked massive global events signalling Christ’s sure arrival by these events. Instead it is the global marked set-up for these final “wars and reports of wars” to be resolved for the final world “peace and security” proclamation period (1Thess5:1-3) under full 8th King world government not to be fully present until “the tribulation of those days” has ended—that is when “the end” can arrive, not in this final cycle active in final conflicts leading to that signal transition.

GWOT 2.0

Thus a “Global War on Terror”, already a unique “world war” “on terror” (continuing the Daniel 11:29 theme of uniqueness), can proceed to its second phase as well, no matter what it may be branded as, it will be the second phase of that GWOT global positioning operation’s intended finale. Now the last 14 years of accelerated US and Global NATO global positioning, actually intended as global military preparation for this coming final cycle “sword-stroke” phase, to be aided by the preceding “Global War on Terror” global military expansion preparation, can be fully taken advantage of for this final “sword-stroke” cycle aided by over a decade of massive NATO GWOT propelled military preparatory expansions globally. (Joel3:9-12)

This preparatory military global positioning development just used the “global war on terror” pretext for a decade-plus to again invade the world (and internal “national security” martial expansions) for this final cycle preparation and requirement (continuing Daniel 11:40). This has occurred at global scale while few recognize the significance of this fourth cycle prelude “Global War” “on Terror” actually in preparation for the final worldwide “sword-stroke” to “healing” phase of the final cycle. That will also define the UN final “abyss plunge” and final “ascension” of full 8th King world government in complete power consolidation.

Thus all the ominous signs explained by globalization and globalist elite system exposing researchers presents the evidence of what is actually being prepared (Luke21:25) which could be aided by the Bible’s prophetic framework of this final cycle where these developments have already been fulfilling prophecy.

Apostate Bethel Purposeful Ignorance – JW Delude, Divide and Attempted Conquer Phase Setup

Thus no wonder Bethel ignores all post 1990 UN activity and globalization signals— they want Jehovah’s witnesses to be totally dated in mental perception of the real world and its connections to modern prophecy advancement. (Dan8:12) Bethel deludes Jehovah’s witnesses not just spiritually, but in reinforcing ignorance of modern globalization implications. It is little wonder Jehovah’s witnesses have no inkling of this final cycle requirement as they are now either internally spiritually isolated, or externally scattered in disfellowshipped and shunned “solitary confinement” by Bethel apostate lead to aid this critical subterfuge of the truth. (Dan8:12) Many others are thoroughly stumbled or disgusted by Bethel’s global scandals, as the whole former truth framework exposing those first two UN presentations is fully derailed, discredited and doubted by aid of Web based exposure of Bethel’s lawless and apostate condition.

Such a truth defeating dynamic is not random or accidental, it is prophetic and it emerges with the 1990 3rd UN presentation that Bethel also conveniently ignores just extending the past into the present to dupe Jehovah’s witnesses en masse by a well implemented “anointed Christian” act totally subverted to aid world government development as per Daniel 11:32a, Daniel 11:41 and Daniel 8:12.

Thus, as well, the weird Bethel organizational accelerated changes and strange “obey” directives, in especially the last three years including 2012, are actually in preparation for the Bethel final coup, aided from within Bethel (Daniel 11:41, Dan11:32a), to transpire as the final cycle begins, to also provide the prophetic “trampling” context of Daniel 8:13—a temple judgment also unknown to deluded Jehovah’s witnesses.

Thus Jehovah’s witnesses can be “tossed over board” like Jonah, into the final cycle beginning, to have to face that whole cycle thinking instead it is “the end of the world” as it begins, as thoroughly deluded Jehovah’s witnesses can be bewildered and scattered in totality, delaying their awareness of reality as long as possible. (Hence the Daniel 8:14 timing and darkness “evening” first phase of the temple judgment and its obvious parallels to Jonah’s own “abyss plunge” (Jon2:5, Ps88:6, Rev9:1-2) for dereliction of ministerial duty paralleled by these critical Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses’ modern UN developmental omissions in lieu of the UN NGO UN co-promotionals, along with its signal apostasy based at modern “man of lawlessness” HQ Bethel, right in Bethel’s top apostate leadership.

Thus the matured divisive instability is also present in the JW ministry and Bethel is actually the enemy controlled system (Dan11:32a) developed gradually (Dan8:12) to take advantage of that coming overall global and Jehovah’s witnesses’ confusion, to also affect Jehovah’s witnesses as this final cycle activates in the future.

Mega Sword-Stroke Global Setup

Financial/Wealth Control First

Thus the financial control that has been permeating the nation-state interdependency and the ‘enforced dependency’ global-model leads to the eventual control of everything fueled upon this financial “world reserve currency” US Dollar based model globally, by its controlled failure. (Isa19, Eze29-32) That it is now recognizably separating into two global tiers of power, is also demonstrated in the global national “master debtor” system falling under progressive control of the globalist “master creditor” system; the privately held “immortal corporation” and its international matrix that assumes the final supra-national possession of the whole system (Dan11:42-43) by this global-financial-synergy, essentially all of planet Earth by the end of the final cycle. (Dan11:42-45, Dan12:11)

Even national governments, defined “corporations” themselves, are now owned vassals overall in this hierarchy of true 8th King system centered global wealth power and control. (Rev13:15-18)  It is now a recognizable economic and financial component of the world government designate system already functioning to that completion.

A point is, that corporate network is privately held, and ultimately so is the distributed wealth power owned by that same supra-national global-complex, already independent of and above national sovereign authority as demonstrated in the global finance and investment network portion, a very powerful portion. The framework of the financial sector of world government is already present. (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18)

Thus 8th King power is not based in actual national sovereign authority, but in its subservience to private corporate power that defines the immensity of true world government administrative power at truly global supra-national scale—the United Nations “image” was merely the global center of its representation and international arbitration forum as ultimately its “global supreme court”. The national powers merely unknowingly aided the overall development and where the resource base of the overall globalist-power development that in time will vanquish their sovereignty by mostly financial compromise. (Dan11:42-43)

Thus the very literal descriptions of Daniel 11:42-43 and Revelation 13:15-18 are inter-related in this final wealth and finance control dimension assuming its final globalist identity and authority (Rev17:11-18) as the nation-state system debt scenario is resolved with the national sovereignty all transferring into global 8th King system control—as guided by that Anglo-American base elite system “two horned wildbeast” core global-system engineering.

Four Global War Cycles Overall

The three former world war cycles, including the Cold War, greatly accelerated the real power consolidation and globalist global expansion effect of this whole globalist system consistently and in the corporate realm is its greatest private store of that real power as concentrated wealth. (This is why all four UN presentations are foretold in prophecy, they all have recognizable development and power/wealth consolidation peaks defined by these global war cycles—the three former cycles fully demonstrate features to climax in the fourth and final UN cycle. (Dav11:44-45 parallel Dan12:11; Dan8:25, Rev17:8-18, Rev16:13-16)

That the formula has run three times, including the Cold War third cycle, adds to the certainty of a fourth cycle requirement of the future to complete the wealth and power global-consolidation process. The total loss of national wealth-sovereignty (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18), in lieu of massive global designed debt defaults and market abruptions aids the final cycle process to bring the nations to their knees—before 8th King world government. (Rev13:15-18).

The preparatory GWOT 1.0 phase extended that globalizing-military positioning globally in preparation for the final cycle now set-up in this magnitude of potential global instability. It also amplified the debt condition of the US system supporting these various geo-positioning wars. All that is required is the proper catalyst event or events in the future to spark that final power consolidation cycle to be aided and accelerated by the national system comprehensive global stressing cycle that the nation-state system will be shelved by.

That formulaic world war model just runs a final time, a fourth time, not with perpetual national sovereign war as the goal (Matt24:6), but with the setup of the conditions to give rise to the ultimate 8th King world “peace and security” manifestation under that emergent globalized world government coming into full global authority. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25, Rev17:11-18) As the nation-state “7th King” “King South” led system “falls” in nation-state authority emptied, world government “rises” to recover the whole system under the globalized pyramid (Rev16:13-16) of that pinnacle “King North” “8th King” world government system officially implemented to cap off the final cycle climax.

Additionally, as nations lose their real sovereign power, the former definition of national sovereign war also disappears. It is the 8th King uni-polarity that will be absorbing all that former sovereign authority (Rev17:11-18) for the final sole global-sovereign “globalization” complete, defining fully the “Har-Magedon” completed global-state of final, fully conglomerated, rival 8th King power. That has to climax before Christ arrives, it enables and triggers that universal-milestone event.

Everything since WW1, and every “power and authority” dimension affected over the whole century-plus long development, is for the complete world government objective. The real goal, to eventually be formulaically realized by final cyclic means in the future, is the full global implementation of that actual global-sovereignty, held in a top level supra-national complex of power defined by a complex of private wealth and power conglomerating into the 8th King meaning of total internationally distributed final “power and authority” (Rev17:8-18)— the global “palatial tents” that define “King North” world government at truly global “8th King” scope and scale. (Dan11:45)

As the military tier of world government sovereignty conglomerates under uni-polar 8th King power following the conglomeration of the basis of global wealth (Dan11:42-43) in that globalization synergy completing (Rev16:13-16) as world government, the now uni-polar globalist 8th King military system global-sovereignty dominates the whole formerly 7th King predominant “King South” base nation-state system globally. (Dan11:42-45, Rev17:8-18, Joel3:9-12) The 7th King is not destroyed, but its sovereign power is vanquished and that global nation-state system is made functionally subservient to 8th King global-sovereign uni-polarity.

Babylon the Great Function Complete at End of Final Cycle

Now we can also know the religious sovereign system of a “Babel” of global religious based divisions and confusions, also climaxing in the “Babylon the Great” global complex of religious sovereignty (Rev17:18), will fully run that necessary course of its global function of instability for this whole final “sword-stroke” cycle. Thus as the “healing” phase starts to take hold in an emerging world “peace and security” under emergent world government and its global recovery phase, the culmination of Babylon the Great (BTG) religious complex, then complete in its destabilization function and no longer needed, will then also aid the “healing” recovery phase by global BTG asset transference in that final BTG global deposition at the end of the final cycle.

Babylon the Great religious-sovereign system deposition, at the end of the final cycle, will also aid the final 8th King world government “world peace” believability in the sovereign removal of that global complex of religious war, that aided greater political objectives from start to finish—including the final world government global-political objective as the final “world peace” effect is amplified by the Babylon the Great “global religious warmonger” global deposition, under full world government final authority (Rev17:15-18), aiding that final world “peace and security” believability. The “harlot” was used by design for her entire existence especially useful for the whole final cycle.

Babylon the Great’s implied finale 8th King and “ten kings” “sword-stroke” on that religious competitive sovereignty globally, will not be “healed”. (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12,19; Rev18)

World Government = The 8th King

Now that the ultimate globalist-political agenda is met worldwide, with the wealth authority (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18), and the globalized-military (Joel3:9-12; Rev16:16), to actually finalize and enforce it, the whole nation-state complex of former necessary functions in this divisionary religious aspect, the globalization process itself, and the “capitalism” model, is all culminated and completed into world government for its final function of true global empowerment. And thus those former models have met their functional purpose, they are not ongoing global dynamics, they equate to the final functional basis of world government and its global agenda under the one-sided global financial, military and political whole of the “scarlet wildbeast” “8th King”.

The “two horned wildbeast” “7th head” of the “scarlet wildbeast”, will have met its brainchild objective (Rev13:11-18), as ultimately guided by the temporally mature “7th head” of the “fiery colored dragon”, as ultimately Satan and the demons assume final pinnacle global power.

Because the new emerging globalized financial system 8th King system globalist victor (Dan11:42-43), is also the designer of the former nation-state empire system under Anglo-American “7th King” national alliance system lead capitalism, and the globalism of banking and investment systems and markets gone from national to truly global, it is in the perfect position to implement the final globalized wealth and financial “solution” model to actually be implemented at global scale with the global “healing” phase.

They will also have met their objective of total globalized gold/silver bullion and wealth control (Dan11:42-43), so the real hard wealth basis of the final global financial “solution” will be in real gold/silver at global scale, and real wealth and the core asset of literally the whole planet Earth as all the nations are world government fully owned and operated “properties”. (Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16, Zeph3:8, Ps2)

In that way the Revelation 13 “seven headed” “wildbeast from the sea” is what is absorbed into the globalized “scarlet wildbeast” of world government of the same “seven headed” structure it provides the developmental basis of, but now under the globalist authority of its “two horned wildbeast” Anglo-American globalist elite main engineers. (Rev13:11-5) Obviously the world power authority will increase and peak as this is finalizing as Revelation 13:11-18 cycle fully matures.

The final cycle of required global stressing, to define and accelerate this final mega “sword-stroke” phase multi-dimensionally, as shown fully setup now globally, will accelerate the 8th King world power and wealth consolidation into a true uni-polarity that will truly be the only “solution” the then fully bottomed out nations will have when that cycle bottoms in preparation for the final “healing” recovery and “ascension” of world government. Thus the potential of the 7th King downfall as a nation-state sovereign nexus is evident in this preparation as is the final 8th King rise into full world government as integral and concurrent in the global recovery “healing” phase of this final cycle.

Thus the perfect “sword-stroke” storm global, and the perfect 8th King designate “abyss” co-development, in all areas of nation-state structure, and that at immense global scope, is now uniquely present globally, at enormous scale and systemic saturation, for the future final cycle activation. So the “healing” phase and “abyss ascension” for world government true implementation is also perfectly set up to run this final cycle for real, concurrently, to the intended and fully foretold 8th King world government objective as a simultaneous final transformation to true 8th King uni-polarity. Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 peak simultaneously.(Rev13:3-8 parallel Rev17:8-12; Rev13:15-18 parallel Rev17:11-18)

This is how we plainly know it is not “the end” prematurely, as some are deluded to speculate and believe, it is the great global climax cycle required to fully run its course. That final cycle is completely outlined in prophecy in its main 8th King objective, the main principles of power consolidation operations, and the main global national and globalist players, with the approximate gauging (Rev8-11, Rev15-16), and underlying phased timing (Dan8:14, Dan12:7, Dan12:11), that defines the final sequence and its final signal milestones that will mark the trek to Armageddon fully matured (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18), and thus Christ’s arrival is fully enabled over the increasingly recognizable process.

This is also why prophecy that outlined the first cycle (1914-1919), and the subsequent two that followed it (1939-1990), also repeats with the grand finale cycle, which the first cycle laid out in the same outline of objective, players, principles, preview milestones and timing. Its all the same thing, the final cycle is just its final and completing form.

Now the final warning total development from temple judgment (Rev8, Dan8:13-14) to recovery (Rev9, Zech3:4-5) to final warning commission (Rev10, Zech3:6-9) to its delivery (Rev11:1-7) will contain the explanation of all these global events globally explained over the final years required to transpire, before Christ arrives. This kind of progressive final cycle forecast, already in the prophecy Bethel merely covers up now, temporarily, will fully aid people’s awareness of the true state of the world as its own milestones mark the way to Christ’s final manifestation over several final years and milestone periods well marked in prophecy.

The Fourth and Final Cycle – Final Sword Stroke to Healing under Emerging World Government

“Healing” Phase Provides Wildbeast “Ascension” Progression

Main Problem-to-Solution Cycle

The purpose of these four cycles as a whole, present in the first 3 cycles so far (1914-1990), is they comprise the formative main phases of the production of overall world government. This is why the UN “nucleus” or “image” is all that is officially present while this forms to the fourth cycle world government culmination. The whole time the hidden globalist-sovereign structure was indeed forming globally, it just took time to complete the whole.

Thus the UN centered world government process is marked by the cyclic formula that uses global scale war “sword stroke” “problem” to be “healing” resolved into an intended world government presentation as the “admired” “solution”. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8) In reality the whole thing is engineered for those peak “we need world government so we an ensure world peace” presentations, while everyone think the world war cycle just erupted spontaneously, totally on its own with no financial funding preparation, no weapons preparation, no shadow diplomacy and no overall guidance.

If people knew all that, then they would also know the world government presentation and its “world peace” pitch is part of the reason why the cycle is orchestrated, as is big profit velocity and the further expansion of the globalist financial and overall corporate system to continue on after the cycle ends to help prepare for the next cycle.

This is the final “chaos” to final “order” cycle at truly global scale outlined in Daniel 11:42-45, Revelation 17:8-18 and Revelation 13:3-8,15-18 among other supporting prophecy providing all the final cycle and end world government objective details and final ramifications. (Rev8-11, Rev15-16, Rev14, Rev19) It is also the world-war-to-world-government formulaic phase in its fourth cycle as the three previous global war developments in WW1 (1914-1919), WW2 (1939-1945), and the Cold War (1947-1990) were all resolved and then concluded with the United Nations related global presentation to end each of those three former cycles.

Revelation 13:3 and Revelation 17:8 both note this formulaic principle as part of the process, along with its global “admiration” principle, in both the “sword-stroke” to “healing” phase and the “abyss plunge” to “ascension” phase respectively, as they are integrally co-related in the whole final cycle. Both the “sword-stroke” and “healing” phase and the concurrent implied “abyss plunge” and explicit “abyss ascension” phase are parallel and generate the hopeful effects shown in the “admiration” principle in both Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 for world government acceptance.

The final cycle “tribulation of those days” phase has a severe “sword stroke” phase and “healing” phase cycle parallel as this cyclic formula repeats for the final time (Matt24:29-31), to the same intended world government presentation, but then in final full form. In the “tribulation of those days” the full timing of Daniel 8:14 temple judgment period and Daniel 12:7 (Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5) final warning period transpires prior to world government presentation in Daniel 12:11 parallel “place the disgusting thing”.

1. Daniel 8:14 Timed Period (Temple Judgment Requirement)

Daniel 8:13-14 is a temple judgment timed milestone period that runs first (1Pet4:17), for the purpose of accounting and purification (Zech3:4-8) to prepare the final warning ministry (Rev10-11) before it is ready for final deployment in the subsequent 1260 day period.

The temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 begins Revelation 8:3-5 in final fulfillment of the then activating Revelation 8-11 as the final cycle of prophecy starting marker. (1Pet4:17)

Thus understanding the Daniel 8:14 timing is activating in that concurrent temple judgment timed prophecy and events allows us to avoid applying the 1260 days prophecy too soon. This is because the “right condition” of the temple and the ministry has to be fully met before the final ministry is deployed in the 1260 days. A divinely approved and backed full clarification (Rev10:5-11) must be fully present BEFORE the 1260 days can actually begin. And that itself is going to take time, hence Daniel 8:14 timing and “evening” and “morning” phasing of desolation and recovery. (Dan8:26)

Its obvious from the attempted Daniel 8 interpretation in 1958 and the rehashed and adjusted 1999 version, in both Bethel Daniel commentary books, that Daniel 8:13-14 is far more significant than Watchtower Bible and Tract Society corporate charter revisions of the 1940s. The “transgression” of Daniel 8:12-13 cannot be blamed on the League of Nations “disgusting thing” backers, which are not in a “holy covenant” with God, which “temple” “transgressor” connection is attempted by that current erred interpretation—it must be an anointed Christian based temple transgression from those then “in the temple”.

Of course we see the conflict of interest in Bethel having to see their own post-1976 forming apostasy in this prophecy and then explain it in its proper context, which has to be done to explain Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-32 properly with that 3rd United Nations presentation of 1990 at Daniel 8:23 and Daniel 11:31.

Then, midstream of that prophecy and interpretation, Bethel changes the “transgression” connection, which causes that implied unrighteous condition in the temple (Dan11:31), in the subject matter of the prophecy, to some totally unrelated organizational adjustments. Those WTBTS charter adjustments just aided Bethel’s further centralizing dictatorial evolution, at that time creating the full potential of the future full profanations under the apostate Governing Body actual dictatorship of 1976, and its subsequent UN NGO true “transgression causing desolation” in 1991.

The “because of transgression” (Dan8:12), and the “transgression causing desolation” (Dan8:12-13), is from, not the nations and their League of Nations, but from “those leaving the holy covenant” right at Bethel (Dan11:30b-31, Dan8:12) to lead a “King North” (8th King) backed apostasy “in the temple” (Dan11:32a) which defines the true context of Daniel 8:11-14. It also defines this temple “profanation” (Dan11:31a) as concurrent with the 1990 3rd United Nations presentation parallel of Daniel 8:23 and Daniel 11:31b which Bethel fully ignores, “throws truth to the earth” (Dan8:12b), as Bethel instead became UN NGO fully defining their “disgusting thing” centerpiece of their “transgression causing desolation”. (Matt24:15 by Dan11:30-32)

Further, Bethel also conceals the true 8th King identity of “King North” (Dan11:27-45) made official in that 1990 3rd UN global presentation event as the Cold War resolved to provide the global context of the same “problem” principle “solved” for the UN “peace” “solution” relief as the same formula, (Dan11:29-31)—thus the same “sword-stroke” to “healing” principle was also present in the Cold War resolution to highlight the UN presentation in 1990, albeit it was a threat of a nuclear “sword-stroke”, not its reality, hence a “Cold” World War; yet it still was a global conflict.

This is why the Daniel 8:14 restored temple “righteous condition” is required and is outlined in prophecy with a notable judgment decree (Dan8:13), and the timed temple judgment event and cleansing period as Daniel 8:14 required to truly reach the now required “right condition” temple judgment cleansing of the now Bethel UN NGO terminally “befouled” temple representatives. (Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:3-4) The temple “transgression”, as embodied in that UN NGO marker (Matt24:15, Dan8:13, Dan11:31b), prophetic cover up (Dan8:12), and other lawless Bethel scandals, is what is accounted for in the coming “evening” phase of the temple judgment “desolation” phase to be marked by the “trampling” requirement, upon the Bethel profaned target, described in Daniel 8:13 preceding Daniel 8:14 eventual purified “right condition”. (Matt13:36-42)

This temple judgment event will provide a prophetic global cue to be explained later after the Bethel apostates are judged, neutralized, removed and fully “revealed” and exposed in the explanation. It is not just Christendom that is subverted to aid the world government objective, Bethel has joined the subversion campaign to include the Jehovah’s witnesses’ sector in the core global delusion. Jehovah’s witnesses also go through this temple judgment prophecy to be cleansed and recovered in those who can be recovered (Matt13:36-42) from the corrupting effects of Bethel’s modern apostate ministry of almost 40 years of the tenure of the illegal renegade apostate gb takeover. (Rev8:10-11,12)

Thus this Daniel 8:13-14 prophecy is very significant to the “temple” of anointed Christians NOW, and its condition. It is the key unique temple judgment prophecy yet to fulfill— it is in the future— and it deals with a far more serious “transgression” “in the temple” as UN NGO UN doting Bethel is defined as also the modern “evil slave” and “man of lawlessness” being used to lead that apostasy of Daniel 11:32a, as cross referenceable in modern times to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ‘apostasy’ that will be fully revealed in this judgment. (This is why Bethel’s “its the end of the world” premature delusion is also present at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2; they use it to conceal their apostasy with their diverting “end of the world” hype now paralyzing the average Jehovah’s witnesses’ mind.)

That modern Bethel lead apostasy, apostate progressive revelation, and everything prophetic since 1990, is now concealed by Bethel “throwing truth to the earth” in “unrestrained” cover up and subversion. (Dan8:12) It will be in the Daniel 8:14 temple judgment concluding “morning” phase, in that enlightenment parallel with the ministerial recovery phase, that this all goes global in awareness once the apostate Bethel obstacle is also removed in the preceding Daniel 8:14 “evening” darkness of the “trampling” phase of Daniel 8:13.

In time the “sword” Bethel apostates and impostors are aiding (Zech13:7) in this guaranteed global Bethel organizational “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 will peak in their permitted coup, but it will also engulf them when that “evening” phase ends. The purpose of God allowing such a serious event to come on the now profaned Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministry is to also neutralize the apostates and impostors to begin fully exposing them (2Thess2:8) once they are expelled fully from the ministry, in a temple-coup context they will help create (Dan11:32a,41), that sees Christ preliminary “temple visitation” of the temple purification of Malachi 3:1-4, Zechariah 3:3-5, and Revelation 8:3-5 as 1 Peter 4:17. (Isa66:6)

That coup is what tosses the Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministry and anointed Christians into the final judgment “abyss” of Revelation 9:1-2, the modern “sign of Jonah” parallel of the 1150 day, 3.19 year minimum Daniel 8:14 timing, apparently transpiring with that temple judgment “evening” phase.

That “trampling” recovery of Zechariah 3:4-9 parallel, with much modern enlightenment coming, is cross referenceable to the Revelation 9:1-4 “abyss” release from that temple desolation “trampling” phase parallel from the preceding Revelation 8 temple judgment parallel in final and repeating fulfillment.

That is also the completion of the “abyss” “evening” “darkness” period upon the anointed Christian “temple” ending, as a modern “sign of Jonah” parallel of Jonah being vomited up by the “great fish”, to the “light”, as “abyss” (Jonah 2:1-10) released, to continue the formerly apostate Bethel aborted ministerial commission in now “right condition” form, the final “sackcloth” state of the emerging final “two witnesses” ministry.

The Daniel 8:14 1150 day (3.194 years; 3 years, 2 months, 10 days) possible phased timing of the temple judgment “evening” phase provides the three year approximated “sign of Jonah” and Revelation 9 “abyss” stay parallel to be made known (Rev8:7-12), by then, to a recovering anointed Christian “temple” final ministerial leg being clarified to accuracy. That final ministerial recovery is to transpire in the Daniel 8:14,26 temple judgment concluding “morning” phase of possibly the same timing duration in 3.194 years. (Dan8:13-14) (That is all recovering and transpiring to the divinely known official final 1260 days period prophecies and final warning (Rev11:1-7) as Revelation 8-11 is activated in final fulfillment by that temple judgment signal event. (Matt25:1-13 “ten virgins” judgment parallel)

The Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment is also going to allow the most severe portion of the “tribulation of those days” to proceed as the global context (Rev16:1-9, Hag2:7), as the Jehovah’s witnesses’ organization is sacked as a visible Daniel 8:13 “trampling” cue, for what is actually an anointed Christian judgment. The anointed Christian “temple” and reality is invisible, no one can see an anointed Christian as actually anointed—so visible apostate Bethel will be sacked to provide this globally seen cue and related connection to “the temple” affecting anointed Christians by a determining final judgment on them first. (1Pet4:17, Matt25:1-13, Matt13:36-42)

In that way a notable temple judgment milestone (1Pet4:17, Zech13:7), in an intensifying global “sword-stoke” context can also aid global awareness of the meaning of that final cycle, then active—but just starting to manifest the whole final cycle of prophecy and 8th King global developments. (Hag:2:7, Rev16:1-9)

It will be a preparatory global signal of more prophecy that must also manifest after that temple judgment event (Rev8), as a cleansed anointed Christian ministry (Zech3:4-5, Rev9) is restored to also explain it all (Rev10-11), live and real-time, in accurate truth of the current situation as the final cycle is in global progress to the rest of the “sword-stroke” to “healing” phase (Rev13:5-8) and the final “abyss ascension” of 8th King world government in completion. (Rev17:8-12, Rev11:7) That is also why this temple judgment timing and phase has to run first. (1Pet4:17)

Temple Judgment Timing Importance

Thus we can understand the Daniel 8:14 timing will transpire in a final global “sword stroke” context (Rev13:3-8 repeating principle), and a parallel related “sword” on the Bethel organization (Zech13:7, Dan11:41, Luke21:20). That concurrent development can then possibly be leading into the eventual “healing” phase activation of both the “wildbeast” system and the “temple” system approximately concurrent in some related manner. In that way the Jehovah’s witnesses’ upswing out of that Revelation 9:1-4 “abyss” of the temple judgment being seen globally can also emerge. In that final warning clarification forming, Jehovah’s witnesses and the world will also ready for the real explanation of the temple judgment meaning.

It appears that will come under more favorable recuperative global conditions in the dominant global centers reviving (Rev13:5-7, Rev16:13-16), past the peak period of the “sword-stroke”, in its final “healing” trajectory to the full 8th King world government presentation which the final warning must precede as per Revelation 11:1-7 parallel of Revelation 17:8-11, prior to the full world government “one hour” of Revelation 17:12-18.

Thus that comprehensive “healing” phase will be potentially beginning in the activation of the cross-linked 1260 days period (Rev13:5, Rev11:2-3, Dan12:7) as God will know that timing, not us at this time. This is because that “healing” will come with a supporting heightened authority of the wildbeast system (Rev13:5) while en route to the eventual full 8th King world government presentation. The recovery timing is provided to understand the temple judgment to recovery period (Rev8-9) is to produce a purification and summarization of everything (Rev10:5-11) to form a fully clarified final “little scroll” Kingdom message of Messianic Kingdom guaranteed completion over that final period. (Rev11:1-7, Zech4:6-9, Zech3:4-9)

The Daniel 8:14 period allowed the “right condition” to be met BEFORE the 1260 days begins.

Thus the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” and eventual Daniel 8:14 “right condition” purification is activating the “trampling” phase in the heat of the global “sword-stroke” phase and its global effect—into that context the “trampling” marking intrigues come upon Bethel globally in that notable global context marking the start of the Daniel 8:14 timing. Essentially the “tribulation of those days” is starting with that Daniel 8:13 “trampling” requirement and with that “sword stroke” phase peak, all concurrently activating within that notable global context.

The Bethel UN NGO of 1991-2001 is the signal “disgusting thing standing in a holy place” present now (Matt24:15, Dan11:31b, Dan8:13), that marks the indication of the “tribulation” activation upon the anointed Christian “holy city” in the temple judgment phase first (1Pet4:17)—Bethel provides the globally known and visible apostate context of that accounting to be more easily connected later to the temple judgment prophecy it will actually be, not “the end” Bethel now promotes as the covering delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2; but instead the final cycle beginning.

Eventually, in then cleansed form by action of this temple judgment, the “holy city” proceeds to the final 1260 days and the final “two witness” ministerial cessation development of Revelation 11:1-10 while carrying a fully accurate and up to date “little scroll” summary. (Rev10:5-11)

Thus the temple judgment, and its trampling-to-recovery timing of Daniel 8:14,26, must transpire before the 1260 days can begin in a truly “right condition” in that temple purification. (Zech3:4-8, Mal3:1-5, Rev8) And this is why that whole “trampling” in Daniel 8:13 first covering the Daniel 8:14 timing fully, and Revelation 11:2 1260 day timing later, marks the whole spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” running with the whole “sword-stroke” to “healing” cycle to that progressive world government “ascension” of Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 17:8-12 in final form.

In this way those attempting to apply the 1260 days prematurely, aided by great global developments to aid that believability of what will be a hoax, are just more premature delusions that will fall out during the Daniel 8:14 timing that must be actually active and completed first. Bethel’s forecast will fail as well, but the “first witness” truths they are subverting from the first Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministerial cycle of 1914-1919 must be re-affirmed by the “second witness” phase of the same “two witnesses”.

This is why the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial meaning now under attack aided from within by Bethel, is to instead be preserved, because it lays the same master-pattern as the final cycle as the prophecy repeats in final form (hence “two” “witnesses”), just updated for the modern final sovereign entities it will produce in the 8th King world government system then the Messianic Kingdom completion at Christ’s arrival.

2. 1260 Days Global Authority Prelude to World Government

The 1260 days is the final Kingdom warning milestone period to develop concurrent with the final part of global “sword-stroke” to “healing” phase to present world government to end that cycle, covering that final “healing” phase portion to present world government at the end of that final cycle.

Thus the events in Daniel 12:11 1290 days will have been fully forewarned concerning that period’s meaning before it arrives there.

The 1260 days is a unique multi-prophetic cross referencing time signature. (Dan7:25, Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5, Rev12:14)

(Daniel 12:7) And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. (1260 day parallel to Revelation 11:2-3) And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces (Rev11:7-10), all these things will come to their finish.” (in the Daniel 12:11 period);

Thus the Revelation 11 1260 day portion leading to Christ’s arrival is the parallel of the Daniel 12:7 1260 day period leading to Daniel 12:11 world government completion as Daniel 11:42-45 convergence into Daniel 12:7 and then Daniel 12:11.

(Revelation 11:1-3) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. (this is a guarantee of judgment and temple completion, not an “inspection” already carried out prior to the temple judgment of Dan8:13-14 that produces this finality) 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it (because it is going into 144000 completion in the final part of the “tribulation of those days” “little scroll” deployment), because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city (the final anointed remnant enabling the 144000 completion, Rev7:1-4, Rev14:1) underfoot for forty-two months. (1260 days, Dan12:7, Rev11:3, Dan7:25, Rev13:5; the final 2520 day “seven time” total “two” “witnesses” period of final invitation and warning announcing the Messianic Kingdom completion portion of Christ’s final King-Priest Coronation and final temple installment, Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15); 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.” (the final two witnesses Messianic Kingdom completion announcement);

That all progresses with this wildbeast period of authority for “42 months” preceding full world government:

(Revelation 13:5) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. (parallels Dan7:25, 12:7; Rev11:2-3, Rev12:6,14 in final replication fulfillment)

Thus this 1260 days cross links and ties a number of major global developmental and final Kingdom warning prophecies together as an overall concurrent global development requirement. Additionally the unique signal Daniel 8:14 temple judgment prophecy and its minimum 1150 days, possibly fully 2300 days, in two 1150 day phases (Dan8:26), provides sufficient time to run the “sword-stroke” peak activity globally leading to this final replication of the 1260 days as the “healing” begins, and its prophetic 1260 day developments also repeating in final form.

Thus we can now consider the possibility that the 1260 days starting, after the 2300 days expires, is also the beginning of the global “healing” process of the whole “abyss ascension” of world government manifesting, also just beginning, for an eventual multi-year completion trajectory to the marked “one hour” of eventual full 8th King world government, in full completion that occurs after the 1260 days has expired.

Hence the post-1260 days Revelation 11:7 prophecy is a final cycle climax parallel defining the start of Daniel 12:11 by these two criteria being met in the final warning cessation and the final 8th King world government presentation:

(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their (1260 day) witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (Rev17:8-11 parallel of 8th King assuming world government completion) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (Rev13:5-7 parallel; “two witnesses” final anointed Christian ministry deposed as the “constant feature has been removed” parallel)

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that (1) the constant [feature] has been removed and (2) there has been a placing of the disgusting thing (final world government placement) that is causing desolation, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Thus Revelation 11:7 is the parallel of Revelation 17:8-11 repeating for the final “scarlet wildbeast” world government presentation defining that final “abyss ascension” cycle and meaning.

The parallel 1260 days, that eventually transpires fully into the above eventual 1290 days, runs its full 1260 days in this repetitive “sword-stroke” to “healing” cycle to once again see the silencing of the then recovered Kingdom proclamation of anointed Christians (Rev11:2-3 parallel 1260 days) as in the above. The parallel 1260 day period, with also concurrent “wildbeast” authority for “42 months” (Rev13:5), must be being fueled by the start of the global recovery cycle at  some point in that 1260 days prelude period to the final world government final “place the disgusting thing” of Daniel 12:11 it is empowering. That also completes with that global world system significance in this final cycle parallel with the final Kingdom warning 1260 day sequence.

That 1260 days is the final portion of the “tribulation of those days” parallel of the whole “sword-stroke” global stressing phase to recovery “healing” phase of the whole cycle. This is why it may also be the opportune time to recover the Christian ministry to also deploy into this same 1260 day period then just activating with global recovery as the goal to aid the final 8th King world government presentation—hence why the final warning precedes that completion running at the same time.

The Daniel 12:11 1290 days, which it is all leading to from the temple judgment preparation of the final warning, to be deployed for the subsequent 1260 days, is the period of world government completion. That world government completion certainty comes from other prophetic cross references as that event completes first, then Christ’s arrival occurs along with his final Messianic Kingdom completion (Rev11:11-12), to be concurrent with that climax 8th King world government development in its “one hour” of Revelation 17:12 eventual full world government—thus all of that transpires in the Daniel 12:11 1290 day period.

World Government “Healer” and the Final Kingdom Proclamation

The Daniel 8:14 temple judgment accounting and purification process is what prepared that clarified final warning (Rev10:11, Rev11:3), eventually leading over that Daniel 8:14 timing to the officially deployed “little scroll” final commission (Rev10:5-11) that led to the eventual “two witnesses” final warning of 1260 days (Rev11:1-7), and its cessation (Rev11:7-10) in the removal of that final Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation “constant feature” after that final 1260 days has expired.

Thus by the time the “wildbeast” global “healing” process is in full swing with the concurrent “scarlet wildbeast” world government progressive global “abyss ascension” as the worldwide “healer”, the final warning will also be going forth concurrently and will complete the final warning guaranteed in Revelation 11:2-3 (parallel Rev13:5) as world government full “ascension” is completing. (Dan12:7)

Thus the full warning of the ramifications of a complete 8th King “scarlet wildbeast”, including its related UN “image”, but beyond its functionality with the full world government defining technocratic, financial and military globalized system backing it, will have been announced while it is in progress, as foretold, before the world government completion (Dan11:45-12:11), and its full blown “one hour” of world “peace and security” and the final 666 marking campaigning. (Rev17:12, 1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25, Rev13:15-18, Rev14:9-11)

That “healing” process, aiding the full completing “globalization” into world government, is what gives the “scarlet wildbeast” “healer” the final progressive global conglomeration of the entire nation-state system completing (Rev16:13-16), then coming into world government authority (Rev17:11-18) based on this nation-state system “wild beast” recovery, below, into globalized “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King global “ascension” (Rev17:8-12, Rev11:7) concurrent with this phase and principle culminating into that eventual finality:

(Revelation 13:3-6) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death (gives an impression of doom, “as though”, but is not an actual system “death” but produces the required global psychological effect of that possibility), but its death-stroke got healed (in final form world government is the global “healer” system—the main purpose is global acceptance:), and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. (the same pattern was used in the WW1 “as though slaughtered to death” first cycle setting this formulaic principle of how the “wildbeast” promotes its own admiration) 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it (the blasphemies will climax in the then emerging global “New World Order” statements), and authority to act forty-two months was given it. (as that 1260 days parallel is at Dan7:25, Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, and Rev12:14 leading to world government of the whole Rev17:8-18 final progressive process) 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. (an anti-Christian climax campaign of the “grandiose words” “new world order” theme of the rival “8th King” system heading to completion; the Dan7:8,11,20 “grandiose words” theme continues for the final cycle and into the “one hour” of 8th King world government brief  “King North” “reign”)

That whole process implies a progressive global period requiring to fully run, to progressively “heal” the global system into the 8th King world government administered “solution”, and thus to fully “ascend” the world government core global “healer” globally, with the backing incentive, hopefulness and authority of that global “healing” reality which must be empowered by an enormous 8th King financial and wealth control sector (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18) actually capable of meeting the recovery “healing” objective.

And in that drawn out process this segway parallels the eventual cessation of the final “two witnesses” warning first, after that parallel 1260 days of final warning has completed:

(Revelation 13: 7-8) And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them
(Rev11:7, Dan7:25, Dan12:7), and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (begins to culminate the final “abyss ascension” Rev17:8-11 and Rev11:7 parallel into world government “one hour” of Rev17:12 world government completion of Rev17:11-18) 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. (Rev14:9-11, Rev13:15-18 parallel climax forming over that final “42 months” and into the final “one hour” of actual global government.)

And this is why absorption of Babylon the Great (BTG) global assets aids this final cycle’s ending process as per Revelation 16:12-19 and Revelation 17:15-18 deep cycle parallel events also manifesting progressively in that “one hour” parallel. The BTG “because in one hour your (BTG) judgment has arrived” and “because in one hour such great riches have been devastated”— is the same “one hour” as per Revelation 17:12 world government final defined symbolic period.

(Revelation 17:12) “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (conglomerated national system), who have not yet received a kingdom (in John’s time), but they do receive authority as (world government aiding) kings one hour with the wild beast (world government).

Babylon the Great has to be deposed after the “two witnesses” are deposed which will be explained more fully later. (Rev11:7-10, BTG “great city” still present)

Global “Healing” Takes Time

The logic of the required time for the global “healing” process is in the final cycle unique global scale of the global stressing “tribulation of those days” phase and its “sword-stroke” inter-relationship—it has to be globally enormous in all aspects of this final cycle of these global scale manifestations: “as though slaughtered to death”. Thus any “healing” has to be by an 8th King controlled wealth potential actually capable of recovering whole nations (Dan11:42-43 en route to Rev13:15-18), who in the EU and US systems, are now in debt beyond the scale of national based “bail-outs” or the liquidation of their national based collateral assets.

(China is a massive pyramidal financial Ponzi scheme that also must be affected, and no nation-state system will be unaffected as the domino affect proceeds from the 7th King “fall” and controlled default. (Dan11:42-43) The scale of global bank derivatives exposure is beyond the scale of all global wealth, thus it is part of the set-up of this final cycle global financial dilemmas.)

World government authority (and immense real wealth) is what provides the global “bail out” and in the process it ends up with “all the desirable things of Egypt”. (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18) Thus the 8th King supporting financial and wealth control sector of world government is already “recommending itself”, because it contains the “master creditor” corporate network that has designed the base nation-state finance, credit and monetary system, and the “master creditor” ultimately owns this global debt—whose “debt” origin is global central bank currency creation (mostly digital)—and it will become truly the only global “solution” by such design.

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. (“sword-stroke” “healing”) Let them approach. (Rev16:13-16) At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the judgment itself. (the final world judgment phase of 6th trumpet-to-7th trumpet (Rev11:7-15) and 6th-plague-to-7th plague developments (Rev16:10-19) to lead over Matthew 24:29-31 into the final segway of the full world judgment of Revelation 14 and 19)

The “two horned wildbeast” Anglo-American based globalist elite super-corporate system is also the wealthiest system in world history along with its properly aligned 8th King national-elite components—it will only get richer as this final cycle runs. Since the globalist system only acquires more power and riches in the final global stressing cycle, hence Daniel 11:42-43, it is progressing to a true world government of wealth, already functioning in that wealth and finance control sector, already independent of the sinking nation-state system in its own custom “wildbeast”—the “two horned” one. (Rev13:11-15)

These elements are now exposed in global research as forming a second tier of global power, now well established, based in this supranational wealth controlling trans-national corporate matrix of that 8th King engineering globalist elite international system—and it is not a static system, it will complete its global wealth control objective (Dan11:42-43) already internationally “legalized” by world government just being made globally official and visibly presented at that time. (Hence 1Thess5:1-3) The UN charter and global level legal architecture and corporatism is already in place.

That is the globalizing system (Rev16:13-16) that must administer this final global “healing” process, and in that process national sovereign authority will be transferred (Rev17:11-18) as these nations’ mega-debt resolution also transfers their real wealth and assets (Dan11:42-43, hence sovereign transfer as well), to resolve the “master debt” of the nation-state whole. That final wealth and sovereignty “haul” is into the “master creditor” tier of the globalists, conveniently protected in the supra-national corporate tier of the “two horned wildbeast” and “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King international-matrix of world government and its global corporate network dimension.

As that real wealth component in national control shifts to globalist control, so will the national-sovereignty shift as well to the globalist world government global-sovereign 8th King system culmination. (Rev17:11-18)

Comprehensive “Sword-Stroke”

We also now know “wars” in markets, currency and trade always precede and progress with global war—and so do other forms of climax “conflict”. Thus the coming global “sword-stroke” true potential will have multi-dimensional effects on the global economy, and its commercial and institutional system global-ecology. That development amplifies the final global stressing scale upon the current financial and monetary model from the nation-state era (Isa19), now on its way to being phased out, by actually being transitioned into a world government sector of final wealth and finance control and its final recovery system.

We know the global debt condition is not aided by a devaluation in the fiat currency systems, and vice  versa, and global debt default, in just a few sectors of liability, will have further global repercussions upon the nation-state base debtor matrix. Many variables, such as interest rates, fuel and commodity prices and equity market performance can also come into play in inter-relating systemic manner affecting global investment systems. Therefore how this is catalyzed and how it actually manifests globally is for now unknown; but we do know it is far more globalist system engineered, algorithmic and controlled than is commonly recognized and its scale is truly global this time. They do not intend to lose control of the whole process, they intend to control it for maximum preparatory global financial “sword-stroke” formulaic effect.

Thus Daniel 11:42-43 is also plainly seen being set-up now, in the coming bottoming out of this current global-debt phase for this final cycle of wealth control:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

And these kinds of dynamics, at global scale, is why the “healing” phase has to be an extended process as well. This is also why in that extended process the 8th King supporting “healer” is who will be the final global wealth authority as all other “power and authority” will follow the global wealth sovereignty. (Rev17:11-18) Implied as well is the “sword-stroke” will be enormous to effect the proper “healing” context globally, not total collapse or the 8th King system would also be aborted, but significant enough to aid the overall process in recognizable scale and effect.

Thus we can see not “the end”, prematurely, as Bethel deludes others to believe, but a final cycle requirement that must run its full course, that will turn out in the end, better than expected for the national powers—as shown that positive global upswing formulaically aids the “admiration” of the world government entity. The nations just have to be subservient to world government to receive that “healing” benefit because it will be real in massive global potential also aiding the acceptance of world government. (Rev13:15-18)

This is why the “freedom from care” of Daniel 8:25 is this final “peace and security” healing phase climax definition culminating. The final world “peace and security” will also be a real global development defined by uni-polar sovereign domination of the 8th King (1Thess5:1-3), but it is therefore also administered according to the 8th King definition and agenda; hence Daniel 11:44-45 and Daniel 8:25 final developments to support the Revelation 13:15-18 8th King “accept 666 or else” global decree. (parallel Rev14:9-11)

For many, accepting the 666 will be wildly lucrative, and it will be required to retain existing wealth as well, because everything else is recovered under pinnacle national subservient systems that “do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast” to aid the wealth and authority dimension of this global process. Thus the total global context of Revelation 13:15-18 is by this kind of wealth and finance monopoly and dependency of that final 8th King global-recovery system.

Discrediting All Christian Prophecy with the Premature “End of the World” Enabling a Global Hoax

In fact the more globally doomful the “sword-stroke” becomes “as though slaughtered to death”, the more that global psychology aids the eventual contrasting global hopefulness of the recovery “healing” relief period thus aiding the positivity of the eventual, full world government presentation. There are other reasons the future final “sword-stroke” cycle magnitude is to be large enough to support the premature “end of the world” delusion “as though slaughtered to death”.

They also want Jehovah’s witnesses to fully believe the current apostate and King North compromised Bethel “the end” premature forecast, aided by big global events making it actually appear “as though slaughtered to death” for some time, because that delusion will delay the realization of the final cycle meaning, and that it is just beginning. (Of course Jehovah’s witnesses will perceive it as simply “the end”, they will not yet see the Revelation 13 “sword-stroke” has a final global phase in final repeating fashion.)

By Jehovah’s witnesses thinking it is “the end” and “prophecy is fulfilling brothers!”, the Bethel “trampling” desolation (Dan8:13) can be misrepresented as that “the end”. Now Bethel’s downfall in the temple judgment “trampling” phase (Dan8:13) can be presented instead as further evidence that it is that supposed “the end”. Now rather than these anti-Bethel events being the temple judgment (1Pet4:17) to account mainly for the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” (Dan8:13), and that instead that phase is for the purification preparation (Rev8:3-5, Zech3:4-5), for the eventual final ministry (Rev10-11), whose opening first four trumpet reality (Rev8:7-12) is the exposure of the Bethel apostasy that well precedes the true end, it is just sold to Jehovah’s witnesses as simply “the end”.

They will just toss Jehovah’s witnesses’ “Jonah Class” overboard as Bethel is “trampled” (Zech11, Zech13:7), and leave long deluded Jehovah’s witnesses to figure it out for themselves, because it will not actually be “the end”, it will continue to the foretold milestones instead—including the world government climax. In that drawn out period Jehovah’s witnesses will be left with totally different circumstances than those they were misled to believe had activated by the key Bethel deluders, and that will take time to become fully aware of. (Hence the temple recovery phase requirement and its “morning” of critical divinely backed final enlightenment.)

This is why 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 also contains this premature end delusion (2Thess2:1-2) now present at Bethel, as the earmark mass-JW-delusion that develops along with the apostasy required to be revealed (2Thess2:3-4) in the temple judgment well before Christ’s arrival.

The bigger the global “sword-stroke” is, the more it will reinforce the premature end delusion of Jehovah’s witnesses. (Zech13:7) But Christendom and others will also be affected by the enormity of the opening of the “tribulation of those days” phase to aid their own sectors of delusions and uncertainties. Because this will neither be the Christendom styled “rapture”, nor “the end”, nor the Bethel “Armageddon brothers!”, all the “doomsday” hype from that misled sector will also fail in its predictions of premature doom. It will be the opening phase of great tribulation, but in its “tribulation of those days” first phase, that preceding world government with marked temple judgment and recovery events, the foretold recovery for the world system, into 8th King full world government, is what comes first, not the end immediately.

(Luke 21:9) Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

It will have just been the peak “disorder” phase to bear the “new world order” beginning to emerge with 8th King world government in “a freedom from care” and world “peace and security”. (Dan11:45, Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3) That is what will mark the transition from the “tribulation of those days” phase ending into the “four winds” final phase of great tribulation, in post final Kingdom warning, 8th King “one hour” of that agenda of world order being implemented in completely uni-polar manner. The final sealing is taking place as the final Kingdom warning mission of the “two witnesses” is being completed over Revelation 11:1-10. (Rev7:1-4)

Thus the real “the end” phase has a complete Kingdom warning completed (Rev10:5-11, Rev11:3, Matt24:14), under far different global recovery conditions than is painted in the current premature end and “doomsday scenario” espoused by modern Jehovah’s witnesses and others.

Instead the rival powers must complete (Dan11:36) the zenith rival world government system (Dan12:11, Dan8:25), implement it globally (Rev16:13-16, Rev13:15-18, Rev17:11-18), state it as “world peace” globally (1Thess5:1-3) and come “all the way” to their end (Dan11:45) as the defined global 8th King final rival world rulership. (Rev17:12)

Thus a mass prophetic discrediting campaign will be empowered globally as this plays out in these various false-prophetic failures while the “healing” scenario of Revelation 13 and 17 is what must emerge in time fully testing out all the delusions, like that in Jehovah’s witnesses.

Thus the “two witnesses” is to be literally (2) Kingdom related witnessing periods, that are “trampled” (Rev11:2-3) to the appointed “seven times” fullness after the full warning is given—the first witness emerged in 1914-1919 announcing God’s Kingdom and Messianic Kingdom “birth”, the final witness of the future completes that pronouncement in the “Kingdom come” (Matt6:10) finality as God’s Kingdom arrives with Christ to complete the Messianic Kingdom and Temple. (Zech3:6-10, Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15, Rev11:15-19) That completion is required as well, and is also yet to culminate. That enables Jesus Christ’s final true full “King of kings” final coronation event, this one in the Messianic Kingdom. (Rev11:15)

Thus the completion of the “good news” of the “sacred secret” of that Kingdom is “brought to a finish”, completed as per Revelation 10:5-11, deploying in the “second witness” to define Matthew 24:14 fully, in the full prophetic explanation (final warning content basis) preceding Christ’s arrival with the full Kingdom of God (to complete the Messianic Kingdom agency), thus the plural “armies” of Revelation 19:11-21.

(Revelation 19:11-14) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen.

Now along with Jehovah’s witnesses, whose main prophetic forecast now maintained at apostate Bethel will also be failing year over year (Hos6:1-3; climaxing in three years approximate “darkness” of that Zech13:7 “sword” confusion) in the Daniel 8:14 “evening” timing, the entire complex of uncertainty and “doomsayer” guesswork will also fail as the “healing” phase will instead eventually arrive from the “sword-stroke” peak phase resolving, as per formulaic principle, for a far different global outcome—potential “world peace” and global recovery manifesting—en route to the final “8th King” world government presentation in maximum global “admiration”, wealth power and hopefulness.

Rather than “certain doom”, instead, a hopeful “healing” recovery will change the whole global outlook in that “admiration” principle as the world government “abyss” emergence is also “admired” as the global “healer” system for maximum global acceptance as all this must have a final cycle of climax fulfillment:

(Revelation 13:3) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

(Revelation 13:12) And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed

Thus the global con will be successful for its intended formulaic incentive process for world government acceptance worldwide. This final cycle will go fully global in scope to form this final process year over year.

The whole phase will be formulaic for the effect of presenting world government in the best possible light as the “worst case scenario” instead turns into the “best case scenario”: world “peace and security” and “a freedom from care” under 8th King world government entering the final global recovery phase to sell the whole thing with the recovery actuality.

In such manner of unexpected developments of a far more positive global “healing” phase development, the whole Christian prophetic theme will be discredited at the perfect time world government will be “ascending” from the “abyss” setting the global stage for the climactic end of that 1260 day period. Thus the real end is not global pandemonium devolving into irreversibility, but a picture of global peace under world government. It is the global “sword-stroke” phase and its peak that will provide the impression that is the case, “as though” “slaughtered to death”, “as though doomsday has arrived”, actually instead that false-impression aids the potential hopefulness of the global recovery upswing in the required final “death stroke got healed” “healing” phase.

The prophetic discrediting comes in this mass interpretation failure due to premature forecasts and that indirectly aids the then arriving 8th King world government credibility and hopefulness for instead the final “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) phase, and the world “peace and security” eventual proclamation of world government global-sovereignty that instead, begins to manifest globally. (1Thess5:1-3) Into that then fully discredited atmosphere and the global “healing” development to be progressively ushering in the wealth control components of full world government, the ministerial recovery must also come forth (Rev9, Zech3:4-8) and give official final warning (Rev10:5-11) in the final Kingdom proclamation deployed into that parallel 1260 days. (Rev11:1-7)

As a gauge to these timed milestone periods in the Daniel 8:14 temple judgment timing and phasing and the eventual final Kingdom proclamation 1260 days (Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5) there are the first six of the “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” incremental underlying parallels that include and extend beyond these two prelude timings (Dan8:14, Rev11:2-3/Dan12:7) into full world government signalling the final enablement of Christ’s arrival. Thus the 7th plague and 7th trumpet take place in the 1290 days activated. (Dan12:11) The link into Daniel 12:11 is that Revelation 11:7-10 “three and a half day” “death” state of the second witness of the “two witnesses”, that transpires after the 1260 days has completed as per Revelation 11:7.

That seven gauged linking development adds more detail to the temple judgment and the final warning periods and their globally seen milestones indicating Christ’s arrival in their respective applicability to the temple context of Revelation 8-11 and the global context of Revelation 15-16 also repeating in final form.

Thus even though a great discrediting, doubt and further UN promoting false-prophecy will be manifesting, the years required to run the temple judgment timing (Dan8:14), and the final warning timing (Rev11:2-3), paralleling heightened wildbeast (Rev13:5-7) and Satanic global authority (Rev12:14) 1260 day timing, will provide an overall worldwide period of great global events (Hag2:7) to affirm the real prophecy meaning in that major final fulfillment period.

That whole drawn out final cycle period will also greatly affirm the full global indications, in those progressive milestones, of Christ’s impending arrival as the ultimate milestone, leading to the total completion of the Messianic Kingdom (Rev14, Matt24:29-31), the final salvation “sheep sweep” (Rev14:6-16), the final conquest over the full 8th King (Rev11:15-19) and the Satanic abyssing (Rev19:11-21, Rev20:1-3) in fully forewarned manner. (Matt24:14, Rev10:5-11)

3. 1290 Days – World Government then Christ Arrival

This 1290 day period is a milestone convergent period of 8th King world government, Christ arrival and Messianic Kingdom completion as a timed final phase period because it is open for salvation for the whole period. The end of the 1290 days is the end of the whole Armageddon culmination and the end of the 8th King system. It is the total climax period defining the “happy” of the marked Daniel 12:12 Messianic Kingdom reception after that world judgment determination is final.

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second two witnesses deposition of Rev11:7, enables Christ arrival in Rev11:7-12 segway) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (in fourth and final 8th King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Ultimately world government completion and Christ’s arrival for Messianic Kingdom completion all occur in the Daniel 12:11 1290 day final segway to full blown Armageddon approximately concurrent. Contrary to popular “doomsday” influenced belief and the general global uncertainty, Christ’s first mission is “sheep” securement (hence Matthew 24:30-31 and Revelation 14:1-16 (Matt25:31-40; 1Thess4:17; Rev16:17) all precede “the end”), not immediate 8th King termination. (Ps110:2, Dan7:26)

Thus Revelation 14 transpires in Daniel 12:11 and is open for salvation overseen directly by God (God’s Kingdom) and Christ (Messianic Kingdom) as the “winepress” event is the last judgment event in that segway at Revelation 14:17-20 parallel Matthew 25:41-46.

Two Witnesses Ceased as Final “Remove the Constant Feature” of Daniel 12:11

Thus as the final “two witnesses” warning is being ceased by the official world government authority, the final enablement of Christ’s arrival is also completed in Revelation 11:7-10, for that Revelation 11:11-12 Christ arrival parallel. (Matt24:29-31; Rev16:17) The arrival (end of 6th trumpet, 2nd woe) is not the Messianic Kingdom conquest yet (7th trumpet, 3rd woe)—the arrival (1Thess4:17) enables first the full completion of the 144000 (Rev14:1) and thus the completion of the Messianic Kingdom and thus the empowerment of Christ final coronation in that final Kingdom agency as universal “King of kings”. (Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15, Rev19:11,16)

The Kingdom theme of that final “little scroll” phase repeating as the second Kingdom “witness” (Rev10:11, Rev11:1-7) is the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty to come with the “8th King” world government completion milestone prior to Christ’s arrival. The first Kingdom witness of 1914-1919, is re-affirmed by the second Kingdom witness of the future, completing fully the “two witness” meaning in two final Kingdom warning phases; 1914-1919 and the future. It also completes the full “trampling” decree of the gentile allowance as 2520 days, as “seven times”, is what results from the final 1260 day period for its final run, 1260 days X 2 = 2520 days = “seven times” in final form as years.

Thus Christ assuming Kingdom of God kingship in 1914 first, is logical to precede the yet to complete Messianic Kingdom agency completion as the last development. The Messianic Kingdom was just being “born” in that 1914 period (Rev12:1-10), as the eventual final sovereign agency that Christ is also coronated within, in the future, as the “Kingdom of the World” is also secured under the complete Messianic Kingdom—the Kingdom agency that is yet to complete. (Rev11:15-19)

That Christ King all inclusive “holy city” “Heavenly Jerusalem” and its 144000 “New Jerusalem” component will “descend from heaven” as one whole final sovereignty, in its finalizing form (Rev21, Matt6:10, Dan7:26) to be the actual sovereign ruling agency of planet Earth and this universe—thus Messianic Kingdom completion is the final theme of the final Kingdom proclamation (Rev10:5-11), the “little scroll”, and it completes in the then complete rival 8th King face. (Ps110:2)

(Matthew 6:10) Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. (Rom8:18-22, Matt19:28)

Thus the Messianic Kingdom completion completes this decree below fully as the “little scroll” subsequent theme in Revelation 10-11:1-10 repeating:

(Revelation 10:6-7) “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” (The “good news” in the prophecy is completed in full prophetic explanation in that “little scroll” preceding Christ’s arrival for ultimate Messianic Kingdom completion defining the completion of Matthew 24:14.)

And that is why their is a second Kingdom witness of the “two witnesses” whole symbol concerning this required Messianic Kingdom completion certainty and its final “little scroll” announcement that comes forth from this final temple judgment phase:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

The final warning is thus also concluding into this Daniel 12:11 marked period starting as a concurrent feature of the 8th King world government final “ascension” globally:

“Abyss Ascension” into Full World Government

(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their (1260 day) witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (Rev17:8-11 parallel of 8th King assuming world government completion) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (Daniel 12:11 “remove the constant feature” and “place the disgusting thing” in final world government form are approximately at some point concurrent as per Daniel 12:11; Rev13:5-7)

And thus that Revelation 11:7 “abyss ascension” of world government is also this “abyss ascension” below, in final form, of that same  8th King “scarlet wildbeast” world government, prior to the full world government “one hour” sequence of Revelation 17:11-18:

(Revelation 17:8-12) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world. 9 “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece), one is (Rome), the other has not yet arrived (Anglo-American), but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. (“short while” as in deposed into 8th King, not direct “destruction” except in that 8th King totality) 11 And the wild beast that was but is not (abyss plunge to abyss ascension), it is also itself an eighth [king] (the final and truly global sovereignty), but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction. (that is the final conglomerate “king” that is destroyed by God and Christ when in completion and final global position; Rev19:19-21, 2Thess1:6-10) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (the complete “10” aiding nation-state subservient system), who have not yet received a kingdom (in John’s time still incomplete), but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.

That “one hour” takes place in Daniel 12:11 timing as defined by that final “place the disgusting thing” as 8th King world government complete.

And that final “abyss ascension” over that progressive global “healing” phase of Revelation 13, possibly as the 1260 days parallel into that recovery upswing starting (Rev13:5-7), leads to the full world government global presentation in true global “power and authority” (Rev17:11-18) when the global “healing” is matured into the world government financial component administering it. (Dan11:42-43) The final global “healing” is thus also the full world government implementation process defining that “abyss ascension”.

Now the full “8th King” as world government, beyond its UN “image” 8th King designate forum (but including it as one whole “8th King”), will arrive as the 7th King national system has to have succumbed to the global “sword-stroke” (and thus “as though slaughtered to death” required “downfall” for the eventual recovery “healing” phase effect; Dan11:42-43/Rev13:15-18 global effects), as the 8th King “healing” process fully empowers the concurrent progressive global 8th King rise, to the full—true 8th King; true “King North” (Dan11:44-45), true “King Fierce in Countenance” (Dan8:25), true “scarlet wildbeast” as the parallels of this global-sovereign finality of the “8th King” “scarlet wildbeast” global parallel:

World Government “One Hour”

(Revelation 17:11-18) And the wild beast that was but is not (goes into abyss for final emergence into global presentation), it is also itself an (globalist) eighth [king], but springs from the seven (national power progression culmination), and it goes off into destruction. (Dan7:26, 8:25, 11:45; Rev19:20) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority (in world government conglomeration. Rev16:13-16) as kings one hour (limited period of full global authority) with the (globalist “scarlet”) wild beast. (world government totality) 13 These have one thought (sovereign expansion and or preservation), and so they give their (national based sovereign) power and authority to the (globalist apex forming super-sovereign) wild beast. (as world government completion) 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” (all 144000 complete Messianic Kingdom. Rev14:1) 15 And he says to me: (Babylon the Great goes down in this “one hour” sequence) “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (deposing religious sovereignty globally and absorbing assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast (as world government completion), until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty; Rev16:19, Rev11 final fulfillment “great city”. This is how we know “Babylon the Great’s” destruction does not start the judgment (1Pet4:17), it is deep in the final cycle near its end.);

And that full 8th King climax sovereign development, also enabling the world “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) and “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) of this full global scale “healing” underway, is the final signal global development of no “wars and reports of wars” that Christ can then arrive upon in completed “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King form. (invert Matt24:6)

Thus as the nation-state complex of multi-polar sovereignty converges into 8th King uni-polar global-sovereignty, all the symbology of the 8th King in prophecy also converges into that one final global-sovereignty: King North (dominating King South; Dan11:42-43), the King Fierce in Countenance (from Anglo “small horn” “8th horn” root), the whole Daniel 2:31-45 “immense image”, and the whole “wildbeast” complex all converge into final 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” ultimate uni-polar global-sovereign meaning—they are all the identical 8th King global-sovereign world government meaning.

That global “healing” phase will empower the meaning of the Revelation 13:15-18 finale global financial authority of the 8th King world government system in actual full authority:

(Revelation 13:15-18) And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. 16 And it puts under compulsion all persons (not just Christians, but everyone possible in the final “one hour” of 8th King scarlet wildbeast world government authority; Rev17:12), the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell (Dan11:42-43; financial and economic global dependency aids 666 incentive and extortion) except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

And thus Revelation 13 has its final cycle fulfillment in that climax with Revelation 17:8-18 as the final world government manifestation sequence.
The Milestone Timed Periods and the Underlying Final “Sevens” Gauging

Ultimately Revelation 8-11 “seven trumpets” and Revelation 15-16 “seven plagues” repeat in final fulfillment with the principles and applicable portions of Revelation 13 and 17 also culminating. Thus Revelation 8-11 and Revelation 15-16 give a progressive “seven” gauged progression to Christ’s arrival and provide the descriptive structure into which the timed prophecies overlay, and other supporting prophetic sections fit, over the whole final cycle to 8th King completion, and thus Christ’s arrival fully enabled.

The “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” are approximate parallels that provide a structured progressive framework encompassing the whole final cycle. The first Jehovah’s witnesses’ cycle (1914-1922 and after) was a valid preview of this seven based process of the meanings in these trumpets and plagues. Bethel is who the final Revelation 8 judgment cycle comes upon, the global scope of the “plagues” is also in climax form as the worldwide context of that final cycle.

The “seven trumpets” provide a temple/spiritual context that progresses over time from the temple judgment milestone event and timing of Daniel 8:13-14 (Rev8:3-5, first four trumpets) to the ministerial recovery (Rev9, trumpets 5-6, 1st woe), to the final warning, (Rev10-11:1-7) to Christ’s arrival (Rev11:11-13; end of trumpet 6; 2nd woe), to the final Messianic Kingdom conquest of the 7th trumpet, the final woe. (Rev11:14-19).

The “seven plagues” provide a global developmental context and gauged process from the final global cycle outline (first four plagues), to the ominous effects upon the “wildbeast throne” (5th plague; parallel 5th trumpet; 1st woe), to Babylon the Great being set-up as the nations are fully “gathered” in world government globalization (Rev16:12-16; 6th plague), to Christ’s 7th plague arrival parallel, and then Babylon the Great’s deposition and eventual world judgment. (Rev16:17-19, Dan7:26)

Those trumpets and plagues encompass the whole timed milestone periods of Daniel 8:14, the subsequent 1260 days (Dan7:25, Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5, Rev12:14), and the concluding 1290 days of Daniel 12:11. (Rev14)

That repeating prophecy, mirroring the global developments it pictures, is also an incremental progressive gauging that underlays this whole framework of noted timed periods in Daniel and Revelation prophecy as that segway repeats with this final world government cycle to Christ’s arrival, which milestones to that event become clearer and compounding as the cycle matures to world government.

Thus the final “little scroll” warning will outline undeniable global events previewed in the original Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministry and preview Daniel and Revelation fulfillment period of the first cycle (1914-1919), now to manifest fully in striking global manner in its final form of fulfillment with the final form of the 8th King manifestation as global government; the climax cycle and its climax 8th King milestone to precede Christ’s arrival is all outlined fully.

Thus the Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministry emerging with the WW1-to-League of Nations cycle to the eventual foretold apostate condition of today’s Bethel (2Thess2:1-4, Dan11:30-35, Dan8:11-13) was a valid preview of the final cycle in that first world-war-to-world-government formula which first rectifies that modern apostasy and exposes it globally in the temple judgment initial period of this replication as the whole thing is explained to the full over this final cycle “tribulation of those days” parallel meaning as the final warning deploys into that final cycle, then fully activated.

The temple judgment, which begins Revelation 8-11 as Revelation 8:1-6 activation parallel with Daniel 8:13-14, is necessary to remove and expose the Bethel apostates and their source (Dan11:32a, Dan11:41, Dan8:12) while updating all post 1990 8th King King North activity to modern times while their fourth cycle is active towards world government. Thus it will take time to “trample” the Bethel system (Dan8:13, Zech3:1-3), recover the anointed Christian ministry from those suave Bethel based King North backed renegades (Dan11:32a), and make the final updates officially for full exposure of the whole apostate development and the fourth 8th King cycle meaning then active.

Temple Judgment and Recovery – Daniel 8:14

This timing is what will run first as the parallel to the temple judgment pictured at Revelation 8:3-5, also cross referenced at Zechariah 3:4-8 and Malachi 3:1-5 as a preparatory accounting and purification to transpire in Daniel 8:13 events according to the timing and phasing of Daniel 8:14,26. Thus the temple judgment activates Revelation 8 in final fulfillment in the whole eventual Revelation 8-11 “seven trumpet” final progression to 8th King world government (Rev11:7-10) and then Christ’s arrival (Rev11:11-12), prior to the full Messianic Kingdom, then completed, conquest of the 7th Trumpet event of Revelation 11:15-19.

The 7th Plague also parallels that whole 6th-to-7th Trumpet arrival sequence and final judgment sequence of Christ’s “air” event of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The 6th plague preceding it is the full globalization-to-world-government sequence of Revelation 16:12-16.

The temple judgment activates Revelation 8 temple judgment and its first four trumpet spiritual alarming context in what is also the Revelation 16:1-9 first four plagues activating as the global context of this final cycle’s “sword-stroke” phase running fully to the “healing” phase starting in global activation. Thus Revelation 8 starts the spiritual context meaning of the “tribulation of those days” that will not end until the ministry is recovered and ceased again as the “two witnesses” are deposed after the 1260 days completes.

Thus as per 1 Peter 4:17 the overall global judgment cycle begins with the “house of God” as Daniel 8:13-14 unique timed prophecy and “trampling” decree and Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment parallel repeating. Contrary to the Bethel apostate delusion complex, the judgment does not start with Babylon the Great as promoted by the Bethel apostates who are the “befouled garments” and “befouled turban” counterpart of Zechariah 3:3-5. (Babylon the Great is deposed in the deep 6th-to-7th plague of Revelation 16:12-19 parallel Revelation 17:15-18.)

That key Bethel diversion and overall delusion aids the concealment of the Bethel “trampling” period meaning, with a covering hoax development. (Dan8:13) It is also the premature end delusion  aiding (2Thess2:1-2) misapplied Babylon the Great prophecy that helps define the earmark Bethel apostate accompanying delusion “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here” prematurely as part of the modern Bethel “man of lawlessness” apostasy and active “operation of error” promoting the comprehensive “lie” that Jehovah’s witnesses are now believing prior to the temple judgment. (2Thess2:11-12)

God, allowing this “operation of error”, allows a spiritual condition in Jehovah’s witnesses requiring the temple judgment accounting period (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:3-5, Rev8:3-5) because it activates in signal form the whole final cycle of prophecy—the whole thing repeats; the prophecy repeats because the great world “sword-stroke” to “healing” cycle also repeats.

This Daniel 8:14 timing and phasing (Dan8:14,26) is provided to allow Jehovah’s witnesses going into this judgment first (1Pet4:17), to eventually recognize the temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) which is to be explained in the meaning of the symbols in the first four trumpets (Rev8:7-12) to lead to the Revelation 9 symbols of the final temple recovery for the final warning of Revelation 10-11:1-10 to come forth from this period in clear fashion. The Daniel 8:14 timing is required to fully remove and eventually start to expose the Bethel apostates and the various errors out there that will attempt to apply the 1260 days period prematurely.

In reality the 1260 days cannot begin in the official “little scroll” final warning, repeating (Rev10:11), until it is fully accurate and the temple is actually in its “right condition” according to God and Christ’s specification, hence the required purification in Revelation 8, Zechariah 3:3-5 and Malachi 3:1-4 in final fulfillment preparation for that clarified final ministerial condition according to the unique Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment prophecy.

Daniel 8:14 provides a significant timing of final warning preparatory judgment that runs along with the start of the global “sword-stroke” phase in some manner as that global context in also the Revelation 16 first four plagues is what engulfs apostate Bethel as well. (Dan11:42-45 period activating, Daniel 11:41 climaxing in Bethel “trampling” coup. Luke21:20 parallel of Matth24:15 UN NGO “disgusting thing” now present at Bethel)

This bridging timing of the possible Daniel 8:14 2300 days, in an “evening” desolation of 1150 days and a “morning” recovery of 1150 days possibility, is provided to transpire with the major “sword-stroke” cycle of the beginning of the “tribulation of those days”. In time, in the Daniel 8:14,26 “morning” final temple judgment phase the ministerial recovery “emerges” (Rev9:1-4, Jonah2:10) in this temple judgment period eventually leading to the divine 1260 days timing to start AFTER the purification and the prophetic clarification of final cycle truth is complete (Dan8:14), in that preparatory temple judgment phase. Then the eventual final deployment as a final warning, and invitation, concerning the Messianic Kingdom completion requirement in the Revelation 10-11 final fulfillment will fully unfold.

Thus the milestone meaning of the Daniel 8:14 timing is that of the temple judgment and its eventual preparatory alarm in those first four trumpets of what is really going on not only in the Bethel apostasy, but where we actually are in the trajectory to 8th King world government, and hence, Christ’s arrival shortly after that final 8th King defiant milestone. Daniel 8:14 timing is intended to bridge and connect into more timed prophecy and gauged periods and milestones in a recognizable manner as first the minimum timing is 3.19 years of Jehovah’s witnesses’ “trampling”, a modern “sign of Jonah” in that “abyss” “evening” state parallel.

That prepares anointed Christians and Jehovah’s witnesses and others for what is to follow, as the prophecy activated must complete further (and be fully explained, Rev10:11) as it progresses to the temple recovery and the final “little scroll” warning in the final 1260 days prophecies unfolding concurrently. (Dan7:25, Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5, Rev 12:14) It is the global anointed Christian wake up call of the “ten virgins” judgment parallel of Matthew 25:1-13 and similar illustrations now paralleling this final temple judgment meaning.

This prepares the clarification of the final “little scroll” in valid, accurate and fully up to date meaning while the “tribulation of those days” in its initial “sword stroke” portion is active, for eventual final warning deployment in the eventual 1260 days period as the global “healing” must come forth from the global “sword-stroke” phase. (Isa41:1)

Final Warning 1260 Days – Daniel 12:7 Revelation 11:2-3 Revelation 13:5

The next milestone, to be proceeding into the 42 months of wildbeast authority (Rev13:5) of the post-sword-stroke into global recovery “healing” phase beginning, as a 1260 day parallel, is the final Kingdom proclamation period of 1260 days as the second of “two witnesses” final warning parallel. This will give direct warning concerning the meaning of the then maturing 8th King completion “ascending” into full world government in its final milestone segway to Christ’s arrival.

Thus the first four trumpets and first four plagues are active in the peak “sword-stroke” period as the eventual 1260 days of wildbeast authority in the “healing” phase beginning is also a fourth plague related “scorching sun” that will have been active in the “sword-stroke” phase as national governments secure their masses in various violent and “scorching” ways.

(Revelation 16:1-9) And I heard a loud voice out of the sanctuary say to the seven angels: “Go and pour out the seven bowls of the anger of God into the earth.” 2 And the first one went off and poured out his bowl into the earth. And a hurtful and malignant ulcer came to be upon the men that had the mark of the wild beast and that were worshiping its image. 3 And the second one poured out his bowl into the sea. And it became blood as of a dead man, and every living soul died, [yes,] the things in the sea. 4 And the third one poured out his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of the waters. And they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel over the waters say: “You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, because you have rendered these decisions, 6 because they poured out the blood of holy ones and of prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” 7 And I heard the altar say: “Yes, Jehovah God, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judicial decisions.” 8 And the fourth one poured out his bowl upon the sun; and to [the sun] it was granted to scorch the men with fire. 9 And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give glory to him.

And that “it was granted to scorch the men with fire” is climaxing into this marked period of a marked furtherance of “authority” possibly empowered by the “healing” phase beginning en route to eventual world government totality over this final “42 month” timing:

(Revelation 13:3-8) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world.

(Revelation 13:11-13) And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. (in the final cycle it all converges into the “scarlet wildbeast” acceptance) 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.

The 1260 days of that marked “wildbeast from the sea” authority leads to the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” “one hour” defining full world government rule “ascending” from the final period of the 1260 days as Revelation 11:7 shows this connection after the 1260 days witnessing is completed. The 8th King assumes global “power and authority”, the “healing” will aid that final process to that uni-polar global-sovereignty.

8th King and Christ Arrival – Daniel 12:11 1290 Days

Final open salvation period with full world government defined as active enabling Christ’s subsequent arrival to complete the Messianic Kingdom and “subdue in the midst of [his] enemies” to complete the “sheep” “gathering” as first priority.

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second two witnesses deposition of Rev11:7) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (in fourth and final 8th King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Daniel 12:11 is the period defined by the removal of the final “two witnesses” “constant feature” and the 4th UN event 8th King world government “place the disgusting thing” in final form as both having to be present together to define that final 1290 days beginning as the final active period of eventually Christ’s arrival. The cessation of the final anointed Christian ministerial warning begins the final symbolic period to elapse fully into Daniel 12:11’s time period, prior to Christ’s arrival, in the “three and a half days” “death” state of the symbolic “two witnesses”. (Rev11:7-10) Thus Christ arrives in that 1290 day period then active as Revelation 11:11-12.

Since the “three and a half days” “two witnesses” “death” state comes after the 1260 days completes (Rev11:7), it must merge into Daniel 12:11 1290 days beginning when both those criteria are met as it defines the “remove the constant feature” portion as the “wildbeast that ascends from the abyss” is also rising, manifesting globally into world government fully to define the final “place the disgusting thing”. Thus the final symbolic period to transpire prior to Christ’s arrival in Daniel 12:11 period active, is that “three and a half days” “two witness” “death” state.

(Revelation 11:11-13) And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them. 13 And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

That “in that hour” is the same “one hour” of 8th King world government parallel.

(Revelation 17:12) “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. (that “hour” is also the same “hour” of the Babylon the Great judgment. Rev18:10,17,19)

Matthew 24:29-31 events are merging into the Daniel 12:11 1290 day period as Christ arrives in that Daniel 12:11 time frame active after the “three and a half days” “two witnesses” “death” state has transpired. Thus Revelation 14 sequence begins in the Daniel 12:11 period active, because it must be after the “three and a half days” “two witnesses” “death” state segway.

(Revelation 14:1) And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. …

Open salvation is backed by Christ by the angels completing the Matthew 24:31 “gathering” of then the earthling “sheep” as the Matthew 25:31-46 “sheep and goat” parallel of this whole Revelation 14 sequence:

(Revelation 14:6-7) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”

Babylon the Great goes down in this final 6th-to-7th plague finality:

(Revelation 14:8) And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

The “scarlet wildbeast” is active in full 666 “one hour” mode of complete 8th King world government:

(Revelation 14:9-11) And another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, 10 he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and day and night they have no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.

The final “sheep” securement “gathering” completes:

(Revelation 14:14-16) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 And another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary], crying with a loud voice to the one seated on the cloud: “Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.” 16 And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

The final “goat” judgment is the last thing in the whole process to end the Daniel 12:11 1290 day period of final open salvation as Christ completes his own ministry:

(Revelation 14:17-20) And still another angel emerged from the temple [sanctuary] that is in heaven, he, too, having a sharp sickle. 18 And still another angel emerged from the altar and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one that had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because its grapes have become ripe.” 19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of the anger of God. 20 And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs.


Final Cycle Prophetic Parallels

The “tribulation of those days” is a final cycle parallel. Daniel 11:42-45 is the final cycle 8th King King North parallel period as is Daniel 8:25. Daniel 11:30-45 and Daniel 8:23-25 also gauged the last two UN presentations as prophecy since 1990.

(The 3rd and 4th UN presentations in 1990 is Daniel 11:31b, and Daniel 8:23 and the 4th placement world government events of the future are at Daniel 11:45 and Daniel 8:25. Thus Daniel 8 and 11 bridged the former first two UN related presentations of Revelation 13:11-15 (1919) and Revelation 17:8-11 (1945) to modern times since 1990. This is the segway apostate Bethel covers up as per Daniel 8:12. (Dan11:32a,41) The Bethel UN NGO happened to co-develop with that covered up 1990 3rd UN presentation after the Cold War, further marking when the paostasy fully emerged at Bethel as the Governing Body based coup of 1976 continues.)

The first six trumpets and plagues, are also a final cycle gauging parallel; the 7th trumpet occurs after the 8th King is in full world government. Revelation 8-11, to the end of the “two witnesses” final warning parallels the final cycle period. Revelation 16:10-16 must take place over the final cycle 1260 days converging into the “one hour” as Daniel 12:7 goes into final fulfillment en route to Daniel 12:11.

It appears the first trumpets and plagues are approximately parallel picturing the “plague” global context in which the temple judgment occurs to eventual explanation of the temple judgment meanings in those first four trumpets. Thus the Revelation 9 recovery may be taking advantage of a global transition into the “healing” phase which heightened 8th King authority emerging aids the final globalization “gathering” of the 6th plague. Since the final warning will also be coming forth in this possible segway to the official 1260 days, starting some time in that 5th and 6th trumpet and 5th and 6th plague parallel development.

The 5th plague is a “darkening” of the kingdom of the wildbeast because now the trajectory to Christ’s arrival, and their eventual termination, will be fully known in a very convincing context of affirming global milestones.

(Revelation 16:10-11) And the fifth one poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast. And its kingdom became darkened, and they began to gnaw their tongues for [their] pain, 11 but they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, and they did not repent of their works.

And because of that progressively emerging effect in the good news of the temple recovery pictured in Revelation 9 5th trumpet, they will resist the 1260 days Kingdom message progressively as it merges with the “42 months” (Rev13:5, Rev11:2) but will not cease the final warning until 1260 days that period completes fully as per Revelation 11:7. Christ arrives at the end of the 6th trumpet (2nd woe) as per Revelation 11:11-14 with the 7th plague “air” event of Revelation 16:17-19.

God and Christ are directly involved with the temple purification and final “little scroll” warning recovery. But the speculation here is the global “healing” phase will bring a marked form of eventual “42 months” of global authority as it transitions in the mechanics of that “healing” into the world government power of the 8th King system “healer” “ascending” into its final position over time.

Thus the anointed Christian recovery may be taking advantage of that upswing into 8th King power to also form a temple “healing” (Hos6:1-3) for the final “little scroll” warning while en route to 8th King world government over that parallel 1260 days. As 8th King world government approaches over that “42 months” to its Revelation 17:11-18 final transition to global “power and authority” the global-sovereignty also transitions to their uni-polar system defining the events of Matthew 24:29 as the “tribulation of those days” ends for the final world government presentation.

(Matthew 24:29) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallels) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

That ” sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven” is first the end of the nation-state global sovereign multi-polar system in Revelation 17:11-18 parallel for uni-polar 8th King world power. (Dan8:25, Dan11:45, 1Thess5:1-3) Since this event also eventually triggers Christ’s arrival their own 8th King power system “lights” are also to be eclipsed in this whole Matthew 24:29-31 segway parallel, that is the “powers of the heavens will be shaken” climax of Christ’s arrival:

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred (foregleam of Christ’s arrival); and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, (Matt24:29) as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. (Am9:1-3) 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (thus this Matt24:29-31, Rev11:11-12 parallel period, in Daniel 12:11 period in progress, is a drawn out period as that outlined in Revelation 14:1-16);

We can note in Matthew 24:29-31 that the “tribulation of those days” is not the overall “great tribulation” “cut short” because it explicitly ends even before Christ’s arrival. (It is a key phase and transitional period) We can also note as ominous as Matthew 24:29 sounds, “the end” does not occur in that Matthew 24:29-31 segway. (it too is a spiritual transition to Revelation 11:11-12 and Revelation 14 activations.)

What occurs in Matthew 24:29-31 is Christ’s first mission: salvation by “gathering” from the “four winds” which is the final phase of the “great tribulation” to truly eventually be “cut short”—it is a “four winds” period to develop under full 8th King world government as the major global transition of this overall prophecy:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallels) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (the whole sovereign structure of world rulership has changed. Rev6:12-17 parallel) 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Rev11:11-12 parallel) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion, “in the days of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet”. Rev10:5-7), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of that final “great tribulation” phase; Rev7:1-4), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

Thus since the 1260 days is also a final “two witnesses” required Kingdom mission of the proclamation of the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty in Revelation 10:5-11, the final anointings and final affirmation sealings must take place as this mission is accomplished during the 1260 days:

(Revelation 10:5-11) And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; (the whole comprehensive completion is to come) 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel (“days” leading to the Messianic Kingdom completion event), when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” (the whole “sacred secret” prophecy and its required ministerial summarization must be completed) 8 And the voice that I heard out of heaven is speaking again with me and saying: “Go, take the opened scroll (understood Messianic kingdom sovereign ultimatum and final proclamation) that is in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth.” (Christ is full global coming authority guaranteed) 9 And I went away to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. (Final anointed Christian remnant accept the commission. Zech3:6-7, Matt24:45-47) And he said to me: (divine commission is granted. Zech3:8-9:) “Take it and eat it up, and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” (respects judgment and salvation duality of the first “witness” period of 1914-1919) 10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (final Messianic Kingdom announcement is ready for final “two witnesses” global deployment all within the “second woe” spanning Revelation 9:12-11:14);

Thus the whole 1260 days is a divine Kingdom mission that will need to be carried out to complete the sealings of Revelation 7:1-4, and in that way the “four winds” Christ mentions in Matthew 24:31 is a great related “four winds” clue. Thus it is after the 1260 days “little scroll” mission is completed in the “two witnesses” final warning that the final sealings are also completed enabling that final “four winds” phase of the “great tribulation”.

And logically it will be under 8th King world government, which uni-polar global full “power and authority” is far more dangerous “during a freedom from care”, parallel world “peace and security”, than it was in the 1260 day period leading up to that global full culmination.

This is all in the 8th King “one hour” actuality in the Daniel 12:11 timing period:

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

(Daniel 11:44-45) . . .“But there will be reports (Rev10-11 “little scroll” recovered ministry messages) that will disturb him (8th King going into world government totality), out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage (Dan8:25; Rev11:7) in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. (Dan8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” parallel with 1Thess5:1-3 world “peace and security” period of 8th King world government placement (Dan12:11 final fulfillment); And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

And that is why the Daniel 8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” is in the “freedom from care” this global “healing” will eventually become to maximize the credibility of the final 8th King world “peace and security” proclamation of complete world government. That is the parallel of the Daniel 11:44 8th King selective-destructive phase backing Revelation 13:15-18, as the target is those slated for removal and those not accepting the 666.

1. Thus the “two witnesses” are some of those to “devote to destruction” and “bring to ruin”, before Babylon the Great is deposed.

2. Babylon the Great is also “brought to ruin” and “devoted to destruction” in this period of zenith 8th King uni-polar global “one hour” of global sovereignty under full world government. (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12,19)

3. All those final milestones are under 8th King complete world government. The Messianic Kingdom completion by Christ’s arrival priority is enabled by the 8th King cessation of the “two witnesses” which leads to this climax events to transpire with Christ’s arrival.

Thus Babylon the Great is deposed under the 8th King full world government as the Messianic Kingdom also completes as the ultimate “Court” of that Babylon judgment at Daniel 7:26.

Thus the 8th King is identical with the “King North” and “King Fierce in Countenance” sovereign symbols as the whole prophetic symbology converges into world government as the whole nation-state system also globally converges into that final foretold 8th King world government “top of the world” “north” entity.
Seven Trumpets/Plagues Parallel Final Cycle Framework

Temple Judgment – First Four Trumpet Summarization – Global Sword-Stroke Parallel

The global “sword-stroke” progresses with the Daniel 8:14 timing of the first temple “trampling” as the temple judgment context. (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Zech3:4-5, Mal3:1-5, 1Pet4:17)

The spiritual temple and Jehovah’s witnesses’ “earth” context of the four trumpet prelude temple judgment events symbolism:

(Revelation 8:1-6) And when he opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour. (The whole seven trumpets actual events are all in the seventh seal finale preview) 2 And I saw the seven angels that stand before God, and seven trumpets were given them. (the whole temple judgment to Christ arrival to Messianic Kingdom completion “good news brought to a finish” preparation. Rev10:5-11) 3 And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, having a golden incense vessel; and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones (Mal3:16) upon the golden altar that was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God. 5 But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar (pre “little scroll” commission purification “fire” of Isa6:6-8 parallel) and hurled it to the earth. (the temple judgment “fire of the altar” purification events symbolized) And thunders occurred and voices and lightnings and an (temple judgment awakening) earthquake. 6 And the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them. (the first four trumpets explain the whole temple judgment meaning en route to the 5th to 6th trumpet recovery to merge with the final “little scroll” and “two witnesses” final warning in the eventual deployment of the 1260 days)

(Isaiah 6:6-9) At that, one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand there was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs off the altar. 7 And he proceeded to touch my mouth and to say: “Look! This has touched your lips, and your error has departed and your sin itself is atoned for.” (temple judgment purification; Zech3:3-5,9) 8 And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I proceeded to say: “Here I am! Send me.” (Rev10:8-11; two witnesses parallel of “little scroll” commission of final warning from God and Christ) 9 And he went on to say: “Go, and you must say to this people, ‘Hear again and again (two witnesses “you must prophesy again”. (Rev10:11)), O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.’

Global “Tribulation of Those Days” Parallel First Four Plagues Global Context

The parallel first four plagues of the global context en route to full globalization-tow-world-government “gathering” of Revelation 16:13-16. The first four plagues have to proceed with the global “sword-stroke” cycle and its peak, to proceed into the healing phase of the 5th to 6th plague parallel to eventually enter the 1260 days after this has “rocked the nations” (Hag2:7):

(Revelation 16:1-9) And I heard a loud voice out of the sanctuary say to the seven angels: “Go and pour out the seven bowls of the anger of God into the earth.” 2 And the first one went off and poured out his bowl into the earth. And a hurtful and malignant ulcer came to be upon the men that had the mark of the wild beast and that were worshiping its image. 3 And the second one poured out his bowl into the sea. And it became blood as of a dead man, and every living soul died, [yes,] the things in the sea. 4 And the third one poured out his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of the waters. And they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel over the waters say: “You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, because you have rendered these decisions, 6 because they poured out the blood of holy ones and of prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” 7 And I heard the altar say: “Yes, Jehovah God, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judicial decisions.” 8 And the fourth one poured out his bowl upon the sun; and to [the sun] it was granted to scorch the men with fire. 9 And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give glory to him.

Though the plagues are judgments that respect the original Jehovah’s witnesses’ explanations of the “first witness”, the updated global context is also to effect repentance in some people paralleling the effects of the 5th to 6th trumpet and eventual “second witness” re-affirmation for Revelation 11:13 parallel of this prophecy in final form:

(Haggai 2:6-7) “For this is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘Yet once—it is a little while—and I am rocking the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground.’ 7 “‘And I will rock all the nations (first four plague peak parallel), and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

Thus many people, “desirable things”, will repent in this final period.

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Global Wealth Control Dimension of the Global “Sword-Stroke”

Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth and gold control significance is aided by severe “sword-stroke” economic and financial stressing.

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt.

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

That globalized wealth system in 8th King King North control aids the global-groundwork being made official in uni-polar “King North” control for the recovery “healing” phase. The scale of those events indicate it must take time to run both the “sword-stroke” and the “healing” cycle.

That kind of uni-polar wealth control and recovery potential aids finalizing the final global national conglomeration operation of the 8th King system engineers that has to be taking place in the recovery phase and 1260 days period maturing to full in this final progression:

(Revelation 16:12-16) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates (Parallels 6th trumpet), and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. (Babylon the Great being set-up for Revelation 17:15-17 parallel events by removal of human defenses (Rev17:15)) 13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (complete 8th King globalist influence culminating ) 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth (culminating in this final period), to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (parallels Revelation 17:12-18 and Daniel 11:42-43 culminations into globalist 8th King power) 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them (by Dan11:42-43 and Rev17:11-17 8th King wealth and power consolidations) together (into final 8th King globalist unification symbolized in completion by 4th UN “placement” and proclamations) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon. (Joel 3:9-17);

The temple recovery forming a progressive full awareness of the reality of the situation beginning to emerge into the “little scroll” official commission that must be active by this time of the sixth plague parallel was the preview of the “darkening” of the 8th King system,

(Revelation 16:10-16) And the fifth one poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast. (5th to 6th trumpet progressive parallel) And its kingdom became darkened, and they began to gnaw their tongues for [their] pain, 11 but they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, and they did not repent of their works.

This is because the explanation of their world government completion that must precede and trigger Christ’s arrival has that same “disturbing” effect as the one in Daniel 11:44-45 as they come into full world government progressively over that final 1260 day healing parallel—but news of what that completion will entail is also coming forth in the final “two witnesses” final warning of Messianic Kingdom approximate co-completion.

World Government Global Presentation

Thus this coincides with the end of the 1260 days as Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 17:8-12 parallel events:

(Daniel 11:44-45) “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

(Daniel 11:44) . . .“But there will be reports (Rev10-11 “little scroll” recovered ministry messages) that will disturb him (8th King going into world government totality as King North), out of the sunrising (from Christ; Isa45) and out of the north (from God Almighty; Isa14:13, Zech14:4), and he will certainly go forth in a great rage (Dan8:25; Rev11:7) in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. (Dan8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” parallel with 1Thess5:1-3 world “peace and security” period of 8th King world government placement (Dan12:11 final fulfillment);

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

Temple Recovery/ Global Recovery Parallel

The temple recovery to final warning deployment is occurring with the “sword-stroke” “healing” phase concurrently that led in final time to the above culminations.

That climaxes into world government final “abyss ascension” and the removal of the final “little scroll” “two witnesses” warning as the final temple “holy city” “trampling” of Revelation 11:2. Both of those “tramplings” define the “tribulation of those days” whose global context is a final global “sword-stroke” to “healing” “ascension” of 8th King world government. Thus Daniel 12:11 dual criteria is being met by these events of the final warning cessation under 8th King world government globally placed “disgusting thing”.

(Revelation 11:7-10) And when they have finished their witnessing (1260 days is complete), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city (Babylon the Great and its Christendom “broadway” still existent) which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. (the “broad way” of the main Christendom opponent of the “two witnesses”) 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days (final segway to Christ’s arrival which is in the Daniel 12:11 1290 days period starting), and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. (the final warning is disrespected) 10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth. (a functioning global system, in 8th King global recovery, is active; Matt24:36-42, Rev18:9-19)

And this 42 months parallels the 1260 day identically as the period that led to that final warning cessation after the 1260 days has completed:

(Revelation 13:3-8) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. (the “healing” amplifies world government credibility and necessity) 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. (seems to be taking place as the sword-stroke is being healed aiding this global authority prior to full world government) 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them (Rev11:7 parallel), and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (world government full authority is progressing to complete over this final period of the Revelation 17:8-11 parallel “abyss ascension”) 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it (the 666 campaign also culminates with this whole recovery); the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world.

That “healing” phase is concurrent with the progressive emergence of world government the global “healer” nucleus of global recovery:

(Revelation 17:8-12) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss (the final abyss ascension of Rev11:7), and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly (as a recovery admiration related to the final “sword stroke” upon the 7th head as a repeating principle of also the 1945 “abyss ascension” of the United Nations from the 1919 League of Nations period of inactivity during WW2), but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world. (the final 666 marking parallel) 9 “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains (the national seven world power progression), where the woman sits on top. (as a religious sovereignty also to be deposed in this final cycle culmination) 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece), one is (Roman), the other has not yet arrived (the 7th head Anglo-American national alliance global empire nucleus), but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. (“short while” as in sovereign existence termination into 8th King totality, not destruction) 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king] (from its final abyss ascension of the future into full world government), but springs from the seven (the “scarlet wildbeast” is based on the Rev13:1 seven headed “wildbeast from the sea” in historic human world power development; parallel: King South is deposed by King North sovereign absorption in Daniel 11:42-45 as the parallel of this final progression to full King North 8th King world government), and it goes off into destruction. (this is the wildbeast and 8th King world power that is destroyed at Armageddon’s climax) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (a complete national global unification into 8th King world government based on all the national powers), who have not yet received a kingdom (was still progressing to this climax in the apostle John’s time), but they do receive authority as (globally distributed “palatial tents”) kings one hour with the wild beast. (the “one hour” of 8th King global rulership in complete world government which deposition by Christ is the destruction of all the rival 8th King sovereign counterparts.)

After the 1260 days has expired into Christ’s Revelation 11:11-12, Matthew 24:29-31 parallel enabling Revelation 14:1-8, the “scarlet wildbeast” world government warning is active as both Christ in Messianic Kingdom and the 8th King world government are both active in that final period of the active 1290 days of Daniel 12:11, these parallels:

(Revelation 14:9-12) And another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, 10 he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and day and night they have no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name. 12 Here is where it means endurance for the holy ones, those who observe the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”

(Revelation 13:14-15) And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. 16 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Daniel 11:42-45 Final Cycle Parallel Merges into Daniel 12:1-11

Now once we know Daniel 11:40-41 has been the point of modern 8th King “King North” globalization expansions globally in military and financial dimensions, along with the infiltration of Bethel to override that ministry to override that prophecy, we know Daniel 11:42-45 must fulfill next. The final cycle is in that Daniel 11:42-45 8th King final developments for world government by Daniel 11:45, thus it must merge into Daniel 12, “during that time” of Daniel 11:41 climaxing, and Daniel 11:42-43 activating next:

(Daniel 12:1) “And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book.

The Daniel 11:42-43 financial component is what must activate next, as the Bethel “invasion” of Daniel 11:41 culminates into the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13, thus the global context will be prepared to also topple Bethel in that process sold to Jehovah’s witnesses as “the end” prematurely, but it si actually the final cycle starting up.

Thus “And during that time Michael will stand up” is first in the temple “visit” of Malachi 3:1-2 in final fulfillment when it is time to end the “evening” desolation of Daniel 8:13-14. And that spiritual arrival to the temple, to oversee the full purification (Zech3:4-5), is so the truth clarification can also come forth explaining Christ’s ultimate “stand” which is what develops as this final cycle culminates into the Messianic Kingdom co-completion.

Thus Daniel 11:42-43 must merge into 1260 days parallel global events and the deployment of that final 1260 day “two witnesses” final warning parallel of Revelation 11:3 to this 1260 day cross referenced parallel development and fulfillment:

(Daniel 12:5-7) And I saw, I Daniel, and, look! there were two others standing, one on the bank here of the stream and the other on the bank there of the stream. 6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: “How long will it be to the end of the wonderful things?” 7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.”

Daniel 11:44-45 must merge into the final “place the disgusting thing” of full 8th King world government as that “finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces” is the cessation of the final “two witnesses” final Kingdom proclamation to define Daniel 12:11:

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Now this 8th King parallel rival “stand” is the same parallel to complete the Daniel 8 sequence:

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care he will bring many to ruin. And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken.

And that 8th King world government completion is the “freedom from care” parallel of the world “peace and security” proclamation of that final 8th King rival global-sovereignty:

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.


Daniel Prophecy Prophetic Benchmark of Structured National World Power Development from Genesis 10 Seventy Nations Roots

National Foundation of 70 Nations

(Genesis 10:1-12) And this is the history of Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now sons began to be born to them after the deluge.

Nimrod’s Central Complex of Development

(Genesis 10:8-12) And Cush became father to Nimrod. He made the start in becoming a mighty one in the earth. 9 He displayed himself a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. That is why there is a saying: “Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.” 10 And the beginning of his kingdom came to be Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land he went forth into Assyria and set himself to building Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah 12 and Resen between Nineveh and Calah: this is the great city.

The First World Government Attempt

(Genesis 11:1-9) Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words. 2 And it came about that in their journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valley plain in the land of Shinar, and they took up dwelling there. 3 And they began to say, each one to the other: “Come on! Let us make bricks and bake them with a burning process.” So brick served as stone for them, but bitumen served as mortar for them. 4 They now said: “Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth.” 5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built. 6 After that Jehovah said: “Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them. 7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another’s language.” 8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city. 9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth.

World Power Development Since Babylonian Domination

This was the first structured national power progression prophecy pictured in the “immense image” which is a totality of the structure equating to complete world government “standing” in the end phase:

(Daniel 2:31-35) “You, O king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image. That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was dreadful. 32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, 33 its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. 34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. 35 At that time the iron, the molded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together (in 8th King world government), crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain (the Messianic Kingdom) and filled the whole earth. 

(Daniel 2:36-38) “This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king. 37 You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold. (Babylon benchmark, 3rd King after Egypt and Assyria)

Babylon which springs from the Genesis 10 70 nations first conglomeration under Nimrod to produce the Genesis 11:1-9 events and record the whole foundation of the national power progression to eventual world government is made. The “tower of Babel” events were an attempt at an early global government as the base theme of that record of conglomeration which God dispersed by the non-destructive confusion of the divinely produced multiple languages.

(Daniel 2:39) “And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you (Medo-Persia, 4th King); and another kingdom, a third one (in the “image” in Daniel 2, but the 5th King overall), of copper (Greece), that will rule over the whole earth. 

(Daniel 2:40) “And as for the fourth kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these. (Rome 6th King)

(Daniel 2:41-43) (Anglo-American 7th King) “And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. 42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay. 

(Daniel 2:44-45) “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms (in their final 8th King world government conglomeration), and it itself will stand to times indefinite; 45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the molded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.”

By the above prophecy clearly identifying Babylon as the “head of Gold” of the image and further national power benchmarks after Babylon are provided in Daniel 8 in Greece and Medo-Persia.

(Daniel 8:20-22) “The ram that you saw possessing the two horns [stands for] the kings of Media and Persia. (Medo-Persian benchmark, 4th King) 21 And the hairy he-goat [stands for] the king of Greece (Grecian benchmark, 5th King); and as for the great horn that was between its eyes, it [stands for] the first king. 22 And that one having been broken (Alexander’s death), so that there were four that finally stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from [his] nation that will stand up, but not with his power.

Thus by the time Roman power comes on the world scene clearly identified in Christ’s time in national based empire development, the national lineage of development to lead to the Anglo-American “7th King” in the sequence is well founded in this few structured sovereign development prophecies of the global power development still as opposed to God’s Kingdom as was Nimrod’s first attempt at world government. Revelation 13 continues the progression that Daniel identified to lead to this period as an overlapping sovereign development prophecy:

(Revelation 13:1-2) And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads (the seven kings of Bible record in relation to Israel’s history to Christ and after: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Anglo-America), and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. 2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority.

Revelation 17 takes this sovereign progression to its “7th King” connection and onward later in the prophecy to its ultimate objective of “8th King” “scarlet wildbeast” world government:

(Revelation 17:9-11) “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece), one is (Rome in John’s time), the other has not yet arrived (Anglo-American 7th King), but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king] (world government totality), but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.

The Daniel 11 sequence is a parallel record of global sovereign development with added alternative information of the development from the base system development left by the death of Alexander the Great in Greece (Dan11:1-4) to its four branches eventually narrowing to two (Dan11:5-19) to the absorption in the Roman era (Dan11:20-26) to the era of King South (7th King) based, but King North (8th King) globalist capitalized peak globalization era as the final development to complete and usher in true world government. (Dan11:27-45)

(Daniel 11:3-4) “And a mighty king will certainly stand up and rule with extensive dominion and do according to his will. (Grecian Alexander) 4 And when he will have stood up, his kingdom will be broken and be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, but not to his posterity and not according to his dominion with which he had ruled; because his kingdom will be uprooted, even for others than these. (Remnants of Greece in Daniel 11:5-19)

End of the Grecian remnants:

(Daniel 11:19) And he will turn his face back to the fortresses of his [own] land, and he will certainly stumble and fall, and he will not be found.

End of the Roman period (Dan11:20-26):

(Daniel 11:25-26) “And he will arouse his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great military force; and the king of the south, for his part, will excite himself for the war with an exceedingly great and mighty military force. And he will not stand, because they will scheme out against him schemes. 26 And the very ones eating his delicacies will bring his breakdown. “And as for his military force, it will be flooded away, and many will certainly fall down slain.

Beginning of 8th King producing King North globalization era to eventually absorb King South in 7th King system downfall:

(Daniel 11:27) “And as regards these two kings (nationalism and globalism based), their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table a lie is what they will keep speaking. But nothing will succeed, because [the] end is yet for the time appointed. (the national versus globalist period produces no national based global domination from any nation or partial bloc of nations since WW1. World government total global conglomeration is what will “prove successful”)

3rd United Nations Presentation Parallel:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

Required success of the whole King North progression as one process:

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish; because the thing decided upon must be done.

The fall of that nation-state “King South” from a “pushing” with globalist King North progressive system power:

(Daniel 11:40-45) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing (the nationalism “south” versus globalism “north” actual dynamic of world power), and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through. (at global scale of globalization in financial and military dimensions progressively accelerated since 1990 3rd UN presentation of Daniel 11:31b) 41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (the Bethel apostasy is guided ultimately by infiltration enabled by anointed Christian defection of Daniel 11:30-32; Dan8:11-13 parallel set-up), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon. (Final cycle events yet to occur as Daniel 11:41 climaxes in Bethel downfall:) 42 And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps. (the world government ascension parallel of the final cycle completion and main objective:) 44 “But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (world government; 4th UN presentation) and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

Daniel 8 is an alternative parallel prophecy with the same 3rd to 4th United Nations presentation sequence as that in Daniel 11:31b to Daniel 11:45:

(Daniel 8:23-25) “And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, there will stand up a king fierce in countenance and understanding ambiguous sayings. (3rd UN presentation parallel) 24 And his power must become mighty, but not by his own power. And in a wonderful way he will cause ruin, and he will certainly prove successful and do effectively. And he will actually bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of [the] holy ones. 25 And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care he will bring many to ruin. And against the Prince of princes he will stand up (world government; 4th UN presentation), but it will be without hand that he will be broken.

Thus the Revelation 13 climax of a final development in national history of earth gives details of the “image” formation of the 8th King of Revelation 17, and the final Revelation 13:15-18 features of that parallel of world government at Revelation 17:11-18. The global “sword-stroke” principle in Revelation 13, also clearly seen in global principles of this cyclic global war development, provides the parallel of the final “abyss plunge” of Revelation 17. The final emergence of global government is logically parallel with the positivity of the national system revival in the “healing” of Revelation13.

Thus Revelation 13’s foundational historic record of the key national developments to pass on this rival development since the days of Nimrod to the final world government sovereign-convergence and climax form of global-sovereign rivalry is provided throughout the Bible—thus the continuum is backed by national histories of the real world development. That development was a continuum to manifest in modern times as marked by an also revived Christian ministry (1914) exposing the whole development as prophecy and history as one development leading to Armageddon and Christ’s “second coming”. What became known as Jehovah’s witnesses, a ministerial vehicle of claimant anointed Christians of that time, was providing the first structural explanation of prophecy and modern national histories that became notable when the League of Nations also emerged as a unique global government international forum.

Of course that once expositionary ministry is now an apostate subversion concealing the final leg of this process. But at that time and even now in its remnants prior to the Bethel apostasy, Jehovah’s witnesses were unique in bringing the Bible to modern times and clearly identifying globally that this national progression of the core “seven world powers” and now this world government “image” was marking the final stage of this sovereign development, and that was well marked in 1914-1919 not just by prophecy as some like to doubt and discredit, but also by far more visible global developments of a first world war leading to a first world government “image” presentation with its “grandiose words” of being global rulers necessary to preserve world peace and human existence. Thus the events of the 7th world power also manifesting as the main background elite system backer of this “world government” in the making, in its global “image”, to conveniently pop up after WW1 was resolved, is of course far more significant than is commonly ignored and whisked away by human ignorance or denial of the reality it is actually forming: the arrival of Christ to terminate this rival system in its “8th King” climax.

But in any event the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 of the final rival sovereign systems in this continuum all ultimately are to display the same features as their Egyptian example: downfall. And though those downfalls of those 7 national powers do not result in “the end”, they are a notable gauge that tells us the 7th national power Anglo-American alliance system, now underpinning the whole global national system, must also “fall”. The 8th King is what rises on that fall. And the 8th King is what stands, and provides great world power of recovery and “peace and security”, but in its empowerment is also Satan’s final empowerment (Eze38:7). That whole is what is terminated by God and Christ for their own sovereignty to manifest in the Messianic Kingdom actual final “world government” and “new universal order”, it transcends the human ideas, to the Satanic realm that must also be cleared out of Satan and the demons, the ultimate source of human evils. (Isa24:21-22)

Thus we are at a well explained outline of history, prophecy and intent of world government already made known by Jehovah’s witnesses, but that is merely temporarily derailed for now at the most explanatory period of this development since 1990 opened the global gateway of true total globalization well in progress. Thus rather than explain to people the meanings in the many globalization centered events of the past 20 years, when it can be clearly tied to principles in prophecy concerning this global “gathering”, which globalization is the nucleus of forces actually accomplishing this, Jehovah’s witnesses carry a Bethel promoted derailed and dated message, and instead promote UN ideas, organizations, endorsements and partnerships as marked by that UN NGO travesty—it is merely laced into the modern Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministry while distracted Jehovah’s witnesses are “gradually” lulled into the trap with a now stalled ministerial exposition.

Thus the events of the coming final “sword-stroke” phase will eventually also open up the context of the judgment of the visible Bethel center of a once anointed Christian ministry to provide developments to remove those “throwing truth to the earth”, now right inside compromised Bethel. The purpose is to explain this final 20 years of UN and globalization developments that are leading not to “the end”, but to the full fulfillment of the prophecy that has been tracking this development the whole time. That explanation forms as the supporting sovereign theme of the “little scroll” final warning. It is to come from the tragedy to befall the Jehovah’s witnesses’ organization, as guaranteed in the self-same prophecy that must fulfill fully for the final recovered ministerial members as repentant anointed Christians and scattered Jehovah’s witnesses must again be deployed, but with a global apology, an accurate message and a far larger salvation guarantee in that final warning sequence that must arrive as surely as will Christ’s arrival, but well before that final milestone, to prepare people for that truly earthshaking event.

In reality the Bethel apostasy of Jehovah’s witnesses is a required development in the final fulfillment cycle. It is the signal truly awake anointed and Christians are perceiving now that very gradually, but surely, Jehovah’s witnesses now carry a “good news something beyond what you accepted” produced by Bethel legalism, man worship and outright apostasy.

(Galatians 1:6-9) I marvel that you are being so quickly removed from the One who called you with Christ’s undeserved kindness over to another sort of good news. 7 But it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing you trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ. 8 However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said above, I also now say again, Whoever it is that is declaring to you as good news something beyond what you accepted, let him be accursed.

The whole Jehovah’s witnesses’ faith has been transformed into a totally different religion now:

(2 Corinthians 11:4) 4 For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or you receive a spirit other than what you received, or good news other than what you accepted, you easily put up [with him].

And such is true in Jehovah’s witnesses, they now revere and serve men, illegal bodies and synods, and a neo-Papal corporate based legalism as the main threatening distractions, wielding “Gehenna” over Jehovah’s witnesses’ heads to command obedience to what is now a profaned secular corporate structure retrofitted under misapplied scriptural precedent, not present in reality, to hi-jack the once enlightening and accurate Jehovah’s witnesses’ tracking of global world power because it converges into the arrival of Christ in marked global manner. Thus it is little wonder why the enemy system formed a the divinely permitted (2Thess2:11-12) anointed Christian defection at Bethel (Dan8:12, Dan11:32a) that opened the way for a full infiltration of the Jehovah’s witnesses’ leadership and ministry. (Dan11:30b-31a,41; 2Thess2:1-4,9; Zech3:1-3) to now conceal the final stages of world development and prophecy as marked by the concealed 3rd United Nations presentation in “New World Order” mode in 1990, in lieu of the UN NGO partnership instead as a Jehovah’s witnesses’ vehicle for UN “New World Order” co-promotions.

And yet the framework of the prophetic good news is still present “But it is not another [good news]”, it is the purpose of the Governing Body tenure to instead gradually introduce lawless distraction, illegal partnership, and the final apostasy so as to divert, subvert and derail the former spiritual progress of Jehovah’s witnesses, as modern prophetic developments are also fully ignored in lieu of a stagnated snapshot of a Jehovah’s witnesses’ past. Thus the “certain ones who are causing you trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ” are what is to be removed to reconnect this final developmental stage of world power to the former developmental state of world power from 1914 to 1950.

And now the Bethel apostasy is already final cycle prophecy fulfilling for those awake to see, it leads to the temple judgment, also key prophecy of the future. And thus the events to come on the Jehovah’s witnesses’ profaned and transgressing organization, will form the high profile developments that mark that temple judgment prophecy as it starts, in earnest, the final cycle of all the prophecy and the final culmination process of 8th King world government and what it implies. Thus this final stretch of “good news”, that Bethel helps conceal temporarily, will also come forth to complete the story and for it to be told in the “second witness” final open salvation offer and Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation of anointed Christians and all coming to see what all this really means over these few final years of this marked final cycle.

(Romans 16:25-27) 25 Now to him who can make you firm in accord with the good news I declare and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the sacred secret which has been kept in silence for long-lasting times 26 but has now been made manifest and has been made known through the prophetic scriptures among all the nations in accord with the command of the everlasting God to promote obedience by faith; 27 to God, wise alone, be the glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.

(Revelation 1:4-5) May you have undeserved kindness and peace from “The One who is and who was and who is coming,” and from the seven spirits that are before his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, “the Faithful Witness,” “The firstborn from the dead,” and “The Ruler of the kings of the earth.”

(Acts 17:30-31) True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”

(John 3:16-18) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.


7th King Downfall – Isaiah’s and Ezekiel’s Prophecy – “Egypt” Pronouncements as Modern Nation-State System Parallels in the Final Tribulation Cycle

World Government and Prophecy Repeating Principles

World Government and Prophecy Repeating Principles

Four Time World War to World Government Formula

Worldwide Globalization Provides 8th King World Government Components

World Recovery After World War 4 – Daniel 11:27-45 3rd and 4th Final United Nations Placements

Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion

Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

Progressive National to Final Globalist World Power in Bible Prophecy

Bethel Hoax: Premature End Expectation

Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy

Ten Virgins and Temple Judgment—Current Blackout, Future Light Requirement

Ten Virgins and Temple Judgment—Current Blackout, Future Light Requirement

How To Drain the Ten Virgins Oil Prior to the Actual Cry of the Bridegroom’s Impending Arrival—Bethel Simplifying the “Ten Virgins” Parable to Meaninglessness (Watchtower Study Addition March 15, 2015)

Pdf Ten Virgins

This article first covers the real import of the “ten virgins” parable at Matthew 25:1-13 for modern times. Then it covers apostate Bethel’s version of the same parable they are now undermining. (Rev2:2) Bethel’s modern “nod off” apostasy is summarized in the process as the cause of current prophetic darkness.

Christ’s first commendation:

(Revelation 2:2) ‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.

(Matthew 25:1-13) “Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3 For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4 whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep.

6 Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’

7 Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order. 8 The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’ 9 The discreet answered with the words, ‘Perhaps there may not be quite enough for us and you. Be on your way, instead, to those who sell it and buy for yourselves.’

10 While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. 11 Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12 In answer he said, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you.’

13 “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.

Ten Virgins Parable Overview – Reserving “Oil” Light Power

Christian anointed (ten virgins) were originally enlightening the arrival of Christ (the Bridegroom). Christian anointed have fallen asleep (nodded off) “in the delay” since the 1914-1919 first cycle of enlightenment and the light concerning that arrival has now burned low (lamps about to go out). Eventually a major event awakens all anointed Christians at the same time (a cry arose) with an urgency (put their lamps in order) to complete the task of further enlightening people of Christ’s arrival (be on your way out to meet him), which is then impending.

The Christ proving and welcoming period of required  further enlightenment in that awakened state, in the future, before Christ arrives, is very important.

Only half of the Christian anointed (five discreet virgins) have taken extra oil in their receptacles with their lamps to provide that extra period of Christ welcoming light; more enlightenment for people globally is required in the future. They provide the final period of enlightenment and eventually, at the end of that period of time, “enter the wedding feast” of the “Bridegroom” as Christ arrives. Those (five foolish virgins) with no further light, due to no extra oil, are shut out.

The most important aspect of the parable is the possessing the oil power of future light—the extra oil that must be used for final enlightenment. The temple judgment will determine the “foolish” and the “discreet” “virgins” by their power to produce more valid enlightenment, or lack of that power, preceding Christ’s true arrival—meaning more light must shine forth after that awakening, from that ever important extra oil when that comprehensive awakening occurs soon.

Having the extra oil is the key determining factor of the discreet virgins—the oil is the symbol of the potential power of future enlightenment from prophecy fulfilling explained. Understanding the prophecy since the original enlightenment (1914-1919), before the delay and nap, is the most potent form of prophetic light to be further explained in the future with modern world power development updated focus. The extra oil is lighted up for the final enlightenment global of public explanation from the original oil of the same prophecy for the modern final period preceding Christ’s arrival with the same related milestone events to manifest as those in 1914-1919.

The enlightenment will be based on explaining how those coming events are in fact leading to Christ’s arrival providing full warning in the process of that impending event.

Ten Virgins Parable Details

Most importantly, all these “foolish” and “discreet”, “evil” and “faithful” type parables are pictures of a prophecy marked divine judgment that must occur in the future—in final form. All these “foolish” and “discreet” (Matt25:1-13), “evil” and “faithful” (Matt24:45-51) type parables will parallel explicit prophecies of the modern temple judgment, of the future, as God makes these final “faithful” and “evil” determinations on his own “house” first, in the modern temple judgment coming soon. (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Zech3:1-5, Mal3:1-5)

(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.

A judgment to start with the “house of God” allows the signal, events and purification recovery to be carried out well before the finality of “the judgment” on the whole world as a final warning period that people can take advantage of to prepare themselves for Jesus Christ’s arrival.

Hence this is why the “five discreet virgin” final “oil based” enlightenment will go forth when the temple judgment completes “in the middle of the night” so people can take advantage of that growing awareness. Thus these parables are very important for revealing concurrent temple judgment prophecy details that parallel and relate to these parables’ details and overall meaning of that precursor judgment of “God’s house” first. (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:1-5, Rev8:1-6; 2Pet1:19-21)

(2 Peter 1:19) Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts.

Thus the “oil” is God’s Word, but prophecy in God’s Word is what gives the greatest light concerning Christ’s arrival and requires holy spirit, in God’s own timing, to understand the valid meaning of the prophecy when God deems it necessary to fully manifest:

(2 Peter 1:20-21) For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. 21 For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.

This is why that emergency extra “oil” supply is so important—in fact lack of that “oil”, not the “nod off”, is what determines divine rejection. Possessing that reserve “oil” is what will determine anointed Christian approval of God to be determined in the temple judgment; thus it is a very important parable when we realize the modern “delay” has indeed occurred since the 1914-1919 first cycle.

That extra “oil” relates to the original “oil” prophetic truth from before the “nod off”, but its enlightenment is for future explanations of convincing details in milestone events manifesting globally preceding Christ’s arrival that must be made known, lighted up, during the final cycle of the “five discreet virgins” enlightenment phase to emerge from the temple judgment.

A Refill of “Oil” Will Become Necessary in the Final Cycle Activation

The temple judgment activation and sequence will make the “prophetic word” even more sure, as that “lamp” is still burning, but its “light” is growing dimmer, “about to go out”, due to Bethel spiritual depletion. A “refill” of “oil” will be required and is of course an important implied feature in this parable.

The temple judgment will create developments for the “put their lamps in order” that will eventually create the context to ignite the “oil” reserve to be put into those “five discreet virgin” “lamps” for the final warning enlightenment. That “oil” will be perfectly related to the original “oil” of the first enlightenment in the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial cycle of 1914-1919—the basis of the whole overall “oil” supply.

These judgment related parables, such as the “ten virgins” parable, will provide principles and important details to manifest before, during and after that final temple judgment sequence soon activating, that Bethel now conceals in the process of their own apostasy completing. (Mal3:1-5, Dan8:12)

What Bethel is concealing is the requirement of a final enlightenment phase and the temple judgment that will enable it, as well as the whole meanings in that final cycle of milestone global developments that will prophetically gauge the arrival of Christ—such as the completion of 8th King world government when the “tribulation of those days” resolves before Christ arrives. (Matt24:29-31, Rev11:7, Rev17:8-18)

These parables are really examples of “prophetic parables” that support the meaning and details of the coming temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses, which fulfilling prophecy the parables parallel in time and meaning for giving us added details about that coming judgment. That temple judgment prophecy soon fulfilling and manifesting fully will be the big event that provides the context of the “ten virgin” awakening at a global scale.

1. This article explains what the “ten virgins” parable really is outlining for modern times leading to and into the coming temple judgment and its following final time period and the importance of the required “reserve” “oil” aided “enlightenment” events guaranteed to manifest during that time period to make Christ’s arrival known in that final period before he actually fully arrives.

2. This article explains how Bethel is over-simplifying the “ten virgins” parable to aid their own apostate developmental cover (Dan8:12) by encouraging Jehovah’s witnesses to ignore prophecy and parables that help expose Bethel’s modern apostate condition as now stated Bethel “dumbing-down” policy.

Thus the required final explanation “enlightenment” implied in that “put their lamps in order”, to give more and full warning before Christ arrives in the future, is very important to explain even now, which detail is bypassed by the current Bethel prophetic stripping and over-simplification process on this and other parables and prophecies. Bethel also stalls understanding of modern 8th King developments since especially 1990, when they became a UN NGO UN partner organization—but one more Bethel red flag of apostasy.

Thus one cannot expect a valid explanation of this parable from a modern apostasy such as Bethel’s.

The Wake Up Call “Cry Arose” of the Temple Judgment and Its Required Accounting and Purification

The “ten virgins” “wake up call” is the parallel development to jolt the “virgins” from the events of the modern temple judgment activation (Rev8:3-5). The Revelation 8:5 “earthquake” is the temple judgment symbol of this coming anointed Christian jolt. Revelation 8:3-5 is the temple judgment parallel prophecy to repeat in final form upon Jehovah’s witnesses to parallel Daniel 8:13-14, Malachi 3:1-5 and Zechariah 3:1-5 purification prophecies of the same final temple judgment development soon to activate. The significance is this temple judgment parallel activating will activate the whole Revelation 8-11 sequence over several final years:

(Revelation 8:3-5) And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, having a golden incense vessel; and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones upon the golden altar that was before the throne. (this is a “let your Kingdom come” related prelude development) 4 And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God. (Some “discreet virgin” designates are now detecting the Bethel apostasy; Mal3:16) 5 But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar and hurled it to the earth. (the purification “altar fire” of the temple judgment; Zech3:2) And thunders occurred and voices and lightnings and an earthquake. (final warnings, explanations, enlightenments and jolting events will develop with the temple judgment)

That “altar fire” provides the purification (Zech3:4-5) prior to that final “five discreet virgin” enlightenment campaign which is the final warning and commission parallel in the parable.

(Isaiah 6:6-8) At that, one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand there was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs off the altar. 7 And he proceeded to touch my mouth and to say: “Look! This has touched your lips, and your error has departed and your sin itself is atoned for.” (the purification parallel of Daniel 8:14 “right condition”, and Zechariah 3:4-9) 8 And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I proceeded to say: “Here I am! Send me.

The “five discreet virgins” are who are “sent” with the rest of the divine pronouncements to come, like “hearing” and eventually explaining the first four trumpet meanings eventually leading to the full commissioned “little scroll” parallel (Rev10:5-11) of the second Kingdom witnessing as Revelation 8 proceeds over accelerated time of several years to Revelation 11 and its final warning, wildbeast ascension and Christ arrival events.

It is a second Kingdom witnessing, because this Kingdom proclamation explains the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty.

That coming temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses must be hugely notable (Dan8:13-14,26), and that will provide the context of the “virgin” “awakening” by the “cry” that “arises” “in the middle of the night” of this current anointed Christian class slumber and dwindling “light” with trumpet-like alarm and effectiveness beyond human. (Rev8:7-12, Matt25:6, Zech3:4-5)

The Cry Arose in the Middle of the “Abyss” Night Parallel

(Revelation 8:13) And I saw, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven say with a loud voice: “Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling on the earth because of the rest of the trumpet blasts of the three angels who are about to blow their trumpets!”

This is how the first four trumpets, encapsulating the global alarm for anointed Christians (Rev8:3-5 events explained) precedes the final “three woes” that precede Christ’s arrival in the “second woe” climax. (Rev11:11-12) The first four trumpets in final fulfillment also encapsulate the explanation of the modern temple judgment (Rev8:3-5, Dan8:13-14) as that prophecy begins to repeat all of Revelation 8-11 as a final continuum that actually leads to Christ’s arrival amidst notable global events.

That provides the prophetic basis of the “original oil” based enlightenment, but repeating, “lighting up” again (Rev10:11), as applied to the anointed Christian “house” “earth” judgment (1Pet4:17; Rev8:3-5) and as shown in the overall plot of the “ten virgins” parable. Now Christ’s impending world judgment, reaffirmed by the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses—and what must follow after that in the prophecy—is brought to full light as the temple judgment (Rev8) leads to the rest of Revelation 9-11 fulfilling in purified ministerial recovery. (Mal3:1-5)

Thus details explained after the temple judgment in prophecy are the enlightening procession of global events leading to Christ’s arrival (second woe climax) and conquest (third woe) in Revelation 11.

“Be on your way out to meet him” Procession Parallels

1. The “tribulation of those days” is a parallel of this welcoming enlightenment procession time period that elapses fully BEFORE Christ arrives. (Matt24:29-31, Rev6:12-17)

Contrary to Bethel’s premature end delusion, the “tribulation of those days” is not the end, but it is the final global developmental period of required final warning as the prophetic parallel in the meaning of the “ten virgins” parable re-enlightenment phase; it is the well described final phase, just preceding, in its resolution, the arrival of Christ. Those “tribulation of those days” inclusive details need to be “lit up” with final meaning. (Matt24:29-31)

2. The “seven trumpets” are an anointed Christian judgment related progressive sequence of this Christ welcoming procession period leading to Christ’s arrival (Rev11:11-12) and the Messianic “Kingdom of the World” conquest in the eventual seventh trumpet climax. (Rev11:15-19).

3. The “seven plagues” are a global event progression parallel of this same procession leading to Christ’s arrival as Revelation 16:17 in key 8th King world government related developments in the first six plagues.

4. Daniel 11:42-45 is this final 8th King “King North” sequence to converge into Daniel 12:7 as Revelation 11:1-6 1260 day parallel, to proceed to Daniel 12:11 as the Revelation 11:7-10 parallel as 8th King world government “ascends from the abyss” of the “tribulation of those days”, and ceases that final warning fully defining both features of Daniel 12:11: “constant feature” final removal, and 8th King world government final “place the disgusting thing”.

This same 1260 day sequence also transpired to the League of Nations presentation in 1919. This why the original “oil” and its “light” from that first cycle, is explicitly relatable to this final cycle, but now to be resulting in full 8th King world government.

5. Thus the temple judgment 1150 or 2300 days timing  (Dan8:14) eventually leading to the 1260 days of final warning (Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5, Dan7:25) are all in this “be on your way out to meet him” “enlightenment” procession parallel of this final period beginning, signaled by the temple judgment “awakening” event.

Now in that extra “oil” being “lighted” these final major sequences can be explained in world events leading to world government completion that will become globally notable well before Christ actually arrives. And they are all in the base prophecy, it is repeating. In this way the “five discreet virgins” can give enlightenment concerning this accelerated period, in detail while it is unfolding, with the goal of moving people to accept the open salvation offer that the temple judgment re-affirms, rather than the instant Armageddon and “the end” that Bethel and others are selling prematurely which will fail its expectation.

The purpose of refilling the “lamps” with that extra “oil” and light up full bore, is to offer open salvation to people in this entire period leading to Christ’s arrival, as even that arrival has open salvation as the first goal to ANYONE repenting and accepting the offer of God and Christ clearly shown in the Bible as John 3:16 and 1 John 2:2.

Thus the real salvation opportunity is to be re-affirmed, a second witness over a final prophetically marked period of time, not the “slam dunk” end Bethel is trying to advance prematurely in error. (2Thess2:1-2)

Therefore from the awakening “cry arose” opening salvo of the first four trumpets of Revelation 8, over the brief period to Christ’s arrival (end of sixth trumpet, second woe) and Messianic Kingdom completion in the seventh trumpet (third woe), many enlightening events are yet to take place that must be explained fully and enough time is given for the recovery (Dan8:14) and the final invitation in that final Kingdom proclamation in that final 1260 days to expire fully preceding Christ’s arrival. (Rev11:11-12)

6. “In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet” is also this “five discreet virgin” enlightening period before the seventh trumpet event.

(Revelation 10:6-7) “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

Thus the “delay” of the “nod off” will end. The “extra” “oil” from the original enlightenment power, repeating (“two” witnesses), explains the whole “sacred secret” of the Messianic Kingdom completion, and the whole prophetic summary, before Christ arrives. Basically the whole prophetic cycle, previewed in 1914-1919, and later explained by Jehovah’s witnesses fully to the eventual apostasy and “nod off”, is repeating.

In the process Matthew 24:14 fully completes:

(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

Revelation 9 “Abyss”

Thus the awakening of the “ten virgins” globally is in the temple judgment of Revelation 8 repeating. The “light” of that extra “oil” is the parallel, in part, of the first “light” that also comes from the Revelation 9 opening of the “abyss” of that judgment as the “five discreet virgins” “go out to meet him” in their own initial enlightenment of the situation, the total awakening manifesting. Thus, in final fulfillment replication, it is Jehovah’s witnesses Christian anointed “locusts” are who are released from that “abyss” of the temple judgment. (That is the same overall meaning as the first Revelation 9 fulfillment of 1919)

The “abyss” is the “deathlike state of inactivity” of Jehovah’s witnesses ministry “constant feature” in the temple judgment (Dan8:11-14). That “abyss” sign provides the same “abyss” parallel as that in the “Sign of Jonah” also shown in the Daniel 8:14 (1150 days of “evening”) and Hosea 6:1-3 possible timing of that judgment. (Isa37:30) Thus Jehovah’s witnesses “going down into the abyss” three years is a distinct possibility in Daniel 8:14 (Hos6:1-3) to affirm the temple judgment and what is to follow.

Christian anointed “released” from that “abyss” desolation period to this “light” will be the fifth trumpet first woe parallel: “be on your way out to meet” Christ, due to the enlightenment that will come forth with those “virgin” “locusts” emerging from the temple judgment purified, repentant and approved. The rest of the recovered ministry leads in that first and second woe to Christ’s arrival as the “Bridegroom” at the end of the second woe (Rev11:11-12, Matt24:30-31). That is how the “discreet” “virgins” go “out to meet him” and provide an enlightenment period for people concerning this certain arrival of Christ across Revelation 9 to Revelation 11:1-10.

The same entity that opens the Revelation 9 “abyss”, is the one who also raises that awakening “cry arose in the middle of the night”.

(Malachi 3:1-2) “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he must clear up a way before me. And suddenly there will come to His temple the [true] Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. Look! He will certainly come,” Jehovah of armies has said. 2 “But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. 

The Importance of the Original “Oil”

The temple judgment event context is so “earth shaking” (Rev8:5, Hag2:7), that ALL of the Christian anointed globally, both foolish and discreet, are jolted to awakening in that “cry arose”. But not all of them will be able to enlighten the meaning of the “cry” that all of them do hear and awaken to, or the coming final period preceding Christ’s arrival, because some anointed Christians have no “oil” in reserve; and Bethel is an example of how this “oil” is depleted and lost.

Thus the “OIL”, and it being “in reserve supply”, in the true meaning of that required combination, is crucial in this parable for “discreet” anointed Christians!

(Matthew 25:1-5) “Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3 For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4 whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep.

Firstly the “oil” has to have been present before the “delay” and its “nod off”; it is “oil” from the original “supply” since 1914 era truths began to be made known “shedding light” since 1914 down into modern times all the way into the “delay” and this eventual “ten virgin” “nap” parallel of matured Bethel apostasy. The “oil” is pre-existing truth of prophetic meaning that must be “reserved”, “taken with” the “discreet virgins”, from the original Jehovah’s witness truth, for future further enlightenment.

Because the critical “oil” has repeating principles that help explain the final cycle, retaining that key “oil” of the first pattern and cycle is very important and that “oil” must be preserved “with” the “discreet virgins” and their “lamps” to explain the final cycle and the arrival of Christ.

The ever important extra “oil” has in its potential “enlightenment” power the repeating principles and truths that will provide the basis of future enlightenment for the final period preceding Christ’s arrival. Obviously the “oil” has been present from before the “delay” and its maturation, so it is related to original Jehovah’s witnesses truths that have shown forth since 1914 marked prophecy.

This is the original truth that Bethel is now undermining; as good as dumping the “oil” of Jehovah’s witness anointed Christians and the “light” it formerly provided is also progressively discredited and dwindling to almost lost. (“lamps” “about to go out”, a progressively darkening, low-light condition soon requiring more “oil”.)

(Matthew 25:8-9) The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’ 9 The discreet answered with the words, ‘Perhaps there may not be quite enough for us and you. Be on your way, instead, to those who sell it and buy for yourselves.’

The original “oil” will provide a related continuing truthful “light” when it is “lighted up”, again (Rev10:11), as that “lamps in order” preparation occurs among all anointed Christians; as noted, only “discreet virgins” have an “oil” “stash”. Modern global events, like this temple judgment, are what are to be explained in this final enlightenment. The “oil” updates all prophecy to modern 8th King and Messianic Kingdom progress Bethel has been stagnating the awareness of.

Extra Oil Lighted Final Warning Period

That “oil” reserve is very very important. That is the whole point!

The extra “oil” provides extra “light” for the welcoming of Christ and the part of his “Bride” (already resurrected anointed; Rev8:13) implied in that arrival that is yet to complete in this final progression. This arrival of Christ results in the total 144000 completion of the “Bride” also aided by this final enlightenment that extra “oil” makes possible; hence its final import and importance.

Thus the final affirmation sealing (Revelation 7:1-4), of completion required through this “tribulation of those days”, not before, enables the full “Bridal” 144000 completion as the “tribulation of those days” ends into Christ’s arrival, as this completion is being affirmed for many:

(Revelation 19:7-9) Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.” 9 And he tells me: “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.”

Now in that invitation to the “Bride’s” completion and “Bridegroom” procession, is of course earthly “sheep” who must join the overall celebration, which is opening in full enlightenment to be made known, “shine” globally in full explanation, when God’s timing matures to these events:

(Psalm 45:14-15) In woven apparel she will be brought to the king. The virgins in her train as her companions are being brought in to you. 15 They will be brought with rejoicing and joyfulness; They will enter into the palace of the king.

Thus the “Bride” completing “five discreet virgin” procession, though relating to anointed Christian completion of the “Bride of Christ”, must have a “companions” parallel to earthly “sheep” to also be affected by this enlightening final procession that is ongoing until the second witnessing period is complete;

Of course the Bridegroom and Bride are not the only ones invited to the wedding event!

The “five discreet virgins” enlightenment climax, is ceased by the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” rival emerging, and also completing, as the “tribulation of those days” resolves into this co-developing and concurrently relevant event:

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.);

Which eventually leads (Rev11:8-10) to Christ’s “Bridegroom” arrival parallel:

(Revelation 11:11-12) And after the three and a half days (the symbolic period after the final warning is ceased, to the arrival of Christ’s “sign of the Son of Man seen in heaven” in Daniel 12:11 final timed period active) spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet (and earthly manifestation first), and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them. (the final anointed Christian gathering to complete the “Bride”)

(Matthew 24:30-31) And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven (known by anointed Christians, eventually:), and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (same clouds as Revelation 11:12) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (Rev7:1-4 parallel, completion sealing affirmed through final witnessing period of the “tribulation of those days”), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.


(Matthew 25:10-12) While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. 11 Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12 In answer he said, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you.’

Thus the “four winds” is the final portion of the “great tribulation” under 8th King world government complete. (Matthew 24:31 is Revelation 7:1-4) The “tribulation of those days” was the specifically termed initial part of the “great tribulation” in which all these precursor completions manifest prior to Christ arrival, hence they aid that awareness.

All this completes in the “tribulation of those days” as it completes before Christ arrives: The temple judgment completes, the final warning ministry completes (and is ceased) and 8th King world government completes BEFORE Christ arrives, as each milestone in succession gives clear evidence Christ is to arrive when that all completes. (Rev10:5-11)

And the meaning of that whole sequence was present in the 1914-1919 first cycle preview, made known by Jehovah’s witnesses BEFORE this Bethel apostate aided “nod off” in the subsequent “delay” since that time.

And the repentance of those affected by that final warning ministry is the priority of that final enlightenment phase of the “discreet virgins” and their “two witnesses” parallel:

(Revelation 11:13-14) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell (even from still present “great city” (Rev11:8-10) Babylon the Great, do some of “God’s people” come forth, Rev14:6-8); and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14 The second woe is past. (Christ’s arrival climax) Look! The third woe (Kingdom conquest) is coming quickly.

(Haggai 2:7) “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

Thus Christ’s salvation priority is the more important feature of his arrival and its first task, that must be made fully known globally in detail during the “tribulation of those days” by the “discreet virgin” second witnessing, rather than the “slam dunk” “its the end of the world, sorry, too late” Bethel error (2Thess2:1-2) which now glosses over all this final requirement. (Rev10:11)

Thus Christ’s arrival to first complete the “gathering” of the rest of the “body” of his to-be-complete “Bride” is ever important. It is a completion requirement (rev7:1-4; Rev14:1) from the “remaining ones of her seed” that the “five discreet virgins” are a part of:

(Revelation 12:17) And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus. (Satan’s war is ongoing in intensified manner since heavenly ouster in 1914, this is just, by that time, the formerly Bethel apostate aided climax period, that the 8th King carries out to completion in that parallel 1260 days of final warning completing parallel of Revelation 11:7, Revelation 13:5, Daniel 7:25 and Daniel 12:7)

In reality Satan and the “set in opposition” Bethel “man of lawlessness” “evil slave” are trying to keep the ever important 144000 full anointing and affirmation sealing requirement incomplete by trying to corrupt, deceive and discourage the “remaining ones of her seed” to eventually proceed to that required completion in spite of this resistance. (Zech3:1-2)

The final enlightenment to fully explain this total completion certainty, by then complete “discreet virgin” “light” shining, and what it is leading to, the completion of the Messianic Kingdom with a final open salvation call, is thus also of great importance for this final period, actually present in the extra “oil” “light” potential in far greater detail than Bethel is explaining.

What Bethel is doing is using the signal premature end delusion, to aid concealment of the meaning of this final cycle. Instead their stubborn and rigid premature end delusion is manifesting the signal component of the “man of lawlessness” core apostasy active at Bethel in this main delusion import:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (prematurely)

Bethel is now those obscuring this final detailed required period to be the ones “as though from us” now prematurely teaching errors “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here” entirely premature, and that helps cover up this instead full required progression of final enlightenment. Many Jehovah’s witnesses under Bethel “superfine apostles” influence are now “excited” so severely, by this “end of the world” expectation pumped by Bethel, that their minds are distracted from what is really forming.

The full exposure of Bethel’s apostasy in the temple judgment is what Paul shows MUST develop before the final “gathering”:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one (including Bethel; Rev2:2) seduce you in any manner, because it (that arrival and gathering) will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone…

Of course that critical final apostasy is explicitly described in the key parallel prophecy:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant
(at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy; Dan8:12);

Now Christ’s coming “presence” in the temple judgment first, in this purification process, is what will manifest to aid this recovery:

(Malachi 3:1) “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he must clear up a way before me. And suddenly there will come to His temple the [true] Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. Look! He will certainly come,” Jehovah of armies has said. (Zech3:4-5, 2Thess2:8)

That is when the “foolish virgin” Bethel “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” heads and headquarters (Isa66:6) is tossed into the “night”:

(Matthew 22:13) Then the king said to his servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the darkness outside. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.’

(2 Thessalonians 2:8) Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.

And that aids the Daniel 8:14 “right condition” purification and final truth clarification:

(Malachi 3:2-4) “But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? (“five discreet virgins” make the requirement of more “oil”) For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. 3 And he must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. 4 And the gift offering of Judah and of Jerusalem will actually be gratifying to Jehovah, as in the days of long ago and as in the years of antiquity.

Which is a parallel of the anointed Christian priesthood cleansing:

(Zechariah 3:4-5) Then he answered and said to those (angels) standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.” 5 At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; and the angel of Jehovah was standing by.

And it is a prelude warning “near to you people for the judgment”, before the full world judgment:

(Malachi 3:5) “And I will come near to you people for the judgment, and I will become a speedy witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing falsely, and against those acting fraudulently with the wages of a wage worker, with [the] widow and with [the] fatherless boy, and those turning away the alien resident, while they have not feared me,” Jehovah of armies has said.

And in that “fellow slave” and “sheep” beating record, Bethel will be judged and exposed and that helps form a global judgment signal.

More Light Due

That the period to be “lighted up” in the future is fully required, is in that “oil reserve” itself; only “discreet virgins” will possess that “extra oil” NEEDED at that time—the “oil” is for a reason, to provide the power for more enlightenment, live and real-time, that must be made known preceding Christ’s arrival “to go out to meet him” with “lamps” fully “lighted”, logically, “full blast” enlightenment of these final replicating details.

That coming “discreet virgin” enlightenment period will have to be in relation to modern temple judgment signal events and modern 8th King global power development events co-developing and how they lead concurrently to a full awareness, beforehand, of Christ’s actual arrival to occur deeper into this final period (Matt25:13) that the temple judgment signifies the starting of (1Pet4:17); the beginning point of the final cycle:

(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Zech3:1-5) Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God?

And no wonder a final enlightenment will come forth from that temple judgment and its required purification. (Zech3:1-5, Mal3:1-5) Thus the “oil” is crucial to understand now, for it to be lit up later; we can now know what “oil reserve” to protect NOW and why, and who it is that is now trying to diminish and dump this ever important extra “oil” right from modern apostate “man of lawlessness” Bethel, home of the “foolish virgin” lead apostasy.

1914-1919 Base Oil Supply

Thus having no extra “oil” is having no extra “light”—no potential of more “light” in the future. Thus having no “oil” is to have dumped the belief in the validity of some important pre-existing prophecy truth, a truth from before the marked “delay”. That truth “oil” is in the first Jehovah’s witness ministerial cycle truths and details based on prophecy and world events matching in 1914-1919 global events that were made globally known from that time forward—the first light of the “virgin” “lamps” before their “nap”, when at first “ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom” originally.

Depleting this “oil” and its “supply” includes discrediting and doubting the 1914-1919 first cycle of WW1, in which world war led to the League of Nations world government foundation first presentation as a great master pattern in prophecy and world events. That was a greatly significant event of 8th King-designate emergence in modern times, it is not inconsequential as some try to promote, and the prophecy understanding that forecasted it must be “reserved”, because its PRINCIPLES repeat in the future, but in final form. (Revelation 13, Daniel 12:11)

That first world war cycle (1914-1918) and its League of Nations “image” emergence in 1919 was while a Kingdom proclamation was also activating with full prophetic truth to be progressively explained in the initial part of the “went out to meet the bridegroom” period leading to the “delay” period as an original period of “ten virgin” “enlightenment”. From the beginning of this Jehovah’s witnesses based Kingdom proclamation, Christ’s Kingdom power in God’s Kingdom, and his impending arrival, was the main sovereign theme diametric to that of the 8th King designate “image” in the League of Nations presentation of 1919; essentially an 8th King system counterclaim of sovereign intent.

From the 1914-1919 get-go, Jehovah’s witnesses have exposed that the 8th King system and the Messianic Kingdom will progress to completions concurrently to head-on Armageddon climax over time, over the final cycle, in the same manner as the first cycle!

Bethel and the opposing global powers (Dan11:32a) want Jehovah’s witnesses and everyone else to doubt and discard the meaning in that first cycle of 1914-1919 as this “delay” fully matures. (Dan8:12) This is because a Kingdom proclamation (1914-1918 principle period), going forth into a global tribulation (in principle in WW1), to result in a world government presentation (in the League of Nations “image” principle in 1919), is the master pattern that repeats in the final cycle in the same manner as the first cycle.

The the same maturing sovereign diametric entities of world rulership intent will now complete, through the “tribulation of those days” (Dan11:42-45 parallel) with a re-emerging “virgin” enlightenment campaign as a final Kingdom proclamation, a second witness, during that tribulation leading to now 8th King complete world government and thus Christ’s arrival. It is the SAME PATTERN AND PROPHECY,  but now progressing in marked form to the final complete form of the 8th King world government presentation and the completion of the Messianic Kingdom CONCURRENTLY.

And that is why the global milestones actually all in the prophecy, such as the temple judgment, the tribulation of those days period, the final warning (and its cessation), and 8th King world government progressive emergence in that period becoming globally known and proclaimed (1Thess5:1-3), provide such great evidence of the arrival of Christ and those final spiritual milestones he will complete—like the finale Messianic Kingdom completion and final Christ coronation in that Messianic “Kingdom of the World” rulership. (Rev11:15-19)

Of course these are prophetic, spiritual and world developmental details the “five discreet virgins” must “enlighten” with that extra “oil” now in reserve in the future—in that final warning period parallel of Revelation 11:2-3 as the whole Revelation 11:1-10 final segway preceding Christ’s arrival—guaranteed. And that final enlightenment, final warning development, is what the temple judgment and “virgin” “wake up call” will develop into.

Thus the same thematic pattern, to repeat in time, is already present in the 1914-1919 cycle, THE BASE “OIL”; and that is why it is so important to retain a reserve supply of that “oil”.

That base “oil” of prophetic and world event truth in the formation of climax world government in a recognizable pattern and cycle is present in the 1914-1919 cycle and will repeat in the final cycle; and that is why that “oil” that led to that first overall “enlightenment”, is important to preserve for future enlightenment of many globally, because it all repeats in the same manner, but to the complete entities in the 8th King (world government) and the Messianic Kingdom. The subject of the final Kingdom proclamation second “witness”, is concerning the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty to be evidenced in all these final milesones.

The Ten Virgins Parable is Very Important for Modern Temple Judgment Details

(Matthew 25:1-5) “Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. (the original enlightenment period before the delay) 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3 For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4 whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep.

The Delay of Christ’s Arrival

The first important development in the parable of the “ten virgins” is in the details that occur in the “delay” of Christ’s arrival. The “virgins” get drowsy “nod”, and “went to sleep”. To us now, this is the “delay” since that 1914-1919 period of preview “went out to meet the bridegroom” enlightenment, the original “oil” basis concerning Christ’s arrival, now “delayed”. Along with this obvious delay, evidence of this “nod off” is plainly present at Bethel and in those they affect, to affirm this prophecy has a final cycle. The “delay” and “sleep” are now manifest clearly.

In addition, a global Jehovah’s witnesses discrediting campaign carried on mainly on the Web, is aided by the Bethel hypocrites as their public record of lawlessness aids the reproach of the original truth and its important message.

(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively.

Now Bethel as the JW organization, and the Governing Body are the center of a major global distraction that is aided by their scandalous and controversial activities. The discussion is no longer about the Bible, prophecy and theology, it is about Bethel’s global lawless conduct and the public matured record of its details.

That all aids discrediting the original cycle, undermining the original enlightenment and its “oil” supply.

Discrediting the 1914 era validity of prophecy fulfillment is a special target in this discrediting campaign. Indirectly Bethel also aids the discrediting process by intensified waffling on core Jehovah’s witnesses truths, they themselves are now doubting and revising as part of the overall Bethel based “operation of error”. In addition, Bethel maintains errors that are known to stumble people, rather than rectify the problems and apologize for their error. (2Thess2:11-12)

Many are being affected by the Bethel based reproach campaign, now terminal and no holds barred; full blown. The brazen nature of Bethel is evidenced in the latest “we alone are the faithful and discreet slave” debacle of the Governing Body as to when this latest amplification of discrediting really started emerging fully, manifesting 2Thessalonians 2:3-4 “lifting [themselves] over everyone” in the global Christian congregation, plain as day.

During that “delaying” all of the “ten virgins” “nod off”, and Bethel aids this process as some plainly see in spite of the “smooth word” rationalizations. Now we can see Bethel is evidence of the nap in the loss of focus effects of this delay. Thus the meaning is all anointed Christians fall asleep spiritually as an overall “ten virgin” “body” during this “delay”, but in time there are two classes forming to manifestation in that nap period: foolish and discreet.

The “foolish” have not taken “oil” with them “in their receptacles”, but they are present in the overall anointed Christian congregation for the whole “delay” period.

(Revelation 2:5) “‘Therefore remember from what you have fallen, and repent and do the former deeds. If you do not, I am coming to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

In this “delay” the “lamps” must grow progressively darker as well—”about to go out”—all the original “oil” in the “lamps” is being burned up and even purposely depleted at apostate Bethel—hence why an “oil” reserve is crucial to have at that time of judgment that Bethel’s apostasy now indicates. (Zech3:3-5, 2Thess2:1-4,8)

Obviously a notable divine judgment must make that “foolish” and “discreet” determination of God official. (Dan8:13-14, 1Pet4:17)

Lamps About to Go Out

Through this time even the “foolish virgins” have a little “light” burning, and a little “oil” left over in their “lamps” and thus all the “ten lamps”, are “about to go out” logically. But that “foolish virgin” reserve “oil” supply is not present, the little “oil” remaining is not enough for the rest of the required procession to be revived from the “nod off”. This is how Bethel has a little “light” to give their apostasy a cover, but overall the “oil” is gone now, no “new light” is coming, and they influence others to also dump their remaining “oil” in the same manner. Modern Bethel will aid the “foolish virgin” development as the main apostate “virgin” lead.

Key Detail: The “discreet virgins”, though, preserve enough “extra oil” along “with their lamps”. SAVE YOUR OIL, GUARD IT NOW!

Big Wake Up Call and the Reserve Oil

In time, as that “delay” is nearing its full end as soon “there will be no delay any longer” (Rev10:5-11), something big must awaken all anointed Christians globally, at the same time, to the real reality of the situation, very abruptly, in the temple judgment event (Dan8:13, Rev8:3-5), as covered earlier. Obviously this is a period now, deep in this “delay”, deep in sleep, before that “wake up call” judgment coming soon, when the “lamps” are also nearly fully extinguished in this modern “delay” and “nod off” development, and thus why extra “oil” is imortant:

(Matthew 25:1-5) “Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3 For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4 whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep.

The “oil” in “reserve” is the key “discreet” provision here from before the “delay”, maintained throughout it. All anointed Christians globally as a class “fall asleep” in that “nod off”, but only the “discreet” have extra “oil”. Only those judged by God as “discreet” in the temple judgment, will have the power of the final valid enlightenment.

The “oil” in “reserve” also indicates more “light” is to be required after that abrupt “wake up call”, for it is just the “middle of the night” and the “lamps” are burning low, “about to go out”. Significant judgment events will initiate and follow that global “ten virgin” awakening, and those events and the temple judgment prophecy outlining the whole period, must be made known regarding the final “enlightening” details of Christ’s arrival before he arrives:

(Matthew 25:6-7) Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order. (all will be trying scrambling to get the “lamps”, and thus “light”, in order at the same time) 

Thus a positive temple judgment outcome, is having retained the original enlightenment “oil” to make that final announcement, to “be on your way out to meet” Christ as his arrival truly approaches to completion, and to actually have valid enlightenment. The extra “oil” will light up the evidence in prophecy and world events then manifesting and leading to more milestones of that impending arrival. All the “virgins rose and put their lamps in order”, so all will indeed “awaken”.

But not all have enough “oil”.

(Matthew 25:8-9) The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’ 9 The discreet answered with the words, ‘Perhaps there may not be quite enough for us and you. Be on your way, instead, to those who sell it and buy for yourselves.’

Either total darkness or the wrong “oil”, the “seller’s oil” will be present for the “foolish virgins” in the context of the parable, and that too late:

(Matthew 25:10-13) While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12 In answer he said, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you.’

All anointed Christians will thus be awakened by a “voice” beyond human—something out there has been awake this whole time! (Zech1:8, Rev8:7-12, Zech3:1-3) The whole applicable anointed Christian class “put their lamps in order” because more “light” is needed because a little more time must elapse, hence the importance of the ever crucial “oil” “reserve”; but as wee see not all anointed Christians will be able to provide that required light.

It appears it is as the “lamps” are being “put in order” it dawns of the “foolish virgins” they have no extra “oil”, they cannot accurately explain the true meaning of that period developing; but they can try, keep in mind, but it will be an error. Obviously those buying the current Bethel delusion will not be able to explain this period, but it takes an event to awaken all that will draw out extra oil for the lamps from that critical reserve supply, and the ones with that “oil” in themselves, in heart and mind, will be able to be prepared for the full true meaning of this period then manifesting more fully progressively.

The Final Enlightening

The original “oil”, in its original ministerial truthful meaning, that the “discreet virgins” will know they have, fully awakened at that time, is not going to be compromised—”give us some of your oil”—in this final time period. Its “supply” will be sufficient to fully “enlighten” this final period prior to Christ’s arrival, guaranteed, for the discreet virgins mission. (Rev9-11) Reducing the “oil” supply by compromise would diminish the enlightenment power.

If this “oil” was “shared” by compromising with the various guess-works and speculations growing on in the wake of the Bethel apostasy, then the required full enlightenment would be incomplete. One basis of compromise is the many speculations that expose the Bethel apostates, but try to overturn the original prophetic significance of 1914-1919, while using evidence of modern Bethel hypocrisy and lawlessness to establish their claims.

The original “oil” cannot be compromised with those attempting to invent a “new religion” and who now “sell” versions of this “insight” on the Web casting doubt on the validity of the whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry targeting scattered disaffected Jehovah’s witnesses. It is the Revelation 8:12 last “1/3” parallel of the last 39 years of the Governing Body progressive spiritual corruption of Revelation 8:10-11 that is the problem inside the modern Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now, that has caused this condition to be more widely known, inspiring the speculations attempting to resolve this development.

That apostasy is what God and Christ will eventually deal with during the temple judgment (Zech3:3-5), and those events form an awakening, as the deluded Bethel forecast will in time also fully fail as it i designed to do for final discrediting effect. But the apostasy will also have negative effects on some, some will believe the discrediting campaign, and thus not have the “oil” of belief in the first cycle of prophecy in 1914-1919.

In addition we know it will relate to the original “oil” supply of prophetic truth formerly expounded by Jehovah’s witnesses while the ministry was truly awake and pure; it will fully relate to the 1914-1919 first cycle prophetic truths and principles of 8th King and God’s Kingdom developments concurrently nearing climax and becoming globally apparent from the very sources of those respective developments. That “oil” is from the original “oil” batch, from the original enlightenment, about to be re-affirmed with more light.

The main point of the “oil” and its “reserve supply” is that it is the basis of the “light” of enlightenment of the prophetic and world event parallel details (Mal3:1-2, Rev8:7-12, Rev16:1-16) emerging at that time, to be made known, “lit up”, fully explained, preceding Christ’s full arrival. (Rev11:11-12, Matt24:29-31, Rev16:17-19) Those critical details of prophecy, again matching global events progressing, must be made globally known in that “light” of the “discreet virgin” genuine anointed Christian “lamps” to emerge from that critical awakening soon.

Parallels of the Awakening to Progress to the Messianic Kingdom Completion

Eventually the “ten virgins” “wake up” will be to complete global awareness of the coming Christ arrival prelude reality in the “discreet virgins” continuing enlightenment rechargd, and this is how we already know Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 are parallels of this period of awakening (Rev11:10b) and what follows it:

(Zechariah 4:1-2) And the angel who was speaking with me proceeded to come back and wake me up, like a man that is awakened from his sleep. 2 Then he said to me: “What are you seeing?”

(Revelation 11:1) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it.

Thus the full import of the “ten virgins” temple judgment parallel (Rev8), the awakening (Rev9), the “oil reserve” (Rev10:5-11) and the divinely approved welcoming procession of final “enlightenment” (Rev11:1-7) is extremely important in the greater Biblical context of prophecies outlining the comprehensive final global events to manifest fully preceding Christ’s arrival providing the final warning sequence (Rev10-11) leading to that certain reality.

That is how the “ten virgins” parable is prophetic as its details parallel explicit prophecies of the temple judgment and what must be announced and “enlightened” after it:

(Zechariah 3:6-9) 6 And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua (five discreet virgin parallel), saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, (faithful discreet slave; “five discreet virgins” parallel designate ultimatum:) ‘If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards; and I shall certainly give you free access among these who are standing by.’ 8 “‘Hear, please, O Joshua the high priest, you and your companions who are sitting before you, for they are men [serving] as portents (five discreet virgin parallel; the final enlightenment completion theme:); for here I am bringing in my servant Sprout! (Christ the Bridegroom parallel) 9 For, look! the stone (temple completion crown-stone) that I have put before Joshua! Upon the one stone there are seven eyes. Here I am engraving its engraving,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘and I will take away the error of that land in one day.’ (Zech3:4-5, Daniel 8:14 “right condition” from the temple judgment purification)

Thus the “ten virgins” and the arrival of the “Bridegroom” have direct parallels to major Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion prophecies set to fulfill in final form in the future:

(Zechariah 4:6-10) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain? (Bethel, and all mountain-like opposers) Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. (the final enlightenment announcement completion theme:) And he will certainly bring forth the headstone. (“the one stone”, “the stone that I have put before Joshua (the “five discreet virgins” parallel)) There will be shoutings to it: “How charming! How charming! (two witnesses)”’” 8 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 9 “The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house (original enlightenment explained), and his own hands will finish [the temple]. (the final enlightenment announcement of Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion) And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies himself has sent me to you people. 10 For who has despised the day of small things? (the original preview proclamation and “foundation”) And they will certainly rejoice and see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel. (Rev11:1 parallel “measure” of guaranteed completion) These seven are the eyes of Jehovah. They are roving about in all the earth.”

And that forewarned Revelation 11:11-12 arrival of Christ and “gathering” completion leads to the Messianic Kingdom conquest phase of the seventh trumpet, third woe:

(Revelation 11:15-19) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (Christ is officially kinged in also the complete Messianic Kingdom after its completion of Rev11:11-12) 16 And the twenty-four elders who were seated before God upon their thrones fell upon their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” 19 (Temple completion:) And the temple [sanctuary] of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple [sanctuary]. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.

The Messianic Kingdom completion enabled by the 144000 completion in that final Christ “gathering” enables and connects directly to the important Revelation 14:1-16 final sequence to transpire prior to final world judgment:

(Revelation 14:1) And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

The Messianic Kingdom completion, not yet conquest, pictured in Revelation 14:1-5, enables that final salvation sequence (Rev14:6-7) through Babylon the Great’s judgment (Rev14:8) and the final wildbeast world government authority (Rev14:9-11, Rev17:11-18) to the final “sheep” gathering (Rev14:14-16) and the final “goat” judgment. (Rev14:17-20)

The “seventh plague” is Christ’s 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “air” arrival to oversee that whole final sequence, in which people can still be saved through all those final judgments.

(Revelation 16:17-19) And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air. (Rev11:11-12, 1Thess4:17) At this a loud voice issued out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying: “It has come to pass!” 18 And lightnings and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great. (the Messianic Kingdom completion “earthquake”) 19 And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath. (Babylon the Great’s judgment comes after Messianic Kingdom completion, and after 8th King world government completion in Revelation 16:12-16)

Understanding that the whole 1914-1919 master pattern in that first cycle merely repeats is what makes the final prophetic forecast possible before it happens, aiding the “discreet virgin” “oil” ignition and final enlightenment mission as it too “repeats” that final “light”. The 1914-1919 cycle repeats in the future, but in 1-7 sequential order of the “seven trumpets” an “seven plagues” to 8th King world government completion before the arrival of Christ to “gather” the last of the 144000, to complete the Messianic Kingdom and Christ’s final coronation.

Thus those “sevens” are gauging increments to Christ’s arrival with important information in their meanings unfolding then live and real-time to that arrival as progressive indications of it.

And that enables not “the end” yet, but the final earthly “sheep” gathering as well (Matt25:31-40, Rev14:14-16), in which some will come from the Babylon the Great judgment that must transpire after these final milestone completions to aid even the most stubborn, to accept the reality of Christ’s “presence” after his arrival leading to the conclusion of the whole world judgment.

After Babylon the Great is deposed under full 8th King and “ten kings” authority of completion (Rev17:11-18, Rev16:12,17-19), then the whole world judgment of that rival 8th King global rulership, in final and stated form (1Thess5:1-3), can proceed as foretold, and by that time, fully forewarned. Thus the two final sovereign rivals in the Babylon the Great spiritual sovereignty (Rev17:18) and the globalized 8th King political sovereignty, are both deposed under the complete Messianic Kingdom “Court” of Daniel 7:26 as the 1260 day parallel of Daniel 7:25 arrives at this same location in time and meaning:

(Daniel 7:25-26) And he will speak even words (defiant sovereign final statements; 1Thess5:1-3) against the Most High, and he will harass continually (Rev11:7) the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law (at a globalized worldwide world government scale like nothing ever seen before; Dan11:36-39; 4th UN placement Daniel 8:25, 11:45, 12:11), and they (ultimately the final “two witnesses”, “five discreet virgins”) will be given into his (8th King) hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Rev11:1-7; Dan12:7 parallel 1260 day period) 26 (world government is thus achieved prior to this finale:) And the Court itself proceeded to sit (in final Messianic Kingdom universal/earthly sovereign totality; Rev11:11-15; Rev14:1; Matt25:36), and his (8th King) own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally. (Daniel 12:11 parallel period to Armageddon; Rev19:11-21, Dan11:45, Dan8:25)

Revelation’s “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” underlay the Daniel 11:42-45 convergence into Daniel 12’s final time periods. The Daniel 8:13-14 Revelation 8 parallel of the temple judgment begins the temple judgment and its first four trumpets, and provides the first timed prophecy in desolation and recovery phasing (Dan8:26) to help verify this is all the case at that time of Bethel’s global judgment upon the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses” that provides the visible epicenter of the temple judgment, actually coming upon the “ten virgins” as a “wake up call” to determine the “foolish” from the “discreet”.

Temple Judgment Quadruple-Trumpet Blast and The “Discreet Virgin” Final Warning Commission Parallel

The parallel to the temple judgment, and its “wake up call” to global anointed Christians, is in the final fulfillment Revelation 8 first four trumpet blast manifestation, deployed by aid of angels of God, during the temple judgment of Revelation 8:1-6. (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:2) That is the parallel event of this “wake up call” “cry arose” to awaken all of the “ten virgins”, and together the further details of the developments that are manifesting preceding Christ’s arrival are “heard” by all, but are made known accurately by the “five discreet virgins” final “enlightenment” “procession”. (The “cry” must be from the holy angelic source from Christ for God.)

Those trumpet blasts are the alarm and “ten virgin” wake up call parallel, because that temple judgment event STARTS the whole final sequence of assured prophecy that has to be made known.

The “wake up call” must be in the events of the Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment parallel of Daniel 8:13-14 (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13 “trampling”) that leads, in time (Rev8:7-13, Rev9:1-21), to the Revelation 10 final “little scroll” sovereign Kingdom commission for the final “enlightenment” of the completion requirement of Revelation 10:5-11 and the real “faithful slave” and “five discreet virgin” divine mission being made official from God through Christ. (Rev10:10-11; Rev11:1-7).

The first four trumpets (Rev8:7-12) are explaining details of the temple judgment event, depicted in Revelation 8:3-5, that must eventually become part of the “discreet virgins” final enlightenment ministry (Rev9-11:1-7). Thus the events of Revelation 8:3-5 and the trumpet blasts of Revelation 8:7-12 are the “cry arose” parallel of that “wake up call” at a global magnitude sufficient to affect all anointed Christians worldwide. Something BIG and comprehensively “awakening” is on the way for “God’s house” FIRST. (1Pet4:17 parallel Rev8:3-5, Dan8:13)

The Alarming Wake Up

All the big activations of final cycle prophecy initiating align with the “ten virgins” initial big wake up call first, and then proceed through the whole prophecy repeating. These alarms and signals below align with the temple judgment signal:

(Joel 2:15-16) “Blow a horn in Zion, O men. Sanctify a time of fasting. (Rev11:3 prelude) Call together a solemn assembly. 16 Gather [the] people together. Sanctify a congregation. Collect [the] old men together. Gather children and those sucking the breasts together. (“ten virgins” parallel)  Let [the] bridegroom go forth from his interior room, and [the] bride from her nuptial chamber.

Thus many will be interested in the news to come from that final “light up” of the “five discreet virgins” to manifest as the temple judgment progresses on “God’s house” first. (1Pet4:17)

Details such as those, and others, are what have “ten virgins” parallels. The greater overall temple judgment continuum to world government milestones comprise the “discreet virgin” “light” enlightening details now in the original “oil”, now in reserve, to be “ignited” in “discreet” anointed Christian “lamps” based on the original prophecy of 1914-1919. Since the temple judgment is when the “ten virgins” are judged in the anointed Christian parallel, the events that develop to provide the global context will become “awakening” as well, especially for those who comprehend the “light” to be shed on these events outlined in the overall prophecy concerning events prior to Christ’s arrival from that emergency “oil” supply. Of course others must also benefit from that final enlightenment.

Divine Signals

Eventually the events that wake up the “ten virgins” will also ripple out to the world in its own awakening signal of what these developments are really portending.

(Isaiah 30:17-21) A thousand will tremble on account of the rebuke of one (temple judgment); on account of the rebuke of five (foolish virgins) you will flee until you will have remained over like a mast on the top of a mountain and like a signal on a hill. 18 And therefore Jehovah will keep in expectation of showing you favor, and therefore he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him. 19 When the very people in Zion will dwell in Jerusalem, you will by no means weep. He will without fail show you favor at the sound of your outcry; as soon as he hears it he will actually answer you. (Revelation 9 recovery) 20 And Jehovah will certainly give you people bread in the form of distress and water in the form of oppression; (“tribulation of those days”) yet your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself (“there will be no delay any longer”), and your eyes must become [eyes] seeing your Grand Instructor. (virgin re-enlightenment) 21 And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: “This is the way. Walk in it, you people,” in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. (be on your way out to meet him)

The enemy system now actually within Bethel (Dan11:41), “leading the apostasy” from within (Dan11:32a), is expelled from the temple environment (Isa66:6) when the required “trampling” “desolation” has reached its God determined limit (Isa12) as the Hosea 1:4-7, Isaiah 37:30 parallel:

(Isaiah 31:8-9) And the Assyrian (8th King King North in Bethel; Dan11:32a, 41) must fall by the sword, not [that of] a man; and a sword (Rev9 Destroyer), not [that of] earthling man, will devour him. (Hos1:4-7 parallel that ends the temple “trampling” of Daniel 8:13) And he must flee because of the sword (gets out of the infiltrated JW ministry), and his own young men will come to be for forced labor itself. (the “compulsory service” of death; Job7:1, 14:4) 9 And his own crag will pass away out of sheer fright (the stronghold “in the temple” with the “man of lawlessness” inside of Bethel), and because of the signal (the wake up call activating) his princes must be terrified,” (beginning the set-up of the later “disturbing reports” of Daniel 11:44 that come forth with the “virgin” light and “little scroll”) is the utterance of Jehovah, whose light is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.

And that King North (8th King planners) expulsion from the ministry which they have also infiltrated with the anointed defection (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:12) is also these parallels to also fulfill in this final cycle:

(Isaiah 66:6) There is a sound of uproar out of the city (Bethel), a sound out of the temple! It is the sound of Jehovah repaying what is deserved to his enemies. (“enemies” “in the temple” as the Bethel “man of lawlessness” and its impostor promoters of Daniel 11:32a.)

(Zechariah 9:8) And I will encamp as an outpost for my house, so that there will be no one passing through and no one returning; and there will no more pass through them a taskmaster (like slave master Bethel’s current illegal GB based regime), for now I have seen [it] with my eyes. (the temple inspection is complete; Zech3:1-3)

And that set of events above, and its signal, precedes the arrival of the “Bridegroom” Christ:

(Zechariah 9:9) “Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem. Look! Your king himself comes to you. He is righteous, yes, saved; humble, and riding upon an ass, even upon a full-grown animal the son of a she-ass.

And that is how those signal events are later explained to “enlighten” what is really coming by the “five discreet virgin” final warning as a direct parallel of a “be on your way out to meet him” with fully “lighted” “lamps” requirement (Rev10:11) of the final warning commission, the one that completes the assignment for the final anointed sealing affirmation completion of Revelation 7:1-4, through, not before, the “tribulation of those days”.

Thus the temple judgment will “awaken” all the “virgins” for more work to be done as that event is also a repeating event of the 1914-1919 cycle that led to the League of Nations presentation, but this repeat of that cycle will be leading to 8th King world government over several years as the completion of that rival entity that triggers Christ’s arrival. But not all the “virgins” will be capable of further enlightenment.

From Matthew 24:29 we know the “tribulation of those days” activates and fully resolves BEFORE Christ arrives; it is the key signal segway of notable global events indicating Christ’s arrival before he actually arrives. So that global development starting is the global context of the “middle of the night” that the “ten virgins” “awaken” into as only the “five discreet virgins” proceed to refill “oil” and “light up” the “lamps” for the final enlightenment, the final warning.

How is the “oil” related to the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry?

Like the WW1 cycle of 1914-1918 leading to the League of Nations presentation of world government foundation “image” in 1919, the “tribulation of those days” will also resolve into a related world government presentation—but in final form.

And those global developments will have to become notable worldwide before that 8th King climax completion (1Thess5:1-3), so they are a gauging process, by a final sequence of notable milestone global events, leading to and indicating Christ’s arrival in global developments of world government to completion, already in the same prophecy of 1914-1919 (Rev13, Rev16:13-16, Rev17:8-18, Daniel 12)—the original “oil”, now in reserve in “discreet virgins” able to be lighted when God and Christ empower that final warning (Rev11:2-3) to precede Christ’s arrival with needed final details upon the same prophetic pattern as 1914-1919 events and prophecy fulfillment.

Global Wake Up Call Parallel Context

And this is why “awakened” “five discreet virgin” “oil”, to be used to provide more “light”, will be able to describe the progress of then developing world events that have to become notable to support the awareness of the development of 8th King complete world government, by being made known before completion. The 1914-1918 break out of World War 1, is the “tribulation of those days” parallel to lead to a final world government presentation, paralleled in the League of Nations 1919 world government foundation presentation.

Thus the “tribulation of those days” in the same manner as WW1, is the global “problem” cycle to run and present the 8th King world government “solution”. 1914-1919 identified the “world-war-to-world-government” formula that first produced the League of Nations foundation “image” of world government. It repeated in that principle in WW2 to present the United Nations in 1945, which awake “ten virgins” used to be exposing live and real-time. It repeated a third time after the Cold War for a third United Nations presentation, the “New World Order” initiative renewed after that bi-polar conflict seemed to resolve globally in 1990.

That is the UN presentation Bethel fully ignores and became a UN NGO partner for.

Therefore although three of these “world-war-to-world-government” cycles have clearly run, even in the Cold War (Dan11:29 unique) and its resolution for a UN presentation (Dan11:30-31), strongly suggesting the fourth cycle will result in world government, Bethel has truncated the logic by bypassing that 3rd UN placement meaning.

Because Jehovah’s witnesses do not perceive the 3rd UN placement significance and prophecy of 1990, of course the 4th UN placement as world government is also not understood by Jehovah’s witnesses as a required 1-2-3-4 guaranteed continuum where all four UN presentations are actually all in the prophecy.

Now most Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea the fourth UN and 8th King cycle to world government is the one the final warning must also develop during, during the “tribulation of those days”, in the same manner as the WW1 cycle and the 1914-1918 ministry, that also led to that League of Nations world government first signal development in 1919 summarizing the whole purpose of the overall cycle.

And that is how the first cycle aids forecasting the fourth cycle, the final cycle to result in world government over similar formulaic global stressing phased development.

Thus many now deny world government can come into full authority, but as it does as guaranteed in prophecy of the same cycle (Rev13:5 progressive to world government; Rev13:15-18), many will become aware things are changing direction on planet Earth in an ominous way (Hag2:7), and that kind of sobering awareness is what comes during the “tribulation of those days” which must resolve in 8th King world government before Christ arrives.

Thus notable events that “wake up” the “ten virgins” relate to the “rocking of the nations” overall awakening for some:

(Haggai 2:7) And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

And those “desirable things” are from peoples who also awaken in these global events that can benefit from the final “enlightenment” to come from that “five discreet virgin” reserve “oil” being “lit up” to help understand this period and what it is leading to in evidence of Christ’s impending arrival. (Rev11:13) This is how the prophecy details, being explained fully at that time, allow the “five discreet virgins” go on their “way out to meet him”, to “light up” the understanding that these global events are a “seven trumpet” and “seven plague” supporting progression gauging to Christ’s arrival to come after 8th King world government completes and states (1Thess5:1-3) its global rulership actuality. (Dan8:25, Dan11:45, Dan12:11, Rev17:8-18, Rev16:13-16, Rev13:15-18)

In basic terms 8th King world government completion is the sovereign global culmination that will trigger Christ’s arrival. That is why notable culminations in world government development will aid this awareness for some. A full final warning will emerge from the Bethel apostate removal in the temple judgment into a period of great global shaking to provide events outlining the final cycle—based on the first cycle.

Those original “master pattern” events manifesting, again, both globally in 8th King developments and prophetically in the prophecy that already has forecasted those events leading to Christ’s arrival, are how the prophecy, and thus the “oil” and its enlightenment ushering in Christ, repeat and become applicable for another “enlightenment” surge in the final cycle. (Rev10:11)

That final cycle “enlightenment” is based on the “enlightenment” of that original “oil” (that had been burning fully before the “nod off”), and the overall sovereign meaning of the first cycle of 1914-1919 contains all the principles and sovereign entities in initial form that are to merely COMPLETE their development—as foretold fully.

Even Bethel’s apostasy is but a repeating principle prior to this temple judgment—a strong indication of its necessity.

The Revelation 16 first six of the “seven plagues” are a sequence of a world event progression that will also mark the arrival of 8th King world government prior to Christ’s arrival as eventually matured globalization of the Revelation 16:12-16 “gathering” will parallel Revelation 17:11-18 8th King sovereign world government culmination.

Revelation 16:17 “seventh plague” is basically the arrival of Christ “in the air” (1Thess4:17) paralleling the Revelation 11:11-19 climax culmination of that event and what must further follow it as Christ’s first mission, after Messianic Kingdom completion by anointed Christian final “gathering”, is earthly “sheep” securement “gathering” globally, after the “tribulation of those days” expires (Matt24:29) into that Christ arrival parallel of Matthew 24:30-31.

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (the “discreet virgin” procession period ending, before Christ arrives) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (8th King world government eclipses all former national sovereign power) 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven (first a sign to anointed, sealing complete; Rev11:11-12), and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation (Rev6:12-17), and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Rev19:11-16, Rev14:1-14) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (Rev7:1-4 parallel, final 8th King “four winds” proceeds), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

Thus the extra “oil” even now, has great enlightenment potential as spiritual and world events will match the master prophetic pattern and basis of the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, to be seen more fully once the sleep is shaken off and the final great global cycle starts to actually manifest these events at global scale.

Jehovah’s Witnesses Awake! to Asleep! in Just About 40 Years

The first Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial theme of God’s sovereign right to rule Earth by His Kingdom (Matt6:10), and Satan’s progressive establishment of a “counterfeit kingdom” for a limited time period climax development (Rev13,17), is the basic plot to complete in the future that people can easily understand then and now.

8th King world government completion of that “counterfeit kingdom” must mature, and its completion triggers Christ’s arrival, plain and simple.

There is a divine time limit to all this (Luke 21:24) that was also a theme of the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry.

Jehovah’s witnesses took a global sovereign issue of government in general and showed how prophecy contains all the developmental details of the United Nations “image” development to eventually form a full world government “scarlet wildbeast” (Rev17:11-18), the 8th King finale. The real issue is world government completing, the progressed theme of the second trumpet “burning mountain” sovereign issue, about to fully “splash down” into the JW “sea” in the temple judgment.

In time, though, Bethel, and thus Jehovah’s witnesses, began ignoring the UN developments of their own time in 1990 at the 3rd UN “placement” after the Cold War (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:23), and deemed it an insignificant and non-prophetic event by “nodded off” Bethel lead. And that is a detail of the evidence of the “nod off” that Bethel is mainly responsible for (Dan8:12) as they instead became a UN NGO United Nations promotional partnership at the same time and have hijacked the whole anointed Christian ministry by use of their Governing Body dictatorship override more and more intensely since 1976.

In reality Daniel 11:30-31 and specifically Daniel 11:32a and Daniel 11:41 indicate more than just apostasy is operative inside the Bethel ministry and its corporate network; King North 8th King planners are guiding the apostasy explicitly stated at Daniel 11:32a. King North is inside Bethel as per Daniel 11:41. Thus covering up UN developments as prophecy since 1990 is more than just sleeping guards at Bethel, something else has taken advantage of that “nod off” and used the Governing Body eventual dictatorship to install their modern Bethel apostate guidance system from core prophetically indicated impostors. (Dan11:32a)

Is that really all just a big coincidence and everything is fine and dandy in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now?

The greatest evidence of the Jehovah’s witnesses “nod off” was missing the prophetic and global significance meaning of that 3rd UN placement of 1990. Of course becoming a UN NGO UN partner, at the same time, is off the charts as far as “transgression causing desolation” and total coma now terminal inside Bethel. (Dan8:13) Now the Governing Body orgy of self-exaltation of 1976 becomes highly suspect as actually being a key subversive development aiding this eventual total Jehovah’s witness coma of 1990 to today. (Dan8:12, Dan11:30b-32a)

Hence a big event and eventual accounting of Bethel’s apostasy is required first, to effect a global “ten virgin” wake up call.

But we know from the prophecy, which has less and less meaning to Jehovah’s witnesses now-a-days, the anointed defection of Daniel 11:30-31 and Daniel 8:11-13, actually is accompanied by an 8th King King North invasion to “successfully” lead this apostasy to completion. King North operatives are INSIDE of Bethel’s leadership employing dozed off Bethel apostates to accomplish this total diversion of prophecy:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (King North, 8th King) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly hidden apostasy);

(Daniel 11:41) He (King North, 8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

Thus apostasy and stumbling co-relate from the same operation.

So Jehovah’s witnesses dropping the ball as Fred Franz also died (1992), to go into a Bethel dumb-down campaign as now revealed policy, is now logical as to who, how, where, when and why this coma has occurred and why Bethel now ignores all modern prophecy to conceal 8th King developments fully since 1990. They are “invaded”, run and owned by King North now. Now they justify their “milk” diet program as revealed Bethel policy in the Watchtower March 15, 2015 issue; (covered at the end of this article.)

This is how details in prophecy provide light on certain matters, and why accurate prophecy understood is the most potent “oil” in God’s Word, to eventually be lighted by holy spirit to provide these needed enlightenments as these things are certain to be explained publicly, the “light” for many, from that base “oil” source in prophecy.

It is the last “1/3” of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry that has gone into this literal “1/3” of darkness since 1976 by Bethel’s lead apostasy developing over that time period in more and more obvious manner:

(Revelation 8:12) And the fourth angel blew his trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten and a third of the moon and a third of the stars, in order that a third of them might be darkened and the day might not have illumination for a third of it, and the night likewise.

The Revelation 8:10-11 Bethel apostate parallel is what created this darkening effect parallel to the “ten virgins” “lamps” “about to go out”. Thus the Governing Body dictatorship is not innocent, nor Biblical, as they appealed to Acts 15:1-33 to establish their illegal “body” when Acts 15:1-33 is a record of an emergency session at Jerusalem, one time noted, not a perpetual “supreme council” teaching.

Bethel is just another “Papal Body” appealing to their own form of “Apostolic Succession” to clothe a mundane corporate “board of directors” override within to justify the authority and error.

Now that apostate Governing Body applies all “faithful” forecasts to themselves prematurely to further the downgrading and discrediting of global anointed Christians with more actual divine authority than this “foreign body”, so they can continue the subterfuge of their temporary and divinely cursed dictatorship.

That required divine condemnation is to be revealed fully in the temple judgment prophecy and the global context and developments to form in it in the expulsion and exposure of that illegal “supreme council” as actually a central Governing Body of Apostasy—the first single worst experiment and error in Jehovah’s witnesses history until the UN NGO eclipsed that transgression, which the Governing Body had to have aided.

But in that process a sure “wake up call” is to form, and the Bethel apostasy has already been the first feature of the repeating principles indicating this judgment, to lead to more prophetic replication. The removal of that apostasy allows the real light to eventually come forth pertaining to the true apostate development in Jehovah’s witnesses, for a purification and a recovery, not a total divine wipeout of anointed Christians and Jehovah’s witnesses. (Hos1:4-7, Zech3:4-5)

Reserve The Original Oil

Setting the foundational “oil” theme, for fully “lighted” and “awake” Jehovah’s witnesses to make attempts at explaining all the Daniel and Revelation sovereign world power progression and framework prophecy, to make all these details well known over the last one hundred years from the days of the pure ministry from the first cycle, was a valid preview of things to come. Since all that developed truthfully before the Bethel apostasy rooted in the Governing Body dictatorial seizure of 1976, even Bethel’s modern apostasy merely manifests the apostate principle that precedes a required judgment as they diminish the power of the original enlightenment.

Now that temple judgment will be a notable signal that will begin (1Pet4:17) the repeating of that whole first cycle pattern and its whole eventual prophecy fulfilling to absolute total completion to the forewarned sovereign completion of world government during the final cycle which triggers Christ’s arrival. Thus the national to global power progression will have matured as originally explained by early Jehovah’s witnesses. That world power progression, now in progress, is already in Daniel 7,8,11,12 and Revelation 13 and 17 in few chapters of the Bible. But everything else prophetic in the Bible revolves around that development of rival human global rulership.

Thus the original “oil” of prophetic understanding that gives the greatest enlightenment, that provided that first global enlightenment of this progression’s modern progress, now undermined by the Bethel apostasy, was a preview of world government developments that will merely now complete, as per the same prophecy previewed in and by Jehovah’s witnesses that merely repeats in key UN related cycles—four of them. Thus no wonder Bethel apostates attempt to obscure these things, and the key prophecy “oil”, for their UN partner system as foretold. (Dan11:31-32, Dan8:12)

Since all the “virgins” are now asleep, quite an event will be required to wake all of them up globally at the same time—and only the temple judgment is such a foretold event, and the Bethel apostate override, drunkenness and slumber is why it is required before they fully extinguish all “light”, and dump all of the original “oil” others are maintaining through the Bethel apostate discrediting and dumbing-down process.

Thus Bethel undermining the tracking of UN world government related prophecy aids their goal of dumping the understanding of what that progression really means in prophecy and world power development.

Understanding and maintaining the original prophecy, its sovereign meaning and its validity is the basis of the “oil” then, now, and for later, in that final reserve “oil” supply with the “five discreet virgins” “lamps”, because that will enlighten the understanding of the global events that must transpire and complete before Christ arrives.

Five Discreet Virgins Final Enlightenment Comprise the Second of the Two Witnesses

That coming final “commission” of the “five discreet virgins” is the second of the “two witnesses” parallel, that makes this “light” known in that final ministry of Revelation 11:1-7, repeating, just preceding the arrival of Christ at Revelation 11:11-12 (Matt24:29-31) and the eventual “seventh trumpet” event of Christ’s Messianic Kingdom conquest of Revelation 11:15-19 to conclude that final cycle replication.

That “commission” of the “five discreet virgin” parallel is also the divine ultimatum of Zechariah 3:6-7 to anointed Christians and its “faithful and discreet slave” parallel designate of Matthew 24:45-47. That final commission parallel is also the Revelation 10:10-11 “commission” of the official “little scroll” final Kingdom warning and invitational announcement thus to activate Revelation 11:1-7 as a “five discreet virgins” fully lit “lamp” of enlightenment campaign of final “light” preceding Christ’s arrival as a second global witness. (Rev10:11)

Rather than God’s Kingdom and Christ’s coronation in it in 1914, the Messianic Kingdom completion and Christ’s final “King of kings” coronation in that final sovereign entity is the final Kingdom theme of the second witness. It is the Messianic Kingdom that directly is to rule planet Earth and its affairs, and that is the sovereign import of that final “little scroll” concerning the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty. 

The Messianic Kingdom is not complete until all 144000 are fully in it, and Christ is coronated in final form. (Zech6:9-15)

Thus by virtue of that final mission requirement (Rev10:11), the real final sealing of Revelation 7:1-4 is in this second of the “two witnesses” commission carried out that spans the whole “tribulation of those days” from the time the 1260 day period of that final warning develops within that period, as timed by God. (Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5, Dan12:7, Dan7:25) That is why Christ arrives as the “tribulation of those days” has ended (Matt24:29-30), and the “four winds”, under 8th King world government, are beginning (Dan11:44, Dan8:25) as Matthew 24:31 final “gathering” parallels Revelation 7:1-4 enabling Revelation 14:1-5 in that 144000 completion by Christ’s arrival and final “gathering”. (1Thess4:17, Rev16:17, Rev11:11-12)

This is why the 1260 days is the key cross-referenced divine time period that links key sovereign prophecy together in this period as it repeats all of Daniel 12, including that 1260 days, in final form to Christ’s arrival. The awareness of this final progression is what enlightens the meaning of the global events and milestones preceding Christ’s arrival.

As we already see many are already doubting and discrediting the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial meaning and prophecy explanation, and in that Bethel lawlessness aided campaign crucial “oil” is being dumped. Bethel is aiding this discrediting by public hypocrisy and internal policies designed to discredit Jehovah’s witnesses externally, along with the whole Kingdom ministry, the original prophecy—and most importantly, to discredit the first 1914-1919 master cycle—because in the first cycle is the final cycle master pattern and meaning.

This is why “1914” is being targeted for overturning as all this discrediting converges with Bethel’s apostate campaign of global hypocrisy aiding the whole process while they operate undercover of the “sheepskin” facade. Discrediting the validity of the 1914-1919 prophetic first cycle, thus undermines recognition of the final cycle, for they are the same pattern. Of course Bethel ignoring modern 8th King prophecy also diminishes the awareness right inside Jehovah’s witnesses hearts and minds—where that critical “oil” by faith in God’s prophecy can be “drained”.

The “five discreet virgin” “light up” aids the awareness of the certainty of Christ’s arrival because it gives full detail of completing Revelation and Daniel prophetic sequences of the “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” global progressions in final actual form, based on the preview “oil” and “light” of the original Jehovah’s witness ministry and its relation to Daniel 11:42-45, yet to fulfill, converging into Daniel 12:1-11 repeating in final form. The sovereign prophecies of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 rival world power progression progress in final completing form (Rev13:3, 15-18, Rev17:8-18), with that whole final cycle activation and its parallels in prophecy—thus the whole thing completes in this process (Rev10:5-11) and this is why these global events can strongly suggest for many “taking note”, that Christ will cap off the cycle when completed. (Matt24:36-42)

This “five discreet virgin” “two witnesses” parallel final warning goes forth in the final cycle of the final 8th King “King North” phase of Daniel 11:42-45 activating and leading into Daniel 12 repeating live and real-time “during that time” (Dan12:1) as Daniel 12:7 parallels Revelation 11:2-3 (Rev13:5) as the parallel of the “:five discreet virgins” final ministerial “enlightenment” timed period of 1260 days, repeating, is the second of the “two witnesses”.

(Revelation 10:11) 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

“During that time” is in the events and timed periods of that final progression in which the “tribulation of those days” is the last global event segway to complete before Christ arrives. Thus the 1260 days final warning is the time period leading to the “three and a half day” “two witnesses” “death” state (Rev11:7-10) that is the final timed symbolic segway to complete before Christ arrives as Revelation 11:11-12.

Temple Judgment Presence of Christ

Daniel 12:1 “stand” of Christ is in the temple purification phase first (2Thess2:8, Mal3:1-2), a final “presence” principle to end the “trampling” period of the temple judgment (Mal3:1-4, Dan8:13-14, Zech3:4-5). That allows Christ to oversee the temple purification as Revelation 9 parallel. That allows God and Christ to recover the final warning ministry (Rev11:2-3) by important clarifications preceding his complete total arrival and final sovereign stand (Rev19:11-21) as Messianic Kingdom King of kings—thus aiding its prophetic verification and credibility by the temple judgment event first. (1Pet4:17)

This is the “ten virgins” “cry arose in the middle of the night” awareness of Christ’s modern temple judgment activity and his presence, as Malachi 3:1-2 repeats to oversee the rest of the temple purification. (Zech3:4-5)

The Daniel 8:14 “morning” phase is that recovery phase as the temple judgment starts to conclude for the purpose of accounting, purification and recovery.

(Daniel 8:26) “And the thing seen concerning the evening and the morning (at Daniel 8:13-14), which has been said, it is true. And you, for your part, keep secret the vision, because it is yet for many days.”

While obviously the “evening and morning” concern the “constant feature” of Daniel 8:13, its purification phasing is also indicated in those symbols of “darkness” and “light”. That dual phasing of desolation and eventual purification (Zech3:2-5) may also relate to the “2300 evenings and mornings” timing of the temple judgment verification period as 1150 days, or 1150 days for each phase totaling 2300 days.

The cryptic symbolism of Daniel 8:14 means we need to pay attention to Daniel 8:13-14 to see how it will work out when notable events come upon the Bethel organization to indicate when the Daniel 8:14 timing begins with the “trampling” main event or events. The Daniel 8:14 “right condition” of purity, not yet temple completion, is how we know it is a temple judgment timed prophecy relating to Zechariah 3:1-5, Malachi 3:1-5 and Revelation 8 temple purifications.

Final Cycle Repeats the First Cycle

Just as the League of Nations manifested Revelation 13:11-15 as Daniel 12:11 initial fulfillment preview in 1919, 8th King complete world government as Daniel 11:45 will be the Daniel 12:11 parallel in final fulfillment. That 8th King development wound up at Daniel 12:11 in the first 1914-1919 cycle. That same Daniel 12:11 destination is what the 8th King arrives at in the final cycle, in the future.

Thus Daniel 11:42-45 must merge into Daniel 12’s final fulfillment periods. Thus that cycle repeats that same prophetic and world developmental pattern to the complete 8th King world government “disgusting thing” “placement” final global presentation. (Dan11:45, Dan12:11, Dan8:25, Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16)

In another repeating principle the United Nations “ascending” from the WW2 cycle “abyss”, is to repeat as 8th King world government “ascends” from the “tribulation of those days” “abyss of inactivity” as Revelation 17:8-11 repeats for the full Revelation17:8-18 parallel of Revelation 11:7 “wildbeast that ascends from the abyss” to cease the constant feature of Daniel 12:11 other marking feature.

Thus the enlightening principles and master cycle in the original prophetic “oil” relate again to the final cycle “oil” reserve meanings and the main prophecy repeating.

The Bridegroom Delay and the Temple Judgment Wake Up Call

Since the 1914 based Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, much “delay” has obviously occurred, to the degree sufficient enough to allow not only a “nod off”, but a signal apostasy in the modern ministerial leadership of Jehovah’s witnesses based in the Bethel system. (Matt13:36-42, Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:1-4) And that is the deep “delay” period we are in now, along with its slumber of all the “ten virgins”; anointed Christians have “nodded off” overall as a class globally in this modern “delay”. (Matt25:5)

Bethel’s apostate coma, globally public transgressions (Dan8:12) and “organizational” “sweet wine” has aided the process of this global “nodding off” process. (Hos4:11, Isa49:26) Evidence of this “nod off” and progressive apostasy begin to surface fully from 1976 and the Governing Body Bethel coup. From that illegal dictatorship many more transgressions and subversions were “gradually” (Dan8:12) introduced, including the key UN NGO United Nations endorsement and prophecy cover up campaign as Bethel main objective now fully matured to successful diversion of all prophecy and many Jehovah’s witnesses.

Bethel’s apostate coma global “snore” is now awakening a few individual “virgins” to the apostasy brewing to completion right inside Bethel’s leadership. (Rev8:10-11)

The most important warning and meaning of the “ten virgins” parable is in the required divine judgment determination of who is actually “discreet” and who is actually “foolish” in that extended period, and why—retaining extra “oil” versus not having enough “oil” and why it is needed: a final enlightenment campaign for the “five discreet virgins”. Its outcome, as the “delay” nears its end, and the “cry”, that gives this precursor “wake up call” warning to awaken all anointed Christians, is that coming temple judgment Revelation 8:5 “earthquake” temple jolt parallel coming soon.

Thus the “ten virgins” parable is a temple judgment prophecy parallel giving us more details of what is to develop in this final time period.

Everyone gets awakened, but not everyone has the “oil” to “enlighten” the meaning of that precursor judgment period pictured in this determination of “foolish” and “discreet” anointed Christians. Obviously even now Bethel’s “light” is “darkness”, even now they are giving evidence of “foolish virgin” and “evil slave” justified apostate activity. (Dan11:32a)

As shown Christ as the “bridegroom” makes the final judgment determination fully known at the end of that process:

(Matthew 25:10-13) While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12 In answer he said, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you.’ 13 “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.

“While” “they were going of to buy” implies a time period before “the bridegroom arrived”, and that the “five foolish virgins” will still be active for the whole arrival period, but will be shut out fully as the Bridegroom arrives.

But before and by that time of arrival, much “light” will have been required to shine forth from that reserve “oil” supply, from the “discreet virgins” igniting this full understanding—and that is why them being found “faithful” and “discreet” is so important for other people at that time who can benefit from that enlightenment that must shine forth during this final period. (Rev10:1, Rev11:1-7)

This implies the “foolish virgins” did go off to buy “oil”, and they did return to the procession destination, but their light was invalid. This indicates some deceptions will be going forth from claimant anointed Christians in this whole final time period, but it will be an invalid assessment of prophecy and reality in important details.

(Matthew 24:10-11) Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many;

That must climax in this “ten virgin” awakening period. Not all wake up to accept original truth nor be happy with the judgment determinations or the meaning of that final “light” as more truth must come from the Bethel “operation of error” and “the lie” in modern form then ceasing as 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 is also a temple judgment parallel:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

The temple judgment gives an opportunity to repent, for recovery and a cleansed ministerial final warning deployment is the purpose. This is why it is important to never place faith in mere men, like “the Governing Body” or their organizations and claims, because when they topple, the faith in them will also topple—they too are subject to judgment. They also subvert the original truth and its “oil” basis of foundational “enlightenment” in the process. Thus people also lose faith in the truth of prophecy when they trust in fallible men.

This is very important to realize, Bethel’s waffling tactics and reproaches erode the truth of prophecy, they just use it for a cover while denuding its importance and undermining its validity.

Thus the theme of having enough “oil” “reserved” in heart and mind, to provide the “light” for enlightenment of many is the greater “discernment” and “discretion” of these “five discreet virgins” anointed Christians in relation to Christ’s full arrival implied in the outcome of this prophecy, and why it is necessary and provides a basis of the temple judgment. Wise “discreet” “virgins” will be enabled by God by holy spirit to “shed light” and explain what this time period of that “cry”, and after, really means before Christ actually arrives —and how it all relates to the original “oil” and the original “enlightenment” provided through early Jehovah’s witnesses in 1914-1919 and after until the “nod off” formed in that “delay” since that time.

As we see Bethel is implying there is no greater meaning to the prophecy, alls good, its almost all done anyways; and that is what you call Bethel evidence of being unfaithful, asleep and blind right at the heart of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial leadership. Bethel is instead promoting the premature “end” and “Jehovah’s day is here” delusion of 2Thessalonians 2:1-2 in broad daylight.

But in fact important details are in this “ten virgins” parable, that will manifest prophetic principles of the temple judgment to be carried out globally prior to Christ’s full arrival to Earth to empower a final “enlightening” warning—that is what this parable truly means overall.

One of those details is “half” of the “virgins”, the “foolish” ones, run out of “oil”. A symbolic “half” of the anointed Christian class, a significant number of anointed Christians, will be unable to shed light on the situation—they will be searching for the “oil” of “enlightenment” from “oil” “merchants” after seeking compromise from the “discreet virgins” to “share your oil with us”.

That commercial “oil” will be useless enlightenment if not total blackout from no “oil” whatsoever. But the “foolish virgins” did go off to buy, and they do return, but too late—they miss taking part in the final enlightenment. Nothing else but the original “oil”, from the individual “reserve”, is going to work to ignite enlightenment.

This occurs at the same time the other symbolic “half”, the “five” “discreet” “virgins”, have extra “oil” in reserve “in their receptacles”, not yet lighted up, but soon to be because it is required in this final period. (Rev10:5-11) This lack of the extra reserve supply of “oil” is how the “foolish” and “discreet” judgment is determined, so it is actually of extreme importance.

Possessing the power to actually illuminate Christ’s arrival accurately—the “oil”—and its reserve supply—is the WHOLE crux of the temple judgment meaning in this “ten virgins” parable!

In this “delay” of Christ’s arrival from the first Kingdom indications of the 1914 era, is when this little “doze off” occurs. Somewhere between 1914 and 2014, global anointed Christians as a class fall asleep, dwindling light “about to go out”. It is logical the implication is all of the “ten” “lamps” also become nearly fully extinguished during this present “nod off”; “about to go out”. The 1976 Governing Body development appears to be that “somewhere” this “nod off” began to manifest to today’s full Bethel sleep and coma.

The “delay” is now present as we see, thus the comprehensive “nod off” must also be present, and it is. Bethel is not applying this to our times, because they do not want to imply they have “nodded off” in this delay, that they are the main coma. In Bethel’s unaddressed spiritually apostate condition (Rev2:21-23), no light would be possible anyways at this level of purposeful and justified lawlessness.

But in fact their coma is the greatest signal of all, in our times, of who is the main “foolish virgin” symbol designate now present today in “lifted up” fashion (2Thess2:1-4; Zech3:1-3) right inside Bethel; but God is who makes the final determination in the temple judgment, now completely bypassed by modern Bethel.

Jehovah’s witnesses do not even know the temple judgment and the revelation of apostasy must occur first, and long before “the end” Bethel has them expecting “any day now brothers!” to aid the diversion.

By now, instead, Bethel has hijacked much prophecy and is misapplying it prematurely to aid their main delusion (2Thess2:1-2). Thus Bethel must have “false prophet” elements in the ministry (Dan11:32a) in Bethel’s claimant Christian anointed leadership (Dan11:41) aiding the final goal of this apostasy from the enemy system. And this is why they are attempting to discredit the “light” of the original “oil”; every day more people start to doubt overall as Bethel aids the process by fueling instead the Web’s content of their lawless activities, shielded from average Jehovah’s witnesses view by Bethel “smooth word” media subterfuge. (Dan11:32a)

Thus the importance of having enough “oil” in reserve to “light up” the “lamps” of anointed Christian based “enlightenment”, when the “cry arises” “in the middle of the night” in that period of the “delay” of Christ’s arrival ending, but now active, is CRUCIAL because it forms the basis of the judgment of who is “foolish”, and who is “discreet”, and EXACTLY how and why the distinction is made by Christ.

Hint: Foolish “virgins” will never be able to enlighten and explain this final period properly, or in prophecy that outlines it accurately, but they will continue to exist attempting to do so.

One symbolic group, “five foolish virgins”, in the whole global anointed Christian “body”, will no longer have the means, the “oil”, of enlightenment (Matt24:48-51). Also implied in this “oil dry” development is the detail that the five “discreet virgins” MUST and DO re-light their “lamps” with more “oil” from their reserve supply enlightening the meaning of this final period BEFORE Christ arrives to: “be on your way out to meet him”—and thus “light up the way” for others to “see”.

Thus more enlightenment is to come between the “middle of the night” darkness time point, when the “cry arose”, and Christ’s arrival. That “cry arose”, yet to come, will in time manifest a final “enlightening” to proceed through to the time period of the actual arrival of Christ. (Rev11:1-12) This is not an instantaneous event from the “cry” to Christ’s arrival, just as the “delay”, also implied formerly, also took time to play out.

But this time period between the final warning “cry” and the arrival of Christ will be an accelerated time period, it will not delay any longer:

(Revelation 10:5-7) And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

Obviously the “five discreet virgins” have to complete the full “good news” understanding first, of the “sacred secret” of the Messianic Kingdom completion to come directly after the 144000 completion “gathering” that Christ’s arrival will finalize. (Matt24:29-31 into Rev14) Thus the “light” of that understanding truly ushers Christ in, by allowing others to “see” his approach and his certain arrival before the grand finale actually takes place, as gauged by notable and huge global events.

“Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time” (Isa60:22) as this period is accelerated because it is really “the end” coming for the 8th King as that sovereign entity also completes. It will proceed much faster than the “delay” period, it will have a clear signal “cry arose” ALL anointed will see and no doubt many others, yet it will provide enough time to “enlighten” people from that “oil” “lighted” up for this final announcement. (Dan8:14, Rev11:2-3)

And hence why the original “oil of enlightenment” will be crucial, it is not “ending” as soon as Jehovah’s witnesses and many others are deluded to expect prematurely, aiding the process of confusions and faith testing in prophecy as why “enduring to the end” is required (Matt24:13-14).

(Habakkuk 2:2-3) And Jehovah proceeded to answer me and to say: “Write down [the] vision, and set [it] out plainly upon tablets, in order that the one reading aloud from it may do so fluently. 3 For [the] vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.

Obviously the point of having enough “oil” on hand at that time has to do with the “light” that “oil” reserve will be able to provide when lighted up quickly after that “cry arose” arises “in the middle of the night”, in the future. What this marked and notable period will mean is in that potential “light” enlightenment, because it is already in that reserve “oil” original meaning—just updated for modern temple judgment and global developments that will be active at that time.

This is because the first ministerial cycle of 1914-1919 already contains the main prophetic features, events and entities that will come into play in this final cycle period.

Thus Bethel is bypassing the importance of this obviously future “wake up call” and the sequence and final short time period it initiates requiring more “oil” and thus more “light” to enlighten that final period of time in a divinely required final warning parallel. Obviously Bethel is now fully bedarkened and totally promoting more slumber and lack of alertness and depletion of modern relevant discernment in this kind of stalling. (Rev8:10-11)

Important: That Bethel “darkness” will climax in the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” of the Daniel 8:14 “evening”-darkness-abyss parallel as that accounting will involve a timed period; it will take time to complete the “trampling” requirement. Bethel will be climaxing Daniel 11:41 (Luke 21:20-24, Matt24:15) for enemy purposes and will be permitted the organizational “trampling” globally of the JW organization in that Daniel 8:13 temple judgment “transgression causing desolation” decree. (Hos6:1-3)

Obviously the UN NGO is the key “disgusting thing” related “transgression causing desolation” tying Daniel 8:13 and Daniel 11:31b of 1990 together for this future judgment indictment decree.

The temple recovery of “morning” enlightenment “abyss release” phase takes place after the temple accounting is complete.

Avoid Bethel’s Oil Spill Operation

Obviously Bethel already has been extinguished as far as “light” (Rev8:10-11), and making matters worse they are now draining the very “reserve” “oil” from the first understanding import and the first Jehovah’s witness ministerial cycle of 1914-1919 that will aid explaining the final temple judgment cycle preceding Christ’s actual arrival in the future.

Bethel also directly and indirectly inspires many others globally, even among claimant anointed Christians, to undermine the 1914-1919 era prophetic truth framework as part of this overall global truth “spoken of abusively” discrediting campaign Bethel actually leads undercover of a former approved anointed Christian ministry:

(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects (like the Bethel Cult of the GB) and will disown even the owner that bought them (2Thess2:3-4), bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3 Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. (aids discrediting anointed Christians right from “in the temple”) But as for them, the judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering.

The greater implication is: Bethel apostasy is going to trigger a required temple judgment.

This is how Bethel will be dried out in “oil” when this final phase of discrediting completes, for which this latest over-“simplification” policy (WT 3/15/2015), being made known now after twenty years of this “gradual” “simplification”, has run its full course. And this is how potential “foolish virgins” will also be encouraged to dump their original “oil” along with Bethel’s main “oil” spill. Many people now associate Bethel’s global public hypocrisy and reproach with the entire Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, doubting the entire foundational truth—and that is the enemy goal carried out from within Bethel’s apostate leadership.

The greatest meaning of the parable is Christ will determine by a marked judgment who is capable of being “lit up” further, and who is not; this is a very important judgment pictured in the “ten virgins” parable, with a 50/50 symbolic outcome, so it is certain some anointed Christians will be found “foolish” and some will be found “discreet”. PRESERVING “oil”, NOW, will be the determination later of who is “discreet” among anointed Christians. Obviously Bethel’s slumber, apostasy and transgression is how some anointed will be directly and indirectly corrupted by the Bethel compromise. (Dan8:12, Dan11:30b-31a)

(Jude 3-4) Beloved ones, though I was making every effort to write you about the salvation we hold in common, I found it necessary to write you to exhort you to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones. 4 My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment, ungodly men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.

The truth is in that “reserve” “oil” is more explanation yet to come, it is not “lighted” up yet in anointed “lamps”, BUT it is ready to be “lighted” when the time “arises”. One “enlightenment” to have to go public globally is Bethel’s signal apostasy, which must come forth fully “revealed” (2Thess2:8) as this judgment is playing out. (Rev8:10-11) That must all come out to the open when all this gets “lighted” up from the same prophecy (and others), applied to this final phase.

Bethel’s signal defection, that they are now “smooth word” justifying in clever ways to avoid detection, is aiding the “darkness” but it will come to light when that “oil” reserve is “lighted” up.

(2 Thessalonians 2:8-9) Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. 9 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents

(1 Timothy 5:24-25) The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men [their sins] also become manifest later. 25 In the same way also the fine works are publicly manifest and those that are otherwise cannot be kept hid.

If we allow Bethel to drain our “oil”, by doubt, with their own “oil” emptying process, then we are being foolish. To accept Bethel’s “operation of error”, that Bible prophecy has no deeper meaning to pay attention to any longer, that there can be no “evil slave”, that everything is fine in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, well then we are letting the “evil slave” influence us by the trusted position they have assumed and their deceptive “smooth words”. (Dan11:32a)

In this “delay” Bethel has undergone a subtle and gradual “transformation” to full blown apostates in the process.

(2 Corinthians 11:13-15) For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works.

Again, Bethel’s “gradually” “transformed” apostasy will trigger a judgment, a big one; the final temple judgment. (1Pet4:17)

The Bethel “evil slave” is claiming to already be the “faithful and discreet slave” by self-approval of the Governing Body—in other words the Governing Body is the epitome of Christian “faith” globally as exemplified in those self-exalted men as their own “body” of dictatorial authority also self-justified and self-appointed. (2Thess2:3-4) Of course the central citadel of their cult, Bethel and the “organization” is also now idolized by Jehovah’s witnesses as well as this Governing Body idol cult centerpiece. Thus we know which “idols” God will require to be purged in the temple judgment.

Thus what we are actually seeing is the “evil slave” at Bethel actually concealing their own tracks in the prophecy, as revealed policy now, by diverting and denuding people’s discernment of warning elements in the prophecy, now plainly present at Bethel, such as in this latest attack on the validity of prophecy.

Therefore now as most Jehovah’s witnesses are buying all this, and think everything is fine, “the end of the world” is up ahead, they are not going to discern these deeper meanings present in Bethel’s apostasy because they think it is no longer important to remain “vigilant” as regards PROPHECY for even Bethel has discarded their own vigilance in this matter of appreciating and reinforcing valid prophetic details. One of those “details” bypassed is that of Bethel’s apostate transformation.

Instead the “Watchtower” directives of the apostate and lawless men now running the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry into the ground (Dan8:12) is what Jehovah’s witnesses are “paying attention” to instead.

(2 Timothy 3:13) But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Again, the basis of the temple judgment is what is forming at apostate Bethel by its error and lawless influence.

(Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Thus if one wants modern temple judgment details of that precursor signal of the whole world judgment it will be a sign of, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Amos and Joel all give temple details of Bethel’s modern state in relation to this temple judgment background developments and eventual ministerial recovery purpose.

(Isaiah 28:21) For Jehovah will rise up just as at Mount Perazim, he will be agitated just as in the low plain near Gibeon, that he may do his deed—his deed is strange—and that he may work his work—his work is unusual.

That is the parallel of the temple judgment upon Christian anointed first, for which Bethel is the visible epicenter to provide prophetic explanatory connection later. Prophecy fully describes the original temple judgment principles on Israel in that first divine judgment of that time (before the 607 BCE judgment completed upon Jerusalem by Babylon), that now has a final manifestation in the modern temple judgment on the Bethel “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) and the real “Temple” approaching its guaranteed Christ crown-stone completion upon all 144000. (Zech3:5-9, Zech4:6-9)

Preserve Your Oil

The Bethel premature end forecast and delusion is in truth impossible (2Thess2:1-2), for their own apostasy has to be revealed first (2Thess2:1-4). But by such a “the lie”, that Jehovah’s witnesses have “come to believe” (2Thess2:11-12), they are trying to influence us not just in their slumber, but in their dumping of the already present “oil”.

Thus that important “oil” already existent is PRESERVING the faith and belief, the appreciation and the validity of former prophetic truth and the developing progressive sovereign world rulership principles forecasted in it. The initial signal apostasy detail of the “evil slave” and the “five foolish virgins” being GUARANTEED to be developing from Bethel’s apostasy outward is also a feature of that “oil” of truth. And this si why that Bethel apostasy will try to affect all anointed Christians and others with doubt—thus dumping the important original “oil” of valid truths. (2Thess2:11-12)

The only way to reserve some “oil” is to already have it, and to keep it. The Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, BEFORE it “nodded off” with Bethel, has that “oil” in the first cycle meaning of 1914-1919. That is the original “oil” we need to hang on to in reserve, because Bethel’s “oil spill” will have greater consequences in time.

This is why Bethel is discrediting the original truths indirectly, and it is getting more direct as they continue to undermine the 1914 era truths for their own self-exaltation in the process. (2Thess2:3-4) The things Bethel implies “between the lines” are as damaging as the errors they are placing in the lines that contain their “smooth words” by which they lead many into their own apostasy. (Dan11:32a, 2Pet2:1-3)

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Now that we see what the “ten virgins” really is to mean as a great temple judgment parallel, let us now examine Bethel’s butchery of this prophetic parable.

Bethel’s “Dump the Oil” Policy—Watchtower Magazine Study Addition March 15, 2015

Removal of Core Teachings Justified to Support the JW Main Delusion and the Cover of Bethel’s Apostasy

The basic technique Bethel admits to using now, which others have seen in the over-simplified teaching examples in Bethel publications “in recent years”, is basically removing the Biblical storyline of a parable, the most important structural framework, for an examination of a few pieces of the story placed in a soup of therapy, “explanatory graphics” and pictures. The rationale is this is for an “emphasis on simplicity and clarity”, which is just the covering plausibility for the obliteration of the basic story’s more important meaning in regard to faith, mission, judgment and modern day developments.

Bethel is describing removed pieces of a whole puzzle that paints a far different picture than the “story” Bethel cobbles together from those pieces and their favorite cementing therapeutic basics and myths. Thus this simpleton approach is but a fog of diversion that conceals Bethel’s real spiritual condition: the very sleeping and deceptive apostates pictured in that part of the whole puzzle they break up.

Now the basic drama of the story, and its most important lesson contained in the whole storyline drama itself is omitted, then it is further broken up by pictures, boxes, back patting assumptions and questions on the therapeutic filler diversions. Rather than teach the new or reinforced insights on the basic plot and theme of the illustrative divine story and its details as a big picture, for modern day certainties in the Christian ministry, Bethel chops it up for a couple references to characters in the story, as they denude the entire most basic meaning in the whole parable itself and omit its true modern day forecast and application on themselves.

(Daniel 8:12b) it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.

As part of the filler Bethel then weaves in the justification of their policy, with presumptions of how well the ministry and Jehovah’s witnesses are doing spiritually, and why God is backing them, while fully denuding the parable itself; it is all for a good “simple and clear” reason, it is “the way approved” by God. But in fact it is removing the spiritual learning context and the hints in the parable itself that everything is not well at sleeping Bethel while they are actually displaying that “lamp” of “darkness” as “new and improved” “light” or policy at Bethel. (Rev8:10-11, Matt25:5)

Now this encourages others, when reading the Bible on their own, to avoid thinking deeply about the Bible’s many prophetic and illustrative details. In fact, in understanding of the deeper meanings in those “details” and principles is what separated the anointed Christian reformation truth movement of the International Bible Students (and early Jehovah’s witnesses thereafter) from that of the quagmire of metaphysical exercises of Christendom whose technique accomplished a similar denuding goal of obscuring the basic truth and meaning. A Bethel policy principle such as this will of course apply as the reasoning for not connecting up modern world power and globalization developments to prophecies that clearly are active in this progress globally now. (Rev16:13-16)

For example, as evidence of increasing financial instability of the national powers increases, showing the setting up of Daniel 11:42-43 events in important details of the effect of wealth sovereignty slipping out of nation-state control, for globalist “King North” 8th King final control, Bethel just uses it all to support their “it can end tomorrow” rationale.

They are explaining NOTHING for modern day insight on progressive world affairs and they have been doing this fully, as policy, since 1990. That kind of development is not static, it has a goal: to reinforce the premature end delusion, and to be able to present eventual events on Bethel and in the world, that will intensify, as simply “it is the end”. This “the end” is Bethel’s only explanation they constantly apply, to cover up everything their apostasy is accomplishing in reality—it is the main delusion. (2Thess2:1-2)

Thus Bethel can now deconstruct the whole basis of keeping up to date with progressive prophecy by this same rationale they no doubt, as evidenced “in recent years”, also apply to modern prophecy applications. And no wonder there has been “no light”, not “new light”, from Bethel since Fred Franz died, allowing the Bethel wordsmiths to fully run their own contrary agenda.

And since it is actually in the prophecy, diverting the deep study of prophecy, right in the central leadership, but also for all Jehovah’s witnesses, aids the goal of keeping the apostasy concealed by diverting attention from its prophetic details now describing Bethel’s apostasy in the main who, when, why, and how, of its development—we now no exactly where, the apostasy has developed and manifested as well: at Bethel, apostasy right inside the central leadership and corporate administrations.

In the following we will see how Bethel now admits and applies their “dumbing down” policy with a “smooth word” “new and improved” for “good reasons” plausible, but diversionary, rationale. They first provide the rationale of gutting all prophecy of any deeper meaning as a wise technique to better inform the now twenty year fully dumbed down Jehovah’s witness population as a hidden policy Bethel has been applying “gradually”.

Thus that plausible rationale is covered first in this notable Watchtower issue by describing, in “smooth words”, just why it is now advisable to ignore the deeper and greater meaning of prophecy and parables of God (Dan11:32a), while also providing their own credible evidence of why this process has divine backing by further mere presumptions. Especially so, as we see “the day drawing near”, at this most important climax period in human history, it is now Bethel policy to begin “teaching in a simple, clear way” which is actually an excuse to complete the stripping of all urgent meaning from the temple judgment prophecies now applicable. In time it appears more will be called into question directly by Bethels own mouth. Indirectly it is already all called into question.

The Real Bethel Objective – Cover Up, Distraction and Silence

1. Thus the purpose of the whole Watchtower issue being examined here is to set the standard and policy of denudation of modern parable and prophecy for the past, this issue and the future.

2. In the process the denudation of more Jehovah’s witnesses beliefs, yet to come in the future, is all justified as “good intention” Bethel policy, as Bethel attempts to undermine the very foundational basis of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now in accelerated fashion prior to the temple judgment and their eventual expulsion.

This is a coup now on Jehovah’s witnesses teachings completing the process in that sector of subversion.

3. Thus any doubts and suspicions, due to Bethel’s over-simplification process over the last twenty years, that “you may have noticed a gradual shift” by virtue of, now coming to a head in some Jehovah’s witnesses, to possibly be aired in congregations, are mitigated to silence—or else; by implication of the past silencing apparatus. Bethel admits it now, but it is has been righteous policy all the time to teach more clearly! No worries!

4. In the process, details of Bethel’s apostasy are also omitted from modern commentary, because now by virtue of this policy Bethel itself is no longer looking deeply into these things, its not necessary any longer, it was too “hard to keep straight”.

5. In the process discouraging people from looking more deeply into prophecy as policy is the rationale. Now Jehovah’s witnesses should also stop looking for deeper meanings and truth in the Bible.

In fact every prophetic interpretation founding the Jehovah’s witnesses classic valid Kingdom ministry is now undermined fully, as finally admitted Bethel policy, in this issue’s revealed official “directives”.

6. Now the apostasy, and its requirement to lead to the temple judgment, is concealed from Jehovah’s witnesses as the Bethel “foolish virgin” lights the way.

7. In the process the final cycle of prophecy that begins with that temple judgment coming (1Pet4:17), and the required full revelation of Bethel’s apostate reality, is also concealed from Jehovah’s witnesses. (2Thess2:1-4)

8. Overall this kind of slickly rationalized deception reinforces Bethel’s premature end delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2. Instead of seeing the apostasy and expecting the temple judgment, Jehovah’s witnesses are focused prematurely on “the end” which becomes one of the greatest of all the Bethel modern distractions—and it is their main delusion also present at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2.

Taken altogether Jehovah’s witnesses are further deluded by this complete “operation of error” development as Bethel is the main spiritual “the lie” exhaust system now putting Jehovah’s witnesses into deep spiritual slumber piped through the Watchtower into the congregation “gas chamber”. Bethel has a nearly fully “captive audience”. (Zech11)

Deeper Implications in Bethel “Logic”

Of course much of this discrediting and waffling doubt process takes place “between the lines” to give further “food for thought” in various ways for individual Jehovah’s witnesses to psychologically grapple with in their own level of understanding of prophecy and Jehovah’s witnesses foundational truths of prophecy as formerly aided by parable symbols. Thus “between the lines” Bethel sows in deep logical contradictions actually weaved into the new Bethel rationale.

A problem that aids this being undetectable to many, is a Christian must be fully experienced in deep understanding of the original truth, to fully see how Bethel is slyly diverting it. Many Jehovah’s witnesses have “nodded off” so as to lose touch with deep study, in lieu of various Bethel organizational distractions and walking around neighborhoods in an imbalanced way.

Then there are the newbie JWs. For newer Jehovah’s witnesses the current Bethel “wormwood” diet just seems to be the way it always was, business as usual at Bethel. It is understandable why they will not detect the deeper development, they are not experienced enough in deep prophecy. Thus the whole thing is being diverted with deception and affected by well sown doubts, or hot off the press error, in different ways.

Since there is a “gradient” of experience and individual study, in general, the more Jehovah’s witnesses think about it, the more disharmonies with former teachings and principles arise in the process, purposeful Bethel disharmonization with the foundational truths is actually forming a warped and disjointed overall “message” now: it is simply the end, everything else we [used to believe] was all wrong. That is what Bethel is really saying, but by the illogic and doubts, not stated outright, but for people to determine on their own, later, progressively.

Deep internal doubt, that dumping of “oil”, that dawning of the realization of an illogical modern farce, is what is being sown.

The whole body of truth is being disjointed right under Jehovah’s witnesses noses. Now rather than show preview principles in these prophetic progressions since Israel’s time, to Christ’s time to Christendom’s time in their own “operation of error” apostate principle, now plainly surfacing at Bethel, Bethel just scraps everything that can be learned in that cyclic process of the replication of the same key apostate-to-judgment principles.

Of course this drops Bethel’s apostasy off the parable and prophecy “radar”, where their own apostate “blip” is now showing up: beep… beep… beep… As long as no one explains what that “blip” means, and that it is in prophecy and former principles as well, it will not occur to most Jehovah’s witnesses—they can continue to be misled amidst what is actually a final signal apostasy in maturity, concealing itself in the process. (2Thess2:1-4, Dan8:12, Dan11:30-35, 41, Zech3:1-3)

The current transformation of Bethel’s core process of presenting illogic as logical, divinely backed and beneficial, leaves many thinking Jehovah’s witnesses with logical contradictions to ponder later. The more deeply a Jehovah’s witness understood the original truth and prophecies, parables and principles, the deeper is the process of trying to resolve the hidden contradictions of the “new”, actually contradictory logic, actually deep illogic. That process of trying to fit all this together is of course far more confusing than anything Bethel is claiming to be “clarifying”. That psychological process, like a pebble in the shoe, will root around in the brain for quite some time, because these anomalies cannot actually be harmonized with the original Jehovah’s witnesses truth framework, they are changing and replacing it with no appeal to the more important core principle to retain.

At the same time, an experienced or insightful Jehovah’s witnesses Christian is who should be able to see the progressive Bethel apostate symptoms immediately, not as random hypocrisy, but as modern signal prophecy fulfilling—terminal apostasy maturation is the precursor to divine judgment, because only God and Christ can deal with such a deep rooted and fully advanced deceptive development. (Zech3:1-5, 2Thess2:8, Isa66:6)

And that divine encounter is the temple judgment and it will also form MORE notable, prophetic, SIGNAL developments to continue to manifest prophecy, from there, all the way to human world government and Christ’s arrival because this is a multi-year cycle, fully forecasted in prophecy repeating fulfillment in final form, not “the end” but of Bethel’s apostasy.

Thus the repeating principles are what manifest as repeating prophecy that must have a climax phase. Thus Bethel also conceals this principle of repeating developments signalling repeating prophecy in the process.

Everything Bethel does is to reinforce that HUGE premature end delusion, because it provides the cover for the final ministerial coup operations upon the JW organization, and it also provides dense cover for their exit to delay Jehovah’s witnesses awareness of reality as long as possible for after this coup completion. (Dan8:13-14)

Thus as things actually repeat in sovereign world power developmental history (and thus prophecy), those spiritual cycles that form apostasy in the same process also forming now, cannot be shown to also be a repeating principle (and its overall process). This is because the core pattern and principle is being conveniently discarded by Bethel, not re-clarified with the identification of new repeating developments displaying these principles so JWs can “catch on” to the concept and see modern reality.

Of course the Bethel apostates are not going to come in and point themselves out in judgment prophecy! Instead they are going to cover their arse.

Now Jehovah’s witnesses are also unaware of the overall repeating cycle of global developments that will eventually intensify as the JW ministry is fully dumbed down, to delay Jehovah’s witnesses as long as possible in the whole process. Thus none of it can be seen by Jehovah’s witnesses to be repeating principles, such as the apostasy leading to judgment principle, now plainly repeating right at Bethel.

The apparent doubt, right from Bethel, will also have a psychological effect upon the perceived validity of certain key original prophetic and principle truths and concepts upon which the whole original anointed Christian ministry is based since 1914. Those spiritual developments parallel global world power sovereign developments in prophecy concurrent in progressive development, thus truncating one continuum, aids breaking the other and both of their logical parallel continuums actually in the prophecy—because as before in the 1914-1919 cycle, they co-develop concurrently and are in a recognizable cycle that forms the basis of a recognizable cyclic repeat. This spiritual cacophony can manifest in conscious logical ways, but subconsciously this disharmonizing effect must also be taking place in Jehovah’s witnesses. To many outside observers it just seems ridiculous.

Thus along with the Web based attack on the 1914-1919 cycle, Bethel is performing their own covert attack on the JW foundation as well, merely hidden in the illogic and precedents being set. Those developments are related, internal Bethel waffling aids the external Web attack—they both have the same goal, to undermine the more important sovereign cycle from being recognized, that leads to world government, previewed in the 1914-1919 cycle but that will have a final cycle.

Thus just one major teaching based on 1914-1919 events (like the “faithful and discreet slave” “new light” “update”), described in a new application with no respect for the original principle of main importance, but totally replacing it as being totally invalid in its original explanation, in this implication, seeds in deeper doubts that progress the more one thinks about it.

But Bethel is now proceeding to do the same thing to the “ten virgins” parable explicitly, as well as other critical parables, with actually far different modern applications completely removing the original principle of faithfulness versus unfaithfulness and divine judgment in the principle of God making the final determination. Instead Bethel just grouts in basic minutia to glue together fragmented pieces to make it seem informative, while denuding the real “lesson” of the parable, as per the justified policy also publicly presented in this issue.

Thus implicitly Bethel is undermining far more than just these parables, but by implication all parables and prophecy regarding this temple judgment period and its key apostasy signal are being discredited. And if people wonder why Awake! IGNORES modern global wealth, military and globalization politics developments and prophecy the refers to all these progressive “signs in sun, moon and stars” (Luke21:25), well then, here is your reason: Bethel wants to keep it simple.

Thus a key objective of Bethel is to conceal global prophecy fulfillment. Bethel also has the goal of concealing their own apostate development and its great evidence and symptoms, such as this policy, already outlined in prophecy, parable details and important core principles. Thus Bethel also conceals from Jehovah’s witnesses the temple judgment this modern Bethel apostasy is indicating as also necessary as part of that progression of the prophecy—apostasy (present at Bethel) manifests first, and leads to “house” judgment first (that is in prophecy to start fulfilling beyond just the apostasy with this temple judgment event), and people will be affected (anointed Christians first; 1Pet4:17).

It is not “the end” Bethel also uses to conceal the meaning of what starts off this final period, it is just this final period cycle about to begin.

Thus in reality we are watching the “foolish virgins” designate class in the “evil slave” designate class in the Bethel leadership now doing exactly what the unfaithful would be doing: concealing themselves while casting doubt on everything, and undermining deeper warnings for their own version of truth as official self-justified one-sided policy of spiritual retardation—all while claiming to be doing just the opposite; thus further concealing their own activity of evil by deception. It is Bethel, with teachings such as these, that helps maintain the “ten virgins” “nap” (Matt25:5).

Ironically in the process, Bethel is now, for those awake, the main signal evidence of this “nod off” and its greater apostasy that aids it.

The Bethel Watchtower March 15, 2015 Dumb Down Policy Revealed and Applied

First in this Watchtowers issue, the rationale of the “dumbing down” policy is finally admitted after twenty plus years of this hidden policy. Now, twenty years later, Jehovah’s witnesses are well dumbed-down enough, to buy this now conveniently revealed policy, in that covert “simplification” policy revealed, to now further accept this latest blasphemous butchery of the crucial “ten virgins” parable of Jesus Christ, fully applicable now in the Bethel dozed off apostate condition. This little revelation of Bethel prophecy gutting policy, and its smooth plausible rationale (pgs. 7-11), precedes the example of its “simplifying” application on the “ten virgins” parable (pgs. 12-16) to come after this first article’s reasoning.

In this issue Bethel also denudes the parable of the talents, and the “sheep and goat” parable, but the “ten virgins” parable excerpts are covered here as is its lead-in article justifying the Bethel over-simplification process as actually a beneficial ongoing development. In all of them apostasy is implicitly denied as impossible, it is not even present in the parables, it is just a “warning”, nothing will be prophetic. In the process the whole judgment of God principle is also handily bypassed for pure hypnotic empty filler, the main “smooth word” form of distraction: seemingly meaningful meaninglessness rather than the judgment and final “light” mission theme of the “ten virgins” parable.

In the process anything Jehovah’s witnesses formerly learned in important main principles in the parables basic story drama, the main plot, theme and symbols, is totally removed.

Watchtower March 15, 2015 pgs. 7-11

Article: This Is the Way You Approved

Heading: Making Deep Truths Accessible to All

4 In recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by Jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity.

First off, by the title itself, Bethel is saying “this” dumbing down of the  Jehovah’s witnesses ministry is “the way” approved of God.

There is now “increasing emphasis” “on simplicity” as the Bethel apostasy progresses “in recent years” to fully terminal proportions concurrent with this dumbing down campaign; it is no accident, it is related. Thus one development in purposeful over-simplification is a symptom of the other greater development in the Bethel apostasy. And dumbing down the Jehovah’s witnesses’ teachings aids concealment of Bethel’s true condition, for it is contained in the prophecy and principles they are denuding and encouraging Jehovah’s witnesses to ignore—by Bethel’s own lead example. (Dan8:11-13, Dan11:30-35)

Bethel is not making “deep” “truths accessible to all”, they are concealing great truths from everyone justified by this kind of shallow rationale as the cover for that process. They are not increasing “clarity”, they are adding deep contradiction and doubts while deleting the main judgment and final warning mission theme, and why it is required and will be a prophetically backed certainty.

And it is just now that they finally tell all Jehovah’s witnesses this has been Bethel policy for years!

Thus we can see why, when Fred Franz died, that “restraint” removal allowed the full “downhill” point of Jehovah’s witness progress, the same “downhill” “perspective” pictured on this Watchtower issue cover image. (2Thess2:1-9)

Thus a Bible demoting blasphemy such as this below is well in order to start off the barrage:

4b Family heads are finding that their children are now more involved in the study of this journal, the main channel of our spiritual feeding program.

The Bible is no longer the “main channel” of spiritual food, “this journal” is now the “channel” of “spiritual feeding” from the quasi-“faithful slave” GB dictators. Thus now the real “food” is coming.

6 Third, consider some of our recent refinements in understanding. For example, our clarified understanding of “the faithful and discreet slave,” published in the July 15, 2013, Watchtower, thrilled us.

If you mean it thrilled the 8th King partner blasphemers at UN NGO Bethel with this pinnacle of blasphemy, yes. (Dan11:32a) But in reality this “faithful and discreet slave” blasphemy did not “thrill” everyone, some saw it as the modern SIGNAL of the “man of lawlessness” plainly “lifting himself over everyone” “in the temple” over the whole Christian congregation, in globally public fashion in full blatant self-approved blasphemy. (2Thess2:3-4)

These are not “refinements”, these are brazen apostate symptoms and subversions being imbibed right into the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry as now admitted policy (Rev8:10-11) attempting to say it is also “divinely approved” by God, it is “the way approved by you” and that “all thrillingly accepted” this “new light” debacle. Now the slick external appearance of Bethel, and the JW ministry, all remains the same—but internally things have gradually transformed with no apparent outward appearance change visually which aids this transformation. (2Cor11:13-15)

6b In what other ways has Jehovah shown that he approves of teaching in a simple, clear way?

Again, another total presumption to sell all these “changes” to Jehovah’s witnesses as if from God. What other ways has God shown approval of Bethel policy? And now, onward, with the explanation of the new “dumbing-down” policy being justified as Bethel revealed policy, now Jehovah’s witnesses are to believe it is “God’s way” to denude all import from parable and prophecy:

A Simpler, Clearer Approach to Bible Narratives7 If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible.

So now we see they finally admit this “shift” has actually been an objective to be “gradually” (Dan8:12) applied, and now Bethel implies it has been a hidden policy at Bethel becoming noticeable over the “decades”. In fact “you may have noticed”, and in such some may have noticed and started to say so; so this “policy” should also shut some concerned and or dissenting mouths in congregations. The “faithful slave” says it is a good policy, God agrees.

The prophecy already tells us the same thing, about “gradually being given over”, but in another way:

(Daniel 8:11-12) . . .And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization) of his sanctuary was thrown down. 12 And an (JW) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King “small horn” control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with profanations), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively”, Bethel is completely successful with this 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the Governing Body and installed Bethel agents);

Thus prophecy shows this was a gradual process to subvert Jehovah’s witnesses “given over” and to denude truth from the ministry in that “gradual” process “throwing truth to the earth”. And as Bethel proves, it is successful as well, they “acted” AND “had success”.

So why admit this denuding policy now, and not from twenty years ago as this dumb-down campaign coincided with the death of Fred Franz? Because some Christians are understanding a problem is present at Bethel, and now Bethel is glossing it all over with more “smooth words” of rationale to further aid concealment of their apostate condition as many Jehovah’s witnesses are now “dumbed-down” enough to fully accept it.

Now that it is too late, Bethel tells Jehovah’s witnesses what they had been up to all along.

Further, Bethel’s apostasy and symptoms of it are already in the prophecy; Parables provide additional, important, but related, parallel details to support the prophecies. So Bethel wants to shift focus from that prophecy and its details of modern apostasy by discouraging searching for these details contained deeper in the prophecy and supporting parables by their common principles and hints. Bethel is covering their tracks, right at the key maturation point of their terminal apostasy fully in the prophecy at Daniel 11:30-35, Daniel 8:11-14, Zechariah 3:1-3 and 2Thessalnians 2:1-12. (2Cor11:13-15 principle at work)

(Zechariah 3:1-3) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?” 3 Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel.

Now that modern temple inspection parallel prophecy above, is describing the real “befouled” and resistant “set in opposition” Bethel condition now, some also now see plain as day. What many see as apostasy though, they do not also see as prophecy fulfillment that leads to more prophecy fulfillment in the temple judgment and even more after that. Thus a great signal of a great continuum of prophecy and world events is mostly unseen as indicated by the Bethel apostasy first in that continuum.

But now, after dumbing down Jehovah’s witnesses for twenty solid years, as unstated but present Bethel policy, they can now tell Jehovah’s witnesses all about it when the dumb down affect being implemented for those two decades is now also at its peak. Very convenient. Now when Jehovah’s witnesses are finally long asleep (Matt25:5 principle), and finally fully dumbed-down enough, they can tell Jehovah’s witnesses all about it! And now after they get done gutting the “ten virgins” parable later in this issue, they can move on to more parables and prophecies of the Jehovah’s witnesses foundation to do similar hatchet jobs upon from the Bethel “wordsmith” Governing Body directed butchers in the future.

10 The details of such teachings—who pictures whom and why—can be hard to keep straight, to remember, and to apply. Of even greater concern, though, is that the moral and practical lessons of the Bible accounts under examination may be obscured or lost in all the scrutiny of possible antitypical fulfillments. Thus, we find that our literature today focuses more on the simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, and other vital qualities that we learn about from Bible accounts.

Yet in those prophecies and “details”, from the Rutherford to Fred Franz era, is the WHOLE basis of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial sovereign theme, EVERY truth in the original Kingdom proclamation, and all its sovereign details, comes from prophetic principles and features we need to stay alert to and reserve like “oil” for the future. Bethel is telling everyone to just dump “the details”.

Thus Bethel is not just undermining study of prophecy to conceal their own apostasy detailed in it, they have been covering up prophecy fully since the 3rd United Nations presentation of 1990, and many newer developments that followed that covered up prophecy and its UN developmental milestone are also concealed. Instead Bethel felt it was more advisable to become a United Nations partner in the UN Department of Public Information as an Outreach Division UN NGO global co-promoting “UN Partner” endorser, employing Jehovah’s witnesses, again unknowingly, to help promote UN “public information”. (Awake! 9/8/1991)

Incidentally, it seems covert policy is how Bethel does business these last twenty some years in full force. They still have not told all Jehovah’s witnesses about their UN NGO debacle in official publication. So many Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea the “disgusting thing” related UN NGO is now “standing” right at Bethel, as their UN centerpiece idol of the Governing Body itself. (Matt24:15)

In reality, to stalwart “full-time Bible students”, things are not hard to keep straight, remember and apply. In fact by now these things should be known by all Jehovah’s witnesses like the “back of their hand”. Now as JWs should be progressing past “college calculus” and post graduate studies, Bethel is saying it is now instead time for simple arithmetic division and subtraction, time for some 1st Grade review; its much easier.

Bethel is selling that excuse for lack of their own study plus plenty of apostasy to equal justified retardation as policy, to suggest a plain false presumption, Now Bethel just goes along with the “dumbing down” “path of least resistance” so others accept this spiritual retardation process as now Bethel sets the standard for dumping all of Jehovah’s witnesses deeply explained prophecy, for dumping Jehovah’s witness “oil” reserves right from Bethel’s lead “oil spill”.

Now how can a Jehovah’s witness asset milking, pedophile backing, ice cold shunning “sheep beating”, and UN NGO co-promoting bunch of illegal rogues down at Bethel’s “low sink of debauchery”, talk about “practical lessons” of morality? They slept with the UN, what could be worse? Well the worse is yet to come. (Dan8:13-14) Instead this is “gnat straining” distraction that apostate and terminally transgressed Bethel is promoting, while simply sweeping their global record of reproach and hypocrisy under the rug, and out to the Web—Bethel is who gulps down the rotten UN NGO Camel.

Everything at Bethel fully developing since Fred Franz death, is completely distracting Jehovah’s witnesses from the apostate reality now terminal inside Bethel (2Thess2:3-4, Hos1:4-7). Bethel now distracts Jehovah’s witnesses from the prophecies of that apostasy, as well as its required judgment (Dan8:13-14). And what that judgment starting (1Pet4:17) will signal is also concealed—it will be just the beginning of the final phase of prophecy, not the end of it, for quite some time.

Thus it is not inconsequential or to improve teaching that apostate Bethel is doing these kinds of discrediting and distracting policies, they are covering their own apostasy. In the process they are concealing prophetic details of that manifest apostasy and more related developments yet to come. In the meantime prophetic details of that “yet to come”, is subverted for the Bethel premature “end of the world” expectation into which deluded and distracting expectation all this rationale and apostasy is seated and further concealed. (2Thess2:1-2 signal)

A Simpler Approach to Jesus’ Illustrations13 Has our literature also come to explain Jesus’ illustrations in a simpler, clearer way over the years? The answer is unmistakably yes!

Make no mistake about it, it all been for the best! Yes!

Non sense.

And now Bethel can totally parse, bleach and process one of the most important parables that provides important detail to the temple judgment prophecy, such as Bethel’s modern full coma “nod off” of Matthew 25:5, the “foolish virgin” apostasy, and the divine judgment that makes it all official and the final enlightenment to come forth from all those temple judgment developments!

Now they will bleach, drain and denude the “ten virgins” parable which contains details of the coming temple judgment period that will globally reveal and distinguish the “foolish” from the “discreet” “virgin” in veteran global anointed Christians, the ones who have “nodded off” and yet had access to the original “oil” to reserve or to leave behind. (Matt25:1-13) This in reality the background developments that will determine “foolish” and “discreet” status are now at work in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry prior to the temple judgment.

In reality, consider that Bethel is aiding the process of dumping that “ten virgins” “oil” of original truth in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, by undermining the critical parables and prophecies from within Bethel—as policy.

Watchtower March 15, 2015 pgs. 12-16

Will You “Keep on the Watch”?

What Is the Parable’s Message?

3 We noted in the preceding article that over recent decades, the faithful slave has gradually come to explain the Scriptures with less emphasis on symbolic prophetic pictures and more on practical application. In the past, our literature at times assigned specific symbolic meanings even to small details of Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, including the lamps, the oil, the flasks, and so forth. Is it possible, though, that we were allowing the spotlight to shift from the parable’s simple, urgent message? As we will see, the answer is of vital importance.

Yet if you notice, they never do actually provide the “answer”. They never explain why denuding a parable of deeper meaning, at the climax point of human history, is now advisable—that “urgent message” is now muffled into the Bethel coma of insignificance, not important whatsoever.

Its OK, the “faithful slave” deems this as prudent.

While in pitch-black coma, the Bethel sleeping guard now asks “Will you Keep on the Watch?”. Its almost comical. It is surreal.

Now comatose Bethels acts like they are doing the exact opposite: “keeping on the watch”; to distract attention from the reality now actually taking place at “fallen lamp” Bethel (Rev8:10-11) as they purposely fall fully asleep on the watchtower of their guard. (Isa32:14-15) Now Bethel merely makes a grandiose claim, which they are not carrying out in reality, and that helps delude Jehovah’s witnesses who accept the statement at face value. Being physically awake and all dressed up parroting Bible buzz words and walking on eggshells of  “spiritual correctness” must be the same as being spiritually awake.

Here Bethel has set-up the butchery of the parables true meaning, for their version of the more important “urgent message” as a fake appeal to righteous concern to provide the cover for their desecration of the “ten virgins” parable far greater details.

What is the Parable’s Message?

Well that is not going to be explained; what is going to be “explained” is a drained hollow eggshell of the Bethel dumb-down policy in action, as we had been forewarned of in the previous article, now to butcher the “ten virgins” parable into a Bethel pleasant “sausage” of uselessness and h’orderves of diversion. Nice “evil slave” middle-finger foods for JWs.

In so doing Bethel will maintain (1) their premature end delusion, while (2) telling Jehovah’s witnesses everything is just fine, could not be better, and that (3) most assuredly there is no “evil slave” or “foolish virgins” even possible to be existing at this time.

Is it possible, though, that we were allowing the spotlight to shift from the parable’s simple, urgent message?

Is it possible the “ten virgins” is the final temple judgment parallel of far greater urgency now?

Is it possible that such important details in the “ten virgins” parable, such as RESERVING SOME “OIL” of founded truth, instead, added to the parables urgent message applicable right now for a future phase of “enlightenment”?

Is it possible the future “light” from that “oil” reserve could be important as the end of this system of things gears up for its final cycle to Christ’s arrival and that climax?

Is the “OIL” of valid prophetic understanding, that “lights” up truth when explained, not a critical “detail” to understand?

Is it possible the “gradual” development of sleeping anointed Christians is a relevant development now?

Is it possible that the true determination of “foolish” and “discreet” “virgins” is by a divine judgment coming soon?

Would not the temple judgment meaning parallel of the “ten virgins” theme be an important detail of urgency?

Just what is going to wake up these snoozing “virgins” globally all at the same time? Not important?

Is this not a parable of a final enlightenment mission to precede the Bridegroom Christ arrival after a noticeable “delay” and subsequent anointed Christian slumber?

So we also ask, is Bethel a clear example of the “foolish virgin” central camp and its main bottle of spiritual “sleeping pills”, modern darkness eclipse in action, and the main spillers and abandoners of the critical “oil” of prophetic truth now fully in apostate coma right NOW as plainly shown in such an article’s deceptive import of depleting this ever important “oil”?

So the whole “concerned” premise of Bethel’s justification of stripping all deeper meaning from prophecy and parable principles is a total sham of illogic, it is just a pretext to finish the Jehovah’s witness ministerial ruination process.

The ones allowing the “spotlight” to shift are right in the “Organization” and its ringleader “Governing Body” apostate control apparatus, the main “spot light” attracting distraction: The Governing Body Show. That globally promoted Bethel diversion does far more damage to the ministry and totally distracts from the entire Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial message, in its entirety, for the Bethel global celebrity GB show and its JW circus of modern idolatries.

5 Next, consider the time frame. To what time period did Jesus’ counsel apply? Jesus supplies us with a clear time indicator toward the end of the parable: “The bridegroom came.” Evidently, then, this parable applies during the last days, but its climax comes during the great tribulation.

This “parable applies during the last days” is true, but many details in this “delay” period will be bypassed by Bethel.  For example the detail of just what that extra “oil” will be used for to provide a final enlightenment period is bypassed. Now since there is no such thing as an “evil slave” in Bethel’s new rationale, of course there is no “foolish virgin” applicable to their spiritual coma and its further reaching effects as well.

Now notice how Bethel will just bypass the whole overall story.

That “The bridegroom came” is the conclusion of the overall important time frame of the whole “ten virgins” parable which Bethel will handily totally bypass the actual important details of in this article. The parable is applying to a “time frame” that allows the “delay”, the sleeping “nod off”, and the “cry arose” wake up call in the temple judgment determination climax period of the “foolish” and “discreet” “virgins” about to be determined, in the future, in final form.

In that “time frame” is also the period of enlightenment that final “oil” reserve will allow the “light” for, to elucidate the “way out to meet him” leading to Christ’s actual arrival before he arrives, by use of prophetic details from the 1914-1919 first cycle, the original “oil”. Now Bethel just fast forwards past that whole process as they are the ones teaching Jehovah’s witnesses to dump their own “oil” along with Bethel’s main “oil” spill. Bethel is shown here as those who are actually developing the “foolish virgin” main body globally for the future judgment.


6 What is the parable’s basic message? 

Now what will follow is the required butchery to get to the “basic message” Bethel wants to relay: its all done, no worries! This a delusion aided by subterfuge, while bypassing the more important details of the real “message” of this temple judgment picturing parable.

The whole point of this next section is to appeal to the “faithful and discreet slave” assumption of the Governing Body to also imply there is no problem at Bethel overall or in the anointed Christian condition in specific, it is all just a warning, not a parable that will support prophetic realities, contained in the plot and details of this parable.

Thus Bethel is now extending the “faithful and discreet slave” “there is no evil slave” delusion to apply to all Christian anointed and Jehovah’s witnesses current status as “discreet virgins” overall.

6b Remember the context. Jesus had just discussed his “faithful and discreet slave.” That slave would prove to be a small group of anointed men who would take the lead among Christ’s followers during the last days. Jesus warned those men that they must remain faithful. 

Now Bethel merely refers to their self-approval in their “faithful and discreet slave” latest indoctrination process of the impossibility of their even being an “evil slave” to extend that presumption, and its delusion, into the “ten virgins” following parable for even broader application.

Now that that one foreign “body” “in the temple” equates to the “faithful and discreet slave”, it is surprising the Governing Body, in that newly defined sole “body”, did not apply all five “discreet virgins” as a group to themselves as it is obviously implied in their “new light” rationale. But this is because there is a broader misleading delusion opportunity available in the current “simplification” opportunity, to make the whole of Bethel and the global anointed Christian congregation appear to also be “fully sealed” and fully faithful along the same implied line of reasoning.

Secondly, now that the main blasphemy in the “faithful and discreet slave” is already completed back in July 2012, assumed by the modern Bethel “man of lawlessness” mastermind “head” in the Governing Body, as the Bethel cleric “evil slave” portrays themselves as the “faithful slave” well premature of the final temple judgment (Zech3:1-3), that prophetic signal is complete and the Bethel job of required “lifted up” in “publicly showing himself” blasphemy has also climaxed in that prophetic signal portion now complete.

Now the Governing Body approves themselves to answer, themselves, the question “who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”. At Bethel there is no need of a divine judgment; but by self-approval and self-appointment of themselves is how this question is answered by men, and that is already the complete pinnacle “lifted up” blasphemy to meet the principle signal in 2Thessalonians 2:3-4 in global public “official” manner. The blasphemy is complete in the GB “sitting down” right “in the temple” associated with professed anointed Christians as their implied lords, head and divine leaders. The main modern “man of lawlessness” signal is complete.

(1 Corinthians 4:8) you men already have your fill, do you? you are rich already, are you? you have begun ruling as kings without us, have you?

They indirectly imply, in such a premature assumption, that they are already also in the “discreet virgins” class prematurely as well, and so is all of Bethel, all Christian anointed and all Jehovah’s witnesses also now included in and subject to this latest delusion. The main illustration and the global reality of anointed Christians pictured in this key “delay” period, is fully bypassed. It was all just a warning, no forecast of modern applicable developments of modern apostasy at Bethel.

Thus Bethel is now overriding the truth in the “ten virgins” parable to further the delusion of their divine approval and that everything is fine in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry. It is a total bypass of the parable at the time approaching the final temple judgment.

Thus the Governing Body has already set their main blasphemy “in the temple” as the presumed “faithful and discreet slave”, and over-applying this next parable as well may be a little too “man of lawlessness” revealing, so they opt for the gutting process of the parables final meanings instead to give a false sense of “faithfulness” and “discretion” by association to that latest “faithful slave” blasphemy.

6c Next, he broadened his focus and gave this parable to admonish all his anointed followers in the last days to “keep on the watch” lest they miss out on their precious reward. (Matthew 25:13) Let us now go through the parable and see how the anointed have applied its counsel.

Again Bethel creates an “alls well” delusion by presumption that the anointed have “applied its counsel” rather than “nodded off” in modern times as explicitly shown in the parable.

Now we are actually seeing how the Bethel anointed defection faction of “those leaving the holy covenant” (Dan11:30b) have not applied any of this counsel especially since 1990—they merely claim to do so and that plausibility now aids their “sheepskin” cover. Bethel is the ones “successfully” subverting the truth now:

(Daniel 8:12) 12 And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with misinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is effected for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, misinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” completely successful apostasy)

Bethel regularly claims the diametric opposite of what they are actually manifesting as, in plain sight, for decades at Bethel, for a full “1/3” of the Jehovah’s witness ministry since that 1976 Governing Body coup in “1/3” relation to the overall century long ministry. (Rev8:12) Now they just claim former precedents of “faithfulness” and claims thereof to aid the cover of the real Bethel terminal apostate condition of today.

Since the parable plainly states all the “virgins” “nod off”, we know how the anointed of today, aided by Bethel in such manner, have “applied its counsel” in modern times—they have not—hence the “all of them nodded off” little contradictory detail. Bethel still has Jehovah’s witnesses thinking they can ride in on the coattails of old school 1920s era Jehovah’s witnesses, when in fact today’s Jehovah’s witnesses and the ministry are not in the same spiritual condition. There are probably no Jehovah’s witnesses present who under went that initial judgment period as well.

And this is why this key “delay” has also identified why Jehovah’s witnesses are ripe and qualify for a fresh temple judgment.

Probably no Jehovah’s witness today underwent the first judgment cycle of 1914-1919, so a fresh inspection (Zech3:1-3) and temple judgment is necessary. (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:4-7) This necessity is seen in Bethel’s symptoms of spiritual corruption as well—something beyond has to deal with Bethel whose developmental source is also beyond human. ?(2Thess2:9, Zech3:1-3) Of course apostate Bethel fully bypasses such logic, “all’s good” at Bethel, and they want modern Jehovah’s witnesses thinking likewise.

7 Jesus’ parable stresses that the discreet virgins, unlike the foolish, were ready for the bridegroom’s coming. Why? Because of two qualities: preparedness and vigilance.

Here is more diametric diversion being setup contrary to what the parable is really demonstrating: preserving original “oil” for when the “nap” ends for “preparedness and vigilance” waned in that “nod off”.

“Preparedness and vigilance” are general qualities, true, but not that of “nodded off” “virgins” at the end of the “delay”. In reality ALL the “ten virgins” have fallen spiritually asleep in the “delay”, as we can see these comatose symptoms right at Bethel plainly in this article. The “quality” that distinguishes “foolish” and “discreet” anointed Christians in this final period of judgment is specifically a reserve of “oil” of truth—possessing the potential of future discernment of prophecy to be explained based on the original “oil” for use AFTER the “nap” is ended in a big awakening event.

Thus Bethel also bypasses that important detail of a requirement of a re-enlightenment when this anointed Christian spiritual sleep ends.

That final required quantity of valid “oil” is what will determine the “discreet virgins” at that time of judgment of “God’s house” first, not before, as Bethel is implying aided by this overall erred rationale. (1Pet4:17) That “oil” is required logically to “re-light” the understanding of the full arrival of Jesus Christ after the coming “cry arose” and that “oil” must be burned, again (Rev10:11), for the final witnessing “light” of that period leading to Christ’s arrival. It is not going to be the terminal end as Bethel is attempting to imply in this key overall signal delusion they have created. (2Thess2:1-2)

7b The virgins, assigned to this nighttime vigil to wait for the arrival of the bridegroom, needed to keep their lamps burning and to remain alert throughout the long hours until the exciting event. Unlike the foolish ones, though, five virgins truly prepared themselves, bringing extra oil in their flasks along with their lamps. Have faithful anointed ones likewise proved to be prepared? 8 They have indeed!…

They “truly prepared themselves”, true, yet they also truly “nod off”. Most of those old school Jehovah’s witness anointed Christians are now gone from earth. In reality, NOW, at the end of the “delay”, all of the “virgins” have fallen asleep as a result of the “delay” since the original period of understanding since 1914 that has clearly developed into this post 1976 Bethel slide into now deep slumber, with an illegal “Governing Body” elite “priesthood” and the core UN NGO Bethel based sanctioned “transgression causing desolation”. (Dan8:13, Matt24:15)

What Bethel is doing here is bypassing the “nod off” and reinforcing the delusion that everything is fine in the ministry, that they are totally awake.

In that “nodded off” state, those “lamps” are “about to go out” (Matt25:8), and that is why the real importance is to keep an “oil” supply in reserve for more light later; in the future; that is the whole import of what makes the five “discreet virgins” discerning and acceptable at that temple judgment—they will have the required discernment of the original “oil” truth import, to light it up a second time to full enlightenment (Rev10:11); the second witnessing will re-affirm the first witness. (Revelation 11:1-7 must repeat, hence “TWO” “witnesses”)

Thus Bethel is subverting the truth, to support “foolish virgin” final development by depleting the “oil” with doubt, omission and lies. (Rev2:2, Dan8:12b)

What is being bypassed here is there is a “nodded off” state where ALL the “virgins” fall asleep. Obviously that can be connected to the “delay” since 1914 to be applicable to the modern state of Christian anointed. It is in the mid-seventies that Bethel really started to “nod off”. There is an implied darkening period that develops with this gradual “nap” and “lamps” “about to go out”, and there will be a need later for that “nap” to end in a global anointed Christian awakening, and for that reserved “oil” of some to enlighten the meaning of that “cry arose” period with fresh intensified “light” from that development requiring the said reserve “oil” supply. Bethel bypasses all this simple logic, for an even simpler total bypass of modern prophetic reality.

How much lower can Bethel’s dimmed “lamp” really go? (Rev8:10-11)

(Matthew 6:23b) If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!

“Have faithful anointed ones likewise proved to be prepared?” is the question Christ will be answering, not Bethel, when this judgment precursor arrives in the temple judgment activation “wake up call”. (Dan8:13-14) Obviously we are seeing a judgment requirement being described in this parable for after the modern “delay” that will find “foolish” and “discreet” “virgins” as the outcome, as one group will continue in the dark, and another group will possess the means of more enlightenment that will be required to shine forth to welcome the “bridegroom” during this accelerated final phase of prophecy and more world power developments. (Dan11:42-45)

Hence why the “oil” has a second ignition for more “light” as a very important feature of the parable, in fact the most important feature is LIGHT to come after the sleep has ended. In other words, others will be able to benefit from that enlightenment BEFORE Christ actually arrives. (Rev11:1-10)

Hence why the “light” is required to be lit again, from a very important reserve “oil” supply—the supply Bethel cannot fully drain in all, because their apostasy is also described in that “oil” final enlightening, in part (Rev8:10-11), to be explained later in regard to the “foolish virgin” outcome. Eventually the “five discreet virgins” must expose the Bethel apostasy. (Rev8, Dan9:1-19, Rev2:2, )

Bethel’s modern apostasy and “nod off”, to trigger a final divine judgment, is already a signal repeating principle of all the major judgments in prophecy, and this one is no different. Bethel’s apostasy will require a big judgment, it will be notable enough to wake up all the “virgins” from this protracted Bethel core nap and darkness. And that will have to be explained in that “oil” recharge of the second enlightenment period (Rev8:7-12; Rev10:11), by anointed Christians who have had the opportunity to have stored up extra “oil”, going into the real divine designate mission approval for the second witnessing. (Zech3:4-9)

(Anointed who are too newly anointed to have stored up this “oil” and taken this “nap” of that key “delay”, though still affected by it, can benefit from the “oil” and “light” of the overall second witnessing and see the whole picture as the truth, repeating, in final form, when it comes forth. And so can many others now out in the world to also “see” that “light”.)

(Zechariah 4:2-3) So I said: “I have seen, and, look! there is a lampstand, all of it of gold, with a bowl on top of it. And its seven lamps are upon it, even seven; and the lamps that are at the top of it have seven pipes. 3 And there are two olive trees alongside it, one on the right side of the bowl and one on its left side.”

Thus a final “two olive tress” guaranteed “oil” supply from that Zechariah 4 parallel of Revelation 11 and the final “two witnesses” means the enlightenment and its power will be sufficient for even new anointed, and many others, inexperienced in the whole prophetic framework of classic and modern Jehovah’s witnesses. It is not just the “virgins” Bridesmaids who welcome the Bridegroom, others are in that entourage lighted up by the “virgin” “lamps”.

Many must benefit from this final accelerated enlightenment period when it fully emerges, thus why that extra “oil” in the “discreet virgins” is so important. Its the whole point of making that judgment.

The full sealing of Revelation 7:1-4 is dependent on carrying out this final mission, and due to Bethel apostasy more anointings may be needed, thus the affirmation sealing cannot yet be complete as Bethel implies here later, and elsewhere. Bethel’s goal from Satan has been to try to keep the 144000 full anointing of the remnant in incompletion, for its incompletion makes the Messianic Kingdom completion process also incomplete. Though that objective will fail (Rev14:1), that is the incompletion process Bethel now aids.

Thus the whole point of this parable foregleaming a divine judgment to wake up anointed Christians, and the need for more explanation in that development in “oil” aided “light” in the future is fully bypassed by the Bethel professional apostates. Now once again, the modern Jehovah’s witness ministry is placed on the coattails of the former cleansed, valid and awake anointed Christian ministry of the past, before the “nod off” developed.

8 They have indeed! Throughout the last days, anointed Christians have acted like those discreet virgins, prepared to carry out their assignment faithfully until the end. They count the cost of faithful service, realizing from the outset that their assignment will mean giving up many of the material advantages available in Satan’s world. They devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and serve him, not with some date or deadline in mind, but out of love and loyalty to him and to his Son. They maintain their integrity, refusing to adopt the spirit of this wicked world and its materialistic, immoral, and selfish attitudes. They thus remain ready, steadily shining as illuminators, undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom.—Philippians 2:15.

Mere ear-tickling in modern form, pure rubbish-filler in regard to modern Bethel’s apostasy and attempted corruption of Jehovah’s witnesses enjoying this kind of deluding fantasy. (2Thess2:11-12)

(2 Timothy 4:3-4) 3 For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.

In fact by guarantee of the “delay” period easily seen overall in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, the “virgins” must all fall asleep which is left unaddressed by this expertly subverting Bethel diversion. That “those discreet virgins, prepared to carry out their assignment faithfully until the end” is true, but the doze off is what that devolves into and that is bypassed.

It is no surprise the progressive “nod off” nap under the Governing Body tenure since 1976, as a full corporate and ministerial dictatorship, is what “gradually” produces more and more of this kind of “laughing gas” in print for modern Jehovah’s witnesses to breathe in to join the Bethel core slumber party. And it is for a reason to present the “wake up call” temple judgment events coming, requiring more enlightenment, as simply “the end”—this parable has no modern or final application of the future. By that delusion Jehovah’s witnesses will be left with a hoax that will take time to rectify to reality. (Hos6:1-3, Dan8:14, Isa37:30)

In fact Bethel has immersed itself in the “material advantages available in Satan’s world” and they use Jehovah’s witness assets and slave labor to fund their lawless citadel and to liquidate massive portions, now under way, into other avenues of profiteering. In that aloof isolation and billion dollar insulating program and elite Bethel pampering their own slumber has been made complete and profitable as all that asset accumulation now also hides under a “non-profit” “religion” veneer, temporarily concealing the billion dollar racket Bethel actually has become.

Everything else here is just examples of the “smooth words” that promote this apostasy by deluding Jehovah’s witnesses to the effect Bethel is infallibly “faithful”, “fully sealed” and not instead a full blown signal apostasy hidden under a visual and mythical veneer. (Dan11:32a) This kind of delusion amplification Bethel is now turning up to help conceal Bethel’s actual apostate reality—one condition, apostasy, fuels the other delusional deceptive developments to conceal the reality that can be derived from prophecy and parable parallels. It is now full blown, irreversible, terminal Bethel policy and being applied from within the ministry.

9 The second quality that helps those virgins to be ready is vigilance. Would it be possible for individual anointed Christians to get sleepy during a long nighttime vigil? Indeed. Note that Jesus says of the ten virgins that “they all became drowsy and fell asleep” during the apparent delay of the bridegroom. Jesus knew well that even a willing, eager spirit may be hampered by the weakness of the flesh.

Though Bethel speaks of the generality and possibility of falling asleep, they do not apply it to modern developments in the Jehovah’s witness ministry shown in the parable and in the modern spiritual state of Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses. Thus the Bethel comatose blindness reveals a feature of the parable, but Bethel will not acknowledge it at the same time—of course this is understandable, criminals will not reveal their activities to their victims.

Bethel also diverts attention to “individual anointed Christians”, when in fact the “ten virgins” is ALL anointed Christians worldwide, as a class, who had access to that original “oil”, and who now slumber as a sleeping class. Thus the “five” “foolish” and “five” “discreet” “virgins” are distinct groups of a “discreet” or “foolish” divine judgment determination. Now God and Christ, not Bethel, will make this final determination when this parable becomes true events soon.

(Malachi 3:16-18) At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. 17 “And they will certainly become mine,” Jehovah of armies has said, “at the day when I am producing a special property. And I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him. 18 And you people will again certainly see [the distinction] between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.”

“Vigilance” is not the key final development in the “ten virgins” and their eventual nap, it is the opposite of it. So Bethel just twists the whole import of the parable to suit their air of infallibility, and tries to slip in on the awake ministry of former Jehovah’s witnesses, now fully gone, to extend the modern delusion with more “smooth word” “ear-tickling”. Thus remaining anointed Christian veterans must be in this anointed group class “nod off” overall, anointed that have been in the “delay” and have had access to the original “oil”.

Now Bethel states the reality present in the parable there above. But then they completely bypass the reality of its description for furthering the comforting delusion below:

9b Faithful anointed ones have heeded that implied warning and have worked ever harder to remain vigilant, watchful. In the parable, all the virgins responded to the nighttime shout: “Here is the bridegroom!” But only the vigilant ones endured to the end.

Actually only those WITH EXTRA OIL will endure to the end. (Matt24:13-14) In reality all “ten virgins” are present to the end of the delay and nap, true, but “nodding off” is not endurance. So again the whole parable real warning and indications for today, are depleted for the Bethel continuing delusion. Now this completely misses the whole point. ALL OF THEM FELL ASLEEP! The ONLY “vigilance” is in reserving enough extra “oil” from before the “nap” to light up again, reinvigorated, for the final prelude period to the actual arrival of Christ!

“But only the vigilant ones” retained an “oil” reserve, yet they TOO fell asleep. In reality many “anointed ones have heeded” the Bethel cover up delusion which helps create the sleeping pills for this comprehensive “nod off”. This parable is not about endurance, but a wake up call to reinforce endurance waning for those who keep extra “oil”.

The awakening and revived endurance leads to the final witness in this connection:

(Matthew 24:13-14) But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

Though many anointed are “working ever harder”, even the Bethel organizational system of ritual is now but another time and mind consuming distraction making hard work useless for keeping up on prophecy and the Bethel apostasy. That “hard work” has instead aided the “nap” with many Jehovah’s witness organizational routines unbalancing the time needed to pay attention to prophecy and to really “stay awake” to modern developments—like that United Nations 1990 3rd placement meaning and its UN NGO Bethel endorsement and global co-promotional campaign actually employing “hard working” Jehovah’s witnesses to help spread “public information” about that 3rd UN “New World Order” presentation and initiative.

(Mark 8:36) Really, of what benefit is it for a man to gain the whole world and to forfeit his soul?

(1 Corinthians 9:26-27) Therefore, the way I am running is not uncertainly; the way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air; 27 but I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, that, after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow.

Though busy as can be, Jehovah’s witnesses have fallen into disapproval by Bethel’s off course direction “somehow”. Thus being “busy bees” is not itself keeping spiritually awake, the message must be accurate, not UN NGO laced and full of modern prophetic diversions like this one. In reality Jehovah’s witnesses were so busy they failed to see the “constant feature” going into profanation and rejection.

10 Perhaps the most puzzling part of the parable comes near the end, in the verbal exchange between the foolish and the discreet virgins. (Read Matthew 25:8, 9.) That exchange raises this question: “When in the history of God’s people would faithful ones refuse help to some who asked for it?” The solution to the puzzle presents itself when we again consider the time frame. Recall our clarified understanding that Jesus, the Bridegroom, comes to render judgment near the end of the great tribulation. Is it not likely, then, that this part of the parable focuses on what happens just prior to that climactic judgment? It would seem so, for by that time the anointed will have received their final sealing.

So the whole “great tribulation” nearly transpires and only then do “foolish virgins” ask for more “oil”? Non sense. And yet “five foolish virgins” have failed the anointing, making an incompletion present, and thus a final anointing “fill in” necessary, yet this parable supports the Bethel myth of the final affirmation sealing completed? Also non-sense.

What Bethel is doing here is trying to sell what will be the “tribulation of those days” as if it is “the end”, prematurely, as part of the premature “the end” delusion campaign which enables a hoax development to envelope Jehovah’s witnesses when these events actually manifest soon.

In effect the “five discreet virgins” must provide a final mission of enlightenment (Rev10:11, Zech3:6-8) to also complete the anointed number in general and the final affirmation sealing through that final mission, just beginning, just being prepared when the “ten virgins” are awakened and start to “put their lamps in order”.

The “ten virgins” is actually about the temple judgment and its awakening to purify and recover some anointed Christians from the Bethel apostasy well before Christ’s actual arrival and Armageddon. (Rev8-9) That is the purpose of the “five discreet virgins” having enough extra “oil” to provide MORE enlightenment BEFORE the Bridegroom actually arrives! Of course others must benefit from that light. Bethel bypasses the whole “ten virgins” parable truth, to instead use it to reinforce their “Jehovah’s day is here” signal delusion of 2Thessalonians 2:1-2.

Bethel also bypasses what it is that awakens the “virgins” with that “cry”—the temple judgment and the start of the “tribulation of those days”.

It is at the beginning of the “tribulation of those days” that more “oil” will be lighted up in final enlightenment through that period, for it is the obvious final segway as indicated in key prophecy that fully transpires directly into Christ’s arrival. Thus this is the period the “discreet virgins” MUST deploy that re-enlightenment final required mission during the progress of:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation segway to Christ’s arrival ends before Christ arrives) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (Rev7:1-4 parallel), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

Thus in reality much more must transpire in the “ten virgins” wake up period during that “tribulation of those days”, BEFORE Christ arrives.

The “that climactic judgment” of Armageddon implied there by Bethel way too soon (2Thess2:1-2), is preceded instead by this temple judgment “discreet virgin” determination needed to wake up ALL the “virgins” “in the middle of the night”, because more “light” will be needed before Christ arrives.

Obviously removing the Bethel misleading apostasy then becomes necessary first—hence the temple judgment events and 1 Peter 4:17. Thus the Bethel apostasy also must end and be exposed fully, long before the world system. (Matt13:36-42, 2Thess2:8) Those events are going to be very “awakening”, but not all, only the “discreet virgins”, will be able to illuminate its real meaning and that the final cycle of prophecy and world power developments has just begun. (Dan11:42-45, Rev8-11, Rev15-16, Hag2:7)

And that “discreet virgin” “oil” reserve is what is eventually re-ignited in “discreet virgin” anointed Christian “lamps” to “light” the way to understand the full details of the arrival of Christ to come after that required period of full explanation, before Christ fully arrives. And as also shown in other supporting prophecies, that is a short, yet significant period of required “second witness” global proclamation. (Rev10:5-11; Zech3:4-9)

Thus everything in final prophecy is hinging upon the temple judgment activation in the future. Bethel’s apostasy is the indication of that temple judgment. Hence why Bethel now brazenly conceals their apostasy from any detection in the key prophecy and supporting parables. They are trying to conceal the whole prophecy and its required final cycle of fulfillment.

Bethel is fully bypassing the “discreet virgin” REQUIREMENT to “light up” that “oil” reserve to enlighten the certainty and final details of Christ’s full arrival for a final warning period before he arrives. And Bethel is thus also bypassing the time required to complete that final enlightenment period just prior to Christ’s arrival, as a final warning. Hence why lawless and compromised Bethel also promotes the premature end delusion instead, to help conceal this reality as they warp everything in modern Jehovah’s witnesses teachings on prophecy and parables to support that main covering and diverting delusion.

The whole point of that final “Bridegroom” welcoming procession of light is to let people know of the certain Christ arrival, to fully enlighten the details of that arrival, before it occurs (Matthew 25:6-7:) “Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him. Then all those virgins rose and put their lamps in order”.

The “five discreet virgin” “lamps” are put in order to prepare to enlighten this key segway to Christ’s arrival, not yet fully manifest at the time of the “cry arose”, for the key period BEFORE Christ actually arrives.

That “lamp” preparation takes some time. This also takes time: “While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived” (Matt25:10). This implies this “while” is also a short time period in which the “five foolish virgins” are searching around for a means of enlightenment, that only the “five discreet virgins” will actually have. A compromise is first sought, but the “discreet virgins” will not compromise for half truths, and will be shining forth to eventual fullness to precede Christ’s full arrival. (Rev11:1-7) In that “while they were going off to buy” the “foolish virgins” are seeking other light sources, other “oil”, before Christ actually arrives. They do return, but they arrive too late, after the Bridegroom has by then sealed the final number “and the door was shut” thus proceeding with the final “gathering” first “the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast”. (Matt24:31, 1Thess4:17, Rev16:17, Rev11:11-12)

Now Bethel simply bypasses the added detail of the “tribulation of those days” as they have for the last decade fully:

11 So, then, before the great tribulation starts, all the faithful anointed on earth will have received their final sealing. (Revelation 7:1-4) From then on, their calling is sure.

Bethel here implies the “tribulation of those days” is the same as the “great tribulation”, which it is related, but in totality of meaning it is not the same thing. The “tribulation of those days” is the initial phase of the greater overall development of the “great tribulation” that has to continue to climax under 8th King world government also culminating.

The “tribulation of those days” is upon the “holy city” specifically, though developing in a greater global context. Thus the Daniel 8:14 first “trampling” (in profaned state) and Daniel 11:2 final “trampling” (in purified state), from 8th King powers enroute to world government, is what defines the “tribulation of those days”. Christ arriving after the “tribulation of those days” has ended, and him “cutting short the days” of the whole period that must progress after the “tribulation of those days”, right in the context of the Matthew 24:29-31 prophecy, is what also shows the difference between these periods. Christ does not “cut short” the “tribulation of those days”, it resolves even before he arrives.

The “tribulation of those days” must include the full Daniel 8:14 temple judgment timing, and the Revelation 11:2-3 final warning mission timing also the Daniel 12:7 parallel. That is the significance of what Christ prophesied and termed the “tribulation of those days” distinctly. This Daniel 12:7 1260 day parallel is because Daniel 11:41 will climax in that Daniel 8:13 first “trampling”, and Daniel 11:42-45 in 8th King “King North” fulfillment towards full world government must merge into Daniel 12 live and real-time, for its final fulfillment, hence arriving at Daniel 12:7.

As the 8th King achieves world government, the final Daniel 12:11 “disgusting thing” placement will manifest as the final “trampling” ceases that cleansed “two witnesses” final warning (Rev11:7), thus enabling fully Christ’s arrival of Revelation 11:11-12 and hence why Matthew 24:29 leads to Matthew 24:30-31 which is that Revelation 11:11-12 “gathering” event parallel.

This is also why that Revelation 11:7 “wildbeast ascends from the abyss” repeats Revelation 17:8-11 “the wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss” as the whole Revelation 17:8-18 sequence is that final world government progression to define the 8th King symbolic “one hour” of full world government.

Thus Babylon the Great is deposed at that time under full 8th King world government to aid the world “peace and security” effect fully. (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12-19, 1Thess5:1-3). Babylon the Great does not go down first, Bethel’s apostasy does, and that is why Bethel also uses that delusion to aid the cover of their own judgment.

The “tribulation of those days” is a key and critical transition into 8th King world government that also has to complete before Christ arrives.

Accordingly, Bethel fails to explain just why Jesus Christ described the “tribulation of those days” in a unique manner of terminology and sequence. Jesus did not say the “great tribulation” must end before he arrives as per Matthew 24:29, he said the “tribulation of those days” is to fully resolve first, and he described it with a unique phrase related to, but different than the “great tribulation”.

There is a reason why this is termed in this manner before the “four winds” of Matthew 24:31 is mentioned as the development Christ send his angels forth into to “gather” all the sheep, anointed and earthly, logically after the “tribulation of those days” has ended. The “four winds” develops under full 8th King world government in that “hour” of Revelation 17:12 and its Revelation 8:9-19 parallel. Because the final warning mission is then complete, so is the final affirmation sealing in that required mission also the key completion finalized as per Revelation 7:1-4 and Revelation 11:7.

Thus Bethel is attempting to bypass a very important distinction. In so doing Bethel is attempting to equate the “tribulation of those days” with the “conclusion of the system of things” which would be premature. (2Thess2:1-2); What the “tribulation of those days” is actually in part, is the distinctly termed phase and critical transition period, to be globally notable, directly preceding Christ’s actual full arrival. Thus why this period can be used for final enlightenment, and why it is not “the end” as Bethel tries to abort the whole ministry in its ever important final warning mission.

That “tribulation of those days” parallels the period of the “wake up call”, the “lamp” preparation, the implied “refill” of “oil” and the final enlightenment of that required final reception of the “Bridegroom’s” arrival. Thus Bethel is also bypassing that “be on your way out to meet him” period, and its requirement of more enlightenment based on that reserve “oil”. Thus Bethel is denying, by not mentioning, all the most important elements of the “ten virgins” parable for an ambiguous over-simplified explanation that just reinforces their premature end delusion and aids failing the final mission, by being totally unaware of its requirement. (Rev10:11)

Secondly, if there is a required “five foolish virgin” fall out, the “final sealing” cannot be complete for even the full anointing will now also be incomplete in those that qualified for this “delay”, “nod off” and failure to reserve extra “oil”. Thus we have a great hint the sealing is not complete as the temple judgment starts, and instead anointed defection fall out will be culminating.

No way can “five foolish virgins” fall away, in a complete “ten virgins” context, and yet “all the faithful anointed on earth will have received their final sealing… From then on, their calling is sure”. More Bethel borne total delusion. The opposite is present in the parable, a falling away is being finalized by the temple judgment, logically requiring final anointings to be aided by this final period of enlightenment. Bethel corruption has instead ensured the final sealing is impossible at this time, because the final anointing itself has to be incomplete at this time, and Bethel’s apostasy only aids such a severe development.

Literally, it is as if the Devil wrote this Bethel article.

The required anointed alternates must yet be anointed, or newly anointed (not actually present in the delay, but affected by its nap) and must yet be aligned for that awareness to be aided by this final “wake up call”, and the extra light, from those that qualified for this “nap” and the “discreet virgins” class. The final replacements will have to also carry out the more inclusive “two witnesses” final warning commission that parallels the final Bridegroom reception phase of final enlightenment.

In that “little scroll” commission being completed, during that “tribulation of those days”, is the final sealing anointing full affirmation by mission completion, which will bring the “four winds” of Matthew 24:30-31 (Rev7:1-4 parallel) to enablement, as shown, after the Matthew 24:29 “tribulation of those days” expires, as shown, BEFORE Christ arrives, as the “five discreet virgin” parallel final reception phase is in that distinctly noted phase leading to Christ’s arrival.

The “tribulation of those days” not only leads to Christ’s “gathering” arrival, it leads to those “four winds” of the Matthew 24:31 and Revelation 7:1-4 parallel under the completing 8th King “one hour” of world government culminating Revelation 11:8-18 fully. It is 8th King world government that darkens the national sovereign “celestial lights” “in sun. moon and stars” by the “new world order” being fully implemented.

It is the Messianic Kingdom completion that will put the 8th King “new world order” lights out as well, because that manifests in this same period of transition (Rev6:12-17) but that full conquest of Christ takes time, all the “sheep” must be secured first. This is why the “sign of the Son of Man” is also a key detail in this prophecy, the anointed “sheep”, not all, will see that “sign” first as it parallels Revelation 11:11-12 parallel meaning.

The “tribulation of those days” is the “abyss” of UN inactivity that must come, that the “scarlet wildbeast” ascends from in Revelation 11:7 to end that “two witnesses” final witnessing of this “five discreet virgin” reception of Christ final ministry. Revelation 11:7 also parallels the final fulfillment of Revelation 17:8-11 leading to the world government sovereign consolidation culmination of Revelation 17:11-18 and that “one hour” of completed 8th King “power and authority” of Revelation 17:12.

Thus Bethel is fully bypassing the final ministry requirement while bypassing the whole final cycle meaning leading not to the end prematurely, but to 8th King world government completion and Christ’s arrival after that key diametric sovereign culmination in final form. Since 1914-1919 produced a world war that led to a world government foundation presentation into which the “first witness” Kingdom ministry also deployed concurrently all in prophecy, as the master principle pattern soon to repeat, Bethel is already not using that original “oil”, to explain the final cycle upon the same pattern.

Thereby, even now, Bethel has no extra “oil” to enlighten this final cycle full meaning and ministerial requirement:

(Revelation 10:10-11) And I took the little scroll (final Kingdom sovereign proclamation details, in the “oil”, to be explained as final “light” global enlightenment) out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (“discreet virgin” final mission parallel)

And that “prophesy again” coming up in the future, is the “five discreet virgins” final enlightenment phase from the extra “oil” of prophecy, being “lit up” in a final “two witnesses” explanation. That it is repeating principles, cycles and prophecy greatly aids beforehand, what the final cycle is really meaning, even now.

Thus Bethel concealing the apostasy signal principle, in its own typical precursor maturation cycle, also aids the lack of awareness of the overall global cycle now also showing signs of repetition that must activate fully at some time in the future. The events that transpire with that final warning, will give evidence of Christ’s arrival as being certain due to the nature, and prophecy, of these final sovereign events equating to 8th King world government completing first, before Christ arrives.

Therefore, reserve your “oil” of the truth now, of that 1914-1919 cycle in prophecy, prophecy that will repeat to completion of both 8th King world government and the full Messianic Kingdom by completion of all 144000,whose final sealing of the remnant of that “body”, will complete with the “five discreet virgins” final ministry.

That Messianic Kingdom full completion, allows Christ to become “King of kings” in that final Kingdom development, and that allows Christ to also be the “head stone” crowning “stone” of the full “Temple” as per Zechariah 3:6-9 and Zechariah 4:6-9, as the required 144000 completion enables that final Christ crowning and the completion of the Kingdom and Temple finalities. (Rev11:15-19) From their the sovereign issue of planet Earth can be resolved upon a complete 8th King rival, by a complete Messianic Kingdom conquering universal government.

11b But think about the years before the tribulation begins. What would happen to anointed ones who failed to remain watchful, who lost their integrity?

Now Bethel shifts attention from their own apostate reality, “in the temple”, in the central ministerial leadership (2Thess2:3-4), out to the pews to individual “anointed ones” which creates a diversion from the central location of the problem. (Rev8:10-11)

All the prophetic apostasies that lead to a divine judgment occur in the main central ministerial leadership in Bible prophecy; and that is why Bethel diverts attention from their role in Biblical scale apostasy, for focus on external individuals.

The “the years before the tribulation begins” is in the “delay” where a “nod off” is actually fully foretold in this prophetic parable. Global sleeping anointed Christians are not “watchful” by default in this parable, and that is in the parable itself, and needs to be recovered to spiritual consciousness in time.

It is the period AFTER that “nod off” ends that is of central importance in this parable.

Again Bethel just bypasses reality by use of their self-justified simplification process. They are “simplifying” the removal of the most important warnings and guaranteed developments in this parable. Thus we are seeing this exact “lamp about to go out” condition at Bethel, plainly demonstrated publicly, in this kind of empty “smooth word” explanation (Dan11:32a), actually encouraging this “nod off” to continue.

Thus “What would happen to anointed ones who failed to remain watchful, who lost their integrity?” is they can now repent in the “wake up call” period and get back on track, as is the point of the parable; a sleep, and awakening, and a “light” mission resumed. Though not all will have the extra “oil” as shown in the parable, Bethel is bypassing the real meaning of the parable to continue promoting the sleep and the premature end delusion aiding it to the effect when the “tribulation of those days” starts, it is too late. In fact when the “tribulation of those days” starts, the “wake up call” goes forth, and a final mission of enlightenment must instead fully form and deploy to warn fully of Christ’s impending arrival, and the final milestone events that will precede it.

Thus Bethel is attempting to abort the final Christ welcoming ministry by use of a plausibility enabling the main delusion.

In reality, carrying out this final “oil” reserve light up is what will itself determine the “discreet” anointed, and the final sealing mission (Rev10:10-11) during the “tribulation of those days”. The “tribulation of those days” is the first phase of “great tribulation” that leads to the “four winds” final “great tribulation” phase of Matthew 24:31 (Rev7:1-4) after the “tribulation of those days” has resolved. Thus the “nap” is now—in the “ten virgins” awakening is when vigilance is to be renewed. Bethel just bypasses the most important message of the parable to continue to aid the anointed Christian nap they typify and create the root development of.

That is how the final “light up” mission of the “five discreet virgins”, as the second “two witness” parallel (Rev10:11), in that final pre-Christ arrival period, carries out the task to complete the full anointing number and to enable the final anointed affirmation sealing, and that is why Christ arrives AFTER the “tribulation of those days” has ended. That is why the “four winds” also develop after that tribulation transition has completed.

Igniting that final enlightenment from that reserve “oil” is what will complete the sealing affirmation in the “five discreet virgins” and any newer anointed brought in to the awareness and mission fully who did not have the opportunity to be in the first enlightenment phase from before this “nap”, not being actually in this “delay” process. The whole “ten virgins” progression, for “foolish” and “discreet” complete outcomes, will be mostly completed in the “tribulation of those days” well before Christ arrives (to take in approved virgins and “shut the door” of that anointing process), and thus it is not “at the end” of that phase that Christ arrives, as if it is still in progress,  but fully after it has fully resolved into 8th King world government, like the 1914-1919 first cycle principle. (Matt24:29-31)

Christ ends the 8th King world government “four winds” period, “cutting short the days” (Matt24:21-22) of the overall “great tribulation” that the “tribulation of those days” is the signal first phase of leading to that key transition into full 8th King world government and its full “one hour” of full global authority. The “tribulation of those days” is not the context of “the end”, but of the final warning developing with great global evidence in order to SAVE people, by their awakening as well, to the need and opportunity for repentance. (Hag2:7)

In that 8th King total global domination period is when the “four winds” phase emerges after the full sealing of the “remaining ones of her seed” during the “tribulation of those days”. That will aid completing the 144000 sealing, ready for full Christ “gathering” in that “four winds” period fully active. (Matt24:31) This is why Revelation 7:1-4 and Matthew 24:31 parallel the use of the “four winds” phrase and meaning, and how we know the “four winds” comes after the “tribulation of those days” as part of 8th King global domination period for the symbolic “one hour”. (Rev17:8-18)

Christ is not being redundant here in using “four winds” and “from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity” meanings as if they are the same thing:

(Matthew 24:29-31) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of full 8th King world government final agenda), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

Prophecy is from God and very precise. The “four winds” here, and in the Bible, is more than just a meaning of worldwide extent, it is the key purposeful phrase to relate to the same Revelation 7:1-4 “four winds” period. Full uni-polar 8th King world government is far more dangerous than the “tribulation of those days” leading to that full consolidation of global “power and authority”. That is how the 8th King and its main architect in the “two horned wildbeast” “out of the earth” are the same “earth” source of that more severe “four winds of the earth” period (Matt24:21-22, Dan11:44, Dan8:25) as the 8th King goes into its full global agenda with no restraints of national sovereigns. (Rev17:11-18)

The “tribulation of those days” is the “abyss” 8th King full “scarlet wildbeast” world government “ascends” from as Revelation 11:7 parallels Revelation 17:8-11, “ascending” into full global authority.

Those are very important details Bethel simply fully bypasses while instead reinforcing their premature end delusion—which itself is an explicit sign of who they are, for this is Bethel’s main covering and deluding delusion now present right in Bethel’s teaching objective:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. (prematurely) 3 Let no one (such as Bethel) seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the (Bethel) man of lawlessness gets revealed…

The final sealing parallel is in the final acceptance implied by “the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut” at the end of that final warning ministerial period completed, thus after the “five discreet virgins” have fully carried out the final mission (Rev10:11) to the full arrival of Jesus Christ.

What Bethel is attempting to do is toss Jehovah’s witnesses into a great global cycle beginning to lead to 8th King world government over several final years, and then Christ’s arrival, as if it is the terminal end well premature of reality. (2Thess2:1-2) Instead, for some time, Jehovah’s witnesses will be in a hoax that will further distract them, nothing Bethel is saying will actually manifest as “the end”, but their end will manifest. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses will have to deal with all this thinking it is one thing, when something entirely different is what is actually manifesting and must go on for several years.

In this Jehovah’s witnesses can be stuck in a “middle of the night” hoax and further delayed until God and Christ judge, remove and “reveal” the “evil slave” “foolish virgin” Bethel based “man of lawlessness” apostasy that is now concealing all this detail. And in that recovery of truth, from the Bethel “the lie” and “operation of error”, after that “ten virgin” “wake up call”, the final OIL-TO-LIGHT of the “discreet virgins” will enlighten by explanation of what has really been going on as the “lawless one” is fully revealed, “thrown into the darkness outside” and eventually fully deposed. (2Thess2:8, Rev8:10-11, Am9:1-3)

In reality Bethel is the headquarters and global base of the final signal apostasy of modern times.

11b The discreet virgins refused to give up their oil for the sake of the foolish, telling them to go instead to the sellers of oil. Remember, though, it was “in the middle of the night.” Would they be able to find sellers of oil at that hour? No. It would simply be too late.

This is logical, but it is prematurely placed in the progression as Bethel has done in this final part of their deluding explanation. There are many now selling “oil”, various explanations of this final cycle, even some attempting to explain this Bethel apostate development. So the “sellers of oil” will exist at that time, as the “five discreet virgins” will not compromise their supply to fuel inaccurate explanations. In this time period those to make the final “foolish” class will never find nor give the proper explanation. Bethel is a principle of bunk “oil sellers” now, but their error will fail before it can continue to be used to mislead Jehovah’s witnesses and others further.

But for it too fully fail to the point Jehovah’s witnesses start to realize something is not right here, will logically take time and the great failure of the forecast itself has to fully transpire. Bethel’s “trampling” in a judgment first, can aid that awareness, as they end but everything else continues on as per prophecy. Bethel’s current “oil” is of course useless to provide actual enlightenment for that temple judgment period. But their apostasy being revealed fully will affirm the final cycle will have begun and it is all foretold in the very prophecies and parables Bethel is now butchering and burying, “throwing truth to the earth” as per Daniel 8:12.

Since this is a judgment with a call for repentance the enlightenment from the extra “oil” can be used to reinforce the discretion of those coming into the influence of the “discreet virgin” group. The final “oil” will be based on the original prophetic “oil” and its original enlightenment merely repeating in the final cycle, in final form. In reality the current Bethel delusion is one of those now “selling” now useless “oil”, while dumping the original “oil” supply in the same process; critical “oil” that already outlines the final cycle principles present in the first cycle of 1914-1919.

12 Likewise, during the great tribulation, faithful anointed ones cannot help any who had turned unfaithful.

Now Bethel wants to set a presumption to cut off straggling Jehovah’s witnesses in this period.

Really by the time the “tribulation of those days” phase begins with the temple judgment, as far as Jehovah’s witnesses’ deluded perceptions are concerned, the only “unfaithful ones” Bethel is setting up here, will be those condemned by Bethel’s inquisition and disfellowshipping procedure. So slyly, what Bethel is doing is impressing in Jehovah’s witnesses the need to withhold aid from any former Jehovah’s witnesses.

(Matthew 25:42-43) For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’

Of course this reserves more resources for the central Bethel predators in a period that will provide very trying times on the Jehovah’s witnesses “worldwide organization” on down to the asset stripped congregations. Though that “goat” judgment is well after God will give full opportunity for now deluded Jehovah’s witnesses to repent, it is the same principle. Bethel is trying to get Jehovah’s witnesses to share their “goat” attitudes towards the brothers, anointed or not, to withhold aid in the “tribulation of those days”. In that period, the final enlightening will change the direction of this kind of warped Bethel rationale, so many can help each other out, rather than take Bethel’s self-righteous attitudes that it is all done and their “cooling off” icy “mercy” is somehow Christian behavior.

In the process some Jehovah’s witnesses can fall under this self-righteous attitude and not help the “least of these my brothers” in the beaten and abused “sheep” Bethel has strewn across the globe for decades in their harmful lawless wake. Thus corrupted and self-righteous Bethel is attempting to drag Jehovah’s witnesses into serious transgressions with themselves to “beat their fellow slaves”, to carry on into the period in and after Bethel’s downfall in the temple judgment.

Thus Bethel is attempting to set-up every deception and assumption possible to influence Jehovah’s witnesses into serious transgression in a period of actually divine judgment as God and Christ will be assessing love and mercy, which is devoid at Bethel, thus can lead to being devoid in those influenced by their mixed lawlessness. (Rev8:10-11) The “wormwood” at Bethel is evidenced by injustice that has become policy that many Jehovah’s witnesses accept and defend due to being misled. (2Thess2:11-12)

(Amos 5:6-7) Search for Jehovah, and keep living, that he may not become operative just like fire, O house of Joseph, and it may not actually devour, and Bethel may not be with no one to extinguish [it], 7 O you who are turning justice into mere wormwood, and the ones who have cast righteousness itself to the earth.

(Revelation 8:11) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter.

Thus the “gradual” progression of lawlessness and error at Bethel, with no changes in outward appearance revealing the transformation (2Cor11:13-15), will have serious negative effects on some people, and will set up a basis of the temple judgment being fully required.

In the process Bethel will also be dragging Jehovah’s witnesses into further “sheep beating” transgression with themselves, as Jehovah’s witnesses instead support the Bethel “evil slave” for as long as this darkness goes on for (Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3), for as long as is possible for the Bethel impostors and apostates to carry out this final ministerial downfall process; but it does lead to the foretold total truth recovery as well. (Rev9-11:1-7)

13 In view of the foregoing, what may we conclude? Was Jesus saying that many of his anointed servants would prove unfaithful and need to be replaced? No. Remember, he had just warned his “faithful and discreet slave” never to turn into an evil slave. That did not mean that he expected such an outcome.

This implies prophecy concerning signal apostasy is now invalid (Dan8:11-14, Dan11:30-35, 2Thess2:1-4) for Bethel has irreversibly rescued all human righteousness, they are the end all of infallible “faithfulness”, they cannot go bad, impossible—the parables and prophecies must have another meaning other than that explicitly depicted in the illustration. And so apostate Bethel itself gives us the new meaning to suit their self-glorified infallibility to further conceal their apostate reality.

This logically implies all warnings of unfaithfulness are simply impossible to be applied to infallible Bethel; that anything Jesus warns about, Bethel strictly obeys, guaranteed. There is only a “warning” in the parable, not a guaranteed judgment based on guaranteed developments and its main “faithful” and “evil” determinations to be made known by God in that judgment sequence, first. (1Pet4:17) There is no need to suspect otherwise, the basic plot of the parable has another meaning altogether, and it must instead be made to fit with Bethel’s flawless spirituality myth. Non sense and outright deception!

In fact minus the misleading “simplification” of apostate Bethel the “ten virgins” is a parable that outlines the consequences of Bethel’s own apostasy clear as day in the illustration—some anointed Christians will be “oiless” aided by a greater discrediting campaign that “foolish virgin” and “evil slave” Bethel aids by the doubts that arise with their global hypocrisy and record of criminal activity plastered all over the Web.

And further that parable parallels greater details of the temple judgment sequence and the modern apostasy that is to be revealed in the process, the “operation of error”, that is now terminally active and matured inside of Bethel. Thus Bethel is promoting spiritual death-dealing attitudes of total slumber in broad daylight, merely “slipped in” and under a once valid Jehovah’s witness ministry to corrupt it undercover “gradually” so as to avoid outright detection. (Jude 3-4) Since the prophecies of this modern apostate development are what fully expose the apostate Bethel internal developments, Bethel subverts those exact prophecies effectively. (Dan8:11-12, Dan11:30-32a)

In the meantime, Bethel attempts to corrupt Jehovah’s witnesses to gradually adopt their well imbibed lawless attitudes:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Thus we have a direct parallel to what aids “foolish virgin” development, right at Bethel the lead “foolish virgin” and modern “evil slave” hidden in plain sight. But it also forms a basis for the temple judgment and its “foolish” and “discreet” determination purpose, for a truth recovery period to emerge from that “wake up call” event.

In fact the 50/50 split of this whole Christian anointed group in “five” “foolish” and “five” “discreet” “virgins” guarantees the corrupting and deluding influence of modern Bethel of the last 37 years of gradual Governing Body led subversion will indeed have a dire effect on some: “it acted and had success” (Dan8:12), it has “acted effectively”. (Dan11:30b) The last twenty years of this subversion are the worst as far as full diversion from modern global developmental and spiritual reality.

But the “discreet virgins” will also “act effectively”:

(Daniel 11:32b) But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively.

It is the post Fred Franz last twenty years in which the Governing Body and Bethel truly began deluding Jehovah’s witnesses fully, and fully condoning many spiritual crimes including the UN NGO, pedophile aiding and abetting, and stone cold shunning policies, among others. In the process Bethel has to subvert prophecies with the key details of their apostasy, (Dan8:12) and when it developed to full blown with that 3rd UN presentation cover-up of 1990 (Dan11:30-32) and its UN NGO “transgression causing desolation”. (Dan8:13)

Of course seeing a multi-billion dollar corporation constantly asking Jehovah’s witnesses for more and more money and milking all forms of assets from Jehovah’s witnesses as described in detail in their documented begging articles, is further evidence of the greed that drives the Bethel “rich man” elites. (James 5:1-6, Isa1-12, Isa28) It is even more suspect when Bethel is also liquidating over half a billion in real-estate assets in New York state alone in the last five years up to 2014’s end. (Who knows what the global numbers are over the last decade) And yet Bethel also strips the congregations of their funds and assets.

Thus it is no surprise the terminal apostates of Bethel would put forth this type of grand delusion to be swallowed hook, line and sinker by sleeping and distracted Jehovah’s witnesses, now having undergone a twenty year long dumb-down program Bethel is just now admitting publicly.

13b Similarly, this parable conveys a powerful warning. Just as five virgins were foolish and five were discreet, each anointed one has the full capacity to choose either a course of preparedness and vigilance or a course of folly and unfaithfulness.

Again, Bethel distracts all attention outward, from their apostate locale, to the pews. In fact the WHOLE Bethel ministerial leadership is who more importantly “has the full capacity to choose either a course of preparedness and vigilance or a course of folly and unfaithfulness”, and as this article shows unfaithfulness and well disguised folly is how the “lifted up” leaders at Bethel accomplish this spiritual tragedy in the making. They even proclaim themselves “faithful” and “discreet” in all regards premature of the divine judgment that actually makes that determination.

15 All Christians may also benefit from the main event in Jesus’ parable.

True. But Bethel just bypassed the entire teaching lesson in the “ten virgins” parable: faithfulness, apostasy and judgment, for their own deluded “smooth word” subterfuge of reality, instead, actually supporting the concealment of their apostasy, the requirements of the final cycle, while using the whole ambiguity to instead continue to promote their premature end delusion.

15b After all, who of us is not excited about that prospective marriage? The anointed will be there in heaven; after the war of Armageddon, they will become Christ’s bride. (Revelation 19:7-9) Everyone then on earth will benefit from that heavenly marriage, for it guarantees a perfect government for all. Whatever our hope for the future, whether heavenly or earthly, let us be resolved to learn the vital lesson of the parable of the ten virgins. Let us prove ready by preparing our hearts and keeping steadfast, ever vigilant, so that we may enjoy the glorious future that Jehovah has in store for us!

Now Bethel merely caps it all off with an ear-tickling exhortation that they themselves have been ignoring for decades as the “bad association” that now is attempting to corrupt all anointed Christians and many others, while giving an oft repeated and re-plagiarized pretense of being true Christians. Now the plain as day set-up, now present at Bethel, as contained in this prophetic parable, is simply fully bypassed by the silver tongues of modern apostate Bethel proving their “lamp” is already out and has been out since Fred Franz died, but was being extinguished “gradually” by the dictators in the Governing Body since that 1976 subversion cell was fully formed, they still use a little truth, to help dispense their “operation of error”:

(Revelation 8:10-11) And the third angel blew his trumpet. (temple judgment alarm explanations) And a great star burning as a lamp fell from heaven (those leaving the holy covenant at Bethel. Dan11:30-32), and it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. (Bethel’s teachings are polluted, profanation of Daniel 11:31a, Dan8:12, Zech3:1-3) 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. (the whole “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” Bethel and Governing Body misled JW “earth” system and ministry) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. (the effects of the Bethel apostasy are spiritually toxic);

Sandwich of Delusion

Now Bethel completes this months Sandwich of Delusion with further justification of the Jehovah’s witness dumb-down campaign to cap off this section of the issue prior to desecrating the illustration of the talents and the “sheep and goats”.

Questions From Readers

However, even where the Bible indicates that someone is a type of someone else, we should not conclude that every detail or incident in the life of the type is a picture of something greater. For example, although Paul tells us that Melchizedek is a type of Jesus, Paul says nothing about the fact that on one occasion Melchizedek brought out bread and wine for Abraham to enjoy after he had defeated four kings. Hence, there is no Scriptural basis for finding a hidden meaning in that incident.

In fact this is an example of the level of Bethel blindness. The foursquare “four kings” is a reference to the 8th King system world government deposition, as Christ (Melchizedek anti-type) will bring out perfect human “bread and wine” for God’s (Abraham’s anti-type) restorative actions on mankind through Jesus Christ. (Matt19:28)

The reason Bethel wants to “avoid” insight in scriptures according to the farsighted tradition Fred Franz helped maintain and taught, is because apostates at Bethel have no insight, and neither do the impostors; others must also help them produce the content, for the GB to reduce to the formulaic drivel of processed “smooth word” hypnotism in print. That much is expert produced, it cannot be accidental now.

The ones that deeper meanings are not revealed to has been Bethel since Fred Franz death; and this is for several reasons relating to unfaithfulness, massive transgression affecting millions of people (Dan8:13), the idolatry of the Governing Body and the “Organization” and their selfish seizure of Bethel to form their modern day spiritual dictatorship to produce their own fame and glory as the real centerpiece of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry.

(Isaiah 1:10-12) Hear the word of Jehovah, you dictators of Sodom. Give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah. 11 “Of what benefit to me is the multitude of your sacrifices?” says Jehovah. “I have had enough of whole burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed animals; and in the blood of young bulls and male lambs and he-goats I have taken no delight. 12 When you people keep coming in to see my face, who is it that has required this from your hand, to trample my courtyards?

Now Bethel sets a new trend of discrediting and a new buzz word to apply to Jehovah’s witnesses former prophecy explaining teachings:

If such interpretations seem far-fetched, you can understand the dilemma.

Now many Jehovah’s witnesses extended principles found in historic accounts, prophecies and parables can be termed “far-fetched” according to apostate Bethel’s determination. Of course now anything Jehovah’s witnesses have ever stated can be assumed to be “far fetched” as Bethel sets another time bomb right in the rationale by their own policy. Of course this opens the door to discrediting the entire Jehovah’s witnesses prophetic framework thus far developed as the basis of the worldwide ministry.

Thus expect more prophetic butchering in the future. Expect all modern real prophetic fulfillment to be ignored. Expect more misapplication of truthful prophecy, in a deceptive manner, to support Bethel’s main premature end delusion.

And therein Bethel has undermined everything Jehovah’s witnesses have been working to maintain and progress with for the last 100 years and then some. And no wonder Bethel will not update Daniel 11:27-45 to the 8th King reality the 3rd UN placement of 1990 made apparent at Daniel 11:30-32. These apostates at Bethel want it to all be totally meaningless to aid their own final cover aiding the final exit plan of their apostate “operation of error” end. (2Thess2:8, Isa66:6)

Humans cannot know which Bible accounts are shadows of things to come and which are not. The clearest course is this: Where the Scriptures teach that an individual, an event, or an object is typical of something else, we accept it as such. Otherwise, we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so.

According to Revelation 1:1 humans, servants of God as anointed Christians, not only can understand deep meanings in prophecy, they are required to:

(Revelation 1:1) A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through him to his slave John…

Thus deceptive Bethel actually signalling the final apostasy, is saying important things in the Bible and propehcy just cannot be known in a deeper manner applicable now, to our times.

Instead of viewing most of these accounts as finding their application to only one class, whether the anointed or the great crowd, and to only one time period, God’s people of either class and from any time period can apply to themselves many of the lessons the accounts teach us.

Here is an example above of Bethel stating one thing in Christians “can apply to themselves many of the lessons the accounts teach us”, yet doing another thing entirely, at the same time, as Bethel avoids applying the importance of the parables to the modern Jehovah’s witnesses ministry. Thus the main principles in these parables are totally bypassed, specifically the principle of apostasy leading to judgment and a final warning mission in all these parables’ most important theme.

Consider: In our congregations today, do we not find older women as loyal as Deborah, fine young elders as wise as Elihu, courageous pioneers as zealous as Jephthah, and faithful men and women as patient as Job? How grateful we are that Jehovah preserved the record of “all the things that were written beforehand,” so that “through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope”!

“In our congregations today”, we also find Dathan, Korah, Jezebel and Judas up at Bethel installing an illegal “priesthood”. (2Thess2:3-4, Hos1:4-7) Therefore it is Bethel that denudes the “ten virgins” parable true applicability to progress with their own apostasy, as more evidence of it, to meet the final objective of their lawless agenda of attempting to fully ruin and overturn the whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, starting from within. (Dan8:23a, Dan11:32a, Dan11:41)

And that must climax in the temple judgment because these transgressions will require an accounting, and God will permit and require the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14—that “trampling” is a divine decree of great importance, it must signal the start of the “tribulation of those days”. In those “temple” related events a notable signal must be given to know when to start the Daniel 8:14 timing and phasing. Since “evening” phase is first, the transgressors will operate to a completion while that first phase of the temple judgment is active.

Now that Jehovah’s witnesses are dumbed down to the proper drowsy and hypnotized degree, Bethel can totally butcher the parable’s “meat” with a “smooth word” cotton candy of an ear tickling, now applied to the maximum of ridiculousness. Now Jehovah’s witnesses are fully set up for more deceptive developments and events and they are being setup to also misperceive the real meaning of those events.

Worse and more severe events are yet to come, and will eventually create the “cry arose” “in the middle of the” Bethel darkness “night” context of the temple judgment, the “evening” phase of the Daniel 8:13-14,26 timed temple judgment prophecy that will aid verification of reality at that time.

Thus as this matures in ways indicative of a progressive active apostasy being covered up while it matures fully and and goes fully terminal, it will also provide a temple judgment activation and context on the Jehovah’s witnesses organization that will lead to the real “cry arose” “in the middle” of that Bethel darkness and in time even Bethel’s signal apostasy will help enlighten, by it being exposed for what it is (Rev8:10-11), aiding the full meaning and import of that final period.

The apostasy explained in the third trumpet (Rev8:10-11) of the whole first four trumpet explanation of the temple judgment (Rev8:7-12), must come forth as part of that final “oil” reserve being lit up. Apostasy was also a theme of the exposure of Christendom in the first cycle, this now merely repeats with the focus being on Bethel’s apostasy in modern times to kick off the final cycle explanation to progress to more foretold milestones later, also in the prophecy. And those milestones of marked global “tribulation of those days” and 8th King world government will also repeat elements in the first cycle of prophecy preceding Christ’s arrival with more and more evidence of that certainty before it manifests.

So for these reasons our publications in recent years have emphasized the lessons we can learn from Bible accounts instead of trying to find typical and antitypical patterns and fulfillments.

Thus Bethel is not “trying to find” their apostasy in those same prophecies and parables. They are also bypassing prophetic events since 1990, by simply ignoring them, and maintaining former errors superceded by more recent UN centered developments and globalization expansions into global finance and military.

Thus for anointed Christians paying attention to the apostasy details actually in the prophecy (Dan8:12-13, Dan11:30-35, 41, 2Thess2:1-4), the original “oil” of prophecy “lighting” up truth must be maintained because Bethel is now “throwing truth to the earth” to aid their own concealment. (Dan8:12) The truth is the “ten virgins” and other parables of “faithful” and “evil” determinations to be made by God and Christ parallel the coming temple judgment that must start with Jehovah’s witnesses as per 1Peter 4:17.

The darkness now being promoted by these kinds of Bethel policies, and worse in their lawless conduct, will continue and climax in that temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 (1Pet4:17), when the real determination of “foolish” and “discreet” will begin to be determined amidst notable events on the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses” to develop first in a progressively intensifying global context. (Rev8-11, Rev16, Hag2:7)

All that temple judgment indication is aided by the Bethel apostasy requiring an accounting, and so these parables will have principles to manifest in the final fulfillment of temple judgment prophecies that parallel these details, such as those in the “ten virgins” judgment and the real “faithful and discreet slave” and “evil slave” judgment coming soon.

And thus Bethel purposely ignoring these deeper truths in prophecy, applicable to modern times, is but more evidence of their true internal apostate condition. It is no surprise the Bethel apostates will claim to be “faithful slave” premature of this judgment, as only God makes such a determination in a notable set of events, and that Bethel will subvert the prophetic means of identifying their apostasy today, live and real-time, as they progress in lawlessness to that required judgment.

Bethel Premature End Delusion Bypasses “Five Discreet Virgin” Final Warning Ministry

Bethel is promoting the premature end delusion to gloss over these parables as this whole Watchtower issue accomplishes riding the “faithful and discreet slave” delusion assumptions into the biased self-righteous reasoning used in these articles. Now Bethel reveals a simplification objective has been employed for years purposely. This premature end delusion allows the temple judgment “trampling” decree of Daniel 8:13, Revelation 8:3-5, Malachi 3:1-4 and Zechariah 3:2, 4-5 events to be misidentified when it manifests as the “four winds” terminal “great tribulation” phase, now prematurely expected by Jehovah’s witnesses in this overall gloss over effect.

Instead the temple judgment proceeds to the accounting, and purification as the “tribulation of those days” initial portion of the “great tribulation” begins and proceeds in that temple recovery into that final enlightenment period pictured by the “five discreet virgins” wake up call, and response. The wake up, the lamp preparation and the command to “be on your way out to meet him” with MORE light will span the Daniel 8:14 timing in preparation for that final enlightenment campaign. Daniel 8:14 preparation “morning” phase must progress to that final enlightenment must continue for the following official full 1260 days of the second witnessing. (Rev11:2-3, Dan12:7)

That final ministerial mission, when fully deployed by God and Christ in God’s timing, is the “two witnesses” parallel repeating of the 1260 days as a final Kingdom proclamation, this one relating to the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty in Christ’s arrival. It transpires into the complete end of the “tribulation of those days” as that ministry is finally ceased (Rev11:7) after that full warning has gone forth. The whole “ten virgins” sequence from from first “trampling” wakeup, to cleansed final warning, to redeployment of that warning, to its final “trampling” period (Rev11:3) and its cessation (Rev11:7, Dan12:11)  spans the “tribulation of those days”, hence why Christ arrives after that tribulation ends. (Matt24:29-31)

The whole “ten virgins” sequence from wakeup to redeployment of “five discreet virgins”, covered above, also spans the whole Revelation 8-11:7 parallel prophetic sequence that parallels the temple judgment and recovery to Christ’s arrival as Revelation 8-11 repeats in final fulfillment form.

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.);

Revelation 9:1-4 is the period when the “five discreet virgins” emerge from the “abyss” “darkness” of that judgment “in the middle of the night”, which those anointed Christians will be made aware of the meaning of, in those first four trumpets as the “wake up call” divine device, and its parallel of awakening. The Daniel 8:14 “evening” is in that “abyss”, the Daniel 8:14 “morning” begin point is that first release event. More light progresses to come forth from that deliverance recovery. The “Destroyer” coming forth to effect that deliverance is the “angel of the covenant” parallel, it is Christ effecting the full temple purification and clarification recovery. (Mal3:1-4, Zech3:4-5) Thus angels in covert deployment must aid the recovery, just as demons in covert form at Bethel have aided this whole apostasy.

(Zechariah 3:1-2) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?

That “fire” is the temple purification and that “snatched” is the angelically aided deliverance of the Revelation 9:1-4 parallel ending the desolation “trampling” “evening” phase of Daniel 8:14. That Daniel 8:14 “evening” phase ending, is the beginning of the “morning” recovery phase of the purification to the full clarity of the cleansed final “little scroll” final warning eventual full deployment.

(Hosea 6:1-3) 6 “Come, you people, and do let us return to Jehovah, for he himself has torn in pieces but he will heal us. He kept striking (the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13), but he will bind us up. 2 He will make us alive after two days. (the two year peak of “trampling” expires) On the third day he will make us get up, and we shall live before him. (The JW based third year “sign of Jonah”) 3 And we will know, we will pursue to know Jehovah. Like dawn (that abyss release, the “morning” of Daniel 8:14), his going forth is firmly established. And he will come in like a pouring rain to us; like a spring rain that saturates [the] earth.”

(Since all of Hosea and Zechariah are temple judgment details, they should be read for these extra details. Isaiah, Micah, Amos and Joel also contain details of this first “trampling” judgment and its recovery.)

Accordingly this Bethel premature end delusion thus bypasses over very important guaranteed developments of the final enlightenment period requirement as the “five discreet virgins” parallels this temple judgment recovery period picture in Revelation 9, and its deployment in that final ministry as it proceeds into Revelation 10-11. The sixth trumpet second woe ends at Revelation 11:14, so that recovery ministry spans all the way to Christ’s arrival as the “three and a half day” death state of the second of “two witnesses” is the final symbolic period to expire before Christ arrives, after the 1260 days fully expires.

God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached
chap. 11 pp. 195-196 par. 23 “Here Is the Bridegroom!”

Those who are like the “foolish” virgins have merely a profession of Christianity; they are largely nominal Christians, but do not meet the requirements of true Christianity. They may have some knowledge of the Bible, especially knowledge with a sectarian understanding of such Bible knowledge. They may have been influenced by what knowledge of Scripture that they have, but not to the point of having God’s powerful spirit in them for producing the “fruitage of the spirit.” Their conduct does not conform to the true Christian pattern. They shine merely as nominal or professed Christians in the religious formalisms of their sect in Christendom.

Now that the “delay” and Bethel “nap” has matured, that former interpretation of this “ten virgins” parable sounds much like it is describing modern Jehovah’s witnesses leadership in the Bethel apostate organization attempting to influence Jehovah’s witnesses to become trusting in the religious organization, men, formalisms, rituals and traditions—and their hi-jacking of valid prophecy to suit their final objectives. Thus this marked “delay” has gradually produced a repeating signal apostasy that forms with this modern “nod off”.

And in this apostate defection right from within Bethel, and the enemy system infiltration indicated in prophecy additionally, we also now have a fully overridden and re-engineered Jehovah’s witnesses theology. That deceptive “JW self fulfilling prophecy” now actually uses truths and error to re-arrange the whole prophecy to suit the premature end delusion, right from within prophetic concepts Jehovah’s witnesses have accepted as truthful and valid sovereign prophecy. What indicates this is far more than random hypocrisy, is how the theology has been re-arranged deceptively to use accepted truths in those prophecies, to support a complex of false expectation in Jehovah’s witnesses that can now fully misrepresent what will be actually big global and spiritual events that will for a time reinforce the delusion fully.

When this hits, Jehovah’s witnesses will really think it is “the end”. And in that dangerous delusion the whole direction of Jehovah’s witnesses globally, can be further guided by this  “life saving organization”, but it is actually hi-jacked from within by the enemy. Thus the truthful nature of the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry was founded on real national sovereign advancement to the 7th King power system, and the “image” of the globalizing 8th King future totality, and is now deeply imbibed in Jehovah’s witnesses as valid truth, for it is the truth. This is why this developing delusion is so dangerous, it uses valid prophetic truths, but re-arranges them to create a bypass of the required whole final cycle and its prophetic requirement, to instead promote “the end of the world” prematurely to tie up the JW mind with the mental over-excitation noted at 2Thessalonians 2:1-2.

Thus one reason now Jehovah’s witnesses are so mentally isolated and hard to get through to, is because the validity of the prophetic truth is deeply believed, but the override using it for the premature delusion is unseen, and thus Jehovah’s witnesses accept the forecast of these Bethel subverters. The reason it will be even harder to get through to Jehovah’s witnesses when this actually starts, is because it will become a powerful hoax for real. When very real global and Bethel events starts to actually manifest in full progressive force, that delusion will be reinforced a thousand fold, and as it starts to actually be fully backed by global events, Jehovah’s witnesses will believe what Bethel has told them to believe. It will take time for that Bethel forecast to fail in its “the end” actuality, and thus it will take time for Jehovah’s witnesses to wake up to reality. Bethel’s “the end” will not manifest, its hoax will, backed by big global and Bethel events, but it will be the end of “a system of things” as Bethel’s apostate system (Matt13:36-42) is what is to be fully “trampled” as per Daniel 8:13.

Thus from that Bethel desolation wake, Jonah-like Jehovah’s witnesses “tossed overboard”, will take time to emerge from that “abyss” of the full darkness of what is actually a Bethel hoax, intended and well designed to obscure the final cycle reality as long as possible, and to leave Jehovah’s witnesses globally bewildered in the first portion of the “tribulation of those days”, totally misled and primed to accept the premature end delusion fully.

Only God and Christ will be able to get Jehovah’s witnesses out of the belly of the fish, the “fish” that will preserve those passing the judgment to repentance and purification. It will need to be a divine deliverance, fully foretold, because the final warning is what must go forth from this temple judgment development.

Instead a final mission is required (Rev10:11), that Jehovah’s witnesses are also unaware of in the “alls done, alls well” supporting delusion of Bethel self-approval that also gives Jehovah’s witnesses a false impression of completion and being done. It is not done, thus the final development of the “ten virgins” parable: more light. Thus Bethel is also trying to set up a period of great disappointment for Jehovah’s witnesses and an attempted mass stumbling event—for those with faith in men and organization, will see the object of their faith toppled, it will actually become a test of faith in God and Christ.

(Isaiah 7:9) Unless you people have faith, you will in that case not be of long duration.

But those placing faith ONLY in God and Christ, will not be toppled in faith, because God and Christ cannot be toppled, they topple everything defiant to their Kingdom rule, in their own time, and that time will be made clear as this progresses to that completion.

The Real Bethel Apostate Signal Period: 1990 at Third UN Cover UP

Required King North Successful Continuum of 3rd and 4th UN Placement to World Government

In reality when the USSR failed as a national world power based bloc of nations, King North also failed in that prophecy. This is the time period the 8th King architects began manifesting again with the 3rd United Nations placement of 1990 that Bethel now fully ignores as if the USSR can fulfill the criteria of this prophecy fully:

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king (8th King/King North) will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. (globalist world power will surpass any national power system and its statements will be of world government in due time) And he will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish (at Armageddon divine war, King North is a constant success from Daniel 11:31 to Daniel 11:44-45 as the 8th King); because the thing decided upon must be done. (the real prophecy must fulfill as the 3rd UN placement of 1990 at Daniel 11:31 (Dan8:23) and the 4th UN placement as world government of the future at Daniel 11:45);

Although Bethel’s “simplification” policy, active in covert form since that 1990 time period, is the reasoning for keeping prophecy that needs adjustments in outdated form, there is more involved with Bethel’s cover up campaign of that 3rd UN placement in 1990—they are breaking an important continuum from Jehovah’s witnesses awareness and ministry.

Daniel 11:31-45 and Daniel 8:23-25, as its parallel, contain the final two United Nations placements as prophecy starting from that 1990 3rd UN presentation. The final two UN placements (1990, and future world government) connect to the first two UN placements, that Jehovah’s witnesses exposed fully in 1919, and 1945 as the respective League of Nations (1919) and United Nations (1945) presentations.

Thus concealing the Daniel prophecy that completes the UN development to world government in those final two UN placements, totaling four UN placements in prophecy, the last being world government, is the goal of the Bethel operation.

They have successfully truncated Jehovah’s witnesses at that 1945 2nd UN placement awareness, as Jehovah’s witnesses are now unaware of the 3rd UN placement significance of 1990—thus Jehovah’s witnesses are also unaware of the 4th UN placement with full world government. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses are fully unaware of the whole UN progression, 1-2-3-4, in prophecy leading to world government, thus leading to Christ’s arrival. Thus the final cycle requirement to actually produce that fourth and final UN presentation, at the end of that final cycle, is also unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses.

The Unique Cold War Third Cycle Marker

But a third United Nations presentation to cap off the resolved Cold War, and the strange Bethel apostasy indicating behavior and their co-developing UN NGO UN partnership are two unique developments that mark this prophecy at the same time. But the prophecy further marks the unique nature of the Cold War, a bi-polar global war, deployed in unique fashion as noted in Daniel 11:29:

(Daniel 11:29) “At the time appointed he (King North/8th King globalists) will go back, and he will actually come against the south (the nation-state whole King South system); but it will not prove to be at the last the same as at the first. (the nature of the Cold War is notably unique and different than the former two world war “hot war” operations of the globalists)

Thus in reality that 1990 3rd UN placement, at the end of the unique Cold War phase of that time, and the Bethel UN NGO and further apostate cover up of this development is how we know Daniel 11:30-41 is all about this post 1990 period marked globally by that 3rd UN placement Bethel co-promoted as a UN NGO. In no way did the USSR fulfill Daniel 11 “King North” in any way.

The USSR National Bloc Failure

Modern Bethel covers up Daniel 11:27-45 from a time period after the USSR failure, that makes an update necessary. Fred Franz made an error before the USSR failed, so he is not involved with the furthering of that error, into a main bypassing deception. But at the time Fred Franz made that call, the USSR was still in operation, it was understandable given the bi-polar high profile nature of the USSR and USA conflict, no one knew the USSR would fail, and thus fail in all of Daniel 11:27-45. They were just another national failure of the whole period leading to globalist 8th King world government into two final marked UN developments since 1990.

(Daniel 11:27) “And as regards these two kings (national “south” and globalist “north”), their heart will be inclined to doing what is bad, and at one table (world rulership agenda) a lie is what they will keep speaking. (whether national or globalist sovereign goals) But nothing will succeed (in a national sense, until world government is the ultimate success (Dan11:36)), because [the] end is yet for the time appointed. (things develop according to God’s timing)

The Bethel Apostate Co-Development Also in 1990 with the 3rd UN Presentation

Why Bethel will not update this important prophecy is obvious, their apostasy would also have to be revealed to do so. Thus it is beyond coincidence in the (1) ignoring of the 3rd UN placement, (2) Bethel’s UN NGO, and a (3) total silence cover up as to the modern actual meaning of the whole overall development; it was all concurrent apostasy with that 3rd UN placement of 1990.

Now we know certainly Daniel 11:27-41 is all modern King North activity, en route to 8th King world government, that Bethel is actively engaging in the cover up of.

The required success of Daniel 11:36 above, was the continuation of the United Nations based globalist development that re-emerged in 1990 with that 3rd United Nations “placement” Bethel has been bypassing along with their “simplification” process for quite some time. Thus the failure of the USSR indicates they are not the King North of the whole Daniel 11:31-45 segway, it is the 8th King global world government backing powers. The prophetic detail here is the apostasy, and that 3rd UN placement, all emerge at the same time from the UN promoting globalist world power system of the 8th King. This key to identifying the Bethel subversion operation features and its matching evidence is in the Daniel 11 divine prophecy itself, identifying:

(1.) Where the apostasy originates and the interests it serves; (2.) How the diversion and transgression develops; (3.) What it is doing in serious transgressions while the prophecy is being fulfilled and why; (4.) and by who and why the apostasy is developed – prophetic details Identify ALL THREE parties of the transgression and the diversions as acting TOGETHER while in fulfillment: King North, and Bethel as both “those leaving the holy covenant” defectors and “arms that stand up” in Bethel (Dan11:41) as infiltrators:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

We know the “when” is that 1990 3rd UN event marked by that key UN presentation and Bethel’s apostasy going full blown.

And so it is no surprise, in light of all the Bethel silence and subterfuge, that other elements have entered* (Dan11:41) Bethel internally to lead Jehovah’s witnesses into a modern apostasy:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Of course a Christendom fully exposed as apostate from 1914 onwards, cannot be led into further apostasy they are already in; this has to be modern Bethel “leaving the holy covenant” as per Daniel 11:30b.

Daniel 8 Bethel Apostasy Parallels of the Same 1990 King North Developments

The parallel development of that King North prophecy and co-developing Bethel apostasy is also in the segway in Daniel 8 that leads to the Daniel 8:23 3rd UN placement parallel after this compromise is also maturing:

(Daniel 8:11-12) . . .And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization) of his sanctuary was thrown down. 12 And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with misinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is effected for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” completely successful unlike anything World War 2 produced in ultimate failure when compared to this 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the Governing Body and installed Bethel agents);

Thus this cannot be a “7th King” “King Fierce in Countenance”. The USSR falling into that 3rd UN placement is what defines that parallel of Daniel 11:31b:

(Daniel 8:23) And in the final part of their kingdom (final 7th King-to-8th King progression), as the transgressors act to a completion (Bethel apostasy UN NGO marked), there will stand up (1990 3rd UN placement; Dan11:31b) a king fierce in countenance (8th King/King North parallel) and understanding ambiguous sayings. (superior understanding and strategies; Dan11:36-39);

Thus in real reality all that post 1990 subversion, UN NGO and further apostasy led from within Bethel leads to the temple judgment parallel of Daniel 8:13-14. Daniel 8:13 is the Bethel accounting “trampling” that has yet to manifest to begin that judgment:

Temple Indictment as UN NGO “Transgression” Related (Matt24:15);

(Daniel 8:13) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned and subverted) constant [feature] (of JW ministerial offerings) and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance and co-promotions fulfilling Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (in a first 8th King “trampling” “attack” aided temple desolation “fire” of Zechariah 3:2 and Revelation 8:3-5 starting the final prophetic cycle);

And for future verification to aid recognition, the temple judgment is timed and has a recognizable phasing:

Timed Temple Judgment Period

(Daniel 8:14) So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple purification completed in this time period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

The start point of this timed temple judgment prophecy fulfilling will have a notable event, yet to manifest, to mark its start point for timing the temple judgment and to provide the final verification timing that that prophecy was active and has completed when that time comes.

The prophecy is rather cryptic, it is at least 1150 days, maybe 2300 days. The 2300 day possibility may be in an 1150 days “evening” phase of desolation, and then an 1150 day “morning” phase of recovery.

It is a cryptic timed prophecy because it is the temple judgment of great importance, and it needs to be paid attention to fully now, and when it activates by a notable event on Bethel (JW organization), and or, upon the Jehovah’s witnesses “constant feature”—that is a notable event affecting the Jehovah’s witnesses global ministry, such as its cessation by force or by Bethel itself canceling the ministry. (As we know Bethel has already been priming Jehovah’s witnesses for a “when the preaching work ends” development.

Of course the premature end scenario Bethel is promoting can also have an implied, but deceptive, end of the official Jehovah’s witnesses preaching work that may be from Bethel’s own mouth. In reality a final warning ministry is to go forth, which apostate Bethel will also try to fully resist as is the case in their overall premature end delusion totally concealing that requirement.

In any event we can speculate, but we need to pay attention to this whole development as it unfolds.

The Bethel Apostate  Climax and Temple Judgment

That Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation” is from these core transgressors from the opposing system now inside Bethel at this 3rd UN placement “King North” parallel of the appearance of the “King Fierce in Countenance” demonstrated in the USSR capitulation to the UN agenda defining Daniel 8:23, cited earlier. This Bethel terminal “operation of error”, and its maturity, is that “transgressors acting to a completion” (Dan8:23a) as Bethel has internal 8th King infiltrators leading the “King North” apostasy as per Daniel 11:32a, Daniel 11:41 right inside of the Bethel Jehovah’s witnesses ministry:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

That is who “leads” the apostasy—”King North” powers inside of Bethel:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

Though things will get worse and clearer at Bethel, the UN NGO is the “disgusting thing” related development to be made aware of at this time:

(Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” as parallel of Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”), standing in a holy place (in the JW “constant feature” ministry as UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

The current Bethel apostate ministry is the “conclusion of” Bethel, “a system of things”, providing the basis of the temple judgment eventually to form the final clarified final warning after this event completes in final form in the downfall of the Bethel apostasy:

(Matthew 13:36-42) 36 Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came to him and said: “Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.” 37 In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world (as JW “earth” system now defined more precisely for the final temple judgment sequence); as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil. (these have been “sowed” into the Bethel system) The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things (the Bethel “a” “system of things”, not “the” “system of things” of the overall world system yet), and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected (this collection is first, a removal process) and burned with fire (at a later time of temple judgment or world judgment), so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. (as that “a system of things” pictures, “so it will be in” the overall world “system of things”; (1Pet4:17)) 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out (not a “gathering” but an extrication operation; Zech3:4-5) from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness (removal of the Bethel apostasy, Rev8:7), 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. (but a time period of conscious awareness transpires) There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be. (The Bethel judgment is the first wave of this judgment in intimate focus among anointed Christians to extend out to all Jehovah’s witnesses and further to the whole world to collect in those responding to the real meaning of this judgment signal);

Thus the required purification takes place in the temple judgment starting phase of 1 Peter 4:17 parallel:

(Zechariah 3:3-5) Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments (current JW state, “weed” effects) and standing before the angel. (final judicial inspection) 4 Then he answered and said to those (angels) standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.” (a new state of purification and official priestly authorization is reached from the temple judgment) 5 At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; and the angel of Jehovah was standing by.

Which purification leads to a final commission ultimatum:

(Zechariah 3:6-7) And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua, saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards; and I shall certainly give you free access among these who are standing by.’

Which final warning commission parallels the second witnessing mission requirement:

(Revelation 10:10-11) And I took the little scroll (final Kingdom sovereign proclamation details, in the “oil”, to be explained as final “light” global enlightenment) out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (“discreet virgin” final mission parallel)

The temple judgment permitted desolation “trampling” of Bethel will in time cease so as to not allow the complete global Jehovah’s witnesses cessation. This is a very important decree because it will apply to the temple judgment desolation of the visible Bethel “royal house” of Daniel 8:13 (the “Israel” judgment), and to the cessation of that accounting to not affect global “Jerusalem”:

(Hosea 1:4-7) And Jehovah went on to say to him: “Call his name Jezreel (pictures the “royal residence” of the “man of lawlessness” sinning at Bethel of modern “King Ahab” Governing Body), for yet a little while and I must hold an accounting for the acts of bloodshed of Jezreel against the house of Jehu (Governing Body “man of lawlessness” sins against anointed “house”), and I must cause the royal rule of the house of Israel to cease. (“Man of lawlessness” “King Ahab” GB and JW “Jezebel” Bethel Organizational “trampling”; Dan8:11-14); 5 And it must occur in that day that I must break the bow (Bethel) of Israel in the low plain (judgment) of Jezreel.” (Temple judgment marked by Bethel event); 6 And she proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a daughter. And He went on to say to him: “Call her name Lo-ruhamah, for I shall no more show mercy again to the house of Israel (JW worldwide Organizational Jezebel Bethel “mother”; Hos2:1,5; 4:5; 10:14), because I shall positively take them away. (In Dan8:14 temple purification); ( worldwide Jehovah’s witnesses anointed and earthlings spared complete annihilation in first 8th King Temple Attack) 7 But to the house of Judah (worldwide approved JWs) I shall show mercy, and I will save them by Jehovah their God; but I shall not save them by a bow or by a sword or by war, by horses or by horsemen.”; (Rev9:1-4 parallel. Isaiah 37:36; Mic5:6; Zech3:4; Isa66:6);

That decree above cross references the “Assyrian” attack of Daniel 8:13 temple judgment “trampling” (Zech3:2, Rev8:7) parallel being divinely ceased (Rev9:1-4) to allow for the ministerial recovery. (Isa37:30, Isa31:8-9, Mic5:5-6) When the temple judgment “evening” of Daniel 8:14 has expired in its accounting purpose, the temple purification “right condition” “morning” phase of clarifying enlightenment will proceed into the anointed Christian ministerial recovery paralleling the meaning of the “discreet virgins” final enlightening mission preparation.

That above decree must have final fulfillment with the rest of these temple judgment prophecies in the future to deal with, judge and expose the modern Bethel apostasy, the illegal “royal rule of the house of Israel” now at apostate Bethel along with its Jezebel “mother” organization (Hos2:2,5; Hos4:5) and the King Ahab Governing Body along with its modern illegal priesthood “in the temple”. (2Thess2:3-4, Isa66:6)

Thus the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses provides the divine accounting (Dan8:13), timing (Dan8:14) and purification “right condition” (Zech3:4-5) for the final warning clarification (Mal3:1-4) to be commissioned and deployed as the second “two witnesses” of Revelation 9-11 replicating in final fulfillment.

The King North World Government Presenting Final Cycle of the Future

The final cycle of UN development is outlined in prophecy in its full 3rd (1990) to 4th (future) UN placement continuum. (Dan11:31-45, Dan8:23-25) That cycle is in the future and completes full United Nations “image” meaning picturing complete 8th King world government which must culminate over this final cycle as a whole, UN “image” and its full 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” world government totality.

The UN is just an international legal and political forum of world government, world government must yet complete. Now since the “tribulation of those days” (?Matt24:29) is also the symbol of this final cycle, the United Nations has to go into a notable global “abyss” of inactivity, and will re-emerge, but may also be globally presented with a new global “branding” identity. The UN emergence at the end of this final cycle will fulfill the “abyss” “ascension”, in final form” of Revelation 17:8-11(repeating) to complete Revelation 17:11-18 (unique “one hour” of world government completion) as Revelation 11:7.

Even if the UN changes name in this final cycle, just as the League of Nations “abyss” plunge in WW2 “ascended” as the new United Nations in name, it will still be the same UN core entity, but it will be ascending with full world government, full 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” complete rival sovereign of God’s Kingdom in final (Rev17:12) and stated (1Thess5:1-3) form. (Rev16:12-16, Dan11:45, Dan8:25)

But long before that final cycle ends into 8th King world government required to complete before Christ arrives, Bethel’s “operation of error” must have its climax “son of destruction” coup phase on the JW organization globally, in some notable form. Bethel is now King North 8th King compromised and this development will have that temple attack parallel of Daniel 8:13 as the climax situation:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally; this is already accomplished), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Dan11:32-35)

That development will have a climax period of anti-ministerial actions to activate along with global events to define Daniel 11:42-43 over time. This will allow Bethel’s UN NGO core “disgusting thing” covert activity, to manifest as the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” fully overt. Thus Matthew 24:15 and Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel in very deceptive and well hidden UN NGO and infiltration form will have a notable climax. At this time the Bethel premature end delusion will affect JW perception of what this period really is, many JWs will not understand it is not “the end”, it is the final cycle beginning with the temple judgment.

This portion of Daniel 11 is what must activate next, as Daniel 11:41 climaxes in Bethel’s required downfall co-developing along with this activation whose meaning is ongoing wealth monopoly operations of King North 8th King supporting global elite finance systems:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective “land of” worldwide national powers; King South “Egypt” “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

That loss of national wealth control in the “land” of “Egypt” progresses with the “tribulation of those days” to sovereign wealth control globally of “King North” 8th King system that must precede full world government. Now for those seeing modern US and EU debt magnitudes, we can see the global set-up of that dimension of global credit and asset control by debt defaults and recoveries that must end up controlled by the “King North” globalized finance “solution” as a component of world government power.

Those events must take time to fully culminate along with the sovereign control of literal “gold an silver” global bullion, an ultimate symbol and literal basis of nation-state wealth sovereignty then transferring into globalist “King North” final sovereign control, thus also defining their global sovereignty and the recovery basis of the nations who will have lost that sovereign wealth control. (Rev17:11-18, Isa41:1)

Thus these “reports” concerning “north” Jehovah God and “east” Jesus Christ sovereign completion enroute to the Armageddon confrontation, is at the end of the final warning campaign (and the end of the final cycle) as full world government is approaching globally, “palatial” “tents”, plural. This is the final “attack” campaign, under full 8th King world government, that parallels the culmination of Revelation 13:5 into Daniel 8:25 full world government parallel and final selective attack of Ezekiel 38-39 and the final Revelation 11:7 events leading to “palatial tents” of global government:

(Daniel 11:44) “But there will be reports (Rev10-11 “little scroll” recovered ministry messages) that will disturb him (8th King going into world government totality), out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage (Dan8:25; Rev11:7) in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction**. (Dan8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” parallel with 1Thess5:1-3 world “peace and security” period of 8th King world government placement (Dan12:11 final fulfillment);

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

That whole parallel is here:

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he will bring many to ruin**. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up (in full world government), but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

These are the final sovereign culminations parallel with those explicit world government prophecies:

(Revelation 17:11-18) And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an (globalist) eighth [king], but springs from the seven (national power progression culmination), and it goes off into destruction. (Dan7:26, 8:25, 11:45; Rev19:20) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority (in world government conglomeration. Rev16:13-16) as kings one hour (limited period of full global authority) with the (globalist “scarlet”) wild beast. (world government totality) 13 These have one thought (sovereign expansion and or preservation), and so they give their (national based sovereign) power and authority to the (globalist apex forming super-sovereign) wild beast. (as world government completion) 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” (all 144000 complete Messianic Kingdom. Rev14:1) 15 And he says to me: (Babylon the Great goes down in this “one hour” sequence) “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (deposing religious sovereignty globally and absorbing assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast (as world government completion), until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty; Rev16:19, Rev11 final fulfillment “great city”. This is how we know “Babylon the Great’s” destruction does not start the judgment (1Pet4:17), it is deep in the final cycle near its end.);

(Revelation 16:12-16) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates (Parallels 6th trumpet), and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. (Babylon the Great being set-up for Revelation 17:15-17 parallel events by removal of human defenses (Rev17:15)) 13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (complete 8th King globalist influence culminating ) 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth (culminating in this final period), to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (parallels Revelation 17:12-18 and Daniel 11:42-43 culminations into globalist 8th King power) 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them (by Dan11:42-43 and Rev17:11-17 8th King wealth and power consolidations) together (into final 8th King globalist unification symbolized in completion by 4th UN “placement” and proclamations) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon. (Joel 3:9-17);

Daniel 11:42-43 must converge into Daniel 12 final fulfillment. The Daniel 12:7 (1260 days) is part of the “during that time” because it is a final cycle period parallel defining the final “constant feature” to be removed as the Revelation 11:7 parallel and half of the criteria to mark Daniel 12:11 fulfillment beginning the 1290 day period.

In time, as the other half of that criteria of Daniel 12:11, Daniel 11:44-45 world government arrives at Daniel 12:11 as the final “place the disgusting thing” parallel events. Daniel 12 is in final fulfillment “during that time” as Daniel 11:42-45 merges over some final years into Daniel 12 final fulfillment, hence “during that time” of also the climax “two witnesses” (Rev11:2-7), and emerging “abyss ascending” (Rev11:7, with final “two witnesses” cleansed “constant feature” removal) 8th King (King North) world government as Daniel 12:11:

(Daniel 12:1) “And during that time (of Daniel 11:42-45 merging into Daniel 12 final fulfillment) Michael will stand up (Christ into the temple (judgment purification) to enable 144000 completion, then into complete Messianic Kingdom power. Rev14:1, as that whole Matt24:29-31 progression), the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. (Stands for final deliverance, Luke21:28 in the Daniel 12:11 timed period active) And there will certainly occur a time of distress (whole “great tribulation” in “tribulation of those days” and “four winds” phases progressing) such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. (Matt24:21-22; climaxes into “four winds” as Christ arrives after the “tribulation of those days” phase ends); (“sheep” deliverance:) And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. (the guaranteed living “sheep” salvation group);

Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 13:5, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 12:6,14 (principle) 1260 day cross-fulfilling parallel period of final warning:

(Daniel 12:7) 7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. (1260 day parallel to Revelation 11:2-3) And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces (Rev11:7-10), all these things will come to their finish.” (in the Daniel 12:11 period);

Cessation of the “constant feature” as the final warning “two witnesses” parallels with world government “placement” to fully define Daniel 12:11 beginning fulfillment in those two features. Those two features, “constant feature” removal, and “disgusting thing” world government global presentation (1Thess5:1-3) begin the final 1290 day period activation:

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second two witnesses deposition of Rev11:7) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (in fourth and final 8th King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Since the 1260 days fully expires with the “constant feature” removal in the “two witnesses” final warning ceased to begin the 1290 days starting in that criteria, the post 1260 days Revelation 11:7-10 “three and a half days” symbolic final period of “two witnesses” death, prior to Christ’s arrival and final “gathering”, is transpiring with the 1290 days starting.

Thus it is the  “three and a half days” symbolic final period that is the last prophetic prelude period leading to Christ’s arrival. It must go into that  “three and a half days” symbolic final period, after the “tribulation of those days” has ended. The “tribulation of those days” is the final global cycle that leads to Christ’s arrival.

The  “three and a half days” final period gives a little more detail in the brief time elapse from the cessation of that final warning, the “death” of the “two witnesses”, and the actual events of Christ’s arrival of Revelation 11:11-12 that must parallel Matthew 24:30-31 events, for “sheep” “gathering” purposes first.

In reality great final developments are coming in this final time period of the final 8th King cycle and developments that will progress in global notability as a gauge to Christ’s arrival upon complete and globally proclaimed (1Thess5:1-3) 8th King world government. This is in the extra “oil” of the “five discreet virgins” to provide required enlightenment in that final period while it is active, to progress to and into that final 1260 day warning repeating. [2]

The whole primary cycle repeats upon the same principles, world developments and prophecy as in the first Jehovah’s witnesses cycle of 1914-1919. This analysis merely updates things from 1990 forward as far as prophecy in regard to world power developments as prophecy in that 3rd UN placement of 1990, now covered up by apostate Bethel.

Though most of the final cycle is a replication of core sovereign Bible prophecy, tracking world power development, Daniel 11:42-45 is the unique progression into Daniel 12’s replication. Daniel 11:30-41 is prophecy fulfilling in marked manner since 1990 at the end of the unique Cold War noted for that uniqueness at Daniel 11:29. Daniel 11:42-45 is the 4th UN and 8th King cycle to form world government completion.

Obviously apostate Bethel is attempting to bypass much detail and important final requirements whose unique milestone recognitions can aid people’s salvation.

Daniel 8:13-14 is also a unique prophecy to start off the fulfillment of the temple judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses. Its timing will provide future verification of what has been active in that judgment activation (1Pet4:17) to mark the start of the final cycle. Thus updating King North reality as globalized world government in the making as the 8th King system, allows this to be known as focus is then upon the fact Daniel 11:42-45 must merge into Daniel 12 live and real-time “during that time”, and thus Daniel 12 must have a final replication and so must the 1260 days cross-reference to Revelation 11:2-3.

By Bethel over-advancing Jehovah’s witnesses to Daniel 11:44 expected next, that now JW expected “attack” scenario will instead aid the premature end delusion Bethel is now using to mask the real meaning of this whole period. Bethel is trying to sell the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13, that starts the final cycle, as if it is the “attack” of Daniel 11:44 as “the end”, way too soon and premature. Thus Bethel wants Jehovah’s witnesses to misperceive the meaning of the events that will begin the final cycle, with the impression it is simply “the end”, which it will not be. In this way Jehovah’s witnesses will be bewildered and scattered as that final cycle begins and into the Daniel 8:13-14 events and timed “evening” period.

But from that “trampling” downfall of Bethel, will emerge the “five discreet virgins” as the final enlightenment will explain everything Bethel has been covering up, and the trajectory to 8th King world government and the Armageddon globalization culmination that defines it as Revelation 16:12-16 final events. Those final events lead to Christ’s “air” arrival of Revelation 16:17, and the final “sheep” “gathering” and judgment events to follow that arrival.

Those final judgments are required to transpire under Christ’s authority to Messianic Kingdom completion (Dan7:26). That is the primary message of the “discreet virgins” and the broader “two witnesses” that also contains final anointed to be finalized in this final cycle period to complete the final 1260 days of final warning and open salvation global invitation leading to Christ completing his own ministry, in person. (Matt10:23)


Progressive National to Final Globalist World Power in Bible Prophecy


Bethel Hoax: Premature End Expectation

Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy

Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

Revelation 14 – 144000 and Messianic Kingdom Completion

Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion

Modern Sign of Jonah – Jehovah’s Witnesses Going Down for Three Years by Bethel Global Organizational Intrigues

Final World Government Cycle Graphics



Appointed Seven Times of the Nations Sovereign Lease Has Expired – Appointed Seven Times of Divine Warning Yet to Complete

8 Kings: Why the 7th King Anglo-American National System Must “Fall”

The End of National Sovereignty, Not The End of the World

End Time Prophecy Coming Milestones To Christ Arrival – Now and of the Future

1914’s Main Validation? World Government and World History

Jehovah’s Witnesses Valid Kingdom Ministry and Preview Master Pattern of Prophecy That Must Repeat (1914-1919)


Why This JW Testimony is Unique

Unique Testimony of Final Prophecy and it’s Final Cycle of Adamic Human History

What makes this Jehovah’s witness testimony unique?

1. It reaffirms the foundation Kingdom proclamation meaning AND the globalized world government 8th King as prophecy that merely was fully derailed at the 1990 3rd UN placement (Dan11:31b) by the unrestrained Bethel apostates upon the death of Fred Franz. (2Thess2:1-12);

This analysis respects all Jehovah’s witnesses’ truth of Bible exposition up to the 1976 “lifting themselves over everyone” of the Bethel unBiblical Governing Body self-exaltation which soon eclipsed the entire former Kingdom ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses. The UN NGO is just the “tip of the iceberg”. (This was the first “lift up”, the last has been the “faithful slave” “new light” of 2012 which is a clear fulfillment of 2Thessalonians 2:1-4);

It also included the Daniel 8 and 11 diversion campaign along with an internet stumbling campaign now causing even anointed Christians to be confused as to what it all means.

2. Though timed signal prophecy of Daniel 8:14 is discussed no specific dates are attempted to be given. What is given is the fact of a reaffirmation of the original Kingdom ministry of Daniel 12’s final fulfillment timed periods will be honored, again (Rev10:11), in the near future activation of the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14.

The temple judgment, like the lawlessness and apostasy signal that preceded it, will too be a great signal, and is therefore timed in Daniel 8:14 for future affirmation to lost Jehovah’s witnesses.

3. The only prophetic updates this analysis is making is those of the current Bethel apostate diversion since 1990 of Daniel 8:11-14 and Daniel 11:30-45 as 8th King activity.

4. This analysis is also identifying, for future proof, that the wealth and finance nature of the 8th King as King North intrigues of Daniel 11:42-43 is what will be activating as the context of the temple judgment.

In light of the fact national power and sovereignty is not the final form of world power, but 8th King globalized world government is, this analysis converges all national former interpretation into a final globalized world government meaning. This means the prophetic sovereign progressions of Daniel 2, 7, 8, 11 and Revelation 13, and 17 ALL converge into 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” meaning.

Just as all national powers will capitulate (Rev17:12-18) to the ultimate world union (Rev16:13-16), over a final cycle of world history already outlined in a final cycle of prophecy (Daniel 11:45 merging into Daniel 12 finale), so to all of the Bible’s sovereign national power progressions will all culminate as well into the 8th King world government.

5. So this analysis does not teach a premature “end of the world”, but a final cycle that will utilize a global tribulation that MUST resolve (Matt24:29), into a world government, the 8th King.

Therefore this analysis is not a fear tactic “end of the world” premature end scenario, but a climax “hour of test” to come upon all the nations that will result not in the end instantly, but in 8th King world government, world peace (1Thess5:1-3), and true world recovery potential.

This is how the 8th King used world war in three former cycles of 1914-1919, 1939-1945, and 1945-1990 to birth a United Nations rendition AFTER those world wars, including the “Cold War” resolved.

So rather than add to the confusion and fear of a premature end scenario, or questions as to what the future holds through a final world tribulation, this analysis shows the Bible shows the future days hold events not expected by humans as it will in time lead to a United Nations based world peace, and that is the consolidative and psychological purpose of this final tribulation cycle.

This analysis describes a PROPHETIC REPLICATION, already fulfilled once in 1914-1926, that serves as the master pattern of the final cycle. Thus it is not “interpretation” it is merely an awareness that Daniel 12 repeats, and does the Revelation 8-11 and 15-16 seven trumpet and plague segway that it underlays, but in final form, and it takes some final years to accomplish.

This analysis identifies the true reason for the Jehovah’s witnesses temple judgment to clarify a final ministry (Rev8-9) to explain this final cycle (Rev10-11) as a final Kingdom proclamation. God is not fully rejecting His people, or all people, or the truth, He is making a “1/3” symbolic cleansing as per Revelation 8 applied to Jehovah’s witnesses in final fulfillment of that cycle.

Everyone should understand how Bible prophecy, principles and judgment repeat over time, and that a final cycle is required to clarify the true final trek of mankind to Armageddon in detail, with a focus on salvation first, given to the people clearly from amidst the Bethel error permanently purged in the process . (Zech3:1-5; 2Thess2:8) – and some final years to give the final witness.

Therefore this analysis ties together ALL the coming world events, such as the Bethel downfall, and explains where they must lead as an assured continuum of prophecy upon the original Jehovah’s witnesses Daniel 12 fulfilling ministry. This is because that original Kingdom proclamation, that deployed into a global tribulation of it’s own time, leading to the League of Nations rival “kingdom” presentation, will indeed repeat in the exact same principle manner, but to a final Kingdom ministry, deploying into a final world tribulation, that resolves (Matt24:29), into a final 8th King full world government.

It is ALL the same story, it merely repeats in final form, and will be explained again as it fulfills towards Christ’s final arrival and his own full Messianic Kingdom completion.

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy AGAIN with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

That final “two witnesses” prophesying will be clean and true, and the final warning of the Kingdom of God for salvation purposes first.




Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy and World Cycle Repeats

Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion

10/2014 – PDF Version 2

A Repeating World and Prophetic Cycle are Converging to 8th King World Government and Christ’s Arrival

Section 1

I. General: Everything Repeats – Global Cycle and Prophecy Cycle
II. First Signal: Apostasy Led by JW Bethel
III. The Final Prophetic and World Cycle
Section 2

I. General: Everything Repeats – Everything in Prophecy and World Events Repeats

A. Prophecy Cycles Repeat

1. Daniel 12, Revelation 8-11, and Revelation 15-16 provide the main timed periods in Daniel 12 and final sequence gauging in Revelation 8-11, 15-16 of the final global cycle as concurrent repeating prophecies of the future.

2. Daniel 8:13-14 and Daniel 11:42-45 provide respective unique spiritual (temple judgment) events and unique global events (8th King final cycle) as prophecy to begin the concurrent events that merge into Daniel 12 and the final repeat of the prophetic final cycle as a whole.

3. The prophecy repeats the Daniel 12 prophetic timed periods that first manifested in 1914-1918, 1919-1922, and 1922-1926  initial ministerial cycles of Daniel 12 prophecy. In the future those manifest in final form mirroring the same world cyclic principles (and milestones) of the first cycle to become active in the coming “tribulation of those days” that must end (Matt24:29) into 8th King world government before Christ arrives.

This is why understanding that the whole prophetic cycle repeats is so important and useful for the future as it takes some final years to achieve the final milestones described in the prophecy. Because it is repeating the overall meaning is already understood, it just culminates in final form.

4. The final prophecy outlines the whole progression to Christ’s arrival and after, for even that event is not yet “the end”, Christ has “sheep” related objectives that must complete well before the absolute end of the world, that being the 8th King system termination not the world itself. (Rev14);

Prophecy is not all that will be repeating. Prophecy is repeating because it forecasts the world government producing global “tribulation” cycle that will also start repeating to produce its main objective at the end of its repeating cycle: 8th King world government.

B. World Cycles Repeat

1. The world government producing final “tribulation of those days” resolving cycle repeats defining both the prophecy and world event repetitions because it is outlined in the prophecy pattern but it is also a repeating pattern of the 1914-1919 “world-war-to-world-government” cyclic formula used in the three former world wars, including the Cold War (Dan11:29-31) to resolve into milestone UN presentations in 1919, 1945 and 1990. This will be the fourth and final cycle coming up.

2. That repeating global pattern of intensified sovereign progression will have a fourth and final cycle of “tribulation” resolving to produce the sovereign climax as world government in the future. (Matt24:29-31, Daniel 11:42-45);

All four UN manifestations are foretold in prophecy.

C. The First Cycle (1914-1919) is Valid For Prophecy and World Cycle Repeating Principles

1. Thus the first world war cycle (1914-1918) that produced the first world government “League of Nations” foundational “image” manifestation (1919) and its prophetic fulfillment as outlined in the first prophetic fulfillment and preview cycle of 1914-1919, is the same basic prophecy and world development pattern repeating in the final cycle of the future. (Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev13:11-15, Dan12:11);

2. The first prophetic ministerial pattern to be subsequently explained as prophecy with God’s Kingdom concurrent sovereign developments and proclamations, as part of the the overall world “government issue” features of that 1914-1919 period as the first prophecy forecasted world events, creates the first master pattern and cyclic principle through which all three United Nations (UN) manifestations have occurred.

3. That pattern is defined by a world war resolving into “world peace” claims to support a foretold United Nations rendition and global presentation in 1919, 1945 and 1990. That world war/tribulation resolution and UN climax presentation is the same principle applicable to the future in the resolution of the “tribulation of those days”, and its final world government presentation it must lead to upon the same pattern of prophecy and the same pattern of the world-war-to-world-government formulaic process. (Matt24:29, Dan11:45, Dan8:25, Dan12:11 (repeating));

4. Thus deploying another Kingdom proclamation, but in final form in the future, into that very period of the repeating “tribulation” cycle is also a milestone feature of that master pattern that occurred in 1914-1919, that must also occur again (Rev10:11), but in final form of the whole prophecy. (Dan12, Rev8-11); And the 1914-1919 initial fulfillment pattern is thus the one that already has forecast the final world government cycle of the future upon the same prophecy, merely repeating in final form of all the complete entities of the first cycle, upon the same world-war-to-world-government pattern principle also repeating.

5. And since the first three foretold United Nations presentations manifested to aid those three former global cycles, it is predictable and intuitive that a fourth cycle will be used and will lead to the same outcome but in complete form: UN based 8th king world government totality as the final “scarlet wildbeast”. Although predictable as a repeating historic pattern it is certain as well by prophecy that forecasts the whole final progression.

6. Thus the world’s own developmental cycle is completing and also converging all global sovereign power into a completed world government conglomeration (Rev16:13-16) of all national sovereign power subservient (Rev17:11-18, Dan11:42-43) to 8th King global sovereignty.

Thus both the prophecy’s national sovereign progression converges into a final global sovereign entity in that 8th King “King North” culmination while the world system that the prophecy forecasts is also converging all global national sovereignty worldwide fulfilling the prophecy marked by global events into one consolidated final rival world government sovereign system in complete and global “one world government” form.

Thus the culmination of the prophecy climax is the culmination of the 8th King world sovereign system, and vice versa, for one mirrors the other.

And that completion defines the global rival sovereign conglomeration that once complete (Dan11:45, 12:11), and stated as such (1Thess5:1-3), enables Christ’s own arrival, final 144000, Messianic Kingdom and King-Priest coronation completions and final complete divine sovereign response.

D. The Key Modern Signal: Apostasy Repeats

1. In arriving to the awareness of this certainty of repetition and the final multi-year cycle of that repeat before us (Daniel 11:42-45 merging into Daniel 12), we can therefore look for a certain repeating principle already at work now, such as the organized Bethel apostasy signal (2Thes2:1-4), which includes the premature “end” delusion “to the effect Jehovah’s day is here”, in addition to the apostasy that created that delusion now present at Bethel. (2Thess2:1-4);

a. For example that matured apostasy signal, as a precursor of a prophetic judgment, was present preceding every Biblical judgment since Israel (Hos1:4-7; Jer23:15), Jerusalem, and Christendom, and in that same repeating fashion it is now active as that apostasy principle in the modern Christian ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses. (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:11-13);

2. The apostasy is a signal and has prerequisite features that indicate it is prophetic and that it leads to the final temple judgment and its prophetic continuation as next in the process. (Rev8-11 final fulfillment);

The temple judgment is the main development to come, signaled by the modern apostasy.

3. The temple judgment phase (Dan8:13-14) begins the final cycle, as the foretold apostasy is also now present right in Jehovah’s witnesses global ministry by the subversive work of its Bethel leadership: the true scope of “apostasy” in the prophecy is its development in the central ministerial authority. (Dan11:32a, Dan8:12, 2Thess2:1-4, Zech3:1-3);

The premature end expectation is the final earmark of the Bethel apostasy at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2. (2Thess2:1-4, 10-12); The purpose of that delusion is to cover up the events of the future with false reality as long as possible.

4. What we see is the progressive apostate spiritual condition in Jehovah’s witnesses Bethel leadership (Rev8:10-11) affecting the ministerial accuracy, and the general globalization progress in the world system toward world government, are both parallel developments indicating each system will have a final cycle manifestation that will develop concurrently in their respective prophecies as Daniel 8:13-14 (Rev8:3-5, 1Pet4:17, Zech3:1-5) and Daniel 11:42-45 and will continue to unfold as parallels. (Rev16:1-9, Rev8:-11);

The writing on the wall is Bethel will experience corporate and organizational intrigues (Dan8:11,13, Dan11:31a, 41; 1Pet4:17) while the 8th King fourth and final cycle starts to activate in earnest as the context of the unique temple judgment “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 timed for future verification and to begin a continuum of more prophecy (Rev8-11) that connects to the 8th King final cycle (Dan11:42-45) that is highly detailed in that final prophetic progression.

II. First Signal: Modern Apostasy – Led by JW Bethel

A. Apostasy Repeating is Prophecy Repeating

1. A set of unique spiritual (Dan8:13-14) and world events (Dan11:42-43) will lead into / start the replication of Daniel 12, Revelation 8-11, and Revelation 15-16 as explained in principle and preview by Jehovah’s witnesses regarding the first cycle of those prophecies. (1914-1918, 1919-1922); Yet those unique prophecies forecast repeating principles and developments that are all inter-related and will activate full prophetic replications. (Rev8-11, Rev16);

2. The first repeating principle is that of the ministerial apostasy in the central Christian leadership that is the first prophetically required signal (2Thess2:1-4). It signals the whole repeating coming final cycle, that begins with the temple judgment phase that the apostasy triggers and requires for accounting (Dan8:13), purification (Zech3:4-5, Dan8:14) and correction (Mal3:1-2), is also going to activate concurrent in some form. (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:12, Dan11:41, Zech3:1-5);

B. Apostasy Indicates Temple Judgment

1. The apostasy signals the required and foretold temple judgment finalizing clarification is what is coming (Mal3:1-2, Zech3:4-5), because the Bethel apostasy obscures final cycle prophetic truths that must be made known (Rev8-10) requiring a temple judgment scale divine removal of the apostate obstacle “in the temple”. (Isa66:6); Being as it is all foretold in replicating principle, the temple judgment “trampling” is carried out by use of Bethel’s own publicly known allied world power it is also in public lawless union with, the 8th King and UN system, as connected with the Bethel UN NGO. (Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation” in the Dan8:13-14 temple judgment);

Thus, as usual, God will again use world powers and events as the context of judgment. (Dan8:13-14);

And those events are going to become global, and are comprehensively foretold as the 8th King also creates a global context cycle into which Bethel will implode in judgment at the beginning of the cycle. (1Pet4:17, Zech3:2);

C. Apostasy Uses The Premature End of World Delusion

1. Thus, conveniently, Bethel has a delusion to cover up that event as long as they are permitted. (Dan8:14, 26; Hos6:1-3); Thus what really earmarks Bethel fully in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 is the premature “end” expectation (2Thess2:1-2) they now also culture in Jehovah’s witnesses minds while their apostasy and their “man of lawlessness” is also present but has yet to be fully revealed by God well before the actual “day of Jehovah”, in the said final temple judgment.

a. Thus Bethel has the (1) “apostasy”, the self-exalted (2) “man of lawlessness” and a smokescreen (3) premature “end of the world” expectation all present at the same time in Bethel’s “operation of error” even surpassing Christendom in their premature “end of the world” hype.

b. Like Christendom they also have a UN endorsement under their belt and they cover up the prophecy showing that 3rd UN event they cohort with as UN NGO co-promoters. (Dan11:30-31; Awake! 9/8/1991);

D. Apostasy Subverts Modern Prophecy Understanding

1. That Bethel based “operation of error” and required removal is the meaning of the temple “right condition” purification of Daniel 8:13-14. (Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5); It is more than just apostasy and UN covenants at work at Bethel, they are also “throwing truth to the earth” in the cover up of critical prophecy and 8th King globalizing developments since 1990. (Dan8:12, 23a; Dan11:32a);

2. The prophecy Bethel now subverts the true meaning of has fulfilled with the 3rd UN manifestation of 1990 (Dan11:30-31, 8:23) as a co-development with Bethel’s apostasy and UN NGO alliance from the same time period. Daniel 8 and 11 is not just the 3rd and 4th 8th King UN progression prophecy (Dan11:27-45, Dan8:23-25), that became obvious in 1990, but it is also prophecy that explains the modern apostate co-development shown to be in collusion and concurrent development with that 8th King “King North” objective from 1990.

3. Obviously the Bethel UN NGO is a form of co-promoting collusion, but it indicates that is just the “tip of the iceberg” of things internal to Bethel and its apostate guidance. (Dan11:41, Dan11:32a);

E. Apostasy Indicates Final Cycle is Next

Thus that Bethel apostasy is prophetic and connects to more prophecy it has already activated in latent form as things will intensify in this development in the 8th King development cycle as well. The repeating apostasy developments means everything will also follow suit in replication. Revelation 8:10-11 is this Bethel apostasy as it is explained in the Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment cycle as all Revelation 8-11 activates for the final time.

From the latent but final apostasy now present at Bethel things will in time become very pronounced as the final cycle activates in earnest as Daniel 11:42-43 events in the Daniel 11:42-45 eventual convergence into Daniel 12:1,7,11 final fulfillment. The temple judgment developments must in time fully expose Bethel’s true apostate condition and internal 8th King “King North” alliances (Dan11:41) and operations. (Dan8:12, 11:32a);

1. The modern “the lie” at Bethel is how this disinformation has warped the overall prophetic insight Jehovah’s witnesses once had, now it is apostate for the last twenty four years of imbibed error. Now the apostasy is directly connected to its “operation of error” and that creating an overall ministerial falsehood. (Rev8:10-12):

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 11-12) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone… 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

2. Thus the overall effect of the error in Jehovah’s witnesses produces an apostate ministry deviating from the formerly valid prophetic exposition from 1914-1969. In that error the premature “the end” delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here” is part of the overall diversion and deception now implanted into the derailed Jehovah’s witnesses ministry as it conceals modern 8th King UN and globalization developments. Thus that error is what is dealt with, exposed and removed over the full temple judgment of Daniel 8:14 and its “trampling” “evening” phase. (Dan8:13-14, Dan8:26);

3. “The lie” has a cross reference to the Isaiah prophecy temple judgment parallel at Isaiah 28:14-16:

(Isaiah 28:14-16) Therefore hear the word of Jehovah, you braggarts, you rulers of this people who are in Jerusalem: 15 Because you men have said: “We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with Sheol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us, for we have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves”; 16 therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “Here I am laying as a foundation in Zion a stone, a tried stone, the precious corner of a sure foundation.

4. Thus the Bethel “lie” instead indicates the temple judgment. The temple judgment purification of Zechariah 3:4-5 brings forth the temple “stone” (Zech4:6-9) ministry of Zechariah 3:8-10 parallel after the temple judgment accounting and purification:

(Zechariah 3:8-9) “‘Hear, please, O Joshua the high priest, you and your companions who are sitting before you, for they are men [serving] as portents; for here I am bringing in my servant Sprout! 9 For, look! the (Christ temple completion) stone that I have put before Joshua! (Zech4:6-9) Upon the one stone there are seven eyes. Here I am engraving its engraving,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘and I will take away the error of that land in one day.’ (in the temple judgment purification fully carried out);

5. Thus the temple judgment on Jehovah’s witnesses and the downfall of Bethel will truly be the “unusual work” as required for the actual prophetic truth to come forth before Christ arrives and before the finalities of the prophecy occur to completion:

(Isaiah 28:21) For Jehovah will rise up just as at Mount Perazim, he will be agitated just as in the low plain near Gibeon, that he may do his deed—his deed is strange—and that he may work his work—his work is unusual.

6. And that temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) meaning (Rev8:7-12) gives the preview alarm (1Pet4:17) of the overall world judgment it will lead to in more prophecy (Rev8-11) set to fulfill for a number of final years:

(Isaiah 28:22) And now do not show yourselves scoffers, in order that your bands may not grow strong, for there is an extermination, even something decided upon, that I have heard of from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, for all the land.

7. Thus in the JW “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) microcosm of the Revelation 8 JW “earth” global communal system comes a temple judgment and overall judgment signal that will picture what is really developing globally as the ministry prepares the final “little scroll” information in detail (Rev9-11) of Christ’s impending arrival AFTER the “tribulation of those days” resolves (Matt24:29) for 8th King completed world government final presentation (Dan8:25, 11:45, 12:11) and final global sovereign statements. (1Thess5:1-3);

Thus the JW temple judgment phase (Rev8) pictures an overall world judgment phase (Rev16) and provides the basis of its explanation for it is integral to the whole prophecy and the portions Bethel is now concealing in an organized purposeful manner. The entire Revelation 8-11 seven trumpet sequence repeats in the process.

(1 Peter 4:17) 17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.

That is why the judgment starts with the house of God but extends all the way to Christ’s arrival and final world judgment.

III. The Final Prophetic and World Cycle

A. Overview: Apostasy to Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

1. Apostasy

a. The modern final apostasy, the modern “man of lawlessness” and their premature “day of Jehovah” expectation are all three signal and prerequisite elements present at Bethel at the same time manifesting 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 in final form prior to the temple judgment it is actually indicating must come first. (1Pet4:17);

b. Thus the apostasy at Bethel is prophetic. That apostasy and temple judgment prophecy is a continuum leading to more prophecy. Now “the lie” and the “operation of error” have all been permitted by God to form even in Jehovah’s witnesses to form part of the temple judgment basis. (2Thess2:10-12; Dan8:12-13; Zech3:1-5);

c. The premature “end” delusion and the premature Babylon the Great judgment diversion all aid the apostate Bethel concealment of serious developments to come upon Bethel, and this is why Bethel promotes these deceptions.

d. In reality Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-32 prophecy already shows Bethel is actually aiding the 8th King planners internally (Dan11:41), and this is why they promote this kind of error to cover up the true meaning of the temple judgment igniting (Zech3:2, Rev8:3-5) and its required and permitted “trampling” developments coming. (Dan8:13-14); Covering up and diverting prophecy along the way also aids their concealment from Jehovah’s witnesses.

That Bethel also joined that 8th King system as UN NGO all at the same time they conceal that monumental 3rd UN placement of 1990 is what makes it all undeniable now.

e. This “operation of error” at Bethel uses former prophetic truth misarranged to serve their deceptive purpose, with a total diversion of 8th King prophecy since 1990, to create the overall complete subversion. Thus they can divert attention to “Christendom” and “Babylon the Great” “judgment” to divert attention away from Bethel’s own judgment when it comes while that event and its global 8th King developing context will reinforce the delusion it is “the end” development among Jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.

Bethel slips in the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13, while using truthful prophecy in deceptive final ordering, while refusing to update critical 3rd UN placement prophecy in the meantime; and that is what makes Bethel’s apostasy so effective, still believable and masterful in subterfuge in a lulling drift to the premature “end” they sell to cover it all up when it does hit as the final cycle starting, not ending yet.

f. This overall development was all aided and “gradually” developed (Dan8:12a) by Bethel while burying modern 8th King and co-developing apostasy revealing prophecy (Dan8:12b) so Jehovah’s witnesses would not examine the very prophecies explaining Bethel’s true condition and its apostate co-development and alliance with the highly significant 8th King “New World Order” United Nations placement of 1990. (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23);

Now Jehovah’s witnesses are fully 24 years behind and covering up 8th King prophecy since that 1990 foretold UN event as led by the Bethel subversion they aid, defend, finance and publicly promote this now matured error for worldwide.

Thus something is going to change this trajectory: the apostasy exposing and removing temple judgment and its prophetic fulfillment activating the final cycle of prophecy at the same time.

2. Temple Judgment

a. The temple judgment is also prophetic as the unique Daniel 8:13-14 timed and phased (Dan8:26) prophecy to begin fulfillment soon. It begins in the context of greater overall world events forming (Dan11:42-43; Rev16:1-9) to define more prophecy the temple judgment fulfillment must lead into. (1Pet4:17, Zech3:1-8, Mal3:1-5, Rev8:3-5); The Daniel 8:13-14 modern parallel is the Revelation 8:3-5 final fulfillment, thus all Revelation 8-11 as a continuum will be activated with the temple judgment.

Thus the final cycle is multi-year as per Daniel 8:14, 12:7 and 12:11 and gauged in seven trumpets and seven plagues while it is unfolding into the Revelation 9-11 recovery and “two witnesses” deployed final explanatory period revealing this truth.

b. One of the features defining the temple judgment context is that the “tribulation of those days” begins with the temple judgment association of spiritual “Israel” and “Jerusalem”. (Luke 21:20, Matt24:15, Dan11:30-31, Dan8:13, Hos1:4-7); The temple judgment must fulfill prophecy, provide accounting, provide the purification and prepare the final ministerial announcements aided by the great signal the whole temple judgment, using Bethel’s “trampling”, will in time provide. (Zech3:2, Dan8:13);

c. The “tribulation of those days” will span Revelation 8 to Revelation 11:1-7 final developments, and though used by the 8th King to consolidate world power and present the world government “disgusting thing” it will relate to spiritual “Jerusalem” as well, from start (Dan8:13) to finish (Rev11:2);

d. The 8th King global developmental context of a then active final cycle (Dan11:42-45) provides the global context and global “trampling” power of the temple judgment as Bethel provides the globally visible and known claimant anointed Christian association for that actually anointed Christian judgment for future reference to aid the prophetic recognition by using the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses” organizational intrigues to mark that part of the “trampling”. (Dan8:13-14; Hos1:4-7);

e. The temple judgment (Rev8:3-5 parallel) allows an explanation of itself as prophecy (Rev8:7-12) that forms the basis of the whole final cycle exposition of the broader overall prophecy. (Rev8-11, Rev16); The reason why this comprehensive explanation comes forth while explaining the temple judgment as prophecy (Rev9-10), and the true Bethel state (Rev8:10-11), is because the things Bethel is covering up and concealing as prophecy formerly diverted aiding 8th King developmental secrecy must come out and be made known with the judgment in its explanation.

f. And since this is also activating a final Kingdom of God related Messianic Kingdom completion drive (Rev10-11) to co-develop to culmination with the 8th King’s own world government completion (Rev16, Dan11:42-45), the whole “little scroll” basis and summarization (Rev10:5-11) comes forth at the same time as a final ministerial warning deploying (Rev11:1-7) into that 8th King world government completion as the “tribulation of those days” resolves into that climax presentation.

This is how the temple judgment leads to more prophecy to be fulfilling at that time for several final years of the world system, and how and why the apostasy indicating the temple judgment is thus highly significant.

3. 8th King/King North Final Cycle Activation

a. The greater overall development of the 8th King final world cycle starting as well at that time (Dan11:42-45), is the global context of the spiritually significant and eventually globally significant “tribulation of those days”. Thus the repetition of this world-war-to-world-government cycle is what also activates as supporting inter-related prophecy with the temple judgment but its context (however it really begins) will be eventually, if not immediately, global in scope as is the prophecy and its forecasted approximate multi-year duration. (Dan8:14, Dan12);

b. The real significance of this cycle just starting is that it progresses as the global context of the final world government presentation while also being the context Bethel is “trampled” in at its beginning also at global scale in some form organizationally. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:11-13); The importance is the “tribulation of those days” eventually resolves before Christ arrives. (Matt24:29); Thus the “tribulation of those days” required resolution (Matt24:29) into world government also completing all occurs before Christ arrives, and thus a final warning must come forth from the temple judgment phase (Dan8:14, Rev8:3-5) while that huge distraction is in force also before all that overall cycle culminates into 8th King world government.

c. Thus anointed Christians (Rev9:1-12) and eventually their helpers and supporters (Rev9:16-21) will have their work (Rev10:11, Rev11:2-3) cut out for them in also a required accelerated recovery fashion backed by prophetically indicated divine means to eventually accomplish the final ministry after the purification. (Rev11:3, Zech3:4-7); The whole development eventually begins the first four trumpets of final fulfillment temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) “alarming” explanations of Revelation 8’s temple judgment parallel (Rev8:3-5) in the context of the first four plagues of Revelation 16:1-9 active as 8th King global intrigues. (Hag2:7);

No wonder apostate Bethel cannot and does not address the meaning of Matthew 24:29 “immediately after the tribulation of those days” in detail, it is a special period singled out in prophecy that resolves before Christ arrives because it has great meaning, and global significance to that 8th King final world government presentation.

d. The “tribulation of those days” is the fourth 8th King cycle which spiritual context starts with their downing the Bethel system and ministry (Dan8:13-14) to attempt to conceal all prophetic reality and it progresses as a continuum all the way to the 8th King world government resolution and final presentation through Daniel 11:42-45 which also activate Daniel 11:42-43 intrigues at that time. The successful subversion of Bethel covering up the 1990 3rd UN placement significance is continued to also cover up the 4th UN world government cycle into its activation cycle as long as possible.

e. Thus the “tribulation of those days” is a high priority period of 8th King global orchestrations (Dan11:42-43), and attempting to silence the Bethel and the anointed Christian ministry permanently will be a goal to get more severe when they finally have Bethel “under foot” for real. (Rev9 “abyss”, Dan8:13, Zech3:2);.

f. That final cycle commencing as “the judgment to start with the house of God” (1Pet4:17), will not end the “tribulation of those days” until 8th King world government is ready for its final full global presentation. (Dan8:25, Dan11:45, Dan12:11, Rev11:7-10, Rev17:11-18); That is why understanding what is coming on Bethel and the temple judgment meaning is so important now and later, it is a great spiritual signal of the final cycle, not “the end” yet but the beginning of the final phase of prophecy and most of it is repeating prophecy in final form. (Dan12, Rev8-11, Rev15-16);

It is Daniel 11:41 Bethel infiltration (Dan8:12) that climaxes as Daniel 11:42-43 wealth/finance intrigues activate the whole Daniel 11:42-45 final cycle to begin fulfillment next and it goes on several final years to a successful world government presentation (Dan11:45, 12:11; Rev11:7, 17:8-18) and the global period of final function (1Thess5:1-3) in the Revelation 17:12 symbolic “one hour” of 8th King world government completed. (Isa41:1, Dan8:25);

4. World Government, Christ Arrival, Messianic Kingdom Completion, Final Sheep Securement, Armageddon

a. Therefore the completion of the temple judgment will lead to the recovery of the final prophetic truth and it eventually (Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3) being deployed by God (Rev11:3) and made known as the “tribulation of those days” is in action well before 8th King world government completion enabling Christ’s arrival. This is why this final “little scroll” prophecy information goes out to warn of the guaranteed completing developments and their implications. (Rev10:5-11);

b. The final ministerial recovery (Rev10:11, Zech3:6-7) must of course outline the reality of what is actually in action at that time and the true meaning of the Bethel apostasy, their 8th King source (Dan11:32a, 41; Dan8:12), and what they were fully covering up since 1990’s 3rd UN placement. (Dan11:31b; Rev8:7-12);

c. This is because Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:30-45 all outline 3rd UN to 4th UN world government prophecy since 1990 including the Bethel apostasy co-developing in that progression fully in control of Jehovah’s witnesses since 1990. (Dan8:12, 23a; Dan11:30-32a, 41);

d. But the Bethel apostasy has been in fact “already at work” (2Thess2:7) and was developing before 1990 since it is by the 1976 dictatorial “Governing Body” cell of subversion that Jehovah’s witnesses lost the whole UN tracking assignment by that derailing development between 1945 and 1990. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses only exposed the first two UN placements as prophecy of 1919 and 1945, and now are taught by Bethel to ignore the 3rd UN placement of 1990. We now know the intervening subversive development is in that so-called “Governing Body” in 1976.

e. Exposing the 3rd UN placement of 1990 as the Daniel 11:31 and Daniel 8:23 prophecies of that 3rd UN placement and their continuums to the 4th UN placement parallels of Daniel 11:42-45 and Daniel 8:24-25 is what explains the progressive developments that must complete to allow Christ’s final arrival upon a complete 8th King world government in eventual pinnacle defiant claims of world “peace and security” with the foretold full and final warning. (Dan8:25);

f. Thus Christ’s arrival has major sheep securing features, Messianic Kingdom 144000 completion priorities and final judgments (Rev14:1-20) that all must transpire after not only the “tribulation of those days” ends, but after 8th King world government is in its official last “one hour” (Rev17:12) of total global “power and authority”. (Rev17:11-18); Thus the Bethel overall subversion and its apostate hallmark premature end delusion is concealing great details that must manifest in quite the drawn out final multi-year cycle of prophecy and the final world developments it actually fully forecasts.

The real priority of Christ through the whole Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:7, and Daniel 12:11 final sequential timed periods, with unknown transitions, is to purify the ministry (Dan8:13-14), make a final open salvation warning (Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3), and save people all the way through his arrival (Dan12:11, Rev11:7-12) and after (Rev14) well before the Armageddon divine war phase.

Section 2 – The Final Prophetic and World Cycle Details: Apostasy to Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

I. Apostasy
II. Temple Judgment
III. Required Completions and Final Warning
IV. Final Kingdom Proclamation Deploys into 8th King Final Cycle in Progress
V. It All Converges to 8th King World Government and The Messianic Kingdom Completions at Armageddon
VI. Great Tribulation Phasings and Meanings
Final Cycle Graphics Ex. 1, Ex. 1b, Ex. 2, Ex. 3, Ex. 4

I. Apostasy

A. Apostasy is now visibly present at Bethel.

1. Apostasy prophecy fulfilling now latently connects to temple judgment prophecy that marks the final cycle activation starting blatantly.

2. Since prophecy is the ultimate forecast of current and future truth, prophecy is what indicates Bethel is the final apostasy location and its prophetic cover-up is the main purpose of the Bethel “man of lawlessness” “set in opposition” by “throwing truth to the earth” (Dan8:12), to help the 8th King conceal the final cycle of the truth of prophecy. (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:11-14, Dan11:41, 2Thess2:1-4, 10-12);

3. But Bethel’s own apostate state is not the only prophecy Bethel conceals, they also conceal modern 8th King global developmental activity in its final two phases of prophecy leading to world government. The last two UN placements are the 1990 3rd United Nation manifestation after the Cold War (Dan11:29-31), and the future final world government “wildbeast that ascends from the abyss” 4th UN related placement (Rev11:7, Dan11:45). These final two UN prophecies and developments are now being covered up at Bethel by their obscuring the 3rd UN event of Daniel 11:31b and Daniel 8:23 of 1990.

Concealing the 3rd UN placement breaks its continuum to the 4th UN world government manifestation placement in Daniel 11:27-45 and Daniel 8:23-25. By that apostate and impostor run Bethel truncation (Dan11:32a), the whole overall four cycles of UN development and presentations as prophecy are also never connected together in this quadruple UN 1-2-3-4 overall progression (and prophecy) over the last century in trajectory to 8th King world government after the 4th cycle completes. Thus the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry is not exposing what it should be explaining accurately.

4. This is the UN manifestation Bethel instead joined in as UN NGO global co-promoters, the Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation”, employing unaware Jehovah’s witnesses globally in distribution of United Nations “public information”. (starting in Awake! 9/81991); The UN “library card” is the plausible deniability Bethel employs for the few JWs aware of this scandalous alliance and UN endorsement. Bethel employs that covering “smooth word” (Dan11:32a) justification while still not making official public comment to all JWs about this UN NGO “affair”. (Matt24:15); Thus many Jehovah’s witnesses are unaware of what is a blatant apostate alliance and so cannot “flee” upon this realization being known and recognized for what it is. (Matt24:15 “discernment” is that “disgusting thing” is the Daniel 11:31b fulfillment and Bethel’s UN NGO “standing” endorsement);

5. But the list of Bethel scandal goes on, revealing that the secondary purpose of the “lawless one” at Bethel is to discredit the former prophetic truth and to stumble as many people as possible concurrently with these modern Bethel apostate developments. (Dan11:32-35, 41; 2Pet2:1-3); Bethel’s internal global lawless antics are what is used by external “JW critics” to then discredit the original 1914 centered first prophecy and its original world government related significance in this sort of Bethel fueled global stumbling “feedback loop”. Thus it is not a stretch to see the internal and external stumbling campaign is orchestrated in unison by the 8th King planners also present inside Bethel aiding this process. (Dan11:32a, 41; Dan8:11-13);

Thus is why Bethel’s external 8th King orchestrated “aids” target the 1914 based Daniel 12 prophecy cycle for discrediting because that first cycle and its preview fulfillment is what repeats and thus explains the final cycle merely updated with the 8th King modern developments since 1990 and the final Messianic Kingdom completion information in the same prophecies Bethel has been subverting and making inactive.

B. Bethel’s Apostasy Covers Up Post 1990 World Development Prophecy

1. Thus by not understanding the first two UN placements of 1919 and 1945 connect further to the final two UN placements also in prophecy, that Jehovah’s witnesses did expose and explain properly as prophecy in the first two UN placements (1919, 1945), it is all now not being explained by Jehovah’s witnesses fully; JWs no longer explain up-to-date and relevant prophetic truth concerning modern and significant 8th King and UN developments as prophecy. (Dan8:23-25, Dan11:27-45);

2. Since the 3rd UN placement of 1990 leads in a prophetic continuum (Dan11:36) to the 4th UN placement as 8th King world government in the future, JWs not understanding the meaning of the 3rd UN placement prophecies in Daniel 8 and 11 means Jehovah’s witnesses also do not understand the 4th UN placement as world government or the final cycle of prophecy and world events (Dan11:42-45) that produces that final globalized defiant entity to God’s Kingdom. (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18);

C. Apostasy Starts Final Cycle in Latent Fashion

1. Thus as Jehovah’s witnesses are in a King North (8th King) Bethel led (Dan11:32a) apostasy latent and unrecognized by many, now the fourth UN 8th King cycle is about to start with no awareness among Jehovah’s witnesses as to what the final cycle means and leads to over several final years of prophecy. Thus the apostasy itself is actually the active latent signal portion of the final cycle, it produces these deluding effects for a purpose and it itself is a repeating development.

This is how and why the premature end delusion is so thorough in the Bethel deluded JW collective psyche. Instead Jehovah’s witnesses think “the end of the world is right around the corner” and that everything is fine in the ministry.

2. Instead, aiding such a critical delusion, Bethel is promoting a premature “end of the world” to impress that expectation into JW minds to aid concealment of this final UN cycle leading to world government as if it is “the end”, “all done”, “prophecy is fulfilling brothers!”. They also want to obscure the true significance of the final cycle commencement events to sell that as the terminal “the end” sequence in ambiguous confused fashion, rather than the final required prophetic cycle it actually will be.

a. In the interim Bethel concealed their apostasy while it developed progressively to now undeniable, the “man of lawlessness” is latently revealing himself first (John12:6) for those awake to prophecy. The mastery of this subversion is Bethel’s expert subverters are using mostly truthful expectations of certain prophecy, but are misarranging it and misapplying it for premature and deceptive application to events that are not “the end of the world” but it is in fact the beginning of the final 8th King cycle.

3. That final 8th King cycle instead must progress for a number of years (Dan8:14, Dan12:7), also not to “the end of the world” immediately, but to 8th King world government (Dan11:45, Dan8:25) and its self-proclaimed “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3) and a global recovery potential (Isa41:1) to be presented like no other time in human history. (Rev13:16-18); When that final cycle consolidates the final global wealth into 8th King sole control as Daniel 11:42-43, that aids the rest of the wealth driven sovereign control process (Dan11:44-45, Rev17:11-18) into the true culmination of the prophecy as 8th King world government.

8th King “scarlet wildbeast” world government is what must complete first, even before Christ arrives, but in the prophetically marked period of that arrival. (Ps110:2, Rev19:11-16, Matt24:29-31);

a. The required 7th King “Egypt” global nation-state enveloping “downfall” is by sovereign subservience (Rev17:11-18) to be superceded by this 8th King world government global-sovereign consolidation finality that is going to be greatly driven by that debt based and financial intrigue wealth transfer to “King North” control of Daniel 11:42-43. Obviously the US and EU national debt systems are already showing great signs (Luke21:25) of that coming “leveraged buy out” of whole nations and their debt dependent governments by globalized super-corporate 8th King wealth and asset financial strategies. (Dan11:42-43);

b. Although applying to the United Nation “abyss” ascension of 1945, Revelation 17:8-11 will have also the final “abyss ascension” of Revelation 11:7 as the 8th King comes from the “tribulation of those days” resolving to ascend into complete “King North” 8th King world government.

By this Bethel apostate strategy, Jehovah’s witnesses are simply being bypassed over this whole final cycle certainty, all of its required completions and the whole final cycle of prophecy to fulfill in this final multi-year progression.

4. Thus that subterfuge of the Bethel “lawless one” (2Thess2:1-2) is what must be removed while the final cycle is active and while they are completing their operations, and in that commencement period Jehovah’s witnesses will be under false impressions and will eventually need a divinely backed deliverance, purification (Dan8:14b, Zech3:4-5) and recovery also foretold in the temple judgment prophecy as its finishing phase. (Zech3:2, Rev9, Hos1:4-7);That will open the way for the truth recovery and final “little scroll” warning also as a repeating principle of the first prophecy, but in final form. (Rev10:11);

The terminal Bethel apostasy indicates: Temple judgment prophecy cycle starts soon. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13-14);

5. In the meantime the Bethel apostasy now becoming explainable by prophecy and Bethel lawless evidence and public scandals like the UN NGO, is itself a latent development indicating that the final cycle already has begun in latent manner; like the proverbial Bethel “thief in the night” that they are.

The temple judgment events and timing (Dan8:13-14) will put that final cycle into blatant overdrive along with the supporting 8th King global developments of Daniel 11:42-45 beginning the “tribulation of those days”. Revelation 8-11 and Revelation 16 will also be starting to activate into their final “seven” gauged cycle.

II. Temple Judgment

A. Overview of the temple judgment purpose

1. The purpose of the temple judgment is the anointed Christian priesthood and temple accounting, purification and recovery first and foremost. (Zech3:4-5, Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Mal3:1-5); But in that development the Bethel “operation of error” must also be removed concurrent with the purification providing divine accounting for the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” as well. (Zech3:3, Dan8:13); And in all those events a great world signal of future further judgment is also formed as prophecy must fulfill and will be fulfilling as a requirement of God.

“The judgment” STARTS with the “house of God”, but its overall judgment significance continues over several final years. The final judgments are rendered after Christ arrives and after the Messianic Kingdom completes.

2. Thus recovering prophetic truth is also the overall purpose of the temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) to secure a final clarification (Mal3:1-2) leading to a final warning and complete prophetic explanation (Rev10:5-11, Rev11) to be globally deployed a final time (Rev10:11) as also all outlined in the prophetic continuum (Rev8:1-12) that will be activating with the temple judgment. (Zech3:3-7);

3. At some point recovered Christians need to of course explain the final cycle of prophecy which is part of the divine ultimatum (Zech3:6-7), for determining the final “faithful slave” designate (Matt24:45-47) and the “little scroll” mission acceptance (Rev10) to be carried out as the final “two witnesses”, the second Kingdom related witness (Rev11:1-7), once an actual truth is present again (Rev10:11) in an approved, clean and placed ministerial “turban”. (Zech3:5);

4. The temple judgment purification Daniel 8:14 “right condition” is the cleansed new “robes of state” (Zech3:4) of an approved Christian anointed identity required to carry out this final “sackcloth” divine pronouncement as the concurrent development. (Rev11:3);

5. Thus the final prophetic clarifications will be made explaining and covering all the apostate and 8th King development in prophecy that Bethel has been covering up. The final cycle in progress will also be explained as to its world government guaranteed success and the implications of that climax 8th King completion because it will trigger Christ’s arrival once they are completed in final global sovereign form.

Revelation 7 Note: The final 144000 remnant sealing is in the “tribulation of those days”

Thus this relates as well to the final ministerial “two witnesses” “little scroll” mission period that produces the final “faithful slave” anointed sealings of affirmation related to Revelation 7:1-4 through the “tribulation of those days” final 1260 day “little scroll” final ministerial commission portion. That ministry climaxes with (Rev11:1-7) the 8th King world government co-completing its “wildbeast ascends from the abyss” development to enable their “four winds” “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” of that final “great tribulation” phase to commence after the “tribulation of those days” has resolved into that 8th King world “peace and security” duality of one-sided destructions (Rev11:7-10; Rev18:9-19) “during” their final world peace claims. (Matt24:29-31 “four winds” parallel);

The temple judgment will indicate: The final cycle has started in earnest.

B. Revelation of the “man of lawlessness” begins to expose what the Bethel apostasy is concealing

1. In the exposing of Bethel’s true apostate condition will come more revelations of also what they are covering up that must come to light. (Rev8:8-11); The 8th King progress in prophecy and world government development is one of these revelations to come as Bethel’s “lawless one” is revealed and “done away with”. (2Thes2:8, Mal3:1-5, Zech3:1-5);

2. Thus exposing the true Bethel operation and its 8th King prophetically revealed and evidentiary connections (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:11-13) forms a great basis of the final prophetic explanations to come forth in the temple judgment. (Rev8:1-12); The very things Bethel takes pains to conceal will be exposed and form the basis of the final revelation of the final cycle details and the Bethel judgment pyre (Zech3:2) will light the way as aiding the verification of the prophecy.

a. Accordingly “the lawless one will be revealed” (2Thess2:8) is also a complete divine exposé of the truths the Bethel “man of lawlessness” is concealing as well as their 8th King connection as who they are also being made public information of as UN NGO supporting the verifiability of this whole portion of apostate and temple judgment prophecy. (The Daniel 8:14 timing aids verifying the prophetic fulfillment.);

3. As shown in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 God permitted the “operation of error” and overall “lie” that has formed at Bethel as a basis of His own judgment to come upon everyone involved (for “weed” and “wheat” outcomes) whether Christian, apostate or impostor and the uppity Bethel “man of lawlessness” will be made subject to God’s purpose as they already are even if it appears to them, for now, that they have one over on God and His people. (Gal6:7, Isa66:6);

In the end the Bethel apostasy will highlight the very issues needing to be summarized in the “little scroll”, they will have aided the final judgment and exposition process.

4. In reality God has been setting the trap for the apostates and impostors (Isa66:6), and the replication of prophecy is the springing of said trap’s other jaw on the “man of lawlessness” well placed foot as God and Christ get directly active in the “temple” again to fast track the final warning from there on out in the 8th King final cycle active to the end of their road; as drawn out as it will become, it is a very short period of time left remaining. (Dan8:14+Dan12:7+Dan12:11);

a. But the fact is the purpose of the temple judgment is also to inspire repentance. Even now apostate anointed Christians can turn back in some of those influenced by the Daniel 11:32 developments; God’s and Christ’s main target is getting the infiltrators (Jude4, Gal2:4, Dan11:31a) out of the ministry and then causally pursuing them justly to their end (Amos9:1-3) or repentance (Jon3:6), as God does repay those purposely against him (Deut7:9-10), in time as all roads lead to a divine judgment one way or another, one way, or another.

5. This is why the final explanation is thorough, double witness verified (Rev10-11 fulfilling twice), and goes forth into that terminal cycle until that final “two witnesses” ministry is ceased, but in cleansed and good standing with God as regards the whole of the ministry as per prophecy. (Dan12:7, Rev11:7-12); That final ministerial cessation (Rev11:7-10) is as the 8th King “ascends from the abyss” into world government (Rev11:7), and that “two witnesses” final cessation activates the symbolic “three and a half day” final symbolic period (Rev11:7-10) to expire into Christ’s actual arrival in what will by then be Daniel 12:11 active.

By the time Christ arrives the 8th King will also have been fully fairly warned. (Rev6:12-17, Joel3:9-11, Eze38:7);

C. Prophetic reality and the final cycle can be explained from 1990 point of full diversion.

1. Once the truth squelching Bethel “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) is “done away with” (2Thess2:8, Isa12) the truth of post 1990 UN 8th King developments as prophecy can be revealed with the apostasy that aided it. (Dan11:32); The 3rd UN placement of 1990 as Daniel 11:31b, and Daniel 8:23b can be correctly connected to the 4th UN placements of Daniel 11:44-45, Daniel 8:25 as the climax of that continuum will then also be active.

The Bethel subversion was from the same “King North” 8th King source (Dan11:32a) to aid concealment of critical 8th King “King North” and “King Fierce of Countenance” developments converging and fully globalizing since especially 1990 to the world government fruition.

2. Bethel apostate and impostor “enter into the land of the Decoration” of Daniel 11:41 is just part of the overall global 8th King expansion since 1990 (Dan11:40) made fully evident at UN NGO Bethel as 8th King allied. Thus covering up the 3rd UN placement is not all Bethel has been purposely ignoring since 1990, they also squelch all insight on globalization as a process and as the main global “gathering” force (Rev16:13-16) of actually implementing world government.

3. Thus Bethel also purposely outdates and dumbs-down the average JW perception of modern worldwide globalism and UN system developmental reality and its ultimate objective of world government. That includes of course concealing that the whole UN-3 to UN-4 progression is foretold explicitly in prophecy with even more detail in those prophecies (Dan11:36-45, 8:24-25; Rev17:11-18) (and in world developments) than the first two UN placements of 1919 (Rev13:11-15) and 1945 (Rev17:8-11), while those final UN placements also repeat the same cycles and principles used in WW1 and WW2 to aid those first two UN presentations. NONE of those repeating globalist used cyclic principles, also shown in the prophecy, are explained by compromised apostate Bethel. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8);

The final revelation is the awareness it all repeats.

Now what is unique about this analysis here is it is not an “interpretation”, it is an awareness the whole prophecy REPEATS. So this exposition honors the original understandings of Jehovah’s witnesses original cycle explanations, as aided by God through Christ, from 1914-1969 and it agrees fully and in fact reinforces the foundational prophetic truths of Jehovah’s witnesses up to the 1976 apostate Governing Body tyrannical coup because the first prophetic cycle of Daniel 12 in 1914-1926 already explains the final cycle:

It all repeats in finalizing and completing form, plain and simple.

That Bethel Governing Body coup was the means of the current apostasy and that is why all spiritual insight ended in that period of the first “lifting themselves over everyone”. (2Thess2:3-4, Dan11:32,36);

Thus the post 1990 updates are required because those 8th King developments is what Bethel is now concealing. The interpretive update made here is to accurately apply Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45 and Daniel 12 final fulfillment to modern 8th King developments actually in those prophecies even since World War 1 (Dan11:27-29), but made most notable in 1990 at the end of the Cold War cycle aiding that 3rd UN placement (Dan11:29-31, Dan8:23). The final two UN prophecies in Daniel 8 and 11 provides the last two UN “dots” to connect all four UN prophetic presentations in those final two 3rd and 4th UN placements to Christ’s arrival and eventually the Armageddon divine war finality.

Thus that the apostasy is also foretold in the same 3rd UN placement time period (Dan11:30-35) to become progressively manifest (Dan8:12), the apostasy is also explained as part of this post 1990 update related to the “operation of error” developments now internal to Bethel with 8th King concealing and serious transgression objectives.

The true prophetic details must come forth after the temple judgment has met its purpose.

That temple judgment requirement and prophecy is also concealed by Bethel by diverting attention to the past judgment as if that is the end of the story enabling the current Bethel “end of the world” “slam dunk” purposely deceptive current JW mythology.

D. Recovery to the final warning will be deployed in recovered and purified Christians coming out of the temple judgment phase.

1. Since the temple judgment is not a stand-alone prophecy, but is timed and connected to more prophecy in a guaranteed continuum, the Bethel events will connect to further world judgment implications already in the prophecy they cover up. Once the isolationism of modern JWs is removed in Bethel’s blindering influence “brought to nothing”, the real truth of the apostasy and its 8th King developmental concealing objectives can be fully revealed to duped JWs (Rev8:7-12), and then the world as that is the truthful purpose of the temple judgment and its final exposé of prophecy empowering the eventual “little scroll” summarization.

2. A whole comprehensive completion cycle is what will be unfolding soon for a number of prophetically gauged years leading to 8th King world government and then Jesus Christ’s arrival to complete the Messianic Kingdom at the full end of the final cycle. Thus the temple judgment accounting and purification sequence completing is just the first of more milestone completions to follow year over year, as already identified in the propehcy, as the whole final cycle of prophecy and 8th King development also completes. (Rev8:5-11);

The apostasy resolved in the temple judgment will thus allow the final revelation of replicating prophecy and final world events to be made completely known as to their final meaning and import: 8th King world government and Messianic Kingdom co-completion.

3. In the end the Bethel apostasy and its candid exposure adds to the credibility of the final cycle exposé.

III. Comprehensive Completion  Requirements and Final Warning (Revelation 10:5-11)


The final prophetic cycle already forecasts the final world history in its most important sovereign theme and development of the world government climax it ultimately also forecasts (Dan2,7,8,12; Rev13,17) with that of the Messianic Kingdom completion co-development to shortly follow it. (Rev8-11, 14) Thus completion of the prophetic description itself, of that comprehensive completion outlined in prophecy before it actually completes this time, is the main import of the final prophecy and its “sacred secret” being made fully known in the “little scroll” before its grand climax.

That it is a replication of the first prophetic cycle made known by Jehovah’s witnesses from the past of course greatly aids the recognition of the ultimate meaning of the final cycle that exactly repeats the first cycle, but in final form.

Therefore all these entities and events require a completion cycle:

A. Little Scroll Ministry

1. Since the prophecy fully outlines the first cycle of the JW ministry and world developments of 1914-1926 as a preview of the final cycle and full final fulfillment, knowing the truth of the first prophetic forecast basic outline: Kingdom ministry deploys into world war that resolves into world government, is very important; it is the same story about to repeat in final form! That full comprehensive completion certainty must also be stated globally by Jehovah’s witnesses as the second of the “two witnesses” ministry now announcing the Messianic Kingdom completion certainty over this final cycle. (Rev10:11);

2. That whole “little scroll” ministry recovery of understanding, from the current Bethel apostasy, must complete first through the temple judgment. Then that whole final “little scroll” ministry must also run its full 1260 day (Dan7:25, 12:7) replicating course (Rev10:5-11, Rev11:2-3, Rev11:1-10) into the “tribulation of those days” already active, to the approximately concurrent 8th King world government presentation as that “tribulation of those days” resolves into that milestone period.

B. 8th King World Government

1. The 8th King globalist system will complete world government at the end of this fourth and final cycle prior to Christ’s final arrival. The 8th King must be complete as world government (Rev17:11-18, Dan11:45, 12:11) globally conglomerated rival sovereign (Rev16:13-16; Rev17:11-18) and stated in “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3) as it final sovereign proclamation for Christ to then arrive on a completed global rival sovereignty.

2. The “one hour” symbol of Revelation 17:11-18 is the meaning of this apex of full world government function. This complete requirement is necessary for it is the sovereign climax symbol of unified national conglomeration into the 8th King meaning, the last king, the apex “king north” sovereign symbol of global defiance to God’s Kingdom.

3. Under world government is where the final 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 world “peace and security” statements take place to form the Daniel 8:25 “freedom from care”. It is “during a freedom from care” that the “bring many to ruin” occurs not in world war but in uni-polar 8th King world government climax “power and authority”. (Rev13:16-18);

4. That is the “bring many to ruin” period the final cleansed and “little scroll” accurate second of the “two witnesses” of Kingdom arrival are deposed prior to the Babylon the Great deposition, following in that same period (Rev17:15-18, Rev18:8-19), that also comes under 8th King full world government. (Rev11:7, Dan11:45, Dan8:25, Dan12:11);

C. Messianic Kingdom

1. Since Christ arrives after the “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29) that sees the “war with the two witnesses” after the final 1260 days “have finished their witnessing” as the world government “scarlet” “wild beast that ascends from the abyss” (Rev11:1-7). Thus we know Christ arrives after world government completes in that “ascension”, thus:

2. Christ arrives after the “two witnesses” are deposed after the final warning of 1260 days completes, after their symbolic “three and a half days” “death” state. (Rev11:7-12). It is still at that time not “the end”; but it is after the Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 11:2-3 1260 days completes and some time into, during the Daniel 12:11 1290 days. In Daniel 12:11 is when the “two witnesses” “death state” is marked as the “constant feature is removed”, thus the “three and a half days” is in the Daniel 12:11 period as  the “finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces (Rev11:7), all these things will come to their finish” marks the end of Daniel 12:7 1260 day period.

3. The cessation of the “two witnesses” marks the “tribulation of those days” spiritual end point as the tribulation of that portion is not “the end” yet, it is resolved into 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” “ascending” into world government after which event the completions enable Christ’s prophetically outlined arrival to first complete the 144000 (rev14:1) which enables the Messianic Kingdom completion which enables God’s crowning of Christ as final King-Priest and “King of kings”. (Ps110:2, Zech3:8-10, Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15, Rev19:11-16);

Yet even then, Christ’s arrival in Daniel 12:11 is not the end yet – it is the beginning of his final salvation completions. (Matt24:30-31);

4. All those events must happen first as world government is what employs the final global sovereign statement of world “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) for the final “as though slaughtered to death” recovery principle (Rev13:3, 17:8) of the world system into world government that produces a true global “freedom from care” for those in line with world government as its “admiring” supporters. (Rev13:16-18, Rev13:3, Rev17:8, Isa41:1); But not all people will be “in line” with world government or its final agenda. (Dan11:44-45, Dan8:25, Rev13:16-18); That is how the 8th King can “bring many to ruin” concurrent with, “during” “a freedom from care” of world “peace and security”, and that is also why Christ arrives to complete the gauntlet and 8th King destroying final Messianic ruling agency, the Messianic Kingdom. (Dan2:31-45, Zech12:6-9);

D. The Final Sheep Sweep Completion First Priority

1. When Christ does finally arrive it is to secure the heavenly remnant sheep group first, that completes the 144000 of Revelation 14:1. (Matt24:29-31; Mark13:24-27); That enables the Messianic Kingdom super-universal completion. Then under complete Messianic Kingdom, Christ “sits on his glorious [Messianic Kingdom] throne” in completed Messianic Kingdom authority. (Dan7:26);

a. That first priority of Christ’s arrival and the then full Messianic Kingdom is for its own “belongings” (1Thess4:17, Rev14:14-16), to secure the final earthly believers group of the final “great crowd” of “sheep”. (Matt25:31-46; Rev7:9-17; Eze38); The whole global “sheep sweep” is overseen by Jesus Christ and the whole spirit embodied Messianic Kingdom authority then in power “subduing in the midst” and “coming down out of heaven” in the face of its matured enemy systems; Christ’s final “sheep sweep” into Messianic Kingdom protection at that time is not limited by demons or imperfect human beings. (Matt10:23); And it does not mean an immediate end: “and [8th King] rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally”.

The entire Revelation 14:1-16 period to unfold in Daniel 12:11 full 1290 day period is open for salvation, Christ completes his own ministry (Acts1:11), with salvation as the first goal to ANYONE willing to come under the Messianic Kingdom authority.

2. Earth “sheep” are the only group of human “sheep” remaining at that post-144000-completion time, the Revelation 14:14-16 “harvest of the earth” parallel, the events to transpire when Christ arrives completing Revelation 14:1-5 and the events to follow in Revelation 14:6-20. (Matt25:31-46); Thus the final world judgment of “the sheep and the goats” worldwide divine “sheep sweep” takes place as the 8th King, in full world government, is also deposing “Babylon the Great” as some of “God’s people” taking it to that limit or lost for that long may come out of that judgment repentant. (Rev14:6-8, Rev18:4, Rev11:13, Hag2:7,22);

This is why the Daniel 12:11 period has a prophetic time extension, it contains the final global judgment developmental period detailed in Revelation 14 and that all this takes time to accomplish. (Dan7:26);

3. Thus God and Christ allows the 8th King to take it to the wire to be the “ascending [scarlet] wildbeast” final instrument (Rev17:8-18, Rev11:7) of the “two witnesses” removal (inadvertently aids 144000 completion) to fulfill prophecy. (Dan8:25, 11:44-45); Thus after 144000 Messianic Kingdom completion (Rev11:11-12; Matt24:30-31; Rev14:1) the final deposition of Babylon the Great can occur (Rev18:9-19, Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12,19, Rev14:6-8) overseen by Christ’s Messianic Kingdom judging authority. (Dan7:25-26); The “two witnesses” cessation “constant feature is removed” (Rev11:7, Rev13:7, Dan12:11), while the 8th King “places the [final] disgusting thing” (Dan11:45; 12:11) as world government defining Daniel 12:11 in final form, also aids the final 144000 completion for the absolute final “three and a half days” “death” state ends in Daniel 12:11 1290 day time period active, just prior to Christ’s final arrival.

4. Once we know of the final cycle as a repeat and a certainty then we know Revelation 16:12-20 6th to 7th plague events, obviously deep into the final cycle, has Babylon the Great being set-up for removal (Rev16:12), yet still present (Rev16:19) into the 7th plague as Revelation 16:17-20. And we see Revelation 17:11-18 final sovereign transference into 8th King world government “one hour” is also when Babylon the Great is deposed (Rev17:15-18) obviously right in the final world government climax period, deep into the final cycle as well.

This is why Babylon the Great’s “in one hour you judgment has arrived” (Rev18:9-19) is the same “one hour” (rev17:12) of 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” full world government “power and authority”.

5. In the “two witnesses” ministerial period ending meaning of the “three and half days” symbolic period, is the final period that must expire prior to Christ’s arrival and the “gathering” of those final anointed to complete the 144000 in the Revelation 11:11-12 segway as Christ’s arrival (Matt24:29-31) and final Messianic Kingdom coronation upon that 144000 completion. (Rev14:1);

a. That complete Messianic Kingdom is what oversees the final world judgment events upon Babylon the Great by the 8th King system, and then upon the 8th King world government totality itself to be terminated as the near grand finale (Rev19:11-21) as Satan and the demons go down last as the final sovereign competitors neutralized at the end of the cycle as the “remotest parts of the north” (Eph6:12, Eze38:6,15; 39:2) top demon-angelic “kings” of the world. (Eze38-39, Rev20:1-3, John12:31);

6. Thus Babylon the Great and eventually the 8th King system and Satan are judged finally under the complete Messianic Kingdom authority as the 144000 completion enables Christ’s completed King-Priest coronation over the full Kingdom and full Temple “bodies”, all the same 144000 “body of the Christ”. This is why all those former completions of prophecy, in those full judgments of the “two witnesses” and “Babylon the Great” are under complete world government, the complete 8th King “scarlet wildbeast”, because they are important to understand in the divine decree at Revelation 10:5-8.

a. It all allows and aids the full 144000 completion whose “final gathering” by Christ completes the Messianic Kingdom and Temple final global sovereign authority completion of Jesus Christ by God’s appointment in total Messianic Kingdom completion and power, to then oversee the full judgments on the final matured enemy system of “Babylon the Great” and then upon the complete “scarlet wildbeast” global 8th King world government system, and lastly upon Satan and the demons.

7. Obviously God and the prophecy are going to be able to give a thorough projection of all these completions and their general timeline and progression of the fourth and final 8th King cycle about to begin (Rev1:1, 22:6), because its final years are marked by major milestones like the temple judgment, the final ministerial warning, the “tribulation of those days” resolving and world government itself – all still not the end – covering some final years, must be made known at some point.

a. And that thorough outline, merely concealed and discredited by Bethel’s lawless apostasy at this time, forms a great final warning that people can take advantage of. In effect the Bethel apostasy in time aids the validity of the prophecy, they go down as a first milestone of prophecy activating, exposed in it and “trampled” to whatever degree God purposes. (Dan8:13); The Bethel judgment merely adds to the verifiability of prophecy and what must in time follow the Bethel downfall is also made fully know while it is occurring because the temple judgment activates far more prophecy to come after that, that must be announced globally, again. (Rev10:11);

8. The Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment timing expires in time and activates the parallel Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 11:2-3 final 1260 day timing with a for now possible, but unknown, transition period between Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 12:7 (Rev11:2-3) and that foretold recovery of truth. (Rev9-11, Zech3:2); The temple judgment parallel of Revelation 8 in final fulfillment (Rev8:3-5) proceeds to Revelation 9 recovery as the Daniel 8:13-14 segway leading to the Revelation 10-11 final ministerial 1260 day deployment of the second Kingdom witnessing. Thus the final warning will have great first “four trumpet” evidence (Rev8:7-12) the final prophecy is active at that time with the meanings of the temple judgment that led to it as Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth and finance developments will also be active for 8th King purposes.

9. The symbolic “little scroll” (Rev10:5-11) is what has this full summary and final Messianic Kingdom sovereign ultimatum that must be announced (Rev11:1-7) into an active “tribulation of those days” by the temple judgment purified final “two witnesses”.

10. That is also why it is called “two” “witnesses”, it proclaims a Kingdom announcement twice, each “witness” relevant to its own period. (1) Once in 1914-1918 in God’s Kingdom and Messianic Kingdom “birth” relevance, and (2) one more time (Rev10:11) in the post temple judgment future impending Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation. The second “two witnesses” reaffirms the first “two witnesses” upon the same prophetic pattern with the same world entities and events but in their final cycle in their final form.

The final “two witnesses”, as in 1914-1918, will deploy into an active “tribulation of those days” as the final cycle which it will also be forecasting by prophecy the completion of as that “tribulation of those days” resolves into world government as in the former pattern.

IV. Final Kingdom Proclamation Deploys into 8th King Final Cycle in Progress


The “little scroll” exposition will unify and summarize all prophecy, history and many “conspiracy theory” themes into one final Messianic Kingdom completion announcement as the last divine backed proclamation prior to that event while those things are all unfolding as reliable prophecy, live history, and “new world order” world government affirmations.

This is because the Bible’s sovereign framework of prophecy already describes the sovereign evolution, national-to-globalist world history, and the main conspiratorial themes of the final world government final evolution, its backers, and its destiny. The world’s own history, public information on specialized organizations and globalization research record provides many of the needed pieces to affirm modern prophetic details converging into world government.

The “little scroll” goes forth in the final “two witnesses” ministry before and into that 8th King world government completion cycle it will be giving warning of because that 8th King sovereign completion will trigger Christ’s arrival.

A. The “Little Scroll” Ministry: Final Invitation / Warning

1. Obviously this final divine decree of comprehensive completion of all the key themes, events and entities is also the precursor culmination awareness to be made known in a completed “little scroll” ministry to explain fully the real completions that the whole prophecy is summarizing that will become real events, before they occur to aid people’s awareness of the seriousness of the developments. Thus the purpose of the “little scroll” is to make that inevitable completion certainty known before it all culminates while it is in its active final cycle. (Rev11:1-7);

(Isaiah 42:9) “The first things—here they have come (the first witness, 1914-1919), but new things I am telling out. (the second witness; future) Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear [them].”

2. The fact is the relevance of the 1914-1919 cycle and all of Daniel 12 is being superceded by a final fulfillment of the same prophecy, but in final form, a second witness of the “two witnesses”, and that awareness of replication and what it portends must become the focus of the “two witnesses” and the summarization of the “little scroll” in the future temple recovery after the temple judgment.

(Isaiah 43:18-19) “Do not remember the first things, and to the former things do not turn your consideration. 19 Look! I am doing something new. Now it will spring up. you people will know it, will you not? Really, through the wilderness I shall set a way, through the desert rivers.

3. Thus the “sacred secret” fully known now is that the Messianic Kingdom completion goes beyond the first cycle preview fulfillment (1914-1919) to its actuality. The Messianic Kingdom culmination is outlined upon repeating prophecy, and with that final realization the “good news” of the “sacred secret” is fully complete beyond current Jehovah’s witnesses first fulfillment understanding. (Isa48:6-7);

(Isaiah 48:6-7) You have heard. Behold it all. As for you people, will you not tell [it]? I have made you hear new things from the present time, even things kept in reserve, that you have not known. 7 At the present time they must be created, and not from that time, even things that before today you have not heard, that you may not say, ‘Look! I have already known them.’

Thus the prophetic replication of the 1914-1926 Daniel 12 Kingdom completion “dress rehearsal” “sound check” “warm up” “preview” “initial fulfillment”, all REPEATING in exact but final form, will be “something new” to Jehovah’s Christian witnesses in that simple awareness. Yet because many Jehovah’s witnesses and others understand the first fulfillment prophecy and meaning it is also something already well known. And now it will REPEAT, it is as simple as that, and this base familiarity greatly aids the final understanding.

a. Now the broader Christian appeal it will make to the whole world, to all of Babylon the Great, again (Rev10:11), will also be made known as the Bethel system is blown down by God using the 8th King to open a far wider final salvation truth and reconciliation opportunity. That true salvation truth must be freed in the temple judgment and divine recovery (Rev9) from the modern sins, hypocrisy and burdens of the Bethel organizational idol system now repelling more people from God than it draws in in its superficial act. (2Pet2:1-3);

4. In the arrival of Jesus Christ for the 144000 completion (Matt24:30-31, Rev11:11-12), to the Messianic Kingdom completion central most important culmination (Rev14, Rev11:15, Rev16:17-20), everything will be “brought to a finish” for real in the remainder of Daniel 12:11 timed period repeating. But this completion below divinely decrees and announces the certainty of it all while it is all reaching that culmination yet before it occurs:

(Revelation 10:5-7) 5 And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; (the whole comprehensive completion is to come) 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel (“days” leading to the Messianic Kingdom completion event), when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” (the whole “sacred secret” prophecy and its required ministerial summarization must be completed);

a. And that divine oath of Christ leads to the “little scroll” that encapsulates the summary of the “good news” and its “sacred secret” completion proclamation, hand by Christ “opened” in awareness of the import for an official divinely commissioned final “you must prophesy” mission to the anointed Christians ready to receive that mission (Zech3:6-7) after the temple judgment purification (Zech3:4-5; Dan8:14):

(Revelation 10:8-10) 8 And the voice that I heard out of heaven is speaking again with me and saying: “Go, take the opened scroll (understood Messianic kingdom sovereign ultimatum and final proclamation) that is in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth.” (Christ is full global coming authority guaranteed) 9 And I went away to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. (Final anointed Christian remnant accept the commission. Zech3:6-7, Matt24:45-47) And he said to me: (divine commission is granted. Zech3:8-9:) “Take it and eat it up (accept the mission), and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” (respects judgment and salvation duality of the first “witness” period of 1914-1919) 10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up (mission accepted), my belly was made bitter. 

b. And this is the final mission tasked upon the final “two witnesses”:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (final Messianic Kingdom announcement is ready for final “two witnesses” global deployment all within the “second woe” spanning Revelation 9:12-11:14);

5. The “scroll” is “little” because it is a 1260 day relatively short final ministry that the “two witnesses” in second Kingdom announcing form, announcing the completion of the Messianic Kingdom to soon come, must carry forth “again”, but also in final complete form. (Rev11:2-3 parallel Dan12:7, 7:25, Rev13:5); Thus the content of the scroll, though proclaimed in an accelerated 1260 days, has great final meaning magnitude in spite of its “little” duration. It is “little” in duration and big and complete “scroll” in global implications.

a. It is prophesied “again” because this final 1260 day second witnessing repeats the first of the “two witnesses” Kingdom related proclamation of 1914-1919. It is the “two witnesses” Revelation 11:3 1260 day prophecy of the parallel Daniel 12:7 1260 days that provides the transition into Daniel 12:11 by the “death” state symbolic “three and a half days” period after the “two witnesses” ministry is deposed. That “three and a half days” “death” state symbolic period is after the 1260 days completes, thus it merges into Daniel 12:11. It is after that symbolic period expires that Christ arrives, thus in the active Daniel 12:11 period.

6. The “little scroll” is summarizing the final Kingdom of God announcement of the completion of the Messianic Kingdom actual universal and earthly final sovereign universal government agency and the arrival of that soon-to-be-completed entity’s “King of kings” who must also complete his final coronation in that Messianic Kingdom authority over a complete 144000 “New Jerusalem” “body” of the “Bride”, “Kingdom” and “Temple” totalities. It is to be “all done” “it has come to pass” it “is indeed brought to a finish” “the Kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ” as in the final actual 7th Plague and 7th Trumpet events the “little scroll” gives complete warning of before it all occurs.

a. Aiding that awareness the “little scroll” will have described the temple judgment (Rev8:3-5, Dan8:13-14) in the first four trumpet summarization (Rev8:7-12), the meaning of the “tribulation of those days” and why it resolves into 8th King world government also completing as being explained enroute to that 8th King milestone, and its symbolic “one hour” (Rev17:12) of full global “power and authority” that the world must face and see before Christ arrives. (Matt24:29-31);

b. Describing all these milestones before, during and after they begin respective completions is how some people can be aided to put 2 and 2 together: Christ is also showing up as foretold after all those things complete, especially the 8th King rival world government culmination. (Rev17:8-18);

Describing all these milestones before, during and after they begin respective completions is made possible by understanding the first prophetic cycle and that it repeats the same sovereign theme, and the same entities and events, but in final form

The “little scroll” is the final world stage setup and outlined framework of all prophecy explained for the Armageddon “final act” program — 8th King vs. the Messianic Kingdom — in a Messianic Kingdom “little scroll” sovereign ultimatum and open invitational proclamation and warning straight to the people, the 8th King and all earth that can be reached at that time. (Matt10:23);

7. Thus the completed “little scroll” final “two witnesses” Messianic Kingdom announcing ministry will outline the prophetic and world event completions of all the sovereign and spiritual entities involved in the final cycle culmination, itself a required completion of the final 8th King and Messianic Kingdom nearly concurrent completions and their final completing phase of prophecy becoming world history.

8. What cannot be reached by the “little scroll” is recovered in the full sheep and goat judgment period of Revelation 14 which is the final Messianic Kingdom appeal of Christ himself finishing his final ministry in Kingdom power (Rev14:6-7), through to the final judgment periods on Babylon the Great (Rev14:8) and the 8th King (Rev14:9-11) that encompasses the whole final world judgment of Revelation 14:14-20, Mathew 25:31-46 parallel.

(Matthew 25:31-33) “When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious (Rev14:1 complete Messianic Kingdom final) throne. 32 And all the nations will be gathered before him (Revelation 14, Daniel 12:11 period), and he will separate people one from another (Rev14:14-20), just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.

9. We know from the final prophetic forecast of Revelation 8-11, 14, 15-16, 17, 18, 19 that this final salvation and judgment period is a drawn out finale period within Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment 1290 day period as fully open for salvation for its duration with Revelation 14’s final details.

10. Thus rather than sneak in on the world to destroy most everyone by surprise, instead God and Christ are sneaking in on Jehovah’s witnesses first, since that ministry has fallen asleep (Matt25:5), in the temple judgment to make a UN NGO accounting and secure the final recovery. (Dan8:13-14); From there in that final recovery the nations and the 8th King will instead get a full and drawn out full fair warning and final salvation offer in that “little scroll”, then fully warned and fully knowing what is coming, the 8th King will proceed in their sovereign defiance into full world government. (Rev6:12-17, Matt24:29-31, Dan2:31-45, Rev19:11-21);

That will take several final years; it is not the Bethel over-simplified “end of the world” “slam dunk” version they sell to conceal their own apostasy, 8th King relations and coming judgment. (1Pet4:17);

B. Required Completions

These are the entities and events touched on in the preview fulfillment of 1914-1919 that must have a final round of fulfillment and required full completions.

1. 8th King Completion

a. The “little scroll”, while summarizing the Messianic Kingdom certainty, must also explain the 8th King completion as world government that will parallel the Messianic Kingdom completion as the 8th King completes the rival sovereign system first. (Dan11:42-45, 12:11; Rev17:8-18); Thus the final “two witnesses” warning carrying that “little scroll” summary proceeds with the “tribulation of those days” events (Dan11:42-45) as the final cycle, the fourth 8th King cycle, that precedes the 8th King completion. (Matt24:29);

b. And since the 7th Trumpet event is this full Messianic Kingdom and ultimately the final God and Christ conquest event to follow in time, the 5th and 6th trumpet events of Revelation 9 must span Revelation 10 to the Revelation 11 7th trumpet prelude ministry final period. (Rev11:1-13);

c. This is why the “second woe” announced at Revelation 9:12 also spans the 6th Trumpet ministerial expansion globally as it converges into the “little scroll” commission (Rev10) and the “two witnesses” (Rev11:1-10) which ends as that comprehensive “second woe” at Revelation 11:14. Thus the 5th trumpet “first woe” and the 6th trumpet “second woe” all merge with the “little scroll” and final “two witnesses” final ministerial period leading to the actual “7th trumpet” event: Messianic Kingdom completion from the 144000 completion parallel of Revelation 11:11-12, Matthew 24:29-31.

d. That is all summarized as the continuum to its reality “in the days” (Rev10:7a) of the final 1260 day warning (Rev11:2-3) and full open salvation invitation period “of the sounding of the seventh angel” just before the 7th trumpet true climax “when he is about to blow his trumpet” (Rev10:7b), the warning of the actual event that has not occurred yet at that time, but “is about” to occur at that time in the real Messianic Kingdom completion segway.

e. The “little scroll” is the summarization of the final warning and certainty of what is to come upon 8th King world government completing prior to the 7th trumpet. (Rev11:7, Rev16:12-16); It will be given while the 8th King is also completing their rival world government to its global fullness (Rev11:7=Rev17:8-11 to Rev17:11-18, Dan11:42-45) with its final “world peace” sovereign statement period. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25 “freedom from care”);

2. Messianic Kingdom Completion

a. The “Little Scroll” will also summarize all prophecy in the process of its Messianic Kingdom portion final sovereign ultimatum. The “little scroll” encapsulates the whole “good news of God’s Kingdom” and the meaning of the completion of the judgments on the main impediments to God’s full rule of Jesus Christ over planet earth: Babylon the Great and the 8th King organizational spiritual and political symbolic entities of earthly respective power. The 8th King world government completion is necessary, occurs first, and is used by God to depose Babylon the Great in the same concurrent sovereign segway of Revelation 16:12-20 and Revelation 17:11-18.

b. Once the 8th King is used by God as the final judgment tool of the “harlot”, the Messianic Kingdom completed before Babylon the Great’s judgment, but after 8th King world government, will then finish its conquest mission (Rev6:1-2, Rev19:11-21) on the rival 8th King and Satan and the demons “seven headed” “Dragon”. (Rev20:1-3);

c. But some people being made aware this is also an open salvation period to encompass all of Daniel 12:7 (parallel 1260 days) and Daniel 12:11 (final 1290 days) timed periods, will see all these precursor milestones have come about over a few last years of prophecy (and the world events it forecasts) as that is summarized in the complete “little scroll” exposition with notable global milestones backing the prophetic forecast.

d. Thus as the prophecy forecasts all the final milestones and details, in a sequence accelerated but still to take several years to fully unfold, those events will manifest as foretold and can progressively be used to make some people aware the overall completions will continue to Christ’s arrival and his own final completion missions: 144000 completion, Messianic Kingdom completion, full global “sheep” securement, and the final Babylon the Great and 8th King judgments defining the whole world judgment context. Anyone repenting or continuing the faith can be saved during that whole period even through the judgment on Babylon the Great. (Dan12:11, Matt25:31-46, Rev14:14-20, Rev11:13);

e. Thus the temple judgment will be the first milestone to also be explained in the “little scroll”. Christ’s entry into the temple is to oversee the “little scroll” deployment. Thus Malachi 3:1-2 (Zech3:4-5, Dan8:14) is the parallel of the Revelation 9:1-4 final fulfillment “abyss” deliverance of anointed Christians coming out of that temple judgment “trampling” of Daniel 8:13.

f. This is secured because Jehovah’s witnesses have not accomplished the final mission thus “this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come” is completed when that final “little scroll” mission is completed also completing that second “witness” of the “two witnesses”:

(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

g. The “little scroll” completes that directive and prophecy.

3. Converge to Armageddon Completion

a. Thus the “little scroll” final certain forecast will be being made known while the whole final cycle is leading to its climax milestones in the “tribulation of those days” resolving (Matt24:29) for the 8th King world government presentation and its final “world peace” statements and global effects. (Rev13:3, 17:8);

b. Those completions and rival 8th King system culmination developments are what will trigger Christ’s arrival for his final priorities, and “finally” (Dan7:26) the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” upon the entire global 8th King system and its demonic rulership “in the heavenly places” all in pinnacle form. (Rev19:11-21, Rev20:1-3, Eze38);

c. God thus uses the 8th King again for His own purposes, and when they have completed that mission of Babylon the Great’s judgment and removal (Rev18:8, Rev17:15-18), they are next (Dan7:26), and are a complete apex sovereign conglomeration to take the full brunt of the complete Messianic Kingdom judgment of God in the final “war of the great day of God the Almighty”. (Rev19:11-21);

C. Actual Christ Arrival Completion Priorities


We see a full progressive warning marked by global milestones of final warning and “tribulation of those days” resolving into 8th King world government in the final prophecy also fulfilling all those foretold events, is going forth. But there is actually much to go on that is non-destructive when Christ arrives and for some time after, as completing salvation for many is Christ’s first objective as shown in Revelation 14’s final sequence.

Thus even when Christ does arrive it is not “the end” yet, as one sees in Matthew 24:29-31 “the end” is not described in that sequence; the final “sheep” gathering is what is described. This is because when Christ does arrive it is the time for the “sheep” to be globally secured through this final phase of 8th King world government by then complete and in global rulership defiant to God and Christ in pinnacle global form, true “King North” 8th King full “scarlet wildbeast” world government.

Thus Christ is completing the Messianic Kingdom first, after that 8th King completion, because the Messianic Kingdom is the appointed actual “world government” from God and it will complete and “subdue in the midst” of the complete 8th King apex sovereign enemy. Thus in the final “sheep” gathering the 144000 are completed first (Rev14:1) to enable the Messianic Kingdom completion under which protection the final earth “sheep” are secured all the way through and after the Babylon the Great judgment, before the 8th King is destroyed and out of that final “winepress” divine global battle zone. (Rev14:14-20);

When Christ arrives to secure first the 144000 remnant “sheep”, the “harvest of the earth” “sheep” begins to go under divine protection from that completed Kingdom authority as Babylon the Great goes under 8th King orchestrated final deposition.

This is the ordering indicated in prophecy of the final events and final judgments that come after Christ arrives:

1. 144000 Remnant Completion

The deposition of the final “two witnesses” ministry aids and enables the 144000 completion.

a. Thus the “sheep” to be “gathered” after the final “two witnesses” “three and a half day” symbolic “death” state expires (Rev11:7-12) are that final surviving group of anointed remnant sheep alive, “we the living” “who are surviving” to complete the 144000. (1Thess4:17; Matt24:30-31); That required completion of the Revelation 7:1-4 and Revelation 14:1 144000 culmination process enables the Messianic Kingdom completion. Thus Christ collecting the anointed “sheep” first (Matt24:30-31), is to complete the divine protective Messianic Kingdom agency next, into which Kingdom the rest of the “great crowd” of earth “sheep” will be brought under. (Matt25:31-40);

b. The final “two witnesses” final ministerial period is when the final affirmation “sealing” occurs for anointed Christians required to take that “good news” to the nations fully (Matt24:14), over that whole final 1260 day “two witnesses” period. The “four winds” of the “great tribulation” final phase thus breaks forth after 8th King world government completion. That “four winds” is under sole 8th King global authority (Matt24:21-22), the “bringing many to ruin” “during a freedom from care” of that final 8th King world “peace and security” period after the “tribulation of those days” has expired for 8th King presentation purposes.

c. It is the pinnacle “one hour”, of the parallel “hour of test” (Rev3:10), of the “scarlet wildbeast” fully globalized “power and authority” of their final “666” marking campaign of Revelation 13:16-18. Thus all the “attack” parallels of 8th King final authority of Daniel 11:44-45, Daniel 8:25 and Revelation 11:7 are all in this post 8th King world government completion “one hour” period of Revelation 17:12 in the Revelation 17:11-18 final sovereign transference from national powers subservient (dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16) to and for the globalized 8th King full agenda.

d. In the culmination of world government, the “tribulation of those days” is a specially marked temporary period that aids 8th King world government consolidated power development, provides the global stressing period to depose national sovereign independent existence, which aids the recovering 8th King “world peace” global hope from that “abyss” of purposeful global impotence. (Rev11:7, Rev17:8-11 final fulfillment);

e. The point is the “tribulation of those days” period gearing to activate soon, is not the terminal end phase, it is used for (1) 8th King developmental and presentation purposes and for the global awakening by God using this period for “rocking the nations” (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9) in its (2) temple-judgment-to-final-warning global marked context. (Dan8:14+Dan12:7);

f. It is through that final important precursor global tribulation period that must resolve before Christ arrives, that the final 144000 remnant-to-completion preparations are also completed.

2. Sheep Gathering Completion

a. Most of the modern earth “sheep” trained by understandings to have come from the former valid Jehovah’s witnesses ministry and the Bible proofs recognize Christ as King of God’s Kingdom. That initial very real Kingdom coronation sets a pattern for the final coronation of Christ. Now the modern “sheep” and the “sheep-to-be” at that time will see Christ coronated as also Messianic Kingdom “King of kings” and Temple King-Priest as well (Zech6:9-15) as that requirement also completes, and so they must be brought under the divine protection of the completed Messianic Kingdom and “temple” completion (Zech4:6-9) under Christ and all 144000 at that time. (Rev17:14);

b. The 144000 remnant “sheep” must be gathered first when Christ arrives to enable the full Messianic Kingdom completion upon that important 144000 completion. Thus the final sheep also to be fully “gathered” “from the four winds” (Matt24:31) during the “final trumpet” seventh trumpet events and the final world judgment are of the earth group of “great crowd” “harvest of the earth” “sheep” once the 144000 complete. (Rev14:14-16);

c. Thus we know in final form, after 144000 completion, all the “sheep” of Matthew 25:31-46 are earth “sheep”, as is all the “great crowd” and all the “harvest of the earth” as well all earthling “sheep”.

d. That is also the same earth “sheep” group left remaining as those “sheep” parallels in Ezekiel 38 and 39 as “a people gathered together out of the nations” “[people] brought back from the sword (Zech13:7″sword” of Daniel 8:13 “trampling”), collected together out of many peoples” “dwelling in security, all of them dwelling without wall” (without wall because 144000 Jerusalem is then completely heavenly; Zech2:5). Those “sheep” are also delivered from the parallel Gog of Magog and 8th King comprehensive attack of that final world government period of “one hour” authority.

Thus whether anointed or earthling, the final “sheep” are all delivered by Christ to God in living form.

e. The earth “sheep” coming under Messianic Kingdom protection as Daniel 12:11 progresses are all “separated” and “gathered” into that “encampment” of divine protection of Zechariah 3:8. Since Christ’s ransom sacrificial purchase covers all mankind in scope (1John2:2, 1Tim2:5-6), Christ can assess in the end even “sheep” who do not fully know they are to become his (Matt25:37) as Christ complete his own ministry. (Matt10:23);

3. Babylon the Great Judgment Completion

That previously described “sheep” gathering must be taking place even through the Babylon the Great judgment for a “tenth of the city” spared as per the “two witnesses” effects of Revelation 11:13. Revelation 14:6-7 final Christ backed appeal also is through that Babylon the Great judgment whose finality pronouncement is in Revelation 14:8.

World government completes before the Babylon the Great final judgment. The 144000 complete after world government and before the Babylon the Great final judgment.

a. This feminine symbolized Babylon the Great “harlot” global religious system is the modern worldwide collective of the original Babel based “mystery religious” system of Genesis 11 history that has mutated in all the nations spreading with the confusion of the languages and the dispersal of the original nations of earth of Genesis 10. Like its masculine related “head of gold” Babylon political foundational counterpart from antiquity (Dan2:38), the Babylon the Great “harlot” is a basis of modern civilization in its spiritual sovereign significance. (Rev17:18);

The development of both the world government driving evolution for world rulership that emerged in the 20th century as the League of Nations foundational “image”, but was present in Nimrod’s first defiant system (Gen9:1, 11:4), and its original religious “harlot” system of mass belief control both co-developed over the millenniums supporting the state and nation worship that eventually co-develops and coalesces into the final evolution: world government worship. (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18, Rev13:11-18); Thus their final judgments will also be related.

b. The Genesis 11 language confusion was a non-destructive divine delay of both of those entities inevitable respective final judgments to culminate at the end of the final prophetic and world history cycle: Babylon the Great as the religious “harlot”, the 8th King as the conglomerated Daniel 2:31-45 “immense image” globalizing “head of gold” system. (Hab1-2); (The Daniel 2 “immense image” as a whole and complete final meaning is 8th King world government “standing” at the Armageddon “place”.)

c. That delayed regrouping of the original Babel world government system is what is present today forming to completion in the 8th King system merely adapted for the new conditions of that original dispersal of the nations globally, now globalizing another centralized global sovereignty as intended world government distributed in the independent national powers to be conglomerated (Rev16:13-16) and made subservient (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18) to the 8th King central authority at the end of the final cycle.

d. At that time the Babylon the Great 4000 year old spiritual sovereign (Rev17:18) expedient of confusion and state supporting service will have met its purpose of religious division and error through also the whole final cycle and can be deposed by the 8th King global system for Babylon the Great’s final functions. The final functions of Babylon the Great is to (1) aid the global final stage capital boost from the redistribution of its global store of enormous wealth and to (2) help reinforce the “world peace” hopefulness in Babylon the Great’s dissolution as a globally known war fomenting organization.(Rev13:3, Isa41:1, Rev17:8); Babylon the Great will also give a world government endorsement as its dwindling “riding” supporter (Rev16:12) before that system is deposed. (Rev17:3);

e. Thus “Babylon” (Gen10:8-12) as the “head of gold” masculine symbol of that Daniel 2 “immense image” has been serviced by the “Babylon the Great” feminine “harlot” system “the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth” as each co-developed from the same historic origins (Gen10-11) and ultimately for the same purpose.

f. Thus this completion of the 8th King globalist “Babylon” “head of gold” world government in uni-polar form can now depose the religious sector “Babel” of confusion, “Babylon the Great”, for the 8th King uni-polar “one world religion” goal under Satan directly as the “Babylon the Great” judgment also fully completes in that role. (Rev16:12,19-20; Rev17:15-18; Rev18:8-19); Thus it is also the objective of world government to also remove the religious quagmire of today to make room for their “one world religion” related goal. Thus all finalizing developments are working against the global religious empire.

For the first time in history God, Satan, the 8th King and the national powers will all agree on one thing: Babylon the Great has to go.

g. This is why this co-completion of world government and that Babylon the Great judgment is summarized here in this way for they are related. Babylon the Great has aided the world government goal, but when that goal is fully reached that “harlot” of confusion, error and division will no longer be needed, and that is when “she” is deposed as a global institution – yet some individuals can still be saved from her judgment:

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; (some repent from Babylon the Great) and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.

h. When the final judgment of Babylon the Great completes (Rev16:12,19-20, Rev17:15-18, Rev18:8), that process will have aided the final “sheep” call by the milestone judgment awareness of the inevitable reality it means, and that is why a final call is made in Revelation 14:6-8 after the 144000 are completed at Revelation 14:1 because anyone can take advantage of this appeal through the whole Babylon the Great judgment and after:

(Revelation 14:6-8) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.” (that previous appeal had to be active through the Babylon the Great judgment resulting in this proclamation:) 8 And another, a second angel, followed, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!”

i. Christ completes his own ministry (Matt10:23) under full Messianic Kingdom authority and the final “sheep” are pulled out to the last, even through the judgment of Babylon the Great. Thus Jesus Christ is not leaving the final salvation responsibility in human hands, but completes his own final “sheep sweep” by aid of the fully spirit empowered 144000 and the Messianic Kingdom all his holy angels in God’s Kingdom as salvation is his first priority after his arrival and he commands by God’s appointment all unified Kingdom power.

4. 8th King Conquest Completion

a. When the sheep are out of the “winepress of God’s anger” in the global theater of divine war to come on the 8th King and the “goats”, that is when Christ will bring the “White War Horse” of Armageddon’s final sequence on the global enemy system capped by the “King North” 8th King elites, their whole system of defiant power, and their demonic lords. The “war horse” mode is the final stage of Christ “subduing in the midst of his enemies”.

b. Like Babylon the Great this 8th King world government is from the distant past attempt at Genesis 11, so this final 8th King conglomeration of nations (Rev16:13-16) now globally distributed was based on the first attempt at world government when the original nations attempted to remain centralized in the Babel complex of Nimrod’s “kingdom”. ( Gen10:8-12, Gen11:1-9);

c. Though the language confusion delayed that development and created the worldwide dispersal of the nations in time Satan and the demons again regrouped for their revisited final attempt at the same idea of global government, and like before it will trigger a divine response. And this is why after this final divine intervention and sovereign response in destruction of the 8th King system the human language is again “reset” to its original singular form (Zeph3:8-9), showing the relationship of this final judgment to its precursor judgment in Genesis 11:1-9.

d. The 8th King world government completion is required first because it will symbolize the conglomeration of all the nations willingly joining a final global sovereign rulership. Thus the 8th King “King North” is the total convergence of all national sovereignties deposed for the 8th King super-sovereign globalized totality as the final uni-polar world government authority. It is no longer scattered national powers with their “one thought” that now equates to 8th King sovereign preservation of all of them which also equates to an again global unified affront to the Kingdom of God and its appointed Messianic Kingdom universal government which will be the earthly final “world government” kingdom.

e. This is why Christ’s conquest is on the unified globalized 8th King in complete world government form, it will contain all the nations in that judgment, not scattered national judgments that Bethel implies in Daniel 8:25 and Daniel 11:45, but one zenith conglomeration (Rev16:13-17) of ALL the nations.

The 7th King is deposed by the 8th King in sovereign subservience (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18), it does not go down as the “7th King” at Armageddon, it goes down as the former 7th King as part of the 8th King world government system.

f. Thus the unique first world war to world government foundational presentation cycle of 1914-1919 marks that period of time in world history as significant in and of itself. Thus those trying to discredit the Jehovah’s witnesses warning as being also prophecy, in addition to world government meaning, cannot discredit the world’s own globalizing intent of that first League of Nations international forum unique for such claims in all human history since Nimrod’s time.

g. That the world-war-to-world-government cycle repeated again in World War 2, with the same United Nations related outcome presentation upon the resolution of that global war in itself shows it is a related cycle. That it occurred again in the Cold World War 3 cycle of unique nature as noted in the prophecy (Dan11:29-31), psychologically diverted from the fact it was a world war unique in “cold” nature and unique extended deployment, shows a third time this is a cyclic formula used to present UN related renditions upon world war resolution as in 1990.

h. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses explaining the first two UN cycles as prophecy in 1919 and 1945 was very significant because this development also had a third rendition for the “new world order” UN presentation of 1990 that needed to be connected in that continuum (Dan11:36), and thus the UN development is not static but moving to the goal of world government now in three provable cycles.

That Jehovah’s witnesses stopped exposing the UN 8th King designate as prophecy in 1990, is also significant.

i. Now the fourth cycle about to activate in earnest, that would now be logical as a fourth UN supporting world war cycle, with another unique world war as the “Global War on Terror” already begun in its initial phase, could be explained as a guaranteed cycle to result in world government from not just prophecy but from 8th King historic development.

With three provable former cycles resulting in a UN presentation expecting a fourth cycle to present UN relate world government is now predictable in more ways than one.

Instead Bethel promotes the premature “end of the world” delusion that will actually instead aid that 4th UN cycle and it being unknown as a cycle, for as long as possible, that results in world government as per guaranteed prophecy also in its final cycle. (Dan8:13-14);

j. Thus what Jehovah’s witnesses used to warn about in UN world government significance in relevant terms for its time (1919-1969), is now lost. The 1-2 to 3rd UN connection is not being made in either prophecy or the three global cycles it is. In fact prophecy fulfillment has been significant since especially 1990 with regard to the 8th King “King North” parallels, and will become significant further in a prophetic and historic multi-year cycle of climax developments. Prophecy actually foretells all four UN placements, 1-2-3-4, as a required continuum. (Dan11:36);

k. It is not the immediate “end of the world” coming up to and even through the “tribulation of those days”. It must climax into world government completing and reigning as the 8th King first. Now the final two highly detailed UN placements actually in prophecy will continue that first two UN placement history for four all foretold UN placements.

l. At some point those final two UN placements must be made known as significant from the current Bethel “play dead” current subversion acting as if the 3rd UN placement of 1990 was of no consequence and could instead be joined as UN NGO. In the end the League of Nations world government “image”, warned of in the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, will indeed complete and become a universally significant event because it will trigger the long foretold and warned response of God Almighty Himself and His Chief Ruling King Jesus Christ to be made official also in the completed Messianic Kingdom to complete shortly after the 8th King achieves world government.

m. The human world government persistence will prove to be the trigger of the true “the end” of Matthew 24:14, it is not demons or human beings who have been appointed the final rulership, it is Jesus Christ and in time he will back his own sovereign right given him by God. That is what the whole climax of prophecy is all about for this period of terminal Adamic development and history.

(Revelation 19:11-16) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. (Zech14:20) And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

There is no demon or human being who carries those credentials proclaimed in the above by God himself. (Rev1:1);

n. The final warning is going to be fully complete in all prophetic details as they repeat leading to this final true event of Christ’s conquest after every opportunity and possible “sheep” is pulled out globally by Christ’s own sacrificially provided saving authority:

(Revelation 11:15-18) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders who were seated before God upon their thrones fell upon their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

5. Satan Abyssing Completion

a. Satan’s “seven headed” “dragon” demon angelic based, “heavenly places” “remotest parts of the north” placed universal ruling authority is really the ultimate usurpation of God’s sovereignty permitted by God as empowered by human beings by the Edenic sin. (Gen3:14-17, Gen3, Gen6); That transgression brought on a divine curse on Satan and Adamic humans (Gen3:14-17, Eze28:16-19) and also gave Satan progressive access to the Adamic domain of planet earth and its life system in the Genesis 1:26-28 hierarchy of the former blessing over all creation, through the blessing on the first man and the woman, now also turned into a Satanic curse due to Satan’s opposition to God and thus all life. (Heb2:14, Rom8:18-22);

b. That Genesis 1:26-28 former Adamic blessing hierarchy is the “kingdom of the world” significance fully taken over from top to bottom by “last Adam” Christ in Revelation 11:15 by Messianic Kingdom actuality in completion at that time to replace that whole demonic “heavens” as God’s purposed “new heavens”. Though removing those rival demon rogues is of the greater significance, they are saved for the last portion of the Christ conquest process in that “abyssing”. (Rev19:19-21, 20:1-3);

c. Though Satan’s total removal to fulfill the curse upon him in destruction related to Genesis 3:14-15 (Rev22:3) takes place after the 1000 years has ended (Rev20:1-10) and after the creation and human restoration in “last Adam” is complete. (Matt19:28); Satan’s authority over all creation will cease as the Adamic curse is finalized for this phase at Armageddon on all the Adamic human opposers after a full warning is given (Rev9-11), after “last Adam” Christ personally secures all who can be saved (Rev14:14-16), even of some in ignorance (Rom2:12-16, 1Tim2:5-6, Matt25:37), before he completes the final two conquests of the 8th King and Satan and the demons;

d. The “kingdom of the world” will then go fully under “last Adamic” authority as Christ is the pinnacle “Eternal Father” new patriarch replacing the cursed and temporary Adam. The “Eve” woman aspect of that curse and required replacement as well is from the “bride of Christ” as that reproductive “feminine” component. (Isa54, Rev21:7); That is all empowered by Christ’s whole perfect human sacrifice accessible by God. (Heb8-10); By that Eternal Father and Eternal Mother unifying “marriage of the Lamb” the whole creation and future of mankind is to be “re-created” in the “new earth” through these perfect spirit powers with access to human perfection through Christ’s whole sacrifice, also replacing the corrupted demon sinners in that process in their eventual extermination. (Rev19:6-10);

Thus the Adamic sinful human “last Adamic” bypass is provided by the heavenly “last Adamic” Christ applying the totality of that perfect human accessible sacrifice to all mankind willing bringing them into “last Adamic” perfection. Hence all creation formerly lost and affected by Adamic sin and error is also recovered. (Rom8:18-22, Matt19:28);

e. Thus in the Revelation 19:11-21 final 8th King deposition sequence, that event leads to Revelation 20:1-3 as Satan’s capture is the last event of that conquest progression as a prisoner of Armageddon divine war with his demons. (Isa24:21-22);

(Revelation 20:1-3) And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 And he hurled him into the abyss and shut [it] and sealed [it] over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while.

f. Thus the Messianic Kingdom will replace both the demonic heavenly governmental authority (Eph6:12) now ruling mankind attempting to consolidate a sole earthly ruling system, and that earthly 8th King world government once it has completed that objective for its final “one hour”. (Rev17:12, Isa24:21-22);

(Isaiah 24:21-23) And it must occur in that day that Jehovah will turn his attention upon the army of the height in the height (the demons), and upon the kings of the ground upon the ground. (8th King system) 22 And they will certainly be gathered with a gathering as of prisoners into the pit (human death), and be shut up in the dungeon (demon abyss); and after an abundance of days they will be given attention. 23 And the full moon has become abashed, and the glowing [sun] has become ashamed (Rev6:12-17, Matt24:29), for Jehovah of armies has become king in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and in front of his elderly men with glory. (144000, “24 elders”);

(John 12:31) Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

D. Final Global Call and Final Judgments


This describes how these final judgments will aid awareness in their meaning as they manifest or are explained in the process of the final cycle. This describes why the judgments take place in this order and why the Messianic Kingdom completion is required to oversee the final judgments after the “two witnesses” ministry completes. A complete Messianic Kingdom and Temple with the final coronated King and High Priest in Jesus Christ oversees Babylon the Great’s judgment, and the 8th King judgment as it all equates to the complete world judgment.

The final “two witnesses” ministerial completion will have explained that reality before it arrives as that is deposed into the eventual 144000 completion that enables the rest of the required completions.

Thus all these judgments are completed in this order:

1. Two Witnesses: Prelude to Complete Messianic Kingdom

a. The “two witnesses” final divine judgment in cleansed condition (Zech3:4-5, Dan8:14), with positive outcome as per prophecy, allows the prophetic and actual completion of the 144000 that enables the Messianic Kingdom agency completion to oversee, under final King-Priest Jesus Christ also coronated at that time (Zech6:8-9, Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15; Rev11:15), the rest of the world judgment encompassing process.

b. In turn the 8th King world government completion is what triggers the Messianic Kingdom completion arrival of Jesus Christ. (Rev11:7-12); The 8th King must be in complete (Dan11:45, Rev17:11-8, 16:13-16), stated (1Thess5:1-3), and fully forewarned global rival sovereign form before Christ arrives.

c. The significance is the Messianic Kingdom completes in the face of the enemy system (Ps110:2; Rev11:11-13) to oversee all of the final global judgments to follow to equate to comprehensive world judgment.

d. Prior to that event the “two witnesses” will make a complete pronouncement and summarization of the prophetic forecast (Rev11:1-7) already outlining this inevitable comprehensive completion. (Rev8-11, 15-16; Rev10:5-11); The significance is as the “tribulation of those days” begins with the temple judgment (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5), and the final 8th King world developmental cycle beginning (Dan11:42-45, Rev16:1-9), the proper prophetic explanation will have been coming forth into that final period explaining: the (1) temple judgment, (2) two witnesses” ministry and (3) “tribulation of those days” milestones, as well as where that will lead in the final milestones of (4) the cessation of that final “two witnesses”, (5) the world government completion and presentation (Dan11:45, 12:11) and (6) Christ’s arrival and why at that particular time.

e. The final open salvation and warning Messianic Kingdom completion “little scroll” ministry itself will be a milestone with a foretold duration (Rev11:2-3, Dan12:7, 7:25) and import of significance to this final period. Thus the “two witnesses” “little scroll” purpose is to aid peoples’ recognition of where the world system world government development is actually going to lead.

f. By the time the “two witnesses” second ministry (Rev10:11) is ceased (Rev11:1-7), the temple judgment milestone will have already occurred fulfilling the Daniel 8:14 timed temple judgment period and outcome. The “tribulation of those days” will be active from the temple judgment significance to the then matured point of its 8th King world government presentation resolution.

g. This is why the “tribulation of those days” end BEFORE Christ arrives, 8th King world government must complete first. (Matt24:29-30); Babylon the Great will still be functional and present at that time (Rev11:7-10) as the next milestone judgment to be able to be used to wake up some final sheep (Hag2:7) even still in that global religious system at that time. (Rev14:1-8);

h. These milestones are intended to “rock the nations” (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9) so that people can start to connect the milestone dots, and make the real connections as to where this final drawn out process and its warning is leading. As in Egypt’s time of the exodus of Israel, the intent of the final fulfillment Revelation 16 “plagues” is to jolt the awareness of those who can become repentant. (Rev11:13) Salvation is still possible even after the seventh plague “air” arrival of Jesus Christ since Babylon the Great is still existent at that time (Rev16:12) as its judgment comes after that seventh plague. (Rev16:17-20);.

i. Thus the “trumpets” and “plagues” are intended to wake as many people up to reality as possible in their concurrent deployment and related meanings backed by angels. (Rev8-11, 15-16); The “trumpets” are Jehovah’s witnesses focused temple judgment alarms and meanings sent to their “earth” communal system (Rev8:7-12), the “plagues” are of the forming global scope context worldwide.

When the Messianic Kingdom completes it is not yet “the end”; the 8th King world government will have completed prior to that Messianic Kingdom completion.

j. Babylon the Great’s judgment (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12,19-20) and the 8th King judgment (Rev19:19-21, Dan2:31-45) will still have yet to occur after the Messianic Kingdom completion. This is why the Messianic Kingdom is completed to full authority “subduing in the midst of [its] enemies” to oversee both of those final judgments. This extended period aids the final salvation appeal by Christ himself completing his own ministry he began (Rev14:6-7, Matt10:23), and to pull out the final sheep over that whole final judgment period by then transpiring in the Daniel 12:11 1290 days as Revelation 14:6-20.

Thus a great mission of the final “two witnesses” ministry is to inform people both of those periods as 1260 days in Daniel 12:7 (Rev11:2-3), and 1290 days in Daniel 12:11 (Dan7:26, Rev11:15-19) are all still to be open for salvation.

k. Thus even after the “two witnesses” ministry is deposed (Rev11:7-10) its explanation of the salvation extension will have positive effects on some people. The “kills” and “fall” of Revelation 11:13 are people who repent. The final “two witnesses” deposition is the bridging period to Christ’s arrival as Revelation 11:7-12 events merge into Matthew 24:29-31 events.

2. Babylon the Great

a. Babylon the Great religious global institutional judgment is finalized after and under the Messianic Kingdom “Court” (Dan7:26) completion. The judgment is carried out by the 8th King world government in completed form and global system “ten horns” subservient to it to depose Babylon the Great globally. (Rev17:11-18, Rev16:19-20);

b. Thus by this time in the progression the “two witnesses” ministry will be complete as that ministry is deposed before Babylon the Great. (Rev11:7-10); The 8th King will be in complete world government going into its final “bring many” (but not all) “to ruin during a freedom from care” and that “ruin” extends to Babylon the Great. The Messianic Kingdom will have completed to oversee this final progression with “sheep” saving priorities throughout that final Daniel 12:11 period remaining.

c. Although the “two witnesses” must be deposed first to aid the 144000 completion priority of Christ’s arrival, being much smaller in scale than Babylon the Great is also why the “two witnesses” are deposed first in much easier manner than Babylon the Great, they are a much smaller global entity.

d. Babylon the Great’s usefulness to the 8th King development will now be over now that they are in their completed world government state. Babylon the Great will have aided the division and confusions in their global sector of influence for the whole final cycle. Now Babylon the Great can serve the final purpose of the 8th King agenda, and in that the judgment of God will have been empowered by the 8th King’s own agenda:

(Revelation 17:15-18) And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. (Rev16:12) 16 And the ten horns that you saw (former national sovereigns globally subservient to the 8th King world government. Dan11:42-43), and the wild beast (globalized 8th King world government), these will hate the harlot and will (1) make her devastated and naked, and (2) will eat up her fleshy parts and (3) will completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought (destroy the harlot empire), even to carry out [their] one thought (preserve sovereign power) by giving their kingdom to the wild beast (conglomerated 8th King world government sovereignty), until the words of God will have been accomplished. (Rev18); 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (is a religious based rival sovereignty);

e. Thus in the Babylon the Great deposition a process takes place as (1) “make her devastated and naked” (2) “eat up her fleshy parts” and (3) “completely burn her with fire.” Now we can logically understand the final 8th King plans to also maximize the use of the “harlot” in that religious sovereign system deconstruction process to complete removal.

(1.) Although the 8th King system is already and will continue to be the richest of all the world powers by far in all human history (Dan11:42-43), the huge wealth store of global “Babylon the Great” religious empire aids 8th King global recovery potential under world government. (Dan8:25, Isa41:1); Babylon the Great’s enormous wealth store provides the final stage global capital boost from the “tribulation of those days” period fully resolving into that 8th King “freedom from care” world “peace and security” recovery. (Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3);

(2.) The deposition of the “warmonger harlot” of religious confusion in Babylon the Great aids the final world “peace and security” credibility of the 8th King world government’s final sovereign proclamation and global authority by the removal of that religious system totality.

c. The completion of the 8th King global anti-religious campaign is a final milestone to take place even after the world government milestone has been reached. Thus it is used by God to also wake up some of “His people” to “get out of her my people” so they can avoid “sharing her sins” as a global religious “harlot”. Removal of the harlot is in the 8th King “one world religion” preparation as well, thus everything is working towards the removal of the global religious system of the past.

f. Since God and Christ are perfect and righteous judges the “sharing” does not mean every individual in this Babylon the Great collective are deserving of death and share the full sins of that system. It is the collective global empire that is being dissolved, and though no doubt some will fall with that “fall of Babylon”, some individuals must come forth from that “and a tenth of the city fell” into salvation from that judgment milestone on Babylon the Great. (Rev11:13);

g. Thus the judgment on the “harlot” has a dual purpose, by Revelation 14:6-7 salvation appeal statement from the Messianic Kingdom, during the fall of Babylon the Great, we know God is shaking out some “desirable things” even in Babylon’s full downfall period. (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12,19-20, Rev 18:9-18); Thus Babylon the Great’s judgment also has salvation purpose for some. That is why that Revelation 14:6-7 appeal will be going forth in angelic backed ways while that judgment is transpiring to the Revelation 14:8 judgment finality proclamation.

(Revelation 11:13) And in that hour a great earthquake occurred (144000 completion), and a tenth of the city fell (some come from Babylon the Great as repentant); and seven thousand persons were killed (another complete symbolic number represents some that repent) by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. (whether repentant or not all will understand supernatural events are unfolding. Rev6:12-17);

3. 8th King

a. The finality of the 8th King is a final world government system. The “scarlet wildbeast” includes the United Nations related core “image” but must be well beyond it in additional functions, distributed global corporate “power and authority” infrastructure and a complete worldwide scope of power. That all must complete before Christ arrives, and obviously the completion and global proclamations of that world government will cause many to take note things are indeed changing. (Dan7:25b, Matt24:39);

b. Thus the completion of world government will create notable milestone developments in that process and them being noted fully in prophecy will aid the awareness for some of what it will mean in the end.

c. Under complete uni-polar and globally conglomerated world “power and authority” (Rev17:11-18) that 8th King world government “one hour”  reign of Revelation 17:12 is guaranteed to complete, but the “hour” eventually ends over this whole progression. At the end of the whole process the full Messianic Kingdom “Court” renders final judgment on the 8th King rival sovereign contender system.

d. But relatively long before that occurs, the 8th King will give indication of world government intent more and more clearly to and through the “tribulation of those days” which they use formulaically to present world government at the end of that world-war-to-world-government fourth cycle. Thus the connection of the “tribulation of those days”, by its “world peace” resolution (Matt24:29) which it must form into (1Thess5:1-3), to the 8th King final world government presentation will have been made clear in the final “two witnesses” ministry by that time.

Obviously Bethel is attempting to bypass the actual meaning of an actually drawn out final cycle of multiple years of required prophecy and required world events that instead resolve into quite the opposite of what Bethel is now claiming – it will not be “the end” yet. That kind of JW “grand delusion” complex instead actually for now aids the 8th King progression for a while.

e. Thus the world will actually see the globalized “8th Kingdom” “New World Order” come before Christ arrives. The world will have to face world government before Christ arrives and that will have mixed acceptance but it will also be an ominous signal for people capable of understanding it will not lead to the positive developments it will claim as permanent as the “new world order”.

f. The point is the drawn out “tribulation of those days” cycle leading to the world government presentation (Matt24:29), will provide time and a great milestone significance that some people can understand will be of serious import; in fact it will trigger Christ’s arrival, his final missions, and his final sovereign response and complete global judgment. (Rev19:11-21);

g. That judgment has great hopefulness for anyone can respond and repent at anytime in the final judgment process. Of course getting this information from prophecy known is going to be of divine importance as God is who “causes” his “two witnesses” to make the final clarification.

h. In reality a very detailed final cycle based on the first cycle of 1914-1919 and its principle events and its own first milestone of world-war-to-world-government, will repeat in final form. Thus the Bethel apostasy is simply bypassing that required drawn out final cycle, instead selling Jehovah’s witnesses the idea it is all almost done and over. That delusion is described in principle at 2Thessalonians 2:1-2 and is present in final form at apostate Bethel whose apostasy is obscuring these final cycle details and certainties already in the final cycle prophecy to suit 8th King developmental purposes.

i. This is why final cycle events at the commencement of the cycle will create conditions (Zech3:2) allowing a Bethel coup-de-grace by the enemy inside that system (Dan11:41) but for a period of time (Dan8:14), but it will lead to an expulsion (Isa66:6) and exposure (2Thess2:8) at some point in the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment period. (Zech3:4-5);

j. Therefore the global milestones leading to the 8th King’s own world government completion will have enormous verification effects upon the exact prophetic forecast already projecting that trajectory to the required world government completion. And since 8th King world government arrives before Christ that can have a sobering effect on those paying attention to what it really must mean. God uses the 8th King to complete the Babylon the Great judgment and its context to “rock the nations” to cause some people to repent.

k. Thus God and Christ save the 8th King to the very end to aid prophetic verification as they personally destroy that by then illegal rival world government.

(Exodus 9:14-16) For at this time I am sending all my blows against your heart and upon your servants and your people (Rev16:1-9), to the end that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth. 15 For by now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the earth. 16 But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth.

l. And this is why God by His prophecy guarantees a final warning clarification will be made in the final “little scroll” ministry (Rev11:3). God and Christ are who create the required recovery period (Rev9-11:1-7) to enable that final warning while the “tribulation of those days” is active and progressing towards 8th King world government completion.

4. Equates to World Judgment

Because we have the first cycle fully explained by Jehovah’s witnesses relevant fully for the first two UN placements that the Christians of the JW past did expose live and real-time as they occurred (1919-1945+), we have an original sovereign structure into which all prophecy and world events register in all the UN cycles.

And that structure has a replicating final fulfillment, thus the first cycle aids explaining the final cycle.

Thus rather than the disjointed prophetic pieces those who doubt and discredit the first 1914-1926 cycle now are juggling into all kinds of diverted error or disjointed truths, we actually have a fully outlined and timed prophetic framework into which all the relevant sovereign prophecies register.

The Revelation 8-11 seven trumpets and Revelation 15-16 seven plagues final fulfillment meaning provide the gauged outline of sovereign and judgment meaning in that finally sequential dual concurrent seven based sequence. Daniel 8:14 unique temple judgment prophecy and the repeating of Daniel 12 in Daniel 12:7, 12:11, and 12:11 provide the ministerial (Rev11:3) and sovereign meaning (Dan12:11) of those final timed periods that span the Revelation gauging outline to the finality of world judgment. (Dan12:12);

Thus it all ties together and has a great meaning as a whole prophetic sovereign structure with a grand finale purpose of warning and salvation opportunity as the 8th King and Messianic Kingdom head for the head on conflict building to it logically, historically and prophetically.

By the time this all unwinds the choice will be the 8th King “new world order” or the Messianic Kingdom, and people will be given the opportunity to choose their own allegiance. (People scattered out of the influence of these systems are assessed by Christ fairly with salvation as the priority. Matt10:23);

The 1260 days benchmark time signature inter-connects Daniel 12:7 to Daniel 7:25, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6,14 and Revelation 13:5 as the only unique timed signature that spans across several inter-related Daniel and Revelation prophecies. Thus the sovereign framework and its corresponding world events, actually already present in the first world cycle of 1914-1926, and its Kingdom related ministry that fully formed upon this prophecy at that time, is the solid basis for understanding the final cycle that merely repeats the whole prophecy.

The whole is outlined in gauging over final time, has timed verifiable periods, and has an interconnecting verification timing of the final warning approximation tying Daniel and Revelation together in their sovereign progression to the finale.

The prophetic whole, provided by the first ministry, updated past the 1990 fully subverted Bethel apostasy and 8th King cover up, thus has great final meaning and keeps the integral whole defined in the finale sovereign meaning that it is. God is not tossing the whole JW ministry, just the symbolic “1/3” now in error and apostasy. (Rev8);

a. Thus the final cycle is well described in prophecy once the Bethel subversionary alterations are bypassed. It is the same overall prophecy the “little scroll” will be summarizing in meaning itself and explaining as the overall prophecy contains all the great milestones and their meanings in a progression to the greatest milestone in Christ’s arrival and the Messianic Kingdom completion portion of his final judgment missions.

b. That totality of those final judgments finalizes the whole world judgment, even universal upon Satan as he is abyssed to end the universal judgment overall cycle. That is how and why the “judgment [started] with the house of God” first in the temple judgment to provide an overview and warning of all the final judgments to follow that one as the whole prophecy unfolded.

Thus the temple judgment milestone, once it is realized fully, kicks off the final cycle certainty of meaning and continuation to where the prophecy describes. (Rev8-11); The “tribulation of those days” will be a global context that will also jolt the global awareness potential of the great changes coming even for the world system heading into world government authority.

c. That elapse of the temple judgment required timing (Dan8:14) and the further years gauged and timed in prophecy in approximate terms (Dan12:7, 12:11) will allow a full fair warning and final invitation to life to be given over that whole period as it must recover into a final ministerial warning.

Thus the judgment starting with Jehovah’s witnesses is to create an overview of what the whole world judgment to come after that initial judgment will mean. This is why the “judgment starts with the house of God”:

(1 Peter 4:17-18) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God? 18 “And if the righteous [man] is being saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly [man] and the sinner make a showing?

c. The final world judgment answers all those questions. But the fact will be salvation will be open for the whole Daniel 12:7 and Daniel 12:11 periods and through even Babylon the Great’s downfall in that process. The unusualness of such a judgment will in time focus attention on the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry into which the full explanation must come forth in some manner to be determined by God as the temple judgment concludes as Daniel 8:13-14.

(Isaiah 28:21) For Jehovah will rise up just as at Mount Perazim, he will be agitated just as in the low plain near Gibeon, that he may do his deed—his deed is strange—and that he may work his work—his work is unusual.

d. Thus it will be far “stranger” to “trample” (Dan8:13) the Bethel system then the Christendom system reserved for the end in Babylon the Great, that Bethel often portrays as Isaiah 21 events, that will instead come upon the apostate Bethel system as Daniel 8:13-14, Zechariah 3:1-5, Malachi 3:1-2, Revelation 8:1-6 as the 1 Peter 4:17 final temple judgment period.

e. Everything will be leading to Christ’s arrival and not for the immediate “end of the world” but only the selective removal of the rival systems in which mission salvation will be open to anyone putting faith in God and Christ as per their basic offer in the Bible to all mankind willing to cooperate. Those in the incompletion of the “circuits of the cities of Israel”, in global meaning at that time (Matt19:28), will be assessed by Christ with also salvation as the first priority. (Matt25:37);

(Matthew 10:23) When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.

f. Revelation 14 covers that whole post Messianic Kingdom completion final salvation and judgment segway to the complete end of the rival “system of things”.

The following entities, with “explanations” at Bethel taking insight no further than 1969, actually have modern relevant developments affirming the prophetic descriptions of them further supporting the understanding of the world government climax already forecasted and foretold in the final prophecy.

V. Grand Finale: It All Converges to 8th King World Government and The Messianic Kingdom Completions at Armageddon


Thus logically, prophetically and historically this whole progression, that will actually accelerate by means of global “tribulation of this days” for the apex sovereign wealth rulers (Dan11:42-43), is converging to a true sovereign climax worldwide (Rev19:19-21) and universal. (Rev20:1-3); The Daniel 11:42-45 final cycle and the global sovereign developmental culminations of Revelation 16:12-16 and Revelation 17:11-18 will build up like a movie climax, except it is the real thing; the Bible is the book we already read, as it all climaxes to its massive 8th King global confrontation with the Kingdom of God. (Rev16:12-19, Rev19:11-21, Dan2:31-45);

Obviously God will not just allow the 8th King climax world government completion–He will require it (Joel3:9-17, Eze38:7), for it is necessary for the Armageddon global and universal showdown grand finale in completed form.

Of course God is going to fully detail all that is needed to be known regarding this final sovereign cycle.

Thus we are at the final cycle commencement point which recognition is aided by the Bethel apostate signal and premature end delusion complex. (2Thess2:1-4); Now we know the whole final cycle is a prophecy that repeats the first prophetic and world developmental cycle because the prophecy and the world cycle are the same thing: the final prophecy foretells the final world cycle to world government in detail.

It is forecast as a prophetic repeating final cycle based on the first world cycle of 1914-1919 that will produce the same but final entities of a first phase “tribulation of those days” (WW1 first development as a principle) that will be active as a Kingdom proclamation deploys into it, and it will all resolve (Matt24:29) into a final world government entity first pictured by the League of Nations world government foundational “image” and visible nucleus “image” of global sovereign world government development.

The extended nature of the whole period and the fine detail within its required features aided by a former “master pattern” in 1914-1919 in its initial manifestations allows a final ministerial warning to go forth to save as many people as possible with great evidence, and it is Christ who actually completes his own ministry “in [spirit] person” and spiritually oversees the final sheep “gathering” of all the faithful and those coming to faith at the very end of the cycle. (Matt25:31-40);

But in final form, to unfold over several years, all prophetically gauged and periodically defined with milestone in prophecy, this final cycle equates to the final maturity of world government in final form, as birthed in 1919 originally in the first cycle. World government is projected by the final prophecy to complete over a similar global tribulation cycle that the 1914-1919 cycle, in world history, was the preview cyclic progression of that world government formulaic climax.

That original world-war-to-world-government cycle was then used in every United Nations further presentation to follow in 1945 and 1990, so it is also a world development pattern. Thus by that repeating principle the development really explains itself not just by prophecy, but by the globalist formulaic use of repeating cycles that now allow reliable predictability of their main method of the world-war-to-world-government cycle.

It will all get clearer as the temple judgment removes the Bethel chief spiritual impediment to the more advanced insights and deeper prophetic logic and cross referencing study that links numerous final prophecies into the reliable framework the first cycle has given us. That allows the prophecy to reveal all the details, including the co-developing Bethel centered apostasy, that came forth as the 3rd United Nations “Cold War” cycle ending events came forth in 1990 (Dan11:29-31) – yet were conveniently bypassed by UN NGO Bethel to aid the lack of awareness of the 1-2-3 cyclic nature of all the UN presentations utilizing a resolving world war, even the Cold WW3, to aid their own forming world government presentation purpose.

Now we can examine some logical summarizations of the central Bible sovereign symbologies and the descriptive final period of the “tribulation of those days” and the greater “great tribulation” context to see the how they align with globalized world power final formation and its historic use of the national power global network (Dan11:42-43) and world war to aid its own “disgusting thing” 8th King masterpiece of world government final completion and presentation.

A. The 8th King = World Government

The 8th King is complete world government.

The 8th King is a conglomeration of all the nations into a unified global sovereign affront to the Messianic Kingdom (Rev16:13-16) and thus the totality of the final global sovereign defiance can be summarized in that one 8th King “King North” final world government entity representing all the nations of planet Earth. (Rev17:11-18, Dan11:42-45);

This is why it is that globalized 8th King unification final sovereign entity that Christ finally confronts in complete form, it equates to the whole world of rival power.

1. The 8th King is the sovereign conglomerated reality to come from “united nations” in world government totality pictured by the United Nations “image of the wildbeast” prior to its final completion. (Rev13:11-15); The 8th King identical globalist “scarlet wildbeast” that “springs from” the previous national “seven world power” progression is a full bodied “wildbeast” system represented by the “image” but in final complete form the “8th King” is a global organizational and super-corporate super-political worldwide “sovereign infrastructure” actuality beyond the United Nations scope and function – while including it.

(Revelation 17:9-11) “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains (nation-state world power systems), where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven (national) kings: five have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece), one is (Roman), the other has not yet arrived (Anglo-American national alliance; in John’s day), but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. (7th King deposed into 8th King world government, not “Armageddon”; Dan11:42-43) 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an (globalist; globalized) eighth [king] (the final world government power), but springs from the seven (based on the national progression), and it (the globalist conglomerate 8th King) goes off into destruction. (at Armageddon: the 8th King totality destroyed by God and Christ Kingdom power at “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” encompasses the whole national progression in globalized final form);

2. The 8th King is the WHOLE world government system including the United Nations “image”, or whatever it may be finally branded as in final form, but 8th King world government is beyond it in scope and “power and authority” by virtue of the globally distributed supra-national actual technocratic global-governmental aspects of global apex financial, military, technology and energy system authorities it will fully control down into the roots of the national systems.

3. Everything else is controlled by the key wealth, military and governmental controlling “power and authority”. (Rev17:11-18); The 8th King wealth control factor precursor is what Daniel 11:42-43 describes in as literal a form as prophecy gets. The “gold and the silver” is the historic classic “base plate of national sovereignty”, thus its control in physical global reality is the control of the whole wealth and sovereign basis of national sovereign existence.

4. Thus that sovereign power will transfer (Rev17:11-18) to who holds the global gold and silver literally (Dan11:42-43), for it has far greater sovereign ramifications to national sovereign autonomy which has always been in modern times and before, true wealth control driven. That will pass from the hands of the national powers to their 8th King “master creditor” and it will form a final globalization of a “new” world wealth and financial system basis in sole 8th King control.

5. That UN international forum is the world government nucleus but it is not its true final completion in world government that it will be the central part of, it is the “image” of that totality. The wealth and financial control sector of world power is an example of a global entity beyond the UN scope of function and operations.

6. The whole national seven headed “wildbeast from the sea” is the national progression of Revelation 13:1 that serves as the basis of the later Revelation 17 globalized seven headed “scarlet wildbeast” final “8th King” totality of world government.

That full completion of the global sovereignty it will represent and fully exercise as 8th King world government is yet to complete over this final cycle.

B. Two Horned Wildbeast: The 8th King System Anglo-American Based Globalist Elite Architects

The “two horned wildbeast” is supranational globalist elite and independent globalizing technocratic international systems.

The “two horned wildbeast” is an international consortium and global network of core globalist elite power, based on the leading Anglo-American host and base national alliance system. The “two horned wildbeast” are the architects of world government, its central nucleus “image” in the United Nations and the global elite foundations, corporations and organizations that form the broader actual world government structure yet to conglomerate into the main objective.

The basic foundational, national and global corporate overriding super-structure in international globalizing politics, finance and military, with its religious “harlot” system, is the core already present of all global “power and authority”. It just needs a final power consolidation cycle (Dan11:42-43) and global stressing phase to become globally official and fully publicly known and presented. The globalist system is already operative and present. The “two horned wildbeast” already uses 8th King “King North” systems as their own. The “two horned wildbeast” is leading powers of the globalist 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” system.

Their goal has been progressively collecting like minded national elites globally to begin assembling themselves internationally with their nations into the United Nations system, its broader world government collective objective, and the supra-national mega-corporate matrix that defines actual global financial, military and super-political core world power that controls the rest. Globalization is the main “gathering” force that international elite collective now backs worldwide aiding Revelation 16:13-16 culminating prophecy in the process.

1. The “two horned wildbeast” globalist 8th King architects and guides serve as also part of the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” “seventh head” leaders but are supra-national and international in scope and are not bound by national sovereign limitations. Hence their “wildbeast” is independent of that cumbersome “seven headed” national global system, but it utilizes it. (Dan8:24a);

2. The Anglo-American “seventh head” of the national wildbeast of Revelation 13:1 is what pictures the 7th King national alliance; this is not the same system as the “two horned wildbeast”. The “two horned wildbeast” system is globalist in power orientation, not national, though using nation-state systems globally to achieve their objective. (Dan4:24a);

a. The “two horned wildbeast” system is of globalist “north” final “king” orientation in Daniel 11:27-45. The Revelation 13:1 “seven headed wildbeast” 7th head, 7th King, Anglo-American national system is of the “king” “south” orientation, the “Egypt” of Daniel 11:42-43 made subservient soon to globalist “King North” final 8th King power.

b. The 7th King “King South” Anglo-American national system and all it leads in the “land of” that “Egypt” is the nation-state system that must fold into 8th King world government deposed as “King South” of Daniel 11:27-45, to be absorbed in sovereign power in Revelation 17:11-18 as Daniel 11:42-43.

c. Thus the “two horned wildbeast” globalist Anglo-American international elite system and world government architects, having been historically based in the British and American national and empire power systems, to eventually form the world government development, are not the the same as the Anglo-American national “seventh head” seventh world power that they fully operate as that nation-state base system for this end.

d. They “exercise all the authority of the first wildbeast”, but are independent global power mechanics as their independent globalist elite “two horned wildbeast” system pictures:

(Revelation 13:11-15) And I saw another wild beast (but globalist focused) ascending out of the earth (of an established political system), and it had two horns (Anglo and American) like a lamb (deceptive presentation), but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first (national seven headed) wild beast in its sight. (although it is a different and independent unattached “wild beast”) And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first (national system) wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. (the world war and tribulation recovery principle) 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the (national) wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an (League of Nations) image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. (this “image” continues in development to the United Nations and after) 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast (globalizing world power supports) should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. (removes any resister of world government or the Anglo-American agenda supporting it);

3. In final 8th King power it is the “two horned wildbeast” Anglo-American and quasi-Israeli globalist elites who run that system, not the former United States and British national governmental authorities who support the project but must be made subject in that sovereign nation-state realm (Dan11:42-43), to globalist 8th King world government power of the comprehensive 8th King super-sovereign global conglomeration. (Rev17:11-18);

4. The globalist 8th King has international scope progressive governmental operations designed not to immediately replace the former national governments but to override, orient and utilize them aligned in the final super sovereign globalized “8th King” system by mostly globalized financial system domination and if need be military domination. National politicians mostly dance on the strings of the far more powerful globalist wealth and power elites of the “two horned wildbeast” for a purpose of ultimate final control of the national sovereignties.

5. The “two horned wildbeast” members and groups understand the global and international scale issues and complexity through specialized expert technocratic systems in international scope organizations, “think tanks” and groups well beyond the scope of limited national minded politicians and their debt dependent intermediary systems. It is the globalist elite systems who produce the experts of finance, technology and war sciences for globalist use first. The national systems are the fronts through which the required introduction of these technologies are run and tested for military deployment globally from a top tier financial system beyond the scope of national oversight and authority and its limitations.

6. For example, when national governments need loans it is the “two horned wildbeast” global financial powers that dole those out and who have designed the global corporate system administering that debt worldwide. The Federal Reserve and other private central banking institutions are examples of independent supra-national financial powers. The US federal government does not own the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve is who owns much of the US Government debt.  This is how the global national debt scenario aids the culminating dynamics of Daniel 11:42-43 and what it means for the US and dependent nation-state finance systems.

7. The “two horned wildbeast” system globalizing engineers understand how to make national governmental systems progressively subservient to the international globalist world government system by financial (Dan11:42-43) and military as well as internal governmental methods insightfully applied over time. (Dan8:23-24, Dan11:36-39);

a. International government is specialized and massive in scope, the scope of national politicians and government is to oversee their own internal nations, and that is why that national system must be absorbed (Rev17:11-18) and aligned (Dan11:42-43) to the international government requirement not to be limited by the dated agendas of national sovereignty and its limited understanding and limited goals. That the national orders must become subservient to the international order objective is the “two horned wildbeast” system objective and the 8th King will be that international order of that global governance.

Bible prophecy and world power evolution guarantees that world government objective will be successfully implemented for a temporary period of time. (Rev17:12);

b. The scope of globalist international governmental experts and organs is to oversee the interaction of many nations, all of them as a “united” international collective under supreme sovereignty of globalist power and the required broader expertise and understanding.

8. There is no way to rule a nation properly and at the same time the international system, the complexity and scope is beyond national government power and intelligence systems so these forms of government, national and international, have specialized and in that specialization are both very real systems of that governance anyone can research with the globalism that drives international governments somewhat “automatic” formation. (Rev16:13-16);

a. “Automatic” in that is the more things globalize, and they do for it is not static but now globally dynamic, the more the administrative powers specializing in that advancement are also strengthening, maturing. aligning and crystallizing into specialized administrations that national powers become increasingly dependent on.

That the core wealth, finance and investment system is already supra-national, globalized and matured for its final stage of total globalization into world government, part of the fruition of globalization itself, is an indication just how dependent the national powers are on that system.

That is how this natural and accelerated evolution of world power is now “automatic”, the evolving of world government is as natural as the former evolution of the nation.

b. As we see now, national politicians cannot even manage their own national “checkbooks” and “credit cards” properly but in the US national governmental system are nearing tens of trillions in debt, and are 100 trillion in unfunded or risky liability predicaments – its lack of sustainability is more than mathematically certain, it is designed into the debt and currency system. And in these micro histories of the politics of globalization we see much re-regulation, from that national governments themselves, are what empowered their own financial compromise.

c. Thus knowingly or unknowingly, national politicians aided by corruption, greed and or limited foresight, error and non-strategic “wisdom” (Isaiah 19) are the ones who helped set-up their own nations for the final “receivership” of “King North” as shown in Daniel 11:42-43—and most of that will be financial massive debt compromise and other “two horned wildbeast” designed global wealth and finance scams that increased their globalized corporate wealth and power at the expense of the host nation and nations in constant decline especially since WW1 at international scale.

Thus there is a difference between national “king” “south” world power in perpetual decline and the progressive globalist “king” “north” final ascendant world power that arises on the “fall” of the national sovereign system made subservient to the world government goal it ultimately empowers. (Dan11:27-45);

9. In essence the national “problem”, of which much will be financial, will self-recommend the globalist wealth “solution” and it will in time be the only solution to the national economic and debt conditions. Globalization of wealth and assets into full 8th King control thus drives the whole sovereign culmination process. (Dan11:42-43);

a. That wealth control controls everything else, hence all sovereign convergence follows global wealth monopolization (Dan11:42-43 leads to Dan11:44-45) by the 8th King world government producing “two horned wildbeast” globalist expert technocrats and their globalized super-corporate international financial matrices that will define the final wealth and finance “solution” globally in time, and it will be leading to the sovereign absorption by and under 8th King final world government. (it all culminates as Revelation 17:11-18 8th King consolidated sovereign transference.);

All national sovereign symbology of the Bible, with reference to real world power sovereign development, also converges in like manner into the globalist 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” final “unification of all nations” into that final sovereign “King North” identical globalist 8th King identity.

10. Everything in the Daniel 2 “immense image” and the Daniel 8 “King Fierce in Countenance” totalities also equate to 8th King total global sovereignty. If the national powers are symbolized by prophetic entities tracking their development, that development must co-converge into the sum total of all national power into globalist world government, they all merge into the same globalized 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” totality in prophecy and the world developments it mirrors. Its as simple as that.

11. The importance of this sovereign global convergence is that it must complete as a requirement of prophecy BEFORE Christ arrives. Thus the 8th King will become more vocal and global in publication of this convergence and their world government culmination and in that gauging we can know in approximate terms how “far away” Christ’s arrival really is.

As the United Nations systems comes from its final “abyss” evolution through the “tribulation of those days”, its completion into a full world government is what triggers Christ’s arrival.

12. Thus understanding this final meaning in the prophecy is important because it gauges events to that final evolution of world government in its fourth cycle and what it will trigger. And we know now the apostasy, temple judgment and recovered ministry will also aid this awareness in this continuum of milestones to Christ’s arrival.

C. The 7th King – National Power Zenith and Leading System

The 7th King is the national alliance of Anglo-America. It is the zenith of nation-state based power predominant in the world though not fully dominating it as the 8th King will accomplish.

The 7th King is the Anglo-American national alliance that arose in the same approximate timing as the League of Nations 8th King foundational “image of the wildbeast” (1914-1919) through World War 1. The 7th King is the globally predominant national based sovereign system that co-developed with the globalist based 8th King system development but must be superceded and absorbed by the globalized 8th King world government totality it formed the lead basis of.

That sovereign downfall (Dan11:42-43) and transference (Rev17:11-18) will be a global milestone for the nation-state system to be “darkened” as the pinnacle “sun” of Matthew 24:29 events preceding Christ’s arrival within the 8th King world government overall completion and  presentation milestone. (Dan8:25, 11:44-45, 12:11; Rev17:8-18, Rev11:7);


1. To accomplish the final 8th King world government “king” meaning of course the “7th King” national leader and global nation-state domain in their partial control must also be superceded. The 7th King national system must “fall” as subservient to and absorbed by the 8th King. That is why in the King #7 and King #8 historic progression, the 7th King-to-the-8th King progress in that Biblical order, the 8th King is the final undisputed “King” of all the earth for “one hour”. (Rev17:12);

a. The 8th King is the last human based and demon guided “King” system as the globalized totality of the “scarlet wildbeast” as Revelation 16:13-16 and Revelation 17:11-18 culmination. The 8th King is who achieves the “top of world” power position as final “King North”. In effect “King North” absorbs the “King South” system in Daniel 11:42-43. (parallel Rev17:11-18 sovereign transference);

b. In the same principle the Revelation 17 “scarlet wildbeast” absorbs the Revelation 13 “wildbeast from the sea” in their identical final “seven headed” structure turned world government 8th King, “King North” in Revelation 17:8-18 as the 8th King comes from the “abyss” of the “tribulation of those days” final cycle formulaicly, for the fourth time.

2. Thus the sovereign downfall of the 7th King “King South” identical nation-state lead system is before Armageddon by 8th King hegemony. Hence the comprehensive global national systems are superceded and absorbed as well. That will be a notable related milestone meaning in the 8th King ascension to world government. The 7th King deposition must become notable in some manner to define that the 7th King is passed and is the decline upon which the world government 8th King solution ascends.

3. The Daniel 11:42-43 “Egypt” 7th King “King South” symbol of the Anglo-American national alliance power and world empire is also the “land of” “Egypt” as their predominant nation-state global domain that is absorbed fully by the globalized “King North” 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” totality.

4. Thus “King South”, the 7th King, does not “end at Armageddon”, they end as sovereign power deposed into the ascension of the 8th King world government in the identical meaning of the deposition of the national global sovereigns of Revelation 17:11-18 into “scarlet wildbeast” totality:

(Revelation 17:11-18) And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an (globalist) eighth [king], but springs from the seven (national power progression), and it goes off into destruction. 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the (globalist) wild beast. 13 These have one thought (sovereign expansion and or preservation), and so they give their (national based) power and authority to the (globalist apex forming) wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” 15 And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (absorbing religious sovereignty and assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty);

5. Thus it is the 8th King globalized collective totality that ends at Armageddon’s divine war phase. The 7th King national system is deposed as a global nation-state sovereign based system prior to that 8th King defining world government completion. That national sovereign deposition aids the absorption of the rest of the global national system the US system has led economically, though has not fully dominated. The world followed the US up, it will follow it down, and back up into world government; the US system will lead the train into world government.

6. This is how the globalized 8th King in total world government and “new world order” “one hour” of full global “power and authority” truly intends to “change times and law” at a scale and globalized meaning unknown to the prior nation-state system and history. It will be a totally unique period the final cycle will usher in:

(Daniel 7:25-26) And he will speak even words (defiant sovereign final statements; 1Thess5:1-3) against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law (at a globalized worldwide world government scale like nothing ever seen before; Dan11:36-39; 4th Un placement Daniel 8:25, 11:45, 12:11), and they (ultimately the final “two witnesses”) will be given into his (8th King) hand for a time, and times and half a time. (Rev11:1-7; Dan12:7 parallel 1260 day period) 26 (world government is thus achieved prior to this finale:) And the Court itself proceeded to sit (in final Messianic Kingdom universal/earthly sovereign totality; Rev11:11-15; Rev14:1; Matt25:36-42), and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally. (Daniel 12:11 parallel period to Armageddon; Rev19:11-21, Dan11:45, Dan8:25)

7. This is why this comprehensive completion and its final cycle understanding is so important. It is the worldwide globalized sovereign completion that prophetically enables Christ’s arrival because the final “8th King” sovereign system encompassing global authority in fully globalized form will then be complete and fully ready for the Messianic Kingdom actual counter-sovereign response and confrontation also at worldwide scale, in fact, universal scale.

8. This is also why the premature “the end” scenario the 8th King planners and Bethel and others now proffer globally is also important for them to obscure the meaning of this final cycle with various uncertainties and an overall “Jehovah’s day is here!” delusion of false expectation by purposely misapplied prophecy. (2Thess2:1-2);


VI. Great Tribulation Phasing and Meanings

A. The Tribulation of Those Days


As with WW1, WW2 and the Cold War, the “tribulation of those days” is a world-war-to-world-government global stressing phase that precedes and aids the 8th King world government presentation as the “problem” period, at global scale, for which 8th King world government is the “solution” to cap off the formulaic tribulation cycle by then in its fourth foretold manifestation. The world-war-to-world-government process is a repeating cyclic formula to aid world government power consolidation and presentation.

The Bible identifies the unique “tribulation of those days” because it is the final cycle to precede 8th King world government finale presentation. It is also the period of the final temple judgment, purification, recovery and final “two witnesses” Kingdom warning for the Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion phase. There are several unique features associated with the “tribulation of those days” in prophecy making it a unique global sequence that must resolve before Christ’s arrival. (Matt24:29-31);

Thus understanding the meanings and differences of the “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29, Mark13:24), the “great tribulation” (Matt24:21-22, Rev7:9-17), the “four winds” (Rev7:1-4, Matt24:31), and the “sudden destruction” (1Thess5:1-3) is important for they have unique meanings though related to the final cycle.

In final cycle prophetic and world development reality the comprehensive “great tribulation” will mark the whole final cycle of the 8th King ascension to world government (“tribulation of those days”)—and after (“four winds”; “one hour”) to the absolute end of the whole “great tribulation” by the complete end of the 8th King producers of it in a final unique global divine judgment. Thus the “tribulation of those days” is part of the “great tribulation’s” initial phase but it is not the same thing.

The “tribulation of those days” has (1) significance to the temple judgment spiritual dimension and to the (2) 8th King final cycle global dimension as they inter-relate as shown in prophecy to create also a (3) global signal intensification awareness period.

Great Tribulation Overview in Relation to 8th King World Government Cycle

(1.) The “tribulation of those days” will be the “abyss” (Rev11:7, 17:8-11) that 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” will arise from in final fulfillment as the first phase of the “great tribulation”. When that “tribulation of those days” ends into that 8th King world government milestone the “great tribulation” will continue into the 8th King inspired “four winds of the earth” period of their final agenda.

(2.) The “four winds” period under full 8th King world government is the last phase of the “great tribulation” as a whole period meaning. That is also the 8th King “one hour” (Rev17:12) in that 8th King full world government “reign” (Rev17:11-18) that will be ended by God as a divine “sudden destruction” judgment at the very end of the prophetic cycle. (1Thess5:1-3, 2Thess1:6-10);

This can be proven from prophecy and from the 8th King’s world government world-war-to-world-government formulaic presentation method used three times previously to present a world government rendition after their three preceding “tribulation” principle world war developments.

The “tribulation of those days” significance is in it being the fourth cycle global context of that formula in its final phase. (Hag2:7, Rev16);

1. Since the “tribulation of those days” resolves into this key transition in world power going from national to globalized (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18, Dan7:25) it is an important segway to study and understand. That Christ terms the “tribulation of those days” uniquely is also significant; it is termed uniquely because it is a unique distinct phase with particular meaning and that is why Christ termed it distinctly (Matt24:29) different than the “great tribulation” term.

a. That the “four winds” activation marks a final affirmation sealing as complete (Rev7:1-4) and a period of Christ’s final “sheep” “gathering” (Matt24:31), for they are related as the “four winds” is now cross relatable, is a significant parallel. What follows in Revelation 7:9-17 is related to what follows Matthew 24:29-31 as Revelation 14. Since that “four winds” and Christ “gathering” develops AFTER the “tribulation of those days” has resolved is a very important detail that is actually present in that brief Matthew 24:29-31 segway.

Thus the “tribulation of those days” has far greater meaning than Jehovah’s witnesses today understand due to the Bethel stalling and diverting subversion.

b. That the “sudden destruction” (1Thess5:1-3) is obviously a divine judgment meaning to “cut short the days” (Matt24:21-22) of the “great tribulation”, which is 8th King inspired and manmade as “four winds of the earth“, is a great distinguishing detail to discern in that the “sudden destruction” and the “great tribulation” are not the same thing as well.

2. That Bethel attempts to mix all those terms as the same thing in an ambiguous over-simplified non-analysis of the now most important period in history and prophecy to activate in earnest soon is of course SUSPECT to say the least. To those subverters, the whole thing is a non issue; for “the end is any day now brothers” so why bother with the prophetic details? Its just about over everyone! (2Thess2:1-2);

a. Thus what Bethel is doing is a diversion and that diversion is prophetic. Bethel is also psychologically preparing Jehovah’s witnesses for instead a premature ending of their own ministry, temporarily. It will probably be aided in cessation from Bethel’s own mouth.

But in reality we are entering a multi-year final cycle (Rev8-11, Rev16, Dan11:42-45-to-Dan12) that converges into the 8th King world government completion (Dan11:45, 12:11) and the arrival of Christ to complete the 144000 – hence the Messianic Kingdom completion concurrent. (Rev11:11-12);

Thus this period should be of great importance to Jehovah’s witnesses, it is far from “all done brothers!”. The 144000 and Messianic Kingdom completion REQUIREMENT by Christ’s finale arrival should be the biggest modern “good news” to Jehovah’s witnesses of all time! (Rev8:5-11); But alas Bethel has made JWs comatose in false expectations and loss of the real focus.

Thus the modern Matthew 24:29-31 segway should also be fully understood by Jehovah’s witnesses rather than the case of the “tribulation of those days” signal cycle completely unmentioned in Bethel publications from 2000 to 2010.

3. Unlike the Bethel over simplified bypass of this whole period and meaning, significant global changes will mark the duration and end of the “tribulation of those days”. The “tribulation of those days” ends well before the world system, and ends even before Christ arrives plainly shown in the prophecy.

a. A great detail in Matthew 24:29 is Christ does not even arrive until the “tribulation of those days” is resolved, “immediately after the tribulation of those days”. “Immediately after” that tribulation cycle it is the “sun, moon and stars” of the symbolic “lights” of world and societal power formerly based in the nation-state power structure that are “darkened” also prior to Christ’s arrival, that is the “immediate” event of note.

It is the global effects of 8th King “New World re-Ordering”, the effect of 8th King world government on the whole nation-state system deposed globally and made subservient worldwide (Dan11:42-43) to that final form of human power then fully “globalized” in that Revelation 16:13-16 final “gathering” completed by that globalization force. (Rev16:13-16 = Rev17:11-18 = Dan11:45 = Dan12:11)

b. Thus that tribulation resolves not even yet into Christ’s arrival, but into that completed 8th King world government totality and the real meaning of the “sun, moon and stars” of the “old world order” going “dark”. That Matthew 24:29 full implication has to occur fully before Christ arrives.

c. Thus the “sun, moon and stars” “darkening” phase is a HUGE global event signal manifestation in the world system. Even if celestial anomalies did occur as well, the things that define “anguish of nations not knowing the way out” in climax, whose only “way out” becomes 8th King world government at that time, will be far more significant to people on earth than anything taking place in the skies. But this is a symbolic prophecy and those “sun, moon and stars” are of the “lights” of the former nation-state system and its eclipse by 8th King globalized world government.

In like manner Christ’s arrival will darken ALL the forms of rival human power including the 8th King world government. Thus the “darkening” effect and “powers of the heavens will be shaken” will be for even Satan and the demons who will also know they are going down as well, down to the “abyss”. (Rev6:12-17, Rev20:1-3; Eph6:12);

For easily logical reasons such as these, when we relate the whole sovereign prophecy across Daniel and Revelation into Matthew 24:29-31 events the whole outline is a very important sequence to fully understand and the details aiding understanding it come together.

4. Firstly we know the “tribulation of those days” is not a reference to the Jerusalem tribulation. Significant events directly follow in the sequence of “the tribulation of those days” parallel Mark 13:24 “that tribulation” period. (Mark13:24).

These events will truly be global in scope.

a. These global events and milestones were not “immediate” after the downfall of Jerusalem in 70 CE, but they will be as the 8th King goes into full rival world government in the future:

(Matthew 24:29) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallel of Christ arrival. These are symbolic of earthly sources of power and “light”:) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Rev6:12-17 parallels of symbolic earthly powers as global “lights”, it indicates the end of the nation-state system “lights” first. The concurrent news of Christ’s Kingdom, and its eventual Christ arrival, will also in time “darken” the wildbeast system “lights”; Rev16:10);

b. Even all those “darkening” events, after the conclusion of the “tribulation of those days” phase precede Christ’s arrival. And even “the sign”, in related manner of Revelation 12:1a (and Rev15:1), that Christ is to give anointed Christians then “the living, who are surviving” (1Thess4:17) will also precede Christ’s actual arrival:

(Matthew 24:30-31) And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Rev16:17 events) 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet prelude related; immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion, Rev10:7), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of Revelation 7:1 parallel “four winds”), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

And thus starts not the “end of the world”, but Christ completing the 144000 “sheep” completion (Rev14:1) and the global “sheep sweep” intake process of all the earthling “sheep” beginning the Revelation 14 final sequence of complete Messianic Kingdom power “subduing in the midst” of its “enemies”—for real.

And thus spiritual developments in the “tribulation of those days” period and its ending enabled the final Revelation 7:1-4 affirmation sealing completion which enabled the “four winds” release in the 8th King world government system global generator of the “four winds of the earth” in that finalizing meaning providing the Matthew 24:31 parallel “four winds” context of that time.

Thus Matthew 24:29-31 is providing a segway from the “tribulation of those days” ending and the “four winds” beginning.

5. As we see this sequence does not describe even “the end” yet, such connections are of human ideas and premature advancement as Bethel employs to over-simplify this actually drawn out momentous period of time.

a. Matthew 24:29 itself is describing global milestone changes in human world power that precede Christ’s arrival and that further signal the truly impending arrival of Christ. Since the “sun, moon and stars” are affected first—prior to Christ’s arrival, something is affecting that global system of elucidation, its constellation of worldly power: 8th King world government—and that global effect, as well, BEFORE Christ arrives, even before “the sign of the Son of Man” that truly precedes Christ’s arrival, his personal signal to the anointed.

b. Matthew 24:30-31 is describing Christ’s sign, actual arrival (Matt24:30) and final “sheep” “gathering” (Matt24:31) and its preceding “air” arrival of Revelation 16:17 parallel 1 Thessalonians 4:17 as Revelation 11:11-12. (Jude 14, Rev6:12-17); And even before that the whole Matthew 24:29 meaning of great global changes must manifest.

c. In addition Matthew 24:29-31 is covering a momentous final period of world power shifting in all ways, from national to globalist world government and then from globalist power to the Messianic Kingdom (Rev6:12-17) which completion will come after the anointed “sheep” are fully gathered, thus after Matthew 24:31 has completed. (Rev14:1);

By the time the 8th King, in then full rival world government, is aware of Christ’s presence in the earthly regions, their world government “sun” goes BLACK AS SACKCLOTH, beyond just the “darkening” of Matthew 24:29:

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred (foregleam of Christ’s arrival); and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, (Matt24:29) as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up (powers of the heavens are shaken), and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. (Am9:1-3) 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (thus this Matt24:29-31, Rev11:11-12 parallel period, in Daniel 12:11 period in progress, is a drawn out period as that outlined in Revelation 14:1-16);

d. Thus Revelation 11:7 “two witnesses” ministerial cessation is completed, and Revelation 11:8-10 is transpiring into the “three and a half days” death state of the “two witnesses” through the Matthew 24:29 events completing. The expiration of that final symbolic timed period in that “three and a half days” is what is the Matthew 24:31 event parallel of Revelation 11:11-12 as Christ’s arrival and anointed “sheep” final “gathering”.

e. That Matthew 24:31 anointed “sheep” “gathering” first, to precede and proceed to all the earthling “sheep” soon thereafter (Rev14:14-16, Matt25:31-40), is what enables Revelation 14:1 144000 completion and the following Revelation 14:6-20 sequence and the “harvest of the earth” “sheep” totality of Revelation 14:14-16. And still it is not the end yet, but is squarely in Daniel 12:11 cross referenceable 1290 day time period fully active.

Thus in reality great details are in that Matthew 24:29-31 prophecy and it can be cross linked to more prophetic details.

6. Jesus distinguished the “tribulation of those days” differently than the overall “great tribulation” (Matt24:21-22) because it is has an important difference but a related meaning—It marks a global signal period:

(1.) Temple Significance

The “tribulation of those days” marks a prophetic required period regarding “spiritual Jerusalem” (Luke21:20; Dan8:13) starting in the temple judgment “trampling” period of Daniel 8:14 timing which extends to the recovered ministerial warning period to its cessation period ending Revelation 11:2 “trampling” and Daniel 12:7 1260 days ending the spiritual significance of “tribulation” on spiritual “Jerusalem”.

(2.) 8th Kin Significance

The “tribulation of those days” is an 8th King world government producing global stressing period. In the 8th King worldly significance it is they, the “disgusting thing”, who “cause desolation”; it is also a “tribulation” used by the 8th King for a specific set of purposes (Dan12:11) that have already been used three times previously to present their world government progress in 1919, 1945 and 1990 after significant global wars. (Including the Cold War. Dan11:29-31);

a. Thus it is a recognizable predictable pattern now from the 8th King’s own history. All three, in fact all four UN related 8th King presentations are foretold in prophecy including the fourth and final “world government” placement (Dan12:11) that comes as this final cycle is winding down. By all these things we can know what this period really converges into.

The important feature of the “tribulation of those days” globally is that it resolves first into world government, the required completion of the 8th King totality and its required final world “peace and security” statement. (Dan11:45, Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3);

(3.) Global Awareness Significance

The “tribulation of those days” is a global signal period of great changes (Dan7:25) in the global system progress towards 8th King world government. The “tribulation of those days” is the Haggai 2:7 “rocking the nations” parallel of Revelation 16:1-16 first six plague meaning in final form. (Hag2:7); Its duration and aftermath can be used to inspire repentance in some people “rocked” by these changes at a global “all the nations” scale.

(Haggai 2:6-7) “For this is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘Yet once—it is a little while—and I am rocking the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground.’ (Rev16) 7 “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in (aids sheep intake of Matt24:31); and I will fill this house with glory (Temple 144000 completion under Christ, as full King-Priest),’ Jehovah of armies has said.

The Composite “Sign” Applicable Features Climax

7. The Revelation 6:1-8 “four horses of the Apocalypse” concurrent ride that began in 1914 with Christ’s Kingdom of God crowning (Rev6:1-2) and WW1 also climaxes that “woe to the earth” (Rev12:12) meaning of the last three “horse” “rides” intensifying (Rev6:3-8) as the parallel “sign” of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 will also climax and culminate in this period leading to Christ’s Messianic Kingdom final crowning.

Logically as there are two Kingdom developments identified in the Bible (Dan2:31-45, Luke22:28-30) and Christ becomes “present” as King in both developments, in 1914 and the future finality, the “sign” having great significance in post 1914 intensified global events will also have a climax in the “tribulation of those days” global events preceding and signalling Christ “presence” as King designate of the Messianic Kingdom to be crowned after 144000 completion after his ultimate full “arrival”.

Every feature of the first ministerial “two witnesses” cycle, as a preview template of prophecy and world events, will have a final climax counterpart in the second “two witnesses” cycle of the full prophetic replication of Revelation 8-11. A final announcement of Messianic Kingdom and Temple completion will be carried out by that second “witnessing” just as a Kingdom of God related proclamation announcement went forth in the first “witnessing” of 1914-1919, and after, to this grand climax finale.

Thus once again the climax of the composite sign this time will signal Christ’s final arrival, 144000 completion, Messianic Kingdom completion and Christ’s King of kings Messianic Kingdom Crowning event and guaranteed aftermath of universal conquest. (Ex. 4)

a. The intensification of various features of that “composite sign” are what will give the “tribulation of those days” and the “great tribulation” totality their unique severities. As seen in Matthew 24, the Matthew 24:29-31 period is what all this global “rocking” will be signalling as the “tribulation of those days” in active form is what encompasses certain features of that prophecy ending as Matthew 24:29 even before Christ’s arrival. The “rocking” “the power of the heavens will be shaken” will “rock all the nations” as their trusted national power systems are deposed into 8th King world government sovereignty through a final shake-up world-war-to-world-government cycle defining the 8th King significance of the “tribulation of those days”. (Matt24:29, Mark13:25, Luke21:26, Heb12:26-29, Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9, Rev9:1-21, Rev10, Rev11:1-15);

Thus part of the global import of the “tribulation of those days” is to jolt some people into a greater awareness prior to Christ’s arrival. But as shown even Christ’s arrival is not yet “the end”, it will be an open salvation period for the whole of Daniel 12:11 1290 day timing in final fulfillment in whatever is remaining in that timing as Christ arrives in the 1290 days already progressed for the unknown symbolic “three and a half days” “two witnesses” “death” state as Revelation 11:8-12 converges into Daniel 12:11.

b. Therefore the descriptive global features in all those prophecies will also intensify to unique severity in some manner, but as shown the intent of the “tribulation of those days” is not global destruction by either the 8th King or God’s allowance of that period. This is also why this period is significant to “shake” some people to awareness (Hag2:7), because they can take advantage of the aftermath.

c. What occurs after the 8th King achieves world government, after the “tribulation of those days” period has ended, is another marked but final period with other diametric objectives for the 8th King and Christ also present in prophecy detailing the final period after the “tribulation of those days” has ended. People can take advantage of the salvation that will be necessary to survive the full “four winds” and final full world judgment of God (Matt24:21-22) and that is part of the import of the “tribulation of those days” significance, understanding it and making it known.

The period of Matthew 24:29-31 has details that allow many supporting prophecies to be cross referenced as the whole final sequence is in the comprehensive prophetic replication and by that repeating nature can be understood upon first cycle insights from old school Jehovah’s witnesses like Charles Russell, Joseph Rutherford and Frederick Franz from before the time the apostate “Governing Body” ruined the ministry when Jehovah’s witnesses had a valid and up to date ministry.

Those applicable prophecies provide more detail related to the same identifiable period of that Matthew 24:29-31 prophecy culminating in Christ’s arrival. Other prophecies to be cross referenced into that period’s time registration include Revelation 14 and Matthew 25:31-46.

(1.) The 144000 must complete as Matthew 24:31 “gathering” completes, to enable the Messianic Kingdom completion, thus Revelation 14 occurs after Matthew 24:29-31 has concluded in the anointed “sheep” “gathering” enabling the 144000 completion of Revelation 14:1. (Rev11:11-12);

(2.) We can cross register the Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:7 and commencement of Daniel 12:11 timings into this period. By that we know the first six plagues and six trumpets also span the whole “tribulation of those days” as the seventh plague and seventh trumpet are the approximate Christ arrival, 144000 completion, Messianic Kingdom completion, and Christ final coronation-to-conquest events.

(3.) The “tribulation of those days” spans Daniel 8:14 to the Daniel 12:7 (Rev11:2-3, Rev13:5) timed periods.

(4.) Revelation 16:13-16, Revelation 17:8-11 (repeating “abyss ascension” fulfillment as Rev11:7) and Revelation 17:11-18 are all culminating with 8th King world government (Rev17:12 “one hour”) as Matthew 24:29 is unwinding. Daniel 11:42-43 must have transpired global wealth and finance control for the globalized “King North” 8th King system over the “tribulation of those days”. Daniel 11:42-45 will have spanned over the “tribulation of those days”, hence Daniel 12:7, and into Daniel 12:11 commencement.

(5.) Daniel 11:44-45 merges into Daniel 12:11 and the post Matthew 24:29 “darkening” meanings for the “scarlet wildbeast” world government system “eclipse” of the former nation-state based global power system pawned for 8th King “King North” globalized government. (Dan11:42-43 aided);

(6.) The “two witnesses” final ministerial cessation (Rev11:7-10), which enables the Revelation 11:11-12 arrival of Christ parallel event, must therefore transpire while the “tribulation of those days” is yet active as its spiritual dimension conclusion. (Rev11:2) Thus the “wild beast that ascends from the abyss” (Rev11:7) that deposes the “two witnesses” ministry (Rev11:1-10) is also “arising” into world government (Rev17:8-18) as that “tribulation of those days” is resolving. The Daniel 8:25, Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 11:7 8th King parallel “attacks” are all the same climax period converging with Matthew 24:29 events culminating to completion. (Rev19:19-21, Rev17:15-18, Eze38);

(7.) The seven plagues and seven trumpets replicate Revelation 15-16 and Revelation 8-11 into this final period and after as a gauging to Christ’s arrival and after. The Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:7 and Daniel 12:11 periods transpire through and after (Dan12:11) the “tribulation of those days” into that final 8th King sovereign “one hour” period in the Daniel 12:11 period.

(8.) In fact every sovereign, temple and judgment prophecy has a final relationship to the final fulfillment in all the applicable prophets to this final cycle framework. (Rev8:5-11);

Thus we know the 8th King is going into world government as the “tribulation of those days” is resolving to aid that global hopefulness purpose reinforcing the “peace and security” believability (Rev13:3, 17:8) as they do after all their major world war and tribulation cycles; 1914-1919, 1939-1945, c. 1947-1990, and the future. See 4 UN Cycles Table;

The “tribulation of those days” is the global and spiritual convergence milestone period of all the signal related prophetic and world event milestones that precede Christ’s full arrival.

B. 8th King “One Hour” Reign is After the “Tribulation of those Days” Transition to World Government

Thus the 8th King Revelation 17:12 “one hour” comes in the Matthew 24:29 “tribulation of those days” aftermath, hence in the “four winds” period commencing, as a period of full 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” total world government authority for a very short period of final time.

Revelation 17:8-11 will provide the “tribulation of those days” “abyss ascension” period as Revelation 17:11-18 sovereign convergence into final 8th King world government sovereign authority and presentation will culminate and progress its final “one hour”.

1. That 8th King completion milestone and period links to the global final sovereign consolidation process of Revelation 17:11-18 which solidifies world government globally—for real in comprehensive actuality beyond but including the UN related “image” nucleus. Before Revelation 17:11-18 culminates we can know the Revelation 17:8-11 “abyss” ascension (repeating in final fulfillment) is the same “abyss” ascension of the 8th King world government parallel here, as it relates in final form to the “tribulation of those days” “abyss” of 8th King seeming inactivity as far as world peace power:

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss* (into 8th King world government from the “tribulation of those days”) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment period (Dan8:13-14) is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.);

2. That must be the final fulfillment sequence of this “ascension” into that final world government of Revelation 17:8-11. The final 8th King presentation, in full world government, will be repeating the same principle of the WW2 “abyss” ascension of the United Nations in 1945 as the second UN presentation, but now in final true “scarlet wildbeast” total world government form. This “abyss ascension” is the 8th King emerging from the “tribulation of those days” into world government when in final fulfillment form in the future:

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was (in 1990 3rd UN placement “new world order” form), but is not (impotent in “world peace” power for final world war intrigues), and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss* (into world government), and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present (as finally world government), those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, (is for an effect of world government “solution” acceptance, see Rev13:3) but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

Thus all the principles of the first two UN placements as (1) the WW1 producing 1919 League of Nations “placement” of the “disgusting thing” (Rev13:11-15, Dan12:11 first fulfillment), and (2) the 1945 post WW2  “abyss ascension” of the United Nations are now repeating in (3) the 1990 3rd UN “placement” of the “disgusting thing” in Daniel 11:31b (Dan8:23), and the final “abyss ascension” from the “tribulation of those days” of 8th King world government as Daniel 11:44-45, Daniel 8:25, Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 17:8-18.

The original prophetic preview patterns, explained in the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, are the principle patterns that repeat for the final 8th King world government completion segway of the 3rd and 4th UN presentations. Even the (1) “placement” (1919), to (2) “abyss ascension” (1939-45); (1) “placement” (1990), to (2) (future) “abyss ascension” (future “tribulation of those days”) overall pattern replicates.

The final “abyss” ascension is also the final “disgusting thing” “placement” of Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment climaxing the whole quadruple super-cycle. Thus the fourth and final 8th King cycle merges it all.

a. The “tribulation of those days” is the “abyss” period of 8th King purposeful impotence in the final cycle, that they will bring world government up through as the “wildbeast that ascends from the abyss” of the “tribulation of those days”, and that “abyss” period ending into that “ascension”, as that tribulation resolves for that “8th King” world government presentation purpose as a repeating 8th King formulaic cycle leads to this final fulfillment meaning in final form in the future:

(Revelation 17:9-11) “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains (nation-state world power systems), where the woman (religious sovereign empire, Rev17:18) sits on top. 10 And there are seven (national) kings: five have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece), one is (Rome, in John’s time), the other (Anglo-American 7th King) has not yet arrived (Anglo-American national alliance system), but when he does arrive (7th “head”, 7th “king) he must remain a short while. (is not destroyed in sequence, but is the 7th King deposed into 8th King world government sequence, Dan11:42-43) 11 And the wild beast that was but is not (Rev11:7), it is also itself an (globalist; globalized) eighth [king] (the final world government power convergence), but springs from the seven (based on the national progression), and it (the globalist conglomerate 8th King) goes off into destruction. (at Armageddon: the 8th King totality destroyed by God and Christ Kingdom power at “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” in “sudden destruction” of 1Thess5:1-3);

3. The Revelation 17:12 “one hour” period below, distinguished by that world government completion, is this meaning which also progresses to that completion through, and culminates as, the “tribulation of those days” is ending into this overall purpose and what the 8th King comes from that final “abyss” state for:

(Revelation 17:12-13) “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom (in the future from John’s time), but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the (globalist) wild beast. 13 These have one thought (sovereign expansion and or preservation), and so they give their (national based) power and authority to the (globalist apex forming) wild beast. (Thus a global sovereign conglomeration converging into the 8th King totality finalizes as world government);

4. That is the meaning of the “one hour” period of full world government operation in Revelation 17:12 that has to be also commencing as the symbolic “one hour” as and after the “tribulation of those days” is ending or has ended. The 8th King continues into post-abyss, post-tribulation, 8th King presentation and recovery in the same principle as Revelation 13:3-4 “but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration” as the Revelation 17:8 principle parallel “those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly”. (Isa41:1);

The “as though slaughtered to death” “death stroke” is in the “tribulation of those days” final 8th King inspired global stressing global “problem” period for which 8th King full world government will be the “solution”, again, but in final complete form.

5. It is the same 8th King world governmental authority “one hour” parallel in Babylon the Great’s eventual downfall in that selfsame period of Revelation 17:11-18 world government “one hour” sequence because the “one hour” of Babylon’s judgment of Revelation 18:9-19 is that same “one hour” parallel during total world government authority:

(Revelation 18:9-10) “And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, 10 while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!’ (parallel Rev18:17,19 “one hour”);

6. Which symbolic “one hour” period contains this parallel judgment of Babylon the Great:

(Revelation 17:15-18) 15 And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (absorbing religious sovereignty and assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought (Rev16:19-20, Rev18:8), even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty);

Since world government will be complete, the religious confusions and divisions of the “harlot” will no longer be needed at that time as Babylon the Great reaches its institutional final functions: the “world peace” aiding effects and “super-re-capitalization” aiding boost of its respective removal and 8th King divvied global massive wealth store redistribution for national union recovery. (Isa41:1);

This is why Babylon the Great is present through the whole final cycle for judgment at the end of the cycle—the judgment starts with “the house of God” not Babylon the Great. (1Pet4:17);

7. The functional  global system “fear of her torment” (Rev18:9-19)  is the fear of 8th King global power that also deposes, but non-destructively, the national sovereigns to be part of the 8th King “one hour” of world government rulership. (Rev17:11-18, Rev13:16-18, Dan11:42-43) This is why the national sovereign deposition (non-destructive in intent) and the religious sovereign deposition (destructive) occur in the same period of 8th King world government culmination as shown in Revelation 17:11-18 and Revelation 16:12-19 parallel periods. This is also why Revelation 8:9-19 is significant for showing a functional world system is still existent (Matt24:36-42, Rev11:7-10) as Babylon the Great is deposed.

8. Thus the “tribulation of those days” is not the immediate end, it is a key global transition period and the events summarized in Matthew 24:29 cover great final global developments in both the world system, world government completion and Christ’s final Messianic Kingdom completion to shortly follow that 8th King pinnacle “King North” world government milestone and final “one hour” period. Many scriptures and prophecy cross relate into this Matthew 24:29-31 segway as the spiritual significance of this period is also connected to the temple judgment and ministerial recovery to actually make all this known as that “tribulation of those days” is active.

Thus the “tribulation of those days” is far more significant, spiritually and globally useful, than just a Bethel over-simplified “the end” synonym which aids their delusion complex instead.

In that process the Revelation 17  globalist “scarlet wildbeast” absorbs the sovereignty, encompasses and dominates the Revelation 13 national “wildbeast from the sea”, as the whole “seven headed wildbeast” totality is 8th King world government. “King North” essentially does the same parallel sovereign transformation parallel by absorbing “King South” for the full global domination of 8th King “King North” world government.

That is why Christ arrives after they are complete and totally ready.

9. In comparison to the “tribulation of those days” which leads to more events, and more prophetic fulfillment, the “great tribulation” overall encompassing period concludes into the absolute end as the unnatural abrupt divine end of that final “four winds” phase, hence the “cut short the days”, the end of the “great tribulation”. (Matt24:21-22)

a. The “great tribulation” has a broader overall meaning that continues to the implications of the 8th King in global sovereign and military uni-polar power under world government to continue after the “tribulation of those days” defining period of that final 8th King sovereign culmination and its 8th King presentation aiding resolution has ended.

10. When the 8th King is in full world government uni-polar global control, then the final 8th King agenda, which also includes “bring many to destruction” “during” this “freedom from care” period forming (Dan8:25), can proceed to its final selective truly “great tribulation” climaxing aspects at the same time it is stating globally comprehensive world “peace and security”. (1Thess5:1-3);

a. And this is why this “peace and security” “freedom from care” parallel is very close in time to the final 8th King period of existence and final “stand” into world government:

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up, but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

Daniel 8:25


He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.


By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Without warning he shall destroy many. And he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken—but by no human hand.


And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

11. The Daniel 8:25 8th King “attack” mode and the Daniel 11:44 8th King “attack” mode are the same parallel periods of world government complete sovereign global power. Thus a noted 8th King “attack” is present in both deep final cycle prophecy as parallels. The final true world “peace and security” sovereign climax statement period of world government global proclamation “while they are saying“, is a climax sovereign claim period of 8th King world government coming out of the “tribulation of those days”, “ascending from the abyss”, into their own self-defined “world peace” period of that same “one hour”. (Rev17:12)

12. That is the period of the “four winds of the earth” final “great tribulation” phase and overall meaning of 8th King “causes tribulation for you” at 2Thessalonians 1:6-10 that resolves into the absolute “sudden destruction” end that this key transition period must culminate into. Thus the events of Matthew 24:29-31 are not exactly parallel with 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 but progress in time, over that “one hour” into that climax. In fact no “end” action is shown in Matthew 24:30-31, just the final “sign of the Son of Man” and Christ arrival and “sheep” gathering angelic deployment. Though it leads in time to the end, much more transpires after Matthew 24:29-31 completes prior to the actual “conclusion of the system of things”.

a. This is because much more transpires in the transition into, and then under, total 8th King world government and after, when God and Christ, at the very end of the 8th King “one hour” meaning, respond fully as 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 in total Kingdom of God conquest through the completed authority of the Messianic Kingdom.

13. That event is a “great tribulation” climax period that is ended by God and Christ as a final divine judgment. It cannot be the “tribulation of those days” climax that ends instead into a period with many more final global developments yet to occur after the “tribulation of those days” ends. This is why the “tribulation of those days” ends BEFORE Christ even arrives as shown explicitly in the prophecy.

C1. The Fourth Cycle Marking “Tribulation of Those Days” Has Societal Signals Before it Activates – Part One

1. It is very interesting to note this “signs seen in sun, moon and stars” detail when comparing Luke 21:25-28 with the Matthew 24:29-31 version of that seemingly identical prophecy. In fact Luke 21:25 is a prophecy about the global SIGNALS that become detectable in the world system BEFORE Matthew 24:29-31 events actually transpire.

It means indicator signals emerge from the world system that attempt to forecast some of the ominous features now forming in the world system’s “light” authorities.

2. Luke is foretelling the SIGNS that will be seen before the actual events of Matthew 24:29 that these global signals portend:

(Luke 21:25-28) “Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (as a future event) 27 And then (in the future) they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 But as these things start to occur (in the signals, and in the future “tribulation of those days” actuality), raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.” (not yet to be “the end” but the Matt24:31 “deliverance”);

(Joel 2:30-32) “And I will give portents (signals warnings) in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood (actual Matt24:29 events), before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. (the world judgment finality “day” cycle) 32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors, whom Jehovah is calling.”

The “signs in sun and moon and stars” are “signals” of the progressive globalist scale means by which the current “light” system in national and religious sovereignty will be darkened (Rev17:11-18), such as by 8th King globalized military and wealth control making all national sovereigns subservient to world government “globalized sovereignty”.

Even the actual “sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood” events also occur “before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah”. Thus the signals now, and the events later are used to forewarn those capable of “taking note” of the greater meaning:

(Matthew 24:36-42) “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 40 Then (Matthew 24:30-31 will fulfill) two men will be in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; 41 two women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned. 42 Keep on the watch (for the signs and further developments), therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. (But prophecy will indicate “sign will be seen” prior to the real events and even the real events will “rock the nations” so the “desirable things come in”, it will not be a total surprise for those awake to prophecy and world event parallel intensifying signals.)

3. Thus Luke 21 is giving a detail that in the world there would come forth signalling information that exposed or explained many of the realities forming in the global system from its own “sun, moon, and stars” of global, national and local sources of secular enlightenment before the actual Matthew 24:29 manifestation in the world system of “lights”. These “signs” are numerous and notable global developments and analyses that could be connected to further developments in 8th King activity beyond the dated “analysis” Bethel now provides choosing to ignore modern global developmental realities affecting all forms of current national “power and authority”.

a. Thus global military, financial and political news, information and exposés, to name but a few areas of globalization related news, forecasting and research, have outlined many significant themes common to these analyses. Many potential problematic global developments now forming in the world system are described in the world’s own research that show ominous “signs” of things to come in political, military and financial dimensions of global development to name but a few. Even novice researchers, amateur “conspiracy theorists” and children are exposing more of the informative and ominous details in the system than Bethel’s “Awake!” magazine. But in fact many expert researchers are also involved in this kind of “signalling” work globally.

b. Thus forecasts and trends already outline the nature of the actual global developments they portend, in some manner, that researchers, trend forecasters and others attempt to explain or warn of before they culminate. Though much is speculative, the common themes, significance and magnitudes of the developments explained are eventually recognizable by those doing this kind of research even if in a part time basis. Interestingly the Internet provides a far broader and more voluminously populated Web based world of research, articles and video documentaries.

c. Thus many of these “signs” absent and imperceptible in the mainstream media are available to those who are looking into this kind of research, many of which cover the root histories of many global systems and institutions and connect their relationship to globalization and world government. Because of this development, few are being exposed to this broader research found on the Web in comparison to the overall population subsisting on general social and media outlets and its limited, and often mythical, information.

It is Bethel that also ignores all this information as per Daniel 8:12 subversion objective. In the more realistic research of trends, details of the final cycle are being described in the globalization developments now reaching, but not at, their climactic development phase and culmination. This is why Bethel bypasses modern globalization-to-world-government developments to instead culture the premature end delusion (2Thess2:1-2) as part of their signal apostasy. (2Thess2:3-4, Dan11:32, 41);

In this way Bethel aids the overall mainstream media cover up of, and diversion from, the most significant global developments of our times. Nothing matters at Bethel, “the end is near”, and that backward attitude is now imbibed into many Jehovah’s witnesses as well, as none of the post 1990 globalization significance, that developed with the 3rd UN presentation, is known to, or spoken about, by modern Jehovah’s witnesses.

4. For example, the global US Dollar and national debt developments, along with the global scandals like the sub prime mortgage and derivatives orchestration, enormously affecting the US and EU economic and financial systems in long range manner, is an example of a global “sign” ignored by many, and the mainstream media, though openly exposed by many researchers and financial experts internationally indicating future financial ramifications must develop.

a. Thus ominous “signs” in global finance that will result in Daniel 11:42-43 wealth globalization developments are even now explained by worldly forecasters and financial professionals but are not connected to prophecy. And now that Bethel could connect these global research details to prophecy, to complete the information loop properly, they instead ignore them. Thus the whole apathy and ignorance reality is aided by Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses but in a far more significant dereliction of truthful ministerial vigilance.

b. Thus Daniel 11:42-43 is an example of where global debt will lead and how global finance information could be applied to future prophecy setting up:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

Thus rather than actually explain that 8th King prophecy of the future, JWs tell people “the USSR fulfilled that prophecy, we await Daniel 11:44-45 next, then we will know who the King of the North is.” So Jehovah’s witnesses are “throwing truth to the earth” (Dan8:12), aiding the Bethel deception as the ones taking it to the public.

5. Thus those wealth monopolization global developments which in no way, shape or form could the USSR fulfill, that are guaranteed to fulfill under the 8th King, will affect the former national sovereign “sun” of world power by its financial compromise, and that will affect all the dependent powers down the global national power pyramid to go under 8th King control who controls that global wealth and financial system globalization process. Thus in reality the current global financial developments are actually setting up their part of what Matthew and Mark foretell as actual events as Luke 21:25 showed as “signs” that would precede the actual developments.

a. Thus all the global dimensions of Revelation 17:11-18 “power and authority” all have their own “lights” in their former national authority that will be “darkened” as world government absorbs full and final authority of all the national component parts of world power.

6. Matthew and Mark’s parallel prophecy is a prophecy of the actual events, not the indicative and foreboding “signs” that preceded these actual events that built up to this actual final period and its resolution. Luke’s prophecy is of developments before the “tribulation of those days”, Matthew’s and Mark’s prophecy is of developments after the “tribulation of those days”:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.

(Mark 13:24-27) “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, 25 and the stars will be falling out of heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. 26 And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then he will send forth the angels and will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from earth’s extremity to heaven’s extremity.

7. Thus too those prophecies cannot be bypassed, as Bethel does, for literal fulfillments in celestial events, which even if they did occur, will be “eclipsed” by the far more ominous events taking place on earth at that time in the counterpart world “power and authority” systems symbolized in this prophecy. Bethel focuses on science fiction aspects of the prophecy and hasn’t spoken on the subject in at least ten years from this time:

*** Watchtower 99 5/1 p. 13 par. 19 “These Things Must Take Place” ***

“Note that Matthew 24:29-31 foretells that (1) the Son of man comes, (2) this coming will be with great glory, (3) the angels will be with him, and (4) all the tribes of the earth will see him. Jesus repeats these elements in the parable of the sheep and the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46) Hence, we can conclude that this parable deals with the time, after the opening outbreak of tribulation, when Jesus will come with his angels and sit down on his throne to judge.”

(Actually the prophecy is about the point “after the closing resolution” of the “tribulation of those days”.)

*** Watchtower 97 4/1 p. 15 par. 8 Deliverance Into a Righteous New World ***

“At some point after the “great tribulation” begins, but before Jehovah executes his judgment upon the rest of this world, supernatural events will occur.”

 (Actually the prophecy is about the point when the “tribulation of those days” ENDS.)

*** Insight on the Scriptures pg. 1126-1128 ***

“Then, at Matthew 24:29, he added that “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” there would be fear-inspiring celestial phenomena.”

Thus Bethel not only subverts the explicit meaning of  what “after” “the tribulation of those days” days means, for their deceptive “tribulation begins” error instead in misleading manner, they also comment on “supernatural events” and “fear-inspiring celestial phenomena” possibilities diverting attention from the true meaning of the actual far greater global symbology of the prophecy referring to global power. Thus all in all Bethel has subverted the whole prophecy while not even commenting on it for over a decade since that 1999 Watchtower reference above.

Now why would Bethel fully subvert and ignore the most important prophecy tied directly to global events that would just precede Christ’s arrival AFTER the “tribulation of those days” ends? Apostasy and infiltration serving an 8th King agenda internally at Bethel is why.

8. A point here is Bethel ignoring the era of the greatest globalization acceleration in all human history since especially 1990 in global military (Dan11:40, Joel3:9-12) and global financial aspects (Dan11:42-43) is an example of things they are teaching Jehovah’s witnesses to also ignore by not connecting those globalizing “gathering” (Rev16:13-16) developments to prophecy, and modern commentary, thus covering up modern 8th King inspired global developments (Dan8:12) that are setting up major prophetic fulfillments of the future. In fact they do not even mention modern news relevant to connecting globalization to world government, and those developments to prophecy.

9. In that disconnection of modern global developments and prophecy commentary and update is the non existent modern Bethel research. The “Awake!” magazine has been Asleep! for at least forty years. Thus the Awake! claim: “This magazine probes beneath the surface and points to the real meaning behind current events.” is a bold faced lie. This is how Jehovah’s witnesses can be vigilant in a ministry, yet distributing dated commentary and not awakening people to modern 8th King and globalization awareness any further than 1945 2nd UN presentation awareness as led by Bethel’s purposeful backwardness to aid that irrelevance.

10. In this way Bethel has been purposely ignoring many modern developments in financial, military and global corporate globalizing sectors, for the last twenty years, that is also helping outdate the mental progress the Jehovah’s witnesses audience could also be making to be aware of the true meaning of the massive expansion of supporting globalism research. Thus when we could be connecting prophecy and explaining how these developments mature into world government supporting and forming components, as some of those “signs seen” in these systems by these researchers—it is not connected to modern prophecy by Bethel, which used to be Bethel’s job live and real-time.

11. Thus Bethel is not explaining the modern detailed ominous “signals” in the “sun, moon and stars” of the global system’s national “lights” that Luke’s prophecy guarantees are now providing massive modern relevant evidence of the reality of certain globalizing and destabilizing developments coming the world’s way from the 8th King planners. Thus the “signs in” that are seen by secular researchers contain details about the “tribulation of those days” in core changes and attempted changes (Dan7:25) coming in the main sectors of global “power and authority” to be guided from national sovereignty to world government sovereignty as the “lights” are “darkened” on the former nation-state system globally. (Rev17:11-18; Isa9:11-15);

12. Since Bethel ignores both modern prophecy and modern global developments of great significance Jehovah’s witnesses are literally in a 1960 mental frame of reference of both dated prophecy and covered over 8th King development (Dan8:12) with “eyes wide shut” in the 1914 rear view mirror now well off course in that loss of required modern focus. (Luke9:62, Isa43:18-19); But in reality the prophecy is already mirroring the most important financial (Dan11:42-43), military (Joel3:9-12), globalization (Rev16:13-16) and governmental developments (Dan8:23-24, Dan11:36-41) now prepared for the final cycle to culminate as Revelation 17:11-18 over the Daniel 11:42-45 final cycle progression leading to Daniel 12’s final fulfillment.

13. But in time “what goes around” from the 8th King on the national world system (Matt24:29), “comes around” on them from Christ as his manifestation begins to complete the process as the 8th King system, in full awareness of this reality, goes into their final period of permitted existence as Christ “subdues in the midst of his enemies” in Messianic Kingdom completed power:

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred (foregleam of Christ’s arrival); and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, (Matt24:29) as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. (Am9:1-3) 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (thus this Matt24:29-31, Rev11:11-12 parallel period, in Daniel 12:11 period in progress, is a drawn out period as that outlined in Revelation 14:1-16);

a. Thus the 8th King, in time, also gets a “darkening” foreboding effect of “disturbing reports” and the awareness of Christ “presence” now in the earthly regions of his final arrival and eventual conquest as shown above and in Matthew 24:30-31 parallels.

(Revelation 16:10-11) And the fifth one poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast. And its kingdom became darkened, (not yet by the actual events but by the 5th and 6th trumpet revelations coming forth into the world system during the “tribulation of those days”) and they began to gnaw their tongues for [their] pain, 11 but they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, and they did not repent of their works.

b. Thus the whole earthly ruling system of “lights” will in time be affected by the events in this final Christ arrival prelude sequence and after.

14. Thus in time the Matthew 24:29 “darkening” events that precede Christ’s arrival as the 8th King “sun” eclipses the national power “sun”, Christ and the Messianic Kingdom reality will “eclipse” all of them as the “Sun of Righteousness” (Mal4:1-2) in Christ, as the end of the event period is Christ’s deliverance manifestation and the drawn out final global events to follow the global “sheep” securement, for it is not an immediate end even then; Revelation 14 must fully transpire.

(Malachi 4:1-2) “For, look! the day is coming that is burning like the furnace, and all the presumptuous ones and all those doing wickedness must become as stubble. And the day that is coming will certainly devour them,” Jehovah of armies has said, “so that it will not leave to them either root or bough. 2 And to you who are in fear of my name the sun of righteousness will certainly shine forth, with healing in its wings; and you will actually go forth and paw the ground like fattened calves.”

15. The 8th King obstacle to that global “healing” will be fully neutralized to make way for the true King of kings.

16. The 1914 Incept Period and its Sovereign Global Signal as Solidly Backed Unified Prophetic Framework Forms Upon Unique World Events

There are actually far greater global developments that intensified and continued through and after World War I. This Part Two section below explains:

(1.) How that overall “sign” of sovereign development in WW1’s first cycle itself is also far more significant in global sovereign consolidation than many realize;

(2.) How this development was uniquely able to be connected to valid prophecy being subverted by the centuries old static church diversion;

(3.) how that actual sovereign consolidation process continues today in the uni-polar globalization goal of sovereign power as shown progressing since WW1 in its financial and military driving dimensions of global power, from multi-polar (WW1, WW2), to bi-polar (Cold War) to uni-polar (future) global hegemony and how that trend is indicating a fourth cycle is required and due to activate soon.

C2. The Fourth Cycle Marking “Tribulation of Those Days” Has Societal Signals Before it Activates – Part Two – World War I

1. The original International Bible Students ministry clarified Biblical truths and basic themes that opened the way for the post 1914-1919 recognition of world events that matched prophetic sovereign meanings. To know how limiting “church philosophies” regarding God’s will by Christ had become, just look at their analyses of prophecy, they state nothing of relevance past the Greek and Roman era as they do not respond to any modern global sovereign events as prophecy.

a. Thus by progressive Christians, such as Charles Russell and others, who began looking at prophecy with modern world powers in mind the sovereign patterns in prophecy became important. That set the stage for World War 1 to ring some bells at a church awake enough to understand. By progressively clarifying the fall, redemption and restoration of human beings (1Cor15:24-28, Gen1:26-28), and the recovery of the compromised earth life system (Rom8:18-22, Rev21:1-5), as a physical and very real spiritual priority of God and Christ (Matt19:28), the Biblical focus of the Kingdom theme to take over planet Earth for real (Matt6:9-10) took on greater meaning.

b. Contrary to popular church opinion Bible prophecy was not simply a “theology” justifying the evacuation of all mankind to literal non-existence to the “heaven or hell” clearing house and basement amidst the literal “fiery” destruction of all earth. That over simplified infantilism in many churches setting its main diversion, of course neutralized the real global objective of the whole Kingdom of God theme: recovering HUMANS of planet earth and recovering the planetary life system. (Rev11:15-18);

c. This subversion has been accomplished by mass confusions spawned by the various “Church” knee-jerk clerical “academic” system attempts at explaining deeper symbology and meaning with the first reaction that came to mind in the Middle Ages of European development, to form a very literalized “symbology” which mythology enveloped the Bible’s true theme and objective in darkness and static assumption. Thus as a side note, while significant global developments were eventually fully ignored by the state “harlot” system churches and supported in the League of Nations endorsement, the context of that progressive apostasy, already asleep and well distracted at the key moment in global sovereign development, became clear as a bell and formed the concurrent exposition of the Jehovah’s witnesses ensuing global ministry.

2. That Jehovah’s witnesses concurrently explained God’s Kingdom, the rival human kingdom, and the religious errors aiding the human kingdom rival process as inter-related and forming the core global “composite signal”, a totally unique ministry formed, a signal in itself, with heavy duty global evidence erupting live and real-time in WW1 and WW2 into the, at one time, most significant active Christian “Reformation” continuing movement since the time of Christ and the apostles in the first century Christians. The initial significance is still valid, but as seen Jehovah’s witnesses have now also been overtaken by a UN endorsing leadership based subversion accomplishing mass ignorance of the final two cycles of 8th King development.

3. In any event, the earthly goals of God shown in prophecy became a far greater reality than the distant heavenly “package” the churches were selling while fossilizing Bible research in philosophic, metaphysical and “interpretive” relics and traditions of the Dark and Middle Ages, while instead servicing limited national state goals globally as they arose; the “Christian churches” dominant direction had become fully distracted from modern reality even before the time WW1 was fully ignored by that overridden system.

4. Thus a pinnacle form of “wars and reports of wars”, to intensify and form a notable amplified signal trend prelude to become recognizable well before Christ’s arrival and the “conclusion of the system of things”, was nearly instantly recognized by the “bible students” in the outbreak of the 1914 “Great War”; World War 1 was quickly recognized as a globally significant event, and it surfaced in the right time for open minded Christian reformers to analyze against prophecy properly.

By now, in retrospect aided by three of these world war cycles, we know WW1 set the whole intensified theme of the following century of the wealth, military and governmental globalization process and its irreversible eventual uni-polar sovereign convergence into the “8th” “King” forming in this on-going sovereign consolidation process.

Do not be misled, World War I began a globalization process acceleration that irreversibly changed the world—and it is not through with the overall consolidation process that will form full world government in the fourth cycle.

Multi-Polar to Bi-Polar to Uni-Polar Sovereignty in About 100 Years

(1.) Global War is Significant – Thus in a striking way a primary feature of the “sign” of Matthew 24 came forth in a unique global war, at a time renewed Biblical research was also starting to peak with modern times and modern world power reality in mind. The scope of WW1’s sovereign expansion potential was of course beyond all former wars in multi-polar conflict. WW1 and WW2 involved multi-polar national power development to eventually form the global bi-polarity it was evolving towards.

(2.) The Bi-Polar World System is Significant and Marked Progress Toward Uni-Polarity – By WW2, the global sovereign development was splitting into two fully identifiable globalizing camps of national alliance based vying power which itself was totally unique in the Anglo-American and Russian centered USSR national bloc systems. What many fail to see is WW1 progressed to this newly forming bi-polarity and WW2 advanced it to form the basis of the Cold WW3 transition into matured bi-polarity. The dissolution of the USSR points to the transition beginning towards a uni-polarity as Russia, China, India and others joined the globalization late-capitalist trend led by the Anglo-American system.

(3.) Uni-Polar Gradient to Global Unification – Thus multi-polar WW1 and WW2 setting up the bi-polar phase of the Cold War is a progressive gradient to uni-polar power plainly seen in that trend of those first three cycles of global war. Thus the globalization trend forms with the bi-polar domination now unified in the capitalistic goals of all the former socialist and communist systems. The only thing left to globalize into the forming unity already present in the economic and financial goals of these systems in their military and governmental systems. Thus though the “national differences” remain seemingly in tact for the mass mind, their elite core wealth, finance and economic systems are now fusing in also a mostly unseen evolution to uni-polar wealth globalization power. (Dan11:42-43) Nationalism and “religious differences” provide the main distraction for the world masses from the recognition of the unification actually at work.

(4.) The Fourth Cycle Objective is to Complete the Unification Process – Thus the trend towards global uni-polarity is easily seen, when it is pointed out, in the overall actual global sovereign consolidating effects of these first three global war cycles from multi-polar, to bi-polar to uni-polar evolution being set up. The post Cold War 1990 period provided an accelerated globalization bridging phase to aid the fourth cycle delayed for a period but primed by the Global War on Terror global military expansion objectives. All that is required is the fourth cycle to activate in earnest and run its course of national stressing and globalizing consolidation of true wealth and global power to true uni-polarity.

a. Thus few realize the necessity since 1990 of allowing the former bi-pole portion, in Russia, China (and others) counterbalancing the Anglo-American system to become networked into the capital globalization before the final cycle activates. The financial polarity is already the most unified of the power systems because it must reliably direct the final cycle in controlled manner as now Russian and Chinese elite systems will aid the process, while maintaining their nationalism smokescreen. Other major financial and weapons national production centers must be actually working in their elite tiers for the world government objective. The nation-state, ideological and religious differences are maintained to provide the subterfuge for the unified uni-polarity that is actually developing at the top level of world power.

b. As Daniel 11:42-43 shows the wealth and finance globalization occurs first, and naturally that consolidation process has driven and will drive the rest of the dominant unifying polarity of sovereign power of Daniel 11:45. (Rev17:11-18) The limited vision nationalism in the world war cycles is what has blinded national peoples from the more subtle convergence of global power that is forming in the relatively “unseen” globalizing system, seen by the evidence, research exposure, and the repeating pattern basic world effects.

The final cycle wealth consolidation for the master “two horned wildbeast” and “8th King” globalist systems will form the true global recovery potential (Isa41:1) as their already astronomical wealth in the globalist elite system will exponentiate as they absorb the final weakened entities (including the religious wealth system, Rev17:15-18) and capture the entire global wealth and resource system.

5. The fourth cycle merely accelerates the process for the final unification process whose sovereign consolidating momentum is already shown present and forming in the overall global war centered super-cycle of so far three repeating world-war-to-world-war cycles, each of which strengthened the globalization power core. Thus there is more of a signal now in hindsight, but WW1 was a unique first indication cycle and master pattern of what was to follow for those seeing the real overall sovereign consolidation that has been growing in each cycle and overall in this world war aided sovereign process.

6. Obviously distracted nations and long comatose Christian academics and councils are not going to analyze the worldly patterns in relation to prophetic patterns the Church mainstream cleric systems have long ago relegated to insignificant Greek, Roman, and Papal era events in Daniel and Revelation.

7. But in reality those prophecies are actually describing the 7th (King South system) and 8th King (King North system) co-development (not co-sovereignty), actually in full global development starting in that marked WW1 event and its unique era. WW1 set the global stage for the “7th King” Anglo-American national alliance world power and the “8th King” globalist world power to become recognizable concurrently—a truly unique development in not just prophecy, BUT ALSO in global sovereign uni-polar development.

It cannot be understated in world history the uniqueness of the concurrent emergence of the (1) predominant national power system and the (2) forming globalist power system in the same time period of just five years in 1914-1919 in also a unique global scale “world war”.

a. History and distraction may make all this seem innocuous and meaningless, but in fact it was the most unique global national development of rival sovereign worldly import, since the deluge and Genesis 10- 11 (original world government attempt), in over four thousand years of human national developmental history. Of course it was also going to wind up being mirrored in prophecy for it forms the final trajectory to Messianic Kingdom confrontation with the Kingdom of God while a warning signal became evident in not just world development, but also prophecy. All the areas of development worldly and spiritual began mirroring each other unmistakably—global counter-agendas, apathy, slumber and denial cannot make all this not so and merely “interpretive speculation”.

In fact the national sovereign development evolving over 4000 years to the seventh national based world power national based system development terminus was the basis of the emergence of the globalizing based 8th King system commencement being made public. That is very significant for the century that would follow the emergence of both those systems, national peaking, and globalist ascending on the eventual fall of the nation-state system.

b. We see the official public alignment in WW1 of the Anglo-American “7th King”, while AT THE SAME time the (2) 8th King foundational globalizing forum of world government in the League of Nations that “just so happened” to also emerge as the 8th King designate and  foundation “image” in the same marked global war cycle is actually of great global and prophetic significance. And it is not going to remain static to simply please the global distracted, and misled national system sleepers, the 8th King globalists know full well the objective of world government is what the world war cycle serves.

8. And now it is actually fully explainable in eventually four cycles of global sovereign consolidating development as an important concurrent final development of the 7th King national zenith and fall, into the 8th King final globalization “ascension” to world government as the 8th King must supercede the 7th King in the process. WW1 marked the multi-polar national sovereign squabble that continued through WW2 and into the Russian bi-polar forming camp to mark the Cold WW3 cycle. The USSR dissolution of 1990 as the Cold War ended (Dan11:29) marked the 3rd UN placement (Dan11:30-31) that signaled 7th King national alliance and globalist-capitalist system “zenith” to now enter the fourth cycle and “fall” in a controlled manner into 8th King world government finality of the 8th King fullest meaning.

9. Once again, for the final cycle, prophecy and world government development as a cycle will mirror each other, for they are the same development being identified since the first 1914-1919 incept cycle. All three of these cycles including the unique (Dan11:29), yet global, Cold War, have a greater overall developing sovereign consolidation significance—not to finalize in any single national power total domination—but in the global subservience of all of them into a nearly invisibly forming globalized power system to emerge fully in the final cycle that was actually in development in all four of the cycles as the “image” present but forming 8th King final sovereign system.

That Jehovah’s witness began reviving prophecy upon modern global sovereign events, at that time of the 1914 developments, live and real-time, is itself a singular unique event. We cannot allow the cloud of controversial minutia to obscure the fact a great secular cycle and a great prophetic cycle has formed concurrently. Either one of them portends ominous final changes for planet Earth’s ruling power structure going from national to globalized.

This is not inconsequential; in diametric sovereign combination of both cycles’ significance the comprehensive ramification is universal—it has always been just a matter of time and it will have its global fruition in that timing and it will be a cyclic development repeating. For God to bring it all out relatively slowly over the last century is the subtle yet great preview warning forming that will also climax in awakening in the final cycle for those capable of “taking note” of what it all really means. (Matt24:36-42) The seemingly slow development into the climax fourth “four-square” worldwide final cycle is not going to fool awake Christians paying proper attention, live and real-time, to modern live prophecy again to mirror massive global events.

It is the foundational cycle explanation by Jehovah’s witnesses that sets the signal “master pattern” in both prophecy and world sovereign development that repeats in the final cycle to completion.

The Jehovah’s witnesses ministry presented valid ministerial meaning and prophetic exposition that explained the first two UN cycles that cannot be simply discarded due to a corrupted Governing Body and its scandalous campaign of discrediting activity since 1976, when it all began diverging into irrelevance and deception; yet the Bethel apostasy is also still relevant and fits perfectly into the final cycle prophecy being signaled prior to full activation. (Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:1-4); Thus for those on to the prophecy Bethel’s “lawless one” development affirms the prophecy and actually builds faith in the fact the rest of the prophecy the apostasy is connected to must also transpire as a final cycle of prophecy and global developments as well.

The Bethel apostasy, when it is dealt with by God and Christ in their dimension of capability, will have aided the whole overall process recognition.

10. This is how the sovereign structure and basic clarifications aided by the Charles Russell era ministry were able to be reinforced while the premature prophetic attempts of Russell’s time were quickly discarded when the international League of Nations was placed. The events that led to that League of Nations placement were also significant in the sovereign Anglo-American national based partnership that became public during WW1, though obviously existent in formation prior to that alliance. WW1 was also recognized as a “tribulation” cyclic principle period marking a specific unique global context phased development that helped produce all the former prophetic sovereign developments described that matched the key central prophetic pattern. (Dan2, Rev13);

Thus a (1) unique global war cycle, a (2) unique global Anglo-American national alliance formation, a (3) unique international world government forum and a (4) “Kingdom of God” related ministry marked inception, all cyclically manifesting and arising together in but five years is not insignificant. That the world cycle repeated in WW2 and the Cold War upon the same theme is indication it is a continuum (Dan11:36) to the ultimate objective of world government.

Thus even in basic world history 1914 is indeed a unique era; unique independent of prophecy. Yet in reality the greatest feature of prophecy is it forecasts world history before it manifests. In the end all prophecy becomes instead a unique record of world histories as one overall sovereign history. 1914 is significant in world history itself because WW1 developments set the theme for the whole following century.

The world war cycle initiated and repeats upon national powers duped by nationalistic and ideological tunnel-vision so as to be blinded to the globalizing finance and weapons technology systems’ greater progressive growth, and centralized consolidation objective that expands in each cycle and through them all. In the repeating process nations do not see the independent forming world government system (Rev13:11-15) enrichment and expansion now fully operating globally above national powers but through them (Dan8:24a) for actually the greater 8th King system world government objective.

The astronomical wealth enjoyed by the exclusive and small super-rich globalist elite system was founded on especially world war profiteering, interim market monopolizations, and the formation of the international reparations credit system cycling debt into all the nations before, during, and after all world war endeavors including the Cold War and the Global War on Terror, and more to come. That self-serving super-system formula is how and why the 8th King system guided by the globalist elite “two horned wildbeast” secretive global system acquires more and more power over all the cycles consistently.

A complex yet manmade system such as this requires advanced design and continually applied valid scientific principles that guide their successful overall deployment. It cannot be simply random and accidental that huge power and wealth just so happens to centralize into one certain globalizing class of elite human supranational corporations and groups and they just so happen to decide to incidentally attempt to rule the world and bring mankind “world peace” in that process, although based on the greatest immoralities and global crimes of all human civilization in globalized war games for profit and the deception required to make it nationally acceptable. Its not going to be pretty when even cosmic fate, not to mention God himself, finally catches up with these kinds of  predatory “666” forehead marked systems that justify literally anything as long as it profits from it in their self-appointed and self-judged guilt free fantasia.

Ultimately it is intrinsically doomed with its own bloodguilt fate in principle:

(Habakkuk 2:12-14) “‘Woe to the one that is building a city by bloodshed, and that has solidly established a town by unrighteousness! 13 Look! Is it not from Jehovah of armies that peoples will toil on only for the fire, and that national groups will tire themselves out merely for nothing? 14 For the earth will be filled with the knowing of the glory of Jehovah as the waters themselves cover over [the] sea.

Though simple in basic concept, the advanced sciences and academic knowledge guiding this 8th King development are ensconced in distracting topical national and traditional histories, and that is why it is hard for many people to comprehend the actual objective and difficult to find the research that proves the basic principles. The Web information network and its many researchers have greatly aided understanding of what is really going on; before the Web information dissemination on these subjects was limited and untouched in the 8th King run academic and media propaganda systems. Due to the Web’s expanded and accelerated  information accessibility many researchers are synthesizing complex subjects into their explanations of various actual world government supporting purposes for global public education.

11. In recent history the 7th King national world power and the 8th King designate, through its globalist international League of Nations-to-United Nations “image” forum, became discernible at the approximate same time period between 1914 and 1919. To have recognized all that massive required prophetic update from the Russell era attempts and yet retain the foundational scriptural clarifications and the Daniel 4 sovereign meaning of the permitted “Gentile” sovereign development period (“appointed times of the nations” Luke21:24) allowed the sovereign framework actually in prophecy to be fully solidified.

Thus very interestingly God was giving notification of the expiration of this sovereign allowance period just as the 7th King and 8th King were going into their century long co-development global super-cycle inception because that eventual world government culmination will trigger Christ’s arrival and sovereign response and also the zenith of its ominous global dominating power system.

a. The 7th King Anglo-American national/empire emergence completes the national trek of the national based sovereign evolution. It is the “7th King” identification that allows the seven national world powers to complete and fall fully into place in the prophetic structure as the progressive national system global structure the world government globalization system would use for its ascension period since that 1914-1919 first cycle now clearly in seventh world power Anglo-American national alliance hands. (Dan2, Rev13:1);

b. That is the last dominant national system we will ever see take power in the world or prophecy, but it is not the final world power system; the 8th King world government is the final world power. The 7th King national system must be superceded by globalized 8th King finality it aids the sovereign global convergence of even by its own sovereign deposition.

c. Now as the national systems are fully weakened mostly financially (Dan11:42-43), the 8th King system can emerge publicly and functionally at the end of that final cycle fully irreversible now as the nation-state system folds in sovereign power globalized into 8th King King North final sovereignty at truly global scale enabled by the control of the whole national base system. The progressive development of the system being unseen by national powers is how that final coup is accomplished at a time it is well too late to reverse or overcome. Instead the globalized wealth and power system will become the only “solution” for the national recovery into that fully globalized system whose end product will be world government. Most nations and peoples were distracted, misled or in denial while many symptoms emerged for the whole century of progress to globalized sovereignty. (Luke21:25);

d. Now the globalists’ “8th King” designate, as represented in the League of Nations “image”, around which nucleus the further United Nations related world government global sovereign structure would continue to form concurrently, was also identified in foundational form at that time as a unique, critical and globally important co-development. Thus the original International Bible Students ministry that became “Jehovah’s Witnesses” ministry was revealing truly significant global developments from their noted global inception in the 1914 cycle of both prophecy and the world development it describes.

Thus in actual spiritual reality of prophecy mirroring actual global reality in both national (7th King, King South) and globalist (8th King, King North) power system development moving side by side in prophecy and world progress, the greatest clarifying boost to understanding prophecy also came forth from that 1914-1919 world development and ministerial period.

The convergence of that development is also now logical and globally ominous in implications and the first prophecy and world development cycle laid out the basic outline to be honored throughout the whole process to repeat in exact form, but to completed entities in the 8th King and Messianic Kingdom, in the fourth and final cycle coming up. It is a cycle, not “the end” in the Bethel “as though Jehovah’s day is here” premature end delusion as their apostasy is what must be fully revealed globally first. Bethel is planning to toss JWs into a required cycle, as if it is simply “the end”; thus JWs will be also derailed and bewildered as the cycle begins and it appears the Bethel corporations will go into a takeover or attempted global dissolution or seizure to be covered over by false and or premature prophetic application among duped JWs.

It is not insignificant what it means to prove prophecy had begun fully tracking 7th King, 8th King and Messianic Kingdom development as side-by-side development from incept (1914-1919) in all the key sovereign entities, to be explained concurrently as such for the duration of the process to 8th King world government: the 7th King “falls” and is absorbed by the 8th King as the final convergence to Christ’s arrival to depose that fully conglomerated 8th King world government system once it is completed. (Dan11:42-45, Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16);

Now we see Bethel has fully diverged from that concurrent tracking assignment. And worse, instead, they have developed an engineered theological arrangement of deceptive premature applications that conceals the reality by “throwing truth to the earth” for their real 8th King master system. (Dan8:12) Thus when Jehovah’s witnesses could recognize a fourth cycle requirement, Bethel has deluded it all with the premature end expectation bypassing the final cycle reality that will come. Focus is instead on the central error of their own “operation of error” that utilizes a premature “the end” scenario that enables a hoax upon all Jehovah’s witnesses now believing “the lie” of 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 when the final cycle begins.

Thus 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 premature end delusion and apostasy is now fully active at apostate and impostor Bethel overriding a formerly valid and informative Christian ministry.

12. The Daniel 12 and Revelation 8-11 first fulfillment features of the 1260 day cross linking time signature developed independently of, but supported the Daniel 4 basic sovereign permission period allowance principle. This is because in that selfsame period the Kingdom of God warning (1914-1919), made public thereafter (Rev10-11), had to also form a full final warning period that also required final developments, like the full 144000 completion anointing, sealing and gathering, by first just finding more believers since 1919-1922 clarification and recovery period.

The final 1260 day repeat of that first preview sovereign period and meaning merely reaffirms, it gives a “second witness”, to what has been stated since that time regarding God’s Kingdom and the Messianic Kingdom divine appointed sovereignty of planet Earth. This is why there will literally be TWO witnessings, literally “two” “witnesses” of Kingdom significance in 1914-1919 and the future.

13. Thus the sovereign climax to form in 8th King world government above any single national sovereignty, but utilizing them, was placed upon the historic and prophetic national system progress (Dan2, Dan 7, Rev13), now emerging unmistakably into that seventh world power and its maturity as a national world power system, that finally made this final sovereign development towards globalized world government possible. It also made the prophecy discernment possible for it was truly at global scope for the first time in world history.

Thus Kingdom prophecy and 8th King prophecy were identified for a while as forming side-by-side and thus live and real-time tracking would include all ministerial exposition also concurrently explaining both dimensions of forming diametric world power as it progressed to the 8th King nearing completion with the Messianic Kingdom element also co-developing.

But in time of the valid ministry (1914-1975) going apostate (1976-present), Jehovah’s witnesses soon dropped the ball, fell asleep on the 8th King guard, and the 3rd United Nations manifestation went by Bethel as if it was non-prophetic and insignificant. (1990) That was due to a Bethel subversion lead system development. As an example of subversion (Dan11:32a), Bethel deemed it significant enough to become UN NGO to co-promote that 3rd UN manifestation and “new world order” stated objective. (Dan11:31, Dan8:13, Awake! 9/8/1991); Thus the “false Christ” aspect of Bethel had its peak signal of lawlessness (2Thess2:3-4, Zech3:3) and the signal engineered delusion (2Thess2:1-2) created to smokescreen the significance from Jehovah’s witnesses (Dan8:12) by organizational override provided by the internal “Governing Body” dictatorial “lift up” coup of 1976 (Dan11:32a, 41) now “acting to a completion” in progressive lawlessness and signal apostasy. (Dan8:23a);

14. It was post 1990 Jehovah’s witnesses, by Bethel guidance, that have diverged from tracking 8th King development live and real-time as they did from 1919 to c. 1975 in the first two UN presentations explained as prophecy. Jehovah’s witnesses, formerly stating the first two UN placements were prophecy, now ignored the third UN placement of 1990 as if it was not also prophetic. That divergence derailed the entire 8th King tracking live and real-time to focus on then dated 1945 UN developments as if that was the end of the development.

Why would God foretell the first two UN placements, which Jehovah’s witnesses proclaimed worldwide, and now not foretell the final two?

a. Thus a “false-Christ” in the Matthew 24 sign (Matt24:23-25) is now in pinnacle form in the Bethel “evil slave” system with its organizational policy backed “increasing of lawlessness” (Matt24:11, 2Thess2:3-4) among Jehovah’s witnesses key ministry (2Pet2:1-3)—as an example—of one of the composite sign’s features in latent intensification in this same period since the signs’ first manifestation as identifiable in the first cycle of 1914-1919 and after.

15. That a recognizable Kingdom of God proclamation also emerged more definitively from this same period meant the sovereign tracking of the Messianic Kingdom, also explained from this period as being “born” (Rev12:1-10, Rev4-6:1-2), and the 8th King eventual finality (Dan11:30-45, Dan8:23-25), would be a concurrent developmental requirement to keep tracking as was their parallel inception phasing in 1914-1919 parallel in both the 8th King “image” foundation and the Messianic Kingdom “birth”.

a. The ministerial dual tracking assignment is required continuously because the world government development is also continuous in the 3rd and 4th UN placement development:

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king (8th King/King North) will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. (globalist world power will surpass any national power system and its statements will be of world government in due time) And he (8th King/King North) will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish (at Armageddon divine war, King North is a constant success from Daniel 11:31 to Daniel 11:45 as the 8th King); because the thing decided upon must be done. (the real prophecy must fulfill as the 3rd UN placement of 1990 at Daniel 11:31 and the 4th UN placement as world government of the future at Daniel 11:45);

Thus from the secular standpoint came a historic period that is hugely globally significant in the world-war-to-world-government cycle and League of Nations foundational world government “image” presentation that capped off that first period and cycle even independent of prophecy forecasting. The principle meaning of that cycle is what will also produce world government when the final cycle completes, thus the master pattern of world-war-to-world-government was present even in the first cycle of 1914-1919. After three of such cycles it is also easy to comprehend when it is pointed out for what it ultimately really is. Expecting a fourth cycle is also predictable independent of prophecy, although of course prophecy contains that final cycle as Daniel 11:42-45 with other supporting prophecies of financial, military and sovereign significance. (Joel3:9-17, Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16);

a. That the prophecy has forecast that original 8th King forming cycle (1914-1919) and meaning in a sovereign parallel related to God’s own Kingdom developments in prophecy merely reinforces the significance of that period and what followed, for everything revolves around the further world war cycle and epicenters that followed, including WW2 and the Cold War third cycle and the further final cycle to come.

16. Thus that unique global period formed the main intensifying development as a “sign” in itself (Rev12:1; Rev15:1; Luke 17:24, 21:25), that also allowed the elements of the composite sign of Matthew 24 to have recognizability as to the “7th King” Anglo-American overall world war, war industry and world government development as the main cause of these developments directly and indirectly—the globalist corporate and financial systems running those global systems are the chief beneficiaries, and that cannot be accidental as is also the case in Russia and China and anywhere in the weapons technology “big leagues” that revolve around those three weapons production powers. They all benefit from the same war market and events they all must support and be an integral part of in the process.

a. In reality, in 8th King uni-polar consolidation, the whole “arms race” system will centralize under one global 8th King network in the end, and that was its final function purpose and global domination objective. Once national sovereign war is ceased under world government (1Thess5:1-3) the weapons system can be redirected for its final global 8th King supporting and final agenda functions (Dan11:44-45, Dan8:25, Rev11:7), and that under one sole global sovereign power. Think about it.

Those massive global resources and the consolidation of them generated in and between the world war cycles are what support the main engine of the world government development that caps the cycle—and that too cannot be sheer coincidence.

17. The global direction of resources (Joel3:9-12) and time towards war and destruction sciences and expansion, at a global scale, consistently drains wealth from the basic needs of nations as the whole technological pinnacle expertise and developments of the nations are also directed to “national defense”. In reality all the “national defense” and its financial logistics is in a globalizing network operated above and beyond single nations’ powers and that is not the only “unseen thing” that develops with these cycles.

The financial system centralization that arranges this globalized network, mostly unseen but evident, has to have formed prior to the final consolidations of the supporting power systems it funds, like the globalizing military system. All power follows the main wealth centralizing driving system. (Dan11:42-43);

18. Thus the cyclic global stressing context has allowed many features of the Matthew 24 sign to progress in scale and become endemic and flourish as few actual resources are truly directed in great enough magnitude globally to solving those problems as nations cannot spend trillions on destruction and preservation at the same time. Nations cannot support themselves internally and at the same time project empire globally—one priority is sacrificed for the other.

a. In this decade over decade process the national fiscal “immune system” is depleted and shot up with debt as the temporary “cure” as the international system is networked into a recycling of globalizing capital in international “enforced dependency” and a deficit trade model enabling the steroiding of the core Anglo-American led NATO and military expansion process. In reality the nations are progressively weakened for world government supporting strengthening for the 8th King “King North” sovereign absorption at the end of the process by its fourth cyclic cycle. Yet all the cycles are what led to the final national system weakened condition while the globalist system is richer in true wealth than ever, and going to get richer and more powerful in the final cycle.

b. The final cycle merely accelerates the process globally to push and finish the trajectory to uni-polar power consolidation in peak 8th King supporting concentration that it has been moving towards in the previous cycles.

This is why the wealth absorption by globalization of finance and assets at Daniel 11:42-43, first, leads to the actual national sovereign transference of Revelation 17:11-18 later as Daniel 11:45 parallel. This final sovereign power consolidation occurs as the globalization “gathering” has progressed as Revelation 16:13-16 the whole time, to culminate into 8th King uni-polar globalized sovereignty to mark that prophecy’s actual global sixth “plague” it is, as Daniel 11:44-45 culminates lastly as the end of that cyclic process equates to world government as the end product of complete globalization.

It is Daniel 11:42-43 first, that must activate next, in the near future, as a global wealth globalization cycle concurrent with the final 8th King cycle and the “tribulation of those days” phase.

19. Thus the original ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses, explaining the underlying sovereign theme and driving motivation from the first cycle, laid out the primary causes and the main reasons why the “sign” as a whole would continue to intensify as the “disgusting thing” world government global engineering, harnessing world war as its main developmental engine and presentation platform, “causes desolation” in many related ways for the core power consolidating and world government objective. (Dan11:31b will have led to Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment.)

a. Whether people see it or not, the world has been harnessed as a whole (Rev16:13-16), especially seen in the context of WW1 and its expanding global industrial and financial engine, to work progressively for the world government “new world order” development.

b. Post Cold War true globalization brought in other nations (like Russia, China and India), formerly detached from the globalization process, to be fully aligned financially and economically into the globalization capitalization pool and markets now at fully international scale and integration.

c. The fourth cycle just pushes that unifying globalization process to completion and forms the national stressing to provide the recovery globalized aid that will have amassed in the 8th King supporting globalist elite wealth core super-corporate network.

Thus when Jehovah’s witnesses explained the preview fulfillment in the understanding of the seven plagues, that must activate into actual fully global “plaguing” events in the final cycle (Hag2:7), the first cycle was the preview of valid principles to climax in the final cycle. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses laid out a warm up psychological prophetic preview to understand as seen in the related composite sign active in the world system. That “sign” and background globalization development will continue to its climax world cycle and prophetic fulfillment cycle in far more intensive global form.

20. Thus the “sign” must also have intensification cycles as the world government also has global war cycles to aid power and wealth consolidation for its use at the expense of the national powers made progressively subservient to the driving objective. (Dan11:42-43, Joel3:9-12) In an overall sense the “composite sign” ebbs and flows with world war amplification and stressing cycles as features of the global “problem” the “disgusting thing” 8th King development utilizes for their own final world government “solution” development, presentation and eventual full global seizure of conglomerated sovereign world power in final form. (Dan11:45, 12:11, 8:25);

21. The Luke 21 “signs in sun, moon and stars” have been present in amplified form since the first cycle but have also multiplied in recognition of specific meanings in and from the world’s own “light” system of histories and research in diverse forms that are forecasting that the future ramifications will be commensurate with the global scale of the worldwide national preparations actually in those progressively intensifying financial and military system set-ups to aid the progress of the world government driving global sovereign capture objective.

The world war cycle accelerates the whole process, and this fourth cycle is the climax phase that will produce a full world government before Christ arrives.

22. It is in that actual period that the realities of the Matthew 24:29 parallels of the Luke 21:25 “signals” will manifest for real under world government the main global national sovereign “eclipsing” force. During the “tribulation of those days” the Luke 21:25 prophecy signals will peak into actual post “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29) full global manifestations as national sovereign power transfers full to 8th King globalized world government when Matthew 24:29 truly manifests and continues to Christ’s arrival and his own “eclipse” of the 8th King “sun”. (Rev6:12-17);

23. Three Sevens

a. Thus in actual global power evolution reality the entire (1) “seven” based global [national] world power progression and its prophecy became present while the 8th King system (2) “seven headed” “scarlet wildbeast” foundational globalized development, yet to complete, also emerged as world power development and prophecy. Thus the national seven headed wildbeast of Revelation 13:1 progression is complete in its national nation-state based sovereign progression. That “seven” system must eventually become fully “globalized” into a sovereignty absorbed by and into the “seven headed” global 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” FULL BODIED GLOBALIZED TOTALITY as both systems develop to culmination as a whole concurrently.

b. To Jehovah’s witnesses and others believing the Christian prophetic validity of all this historic and prophetic development, the (3) “seven headed” “dragon” is the demonic reality that is also completing its “seven” and “full bodied” reality to complete over earth since the 1914 period as the “seven heads” of Satan’s historic guidance of this rival system also emerged and is now present in reality. Thus the symbol of the Dragon’s ouster from heaven to earth concurrent with the incept formation of this final unification on earth from the 1914 era onward, known by also great world power developmental emergence as well as prophecy, is easily discernible to those not distracted by the gradual development of it all over the last century to see all three “seven” defined power systems are in final progressive and inter-related formation.

(Revelation 12:1-6) 12 And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars (symbolizing the Christ King “crown” in God’s Kingdom in his archangelic crowned “superior position” with his twelve angelic princes and angelic organizational orders), 2 and she was pregnant. (Messianic Kingdom birth preparations after Christ is kinged in God’s Kingdom) And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth. 3 And another sign was seen in heaven, and, look! a great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems; (is the master pattern of all the seven headed wildbeast symbols and actual global systems) 4 and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven (demons follow Satan “down” to earth in his own strategy even prior to the heavenly casting. Job1:7), and it hurled them down to the earth. (Satan was already placing earthly focused demon “princes” over human kingdoms since the days of Genesis 6 and 11. Dan10:12-14, 20-21) And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child. 5 And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. (must parallel the initial Daniel 7:25, 12:7 and Revelation 11:2-3, 13:5 fulfillment preview periods);

The logic, prophecy (Dan11:42-43) and global requirement (Rev17:11-18) that the 7th King be deposed into 8th King world government is why it is specified as only remaining a “short while” in 7th King semi-hegemony and yet not defined as destroyed here:

(Revelation 17:10-11) And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. (deposed into the 8th King:) 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction. (the 8th King is what “goes off into destruction” as the convergent totality of global sovereignty.);

c. Thus now that all three “seven headed” systems are present together from the same marked inception period in national power, globalist power and demonic power progressive emergence and development. 1914 was a significant starting point of the final era of Adamic mankind in all those forms of rival world power. This is because all of those power systems will meet their fruition as the national system converges in globalist sovereign unification and that converges into Satan’s zenith of earthly world power and that convergence will meet the Messianic Kingdom for final sovereign universal battle—this is why the clarified Kingdom of God warning came forth from the same period.

d. Now we see the demonic reality is the least seen development, the globalized world development is also hard to detect while the national progression is fully seen as world history so much so it is the main distraction from the other two power systems actually reaching their own zenith power potential upon the progressive decline of the nation-state system.

No wonder every form of distracting minutia, scandal and discrediting doubt is raised, even aided internally by lawless Bethel, to try to obscure the far more significant 1914 based inception cycle awareness and that of its repeating cyclic nature to the final cycle completion.

e. Even without prophetic tracking the period is hugely significant in all dimensions of world power development in the the main financial, industrial, technological, military and international “shadow diplomatic” advancements as all that is also equating to comprehensive global power. With the Bethel apostasy now even the religious complex of error related to organized Christianity has globalized to all aid the commencement of the 8th King final cycle with premature expectations.

In retrospect, and even to some with deeper foresight, 1914 truly marked the beginning of an ominous period of human world power escalated development that is unique and that will have been the root inception period of what will become a final world governmental sovereign development overall.

f. The realization is present not just in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry prior to apostate override, but is also known by some global development researchers in its worldly aspects of implications. It was not just prophecy that began to portend the ominous nature of uni-polar power in human hands; many “signs” come from the world itself as the progression matures.

g. It seems people are attempting to ignore a global evolution and final sovereign development and issue that at some point even in human world government will become unavoidable and undeniable progressively during the final cycle and at the end of the final cycle even before confronting the divine ramifications of this apex of rival sovereign conglomerated defiance against God. The world is progressively given to the 8th King it supports well before Christ arrives and in that 8th King entity is where the true global danger lay.

Now contrary to popular Christian opinion aided by various organized religious delusions Christ can still save people from the period of pinnacle 8th King power and even through the dissolution of Babylon the Great’s judgment. Rather than sneak in on the 8th King God and Christ will give them full and fair warning (Rev9-11:1-7) and in that warning amidst “rocking” final global developments the final “sheep” and potentially repentant people globally can be “brought in” (Matt25:31-40, Rev14:14-16) throughout this final cycle process (Dan12:11) directly by Christ under direct Messianic Kingdom power then going global itself.

(Haggai 2:7) “‘And I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

Now the global “plagues” of Revelation 16, though entailing some destructive 8th King activity (Rev16:8-9), can be used to save people even through the seventh plague arrival of Christ parallel and after as Revelation 14 events are what follow Christ’s full arrival. Christ will complete his own ministry in Kingdom power (Ps110:2), and salvation, not destruction, will be his first priority and it will be required because the 8th King will finally reach the “four winds” level of global destructive potential and that falling to some degree into demonic hands. (Eze38);

24. The Logical Climax and Ultimate Solution

a. Basically the whole story has always been there in the Bible (in seven chapters) and even the realization of the world government eventuality among some secular commentators has aided this awareness for some. Some researchers whether recognized as academics, writers, trend forecasters, foreign policy analysts, etc, or “conspiracy theorists”, have covered micro-histories of many institutions in their hypothesis as the background rationale that revealed more was actually going on in the development of many national and supranational institutions than basic popular histories implied and that their greater objective is often completely ignored in common historical analysis.

b. Thus as the evidence of much theorization is often backed by information in specialized historical information coming to light, it is unfair to simply ascribe the whole analysis as a “conspiracy theory” because the institutional development histories themselves are significant and are often public information—thus not actually “conspiratorial” in secrecy. Theories arise from things actually done legally and in broad daylight thus not even qualifying as true “conspiracy”. It is in the arrangement of the many institutional parts, and in the greater unstated objectives, that such suspicion naturally arises when things do not quite add up in the official theories and histories while significant global developments arise and remain unaddressed and even progress.

c. In the process people try to come up with answers and the solution. Yet the solution is rarely the ultimate one. (Dan2:31-45) In prophetic reality and final global power evolution world government cannot be stopped from completing development. In reality the arrival and power of God and Christ is the only development and force in existence that can depose world government and it will be in a period requiring such an intervention. (Matt24:21-22, Rev17:11-18);

d. Thus we see many theorists are hoping in another form of resolution, like a “global awakening resisting the new world order” successfully or a transition back to actual national sovereign autonomy or a grand global reform or a proper investment strategy, etc, etc. None of those things is the ultimate solution, and so much in depth research fails to be fully summarized to the logical conclusion that nothing human will stop world government. And thus those hopeful assumptions and theoretical revelations are not being taken to their comprehensive unified conclusion but are also derailed in assumptions based on human power to overcome a long developing process of global domination. As far as global reform the “new world order” is that system of potential global recovery and hope, but its actual objective in so doing is not benevolent to all and Satan’s final objective is benevolent to none. They have already devised the “solution” to the global “problem” they utilize and eventually fully identify for their final world government presentation.

Bethel is now aiding its related potential summarizing counterpart coming from prophecy in its own subversion by not connecting modern prophecy to its modern signal globalization events progressing further in also final conclusive sovereign meaning and the evidence of the final cycle requirement. Bethel is “summarizing” all its loose ends and over-simplified ambiguity with a premature end scenario instead.

Thus both realms of supposed and attempted enlightenment at Bethel and in the world system respectively are both being delayed in their own way from converging into a comprehensive final awareness as both really are telling the same story—they are not interconnecting the key information to support each others’ respective areas of understanding in the way they could for a unified final summarization of what it all means.

Bethel is the lead subverting culprit because it is they who could tie it all together into a reliable prophetic framework that replicates with the final global cycle as they also mirror each other’s meaning.

d. Thus in all the theorization few have come upon the simple guaranteed solution: only Jesus Christ will depose the 8th King global domination system when it has run its full prophetic and world developmental course to global functional and stated completion. God and Christ will not stop the trajectory to world government—it is the world government in full and complete form they will conquer and remove. Thus the world government completion is a requirement from also God and Christ’s sovereign standpoint. Only the Messianic Kingdom is the actual universal solution to the rival Satanic and human global rulership attempt. That solution has always been in the prophecy, it was slow human admittance and realization that delayed the obvious acceptance of that reality. There is of course greater deceptive world system, spiritual and psychological reasons why this denial occurs for so long, in fact some never accept the obvious while many are not aware of even basic research in this area—but many will awaken to reality in the final cycle because its transformation must become striking. (Hag2:7, Rev7:9-17);

e. The greatest implication is Christ is arriving to save anyone willing and even some in ignorance of his existence from 8th King final objectives which will in time fully serve the “Dragon” objectives to the point of divine global allowance. Obvious in the diametric reality Christ is not the one to fear for evil motives, it is the human power conglomerated for Satanic use to form the grand finale that is actually the ultimate problem. Christ provides the alternative opportunity to live, the Kingdom of God is the everlasting, real and ultimate solution, a friend in reality. It is much global deceptions, and human assumption aided by religious hypocrisy that has misrepresented Christ intent as first salvation in that ultimate solution.

f. The final ministry will broaden the friendly scope of Christ’s salvation offer to anyone aided by the freeing of many from the current Jehovah’s witnesses man altered and created Bethel system that will have failed fully by that time. That ministerial failure is, in part, by attempting to “establish its own righteousness” (Rom10:3) thereby squelching undeserved kindness from its broadest and fullest reality that Christ died as the perfect covering human sacrifice for all, and anyone can take advantage of that offer. (1John2:2, 1Tim2:5-6, Isa53);

g. Of course by the time of Bethel’s apostate removal the true trajectory to Christ’s arrival will be very short and the nature of the ministry must adapt to the new circumstances but must redefine the actual truth of salvation possible to anyone willing:

(Revelation 22:17) And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearing say: “Come!” And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.

h. The purpose of that sacrifice and coming power of God will not fail in the guaranteed Christ arrival for 144000 completion for Messianic Kingdom completion for Christ final coronation to fall upon the 8th King rivals once fully fair warned and in their sovereign completion to learn the lesson of where true power comes from and to whom ultimate power and universal sovereign right belongs for the final sovereign resolution. The 8th King will not stand long in the way of Christ’s long foretold 1000 Year Reign for the earthly and spiritual restoration objective, for the terminal 8th King cannot even heal itself much less all creation. The 8th King will become the visible focal point of Christ’s worldwide conquest of that defiant rival sovereign ruling government when it has completed as the final portion of his overall final mission for the Adamic age: to proceed further in the Millennial Reign of Christ:

(1 Corinthians 15:24-26) Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet. 26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.

In the end of the final cycle of 8th King rise to zenith power the final choices of human beings will be the 8th King “New World Order” or God’s Kingdom as the ruling powers from which to choose as one’s sovereign authority. Only the Messianic Kingdom shall remain forever.

The formerly valid Jehovah’s witnesses ministry must connect up the final post 1990 updates to 8th King prophetic and world developmental progress thereby refocusing on the parallel completion of the 144000 and the Messianic Kingdom as the final completion announcement thereby completing the Kingdom proclamation fully. (Rev10:5-11, Matt24:14); The rest of the prophetic basis is already present in the first cycle ministerial explanation, it merely repeats in the completed sovereign entities pictured in the first ministry and is updated with the 3rd and 4th United Nations developmental history where applicable to prophecy and world government.

D. Events Leading to 8th King World Government and Christ’s Arrival

1. The following are developments that must complete or transpire with the Matthew 24:29 “tribulation of those days” leading to its resolution, but that must manifest before the absolute “the end”:

(1.) The temple judgment fulfillment and Daniel 8:14 timing completes, which temple judgment commencement starts the spiritual dimension of the “tribulation of those days” period and signal; (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Rev8:5 “earthquake”);

a. Eventually the now Bethel led apostate Christian ministry and “temple” is judged (1Pet4:17), purified and recovered because the final warning cycle is dependent on that divine aided and foretold recovery of prophetic truth to describe the final cycle active at that time.. (Rev9-11, Zech3:4-5, Mal3:2, 2Thess2:8);

(2.) The “two witnesses” ministerial recovery and final warning deploys the “little scroll” to its final ministerial cessation (Rev11:7, Dan12:11) that must finalize the Revelation 11:2-3, Dan12:7, Dan7:25 timing. (Rev11:1-10; Dan12:7, 11);

a. That ministerial cessation over the second 1260 day period and expiration (Dan12:7, Rev11:2) ends the spiritual dimension of the “tribulation of those days” on spiritual “Jerusalem”. (Rev11:2);

(3.) 7th King “King South” national system becomes deposed in sovereign authority globally as the nation-state “old world order” is transitioned into the 8th King globalized “new world order” of world government through the global dimension context of the “tribulation of those days”. (Dan11:42-43; Rev17:11-18);

(4.) 8th King world government must globally complete (Rev17:11-18, Rev16:13-16), and be globally stated (1Thess5:1-3), and globally functional; (Dan8:25, Dan11:45, Dan12:11);

a. That ends the global context of the “tribulation of those days” as Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment is defined by both the “removal of the constant feature” and world government “disgusting thing” placement being present simultaneously at that time.

b. The “tribulation of those days” global stressing period provides the “abyss” context the “scarlet wildbeast” ascends from into world government. (Rev17:8-11, Rev11:7 final fulfillments);

c. In this period comes the actual final world “peace and security” “freedom from care” 8th King world government sovereign defining proclamation period as the “tribulation of those days” ends.

d. It is the nation-state global sovereign system that is “darkened” in sovereign power given to the 8th King world government conclusively. (Rev17:11-18); Matthew 24:29 fully completes culmination of the whole prophecy BEFORE Christ arrives.

(5.) Christ’s “sign” occurs to remaining anointed and Christian “sheep” first; (Matt24:30, Zech9:8); then the Christ arrival must occur with first the final “sheep” priorities:

(6.) The 144000 “sheep” remnant completion is Christ’s first priority in “the living” anointed “who are surviving” “sheep” gathered to completion first. (Matt24:30-31; Rev11:11-12; 1Thess4:17, Rev16:17);

(7.) That 144000 completion enables the fullness of the Messianic Kingdom completion that transpires from that 144000 global last remaining ones “gathered” to the full 144000 completion; (Rev14:1, Rev11:13 “earthquake”);

(8.) Christ is crowned Messianic King full King-Priest. (Rev19:11-18, Zech6:9-15, Zech4:6-9, Ps110:2, Rev16:19 “great earthquake”, Rev11:19 “earthquake”); (The main purpose of the second “two witnesses” is to make the preceding Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation as a final Kingdom of God related global announcement.)

(9.) That Messianic Kingdom completion oversees the the final earth “sheep” securement globally; (Matt25:31-46, Rev14:14-16);

(10.) Then the 8th King deposition of Babylon the Great is also overseen under the Messianic Kingdom authority “subduing in the midst” of its final enemies; (Rev17:15-16, Rev16:12-20; Rev18; finalizes Matt25:31-46, Rev14:14-16); (Thus a complete Messianic Kingdom oversees the final judgments starting with Babylon the Great to proceed to the 8th King and Satan.);

All that happens at, through, or after the “tribulation of those days” and its end but before the 8th King is globally deposed by God, Christ and the full Kingdom of God and its main sovereign agency in the Messianic Kingdom then completed as well for the Har-Magedon divine war phase.

The Messianic Kingdom is the divine appointed sovereign system of the universe and planet Earth. God’s Kingdom is the heavenly sovereign Kingdom that Christ first received Kingship in to oversee the whole final Messianic Kingdom completing process. (That is the “Kingdom” Christ hands back to God in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.)

The 8th King and Satan are the last defiant entities to go down in this final world judgment and Christ conquest process.

2. All that must occur prior to the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Armageddon’s climax with the termination of the 8th King in that 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 totally final sovereign finality from God and Christ; the “sudden destruction” meaning of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 as final divine judgment. (Rev19:19-21, Dan2:31-45, Zeph3:8-9); And that leads to Satan and the demons “chaining”, “abyssing” and “sealing” to completely end the final Messianic Kingdom conquest process. (Rev20:1-3);

3. Thus the 8th King is the last earthly entity to eventually be deposed to define the 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 God “repaying tribulation” on the 8th King totality, then its “sudden destruction”. (Rev6:12-18, Amos9:1-3, Dan7:26); The “great tribulation” is prematurely ceased (Matt24:21-22) because its 8th King engineers are destroyed in the “sudden destruction” final salvo of the Messianic Kingdom conquerors.

a. The “repaying tribulation” is the Revelation 6:12-18 parallel period commencement (Matt24:29) that briefly precedes the “sudden destruction” in full 8th King awareness of the unfolding situation (Dan11:44) as formerly revealed fully in the preceding “little scroll” final warning (Rev10:5-11, 11:2-3) and Messianic Kingdom sovereign ultimatum. (Am9:1-3);

4. By the time the Christ arrives the 8th King will have gotten full fair warning of Christ’s impending arrival in explicit detail. (Rev9-11) Christ is not “sneaking in” on them, he will tell them he is coming before he comes in to Earth, (Heb1:6, Matt26:55) and God and Christ will require the 8th King be completed and ready for full participation in the final sequence global confrontation with the Kingdom of God in full force.

5. Temple Judgment Preview

a. It is Jehovah’s witnesses who get the “thief in the night” effect drop in inspection (Luke19:44, Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:1-4) and judgment first (1Pet4:17), because we are the ones who should be and were commanded to be “awake”. (Matt25:5); It is not a “thief in the night” to Jehovah’s witnesses awake to Bethel apostate reality and who have fled that UN NGO “disgusting thing” standing Bethel organizational locale. (Matt24:15, Dan11:31b);

(1 Thessalonians 5:4) But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves…

b. And this awake awareness is possible by knowing the premature delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 accompanies the final apostasy and that apostasy must be revealed before the true final “Day of Jehovah” activation, even in the temple judgment full exposure of the apostasy and its meaning. The temple judgment “day of Jehovah” microcosm judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses’ symbolic “earth” (Rev8) is the wake up primer, trumpet-like (Rev8:7-12) call to action, that starts the whole final cycle’s spiritual dimension in judgment first. (Zech4:1, Rev11:1, Matt25:1-13);

c. Though that “day of Jehovah” alludes to final judgment, that “day” starts with the temple judgment because the judgment preview forms in the temple judgment meaning to “start with the house of God” (1Pet4:17):

(Amos 3:13-15) “‘Hear and give witness in the house of Jacob,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the God of the armies. 14 ‘For, in the day of my holding an accounting for the revolts of Israel against him, I will also hold an accounting against the altars of Bethel; and the horns of the altar will certainly be cut off and must fall to the earth. 15 And I will strike down the winter house in addition to the summer house.’ (Dan8:13, Hos1:4-7, Hos6:1-3);

(Amos 5:18) “‘Woe to those who are craving the day of Jehovah! What, then, will the day of Jehovah mean to you people? It will be darkness (Dan8:14 “evening”, Rev9 “abyss” darkness), and no light… (for a timed period of Revelation 9 abyss; Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3, Isa37:30);

d. Therefore all those prelude temple judgment and world developments converge into the whole progression of Daniel 11:42-45 maturing in fulfillment to its required convergence, live and real-time, into Daniel 12’s final fulfillment continuation of Daniel 11:42-45:

(Daniel 12:1) “And during that time (of Daniel 11:42-45 merging into Daniel 12 final fulfillment) Michael will stand up (Christ into the temple (Mal3:1-2), to oversee the temple purification and final warning (Rev11:3), then into Messianic Kingdom power as the finale. Rev14:1, as that whole Matt24:29-31 progression), the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. (Stands for final deliverance, Luke21:28, Rev7:9-17 in the Daniel 12:11 timed period active) And there will certainly occur a time of distress (whole “great tribulation” in “tribulation of those days” and “four winds” phases progressing) such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. (Matt24:21-22; climaxes into “four winds” as Christ arrives after the “tribulation of those days” phase ends); (“sheep” deliverance:) And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. (the guaranteed living “sheep” salvation group);

Christ’s arrival to the temple (Mal3:1-2, 2Thess2:8) to render the purification and recovery phase of Daniel 8:14, Revelation 8-9, will thus aid making all this clearer to those who come out of the temple judgment and those that respond in repentance and awareness (Rev11:13, Hag2:7, Matt25:1-13) to its meaning as it will lead to more global scale events and milestones after that judgment signal is rendered upon Jehovah’s witnesses first. (1Pet4:17);

And this is why bringing the temple judgment first allows recovery and “wake up” time to form the final ministry and a solid final warning basis—what came on Bethel and the JW organization will also come on the world, the Jehovah’s witnesses’ temple judgment merely started “the judgment” overall:

(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment (the whole final period) to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the end (later) be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God? (The temple judgment provides signal and time allowance aftermath to help people answer that question in light of the prophetic reality anyone can repent and be saved for the whole Daniel 12:7 and 12:11 final periods. See Ex.3);

6. Tribulation of Those Days Final Epic Warning and Awakening Period

a. Thus Matthew 24:29-31 is actually encompassing a far more detailed global transition period into world government which has classically resolved similar global tribulation “problems” in the past, like WW1 (1919; Rev13:11-15), WW2 (1945; Rev17:8-11) and “Cold” WW3 (1990; Dan11:29-31), to present the world government global “solution” to cap off the cycle.

b. Thus by this time in its coming fourth cycle active in its fourth rendition: the complete world government completes ending its fourth and final “tribulation” presentation cycle. The UN related world government evolution progressed over four of these global UN presenting cycles and all of them are foretold in prophecy.

7. The former three UN foretold cycles of tribulation and world war in some form, including the Cold War (Dan11:29), in 1914-1919 (WW1), 1929-1945 (WW2), and 1947-1990 (Cold WW3), were building, expanding and progressing to the climax world government completion and completion cycle of the future. (Dan11:40-45);

8. All three former UN presentations utilized the same principle tribulation “problem” that resolved in “world peace” fashion to present their world government “solution” forming at the end of each cycle. Thus forecasting the fourth and final cycle, and seeing it in Matthew 24:29 “tribulation of those days” cycle, is predictable because the globalist 8th King planners have already used that exact world-war-to-world-government formula three times, so far, within the last century since the 1914 inception cycle. That it will be a repeating major prophecy cycle also aids awareness of the final cycle meaning because the first cycle of 1914-1919 contains the same sovereign pattern. (Dan12, Rev8-11, Rev15-16);

World-war-to-world-government is the dominant cyclic climaxing development theme of the whole last century of world war orchestrations. The final cycle produces the final objective: One World Government, the actual “New World Order” 8th King system.

9. The 8th King system “disgusting thing” uses the world war and tribulation “causes desolation” cycle to be resolved for their own advantages throughout the whole cycle and after, because the global “healing” and recovery aspect gives their claims great credibility and global “admiration” (Rev13:3), thus global acceptance is maximized by aid of the doomful preceding cycle and its relieving “world peace” resolution. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8).

10. The preceding tribulation cycle gets the world population into the proper desperate receptive mindset to be “relieved” by the world government and “world peace” 8th King system “globally concerned” “world government heroes” setting up the whole thing for such a world presentation and deceptive effect using this principle repeatedly but soon in final form:

(Revelation 13:2-3) Now the (national sovereign development since Genesis 10) wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority. 3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death (in the psychological and sometimes literal aspect of the world war tribulation stressing), but its death-stroke got healed (by the 8th King recovery claims then recovery phase; Isa41:1), and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. (Cyclic Principle: the global “tribulation” “problem” resolving into the recovery “world government” “solution” becomes honored and believed.)

The world government “wild beast” also arises from such global stressing (Rev11:7) as admirable in that ascension to again active global power, as it did in the 1945 United Nations “ascension” principle that must repeat in final form of world government:

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was (in 1990 3rd UN placement “new world order” form), but is not (impotent in “world peace” power for final world war intrigues), and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss (into world government), and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present (as finally world government), those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

11. Therefore the previously so far three time used formulaic world-war-to-world-government cycle and its ultimate world government presenting purpose is by now intuitive and understandable that the fourth cycle in the “tribulation of those days” global stressing phase is for the complete and foretold world government completion and global presentation purpose.

12. Because we have prophetic certainty outlining it and we have three former globalist world government cycles as evidence, it now really explains itself that a fourth cycle is guaranteed upon the repetitive principle and prophecy. It is that predictable by prophecy and world government former cycles because it is that effective; the globalist 8th King world planners use the global “tribulation” formula because it works for its intended purpose to aid world government consolidating power, presentation and global acceptance. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8);

13. Prophecy has foretold the three former UN presentations because they are leading 1-2-3 to that 4th presentation as world government and its obligatory preceding tribulation cycle. Thus all four 8th King manifestations are in the prophecy, UN 1-2-3-4 all the way to full world government 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” global totality.

Now we see just why it is breaking the JW tracking at the UN first two placements is critical for breaking the awareness of the whole UN 1-2-3-4 overall cyclic significance. JWs are derailed as the fourth cycle readies thinking UN 1945 was the pinnacle of world power “co-ruling” with the “7th King” who instead is deposed into full “8th King” world government over a required final cycle—not the immediate end JWs now anticipate.

14. Daniel 11:40-41 in Post 3rd UN placement (1990) Modern Times – Modern Daniel 11 King North/8th King Position

a. The Gulf War (1990) was unique from a globalizing military perspective. It activated, for the first time, the NATO global military expansion commencement as an official NATO military operation in that NATO coalition supporting “new world order” objectives indirectly as stated as the “first test of our mettle” in President George Bush Sr.’s speech before the US Congress on September 11, 1990. (A rendition of the famous George Bush Sr. “New World Order” speeches; (UN NGO Pilot Awake! 9/8/1991 echoed these UN global placement quotes and “New World Order” statements for their UN NGO acceptance by the United Nations Department of Public Information);

Meaning a globalizing NATO undertook its first ever official military operations indirectly connected to “new world order” objectives and that relates to Daniel 11:40 “King North” global operations commencing.

” After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the [NATO] organization was drawn into the breakup of Yugoslavia, and conducted its first military interventions in Bosnia from 1992 to 1995 and later Yugoslavia in 1999. Politically, the organization sought better relations with former Warsaw Pact countries, several of which joined the alliance in 1999 and 2004.”

” No military operations were conducted by NATO during the Cold War. Following the end of the Cold War, the first operations, Anchor Guard in 1990 and Ace Guard in 1991, were prompted by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO

b. That 1990 3rd UN placement connected Gulf War NATO military operation marked Daniel 11:40 with an active 8th King supporting military coalition that soon became termed “Global NATO” in 1999 just prior to the “Global War on Terror”. NATO involvement in globalizing wars and geo-political positioning henceforth became common and progressed from the Gulf War period. Thus that intended and stated NATO military monopoly continues and grows in scope accelerated by the 911 World Trade Center events. (2001); (The 2001 convenient time in which the UN NGO secular news exposé was also released in October 2001);

c. The events surrounding “911” allowed a global pretext of accelerated Global NATO expansion as the final cycle is what is actually being prepared for by this global surge in NATO expansions to support the “Global War on Terror”. Few have noticed the heightened role of globalizing military systems spawning with and around NATO since the Gulf War. Thus the positioning for the final cycle has also rarely been commented on as this development is gradual over the last couple of decades, yet significant in intent.

By this, all of Daniel 11:36-41 is recognized “King North” 8th King developments completely and purposely ignored by apostate Bethel tied to the 3rd United Nations placement of 1990 as Daniel 11:31b.

d. Thus the continuation of that unique global war theme (Dan11:29, Cold War), now in the “Global War on Terror” fourth cycle prelude and global preparation, has been a worldwide expansion (and globalization) of 8th King aligning NATO and expanded global pre-positioning for a more intensive final phase of these world war operations and the continuation of Daniel 11:40. This is why NATO is also unofficially termed “UN-NATO” by some researchers, it now supports globalization supporting military maneuvers and is thus, for now, unofficially 8th King aligned.

e. In the process the national compounding multi-trillions in debt, aided by all these wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, as well as other US-SOCOM special operations, the Daniel 11:42-43 financial preparations are also maturing in the global national finance and debt dimension of the Anglo-American and European debt compromised national systems.

Thus the globally “perfect storm” potential in global military and global financial event potentials has formed.

f. In the meantime this Daniel 11:40 “King North” identical 8th King global expansion is in preparation for the final cycle and has been active since 1990, and continues active into Daniel 11:42-45 of the future:

(Daniel 11:40) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south (the nation-state global power system) will engage with him (globally) in a (sovereign system) pushing (national sovereign priority versus globalist sovereign priority), and against him (King South, 7th King nation-state systems) the (globalizing power system) king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the (national) lands (worldwide) and flood over and pass through. (King North military and financial system expansion concurrently maturing since 1990 aiding the Daniel 11:42-43 culmination to start the final cycle and proceed for some years);

g. The Bethel anointed defection of Daniel 11:30-32 (Dan8:12), opened the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry for the “King North” “entry” by infiltration maturing as Daniel 11:41 inside Bethel (2Thess2:1-4, Dan8:12) now guiding the apostasy from “King North” 8th King planners and agents as per Daniel 11:32a inside of Bethel’s representative “decoration” claimant anointed Christian ministerial central locale:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally; Dan11:31a, Dan8:12), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal by-product and secondary “set in opposition” function. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning. 2Pet2:1-3)

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

h. Thus the world system is actually now well positioned for the final cycle in its political (Rev16:13-16 progressing), military (Daniel 11:36-40) and finance and wealth globalization dimensions (Dan11:42-43), while a unique “world war four”, including the “Cold War” (WW 3rd cycle), has already begun in initial global positioning expansion by the Global War on Terror, for 13 years now, now prepared militarily for the fourth and final cycle activation of Daniel 11:42-45.

i. Conveniently, to obscure this reality, the Bethel apostasy is concurrent (Dan11:30-35, Dan8:11-13) with these modern 8th King developments and is also now terminal and systemic in the subverting scope of deception in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry as Daniel 11:41 also climaxes fully as Daniel 11:42-43 nears activation to mature in time in the future final cycle. (Dan8:13-14);

As an example of Bethel subversion: it is not the premature Daniel 11:44-45 fulfillment that Jehovah’s witnesses should be expecting next: it is Daniel 11:42-43 that must be fulfilled next by the 8th King (Dan11:36), which global financial dimension must activate next as the Bethel apostasy climaxes the meaning of Daniel 11:41 into a full ministerial coup empowering the prophetic Daniel 8:13 “trampling” decree of the temple judgment.

Bethel has maintained the USSR error as “King North” “hanging” at Daniel 11:44, as if the USSR fulfilled Daniel 11:42-43, to overly advance Jehovah’s witnesses expectations too far into Daniel 11, thus also advancing a premature end delusion—which also marks 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 as fulfilling in Bethel’s modern apostate delusion complex. By this delusion and eventual hoax the final cycle to 8th King world government can be sold to JWs as “the end” as Bethel can be imploded and JWs will think “prophecy is fulfilling brothers!”—because Bethel creates the covering delusion with misapplied prematurely expected prophecy.

It will be prophecy alright, just not the one JWs will be told is fulfilling. It will be prophecy as the temple judgment desolation “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14, NOT the misapplied prophecies Bethel will be using to cover up the temple judgment meaning as long as possible and thus toss JWs into the final cycle misled and lost and in a divine judgment period starting. (1Pet4:17);

World war and economic tribulation accelerates the consolidation of power for the globalist system while expanding it and enriching it for the subsequent recovery phase—the fourth and final cycle will produce the final objective: 8th King world government and a global recovery potential and claim to aid the recovery effect. (Isa41:1);

E. Determining the “Four Winds of the Earth” Meaning

The “four winds” is the final phase of the “great tribulation” under completed 8th King world government from which Christ delivers the final sheep completions, anointed and earthling, after the “tribulation of those days” period has ended. (Matt24:29-31, Mark13:24-27); The “four” pictures the global scale of the “winds” destructive potential. That angels hold this period back from activation implies it is a development God delays until the proper time from being fully “released”.

(Revelation 7:1) After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth
(global extent), holding tight the four winds of the earth(holding that phase “tight” for the whole “tribulation of those days” phase to lead to that apex 8th King global authority period in which the “four winds” are released.);

1. The Revelation 7 “four winds” are from the “earth” meaning they are from human origination. The “earth” is the same originating place the “two horned wildbeast” rises from to maturity of itself and the 8th King system it engineers at also global scale. (Rev13:11-15); The “four winds” is from, by then, the apex earthly engineers of war technology, world war and its formulaic cyclic certainty controlling the literal “earth” progressively for the final objective of global domination.

As an eventual  whole “four square” 8th King global system it is the combined total destructive capability pictured in those “four winds” at a key period in 8th King global development.  The “four winds” are a worldwide globalized system of potential selective destruction whose engineering is from advanced human systems and demon aided understanding. (Rev16:13-16);

Since “wind” is an invisible unseen thing these technologies aiding this destructive potential period may very well be also partly composed of invisible forms of power such as that experimented with in various forms of wave and directed energy technologies. We see from certain researchers some forms of that technological application is truly “four” global in scope and “earth” geophysical in nature.

In any event the whole “winepress of God’s anger”, though picturing divine judgment, may very well use human built systems to aid that final judgment as in the end the 8th King tool will be overridden by the indomitable divine forces of Christ for 8th King system and power removal. (Zech14:12-15, Rev19:11-21, Joel3:11b);

2. Thus this is the “earth” the “four winds” emanate from and it is the leading globalist systems (independent, supranational, “two horned wildbeast” global systems) that also come from the same origination:

(Revelation 13:11-13) And I saw another (independently bodied globalist) wild beast ascending out of the earth (from the established national political system), and it had two horns (dual Anglo-American world power based) like a lamb (righteous veneer), but it began speaking as a dragon. (but speaks the Rev12 Dragon’s agenda) 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first (national seven headed) wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast (supports nationalism as a divisionary aid), whose death-stroke got healed. (uses post WW recovery “admirable” effect. (Rev13:3; Rev17:8)) 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.

As shown in Matthew 24:29-31 the “four winds” are active after the “tribulation of those days” has ended and this clue has great final meaning as it also ties the “four winds” term and meaning together between Matthew and Revelation prophecy.

a. Though the “two horned wildbeast” is not exactly the national “seventh head” (Rev13:1) that emerged publicly in 1914 in the Anglo-American system, that supranational globalist system “two horned” “wildbeast” is the guiding power of that system and is significant and must have been operative behind the first WW1 development and cycle to present their “image of the wildbeast” when that “causes desolation” cycle ended.

That all these systems became recognizable overtly (national system seventh head) and covertly (two horned wildbeast globalist beast) at the same time is of great global and prophetic significance. That development will not remain static but is dynamic towards the world government goal beyond the “image” nucleus that arose first, in 1919, in the overall 8th King world government completion process.

3. What 8th King “World Peace” Means in Relation to the “Four Winds”

a. But since the eventual 8th King world government world “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) means no more “wars and reports of wars”, in the former national sovereign conflict sense (Matt24:6 meaning inverted), it is understood that eventual 8th King world government “world peace” is defined by one-sided 8th King military monopolization globally with a global scope legislative system in the United Nations to “legalize” “world peace” and their own global authority to administer it at worldwide scope. (Joel3:9-12); Its the end of former national sovereign war operations (by the end of their autonomous legal sovereign predominance, Rev17:11-18), it is not the end for, but the beginning of 8th King world government operations (Dan8:25, Dan11:44-45) who can now utilize a fully monopolized global military technology system to suit their final objective. (Note Joel 3:13-17 parallels of Revelation 14:17-20);

World peace inverts the Matthew 24:6 clue:

(Matthew 24:6) you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet. (as long as global wars persist as they will until 8th King world peace);

The clue is now that there are no more “wars and reports of wars” in 8th King world “peace and security”, the end can come in that signal period once finally reached. (1Thess5:1-3) In the meantime as long as global wars persist, the end cannot come.

b. It will also define a period of prophecy as the final sovereign proclamation of 8th King world government of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 world “peace and security” will define a truly critical phase as a concurrent development of the Revelation 17:12 “one hour” of that 8th King reign as Revelation 17:8-18 also culminates fully in meaning. (Rev11:7) The “tribulation of those days” resolves as the “abyss” from which world government “ascends” fully. (Rev11:7-10, Rev17:8-11);

c. Thus that 8th King world government period is these approximately or fully concurrent events and periods in the Daniel 12:11 period defined, in part, by that final “disgusting thing” placement as world government after the “tribulation of those days” ends:

(1.) The “two witnesses” ministry is deposed. (Rev11:7-10, defines the other part of Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment criteria in “constant feature” final removal. Defines spiritual significance of the “tribulation of those days” end, and Daniel 12:11 applicable portion.);

(2.) The 8th King “one hour” complete “power and authority” reign period as full world government final “disgusting thing placement is active. (Rev17:11-18, Rev13:15-18, Dan12:11); Defines world significance of “tribulation of those days” end, and Daniel 12:11 applicable portion..

(3.) The final “freedom from care” parallel 8th King world government proclaimed world “peace and security” sovereign presentation period activates; (Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3);

(4.) The 8th King inspired “four winds of the earth” period occurs. (Rev7:1-4, Matt24:30-31);

(5.) Babylon the Great “hour of judgment” occurs. (Rev17:15-18, Rev8:9-19);

(6.) The final phase of the “great tribulation” “four winds” is defined as all these events converge; (Matt24:21-22, Rev7:9-17);

(7.) The global “hour of test” climaxes (Rev3:10) as Daniel 12:11 timed period expires;

(8.) Christ arrives (Rev11:11-12) in the Daniel 12:11 period activated by the “3.5 day” “two witnesses” removal “death” state (Rev11:7-10), to complete the 144000 (Rev14:1), the Messianic Kingdom and the final “sheep sweep” of planet Earth. (Matt24:29-31, Rev11:11-13);

All that takes place in the Daniel 12:11 period activating or active.

It will be an 8th King true world government new phase beginning in the kind of conglomerated military power meaning they will wield globally as well. Thus “world peace” is by 8th King definition. Instead, at this heightened level of consolidated comprehensive global control and worldwide dictatorial authority, in all forms of “power and authority” (Rev17:11-18), a more ominous final period marked by the “four winds” meaning activates. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25);

d. The latest weapons systems and technologies will also have changed the very nature of the former 20th century war model to whatever greater developments Satan as the “dragon” and the 8th King core planners in the “two horned wildbeast” (Rev13) have been developing to be progressed further by that time and deployed to aid the “four winds” manifestation and meaning in ways for now unknown—though global weapons and advanced controlled energy research does touch greatly on the main themes and speculative capabilities. (Luke21:25);

e. Thos kinds of available research and exposés, as an example, are how there are “signs seen” (Luke 21:25) even now as to what these “enlightened” technologies will utilize, at least in part, in a full gambit of various advanced energy and wave technologies and the complete use of upper atmosphere and space placements—and that under a uni-polar world government manifest power global, also developing even now as a common theme in many global researchers and theorists exposés and analyses. The stranger feature and question is what will such weapons system be applied to, once “world peace” is reached?

War and Wealth Paradigms Shift and Converge into the Comprehensively New Globalized “Order”

Even now the potential in this kind of controlled energy technology has changed the nature of the “world war” paradigm and its true global war potential, but that the old war model, that peaked with nuclear and missile technology, will be played out in the final cycle seems likely. But in 8th King weapons research and artificial intelligence aided computer aided networking capability the true need for “boots on the ground” has vanished as has other conventional forms of war deployment. Many of these wave related technologies were just entering their classic research and development phases after WW2 and through the Cold War aided by all combatant national camps. But such research is now advancing from theory to application.

Accordingly armaments requiring electronics to operate are now ultimately vulnerable to directed energy exposure from advanced systems designed to neutralize satellites, computers, missiles, jets, ships, subs, tanks, and the like, by neutralizing their operating circuitry, sub components and required electrical energy systems and even their molecular essence can be theoretically altered now. Biological systems, such as human beings, in such advanced war theaters will be of no threat whatsoever to these wave technologies in remote and or automated operation. Thus such technology networked in 8th King monopolized systems across the top weapons producing national centers ensure when they conglomerate in the elite tier union which foundation is already there, in public manifested world government manner, world war (in some form), once again, will be a final orchestrated cycle to complete the power and wealth consolidation process.

That power and wealth consolidation at a unique global level of domination (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18) will provide the 8th King system with the means of their world government “solution” as the global basis of recovery (Isa41:1) and world “peace and security” at a scale hitherto unattained. By that the final world war and financial collapse cycle will have produced the proper stressed collective global conditions and global psychology, by which the world government “solution” becomes “admirable” and of great global hope and acceptance, at the same time becoming the truly only human solution available to the nations. (Rev13:3-4, Rev17:8-11);

Thus the whole final cycle equates to 8th King world government and its hopeful and coerced acceptance by great “insight” (Dan8:25a), upon a repeating cycle in world war that was already progressing to that final consolidation and globalization of “power and authority” by use of that formulaic cycle repeatedly, four times total. (Rev17:11-18); Thus many principles in the first WW1 cycle have replicated in all of the cycles, such as the “sword stroke got healed” sort of recovery dynamic aiding global hopefulness—it is a tried and true formulaic process to inspire “admiration” of the world government  aspiration now nearing full fruition and final presentation through a last cycle.

The world war quadruple process, including the Cold War cycle (Dan11:29-31) and the final cycle (Dan11:42-45), will have been deployed to produce an eventual multi-national monopoly of destructive capability in a sole globalized uni-polar power progressively growing to make all nations subject to 8th King final “power and authority” which has formed in the world war technology and core wealth progress since especially World War One. The complimentary globalized financial system, able to fuel the monetary process ultimately to finance world war scale weapons development and deployment, will also have expanded for its final dimension of economic and financial “warfare” as the individual national sovereignties will capitulate in that dimension as well, with their wealth and asset control transferred to the 8th King globalized financial system—it too will be culminating concurrently. (Dan11:42-43, Rev13:15-18);

Both of those power tiers in wealth and military power have been progressively co-developing to global monopoly from WW1 marked unique inception. The final globalization-into-world-government cycle will consolidate both realms of that power, military and financial, into one final governmental objective and a truly globalized and new “world order” potential being actually applied fully.

f. Thus in reality the whole world war paradigm has shifted. Now a single remotely located person or automated system can literally wipe out a million man army as if it was a video game when employing these kinds of directed energy weapons through the remote sensing networks they can be employed through. It could even be automated.  It seems very few are realizing the final implications if even a quarter of this capability was functional by the time the 8th King is going into world government power. In any event prophecy also guarantees the 8th King will reach their objective temporarily but in full global authority. (Rev17:12) In the meantime, it appears the old world war model will climax in the final cycle in some manner.

g. Some are understanding advanced computer, automation, drone, specialized nuclear and high energy directing system aided warfare is a unique advanced potential reality whose application has only been in a minimal display and research exposure of its true potential. And that is what will be ultimately 8th King applied by the “two horned wildbeast” war engineering technocratic systems, well beyond nation-state old war model access, as the development of these technologies has also been already carried out in a supra-national globalist tier of secrecy and guarded isolation. Thus the old model can be milked to completion and the new model can takeover the totality at the proper timing to back world government fully with pinnacle technological capability no worn out and literally spent national power can resist.

h. Couple that potential with classic nuclear systems and other highly advanced, though “old school”, satellite, missile and weapons technologies and quite the potential danger is even defined in the old school war and weapons model but it is reaching also a new level of potential selective application at the same time in the new war model and it too is exponential in advancement. The more time that elapses the more advanced it will become and that development faster then before—it is all exponential. That finality is what will define 8th King world “peace and security” and how they can “bring many to ruin” in one-sided fashion “during” that period of “world peace” and the noted signal “freedom from care”. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25, Isa41:1, Rev13:15-18); That is also how the apparent 8th King UN “image” system can go into the “abyss” of that “tribulation of those days” with the full intent of emerging stronger than ever in full world government. (Rev17:8-11 final fulfillment, Rev11:7);

i. Since all the world wars have shown evidence of collusion at the highest political, financial and industrial levels the fact the top of the top nations are all “in on it” in those true power tiers, and understand the true purpose of the cycle further guarantees it will also play out as before, for recovery and this time full world government—the whole thing has always been an effective con to set-up the recovery global stage of world government acceptance and hopefulness.

j. Thus the Daniel 8:25 “freedom from care” and the 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 “peace and security” parallel come world government time (Rev17:12, Dan11:45) also cross relates to the whole Isaiah 41 final judgment sequence in a global recovery sequence preceding the final judgment:

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. (under 8th King world government, Rev13:3-5, Rev17:8-11) Let them approach. At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the (finality of the) judgment itself. (Rev16:13-16, Joel3:9-17);

Thus this sector of global military technology research is also part of the “signs in” “sun, moon and stars” (Luke21:25) from the old world order itself, indicating the potential 8th King globalized worldwide power, in that period, will be unique in capability in addition to global in scope while in also unique uni-polar control and that equates to a completely different form of world power.

At the same time the entire global model, not just the global war model, will have met its purpose and will be shifting to final form for final functions.

And military systems will not be the only “power and authority” dimension (Rev17:11-18) consolidating (Rev16:13-16) and advancing in such a totally globalized monopolistic fashion with a sole world government objective rather than the diffused former national sovereign objectives of the past—the wealth, global asset and “gold and silver” control will also consolidate concurrently into the 8th King system. (Dan11:42-43);

k. Now in the time of 8th King full world government “world peace” period, the global weapons and technologies system, then beyond former national sovereign conflict function in the global weapons systems of many nations, can then be redirected for the final phase of fully globalized functions – hence the “four winds of the earth” real meaning. (Rev7:1-4, Matt24:31); Now we see why, for resisters and “undesirables” (Rev13:15-18), instead the 8th King gets more ominous and dangerous in that kind of uni-polar monopoly of “power and authority” defining “world peace” under true world government. In addition the megalomanism of self-righteous men playing God globally for real will also reach its peak of delusion and absurdity—nothing is static in this overall development of human rule. (Gen3, 6, 10-11, Rev11:18, Rev14:17-20);

l. The international system centered around the classic United Nations foundation and nucleus, global legislative and judiciary system and its international political forum “image” can easily combine for an 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” totality with the globalized military and financial systems of zenith worldwide “power and authority” as each governs its own scope and function for the central objective of world government, by its global scope legal empowerment. It is already connected in this manner in the globalist tier of real world power merely awaiting the public manifestation, proclamations and full national sovereign capitulation enabling that final global “union” in blatant presentation. (Dan8:25b, 11:45, 12:11);

Thus the meaning of the “scarlet wildbeast” as a truly global super-structure of “power and authority” includes the UN “image” and nucleus but is beyond it in scope of power and compliments its core world government function.

m. The historic evolution of tribal to state to national to regional unification has evolved (state/national) or is already evolving (regional) in this direction of final amalgamation of the whole global unification complex, and that whole is the 8th King world government super-system: the globalized “scarlet wildbeast”; 8th King; King North. (Rev16:13-16 + Rev17:11-18); Thus the “whole is greater than the sum of its parts” principle and all the prophetic symbolizations of related “wholes”, like the Daniel 2 “immense image”, and the “seven headed” “wildbeast” progressive development (Rev13, 17), though composed of national prophetic and historic “parts”, must converge as a “sum totality” and equate to the greater completed meaning of their wholeness: 8th King world government. All those sovereign symbols as wholes of all their parts in completion equate to the final sovereign conglomeration of the “8th King” “scarlet wildbeast”—and that culminates over this final cycle.

We also see in a perfect synchronization guided by God, Christ arrives at the exact time in world history of this final convergence when it will be necessary for Christ to arrive to eventually “cut short the days” of that “great tribulation” in its “four winds” phase or “no flesh would be saved”, so it will be a serious “global situation” at its peak of evolution of world and Satanic power. (Matt24:21-22) And this is why Christ also confronts this 8th King system in its rival consolidated global zenith, after it is completed and functioning (Rev17:12) as the truly complete sovereign converging, maximized final conflict, comes to its true Armageddon divine war phase head. Removal of the 8th King and Satan and the demons is the neutralization of all the means of the  “great tribulation” thus its end as well. (Rev19:19-21, Rev20:1-3);

4. Under 8th King world government full authority there will be no national power capable (Rev17:11-18, Rev13:15-18) of curtailing, but will be aiding, the 8th King final objectives such as its “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” (Dan8:25) during that final world “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) period as the parallel of the “in order to devote many to destruction” (Dan11:44) of the 8th King world government “palatial tents” period (Dan11:45) of identical “King North” global sovereign totality.

a. Thus as Revelation 17:11-18 states the national powers leaders “give their kingdom” and they “give their power and authority” to the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” as the national elites and the national system “give [the 8th King] recognition”, voluntarily from the top, leading their nations into that final conglomeration regardless of individual desire under their coming power. (Rev13:15-18); The incentive of the national elites is to “receive authority”, to rule “as kings one hour with the [scarlet] wildbeast” globalized 8th King system:

(Revelation 17:12-14) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings (global national power set), who have not yet received a kingdom (in the apostle John’s time), but they do receive authority as kings one hour (limited period) with the (globalized “scarlet”) wild beast. (in the 8th King “one hour” of completed world government authority) 13 These have one thought (global sovereign preservation and exercise), and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. (national sovereignty transferred to world government) 14 These will battle with the Lamb (Rev19:11-21), but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him (Rev14:1) [will do so].”

(Daniel 11:39) And he will act effectively against the most fortified (national system) strongholds, along with a foreign (globalization) god. Whoever has given [the 8th King] recognition (in 8th King world government objective) he will make abound with glory (in the Rev17:12 “one hour” of shared 8th King global rulership), and he (8th King) will actually make them rule among many (at global scale in 8th King world government. Rev17:11-18); and [the] (worldwide) ground he (the uni-polar “King North” 8th King) will apportion out for a price. (at global scale, Dan11:42-43);

(Daniel 11:38) But to the god of fortresses (Joel3:9-12), in his position (pinnacle “Har” “Magedon” military globalization. Rev16:13-16) he will give glory (the military counterpart of the wealth domination process of Daniel 11:42-43 needed to culminate the globalized military system); and to a god that his fathers did not know (the “god” of globalization and the explicit “dragon” worship. Rev13:1-4,11; Luke4:5-6) he will give glory by means of gold and by means of silver and by means of precious stone and by means of desirable things. (drives the Daniel 11:42-43 culmination to the 8th King zenith);

b. Thus the 8th King global domination has wealth/finance progressive core control (Dan11:42-43) that aided the military globalization that many nations take part in as it evolves into its final form and must also transition to its final 8th King functions.

(Joel 3:9-12) “Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! (global. Rev19:19-21, Eze38) 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances. (developing military “god of fortresses” power is expensive and drains national sustenance) As for the weak one, let him say: “I am a powerful man.” (aids the global delusion) 11 Lend your (gold and silver and desirable things) aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together.’” (into an 8th King global unification of rival rulership. Rev16:13-16) To that place (Rev16:13-16, where Dan2 “image” is “standing”), O Jehovah, bring your powerful ones down. (Christ and the angelic “armies in heaven”. Rev19:11-21) 12 “Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat (Har-Magedon); for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about. (Zeph3:8, Ps2);

As we see even prophecy links four 8th King destructive mode prophecies as occurring at the same peak period of 8th King power at Daniel 8:25, Daniel 11:44-45, Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 17:15-18. Other prophecies clearly support the basic theme. (Rev16:13-16);

The “Tribulation of Those Days” Key Transition

c. Since the “tribulation of those days” ends even before Christ arrives (Matt24:29-30) it is not that initial tribulation phase that is “cut short” by God and Christ at Matthew 24:21-22, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 parallel. It has a different meaning—the “tribulation of those days” resolves earlier, even before Christ arrives (Matt24:29), and for a different purpose to aid the 8th King final cycle climax into world government. (The “tribulation of those days” is the “abyss” the “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King ascends from in finalized form. (Rev11:7, Rev17:8-11));

That “tribulation of those days” phase also has a particular relevance to the temple judgment “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 (starting that tribulation significance to the temple judgment) and the recovered “two witnesses” “holy city” final “trampling” of Revelation 11:2 ending the “tribulation of those days” significance to the temple.

That tribulation spans and connects both of those “tramplings” (Dan8:13, Rev11:2) in spiritual significance as those things also must complete prior to Christ’s arrival, (Rev10:5-11) as the 1150 or 2300 days of Daniel 8:14 and the 1260 days of Revelation 11:2-3. (Dan12:7); Thus it has relevance to an 8th King key period prior to world government presentation and to the initial and final spiritual “temple” and “holy city” developments in that identical period as it ends in concurrent significance to both the 8th King development and the temple development. Thus the “tribulation of those days” will also have spiritual as well as worldly and world seen significance.

And that is why Christ terms that initial phase of the “great tribulation” distinctly as the “tribulation of those days” at Matthew 24:29.

d. That Christ gathers the “sheep” from the active “four winds” in Matthew 24:31, after the “tribulation of those days” has ended, also proves the “four winds” is after, and thus not, the “tribulation of those days”.

It is no accident in prophecy that the Revelation 7:1 “four winds” and the Matthew 24:31 “sheep” deliverance “from the four winds” are connected terms because they will be the connected parallel of the same 8th King zenith period.

e. It is also then logical the anointed “sheep” are “gathered” at that time in final affirmed sealed form as per the Revelation 7:1-4 meaning (1Thess4:17), and that sealing was fully accomplished during the “tribulation of those days” period and its included “two witnesses” final warning mission and requirement. (Rev10:11, Zech3:6-7);

f. The “tribulation of those days” period while active is also not the period of true “peace and security” developments in the yet to complete 8th King world government system, so the “tribulation of those days” is also not the “sudden destruction” of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 connected to that 8th King “world peace” final period that must come after the “tribulation of those days” has ended.

g. It is thus not now, nor in the “tribulation of those days” itself, but afterwards, that the “freedom from care” period occurs in the 8th King world government world recovery and final sovereign claim period after 8th King world government completes as part of its final presentation. That is yet to develop as that 8th King world government “peace and security” parallel period under complete 8th King world government. Thus the “tribulation of those days” is not the period of the “bring many to ruin” “four winds” of the “great tribulation” final phase.

The “tribulation of those days” will also serve as a global period of great awakening to reality for some able to discern its implications since it is not the end but a global jolt leading to Christ’s arrival also itself not “the end” yet. (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9); For some the “tribulation of those days” will be what woke them up to reality.

h. And since God and Christ “cut short the days” of the “great tribulation” “four winds” period, the “sudden destruction” (1Thess5:1-3) cannot be equated to 8th King wrought ruinations in any of their tribulation orchestration meanings. The “sudden destruction” is exclusively a divine sovereign judgment action in whatever means it deploys— it is a purposeful action of God’s judgment by Jesus Christ. It is the divine “sudden destruction” that destroys the 8th King and its means of the “great tribulation” and the “four winds” by destroying the 8th King and abyssing Satan and the demons.

i. That whole action is thereby ending the comprehensive attack of Gog of Magog which symbol and prophecy encompasses the 8th King and superhuman Satanic “guard” (Eze38:7) fronts of final attack.

j. Thus the “sudden destruction” is also unique, it is a divine judgment, not the tribulations of demon and human origin that the “sudden destruction” instead ends, it does not use the tribulations as a means of final divine judgment, the tribulations are consequences of human rulership and supporting developments and are part of the “desolation” the “disgusting thing causes” for its own purposes. Though God uses global tribulation awareness and periods for His purpose, He does not “cause” them.

k. In fact by Haggai 2:7 meaning and the use of plagues in the past (Ex7-12), God allows these things for a greater purpose of salvation:

(Revelation 16:9) And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give glory to him. (Some may not repent overall, but some will as per Rev11:13. In any case repentance is the objective of the warning plagues);

l. This is because God allows tribulation to wake up those who can be jolted by the events (Rev9:20-21, Hag2:7) to reality and repentance with increased vigilance. God has “authority over these plagues” in that He permits these global developments to climax as the consequences of the 8th King and human desire for independent rule and other error. As in the “Ten Plagues” of Egypt principle, the plagues are not intended to totally annihilate people, but to inspire a change of heart by greatly unique events manifesting as foretold. Though God did bring the Ten Plagues on Egypt, it is 8th King developments that form the basis of the first six global plagues. The seven plagues of Revelation 16 are all judgment meanings, as in Egypt’s plagues, but they are intensified in the first six plagues by 8th King developments. The seventh plague is the divine Christ “air” arrival event of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 parallel. (Matt24:30-31, Rev6:12-17);

The 8th King final intent for “many” in humanity is what is truly the dangerous element. The Satanic agenda, which will override the 8th King power, is even more severe towards all life on earth. God, on the other hand, is opening opportunity to save as many people as possible during this final period in the end of the Daniel 12:11 timed period. (John3:16, 1John2:2; Rev21:6, 22:17);

m. As an example in prophecy yet to come, even the seventh plague and seventh trumpet events are not the absolute end, so breaking the overall “great tribulation” with this recognizable sub-tribulation “tribulation of those days” period that resolves into its world government milestone, even before Christ arrives, gives great opportunity for some beginning to perceive the significance of it all. It is a great drawn out signal to Christ’s arrival to save people first.

And this is also why Christ terms the “tribulation of those days” uniquely, because it is a unique progression and transition period with special meaning.

The temple “trampling” tribulation, for another example (Zech3:2, Rev8:3-5), will in time awaken Jehovah’s witnesses (Matt25:1-13) to the greater meaning of the period as that temple tribulation is marked in its spiritual dimension within the “tribulation of those days”, yet, though permitting and decreeing it (Dan8:13-14), God is not who does the “trampling”—it is the 8th King system Bethel already adjoined as UN NGO that does that “trampling” to “start” the judgment overall and its judgment “tribulation”. (1Pet4:17)

n. The final “great tribulation” period of that “four winds” is in the 8th King world government “one hour” of Revelation 17:11-18 final developments and this is why these details are discernible from the prophetic cross related context and unique terms Christ uses in that Matthew 24:29-31 prophecy.

The “Sign” Intensifies

o. In final fulfillment meaning and final 8th King global changing agendas the global developments in Revelation 6:3-8, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 will also intensify to unique notable global forms of severity in some manner.

But as already shown the purpose of the “tribulation of those days” is not total destruction or “the end” by either the 8th King system or God.

p. After the 8th King achieves world government it all goes to another phase of development with other objectives shown in prophecy and in the same features of unique global tribulation, but with more selective intent. (Rev13:16-18, Dan11:44, Dan8:25, Rev11:7);

q. Thus the individual elements in Revelation 6:3-8 (three “woe to the earth” (Rev12:12) parallel “horses”)  and the Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 composite “sign” parallels will have notable features in themselves, though present over the last century, that will reach their peak levels individually, where applicable, “such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time” and “such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again” that collectively define these “great tribulation” phases and their “woeful” features, especially in the “tribulation of those days” as a precursor final signal of Christ’s arrival. (Dan12:1, Matt24:21-22);

r. Even Christ’s “presence” intensifies to final full arrival. After Christ arrives, of course, the purpose of the “sign” is met in that element, but the “sign” of the “conclusion of the system of things” continues (thus they are not the same event):

(Matthew 24:3) While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”

s. This is how the “tribulation of those days” ending (Matt24:29), will provide a resolving respite in global “woe” features of that sign culminating as Matthew 24:6 “wars and reports of wars” will have concluded in 8th King “world peace” as far as global national sovereign motives. Thus the “sign”, to be more fully seen globally in intensified manner during the “tribulation of those days”, preceding Christ’s “presence” true manifestation, also in heightened form of the pre-Christ-arrival, will have completed in that element of signalling Christ impending arrival completed.

t. That “tribulation of those days” resolving will also form the global recovery hopefulness (Rev13:3, 17:8) as the 8th King agenda goes into its “abyss ascension” (Rev11:7) from that “tribulation of those days” into full world government presentation and its global world “peace and security” hopefulness to accompany that period in some proclaimed and global wealth backed manner.

u. Thus the “woe to the earth” climax “ride” of the Revelation 6:3-8 horses, especially in the “red” “war horse”, seemingly comes to an apparent end by 8th King “world peace” claims, as far as former national sovereign wars. Since they have their own final agenda in reality those three “horses” must climax under 8th King rule but in a selective and controlled exclusive 8th King agenda meeting manner—and that will define the “great tribulation” “four winds” period. The whole world war quadruple cycle was already a controlled orchestration to consolidate the final capability of total control for the final world government phasing.

v. The reason the “sign” “of Christ’s presence” completes, yet 8th King malfeasance is still operative in some of those features, is because that portion of the composite “sign” is what was to indicate Christ’s arrival and that will have completed its purpose as Christ arrives after the “tribulation of those days” has ended—thus the “sign’s” purpose will have been met, yet elements of the “sign” and its signalling the “conclusion of the system of things” portion will continue and will still be globally operative as long as the 8th King and Satan are active even if “during a freedom from care” and proclaiming “world peace” at the same time, it is in full selective uni-polar “King North” polarity control by that time.

Thus as the 8th King “two horned wildbeast” system backed “tribulation of those days” orchestrators peak the global national desperation and “doomsday” psychology global “problem” for their 8th King system acceptance as the “world peace champions” bringing recovery and hope for a global “admiration” and “healing” period (Rev13:3-4 principle, Rev17:8-11 final fulfillment as Daniel 12:11), to present world government as the grand finale “solution”. God will use their heightened tribulation phase to indicate Christ’s arrival in peak “sign” form concurrently and for the complete “the end” (Matt24:14) for Christians awake at that time and others coming to this realization. (Rev11:13); Thus the “tribulation of those days” will be a huge global signal period and it has a dual objective.

w. In such a way as God uses tribulation to “rock the nations” (Hag2:7, Rev16:1-9) the intensifications of the “tribulation of those days” will amp up the Matthew 24 “sign” in its final climax form, that will truly be “flashing” that Christ’s arrival is imminent. And as we see his arrival has other purposes before the actual end and that period will conclude the active Daniel 12:11 period to the full and that is why that preview of 1919-1922 is valid and is the concurrent 8th King and Messianic Kingdom completion phase in final fulfillment.

To awake Christians (Matt25:1-13), by then aided out of the desolated Bethel delusions (Dan8:13, Zech3:4-5), this “sign” will have its final greatest meaning as it climaxes towards Christ’s arrival, after the “tribulation of those days” ends as the Matthew 24:29-31 sequence activates as Christ arrives into the “four winds” phase just beginning.

x. Thus it is not illogical to see the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial cycle and the initial prophecy it explained in preview form, with some form of all these elements becoming intensified since WW1 in accelerated fashion, does aid understanding the whole and the final cycle when the whole “sign” intensifies in final form. This is because the preview cycle of 1914-1919 provides the basic patterns and basic meanings of things that have developed in marked and progressive manner since WW1 and will continue to develop by use of intensifying features and repeating cycles. WW1 set the global war theme that marks that whole century and its underlying globalizing banking and finance system—it is far from an insignificant period in war, and global financial system development that has also grown in scale as it progressed for that approximate century.

y. Giving a related but sub-climactic preview outline, for nearly 100 years of gradual intensification and overall explanation, greatly aids recognizing the main patterns (in prophecy and world events) and the further manifestations of these features and the overall cycle meaning when it finalizes in the future as a great replication of prophecy and the world events it forecasts.

The reason why prophecy repeats is because it describes the 8th King developments that also repeat. The 8th King development, since 1914 in greatly notable global form, began using repeating cyclic methods at global scale to achieve their world government objective that prophecy has been tracking as world developments that repeat in key cycles. By this a structure is as present in prophecy as in the globalist sovereign development and now reliably the final cycle of both prophecy and 8th King phasing to world government, merely repeating common 8th King methods as prophecy also repeats, can be “predicted” as a final cycle. And that “prediction” is present in BOTH the 8th King global cycle repeating intuitive features and the prophecy cycle that mirrors it.

The unique feature of real 8th King development, for example, was not just wars, which have repeated for centuries, but GLOBAL WAR which in World War 1 occurred for the first time, and that global scale of these apex global conflicts is what is unique as is the world government development they form the world presentation stage for as they resolve in cycles. The original pattern of the first world war cycle, and features from the following three (including the Cold War and the final cycle to come), have described features in prophecy.

To have globalized war there must also be globalized finance, industry, logistics and political orchestration. That support, control and profiteering system also has been growing at this unique global scale since especially 1914 marked by World War 1 and its cycle. For example, was the 1913 establishment of the privately owned Federal Reserve central banking authority in America just coincidental? And thus many other seemingly unrelated developments are also aligned for the globalist world war gravy train, also at unique global scale and global interconnectedness much of it already at supra-national levels of global authority. Thus the forming globalist tier of control gave evidence in the actual dynamics, though mostly unseen, that enabled such a military centered event as World War 1.

Along with the military and financial sector first stage boost came also the industrial giants fattened on the WW1 massive blood money booty to the tune of 200 billion dollars in early 1900’s scale nomination of the entire industrial and finance sector that was also co-enabled in all the combatant nations and many other nations supporting the “war effort” directly or indirectly driven by the same profit motive. The reparations debt allowed culturing the next world war, World War 2. Thus from that example the die was cast as to the future effects WW1 would have and much of it was financial in nature as debt managed by supra-national banking entities.

These supporting developments is the financial and industrial history of World War 1, not some “conspiracy theory”, it is what it is: WW1 was the global system foundation of progressive global domination in finance, industry and its military main profit sector and the global corporate entities that most benefited from that massive profiteering and power consolidation cycle and its repeats in WW2 (1939-1945) and the Cold War (1947-1990). Seeing a fourth cycle as necessary is now mostly intuitive and logical now, as well as prophetic and historic repeating cycles converging once again. It seems the periods between the world wars are merely a respite to recharge the profit teats of the nations for the international war bankers to milk once again, cyclically. The multi-generational time elapse in which the world wars develop over also aids the inability by many to connect the cycles as related.

Thus prophecy repeats because the 8th King has required repeating cycles, four of them in the end since 1914, to achieve their “new world order” world government objective. Prophecy guarantees they will succeed for a final period, but prophecy also forecasts their final and permanent removal by God. (Rev11:15-18); Thus the 7th King and 8th King system historic development itself marks 1914 as its incept campaign significance.

Now if one pays attention we can see why the 8th King and Bethel want to sell the “tribulation of those days” cycle to world government as if that is the end in itself. In that way global doomful expectations will distract from the true meaning and certainty of the world government presentation that will instead come with the “tribulation of those days” resolution. Premature “end of the world” “doomsday” expectations and uncertainty instead aid the final cycle effectiveness and confusions for the world government unexpected and greatly hopeful recovery instead, which hopefulness is amplified by the doomful expectations and global tribulation stressing period. Instead Jehovah’s witnesses false forecast will fail overall, the temple desolation will ensue instead, aiding discrediting the whole prophecy until the recovery clarifies prophetic and world development reality.

5. Ultimately this “four winds” is the “great tribulation” “extinction mode” potential that Jesus refers to in its ultimate sense here that is the same “four winds” parallel to develop to its termination by God and Christ after the “tribulation of those days” resolves and meets its comprehensive purpose:

(Matthew 24:21-22) for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. (by that time, after 144000 completion (Rev14:1), the chosen ones are the “great crowd”. Unlike the “tribulation of those days” that ends cyclically and naturally into the world government presentation, the “great tribulation” overall is what is “cut short” by divine judgment action.);

Ultimately the “great tribulation” is ended by God, and Christ arriving after the “tribulation of those days” expires is indication they do not “cut short” that phase of the overall “great tribulation” for much transpires after the “tribulation of those days” as it forms a global awakening context for some.

6. The “tribulation of those days” was just a prelude beginning of this unique overall “great tribulation” period, the global development used to present the 8th King world government “solution” to that global tribulation “problem”. Since the “tribulation of those days” ends even before Christ arrives that is not the “cut short” “those days” meaning. The “days will be cut short” meaning is the unnatural ending of the “great tribulation” 8th King and Satanic intended period by God and Christ as a divine “sudden destruction” judgment as the climax of God “repaying tribulation” upon the 8th King system.

a. Thus the world “peace and security” must actually transpire first under 8th King world government as well, after the “tribulation of those days” ends into that final 8th King “abyss” ascension to the pinnacle “King North” of world power.

b. This is because the danger of “no flesh would be saved” is in that final 8th King “one hour” period exacerbated by Satan and the demons also going into full global authority in the Gog of Magog parallel period. (Eze38-39); Because of these final developments, it is under the 8th King world government when the most dangerous period for mankind and all life on earth will be reached as they proclaim world “peace and security” as part of their final sovereign ascension process in this parallel “stand”:

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3 “peace and security” recovery parallel) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up (into world government), but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

7. This is how “many” can be “brought to ruin” at the same time of world “peace and security” “during a freedom from care”. This is why the “four winds” are of the same human origin “earth” as the “two horned wildbeast” and its 8th King globalized world government nightmare which will require Christ’s power to put an end to and that is also why he arrives in that same period of time, it will need to be ended.

The final phase of the “great tribulation” is the “four winds” climax under the “one hour” of complete and globalized 8th King scarlet wildbeast “power and authority”. (Rev17:11-18);

Bethel is implying the “great tribulation”, “tribulation of those days”, “four winds” and “sudden destruction” are all the same ambiguous global destruction period produced by human ruling malfeasance as the world loses control of the final development. But in fact since WW1 the entire global cycle has progressively gone under the globalizing control system which guided the former global war periods, including the Cold War, as an existing global power system merely awaiting final global presentation through a final controlled period of global stressing known as the “tribulation of those days”.

They will not “lose control” of what they have already been controlling for this purpose since WW1, they will achieve the intended objective of world government and that completion is also a divine and prophetic requirement as well to finally conglomerate a globalized rival front against God’s Kingdom in globally unified fashion. (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18) The final seizure and presentation of globalized power under 8th King world government will also enable the final objectives of that global ruling power and that is why God and Christ arrive at that critical period to personally disrupt these final objectives.

F. Bring Many to Ruin During a Freedom From Care

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he (King of Fierce Countenance as 8th King) will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand. (as can be “seen” in the global effectiveness of this whole development) And in his heart he will put on great airs (world government is the greatest “air”), and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3, “peace and security” recovery parallel) he will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7, Rev13:15-18) And against the Prince of princes he will stand up (into world government), but it will be without hand that he will be broken. (a divine action terminates the “King of Ferce Countenance”, 8th King, King North. Dan11:45; Rev19:11-21; Dan2:31-45);

1. Anyone (and groups, etc) not giving world government the authority over their lives is to be part of those potentially “brought to ruin” during the 8th King world peace period “freedom from care” “one hour” in this wildbeast 666 coercive global marking campaign principle:

(Revelation 13:16-18) And it puts under (complete world government) compulsion all persons (everyone not just Christians), the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. (the Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth control effect will be global) 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Rev14:9-11);

2. The “two witnesses” are “warred with” in this unique 8th King “bring many to ruin” period because that anointed Christian group and supporting Christians renounce the counterfeit 8th King world government abomination:

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days final warning has expired.);

3. Babylon the Great, the great world government “wild beast” supporting freeloader previously necessary to aid its sector of global confusion and divisions, will be destroyed institutionally for other reasons, not for lack of support. The main judgment on Babylon the Great is from God to be carried out by the 8th King system (Rev17:15-18) after they achieve world government also “during” that “freedom from care” Babylon the Great is one “brought to ruin” in that period:

(Revelation 18:8) That is why in one day her plagues will come (the “day” is the whole Babylon the Great judgment announcement period (1914 forward), the Rev18:9 “hour” is the actual judgment), death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire (Rev17:16), because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.

Thus to carry out such a “burned with fire” judgment that 8th King will be in complete global authority.

4. And as we see the same national sovereign absorption process of the 8th King world government culmination of Revelation 17:11-18 is also when Babylon the Great also is deposed in the same sequence deep into the final cycle. This is why this mega 8th King super-sovereign operation is the Revelation 16:12-19 6th and 7th plague parallel finality of development on Babylon the Great (prep, Rev16:12) to depose her religious sovereignty (Rev16:19) of the religious “kingdom over the kings of the earth”.

5. All sovereign contenders of the 8th King are his “bring many to ruin” targets including Babylon the Great’s religious global spiritual sovereignty:

(Revelation 17:15-18) And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. (Rev16:12) 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist 8th King power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (absorbing religious sovereignty and assets aids global recovery) 17 (sovereign globalization aids the above process:) For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. (national sovereigns giving their financial power to world government (Dan11:42-43) empowers the national need to absorb religious assets for their own recovery) 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty goes down as the national sovereignty is converging into the 8th King world government super-sovereign);

Therefore Revelation 17:11-18 is a unique prophecy, the national sovereign transference to 8th King globalized sovereignty aids the concurrent spiritual sovereign deposition fully of Babylon the Great. Thus a transformation of national and religious sovereignty globally, in approximately the same time period (hence in the same mirroring prophecy) is going to be a notable global transformation period, and it too requires a period of time.

6. Thus while some are experiencing the unique “freedom from care” as 8th King globalist world government elites and their various supporters (Matt24:36-42; Luke 17:26-30, Rev11:10, Rev18:9-18) supporting world government “power and authority”, others are in the “bring many to ruin” final 8th King global hit list. The Revelation 8:9-18 global entities have their Matthew 24:36-42 and Revelation 11:8-10 parallels of a functioning global system amidst the removal of the “two witnesses” and the removal of Babylon the Great.

7. Thus the 8th King achieves full world government in a fully functioning world system headed into a global recovery potential under 8th King massive global wealth and power. (Dan11:42-43, Isa41:1); And since final 8th King global scale objectives have enormous magnitude we could presume this will be a planned final period intending to unfold several years and by great planning if it was not “cut short”, but it will proceed the symbolic final required “one hour” of full 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” world government.

G. Active Global Wars Means “The End” Cannot Occur Yet

(Matthew 24:6) you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

(Luke 21:9) Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

There is a great clue in that prophecy that of course also relates to what 8th King world “peace and security” implies, and why when there is the final global “peace and security” claim, the “sudden destruction” does eventually arrive but not prior to that time. This prophecy will hold true that as long as global wars persist as distributed conflicts or “global wars”, “the end” is not yet.

1. The point is the 8th King world government world “peace and security” period is going to be significant in that there will finally be no “wars and reports of wars” in the sense of former national sovereign conflict. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25, Isa41:1); That completion and certainty of developments to accompany 8th King world government is assured by prophecy and is required as a worldwide sovereign completion prior to Christ’s arrival.

a. The significance of such a global statement will come in a significant period of global power transformation for “world peace” is not a light statement and it will be a in period of 8th King world power that actually will be able to “enforce” “world peace” by its own definition. The statement itself as part of guaranteed prophecy indicates it will be a global event commensurate with a great global power transition.

2. Thus by inversion of the meaning of Christ’s prophecy at Matthew 24:6, it is the “world peace” period that will enable the true end. Anything sold to people as the “end of the world” before that final 8th King sovereign “world peace” is thus a premature expectation (2Thes2:1-2) that can enable a hoax delusion instead, and those prophetic interpretations will be discredited. Since these details in prophecy are very important and not random or of no final significance, taking note of their principle meaning gives us clues regarding the 8th King world government completion;

3. In other words, in relation to Matthew 24:6, as long as global war is active, such is the case since the “Global War on Terror” continued the meaning of Daniel 11:40 since 2001 and whatever future phase is planned as well as scattered conflicts in various nations, the true end cannot come in that period of active “wars and reports of wars”. This is a very important principle to understand in Christ’s prophecy.

a. Those wars do not lead to “the end”, the world peace resolution must take place first, and that means world government must also complete first. The global war periods aid 8th King development, global psychological stressing, and world government presentation which climax development as world government is what triggers Christ’s arrival (even that event is not the immediate end, but a saving mission first).

b. The wars are a preparatory prelude to world government which must complete first, and that is why “wars and reports of wars” are not yet the end, that period expires into 8th King world government completion and its final “world peace” global sovereign climax proclamation.

c. It is complete 8th King world government that begins the true terminal phase to the end, in a global period of 8th King defined world peace that Christ’s clue implies by logic that the “no wars” period, 8th King “world peace”, enables the true end. Christ gave that clue so that war related global conditions, as bad as they may get, would not mislead Christians studying prophecy for truths of the final period. As long as wars persist the true end cannot come. The 8th King uses the war “problem” to present its final “world peace” world government “solution”.

The “tribulation of those days” can form in a period intensified by global wars, but “the end” can only come in a period of “world peace” as defined by 8th King world government as foretold to occur before the true end comes and that must develop after the “tribulation of those days” has ended for that climax world government presentation and world peace period.

4. Thus we see why the world “peace and security” statement period “whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them” is when the true end comes. By prophecy it is the climax of the “one hour” period of what will be a complete and functional world government culminating global unified defiance to God’s Kingdom among the global powers conglomerated into the 8th King system and pinnacle King North meaning.

a. The 8th King world “peace and security” statements are what will be indicating “no wars” are present in that 8th King final sovereign claim period. That is the very period Christ is implying as the “world peace” opposite global condition of Matthew 24:6 “you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars” that can then allow the true end to come and thus finish off the great clue by logically implying “world peace” is when the end arrives, not the period of climax global wars.

b. Thus reversing Christ’s logic in Matthew 24:6:

(Matthew 24:6 (inverted)) you are [not] going to hear of wars and reports of wars (implies world peace); …  [and then] the end [can come].

5. Thus the “Global War on Terror” objective is not yet “world peace”, but the global military expansion culmination of Daniel 11:40 to prepare for the final phase of global “wars and reports of wars” and the final 8th King cyclic use of global war to intensify the “tribulation of those days”. The “Global War on Terror” is the fourth stated global war (including the Cold War) that will bridge into the final cycle whose military preparations globally have been actually for such a final cycle purpose.

a. That intensification accelerates the final power consolidation phase of the 8th King globalist system (Dan11:42-43, Rev16:13-16), and develops the final global “problem” resolution context of the “tribulation of those days” to present the 8th King “world peace” “solution”. (Obscuring this logic is why Bethel also promotes a delusion now in their own ambiguous “end of the world” expectation priming campaign.)

b. This is also why Bethel now connects the “Gog of Magog” attack as the Daniel 11:44 “King North” attack parallel prematurely advancing that prophecy past the global wealth and asset globalization the 8th King system will actually accomplish next as Daniel 11:42-43. In this way Bethel can sell final cycle required “wars and reports of wars”, in global climax form, as if it is synonymous with “the end”, as if it is Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11:44, while not explaining the Daniel 8:25 and Daniel 11:44 parallel “attack” sequences come under 8th King world government dictatorial power.

c. Thus Bethel is advancing what will actually be a great hoax upon Jehovah’s witnesses by use of the premature end delusion.

Thus until an 8th King completed world government actual intended world “peace and security” by sovereign uni-polar definition actually forms, “the end” cannot arrive as per the great detail present in Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7 and Luke 21:9. Rather than be global war pandemonium to total global collapse and “the end”, it will be a cycle to resolve as the 8th King will brings in, instead, global recovery and world peace to sell the world government 666 system solution under completely different conditions than those hyped by the premature end doomsayers, like Bethel—that anxious expectation will have instead aided the final cycle, its required doomful psychology and its true nature from not being properly explained.

6. Wars as the world knew them will cease at that signal 8th King world government “peace and security” time inverting Matthew 24:6 meaning when world peace is achieved by 8th King definition by uni-polar one sided domination; and that is when “the end can come” as no wars are present or reported in former national sovereign conflict dimension and meaning. Instead 8th King “world peace” is prevailing—as is their final objectives. This is because the 8th King will control every nation on earth for their final agenda (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18) and will fully monopolize a Global NATO military system (Joel 3:9-12) at truly 100% global scale by the time Revelation 17:11-18 fully culminates.

7. Thus world war weaponry will no longer be needed for former “nation against nation” conflict, but that does not mean a final function of this technology and weaponry is not planned by the 8th King— in fact prophecy of this final period indicates they due have a final agenda. (Rev13:16-18, Dan11:44-45, Dan8:25, Rev11:7); It just means the global weapons and technology system will not be available for former national sovereign protection and expansion use if now no nation has sovereign power and “King North” has pawned them all. (Rev17:11-18, Dan11:42-43). Instead the globalized weapons system can then be directed for its final function use by a final sole 8th King global power and final agenda.

a. Speculations as to some of the elements of that agenda are present in global research as certain planetary burdens obviously must be reduced, not increased, or this opportunity would be lost if the current planetary trajectory merely continued unchecked. Controlled human depopulation to allow natural system repopulation is really not so illogical, in fact it seems inherently necessary in the Adamic global management model. And now we get “signs in sun, moon and stars” hints from the system itself as to the potential duality to form in this actual uni-polar world government period.

b. As we see the question is how and why is there a “bring many to ruin” mode, yet a “freedom from care” world “peace and security” occurring at the same time?

(Daniel 8:25b)  And in his heart he will put on great airs, and during a freedom from care (1Thess5:1-3) he (8th King) will bring many to ruin. (Dan11:44-45; Rev11:7)

8. It is because the 8th King has a final agenda as already outlined in prophecy that will be aided when uni-polarity is actually reached and globally functional. We have to keep in mind Satan has his own singular agenda which will affect everything to the degree permitted when it also matures fully with the 8th King uni-polarity. In fact there are even global researchers who have revealed some of the “signs seen” of such an agenda potential and some areas already of global concern needing a fuller addressing.

a. But the prophecy actually gets specific on certain entities in the “bring many to ruin” list guaranteed to develop after 8th King uni-polar power is reached.

9. Two entities that are to be “brought to ruin” indicated in prophecy specifically are the “two witnesses” (Rev11:7-10) and ” Babylon the Great”; (Rev17:15-18, Rev8:8-19) yet others are generalized here:

(Revelation 13:15) And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast (the world government UN related nucleus), so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.

(Revelation 13:16-18) And it puts under (complete world government) compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. (the Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth control effect will be global) 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

10. Thus while meeting a true “world peace” by 8th King definition and uni-polar power (1Thess5:1-3; Dan8:25), it is also logically the most dangerous period of all human history because human 8th King systems will be in total control of that former military system globalized and by then even further in technological advancement. (Rev19:19-21); Thus as bad as the controlled “tribulation of those days” becomes, the more ominous period develops after the “tribulation of those days” resolves under the 8th King world government final period.

a. Plus Satan and the demons will have their most complete access to human power as Gog of Magog unified over and with the global 8th King conglomeration also identified in this unique period and demonic role for a purpose, as the parallel of the final cycle ending. (Eze38:7); The interesting aspect of King North and Gog of Magog power is they both can include the Satanic “Dragon” “King” “from the remotest parts of the north” as part of their final meaning as they are more general in description than the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” whose Satanic “seven headed” guiding counterpart is the “dragon” in that prophetic development sequence. (Rev12, 13, 17);

11. That is how the Daniel 8:25 “bring many to ruin” can proceed concurrent with, that is “during a freedom from care” of 8th King proclaimed “world peace” under world government. And that is how the Daniel 8:25 developments and its parallel “in order to devote many to destruction” of Daniel 11:44, progressing into or in this world government totality “palatial tents” period, can bring the “two witnesses” (Rev11:7) and eventually Babylon the Great and any world government opposers or undesirables “to ruin” at the same time as the final world government presentation and its global “world peace” proclamations. (Dan11:44-45; Rev16:16-18):

(Daniel 11:44-45) . . .“But there will be reports (Rev10-11 “little scroll” recovered ministry messages) that will disturb him (8th King going into world government totality), out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage (Dan8:25; Rev11:7) in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. (Dan8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” parallel with 1Thess5:1-3 world “peace and security” period of 8th King world government placement (Dan12:11 final fulfillment); And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

a. That it is the intent of “in order to” “annihilate and devote many to destruction” is indication the full objective is not met, but the attempt will be made and will reach the prophetically indicated targets but the complete objective will be “cut short”.

12. The 8th King can be in a mode of selective destructions while at the same time proclaiming “world peace” recovering nations into 8th King world government for those who will willingly, or by coercion, accept the “666” “mark” for recovery. (Rev14:9-12, Rev13:16-18); Their “two horned wildbeast” master engineers of world government already have the “lamb-like” world peace “horns” claims and veneer (Dan8:25a), yet “speak”, are actually purposeful, as the “dragon’s” puppets of destruction. Thus such hypocrisy typifies these imperfect human rulers and that at maximum duality.

(Daniel 8:25a) And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand.

13. Therefore it is no surprise the 8th King can be planning and carrying out some form of depopulation operations at global scale, while also proclaiming “world peace everyone!”. It is already in the nature of this “insightful” “master of intrigue” of global government expert hoodwinkers, who “cause deception to succeed in their hand” in Daniel 8:25a precursor to the “freedom from care”, to pull off such a global duality.

14. As long as there are “wars and reports of wars” the true end cannot arrive. Thus the “tribulation of those days” cycle while active, must include the final global national and religious sovereign conflict based “wars and reports of wars” to also be active globally, so it cannot be the period “the end” manifests in. It cannot be the true “peace and security” period even if a hoax statement arises prematurely.

a. Christ makes this explicit connection for a reason because people can ascertain this logic by world military events, or eventual lack thereof, in their own time, live and real-time – as long as war persists “the end” is not truly enabled:

(Matthew 24:6) You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

(Luke 21:9) Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

15. That is why the world “peace and security” true global statement period under 8th King world government is so significant. It is the signal development that defines no “wars and reports of wars” as a global condition that will be known by the globe because it is a global world government key proclamation of “world peace” empowered by that global world government super-sovereign uni-polar power actuality completed.

It is under 8th King world government world “peace and security”, when NO ” wars and reports of wars” are “heard of” because they are inactive, that the true ominous “the end” signal period will be reached enabling the true “end” “can come”, the prerequisite “world peace” is met.

16. Thus 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 and Matthew 24:6 inverted in meaning are two peas in an 8th King world government pod, they are completely related in ultimate meaning. This is because under 8th King world government the national sovereign authority will have been dominated to the degree of suppressing former sovereign wars globally, because no more former national sovereigns will have sovereignty to project or protect, the 8th King will control it all; thus no “wars and reports of wars”.

a. And therefore their final sovereign “peace and security” proclamation period can also come forth in final true form in actually complete and globally authoritative 8th King world government’s apex global sovereign “false prophet” statement as the “new world order” 8th King masterpiece and its own definition of “world peace”. And this is why this signal prophecy is given at 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 as logically related to Matthew 24:6.

17. This is also a recovery period commencing (Isa41:1), so the natural global war cycle would also be ending for the classic recovery phase. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8, Rev17:11-18); By inverting Christ’s logic at Matthew 24:6 when no wars exist, that is when the end can really come, when there are “[no] wars or reports of wars” but instead world “peace and security” by 8th King sovereign definition. Then the real “end” can come.

18. That is also why the “peace and security” 8th King sovereign proclamation period is the one signalling the true God backed “sudden destruction” upon that system that must develop to the climax after world government is complete, stated and globally present in “palatial tents” meaning. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan11:45, Dan8:25); The “tribulation” in either “tribulation of those days” form or the all encompassing “great tribulation” is not the “sudden destruction” of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3. The “sudden destruction” is a divine judgment, the “sudden destruction” is destruction from divine powers of God and Christ truly “cutting short the days” (Matt24:21-22) of the “great tribulation”. Thus is also not the “tribulation of those days” ending, which end comes even before Christ arrives. (Matt24:29-31);

19. The “sudden destruction to be instantly upon them” is what “cuts short the days”, that unnaturally terminates the 8th King and their final “great tribulation” selective destruction operations. The “sudden destruction” ends the “great tribulation”; it had not naturally ended it was “cut short”. The “sudden destruction” is not the “great tribulation” itself, the “great tribulation” is all 8th King “four winds of the earth” activity, that “earth” symbolizes human origination. The “great tribulation” is ended by God even after the “tribulation of those days” is ended by the 8th King as their world government presenting cycle and global “world peace” producing platform period well prior to the complete end.

H. The Great Tribulation

The overall “great tribulation” is dual phased. The “great tribulation” meaning is in its “tribulation of those days” initial phase and its “four winds” final phase meaning as a whole period as shown in prophetic cross reference and the true nature of the final cycle leading to 8th King world government first.

The “tribulation of those days” includes the temple judgment, and the first six trumpets and plagues as a period of global awakening for some as to the true significance of that initial “tribulation of those days” “great tribulation” period. The “tribulation of those days”, thus the first phase of the “great tribulation”, starts with the temple judgment “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 in its spiritual significance. The “tribulation of those days” ends in spiritual terms with the final 1260 day warning period “trampling” of Revelation 11:1-7. That second “two witnesses” will be concluding as the 8th King “wildbeast” “ascends from the abyss” in final form into world government.

Thus the rest of the “great tribulation” broader comprehensive meaning takes place in the Daniel 12:11 final 1290 day period of the Messianic Kingdom co-completion developments as the 8th King world government “four winds” are released in their no longer being “held tight”, that is held back, by God’s angelic powers.

The 8th King world government completion will precede the Christ arrival that must come as the final prelude symbolic period ends in the post-two-witnesses “three and a half day” “death” state expiring (Rev11:10) and with it comes the seventh plague “air” arrival of Christ in the seventh plague. (Rev16:17); And that leads to the final seventh trumpet enabling 144000 (Rev11:11-12), Messianic Kingdom and Christ final coronation completion.

The seventh trumpet is the full completion and eventual conquest of the Messianic Kingdom under Christ the “King of kings” and “Lord of lords” and that conquest totality is what ends the “great tribulation” “cutting short the days”. (Matt24:21-22);

1. Thus in the greater context of the “great tribulation” final phase, which must have a post “tribulation of those days” final world government, its signal “world peace” (1Thess5:1-3) and 8th King selective one-sided “four winds” destructions going on at the same time (Dan8:25), we can see the greater final deliverance phase of Jesus Christ also develops, and this actually drawn out final cycle, is why “the end does not occur immediately”. (Matt24:6, Luke21:9);

a. Even after the “tribulation of those days” period, as the 8th King is assuming total world power, the final “sheep sweep” to secure the “sheep” first, in the detail of Matthew 24:29-31 (Matt25:31-46, Rev14:14-16), within its parallel final Daniel 12:11 timed period active, is being identified by God for important reasons. It is also being covered over by 8th King aligned Bethel for their own important reasons.

But in any event, rather than sneak in on an incomplete 8th King, God and Christ will instead give them full and fair warning and that in great detail with an extended final cycle already laid out fully in the prophecy as predominantly a replication in final fulfillment. Ironically but candidly, it is Jehovah’s witnesses who get the divine surprise inspection and “visitation” instead (Zech3:1-3, Mal3:1-2, 2Thes2:8), and that first on the divine agenda. (1Pet4:17);

2. This overall “great tribulation”, in dual phasing development, is the final set of world developments as a cycle to produce and eventually be under (aided by three former cycles and the final cycle “tribulation of those days” consolidation stressings), 8th King world government full “four winds” authority that must occur as they are also, in the process, monopolizing all global military weapons and systems potential power. In the process of that world government globalization in the military sector, Global NATO will become the world government military nucleus and interlocked controlling network system of all the related global martial systems also absorbed into that world government “world peace” force monopoly.

All that global military power falling under an “8th King” sole world power and final agenda is why this period becomes ominous as that develops for real as the “tribulation of those days” is ending. That national sovereign wars ending in that 8th King enforced “peace and security” frees up that global weapons system for a unique final one-sided function is also ominous.

3. Thus in reality it took the post 1990 3rd UN placement (Dan11:29-31, Dan8:23) and well documented worldwide globalization (Dan11:40-41, Rev16:13-16) objective acceleration, as part of the further groundwork of the “new world order” actual global administrative infrastructure, to make the uncommented prophecy at Bethel actually take on enormous meaning beyond the 1945 2nd UN placement. Those twenty four years of Bethel silence actually contain the geometric expansion of the whole globalized system going truly international in scope as the most significant period since WW1.

4. The 2nd UN placement and cycle marked foundational expansions in global finance, military, technological and global political organizations now crystallizing into post Cold War cycle supra-national administrations now forming the final stages of the world government super-structure and yet Bethel identifies none of these globalist organizations and many known globalization developments of special note, even to the world and its researchers, as having any significance to prophecy and 8th King preparations for the final cycle. Of course apostate and impostor ridden Bethel is not going to detail and explain the final cycle in prophecy and guaranteed 8th King centered global developments which would now also include their own apostasy and treason co-development.

5. The point is when the third UN placement of 1990, and the fourth final UN cycle to come, and 3rd and 4th 8th King UN cycle related progress, could be explained as prophecy with world developmental evidence, Bethel plays dumb to the degree it is undeniable that delusion aiding coma is purposeful to aid the 8th King secrecy and to sell Jehovah’s witnesses the premature end hoax in the idea the “tribulation of those days” is as good as “the end”.

a. Instead major world government finalizing events beginning a final cycle are what will unfold as a global context forming for several final years. It is into that period of the final cycle and its global developments (Dan11:42-43) that  the JW organization (Rev8:3-5) will be swallowed up (Dan8:13) and that will leave Jehovah’s witnesses in a climax period progressing (Dan11:42-45) with no valid insight or explanations for some time. (Dan8:14); Instead Jehovah’s witnesses will be “obeying” a fully compromised global organizational system for their own potential captures and other apostate induced and 8th King aided mayhem upon the Bethel corporations.

Instead 8th King world government arrives before Christ arrives.

b. Instead the “tribulation of those days” will resolve (Matt24:29) into that 8th King final world government presentation. Instead Jehovah’s witnesses will have gone through the temple judgment unbeknownst to most for quite some time (Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3, Matt12:39) to begin the “tribulation of those days” (Dan8:13 “trampling”) and now have the apostate modern “man of lawlessness” at Bethel (Zech3:1-3, 2Thess2:1-4) bypassing the whole 3rd to 4th UN placement prophecy in Daniel 8:23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45.

c. Instead the whole fourth cycle will have just begun and all the detail in the prophecy will be unknown for some time to Jehovah’s witnesses. Instead God will require a final phase of witnessing when the final warning recovery begins as that temple judgment ends. (Rev10:11);

d. Thus Bethel is selling this premature end scenario to conceal what will actually be temple judgment “trampling” events of Daniel 8:13-14 (Zech3:2) on the JW organizational global sector in the context of 8th King backed global events that will impress in the JW mind, by aid of the Bethel delusions and misapplications, that “the end” terminal events are what is unfolding. Thus for some period into the “tribulation of those days” starting (1Pet4:17) Jehovah’s witnesses will have a deeply ingrained false expectation guiding their perceptions.

6. That “tribulation of those days” first phase of the “great tribulation” is designed not just to throw JWs off course fully, but to also bewilder the world, as in WW1’s same principle, for the confusion of the period that will see a final warning that must emerge (Rev9-11) to attempt to bury that final ministerial warning and understanding. (Rev10:5-11); The confusion on Jehovah’s witnesses in that period is also designed to attempt to permanently disrupt the required clarifications that must become public. (Rev10:11);

7. Thus much prophecy and world developmental information is being bypassed by Bethel as they keep Jehovah’s witnesses in a 1980 level of prophecy, and modern 8th King and globalism ignorance even predating 1960. There is no greater mental fossil walking earth today than “stuck in the past” modern Jehovah’s witnesses in no way like the early insightful Christian pioneers of the ministry prior to 1969. Bethel is the lead lobotomizing system that has produced today’s JW version of dated reality in world development and prophetic development and that critical inter-relationship of the two that forms true prophetic insight.

Now by the prophecy and 8th King developmental formula seen for a century of repeating cycles and methods we can understand the final cycle is actually highly detailed in prophecy.

Instead the “tribulation of those days” resolves into 8th King world government and that period progresses into the final 8th King and Satanic agenda as the final portion of the “great tribulation” as that “held tight” “four winds” period being released to full 8th King “one hour” of final global reigning authority.

8. Therefore when the “tribulation of those days” ends into a far more dangerous period for some under 8th King globalized military power, that is the terminal period, at its end (Dan12:11), when God and Christ begin their final assault on the 8th King now in truly “great tribulation” potential after having secured the final “sheep” worldwide:

(2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to (a period of “tribulation” on the 8th King system prior to the complete end. Rev6:12-17, Amos9:1-3) repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you (ultimately the great tribulation end), 7 but, to you who suffer tribulation (survivors of “tribulation” in any form), relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels…

Thus from the divine standpoint the “tribulation of those days” purpose was to provide a prophetically and world developmentally necessary period to awaken the final sheep and potential sheep to what is really going on well before the final Messianic Kingdom wave of destruction comes upon the 8th King.

9. That is the end of the 8th King and their “great tribulation”, yet that climax conquest is preceded by a global time period because there is quite the series of milestones that come after the “tribulation of those days” ends (Matt24:29), including the rise of world government fully upon the sovereign compromise of the national powers. (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18) At some point the counterfeit 8th King “full house” gets called as the Messianic Kingdom “Royal Flush” 144001 arrive to end the 8th King game in a period of open manifestation. Though it is unknown in precise detail, at some point the 8th King “jokers” knows it is the end, well before it ends. (Dan11:44, Rev6:12-17) A great purpose of the plagues and God allowing the “tribulation of those days” to climax will have been to awaken some people to reality. (Rev11:13);

2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 contains great detail of a final period of time that results in the absolute end of 8th King rule and their global devices. It has several prophetic parallels adding detail to the meaning.

a. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 merely bypasses the detail of Christ’s arrival with the angels for the sheep securement at Matthew 24:29-31 to cut to the chase of the complete end of that entire sequence already shown to have more events to finalize prior to the complete end. The secured sheep are those who “regard” God and Christ “in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith” in that open manifestation as friends of the true Kingdom power of planet Earth.

b. The 8th King, on the other hand, will be looking for good hiding places they have prepared in global bunkers and technologically aided escape plans as Revelation 6:12-17 has its final Amos 9:1-3 parallel upon the 8th King “let the mountains and to the rock-masses…fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne” hiding places the core controlling elite systems have prepared:

(Amos 9:1-3) I saw Jehovah stationed above the altar, and he proceeded to say: “Strike the pillar head, so that the thresholds will rock. And cut them off at the head, all of them. And the last part of them I shall kill with the sword itself. No one fleeing of them will make good his flight, and no one escaping of them will make his getaway. 2 If they (1) dig down into Sheol, from there my own hand will take them; and if they (2) go up to the heavens, from there I shall bring them down. 3 And if they (3) hide themselves on the top of Carmel, from there I shall carefully search and be certain to take them. And if they (4) conceal themselves from in front of my eyes on the floor of the sea, down there I shall command the serpent, and it must bite them.

c. Thus all “four” 8th King escape potentials are to be overcome and that implies a time period and a global scope angelic operation in which there is no place even in the universe in which to hide. The temple judgment preview of that global judgment assured finality, on the Bethel “a system of things” first (1Pet4:17), will have done likewise to the surviving temple enemies expelled and fleeing the Jehovah’s witnesses system at the end of the temple judgment cycle of Daniel 8:14 a number of years before the true end. (Isa66:6, Rev9:1-4, Hos1:4-7):

(Isaiah 66:6) There is a sound of uproar out of the city, a sound out of the temple! It is the sound of Jehovah repaying what is deserved to his (temple trespassing) enemies (and apostates. Rev9:4, 11-15).

In the end, none of the enemies now in the JW ministry as impostors and apostates, if remaining unrepentant, will escape. God will then go into their “house” for the Christ coup-de-grace, as Amos’ prophecy from God explicitly describes.

(Zechariah 9:8) And I will encamp (in earth’s vicinity, Zech1:8-21, Zech6:1-8) as an outpost for my house, so that there will be no one passing through and no one returning; and there will no more pass through them a taskmaster, for now I have seen [it] with my eyes. (close proximity guard watch);

d. Thus we now know this actual period is drawn out and very significant global objectives of “sheep” securement are taking place first when Christ arrives. The whole global tribulation period is in climax form from “those who cause tribulation for you” in the 8th King system and those under its control.

10. This is why the “it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you” is also Revelation 6:12-17 effects of Christ’s arrival on a consciously aware 8th King system as the divine tribulation God repays psychologically first, climaxes in “sudden destruction” “instantly upon them”. The final “two witnesses” will have reminded the 8th King of what is guaranteed to arrive.

a. The period reaching that culmination is actually in a functional world system under world government when God “repays tribulation” in other forms prior to final destruction. (Amos9:1-3);

b. Revelation 11:10, Revelation 18:9-19, Matt24:36-42 , and Revelation 6:12-17 all show a functioning world system is operating as Christ arrives (Ps110:2) and it must be under a completed 8th King world government in its active “one hour” of rival reign. As this explains below, that period of God “repaying tribulation” is in the 8th King system psychological awareness first, they will know who just showed up in that Matthew 24:29,30-31 parallel:

(Revelation 6:12-17) And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred (foregleam of Christ’s arrival); and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, (Matt24:29 parallel) as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places. 15 And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. (Am9:1-3, symbolic of human escape and defense systems) 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (thus this Matt24:29-31, Rev11:11-12 parallel period, in Dan 12:11 period in progress, is a drawn out period of full psychological awareness as that paralleling the post Christ arrival and 144000 completion Revelation 14:1-16 sequence);

11. Now we know from Revelation 19:19-21 that psychological duress above instead motivates another sector of 8th King power in “the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army “. Thus not everyone is running off and hiding as the aloof elites have others actually fight their battles, and this one is no different in that way. And that is in the final 8th King “one hour” going to the wire. (Rev17:12); Thus the “tribulation of those days” will mark the first in a series of great global changes that have a psychological precursor to the ultimate changes actually coming and the supernatural events that will accompany those final manifestations of Satan (Eze38:7) and Christ in their full systems of power in final confrontation as things intensify along this final timeline.

Thus in various ways yet to be revealed people see strange events and transformations only get stranger and stranger as the whole final cycle runs its course. Those kinds of worldly and supernatural developments, creating a global awareness for better or worse globally for the first time in human history upon every man, woman and child of earth in one single period of time, is what will help some people to make their final salvation decision.

This is because all people, at varying degrees of awareness, will be confronting the reality of God, Christ, all the holy angels and all the 144000 in the full Messianic Kingdom and Kingdom of God, confronting Satan, all his demon angels and world government in open defiance and resistance all going into head-to-head confrontation for final universal scope battle over the skies and into the realm of planet Earth—Armageddon divine war phase “ground zero” of the Kingdom arrival.

a. Thus we have a highly detailed glimpse of that final sequence (Dan11:42-45, Rev8-11, Rev15-16), and we know it is not the over-simplified Bethel deluding concoction as they will be removed to open the way to a full explanation.

The Bethel temple judgment pyre lights the way to the first realization of final cycle prophecy activated. (Zech3:2, Rev8:3-5, Eze10);

b. The eventual Bethel “a system of things” “weed” pyre organizational conflagration (Hos1:4-7) of the temple judgment in itself will be a great signal milestone  (Matt13::36-42, Zech3:2, Rev8:3-5, Eze10), prior to the ministerial recovery that will fully explain it. (Rev8:7-12); And obviously when that “two witnesses” final warning and exposition finally goes forth fully (Rev10:11), it will be the “little scroll” sovereign Kingdom contents that is most “disturbing” to the 8th King “King North” world government system. (Dan11:44-45); (The “seated” 8th King rump won’t warm the global throne for long though—it will be for “one hour” symbolic of full 8th King rule  (Rev17:12), then “it is to go off into destruction”. (Rev17:8, Rev19:19-21, Dan2:31-45));

And that main “little scroll” 8th King “disturbance” ignites the final attack parallels of Daniel 11:44-45, Daniel 8:25, Revelation 11:7, Ezekiel 38, Joel3:9-17 and Revelation 19:19-21 as it progresses from “two witnesses” ministerial cessation (Rev11:7-10) and world government, to Christ’s arrival (Rev11:11-12) to full Messianic Kingdom conquest (Rev11:15-19) over that final actually drawn out period unwinding fully as per prophecy.

Thus as shown the “two witnesses” must be deposed to enable the 144000 completing arrival of Christ as the “four winds” is in the Revelation 14 period of also Babylon the Great’s judgment from which some final “sheep” come forth from that milestone judgment which itself is not the absolute end yet. (Rev18:9-18); All in all God will be using every milestone and judgment revealed to secure more sheep in the process to final world judgment.

12. Thus the “four winds of the earth” parallel “great tribulation” final phase is not from God though used by Him, it is from the same “earth” system the 8th King soon fully controls globally for that final world government period:

(Revelation 7:1) After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth

13. But as we see in that final 8th King “hour” and “four winds” Christ also arrives:

(Matthew 24:31) And he will send forth his angels.. they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds

14. And that is because a deliverance from that “four winds”, also in global foursquare compete meaning, will be necessary at such time. That is in the same period of “world peace” and concurrent 8th King “bring many to ruin” that, in the full world government phase of the cycle, is when the “four winds” are no longer angelically “held tight”, that is delayed—the 8th King is permitted to release their final agenda actual “four winds” actions and it will progress for some time to define the 8th King symbolic “one hour” of full and complete global government authority.

a. That is the post 8th King world government presentation period that Christ delivers the final “sheep” from globally in that “four winds” parallel period. That deliverance is prior to the final conquest as the Messianic Kingdom “body” defining 144000 completion still must finalize in this final segway just prior to Christ’s full King-Priest coronation on a complete Messianic Kingdom.

After that “sheep” securing process begins in earnest under complete Messianic Kingdom power global earthling “sheep” go under Kingdom protection. (Zech2:5, Zech12:6-9);

b. Thus the period is actually “successful” (Dan8:24, Dan11:36) for the 8th King world government objective and must transpire the full meaning of the “one hour” of that 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” global reign. But as we see in the prophecy, Christ has his own priorities of which 8th King termination is the last task along with Satan’s abyssing. (Rev19:11-21, Rev20:1-3); Thus in actual final cycle reality, every milestone and global event will be also used to awaken those who can be saved, the entire development is taken to the salvation wire to save people first, even through global events of “Biblical proportions” and salvation must be open and available the whole time prior to the absolute end of the globalized 8th King predator.

15. First Christ is extracting “we the living“, “those who are surviving“, of the 144000 remnant out of that period to complete the Messianic Kingdom first, to oversee the full earth “sheep” gathering. And this is the same “four winds”, beyond the “tribulation of those days” meaning below, for the “tribulation of those days” ended prior to this “gathering” from the active “four winds” and this too is not the end yet, it is just the beginning of the “four winds” and 8th King “one hour”:

(Matthew 24:31) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of the earth; Rev7:1), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both anointed and earthling “sheep” collected at worldwide scope);

(Mark 13:27) And then he will send forth the angels and will gather his chosen ones together from the (8th King inspired) four winds (Rev7:1), from earth’s extremity (earth sheep) to heaven’s extremity. (heavenly sheep);

Thus the “four winds” is the “great tribulation” final phase, it occurs after the “tribulation of those days” has resolved as the final sealing is complete in Revelation 7:1-8, as the final ministry (Rev10:5-11) is completed, proving the final anointed sealing by affirmation from God (2Tim4:8) of the final “two witnesses” anointed members in that final “tribulation of those days” testing period, and proving the process as prophecy. The 8th King will fully complete world government and target the world government resisters and undesirables (Rev13:15-18), also marked by the “tribulation of those days” ending; That is the critical global period Christ arrives into.

16. The parallel to that “gather his chosen ones together from the four winds” period above and the 144000 completion is here:

(1 Thessalonians 4:17) Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds (Matt24:30, Rev11:12) to meet the Lord in the air…

(Revelation 11:7, 11-13) And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (of the tribulation of those days) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. … 11 And after the (symbolic last period prior to Christ’s arrival) three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet (earthly focused manifestation first, Matt13:43, Dan12:3, Zech12:6), and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: “Come on up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud (Matt24:30), and their enemies beheld them. (Ps110:2) 13 And in that hour a great earthquake occurred (144000 completion “quake”), and a tenth of the city fell (some repent from Babylon the Great yet existent as the “great city”); and seven thousand persons were killed (general earthling repentance group) by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. (many others realize the manifestation friend and foe);

17. That all precedes the “7th Trumpet” Messianic Kingdom completion and final Christ crowning and eventual final conquest phase. The full 144000 completion enables those final completions (Rev10:5-7) by the full Messianic Kingdom completion and of course the final Kinging of Jesus Christ as the total universal “King of kings” of the Messianic Kingdom (then 144000 complete) and its global earth domain and all creation as the “Kingdom of the World”:

(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (The Messianic Kingdom’s sovereign focus is planet Earth and the universe; Gen1:26-28, Rom8:18-22, Matt19:28);

18. The Revelation 19:11 “triumphal entry” of the “white [Armageddon war phase] horse” is the Messianic Kingdom crowning symbol and Christ descending for full battle on the complete and fully warned 8th King system. As we see in addition to the Revelation 6:1-2 1914 crowning of Christ in God’s Kingdom, this is the second “triumphal entry” signifying Christ’s final Messianic Kingdom crowning to complete the whole process:

(Revelation 19:11-16) And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword (this is the close range “sword” weapon, the Rev6:1-2 Christ “white horse” prophecy uses the “bow” symbol of Christ’s then long range “warfare” since 1914 in heavenly Kingdom power now finalizing in the Messianic Kingdom arrival), that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. (Rev14:17-20, Joel 3:12-17) 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

19. Then the 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 parallel of Revelation 19:19-21 can complete in the final Messianic Kingdom conquest:

(Revelation 11:18) But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

20. That final deliverance is the “great tribulation” ending final end:

(Revelation 7:9-13) After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.” 11 And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying: “Amen! The blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength [be] to our God forever and ever. Amen.” 13 And in response one of the elders said to me: “These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?”

21. The “tribulation of those days” ends into the Christ “gathering” “from the four winds”. The “come out of the great tribulation” shows an active “great tribulation” is what one would “come out” of.

(Revelation 7:14-17) So right away I said to him: “My lord, you are the one that knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, (from the “four winds” prelude of Rev7:1-4, Matt24:31) and they have washed their robes (existing lives) and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. (Since the “Kingdom comes” “down out of heaven” all these things are accessible to human “sheep” on earth. Rev21:1-5,10); 16 They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the (7th King or 8th King) sun beat down upon them nor any scorching heat, 17 because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. (are not perfected yet, require more guidance. Rev22:1-3, Eze47); And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.” (Rev21:1-5);

I. Determining the “Four Winds of the Earth” Release Enabling Final Sealing Meaning

The final anointed affirmation “sealing” must take place through a second “two witnesses” ministerial completion through the “tribulation of those days” (Rev11:1-7) to the divine acceptance of that final Kingdom warning ministry and its final timed period completed as known by God. (Rev11:1-10); Thus this “tribulation of those days” period provides the final affirmation sealing period of Revelation 7:1-4 significance before the final “great tribulation” “four winds” phase starts as the “tribulation of those days” has ended. (Matt24:29-31);

By a number of these logical connections we can determine why the “four winds” also breaks forth after the “tribulation of those days” has ended in some approximate concurrent fashion. Given the severity of the Bethel subversion of final truth and their anti-Kingdom and anti-Christian discrediting campaign within the ministry, eventually being removed and exposed, some final first anointings may also be freed up from the current decades long progressive Bethel apostasy.

But the “tribulation of those days” will provide the final mission (Rev10:5-11) anointed affirmation “sealing” period of the required final ministerial Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation. (Rev11:2-3);

Thus it is logical, scriptural and prophetic to understand the final cycle (Dan11:42-45) is providing the global context for completing all these finalities to wrap up with the world system and Christ’s arrival and universal conquest— and that it will be made known in complete form in the process (Rev10:5-11) as it progresses into Bethel’s removal and the meaning (Rev8:7-12) of the temple judgment. (Rev8:3-5, Dan8:14, 1Pet4:17);

Thus the temple judgment beginning the spiritual significance of the “tribulation of those days” is prophetic and logical to begin the whole overall process by judging Bethel’s apostasy (2Thess2:10-12), neutralizing it and exposing it as part of the overall exposé for it begins the whole final prophetic cycle in earnest. The apostasy and 8th King cover-up also ties in with the 3rd UN presentation of 1990 (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23a), the Bethel apostasy (Dan11:30-32a) and their 8th King allied UN NGO earmark and central Bethel “disgusting thing” (Matt24:15) in addition to the overriding Governing Body idol cult that the subversion formed through.

The 3rd UN placement in Daniel 11:29-31 and Daniel 8:23 is a continuum to the 4th UN placement as world government (Dan11:45, Dan8:25) in the Daniel 8:23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45 whole 3rd-to4th-UN placement continuum prophecy. (Dan11:36);

(John 6:27) Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you; for upon this one the Father, even God, has put his seal [of approval].

1. Of course to seal all 144000 from inception to completion the anointing has to first occur and be complete in all 144000, at some point in this development, and then the testing arises (Luke 22:31) as has been the case with individual Christians since Pentecost of 33 CE began the anointing and sealing process as prophetically marked. Not everyone who was anointed was sealed in affirmation:

(Matthew 22:14) 14 “For there are many invited, but few chosen.”

a. Many also fail to comprehend or reject the anointing opportunity altogether:

(John 1:9-13) The true light that gives light to every sort of man was about to come into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world came into existence through him, but the world did not know him. 11 He came to his own home, but his own people did not take him in. 12 However, as many as did receive him, to them he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name; 13 and they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.

(John 12:42-43) All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in him, but because of the Pharisees they would not confess [him], in order not to be expelled from the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory of men more than even the glory of God.

b. While others “press forward” and seize it:

(Matthew 11:12) But from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it.

(1 Corinthians 11:28-29) First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and thus let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup. 29 For he that eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment against himself if he does not discern the body.

(1 Corinthians 1:26-29) For you behold his calling of you, brothers, that not many wise in a fleshly way were called, not many powerful, not many of noble birth; 27 but God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put the strong things to shame; 28 and God chose the ignoble things of the world and the things looked down upon, the things that are not, that he might bring to nothing the things that are, 29 in order that no flesh might boast in the sight of God.

2. Revelation 7:1-4 Full Affirmation Sealing Meaning

a. The significance of the Revelation 7:1-4 final anointed remnant sealing is that it is a final affirmation meaning. The final sealing is beyond just the initial anointed sealing as will be shown below. This sealing is an affirmation final seal in completed form of the last of the 144000 remnant preceding the “four winds”:

(Revelation 7:3) “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.”

b. These sealings below are the initial anointing meaning:

(Ephesians 1:13-14) By means of him also, after you believed, you were sealed with the promised holy spirit, 14 which is a token in advance of our inheritance, for the purpose of releasing by a ransom [God’s] own possession, to his glorious praise.

(1 John 2:20-21) And you have an anointing from the holy one (God); all of you have knowledge. 21 I write you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie originates with the truth.

(1 John 2:27) And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but, as the anointing from him is teaching you about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain in union with him.

(2 Corinthians 1:22) He has also put his seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come, that is, the spirit, in our hearts.

3. Like with even Jesus Christ’s baptism and anointing (Matthew 3:16-17) a mission must be completed through individual testing. Thus that original anointing requires a vigilance to remain faithful to the “faith of Jesus” as he was faithful in all things to God. (Rev14:12); Thus one will be tested when trying to obey God, and one will be tested as an anointed Christian and faith is the thing tested:

(Luke 22:31-32) “Simon, Simon, look! Satan has demanded to have you men to sift you as wheat. 32 But I have made supplication for you that your faith may not give out; and you, when once you have returned, strengthen your brothers.”

a. Thus being anointed is just the beginning of the process.

4. Now Paul’s ministry is an example of one anointed Christian’s life, ministry mission and testing to his own affirmation realization not present by just being anointed. We see although Paul was originally anointed aided by miraculous revelation as well (Acts26:12-18), he still did not at at this time have a “deeds performed fully before my God” (Rev3:2) affirmation sealing as a personally felt awareness of the final full “sealing” as yet here:

(Philippians 3:13-14) Brothers, I do not yet consider myself as having laid hold on [it]; but there is one thing about it: Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead, 14 I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus.

5. But as Paul has in time “run the course to the finish” and “observed the faith” fully, his personal affirmation was “sealed” by God to the irreversible degree and to the inner awareness of that certainty, and this is the affirmation of the sealing as faithful by undeserved kindness and carrying out the faith:

(2 Timothy 4:5-8) You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do [the] work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. 6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the due time for my releasing is imminent. 7 I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. 8 From this time (the affirmation from God) on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation.

6. Thus Paul’s own self awareness of the certainty of approval had a finality of completion, the affirmation of the anointed sealing.

7. The eventual “crown of righteousness” certainty from God at some point in a tested anointed Christian’s development, in a Christian that remains faithful to the faith, is part of the process. But it requires continued faithfulness and the faith in “undeserved kindness” at the same time and that cooperation and faithfulness works together. (Rom6-8); “God’s free gift”  is what eventually brings the affirmation of “those who continue loving him” by passing the various “trials” after the anointing.

(1 Peter 1:6-7) In this fact you are greatly rejoicing, though for a little while at present, if it must be, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 in order that the tested quality of your faith, of much greater value than gold that perishes despite its being proved by fire, may be found a cause for praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

a. Though imperfect, effort must be extended and Christ’s sacrifice of perfect human being is what makes the legal acceptance by God possible and makes the final approval also possible:

(James 1:12) Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life, which Jehovah promised to those who continue loving him.

8. That “becoming approved” is the final sealing meaning of Revelation 7:1-4 as the final approved Kingdom member designates guaranteed to go into the Kingdom completion.

(Revelation 2:10-11) Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11 Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations: He that conquers will by no means be harmed by the second death.’

(1 Peter 5:4) And when the chief shepherd has been made manifest, you will receive the unfadable crown of glory.

9. And though it is a “free gift” by faith, faithfulness still requires effort and recognition of who really makes it all possible, as the awareness of both things works together:

(Ephesians 2:8-10) By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith; and this not owing to you, it is God’s gift. 9 No, it is not owing to works, in order that no man should have ground for boasting. 10 For we are a product of his work and were created in union with Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to walk in them.

10. It still requires effort to keep the “gift”, it is not a “once saved always saved” attitude that has opened up many for failure instead, because failure is a possibility clearly shown in Bible principle, prophecy, and modern Christian conditions:

(Matthew 7:21-23) “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.

11. Repeating apostasies as shown in Israel’s record and prophecy fulfilling in Christendom—and repeating at Bethel— is further proof faith is tested individually and as whole ministries. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses have also allowed a deluded mindset to develop and though over-correcting towards faith in “leading men” as individuals, a “governing body” and an “organization”, organizational ritual works soon eclipsed undeserved kindness while at the same time carrying forth vigilantly an error in the message supporting Bethel’s overall “the lie”. The “prophecy has fulfilled to the smallest detail” (WT 6/15/2012) “almost all done” attitude certainly did not help the situation, but it did help ID the final apostasy locale by that kind of prematurity. (2Thess2:1-2);

12. Thus carrying out the will of God requires vigilant faithfulness and complimentary faith in the undeserved kindness provided by Christ’s sacrifice. This is because contrary to the assumption of some, anointed Christians like any Christian can “fall away” through unfaithfulness and deceptions:

(Hebrews 6:4-6) For it is impossible as regards those who have once for all been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly free gift, and who have become partakers of holy spirit, 5 and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, 6 but who have fallen away, to revive them again to repentance, because they impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame.

(Hebrews 3:12-13) Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God; 13 but keep on exhorting one another each day, as long as it may be called “Today,” for fear any one of you should become hardened by the deceptive power of sin.

13. Deceptions which aid apostate development will also be active as Christ warned:

(Matthew 24:23-25) “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you.

Now obviously Bethel is the main “false Christ” foretold for this period.

14. And a foretold “falling away” inside Bethel’s leadership, for example, is what produced the modern apostate counterpart now running Bethel. That is prophecy and its fulfilling with striking evidence that is exposing Bethel as the “false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ” merely clothed in a veneer of former Christianity, Bethel traditions and echoes of the past, yet fully asleep. (Matt25:2);

15. And it is no accident in prophecy, and in the early 1990s at Bethel, that this apostasy became fully manifest and occurred with a 3rd UN placement milestone (covered up) and Bethel’s UN NGO (made public) to mark the prophecy fully:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

16. And that anointed Christian defection first, produced access by “King North” (8th King) to lead an apostasy in the last point of Christian truth by “arms that stand up” in further infiltration right into Bethel itself (Dan11:41):

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

17. And it is among the anointed Christian “temple” that the original anointed Christian defection formed to the maturity it is today in Bethel’s apostate terminal state. So though we have 8th King infiltrators as exposed in prophecy, we also have anointed defectors at Bethel originally deviating from the faith, in combination we have an embodied  “lawless one” now running Bethel making all scandal and self-exaltations public:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one (including Bethel; Rev2:2) seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

18. It is the prophecy and Bethel timing and evidence with covered up 8th King prophecy that ties all this together into one “operation of error” in one particular stretch of modern time made fully evident since 1990. Thus though forming since the illegal and unscriptural “Governing Body” went into dictatorial power in 1976, the last twenty four years since 1990 is when the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry has been fully overridden, derailed and in error—”hushing up” the 3rd UN manifestation is what makes it undeniable. It is merely the continued act and momentum of traditions from the past that conceals the real 8th King placed agents and suave defector devils running Bethel.

19. And that forms the parallel developmental basis with more detail of the Bethel apostasy and the coming temple judgment it all connects to in Daniel 8:11-14:

(Daniel 8:11-12) . . .And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization, Daniel 11:31a “fortress”) of his sanctuary was thrown down. (finalized in Dan8:13 “trampling”) 12 And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with disinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is effected for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, disinformation by Bethel subversions), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively”; completely successful unlike anything World War 2 produced in ultimate failure when compared to this 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the Governing Body and installed Bethel agents, this was “gradually” allowed by anointed Christian defection into a “foreign body” “governing body” cult covenant first); 

Temple Indictment as UN NGO “Transgression” Related (Matt24:15);

(Daniel 8:13) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned and subverted) constant [feature] (of JW ministerial offerings) and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance and co-promotions fulfilling Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (in a first 8th King “trampling” “attack” aided temple desolation “fire” of Zechariah 3:2 and Revelation 8:3-5 starting the final prophetic cycle);

Timed Temple Judgment Period

(Daniel 8:14) So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple purification completed in this time period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

20. And so the direct connection to the 3rd UN placement cover-up, the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is obviously the direct connection to this Daniel prophecy “discernment” of modern times above (Dan11:31b), that Christ referred to in this signal “disgusting thing standing” at Bethel final prophecy:

(Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” as parallel of Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”), standing in a holy place (in the JW “constant feature” ministry as UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

Since Daniel foretold a “disgusting thing” manifestation at Daniel 9:27b, Daniel 11:31b, and Daniel 12:11 the “discernment” is which prophecy Christ would be referring to in the “time of the end” for the precursor judgment signal on “God’s house” first. (1Pet4:17); It is the 1990 Daniel 11:31b 3rd UN placement events and its Bethel UN NGO endorsement and co-promotional covenant that defines today what Christ was giving warning of as to be revealed in Daniel’s “disgusting thing” prophecy.

Bethel is where the UN NGO “disgusting thing” applicable version is now publicly “standing”.

Thus the covered up 1990 UN 3rd placement as prophecy and its global significance along with Bethel’s “coincidental” UN NGO advertising campaign, all occurring at the same key timing in prophecy and world government development, are explicitly related in the selfsame prophecy Bethel now subverts to aid their cover and misleading subterfuge. There can only be one time in history that Daniel 11:29-32a has fulfilled and the apostate earmark in that same prophecy now fits deceiver Bethel like a glove.

21. Thus carrying out the final up-to-date prophetic exposition in the final “two witnesses” to emerge (Rev9-11) from the temple judgment is not a given, it is a requirement and it will require effort and divine assistance:

(Revelation 10:11) 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (There are literally “two” “witnesses” over time since the 1914-1919 first Kingdom “witness”, this temple-judgment-to-purification-to-recovery will form the final Kingdom “witness” in regard to the Messianic Kingdom and 144000 completion announcement and the context of its prophetic truth. By that time the 4th UN 8th King cycle will be active as the “tribulation of those days” further fulfilling the world event manifestations present since 1990 in the 3rd UN manifestation. The whole context of actual development will have to be explained as “you must prophesy again”.)

(Revelation 11:3) And (God) I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”

22. Thus part of that “all earnest effort” (2Pet1:5-8) is going to be the requirement of exposing Bethel’s true condition (Rev8:10-11) and the prophecies they conceal (Dan8:12), including their own apostasy (Dan8:11-13, 11:30-32a), because the things they are covering up are the things that must come forth in that final “little scroll” in the final two UN placement information in Daniel 8 and 11, the very prophecies Bethel has hi-jacked. In effect the whole Christian ministry is now unacceptable to God (Zech3:3) and apostate as well by this “1/3” ministerial duration error (Rev8:12) progressing since 1976. (Rev8:10-12);

23. The organized “operation of error” centered at and from Bethel by the fraudulent Governing Body’s lead is what has brought the whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry into reproach, misapplication and falsifications by that error and outdated relevance in relation to modern 8th King developments plainly seen since 1990 that are also concealed in the process over extending the 1914 validity to distract Jehovah’s witnesses attention.

a. Naturally the real 8th King King North final cycle of Daniel 11:42-45 as an extension of the post 1990 Daniel 11:40-41 will connect into Daniel 12 in a live and real-time manner. Thus the connection of accurate King North as 8th King in Daniel 11:27-45 is important to understand why and how Daniel 12 has a final fulfillment.

b. Thus by diversions such as that, using the impossible USSR “King North” interpretive attempt maintained in spite of obvious errors (Dan11:36, 42-43) and impossibilities, Jehovah’s witnesses do not have a fully truthful and up-to-date ministry any longer. In fact it is deceptive; for in bypassing the 3rd and 4th UN prophecies and the real meanings in Daniel 8:11-25 and Daniel 11:27-45, in relation to the modern 8th King developments made evident since 1990, huge amounts of modern relevant information is also being bypassed and instead a premature end delusion is being reinforced by Jehovah’s witnesses own Bethel borne delusion complex which will for a time aid the 8th King fourth cycle when it begins.

24. The Final “Little Scroll” Commission Temple Judgment Parallel

a. Thus even logically there can be no final sealings of affirmation until Jehovah’s witnesses actually speak up-to-date, modern, relevant truth and explain prophecy fully, truthfully.

b. Thus even logically there can be no final sealings of affirmation until each individual of the remnant have been fully assessed by God, through that period of actually telling the whole prophetic truth. And much of that affirmation process will begin, for some anointed Christians, by first receiving the final mission ultimatum of God by repentance and purification of the temple judgment purification aftermath:

(Zechariah 3:3-5) Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments (current JW state) and standing before the angel. (final judicial inspection) 4 Then he answered and said to those (angels) standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.” (a new state of purification and official priestly authorization is reached from the temple judgment) 5 At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; and the angel of Jehovah was standing by.

25. And that leads to the final “little scroll” commission parallel of a divine ultimatum to follow the temple judgment as this below parallels Revelation 10:5-11 in final commission meaning:

(Zechariah 3:6-7) And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua, saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, (the final commission:) If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards; and I shall certainly give you free access among these who are standing by.’

a. And successfully carrying out that mission is what will produce the required final sealings of Revelation 7:1-4, it is the parallel of the final “faithful and discreet slave” designate appointment requiring a final mission completion through the end of the “tribulation of those days” first phase of the “great tribulation”:

(Matthew 24:45-47) “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? (God and Christ, not men, answer that question after a judgment has completed. 1Pet4:17) 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving (at the temple judgment) finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings. (including the final Kingdom completion world warning mission);

b. Like Isaiah the final commission had a prelude purification prior to being deployed in this “altar fire” purification principle also present in Ezekiel 10:

(Isaiah 6:4-9) And the pivots of the thresholds began to quiver at the voice of the one calling, and the house itself gradually filled with smoke. (temple entry, Mal3:1-2, Zech3:4-5, 2Thess2:8 parallel principle) 5 And I proceeded to say: “Woe to me! For I am as good as brought to silence, because a man unclean in lips I am, and in among a people unclean in lips I am dwelling; for my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of armies, himself!” 6 At that, one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand there was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs off the altar. (Rev8:3-5, Zech3:2)(the purification, Dan8:14 “right condition”) And he proceeded to touch my mouth and to say: “Look! This has touched your lips, and your error has departed and your sin itself is atoned for.” (Zech3:9) 8 And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (the faithful slave designate, the final “two witnesses” “five wise virgins”, Rev10:11:) And I proceeded to say: “Here I am! Send me.” 9 (the commission) And he went on to say: “Go, and you must say to this people, ‘Hear again (first witness) and again (second witness), O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge.’

c. And thus that whole temple judgment purpose of producing anointed Christians as “five wise virgins” and the “wheat” through the end of Bethel’s current “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) is leading to the background development that enables this whole final commission and its summarization quality and requirement:

(Revelation 10:5-7) And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; (the whole comprehensive completion is to come) 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel (“days” leading to the Messianic Kingdom completion event), when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” (the whole “sacred secret” prophecy and its required ministerial summarization must be completed)

d. And the divine commission to announce the previously mentioned summarization:

(Revelation 10:8-11) 8 And the voice that I heard out of heaven is speaking again with me and saying: “Go, take the opened scroll (understood Messianic kingdom sovereign ultimatum and final proclamation) that is in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth.” (Christ is full global coming authority guaranteed) 9 And I went away to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. (Final anointed Christian remnant accept the commission. Zech3:6-7, Matt24:45-47) And he said to me: (divine commission is granted. Zech3:8-9:) “Take it and eat it up, and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” (respects judgment and salvation duality of the first “witness” period of 1914-1919) 10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.” (final Messianic Kingdom announcement is ready for final “two witnesses” global deployment all within the “second woe” spanning Revelation 9:12-11:14);

e. And that commission to be affirmed, “if it is my obligation you will keep”, will make the final “faithful slave” designate appointment, potentially completed upon that final sealing at some point through the 1260 day final warning period completing the final warning commission period. (Rev11:2-3, Dan12:7, Dan7:25) And this is because the remnant approved is heading into the 144000 completion (Rev11:7-12, 1Thess4:17, Rev16:17) shortly thereafter and thus the whole 144000 group is included in the final reception of Christ’s “belongings” in complete Messianic Kingdom for first those final living earth “sheep” intakes (Rev14:14-16, Matt25:31-40) and after assisting the King of kings in his King-Priest full rulership empowerment beginning for real. The human “faithful slave” designation leads to the completed reality that is the Messianic Kingdom.

f. The temple judgment provides the final determinations of all the parables meanings in the “wheat” and the “weeds”, the “five wise virgins” and the “five foolish virgins”, the “faithful slave” and the “evil slave”, and other parables or illustrations that described repentant and approved anointed Christian entities that lead into the final cycle and final warning commission well before the end.

g. The post Christendom rejection judgment is what led to the identified anointed Christian ministry upon which the final temple judgment becomes necessary as that cycle repeats but in final fulfillment and final relevance to prepare the final Kingdom proclamation for the Messianic Kingdom completion. In this way the temple judgment starts with the “house of God” (1Pet4:17) as that milestone event will aid recognition of the final prophetic cycle that has actually but begun with that anointed Christian judgment upon the Bethel apostate spiritual “system of things”. This is what the Bethel apostasy indicates even now for those aware of the prophecy.

26. The “little scroll” is an “obligation” for the second witness of the “two witnesses” because it completes the total 2520 day “seven times” final divine sovereign warning and finality of the “appointed times of the nations” extension as 2520 days present in the full fulfillment periods of the two witnessings, 1914-1919 and that final witnessing of the future. (Luke21:24, Dan4:16,23,25,32); The “little scroll” is the Messianic Kingdom completion sovereign proclamation to lead to the actual full arrival of Christ to earth for final planetary and universal conquest.

27. By this we understand just how the “tribulation of those days”, into which the “little scroll” will be deployed by the “two witnesses” for 1260 days into that active tribulation, resolves into the “tribulation of those days” being inactive at Matthew 24:29—yet into that Matthew 24:30-31 “four winds” then active. The “tribulation of those days” is the period in which the final anointing sealings are affirmed, and this is also why Christ singles out this “sub-tribulation” with the unique “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29) and “that tribulation” (Mark13:24) unique signifying terminology, because it has spiritual significance (Rev11:2), as well as 8th King world government presenting significance. (Rev13:3, 17:8);

The “tribulation of those days” is not the “four winds” period, it is its marked precursor period of “rocking the nations” to cause some to awaken to reality. (Hag2:7); The “rock the nations” period is in the Revelation 16 seven plague gaugings of the final cycle.

28. Thus as the “two witnesses” will “have finished their witnessing” (Rev11:7), 8th King world government (the “abyss ascension”) and those final sealings will be completing at approximately the same time. The scarlet “wildbeast that ascends from the abyss” (Rev11:7, Rev17:8-18) will be coming into world government and the “four winds of the earth” formerly “held tight” will also be enabled for release under 8th King authority for 8th King use, at the same approximate timing as the final 144000 completing remnant are sealed in the flesh to soon be “gathered” in “the living, who are surviving” (1Thess4:17) to “meet the Lord in the air” of the Revelation 16:17 seventh plague “air” event.

a. Because that Christ “air” event of the seventh plague is Matthew 24:30-31 and Revelation 11:11-12 parallel events it occurs first to complete the 144000 which enables the seventh trumpet Messianic Kingdom completion and Christ final crowning to eventual conquest in that particular completed Kingdom authority. Though the seventh plague and trumpet are nearly concurrent, this detail is ascertained from the anointed “gathering” meaning of Matthew 24:30-31 and Revelation 11:11-12 and its relation to the “Messianic Kingdom”, “Temple”, “Holy City” and “Bride” “body” completion requirement defined by all 144000.

29. The “tribulation of those days” resolves and ends into 8th King world government and the activation of the “four winds” as the final phase of the “great tribulation” at the same time the “two witnesses” ministerial deposition completes the final sovereign warning and final sealing period. Thus that “constant feature has been removed” (Dan12:11) in the “two witnesses” deposition (Rev11:7-10) enables the 144000 completion as the first priority of Christ’s arrival also enabled to complete the Messianic Kingdom in the face of a completely warned and fully “placed” 8th King world government final “disgusting thing”. (Daniel 12:11);

30. The only period yet to expire at that time just prior to Christ’s arrival will thus be the “three and a half days” “death” state of the “two witnesses” (Rev11:7-10) and that will transpire after the “constant feature (two witnesses phase) has been removed” marking that ministerial “death” and is thus in the Daniel 12:11 period of time that will see Christ’s arrival (Rev11:11-12, Matt24:29-31 parallel) upon a completed rival 8th King sovereign system carrying out both “ruination” and “freedom from care” directives at the same time. (Dan11:44-45, Dan12:11, Dan8:25);


Final Cycle Graphical Overview

The second of the “two witnesses” will reaffirm the first “two witnesses” message and prophecy.


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Four 8th King UN Cycles 1919-Future

1. 1919 – Rev13:11-15 (Dan12:11 first fulfillment) as League of Nations after WW1;

A. International Bible Students Association (IBSA) explained as prophecy;

2. 1945 – Rev17:8-11 as United Nations after WW2;

A. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) explained as prophecy;

Unknown and unstated by Jehovah’s witnesses:

3. 1990 – Daniel 11:31b as United Nations “New World Order” Initiative after WW3 (Cold War) (Dan11:29);

A. Covered up by Bethel as UN NGO, not explained as prophecy by any religious group;

4. Future – Daniel 11:45; Daniel 8:25; (Daniel 12:11 last fulfillment) as United Nations and World Government after 4th world tribulation/war cycle to come.

A. Not currently explained by Bethel in lieu of a premature “end of the world” deception.

B. To be explained after the JW temple judgment desolation, purification and removal of lawless Bethel engineered subversion (2Thess2:1-4; Dan11:30-31; Dan8:11-13);

Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy

Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy

Version 1 PDF Here

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

1. True the end is near, but not as near as the Bethel apostasy is prematurely impressing in Jehovah’s witnesses which is the same premature excitation Paul spoke of at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2.

A. This article shows how Bethel is fulfilling all the features of this apostasy and its “man of lawlessness” prophetic fulfillment in final form along with all the premature end delusion earmarks. Thus Bethel’s “operation of error” and its main lies as the modern collective “the lie” of the Bethel foretold subversion is now fully manifest. (Dan8:12);

2. Bethel’s premature “end of the world” delusion, creating an expectation among Jehovah’s witnesses “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here”, is the final earmark of the modern final apostasy prophecy now present right in Bethel’s “man of lawlessness” ministerial override. (Dan8:12, 11:41);

Not only is the apostasy described present at Bethel, so is its main “lawless one” engineers in the Bethel “man of lawlessness” leadership defining the modern final “son of destruction” manifestation and their earmark premature end delusion which has a final purpose.

3. This article describes why and how they have “lifted themselves over everyone” since even 1976 (in the Governing Body dictatorship), and how they now “sit down” in terminal blasphemy right “in the temple” of the claimant anointed Christians and that former Bethel ministerial center as now the Bethel defined, one and only, “faithful and discreet slave” as ultimately the pinnacle “evil slave” public blasphemy of self-approval.

4. This apostasy will instead trigger the temple judgment long before the true “conclusion of the system of things”, which is what all this ministerial subversion is indicating will develop next in prophecy. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5);

A. The purpose of revealing the apostasy is for the benefit of letting people know, in time, what is actually transpiring: the final cycle of prophecy and world government development.

Prophecy shows the Bethel condition is not random and mere hypocritical oversight, it itself is prophetic. Once we know Bethel anomalies are prophecy and required apostate exposure the whole Bethel lawless story changes even their apostasy now builds faith in God’s prophecy.

5. The Bethel apostasy is a required prophetic signal. Further, it signals the coming temple judgment prophetic fulfillment (Dan8:13-14); it is prophecy fulfilling and it is connected to more prophecy that must activate in the whole final cycle that “the apostasy” is actually signalling is active even in this repeating but modern apostasy signal development. Thus in reality much must yet transpire in prophecy and world events before the actual “day of Jehovah”.

Bethel’s apostasy is just the precursor signal and their main delusion of the premature end aids their cover. Thus the premature “end of the world” delusion will further aid the coming Bethel global coup, the apostasy and the delusion work together to aid final 8th King anti-Christian purposes.

6. Thus rather than be the premature “the end” or merely inconsequential developments, Bethel’s apostasy is prophetic and starts a final prophetic continuum that leads into the first temple “trampling” coming up (Dan8:13) into the “tribulation of those days” activation (Dan11:42-43 context), to “that tribulation” resolution (Matt24:29; Mark13:24), to 8th King world government (1Thess5:1-3; Dan11:45), and to Christ’s true final sheep “gathering” arrival. (Matt24:29-31);

A. The “gathering” in final form Paul was speaking of in verse 1 (1Thess4:17, Rev16:17, Matt24:30-31), precedes the climax of the “day of Jehovah” as the “war of the great day of God the Almighty”.

B. Thus several critical milestone events of prophecy and world development precede “Jehovah’s Day” over the final multi-year cycle of 8th King development to complete world government. (Dan11:41-45); (Chart of coming prophetic milestones)

7. Further prophetic cross references in prophecy give more development details of the foretold Bethel apostasy at Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:30-32, 41 parallel prophecies. Important to note is the prophetic context of this apostate co-development also explains Bethel’s “those leaving the holy covenant” relationship to “King North” 8th King and world government objectives made most obvious in 1990 and after, such as the Bethel UN NGO that co-developed with a covered up critical 3rd UN placement. (Dan8:13 UN NGO “transgression”, Dan11:31b 3rd UN placement);

A. Both prophecies in Daniel 8 and 11 show a subversion develops with a notable 8th King manifestation which is the 1990 3rd UN placement that has now slipped completely off the JW prophecy tracking radar.

B. This means Jehovah’s witnesses are not exposing the most modern manifestation of the UN counterfeit “kingdom” but act as if nothing happened in 1990 and that is how the apostasy of omission of up-to-date prophetic truth developed.

8. Now we know why Bethel will not reveal that the real “King North” must be 8th King developments (Dan11:27-45) especially marked in those 1990 events. Bethel’s apostate leadership have been compromised by that 8th King system as also UN NGO co-promoters while they concurrently cover up the significance of the 1990 3rd UN placement. (4 UN cycles; 2)

A. King North is the final 8th King 3rd-to-4th UN placement drive of Daniel 11:30-45, not the failed USSR (Dan11:36), which is now a concealing cover for 8th King developments since 1990 that Bethel aids the promotion of.

9. Thus the 3rd “stand” of the United Nations 3rd placement of 1990, that Bethel covers up the significance of (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23a), and Bethel’s adjoining that “King North” “New World Order” initiative as UN NGO global co-promoters in their literature profaning the “constant feature” in this manner and by this “side covenant” with the 8th King, is the co-development that transpires along with the Bethel apostasy, that marks both entities in the prophecy.

Thus the Bethel independent, illegal and idolatrous “government body” has “placed the disgusting thing” (Matt24:15) “in the temple” as the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” (Dan8:13) and all of it is already in the prophecies they also “throw to the earth” (Dan8:12) in cover-up.

10. By the time of the future Daniel 8:13 first 8th King “trampling” to aid recognition of the “tribulation of those days” beginning, the Daniel 11:31b “disgusting thing” relationship to that “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13 will climax in Bethel’s “desolation” first. Thus Daniel 11:41 will also fully complete (Luke21:20) in that apostate Bethel aided 8th King “invasion” already positioned in this apostate forming infiltration to aid fulfillment of Daniel 8:13. (Dan11:30b-31a, 32; Dan8:12);

11. Thus the modern “man of lawlessness” prophecy, to trigger the unique final temple judgment on Jehovah’s witnesses first (1Pet4:17), not “Babylon the Great” as Bethel implies for further subterfuge, fully identifies modern Bethel’s true spiritual state and Satanic and 8th King related internal compromise. (2Thess2:3-4, 9, Zech3:1-3);

Now we know the premature end delusion also has shuffled prophecy out of order also to be used to conceal the true nature of the Bethel coup. The premature end delusion is but one worm in the Bethel can of deceptions.

12. This “operation of error” at Bethel cannot remain static but will climax and eventually trigger the foretold divine reaction in the coming timed temple judgment (Dan8:14) in the context of the 8th King coming “trampling” (Dan8:13) of the Bethel worldwide organization of Jehovah’s witnesses. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, Zech3:1-5; Dan11:41-43);

In reality an entire final cycle of prophecy will unfold with unique and repeating features and a familiar underlying historic structure in Revelation and Daniel that will take several final years to run its foretold course to 8th King world government. That will manifest over such milestones as the apostasy and temple judgment (Dan8:13-14, Rev8), the “tribulation of those days” (Dan11:42-43) and its required resolution (Matt24:29, Dan11:44-45) and the final warning recovered ministry (Rev9) all converging with the final prophecy and world historic trek to 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” world government (Rev10-11), Christ’s arrival after that completion for Messianic Kingdom completion, the final sheep securement (Matt24:30-31, Matt25:31-46) and Armageddon’s divine war phase. (Dan12, Rev8:-11, Rev15-16; Rev19:11-21);

The temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 is the next critical prophecy that must fulfill upon the Bethel system soon. (1Pet4:17).  (Chart of coming prophetic milestones)

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Full Text

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. 3 Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god. 5 Do you not remember that, while I was yet with you, I used to tell you these things? 6 And so now you know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way. 8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. 9 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Bethel’s “The End is Almost Here” Delusion is Prophetic

1. One identifying symptom of the modern Bethel based apostasy, like the principle in the prophecy above in verse 2, is the premature expectation of “Jehovah’s day” now rampant among deluded Jehovah’s witnesses. That comes from the modern Bethel authority as the “as though” “from us” apostle-like “lifted up” Bethel clergy spokesmen.

A. Obviously it is the “Governing Body” that now literally claims to be the “lifted up” pinnacle of Earth’s Christian “apostolic” presence and is the one most importantly to be tested as valid or in error:

(1 John 4:1) Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.

A. Bethel also regularly primes Jehovah’s witnesses with “the end is any day now” premature expectation and hype though their own apostasy has yet to be revealed. Thus Bethel’s “inspired expression” is inspired, but not by God. (2Thess2:9, Zech3:1-3, 2Cor11:13-15);

2. We see in Paul’s prophecy from God, before describing the required apostasy and “man of lawlessness” prerequisite revelation in verses 3-4, there is something that is also warned of first: the main premature “the end” delusion of the apostasy which also aids its cover at Bethel.

3. The first warning the prophecy gives is of the premature “Jehovah’s Day” expectation that co-develops with the apostasy that is now blatant at apostate Bethel because the apostasy is connected to this main delusion’s use:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

4. As we see, promoting writings and oral teachings “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here” is an earmark of the apostasy as it manifests prior to the modern apostate full exposure in the temple judgment by God and Christ. (Mal3:1-5, Zech3:1-5); In this case the real signal apostasy is in the Bethel leadership, and their premature “the end” delusion  now present at Bethel.

A. That delusion further distracts Jehovah’s witnesses and thus aids their cover and it is fully present in Bethel as they fail to point out their own apostasy must be judged, revealed and removed before the “day of Jehovah”. (1Pet4:17);

Modern Bethel is the ones today promoting a premature “end of the world” scenario to “effect that the day of Jehovah is here” to overly excite Jehovah’s witnesses with that delusion to also aid the planned (and also foretold) Bethel coup when it goes into further manifestations later.

5. Rather than perceive the coming temple judgment and its activation as the fully manifest signal that the true final cycle has begun, first (1Pet4:17), Jehovah’s witnesses can, in the required desolation (Dan8:13-14), misperceive those precursor developments as if they are the final events to lead quickly to “the end of the world” due to Bethel’s purposeful delusion priming. That will severely delay Jehovah’s witnesses when it hits because the betrayal will not only be difficult to accept and it will also take time to realize. (Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3, Matt12:39);

A. Thus Bethel has a delusion of subterfuge to aid them through the whole Bethel coup period of Daniel 8:13-14 and Jehovah’s witnesses will think it is “the end” while it transpires with this well prepared smokescreen of deception.

6. Now Jehovah’s witnesses deeply conditioned expectations can influence the perception of the true meaning of events coming soon. Now due to this false expectation, developments coming on Bethel can appear to be another set of events as falsely applied “prophecy fulfilling brothers!” from the Bethel deceivers as that over-hyped “the end” period activating.

7. That delusion and misperception will actually be covering up the apostasy and temple judgment “trampling” real events climaxing into Daniel 8:13-14 developments so Bethel can promote the delusion as long as possible while the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” proceeds. (Zech3:2); And that will delay Jehovah’s witnesses final awareness and final task eligibility (Rev10:11) as long as permitted by God. (Dan8:14, Zech3:2, Zech3:6-7);

Now we see why God shows this premature end delusion connection in this prophecy, it is more than just an innocent error or bad guess.

Bethel Apostasy and “Governing Body” of Lawlessness

1. Thus in the prophecy that feature of delusion and false expectations “as though” from anointed Christian authorities at Bethel is then connected to two more features of the criteria to identify the final apostasy that actually has to be revealed and judged prior to the real arrival of “Jehovah’s Day” at Armageddon.

2. Notice in the 2 Thessalonians 2 account progression, after the main Bethel premature end delusion is described, then the apostasy and the “man of lawlessness” dual prerequisite are both also described to be revealed in the claimant anointed “in the temple” public locale and more criteria of this signal apostate development is given.

3. Now we know the premature end delusion is promoted by this apostasy development and its main “man of lawlessness” anti-Christian guides now at Bethel:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.

4. Now we have three features present at Bethel now: (1) premature end delusion, (2) apostasy and the lawless “man” defining the (3) “man of lawlessness” as a “body”. Their apostasy is undeniable by the convergence of all these earmarks even beyond that of Christendom, because Bethel’s premature “the end” expectation is the trademark of their modern ministerial hyping far more prominent in modern times than the long comatose Christendom former apostate development and judgment revelation. But note too, Christendom also has their own premature “rapture” expectation that will also fall flat with Bethel’s own premature end mythologies.

Importantly it will be shown in more prophecy Bethel achieves this delusion successfully because they are also covering up modern 8th King related prophetic fulfillments since 1990 that co-manifest with this apostasy in Daniel 8 and 11.

The revealing of the apostasy in final form fully, by means of the temple judgment, means the purpose is to make people aware of where it is all leading well before the arrival of Christ. In fact 8th King world government must arrive before Jesus Christ. In fact the “tribulation of those days” itself ends before Christ arrives (Matt24:29) and thus is not the “end of the world” even then, it arrives to 8th King world government first. That is the final cycle prophecy the Bethel apostasy is covering up and that is why their removal will open a final period of truthful prophetic clarification.

The Unusual Suspect: The 1976 Governing Body

1. Obviously we need to really dissect the “governing body” concept, its dictatorial emergence at Bethel (1976) and its modern rogue celebrity well dressed tyrants to understand exactly what the “man of lawlessness” guiding this modern JW apostasy really is and is really up to here. The “superfine apostle” cover is just a veneer that some JWs gobble up as if it was Christ and the twelve apostles themselves at Bethel. And therein lies the problem, the danger for being misled by such an act. Of course such a critical apostate development is going to be fully foretold by God in detail, the One Bethel is “set in opposition” to.

Bethel’s apostasy is fully exposed and detailed in the very prophecies they cover up.

2. The Bethel based lawlessness is highly significant, prophetic and far beyond the significance of Christendom error because of Bethel’s former “accurate knowledge”, their ministerial influence, anointed Christian ministerial responsibility, the last known prophetic truth’s development point, and their purposeful concealment of modern Daniel 11 “King North”/ 8th King truths that are now plainly obvious as inapplicable to the formerly assumed USSR totally defunct political entity. (Dan11:36, Dan11:30-45);

A. Thus the Bethel apostasy is far more serious and severe than is commonly realized and it will trigger a divine temple judgment accounting commensurate with the magnitude of their modern lawless record and 8th King internal collusion fully outlined in the very prophecies they divert attention away from.

People are going to eventually know, at global scale, when God is through with Bethel and its “Governing Body” and thus a strategic signal will also be established in the temple judgment. It will not be “the end” but for Bethel, it will in fact be the BEGINNING of the final multi-year cycle.

3. But we have a great red flag power grasp in 1976 to start to gauge the true nature and intent of this so-called “governing body”. They even started capitalizing their own title to “Governing Body” in 1971 as a little preview of their coming first “lift up” in 1976 with a new corporate designation in full capitalization. The Bethel “board of directors” power mongers were completing the initial positioning.

4. What we see from first the acceptance of the “governing body” concept is a gradual move by the Bethel corporate “board of directors” to incrementally align and position themselves as divine first for a dictatorial coup later, and so on, to the UN NGO and final coming Bethel coup-de-grace their final objective. Sly as a serpent is how Bethel has been transformed with little outward indication of its true internal state.

What we now see in hindsight is even the eventual first “Governing Body” power coup of 1976 was a literal first manifestation of the “lifting themselves over everyone” (2Thess2:3-4) right at Bethel and over the anointed temple “body” in public fashion first.

4. Now we see it is actually a human contrived additional and superimposed “government” “body” in that non-Biblical “governing” “body” which is just a self exalted worldly corporate “board of directors” seizing control of the Bethel ministry and applying scriptures to themselves to aid their acceptance. It is actually much like the Papacy. In reality, in retrospect, the “Governing Body” is the internal first cell of subversions early establishing its 1976 dictatorship to carry out more “set in opposition” operations later.

5. Of course this is also why the 1990 3rd UN placement tracking was fully lost after the 1945 2nd UN placement was fully and properly exposed in prophecy by Jehovah’s witnesses, we have the intervening lawless Governing Body coup of 1976 to have managed that diversion. (Rev17:8-11);

Why not continue the tradition of exposing UN placements as obviously all foretold by God?

6. Because the “Governing Body” 8th King allied implants and Bethel apostates in whatever Governing Body members they existed in, decided instead to join that 3rd United Nations presentation as UN NGO “non-governmental organization” global promoters, although being a governmental agency of God’s Kingdom. In the process they also must conceal the 3rd UN placement prophecy and their apostate status which are parallel, as we see now in hindsight.

Ignoring the 3rd UN placement while at the same time joining its advertising agency as a UN NGO while slipping that all past the sleeping JW guards (Matt25:5) was quite the Bethel successful stunt we must say. (All four UN presentations are foretold, 2)

7. But what was first an initial “lifting themselves” over Bethel and all Jehovah’s witnesses in 1976, has now grown to global proportions in 2012 in their latest “we are the faithful and discreet slave!” global bombastic stunt at but another “historic Annual Meeting”. Its going to make apostate history all right.

A. The Governing Body “lift up” goes higher now, Bethel is peaking their blasphemous reign over all planet earth in implications of their “sit down” and “lifted up” latest “faithful and discreet slave” grandiosity.

8. Thus obviously the “Governing Body” is a literal blatant matured example of lawless men “lifting themselves over everyone” not just in the Christian ministry, but over all earth. In the same manner as the Catholic Papacy, so too today’s Jehovah’s witnesses and Bethel have their own collective “Pope” in the “Governing Body” assuming such power and complimentary lawlessness under a veneer of scriptural claims accepted gradually; it is the same thing, just a different age and clown suit. The thing is the “Governing Body” and 8th King pulled it all off much quicker and right under the nose of Jehovah’s witnesses.

9. Now we see the latest Governing Body “lifting themselves over everyone” has intensified further in blasphemy. Now the “lift up” is over the whole world in the “faithful and discreet slave” “new light” application of that self approval, premature of the final temple judgment, to the “Governing Body” alone. Now the core blasphemy of an illegal anti-Christian body of the “operation of error” goes further in blasphemous climax into “lifting themselves over everyone” in this fashion, including Christ and God and all anointed, and even the whole world in the Governing Body’s latest pompous statements.

10. It is not insignificant that the Governing Body Bethel version “king north” is going out “on top” in this pinnacle of also “publicly showing” themselves in this apex blasphemy at global proportions as led by the 8th King “King North” in Daniel 11:32.

Jehovah’s witnesses now also have their own “King North” protégé right at Bethel in this Governing Body of Grandiosity, who have their own version of the “grandiose words” of their true 8th King masters. (Dan7:11,20);

11. The “sits down in the temple of The God” in this “publicly showing himself” display of pre-self-ordained “divine immortal” hubris by this latest Governing Body stunt is how their apostasy is now terminally “seated” “in the temple” in global public fashion as well. It can get no worse as far as their lawless self-exalting blasphemy and it displays the “King North” related character of their 8th King masters described in the prophecy.

A. As far as their own blasphemy they can go no further, and in line with their own self-judged and self-appointed “faithful and discreet” claims they are at the pinnacle of fraudulent “seated” divine claims. (Dan8:23a “the transgressors act to a completion”);

“Consequently, Jesus will reward [the Governing Body] by resurrecting the individual members of that group to heavenly life and by giving them royal authority over all Christ’s belongings in heaven and on earth.” (Annual Meeting Report, 10/6/2012);

12. It is now surreal, the Bethel “man of lawlessness” hidden in plain sight – but too high to see, on their throne in final form. God can now pay them the visit. (Isa66:6). But in fact more is yet in store from lawless Bethel.

Bethel’s Personal Version of “King North”

Thus Bethel is a sort of “King North” domain over all Jehovah’s witnesses globally it can only turn out disastrous as prophecy also indicates for the Bethel organization.

“”Four years later, in 1979, in a Governing Body session, Fred Franz, now president, stated that his vote for the change (to a dictatorial Governing Body) back then was made “under duress.” I would agree. When Nathan Knorr conceded, Fred Franz felt compelled to join him. He went on to say that he had not been in favor of the change then and that from that (1976) point forward he had “just been watching” to see what would result.”” – Crisis of Conscience, ch. 4, pg. 106

Thus brothers Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz both initially rejecting the Governing Body “lift up” and being the only ones originally voting against it was a signal of the overriding and disaster to come.

1. Consequently the pinnacle of blasphemy in this particular embodied idol has now been achieved incrementally at Bethel in the Governing Body and its latest “lifting themselves over [literally] everyone” on earth and in haven exclusively defined in themselves in the latest so-called “new light”, now “seated” over not just Bethel as in 1976, but now over all powers of planet Earth in their implied supremacy.

2. Of course their temple “trampling” operation aiding the 8th King by internal positioning in Bethel to betray Jehovah’s witnesses will be the true zenith of the “son of destruction” meaning also to be embodied in this rogue “lawless one” Bethel controlling “body” in the finale of their rule. (Zech11, 11:13; Zech13:7); And this from now fully non-anointed anti-Christian frauds in that so-called “governing body”. The “sits down in the temple” meaning is now fully defined at Bethel as the Governing Body now assumes the ridiculous proportions of self-appointed global rulers, similar to their “King North” leaders. (Dan11:32a);

3. In similar character of their actually present “King North” 8th King guides at Bethel (Dan8:12, 11:32, 41), Bethel’s “kings of Bethel”, the Bethel “lords of the faith”, have similar traits as their 8th King master:

(Daniel 11:36) And the king (8th King/King North) will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things.

(Daniel 8:25) And according to his insight he will also certainly cause deception to succeed in his hand.

4. Bethel’s Governing Body in like manner “lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence” in their spiritual domain “so that [the Governing Body] sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god” by their grandiose implications as claimant but fraud Christian anointed “sons of God”. It is also a masterful deception as shown originating with King North insightful 8th King planners.

Bethel is its own version of a “counterfeit Kingdom”.

5. And no wonder, King North is who is leading the Bethel apostasy as assured in God’s prophecy:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

6. Bethel manifests its own “King North” version of character of the real “King North” 8th King, now in Bethel (Dan11:41) and also marked by similar global claims over their respective domains:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

7. And all this gradually applied deception aids the in-the-face nature of the Governing Body’s latest brazen “lifting themselves over everyone” prophetic debacle in 2012’s stunt. (Dan8:12); It is obvious the Bethel “rich man” class is also exemplified throughout the whole impostor, defector and apostate Bethel elite system and its “Watchtower [secret] Society” and that attitude now infects many Jehovah’s witnesses and especially some of the pompous elder Governing Body clones enforcing this farce by pain of spiritual “penance”, “stoning” and banishment. (Luke16:19-31, Jam5:1-5);

A. The organizational leaders and elders will actually aid the final operations against Jehovah’s witnesses in a mix of purposeful and deluded manner when the “at that time” arrives for the full Bethel final coup:

“”Elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered:…””

[And sandwiched into the admonishment:]

“” (3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.”” – WT 11/15/2013, pg. 20, par. 17, #3

8. It is now one collective lawless brigade using “spiritual protection” and “God’s will” as the pretext and plausibility of what is an enslaving, abusive, and lawless racket and its celebrity and “position minded” racketeers and their organizational and congregational cronies. Whether knowingly or deluded a disaster is forming and ready to deploy right from Bethel. That is how “there [has been] many” people “stumbled” in the process of Bethel’s apostate intensification after 1990 (Dan11:32-35) aided by a publicly proliferated global record of scandal on the Web.

9. This is why Bethel has been leading a “sheep” depleting ministry statistically verifiable to be in a downward spiral of JW growth since the very year the Governing Body tyrants took control of the ministry in 1976. This is why modern Jehovah’s witnesses have the worst religious retention rate of all the Christian religions also backed by statistics. It means Bethel’s “apex growth” is actually in stumbled sheep numbers. The Bethel touted fictional “massive growth” claim is merely trumpeted out of relative context of the actual declining Jehovah’s witnesses contracting growth reality.

10. Thus Bethel is also carrying out a sheep squelching operation while claiming “massive growth” as all the while Jehovah’s witnesses do not check the verifiable statistics to see quite the opposite is what has been occurring under the Governing Body tenure.

11. The “Governing Body” is the single worst thing that has ever happened to Jehovah’s witnesses ministry. Everything else is a grand delusion and it is not complete yet in negative developments, more is to come according to prophecy as well as the trended downward trajectory of the overall Governing Body era of dictatorial influence.

Bethel is the One to Test

1. Now one has to note in the brazen and “in the face” nature of these latest Bethel moves, it is as if they can do anything they want in front of Jehovah’s witnesses and the world, and Jehovah’s witnesses eat it up with no sign of apprehension whatsoever (2Thess2:10-12). This is because this development was brought in very subtly with certain red flag peaks but overall it is a 37 year old process. (Rev8:12);

2. That “gradually given over” nature of the apostasy is specially noted in the key prophecy:

(Daniel 8:12) And an (JW) army itself was gradually given over, together with the constant [feature] (compromised), because of transgression (also piling up gradually at Bethel and in Jehovah’s witnesses ministry; Matt24:12); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up and error), and it acted and had success. (is a successful deception operation);

3. But by Bethel apostate influence Jehovah’s witnesses no longer consider prophecy to be relevant in modern times, they are in a perpetual 1960, and that aids the Bethel “operation of error”.

4. Instead in the 2 Thessalonians 2 prophecy a vigilant alertness is needed so as to be fooled by no one, especially those “as though from us” claiming to be apostles. In fact they are the ones who most importantly need to be tested and assessed vigilantly (Rev2:2):

“Let no one seduce you in any manner

5. Of course the first and foremost case of that “let no one” is especially the Bethel “one”, the last former point of Christian enlightenment, now long lost, that would be the logically opportune location to run a subversion from as prophecy (and evidence) indicates is now truly the case at Bethel. (Rev2:2; 2Cor11:13-15; Dan11:30-32; Dan8:12);

6. Cited below is a very important prerequisite: the (1) apostasy and its (2) lawless authoritative “man of lawlessness” engineers have to be revealed before the actual final world judgment of God comes:

“because it (the whole judgment cycle (1Pet4:17), to the eventual “day of Jehovah”, and its precursor final “gathering”) will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”

7. Thus God, by Paul, is giving a very important critical warning. And that helps debunk the premature “end of the world” hype of modern Bethel. The final apostasy as a basis of the “judgment starts with the house of God” (2Thess2:10-12, 1Pet4:17) must become fully identified well before “the end” can come because its revelation is a great signal.

8. Even the apostasy is already a great signal for those awake to prophecy and Bethel’s tricky methods.

By knowing Daniel 11:42-45 is an unfulfilled 8th King finale cycle we also know the Bethel premature end further identifies them as this signal apostasy with their main delusion complex that also aids concealing important final 8th King prophecy and world development realities.

The Main Bethel Diversion and Its Divine Implications

1. Thus, making matters worse, the “lawless one” at Bethel is concealing 3rd and 4th cycle UN developments since 1990 that need to be fully explained along with the full exposure of their Bethel based apostate cohorts hiding within the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry guiding instead a covering delusion empowered by misapplied prophecy and that key premature end delusion. (Dan8:23-25, 11:30-45)

A. All four UN 8th King developments are foretold in prophecy. (4 UN Prophecies Chart)

2. Now Bethel is uniquely using accepted Jehovah’s witnesses known truths misapplied in the wrong order to aid concealment of reality. Using actual truths, shuffled for the Bethel subterfuge, is why Jehovah’s witnesses accept the error, it is truth, it is just being arranged in error to attempt to cover up the final cycle as if it just ends.

A. A well dumbed down and double-insulated Jehovah’s witnesses populous, kept overly busy, fed hypnotic sugary dairy desserts, told “the end is any day now”, thinking it is all over, ensconced in web controversies, is not aiding the required prophetic investigation in the JW proper.

Thus a truly serious situation has now formed in Bethel well hidden by many covering illusions and distractions using a former truth to conceal the present reality.

Do we really think Bethel is really divine and that they are going to simply hijack the Christian ministry and simply walk away from it unscathed or that their error will somehow “come true” and not be exposed instead?

3. Of course not, this is prophecy, this is a serious development in a formerly valid Christian ministry and the prophecy tells us what God is going to do and the fate of the Bethel “lawless one” and that will in time become a huge global signal when we see it for what it truly is and will become further.

4. This Bethel abomination is not going to be “reformed” or self generate a spontaneous recovery, this will be acted upon by divine power as per prophecy at some point in the temple judgment which is the only apostate Bethel cure now. In like manner such a globally devastating event upon the JW worldwide organization is the only way to wake up the now comatose JW zombies, nothing is getting through now to those on the Bethel “confirmed drunkards” wine. (Matt25:1-13, Isa28, Matt24:48);

5. And logically this will also be as other unique prophecy is also activating at what will then be or soon become global in proportions and we know Daniel 11:42-43 has yet to have a true King North culmination meaning and global transformation in this final cycle coming up.

More than just the temple judgment will be becoming globally active when Bethel starts its final coup cycle. (Dan8:13-14, Dan11:42-45);

6. And since no Jehovah’s witnesses alive today was in the 1918-1919 judgment, all of Jehovah’s witnesses are eligible for a bonafied final temple judgment of God and enough time has elapsed since 1914 to make this not only necessary but part of the whole final judgment cycle. (Dan12, Rev8-11 repeat); Thus so many indications of the reality of the Bethel apostasy and its implications are now present so as to be impossible to simply make up to fit the prophecy that also squarely incriminates Bethel with a global 3rd UN placement Bethel simply silences. No one can just make all this up, and there is far more than is summarized here.

7. 8th King controlled apostate Bethel does all this this to pass Jehovah’s witnesses past 1990 prophecy, the fall of the USSR and the rise of the UN “New World Order” global statements, and the UN NGO, as if nothing out of the ordinary happened in all that, as if none of it is prophecy – forward all Jehovah’s witnesses with the echoes of the past! The end is right around the corner!

8. Thus the over-focus on organizational “requirements of being a Christian” is meant to keep attention on a former ministerial routine to distract from the accuracy of the content. Thus with Jehovah’s witnesses the Christian ministry is continued but its message has been altered by omissions of relevant modern 8th King prophecy and the meanings a repeating final cycle allows to be understood when we see the process must replicate.

9. Thus the whole Bethel complex cannot simply randomly create such a well conceived covering delusion to further aid the 1990 bypass of reality. The gradual nature of development, the momentum of it all, the inertia of the past and its former validity is how Bethel slid this all by distracted Jehovah’s witnesses as nothing of the outward appearance was altered at Bethel, it was all internal and by omission.

10. Just as the 3rd UN cycle (c. 1950-1990) was actually prophetic leading to the 1990 3rd UN placement global presentation (Dan11:29-31b), the 4th UN cycle of the future is the ultimate climax cycle of all prophecy and it and the JW temple judgment are far more significant than the Bethel lobotomy operation upon the JW collective mind is revealing.  (4 UN Prophecies Chart)

The 3rd and 4th UN progression is a solid continuum of the very prophecy Bethel is subverting at Daniel 11:30-45 and Daniel 8:23-25.

The Final Cycle is What is Coming

1. Thus we are entering a final cycle, not that falsely anticipated premature “end of the world” Bethel plans to use to bewilder Jehovah’s witnesses as that final cycle begins. As of now JWs are fully unaware of the true monumental nature of the final 8th King cycle and thus rather than explain the final cycle details JWs are now indifferent and complacent in the “all done” attitude Bethel promotes with this premature end delusion.

2. Thus Bethel potentially calling off the preaching work as if it is Biblical, in that “the preaching work must end” supporting delusion, will now be fully accepted as logical and Biblical by Jehovah’s witnesses as Bethel itself can potentially now end its own ministry to support the final 8th King cycle secrecy objective.

3. How far God lets Daniel 8:13-14 events go we do not know but we have a cryptic timing in Daniel 8:14. (2300 or 1150 days); How long will it take JWs to become aware they have been duped? We do not know that either but in any event a covert and foretold divine intervention will end the total darkness over Jehovah’s witnesses as this Bethel coup matures in the Daniel 8:13-14 events sending JWs into the final fulfillment Revelation 9 abyss. That JW temple desolation and cessation of the profaned “constant feature” is the parallel of Jonah being tossed overboard to emerge “three days” later as the “sign of Jonah”. (Jonah 1-3);

It seems likely Jehovah’s witnesses will be getting a three year long temple judgment “sign of Jonah” of Daniel 8:14. (Hos6:1-3, Isa37:30);

4. The Daniel 8:14 “three days” approximate 3.19 years potential timing (1150 days) with Hosea 6:1-3 and Isaiah 37:30 supporting clues of the temple judgment timing also support the understanding the Daniel 8:14 timing will also be a “three day (year)” “sign of Jonah” to Jehovah’s witnesses. That being “three years” of “abyss” darkness.

5. The Daniel 8:14 timing will aid the recognition it is that temple judgment prophecy (Dan8:13-14) and its judgment (1Pet4:17) that Jehovah’s witnesses will be in, not the “end of the world” smokescreen delusion Bethel will have used to conceal these developments making them appear as something else entirely, in total purposeful diverting error.

Thus the whole temple judgment will in time become a global signal the final cycle has begun, not ended. (Dan11:42-45, Rev15-16); At some point recovered Jehovah’s witnesses will understand it is a final cycle of mostly repeating prophecy by that time that will be active and it is headed to where the prophecy says it is headed: the real “Har-Magedon” “Day of Jehovah”. (Rev8-11, Dan12);

Revelation 8-11 final fulfillment replication thus proceeds in “seven trumpet” gauged order as Jehovah’s witnesses get the temple judgment news and meaning in the first four trumpet summarization (Rev8:7-12) of the temple judgment parallel of Revelation 8:3-5.

Bethel as a Christendom UN Doting Sibling

1. In reality God is setting up some milestones and big signals so we can recognize what is really developing here over several required final years, and it is all already in the prophecy.

2. Accordingly with this signalling, the modern “apostasy must come first” as it is now present at Bethel and it has to be divinely fully revealed, and its “man of lawlessness” must be in evidence well before the actual end because that development itself takes time to resolve and aids global awareness of prophetic reality amidst the “tribulation of those days” that activates with the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” of the 8th King the UN NGO Bethel has now bedded down the “virgin daughter of Zion” with.

3. Now the whole Bethel Governing Body “fed” cleric system must take on the role of former Christendom, as really a continuation of that apostasy, now in Jehovah’s witnesses in final form (Dan11:32), and this includes a United Nations endorsement “transgression causing desolation” (Dan8:13; UN NGO) amidst a foretold UN placement being covered up as prophecy, the 3rd UN placement in 1990. (Dan11:30-31);

The real final “man of lawlessness” must be a form of apostasy affecting the whole Christian ministry from its top leadership authority.

4. It is a systemic and organized lawless condition the prophecy is speaking of in this pinnacle form of modern “apostasy” – it is not the man on the street or congregational individuals – it is BETHEL, and that is why they distract people to inconsequential diversions of supposed apostasy everywhere it is not present, it is themselves this aids the concealment of.

5. Just as Christendom chose to ignore the 1919 League of Nations placement as prophecy but instead became its endorser, so too Bethel and the Governing Body became a UN NGO at the 1990 3rd UN placement rather than expose that event as prophecy as they concurrently endorsed the 8th King modern manifestation. (Dan11:30-32, Dan8:23); Peas in a pod these two versions of the “man of lawlessness” are, really just signals of “King North” 8th King control of them both now internal to Bethel’s corporate and ministerial authority (Dan11:41);

“Man of Lawlessness” 2.0 is at Bethel.

6. Now Bethel says that “the apostasy” was exposed in global institutional Christendom, which is true, yet that was almost 100 years ago. The point being plenty of time has elapsed for another apostasy to have formed right in Bethel and a final inspection would also be logical in that identified anointed Christian locale as probably not one Jehovah’s witness today was alive in 1918-1919 to go through that judgment.

7. Now we see why assigning themselves the “faithful slave” title premature of the final temple judgment also aids the Bethel “all done” delusion – GOD AND CHRIST is who answers the question “who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”, not Bethel, and that by JUDGMENT, not a whim of lawless Bethel 8th King allied CEOs.

How Bethel Uses Christendom as a Distraction

1. By Bethel’s use of the Christendom distraction, now well beyond modern relevance, Bethel diverts attention from their own organized apostate condition and the prerequisite exposure of that modern relevant apostasy at Bethel is even forming now in initial form.

2. To understand the “Christendom judgment” “double jeopardy” technique of that Bethel overused distraction device in Bethel publications, we need to recall Christendom already has been judged in the first judgment of the “house of God” which Christendom was, not Bethel, there was no known anointed Christian locale until after that 1914-1919 judgment. That is the whole point of the 1919-1926 Jehovah’s witnesses ministry and Revelation 8-9 initial fulfillment! Christendom’s judgment was announced!

3. That “Christendom judgment” cannot be used again, because Christendom’s judgment is done. Christendom has been identified within Babylon the Great global religious system, Christendom is just part of Babylon the Great, no longer “God’s house”,  Christendom is part of identified Babylon the Great awaiting that final judgment. Christendom cannot be singled out again, that judgment is said and done.

4. Now when we see Christendom cannot be “judged twice” as Bethel implies. It is Bethel’s judgment that must come next. We merely replace the word “Christendom”  “judgment” with “Bethel” judgment” in Bethel publications like the Isaiah, Ezekiel and Revelation commentaries and one sees more accurately where this next judgment is to come in all that post 1970 Bethel literature.

Bethel is trying to perpetuate the “Christendom judgment” again, when in fact it is their judgment that is next.

5. It is an anointed Christian judgment of which Bethel, like Christendom, is a self proclaimed center of, they are a globally visible representation of a now apostate anointed Christian ministry. That is why Bethel’s organizational downfall can be a high profile entity to be connected to the actually anointed Christian judgment as it is explained later (Rev8:7-12), and connected to the final prophetic cycle as well, just as Christendom provided in 1918-1919.

6. The post 1919 Jehovah’s witnesses ministry early hallmark was identifying Christendom as a part of Babylon the Great, Christendom cannot be judged twice but goes down at the end of the final cycle as merely part of the global Babylon the Great complex of religious sovereignty to de deposed. (Rev17:15-18);

7. Now Jehovah’s witnesses feel they can use the credentials of the post 1919 Christians who did expose the first two UN placements (1919, 1945) through to 1990. But modern Jehovah’s witnesses by Bethel lead (Dan11:32a) cover up the final two UN placements as the 1990 UN “New World Order” initiative is ignored and treated as insignificant and non-prophetic.  (4 UN Prophecies Chart)

Now God sees a UN NGO cavorting Bethel and JW ministry from 1990 forward and a great prophetic cover up along with its apostasy while Jehovah’s witnesses think everything is fine living the billionaire Bethel induced delusion of the past.

8. Who can deny, for example, that a UN NGO covenant is not lawless and is merely innocent and inconsequential, even necessary for “UN library privileges”? It is ridiculous the self revelation of Bethel’s own lawless state now that they have no “restraint” of genuine anointed Christian input and are now truly “no holds barred” brazen rogues. (2Thess2:5-9); In coming reality Bethel is the modern “rich man” “cave of robbers” who are cleaned out of the temple first. (2Thess2:8, Isa66:6, 1Pet4:17);

9. That serious apostate reality indicates the temple judgment comes first upon Bethel’s system (Zech3:3), and that is why “the judgment starts with the house of God”. (1Pet4:17; Zech3:1-3); The purpose of that judgment commencing will not be the terminal end of the world immediately, but a great signal event as God guarantees the apostates will be revealed in the Bethel leadership fully in time where the ultimate apostate and lawless meaning applies in modern relevance.

10. The premature “end of the world” delusion is created by the Bethel “lawless one” to aid concealment of the “son of destruction” ministerial coup that will climax upon the Bethel visible “worldwide organization” of Jehovah’s witnesses first.

11. The temple judgment also guarantees the apostates will be purged (Zech3:4-5), in time, (Dan8:14), fully (Isa66:6, 2Thess2:8) and the full awareness will be connected to active prophecy (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5), explained fully in the recovery (Rev8:7-12) because the final cycle of prophecy and world events will be marked by this event. (Rev8-11)

In fact, for future verifications, the temple judgment indictment and decree is present at Daniel 8:13 and its timing and phasing and the “constant feature” meaning is described at Daniel 8:14. (Dan8:26);

12 It must become a signal with a full explanation that the temple judgment of modern anointed Christians, as associated with now apostate Bethel in the Jehovah’s witnesses worldwide organization going down hard, is an indication the final cycle of Revelation 8-11 will have begun, as at some point then or soon thereafter Daniel 11:42-45 will also have to activate or be already active.

Thus the final cycle will have a unique spiritual marked dimension of activation in the temple judgment (Dan8:13-14), and a unique global marked activation in the global wealth and finance features of Daniel 11:42-43.

Apostasy is a Common Repeating Principle in Bible Judgments

(2 Thessalonians 2:5) Do you not remember that, while I was yet with you, I used to tell you these things?

1. Paul states the reminder above, to remember this warning, because masterful apostasy is a common principle in all the judgments, especially the final one, the ultimate application of this prophetic apostate signal. The principle repeats because the whole prophecy and process repeats. Apostasy and its premature end delusion is the earmark development “in the temple” that matures and is exposed before the final judgment.

It is exposed in and after the temple judgment because though the “tribulation of those days” will activate everything else Jehovah’s witnesses expect will not manifest in the order and timing they are now misled to believe.

2. This is also a global signal that will get clearer because the “judgment starts with the house of God” first, so the meanings there in that judgment commencement and overall meaning can be used to warn the world later of what will develop globally thereafter, in time.

3. Thus knowing the unique Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment “right condition” purification is the repeating purification of Revelation 8:3-5 as the temple judgment parallel, the whole Revelation 8-11 final cycle replication is what will have begun, to be gauged by the “seven trumpet” incremental and sequential building awareness of where it is all leading. The co-developing Revelation 15-16 “seven plague” gauging is the global dimensions of the final cycle of 8th King building authority (Rev13:5) to its own world government culmination (Rev16:13-16) that must also activate.

4. We shall see later how anointed Christian defection centered at Bethel’s “those leaving the holy covenant”, also marks the features of Daniel 11:30-31 as the principle of apostasy is also present in that cross reference and Daniel 8:12 as well. This is explained more fully below, as the apostasy and key UN manifestation also develop in Daniel 8:11-12, 23-25 and Daniel 11:30-41 concurrently, hence the Bethel condition today and the fact they still cover up that 1990 3rd UN placement and its 8th-King-is-King-North meaning, and thus also leave their own UN NGO 8th King endorsement unaddressed.

5. Though we see this apostasy now self-revealing by Bethel’s own lawless public record of scandal, the true revealing backed by God is in the temple judgment when those apostates and infiltrators will eventually be dealing directly with God and Christ in covert manner to get them out of the ministry and to expose them fully by prophecy in the process as the apostasy aids the credibility of the final prophecy.

6. The accounting period must run its Daniel 8:13-14 course, but as it ends there is no doubt Christ will clean the “man of lawlessness” from “in the temple” association to start the temple judgment full purification and recovery. (2Thess2:8, Mal3:1-2);

Bethel Squelches Anointed Christian Influence

1. Now as we saw earlier, and see below, the apostasy did not develop over night even if in latent apostate activity “in the temple” a certain ” restraining” influence and authority had to be removed at Bethel to allow the “transgressors to act to a completion” (Dan8:23a) in the process of maturing their lawless objectives:

(2 Thessalonians 2:6-7) And so now you know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way. (removal of anointed Christian input from the overrun Bethel ministry);

2. Now we know with the death of Fred Franz in 1992 soon all anointed “body” input at Bethel was also terminated. Anointed Christians in any form are no longer “preparing the spiritual sacrifice” the “food at the proper time” but in contrast an illegal priesthood at Bethel is offering illegitimate and profaned error and wormwood laced “constant feature” offerings. (Zech3:1-3, Rev8:10-11);

The Governing Body is serving up its own King North recipe of mixed truth and well arranged error.

3. The Governing Body coup was already working since 1976 to dictatorially squelch anointed input progressively from that key power grasp. That anointed Christian oversight as a body of all anointed that would restrain this kind of lawlessness, like that now terminal at Bethel, is now fully removed at Bethel – it is all a big act.

4. What began as a factional defection is now a complete infiltration of the lawless and corrupted Governing Body and now the entire Bethel ministry is factionally compromised. (Rev8:10-12); The UN NGO endorsement is obviously a thing no true anointed Christian would engage in and is the main red flag after the Governing Body Bethel coup red flag of what is really harbored at Bethel.

“True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work”

5. This is an important feature of a “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) apostate development that has “already been at work” which clue allows cross referencing this apostasy prophecy to the very specific Daniel 8 and Daniel 11 related prophecies for the greater details of this guided apostasy. This is how 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 has many key features cross related to Daniel 11:30-35, 41 and Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 apostasy details that give it modern relevance to light up the modern Bethel King North infested spiritual roach nest.

The 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Connection to Daniel 8 and 11

1. Thus we see the Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-32a parallels have marked events in 1990 with the 3rd UN placement of that time, like the UN NGO exposed well after the fact in 2001. To get to the point of actually officially joining the UN global promotions campaign, right in Bethel publications (Awake! 9/8/1991), it is obvious preparations had to have been made at Bethel prior to that event, it had to have been “already at work” well back to the 1976 Governing Body development as the true first “lifting themselves” red flag, now the obvious first signal of factional apostate activity at Bethel.

2. More importantly the Governing Body development is the source of progressive and perpetual subversive control in everything. And even that Governing Body conceptual acceptance had to have preparation for it to have gone into a coup and a dictatorship that also has a planned final phase to attempt to fully undermine the now apostate Christian ministry even more fully. Thus God had to permit all this for greater purposes later and to fulfill key final signal prophecy. (2Thess2:11-12);

We shall see Daniel 8 and 11 contain the details of this “already at work” gradual development in tangent with, parallel to, marked 3rd UN placement events also present in those prophecies. (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23a);

3. This prophecy did not fulfill in the WW2-to-Cold-War era, it fulfilled with “already at work” “gradual” preparation leading to the 1990 3rd UN placement and Bethel’s UN NGO compromise:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (that cannot be 1919 determined and already exposed “apostate Christendom”. It is modern anointed core defection at Bethel that aids subsequent internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion operation) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (in the “gradually given over” nature of subtle apostasy); (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (primary 3rd UN placement, 1990; and Bethel’s “disgusting thing” version in UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

3. Thus it is no coincidence Bethel takes part in the UN covering subversion and profanation operation while as UN NGO they aid the global “new world order” promotionals of that 3rd United Nation manifestation after the Cold War. (Dan11:29); It is no accident in what is now fully developing to a  final coup at Bethel. Though JWs are fully off course and lost, the real crash is yet to come.

4. Thus the apostasy and lawlessness also implies in the above that it took time to be “considered” (Dan11:30b), that it was implemented first in anointed Christian defection – “those leaving the holy covenant” – for the subsequent Daniel 11:41 prophetic “enter the Decoration” “King North” infiltration allowance of the parallel of the Daniel 11:31a “arms that stand up” into the JW ministerial “established place” “fortress”. That is the same JW “army gradually given over” in Daniel 8:12 and the same parallel apostate development by sustained 8th King infiltration and guidance from an anointed defection first developed that allowed such impostor access fully.

A. The “stand” of the “King of Fierce Countenance” in Daniel 8:23 is the parallel to the 3rd UN placement of Daniel 11:31b.

Daniel 8:23-25 is the 3rd to 4th UN placement continuum paralleling the Daniel 11:30-45 identical 3rd to 4th UN 8th King “King North” continuum.

5. Thus clearly in the prophecy are a number of unique converging developments: (1) “King North” “considers” and carries out “effectively” the (2) anointed defection to (3) allow the “gradual” infiltration to in time be carried to the point of the prophetically marked (4) UN NGO objective of the public lawless event in the UN NGO alliance at the (5) 3rd UN event of 1990 and to (6) cover-up the true meaning (Dan8:12) of this prophecy fully marked in the 1990 period at Bethel and the 3rd United Nations manifestation while (7) adjoining the “disgusting thing” as the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13.

6. This is also why Bethel has nothing new to relate about the UN 8th King since 1945, they simply bypass all modern UN development since 1990 and act as if nothing special is going on, just waiting for “the end” here, just extending the delusion under cover of now outdated UN developments of the past. No wonder there is no actual “new light” of any significance since 1970, but instead Bethel retains past error and reinforces contradicting waffling doctrines on purpose.

7. The “effective” profaning process upon the “sanctuary” (anointed status; Zech3:1-3), the “fortress” (ministerial “established place” of Bethel) and the “constant feature” (the anointed ministry itself) also took time. Thus the gradual manner of the “lawlessness” being “already at work” in Jehovah’s witnesses to even affect the Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial “army” as that ministry is “given over” is in both prophecies, it is all details of the same Bethel apostate “malaise” process.

8. This “gradual” development is also shown in Daniel 8:12, as is the Bethel prophecy cover-up and “effective” “success” of this portion of the Bethel overall apostate “operation of error”:

(Daniel 8:11-12) . . .And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place (Bethel JW worldwide organization) of his sanctuary was thrown down. (eventually comes in serious manifestations upon the Bethel corporations as Daniel 8:13) 12 And an (JW worldwide) army itself was gradually given over (to 8th King infiltrative control), together with the constant [feature] (imbibed with misinformation), because of transgression; (UN NGO and other sins permits allowance of the compromise by also progressively removed divine blessing and discernment while fulfillment of prophecy is effected for greater future purpose); and it kept throwing truth to the earth (cover up, misinformation), and it acted and had success. (Dan11:30 “act effectively” completely successful unlike anything World War 2 produced in ultimate failure when compared to this 8th King engineered intelligence and subversion operation deployed through the Governing Body and installed Bethel agents);

The Bethel Act

1. Thus the Bethel apostasy is developing in a unique manner with unique methods in spite of it being a repeating principle of apostasy. The Bethel apostasy doesn’t come in with “Babylonian” religious root practices blatantly, it doesn’t reveal intent abruptly, though it has some big red flags it waves them in with “smooth word” distractions well spaced in time. (Dan11:32a);

A. It is more an operation of omission of critical final 8th King 3rd and 4th cycle details present in prophecy from a 1990 marked UN placement event that is of course foretold and outlined in prophecy. Then it uses prophetic truth in need of modern 8th King updates in now a jumbled final arrangement of misapplication to use that truth, but with erred ordering, as the smokescreen for the final coup event is spaced in, now another twenty years from the 1990 UN NGO fiasco, which was spaced fifteen years after the 1976 Governing Body power grasp. That pattern is not accidental and random.

2. Thus since 1990 concealing that UN developmental outline in its final 3rd and 4th cycle leg in Daniel 8 and 11 as a final connected continuum is important for 8th King developmental secrecy for establishing globalization components of world government with as little fanfare as possible. Silencing Jehovah’s witnesses is the main goal because it was the last point of valid prophetic exposition through the 2nd UN placement of 1945, lost by 1990 3rd UN placement cover up.

A. Isolating Jehovah’s witnesses from modern globalization and global financial developments from modern researchers furthers the goal as modern prophecy marking developments are not connected to the great details in Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45 concerning the globalization of “King North” into the the 8th King totality. Instead Jehovah’s witnesses think the United Nations mere “image”  is the end of development and the 7th King rules to Armageddon rather than being superceded by the logical 8th King (Dan11:42-43), the last king in this sovereign progression. (Rev17:11-18);

Jehovah’s witnesses are mentally in a perpetual “1960” as far as prophecy and world power developmental understanding.

3. Thus the Bethel apostates simply slipped into a functioning truth, bypassed significant UN developments in 1990 and simply extend the charade using voluminous past truths, traditions and impressions of Jehovah’s witnesses from a formerly valid and foretold ministry that greatly aids the full acceptance of the Bethel act.

A. Now the “food at the proper time” is chock full of “wormwood”, “leaven of the Bethel Pharisees”, and plenty of pretty pictures dressing up the over simplified hypnotics of the past, over and over again, with plenty of guilt primed calls to action and appeals to conscience and fear to further the distracting diversion from reality with more Bethel back patting. It is all a big distraction process.

4. The “gnat” scale focus of Jehovah’s witnesses on everything but Bethel reality is “effective” and has slid by “successfully” as intended on the duped global JW flock with this strategy. It merely must keep extending the act to the final Bethel coup period.

5. Thus the omission of up-to-date truth of prophecy is aided by a distracting organizational busy-body behemoth that abuses former Christian validity by using assumed “faithfulness” to disguise its “evil slave” interior and ulterior motives with a dictatorial level of tyranny. The Bethel “Popes” are now armed with the “Gehenna” threat and lawless authority that Jehovah’s witnesses buy because they believe the “Governing Body” is a divine “successor” entity extended to modern times from a manmade superimposed presumption in Acts 15:1-35.

6. That could not be further from the truth. And yet this exact same kind of apostate override marks Israel and Christendom prophetic history like the repeating principle and prophecy that it is, it is us Jehovah’s witnesses that should have known better and guarded against it.

7. But too, prophecy must fulfill and the grander purpose of allowing this apostasy is to form a final temple judgment and global signal event and awareness of the final cycle of prophecy.

CSI Bethel: The Same Apostate Principles at Work

1. Thus when Paul’s prophecy says the “mystery of this lawlessness is already at work”, in his time, we see the principle of what led to Christendom’s apostate state, it took time to fully manifest, but it is the same DNA. That active “lawlessness” “already at work” also applies in the same principle in Bethel’s accelerated modern version of the same kind of gradual subversion that also was “already at work” deep into Jehovah’s witnesses past history now becoming, like Christendom, progressively more obvious. The subtle development is how the “operation of error goes to them” at Bethel and in Jehovah’s witnesses almost imperceptibly and it is a progressive purposeful “operation”.

2. In any event Bethel’s “operation of error” is gradual, now matured yet has been “already at work” early enough in development of the Governing Body to subsequently be well positioned to cover up the 1990 3rd UN placement from a valid Jehovah’s witnesses Christian ministry that formerly did successfully expose the first two UN placements as prophecy. (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23a are both 3rd UN placement prophecy of 1990);

3. Somewhere between 1945 2nd UN placement exposure, and the 1990 3rd UN placement cover up in lieu of the UN NGO the JW ministry fully derailed as something went fully awry at Bethel. We don’t need Sherlock Holmes here to now figure this out. It is now glaringly obvious the 1976 rogue “Governing Body” coup is the “something” that went wrong and guided the rest of this apostate process “gradually” further and further once in full stranglehold control. Bethel is the modern scene of the apostate crime, plain and simple, it is what it is.

A. The Governing Body same “man of lawlessness” fingerprints are all over the UN NGO and the bypass of 1990 3rd UN placement prophecy.

4. A point is if Jehovah’s witnesses never had truth, then this “operation of error” would be unnecessary in that ministry. But because Jehovah’s witnesses were successfully exposing the first two United Nations prophecies in 1919 and 1945 it was an 8th King imperative to shut up the 3rd UN placement of 1990 to make sure it did not get exposed, like the former two, as prophecy continuing to fulfill. The Governing Body “collective temple criminal” is the who that concealing objective was carried out through. The internal factional subversion was undetectable upon any single culprit, the Governing Body “holy man” veneer provided the perfect cover, the “rule by committee” concept allowed the factional to full control to develop invisibly.

By Jehovah’s witnesses potentially fully exposing the UN 1-2-3 developments in 1919, 1945 and 1990, the UN ultimate 1-2-3-4 progression in four foretold 8th King cycles in prophecy to fourth cycle world government, 1-2-3-4, would become fully obvious. Thus the 1990 3rd placement was concealed from JW awareness as the Governing Body frauds squelched the final anointed dialogue when Fred Franz “died”.  (4 UN Prophecies Chart)

5. That is why that 3rd UN placement awareness needed to be diverted and has been diverted by these Bethel 8th King allied apostates and impostors.

6. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses were the last point of Christian enlightenment and for that reason it has been the only real target to subvert, and that is why the apostasy has indeed developed at Bethel for this purpose and why prophecy is what exposes it first, God has already known way back in Daniel’s time the Bethel development of today.

Ever thought something isn’t quite right at Bethel and with Jehovah’s witnesses? You are correct, and this apostate development is why.

The Governing Body Red Flag and Smoking Gun

1. We know it is the unique Governing Body dictatorial coup of 1976, as a potential cell of subversion, that developed between the 2nd and 3rd UN placements, between 1945 and 1990, and that is significant.

2. It is no coincidence the UN tracking ministry was also lost after 1976.

3. It is no coincidence those rogues joined the UN NGO 8th King endorsement campaign by 1990 and sent Jehovah’s witnesses out globally also pushing UN NGO plugs and quotes in Bethel publications door to door. (Awake! 9/8/1991);

4. All the significantly lawless Jehovah’s witnesses related scandal starts with the Governing Body coup, but in reality that illegal non-Biblical body has been a God permitted error from the inception of its acceptance upon pure superimposed presumption. (2Thess2:10-12);

The Governing Body Myth Accepted Was the First Error

In reality there is no defined or named “governing body” in Acts 15:1-35 or anywhere else in the Bible for a reason. There is no such thing as a divinely instituted “governing body”. It itself is a myth and a falsehood.

1. Plain and simple the whole “governing body” mythology is all implied by the Bethel “board of directors” the convenient benefactors and beneficiaries of the myth. There is no God defined human composed “extra body” with supreme dictatorial authority in the Bible, it itself is part of “the lie”, it is the first “error” in and of itself. The “divine” “Governing Body” concept is an error-turned-lie by which Jehovah’s witnesses gradually accepted this abomination because it seemed Biblical – it is based on a plausible extension of logic, but it is an error, the key error.

That “governing body” myth accepted was the first mistake of major consequence later.

2. In time that selfsame abomination accepted in error went into further ministerial seizure by 1976. The only “body” defined in the Bible is the “body of the Christ” of which Christ is the head, of which arrangement God is the ultimate authority. In the twelve apostles was the last divinely mandated human authority of “restraint” and they existed in distributed form. There is no “governing body” addressed in Revelation 2-3 seven letters to the distributed seven congregations because there is no central authority but Christ and God over anointed Christians.

Thus an additional “body” such as a “government body” at Bethel is by its very existence “set in opposition” to God, Christ, anointed Christians, all Christians and every person on earth, it works against its own interests, it is a falsehood from the get-go. (2Thess2:1-4);

3. It is not that God condones this apostasy, but it is He that allows it to form in this manner to form the basis of the temple judgment with significant implications to covering up “King North” 8th King prophecy that must come out once the Bethel subversion is dealt with by God and Christ, it is all foretold. That is why allowing a significant compromise to form to the scale of this Bethel apostasy and its 8th King alliances will also allow a high profile development to manifest as the temple judgment to in time call proper attention to what is really inhabiting Bethel: the modern “man of lawlessness” and “son of destruction”, and what it all really means.

4. Bethel sells the premature end of the world delusion to Jehovah’s witnesses to attempt to cover up the coming required temple judgment, because it will be desolating as per the 8th King “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 that the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” guarantees upon Bethel the UN NGO temple. God will hand Bethel to their 8th King “lover” to accomplish this part of the judgment, the desolation of Bethel as a global organization, the Daniel 8:11 “throw down” of the “established place”, the beginning of the “tribulation of those days”, the start of the final cycle of prophecy.

Temple Judgment Purification and Christian Ministerial Recovery

1. Eventually the whole apostasy is to be dealt with by Jesus Christ ending the “desolation” period of the temple judgment to clean out the defectors and trespassers:

(2 Thessalonians 2:8) Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.

2. Although the Bethel apostasy is already self-revealing in initial form (John12:6), and being connected to prophecy, that arrival of Christ is the temple “manifestation of his presence”, because it is not the end yet, it is the Malachi 3:1-2 “sudden arrival” of God and Christ “into the temple” to actually perform the final purification (Isa66:6) to produce the final warning (Rev10:11) by first removing the Bethel based and globally effective “man of lawlessness” from the anointed association.

3. Hence this is why the “judgment starts with the house of God” as per 1 Peter 4:17.

(Malachi 3:1-2) “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he must clear up a way before me. And suddenly there will come to His temple the [true] Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. Look! He will certainly come,” Jehovah of armies has said. 2 “But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen.

That “suddenly there will come” event is the temple purification arrival of Christ to the temple after the required “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 as the “morning” of Daniel 8:14, 26.

4. The Malachi 3:1-2 event is beyond the temple inspection, and into the active temple judgment desolation. The temple inspection is now active in Jehovah’s witnesses as Zechariah 3:1-3, it is the finality of the judgment in the “do away with [the Bethel apostasy and “man of lawlessness”] by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence” in the temple entering event of Christ ending the Daniel 8:14 “evening” phase that aligns with the subsequent “morning” “enlightening” effect of the Revelation 9 “abyss” “opening” up in final fulfillment:

(Revelation 9:1-4) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet. And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key of the pit of the abyss was given him. (Christ the angel of the covenant) 2 And he opened the pit of the abyss (of temple desolation of Daniel 8:13, “desolation” “evening” ending, enlightening “morning” arriving, Daniel 8:14, 26), and smoke ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace (the world sees the JW temple judgment desolation “smoke”, Zech3:2), and the sun was darkened, also the air, by the smoke of the pit. (eventually the true meaning of the judgment “darkens” the world forecast because more judgments are to come) 3 And out of the smoke locusts came forth upon the earth; (anointed Christians passing the “five wise virgin” testing of the temple judgment are recovered) and authority was given them, the same authority as the scorpions of the earth have. 4 And they were told to harm no vegetation of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. (fraud and defector anointed in the Bethel system, the spiritual “weed” purge of the temple judgment);

5. This is why Daniel 8:14, 26 specify the “evening” darkness starts the temple judgment phasing and timing. The “evening and morning” are a reference to the “constant feature” as well, so a soon to be known Bethel “established place” event or “constant feature” cessation, or both, will start the Daniel 8:14 timing, so mark your tentative calendar at such time of such a notable Bethel centered event.

Final Ministerial Recovery in the Final Cycle Active

1. That recovery means the first four trumpet meanings of Revelation 8 final fulfillment round, in sequential order this time, are empowering the recovery of those anointed Christian “locusts” in progressive “clarifying” temple judgment understanding in the first four trumpets. The fifth and sixth trumpet “invasion” eventually carries forth the full meaning of the first four trumpets that explain the whole temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) significance and details (Rev8:7-12), forming the first chapter of the “little scroll” in that summarization and update of all post 1990 8th King prophecy. (Rev8:8);

A. This prophecy analysis merely states everything repeats with modern 8th King applicability, so this analysis honors all the original Jehovah’s witnesses truths up to the 1990 diversion and retained “king North” related 8th King errors, and exposes the 1976 period as the start of the Governing Body 8th King backed scam.

2. Thus the fifth and sixth trumpet global recovered Christian anointed ministry eventually carries forth the understanding of the first four trumpets and in time merge into the “little scroll” and the final “two witnesses” deployment when the full “clarification” enlightenment is reached to form the final 1260 day Kingdom proclamation. (Rev10:11, Rev9-11:1-7) As shown in Zechariah 3:1-8, angels are involved in the recovery of Christians from the temple judgment “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 and they oversee the whole deployment of the final “two witnesses”.

A. Now we see the first Revelation 8 fulfillment is honored, we merely replace Christendom’s judgment with Bethel’s and up date to world government scale issues and voila we have the Revelation 8-9 final fulfillment beginning and honoring the original Jehovah’s witnesses’ ministerial truths of Revelation.

3. Thus as written the Bethel apostasy ultimately fails:

(Daniel 11:32) And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God, they will prevail and act effectively.

(Daniel 11:35) And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of [the] end; because it is yet for the time appointed. (the temple judgment “time appointed” (Dan8:14) will end the Daniel 11:32-35,41, 8th King and Governing Body inspired era of JW stumbling and subversive operations at Bethel);

4. Yet the “to be revealed” portion of the “man of lawlessness” exposure can precede the judgment that the revealing is made complete in, for a period before the purification phase of the “morning” of Daniel 8:14, the “opening” of the “abyss” of Revelation 9 final fulfillment.

5. No doubt after the temple judgment the entire temple judgment prophecy, including the modern apostasy and “man of lawlessness”, will be accurately explained in the true significance of what it is and what it indicates.

A. For example the first four trumpets do explain (Rev8:7-12), in final fulfillment, the temple judgment meaning of Revelation 8:3-5, and the third trumpet fully outlines the Bethel “Wormwood” condition of this “fallen star” apostasy of “those leaving the holy covenant” at Bethel as the former anointed “fallen lamp” that brings its own downfall about as the direct modern apostate parallel to Christendom’s clergy of the first Revelation 8 fulfillment. (Rev8:10-11);

6. We see now God did permit the original “Governing Body” error to “go to them”, but He does not condone it. This “operation of error” now mature and terminal actually provides a basis of the temple judgment. It also provides a signal for lucid and awake Christians before the temple judgment.

7. This is the temple inspection phase below now complete or completing exposing that the Bethel lawlessness has now “befouled” the anointed Christian priesthood identifying “garments” of priestly duty now terminally “befouled” by the Bethel lawless public record and requiring a complete change of “garments”, angelically aided:

(Zechariah 3:1-3) (Modern temple inspection:) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest (Christian anointed priesthood symbol) standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him. (2Thess2:9) 2 Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! (coming intrigues and purification:) Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire? (of the temple judgment “trampling” of Dan8:13) (“fire” of Rev8:3-5);(modern anointed priesthood reality:) Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel. (Bethel’s “operation of error” befouls the global reputation of the anointed Christian priesthood, hence the temple);

8. Thus the temple inspection above finds the “befouled” current status of the parallel “profanations” of the modern Bethel developments of apostasy. (Dan11:30b). We know how important the Daniel 8:14 “right condition” of this purification really is in this temple judgment actual fulfillment coming.

Bethel’s “Operation of Error” and the “Operation of Satan” Convergence

1. And we see Satan’s “Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him” presence in Zechariah 3:1 has a parallel as well to the “operation of Satan” in the “operation of error” formation at Bethel:

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved.

2. Thus it is no innocent or accidental development up at Bethel and their Governing Body mastery of deception and neither is the main features of its methods and 8th King related subversion objective.

3. The premature “end of the world” delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 is part of the Bethel complex of “lying signs and portents” and “unrighteous deception” that they now employ to cover up their own apostasy, their 8th King relationship, 8th King world government development cycles 3 and 4, and the temple judgment among other deceptions aiding their successful subversion operation and its concealment. It is all part of the Bethel deception objective and it gets worse in time as the real Bethel coup development manifests soon.

4. The phrase “those who are perishing” does not mean all Jehovah’s witnesses are perishing. It means the determination is based on repenting or not from the error when it is completely exposed as it will be, just as opportunity arose to flee the Christendom error as that was exposed previously upon this prophecy in the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial first “witness”.

5. The whole Bethel apostasy forms a basis of the need of admission and repentance from Jehovah’s witnesses and the determination of who condones the modern lawless Bethel system. Thus the outworking of this temple judgment phase has to also be drawn out to make this known to Jehovah’s witnesses in time, with time to repent:

(Revelation 2:20-23) “‘Nevertheless, I do hold [this] against you, that you tolerate that (Bethel) woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her fornication. 22 Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. 23 And her children I will kill with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts (temple inspection parallel principle), and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.

6. It forms a final “weed” and “wheat” separation right in Jehovah’s witnesses in the modern final form prior to the final mission. (Rev10:11); It forms a final “foolish virgin” and “wise virgin” determination. It forms the real final “evil slave” and “faithful slave” designate determination through the temple judgment. It calls all Jehovah’s witnesses to “sackcloth” repentance as Revelation 8 proceeds to Revelation 9-11. This is part of how the final “two witnesses” again put on the “sackcloth”, not just because of the final mission “little scroll” message content, but because of the temple judgment realizations.

The real Bethel apostate condition is not going to be an easy pill for many Jehovah’s witnesses to swallow.

(Isaiah 7:9) Unless you people have faith, you will in that case not be of long duration.

The Bethel Gradual Transformation

1. God knows it was a subtle transformation that fully overtook Bethel especially from 1990 forward, when they “bedded down” with the UN NGO “King North” 8th King officially. But even since 1976 the Governing Body was an ominous red flag of this transformation at work right in Bethel’s own “metamorphosis” when we see all this in retrospect:

(2 Corinthians 11:13-15) For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. (Rev2:2) 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works.

2. Thus we have further principle application of how Satan is involved with the “gradual” “transforming” outcome of today’s apostate Bethel “superfine” “apostle” frauds from start to finish. It is “little wonder”, really, when we listen to God’s Word rather than self-exalted human sinners like those in the “Governing Body”. That “body” is the center of the transformation of Bethel into the final apostasy.

3. Now the principle of how Satan works and the cross reference of Satan’s presence at the temple inspection of Zechariah 3:1-3 and the revealing of the “man of lawlessness” explains how Bethel’s apostate condition has formed so masterfully, “gradually” and “successfully”. It is not only permitted by God, it is demonically aided by the “operation of Satan” right from within Bethel’s now uncanny ministry, day over day, year over year, decade over decade, for who knows how long, to set up the 1990 UN NGO travesty and beyond.

4. This is why testing “apostles” is commendable, an implied commandment of God and Christ, and how the “Governing Body” is exposed as liars by the Bible’s own prophecy and principles in tangent with their own insurmountable public evidence:

(Revelation 2:2) ‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars. 

5. Once put to the test properly and without fear Bethel’s “superfine apostles” fail, they are examples of the apostolic claimant disguised liars implied in the above. They are nothing but actors.

6. If Jehovah’s witnesses try to apply that first commendable testing vigilance of the Ephesian congregation above, they are booted from the flock after being silenced and persecuted by the Governing Body worshiping JW drones from Bethel on down the chain of apostate command into the congregations. And that attitude was born in the further intensified Bethel “inquisition” of the 1976-1981 period of the Governing Body’s self protection device going into full action and further development as “policy” to assure their viral “leaven” spread (Rev8:10-11) would be unchallenged and would have “legal” recourse to put down any opposition to their apostate tyranny.

7. In time they would rule just as the Papacy does, by being first accepted as divine, then eventually worshiped and thus having the duped sheep and congregational elder “neo-Jesuits” carry out their perpetual purges and silencing to protect the rogue position of the Governing Body King North vassal dictators. It is the same old story really, the only thing making Bethel special is they subverted the last point of Christian truth and prophetic exposition.

8. This is how the modern condition of Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses and the “gradually given over” nature of the subversion is also further intensified over time “because of transgression” as noted in Daniel 8:12. The piling up of Bethel sins, year over year, spread communally upon all Jehovah’s witnesses (Rev8:7) condoning and even adoring these lawless Governing Body of Rogues, we see that progressive development aids the spiritually detrimental effect that gets worse and worse in time as the “love of the great number cools off” “because of the increasing of lawlessness” right at Bethel by their apostate lead now well disguised under a collective Papal “body”.

9. In effect God’s holy spirit leaves the ministry (Mal1, Hag1) and Satan’s spirit comes in and replaces it and it is worse than the former case in Christendom once it is matured as it is at Bethel:

(Matthew 12:43-45) “When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting-place, and finds none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will go back to my house out of which I moved’; and on arriving it finds it unoccupied but swept clean and adorned. 45 Then it goes its way and takes along with it seven different spirits more wicked than itself, and, after getting inside, they dwell there; and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first. That is how it will be also with this wicked generation.”

(Matthew 24:11-12) And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.

10. Bethel is the “false prophet” center that is the source of this “increasing of lawlessness” among anointed Christians and the whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry devolving into a global farce of Bethel based scandal and hypocrites. It is not about “theology” anymore with JW critics, it is about poring over the Bethel lawless public record, it is now mostly about actual Bethel criminal activity.

11. And its “gradually given over” nature is how it has virtually slipped by most Jehovah’s witnesses remaining in congregations. The “wormwood” of Revelation 8:10-11 is the now well known global record of Bethel backed injustice for real, not “theological opinion” but Bethel injustice and criminality as policy:

(Jeremiah 23:15) Therefore this is what Jehovah of armies has said against the prophets: “Here I am making them eat wormwood, and I will give them poisoned water to drink. For from the prophets of Jerusalem apostasy has gone forth to all the land.”

(Amos 5:6-7) 6 Search for Jehovah, and keep living, that he may not become operative just like fire, O house of Joseph, and it may not actually devour, and Bethel may not be with no one to extinguish [it], 7 O you who are turning justice into mere wormwood, and the ones who have cast righteousness itself to the earth.

12. Thus many Jehovah’s witnesses are misled by this apostasy to actually help the “confirmed drunkards” in the Bethel “evil slave” “beat their fellow slaves” (Matt24:48), and it is all “smooth word” sold off by silver-fork-tongue Bethel as spiritual protection. (Dan11:32a);

13. Obviously in any organizational authoritative capacity Jehovah’s witnesses have not or are unable to expose and expel the “Governing Body of Apostasy” at Bethel and thus have certainly not “put those to the test who say they are apostles” in any useful manner to address this disaster brewing at Bethel.

14. Now it appears the “Governing Body” “faithful and discreet slave” now has full legal control of the Bethel ministry and corporations which is as good as “King North” not just “entering the Decoration” (Dan11:41) but essentially owning the JW billion dollar “nest egg”. (Eze7:22, Isa1:23) That given authority is thus soon to have devastating effects upon the JW ministerial resource base “established place” when this coup fully manifests its full objective in the coming Bethel premature “end of the world” hoax upon Jehovah’s witnesses.

God Permitted Temple Judgment Basis

1. But it all ultimately serves as part of the basis of the coming temple judgment that must come first on God’s house as per 1 Peter 4:17:

(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

2. Now that “judged” can have positive and negative outcomes because the temple judgment is a finalizing period being carried out for faithful and evil determinations, and as usual God will of course give a period for potential repentance as the truth recovery from the Bethel error is the objective to form a final warning and to give credible events to identify the true position in prophecy we are really at. (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5);

3. The “why” this “operation of error” at Bethel is allowed by God, affecting the whole anointed Christian community, is for the “retribution” to come in the temple judgment on anointed Christians, the apostates and unrepentant, the final “weed” removal, the final determination of the “foolish virgins” is being determined in this temple judgment period. Conversely a “wheat” and “wise virgin” determination is also to be made. In any event all of us Jehovah’s witnesses, especially in the anointed Christian actual judgment sector, will be guilty and need admission, repentance, forgiveness and deliverance to get to the final mission officially. (Dan9:9-19);

A. The final fulfillment Revelation 8 “earth” is the whole Jehovah’s witnesses global community that this will fall on one way or another, but with recovery as the goal amidst a big global signal event period.

4. This is allowed to form a massive basis of the coming equally massive temple judgment, no doubt to manifest at “Biblical proportions” on the visible Bethel system to account for this true condition at Bethel upon that visible representation of a formerly anointed Christian ministry. The real judgment comes on anointed Christians for a “wake up call” (Matt25:1-13), apostate Bethel provides the high profile apostate center to connect easily to prophecy later. It is anointed Christians God and Christ are accounting and cleansing, but all Jehovah’s witnesses will be affected one way or another.

5. Thus ultimately some Jehovah’s witnesses will be preserved and purified through this judgment (Zech3:4-5), because the final ministerial recovery is the ultimate goal to fully explain the whole final prophecy and the true final cycle the world will be in when Bethel goes down in proverbial “flames”. (Zech3:2; Rev8:3-5, Eze10);

6. The temple judgment is using global events from 8th King ultimate backing to create the global context of the Daniel 8:13 “trampling” of the Bethel worldwide organization, now abomination, thus clearing out the main truth obstacle by using the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” relation to the 8th King to effect the desolation. In time those events will become ascertainable as the temple judgment prophecy, because “the end” delusion and the other jumbled expectations Bethel is selling Jehovah’s witnesses will not manifest in the order or prematurity that Bethel is teaching to aid the cover of this period.

7. Although the “governing body” and its concept is a falsehood and thus the original lie of greatest eventual consequence, the real “the lie” is now in the complete misleading and adulterous effect the diverted Jehovah’s witnesses ministry now promotes. It is not all lies, and it is not a a lie from 1914 inception, it has been affected by enough error to make the last nearly forty years of Jehovah’s witnesses ministry a progressive error of omission, man worship and Bethel purposeful misapplication with cover-up of modern prophecy and its 8th King subject. (Rev8:10-12);

Admission and Repentance from the Bethel Apostasy

1. Thus an admission of much Bethel backed sins will be required to fully explain the first four trumpet meanings of the temple judgment reality as Bethel must be first exposed to get on with the post 1990 8th King prophetic details they are covering up.

A The “Governing Body” and its very concept of divinity will have to be condemned and exposed  for “the lie” it is, and that will test the core honesty of all Jehovah’s witnesses. What is going to be “unusual”, yet right in the prophecy, is the visible judgment to come upon Bethel enabled and guaranteed by their “Assyrian” aligned UN NGO endorsing days of public adultery. (Jam4:4);

B. This is why the “unusual work” of God’s “strange deed” is what is befalling the “rich man class” Governing Body “purple decked” Bethel system next, not Christendom:

(Isaiah 28:21) For Jehovah will rise up just as at Mount Perazim, he will be agitated just as in the low plain near Gibeon, that he may do his deed—his deed is strange—and that he may work his work—his work is unusual.

2. Bethel is this modern den of Matthew 24:48 “confirmed drunkards”:

(Isaiah 28:1-3) 28 Woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading blossom of its decoration of beauty that is upon the head of the fertile valley of those overpowered by wine! 2 Look! Jehovah has someone strong and vigorous. Like a thunderous storm of hail, a destructive storm, like a thunderous storm of powerful, flooding waters, he will certainly do a casting down to the earth with force.  3 With the feet the eminent crowns of the drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled down. (Dan8:13);

In the temple judgment enlightenment period (Rev8:5, Dan8:14, Zech3:4-5, Rev9:1-4) is when the Bethel “rich man” state and attitude present in some “linened” Jehovah’s witnesses is fully revealed, the “Lazarus” group will become more than just the starved and abused recovered sheep of the Bethel tyranny but many people when the “two witnesses” objective is met (Rev11:7-13), because the final truth has a far broader and final salvation appeal and Christ will in time complete his own global ministry in limitless form (Matt10:23, Matt24:30-31, Dan12:11-12), which the “two witnesses” second witness will have gave eventual “little scroll” announcement of. (Luke16:19-31);

3. Either Jehovah’s witnesses reject the lawless nature of Bethel and make a global admission, or we are fooled by it, or we are part of it. In the temple judgment Jehovah’s witnesses will either go down with the rotten Bethel ship idol, or we will then be confronted with the prophetic apostate reality to fully repent from and expose as the first chapter of the coming “little scroll” final warning progression that is commissioned by God and Christ later. (Rev10, Zech3:4-7);

A In any case the unique temple judgment prophecy (Dan8:13-14) in its repeating nature, and the unique final 8th King cycle (Dan11:42-45) will change the global complexion as some become aware this marks a final phase. (Dan7:25);

4. This means though Christians are in gross sin in varying degrees, the outcome can still be “faithful” or “evil”, “wheat” or “weed”, “wise” or “foolish” “virgin” when this temple judgment fully plays out. This is the purpose of Paul’s prophecy from God to aid awareness that signal begins a judgment phase that in time extends to the world, but God is gauging the process upon a by then repeating prophecy continuum. (Rev8-11, 15-16, Dan12); It is not a lump sum condemnation, it is a purification to recover those fooled by this apostasy to recover a final ministerial clarification that will in time form the final Kingdom warning repeating in final form to aid people’s awareness globally, again. (Rev10:11);

A Thus rather than the premature Bethel “the end” delusion which will fail, though the “tribulation of those days” will activate to the world government resolution, this will be explained in time as a final multi-year period of the climax of the Adamic and post Noachian period of human sovereign development. (Gen10-11:1-9; Dan2,11; Rev13,17; Zeph3:8-9);

5. As in Zechariah 3:1, it is Satan who is actually operative in Bethel’s now hijacked and apostate ministry because it was the last point of Christian truth revealed up to the point of this override. Every prophecy of apostasy and 3rd and 4th UN significance that Bethel has been covering up fully since 1990, will also become part of the final “little scroll” explanation because a 4th cycle, the eventual 4th UN manifestation this time will be world government (Dan11:45) that will in climax open all heaven upon their heads in due time as God and Christ will respond to that final sovereign affront to their Kingdom authority. (Rev19:11-21, 2Thess1:6-10);

But long before that finality of “Jehovah’s day” a complete and thorough “second witness” explanatory warning and big salvation invitation is going global first for the whole Daniel 12:7 and Daniel 12:11 final timed periods that Daniel 8:14 timed period eventually leads to.

6. Thus as bad as it is now in apostasy, and as bad as it is going to get later in the “evening” of the temple judgment, the Bethel apostasy actually will aid the credibility of the final prophetic cycle as their apostasy is exposed and removed in the temple judgment starting that final prophetic process. (Rev8-11);

7. The real overall “the lie” is not just the Governing Body cell of initial development, it is also this premature end delusion Paul describes by God’s spirit in verses 1 and 2. The whole “the lie” is the “1/3” deviation the Bethel Governing Body hijacked ministry (Rev8:10-11) has accomplished (Rev10:12), they are selling the 8th King “new world order” official as UN NGO and laced in their publications to Jehovah’s witnesses and had it gone on that is what Jehovah’s witnesses would have been accepting as “God’s Kingdom” and the Bethel lawless masters as its elite “princes”.

A. The pinnacle “unrighteous deception” is that all this Bethel error creates a premature end expectation with falsely applied prophetic backing while they have been repulsing millions from actual truth by their conduct and scandals, purposely, while covering up critical 3rd and 4th cycle 8th King “King North” prophecy.

But not all are going to fail, the truth is what God recovers by all this negative Bethel development which merely stamps the verifiability of the overall prophecy:

(2 Thessalonians 2:13-15) However, we are obligated to thank God always for you, brothers loved by Jehovah, because God selected you from [the] beginning for salvation by sanctifying you with spirit and by your faith in the truth. 14 To this very destiny he called you through the good news we declare (Rev10:5-11), for the purpose of acquiring the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 So, then, brothers, stand firm and maintain your hold on the traditions that you were taught, whether it was through a verbal message or through a letter of ours. (genuine anointed Christians) 16 Moreover, may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, 17 comfort your hearts and make you firm in every good deed and word.

Clearing The Bethel Obstacle Away to Start the Tribulation of Those Days

1. What the Bethel “man of lawlessness” (2.0) apostasy indicates, in a more comprehensive reality related to the original Christendom major institutional apostate system “man of lawlessness” (1.0), is that all organized religion of major scale is now controlled by King North 8th King subversions. The Christian ministry formerly valid from the Bethel “established place” visible ministerial center was the last point of Christian “reformation” and enlightenment to now go apostate. Now the whole Christendom and Bethel circus is all King North subverted for a final purpose.

A. But as we see Bethel as the main target will also be the first Christian anointed associated place of a divine temple judgment (1Pet4:17) and eventual alteration of the overall 8th King destructive goal. (Hos1:4-7). The Destroyer getting active to open the Revelation 9 “abyss” of the temple desolation is the ominous parallel the 8th King, not respecting prophetic bounds, will experience at some point into the temple judgment.

B. That will not destroy the 8th King “Assyrians” but it will adjust their trajectory to world government to allow the final warning period to come forth. That will also send a private message to the 8th King camp (Isa37:36) that God and Christ are in the temple (Isa66:6), and the rest will continue to proceed according to prophecy. That will also establish the Hosea 1:4-7 temple judgment precursor fulfillment upon the the “Assyrian” known pattern of the first 8th King “trampling” of Daniel 8:14, and what ends that “trampling” and why. (Isa31:8-9; Mic5:5-7);

2. The Bethel “King North” connections in the prophecy and imbibed into the whole pantheon and offerings of the Bethel temple, publications and fraud priesthood is indication Bethel is an 8th King controlled agency. That collusion is plainly detailed in prophecy. Many see and feel something is not quite right at Bethel, but they can’t quite put their finger on it. Even if some see the “man of lawlessness” potential at Bethel, they are not connecting it to a critical prophetic indication and the final cycle requirement.

A. The downfall of Bethel will have a greater salvation broadening meaning for the accelerated recovery no matter how the final ministerial recovery must emerge. It will also draw the 8th King into an over extension of judgment (Isa36:10, Dan8:13) and that is what Christ as the “Destroyer” turns back in covert manner in the temple entry, though no doubt it will be known by the 8th King globally in some manner. The prophecy is clear the temple judgment desolation is terminated by Christ to open the final warning period timing for the recovery and final warning. It will take a divine action and angelic aid to recover Jehovah’s witnesses, had it just been left to the 8th King and Bethel apostates Jehovah’s witnesses would be through. (Zech3:2);

3. The failure of Bethel’s false prophetic applications that created the premature end delusion that fails as the “tribulation of those days” resolves into global recovery (Isa41:1) as the 8th King world government arrives before Christ arrives, rather than expected “the end”, will also have greater meaning as it fails year over year. Christendom’s prematurely expected “rapture” will also fail. Thus both Christendom in different ways and Bethel in its unique way have expectations that will utterly fail and leave both discredited as both head into the tribulation period. Christendom as part of Babylon the Great’s overall organized religion global empire (Rev17:1-3, 18) will outlast apostate Bethel and must go down in the Babylon the Great whole at the end of the cycle. (Rev17:15-18, Rev16:12, 19);

4. The whole Christendom and Bethel take on the near future will fail (the “tribulation of those days” will manifest), and thus the 8th King subversion present in those institutions has a greater purpose to discredit all prophecy in time, as they full well know their world government project is guaranteed by the same prophecy they subvert. The truth subversion is one of omission and rearranged and incomplete/erred prophecy. Many of the elements forming the framework of JW delusion are true and are going to occur in time individually, just not in the order Bethel is teaching in purposeful error. They know what they are doing for a specific set of reasons.

The subversion is not because the 8th King doubts prophecy, but to mislead people so as not to know what the world government completion will mean. (Rev13:16-18, 14:9-12, 19:19-21)

The 8th King Designate Has Learned from Jehovah’s Witnesses

1. The 8th King (and its “two horned wildbeast” Anglo-American globalist elite architects) considers Jehovah’s witnesses prophetic exposition to be true to that 2nd UN placement (1945) and that is why they had to “give consideration” to that ministry to subvert it by first anointed Christian defection leading to infiltration in Daniel 11:30-32, 41, Dan8:12-13. They would have no need of subverting Jehovah’s witnesses if they did not have the truth of the first two UN placements as prophecy (1919, 1945) that would have led to the last two UN placements as more prophecy of Daniel 8:23-25, 11:30-45. The 3rd UN placement being silenced and unexplained as prophecy is the way we know Bethel is subverted fully by that time in 1990. For Bethel to instead join the UN NGO is just a scarlet cherry on top, the public red flag.

A. In the 1914-1926 period the 8th King (King North) and “two horned wildbeast” root system started to “hurl denunciations against the holy covenant” because it began to surface in its genuine location clearly identified for the first time from the Christendom quagmire system. The 8th King progenitors knew what and where to hurl those denunciations, they know it is the truth. (Dan11:30); They know what that original “holy covenant” clarification meant in the original Christian ministerial recovery. Thus the opposing “kingdom” power has been studying Jehovah’s witnesses for quite some time and they know it is the location of the “holy covenant” and now “those leaving the holy covenant” at Bethel now as well aiding this intelligence process further because it is now a mature subversion that led to the apostasy.

2. In the process the 8th King learned much about valid prophecy from Jehovah’s witnesses and their own required and guaranteed 8th King completions in it. The 8th King finished some of the erred final meanings and purposeful diversions for their own use right inside of Bethel, while arranging JW interpretation to create the premature end delusion with a jumbled mix of prophetic misapplication. (Dan8:12, 2Thess2:10-12);

A. They know Jehovah’s witnesses as an organization are given to the temple judgment first (1Pet4:17) with the UN NGO “transgression” (Dan8:13), and they know they are guaranteed to complete the full global conglomeration of national power (Rev16:12-16) to complete the 8th King world government (Rev17:11-18) beyond but including the UN related “image”. (Dan11:45, Dan8:25, Rev11:7);

B. The 8th King planners know a final period of time is required to complete world government fully. It is no accident Bethel implies 8th King as pinnacle “King North” world government is not even prophetically detailed and foretold. Its sovereign climax meaning is missing from Bethel teachings to conceal this requirement. The 3rd and 4th UN placement prophecies at Bethel are totally diverted as non-existent.

They also know global religion is theirs to depose in their world government “one hour” (Rev17:12, 18:9-19); How much more they know of the replication of prophecy is not known, they probably do not perceive it is an exact replication of Revelation 8-11 and 15-16 that will in the end, of course, devour them.

3. Thus making this all known while the final cycle is active and affords a guaranteed time period to do so will be important and that is why the second testimony of the “two witnesses” goes forth, again (Rev10:11), as a duplicated warning, a second witness, applicable to another Kingdom manifestation in the Messianic Kingdom completion final preparation and finale event of Christ’s final coronation as “King of kings” and “High Priest” upon a full Messianic Kingdom and full Temple 144000 “body” as Jesus Christ the King-Priest in totality upon complete defining entities of “Kingdom” and “Temple”. (Dan2:31-45);

A. Just as Christ was crowned anointed King in God’s Kingdom in heaven, the full process of Christ’s earthly kingship requires the Messianic Kingdom appointed sovereign agency to also complete its prophetic process and reality and that includes a fair warning and open invitation before that event of Christ’s final coronation upon that Messianic Kingdom complete for it is the appointed universal and earthly sovereignty that replaces all the demon “heavens” (Eph6:12, John 12:31, 16:10) and all the temporary human rulership of earth (1Cor15:24-28);

This is also why the 8th King world government must be complete and in their “hour” before Christ arrives upon them in a complete global state of by then fully forewarned rival sovereignty.

4. The whole process of the temple judgment is to secure a final warning prior to and leading into that 8th King event before Christ arrives. These are the details the Bethel apostate and impostor rogues are attempting to simply bypass in lieu of their clever delusion and its false implications to attempt to delay that final warning as long as they can. (Dan8:14);

5. Thus it is required the 8th King also be complete (Rev16:13-16, Rev17:11-18), stated in final sovereign global claims (1Thess5:1-3) and ready for the battle of Armageddon (Joel3:9-12) where all this will be leading live and real-time, and hence why God and Christ are producing a final warning, securing sheep during the final warning and in Christ’s arrival as first priority to be completed prior to the Armageddon universal battle phase. (Rev19:11-21, 20:1-3, Eze38);

Complete and fully functional globalized 8th King world government and its final sovereign global “world peace” claims (1Thess5:1-3) is what triggers Christ’s arrival and the eventual “Armageddon” divine war final phase. (Dan7:25-26);

Final Sheep Sweep Priority

1. The “sheep” securing can then go forth even into Babylon the Great’s final deposition (Rev14:6-8) and organized Christendom’s downfall in the same all encompassing religious “harlot” entity after that system has been fully utilized to aid the confusions and misperceptions of the final cycle completely.

2. Thus God can shake up the world a final time (Hag2:6-7, Heb12:26) with the seven plague gauged framework in final sequential form (Rev15-16:1-19) to effect final repentance and awareness with major milestone events manifesting year over year with enough time prior to the divine battle zone of Armageddon finality. God and Christ’s first priority is saving anyone willing, and Christ assesses all humans to save even some who do not know they are willing, but will become willing upon realization of that reality, at that time. (Matt25:37); (Chart of coming prophetic milestones)

3. The meaning of Bethel’s organizational downfall (Hos1:4-7) is the last “1/3” of the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry is an example of what not to do (Rev8:12), what not to place trust in and what not to give celebrity “supreme council” authority to. (Rev8:10-12); It will also form the final warning period of the true state of Babylon the Great of which Christendom is just a part of, no longer considered “God’s house” in prophecy and reality, no longer a distinct entity which distinction shifted to the anointed Christian “temple” a century ago.

4. That was part of the whole point of Revelation 8-9’s first fulfillment in the revived Christian ministry of 1914-1926 of the Daniel 12 preview cycle. That is also why God will repeat that progression of Revelation 8-11 and will unfold Daniel 12’s final timed periods in final fulfillment to reaffirm the “first witness” of the “two witnesses”.

5. Thus a final call to that whole global sector will also be enabled because if Bethel failed and was rejected by God in its final “1/3” operations of the ministry, as it will be guaranteed by prophecy (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:1-5), it opens an awareness and an opportunity for a global final “sheep” call that the “two witnesses” are deployed for, to the world and Babylon the Great, because all organized religion will have been demonstrated compromised. God blowing Bethel’s “weedy” “a system of things” away is a great signal to return to “undeserved kindness”. (Matt13:36-42);

6. By this time and after of course global Christendom is of no real use as an organization for any truth or salvation, they have been fully 8th King controlled since 1919 and well before, their history is one of opportunistic harlotry made well known by Jehovah’s witnesses but that is also a well known global reputation.

Bethel the Great

1. Blowing Bethel down (Dan8:11), and the dungeons out, will open the Kingdom the final time for the eventual final anointings and final sealing affirmation (Rev7:1-4) as God knows the finality and timing of these things not men. The final “sealing” affirmation is through the “tribulation of those days” which is convergent with the eventual final 1260 days final warning requirement (Dan12:7, Rev11:2-3, Rev10:11) that must emerge in “that tribulation”. (Mark13:24, Matt24:29);

2. Thus it is logical completing the “two witnesses” final commission is part of the affirming of the seal for anointed Christians found in the “five wise virgins” as no doubt the Bethel apostasy will find some anointed Christians “foolish” and some irrecoverable, the Bethel delusion test will have been too much, the “oil” and “endurance” will be depleted. (Matt24:13, Matt25:1-13);

A. This is why Bethel sells the “tribulation of those days”, the “sudden destruction” and the “great tribulation” as all the same thing, to sell what is coming, which in fact must resolve into final milestones (Matt24:29-31), as if it is the final terminal event. In fact Bethel completely twists the meaning to suit their purpose: 


Jesus foretold striking developments to come “immediately after” the outbreak of great tribulation, developments we await. (WT 10/15/1995 p. 23 par. 3)

Obviously Jesus did not say that, Jesus described events after the “tribulation of those days” phase ended. Thus Bethel is promoting the idea the “tribulation of those days” is basically as good as “the end” to conceal the meaning of the cycle coming up.

B. In the meantime Bethel has avoided the entire phrase “tribulation of those days” for a full ten years after 1999 in their Watchtower and Awake! publications. This is because the “tribulation of those days” ends into final 8th King world government and Christ arrival events that Bethel is concealing, not “the end” even then for a period of time in prophecy.

3. That “tribulation of those days” is made distinct from the “great tribulation” by Christ because they are different phases. This because the “tribulation of those days” ends into 8th King world government first, not “the end”, and then it leads to national and religious sovereign deposition events of the “sun, moon and stars” darkening. Then the Christ’s arrival event and that still not complete “the end”. The ” “tribulation of those days” also has a different resolution point and resolving manner, and thus a distinct unique meaning, it is related to but not synonymous with the “great tribulation”.

4. The “tribulation of those days”, its meaning and its resolution have a distinction from the “great tribulation”, and its meaning and resolution. First the “tribulation of those days” ENDS BEFORE Jesus Christ arrives plainly shown and much must transpire even after that tribulation concludes:

(Matthew 24:29) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (That tribulation ends, the 1260 days ends; Rev11:7-10 conclusion timing just prior to Revelation 11:11-12 event parallels) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Rev6:12-17 parallel. That development has major global symbolic meaning for Babylon the Great, the national sovereigns (Rev17:11-18), and eventually the 8th King completion and Messianic Kingdom completion soon to follow);

5. Secondly Christ arrives after “the tribulation of those days” to secure the finality of all the sheep FIRST, AFTER his “sign” is fully known by anointed Christians, thus Christ is at least semi-covert in arrival:

(Matthew 24:30) And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation (Rev1:7; Rev6:12; that is not necessarily an instantaneous “sign” and “lamentation” process, and neither is this, this can take time to fully manifest:), and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds (invisible) of heaven with power and great glory. (yet also manifest, depending on how Christ is operating, he comes in any form of spiritual power he needs, seen and unseen: “subduing in the midst of his enemies” in full 8th King form in final form of Ps110:2);

6. And this “sheep” gathering is the first priority and still before the absolute “the end”:

(Matthew 24:31) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (Rev7:1 parallel “four winds”), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

In fact Matthew 24:29-31 does not specify the exact “the end”, it outlines the final milestones leading to and in Christ’s arrival that are in fact sequences of other more complete prophecies prior to “the end”.  (Chart of coming prophetic milestones)

Because Christ’s arrival is parallel to Revelation 11:7-12 events and the removal of the final “two witnesses” ministry, the symbolic “three and a half day” “death” state of the “two witnesses” transpires between the end point of the “tribulation of those days” and that arrival of Christ, and that is an unknown period of time in the “three and a half days” meaning in that period.

The Tribulation of Those Days and Spiritual Jerusalem

1. The “tribulation of those days” has a start point and end point with “Jerusalem” related “holy place” and “holy city” spiritual significance:

A. Start point: Bethel goes down in the first 8th King “trampling” of the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 to start the “tribulation of those days”.

B. End point: Bethel is judged, exposed and neutralized long before the “tribulation of those days” fully ends. The “tribulation of those days” ends with the final, but approved state, completion of the “trampling of the holy city” (42 months) of Revelation 11:2-3 and the full cessation of the “two witnesses” ministry (after the 42 months transpires; Rev11:7) which completes the “tribulation of those days” meaning upon spiritual Jerusalem – and that spans all the Daniel 8:14 and Daniel 12:7 sequential timings.

Thus temple actions START the “tribulation of those days” as Daniel 8:13, Revelation 8:3-5, Zechariah 3:2 first 8th King “trampling”. A final “temple measure” of guaranteed 144000 completion in Revelation 11:1-2 then leads to the END of the “tribulation of those days” meaning as the 8th King deposes the “two witnesses” after that 1260 day final warning period expires in a final 8th King “trampling” that proceeds a while after that 1260 days ends. (Rev11:7); Thus the 8th King is the “tribulation of those days” instrument from start to finish, but it aids the temple judgment and the 144000 completion in the process.

2. This first 8th King “trampling” starts the “tribulation of those days”:

(Daniel 8:13-14) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned) constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance of Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” ( first 8th King “trampling” “attack” defining the spiritual meaning of the “tribulation of those days” beginning); 14 So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple judgment purification completed in this timed period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

That temple judgment “trampling” for transgression (Dan8:13) results in the ministerial recovery (Dan8:14 “right condition”) that eventually produces the final 1260 day warning deployment of Revelation 10-11:1-7.

3. This last 8th King “trampling” ends with the “tribulation of those days” period ending as the 8th King “ascends from the abyss” (Rev11:7) into full world government:

(Revelation 11:1-2) And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. (this is a guarantee of judgment and temple completion, not an “inspection” already carried out prior to the temple judgment of Dan8:13-14 that produces this finality) 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it (because it is going into 144000 completion in the final part of the “tribulation of those days” “little scroll” deployment), because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city (the final anointed remnant enabling the 144000 completion, Rev7:1-4, Rev14:1) underfoot for forty-two months. (1260 days, Dan12:7, Rev11:3, Dan7:25, Rev13:5; the final 2520 day “seven time” total “two” “witnesses” period of final invitation and warning announcing the Messianic Kingdom completion portion of Christ’s final King-Priest Coronation and final temple installment, Zech4:6-9, Zech6:9-15);

The “tribulation of those days” spans the Daniel 8:14 (1150 or 2300 days) timing (Rev8) and unknown transition (Rev9) and the Revelation 11:2-3 1260 day timing included as parallel Daniel 12:7, 7:25, Revelation 13:5.

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating to completion; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government) will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.);

That conquest over the “two witnesses” final anointed Christian ministry deposed ends the “tribulation of those days” meaning but also overlaps into the 8th King “one hour” of eventual if not concurrent “four winds” “bring many to ruin” authority of the ultimate “great tribulation” meaning in the same period of world “peace and security” because the 8th King will be in sole global power “ascending out of the abyss” into world government and “bringing many to ruin (including the “two witnesses” ministry and Babylon the Great) DURING a freedom from care” of that final world “peace and security”. (Dan8:25, 1Thess5:1-3);

And since the “two witnesses” is a ministerial deposition, not necessarily the death of all anointed Christians, “those who are surviving” of the anointed remnant are “gathered from the four winds” of that more serious 8th King totality of world power and ensuing final 8th King agenda. The 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Christ “air” event of the parallel seventh plague and eventual seventh trumpet is what ends the “two witnesses” symbolic “three and a half day” death state as Revelation 11:8-13 events parallel Matthew 24:30-31 events.

Although approximately the same merging period, the end of the “1260 days” and the end of the  “tribulation of those days” are not necessarily concurrent. Since the 1260 days “when they have finished their witnessing” concludes just prior to the full “two witnesses” deposition, that “two witnesses” removal really ends the “tribulation of those days”, because the “wildbeast” “wars with them” after the 1260 days ends, but the “two witnesses” are still operable. Thus the “tribulation of those days” extends past the end of the 1260 days and its end point is defined by “two witnesses” ministerial deposition.

In the meantime:

1. After Bethel is judged and removed in the coming temple judgment to whatever degree God purposes completing Daniel 8:13-14, eventually the Revelation 9 “abyss” recovered anointed Christian “locusts” proceeding to the final “two witnesses” commission, IN AN ACTIVE “TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS”, have to carry out that final commission (Zech3:4-7) through the final part of the “tribulation of those days” (Rev11:2). It is that process of “little scroll” tasked faithfulness that affirms the final 144000 anointed remnant affirming sealing (2Tim4:8) of Revelation 7:1-4 and the true final “faithful and discreet slave” final appointment (Matt24:45-51), from the temple judgment “five wise virgin” commission and opportunity during and after the 1260 day period as the “two witnesses” “have finished their witnessing” (Rev11:7);

2. Thus the “two witnesses” are deposed also as the “tribulation of those days” ends, defining its spiritual end point, yet which sealing enables the 8th King “four winds” of the final “great tribulation” meaning to “make war with them and conquer them and kill them” after “they have finished their [1260 day required] witnessing”. That final 8th King “war with” is in ascended world government, it is part of the “four winds” meaning commencing.

3. Since this is a complex time in global scale human history and God is the one knowing the 1260 day actual start point, it is general in overall meaning of why the end of the “tribulation of those days” is distinguished differently than the end of the “great tribulation”. There is to be approximations of these two periods transition in “tribulation of those days” and “four winds” meaning, that the “four winds” begin as the “tribulation of those days” ends because the action on the “two witnesses” is a “four winds” “bring many to ruin” action.

In any event an 8th King completed world government dictatorship fully under Satanic zenith power is a celebration party for global elites and supporters, but it is also not going to be a day in the park for many of earth’s inhabitants. There is a purpose of them seizing global military, technological, wealth and governmental power, all “power and authority”. (Rev17:11-18); There is a reason why Matthew 24:22 states “no flesh would be saved” unless, and this is ultimately more than the “tribulation of those days”, and is “cut short” in the final judgment of God, not what the “tribulation of those days” resolves into:

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those (great tribulation) days (of the “four winds of the earth”) were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days (the “one hour” of the 8th King) will be cut short.

That is why the real 8th King world government world “peace and security” is the truly most ominous time forming of all world history.

Essentially the “great tribulation” has a “tribulation of those days” and concluding “four winds” portion overall meaning because all of it is 8th King inspired and orchestrated and that key distinction of who “causes desolation” is important. Though God uses the “tribulation of those days” and “four winds” in the seven plague developments, “great tribulation” is of 8th King origination in those meanings. God ends the “great tribulation” in the final divine judgment of “sudden destruction”. It is not all the same synonymous meaning as Bethel implies.

4. Long before any of that, and to form a valid final warning and invitation, the temple judgment (Dan8:13-14) determines the “wise virgin” “robes of state” (Zech3:4) parallel “faithful slave” designate but requires a final mission completed (Zech3:6-7, Rev10:5-11) as shown in the divine ultimatum of Zechariah 3:6-7. That is the parallel to the “little scroll” mission that affirms the final “two witnesses” period of the final sealing and the final determination of all these final ministerial and priestly symbols for the 144000 remnant spiritual completion into final 144000 complete empowerment as the “body” of Christ’s Messianic Kingdom final King-Priest crowning.

11th Hour Anointings and Final Sealing

1. Obviously Bethel is “set in opposition” to some final anointed Christians accepting their calling by the denigrating and hyper-holy Bethel attitude which is for the purpose of suppressing the final anointings and drawing some formerly anointed into apostasy and “five foolish virgin” status. Since Bethel is actually anti-Christian controlled they have no true familial familiarity with true anointed Christians and that is why they oppose the “undeserved kindness” for a “Bethel law covenant” among their own royal “purple” lawless rulers in the Governing Body and “exclusive” Watchtower Society of Bethel elites. That development undermines some Christians awareness and acceptance of their own anointing. (2Pet2:1-3).

A. Bethel’s obviously comatose fossilization shows no holy spirit operates in the so-called “Governing Body” and their Bethel spiritual morgue; hence no enlightenment or true insight comes forth also squelching the encouragement for potential anointed Christians. Bethel just plays the same old broken record and hopes no one notices, and many Jehovah’s witnesses buy it.

2. Accordingly Bethel has to be squashed with their squelching apostate and anti-Christian elites to allow the final potential anointings to also complete and take part with the “five wise virgin” “oil” enlightened determination for the final “two witnesses” deployment through which period God is the judge of the affirmation final “seal” and anyone feeling the call can make that true “11th hour” “little scroll” final work force (Matt20:1-16) whether of anointed or earth sheep.

3. This is how the final 1260 day warning, though in a “tribulation of those days” that will resolve prior to Christ’s arrival, will be warning of an 8th King world government completion period when the “four winds” are also fully enabled from that “little scroll” mission completed with its final sealed anointed Christian designates to enable the concurrent 144000 completing “gathering”. The “four winds” are also enabled by the fact the 8th King will be in 100% control of the whole global weapons and technology system as Gog of Magog is also permitted the final “you must become [the 8th King] guard” of Ezekiel 38:7.

4. The “four winds” are released in the 8th King world government “one hour” completion period (Rev17:11-18), it is the 8th King in world government who “bring many to ruin” “during” “a freedom from care” of their world “peace and security”. That is why the “hour of test” (Rev3:10) is the same “one hour” of world government completed authority and the same “one hour” of Babylon the Great’s final judgment at the end of this cycle. (Rev13:5 parallel final cycle);

A. Thus the 8th King is ruling a period with dual significance destructive for 8th King undesirables and peaceful for 666 supporters and 8th King global elites and former national “8th King” system empowered “kings”. (Rev13:16-18, Rev17:11-18);

Tribulation of Those Days Versus Great Tribulation

1. Since this whole “tribulation of those days” period, which resolves and ends into world government, is 8th King inspired it can be considered a part of the “great tribulation” because they are who “causes desolation”, BUT it is the uni-polar “one hour” of 8th King full world power that is the most dangerous period, that is the post “tribulation of those days” period, that is it is after the “tribulation of those days” ends into which period the “four winds of the earth“, the 8th King ruled “earth” system, are released, permitted to occur by God’s four “angels” in Revelation 7:1-3. That is the ultimate “great” “tribulation” meaning, the final 8th King and Gog salvo period, the grand finale.

This is why the “tribulation of those days” resolution is not “the end” and why the “great tribulation” cessation is a different action, God and Christ end the “great tribulation” after the “tribulation of those days” is already resolved.

The “great tribulation” is also not the “sudden destruction” of God’s judgment. The “sudden destruction” is what ENDS the “great tribulation” it is a divine judgment. The “great tribulation” is 8th King inspired.

2. That “great tribulation” is the same “four winds” from which Christ “gathers” the final 144000 “who are surviving” (1Thess4:17; Rev16:17-20) from. That is why that 1 Thessalonians 4:17 scripture occurs right before the divine eventual “sudden destruction instantly upon them” of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 – the “great tribulation” “four winds” are ended by God (Matt24:21-22, 1Thess5:1-3), and its end is preceded by the final “gathering” (1Thess4:17). The 8th King and Gog “great tribulation” “four winds” period is so complete “no flesh would be saved” had God not “cut it short” in the “sudden destruction” of the 8th King system.

3. That is why Enoch, the symbol of human transference (Heb11:5, Gen5:24), also uttered that parallel “gathering” prophecy of God and the angels at Jude 14. (Zech14:5b); The 144000 completion enables the final earth “sheep” “gathering” from the “four winds” which is the “great tribulation” final 8th King “goes forth to devote many to destruction” (Dan11:44, Dan8:25 parallel) from which the “great crowd” “comes out of”, it is an active not yet ended specific “great tribulation” meaning in that final progression. (Rev7:9-17);

4. This is why the “tribulation of those days” resolves prior to Christ’s arrival, while the “great tribulation” is ended by God as he “repays tribulation to those who cause tribulation for you” and then fully “cuts short the days” of that “great tribulation”. (2Thess1:6-10, Matt24:21-22); It has a different finale meaning than the “tribulation of those days” that plays out and resolves (Matt24:29) before Christ even shows the “sign of the son of Man” for anointed Christians (Matt24:30), and even yet fully arrives “on the clouds” and with “power and great glory”.

5. Christ arrives to complete the 144000 from the remnant “who are surviving” which God affirmed the final “sealing” of in that enabled final “gathering” “he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds” (Matt24:31), the “four winds” of the Revelation 7:1-3 “great tribulation” parallel meaning.

A. Then Christ “gathers” all the “harvest of the earth” “sheep” (Rev14:14-16) under full Messianic Kingdom completion (Rev14:1) power:

(Mark 13:27) And then he will send forth the angels and will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of the great tribulation), from earth’s extremity (earth sheep) to heaven’s extremity (heaven sheep).

B. This is why the “tribulation of those days” resolves before Christ’s arrival, the 8th King ends that period to present world government, just like they did when WW1 and WW2 and the Cold WW3 resolved, this is their fourth cycle. (Dan11:42-45, Dan8:24-25); That fourth cycle uses the same “death stroke healed” and “abyss rise” principle used after WW1 to present the League of Nations and after WW2 to “abyss rise” the United Nations. (Rev13:3, 17:8);

6. The “tribulation of those days” world “peace and security” resolution to present 8th King full world government is the final form of that world-war-to-world-government presentation in those principles as used in all three world wars including the “Cold War” to present an 8th King related UN rendition after those wars resolved in 1919, 1945 and 1990. Thus the fourth cycle 8th King formula is predictable as well as present in prophecy.

7. That is the 8th King “one hour” of full world government which oversees the final “two witnesses” deposition that aids the 144000 completion. It is the same “one hour” in which Babylon the Great is fully deposed by 8th King “one hour” of authority. (Rev17:15-18, Rev18:9-19);

That is how the 8th King “bring many to ruin” at the same time as they declare the final world “peace and security” parallel of the “a freedom from care”. (Dan8:25);

8. In whatever “two witnesses” means God uses it will be temporary and “little scroll” short in duration (big in impact) since it is ushering in the incorruptible Kingdom of God as the final replacement in Christ’s Messianic Kingdom final universal sovereign agency completing the 144000 for that exact sovereign purpose. Make no mistake, this will occur, lying religions do not invalidate the word of God though “all men be found liars” (Rom3:4), God is His own truth speaker and so is Jesus Christ the only entities one is to trust:

(Matthew 6:9-10) “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

9. The downfall of the Bethel pantheon of lords and idols will thus clear up a way for a far broader salvation message filtering the former Christian truth in Jehovah’s witnesses from 1914 to 1969 to its bare minimum minus the Bethel lies and profanations:

(Acts 15:28-29) For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”

10. But fully explaining the whole UN quadruple cycle prophecy in detail all the way to its guaranteed world government goal which must of course be complete when Christ arrives upon them, is not going to be dropped from the “little scroll” complete requirement, it is the main import of the final warning.

The Final Ministry

1. Thus when Christ speaks of endurance modern Jehovah’s witnesses will need more. This directive precedes the Matthew 24:14 prophecy:

(Matthew 24:13) But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.

2. Because to carry out this directive to the full:

(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

3. Anointed Christians and Jehovah’s witnesses will have to carry out the Kingdom witness again:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

4. The second of the “two witnesses” announces the Messianic Kingdom completion by the Christ arrival to complete the full 144000. That is what the recovery of the 3rd and 4th UN placement continuum leads to as it progresses live and real-time to Daniel 12 which logically must have a final fulfillment as Daniel 11:42-45 must converge into Daniel 12 in real-time.

5. Daniel 12:11 “place the disgusting thing” is the parallel of the Daniel 11:45 “place [King North] palatial tents” at the end of the fourth UN cycle coming up. Thus the Daniel 12:7 1260 days final fulfillment must transpire in the context of Daniel 11:42-43 global financial intrigues aiding the final 8th King global “King North” power consolidation of Revelation 17:11-18.

6. Thus the end of the 1260 days of Revelation 11:2-3 parallel to Daniel 12:7 in the cessation of the second “two witnesses” that results from the attack of the “wildbeast that ascends out of the abyss” into world government (Rev11:1-7) is the parallel of the attack phase of Daniel 11:44 also heading into King North world government.

A. That “two witnesses” cessation of the final warning ministry (Rev11:7-10) is the Daniel 12:11 parallel of the “constant feature has been removed”. As we see the “disgusting thing” of world government will also be being placed at that time to fully define both Daniel 12:11 criteria.

7. Bethel successfully stalling and derailing the examination of Daniel 11:27-45 and Daniel 8:23-25 as 8th King final progression details over the 3rd and 4th UN placement sequence is what suppresses the logic that Daniel 11:42-45 is a modern fulfillment yet to occur that of course must arrive at Daniel 12:1 “during that time”, the “time” of Daniel 11:42-45 final developments.

8. Thus the Bethel King North infiltrators fully understand exactly what connections and details they are subverting to undermine the awareness the 4th UN cycle is a prophetic final phase of prophecy. If Jehovah’s witnesses do not comprehend the 3rd UN placement of 1990 as significant and prophecy of course they are unaware the 3rd to 4th UN progression is a guaranteed prophecy. Thus Jehovah’s witnesses have to understand the 3rd UN placement of 1990 to even be aware of the 4th UN cycle of the future.

9. The temple judgment will neutralize and expose the Bethel apostasy to make this awareness global news while that 4th cycle is in action.

Cross References to the Temple Judgment

(2 Thessalonians 2: 9-10) But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing…

1. Thus the presence of Satan in the Bethel apostasy and “man of lawlessness” connects to the temple inspection and temple judgment of Zechariah 3:

(Zechariah 3:1) And he proceeded to show me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand in order to resist him.

2. The “Joshua the high priest” symbol is of the anointed Christian priesthood on earth “standing” in this temple inspection court scene before God and the “angel of the covenant”. (Mal3:1); The “set in opposition” nature of the “man of lawlessness” is the internal “resistance” to the truth at Bethel and is Satanically inspired. Thus the apostasy and its “operation of error” lies and illusions is part of the subverting resistance and its “befouling” profaning influence.

3. The judgment and true Bethel condition is foregleamed here:

(Zechariah 3:2) Then [the angel of] Jehovah said to Satan: “Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, Jehovah rebuke you, he who is choosing Jerusalem! Is this one not a log snatched out of the fire?”

4. Then the current status of the anointed Christian priesthood from the modern temple inspection is stated here:

(Zechariah 3:3) Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel.

5. The determination of this condition is that an impure Christian anointed priesthood condition is a result of this apostasy and its global reproach orchestrated by the Bethel lawless circus. And that precursor “befouled” condition of the effects of “the lie” and the “operation of error” are what indicate the temple judgment accounting and purification is required.

6. Now as outlined in the modern Bethel delusion (2Thess2:1-2), by “operations” its lawless apostate “man of lawlessness” engineers in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, to produce and manage the apostasy (Dan11:32a) right under the veneer of an approved clean Christian ministry (Dan11:41), right “in the temple” environment (Dan8:12), the true internal Bethel state is terminally compromised.

7. It is in 8th King “King North” collusion:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

8. That is the key apostasy here:

(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 

9. It is profaning the entire ministry:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane (befoul, Zech3:3) the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

10. Thus the Daniel 8:14 temple judgment “right condition” of temple purification is this parallel of the anointed Christian priesthood cleansing:

(Zechariah 3:4-5) Then he answered and said to those standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you, and there is a clothing of you with robes of state.” 5 At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; and the angel of Jehovah was standing by.

11. That cleansing is this cleansing to culminate the temple judgment:

(Malachi 3:2-3) “But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. 3 And he must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness.

12. And once the “constant feature” is brought to the clarified and accurate “right condition”:

(Malachi 3:4) And the gift offering of Judah and of Jerusalem will actually be gratifying to Jehovah, as in the days of long ago and as in the years of antiquity.

13. The final commission that leads to the Revelation 10:11 second “two witnesses” “you must prophesy again”, as this divine ultimatum to the “five wise virgins” coming out of the temple judgment into to the purified condition:

(Zechariah 3:6-7) And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua, saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards (Matt24:45-51); and I shall certainly give you free access among these who are standing by.’

14. That divinely delivers the “little scroll” on acceptance of that ultimatum:

(Revelation 10:10-11) And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

15. And that is the eventual global “sign” of this portent of Christ’s coming arrival:

(Zechariah 3:8-9) “‘Hear, please, O Joshua the high priest, you and your companions who are sitting before you, for they are men [serving] as portents; for here I am bringing in my servant Sprout! 9 For, look! the stone that I have put before Joshua! Upon the one stone there are seven eyes. Here I am engraving its engraving,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘and I will take away the error of that land in one day.’

16. And this is why Zechariah 4 is the parallel reference of the “two witnesses”:

(Zechariah 4:6-9) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. 7 Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [you will become] a level land. And he will certainly bring forth the headstone. There will be shoutings to it: “How charming! How charming!”’” 8 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 9 “The very hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his own hands will finish [it].

(Zechariah 4:14) Accordingly he said: “These are the two anointed ones who are standing alongside the Lord of the whole earth.”

(Revelation 11:2-4) But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.” 4 These are [symbolized by] the two olive trees and the two lampstands and are standing before the Lord of the earth.

17. This “portents; for here I am bringing in my servant Sprout” is the arrival of Christ which the temple judgment will lead to a fuller awareness of as the first “portent”. The “stone” in the “For, look! the stone that I have put before Joshua!” statement is the temple completion “head stone” of Zechariah 4:6-9. The temple completion marked by Christ’s final coronation has to be upon a full 144000 completed “body of the Christ”. That completion of the 144000 also enables this full completion process as the final Messianic Kingdom completion is also enabled by the same event.

The final “two witnesses” proclamation is of this Messianic Kingdom completion certainty.

18. Everything, including the apostasy to be judged in the temple judgment, is all forming in time this fuller awareness because the 4th UN cycle this activates within will lead to Christ’s arrival after 8th King world government completes as per Daniel 12:11, Daniel 11:45, Daniel 8:25 and Revelation 11:7.

19. Thus “Sprout” completes the 144000 “gathering” to completion as Christ will complete the 144000 temple (Matt24:30-31, Rev14:1):

(Zechariah 6:12) 12 And you must say to him, “‘This is what Jehovah of armies has said: “Here is the man whose name is Sprout. And from his own place he will sprout, and he will certainly build the temple of Jehovah.

20. God will place the final temple “stone” in Zechariah 4:7 as Christ the “Crown Stone” of the whole temple which is also the Messianic Kingdom completion. Thus Christ is the final King-Priest of the complete Temple and Messianic Kingdom:

(Zechariah 6:13) And he himself will build the temple of Jehovah, and he, for his part, will carry [the] dignity; and he must sit down and rule on his throne, and he must become a priest upon his throne, and the very counsel of peace will prove to be between both of them.

21. And obviously that Messianic Kingdom completion is the finality of the whole approximate century long process Christ has been overseeing for God as the anointed King of God’s Kingdom from 1914 and prophecy, and that led to the final ingathering of the rest of the 144000 remnant which climaxes in this coming final cycle which awareness the Bethel “man of lawlessness” is “set in opposition” to right “in the temple” from which they are divinely extricated to allow this awareness to go global in completion of the “good news” “sacred secret” full meaning:

(Revelation 10:5-7) And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven, 6 and by the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: “There will be no delay any longer; 7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.”

22. Thus the basic awareness is the prophecy repeats to the now Messianic Kingdom completion requirement and that “good news” will be taken forth from the temple judgment recovery because the completion of United Nations based actual world government, no matter how they name and brand that in the end of the final cycle, will trigger Christ’s arrival.

23. Thus the whole “sacred secret of God according to the good news” is “brought to a finish” because all of those sovereign entities and developments are already in the prophecy as demonstrated in initial preview form of the classic Jehovah’s witnesses Christian ministry of the initial Daniel 12 cycle that led through the 1914 World War 1 development to its resolution to the League of Nations foundational “image” world government presentation in 1919.

24. Thus the replication of this prophecy will reaffirm the first Christian ministry of 1914-1919 by bringing forth the same developments leading to the completion of the 8th King world government and the Messianic Kingdom conqueror of the 8th King all in the same cycle upon exactly the same principles as the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry. (This is what the “tribulation of those days” resolves into at Matthew 24:29: 8th King final world government culmination.)

25. And that requirement of Revelation 10:5-7 leads to the final commission of the “little scroll” summarizing all this, that is deployed in the second of the “two witnesses” to make this Messianic Kingdom completion announcement as the prophecy repeats in final form:

(Revelation 10:8-11) And the voice that I heard out of heaven is speaking again with me and saying: “Go, take the opened scroll that is in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth.” 9 And I went away to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me: “Take it and eat it up, and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” 10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

Kingdom Come

(Zechariah 3:10) “‘In that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, ‘you will call, each one to the other, while under [the] vine and while under [the] fig tree.’”

1. That statement connected to Micah 4:4 Kingdom of God previews of Micah 4:1-3 is made at the end of the Zechariah 3 prophecy because it is the Messianic Kingdom and the 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ that will cap off this whole prophecy assuring further “all things written must take place” to the full of Revelation 20-22 and the earthly paradisiac restoration of human kind and planet earth and the whole creation in the Matthew 19:28 “re-creation” “all things made new”. (Rom8:18-22)

2. Thus all “mountainous” obstacles such as Bethel first, and the 8th King and Satan last, will be neutralized (Zech4:6-8) to make way for this promised period of Jesus Christ’s rulership and freedom from the slavery of the former, and eventual freedom from death completely. (1Cor15:24-28); For God to bring it in in an accelerated yet gauged fashion over the replication of Daniel 12 and Revelation 8-11, 15-16 is the fullness of the warning and invitation that will go forth while this final cycle is active towards the completion of the rival 8th King world government finale whose extermination will cap off the end of the enemy system with the abyssing of Satan and the demons. (Rev19:19-21, 20:1-3);

The repeating of the whole prophecy as signaled in global fashion with the Bethel desolation first milestone (Dan8:13-14, Rev8:3-5, 1Pet4:17) is by divine wisdom the strategically perfect way to bring this in with the progressing maturity of the final cycle to eventually all the foretold milestones will aid the recognizability of the certainty of Christ’s arrival.  (Chart of coming prophetic milestones)

Thus God can save as many people as possible as the first priority and Christ in Kingdom power will complete his own ministry (Matt10:23; Dan12:11) with salvation as the first goal with sufficient time to do so before the well warned 8th King annihilations begin in earnest upon that by then completed world government system.

The “little scroll” Messianic Kingdom sovereign ultimatum and invitational will make that all known for the guaranteed 1260 day final “two witnesses” deployment completing the “seven times” final principle as 2520 days including the first round of Jehovah’s witnesses marked warning in 1914-1918.


Four 8th King UN Cycles 1919-Future

All Four UN Cycles are in Prophecy 2

1. 1919 – Rev13:11-15 (Dan12:11 first fulfillment) as League of Nations after WW1;

A. International Bible Students Association (IBSA) explained as prophecy;

2. 1945 – Rev17:8-11 as United Nations after WW2;

A. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) explained as prophecy;

Unknown and unstated by Jehovah’s witnesses:

3. 1990 – Daniel 11:31b as United Nations “New World Order” Initiative after WW3 (Cold War) (Dan11:29);

A. Covered up by Bethel as UN NGO, not explained as prophecy by any religious group;

4. Future – Daniel 11:45; Daniel 8:25; (Daniel 12:11 last fulfillment) as United Nations and World Government after 4th world tribulation/war cycle to come.

A. Not currently explained by Bethel in lieu of a premature “end of the world” deception.

B. To be explained after the JW temple judgment desolation, purification and removal of lawless Bethel engineered subversion (2Thess2:1-4; Dan11:30-31; Dan8:11-13);


Final Prophetic and World Event Milestones

I. Apostasy, Judgment, Accounting and Recovery of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Now: JW inspection (completing or complete; Zech3:1-5; 2Thess2:1-4);

Now: Bethel Apostasy and Lawlessness Signal of Judgment; (2Thess2:1-12; Zech3:1-3);


1. ” Tribulation of those Days” Context Begins; (Matt24:15; Dan8:13; Dan11:41 (now), 42-43 (soon); Dan21:1b);

2. 8th King Activates Daniel 11:42-45 Final Cycle; (Rev16:13-16; Rev17:11-18);

A. Daniel 11:42-45 Must Converge with Daniel 12 Final Fulfillment;

3. Jehovah’s Witnesses Judgment Starts (1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:1-6; Matt25:1-13);

A. Temple is Desolated, Purified (Zech3:4-5) and Recovered (Rev9): Daniel 8:14 “Right Condition” Temple Purification Reached; (Dan8:13-14);

II. Recovery, Final Commission, Final Warning, Learning Application

1. Final Kingdom Ministry Commission; (Rev9-11; Zech3:6-7; Matt24:45-47);

2. Final Kingdom Invitation and Warning Deploys; (Rev9, Rev 11:1-6);

3. ” Tribulation of Those Days” Context Ends (Matt24:29; Isa41:1) into:

A. Final Kingdom Warning Ceased; (Rev11:7-10; Dan11:44);

II. Rival World Government Completions of 8th King and God

1. World Government – National Sovereign Conglomeration Completes into 8th King World Government; (Rev16:12-16; Rev 17:11-18);

A. 8th King World Government World “Peace and Security” and World Recovery; (Dan8:25; 11:44-45; 12:11; 1Thess5:1-3 globally stated world peace sovereignty; Dan8:25 “freedom from care” parallel; Isa41:1 world recovery);

2. Christ Arrival; (Dan12:1, Matt24:29-31; 25:31-46; Rev11:11-13; Rev19:11-16; Rev1:7; Rev6:12-17);

A. Christ Completes Messianic Kingdom 144000; (Rev11:11-12; Rev7:1-8; Rev14:1);

B. Christ Messianic Kingdom King-Priest Coronation; (Zech4:6-9; 6:9-15; Dan7:26);

(All the following takes place under complete Messianic Kingdom “Court” of Daniel 7:26:)

C. Babylon the Great Deposed; (Rev16:17-19; Rev17:15-18; Rev14:8);

D. Sheep Gathering/Goat Determination Finalized; (Mat24:31-46; Rev14:14-20);

3. Armageddon; 8th King Deposition and Messianic Kingdom Conquest; (Rev11:15; Rev19:19-21);

4. Christ’s Messianic Kingdom 1000 Years Rule


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How Bethel’s Premature “End of the World” Delusion is Set Up in JW Misapplied “Prophetic Interpretation” to Conceal the Final Cycle Requirement

PDF Version 2.0: Download/View

August 2014


I. Overview of the Final Cycle of Prophecy
II. Reverse Engineering the Bethel Con Game Main Elements of JW Premature Expectation

III. Review: The Outline of the Bethel JW Hoax
IV. Reality: What The Prophecy Indicates is Actually Next
V. World Government Reality
VI. World Government Forming Cycle and Super-Cycle Awareness Diverted in Jehovah’s Witnesses
VII. Russia and the USSR Decoy “King North” Connection

VIII. Other Bethel Apostasy Effects on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Ministry – Shut Up The Kingdom

Will Russian Intrigues Aid the Bethel Hoax?

Remember that all these Bethel set-ups described below are now terminal and matured in the Jehovah’s witnesses (JW) ministry. At the same time recently the world Israel “peace talks”, Iraq’s Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) developments and Russian potential war intrigues have all been popped up on the world stage to also prepare the world for the final UN world government cycle through a global tribulation that resolves into that super-sovereign and foretold objective over a final cycle of a number of years. At the same time a wave of Bethel re-organization, liquidations and other anomalies are also developing.

Knowing we are in the third United Nations (UN) cycle and globalization era after 1990 we are seeing the formation of the fourth cycle being set-up prior to activation. This multi-year cycle is what Bethel is subverting the understanding of with various distractions to aid the process.

Thus the global setup and the Bethel coup setup are converging concurrently for this final cycle, it is by no means the over simplified “the end” scenario Bethel is promoting to smokescreen this final period of prophecy as long as possible until their removal arrives in the conclusion of the temple judgment cycle. (1Pet4:17, Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);

This outline describes events of the next approximate decade from the start of the last cycle so it is not a “slam dunk” forecast or scare tactic, it is outlining what is actually in the final prophetic forecast of Daniel 8:11-25 and Daniel 11:27-45, ch. 12. Daniel 12 provides the basis of a prophetic replication based on the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial cycle of 1914-1922.

Thus the unique elements of the final cycle developments of Daniel 8:13-14 and Daniel 11:41-45 eventually converge into what is a prophetic repeat of the first cycle, in final form (Dan12, Rev8-11, Rev15-16), thus not “interpretive” but intuitive, it merely repeats the whole original cycle meaning with unique elements to identify it as it starts in Daniel 8:13 (temple judgment) and Daniel 11:42-43 8th King developments leading to world government explicit meanings in those direct prophecies. (The Bethel apostasy is the foretold signal co-development.)

The purpose of the Bethel hoax is to:

1. Conceal 8th King modern development since 1990 and into the final cycle of prophecy and world government developmental cycle repetition. The “King North” fictions and into the future aid concealment of both the 8th King identity and the Daniel 11L:42-45, Daniel 12 final cycle.

2. Create a premature “end of the world” delusion to aid that developmental cycle from being revealed as per prophecy as culminating into 8th King world government and then Christ’s arrival.

3. Create a diversionary delusion to cover up one set of events (temple judgment) with an illusion of another set of events (“end of the world”).

4. Create a diversionary entity (Babylon the Great) and its “judgment” to distract attention from the actual entity (Bethel/ anointed Christians) upon which the real destructive operation and temple judgment is activating upon.

Techniques of The Deception:

1. Misapplication of prophecy and decoy entities is how Bethel achieves this objective being set up now in the “Worldwide Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses”.

2. The ultimate purpose of the whole operation is to delay and destroy the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry and provide a context of that destruction that is covered over with false and misapplied premature prophetic expectations.

I. Overview of the Final Cycle of Prophecy

In reality a whole final cycle of prophecy and world development is what is activating in the near future for a number of final years. The purpose of the final cycle is to produce world government, the final 8th King culmination. In the final cycle the global tribulation context must resolve into that final 8th King world government entity.

That 8th King world government completion, when ready, is what triggers the actual and final arrival of God and Jesus Christ to respond to that sovereign culmination in permanent form.

The Coming Tribulation Cycle Ends into 8th King World Government

1. In reality we are entering a global period of a number of years through a global tribulation that resolves (Matt24:29) into world government, the actual full 8th King global “scarlet wildbeast” system that is culminated, in final complete form, through this final transformation cycle. (Rev17:11-18 + Rev16:12-16);

2. Make note of that Biblical certainty of the tribulation resolving at Matthew 24:29:

(Matthew 24:29) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

A. The “tribulation of those days” ends into milestone events, it does not devolve instantly into Armageddon and “the end”. (Matt24:29-31); As Jesus said “the end does not occur immediately” (Luke21:9) and there are reasons for this certainty in prophecy and the 8th King complete world government requirement;

B. Also Jesus does distinguish between the “tribulation of those days” and the “great tribulation” because though related they have different meanings.

3. Currently Bethel is now deluding Jehovah’s witnesses with that false impression of a premature end, and this exact form of deception is a feature of the apostasy at 2Thessalonians 2:1-3, to be explained more fully later.

4. Note too, the final cycle of a prophetic replication (covered up by Bethel) also completely outlines the final 8th King trajectory to the world government finality that that “tribulation” must conclude into. (Dan11:42-45; Rev16:12-16; Rev17:11-18) We also see in Matthew 24:30-31 Christ’s first priority is final sheep separation, not “the end” final salvo upon the 8th King system. (Dan7:25-26);

A. Thus Matthew 24:29-31 does not specify “the end” is what follows immediately after the “tribulation of those days”, but events to be noteworthy at that time: “darkening” of earthly symbolic societal and governmental sources of “light”, the sign of Christ, seen first, then the arrival for sheep gathering purposes. The “sign” means anointed Christians will make this discernment before anyone else as in Revelation 12:1 “great sign seen in heaven” many still do not understand concerning 1914 heavenly events. (Rev4-5);

B. Thus there is a final set of world events to be globally known in the global political and societal global sector of “lights” “darkening” and powers, “heavens” “shaken” (Matt24:29), and there will be a great private “signal” Christ will give to anointed Christians to understand before his actual arrival as his “sign of the Son of Man” will be “seen”, understood first, by this target group, then Christ arrives “on the clouds of heaven”. We see that group is the target “sheep” of the remnant of the 144000 to be “gathered” to completion first (Rev14:1), to then aid Christ’s full global earthly “sheep” separating finality.

Thus much must happen before “the end” even after the “tribulation of those days” resolves.

5. Thus Bethel’s false-excitation (2Thess2:1-2) and premature “end” expectation is a comprehensive diversion affecting perceptions of Jehovah’s witnesses globally to also cover up the certainty of the final cycle, its prophecy and some very important details.

6. The purpose of the prelude of mass deceptions and engineered misperceptions converging in the world and in Jehovah’s witnesses, is to instill in the mass mind (Dan8:25a), and its Jehovah’s witnesses (JW) sector, the expectation of a “the end” scenario prematurely to aid the uncertainty of the meaning of the coming world developments of the future.  (2Thess2:1-2; deluded expectation); Jehovah’s witnesses display the same misperceptions and uncertainties as the world, merely created by delusions designed for each group differently.

Confusion and error aids the 8th King system who knows the true world government purpose of the final cycle.

The Whole World Cycle and The Final Prophetic Cycle Repeats

1. In reality God’s prophecy already outlines the final cycle upon the first cycle of 1914-1919. That valid first cycle outlines the main progression of events of the future. That first cycle demonstrated world tribulation events that led to the first United Nations (UN) manifestation as the League of Nations in 1919 through a global tribulation principle of World War 1 that resolved into that world government related foundational presentation.

A. That forms a prophetic preview of the final cycle upon the same set of prophecies culminating in final form. (Dan12; Rev11:1-7);

2. The same world development formulaic cycle is to be used in the final UN cycle of the future leading to world government through a comparable but more severe world war of finance and military “tribulation” that instead resolves in time into UN 8th King world government. (Matt24:29; Rev17:11-18; Dan11:44-45; Dan12:11);

A. Thus not only does prophecy outline the cyclic meaning, but also the world government developers also use the same global cycle for their own presentation purposes. The cycle principle is that the “disgusting thing” is who “causes desolation” and for a purpose. It is now a well established cyclic principle as all three world wars resolved into UN presentations including the Cold War cycle in 1990. The “desolation” resolves to present the “disgusting thing” as the cyclic purpose of the “tribulation of those days” cycle.

3. Contrary to those affected by Bethel’s lawless global record to discount the entire Jehovah’s witnesses ministry, the original prophetic pattern of 1914-1922 is of extreme importance to maintain and understand as valid prophecy of real world events that led to the League of Nations world government designate forum through prophetically marked events accompanied by a Kingdom of God counter proclamation of “world government” under Jesus Christ in that 1914 period.

That whole progression of meanings will repeat.

4. The basic gist of the matter is an appointed limit of gentile allowance of world rulership was announced starting in 1914-1919 marked events. That progression proceeds over the intervening approximate century while BOTH the 8th Kingdom and God’s Kingdom co-develop to the ultimate global showdown known as the eventual Armageddon divine war phase.

A. Just as Christendom’s apostasy marked the post 1919 ministry announcement, so too today Bethel’s apostasy signals another final cycle of judgment is necessary and forming.

Thus even the apostasy principle is repeating. Every global and spiritual entity previewed in 1914-1919 will also complete in that final repetition.

5. Regardless of whether or not people believe the prophecy of 1914-1922 in Daniel 12, the general apostasy exposure, “world government” and Kingdom warning did go forth from Jehovah’s witnesses. Whether it was prophetic or not, it is what it is. The rest of the distracting minutia in the “1914” discrediting and “Christ’s parousia” controversies merely serve as distractions away from the more basic world government issue that was addressed from that period onward. Yet we see even in that the “Kingdom issue” did in fact go global.

A. This is why apostate Bethel aids the undermining of faith in the original prophecy and 1914 period of fulfillment and world government significance by their own reproach and scandals.

B. The basic truth is the first cycle was and is valid, and the final cycle is based on the fact the whole prophecy must repeat to the final completion and global sovereign resolution first previewed since the 1914-1922 prophetic meanings of Daniel 12.

C. Those doubting the 1914 significance of all these world and prophetic mapping events will also not understand the coming final cycle repetition of the very same events in principle, that again must lead to required 8th King world government completion certainty and its final world “peace and security” global statement (1Thess5:1-3) after world government completes. (1Thess5:1-5 8th King world “peace and security” is parallel Dan8:25 “freedom from care” at the end of the final cycle);

D. Like WW1, the coming tribulation cycle will also distract the world away from the Kingdom proclamation to repeat and be finalizing at that time.

The Final Cycle is Detailed in Prophecy For Great Reason

1. It is not a question to many Christians whether or not God is real and if Jesus Christ will arrive as promised, to true Christ-ians it is a certainty, not if, but when. The point is, though, the prophecy is very detailed because this final cycle climaxes into completed entities of 8th King and Messianic Kingdom and that unfolds over prophetic milestones that will be reflected in global realities in this multi-year process. (Rev10:6-8); Thus though expectations can be easily over excited, the fact remains the final cycle is the most important, yet it is being over simplified and laced with error by Bethel to attempt to bypass the importance. It has to instead run its full highly detailed final course.

Endurance is required because of this over anticipation and the fact the final cycle is going to be the grand finale of it all. (Matt24:13-14)

2. This period coming up is the climax of all prophecy. This final cycle is the climax of Adamic human civilization and the course of the seventy nations after the deluge of Noah’s day. (Gen10, 6); OF COURSE prophecy foretells all the required details and has been fully outlining it even since the 1990 3rd United Nations placement (Dan11:30-31; Dan8:23a) as the point in time and prophecy that Bethel has fully diverted the final prophecy from.

3. In fact the whole story is already in the prophecy right in Jehovah’s witnesses own Bibles, Bethel merely obscures it and diverts attention away from it by their self-appointed supposed “divine authority” on scriptural progress to make sure Jehovah’s witnesses do not study Daniel 8 and 11 in an open minded fashion, and especially that they not discuss their questionings or discoveries in the congregations.

4. Thus if the Governing Body promotes deceptions and refuses to update prophecy and insight, Jehovah’s witnesses will accept that retardation process as “progress” and “our understanding of Bible truth is constantly becoming clearer”. The fact is since the last Revelation work of 1963-1969 there has been ZERO “new light” in “Jehovah’s organization”, instead waffling is what Bethel calls “truth becoming clearer”.

5. This is part of the reason for the Governing Body “supreme council” and its “inquisitional” threat of expulsion to those exposing the frauds and their obvious errors – it minimizes their exposure and the even incidental explanation of prophetic reality, and they now have legal authority to maintain their stranglehold of Bethel.

6. There is no reason why a person respecting the prophetic power of God’s progressive revelation (2Pet1:19-21) should go into this final period without knowing exactly how God shows it will work out to recognize all the prophecy and world event milestones of the final progression. (Rev1:1); Much of the final cycle, the whole world-war-to-world-government framework, can be known now before it occurs because it is predominantly a REPEATING prophecy going into final fulfillment.

Knowing the prophecy and final cycle is a repetition is quite useful to use to understand the final cycle features and outcome’ they all manifested in minor form already. Knowing it all repeats is what helps define the major details of the final prophecy, it is not “interpretation” it is an awareness it all must repeat to finality.

The Real “Peace and Security” Proclamation: 8th King World Government Global Sovereign Claim

In prophetic reality the global final “peace and security” statement and period is an 8th King climax sovereign statement of global world government final sovereign completion. That occurs as the final world government 8th King authority is making the final “disgusting thing” placement of Daniel 12:11 (Dan11:45) of the future, at the end of the final cycle.

The “sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them” of the real world “peace and security” period is a divine judgment at the end of the final cycle (2Thess1:6-10). That final cycle is about to start but takes several years to develop.

The “causes desolation” of the tribulation period coming, with any premature “peace and security” hoax statement that may arise in the near future, will be 8th King engineered controlled “destruction” to resolve into 8th King world government, it cannot be the terminal “sudden destruction” of 1Thessalonians 5:1-3 because the tribulation ends as per Matthew 24:29 into more developments, not “the end yet”.

The “tribulation” and the “sudden destruction” are not the same meaning.

Thus Bethel presenting the coming tribulation as the terminal “sudden destruction” is an error. The 8th King uses tribulation to resolve into world government presentation. That 8th King world government completion must culminate before the actual “sudden destruction” of 1Thessalonians5:1-3 that that completion will trigger. That is when the real signal of Armageddon totality manifests as that final 8th King world government world “peace and security” proclamation made globally under complete 8th King world government.

The Real World “Peace and Security” Proclamation Timing

1. The real “peace and security” statement period is under 8th King completed world government. It must come after the “tribulation of those days”. It is a climax world rulership related “world peace” claim of the sovereign final proclamation phase of 8th King world government.

2. Thus expecting it before the “tribulation of those days” is an obvious error when we know 8th King world government completion is a world and prophetic requirement. We also know from the final prophetic progression of the final cycle the “peace and security” is a climax period sovereign proclamation statement of complete world government culmination.

3. By knowing Bethel is the final apostasy we also know this particular type delusion, the premature end hoax, is also part of their apostate signal of the “operation of error”. (2Thess2:1-2); This hoax also aids concealment of the true significance and meaning of this final phase.

The World-War-to-World-Government Cycle Repeats

1. The use of world war to resolve into a world government presentation is also a repeating cyclic principle independent of prophecy, though also demonstrated in it. It has been used in WW1, WW2 and the Cold War (WW3 form; Dan11:29) cycles.

2. The cyclic use of the world-war-to-world-government formula is also not appreciated by those discounting the 1914 Jehovah’s witnesses ministry by default. Though it is an obvious cyclic world war function producing the “world peace” resolution context of a world government presentation historically noted, few recognize the world-war-to-world-government formula as explained in that way. In like manner it is not pointed out by Bethel as well.

3. Bethel is the apostasy “set in opposition”, who makes certain these types of advanced insights are not made known, as they also do not explain how world tribulation/war aids the world government rendition and presentation it precedes when it resolves by design into that world war ending manifestation every time.

4. This world-war-to-world-government formula has been used to resolve WW1, WW2 and Cold WW3 into comparable and foretold UN manifestations to conclude those global war and tribulation cycles in 1919, 1945, and 1990 respectively. Even if unique in “world war” like the Cold War (Dan11:29), they all ended into a United Nations (UN) presentation.

5. Now if the first cycle is not recognized for it’s deeper meanings, neither will the next two cycles be recognized in 1945 and 1990. But in fact it almost predicts in itself the fourth cycle if one sees the meaning of the former three.

That fourth cyclic pattern will now repeat into the fourth UN cycle upon the same formula.

The 1990 3rd UN placement is what Bethel bypasses to undermine this awareness of the UN 1-2-3-4 quad-cycle now formed by all these foretold UN presentation patterns. The UN system is now in the third of four total manifestations. The final cycle, the fourth UN rendition of the future, produces complete world government.

6. The world-war-to-world-government cycle that leads into that final UN presentation (as world government) is also not explained by Bethel. Thus all modern reality is lost to modern Jehovah’s witnesses in lieu of this Bethel quagmire of deception. (Dan8:12b); Instead Bethel sells Jehovah’s witnesses an over simplified “end of the world” deception menu.

7. The Bethel subversion and the general world misled state both create premature impressions of the “end of the world” and that creates uncertainty concerning the final cycle and that confusion aids the world government final developmental period and objective because no one can reliably explain it and its outcome.

8. Accordingly the world system progress and the Bethel coup being set-up for the final cycle cannot remain static, both must go into their final cycle of world government purpose. It is into that tribulation that the JW system will be judged, accounted, desolated, (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5) purified (Zech3:1-5) and recovered (Rev9-11) for the final Kingdom warning to deploy, again (Rev10:11), into that final period of Adamic civilization and the 8th King world government culmination. (1Pet4:17);

Now we can examine the exact deceptive expectations and the order of them Bethel is promoting as “prophecy” because that “predictive programming” is being promoted to be used for that deceptive impression already inculcated into JW expectations for that purpose. Additionally the illusion aids Bethel’s apostate concealment and Bethel’s final coup as long as possible using this misapplied “prophecy” complex as the JW trusted veneer to promote their subversions under. In the process of this applied misperception complex Bethel obscures the true meaning and outline of the final cycle of prophecy and world government producing world events.

Yet the Bethel outline of engineered expectations also reveals the general course their final planning is to proceed over until they are expelled in the temple judgment phase of the final cycle.

II. Reverse Engineering the Bethel Con Game’s Main Elements of JW Premature Expectations

Bethel’s “End of the World” Recipe:

The basic Bethel “end of the world” formula goes like this:

1. “In the near future, the nations will say “Peace and security!””

A. “While we wait for the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, powerful angels are holding back the destructive winds of the great tribulation. Let us patiently wait for the proclamation of “Peace and security!” and for the final sealing of the chosen ones. Thereafter, the four angels will let go of the destructive winds, and Babylon the Great will be destroyed.”

2. “This unparalleled tribulation will start when Jehovah brings destruction on “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, by using the political powers. (Rev. 17:3-5, 16) What will come next?”

3. “After false religion is destroyed, Satan and various elements of his world will attack Jehovah’s servants.”

4. “Therefore, our heavenly Father will take prompt action in order to rescue us. That deliverance will come to its climax with the destruction of Satan’s world at Armageddon, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”

(WT 11/15/2013, WT 05/15/2014)

All those prophetic elements are true. The order and manner in which they actually manifest is what Bethel is manipulating. The order of these events in the Bethel “end of the world” formula is to allow the use of these delusions and their sequence (1-3) to cover over other events in that relatively short hoax process.

Basically in the Bethel formula the “peace and security” statement leads to an attack on Babylon the Great and eventually Jehovah’s witnesses for Jehovah’s witnesses to be delivered miraculously in the process at Armageddon.

That simplified fictional expectation allows a hoax “peace and security” statement to lead to a global attack on Jehovah’s witnesses organization made to appear as the attack on Babylon the Great in the process of actually the temple judgment.

Premature Peace and Security Potential Hoax Aid

1. Like the world media backed diversions, Bethel is also using its own version of “predictive programming” to construct a JW “self fulfilling prophecy” for Jehovah’s witnesses and their audience to mislead them further when the final cycle events actually start to manifest.

2. By using misapplied and prematurely applied prophecy, certain events of the future can be made to appear as other events that can fit the appearance of the expectation, not the reality. In this way one actual set of events can be made to look like another set of events that are not actually what is really manifesting.

Obviously it is far more effective for Satan to operate “in the truth” than anywhere else in the world system and Jehovah’s witnesses are the last point of prophetic validity prior to the Bethel apostate subversion activity.

3. It would be Satan’s logical target to get inside of Bethel’s ministerial leadership. (2Cor11:13-15; 2Thess2:1-4, 9-12; Zech3:1; Dan11:32a, 41) That goes without saying, as does the fact something is not “quite right” at Bethel – it is all related.

4. Thus when Jesus warns of “false Christs” he means “in the temple” (2Thess2:1-4), not in places like the Christendom institution where that condition has already been well exposed since 1919.

A. That reality of deception from the mouth of claimant anointed Christians (Rev2:2) is a forewarning of great importance:

(Matthew 24:23-25) “Then if anyone says to you (even Bethel), ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders (2Thess2:9) so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you.

(Luke 21:8-9) He said: “Look out that you are not misled; for many (including Bethel) will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ (2Thess2:1-2) Do not go after them. 9 Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. (thus the wars in the coming tribulation are not yet the end. (Matt24:6)) For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

Thus any premature expectation promoted prior to actual world “peace and security” (8th King world government), aided in the process by destabilizing effects of global wars, like the ones present today, will be misleading.

A final world war intrigue to aid the global tribulation MUST occur first, but it itself is NOT “the end”, more takes place as that resolves into world government – when there are NO “wars and” NO “reports of wars” – under 8th King world government – then is when the real end can come. (invert Matt24:6);

The period of UN 8th King “world peace” to come at the end of the final cycle is far more significant than the “world wars” period leading to it.

B. That period of 8th King world government is the world “peace and security” final proclamation that manifests into that inverted no “wars or reports of wars” period. The UN “world peace” under world government will be an actual world condition by the 8th King uni-polar global sovereign definition of it guaranteed in prophecy. (1Thess5:1-3 is Daniel 8:25b)

That is why the post-final-cycle real final world “peace and security” statement period marks the real signal of the arrival of Christ to climax in the divine war mode at Armageddon.

5. Jesus says this because the true “the end” (Matt24:14) will have a final clear warning based on the complete final prophecy (Rev10:6-8) in enough time to be recovered from the current Bethel apostasy – and that takes some years to recover and deploy. (Dan8:14; Rev8-9); Thus the Bethel desolation opens the way for truth to come forth again. (Mal3:1-5; Zech3:5-8; Rev10:11) In that final truth period (Rev10-11) some people will see by prophecy how the “end does not occur immediately”, for much global development is yet in store and world government completing is one of them.

A. Thus in time all the premature “the end” expectations will fail and will leave a perplexity in the process for those still trying to re-explain the situation. This is how this complex of error aids the final world government completion and it’s final illusions throughout the whole process, it ends up discrediting itself by it’s premature claims.

6. The “good news of the Kingdom will be preached” has not been completed by Christians until the final cycle is fully explained in the final warning requirement of Revelation 10:11.

7. The “thief in the night” comes on Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses first (1Pet4:17), as this mostly unknown temple judgment will demonstrate when it hits. Jehovah’s witness now deluded by the Bethel apostasy have no idea that is what is coming. (Matt25:1-13; Zech3:1-5);

A. The world system, to get the enlightening results of the temple judgment recovery in the full final warning of Revelation 8 – 11:1-7, will get EXPLICIT final invitation for guaranteed salvation and final Kingdom warning for at least 1260 days (the second of “two witnesses”) leading to Christ’s arrival after the temple judgment timing (Dan8:14) leads to that 1260 days of the final warning timing (Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3) to completion of that phase (Rev11:7). (Rev10-11 final fulfillment);

B. The temple judgment and ministerial recovery milestone will therefore also transpire in the Daniel 8:14 timing preceding the 1260 day final warning (Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3), so the world will get a clear “good news of the Kingdom” final warning, then that true end will come. (Matt24:14); God’s purpose of this extended final cycle and extended final warning is to save as many people as possible in the process with enough time to get the final work done.

C. Of course to those not believing the warning the effect is like a “thief in the night”, but not because of not being forewarned. (Rev6:12-17; Matt24:36-42) In any event Christ assesses all mankind (Matt10:23) as final Kingdom Judge in the “sheep” and “goats” determination period. Christ can save anyone recoverable on the basic basis of his ransom sacrifice (Matt25:31-46), it is not the fictional Bethel criteria that determines salvation.

8. Now we see Bethel actually already outlines the deception they intend JWs to accept for as long as possible for maximum application as the final cycle begins and into it for part of the Daniel 8:14 temple judgment timing. That will further delay the JW ministry guaranteed, and attempt to seize or destroy its “established place” base permanently. (Dan8:111; Zech3:2);

9. Bethel has a potentially useful “peace and security” trigger expectation primed in the JW mind internally that can be aided by 8th King world authorities externally to create the delusion the final “peace and security” statement has manifested. If it is used as it is predictively programmed to seem likely, the goal is to create the impression among JWs “the end” is here; prematurely.

That “end” is a premature expectation, a delusion.

In fact the Bible already gives a warning of what SIGNAL APOSTASY features to look for prior to the final judgment cycle actually starting. False expectations promoted by those claiming to be ministerial leaders (Rev2:2) is one of those RED FLAG signals in the criteria of Paul’s apostate warning in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.

The False Expectation Signal Now Present From Bethel

1. That prematurely advanced “peace and security” expectation, by Bethel claimant “apostles” (Rev2:2; 2Cor11:13-15), supports this false expectation SIGNAL of prophecy now in action:

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ (Mal3:1) and our being gathered together to him (1Thess4:17), we request of you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited (as Bethel is promoting) either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us (Rev2:2, the “apostles” in the Governing Body”), to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.Let no one seduce you in any manner (like Bethel), because it (the final judgment cycle; 1Pet4:17) will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed… (That “man of lawlessness” now conducts the 8th King aided “operation of error” at apostate Bethel.

2. Now both criteria of that prophecy are met (in apostasy and the “man of lawlessness” manifesting together). What is also being met is the SIGNAL of the premature excitation and expectation building that Bethel now employs as part of their modern apostate “operation of error” “in the temple”. (2Thess2:10-12);

3. Thus in the logic of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 warning, the Bethel apostasy will have been long revealed, judged, and removed (2Thess2:8) globally before any true development of world government in finality and thus before its final world “peace and security” proclamation will have actually completed.

A. The temple judgment only STARTS “the judgment” overall (1Pet4:17), it is far from over even from that final cycle commencement event.

(In fact it starts the whole final cycle of climax prophecy to completion, all of Daniel 12 repeats, all of Revelation 8-11 repeats, all of Revelation 15-16 repeats in final full fulfillment. It is unique events of the temple judgment (Dan8:13-14) and the final 8th King cycle (Dan11:42-45) that will, in relatively short time, provide milestones that unmistakably and undeniably lead into that replication phase. Even the current Bethel apostasy is a now repeating latent principle.)

Thus even the Bethel apostasy and the “man of lawlessness” must be fully revealed together in the temple judgment before any final “peace and security” can come forth after world government completion that also comes forth after the apostasy is judged and exposed.

No wonder it is Bethel that promotes this exact delusion for it aids diverting attention from their own apostate fulfillment of this selfsame feature. The Bethel condition is truly “uncanny”. (Zech3:1; 2Thess2:9);

The “Peace and Security” Premature Psychological Trigger

Note: The “sudden destruction” of the real world “peace and security” period is a divine judgment at the end of the final cycle (2Thess1:6-10), it is not caused by the ” tribulation of those days”; 

The “causes desolation” of the tribulation period that may employ a premature “peace and security” hoax statement will be 8th King engineered to resolve into 8th King world government at the end of the cycle leading to the real final global “peace and security” statement at global proportions under world government. The 8th King will indeed achieve “world peace” for a time according to their own definition, that is the point of world government and its real “peace and security” proclamation period at that time.

Therefore Bethel is trying to sell off the coming tribulation that must resolve (Matt24:29), as that 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 “sudden destruction” period.

1. That “day of Jehovah” false expectation indication Paul warned of above is now present from Bethel.

A. That delusion is further tied to this “peace and security” statement below, being proffered prematurely from Bethel, marking the deception prophecy above (2Thess2:1-3), by using this prophecy below, prematurely applied, to aid the delusion:

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them

2. Bethel is trying to sell the coming “tribulation” as that terminal “sudden destruction”, which it cannot be for a number of reasons.

A. It is final judgment that brings “sudden destruction”. On the other hand, the “tribulation” period coming up, MUST end (Matt24:29) into 8th King world government before the “sudden destruction” can come. The actual world “peace and security”, under the 8th King final world government sovereign claim, comes at the end of the final cycle. (Dan11:42-45);

B. That real “sudden destruction”, at the end of the final cycle, is a DIVINE JUDGMENT. It is not the 8th King used tribulation shown to resolve at Matthew 24:29, it is God’s repaid tribulation on the 8th King:

(2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those
(ultimately 8th King powers) who make tribulation for you, 7 but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength, 10 at the time he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones (“in connection” with the 144000 completion, after world government completion) and to be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among you.

3. Since Christ will not arrive until after 8th King culmination into world government all the above must take place after that time, and after its actual world “peace and security” proclamation.

4. Thus selling the “peace and security” expectation now is aiding the effect of being “quickly shaken from your reason” “to be excited” “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here”. It is attempting to bypass the climax period of all prophecy and human history with milestones leading to the actual arrival of Christ all in this coming final cycle greatly detailed in the prophecy being diverted by Bethel deceptions.

5. That apostate Bethel is at least twenty years in total “King North” control (Dan11:32a, 41), accordingly Bethel also has not explained and examined prophecy in more detail and reasoning for advancing explanatory logic and that aids the backwardness of modern Jehovah’s witnesses. Instead Bethel “studies prophecy” to apply it for maximum deception and goes no further than 1969 levels of enlightenment.

6. World government must be completed and stated in final actual world “peace and security” before 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 can occur. Anything premature of 8th King completed world government is just the “tribulation of those days” cycle that is used by the 8th King formulaically to resolve into the final world government presentation and global recovery offer. (Matt24:29; Isa41:1; Rev13:16-18);

7. Bethel is writing and “smooth word” promoting the main premature falsehoods “shaking people from their reason” and “exciting” Jehovah’s witnesses prematurely with this delusion of a premature “the end” and it will work for the objective of the Bethel apostasy as a psychological “excitation” aids Jehovah’s witnesses accepting the hoax as reality for a period of time. (Dan8:13-14; Hos6:1-3);

But if the “peace and security” manifests prematurely it will be a decoy, not the final “peace and security” statement that is the climax global sovereign statement period under 8th King world government. (Dan11:45; Dan8:25; Dan12:11; Rev11:7; 1Thess5:1-3);

8. If one thinks Jehovah’s witnesses are brainwashed robots now they will go into frenzied auto-pilot totally unreachable when the events they expect start to manifest in reality and it will take the Bethel downfall and sobering reality to wake up Jehovah’s witnesses. (Matt25:5);

Potential of an Ironic Principle

1. If Bethel is one making this echoed “peace and security” proclamation to aid 8th King purposes, if that manifests in this way, in an ironic principle, it will instead trigger Bethel’s judgment “sudden destruction” period first. This means it will be a related principle, not the actual prophecy: Daniel 8:13 “trampling” must come on Bethel first as God uses Bethel’s 8th King “UN NGO” “lovers” to desolate them by design. (Dan8:11; 1Pet4:17) Bethel goes down in the temple judgment long before the true final 8th King world government statement of final world “peace and security” under the “scarlet wildbeast” global government super-sovereign period of final world power before Christ arrives to depose that 8th King system. (Rev17:11-18);

2. If Bethel states the “peace and security” supposed meaning with the 8th King prematurely (actually aiding their strategy), it will mean Bethel’s destruction (Dan8:11, 13) is what will be imminent, NOT that of the 8th King system that has yet to complete world government over the final cycle then starting, not ending. (1Pte4:17)The prophecy true fulfillment must come after world government makes that “world peace” global sovereign statement (1Thess5:1-3) and its time period expires. (Dan12:11);

Thus Bethel is setting up their own removal to be accepted as “prophecy fulfilling” by Jehovah’s witnesses as the final cycle begins, not ends. (1Pet4:17); But contrary to JW delusions aided by this Bethel deception, it is Bethel that falls under “desolations” to finality (Dan8:13), the world system merely proceeds through the “tribulation of those days” to world government. (Dan11:42-45) It is in that unfolding to reality that JWs will be perplexed for a few years.

A. Though that is not directly related to this prophecy fulfillment, it is the principle of what a hoax “peace and security” will mean for Bethel if that manifests. Even if it does not manifest as it seems it might, Bethel still must come under divine judgment carried out by the 8th King powers’ “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14. (Zech3:2, Dan8:11);

The “Peace and Security” Error is Beyond Just Jehovah’s Witnesses

1. As seen in plain logic a final world government “peace and security” proclamation will trigger divine final judgment for the opposing “world government” against God’s Kingdom when world government is completely culminated. (Rev16:13-16; Rev17:11-18); A premature “peace and security” cannot be the real thing premature of world government culmination publicly proclaimed, but this delusion is present in Jehovah’s witnesses by Bethel to be possibly used for the psychological misleading effect it would inspire.

2. The similar “peace and security” delusion, from other sources other than Bethel, is also present in many JW critics and others as even some Christendom prophetic interpretations use this assumption to create a similar premature anxiety of “the end” if that “peace and security” statement should arise on the global scene to aid this potential effect soon.

A. Thus, overall, the “peace and security” is a broadly accepted Christian signal development that can be used to dupe the whole Christian claimant system and this is why exploring this possibility is due to it’s comprehensive “self fulfilling” potential to various audiences. Due to this broad expectation base it seems too good of an opportunity for 8th King planners to not take advantage of in this comprehensive delusion in some manner.

B. The delusion potential is not in the prophecy itself, which will come true in time, but in its prematurely applied timing and implied expectation by mere use of the recognizable wording in the “peace and security” phrase by global authorities who can also use a form of that proclamation globally, prematurely, for further reaching strategic purposes on more people than just Jehovah’s witnesses.

Further Discrediting Ramifications

1. With this level of acceptance and expectation it would be a hard hoax opportunity to pass up to aid the delusion of a premature arrival of Christ and “end of the world” delusion that would actually serve the planned psychological “excitation” context of global tribulation. Instead, as this plays out, the feared tribulation must resolve into 8th King world government totally undermining the false prophetic expectations making all supporting it discredited with the prophecy itself as the tribulation resolves into world government, not “the end” yet.

A. Instead 8th King world government global hope and the real “peace and security” is what “arrives”, but that real proclamation would be at an advanced late timing in the final cycle, when its global effect will be one of actual “world peace” more capable of truly fooling the world at that time. By that time the formerly applied “peace and security” expectation will have failed, it will not have meant “sudden destruction”, so trying to apply it again will be a “cry wolf”, many will doubt it altogether at that time.

B. This is also how prematurely advancing a false perception now also aids discrediting the prophecy as its premature forecast fails later, at the very time it will actually start to manifest as the real 8th King world “peace and security” of the world government “freedom from care” period of global optimism.

C. Thus the purpose of the promotion of this error will have greater future discrediting ramifications as well.

2. The fact some in Christendom, independent Christian commentators, and Bethel are all selling the “peace and security” trigger statement well premature of reality, means it may very well develop as intended in the near future because it has a global and diverse reach into many people’s expectations. It is “predictively programmed” across the board.

3. Therefore when we compare the outline of prophetic reality with the Bethel engineered fraudulent version of it being promoted especially after the 1990 3rd United Nations placement was ignored and uncommented on by Bethel, we can outline the general expectations and their error that Bethel is installing in the JW mind to create confusion in this final phase of detailed prophecy about to activate.

A. The period coming up is not the expected Bethel “slam dunk”, it takes more years to complete world government and it is all in the prophecy and its repeating cycle Bethel covers up. It also will not culminate into the expected “end of the world” outcome, but just the opposite: world government, world peace, and world recovery for a period of time. (Dan11:45+12:11; Dan8:25);

B. To think God foretells in prophecy the first two UN placements (Rev13:11-15; Dan12:11; Rev17:8-11) but does not foretell the final two UN placements, the third and fourth (Dan8:23, Dan11:31b; Dan11:45; Dan12:11) culminating into world government as the fourth placement, is of course the ridiculous theory Bethel is really offering JWs and mankind.

C. Confusing people at the start of the final cycle, aids its completion because few will know what is really developing: world government through its final tribulation cycle that must end (Matt24:29) aiding the whole world government power consolidation and presentation process. (Dan11:42-43; Rev17:11-18);

Discrediting All Prophecy in the Final Cycle

1. When the prophecy actually starts to manifest in real and final form under world government (deep into the final cycle some years from the temple judgment commencement – even after the “tribulation of those days”), the prophecy will have by then been discredited by the period of error and false expectation leading to the real thing. The “real thing” will thus be mostly unexposed by those errors.

Thus when the prophecy will have greatest meaning and warning import, under world government, is also the time it will be also greatly doubted due to the failure of its premature application.

Bethel Maps Their Deceptive Plan

By understanding the general perception Bethel engineers, we know the future route they plan to jettison Jehovah’s witnesses into and how it is to be triggered and concealed as it develops because the premature “peace and security”, if used, would lead to more Bethel hoax implementation upon more falsely applied “prophecy” as the hoax fully unfolds. Bethel displays the full outline of their intended hoax for even after the final cycle actually starts.

We know now the “King North” 8th King guidance of the apostasy already has reached the goal of disconnecting the UN prophetic developments after 1945. That is the 1990 3rd UN placement of Daniel 11:31b (Dan8:23a) is not commented on by Bethel, instead they went UN NGO. Thus the 3rd and 4th UN placements as prophecy are also unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses.

The 8th King Objective Bethel Aids

By this we know the 8th King intent coming up is to totally eradicate the rest of the JW ministerial resource base and to destroy the current ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses and to abort the final ministry before JWs even know it is required. (Rev10:11) All this being described in this article is how Bethel aids the 8th King anti-Christian objective by internal designs within the Bethel organizational system. (Dan11:30-32a, 41; Dan 8:11-13);

More Bethel Subterfuge in Their Deceptive Prophetic “Theology”

1. By knowing the prophecy repeats over some final years as a reliable cycle, also repeating, we have reality to assess the Bethel hoax against.

A. Thus having a reliable actual divine “forecast”, we can reverse engineer the Bethel theology and compare it to the final cycle actual prophetic outline to identify the errors of timing Bethel is teaching JWs to culture a false expectation and how it can be used to conceal the true meaning of the Bethel downfall in actually the temple judgment first.

Bethel is building an illusion to cover up their own temple judgment “desolation” “trampling” to make those events look like general tribulation and supposed “end of the world” events. They are also covering up the prophecy that describes the final apostasy and the whole temple judgment process that starts the final cycle of prophecy to also hinder that awareness of Jehovah’s witnesses as long as possible. (1Pet4:17);

2. It cannot be “the end of the world” that Bethel promotes prematurely to aid their own coup and cessation of the JW global ministry by their own hand in collusion with the 8th King powers which is detailed in the same prophecy Bethel obscures with dated fiction. (Dan8:11-13; Dan11:30-32, 41); Prophecy and world government required final developments for some years of final globalizations ensure Bethel is creating a delusion. (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:42-43);

A. Bethel not only sleeps with the UN NGO enemy system, they have them in their own house (Dan11:31a, 41, Luke 21:20), and the prophecy details all those apostate developments leading to the 3rd UN placement of 1990 that Bethel covers up in the prophecy as their apostasy also becomes “revealed” b y this evidence. (2Thess2:1-4; Zech3:1-3);

3. We can see what to expect next in the Bethel deception by a few core teachings Bethel is promoting like the “peace and security” expectation and a final decoy of the “King North” subterfuge they are now using the defunct USSR to “fulfill” up to Daniel 11:44 over advancement in Daniel 11, which is an overly advanced position in the prophetic fulfillments of Daniel 11. That also overly advances Jehovah’s witnesses expectations.

Bethel, subverting the understanding of Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45 3rd and 4th UN cycle prophecy, aids their “operation of error” concealment because those prophecies also foretell their apostate development concurrently.

4. Thus Bethel is using more falsely applied prophecy to cover up more events certain to come upon Bethel to affect it organizationally at global scale, and Bethel wants to sell all that as specific prophecies they are misapplying to cover over the temple judgment desolation that will actually be what is fulfilling at that time as Daniel 8:11, 13.

Thus Bethel is creating a set of “prophetic” beliefs, misapplied, to pass off the temple judgment desolation as the “end of the world” terminal “great tribulation” desolation. It will be the foretold “tribulation of those days” that must manifest, but it will develop according to true prophetic certainty not according to the apostate Bethel deceptive and engineered forecast.

5. One thing leads to another in the Bethel 8th King aided strategy to work in tangent and at a key time in history coming up, to cease the Bethel ministry and to cover it up as long as possible as “prophecy fulfilling brothers!” in the process, to abandon JWs in total scattered confusion (Zech13:7) thinking “the end” has come upon the “system of things”. (It will be the Bethel “a system of things” the “end” has come upon. (Matt13:36-42; Zech3:1-5));

A. The “peace and security” hoax, if it is used, will lead to more expectations to be filled by Bethel deceptions already programmed into the JW psyche for use after that initial trigger is pulled.

6. Now we see Bethel can use a premature “peace and security” and potentially also a decoy “King North”, provided by their 8th King colluders, (Dan11:32a) in tangent with an expectation of the “attack on Babylon the Great” to aid the deceptive impression the “end of the world” will shortly follow these decoy manifestations.

A. But that is all a simple smokescreen to conceal the real developments and their true significance, in fact it cannot and will not go according to the Bethel engineered deception.

Bethel will end long before the world system concludes. Bethel’s downfall is just part of a guaranteed final sequence of final prophetic fulfillment. (Rev8-11);

7. Instead the 8th King will be who is removing Bethel organizationally (Dan8:13; Hos1:4-7), to some unknown degree, as the 8th King designate embarks upon the final multi-year cycle in accelerated fashion (Dan11:41 climaxes into Daniel 11:42-45). Squashing Bethel like a bug to kick off the cycle, aids the rest of the 8th King overdrive over that final cycle.

A. It is into that global tribulation, with a deceived mindset, that JWs will be tossed (Jonah1:15, Zech11, Zech13:7), fully dumbfounded with everyone else in the world as one year turns to two years and three, and still no “second coming of Christ” in final form. (Dan8:14; Hos6:1-3);

Instead 8th King world government is what is “coming” first, a number of years into this final cycle. (Dan8:14 + Daniel 12:7 combined minimum timing.)

8. Remember Jesus Christ has to also complete the Messianic Kingdom 144000 for God (Zech4:6-9; Rev14:1; Matt24:29-31) after 8th King world government completes as Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment.

BOTH the 8th King and the Messianic Kingdom MUST be completed entities prior to final Armageddon divine war phase final face off.

A. That is a very important “Kingdom completion” truth and logic Jehovah’s witnesses are also missing, the required 144000 MUST be full before Christ assumes Messianic Kingdom official kingship. (Rev10:6-8; Zech4:6-8);

B. Thus a complete and stated super-sovereign United Nations as “image” and its “scarlet wildbeast” total world government globally functioning as the 8th and final “King” is required to be present in full before Christ arrives.

9. Bethel covering up the “King North” developments of Daniel 11:27-45 as 8th King identical progress globally notable since especially 1990 has aided the progressive backwardness in Jehovah’s witnesses understanding over this whole apostate process. “King North” fiction is very important in the Bethel deception. More on this is covered later.

“The Preaching Work Must End” Bethel Deception

1. Bethel actually primes Jehovah’s witnesses to expect the ministry to be ended by Bethel decree. No where in the Bible does the preaching work “end”, Christ assumes the conclusion of this phase of his own ministry (Matt10:23; Ps110) and that goes on into the Messianic Kingdom restoration phase for 1000 years. (Matt19:28);

A. Bethel thus implies they plan to end their own ministry by their own declaration, JWs now even expect it, and that will aid the 8th King secrecy process in the final cycle as long as possible and is already being inculcated into the mass JW mind to cover up that aspect of this Bethel coup and judgment. (1Pet4:17; Dan8:11);

Thus by 8th King “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 and by Bethel “Papal Bull”, JWs are primed for ministerial cessation one way or another.

A. Bethel can now temporarily cease the final ministry before it is actually completed and Jehovah’s witnesses will think it is Biblical and prophetic. That coming cessation, however it forms, will fulfill Daniel 8:13 “constant feature” trampling.

(Daniel 8:11) And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away (ceased JW ministry now profaned (Dan11:31a) and unacceptable to God, “taken away”, and that must become literal cessation of the JW ministry prematurely in the temple judgment), and the established place (the global ministerial resource base of JWs) of his sanctuary was thrown down. (Bethel will also go down organizationally to some marked but unknown degree. (Hos1:4-7; Hos6:1-3));

B. That prophecy climaxes as Daniel 8:13 developments.

C. This is but another feature of the apostate Bethel engineered JW “self fulfilling prophecy”.

2. Thus the idea “the preaching work comes to an end” is also a fraudulent expectation being “predictively programmed” into the JW psyche so JWs will accept the end of the ministry as if it is “prophecy” rather than a coup. JWs can now accept, what is actually the Bethel coup (Dan8:11), as if it is “King North attacking” and or “the attack of the Assyrian” and “the attack on Babylon the Great”  and the “end of the world” shortly after the “great tribulation” begins.

A. This allows Jehovah’s witnesses to accept all these actually 8th King anti-Christian ministry destroying activities to be carried out, aided internally at Bethel (Dan11:41), while JWs think it is all “prophecy fulfilling” in an approved state, but it is instead the Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment in final form upon an apostate Jehovah’s witnesses overall ministry. (Rev8:1-12);

This allows too, Jehovah’s witnesses to accept Bethel’s corporate destruction “because” it is “prophecy fulfilling brothers!”. And that much is true, it will be “prophecy fulfilling”, just not the prophecy JWs are deluded to believe is “fulfilling”. The actual prophecy will be Daniel 8:13-14 fulfilling as temple judgment, not the prophecy hoax JWs will have been misled to believe is fulfilling, that is the Bethel covering “smokescreen”. (Zech3:2);

B. Now the Jehovah’s witnesses’ perception of reality is the opposite of the true apostate state of the ministry by Bethel’s “man of lawlessness” overriding guidance gradually gone terminal. (Dan8:12; Rev8:10-11);

3. Thus the “peace and security” is being misapplied prematurely to reinforce the overall premature “end of the world” expectation. Now we can, although speculatively for now, expect its use aided by 8th King world planners to reinforce the delusion among JWs and others.

4. That allows a final multi-year cycle to be covered up as long as possible with a “slam dunk” “end of the world” expectation allowing a period of Jehovah’s witnesses confusion in the beginning of that final phase and cycle activation.

Developing Russian Intrigues and Bethel’s “King North” Fiction

1. It appears as well a “King North” final development may also be employed with these other deceptions to further cover up the actual development’s true meaning as we see Russia becoming more prominent in Anglo-American Ukrainian policy conflicts. This is a speculation, as in any event covering over actual 8th King activity is the purpose of the overall “King North” fictional decoy no matter how it has been “interpreted”, and that should remain the apostate Bethel objective in the future as long as they remain in deceptive power.

2. With Bethel’s “self fulfilling prophecy” of their own JW mentally expected “attack”, the trampling of Daniel 8:13 can then proceed and “scatter” Jehovah’s witnesses “sheep” (Zech13:7) with eventually no central ministerial authority (and no functioning headquarters) as this plays out over the Daniel 8:14 (Hos6:1-3) timing. Due to the former “King North” diversion JWs have no idea of the post 1990 UN 8th King development meanings.

A. And Jehovah’s witnesses will be none the wiser as to what is actually transpiring as the Bethel 8th King planned and aided final coup attempt proceeds. (Da11:32a, 41);

Thus the only beings that can recover Jehovah’s witnesses is God and Christ by use of the temple judgment and the removal of Bethel’s “evil slave” and “man of lawlessness” in final form. (Mal3:1-5; Zech3:1-5); This is why the temple judgment awareness is important to accept. Admission of guilt by us Jehovah’s witnesses must precede everything else to get the proper level of repentance to separate from Bethel’s mass lawless true condition. (2Thess2:10-12); There is no possibility of a human “reformation” in Bethel’s apostate case, it will take the temple judgment.

B. Now Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea this is all 3rd (1990-2014+/-) and 4th round prep 8th King developments, and the potential “Russian King North” fiction could aid that delusion further if that develops. Any bloc centered on Russia could also arise as the “new” “King North” final Bethel fiction. In any event in reality it is all 8th King activity in the “King North” progression of Daniel 11:27-45.

3. Now that we see the Russian intrigues intensifying in the world scene we might be seeing Bethel’s final “King North” “USSR-to-Russian” hoax opportunity to continue where the USSR “King North” delusion left off as possibly Russia’s potentially continuing modern developments to be misapplied by Bethel further in the Daniel 11, specifically Daniel 11:44-45 fictions. This “Russia” development could be provided by 8th King world planners for various reasons in the final cycle, including creating a “King North” external subterfuge to be used by Bethel, to help conceal the 8th King developmental “King North” identity as long as possible with this decoy internally promoted to all JWs by Bethel.

Now Russia, like the USSR before them, can potentially be used to cover up more 8th King Anglo-American world government elite developments as Daniel 11:44 can be applied to them prematurely. Though it is a speculation, the use of Russia as the USSR root system is a logical continuation of the hoax.

In any event no doubt the “King North” subterfuge will continue from Bethel as long as God allows their “operation of error” to persist. In time their error and authority will end. (Daniel 8:13-14);

World Final Cycle Recipe Forming?

Unique global convergence?: Now that Iraq ISIS development props up a new Islamic “bogey man” potential, appearing to be based in Iraq, along with the seemingly unrelated Israel “peace talks” as a concurrent development, now including too the latest Russia focused developments we now see three new global props that can now possibly interplay, in for now unknown ways, for a final phase of longer reaching global developments.

Noteworthy is the fact all these global props have their respective deep psychological ties to the past: to former world wars (USSR; Cold War), world events (911/GWOT) and national “Israel” “peace talk” intrigues of the past.

And note too, this all develops with a wave of recent Bethel weird behavior in reorganization and liquidations. So though some of this is speculative, it appears the stage is being set globally and at Bethel in more ways than one to set-up certain key elements of the final cycle before they spring into further psychological use in more significant ways.

In any event, “King North” fiction is used by Bethel to conceal the 8th King actual King North final developments.

That Bethel promoted subterfuge must continue as long as possible, in whatever new fictional form “King North” may be “interpreted”. This article is exploring the potential continuation of the Bethel USSR “King North” fiction into modern Russia alone or with allies, that may speculatively be revisited upon that former USSR related modern national entity.

Whether that occurs or not Bethel will continue the “King North” delusional “fulfillment” to conceal their 8th King world government system as long as possible, the real King North of Daniel 11:27-45.

Bethel Itself is an 8th King (King North) Controlled Mimic System

Remember as per Daniel 11:30-32a, 41 when you hear Bethel speak today your are listening to an 8th King King North controlled mimic system foretold in Daniel 8 and 11, the modern final apostasy revealing of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 and Daniel 11:32a. They slipped the ministry into apostasy internally, gradually (Dan8:12), while everything else appears the same in repeating past JW truths, but now dated by modern 8th King developments for over 20 years of terminal apostasy.

1. If a premature “peace and security” statement arises it would be in the same 8th King aided collusion (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12) for a Bethel – and a broader – world misleading effect to promote the idea “the end” has arrived (2Thess2:1-2) by this well anticipated indicator global signal statement. Of course, as per prophecy and world government developmental projections, that is all way too premature to actually be what it is attempting to mimic.

As shown earlier this false expectation is an earmark of the modern final apostate system: Bethel.

A. Now we see the 8th King counterfeit “Kingdom of God” also produces, with Bethel (Dan11:32a), other mimics to aid the delusion. Bethel’s ministry is now a mimic. Bethel and the 8th King work hand-in-hand (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12) to target Jehovah’s witnesses as explicitly detailed in the Daniel 11:30-32 and Daniel 8:12-13 apostate co-developments – the modern prophecy Bethel covers up to aid the “operation of error”. (This is why the 2Thessalonians 2:1-12 character of Bethel closely resembles “King North” 8th King traits in Daniel 11:36-39);

B. Bethel is now counterfeit, as is their “priesthood”, as is their whole predictive framework to aid the 8th King global mimicry that will indeed continue as the counterfeit and rival “world government” development portraying itself as the “Kingdom of God”, so these similarities in Bethel and 8th King hoaxing techniques are logical, Bethel is now from the 8th King source of control. (Dan11:32a, Dan11:36-39, 2Thess2:1-4, 9-12);

2. Bethel hi-jacked (Dan8:12) and re-engineered JW interpretive “theology” as part of this production and final apostasy to be used on JWs to direct them later, as many as possible, in the final cycle commencement.

Now Bethel prepares to “organizationally” lead Jehovah’s witnesses to “salvation”, actually 8th King capture in some cases:


(WT 11/15/2013; pg. 20, par. 17, #3:)

“(3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.”

3. JWs are being deluded by a well deployed “man of lawlessness” final “operation of error” utilizing an over-simplified premature expectation and “interpretation” complex aided by retained error since especially 1990 to achieve this end.

4. The fact it forms a continuum of subterfuge able to cover up Bethel’s downfall while it is in action, shows intelligent design is being employed by Bethel. (Dan11:32a). It cannot all be accidental and merely a “conspiracy theory” for it is too elaborate and well trended with global evidence to have occurred randomly.

Instead Bethel’s apostasy is prophetic, a signal, and 8th King associated. But now we see many seemingly random developments actually have far greater meaning for a final cycle rather than a short-sighted premature culmination.

The Real Final Sequence According to Prophecy

The real “end of the world” outline of prophecy goes like this:

In the near future, the nations will possibly say a hoax “Peace and security!” proclamation prematurely…

1. “While we wait for the fulfillment of Daniel 8:13-14, powerful angels are positioned for that temple judgment. (Zech3:1-7; Rev8:1-6) Let us patiently wait for the purification (Dan8:14; Zech3:4-5) to come and for the final ministerial recovery to form. (Rev8-9; Mal3:1-5) In the temple judgment, angels will end the Bethel desolation for purification (Zech3:4-5), and Bethel will be judged and desolated to the proper degree as per final cycle prophecy. (Isa12; Jer30:11);

2. This unparalleled “tribulation of those days” will start upon Jehovah witnesses (1Pet4:17) when God brings destruction on “Bethel”, the modern “man of lawlessness” and apostasy, by using the 8th King powers. (Daniel 8:13-14) What will come next?”

3. After Bethel is desolated, Satan and various elements of his world will form 8th King final world government over the intervening final cycle as the “tribulation of those days” concludes into world government. (Matt24:29);

4. Therefore, our heavenly Father will form the final Kingdom warning during these final milestone developments. (Rev10:11; Rev11:2-3; Dan12:7) The final “two witnesses” will come to its climax (Rev11:7; Matt24:14) while the 8th King proceeds into world governmental authority and the final world “peace and security” proclamation of that authority. (Dan11:45; 12:11; 1Thess5:1-3);

5. Christ will then arrive to complete the 144000 and secure the final “sheep” of the “great crowd”. (Dan12:11; Rev11:11-12; Matt24:30-31; Matt25:31-46) Then the destruction of Satan’s world at Armageddon, including Babylon the Great, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” will occur. (Rev19:11-21);

III. Review: The Outline of the Bethel JW Hoax

Overall the purpose of Bethel deceptions is to obscure the following:

1. The temple judgment prophecy must be covered up as long as possible.

A. The temple judgment (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:1-5; Rev8:3-5), its timed period meaning (Dan8:14) and its prerequisite signal apostasy in the Bethel leadership (2Thess2:1-4) are all now covered up at Bethel fulfilling Daniel 8:12 subversion and diversion prophecy. Jehovah’s witnesses have been “gradually given over” and the prophetic truth is concealed by Bethel “throwing truth to the earth”. Like the 8th King in the global system the Bethel system diverts its own sector in Jehovah’s witnesses by truth subversion which is of course the most important locale of prophetic truth to subvert.

2. The modern “man of lawlessness” must be concealed as long as possible.

A. Now the Bethel lawlessness is unknown or denied by most Jehovah’s witnesses and thereby it is disconnected from the final “man of lawlessness” prophecy and its awareness of required temple judgment that it is actually defining and signalling. (2Thess2:1-4); That prophetic connection of apostasy to temple judgment, that is actually there and active now at Bethel, changes the whole meaning of Bethel’s lawless and 8th King aiding condition – it itself fulfills signal and important key final cycle commencement signalling prophecy. (See 1, 2)

3. The final cycle of prophetic final fulfillment must be concealed as long as possible.

A. It also means the temple judgment prophecy will connect further into the final 8th King final cycle that connects to Christ’s arrival after 8th King world government completes in the 8th King backed world-war-to-world-government global tribulation cycle resolving for that purpose.

B. Thus the final two cycles of UN development must be covered up as prophecy (1990-future), thus the fourth UN cycle coming up is unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses and that subterfuge must be maintained by lawless Bethel.

4. 8th King and “King North” identical meaning must be covered up as long as possible.

A. The 8th King final convergence in all pinnacle sovereign symbols of “King North” (Dan11:27-45) and the “King of Fierce Countenance” (Dan8:23-25) is also concealed by the Bethel impostors and deluded apostates. (Dan11:32a); Thus “King North” is being obscured with fictional USSR application so the real 8th King reality made more apparent in the 1990 3rd UN placement is obscured fully in the process.

5. The 3rd and 4th UN placement prophecy must be covered up as long as possible.

A. By diverting that 8th King “King North” 3rd UN placement meaning as prophecy at Daniel 11:31b/Daniel 8:23 in 1990, and distracting from the 8th King world government intent as the “New World Order” initiative of that time, Bethel also truncates the Daniel 11:27-45 whole 8th King trajectory over the marked 3rd (Dan11:31b) and 4th UN (Dan11:45) placements as an unbroken continuum of world government development. (Dan11:36);

B. Thus Bethel also conceals the meaning of the whole fourth and final UN multi-year phase of Daniel 11:42-45 and its obvious connection to Daniel 12 “during that time” final fulfillment of that Daniel 11:42-45 progression that must converge into Daniel 12 live and real-time in the future. Thus Bethel conceals the truth of the final cycle and its replication of Daniel 12 and its repeated final fulfillment timed periods of Daniel 12:7 and Daniel 12:11 in final form.

C. In this process of Bethel engineered subversion the world-war-to-world-government repeating cycle and the UN 1-2-3-4 overall super-cycle of four foretold UN placements in prophecy cyclically used to produce final world government is all covered up as to real world government forming significance.

6. Aiding all this development the Bethel apostasy must be concealed and must perform a stumbling and discrediting campaign from Bethel, concurrently, while claiming to be “apostles of Christ”. (2Cor11:13-15);

A. This mounting global public Bethel evidence is how the “man of lawlessness” is initially revealed (2Thess2:1-12), their lack of restraint or anointed Christian “restrainers”, now absent in any capacity of authority at Bethel, allows their brazen lawless climax (Dan8:23a) and for that true condition to become known by examining the mounting public record of Bethel scandals against prophetic truth.

B. Thus Bethel wants to stumble millions of people (Dan11:41), but they do not want that lawlessness connected to prophetic exposure as the modern “man of lawlessness” they actually are. Bethel masterfully walks that fine line by duping JWs internally to think they are a “holy man” divinely appointed “supreme council” while externally portraying spiritual idiocy and hypocrisy to their non JW and stumbled JW global audience – all at the same time.

Bethel successfully subverts both Jehovah’s witnesses and JW critics at the same time, in different ways.

Discredit the Ministry and Stumble Millions of People – Daniel 11:32-35, 41 (2Peter 2:1-3)

Discredit the Ministry

1. As stated previously Bethel lawlessness has transformed the global “opposers” focus from theological debate to global analysis of the Bethel criminal public record. Examples of this transformation are shown in the UN NGO, pedophile policy, shunning policy and Bethel’s endless milking of the JW “sheep” for more assets (in spite of a near contracting ministry and JW growth).

Now the means of Bethel’s discrediting is based mostly upon their own reproach, hypocrisy and lawless behavior.

2. This means people have valid complaints against Bethel, and Jehovah’s witnesses, because the reproach is real. Bethel is a spiritually criminal racket backed by global evidence, it is not “theological opinion”, it is Bethel’s heightened scandalous history since 1976 now globally available on the Web that exposes their apostate reality.

A. Thus people are “stumbled”, not because of disagreements of doctrine, but because of actual unaddressed Bethel criminal activity and that creates a far more effective reproach, stumbling and discrediting campaign globally (Dan11:41), well hidden under the Bethel veneer of past ministerial validity and “smooth word” denials. (Dan11:32a);

(Daniel 11:41a) [King North] will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (Bethel infiltration), and there will be many [PEOPLE] that will be made to stumble. 

3. Thus while Bethel appears righteous to Jehovah’s witnesses, they appear lawless to those outside the congregational smokescreen and that empowers a massive stumbling ministry performed while they subvert the understanding of JWs in the organizational hypnotics.

Discredit Prophecy and the First Ministerial Cycle

1. By all this hypocrisy the 1914-1919 valid ministry is now called into question aided by literal Bethel lawlessness that peaked after 1976 giving the mistaken impression the whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry since 1914 is all the same “Governing Body” ruled abomination. It is not.

A. In fact the “Governing Body” dictatorship (1976) is where it all began.

B. We now know where the cell of the modern “man of lawlessness” first formed, and when in 1976, in the Governing Body dictatorship and their first “lifting themselves over everyone” in literal dictatorial fashion in that Bethel corporate coup. (Dan11:30-32a, Dan8:12) By undermining the original Kingdom ministry in retardation in the process many details of the final cycle are also obscured in the now fully dumbed-down and diverted JW mind.

2. Discrediting the whole Jehovah’s witnesses Christian ministry is aided by the proliferation of internal Bethel hypocrisy and lawlessness to external sources of exposure especially on the Web. (2Pet2:1-3); (This is how the JW growth rate went from 15% in the five years leading to the Governing Body tyranny (1970-75), to today’s 1-3% JW growth rate, a statistical downward spiral trend under the Governing Body tenure of now 37 years. (Rev8:10-12));

A. Thus the Governing Body negative effect on the JW productive growth and spirituality was present literally from the very year they went into their dictatorship shown statistically in Bethel’s own data.

B. Thus the King North (8th King)/Bethel collusion of Daniel 11:32a is recognizable in Bethel’s technique of well justified “smooth word” lawlessness as both JWs and JW critics are uniquely subverted in their own ways by Bethel’s “operation of error”.

C. This is more proof the Bethel apostasy is prophetic and connects to the final temple judgment requirement and more prophecy to fulfill after that event, and it is little wonder that the lead final apostasy covers over that reality.

The Bethel Main Theological Smokescreens and “Predictive Program”

1. Now, as an overview, we have in reality the foretold Bethel final apostasy active and being covered up further by the following potential future developments already in place in the Bethel engineered fossil “theology”:

Hoax 1 – “Peace and Security” Possibility

Method: Premature Application

1. A premature hoax intended “peace and security” proclamation can potentially be misapplied prematurely to a real world development. This is made evident by the fact Bethel has promoted this expectation as prophecy for quite some time now.

2. By prophecy we know the Daniel 11:42-45 final 8th King cycle must complete into full world government before Christ arrives. Thus Bethel selling the “Daniel 11:44” next delusion aids bypassing that final cycle requirement of “King North” 8th King development.


1. A “peace and security” statement, to possibly be highlighted by Bethel’s apostates, creates a psychological trigger from an 8th King backed world statement to form an engineered anticipation of further events to follow that actually premature “peace and security” statement. If the “peace and security” statement prematurely unfolds according to the Bethel “predictive program” JWs will also be expecting the “end of the world” “instantly upon” the whole world system prematurely.

2. Thus the whole overall error is promoted regularly from Bethel to prime the idea of an “end of the world” prematurely, to seize up the JW mind as this unfolds, paralyzing any effective response from JWs resigned to accept the “end of the world” that is actually the final cycle just beginning. Bethel’s end can then be accepted by Jehovah’s witnesses voluntarily as “prophecy”, and it will take years for JWs to understand the world system will continue on to world government as foretold.

A. JWs will be fully derailed and duped like no other time in history.

B. Even without a “peace and security” aiding hoax JWs are expecting a premature “the end” scenario by default of the Bethel delusional engineering.

3. Thus bewildering JWs for potentially years as this unfolds is the objective of this deception as it leads to more Bethel prepared deceptions to further the illusion into more Bethel “desolating” events globally. Now the temple judgment desolation, unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses, can be sold off as the “end of the world” “desolations” as long as possible with JWs not being made aware of the reality of the temple judgment also as long as God permits. (Dan8:13-14; Zech3:2);

4. Now what follows that potentially manifesting “peace and security” hoax statement can further the JW subversion and diversion by more further misapplied prophecy and select decoys to come as this unfolds fully into the hoax and a hyper-intensified JW mental state that must proceed through that hoax as it deploys for real for it’s overall intended purpose.


1. Instead the 8th King planners and Bethel apostates will be derailing the JW ministry to complete their own coup all outlined in the prophecy Bethel aids concealment of. (Dan8:11, 13-14; Dan11:30-32a), 41);

2. Instead the 8th King will proceed through their own engineered global tribulation to be resolved (Matt24:29) to complete world government, its presentation and its final world “peace and security” statement at the end of the final cycle. (Dan11:42-45);

3. Jehovah’s witnesses will have to be made aware of reality (Rev8:7-12) well after the fact. (Dan8:14);

Hoax 2  – The Final “King North” Decoy

Method: Decoy False Identification, Prophetic Over Advancement

1. A potential “King North” and or “The Assyrian”, now hanging at over-advanced Daniel 11:44 expected to activate next, also creates an impression from that prophecy and its position in Daniel 11 of a premature “end of the world” scenario. It also provides a potentially effective 8th King concealing “King North” decoy puppet development. Bethel would, according to this speculation, promote a decoy “King North” to also aid the illusion this prophecy is activating and to cover for the 8th King actual developments then manifesting further.

A. Note that the USSR “King North” fiction, made obvious in 1990 fall of the USSR, is still being used to conceal the globalist 8th King activity from Daniel 11:30-43 notable since that time, but present in all the world wars since 1914. (Dan11:27-45);

2. If Russian intrigues continue to intensify, Russia may be propped up as the “King North” final subterfuge to aid concealment of the further 8th King developments by Bethel aided deception. Russia, as a logical predecessor of the “USSR” version of “King North”, would aid making the whole hoax more believable if this turns out to be the case. Time will tell who Bethel will apply “King North” to in the future to aid concealment of 8th King “King North” reality as long as possible. (Bethel’s fiction does not rely on the Russian hoax, but it may be used. In any event the King North subterfuge will persist until Bethel goes down fully in the finality of the temple judgment. (Dan8:13-14; 1Pet4:17));

3. The 8th King has been “King North” since incept, everything else is a national “nothing will succeed” distraction since WW1. (Dan11:27-29); Nothing of national or national bloc development will succeed expect the globalized “united nations” final 8th King conglomeration of world sovereignty as the real “King North” “top” world power system finale. (Dan11:36; Rev16:13-16)

A. Globalist “north” world power, not fragmented nation-state “south” power, is the final 8th King “King North” world government meaning. The 8th King as “King North” was especially marked in 1990 3rd UN placement as Daniel 11:30-32a fulfilled as the Bethel apostasy also became more evident as they ignored this obvious significance and became UN NGO instead. Indirect deposition of the USSR helps define the 3rd “stand” of the 8th King implied victor of the “Cold [world] War”. (Dan11:29);

4. This is why Bethel conceals the true details of Daniel 8:11-14, 23-25 and Daniel 11:27-45 as 8th King 3rd and 4th cycle developments because the prophecy describes the Bethel co-developing apostasy in the same prophecy. The Bethel infiltration, its purposes and its 8th King guidance (Dan11:32a, 41) as the 3rd UN placement marked the period in Daniel 11:31b and Daniel 8:23 is simply glossed over by past assumptions maintained at Bethel as ultra-conservative policy.

A. In so doing, Bethel conceals the very prophecy that describes their apostasy and their 8th King relationship guiding it for world government concealing purposes and to attempt to fully remove the Christian ministry. At the same time, like the Christendom prophetic exposition fossil, Bethel keeps JWs frozen in the past although monumental globalization activity has been unleashed in 1990 global developments.

5. Thus there is no way all these apostate details surfacing with the 3rd UN placement ignored at UN NGO Bethel is all “coincidence”. The Bethel apostasy is of great significance and purposefulness as the fully present Bethel “man of lawlessness” is what defines the context of the temple judgment.


1. The purpose of the “King North” decoy and overly advanced Daniel 11:44 JW mental positioning in prophecy is to aid the “end of the world” expectation prematurely to throw off its reality many years later as 8th King world government completes and its final cycle of Daniel 11:42-45 was also concealed as long as possible by the Bethel subversion operation. Bethel just glosses over Daniel 11:42-43 as if the USSR fulfilled that global prophecy of global wealth domination. The “end of the world” delusion will cloud and confuse, delay and eventually disappoint the JW mental state for quite some time when this hoax goes into action. (Hos6:1-3; Dan8:14; Rev8:7-12, Rev9)

2. The Bethel “King North” fiction allows a global puppet to be posed to aid concealment of the real 8th King world government formation even further. The 8th King is the real “King North”, and it must fulfill as such further over Daniel 11:42-45, and has been fulfilling as that symbolic “north” entity especially seen since 1990 3rd UN placement at Daniel 11:27-31. (In fact “King North” globalists have been forming since WW1 and the League of Nations.)


1. In reality Daniel 11:41 culminates in the “King North”/8th King infiltrated Bethel final coup and downfall that creates the context of the temple judgment and final cycle commencement replicating the original prophecy as it all proceeds as Daniel 11:42-45 to converge into Daniel 12 replication fulfillment. Daniel 11:42-45 is what is activating next, with Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth and finance intrigues to be notable in time as that prophecy matures over some years.

2. As shown Bethel bypassing Daniel 11:42-43 8th King future fulfillment overly advances Jehovah’s witnesses to Daniel 11:44 which advances the expectation of the “end of the world” cycle too soon, which events in Daniel 11:42-43 global intrigues can indeed appear to duped JWs as Daniel 11:44 manifestations which they cannot yet be.

Hoax 3 – The Attack on Babylon the Great

Method: Premature Application

1. As that prophetically hoaxed but very real “attack” comes, actually on Bethel first and foremost as the main target (Dan8:13, 11:41), in spite of any peripheral distractions on other religions or world war, they can then sell that global development to Jehovah’s witnesses globally as “prophecy fulfilling brothers!”. In particular Bethel can sell the prematurely misapplied “attack on Babylon the Great brothers!” “at that time”. (WT 11/15/13, pg. 20, par. 17, #3) to cover up the judgment that must start on the “house of God” first. (1Pet4:17);

2. In this way very real events are to be portrayed to Jehovah’s witnesses as meaning something else entirely different. Now a final cycle starting is to be sold to JWs by engineered expectations as if it is “the end” aided by an overly advanced timing aided by false prophetic application of “the attack on Babylon the Great”.

3. Thus Bethel’s required “desolation” and “trampling” of Daniel 8:13-14 as the temple judgment is to be covered up with these final deceptive “prophecy fulfilling” veneers as if those prophecies are fulfilling. These global perceptions will be backed by big 8th King world events aiding the believability of the hoax in global grand fashion. It is not the events that are unreal, it is their ultimate meaning as the temple judgment activation, and their actual place in prophetic timing that is deceptive by Bethel engineered perceptions based on false prophetic interpretation and misapplied and over-advanced prophecy.

The “attack on Babylon the Great” is the covering subterfuge to attempt to destroy Bethel under.


1. Using this psychological “Babylon the Great” “attack” diversion the corporate and financially desolating global intrigues coming upon Bethel first and the “worldwide organization of Jehovah’s witnesses”, can then be concealed under this Babylon the Great “attack” presumption with all these other well engineered and well JW expected deceptive smokescreens as if “prophecy is fulfilling”.

2. Now Bethel actual criminal rackets can bring on national legal actions globally as part the true impetus of the “attack” scenario. The “attack” is actually the temple judgment accounting, certainly not a “persecution” because of an actual approved condition from God that is now being sold to JWs mostly unknowingly involved in the Bethel apostasy.

A. Thus Bethel has set up its own potential global legal quagmire by real criminal racketeering and pedophile protection policies, and the legal ramifications in that portion of that coming legally backed Bethel corporate deconstruction process can be sold off to JWs as “prophecy fulfilling” in some sort of persecuting “attack” on “the truth” that is not actually 100% true or sincere. Of course the true globally planned strategies of the 8th King “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 can use other techniques to seize up the Bethel corporate network.

3. Thus Bethel is creating a “self fulfilling prophecy” backed by decoys, prophetic misapplication and premature application (2Thess2:1-2) to suit their own purposes to conceal the entire reality of the true meanings of what is coming upon Bethel. They are covering up the foretold apostasy, temple desolation and final purification. It is a delusion prepared to cover up the bitter reality of the betraying “son of destruction” fulfillment of Bethel’s terminal apostasy. (2Thess2:3-4; 2Cor11:13-15; Zech3:1-3); Thus the betrayal in the apostate and rogue “Governing Body” main front of controllers (Zech11; Zech12:1-2) is concealed and hard to accept and admit in and of itself among Jehovah’s witnesses, they are psychologically set up within themselves to give the “son of destruction” full reign “in the temple” operating “error” internally right in the Bethel ministerial system. (Dan11:31a, 41; 2Thess2:10-12; 2Cor11:13-15);

4. Now the JW anticipated “preaching work has ended” objective of apostate and impostor Bethel can be carried out as “logical” in the process of these “end of the world” developments. Jehovah’s witnesses already believe it is all almost over. It is logical in the context of these coming final developments on Bethel, because such a mandate is certainly not Biblical or prophetic, JWs have simply bought it as seemingly logical. It has been slipped into the JW mind and accepted to form a basis of canceling the global Kingdom ministry from the mouth of its own authorities. Bethel can call off the JW global ministry itself and it can seem valid to Jehovah’s witnesses for these reasons, they have already bought the fraudulent premise as a valid truth although such a statement is not in the Bible.

5. Now the 8th King by national intrigues can guide part of the downfall of the Bethel worldwide organization and JWs will buy a phony reasoning to explain it all for quite a while potentially. All of it will seem prophetically plausible and believable to Jehovah’ witnesses who can watch Bethel’s global deconstruction for a few years and think it is all “the end” and all “prophecy fulfilling”. (Dan8:13-14, Hos6:1-3);

A. The initial years of the final cycle (Dan8:14) can now proceed upon duped JWs watching the organization go down, thinking one thing, when something entirely different is really at work thus ensuring JWs are totally derailed and delayed through the process by their own false expectations that would naturally take time to realize where fraudulent. The time lag of JW awareness provides the potential delay to the ministry as well.


1. In reality it is Daniel 11:41 already active in the Bethel apostasy and infiltration that will be climaxing for the temple judgment context. (Dan11:30-32a; Dan8:13) That true Bethel condition of signal apostasy (2Thess2:1-4) and infiltration (Dan11:31a, 41) must culminate in the “established place” being “thrown down” as the 8th King “trampling” of Daniel 8:13. (Dan8:11-13) This Bethel coup is aided by the internal Bethel impostors and apostates, attempting to permanently destroy the JW global ministerial resource base of operation. This final Bethel coup is just the continuation and finalization of the Governing Body Bethel coup of 1976 that began this subversion and undermining process.

2. Daniel 11:42-43 is actually what is the coming 8th King backed global intrigues that will be activating next, as this final cycle of Daniel 11:42-45 starts for a final cycle of a number of years of final 8th King developments. The global debt basis of these coming unique wealth and finance intrigues of Daniel 11:42-43 will in time become very clear as to their true meaning. Thus a global tribulation that will develop to resolve into world government, can now be sold as “the end” to be perceived as such as the tribulation starts. The tribulation will not end into “Christ’s arrival” and Armageddon, it ends first into complete 8th King world government.

3. That is what Jehovah’s witnesses are supposed to be explaining rather than this over simplified Bethel fiction. And that is the finalized “little scroll” message that will come from the Christian recovery (Rev9-11) from the temple judgment (Rev8; Dan8:13-14) when it is complete, while that final cycle is indeed active. (Rev11:2-3; Dan11:42-45, 12:7); That also repeats the first Jehovah’s witnesses International Bible Students Christian ministry that deployed into an active WW1, to also give a “Kingdom of God” related announcement, that resulted in “world government”: the foundational League of Nations presentation of 1919.

A. Like 1914-1919 and the first “two witnesses” Kingdom proclamation, the final second “two witnesses”, the “Kingdom completion” proclamation, will deploy into a global tribulation active (Dan12:1) and heading to the full 8th King complete world government final manifestation (Dan11:45, 12:11, 8:25) as that tribulation ends (Matt24:29), just like WW1 resolved into the League of Nations presentation, same cycle meaning, same pattern, same prophecy, same entities, all repeating in final form. (Rev10:11);

4. When Christ does arrive at that time, after complete 8th King world government, he will arrive to secure the global “sheep” from the global “goats” first (Matt25:31-46), not the immediate end of the world. (Matt24:29-31; Matt24:6, Luke21:9). This entire final cycle of years of prophecy (Dan8:14+Dan11:42-45, 12:7, 11) is what apostate Bethel is bypassing and will not explain – that is why they have to be dealt with by God first, and become part of the final cycle prophecy. (1Pet4:17; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-4);

A. This is why the temple judgment will deal with the Bethel apostasy to clear the way for the final explanation of the whole prophecy (Rev10:6-8) that forms the basis of the “little scroll” final “two witnesses” ministerial recovery of that Christian ministry now derailed by lawless Bethel. (Rev10-11); The whole Revelation 8-11 framework is repeating in final fulfillment and the Bethel apostasy just becomes part of the final revelation. (Rev8:10-11);

5. In reality “the judgment” starts with the temple judgment on the “house of God” not Babylon the Great. (1Pet4:17) Knowing this is a final fulfillment repeat progression, Babylon the Great is deposed in the 6th to 7th plague developments of Revelation 16:12-20 final fulfillment (replication) parallel to Revelation 17:11-18 events. Knowing that Revelation 16 has a final fulfillment cycle with this replication allows many final sequence truths to be known more fully, truths the Bethel paostasy is purposely bypassing.

IV. Reality: What The Prophecy Indicates is Actually Next

We are actually dealing with an entire multi-year cycle of prophecy with (1) unique temple judgment events (Dan8:13-14) and (2) unique 8th King events (Dan11:42-45) that develop into a (3) repeat of the whole prophetic pattern (Daniel 12, Revelation 8-11 “seven trumpets”, Revelation 15-16 “seven plagues”) upon a repeating world-war-to-world-government final 8th King cycle.

In this way the JW temple judgment and organizational downfall can be recovered into the final periods of this replication while it is in action to explain it as it leads through an active global tribulation to resolve into 8th King world government which will trigger Christ’s final arrival. Thus the premature “end of the world” “doomsayers” are aiding the whole bypass of the whole final prophetic cycle with events that will eventually occur, but which they are promoting prematurely (2Thess2:1-2), not comprehending the final cycle into which it all deploys for a number of years.

In time the false and premature prophetic forecast will be proved wrong by the world government development that will come at the end of the cycle before Christ can arrive to respond to that final 8th King sovereign affront to his Messianic Kingdom authority. Thus those believing the premature scenario will have to see those illusions dissipate into the tribulation continuing towards an eventual resolution into world government, so the errors will not pass the test of this final period of the final years it takes to culminate this development into the 8th King world government and the true final arrival of Jesus Christ.

In the process a great final warning, based on repeating assured principles and prophecy, is what come forth. (Rev10:11, 11)

Reality 1 – Bethel is the Final Apostasy Now Terminal and Finalizing

1. The tribulation Jehovah’s witnesses expect will indeed develop, but that tribulation turns out differently in prophecy and reality than the ambiguous JW “end of the world” premature expectation. By that expectation Bethel is bypassing a great amount of final cycle details and the whole well mapped progression features. (Matt24:29-31, Mark13:24-27);

In that way Bethel is trying to simply bypass the whole final warning ministry from manifesting or even being made known. (Rev10:11);

2. What develops after that ” tribulation of those days” activates is fully outlined in prophecy in detail and unfolds upon the original pattern as previously explained in the 1914-1919 first cycle in a prophetic replication of the same prophecy but in final form. The tribulation actually must end into world government, not even then “the end” yet at that time, but the precursor final development unto Christ’s final arrival in which the “sheep” are secured first.

A. The same developments as in the original cycle, but in final form, must occur in the future, as in 1914-1919, that being world tribulation resolving into world government while a fully cleansed Christian warning is deploying. (Matt24:29; Rev10-11);

B. A key development even now signalling the repeating principle is the apostasy now becoming evident in the temple as with Christendom’s exposure after especially 1919. Bethel is repeating that signal feature in their apostasy. The “tribulation of those days” “Jerusalem” meaning starts with the Daniel 8:13 8th King “trampling”, but extends globally in the Daniel 11:42-43 8th King developments. (Hos1:4-7);

3. The coming years (Dan8:14 + Dan12:7) and events (Rev11:1-7; Rev16:1-16) in this highly detailed prophetic final cycle will be what proves this prophecy as truth and provides enough time for it to form a final global warning. (Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3; Dan7:25) All that detail is what apostate Bethel is now bypassing with their 8th King supporting purposeful act.

4. That “tribulation of those days” resolution (Matt24:29) provides the parallel “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) and “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) context of 8th King world government. (Dan11:45; Dan8:25; Dan12:11; Rev11:7); The final cycle ending eventual “peace and security” and its concurrent “freedom from care” is in ultimate meaning and significance the final comprehensive 8th King world government universal sovereign statement, the final “grandiose words” of global rulership intent of the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” globalist system. (Dan7:25);

A. It seals the “government issue” deal so to speak, and enables the final and full divine sovereign response by God and Christ in the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at the Armageddon culmination. (Rev19:11-21; 20:1-3; Rev16:13-19; 2Thess1:6-10);

5. Thus this is not “interpretive”, it is an awareness of guaranteed prophetic repetition. Because of these repeating cycles and clues known from the former cycle it is REPEATING. What the cycle means is now going to be intuitive in prophecy and the world government formulaic cycle that is merely repeating in final form. Thus for the first time in Jehovah’s witnesses ministry the prophecy can be projected before and while it all fulfills rather than after the fact as was the former case in the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry.

A. God is not discarding the original validity of the Jehovah’s witnesses Christian ministry from 1914-1969, nor is He creating a “new religion”, and He certainly is not scrapping the whole former validity because of recent Bethel apostasy from 1976. Instead God is reaffirming the original cycle ministerial meaning by repeating it in final form (Rev10:11) with the same but climax meanings, and allowing the final years for this to be made known by a judged and recovered Christian ministerial final ministerial push culminating into Revelation 11:1-7 repeated but final fulfillment. (Rev9-11; Zech3:4-8);

The repeating nature of the prophecy and “world government” world events aids the ease of understanding and the undeniability of its activation and where it must lead over these last years of this “system of things”.

6. The final cycle is certain to repeat Daniel 12 as Daniel 11:41 climax and Daniel 11:42-45 fully plays out over some final years to converge live and real-time into Daniel 12 live and “during that time”, the times of Daniel 11:44-45, as well. It is into these final cycle developments that the Christian ministry is led to be judged (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5), recovered (Rev9), clarified (Zech3:4-5), timed (Dan8:14) and redeployed (Rev10-11; Zech3:6-8) as the final second of the “two witness” Kingdom invitation and warning. (Rev10:11; Rev11:1-7; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5).

7. That final Kingdom warning in final form must repeat as explicitly stated in the prophecy:

(Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

The Bethel Apostasy is Foretold

1. That temple judgment finality will thus form a final signal and eventual final warning to develop from that judgment to explain prophetic reality as the Bethel apostates are removed in the Bethel downfall, but they do get a final timed period for desolation purposes, the “evening” “darkness” of Daniel 8:14. Recovery of the original Christian ministry (1914-1969) and the extension of its first two UN placements (1919, 1945) to the post 1990 last two UN placements, for four total UN related placements actually in prophecy, is the final objective of the temple judgment as far as prophetic truth clarifications.

2. The actual final prophecy fulfillment outline is completely contrary to the Bethel engineered deception based on a premature “end of the world” expectation and its anxiety and uncertainty promoted by Bethel in an ambiguous, fragmented and over-simplified final “interpretation” now proffered to JWs by hypnotic Bethel as rigid policy.

3. We know in all this Bethel is first fulfilling the final apostasy now, and its foretold 8th King adulterous and idolatrous relationship made clear as UN NGO (Dan8:12-13) from the time of the 3rd UN placement (Dan11:31b) of 1990 and forward in marked manner in Daniel 11:32:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

4. Since Daniel 11:36-41 parallels Daniel 11:30-35 events in an overlay of 8th King developmental details since the 1990 3rd UN placement (Dan11:31b, Dan11:36), we know what Daniel 11:40-41 actually is implying in relation to Daniel 11:32a 8th King “King North” led apostate objectives within Bethel by eventual fully controlling infiltration:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally (Dan11:31a; Dan8:12)), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel (but will get far worse soon); Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

A. The Daniel 11:40 post 1990 “King North” globalist world military, corporate and financial globalization world “invasions” empowered fully by the USSR removal is the wave that also fully overtakes the Bethel ministerial system.

5. And what did all that subversion in Bethel “Decoration” environment of the ministry lead to? Jehovah’s witnesses joining the UN 3rd placement co-promotions in their global ministry as UN NGO endorsers unbeknownst to most JWs then and now. (Matt24:15)

The UN NGO is The Prophetic “Transgression Causing Desolation” Signal of Daniel 8:13

1. Of course that a “wildbeast” ride as UN NGO was also introduced slyly into Jehovah’s witnesses in 1991 also aids the revealing of the “lawless one” (2Thess2:3-4) prior to the temple judgment by their own “revealing” of Bethel’s questionable and public hypocrisies and brazen spiritual criminal activity. Plus the 8th King “King North” Bethel connection is obvious in that UN NGO “transgression causing desolation”. (Dan8:13); Thus it is Jehovah’s witnesses who do not perceive the final temple inspection has been active and is now complete or near completion. (Zech3:1-3);

A. The initial revealing of the Bethel apostasy (2Thess2:1-12) is indication the inspection is mature and maybe complete. (Zech3:1-3);

B. Once the UN NGO went public from the world press in 2001 it continued unaddressed at Bethel showing repentance and full disclosure is not intended. (Rev2:2, 20-23);

2. The UN NGO is the “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13. Daniel 8:12 is the JW subversion carried out in Bethel by 8th King guidance of Daniel 11:31a, 32a. Thus Bethel really is the scene of a foretold spiritual crime in progress for quite some time, in fact the final “1/3” of the overall Jehovah’s witnesses ministry (1976-2014) is now transformed from valid to erred and overridden in foretold final apostasy notably manifesting in 1976. (Rev8:10-11; 2Cor11:13-15);

3. So actually Daniel 11:41 is the Bethel 8th King infiltration “operation” completing the coup begun by the Governing Body cell of dictatorial control of the JW ministry in 1976 when they first “lifted themselves over everyone” in that tyrannical seizure of Bethel authority. (2Thess2:3-4).

A. But what allowed that development in the first place? The “governing body” fiction assumed to be Biblical even before 1976. This “Governing Body” concept was first accepted by JWs from the distant past because God permits this “error” to go to anointed Christians to eventually form the basis of a judgment determination with “faithful” and “evil” outcomes. (2Thess2:10-11; Zech3:4-8; Matt24:45-51); But the duration of this “governing body” misconception is what allowed it to become thoroughly infused in the Jehovah’s witnesses organization and ministry, and that allowed a factional-to- fully infiltrated and dictatorial control to develop over time.

4. That Bethel “Governing Body” coup of that 1976 time has a final objective to bring the JW organization to attempted ruination. (Rev8:3-5; Dan8:13; Zech3:2; Dan8:11); We are now well along in this process as the temple “transgressors act to a completion” since that UN NGO marker. (Dan8:23, Dan11:31);

5. This 1976 dictatorial coup is how the United Nations prophecy after the 1945 2nd UN placement was lost by JWs by the time of the 3rd UN placement of 1990 and after. The “Governing Body” is the central cell of apostate subversion in Jehovah’s witnesses as the central misleading development that covers up the 3rd and 4th UN placement continuum of Daniel 8 and 11.

Between 1945 and 1990 Jehovah’s witnesses lost track of UN prophecy and it’s proclamations. The 1976 “Governing Body” is what allowed and guided that diversion.

Reality 2 – Daniel 11:42-43 Activates Next – King North is the 8th King

1. The global nation-state financial system meltdown is what will produce the very literal events on the global nation-state “land of” “Egypt” of the “King South” nation-state realm falling under globalist “King North” 8th King preliminary financial control. That “ruler of the silver and the gold” sovereign wealth authority is to guide the rest of the final cycle to world government by this global “King South”/”7th King” wealth pawning by the 8th King who can only fulfill this prophecy as apex final “King North”:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

2. This Daniel 11:42-43 prophecy is highly literal because it will become global and undeniable in meaning in time, and the explicit nature of the prophecy aids its recognition as commencing the Daniel 11:42-45 final cycle. (We know from the prophecy why Bethel wants to and has derailed the JW ministry at its critical 3rd UN to 4th UN placement continuum. It is the validity of the first League of Nations exposure prophecy cycle that forms the basis of the final cycle as well and that importance is being undermined by the Bethel apostate central.)

3. Thus Daniel 11:44-45 is many years towards the end of this final cycle going into 8th King final “King North” world government over a “tribulation of those days” coming up in the future that must resolve as per Matthew 24:29. That tribulation phase, that will include economic and financial meltdown and probably military conflict with Russia and others, more “wars and reports of wars”, must resolve into, instead, the 8th King fourth UN cycle culmination into the foretold world government completion.

A. The true end cannot come while there are still “wars and reports of wars” (Matt24:6) that will not cease until the 8th King achieves full uni-polar global military authority deep into the final cycle. (Dan8:25);

In effect the final cycle is what is starting next, not ending prematurely as per Bethel’s strategic delusion now well installed in the misled JW collective mind.

B. Daniel 11:42-45 must merge into Daniel 12 final fulfillment replication. Now we fully see the Bethel “error” in implying and making JWs think “Daniel 11:44 is next”.

4. That reality of a final multi-year cycle is now to be sold to JWs as a premature “end of the world” expectation that any Russian activation militarily will be potentially connected to for the “Daniel 11:44 next” error that Bethel maintained from 1990 forward when the USSR fell disqualified from Daniel 11 in any “King” “North” world government form. (Dan11:36) This allows a purposeful error to advance JW expectations too far into Daniel 11.

5. Recent Russian developments and other global props appear to be being set-up for the final cycle as we speak. We now have an “Israel peace talks” development and a new Iraq based ISIS “bogey man” arising with the Russian intrigues. How ever it may develop, the world stage will be set prior to the final cycle activation as well as the Bethel stage set-up concurrently finalizing to aid the same overall deception. The point is new potential global dramas and Bethel dramas are co-emerging concurrently.

A. In any event Bethel will attempt a final “King North” subterfuge in some form to conceal the 8th King actually identical to that King North final apex world power entity.

6. Thus the Bethel JW organizational coup coming up is the Daniel 11:41 climax development of Daniel 8:11 and Daniel 8:13 finalizing over the Daniel 8:14 timed period, that is “throwing down the established place” of the JW ministry in also climax literal form in some manner to develop over the Daniel 8:14 timing.

Daniel 11:41 is the covert 8th King backed “arms that stand up” (Dan11:31a) into Bethel to culminate more fully in Luke 21:20 present even now in the true internal Bethel condition which must go eventually into full coup. (that coup and its “desolation” is what all this deception engineered by Bethel prophetic misapplication is covering up and will continue to cover up in the process of the Bethel final coup. (Dan8:12b);

7. We know financial and wealth control guides all 8th King processes as first priority, so Daniel 11:42-43 going into global gold and silver bullion control and global nation-state wealth and asset control is the development that the global national financial debt set-up must lead to. This is why Daniel 11:42-43 is so explicit, the literal wording of the prophecy is to aid recognition and certainty of this meaning when it really goes into earnest development.

8. It is very important to know “King North” is the 8th King development from Daniel 11:27-45 marked in the 1990 3rd UN placement of the Daniel 11:30-32a sequence. Even the unique quality of the “Cold War” is marked at Daniel 11:29. This is why Bethel also obscures this truth with the USSR subterfuge maintained even though the USSR fall disqualifies that entity fully from the “King North” prophecy. (Dan11:36)

9. Without JWs understanding the 3rd UN placement significance of course they are not going to understand the 3rd and 4th UN placement continuum present in that covered up prophecy.

Now a very important final phase of UN development since 1990 is totally uncommented on and not understood by Jehovah’s witnesses. Of the ministry is also now inaccurate.

A. The JW ministry is dated and now actually promotes deceptions for the 8th King and their Bethel “harlot” and that is how in preview form the “constant feature” is unacceptable to God by being profaned as foretold in Daniel 11:30b and Daniel 8:11-13. (Zech3:3; Eph5:17);

10. The USSR fiction is now purposeful error used to conceal 8th King/King North reality in Daniel 11 to cover up the fourth UN cycle to activate in the near future. Thus all this deception aids the apostate Bethel future agenda and places JWs in the wrong section of Daniel 11 and in a precarious spot for when this final phase actually activates because JWs will have no valid idea what is actually developing.

The Bethel “Peace and Security” Hoax Purpose

1. The overall purpose of the Bethel sector to promote an overall coming period of uncertainty is to keep it ambiguous and to keep JWs in expectation of “the end” prematurely. In that way JWs will be spiritually and psychologically paralyzed by being “quickly shaken from your reason” “to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us (now Bethel’s false-apostles), to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here“.

Bethel is the source of this premature “excitation” and that will end up bewildering and paralyzing Jehovah’s witnesses when this hits.

2. This allows what is actually a well detailed final UN cycle to proceed according to 8th King designate designs towards that drawn out world government culmination, while JWs are thrown into that final cycle thinking it is the certain end shortly thereafter. In fact it cannot be the end for several reasons such as the completed world government requirement prior to Christ’s arrival and its required final actual world “peace and security” statement under that foretold finality of world government. (1Thess5:1-3, Dan8:25 “freedom from care” “world peace” climax).

Even logically as well as prophetically Christ cannot depose an 8th King not yet in full world government global sovereign authority. Christ cannot conquer an “8th King” who is not complete in existence. The 8th King world government completion and its final sovereign proclamation (1Thess5:1-3) is what triggers God and Christ’s arrival and final sovereign “Armageddon” and universal scale response. (Rev19:11-21, 20:1-3)

A. This is why being aware of the final cycle certainty, and its meaning and requirement is so important. This is also why the earmark premature end delusion is also so effective and emanates from the apostate temple environment in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2.

3. So in reality the gauging of the United Nations to that world government scale of authority beyond but including the UN “image of the wildbeast” is like a gauge to Christ’s arrival. By missing this, by Bethel subversions, Jehovah’s witnesses are prematurely “excited either through [a Bethel] inspired expression” “to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here”. Proving this is true, rather than explain the final cycle and its prophecy properly Bethel promotes a fragmented, ambiguous, contradiction laced, illogical preconception of a premature “end”.

4. Logically and prophetically by this final apostasy Jehovah’s witnesses are not preaching an accurate and up to date “good news of the Kingdom”, so Matthew 24:14 also requires a final Kingdom proclamation in updated relevant final fashion. Jehovah’s Christian witnesses have an incomplete ministry that is not explaining the other required completions properly, such as the guaranteed 8th King world government culmination.

A. And we see by a thorough final cycle explanation God is really giving a very detailed and milestone marked final phase awareness to aid salvation, not to drop in, in total surprise on an incompletely warned and invited world. It is the Bethel system that is getting the big surprise. (1Pet4:17; Mal3:1);

To make a seemingly long story short the United Nations world government completion triggers Christ’s arrival and Jehovah’s witnesses should be explaining world government completion is prophetically certain. The temple judgment recovery will eventually make the truth fully known for a final period of warning. (Rev10:11);

5. It is under 8th King completed world government that the final actual “freedom from care” is to develop (Dan8:25), it is the parallel of the “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3). Those two manifestations are now being touted by some as active now (freedom from care) and about to be active soon in that “peace and security” statement as the prophetic actuality. In reality those are both conditions met as and after 8th King world government completes a number of years into the final cycle.

(The parallel “attacks” of Daniel 11:44 and Daniel 8:25 further affirm this timing at world government “place the palatial tents” parallel Daniel 12:11 “place the disgusting thing” parallel fulfillments.)

A. Actual world government takes some final years to reach that world government completion and final sovereign statement, the years of Daniel 8:14 to and including Daniel 12:7 fully manifesting both timed periods. The current Bethel “peace and security” application would be premature if indeed it arises and is used prior to world government completion. As we see that error also will help bewilder many other Christians in addition to Jehovah’s witnesses because it is not just Jehovah’s witnesses who expect a “peace and security” manifestation.

6. Though this is speculative, it appears the 8th King using the “peace and security” hoax potential will be hard to pass up to activate the premature expectation with it, to psychologically paralyze those who think they know what “it” means. That expectation includes a premature arrival of Christ delusion, and that expectation will be disappointed in the years to follow, because 8th King world government will come before Christ.

A. Thus the Christendom and Bethel apostasy both open up their ministries to 8th King guided delusion as both ministries show their own “man of lawlessness” combined “operation of error” effects.

B. For some Christendom commentators and writers to use this “peace and security” expectation to support the “rapture” delusion of escape from the tribulation, we see in Matthew 24:29 Christ does not arrive anyways until after that tribulation ends, so no “rapture” is possible before or in that tribulation period by simple logic that Christ will not have arrived yet. Of course like Bethel, organized Christendom also never addresses its own illogic and overall delusions. It seems “organization” is the structural control that ensures developmental retardation and error in time fully overtakes “organized” ministries. Of course a dictatorial council protecting and continuing that retardation process is imperative as present in the Governing Body “prophet of God” subverters. That is the original cell and eventual dictatorial “body” for the 8th King planners to “lead into apostasy” the formerly relevant ministry. (Dan11:32a);

7. The coming “peace and security” proclamation decoy, however it may manifest, is the psychological trigger for the “end of the world” expectations prematurely and hoax to follow, because the realization of what is really developing takes time to come forth. Because we know this, any “peace and security” prior to 8th King world government global completion would be a hoax, and it would instead indicate the final cycle is what is about to begin, and the tribulation is what they are selling hoping to bewilder people with confusion as this unfolds to world government so no one gets a valid warning and understanding for quite some time.

Eventually the valid meaning will be explained in the first four trumpets temple context and four plagues global context (in final fulfillment replication) of the recovered Christian ministry coming out of the “abyss” (Rev9) of the apostate Bethel darkness and temple judgment required desolation.

8. The “peace and security” possibly coming up is not the actual “peace and security” of the prophecy to manifest at the culmination of the fourth UN world war cycle into world government which is the main proclaimer of this sovereign world “peace and security” statement under full 8th King global “power and authority”. (Rev17:11-18);

A. For now the “peace and security” is an engineered impression of that development whose “error” is designed to trigger the expectation of “the end” in error. The impression to be promoted fully is that what will follow that (premature) “peace and security” “proclamation” in global tribulation is the supposed “the end of the world” key development.

B. Instead the ” tribulation of those days” is the fourth UN cycle and it is designed to aid world government power consolidation and final presentation context in its “world peace” resolution (Matt24:29) as in the three former UN world war cycles including the Cold War cycle.

C. That world “peace and security” of 1Thessalonians 5:1-3 thus parallels the Matthew 24:29 “after the tribulation” and the Daniel 8:25 “freedom from care” to develop at that time, for some coming under 8th King world government and in support of it. (Rev13:16-18; Rev14:9-12);

9. That is the nature of the hoax a premature “peace and security” aids the delusion of and that Jehovah’s witnesses are also mentally being primed to react to in such a manner.

Reality 3 – The “Tribulation of those Days” Ends into World Government

1. The “tribulation of those days” as noted at Matthew 24:29 must end into 8th King world government. It does not prematurely devolve into “the end of the world” as the Bethel hoax engineers suggest. Much great detail is by passed at Bethel in this sequence leading first to Christ’s “gathering” of final sheep. Bethel wants to sell this segway of great meaning as basically encapsulating  “the end”:

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (1260 days ends; Rev11:7-12 conclusion timing) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the (1) sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and (2) they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And (3) he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound (7th trumpet related immediate prelude of Messianic Kingdom completion), and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds (of that sub-tribulation of those days), from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. (both “sheep” groups heavenly and earthly);

2. Not even then will it be the “sudden destruction instantly upon them” but must progress to the final “world peace” proclamation co-developing also “immediately after the tribulation of those days” of that final 8th King super-sovereign world government that takes years to finalize through this final cycle coming up, to reach that world government climax. (Dan7:25-26 parallel Dan12:7 to Dan12:11) As seen in the scripture it is the Christ “sign” first, then final arrival and time period (Dan12:11) for final “sheep and goat” determination, also not yet the end. (Matt24:30-31; Rev14:14-20);

3. The “darkening” effect “sun black as sackcloth” (Rev6:12-17) of Matthew 24:29-Revelation 6:12-17 parallel is upon the national sovereign full deposition by world government completion (Dan7:25). In time the 8th King world government is eventually overshadowed by the Messianic Kingdom completion to complete the whole meaning of “darkness” manifesting in the final fulfillment 5th plague prelude meaning. (Rev16:10, Dan7:26);

Thus Matthew 24:29-31 is covering some very major drawn out events of Daniel 12:7 converging into Daniel 12: 11 as Revelation 10 to Revelation 11:1-12 and the whole seven plagues progression in Revelation 16 final fulfillment.

A. Thus that “darkening” symbolic “nightfall” of Matthew 24:29 (Rev6:12-17) itself takes some time to manifest fully, it is not an “instant” end but a period when Christ fully “subdues in the midst of his enemies” to extract sheep for salvation as his first priority. All this eventually known development of Revelation 11:1-7 prelude to Matthew 24:29 in 1260 days REPEATING (Rev10:11) in the final warning leading to Christ’s arrival through major global prophetic milestones, like coming world government. National sovereign power must end before the full “conclusion of the system of things”.

B. This relatively short yet drawn out process aids peoples awareness of what is really coming before and during it’s climax phase: world government completing, then God and Jesus Christ arriving for real. This thorough final warning and development process aids peoples’ salvation awareness for those discerning what it means. (Hag2:7);

4. Thus the 8th King and Bethel bewildering people at the start of that fourth UN cycle aids its culmination as no one can expose the real meaning of the prophecy and final pattern for a few years. Into those few years comes more 8th King inspired confusions, and so on. The whole Kingdom warning is to be distracted from again as in WW1’s period. The 8th King goal, as with Bethel, is to conceal the truth as long as possible. The temple judgment purifying (Dan8:14; Zech3:4-5) recovery (Rev9) makes certain this Kingdom proclamation will indeed go forth into that “tribulation of those days” before it resolves into world government for that final warning and meaning – guaranteed by God. (Rev11:1-7; Rev10-11; Rev10:11)

A. Bethel’s downfall into what is the “tribulation of those days” and the fourth UN cycle activating is the first real notable prophetic and world event milestone of the final cycle commencement in spiritual terms. No doubt a great world event context of the “tribulation of those days” will also be activating in some manner. (Hag2:7; Dan11:42-45; Rev16:1-9);

5. Thus those things, if they are expected now, are premature. Many other things are going to occur first and these prematurely expected features are required to develop later under 8th King full and complete world government at the end of this coming cycle, the final UN presenting cycle. The prophecy does not reveal dates, but it does reveal the milestones and meanings of the Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:7, Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 12:12 timed periods.

God making that preview fulfillment known in 1914-1926 Daniel 12 initial fulfillment periods makes the final cycle ascertainable upon the same principles to manifest in final form.

A. Daniel 8:14 is the first period of unique significance to verify for Jehovah’s witnesses when Bethel “crashes in ruin” (Isa6:11-13; Isa19:18) as the only way for many JWs to be woken up. (Matt25:1-13; Dan8:14 “morning” phase temple “right condition”, Rev9 “abyss” opening, Zech3:4-5 purification);

6. So tossing JWs bewildered and eventually to be totally scattered and confused (Zech13:7 final fulfillment) into that final cycle starting – not end –, aids the development of world government from being exposed properly as long as possible as already fully outlined in the final prophecy. (1Pet4:17); It is merely finishing the derailing of the JW ministry to completion which errors are already present in the operating JW ministry since 1990, and were being prepared since the rogue, so-called Governing Body went into initial coup in 1976.

7. Proper prophetic “little scroll” explanation, while it is in the final cycle activated and proceeding to world government eventuality (Dan8:13-14, Dan11:42-45), is the purpose of the Christian ministerial recovery of the final fulfillment of Revelation 9-11. That is the reason why God and Christ must remove the Bethel “man of lawlessness” and “evil slave” obstacle of this truth in the temple judgment of Daniel 8:13-14 that parallels Revelation 8 final fulfillment as the top priority now in the temple judgment cycle, well before the true final events manifest.

Bethel’s soon to be globally known downfall is what opens the way for the prophetic truth recovery over the Daniel 8:14 verifying timing and phasing. But the temple “evening” of desolation must run its course into the Revelation 9 “darkness” of that temple judgment “abyss”. This is why the timing, phasing and meaning of Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment is provided in explicit terms for future verification.

The USSR “King North” Fiction and Fraudulent Positioning in Daniel 11

1. Bethel did not elaborate that the USSR downfall, concurrent as the United Nations “New World Order” arose in public statements of world government intent, is a significant prophecy fulfilling Daniel 11:30-31 in that 1990 marked 3rd UN placement event. It is the 8th King who became obvious as King North at that time, though present before (Dan11:27-29), by that 3rd UN placement and “New World Order” world government claim. The USSR was just an invalid national bloc distraction that failed (Dan11:36), that Bethel continues to use to obscure reality and stall the prophecy with false “awareness”.

The USSR also “fell” from any “King North” validity at the time of its dissolution. Plain and simple the USSR never was “King North”, the 8th King always has been the true King North designate in Daniel 11:27-45 from inception.

A. Thus Bethel is bypassing a UN 3.0 event as significant as the League of Nations in 1919 or the United Nations in 1945 as if it is inconsequential, non-prophetic and insignificant. (Yet significant enough to the Bethel lawless “evil slave” to become a UN NGO to co-promote that third global UN “new world order” presentation, the “wildbeast” endorsing “confirmed drunks” of Bethel and its “Government Body” master UN “riding” “winos”.)

B. The ascension of the UN third placement in 1990 is what “stood” as “the king” of Daniel 11:36. The real “King North” is a continuum of one world power entity, the 8th King, from Daniel 11:27 to Daniel 11:45 non-stop, continually “successful until the denunciation will have come to a finish”. (Dan11:36);

C. The fact the main USSR based opponent of Anglo-American globalist empire and global expansion (Dan11:40) was re-aligned to aid the 8th King globalization process is very significant for the Daniel 11:40 globalist 8th King system expansions notable after 1990 and that USSR obstacle bypass. The former “communist” and “socialist” nations, with billions of people (Russia, China, India as main examples), now joined the late-capitalist globalization effort! True globalization went into it’s final phase! This hugely significant transformation period is also not explained by Bethel to be exposing that the globalization era super-acceleration began in 1990 in marked manner with a huge global 3rd UN milestone to mark it – of course it is also marked by God in prophecy! (Dan8:23; Dan11:31b);

2.When the “Berlin Wall” fell in also greater global meaning, it was the Anglo-American “King North” globalist elites who “invaded” the world (Dan11:40) in accelerated fashion when that symbolic USSR backed impediment was removed fulfilling in marked manner Daniel 11:40. Russia and China now joined the wealth, finance and market means of that globalizing portion of 8th King expansion in its economic propulsion.

And that 8th King “King North” “invasion” continued into Bethel’s marked infiltration in Daniel 11:41 notable as UN NGO in that same surge of globalist 8th King global positioning. (Dan11:30-32a, Dan8:12);

3. Now that the largest known supposed “foe” of Anglo-American globalist empire expansion “fell” in “cold war” as the USSR, we know who the “King Fierce in Countenance” implied victor over the USSR also has to be (Dan8:23): the 8th King as made notable in that 3rd UN placement of 1990 gearing up for the final global tribulation cycle and eventual world government.

“King North” and “King Fierce in Countenance” are all the same, and all the same 8th King world government culmination phases 3 (1990) and 4 (future) of 4!

4. The USSR was proven as nothing but a distraction and impotent ultimate failure of Daniel 11:27 “and nothing will succeed because it is yet for the time appointed”. Daniel 11:36-41 is all King North 8th King developments that Bethel conceals with this error purposely retained in the prophecy. Daniel 11:42-45 will continue to be 8th King world government forming activity as will Daniel 8:24-25.

Why is this easily proven USSR as “King North” error maintained at Bethel?:

Because this Bethel retained error and embedded perception allows over advancement of JW expectations to Daniel 11:44, as the next point of prophetic fulfillment now prematurely expected by Jehovah’s witnesses globally. It aids the set up of the final cycle.

5. Simply put King North must be “successful until the denunciation will have come to a finish” (Dan11:36) from the 3rd UN to 4th UN world government overall period as a non-stop world power development. The USSR cannot fulfill part of the “King North” prophecy to be “on hold” at Daniel 11:44.

The real King North “proves successful” over the whole Daniel 11:27-45 progression, it is all 8th King developments.

6. It is the 3rd UN placement marked 8th King (Daniel 11:31b) that is successful as final “King North”. It is especially marked as a global milestone development from 1990 3rd UN placement (Daniel 11:31b, Dan8:23a) to Armageddon in the 4th UN placement world government to result at the end of the Daniel 11:42-45 cycle. Both of those final two final UN 8th King developments are global and prophetic progressions to the final world government milestone.

The whole final 8th King development since 1990 is in prophecy, the prophecy Bethel obscures and diverts attention away from.

7. The USSR cannot meet the criteria of the fulfillment of Daniel 11:36 “success” or Daniel 11:42-43 global gold control, but Bethel simply ignores this reality and it must be purposeful marking their apostate condition and their King North 8th King affiliations – the UN NGO makes it explicit. Continuing this King North actual expansion theme, Daniel 11:41 is the 8th King “invasion” of Bethel by anointed Christian defection (Dan11:30b-31a) and infiltration (Dan11:32a, Dan8:12).

(And no wonder Fred Franz never was allowed to comment on the meaning of the USSR downfall and that 3rd UN placement of 1990 which would have changed the whole Daniel 11:27-45 story. The USSR was just another global national based distraction. Bethel still employs this distraction. No wonder it was Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz alone, who opposed the Governing Body dictatorial coup of 1976 as members of that “body”. CoC, Ch.4)

8. In reality Jehovah’s witnesses are being bypassed over the most significant UN period and prophecy since 1945 as if none of it occurred. Instead Bethel joined that 1990 3rd UN placement as an eventually publicly known UN NGO liaison after a decade of covert membership still unaddressed officially by Bethel. (Matt24:15) Logically and by evidence there must be more going on in this Bethel defection than meets the eye, and prophecy is what exposes Bethel reality. (Dan11:30-35, 41; Dan8:11-14, 23)

9. Thus the predictable elements of the hoax can be seen in what JWs are being taught in key prophetic teachings misapplied and prematurely applied. We can expect a premature manifestation of a “King North” decoy and a “peace and security” statement that will not be the actuality of that final world government statement.

10. That tensions have recently arisen centered on Russia seems to indicate the “King North” “continuation” as Russia may now be being prepared by the 8th King to aid in part the Bethel sector of deception to further conceal the 8th King in Daniel 11 as long as possible with a related handy decoy “King North”.

11. Also concealed by Bethel is the final cycle significance of prophecy as it begins to near activation as actually Daniel 11:42-45 and as 8th King world government producing developments. Thus the key global final phase, the fourth UN phase of prophecy to result in world government, is being sold by Bethel and many in the misled world scene as “the end of the world” and Bethel can be set-up for removal by aid internally, and that can be sold to Jehovah’s witnesses as more “prophecy fulfilling brothers!”.

12. Now since Bethel takes insight on reality no further than 1969 levels of spiritual enlightenment, JWs and the world are perfectly set-up for the final cycle to start and none of them can explain what is really going on and that truly Christ will have to shut down the 8th King (Rev19:11-21).

Nothing can stop 8th King required world government but God and Christ after it is completed.

A. JWs are as much a “humpty dumpty on the wall” as is Bethel and the world nation-state system, all are set-up for bewilderment for when the final cycle begins. The ones who were supposed to “keep watch on the world” at Bethel are now 8th King controlled apostate actors and frauds as per prophecy. (Dan11;30-35, 41; Dan8:12);

Globalism and Globalization Culminates into World Government

1. In addition to the tribulation formula used to resolve into world government, this final cycle will also begin to introduce the full intent of this global “King North” world government publicly stated, and its final coup cycle (Dan11:42-43) on the entire world rulership structure of former nation-state sovereignty. The culmination of globalization can also allow a full global disclosure of world government intent and eventual actuality. THAT is what the final cycle is to culminate into in this global transformation of the basis of world rulership into one 8th King super-sovereign international agency.

2. Thus when “changing times and law” the globalization process will be the ultimate application of that now truly global “change” as the “new world order” basic meaning is a full change from the “old order” into a completely new form of world rulership.

(Daniel 7:25-26) And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. (Rev13:5, Rev11:1-7; culminates as cessation of second “two witnesses”.) And he will intend to change times and law (at global level), and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time**. (the replicating 1260 days of Rev11:2-3, Dan12:7, Rev13:5, Rev12:6, 14 principle) 26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit (this time in Christ over a completed 144000 Messianic Kingdom “Court”), and his own rulership they finally (not the first priority; Matt24:30-31) took away (at Armageddon divine war phase), in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally. (Rev19:19-21);

3. So the wildbeast authority of Revelation 13:5 will also mean a changing global complexion to bring in world government as the new globally proclaimed paradigm of world government actuality. Thus this period that parallels the final 1260 days of Daniel 7:25, 12:7 and Revelation 11:2-3 must also repeat in the future to complete the meaning in final form:

(Revelation 13:5) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it (8th King world government finality through the subservient national powers globally), and authority to act forty-two months** was given it. (that “authority” comes with the wildbeast “ascension from the abyss” of Revelation 11:7 into world government at some point in this emerging transformation);

4. This means the world itself is in for quite the astounding transformations (Rev16:1-9; Hag2:7) in its own awareness of what globalization really is as a global process to culminate, and reveal world government at a point of irreversible maturity of development, when it is all way way too late for anyone to do anything about it.

5. Globalization is the main worldwide “gathering” force to culminate into a final 8th King world government conglomeration:

(Revelation 16:12-16) And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (complete 8th King globalist influence culminating ) 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth (culminating in this final period), to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (parallels Revelation 17:12-18 and Daniel 11:42-43 culminations into globalist 8th King power) 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them (by Dan11:42-43 and Rev17:11-17 8th King wealth and power globalizations) together (into final 8th King globalist unification symbolized in completion by 4th UN “placement” and proclamations; Dan12:11) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon. (Joel 3:9-17);

Thus the final cycle is also preparing a global revelation of the world government masterpiece of globalization and the global awareness of it will not be “conspiracy theory” it will be reality, global “law”.

6. World government, as the culmination of globalization, will become reality as the final cycle proceeds and matures. That is also a final transformation phase of “new world” “ordering” upon this new framework of international management (world government and global scale administrations) that must emerge with the final cycle unfolding. In fact the global scale administrations are already in place, as part of that globalization, though not yet complete in worldwide sovereign authority that comes under full world government. Many of these globalized administrations already supercede national sovereign authority.

7. In reality the “tribulation of those days” phase is transformed into the global context of world recovery and 8th King world government hope and “admiration”. (Rev13:3, Rev17:8);

Prophetic Reality

1. Now we see those psychologically tied up with premature “end” expectations of global catastrophe, “world war three” (which comes as a fourth cycle world war) and “the end” cannot comprehend that will be a limited albeit severe “tribulation of those days” that resolves for the world government purpose. Thos under deluded influences like Bethel’s will of course not have a mindset conducive for examining prophecy more fully in light of the revelation of what the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial inception cycle of 1914-1922 provided.

2. The first Christian ministerial recovery (1914-1919) already outlined all the final cycle elements in the (1) first Kingdom proclamation, deploying into a (2) global tribulation (WW1), to resolve into a (3) “world government” (League of Nations). Those three main elements will repeat in the fourth cycle. That same framework of development, entities and events is now merely redeploying for the finalization of that “world government” process in the same cyclic meaning, and the same prophecy foretells it; as we are aware now the whole prophetic cycle REPEATS!

3. And knowing this we see God has already laid out the true end of “the system of things” process upon that former previewed framework of 1914-1922 allowing a clear warning to be given year over year marked with the key milestones of apostasy, temple judgment, final warning, world government then Christ’s arrival. Now recovered Christians in Jehovah’s witnesses and others can, in time, forecast the final cycle before and as it unfolds because it is a repeat of the first cycle, we already know the general outline and milestone meanings. A clear final warning framework is what is manifesting for several final years in the final cycle.

A. This kind of ministerial re-affirmation (Rev10:11) of the first “Kingdom proclamation”, in this way of repeating world events and prophecy after a unique set of final cycle commencement events (Dan8:13-14; Dan11:42-45), is for a great advantage to aid recognition of what is really going on while this fourth cycle plays out. That explicitly direct explanation, with a former well known preview cycle of meaning, is for the purpose of enlightening as many people as possible understanding what is really going on as a marked gauging leading to Christ’s actual arrival. This will all be aided by a repeating warning (Rev10:11) centered on the global sovereignty issue (Rev10-11) that will, by then, being made known in world government intent by the 8th King system itself.

B. As the milestones proceed through the temple judgment (Rev8-9), to the final warning (Rev11:1-7) to eventually world government (Dan11:45, 12:11), including the resolution of the “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29, Isa41:1), things will get progressively clearer that this is the real final segway over some final years, that the prophecy is valid, it is leading to where it says it is leading to: Armageddon and Christ’s full powered arrival.

8th King world government “peace and security” statement period is the climax of that whole development as far as the 8th King world government system.

World Recovery Under the 8th King World Government Completion

1. In reality the world is not headed for an “end” immediately, it is heading for the world government culmination. The WW1 recovery into “League of Nations” hopefulness is the primary pattern soon to be repeating again in this final cycle of some final years.

A. And just as every previous world war and tribulation cycle runs its course, resolves, and makes the super-rich global entity “richer” so too will the 8th King system get richer and more powerful over this final cycle as well. The final cycle also serves global power consolidation purposes, thus the 8th King is not interested in 100% global pandemonium, b ut just enough to aid the absorption of weaker entities globally. An economic and institutional required global stressing.

B. The point is the richest and most powerful wealth control and owning agency (Dan11:42-43) will also be empowered in the final cycle (Rev13:16-18), not for a premature “end” but for a global recovery that precedes the true final judgment as the 8th King sovereign completion requirement. (Dan8:25);

This is the prophetic recovery of the nations after the final cycle in prophecy in Isaiah 41 overview of the final cycle ending:

(Isaiah 41:1) “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. (world “peace and security” and “freedom from care” period) Let them approach. (Rev16:12-16) At that time let them speak. (1Thess5:1-3, The final conglomerated 8th King statement; Ps2) Let us come up close together for the (Armageddon) judgment itself.

2. And that precedes the Revelation 16:12 parallel “the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun” putting that period into that final “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) recovery period Isaiah 41 parallels:

(Isaiah 41:2-4) “Who has roused up [someone] from the sunrise? [Who] proceeded in righteousness to call him to His feet, to give before him the nations, and to make [him] go subduing even kings? [Who] kept giving [them] like dust to his sword, so that they have been driven about like mere stubble with his bow? 3 [Who] kept pursuing them, kept peacefully passing along on his feet over the path [by which] he did not proceed to come? 4 Who has been active and has done [this], calling out the generations from the start? “I, Jehovah, the First One; and with the last ones I am the same.”

3. The recovered final warning ministry will proceed to the culmination as well:

(Isaiah 41:11-13) “Look! All those getting heated up against you will become ashamed and be humiliated. The men in a quarrel with you will become as nothing and will perish. (2Thess2:8, Zech3:3-5) 12 You will search for them, but you will not find them, those (Bethel apostate “set in opposition”) men in a struggle with you (anointed Christians). They will become as something nonexistent and as nothing (2Thess2:8), those men at war with you. (ultimately all the 8th King in Rev11:7-15, the source of modern Bethel apostasy. Dan11:32) 13 For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.’ (Temple recovery: God and Christ guarantee the final Kingdom proclamation will go forth (Rev10-11) and be successful for the Messianic Kingdom completion proclamation purpose it is sent forth for.)

4. Ultimately the 8th King “disgusting thing” is the ultimate world government and “image” idol that Jehovah will be addressing in the final period to come in the 8th King recovery.

(Isaiah 41:21-24) “Bring your controversial case forward,” says Jehovah. “Produce your arguments,” says the King of Jacob. 22 “Produce and tell to us the things that are going to happen. The first things—what they were—do tell, that we may apply our heart and know the future of them. Or cause us to hear even the things that are coming. 23 Tell the things that are to come afterward, that we may know that you are gods. Yes, you ought to do good or do bad, that we may gaze about and see [it] at the same time. 24 Look! you are something nonexistent, and your achievement is nothing. A detestable thing is anyone that chooses you. (the 8th King “New World Order” choice);

(Psalm 2:1-6) Why have the nations been in tumult And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing?  2 The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one (world government). Against Jehovah and against his anointed one,  3 [Saying:] “Let us tear their bands apart And cast their cords away from us!” (Rev11:7, attack parallels of Dan11:45, Dan8:25) 4 The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision.  5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger. (final 8th King deposition) And in his hot displeasure he will disturb them,  6 [Saying:] “I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain.” (Rev11:15-19; Rev14:1);

5. And again Isaiah 41 leads to the 6th to 7th plague parallel arrival of Christ in the final symbolic meaning:

(Isaiah 41:25) “I have roused up [someone] from the north (Rev16:12; Dan11:44), and he will come. From the rising of the sun he will call upon my name. And he will come upon deputy rulers as [if they were] clay and just as a potter that tramples down the moist material.

6. Thus the true final “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) and “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) is not now, nor possible until the final tribulation cycle resolves (Matt24:29). That period will come in under the most powerful and fully prepared 8th King system in history made only richer and more powerful over that final tribulation cycle. It will not be a tribulation for them (Matt24:36-42, Luke 17:26-30), it will be the final cycle of power consolidation and global psychological preparation for the “new world order” meaning of a new 8th King “order” as world government.

A. This is why confusing this reality in the process is so important to conceal this development from the Christian ministry as long as possible.

Now we see when Babylon the Great can also be deposed to aid that final recovery in a global wealth store of enormous proportions adding to the 8th King power at the end of the cycle (Rev16:12-20; Rev17:15-18), not to start it as Bethel promotes in error. (1Pet4:17) By knowing Revelation 16 has a final fulfillment we know Babylon the Great is prepared in the 6th plague for the 7th plague deposition.

7. It makes sense the religious institutional “Babylon the Great” brainwash and error also aids the final cycle confusions, as Bethel is now also doing. The Babylon the Great global religious institution is thus most useful to aid the outworking of the whole final cycle from start to finish.

Why depose the most useful global religious error “harlot” right when needed the most?

A. Deposing Babylon the Great deep into the final cycle nearing it’s end would be most advantageous also for it’s massive stored wealth distribution to aid the national recovery to give the final cycle a final stage capital boost globally.

B. Deposing Babylon the Great at the end of the cycle will also maximize the “world peace” psychological effect. Deposing Babylon the Great “religious warmonger” will have a great global psychological effect upon the then functioning world system and the global recovery claims aiding world government “world peace” believability.

8. Obviously those pictured at Revelation 18:9-18 are more concerned with Babylon’s destruction for selfish reasons of profiteering (and the world government’s authority), not their own destruction at that time because that occurs in 8th King world government totality final period of the final cycle.

(Revelation 18:9-10) “And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, 10 while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!’

9. Babylon the Great is one of the global institutions in the Daniel 8:25 “bring many to ruin” parallel of the Daniel 11:44 “devote many to destruction” period under 8th King global final management agendas “during a freedom from care” during that final world “peace and security” period. Those final 8th King objectives, peace and uni-polar 8th King selective destructions, occur concurrently “during” that final “world peace” period. That is the same period the “two witnesses” are also deposed in prior to Babylon the Great’s final judgment. (Rev16:12-19; Rev14:1-8; Rev11:7-11)

The Premature End Forecast Will Fail

1. Thus those expecting a premature end to come in the final cycle going into supposed terminal tribulation to “slam dunk” “the end” will be disappointed. That is part of the point of this hoax and misleading process, it will leave those pushing that view looking ridiculous when instead 8th King world government and global recovery potential arrives first, and must complete in world government before Christ arrives.

“The end” simply will not arrive as expected yet. Christ will simply not arrive as expected yet as well. 8th King world government is what will arrive unexpectedly. People will see the globally established and functioning “new world order” before they see Jesus Christ.

A. That is what all this premature expectation aids concealment of.

2. Since this forecast of the prophecy and this analysis here takes several years to be tested out, in that process the premature “the end” promoters will also be put to the same test as time will test their premature forecast against the prophecy that actually fully details this final cycle. Since this is the greatest and final cycle of all human history of course God is going to foretell it in detail with all the required milestones and features fully identified as simply as possible in the prophecy. The prophecy itself, covering the sovereign progression leading to world government, is actually only about seven chapters of Daniel 2,7,8,11,12 and Revelation 13 and 16.

3. The rest of prophecy details fall into the gauging provided in those final forecasts (based on the repeating pattern). The final cycle actually completes all prophecy in final forms (Rev10:6-8) of all entities involved in the sovereign process of Christ’s arrival to also complete Messianic Kingdom sovereignty eventually completed (Rev14:1) concurrently as the final warning and invitation cycle concludes: it all converges to Armageddon logically, prophetically and in reality.

V. World Government Reality

Though the final cycle will produce a world government guaranteed foremost by prophecy (Rev17:11-18, Dan11:45-Dan12:11), and its own version of world “peace and security”, it is still that counter-sovereign claim and assumption of dominion that is the 8th King and “two horned wildbeast” “false prophet” apex false prophecy at that time: sustainable “world peace”. The milestone of world government completed is into, and signaled further by that final world “peace and security” sovereign statement after world government completes fully.

1. In fact the final cycle will essentially conglomerate the whole world (Rev16:13-16), consolidate its all sovereign power (Rev17:11-18) and all its “gold and silver” and its wealth and assets into 8th King control. (Dan11:42-43); The role global gold control and the real global wealth authority play in actual sovereignty, its final actuality, is obvious in the explicit nature of what Daniel 11:42-43 will mean as a global financial signal of the final cycle commencement and progress of final 8th King sovereign power.

A. The 8th King will be immensely wealthy and will add the Babylon the Great (Rev16:12, Rev17:15-18) wealth to the 8th King mega-global-coffer as the final cycle is ending, not at the beginning of the judgment (1Pet4:17) as Bethel now promotes. And since the globalist 8th King system elites behind that super-corporate matrix that actually defines global government do not plan to destroy the planet, but to rule it, the whole final cycle is actually engineered and fully controlled like the former three cycles for a reliable planned outcome: world government. (Dan11:36-41, Dan8:23-25);

A. As shown in prophecy and world cycles, the tribulation resolution thus aids the ultimate 8th King purpose: to rule all mankind globally; by psychological acceptance and also by wealth and power consolidation that increases for the globalists after all these cycles play out, the cycles make the 8th King more powerful in every cycle.

It takes four cycles to eventually achieve world government since 1914’s first cycle. The fourth cycle is about to begin.

B. Thus true recovery potential (Isa41) will be reached like no other time in world history (Dan8:25), at the end of the “tribulation of those days” cycle. The final cycle is for a number of purposes related to world acceptance and power consolidation of world government. It is at the end of the cycle that this culminates into world government by power consolidation to be aided by global religious wealth absorption (Rev17:11-18), also at the end of the cycle, as Babylon the Great’s religious sovereignty (Rev17:18) is deposed to aid that process. (Rev16:12-20);

C. This is why the national sovereign deposition of Revelation 17:11-18 also includes Babylon the Great spiritual deposition described in the prophecy as concurrent sovereign events for a reason. It is also why Babylon the Great is also set-up as that final global sovereign conglomeration is completing in Revelation 16:12-16, they are parallel prophecies of the same event. Babylon the Great is present to the end of the national sovereignty to the end of the final cycle and it all is absorbed into world government and final 8th King sovereign use.

2. Knowing the true 8th King details in Daniel 8:11-25 and Daniel 11:27-45, and this prophetic cycle repetition in final fulfillment, is what aids placing the final sequence in the proper order of events. The Daniel 11:42-45, Daniel 12 and Daniel 8:13-14, 23-25 lead ins and overlay of Revelation 8-11 and Revelation 16 replicating sequences of “seven trumpets” and “seven plagues” allows the whole final cycle to be understood as precisely as God has purposed in that prophecy. Of course knowing it is mostly a repeating cycle and prophecy aids understanding the progression far better than not knowing this due to the the final sequence details its awareness reveals.

3. This world government completion is what actually forms the “freedom from care” and the world “peace and security” global complexion concurrently on the world scene at that time. That massive 8th King world government potential is how the final 666 marking campaign (Rev13:16-18) has a quite hopeful and “admirable” final deception and “admirable” effect on some of mankind positioned for that world government absorption. (Rev13:3, 17:8);

What is also helpful is realizing repeating principles are also at work in the whole progression. Thus rather than try to explain the 1914 and WW1 cycle and prophecy as a full fulfillment we see it sets a preview of handy world war (tribulation) and world government formation principles that repeat with the world-war-to-world-government cycle as in WW2 and the Cold WW3. (Dan11:29); Though the cycles build global consolidative power to establish true world government, the basic principles remain the same in all four cycles.

A. This principle is how finally world government resisters of Revelation 13:16-18 are part of the “bring many to ruin” “during a freedom from care” of Daniel 8:25. Many global entities are intended in the final 8th King “world peace” concurrent final sweeps. The 8th King is “bringing many to ruin” while they are also declaring world “peace and security” (Dan11:44; Rev11:7 parallel), because some, but not all, will accept world government and some are slated for removal in any case. The final “two witnesses” and eventually Babylon the Great are part of the “many” targeted by the 8th King under world government. (Rev11:7; Rev13:9-10);

(Revelation 13:9-10) If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 If anyone [is meant] for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.

(Revelation 14:9-12) And another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast (world government) and its (UN world government nucleus) image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, 10 he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God… those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name. (Rev13:16-18) 12 Here is where it means endurance for the holy ones, those who observe the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” (Rev13:10b);

A. This transformation is also why getting fooled by the severity of the global tribulation can be misleading, it in fact must “turn around” into a world recovery ushering in the 8th King world government climax. That certainty has to be explained in the final Kingdom proclamation (Rev10-11), because it is a great deception and counterfeit finale that is being set-up as the “problem” that has a logical world government “solution”, but many are not understanding how the cycle is to play out and why. (The temple judgment will clear the Bethel error away and expose it (Rev8:7-12) for this recovery and final “little scroll” explanation.)

4. Thus seeing the use of a “world war” three times since 1914-1919, in 1945, and including the Cold War cycle in 1990, and how it’s cycle proceeds to resolution and then a world government rendition presentation, also aids awareness of what this final cycle is to be used for a fourth time to result in the actual world government entity. The fact is the world-war-to-world-government formula works, and this is why the 8th King globalist will use it a final time, and why it’s nature and overall developmental phase of 4 UN phases are well concealed from public awareness – it starts to explain itself, 1-2-3 and 4.

The prophecy repeats at the same time the globalists have become predictable.

The “Problem” to “Solution” Formula and World War/Tribulation Cycle

World War 1 Provides the First Cycle and Basic Principle of the World-War-to-World-Government Formula

1. The principle of this “admirable” “recovery” effect from the tribulation to be resolved in time, is in the principle of the “healing” of the “7th head” to be deposed in Daniel 11:42-43 King North/8th King pawning for the 8th King world government “healers” use as then world government is the only “solution” to the tribulation “problem” globally.

A. For many caught up in the uncertainty, the “healing” is also psychological, things are turning out better than expected as the tribulation is resolved.

2. This cyclic pattern did typify the first world-war-to-League of Nations cycle to come from the “world peace” resolution of WW1 resolving for that “admirable” “healing” outcome as a preview and a principle for the final cycle use as well.

The truth is the first round of prophecy and world development was a preview of the final cycle climax. The same principles will apply. This is also how the first cycle of prophecy also forecasts the final cycle.

Thus those who discount the foundational ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses and the validity of 1914-1922 Daniel 12 prophecy and its applicable Revelation counterparts are missing one of the most important aspects of that ministry, it is a preview, a foregleam, an initial fulfillment that will have a final fulfillment culmination upon the same patterns, principles and prophetic framework.

A. For the future, the point is the recovery to come after the “tribulation of those days” ends into world government final presentation. That cycle will have a similar, but final “admiration” for world government effect, as outlined in the prophecy shown below. This principle and meaning of “problem” “reaction” “solution” must repeat in the repeating final cycle that must also display this cyclic principle:

(Revelation 13:3-8) And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. (must occur also in final 8th King world government form) 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. (that 1260 days of Daniel 12:7, 7:25 and Revelation 11:2-3 repeats into world government arising from a final “abyss” state in some manner in Revelation 11:7 and revelation 17:8-11) 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. (parallels Daniel 7:25) 7 And there was granted it to wage war (Rev 11:7; Dan7:25) with the holy ones and conquer them (both of the “two witnessings” are deposed in 1918 and in the future replication of Revelation 11 in final form), and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (obviously a world government finale “every nation” meaning ultimately) 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. (Thus Revelation 13:16-18 also has a final climax phase);

3. In any event World War 1 did create a period of uncertainty and global anxiety for many in the world that created a psychological collective effect that aided the hopefulness of the League of Nations presentation for recovery and its “admirable” claims as the world war resolved. The “problem” resolved “sigh of relief” is refilled with the world government new breath “solution” as per formula.

A. The “as though” “slaughtered to death” means the “as though” effect is not the actual “death” of the world leading “7th head” national alliance system, but the perception of its possibility, the anxiety of uncertainty “as though” that might be possible. That is the anxiety to be used later for the relief phase. The final global tribulation cycle will be used for the same purpose, thus the principle described in the prophecy is part of tribulation “problem” to world government “solution” formula.

B. That anxiety and fear is transformed into the hopefulness as the tribulation starts to end, when the world government “solution” begins to be presented. This hopeful presentation is aided by the contrast of the ominous tribulation outlook with the positive and hopeful psychological effect the tribulation resolution starts to form. The effect is the uncertainty of the period aids this anxiety globally in different ways, and the final tribulation cycle is designed to create the same desperate effect prior to the world government “admirable” “solution” final presentation.

World government “world peace” claims end up being the ultimate form of psychological relief for the global tribulation.

C. In a similar principle of the “disgusting thing causes desolation” (Dan12:11), prophecy describes explicitly who “causes desolation” as part of this tribulation “problem” development. It is a cyclic formula with a purpose related to the “disgusting thing” that “causes desolation” for a purpose. It is the “disgusting thing” that “causes desolation” because the “desolation” “problem” is part of the process of its own world government “solution” presentation, or “placement” of the “disgusting thing”. (Dan11:31b, Dan12:11; Matt24:15; Dan8:13);

4. This “authority” leading to the intensified 666 “compulsion” in symbolic principle below must have a culmination under 8th King world government whose global authority in its completion drive (Rev13:5) will then be in climax for a more sinister purpose:

(Revelation 13:5-8) And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. (parallels Dan7:25, 12:7; Rev11:2-3, Rev12:6,14 in final replication fulfillment) 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them (Rev11:7; Dan11:44), and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (8th King world government culmination of Rev16:13-16 globalization “gathering” completing) 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. (The “little scroll” final Kingdom of God ultimatum will go out as the second “two witnesses” 1260 day final warning parallel with this completing world government cycle repeating for the final time, as the final recovered Kingdom warning also goes out for the final time as well leading to Christ’s arrival);

5. Thus the psychological hopefulness of recovery helps conceal the actuality of what the world government is: the “wildbeast” of the 666 marking final authority leading to Christ’s arrival. (Rev14:9-12); This is why the “Dragon” (Rev13:2; Rev12) and the 8th King want no one aware of this eventuality and significance Bethel now aids as well.

6. Thus that forming world government authority at the end of this cyclic fourth UN 8th King phase will intensify the ability to carry out the following world government mandate globally in the same principle in climax global use:

(Revelation 13:16-18) And it puts under (complete world government) compulsion all persons (not just Christians, but everyone), the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. (the Daniel 11:42-43 global wealth control effect will be global) 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. (That “666” identity as world government related has to be made clear as it forms);

7. Thus we see the basic principle of using World War 1 to present the League of Nations “world peace” “solution” did in fact work, it is a proven “problem” to “solution” formula. This formula worked after WW2 and the Cold War as well. Accordingly we are seeing a repeating cyclic formula at work in all these developments that prophecy has also identified the principles of. Thus calling a fourth cycle and its purpose is sort of predictable and intuitive by now.

8. We are now seeing a final tribulation scenario being setup globally to repeat this formulaic world-war-to-world-government cycle for the fourth time so it is predictable not just by prophecy, but by 8th King design, the formula works.

World War 2 Had a Similar World-War-to-World-Government Cycle and Psychological Effect Repeating

1. In like manner, this WW2 “United Nations” ascension from the “abyss” inactivity due to World War 2, as the “League of Nations” “peace keeper” essentially dissolved in 1938, set a 1945 UN manifesting fulfillment that also has the use of the same recovery principle for the “admiration” effect upon the people of the time. (Rev17:8);

A. As will be shown the Revelation 17:8-11 United Nations fulfillment of 1945 will also have a similar “abyss rise” final fulfillment principle into world government “ascension”. (Rev17:8-11 principle as Rev11:7);

2. The final 8th King cycle that leads to Revelation 17:11-18 culmination, must have a repeating similar “abyss ascension” (Rev11:7; Rev13:7; Dan12:7) principle at work as the 8th King world government “ascends from the abyss” of the global tribulation (and probably world war in some form) by design. (Rev11:7);

A. Thus this prophecy at Revelation 17:8-11 that applied to the United Nations 8th King designate ascension of the “image of the [scarlet] wildbeast”, for no true full 8th King arose but in designate form, must have a complete ascension of a full total 8th King world government “scarlet wildbeast” totality through this final cycle that forms the “abyss” principle from which final 8th King world government “ascends” in final form:

(Revelation 17:8-11) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss (in final form as world government), and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly (the proper psychological effect is achieved; Rev13:3), but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world. 9 “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction. (Thus the 8th King deposes the 7th King and rules as King North, 8th King world government finality of the progression leading to Christ’s conquest);

8th King world government coming out of the “abyss” of final global tribulation and war resolving (Matt24:29) will be the final fulfillment in ultimate form as the true full power of the 8th King “scarlet wildbeast” as fully globalized world government fully “ascends” to King North global government of Daniel 11:45 (unique) merging Daniel 12:11 (repeat: final fulfillment).

2. Now we know this “abyss rise” is the same principle of world government to arise from the “chaos” of global tribulation into its new world “order” as the tribulation “problem” produced the formulaic “reaction” to which world government is the intended “solution”. This “abyss” rise is the 8th King world government finality as the tribulation ends:

(Revelation 11:7) And when they have finished their (second) witnessing (of 1260 days repeating; Rev10:11), the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss (into 8th King world government) will make war with them (Rev13:7) and conquer them and kill them. (the ministry recovered from the Bethel apostasy in the temple judgment is eventually deposed after the final 1260 days has expired.);

3. Now we see the world-war-to-world-government principle is a reliable cycle (and prophecy) in two hot world wars.

4. But in fact the world-war-to-world-government formula was again used, a third time, in the unique Cold World War 3, for the third United Nations presentation in 1990. (Dan11:29-31);

Cold World War 3 Resolved into UN Third Placement and a Third Time Used World-War-to-World-Government Cycle

1. The Cold WW3 cycle used the global fear complex of nuclear war and “global communism” to create its “turn around” effect when the Cold War ended as the USSR dissolved as the United Nations placed a third time in 1990. (Dan11:31b); The  ” USSR fear” tactic was used so well Bethel just maintains it’s momentum in Daniel 11 as a given, but it is a fiction. Now the same principle use of the world-war-to-world-government formula came forth in a unique “cold” world war (Dan11:29) that was used in the same “admirable” manner as a cycle resolved to produce a world government presentation: the 3rd UN placement of Daniel 11:31b, Daniel 8:23a in 1990.

Thus expecting a fourth cycle is predictable now, it is in prophecy, it is history, it is used by 8th King world government planners (Rev13:11-15), and the “signs” are present in the world system (Luke21:25) and Jehovah’s witnesses (Matt24:15) as it is all being set-up for the final cycle.

2. Thus this is the key Bethel concealment covering up the 3rd UN cycle and prophecy which allows the 4th UN cycle and prophecy to also be unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses and their ministerial audience now buying the Bethel subverted version of world and prophetic reality instead.

3. Bethel’s continuation of the inertia of the well JW entrenched USSR fictional “King North” mental routine through its Cold War aided momentum of now post 1990 proven delusion, now empowered in the JW mind as “prophetic truth”, greatly aids this process of deception and cover-up in Daniel 11. No one is simply this obtuse though. Bethel is employing this fiction on purpose because it conceals the 8th King developments of the last twenty years.

When the United Nations Goes into “Abyss”

Now that we know the 8th King system arises a final time from the “abyss” as full world government we can examine what impression that will have on Jehovah’s witnesses. Since they are deluded as if this is the terminus of the “last days” in the premature “end” Bethel formula, that UN abyss plunge development, into a “death like inactivity” and impotence of controlling global war and tribulation from “breaking out”, however this may manifest, may very well seem like the end of the 8th King to JWs. We know the impotence is by design now for the proper effect for when world government “ascends from the abyss”.

We know overall the “two witnesses” recovery of a valid ministry will eventually explain prophetic reality. But how long that Daniel 8:14 “evening” “darkness” on Jehovah’s witnesses proceeds is approximated yet unknown in exact terms in the Daniel 8:13-14 timing. So we wonder, what will Jehovah’s witnesses think when the United Nations goes temporarily into the “abyss” for the time God permits the delusion to “succeed”? (Dan8:12b);

Obviously being overly advanced in expectation overall in prophecy will allow the “Armageddon” expectations among Jehovah’s witnesses to also be prematurely “interpreted” for some time period. If God did not intervene, which He will (Zech3:2), Jehovah’s witnesses, as detached from reality as they are, could actually buy that 8th King recovery as the “Kingdom of God”, because no other explanation would then be known to Jehovah’s witnesses. This is just something to think about as the final cycle plays out.

We know by prophetic certainty the temple judgment darkness period is Jehovah’s witnesses own “abyss plunge” of Revelation 9 in final fulfillment, and the temple judgment purifying recovery will bring approved and repenting Christians up from that state to, in time, full prophetic recovery outlined in Daniel 8:14 “right condition” as the 5th and 6th trumpets of Revelation 9, upon understanding the first four trumpets of Revelation 8 temple judgment parallel that goes into JW ears first.

Zechariah 3:4-8 is also a certainty in parallel with the temple judgment purification, yet in any event we do wonder what Jehovah’s witnesses lost and “scattered” (Zech13:7) in the “desolation” “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 may be surmising in that darkened “abyss” state of the Daniel 8:14 “evening” period of this coup.

We know by prophecy and world government former patterns the abyss rise of the 8th King into world government is certain as explained earlier.

The Final Cycle is a Repeat of the First Cycle and the World Government Recovery Formula

1. The concept to understand is the creation of an uncertain psychological anxiety period, as we see being engineered for activation now in various ways, is designed to be resolved into the world government psychology of global “hopefulness” and “admiration” and that will aid its reception and believability at the end of the final cycle, as before. (That is a prophetic principle shown in Revelation 13:3, 17:8 as well);

A. Thus the initial uncertainty actually intensifies the psychologically positive effect of the recovery, and in this transformation is the global acceptance, by many, of the world government presentation culminating the cycle. The magnitude of fear and uncertainty created in the “tribulation” period is thus reciprocated into a similar magnitude of relief and optimism, thus the hopefulness and willingness to accept world government is amplified by the preparatory deluded “doomsday” scenario of the tribulation. In effect the uncertainty and fear, aided by such errors as covered previously, actually aids the psychological transformation necessary to aid the final world government presentation and it’s global acceptance. (“admiration” principle of Rev13:3, 17:8).

B. Now we can see why silencing Jehovah’s witnesses on all this derivable information from prophecy aids the potential confusions of this final cycle in the JW sector as the formerly most advanced world view up to say 1960. Retarding Jehovah’s witnesses is top priority, it is the ministry from which amazing up-to-date insights could have been produced regularly. JWs could actually explain all this since the 3rd UN placement of 1990, but by Bethel apostate defection and infiltration, none of it is being explained but rather fully bypassed for a delusion instead. (2Thess2:1-2);

This is why Bethel apostate mastery appears purposely obtuse, reactionary, backwater and ultra-conservative: they want Jehovah’s witnesses to reflect a similar unreasonableness and dated mentality but for real. (Eph4:17; Mark7:22);

2. The world government planners know what they have been doing and are going to do again, they know the 8th King will consolidate all world wealth control (Dan11:42-43) so they can actually offer a global “recovery plan” and a complete world government after the “tribulation cycle” runs its course with the true global power and ability to offer this recovery according to their own definition: A nation has to take the 666 fully for recovery; world government will be the only human solution available to the nations. (Isa41:1, Rev13:16-18);

A. Thus the worse people think the tribulation cycle will become, the more favorable will be the recovery effect. The worse things go for the current national alliance “7th head” power of 7th King Anglo-America and all the global nation-state system, the “land of Egypt” (Dan11:42-43) becoming subservient to the 8th King global financiers in that dimension, the greater the modern “death stroke” perception “as though” “slaughtered to death” will be to psychologically prime the world for the 8th King world government “healing” power acceptance.

But the subservient “downfall” of the 7th King national based system (Dan11:42) is intended for the same “admirable” recovery effect into the 8th King globalist world government “King North” “healing” for its global acceptance routine now in quadruple cyclic form.

By just paying a little attention to global themes of world government being exposed by researchers from all kinds of backgrounds internationally, we see a final period of time is being forecast even by world government engineers. It takes time to bring in world government, thus Bethel’s literally retarded “world view” and “prophetic forecast” becomes extremely suspect in the context of many others globally putting together the final multi-year cycle requirement. It becomes obvious Bethel is aiding the 8th King world government agenda by such backwardness purposely, Bethel no longer exposes the 8th King as prophecy in world events and Bethel will not connect global events to world government final formations. Bethel is playing dumb so JWs actually become dumb.

3. In fact it is the requirement the 7th King is deposed by subservience into the 8th King world government (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18), and that will have a “tribulation” “healing” recovery under that 8th King apex system arising (Rev17:8-18) as the final “King North” world government manifestation. (Dan11:42-45; 12:11);

Thus the principles set out in the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry are what allows understanding the final cycle. The Jehovah’s witnesses initial fulfillment cycle and understandings apply perfectly to the final fulfillment cycle it is actually forecasting by previewing it.

4. Uncertainty and fear of the “end of the world” adds a desired psychological contrast for the recovery of the world system to become the best possible news as the nature of the cycle changes to “world peace” as the tribulation period starts to be resolved into the intended outcome: world government, world recovery and world “peace and security”, the opposite of what many people were expecting. Thusly, at the same time, “doomsayers” are discredited in this period, it was not “the end of the world” yet, just the opposite: world peace under UN world government. (Dan8:25; 1Thess5:1-3);

5. That entire cycle and its true climax meanings are what Bethel is bypassing now creating instead a premature application of the concepts, but failing to explain how it actually forms and climaxes into world government over a required final cycle that is all outlined in the final prophecy and in its replicating applicable portions. (Dan11:42-45; Dan12, Rev8-11, 15-16);

Thus, expertly, Bethel uses “the truth” to conceal their “the lie” (2Thess2:10-12) by simply repeating past truths that are now dated and superceded by modern 8th King developments. (Dan11:32a; 2Cor11:13-15);

The 1914-1919 Cycle Essence: World War Produces World Government

1. We are now fully recognizing the “disgusting thing” does not “cause desolation” for no good reason but their own agenda – plain and simple world war aids the world government agenda.

A. The three “desolation” cycles (WW1, WW2, Cold WW3), even if implied by the Cold War “fear of atomic war” and “mutually assured destruction”, show the relationship of “world war” as a “caused desolation” that aids, creates the global stage for, the presentation and acceptance of “world government” as the “disgusting thing” to be “admired” and venerated.

Plain and simple the whole world war orchestration of “desolation” is a global 8th King world government “disgusting thing” networked international confidence game that works quite well.

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, more shame on me. Fool me four times, hello world government.”

2. Firstly the “World War 1” event (1914-1918) to birth the “World Government 1” presentation (1919) as the League of Nations is greatly significant as first monumental world history and global scale war events. It is what it is: the greatest globally historic and significant period in all human history in world war and world government development. The “Great War” was a huge event for it’s time, period.

A. 1914 is “marked” by massive world historical developments for their own time that were unique in the whole history of 4000 years of mankind. The uniqueness of 1914 is in and of it’s own world historic events first off! That a world war “problem” resolved into a world government “solution” is quite the set of events, quite an amazing cycle, in retrospect of the type and scale of the world’s former “wars and reports of wars” and former “kingdom against kingdom”, world war was hugely significant – it set the pace for the whole coming century. (Matt24:6); In and of itself it is an amazing set of events beginning in 1914. First off, 1914 marks itself with these events independent of “Bible prophecy”. A thinking person with zero Bible understanding would understand World War 1 was a hugely ominous event.

B. Playing dumb regarding the significance of world war, the world finance engine that empowers it, “shadow diplomacy” and the world government it all propped up to cap the cycle is no longer playing dumb, it is dumb. These are usually the escapists who try to minimize the “omen” of 1914’s events, which kind of blissful ignorance is what has given the “disgusting thing” full global run. On the other hand many have just not had these insights pointed out properly as Bethel will not aid reinforcement of truth, but slyly creates waffles for stumbling into every Jehovah’s witnesses former truth. Many do understand the significance of the 1914 era, not its particular date number.

Do not doubt the 1914-1919 first cycle, it is significant comprehensively by more than just prophecy, it is truly ominous for further repeating history principle.

3. Secondly those refuting the 1914 “appointed times” expiration prophecy are only refuting Daniel 4’s implied timing. The “1914 is an error” argument is actually not relevant, it is a distraction. The “whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministry is based on 1914” is simply inaccurate. It is the world’s own world war-to-world-government system that is based on 1914 and that is what fundamentally defines the significance of “1914” – world war, resolution, then world government.

A. The “1914 prophecy” itself is isolated to Daniel 4’s validity or not. Daniel 12 prophetic events and milestone meanings marked in the 1914-1926 periods of the forming “Kingdom proclamation” ministry of the International Bible Students (eventually Jehovah’s witnesses) are not subject to the 1914 discrediting campaign. Those timed periods were determined independent of Daniel 4 chronology, but also support it. The whole Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial validity being discarded due to peoples’ doubts concerning Daniel 4 and 1914 and the “appointed times of the nations” is purely narrow assumption. There is far more backing the former validity (1914-1969) of the Jehovah’s Christian witness ministry than just 1914 era globally significant events.

B. The fact the global elite systems are engineering the final globalization (Rev16:13-16) of publicly known global super-corporate “technocratic” administrations to eventually combine to form world government, proves what Jehovah’s witnesses have been saying regarding a sovereign climax with the Kingdom of God in store for these world government planners and promoters when their intended world government project completes. If one cannot see the “Kingdom of God” gearing up for Armageddon (Joel3:9-18), one can certainly see the world government builders gearing up for something.

4. Thus refuting the “1914 teaching” is actually inconsequential, it just forms an unneeded greater distraction complex. World history shows the significance of 1914-1919 even without prophecy, it is what it is, no amount of argumentation and doubt will undo WW1 or it’s global significance that continues to this day in forming world government. People will face human world government well before they face the Kingdom of God, in time it will all be undeniable, it will be present, just as forecasted in initial form, albeit incompletely, by Jehovah’s witnesses and the 8th King global technocracy and oligarchy. Both the 8th King and JWs explain world government, ironically they diametrically back each others credibility for those capable of discerning this reality. JWs have just been derailed since 1990, or it would be more complete in exposition to the maximum – live and real-time, rather than dated and inaccurate.

5. In basic form, in essence, Jehovah’s witnesses have claimed God has made known the illegal gentile form of rulership has expired in its God allowed sovereign lease. (Luke 21:24). It is only God’s 144000 completion (Rev17:1-8; 14:1; Zech4:6-9), the final warning divine love and heavenly etiquette (Matt24:14) of fair and full warning from the Kingdom of God that allows this permission to go on a little while longer. (Revelation 11 “two” 1260 day “witnesses” periods (Rev11:2-3) is the final combined 2520 days “seven times” extension, the final 1260 day cycle is what is coming after the temple judgment purification. The 1914-1918 period was the first 1260 day Kingdom “witnessing” phase.)

(2 Peter 3:9-10) Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. 10 Yet Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.

A. Can God break a “promise”? No. All these things will in time go into the final cycle, but God’s first priority with Christ is to save as many willing people as possible. (Rev14:14-16);

6. Yet plainly the message of Jesus Christ himself –  “repent for the Kingdom of the Heavens has drawn near” – is pretty much the “Kingdom come” warning the Bible is, in it’s central theme: It is Jesus Christ, not sinner humans, self-exalted financially predatory elite systems, warlords or demon/human world government, who will rule Earth, who will hand all sovereign authority back to God Almighty to end the sovereign recovery process;(1Cor15:24-28) it is Jesus Christ who is appointed King of kings.

A. The Bible itself is a basic divine warning. The spokesman, the “Word” Jesus Christ delivered the summarization of the message personally.

Obviously the 8th King rival entities are not going to willingly relinquish earthly sovereignty and universal sovereignty to God’s Son. That is what Armageddon is all about, settling the issue in a universal sovereign showdown after having fully given human beings the chance to choose which sovereignty they desire. This is the essence of the 1260 days repeated warning (Rev10:11), it also occurs for a full “seven times” as 2520 days when that replication repeats (1260 days (1914-1918) + 1260 days (future)), and a final warning and invitation for life will be given prior to full resolution of the universal sovereign issue playing out on Earth next.

Regardless of “Jehovah’s witnesses’ warning” GOD AND CHRIST PLAINLY WARN ALL HUMAN GOVERNMENT IN THEIR OWN WORDS. So the basic warning and salvation opportunity is first in the Bible and in Jesus Christ who will accept ANYONE repentant. All the argumentation in the world is not going to remove these realties.

Yet salvation is the goal of God:

(John 3:16-18) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 

7. We cannot allow religions and frauds to make us doubt the essence of the Bible’s “Word of God”, Christ’s, message of salvation. Exercise faith, live.

(1 John 2:17) Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.

(John 4:21, 23-24) Jesus said to her: “Believe me, woman, The hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you people worship the Father. Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

8. But as we see the most fundamental basics of the 1914-1919 first cycle is the fact a worldly historic world-war-to-world-government cycle played out fully, as if fully orchestrated in such manner, fully unique in human history in more ways than one, including it’s international financial management system. The fact that world-war-to-world-government cycle played out two more times is further evidence this is not merely a random cycle and outcome. It is the 8th King designate’s theme of the whole last century, and it is going to have the climax cycle to start soon. The whole thing is hugely significant with or without prophecy, it cannot now be reversed, nor could it ever be. It will be stopped by God, plain and simple. (Rev19:11-21; Zeph3:8-9);

9. Thus the many critics and even Christians recognizing Bethel’s “man of lawlessness” actuality but also doubt the “1914 teaching” are also ignoring a more fundamental global war and world government cycle and it’s true significance that has formulaically played out three times. Thus the minutia of discredited Jehovah’s witnesses teachings in this area of prophecy explanations are just a distraction from the more basic reality that man is on a well demonstrated, historic, cyclic course to Armageddon, a course composed of four foretold cycles with repeating major features.

A. Regardless of Jehovah’s witnesses prophetic validity or not, man is still heading down a one way “world government street” and God and Christ will be coming up the other way soon. That truth is what all this distraction obscures.

It also allows these people to also be sucked into the premature end hoax.

10. Thus the “Watchtower critics” that allow this doubt and distraction to overrun the more basic awareness of the world war cycle and it’s intended outcome are also being subverted by Bethel who never will explain the more basic truths of this prophetic cycle but have directly aided the doubts by their own global reproach. The Bethel lawlessness aids creating doubts of the whole ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses, so those attempting to overturn the first world war cycle marked “Kingdom ministry” deploying into that WW1 that resolved into the League of Nations “world government” “image” are being subverted into error to not recognize the significance of that first cycle.

The first cycle is the future last cycle pattern, plain and simple.

11. The first ministerial and prophetic cycle, explained by Jehovah’s witnesses properly but in time overrun by the Bethel apostasy (1914-1976), is valid. And to prove it God assures in prophecy the whole final cycle will replicate in every detail of the first cycle but to the completed entities culminating in that final cyclic repetition. (Dan12, Rev8-11, Rev15-16) God will REAFFIRM the first cycle of prophecy of 1914-1919 by REPEATING it year over year with marked milestones enroute to the known Armageddon destination.

The apostasy, temple judgment and desolation is the first milestone sequence to understand. (Dan8:13-14);

A Successful Mimicry Complex of Counterfeits Guaranteed

(Daniel 8:12) And an (JW) army itself was gradually given over, together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; and it (8th King planners and Bethel in collusion; Dan11:32a) kept throwing truth to the earth (deception/cover-up), and it acted and had success.

(Daniel 11:30) And he will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant (after its location is recognized; 1914-1922) and act effectively; and he will have to go back (secondary action) and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (which anytime after 1919 can only be in Jehovah’s Christian witnesses leadership. (2Thess2:1-4, Zech3:1-3. “Christendom” cannot “leave the holy covenant” twice, or be tried twice or be judged twice, this is the Bethel centered JW ministerial leadership in first factional anointed Christian defection opening a “certain hole” to “King North”/8th King infiltration);

1. Again, contrary to Bethel’s dated “interpretations” of the above parallel prophecies, successful apostasy is guaranteed in the prophecy where it is really manifesting now: at Bethel; no wonder they conceal the very prophecies exposing them.

Foretold Defection: Further Infiltration Themes Now Present At Mimic Bethel

(Ezekiel 8:7-9) Accordingly he brought me to the entrance of the courtyard (of the temple), and I began to see, and, look! a certain hole in the wall. 8 He now said to me: “Son of man, bore, please, through the wall.” And I gradually bored through the wall, and, look! there was a certain entrance*. 9 And he further said to me: “Go in and see the bad detestable things that they are doing here.” (2Thess2:3-4);

(John 10:1) “Most truly I say to you, He that does not enter into the sheepfold through the door but climbs up some other place* (for access, the “certain entrance”), that one is a thief and a plunderer. (in final form the Bethel system modern “man of lawlessness” “son of destruction”);

So the 8th King anti-Christian operation “success” and the themes of defection and infiltration are common in Bible prophecy principle and warnings. Those kinds of principles regularly have repeated in the “priestly” leadership where they ultimately apply: like at Bethel. Bethel is just one of the successful mimics now terminal, having been gradually yet deceptively formed (Dan8:12) for the same purpose: “throw to the earth”, in this case the ultimate truth about world government.

1. The final cycle now forming is the same world-war-to-world-government formula in principle that was used first in 1919, then 1945 and 1990. After those respective world wars were resolved, including the Cold War, the world government rendition is what has been presented three times to climax the cycle. In effect the “chaos” “problem” of global tribulation produces the necessary global psychological “reaction” preparation to actually reinforce the world government “new world” “order” optimism routine as the self-recommending “solution” encouraging global acceptance as the “Godsend” that counterfeit United Nations “image” fronted “kingdom” will claim to be to some.

2. With that counterfeit 8th King “Kingdom of God” will also come the counterfeit “paradise” “new world order” “hope” and claims the 8th King will offer at the end of the final cycle (1Thess5:1-3). The ambiguous “end of the world” expectation now being promoted by Jehovah’s witnesses and others will not pan out over this final cycle. Instead the final cycle will run its course and recover into a global 8th King potential like no other time in world history. The 8th King will be able to offer a very lucrative “666” international recovery package, while never stating that the “scarlet wildbeast” is what it is, and that is why a final warning will have to explain this reality eventually.

A. The ultimate “false prophet” “world peace” prophecy is the one that mimics the Bible prophecy to sell the “new world order” as “paradise earth” along with the decoy fleshly “Israel” carrot at the end of the cycle to lead Christendom influenced peoples to that mimic system as if “Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are fulfilling on natural Israel everyone!”. Thus Christendom aids their own mimic system even more backward, confused and matured then even Bethel’s mimic system. Both have aligned with the United Nations as key endorsers in their own times, Bethel in 1990, Christendom since incept League of Nations endorsements as “God’s Kingdom on earth”.

B Thus the whole of institutional “Christianity” in it’s dominant religions, now including Bethel’s delusion complex, are all wildbeast Pied Pipers for those misled flocks, the whole thing is a big 666 aiding mimic system with their customized carrots for each “flock”. The whole of organized Christendom and Bethel are deceivers now. In any event Bethel is the latest member, the latest spiritual cadaver, of this “operation of error” in overall nominal institutional Christianity.

In reality the final forecast of prophecy and world government is painting an entirely different picture than Bethel’s current delusion complex. The prophecy and unfolding world government information from secular researchers (Luke21:25) is providing much more detailed features of the final required multi-year cycle to actually bring in world government. In light of all the secular research registering with foregleams of modern prophetic details, Bethels backwardness is utterly ridiculous, it is like they live on another planet in a cave.

3. In reality the final tribulation cycle is a formulaic design that utilizes global tribulation, terror, fear and confusion to transform that uncertainty to the hopeful “solution”, so an ambiguous premature “end of the world” or “world war” fear aids that process (Rev13:3; 17:8) especially as it resolves. That is why Bethel, in its sector of global influence upon Jehovah’s witnesses and their audience, will not explain the true detail of this final cycle, they are aiding the air of uncertainty sold as “prophetic understanding” that has been actually subverted and is long stagnant, insightless on purpose.

A. The 8th King and Bethel want people to think it is “the end” coming up, so that when it turns out otherwise over the elapsing years prophecy is discredited and the world government is actually a nice surprise for the world, and more believable when it offers global recovery and its own version “paradise on earth” rather than the expected “end of the world”. It is a con as classic as is Bethel’s, but at truly global scale.

4. Instead Bethel aids the confusion with the deluded fantasies now sold to Jehovah’s witnesses to cover up this tribulation beginning phase as long as possible into what is actually an 8th King world government completion cycle of a number of final years. (Dan11:42-45) Bethel is also a successful mimic system in this overall development claiming to be what it actually is not. (2Cor11:13-15).

5. By prophetic certainty the 8th King “new world order” world government will be successfully implemented and will make its final sovereign world “peace and security” statement (1Thess5:1-3) for a brief “one hour” symbolic period (Rev17:11-18) of the “freedom from care” (Dan8:25) in that fourth and final United Nations and world government presentation from the “abyss” (Rev11:7; Rev17:8-18) of that tribulation and world war period of Daniel 11:42-45, 12:7, 11.

6. Bethel will not explain this certainty in lieu of the partial UN “image” and 7th King Anglo-American national power as a premature finality as the supposed pinnacle development of world power now complete – that is not the end of the prophecy. 

A. In fact the 7th King goes down in national sovereign power capacity. In fact the 8th King (King North) world government is what finalizes world power, including but not limited to the UN “image”, and a deposed and subservient 7th King national world nation-state system under the 8th King sovereign domination (Dan11:42-43) is the power yet to come over this final cycle of some final years. (Rev17:11-18)

7. Thus the premature “end of the world” “doomsayers” will have been discredited at some point through a final global tribulation’s resolving into world government a number of years later as those premature “end of the world” predictions do not manifest year over year. Nor do they manifest into the premature arrival of Christ. The tribulation should have an initial peak or series of peaks to fully instill the “end of the world” impression but must plateau to recovery. Once the proper global psychological effect and power consolidation is reached, the resolving stage can proceed to world government, but it will take some years.

A.  World government must complete prior to Christ’s arrival clearly outlined in the prophecy. What makes this forecast possible is the fact the 1914-1919 first cycle of WW1 to resolve into the League of Nations is the basic world-war-to-world-government global pattern that is repeating in a final cycle. The prophecy also repeats in the same cycle it forecasts, but to a finality over a final manifestation period resulting in final 8th King world government. It all repeats, the world cycle and the prophecy cycle mirror each other and replicate to finality.

The final “revelation” is the prophecy REPEATS, it is that simple.

8. That distress and uncertainty of that tribulation period will aid the hopefulness of world government when in fact things turn around and turn out quite differently than most Christian forecasters and world researchers have projected at this current time and no doubt in the tribulation period itself for some time. The recovered Christian ministry is where the final truth of prophecy will come forth while this final cycle is in action. (Rev9-11; final fulfillment cycle).

9. Thus as things become for some not as bad as they were misled to believe aided by uncertainty, the recovery effect of world hope will instead form as the 8th King goes into  its “ascension from the abyss” and full world government and a global recovery plan that will actually have massive wealth backing to create a real potential of such recovery. (Isa41) The recovery effect is also a final distraction from reality. It will look like the exact opposite of the “end of the world” at that time. (Matt24:6);

10. And that is the overdrive “wildbeast” global 666 marking period that is not being explained properly at this time, but will be explained fully as the Christian ministry goes into the temple judgment in the tribulation beginning and eventually is recovered by God and Christ to give this final accurate warning of the true meaning of this final cycle and prophecy by then in full activation of Daniel 11:42-43 8th King “King North” super-sovereign wealth control meaning.

That recovered Christian ministry to be deployed a guaranteed final 1260 days in the future is what is finally deposed as accurate “little scroll” truth by 8th King world government in Revelation 11:1-7, a number of years after the temple judgment commencement of Daniel 8:13-14.

VI. World Government Forming Cycle and Super-Cycle Awareness Diverted in Jehovah’s Witnesses

1. Make no orchestrated first reaction mistake the 1976 “Governing Body” dictatorship is the actually non-biblical entity to which all this apostate and diversion development originates and has developed by the “oversight” of progressively, quite masterfully. (Zech3:1-3) Accordingly going with the knee jerk first reaction and discrediting the entire Christian ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses back to 1914 is an over projection of this “operation of error” well before the real obstacle’s formation in 1976. It is nice to have had a public record of these 1970’s developments that produced the busy bodies of that era in some of the Governing Body members.

A. Jehovah’s witnesses from the International Bible Students incept ministry used to have a valid prophetic exposition based ministry. From 1914 Jehovah’s witnesses exposed the first two UN placements as prophecy and world events in 1919 and 1945 properly after WW1 and WW2 were resolved into those respective UN presentations fulfilling Daniel 12:11/Revelation 13:11-15 and Revelation 17:8-11 in those first two UN placements.

2. That ministry is prophetically and Biblically valid in the Kingdom proclamation and world warning it gave up to 1990 when the 3rd UN placement information was silenced, but was at the highest level of Jehovah’s witnesses enlightenment by 1969. It was events after 1976 made certain in 1990 that overrode and apostatized the JW ministry.

A. The significant JW organizational development that derailed the first two UN placement explanations (1919-1945), from being connected to the 1990 3rd UN placement (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23a), is that 1976 Governing Body coup. It is the intervening “unusual suspect” development that created this truncation of UN prophecy tracking continuity that early Jehovah’s witnesses used to be known for. Now JWs are known as a UN NGO instead (Awake! 9/8/1991), that is the “disgusting thing” the Governing Body brought in instead of furthering truth. (Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

3. Thus the overall controversy strengthened by the modern Bethel lawless record (2Pet2:1-3), intensified and purposely guided since 1976 (Dan11:30b), aids the global JW ministerial discrediting effect by now calling the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry into question. This serves a number of deceptive purposes – the discrediting forms a distraction from the current subversion, while calling into question the original ministry and its basic prophetic principles that will repeat in the future, so all is potentially lost by Bethel apostate lead.

4. 1976 marks the first stage of the Governing Body “lifting themselves over everyone” as the modern “man of lawlessness”. That is when this now mature and terminal coup context started. But the intent of their coup now matures as foretold into also its final stage to activate with the final cycle of prophecy. (Dan8:11-13, 23a, Dan11:30-35, 41; 2Cor11:13-15);

Bethel Subversion 1 – 1914 Distraction

1. Firstly the 1914-1919 first United Nations related prophetic and world development patterns are now discredited and distracted away from the significance of the prophecy and the first world-war-to-world-government cycle is thus not fully explained. This is all carried out by proliferating distracting minutia and questionings by external sources fed by internally developed Bethel lawlessness and brazen hypocrisy. This proceeds while Bethel acts as if nothing significant is actually operating (2Thess2:10-12) in the ministry, it is just “business as usual”.

A. But in reality the final apostate prerequisite signal (Zech3:1-3; 2Thess2:1-4) is what has formed at Bethel with clear ties as UN NGO to the UN objective.

2. Now the whole doubt and discrediting of the original Jehovah’s witnesses ministry is aided by the Bethel lawless public record. (2Pet2:1-3). Bethel sells a veneer and echo chamber to JWs to dupe and hypnotize them, while airing all the public scandal for global reproach to the global audience seeing these developments on the public end.

3. Now the small pattern of “world-war-to-world-government” as a known cycle that repeats three more times in prophecy for four total UN placements is relegated to insignificance and invalidity as well. Everything that was to be learned from the first cycle of 1914-1919 is now jeopardized by Bethel’s own conduct and dumbed-down dated purposefully distracting ministry. Everything about Jehovah’s witnesses now detracts and distracts from the original ministerial meaning.

Bethel Subversion 2 – 1990 Diversion

1. Now after the first two United Nations prophecies were fulfilled of the four actually in prophecy, the Governing Body continues the hi-jack of the ministry in 1990 by simply bypassing the significance of the 3rd UN placement of 1990 after the marked Cold War. (Dan11:29); They did this while adjoining Jehovah’s witnesses instead to the UN  NGO promotionals of that “New World Order” placement period aftermath. (Awake! 9/8/1991).

2. Jehovah’s witnesses did not and do not comprehend the meaning of that 3rd United Nations placement and prophecy. (Dan11:31b, Dan8:23). Of course by this diversion now the 4th UN placement of the future is also unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses. Now the Daniel 8:23-25 and Daniel 11:30-45 progression of the 3rd and 4th UN placements are totally lost to Jehovah’s witnesses concealed by Bethel’s maintained fictions concerning Daniel 8 and 11.

3. Now the 8th King details in these 3rd and 4th placement prophecies are also not being studied and examined in Jehovah’s witnesses to match to significant globalization developments that also became globally discernible since 1990. The fall of the USSR opened the gates of Anglo-American backed globalization and 8th King empire expansions like no other time in global history. Instead, JWs, by the Bethel diversion and the fictional “interpretations”, help maintain and unknowingly publicly spread the provided cover for the Bethel operation and covering over and minimizing 8th King developments.

4. Now the apostasy that co-develops in those particular prophecies in Daniel 8 and 11 are not applied to Bethel were the apostasy must and has manifested in final form as a great signal for those paying attention to Bethel’s lawless con. (2Thess2:1-4; Zech3:1-3; Dan8:11-14; Dan11:30-35, 41);

Bethel Subversion 3 – Overall UN 1-2-3-4 Super-Cycle Not Understood

1. Now the UN 1-2-3-4 overall super-cycle of four UN world-war-to-world-government sub-cycles is truncated, the prophetic continuum (Dan11:36) is lost, after the 2nd UN placement of 1945. This is because after 1945 UN significance made globally known, JWs stopped tracking UN prophecy and world developments by ignoring the 3rd UN manifestation of 1990. Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea about, nor do they teach, the significance of the 3rd UN placement in prophecy in 1990 as Daniel 11:31b and Daniel 8:23a. Because of bypassing the 1990 3rd UN placement in this way now the 3rd to 4th UN placement prophecy of Daniel 11:30-45 and Daniel 8:23-25 is also unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses. In effect the UN quadruple 1-2-3-4 placement prophecy, now in 3rd of 4 overall UN placements, is also not understood by Jehovah’s witnesses.

2. Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea there is a 4th UN placement cycle to world government because they have no idea there was a 3rd UN placement of 1990 in that “New World Order” world government initiative period that bypassed Jehovah’s witnesses awareness by Governing Body assistance as foretold apostates and infiltrators of Daniel 11:30-32a, Daniel 8:11-13. This is the same time period Bethel became a UN NGO co-promoting agency, promoting United Nations information, but not prophecy concerning that entity and it’s modern developments.

Now the JW ministry was internally transformed into an error internally, while showing no outward signs of this subversion other than Bethel’s well hidden to JWs, but publicly proliferated and progressive lawless evidence. (Like that UN NGO); Now the apostasy has spread into the “waters” of all Jehovah’s witnesses and into their “1/3” partially apostate ministry subverted at a very important point of development. (Dan11:32a, Rev8:10-11)

3. Jehovah’s witnesses went by that 1990 period and 3rd UN “New World Order” placement as if nothing happened and that is when Bethel went into full purposeful apostasy to meet this goal as they still will not address any of these issues. (Dan8:23a); Now we know Bethel’s condition must be purposeful not “simple oversight”.

4. Now (1) the world-war-to -world-government sub-cycle and (2) the four United Nations placement UN 1-2-3-4 super cycle are both successfully concealed from duped JWs by Bethel’s apostate subversion. Jehovah’s witnesses ministerial audience is also thereby subverted as well.

Obviously this kind of bypassing of modern reality greatly aids the creation of the premature “end” hoax mindset.

Premature Hoax

1. Now combine all these effects with a hi-jacked overall prophetic progression being subverted fully since 1990 to aid world government secrecy and its final cycle development and the premature “end of the world” expectation aids the final stage of the deception being created to aid a great Jehovah’s witnesses hoax. At some point the actual hoax events will be deployed over Jehovah’s witnesses globally in whatever way it unfolds, the basic premature expectation is systemic in the JW mindset.

2. Now when an apostate ministry approaches the final temple judgment “trampling” and desolation requirement as per prophecy (Dan8:13-14) starting the final cycle of prophecy and world developments, that ministerial coup aided internally by Bethel will now be sold off to Jehovah’s witnesses as an entirely different portion of prophecy prematurely misapplied as the terminal “the end” by this Bethel subversion to fully achieve this final deception objective as long as possible.

3. Now as the fourth UN cycle starts that must play out for years to world government climax, Jehovah’s witnesses will be misled to think “the end is right around the corner” when that starts and they will be derailed fully into this multi-year period with no clue of world or prophetic reality. Obviously the true potential of this hoax could last years because Jehovah’s witnesses have no central authority actually interested in revealing reality to them, but just the opposite. Daniel 8:14 timing and covert divine guidance will be what limits the full effect of the hoax and its ministerially destructive an delaying objective.

VII. Modern Russia and the USSR Decoy “King North” Connection Possibility

In any event, “King North” fiction is used by Bethel to conceal the 8th King actual King North final developments.

That subterfuge must continue as long as possible, in whatever new fictional form “King North” may “interpret” as from Bethel. This article is exploring the potential continuation of the Bethel USSR “King North” fiction into modern Russia, that may speculatively be revisited upon that USSR related modern Russian national entity.

Whether that occurs or not Bethel will continue the “King North” delusional “fulfillment” to conceal their 8th King world government system as long as possible, the real King North of Daniel 11:27-45.

No matter how it may continue in reality the Bethel orchestration will also continue the apostasy until after its planned (Dan11:32a) downfall (Dan8:11-14) as the temple judgment context.

1. Retaining the USSR “King North” delusion rather than addressing the USSR failure to meet that criteria in 1990 gives Bethel and their “King North”/8th King internal planners the illusion that overly advances Jehovah’s witnesses in Daniel 11 to “expect Daniel 11:44 next”. (Full articles on this subject, 1, 2, 3 Proving Daniel 11:42-43);

2. That baits a premature “end of the world” expectation, by the Daniel 11:44  positioning to allow “Daniel 11:44 fulfills next” expectations promoted by Bethel in error allowed by this USSR fictional progress. That can now potentially be connected to Russian world intrigues which can be connected in Jehovah’s witnesses mind as a “new” “King North” along the same lines as the USSR in the assumed Russian national core “re-activating”. (This is a speculation based on this potential and recent developments on the world scene with Russia.);

3. Thus any King North entity to come forth from the Bethel delusion complex gives Jehovah’s witnesses the impression Daniel 11:44 and it’s “attack” phase is what is potentially to activate next. Bethel bypasses the fact Daniel 11:42-43 has not fulfilled yet, and in no way can a bankrupted USSR also be the “ruler of the silver and the gold” in Daniel 11:42-43. Bethel is the infiltrated “Decoration” associated locale of Daniel 11:41 that also must climax in Bethel’s planned downfall. Daniel 11:41 is the actually progress of the 8th King as “King North” in Daniel 11.

4. Thus any Russian development as “King North” will make Jehovah’s witnesses think Daniel 11:44 is what is about to activate. That positions Jehovah’s witnesses too deeply into Daniel 11, and then Daniel 11:41-43 8th King intrigues can be sold to JWs as Daniel 11:44 misapplied to those events. Even now some Jehovah’s witnesses are speculating in this direction, it is preprogrammed to go this direction, it appears, and Russian intrigues would aid that delusion.

This Russian possibility is a speculation. What is not speculative is a premature end scenario is what is developing however “King North” may activate, and the decoy “King North” is being used to conceal actual 8th King development.

5. It is unlikely Bethel will voluntarily reveal “King North” is the 8th King globalism based world government development marking all of Daniel 11:27-45 upon a global nation-state “King South” world power divide of final “national” (south) and “globalist” (north) world power polarity. (Dan11:40-43) Although this national and globalist power development as a dual dimension of real world power is well known to some world researchers it is kept obscure and disconnected by Bethel from its obvious “kings” “north” and “south” final global world power dynamics in Daniel 11:27-45.

6. This understanding simplifies the whole globalist system “King North” and national system “King South” meaning while at the same time that actual world power “polarity” goes global in true worldwide scope. It is logical who “King North” and “King South” are in finalizing forms, globalist world government planners transforming the national sovereign authority (Rev17:11-18) by mostly financial intrigues (Dan11:42-43) to achieve globalized world government sovereign dominance upon the nation-state global “south” system worldwide. That globalization is the main “gathering” force of Revelation 16:13-16 national conglomeration finale into 8th King “united” nations as world government totality, including the UN “image” but beyond it in worldwide actual scope of power.

The Two Seven Headed Wildbeasts of Revelation Parallel “King South” and “King North” National and Globalized Meaning

1. This is why the parallel of the two “seven headed” “wildbeasts” in Revelation 13 (national) and Revelation 17 (globalist) are also national (Rev13:1) and globalist (Rev17:3, 8-18) in meaning. There are two wildbeasts because there are two, (1) nation-state and (2) globalist, world power systems.

A. The globalist “scarlet wildbeast” (Rev17) is based on the national “wildbeast from the sea” (Rev13), sharing its “seven headed” base national structure, but it is the 8th King (scarlet wildbeast), that finally absorbs, uses, controls, owns and dominates the national “seven headed” wildbeast of Revelation 13:1 for world government purposes of the seven headed “scarlet wildbeast” 8th King final meaning and actuality. (Dan11:42-43, Rev17:11-18);

Basically the globalist 8th King ascends to global world government authority upon the progressive to final decline of the 7th King national system power to subservient global final status.

2. Thus the domination of “King North” globalization system over the “King South” “Egypt” nation-state system is what allows this dual world power system understanding from Daniel 11:42-45. This is why there are two “seven headed” wildbeasts in Revelation that differ in certain aspects, but are the same basic “wildbeast” and “seven headed” structure.

South: The national seven headed wildbeast (Rev13) is the “King South” worldwide national system,

North: The globalist seven headed “scarlet wildbeast” (Rev17) is the “King North” globalist climax system as world government.

3. That is also how globalization culminates into world government as the real world “gathering” force of Revelation 16:13-16 equating to the Armageddon global situation that will usher in Christ’s arrival and eventual final Messianic Kingdom full global sovereign counter response: “the war of the great day of God the Almighty”. And that upon a finally complete global 8th King totality, the whole “scarlet wildbeast”, the whole “King North” world government system.

This is also how we know from prophecy, world government historic development and some world researchers and globalization studies that a final cycle of some final years is required to complete this globalization-to-world-government process. It is a comprehensive completion requirement.

King North is 8th King

1. Thus the whole USSR fictional override, and whatever may develop with Russia, allows Bethel to further cover up “King North” actuality (Dan8:12b) as in actuality the 8th King world government and its core globalist “two horned wildbeast” developers (Rev13:11-15) with but another decoy to aid their world government agenda for their 8th King masters for a final extension of this delusion which Bethel is aiding in masterful fashion to aid the final cycle guaranteed world government successful completion.

2. Firstly no national power including the USSR, Russia or the Anglo-American national based alliance will ever achieve what the 8th King globalized system will manifest as, as world gold, wealth and asset controller here:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

3. There is no way the USSR controlled the global gold bullion “the gold and the silver” and the global asset base of the total worldwide nation-state system in that “land of Egypt” in wealth dominance “over all the desirable things of Egypt” meaning of globalized wealth control. Gold is a globally known “base plate” of national sovereignty, or in this final development the uni-polar super- sovereignty of its final sole “King North” globalist controllers.

Thus as nations finally lose their gold, their wealth basis sovereignty will also be vanquished for King North final wealth authority and final finance globalization basis.

4. Thus obviously Bethel is bypassing plain logic by teaching the USSR fulfilled Daniel 11:42-43 – it is simply IMPOSSIBLE for the USSR to be a global “ruler” of the “gold and the silver” in true pinnacle globalist final fashion. No way, no how can a bankrupted and defeated USSR fulfill Daniel 11:42-43. The real “king north” “ruler” of the global gold is the finality of that super-sovereign power meaning in the symbol. The USSR has nothing to do with the real 8th King “King North” development other than serving it nationally for the overall development its national parts, including Russia, must become part of.

5. And this is because the 8th King “King North” system Bethel is in collusion with (Dan11:30b-32a) must fulfill that scripture and global wealth control process next as Daniel 11:42-43 activating, and that is the 8th King actual “King North” entity Bethel is covering up with various “King North” fictions.

6. Daniel 11:42-43 is what must activate next, the real Daniel 11:44-45 is many years later at the end of this fourth UN world government cycle finalizing and converging into Daniel 12, Daniel 12:11 parallel of Daniel 11:45.

7. The USSR failed as will Russia to fulfill this REQUIRED continuity of success of the real King North, the 8th King globalization-to-world-government finale:

(Daniel 11:36) “And the king (8th King/King North) will actually do according to his own will, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. (globalist world power will surpass any national power system and its statements will be of world government in due time) And he (8th King) will certainly prove successful until [the] denunciation will have come to a finish (at Armageddon divine war, King North is a constant success from Daniel 11:31 to Daniel 11: as the 8th King); because the thing decided upon must be done. (the real prophecy must fulfill as the 3rd UN placement of 1990 at Daniel 11:31 and the 4th UN placement as world government of the future at Daniel 11:45);

8. Thus when the Anglo-American globalist elite 3rd UN placement took subtle credit for helping depose the USSR, of course the “King North” and “King of Fierce Countenance” is also defined in that “cold” victory over the USSR. It was a far greater world event and globalization accelerating development than Bethel will make known. It was also of course fully prophetic as are all of the UN manifestations.

Daniel 8:23-25 is 3rd and 4th UN placement parallels of Daniel 11:30-45.

9. Daniel 2’s whole “immense image”, the totality of all its national parts, is also the “8th King” “standing” as world government at the Armageddon “place”, that conglomerated global situation of all the nations united against God’s Kingdom in final and stated form. (Dan2:31-45, 1Thess5:1-3);

Bethel UN NGO is Serious Transgression

1. Thus any Russian global intrigues will support a premature “end of the world” expectation in Jehovah’s witnesses by making it appear to the pre-programmed JW mind that Daniel 11:44 is what is fulfilling in Russia as “King North”, if that is how the hoax is to go with regard to Russia and its allies.

2. In reality Jehovah’s witnesses have to give a final warning, “again” (Rev10:11), requiring a full purification first (Dan8:14), but are now in the “transgression causing desolation” (Dan8:13) with that 8th King endorsing and covenanted UN NGO (Dan11:30-31, 32a, 41). Accordingly God will permit the 8th King to “trample” Bethel’s “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42) to make the temple judgment (1Pet4:17) a known global signal as timed at Daniel 8:13-14, and for the “causing desolation” reason of Jehovah’s witnesses adjoining to the 8th King as UN NGO. Thus the UN NGO’s ramifications will provide the temple judgment context globally upon the Bethel organization. (Dan8:13-14; Hos1:4-7; Hos6:1-3);

God must “sanctify his name” out from the Bethel reproaches and sin in a recognizable global scale manner tied to prophecy. Bethel’s known global association to the former Christian anointed ministry, before they overran and polluted it, is where the “temple cleansing” will parallel God’s sanctification. There is no way Jehovah God Almighty and Jesus Christ will allow Bethel to sully their spotless reputation for long.

3. There is no easy way for Jehovah’s witnesses to shed the UN NGO horrid reproaching and adulterous reality, it is the “transgression causing desolation” of Daniel 8:13 directly connected to the 1990 “disgusting thing that causes desolation” that JWs adjoined with as UN NGO in that time period of the 3rd UN placement we have been examining. (Awake! 9/8/1991);

A. Daniel 8:11-14 is far more significant than the current Bethel fictions of “fulfillment” of that prophecy with Watchtower corporation/organizational charter adjustments that merely aided the Governing Body dictatorial power to later develop over the congregations affected by those changes. Thus the “fulfillment” of Daniel 8:14 in either Daniel prophecy book waffles on the dating and meaning and is describing things that add to the profanation, the opposite of the “right condition” claim, those dictatorial groundwork changes of the 1930s and 1940s aided making things worse in the long run.

A. In reality Daniel 8:13-14 is a timed temple judgment of great significance for future fulfillment. Daniel 8 and 11 outline the concurrent Bethel apostasy with these 3rd UN placement markers in history going into obvious public manifestation in 1990-1991.

4. In time that UN NGO “transgression” will become undeniable to Jehovah’s witnesses when God sends that “house” (1Pet4:17) into “abyss” “darkness” for three years according to Daniel 8:13-14, Hosea 6:1-3.

The 1150 day and 2300 day possible Daniel 8:14 timing means the prophecy must be paid attention to from notable Bethel or JW “constant feature” cessation events.

Current Bethel Hoax Provides the Main Cover-Up of Temple Desolation

1. Thus as Jehovah’s witnesses expect Daniel 11:44 “attack” of “King North” or the “Assyrian” next, it will actually be the “desolation” of Daniel 8:11, 13-14 for the required accounting period. Thus, into the start of the “tribulation of those days”, however it may develop, and into those potential global military intrigues, Jehovah’s witnesses will be going under the “the judgment starts with the house of God” (1Pet4:17) in that period to eventually cause the “right condition” (Dan8:14) purification to result from that required accounting in what will be Daniel 11:41 climaxing and Daniel 11:42-43 activating.

2. This is why creating a delusion of a premature end, when in fact an eventual final warning is required, will delay Jehovah’s witnesses as long as God permits into this tribulation period. Rather than all the “doomsday” predictions of Jehovah’s witnesses and others, the tribulation MUST end (Matt24:29), and that into 8th King world government and the final portion of the required prophecy such as Daniel 11:44-45 and Daniel 12:11 at the end of the final cycle.

3. The world “peace and security” (1Thess5:1-3) and the Daniel 8:25 “freedom from care” is at the end of the “tribulation of those days” cycle under 8th King pinnacle “King North” world government super-sovereign finality.

4. That is why Bethel and others also sell a premature “peace and security” potential as well, to aid cover-up of the required 8th King totality of world government completion at the end of the final cycle of prophecy, because that 8th King final sovereign affront to God’s and Christ’s Kingdom power is what will finally trigger Christ’s genuine final full arrival to complete the Messianic Kingdom 144000, and then “the end will come”.

Any premature expectation is an error and thus merely aids the various confusions to aid the concealment of the final cycle meaning.

5. The actual outcome of 8th King world government “recovery option” (Rev13:3, 16-18) is not in the projections of those misled by the premature “end of the world” scenario. Even the three former UN cycles display this characteristic “world-war-resolved-for-world-government” formula, it is now intuitive, not just by prophecy by 8th King characteristic use of repeated cycles as well.

6. Jehovah’s witnesses approved, repentant and recovered in that final period will instead have to make the final fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 as the ministry truly completes from all these developments:

(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (that must finalize in the final purified form of the Christian ministry to come from the temple judgment);

7. And that will fulfill, in by then purified form, the final 1260 days of the second “two witnesses” (Rev11:1-7) final Kingdom warning, as God purposes to announce the incoming Messianic Kingdom element’s final Christ crowning over that sovereign agency of Jesus Christ, the Messianic Kingdom sovereign ultimatum and “good news” in the final “little scroll” actuality:

(Revelation 10:10-11) And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; but when I had eaten it up, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say to me: “You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

8. Thus tickling Jehovah’s witnesses ears with a premature “the end” delusion (2Tim4:3-4), and a “job well done” smokescreen is not reinforcing endurance in Jehovah’s witnesses.

(Matthew 24:13) But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.

A. Instead just the opposite is occurring, now Jehovah’s witnesses are asleep, complacent and apathetic in the face of Bethel apostasy, that is what Jehovah’s witnesses have now become, all the virgins have “nodded off”. (Matt25:5);

9. And thus the final “ten virgins” reality (Matt25:1-13) will be either the “five wise virgin” if one will take up the final warning commission (Matt24:45-51; Zech3:6-8), or “five foolish virgins” if one will not take up the final warning from among modern anointed Christians, as the “oil” is understanding the final prophecy by paying attention to the real prophecy now that exposes the Bethel apostates. Prophecy understanding in final repeating form is what gives the “light” of the “five wise virgins” “lamps” from the prophecy’s enlightening meaning.

10. The JW Bethel induced fast and drought will end in time for a large portion of required feeding updates and a veritable cloudburst of final understanding. (Rev8:5) The toxic condition of today’s Bethel “waters” will also be purified by the truth of actual prophecy. (Rev8:10-11 final fulfillment);

King North Decoy Prop and JW Mental Carrot

1. Thus if the Russian “King North re-visited” decoy is employed by Bethel, JWs will be mentally paralyzed and “adrenalinized” when those intrigues become global developments for real, and most JWs will be under the delusion as the backing hoax events play out, and that may progress for a while, even possibly a few years.

A. We have to recall how long this USSR “King North” error (1958), that could have been rectified in 1990, has been primed in the deluded JW psyche, and that long held expectation of “the end” tied to the Daniel 11:44 identification of the “King of the North” will be sending JWs into a psychological frenzy, tunnel vision and unfortunately premature expectations to be misled further primed by this well placed delusion.

That is also an intent of this delusion, to paralyze Jehovah’s witnesses with false expectations.

2. We have to realize the years this can be played in the JW mind if this is the way Russia is to be used by Bethel to further conceal actual 8th King activity. But we realize the Bethel organization destruction is the goal of this period, and for that development to be accepted by JWs as “prophecy fulfilling brothers!” for as long as possible.

3. This is why only the UN NGO required desolation of the Bethel system, to some large degree if not total (at global scale), will eventually free up most Jehovah’s witnesses minds as “the end” is not what will arrive and it will take some time to realize that. The termination comes for the current Bethel system: 8th King world government is what will be forming to fulfill the real Daniel 11:44-45 a few unknown years later. The temple judgment deploys into Daniel 11:41 climax into Daniel 11:42-43 activations globally whose literal financial and wealth control dimension will become more and more obvious as this prophecy truly fulfills.

A. The complex of intrigues to form soon is what will engulf Bethel (Zech3:2; Rev8:3-5), not the world system as the “end”, but the “tribulation of those days” beginning in its spiritual “Jerusalem” meaning. The Bethel corporate and ministerial system “conflagration”  is what the Bethel engineered hoax conceals.

B. If Russia plays into world events in the future, we do not know how long or how that will be orchestrated, but we know they have nothing to do with Daniel 11:42-45, it is all 8th King developments compromised Bethel is covering up. Likely the “King North” delusion must be continued in some fashion as long as lawless Bethel runs the ministry and it’s main promoted delusions that will no doubt continue into the start of that final phase.

4. The purpose of the final tribulation and possible “world war” fourth cycle (including the Cold War as the third cycle), is to resolve “that tribulation”, the “tribulation of those days” (Matt24:29; Mark 13:24) into 8th King world government recovery in that final period. It will not be the terminal development to “the end” yet, it will be to the climax of 8th King “King North” world government finale.

5. Jehovah’s witnesses will have to deal with that reality when it arrives year over year as their “man of lawlessness” and Bethel “son of destruction” ceases their ministry and sets up their ministerial billion dollar “nest egg” for 8th King capture and intrigue. As the Bethel “lawless one” vanishes or is “done away with”, however Christ neutralizes them (Isa66:6), so will the false expectations now primed in the JW mind also prove invalid, and JWs will “awaken” (Matt25:1-13) into that reality in progress, not “the end”, but into a final warning requirement (Rev10:11), and the final 8th King world government forming to totality in its final phase in final development.

That is not what JWs are now expecting, thus Bethel’s subversion is highly successful. The organizational “quarantine” and JW narrow minded “anti-Web” isolationism minimizes the chances outside information will wake up JWs, they will go down (Rev9 “abyss”) scattered for the full count of Daniel 8:14.

Bethel Downfall Has to Run its Daniel 8:13-14 Course

1. Until Bethel has been completely “trampled” and even after (Dan8:13), Jehovah’s witnesses will fall for this premature end delusion like lemmings to the Pied Piper’s of Bethel, and wherever they plan to send JWs off to “at that time”. That inertia of deception will take time and divine aid to reverse. If God did not intervene as foretold by angelic assistance overseen by Christ (Rev9; Zech3:4-7), Jehovah’s witnesses would be global toast. (Zech3:2; Hos1:4-7)

2. This was allowed by giving trust to men who have “lifted themselves over everyone” in the Governing Body who gradually led this subversion in this manner from this “in the temple” locale as per precise prophecy along with it’s delusion of premature expectation (2Thess2:1-2); (Dan8:12; 2Thess2:1-4, 10-12); The apostasy prophecy is precise, in that “Apostasy” in prophetic form ALWAYS forms in the leadership to fulfill the signal prophecy in apostasy and the “man of lawlessness” together concurrently, with the premature expectation (2Thess2:1-4).

That cannot all be accidental or coincidence up at Bethel to meet all three criteria at once.

A. Thus the apostasy is not on the street and not in the pews where Bethel stumbles people to be labeled as the “apostates” that Bethel actually is. (Dan11:32-35); Bethel diverts all “apostate” attention to every place the apostasy is not present to divert attention from themselves along with a fear tactic of organizational “inquisition” all designed to keep them in control by spiritual force and engineered plausibility if need be.

3. Plain and simple “the apostasy” is “in the temple” by anointed Christian defection (Dan11:30b) first, classic at Bethel as “those leaving the holy covenant” that led to 8th King “King North” infiltration later. (Dan8:12, 11:30-32a, 41); Everything else subversive springs from that point of prophecy made apparent in 1990 as manifested, eventually publicly, in the Bethel UN NGO co-developments with the 3rd United Nation placement in “new world order” mode in United Nations global presentation capacity at that time.

At Bethel the UN NGO was hidden until it was made public in October of 2001 by secular press exposure, thus imbibing the “transgression” into the JW ministry to terminal and irreversible proportions for a full decade prior to its public exposure.

A. The 1976 Governing Body development is the cell of dictatorial corruption that produced the rest of the subversion “operation of error” that was fronted factionally from that marked dictatorial “lift up” development to the full infiltration of today’s fully lawless “body”. In essence the “Governing Body” is the main “body” of the “man of lawlessness” and “evil slave” that includes Bethel’s apostate clerics.

B. The “man of lawlessness” includes trespassing infiltrators, the “evil slave” symbol represents defector anointed Christian factions “leaving the holy covenant” developed in the anointed “body of the Christ” remnant of the former “faithful and discreet slave” preview designate of 1919 inception, by prophecy, onward to this final inspection (Zech3:1-3) and the temple judgment also in prophecy.

4. So the UN NGO co-promotionals were well imbibed into the JW “constant feature” starting in Awake! 9/8/1991 issue by the time some Jehovah’s witnesses happened upon the UN NGO Guardian news story. In other words many Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea Bethel is a UN NGO side-agency. That Bethel does not admit or address the UN NGO officially among all Jehovah’s witnesses in public fashion is further Bethel treachery to the effect that many JWs cannot comprehend Matthew 24:15 is now active at Bethel by the UN NGO “placement” in the JW ministry if they do not even know about the UN NGO altogether.

5. By reason of the UN NGO, Jehovah’s witnesses and the whole organization will go to the Revelation 9 final fulfillment proverbial “abyss” of temple desolations until the “sackcloth” condition (Rev11:2-3 final fulfillment preparation) is global among Jehovah’s witnesses ready for recovery. (Hos1:4-7; Zech3:2-5); That will fulfill the judgment decree of Daniel 8:13 requirement and exactly why it is being meted out for the UN NGO association and endorsement. Daniel 8:12 and Daniel 11:30-32a, 41, 8th King collusion is the intervening development made evidentiary and clearer since 1990 that has created this Bethel apostate reality. This is also why Bethel covers up this section of Daniel 8 and 11 by a “smooth word” act. (Dan11:32a);

A. The “library card” excuse is Bethel’s plausible denial for the UN NGO actually far more severe agreement and UN endorsement.

6. It is not until the required “trampling” (Dan8:13) time expires (Dan8:14), and God brings in the “morning” of enlightenment as the Revelation 9 “abyss” state release, (Rev8:5 “lightnings”) that Jehovah’s witnesses will start to put together, by divine aid (Rev8:7-12), that the well developed “son of destruction” enemy inside Bethel has betrayed them.  (Zech11, 13:7; 1Thess2:1-4). And it was all already in the same prophecies Bethel subverts. (Dan8:11-14, Dan11:30-32, 41);

7. The “right condition” of Daniel 8:14 is the purification of Zechariah 3:4-5 of this final temple judgment sequence repeating but upon a unique Daniel 8:13-14 prophecy. That Zechariah 3:2 “fire” purification is Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment parallel final fulfillment gearing up for the whole final cycle of Revelation 8-11. (Mal3:1-5);

8. The God and Christ arrival “in the temple” for the valid “sit down” oversees the clarification of Malachi 3:1-5 to restore the ministerial truth by spiritual purification, and that is the final fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-5 of the final temple judgment for the final Messianic Kingdom 144000 and King Christ completion proclamation. The rest will unfold upon the repeating prophecy with its unique identifiers of spiritual and 8th King milestones that will continue to manifest to the full Kingdom arrival of God and Jesus Christ.

The Real Daniel 11:44-45 8th King World Government Sequence

1. In reality the Revelation 8 temple judgment in final fulfillment leads to the final recovery (Rev9) and final Kingdom warning commission (Rev10) that develops as the 8th King world government (Rev11:-7) also goes into completion, as that cycle replicates Revelation 10-11 to Christ’s final arrival AFTER 8th King world government “ascends from the abyss” (Rev17:8-18) AND the “two witnesses” final ministry is deposed defining Daniel 12:11:

(Daniel 12:11) “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed (in second two witnesses deposition of Rev11:7) and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation (in fourth and final 8t King UN world government placement; Dan11:45; 8:25), there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

2. Thus Daniel 11:45 is the parallel of Daniel 12:11 as Daniel 11:42-45 converges with Daniel 12 in final fulfillment in those final years leading to the real end of “King North” 8th King existence in fully warned fashion to eventually manifest as Revelation 19:11-21:

(Daniel 11:45) And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; (plural palatial “tents” as earthly symbolism of UN distributed world government in 4th UN placement; parallel Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment) and he will have to come all the way to his end (Armageddon denunciation of Dan11:36), and there will be no helper for him. (King North as 8th King deposed (Dan7:26; 8:25);

3. In that above attack scenario (parallels “bring many to ruin” of Daniel 8:25) by an 8th King heading into or in “placed” complete world government is when the “two witnesses” are finally deposed (Rev11:7-10), and so that actual fulfillment is deep into the final cycle. The “war with” the “two witnesses” is the same attack phase as Daniel 8:25 and Daniel 11:44. (Eze38); It is also well after the temple purification coming up in the near future that eventually secures this final ministry. The final “two witnesses” ministry must be part of the “disturbance” to the 8th King system here, and this is when in Revelation 11:7 the 8th King “will make war with the two witnesses” which “ascends”, fulfills, into 8th King world government:

(Daniel 11:44) “But there will be reports (Rev10-11 includes “little scroll” recovered ministry messages) that will disturb him (8th King going into world government totality), out of the sunrising (Christ’s “region”) and out of the north (Jehovah’s “region”), and he will certainly go forth in a great rage (Dan8:25; Rev11:7) in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction (including, but not limited to, the final “two witnesses”). (parallels Dan8:25 “bring many to ruin during a freedom from care” parallel with 1Thess5:1-3 world “peace and security” period of 8th King world government placement (Dan12:11 final fulfillment);

4. The coming temple judgment is what secures that final ministerial outcome and it takes at least the Daniel 8:14 timing to arrive to the final 1260 days starting point. (Dan12:7; Rev11:2-3); Therefore all the 1260 days prophecies parallel into a final fulfillment finality period. The final 1260 days allows a final fulfillment totaling 2520 days (1260 days twice), (Dan7:25; 12:7; Rev11:2-3, 12:6,14, Rev13:5) as a “seven times” “appointed time” final period and true expiration in days. That is why the first cycle repeats in the exact sequence of the final cycle as a Kingdom pronouncement deploys into a global “tribulation of those days” in progress that resolves into an 8th King manifestation, the first cycle is also the master pattern of the last cycle sequence.

5. As in 1919, and that 8th King manifestation being the League of Nations at that time, the fourth and final of these cycles coming up is a tribulation to resolve (Matt24:29) into 8th King required world government completion (Dan11:45; 12:11), then Christ is triggered and shall arrive (Rev19:11-21) to give his own sovereign response (2Thess1:6-10) upon a finally complete 8th King as “image” AND “world government”, the finality of the UN development (as complete world government and its “image”) and the completion of the prophecy. (Dan7:25-26; Rev19:19-21; Rev17:14); Therefore this is a comprehensive completion producing final phase over those final years.

(Revelation 17:14) These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” (the 144000; Rev14:1 completion);

(Revelation 14:1) And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

6. The 144000 completion is the temple and kingdom “body” requirement preceding Christ’s final coronation over the Messianic Kingdom completely, officially, what the whole thing is leading to and indicating.

144000 Must Complete for the Messianic Kingdom Distinct Earthly Sovereignty

1. That requires all 144000 in attendance with Christ (Rev14:1) for that final eventual 8th King global extermination in the domain of the then complete Messianic Kingdom then in full authority. (Dan7:26) Christ arrives in FIRST PRIORITY to complete the 144000; (Zech12:6-9, Matt24:30-31). The rest of the ” sheep” earthly “flock” are secured under Messianic Kingdom completed agency and completed power and Christ’s final coronation event marking the “King of kings” totality now over his Messianic Kingdom earthly sovereign agency. (Matt24:29-31; Matt25:31-46; Rev14:14-20);

2. Jehovah’s witnesses have understood that there are two Kingdoms, two sovereign meanings in the “Kingdom of God” and the ‘ Messianic Kingdom’ meaning and respective target sovereign domains heavenly (God’s Kingdom) and earthly (Christ’s Messianic Kingdom). (Luke 22:28-30, Dan2:31-45, Zech6:1-8); Christ’s 1914 crowning in God’s Kingdom as the symbolic “crown” of the “woman” in Revelation 12 was not an earthly sovereignty but a heavenly sovereign appointment by God (Rev4-5) to oversee the approximate century long completing ministry to lead to, and eventually announce, ALSO the Messianic Kingdom completion requirement and its certainty.

A. All of the seven seals meanings “opened” to Christ “the Lamb” in 1914 now manifest fully upon the ministerial preview of that post 1914 Jehovah’s witnesses ministry in eventual final an total fulfillment.

Thus it is obviously possible in prophecy and this logical sovereign Kingdom distinction of dual sovereign intent that Christ can have an “invisible” heavenly Kingdom coronation (in 1914) preceding his final Messianic Kingdom final coronation (in the future) as full King and High Priest over a full kingdom “body of the Christ” 144000 and full “temple” of the then complete Messianic Kingdom. (Rev11:15-19);

B. That final Messianic Kingdom completion, in similar fashion to the “Kingdom of God” overall proclamation to develop from 1914, is the subject matter of the final “little scroll” sovereign ultimatum because the Messianic Kingdom guaranteed earthly sovereign and universal ruling authority is what ALSO must complete over this final cycle, AFTER the 8th King is in full world government. That is when the fur is going to fly on the “wildbeast”.

3. That initial Kingdom of God heavenly “presence” event was secured by prophecy to oversee the final collection of the 144000 over the intervening century. The 144000 “sealing” and eventual full completion (Matt24:30-31, Jude14) is required to define the Messianic Kingdom agency fully. That Messianic Kingdom “stone-to-become-a-mountain” in earth (Dan2:31-45), is the required full earthly sovereign entity, though of heavenly spirit form and power, that also must complete at this time and fulfill the long awaited “Kingdom come” and “coming down from heaven”. (Matt6:10, Rev21) Logically a final warning announcement will precede that mighty event, and super-event that will change Earth forevermore. (Isa24; Rev6:12-17; Rev1:7; Matt24:30-31);

And all that must occur after the “tribulation of those days” resolves into the 8th King world government and their “final hurrah” and “last stand” which is permitted by God to climax the whole final cycle as fully foretold. (Zecp3:8-9, Rev19:11-21, Dan2:31-45, Dan8:25, Dan11:45);

4. Thus the approximate 100 years of Christ’s God appointed heavenly “kingdom rule” is in the heavenly Kingdom, God’s Kingdom, as Christ is eventually assigned the final rulership of the Davidic covenant King that Christ fulfills in his Kingdom, the Messianic Kingdom meaning. Only Christ, not God, can be the “Son of David”, so the Messianic Kingdom is Jesus Christ’s forever to fully fulfill that Davidic covenant likewise forever. (Rev22:5; 2Sa7:11-16; 1Chron17); Likewise, only God Almighty can be God Almighty the “King of Eternity” in His Kingdom that Christ hands back to God: because God is God Almighty, Christ is the “Son of God”, they each have a Kingdom over which they alone define the “King” of by certain personal qualities unique to themselves respectively. (1Cor15:24-28);

5. Thus the final phase of Christ’s heavenly guided ministry over the anointed Christian temple is to make known the Messianic Kingdom will proceed from “birth” (Rev12) to completion in all 144000 and Christ as “crown stone” of the temple and of his Kingdom as final King-Priest fulfilling Zechariah 6:9-15 and Psalm 110 finality. (Zech4:6-9); This is also why there are two “triumphal entries” in Revelation at Revelation 6:1-2 (God’s Kingdom “ride”) and Revelation 19:11-21 (the final Messianic Kingdom “Divine War Horse” final ride of Armageddon.

6. Thus the Bible already forecasts dual Kingdom reality heavenly and earthly/universal, as it also forecasts the dual earthly power development as “King South” (seven headed wildbeast Rev13:1) nation-state system and “King North” (seven headed scarlet wildbeast Rev17) globalized system power development. All the basics and an initial preview valid fulfillment (1914-1918, 1919-1922; Dan12 preview) are already in the prophecy, it is the Bethel “man of lawlessness” that covers it all up from final summarization as “in the temple” “set in opposition” to the truth of prophecy. (2Thess2:1-4);

7. That Messianic Kingdom completion requirement is also not being understood by Jehovah’s witnesses (Rev10:6-8) at this time due to the subverters at Bethel, the non-anointed anti-Christian fraud priests of the final apostasy hijacking the formerly valid Christian ministry in incompletion, as also foretold. (Isa66:6);

Prophecy Repeats to Christ Arrival and 144000 Completion

1. This final cycle re-affirms the validity of the first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry of 1914-1922 and those Daniel 12 initial ministerial cycles as a repeating final fulfillment prelude to 8th King world government that the final warning leads to as God and Jesus Christ will arrive as forewarned in both ministerial phases initial and final. (Rev1:4; Jude14); It will have been a full fair warning and complete warning by the time the final 1260 days repeats to completion. (Rev10:6-8);

2. The final phase is the completed actuality of what the 1914-1919 warning, and after, was the preview minor fulfillment of. The first pattern of 1914-1922 (Dan12:7,11) aids recognition of the meaning of the final pattern (Dan12 final fulfillment) already gearing up for an exact replication in principle, but to comprehensive completions. Like the first pattern and warning the final warning will go forth while the final 8th King cycle and tribulation-resolved-for-world-government pattern is in action.

3. All things complete. The ministry completes (Rev10:6-8), the 8th King completes (Dan11:45; Rev17:11-18; Dan12:11), and Christ completes the Messianic Kingdom agency (Rev14:1; Zech4:6-9) and final sheep gathering (Matt24:30-31, Matt25:31-46; Rev14:14-16) prior to all out divine war on the 8th King system as complete Messianic Kingdom “King of kings”. Obviously Jehovah’s witnesses are not making known the full breadth of the salvation offer, but are truncating it with Bethel for a premature end along with brazen reproaches driving people away from God and the Bible in greater numbers than are coming in to understanding.

A. Bethel’s manmade legalism (Matt15:7-9) is the main enemy of the undeserved kindness of God in Christ’s perfect sacrifice available to all the people he sacrificed his life for. The Bethel obstacles will be cleared out, guaranteed by prophecy of divine accounting, and the final warning will come forth as foretold in finality as the replication of Revelation 8:11 and Revelation 15-16 over Daniel 12 also repeating. Bethel’s days of lawlessness and apostasy are numbered.

In retrospect of these thing yet to occur, the Bethel apostasy adds to the verifiability of the final cycle and the details they cover up must become part of the final exposé so they inadvertently aid the whole final cycle process as God will turn the tables on the temple trespassers and apostates.

4. The coming purification is what empowers the divine ministerial deliverance and recovery of Revelation 9 to eventually become the final 1260 day warning of God given through Christ as the “little scroll” (Rev10) commission of final global announcement (Rev11:1-7) and final Kingdom of God global warning of the Messianic Kingdom completion. (Rev7:1-8; Rev14:1);

Bethel Hoax to Run Full Course To Fully Derail Duped JWs

1. This is why as the “King North” planners, including Bethel (Dan11:32a), begin to bring on the hoax we are seeing being set-up to coup and fully dupe the JW ministry to be derailed into the final cycle with no understanding of what it means, JWs will then be robotically and overly excitedly overridden by their own erred expectations to be further misled. With a little imagination we understand the great potential of extending this hoax quite some time, for JWs will have no reference for prophetic reality, they will be at the mercy of the “son of destruction” phase of the Bethel “man of lawlessness” “operation of error”.

2. “At that time” (WT 11/15/2013, pg. 20, Par 17, #3) Jehovah’s witnesses will be at the “lawless one” Bethel mercy for a final period of time because now Jehovah’s witnesses can be misled further into potential global scale organizational control and into Bethel’s downfall all the while thinking “prophecy is fulfilling brothers!” and it will be primed further by actual world events made to appear as the “prophecy fulfilling” to aid this hoax as long as possible.

Thus JWs will be mentally super-charged, but duped with an error, as things really start to unfold aided by 8th King backed world events to aid the misperception.

3. That is when all sorts of 8th King concocted congregational mayhem can begin globally that we can only speculate on, but Bethel weakening and draining the congregational monetary resource base is a good indication what the Bethel predators have in mind. JWs will believe their “holy man” “twelve apostles” in the Governing Body are true, but they are the “evil salve” unholy enemy system set to potentially herd JWs hither and thither globally as this unfolds for real, and JWs will have no clue who the enemy really is for quite some time. (Zech11);

4. The delusion that Daniel 11:44 is activating, and whatever else Bethel may throw into the hoax, will set JWs mind into full robotic “auto pilot” mode primed by years of false expectation promotion, to be fueled by events supporting the premature expectation of “the end” propelled by the excitement of actual major world events looking like well misapplied but false prophetic manifestations. The ambiguous, erred, over-simplified and fragmented nature of modern JW prophetic interpretation leaves much room for total JW confusion and bewilderment globally for quite some time, because though the tribulation will be starting, nothing else JWs are misled to expect will actually arrive in the timing JWs perceive.

A. Imagine weeks turning to months, then a couple years and still no arrival of Jesus Christ, instead Bethel is going down in that drawn out process (Dan8:13-14) and what will JWs be making of all this globally? Imagine too a purposely abandoned central Bethel guidance system and who knows what kind of planned hoax or eventuality for the “Governing Body”. Whose going to explain reality to Jehovah’s witnesses? How are scattered and fully deluded JWs going to put it together and especially accept who their real enemy was in the Governing Body of Frauds?

B. As we see it will take more than human assistance to sort out this mess when it hits. (Dan8:13-14, Zech3:4-8; Isa66:6);

And since it must take some time for this realization to ” dawn” on JWs, and for the divine assistance aiding that realization to come (Rev8:7-12), we can only speculate how the JW psychology will waffle in “darkness” for the duration of this period (Dan8:14) as most things do not manifest as expected or for the reasons JWs have been misled to believe. The “tribulation of those days” will begin with the temple judgment, everything else in the JW expectation is a delusion – the temple judgment is unknown to Jehovah’s witnesses.

5. And that type of “flock meant for the killing” (Zech11) activity of the modern Bethel “son of destruction” mode must run its course (Zech13:7); The timing of Daniel 8:14 is for that temple judgment decree to be meted out fully as a timed phase of the temple judgment portion. (Hos6:1-3, Isa37:30) The eventually verifiable timing can be used later to affirm to Jehovah’s witnesses this is indeed the temple judgment and it’s verifiable timing is the reality of the final cycle prophecy beginning, not “the end” yet.

6. Temple judgment prophecy will be fulfilling, not the deluded prematurely misapplied set of prophecy JWs are being misled to believe is fulfilling. It is the beginning of the final cycle that Daniel 11:42-43 events will eventually mark as Bethel goes down, not the end, but the start of the final judgment cycle that “starts with the house of God”. (1Pet4:17); The whole “Daniel 11:44 next” reality will not be what is activating, it will have been the hoax by premature expectation and prophetic misapplication.

7. Contrary to Bethel’s now anti-Christian ministry God is not popping in by surprise on an incomplete 8th King system to kill everyone caught napping. Instead God is dropping in on Jehovah’s witnesses to find that system is the one napping. (Matt25:5; Rev8:3-5) God will use that judgment to wake up those JWs capable of being recovered to form a thorough final warning using His own “house” as an example of what is coming in the overall world judgment this in time will lead to. (1Pet4:17; Hag2:7)

8. A thorough final warning is actually what is forming in all these developments to made explicitly clear as it progresses as part of that final progression to Christ’s actual arrival, the event the warning will be describing in detail as a live and real-time final ministerial event in its own right. (Rev10-11); Saving as many people as possible, aided by a full and final warning while exposing Bethel’s former apostate fraud “requirements”, will redefine salvation according to Christ’s sacrificial offer.

9. Faith in God and God’s undeserved kindness through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice is what the basis of salvation will become clearly explained as again (Rev10:11), as what God will be bringing forth from Bethel’s judgment “desolation” which will instead form a notable global signal. (Zech3:2, Eze37; Hag2:7);

10. The destruction and exposure of Bethel’s illegal “legal system”, really just modern day Pharisees with their own farcified organizational “law covenant” and their own “kingdom” now, will demonstrate their system is not acceptable to God and an big adjustment is required.

Temple Judgment Actuality

1. In this way the temple judgment desolation and accounting will be brought on Bethel as a symbol of the Christian anointed ministry now in apostasy as God will permit the 8th King some intrigues on the temple “established place” (Dan8:11) to aid fulfillment and signalling of Daniel 8:13-14 and Zechariah 3 to completion of the purification and judgment of Jehovah’s witnesses first. (Mal3:1-4) It is an anointed Christian judgment in reality, Bethel provides the globally known visible profile for eventual public attention to be connected later to the prophecy.

Accounting, purification to recovery of the truth and ministry, and a final warning requirement that must come forth, is the actual purpose of the temple judgment priority. It is not “all over” as Jehovah’s witnesses also are misled to believe.

2. The Daniel 11:31a JW ministerial “fortress” is fully profaned spiritually, but it must climax literally. The Daniel 8:11 “established place” is fully “thrown down” spiritually but it must climax literally. The full 8th King backed “trampling” of Daniel 8:13 is what will transpire fully until God decrees the Revelation 9 final fulfillment “abyss” should be ” opened” by the “Destroyer” who has “the key to the abyss” as the Recoverer of Jehovah’s witnesses in the Hosea 1:4-7 connection of Isaiah 37, 37:36, when Christ delays the 8th King “Assyrians” at that time. By that time the desolation “trampling” requirement will be met, and recovery can begin (Rev9) to the intended final warning outcome in time. (Rev9-11);

3. In final form to end the temple judgment desolation Christ arrives “suddenly” in the temple, that is not the “end”, but the beginning of the ministerial recovery process. God and Christ make the final covert spiritual temple visitation for the conclusion of the temple judgment “desolation” segway (Mal3:1-5; Zech3:1-5) to final determination of “wheat” and “weed” status of worshipers and a period of repentance offered to JWs now awakening. (Matt25:1-13);

4. That is the temple purification event meaning and period. The “cry arose in the middle of the night” to the “nodded off” “ten virgins” is in the “darkness” “evening” phase of the JW temple judgment ending (Dan8:14), and is carried out by the first four trumpet angels of Revelation 8:7-12. (Zech3:4-5) Christ does not destroy the 8th King at that time, he “opens” a period for the successful final warning to go forth as foretold, for God’s prophecy cannot and will not fail. (Rev11:1-7; Zech3:7-10, 4:6-9);

5. The 5th trumpet Revelation 9 Christian anointed “locusts” coming from the temple judgment “abyss”, repeat the original ministerial meaning of Revelation 9, but in final fulfillment and final warning form to affect other Christians from Jehovah’s witnesses and others “catching on” to the final fulfillment significance of the prophecy as the 6th trumpet. The first two “woes” are the Kingdom is coming for real, the third “woe” for the world system.

5. When Christ comes into the temple, to fully purge the whole Bethel and Jehovah’s witnesses system (2Thess2:8; Rev8:3-5; Zech3:4-5) he and God will remain present in spirit in the temple (Isa66:6) to oversee the whole final ministerial completion period (Rev9-11). That spiritual principle for overseeing the first ministry also repeats but in final and accelerated final warning form. That is the essence of the final inspection now complete or completing (Zech3:1-3), and the full temple judgment period that must complete prior to the absolute “end of the world” and the arrival of Christ which warning develops from this recovery and purified “temple” “right condition”. (Dan8:14).

6. The first four Revelation 8 final fulfillment trumpets (Rev8:7-12) explain the alarming temple judgment (Rev8:1-6) meanings to Jehovah’s witnesses foregleaming divine recovery assistance at the due time to make it fully understandable to Christian anointed with the “oil” reserves.

7. In time all recoverable Jehovah’s witnesses and others, are enlightened because it will be a final global call, even into Babylon the Great and the 7th and 8th King systems – anyone can take advantage of the salvation literally coming in in Jesus Christ and the Messianic Kingdom final authority very soon to arrive as this all progresses. That is the import of the “little scroll” final announcements of the divine Kingdom sovereign ultimatum that will come from the temple judgment clarification.

The Real Faithful Slave Designation Occurs as Temple Judgment Completes

1. Thus the real appointment of the “faithful and discreet slave” final designate and the exposure of the “evil slave” now housed at Bethel is the parallel divine commission of Zechariah 3:6-7 that is the parallel of that ultimatum to result in the “little scroll” divine commission final reception to carry out the “faithful slave” designate “little scroll” ministry to success through the final recovery and 1260 day period. The “five wise virgins” coming out of the temple judgment become the “faithful slave” final designation and mission tasked ones in that symbol in final form.

A. It is divine judgment, not self-appointment as with today’s Governing Body, that determines from God and Christ “who really is the faithful and discreet slave”, and this is the ultimatum to manifest at that time:

(Zechariah 3:5-7) At that I said: “Let them put a clean turban upon his head.” And they proceeded to put the clean turban upon his head and to clothe him with garments; (the temple anointed Christian priesthood purification) and the angel of Jehovah was standing by. (Mal3:1) 6 And the angel of Jehovah began to bear witness to Joshua (anointed priesthood symbol), saying: 7 “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘If it is in my ways that you will walk, and if it is my obligation that you will keep, then also it will be you that will judge my house and also keep my courtyards; (the faithful slave opportunity) and I shall certainly give you free access among these who are standing by.’

2. That is the Matthew 24:45-51 “faithful” and “evil” “slave” parallel sovereign ultimatum to the “faithful slave” after the temple judgment determination to be made during the temple judgment by God and Christ, not human assumption as Bethel now employs in pinnacle blasphemy as the Governing Body self appoints and self approves themselves alone as the “faithful and discreet slave” prematurely and illegally.

3. That blasphemy is obvious in the Governing Body appointing themselves “faithful” when a divine judgment of God must make such a determination as reality. That kind of ridiculous and purposeful error must be intentional given the record of the Governing Body hypocrisies. In such manner the “man of lawlessness” Bethel based “Governing Body” tyrants thereby “reveal” their brazen presumption and public lawlessness. Though sliding by Jehovah’s witnesses as “new light”, it as actually the “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” “lifting themselves over everyone” in final form “in the temple” environment as a final signal of their true condition.

4. This is why this blasphemy is so extreme, the “lawless one” is now making a public show “in the temple” to make Jehovah’s witnesses look ridiculous at global proportions, like the “cherry on top” of their nearly forty years of progressive sin in a ministerial leadership role, the requirement of “sitting down” “in the temple” “publicly showing themselves” to be divine, over the whole world in their claims.

A. The 1976 “lift up” was over anointed Christians and Bethel, this latest “lift up” is over the whole world. God and Christ had been demoted at Bethel from the very first “Governing Body” “lifting themselves over everyone” in 1976.

5. Thus a temple judgment is sorely needed on this rogue Bethel system. The lawless Governing Body and 8th King “trampling” plans for the “temple” will provide the context of God’s own judgment and visitation on the “lawless one” as God enters the temple with Christ in the temple judgment after the desolation “darkness” phase completes. (Dan8:13-14);

(Isaiah 66:6) There is a sound of uproar out of the city, a sound out of the temple! It is the sound of Jehovah repaying what is deserved to his enemies.

6. That is the temple judgment parallel of it’s conclusion phase, the purification. The temple judgment phase occurs long before the total “conclusion of the system of things” as a warning signal of 1 Peter 4:17 providing the basis of the final global ministerial exposition.

The Real Little Scroll Final Deployment

1. That development will result in the real and final “faithful slave” designate appointment upon successful completion of the final “little scroll” Kingdom sovereign ultimatum to come forth from the temple judgment into the actual final cycle of prophecy then fully active, as in 1914 as its preview meaning. That will, in divine knowledge, that is known by God, at some transitional point, start the final 1260 days of official divinely commissioned final “little scroll” warning when that is actually deployed into a then active final cycle. (Dan11:42-43);

2. The final temple judgment cycle provides the evidence and timing (Dan8:14) of a final replication cycle that will then actually be active as Revelation 8-11 will be in progress to the recovery of the Christian ministry from the hi-jacked Bethel state. (Rev9-11).

3. The first four trumpets are blasted by angelic aid into the ears of sleeping Jehovah’s witnesses as the temple judgment (Rev8:2-6) explanation is in those first four trumpets (Rev8:7-12) as Revelation 8 begins replication. Thus God allowing Bethel, even requiring Bethel’s destruction to the divine degree necessary, whatever that may prove to be, will aid the awareness of what is really going on as it develops and the “lawless one” is fully revealed, exposed and removed. (Isa11:10-12; Zech3:8-10, Zech4:6-9);

As one with a little imagination and logic can see, such a clear final warning progression, well marked by the temple judgment and more prophecy and world event milestones to come exactly as foretold will of course get more step-by-step “disturbing” (Dan11:44) for the 8th King in time because it gets more and more obvious how real and gauged Christ’s arrival really is.

4. Their days will be numbered, but anyone can repent and give the authority to Christ before he takes it as God’s ultimate Universal Warrior of all time right in the completed 8th King’s face. The point of the thorough final waning is anyone can surrender to Christ over this progression of Daniel 12:7 and 12:11.

Bethel Apostasy Removed

1. The apostate Bethel removal is required to free Jehovah’s witnesses and their minds from the successful and effective apostasy now taking place from that location that sets up this entire final cycle awareness even now, for those who see Bethel is not just apostate, but also prophetic, their apostasy triggers the spiritual dimensions of the temple judgment starting the final cycle. (2Thess2:1-4, Zech3:1-5, 1Pet4:17).

A. Bethel’s apostasy is not just prophecy but a first in the continuum of the whole final prophetic cycle. All the temple judgment prophecies begin replication in what is also a unique event of Daniel 8:13-14 as that temple judgment cycle. (Zech3, Mal3:1-5; Rev8); The temple judgment is a repeating principle as are some of its prophecies but Daniel 8:13-14 is the unique temple judgment prophecy outlining the divine indictment, meaning, phasing, purpose and timing.

The Bethel apostasy is itself a repeating principle, a signal, now present latently, already revealing the final cycle by “revealing” the Bethel “lawless one” in initial form of recognition as prophetic, present and terminal. The Bethel apostasy must lead to more prophetic manifestations, it cannot be reversed nor is it “make believe” or “conspiracy theory” it is what it is: final signal apostasy in the temple as revealed by prophecy, and their own lawlessness, first.

B. Jehovah’s witnesses conditioned veneration and worship of the “Governing Body” and the Bethel “Mecca” “organization” system is what empowers the lawless one’s disguise by accepted, but totally fraudulent divine claims being believed by the duped JWs. (2Thess2:10-12); In essence Jehovah’s witnesses supported the idolatry unknowingly developing for the most part by very subtle and gradual “slow and steady” development from Bethel’s lead as per Daniel 8:12 prophecy, and 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 principle.

This is why true Biblical “apostasy” always is about the central leadership as a signal and “effective” apostate “body”; not the individuals Bethel diverts attention to in the pews and on the street – many of them are victims of the organized lawlessness, merely symptoms of Bethel’s true terminal apostate condition. (2Pet2:1-3);

2. Daniel 11:41 climaxes in Bethel’s downfall by “King North” “Decoration” “entering” infiltration gone to coup-de-grace. (Luke21:20); The Governing Body coup of 1976 is just being completed at this time as it’s final “son of destruction” phase. The UN NGO already has been the “disgusting thing” which in Matthew 24:15 “let the reader use discernment” is the discernment of which Daniel prophecy is applying because Daniel foretells a couple of “disgusting thing” “placements”. (Dan11:31b, Dan12:11);

It is the Daniel 11:31b UN 3rd placement related UN NGO parallel Bethel “disgusting thing” version Christ is warning of for modern awareness by this critical “discernment”.

3. In 1990 the Bethel UN NGO is tied to the Daniel 11:30-31 “disgusting thing” events of 1990, that is Matthew 24:15’s ultimate signal meaning right at Bethel, as UN NGO fulfilling Daniel 8:13 and Daniel 11:31b in tangent. Thus by plausible denial Bethel is rationalizing the UN NGO to further deceive Jehovah’s witnesses thinking God will also buy the “library card” excuse. God is not buying that cover excuse, and neither is Jesus Christ and Bethel’s required desolation, due to the UN NGO “transgression causing desolation” and the apostasy, not the Bethel delusion of a “job well done”, will be God’s signal of disapproval. It will take time for JWs en masse to make this connection. (Dan8:14);

4. Thus when Bethel hits the 8th King pre-prepared and internal globally whirling “fan” aided internally by apostate and infiltrated Bethel (Dan11:41, Luke 21:20), Jehovah’s witnesses will be left with the pieces to pick up, and quite the sobering awareness to come forth guaranteed by four angel backed trumpets to come forth AFTER the required “darkness” and desolation comes on the Bethel worldwide organization. (Rev8:7-12);

5. That ” bitter” reality of divine judgment and its causes, made known by the first four trumpets meaning, is what produces the final “sackcloth” condition for the final “two witnesses”. (Rev11:2-3); At the same time the “sweet” clean “robes of state” of the cleansed anointed priesthood remnant are also being secured in the purification. (Zech3:4-5); Thus the “bittersweet” nature of the “little scroll” has other related dualities in addition to its ultimate sovereign and judgment meaning.

A. Contained in that “little scroll” must be a full disclosure of the Bethel apostasy and its 8th King source and objectives, because in its objectives is the full explanation of the reality it was covering up. Explaining the “little scroll” content is included in the first four trumpets exposure of the Bethel real condition and that reveals all they are covering up as well. Bethel’s “hidden agenda” outlines much of the reality of the situation for eventual public perusal for people to make their own decisions concerning the temple judgment implications.

6. If God does something to circumvent the approximated  timing or phasing of this speculation, then it will only be better news than the worst case scenario. Time will tell. It is hard to imagine JWs coming out of this great apostasy very quickly. What took time, divine permission and demonic aid to accomplish (Zech3:1; 2Thess2:9; Dan8:12; 11:32a) will also take time to recover and direct divine aid to do so because time will be short, but enough time will be provided to get the final 1260 days “little scroll” ministry done guaranteed. (Rev11:1-7);

The Daniel 8:14 Temple Judgment Timing

1. In my opinion on Daniel 8:13-14 meaning and timing, three solid years of Jehovah’s witnesses blackness and bewildering are in store (minimum 1150 days) in this period going fully active globally upon Jehovah’s witnesses worldwide organization.

2. From a notable cessation of the “constant feature” (public JW ministry) or “established place” (Bethel organization) the timing of Daniel 8:14 can be started in my opinion. In my opinion, the current abandoning of the classic Bethel headquarters, and leaving Jehovah’s witnesses now with no world headquarters in lieu of a forecasted “New World Order Headquarters” under construction is an ominous sign already “throwing down the established place” in that hidden meaning. The symbol of the “house of God”, Bethel, is truly abandoned in this ominous sense. It will get worse and far more visible to mark the judgment features.

Since Daniel 8:13-14 is a timed and explicit prophecy of “right condition” purification it needs to be paid close attention to as this unfolds.

3. That the current Bethel interpretations (1958, 1999) are clearly waffling is also indication this prophecy has future greater meaning and fulfillment purpose that will fit like a glove, that will become undeniable to awake Christians.

A. God does not time a prophecy as at Daniel 8:14 except for the timed connection it will make to more events it is going to lead to in time. Daniel 8:14 is the eventual bridge to Revelation 9 as the transition to Revelation 11:2-3, Daniel 12:7 final 1260 day timed period parallel. The 1930s and 1940s version of Daniel 8:14 from Bethel lead nowhere and cover irrelevant organization corporate waffling works of a secular corporations policies, hardly a “right condition” divine adjustment of the anointed “temple” “holy place brought into its right condition”.

4. Any Jehovah’s Christian witnesses recovery short of three years will be good news, but given the deluded and Bethel “confirmed drunkards” drunken state of Jehovah’s witnesses it appears Hosea 6:1-3 will play out in years. (Isa37:30; Dan8:14); Given the true serious of “riding the wildbeast” as UN NGO, we can expect a divine reaction commensurate with the true magnitude of the UN “disgusting thing”  related (Matt24:15) “transgression causing desolation”. (Dan8:13);

A. When the required UN NGO accounting is complete as the decree of Daniel 8:13, then the “light” of Daniel 8:14 “morning” will come (Rev9:1-3), but with great admissions (Rev8:10-11) from Christian anointed and Jehovah’s witnesses from those who have the “oil” getting “lamps in order” to aid that enlightenment already in the prophecy, the very prophecy Bethel is covering up with a premature wrap up delusion.

Obviously Jehovah’s witnesses have quite the “wake up call” coming and that too is no “slam dunk”. (Zech4:1, Rev11:1);

5. Now we know why and how Bethel is concealing this reality as the final “man of lawlessness” signal manifestation signalling those awake now what is in store for the JW apostate ministry, and why, and what will come after from this temple judgment portion.

VIII. Other Bethel Apostasy Effects on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Ministry

The previous section of this article describes the overall objective of the Governing Body based coup of Bethel’s “theology” and prophetic tracking assignment now subverted into total inaccuracy and even engineered with a cover to aid its own full demise as if “prophecy is fulfilling!”. The following is some of the other effects that Bethel has “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) to the enemy system “King North” control to create what is now an anti-Christian inaccurate message in various ways exacerbated by certain trends Jehovah’s witnesses have not recognized that have now fully developed aided by the Governing Body control of the ministry – such as their lawless criminal global scandals.

Now Bethel’s “clergy”, its organized hierarchical controlling structure, its self protecting legalistic “inquisition” (founded more fully 1981 “Bethel purge” events) and the consequences of some of its lawless policies on its dissident former followers and its well known by some public reputation identify Bethel as the latest form of Christian apostasy. Obviously the prophetic subversion is not all that is being subverted by this Bethel lawless evolution, and these things are also affecting the outlook and breadth of the salvation message that must be dealt with after the temple judgment clears out the “evil slave” minds now monopolizing Bethel for other purposes.

Shut Up The Kingdom

(Matthew 23:13) “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees [of Bethel], hypocrites! because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in.

1. In basic terms the Christian ministry has to be overhauled by dumping the Bethel burdens now deeply embedded also in the JW psyche, and getting with the re-forming Messianic Kingdom completion message that Bethel is now “set in opposition” to:

(Acts 15:28-29) For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”

The Bethel burdens and reproaches are just the other side of the Bethel theater of distraction in other areas aiding the overall prophetic subversion by adding distraction to the whole organization to diffuse attention to various lawless points of seemingly endless Bethel fueled minutia. Though these are all serious developments when combined, they pale in comparison to joining the United Nations co-promotions as UN NGO in 1991, and covering up the real prophecy, but they aid diverting attention to things also inconsequential in comparison to the final prophetic understanding also being overridden in the process.

That Bethel spiritual adultery is complemented by literal questionable pedophile policies, the ” sexual” nature of Bethel’s “deviations” is now complete in spiritual (UN NGO) and literal (pedophile) dimensions and it all came forth to public view in the same 2001 period for the public record as exposed by others in the secular press and media, not Bethel. Thus the reproach is effective to those exposed to Bethel’s actual public record that others have had to expose revealing Bethel’s core hypocrites.

This principle is active aided by the Bethel global campaign of public lawlessness in modern form:

(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects (such as the modern Cult of the Governing Body) and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct (JWs condone this Bethel activity by and large deceived by the manner of its deployment and concealment), and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. (this principle is how the global stumbling campaign is fueled by the Bethel apostates) 3 Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. (The “faithful and discreet slave” final Governing Body blasphemy is an example of “counterfeit words”) But as for them, the judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering. (In the final judgment cycle the Bethel judgment begins the awareness the final multi-year cycle of prophecy has begun. (1Pet4:17; Matt13:36-42))

Never Summarize God’s Kingdom and Messianic Kingdom Sovereign Functions Heavenly and Earthly

1. The Messianic Kingdom “birth” portion of the overall ministerial completion process (Rev10:6-8) was made known after Christ’s crowning in God’s Kingdom (1914-ca. 1970) to oversee the 144000 final call and final sealing that defines the “Kingdom ministry” after 1914. (Rev12); That required 144000 completion (Rev7:1-8; Rev14:1) also defines the Messianic Kingdom “body” upon which Jesus Christ is the final “crown stone” and now soon to be Messianic Kingdom King  (and High Priest) (Dan7:25-26; Rev11:15-18), as the long foretold completion of the King-Priest covenant completion in that key final coronation of God’s Son. (Ps110; Zech4:6-9; Zech6:9-15).

2. Thus just as God’s Heavenly Kingdom received its God anointed King in 1914 in heavenly capacity to oversee the final ministry (Rev4-5), and “birth” the Messianic “male child” foundation (Rev12:1-12), now the Messianic Kingdom actual earthly sovereign agency must also complete in full 144000 maturity under its final King in the Davidic covenant. And it must also have a Messianic Kingdom proclamation period, the second of the “two witnesses” fulfilling this Kingdom announcing principle and purpose.

3. The point is BOTH Christ’s heavenly Kingdom sovereign appointment by God, and his eternal Messianic Kingdom Kingship coming are separate in sovereign meaning along with the distinction of the two Kingdoms as distinct in prophecy. (Dan2:31-45) The Messianic Kingdom founded, “birthed”, by the heavenly Kingdom of God is the earthly agency of divine sovereign rulership. This logical summarization is not being developed by subverted Bethel to aid the awareness that the Messianic Kingdom completion is also required, important and the means of the earthly rulership of Jesus Christ.

Thus the Messianic Kingdom completion message is the final re-affirmation of the original Kingdom message of 1914 forward to the apostasy. Both “Kingdoms” will have had a precursor global warning in the same Revelation 11 prophecy occurring “again”. (Rev10:11);

4. And now logically we see why two witnessings as two 1260 day periods are brought forth. (Rev10:11); One Kingdom “witness” in the 1914-1918 period of heavenly Kingdom authority of Christ’s worthiness and right by covenant (Rev4-5), and one more “witness” in the future, a final Kingdom “witness” to complete the Messianic Kingdom drive also announced at the true end of the whole ministry cycle. Over that century of the final witnessing a complete warning is given highlighted at both the start and finish ends with two 1260 day warning periods. Both God’s Kingdom phase and the Messianic Kingdom phase have a witnessing ultimately defining the full “two witnesses” meaning. (Rev10-11; Rev10:6-8; Rev10:11));

A. That is what is now climaxing into a repeat of the second “two witnesses” in a timed final 1260 days, whose start point is unknown, but that concludes the whole ministry into Christ’s actual arrival. The start points are unknown, but the meanings of the time periods of Daniel 8:14, 12:7 and 12:11 are now understood for their future applications.

Plain as day their are TWO witnesses in Revelation, it happens twice in the “last days” overall process. No wonder it is termed the “two witnesses” and totals 2520 days, “seven times” in final days of the “appointed times of the nations”. (Dan4, Luke 21:24); The two 1260 days ministries, the “two witnessings”, mark the start and the very near end of the “last days”. (Rev1:10);

5. Bethel is fully bypassing the Messianic Kingdom completion message although God’s Kingdom and the Messianic Kingdom were already both defined as two separate sovereign entities by the original Jehovah’s witnesses Christian Kingdom ministry as it progressed to this final completion period. (Dan2:31-45; Zech6:1-8) Thus summarizing final sovereign meaning is logical and seemingly easy to accomplish.

A. That is not all Bethel is “set in opposition” to in the ministry. (2Thess2:4) They also denigrate undeserved kindness while claiming to represent its teaching. They also support organizational idolatries at the same time. Instead of “undeserved kindness” by Christ’s sacrifice they teach rigid organizationalism, a form of an overly legalistic “Bethel Law Covenant” that actually blasphemes the sacrifice of Christ and usurps his authority over the congregation by “smooth word” means of gradual override to the center of the “Governing Body” as the self-appointed and self-approved “holy man” authority. (Dan11:32; Dan8:12);

B. In essence the Governing Body are already “crowned kings”, “lords of the faith” over their billion dollar Bethel fraud “Kingdom” with their own personal “covenant with themselves”.

Even the very leadership “body” of Jehovah’s witnesses is but a vain idol and rampant blasphemy hidden in plain sight.

6. Jehovah’s witnesses are now floating the same scam as any other “synod”, “supreme council” or “papacy” defining the “clergy” of Christendom. The global blowback is so enormous now on the Web as to be literally surreal and of global comedic proportions the scam is so obvious. Bethel is just another clergy of liars. Bethel has reverted back to the very system they claim to have been “liberated” from. (2Pet2:22); They may not frontally represent the “Babylonish” obvious errors, but they backdoor in the same idolatrous usurpation and worse: alliances with the UN “wildbeast” system as the same main alliances of the big Christendom institutions as they all promote that UN abomination as “God’s Kingdom”.

7. Bethel does this slyly by double-wording “smooth word” double-think as they plug the UN NGO “new world order” concepts, books and affiliates under a guise of “organization” that comes with placing trust in a “supreme council” of men. (Jer17:5); No wonder Jehovah’s witnesses now look and sound like a bad commercial.

8. Of course Jehovah’s witnesses have been lulled into accepting this error as a divine authority by now, from a plausible assumption of the past concerning Acts 15:1-33 and the base “the lie” the “Governing Body” concept actually is:

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) But the lawless one’s presence [at Bethel now in final phase] is according to the operation of Satan (Zech3:1-3) with every powerful work and lying signs and portents (as prophecy is twisted to meet the Bethel 8th King objective) 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing (of those in the “weed” cut in the temple judgment), as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. (for ones remaining unrepentant from the Bethel error as it is fully exposed in and after the temple judgment) 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them (Dan8:12; Dan11:30-32), that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged (for good and bad outcomes, it forms a judgment basis requiring admission and repentance) because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. (But “the judgment” can produce “wheat” or “weed”, “wise” or “foolish” virgin outcome in the temple judgment coming on anointed Christians of which Bethel is the global high profile overridden association of that once valid ministry.)

In other words, there isn’t a Jehovah’s witnesses alive who can get through the temple judgment without a full repentance and admission of guilt first. And therein is the greatest test of Christian honesty to also come from this temple judgment climax. Another point is the temple judgment will give that full opportunity of admission and repentance for it also forms the basis of the recovery and final warning ministerial meanings of prophetic validation. This is why the temple judgment meaning will become “four trumpet” backed clear to repentant Jehovah’s witnesses as it plays out.

9. By “smooth word” (Dan11:32a) and “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) development upon an assumed center of “governing body” “divine authority” that slipped in (Jude4), and further slipped into a dictatorship (2Thess2:3-4), Jehovah’s witnesses now have become the recipient of this modernized “operation of error” through Bethel’s corporate evolutions slipping under and now undermining the whole ministry. It is a secular corporate body, a self-glorified “board of directors”, merely cloaked in a covering Bible assumed “holy man” “apostle” “governing body” veneer, that now controls Bethel’s ministry. Now the basis of a testing and a judgment is fully in action right from Bethel lead in Jehovah’s witnesses. (Dan8:13-14; 1Pet4:17; 2Thess2:10-12);

10. With the intent of calling off the ministry of Jehovah’s witnesses and aiding an organizational coup against its resource base we have a nearly forty year old “Governing Body” based override of the Christian ministry that has guided this apostate process very “smoothly”. (Dan11:32a), and “gradually”. (Dan8:12); These clever and “smooth word” hi-jackers have slipped in very gradually through the 1976 Governing Body and its dictatorial coup, so the transformation of the ministry into a Revelation 8:10-12 “1/3” symbolic apostasy in final fulfillment has been “gradually given over” (Dan8:12) according to the same manner and is virtually undetectable to the fully blinded strata of JWs who think everything is fine.

(Revelation 8:10-11) And the third angel blew his trumpet. (temple judgment alarm explanations) And a great star burning as a lamp fell from heaven (those leaving the holy covenant at Bethel. Dan11:30-32), and it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. (Bethel’s teachings are polluted, profanation of Daniel 11:31a, Dan8:12, Zech3:1-3) 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. (the whole “evil slave” “man of lawlessness” Bethel and Governing Body misled JW “earth” system and ministry) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. (the effects of the Bethel apostasy are spiritually toxic);

11. In reality the JW growth rate plummeted starting with that Governing Body coup in 1976 from 15% growth in the five years leading to 1976, to today’s 1-3% growth rate and the worst retention rate of any organized Christian claimant religion on earth. (Dan11:32-35, 41; 2Pet2:1-3) Thus something is not right, right inside Bethel, because now the “Kingdom of the heavens” is shut up once again by those claiming to represent it, the entire context of much of the JW ministry is now actually anti-Christian. Thus besides prophetic deception Bethel is also a spiritual abomination designed to actually stumble more people away from “the truth” than come into it, and that is the anti-ministry “at apex” at Bethel.

12. The Bethel desolation backed by God using the 8th King source of judgment (Dan8:13, 11:41), the one associated with in the UN NGO, will clear out the Bethel apostasy as God sanctifies his name among the modern “lawless one” and Jehovah’s witnesses being misled.

(Ezekiel 36:22-28) “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “Not for your sakes am I doing [it], O house of Israel, but for my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have come in.”’ (Jehovah will sanctify himself in Bethel’s desolations) 23 ‘And I shall certainly sanctify my great name, which was being profaned among the nations, which you profaned in the midst of them; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘when I am sanctified among you before their eyes. (the final temple judgment meaning is eventually made known and its implications of the final cycle of guaranteed further prophetic fulfillments to come) 24 And I will take you out of the nations and collect you together out of all the lands and bring you in upon your soil. (Approved Christians coming out of the temple judgment scattering will be reconvened with final truths of prophecy) 25 And I will sprinkle upon you clean water, and you will become clean; from all your impurities and from all your dungy idols I shall cleanse you. (the temple purification will complete Zech3:4-5, Mal3:1-5 in final fulfillment) 26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I shall put inside you, and I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And my spirit I shall put inside you, and I will act so that in my regulations you will walk, and my judicial decisions you will keep and actually carry out. (Zech3:6-8) 28 And you will certainly dwell in the land that I gave to your forefathers, and you must become my people and I myself shall become your God.’ (the rest of prophecy will complete as promised by God. The temple judgment will be a signal that starts the final cycle in earnest. (Rev8-11; Dan11:42-45, Dan12:7, 11));

13. Due to the reproach Bethel has brought upon the very Name of Jehovah God that they represent, a judgment will make it clear it is God who is bringing the timed decree of “trampling” denunciation (Dan8:13-14) upon the Bethel organization globally to account for the UN NGO and other sins carried out in that “house” representation of the once valid anointed Christian ministry that used to be carried out from that “established place” and “fortress” of that ministerial base. (Dan8:11, Dan11:31a; Hos1:4-7);

14. Eventually it will be clear as a bell to some Christians approved through the temple judgment by repentance from Bethel “evil slave” activity (Matt25:1-13) what it is the actual reason for Bethel’s downfall permitted by God to clear out the transgression reproach in the process. But there will be a greater purpose of recovering the final Kingdom warning message as the final objective of this judgment in a spiritual ” conflagration” of “Biblical proportions” on the Bethel lawless system to serve as a global attention forming signal into which the recovery message will emerge upon Bethel’s “ashes”. (Zech3:2; Eze37);

15. These are the meaning of the events coming on Bethel for which those “lawless ones” have a handy smokescreen as explained previously in this article to make these events look like something else entirely, entirely premature.

Temple Judgment Indictment and Timing

Temple Indictment as UN NGO “Transgression” Related (Matt24:15);

(Daniel 8:13) And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the (profaned and subverted) constant [feature] (of JW ministerial offerings) and of the transgression causing desolation (UN NGO alliance and co-promotions fulfilling Daniel 11:31b), to make both [the] holy place (temple “established place”; Dan8:11) and [the] (JW worldwide) army things to trample on?” (in a first 8th King “trampling” “attack” aided temple desolation “fire” of Zechariah 3:2 and Revelation 8:3-5 starting the final prophetic cycle);

Timed Temple Judgment Period

(Daniel 8:14) So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.” (Temple purification completed in this time period parallel Zechariah 3:4-5, Revelation 8:1-5);

1. The 8th King operatives at Bethel know what the UN NGO alliance with the UN wildbeast system and the subsequent cover up of ministerial prophetic truth exposure will mean for Bethel: a timed desolation and complete removal of the Bethel apostasy in whatever manner that may be worked out in God’s purpose. God will allow the 8th King a “trampling” of the apostate and adulterous JW organizational system.

A. The 8th King planners and Bethel’s insiders know all this, and they are going to take advantage of the Daniel 8:13 divine decree.

(Isaiah 36:10) And now is it without authorization from Jehovah that I have come up against this land to bring it to ruin? Jehovah himself said to me, ‘Go up against this land, and you must bring it to ruin.’”

B. The temple judgment period is timed for future verification to doubting and Bethel “drunk” (Matt24:48-51) Jehovah’s witnesses then under judgment and coming into recovery.

2. That Daniel 8:13 “transgression causing desolation” ties to the 1990 3rd UN placement “place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation” that Bethel joined as UN NGO co-promoters, at that time this prophecy below became fully fulfilled but with ramifications to complete in the temple judgment. Thus the “disgusting thing” UN and its UN NGO “partner” is what “causes desolation” also to Bethel organizationally in the eventual judgment. This is when and what the modern Matthew 24:15 “disgusting thing standing” “discernment” refers to:

(Daniel 11:31) (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

3. And that UN 3rd placement has a Bethel partnership in the co-developing apostasy at Bethel that led to the UN NGO “lawless one” signal from this prior development of maybe many years prior right in and at Bethel:

(Daniel 11:30)  “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access by special “consideration”. That cannot apply to long previously judged apostate Christendom, it is applicable to modern Bethel as “King North” “gives consideration” to defection and infiltration by internal Bethel operations. The 1976 Governing Body coup is the “King North” developmental core of defection, infiltration and subversion.) 

4. What we do know is Jehovah’s witnesses exposed the first two UN placements as prophecy in 1919 and 1945, at one time Jehovah’s witnesses had a valid ministry and were not also UN NGO witnesses. But something caused JWs to lose track of the 1990 3rd UN placement and what that logically connects to in the 4th UN placement as world government. (Dan11:31-45; Dan8:23-25) In addition, Jehovah’s witnesses do not perceive as well that the four UN prophetic developments all have a period of world war in some form preceding them, including the Cold War, into which the UN presentation climaxes at the resolution of the world war that precedes it for the handy “world peace” UN claim.

5. Aiding this deception Bethel expects everyone to believe the WW2 Nazi Germany transition to USSR “King North” and the Cold War period fulfills that prophecy. In fact that Daniel 11:30-32a prophecy is the 1990 3rd UN placement cycle that Bethel claims has no greater significance in world or prophetic meaning, that 3rd UN placement instead actually fulfills that prophecy along with the co-developing Bethel apostasy “revealing” as an integral part of the prophecy itself. (2Thess2:3-4; Dan11:30-32, Dan8:11-13).

Thus along with the USSR now purposeful fiction Bethel also covers up their own concurrently developing apostasy guaranteed in the same prophetic detailing.

6. The USSR error, unknowable until the USSR fell concurrently as the “New World Order” UN 3.0 arose as the real “King North” globalist “new world order” world government initiative, is what Bethel simply slips by Jehovah’s witnesses relying on the Cold War USSR psychological momentum to bypass the obviously needed update to all of Daniel 11:27-45. It is all 8th King “King North” prophecy made clear as day in those 1990 events.

A. That Daniel 11 update is required because the USSR would have to be “successful until the denunciation comes to a finish” at Armageddon at Daniel 11:36 requirement for fulfillment, which the USSR of course cannot be “successful” and yet fail at the same time. (Dan11:36); Thus the error is glaring and obvious.

Thus Bethel is extending fictions that are blatant and must be purposeful reinforcing the apostate theme of defection and infiltration subversions right in Bethel, plain as day.

7. Thus the USSR cannot be “King North”. That fictional “King North” also cannot be “on hold” over Daniel 11:44 as if the USSR fulfilled Daniel 11:40-43 now hanging at Daniel 11:44 to “fulfill next”. The 8th King designate 3rd UN placement marks the real King North in 1990, and those globalist have been active as “King North” designate since the League of Nations and the WW1 “causes desolation” that led to that first 8th King foundational manifestation as intended world government international development center.

A. The USSR national bloc power is just a great diversion. The nations that comprised that “union” will in time also become part of the globalized 8th King “King North” system. (Rev17:11-18; Rev16:13-16); The national and globalist world power distinction was not as clear in 1919 and 1945 as it was after 1990, and that is also how this delusion persists, globalization and “King North” globalists and globalism is not connected by Bethel as also significant world government aiding developments (Rev16:13-16) and their globalized tier of forming dominant globalist world power is not as well known as the nation-state system.

8. Bethel keeps this position made possible by the USSR “King North” error to overly advance JWs too far into Daniel 11 focused upon the wrong “King North”, a decoy entity to cover up the 8th King actual “King North” activity. That means Jehovah’s witnesses expect Daniel 11:44 to fulfill next way too deep in the prophecy and with an associated “end of the world” and “attack” expectation as Daniel 11:44 would lead to Daniel 11:45 logically.

A. Obviously only one “King North” entity is going to place “palatial tents” as world government globally, and it will be associated with the United Nations “image” development but must expand as the “scarlet wildbeast” into global government capacity and authority beyond the mere UN “image”, but including it as the international “nucleus” of world government as it formed and when it completed.

9. As covered earlier this 3rd UN placement subterfuge thus breaks the final two UN placements from a required continuum. The Bible outlines all four UN placements in prophecy, as the third and fourth UN 8th King events in Daniel 11:27-45 and Daniel 8:23-25 complete that continuum, 1-2-3-4. Now Jehovah’s witnesses have no idea the 3rd and 4th UN placements are also foretold in prophecy at Daniel 11:27-45 and Daniel 8:23-25.

UN 3: Daniel 11:31b, Daniel 8:23 is the 1990 3rd UN placement parallel. UN 4: Daniel 11:45, Daniel 8:25 is the 4th UN placement of world government of the future as parallel prophecy equating Daniel 11:45, 12:11 and 8:25 as the same final world government event. (Rev11:7, Rev17:11-18);

10. Thus Bethel simply shoves important prophecy aside (Dan8:12b) that fulfills certain the key UN and UN NGO aspect well after WW2 and after the Cold War (as it was ending, 1990), and the Bethel apostasy is one of the prophetic co-developments in those same prophetic progressions also concealed in this development. (Daniel 8:11-14, Daniel 11:30-35, 41); Thus Bethel ignoring all this development and covering up the 8th King modern activity also fulfills their apostate role in the same prophecy! It all makes sense when we know who Bethel really is, hiding their own manifestation is part of the same prophecy.

11. In all this there is therefore significant information and updates Bethel is suppressing.

(Romans 1:18) For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way..

12. Bethel’s judgment will be the beginning of that overall judgment period upon the exact location “suppressing the truth” and carrying on the final “operation of error” to be “set in opposition” to prophetic information that gives meaning to world events that Bethel will be embroiled in, in the beginning context of:

(1 Peter 4:17) For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. (Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5) Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God?

13. Thus clearing out the corporate clothed “attractive” Bethel sin center and stumbling and blasphemy base opens the way to make a prophetic final explanation in the very ” tribulation of those days” period that will form to inform the world that as the United Nations finally does achieve the full complete world government objective, that 8th King complete sovereign completion is what enables Christ’s arrival and final counter-sovereign Messianic Kingdom response, in time. (Dan7:25-26);

14. Thus as bad as the Bethel apostasy is, it works out for God’s purpose to form a thorough and well evidence final warning process also outlined in the same prophetic progression activated fully at that time.

Final Message Derailed

1. Thus if Bethel has carried out this scale of prophetic deception there is far more “devil in the details” all over Bethel organizationally now. This has a final fulfillment meaning to be exposed in the temple judgment cycle of Revelation 8 in the final round of fulfillment:

(Revelation 8:10-11) And the third angel blew his trumpet. And a great star burning as a lamp fell from heaven (defective anointed), and it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. (of JW now “tainted truth”) 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. (the whole Bethel “man of lawlessness”, “evil slave” complex of global “star” “light”) And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. (The toxic effect of lawlessness imbibed JW policies and tainted teachings in fractional form, not all invalid, produced by “Wormwood” Bethel and its fraud priesthood. (Zech3:3));

2. And sadly, the greatest distraction away from the truth of prophecy now is the whole pantheon of Bethel based organizational idolatry, deceptions and over-organized busy work distractions. Add to this almost 40 years of the “Governing Body” progressive blasphemy and reproaches leading the Bethel public lawlessness and a global record of it and the Bethel based obstacle of diversion is now “acting to a completion” fully. (Dan8:23a);

3. Thus the temple judgment will form a great event that will eventually clear the way for the recovery of the real meaning of the 3rd and 4th UN placements all the way to world government in Daniel 8 and 11. It is post 1990 8th King prophecy that Bethel is subverting, and it connects to the formerly valid first two UN placements Jehovah’s witnesses did expose properly in 1919 and 1945. Thus it will all connect up accurately when this update comes forth guaranteed from God and Christ as a final round ministerial purification. (Rev8-11; Zech3:1-5; Mal3:1-5)

4. At the same time an accelerated period will be identified by prophecy and made known by world event milestones leading to world government which completes shortly before Christ’s arrival.

5. A broader final salvation call is what is going forth after the timed “trampling” is ended by Christ in the meaning of Revelation 9 in final fulfillment. (Dan8:13); The “evening” “darkness” of the 2300 “evenings” and “mornings” as a “constant feature” and temple judgment phasing is the “darkness” Jehovah’s witness Christian anointed are going into in that Revelation 9:1-4 “abyss” state of the temple desolation prior to the “morning” “light” of the recovery. That is 1150 days or 2300 days in meaning apparently cryptic for us to pay close attention to this prophecy and starting events to mark it at Bethel in some manner.

(Revelation 9:1-3a) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet. And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key of the pit of the abyss was given him. 2 And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace (Zech3:2), and the sun was darkened, also the air, by the smoke of the pit. (the “smoke” of the temple judgment meaning and implications) 3 And out of the smoke locusts came forth upon the earth…(it is an anointed Christian judgment, the “locust” symbol even in the first fulfillment of Revelation 9);

6. That implied “evening” of “darkness” is the “middle of the night” of the “ten virgins” final judgment on anointed Christians represented by the Bethel apostate judgment context that this temple judgment cycle will activate into:

(Matthew 25:1-13) “Then the kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. 3 For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, 4 whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6 Right in the middle of the night there arose a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose (the Rev9 abyss release of anointed Christians) and put their lamps in order. (the clarification recovery) 8 The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’ 9 The discreet answered with the words, ‘Perhaps there may not be quite enough for us and you. Be on your way, instead, to those who sell it and buy for yourselves.’ (either go with the final prophecy enlightenment or not) 10 While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. (Rev10-11 proceeds over time to the foretold objective) 11 Afterwards the rest of the virgins also came, saying, ‘Sir, sir, open to us!’ 12 In answer he said, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you.’ 13 “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. (the temple judgment removes the “weeds” of the Bethel system among defective anointed);

7. Thus the oil is the vigilance in God’s Word to be ready to understand the final prophecy as it comes to “light” in the “morning” of the Daniel 8:14 recovery of the “wheat” from the Bethel “weed” “operation of error” that formed the basis of the judgment at 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12:

(Matthew 13:36-43) Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came to him and said: “Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.” 37 In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man; 38 the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things (Bethel is the “a” “system of things” that must end well before the overall “the system of things”), and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels (these angels are in Zech3 and Rev8 in the covert temple judgment purification process to start “the judgment” of 1Pet4:17), and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness, 42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be. (obviously the “pitching” is in realization first as the temple is judged first to allow a signal globally of what will become a global judgment in time outlined in prophecy) 43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (That “light” in symbolic meaning is the “oil” of prophetic understanding being “lit” to enlighten the meaning of the final cycle of prophecy that will be active at that time. In the eventual 144000 completion this prophecy can become quite literal) Let him that has ears listen.

8. The ones with the “ears” will be the five “wise virgins” from that call of the “cry [that] arose” in that “evening” ending period of time, when anointed Christians will begin to comprehend the first four trumpets (Rev8:7-12) that explain the full meaning of the temple judgment (Rev8:3-5) leading to the Revelation 9 final fulfillment “abyss” opening to this recovery period of “lightnings” of final enlightenment. (Rev8:5). The Revelation 8:5 “earthquake” is the temple judgment.

The Daniel 8:13-14 temple judgment is the parallel of the Revelation 8:3-5 final fulfillment temple judgment symbolism in that commencement of Revelation 8-11.

A. The “get their lamps in order” is the preparation to deploy the final Revelation 9-11 final Kingdom proclamation, the second witness of the “two witnesses. Then the real light of prophecy will shine while the “tribulation of those days” is in global action, just as in the 1914-1918 pattern.

9. This means that the Bethel high profile association with the Christian anointed temple actuality going into judgment will be beginning Revelation 8-11 final fulfillment sequence that takes some years to unfold. The Jonah illustration will also be active in principle as Jehovah’s witnesses are thrown overboard into the “sea” of the world as the scattered sheep of Zechariah 13:7, to experience the “darkness” of the “fish” “belly”, the “abyss” we are swallowed into to be thrown up on the shore of the final mission to 8th King “Nineveh”. (Rev10:11);

Truth Must Be Recovered

1. Thus smashing the current JW circus of a “Christian” fantasy now engineered by the lawless Bethel “vanity fair” carnival will open the way to discard the burdens and overkill now being used against people’s faith by Bethel’s own policies. These are lawless disfellowshipping and policing requirements that are ridiculously a revisitation of the Pharisaic and Catholic “righteous overmuch” legalism and organized quasi-inquisition systems now present in Bethel’s Christendom cloned but “smooth word” disguised “organization”.

A. When we see Bethel serves the UN NGO it only makes the “gnat straining” attitude of hyper-pious Bethel all the more ridiculous and laughable. JWs are now the laughing stock of the internet and the running joke on the Web (2Pet2:1-3) were many more THOUSANDS of people are stumbled everyday, not by theological disputes, but by Bethel’s lawless record, lawless policies and scandals which details are proliferated on the Web and other media.

B. It is the Bethel lawless stumbling campaign that is now “at apex” resulting in losses of millions from coming to “the truth” now profaned by Bethel’s very existence. The judgment on Bethel will make it clear where Jehovah is “sanctifying” His name from the global reproach associated with the now apostate Bethel ministry and because of that relationship to God’s name the judgment will be of “Biblical proportions” so the wise can be sure God does not condone the Bethel “lawless ones”.

C. God will clear his name upon Bethel’s “established place” “fortress” (Dan8:11, 11:31a) in judgment because it is the high profile world seen center of the once anointed Christian ministry. The Christian anointed is actually the “temple” being judged for good and bad, wheat and weed, faithful and evil, outcomes among anointed Christians, Bethel is just a well known association to be used to make the connection. ” Weeds” in the Bethel system will be purged from that association in a notable phase of “desolations”. (Rev8:3-5, Rev8:7 first trumpet meaning);

2. Thus when God allows the 8th King to smash the Bethel pantheon of idols centered around the “Governing Body” modern “Baal priesthood” abomination and their UN NGO central “Baal-like” sin and idol, the whole “JW.organization” idol can be removed, to whatever degree necessary, to clear the way for a final call that centers on the openness of God and Christ’s final salvation offer to ANYONE willing to give repentance a chance to come under Messianic Kingdom guaranteed rulership, rather than the “New World Order” eventual disaster that will become the only two choices eventually.

3. It is guaranteed by prophecy the “sackcloth” state of recovered Christians and the final global call “again” (Rev10:11), even in Babylon the Great (Rev14; Rev 11:7-12), and even into the 8th King “Nineveh” system (Jonah), to offer salvation by faith to anyone willing, will go forth in the final cycle for a big salvation final offer and final drawn out cycle of Revelation 8-9 (Dan8:13-14), Revelation 10-11, Daniel 12:7 and Daniel 12:11 final meanings provided to aid this awareness.

4. By then the first four trumpets of the final fulfillment temple judgment explanation will mean a full disclosure (Rev8:10-11) by anointed Christians denouncing the Bethel system devolution into apostasy and its illegal “Governing Body” as the “evil slave”, “worthless shepherd” and “man of lawlessness” of that apostasy and infiltration as part of the final exposé. The “strange deed” (Isa28:21) is the Bethel downfall, not Christendom who was long ago relegated to a Babylon the Great “daughter harlot” status, and cannot be judged twice but falls in the end within Babylon the Great at the end of the final cycle.

5. The first Jehovah’s witnesses ministry identified Christendom as part of Babylon the Great, period, done deal, that entity cannot be singled out for a “double jeopardy” redundant judgment again. Thus Bethel extends the Christendom diversion as a distinct entity to again fall under a judgment already meted out spiritually in 1919. That was the whole point of the first fulfillment of Revelation 8-9! Its as if Bethel forgot a dominant theme of their own ministry.

Christendom cannot be propped up again as a “house of God” judgment from which, in 1919, the anointed Christians were separated with a known global locale to gather into as Jehovah’s witnesses in time. Bethel uses Christendom to obscure the apostasy that is in their own house, not Christendom any longer. Thus all the “Christendom” future judgments are coming not on that “Christendom” “house”, again, but on Bethel and anointed Christians first as the post-1919 newly defined location of anointed Christians (1Pet4:17) that were formerly separated out from the Christendom system in that initially made known, but final spiritual judgment on Christendom lumping that institution into Babylon the Great as just part of false religion globally.

8. Christendom has been slated for the deposition of Babylon the Great as really just part of that whole “harlot” at the end of the final cycle. (Rev16:12-20, Rev17:15-18; Rev11:7-10; Rev14:1-8); Bethel is playing this “double jeopardy” card upon “Christendom” to cover their own signal lawless apostate condition that is what is fulfilling the prophecy of temple judgment precursor.

Bethel Events Form the First Event of The Temple Judgment

1. In reality the coming final judgment cycle STARTS with anointed Christians and Bethel forms a global association of notoriety to bring global attention to that judgment as it unfolds and after when its real meaning is explained. Bethel even has a handy smokescreen to hide in and a premature “the end” scenario to cover up much of that “desolation”.

2. At some point in all this actually well detailed final cycle developments anointed Christians and those they influence, who come out approved in the temple judgment, will have to explain the 3rd United Nations “placement” prophecy of Daniel 8:23, 11:31 properly. And that explanation will be as the 4th UN cycle headed for world government is in progress. (Dan11:42-45);

3. Actually the patterns of the basic Revelation 8 meaning in initial fulfillment that came forth in the Christendom “house” judgment, actually outline the full explanation of the repeat of Revelation 8-9.The first four trumpet meanings have the same principle in both fulfillments that Jehovah’s Christian witnesses will be made aware of as Revelation 8 replicates into final fulfillment. Just replace the word “Christendom” for “Bethel” in Watchtower writings of future “Christendom” judgment, and that is where this judgment cycle is coming upon: Bethel and anointed Christians globally.

Revelation 8 Repeats

1. The first trumpet is an overview of the whole JW “earth” temple communal judgment, understanding that spiritual milestone with very real world events to come upon Jehovah’s witnesses and the “organization” will pave the way for the rest of the explanation of Revelation 8:3-5.

2. The second trumpet outline the “government issue” in the initial pattern. Now it will be the “world government issue” that Bethel currently conceals. That issue will be “thrown” as the doomed 8th King “burning mountain” into the “sea” of Jehovah’s witnesses now supporting that 8th King by unaddressed UN NGO endorsement and services.

3. The third trumpet is the disclosure of where “those who are leaving the holy covenant” were actually manifesting at Bethel (Dan11:30b), as the “fallen star”, the former “light of the world” “lamp” in apostate Bethel’s “fallen” state headed by the illegal “Governing Body” burnouts. Thus as Daniel 11:30-32 and Daniel 8:11-13 outline Bethel’s 8th King relationship as the guide system of the apostasy (Dan11:32a, 41), we see the 3rd and 2nd trumpets are inter-related, one development led to the cover-up of 8th King prophecy and insight.

4. The fourth trumpet is the “1/3” compromised state of the JW ministry since its 1914 inception now under nearly 40 years, 1/3 of the whole JW ministry, of the illegal Governing Body guidance, and that marks a full approximate “1/3” of the JW ministry as it formed into terminal “transgressors act to a completion” apostasy. (Dan8:23a);

Thus the similar anointed Christian recovery and apostasy and “government issue” exposing theme of the first Revelation 8-9 fulfillment is also honored in the final fulfillment merely updated to modern scope and realities, like the Bethel apostasy and 8th King world government they were covering up.

5. Thus much disclosure is due from Jehovah’s witnesses capable of “seeing” the “light” of the final prophecy and honest enough to expose and admit the fouls of our own “house”. This will be required because the explanation of the Bethel apostasy and what it serves in reality forms the basis of the final prophetic explanation as everything “thrown to the earth” (Dan8:12) at Bethel will in time become global news of four trumpets directed first to Christian anointed.

6. Though these things develop from an anointed Christian apostasy at Bethel, in time “King North” 8th King guides also slipped into Bethel top authority:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

10. So by now, as evidenced over twenty years ago in the “UN NGO” Bethel idolatrous centerpiece, many enemies are “slipped in” to the Bethel system and these will be removed angelically, however that may occur as the meaning of Zechariah 3:1-5, when the full limit of the desolation allowance of God is met at Daniel 8:13-14, the parallel of Revelation 8:3-5 temple judgment. The Bethel apostates and impostors can fly off and hide with their blood money wherever they want, God will get all of them all later. (Amos9:1-3; Isa66:6);

11. Of course Jehovah’s witnesses will also have to address and discard all the lawless policies and procedures that came in with the Governing Body. In reality, as stated earlier, the apostasy really came into Bethel in 1976 in that first “lift up” of the Governing Body coup now accepted by most JWs as if it was always managed in that manner in the Jehovah’s witnesses classic ministry when it was in valid, clean and in good standing with God. But in fact the Governing Body dictatorial council was a unique promotion of Governing Body authority not present before 1976 that is well documented in Bethel corporate development.

A. That is why the Governing Body dictatorial coup of 1976 is quite the red flag event. It is also why the whole JW productive growth spiraled downward from that exact time and epicenter, also statistically verifiable in Bethel’s own ministerial data.

12. The “Governing Body” concept springs from corporate secular law and is present in the Catholic Papacy and the classic Jewish Sanhedrin. They are a self-exalted “board of directors” merely assuming “divine authority” and precedent that in reality is absent. That is what the Governing Body really is in “succession” from, from known apostate leadership councils originating from secular corporate institutions, not “from the Bible” and certainly not “from God”.

A. Of course Jehovah’s witnesses will have to dump the “governing body” falsehood that it actually is and its divine claims, the entire concept is fraudulent as applied to Biblical precedent, there is none. God will return the “clean” “turban” to actual anointed Christians. This is why angels oversee the delivery of a new “clean turban” in Zechariah 3:4-5.

B. The bitter reality is the “divine” “governing body” concept was in error from inception, whether accidental or fed in on purpose. The “board of directors” is a secular management entity, that is not disputed, assuming it can also be “divine” and is a Biblical precedent is the falsehood, and that is where the “governing body” problem arose. That is the “teaching” and lie that has to be fully dumped and condemned, it was the single and first worst mistake the Jehovah’s witnesses ministry ever developed, it will end in ministerial disaster because it is a lie Satan was able to work with. (2Thess2:9; Zech3:1); Now we see how well entrenched the concept and actuality has become.

13. The Governing Body are actually an 8th King utilized front group of eventually complete spiritual racketeers (2Cor11:13-15) who “gradually” morphed the Jehovah’s witnesses former Christian ministry into a “1/3” deception of Revelation 8:10-11 in final fulfillment meaning.

A. Obviously this will be a tough pill for Jehovah’s witnesses to swallow, because in like manner they have idolatrously become Governing Body “lovers” in the process of this justified “holy man” idolatry that also is now full blown among many Jehovah’s witnesses.

B. The Governing Body is to many Jehovah’s witnesses what the Pope is to the Catholics, it really is the same thing. But it was Jehovah’s witnesses who should have known better, then again it was this “holy man” “supreme council” that also promoted the teaching and the justified idolatry that came with it as they skillfully slipped into a dictatorship that not everyone agreed with. That is how God permits the “operation of error” to go to Jehovah’s witnesses now believing that core lie and more lies that spawned from that first central cell of corruption: The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

14. Now many see the Bethel lawless record, but few are connecting it to signal prophecy indicating temple judgment is next. From the temple judgment comes the the final purification and the final ministerial commission to bring forth the final Kingdom completion message. That will deploy into an active global tribulation designed to resolve into 8th King world government, and that is the milestone that will eventually trigger Christ’s genuine final arrival.

That is what is really coming and the temple judgment has a far greater purpose to announce the completion of the Messianic Kingdom, by the final “gathering” of the 144000 and Christ’s final Coronation event preceding the end as he concentrates on the ” sheep” final “gathering” well before he wipes out the 8th King and his supporters after final, full and fair warning to choose life through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and God’s provided “undeserved kindness”.


August 2014

The JW temple judgment will be unmistakable in Bethel desolation event(s) as 1Peter4:17 is Daniel 8:13-14 activating as Revelation 8:1-6 SOON…

Mark timed Daniel 8:14 temple judgment at that time…

The judgment pattern has a prophetic principle completing:

Temple Judgment Background – Governing Body Covers Up “King of the North” Actual 8th King Meaning

Temple Judgment – The Prophets in Details of the Final Prophetic Cycle

Temple Judgment – Book of Hosea Primer for JW Bethel Judgment of Daniel 8:11-14 – Near Future JW Temple Desolation and Purifications

Temple Judgment – Micah’s Prophecy – Micah Applied to Modern Bethel Under “Man of Lawlessness” Spiritually Illegal Governing Body

Temple Judgment – Zechariah’s Prophecy – Complete Temple Revelation

Malachi’s Prophecy – Temple Judgment and Christ’s Temple Presence

Joel’s Prophecy – Temple Judgment and Global Effects of Temple Recovery and Completion

Temple Judgment – Comprehensive Globalist Symbology in Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jonah and Other Prophets

Temple Judgment – Habakkuk’s Prophecy – Amazing 8th King Globalism

Temple Judgment – Zephaniah’s Prophecy of Temple and World Judgment

Temple Judgment – Nahum’s Prophecy of Infiltration and Bethel Judgment

Jehovah’s Witnesses Foretold Organized Apostasy Development in the Bible Symbols

Faithful and Discreet Slave Identified by God After Divine Temple Judgment

The Governing Body Popes and the Bethel Inquisition Fulfills Signal Prophecy Leading to Final Temple Judgment

The Governing Body “Apostolic Succession” – WT 7/15/13

Revelation 9 – “The Destroyer” and Temple Judgment

USSR Fails, Also Fails as King North, as UN Third Placement of 1990 Assumes King North Identity as 8th King!

US King South Lead Financial System Must Collapse into 8th King Control

World Recovery After World War 4 – Daniel 11:27-45 3rd and 4th Final United Nations Placements

United Nations Call For One World Currency Relates to Daniel 11:42-43 Cycle Starting Soon

8th King UN World Government Progress as Gauge to Armageddon Arrival

The Total World Judgment “The Judgment” Begins With Jehovah’s Witnesses

Temple Judgment Progression to Temple Completion – Table and Description

Timed Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Daniel 8:13-14

FYI – The Verification Events Coming Soon as Timed Period

The Modern Man of Lawlessness – Governing Body Based Bethel UN Prophetic Deception Operation

Governing Body Aided UN Aiding Subversion and Diversion Campaign (1976-2014 Approximated);

Be Careful What We Ask For – We Just Might Get It;Case in Point: “Let God’s Kingdom Come…”

Temple Prophecy in Jehovah’s Witnesses from Man of Lawlessness at Temple Inspection to Temple Judgment and Purification

GB Defender to the End!..? Or so I thought…That is Until I Found Out They Are The Foretold “Man of Lawlessness”…

Daniel 12 Repeats to UN 4th Placement as Complete World Government 8th King

Daniel 12:12 1335 Days Clues

Kingdom Come: The Final Revelation is the Final Replication of Prophecy

Seven Seals and Messianic Kingdom Birth and Completion

Simple Outline of Major Prophetic Milestones to Armageddon Divine War Finality

Worldwide Globalization Provides 8th King World Government Components

World Recovery After World War 4 – Daniel 11:27-45 3rd and 4th Final United Nations Placements

Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses’ UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost and Soon Recovered

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Development as Prophecy Properly

What Used to Make Jehovah’s Witnesses’ UN Prophecy Tracking Valid

Bethel Apostasy

JWs – FLEE The JW Org!! – Matthew24:15

JW Self Fulfilling Prophecy Aids Cover Up of Final Cycle – UN 1-2-3-4 Cycle

On the Significance of the UN 1-2-3-4 Super-Cycle to 8th King World Government

Outline – UN has Four Cycles in World History and Bible Prophecy

The Trek to Armageddon in JW Known Prophecy

The Divine Advantage of the Prophetic Replication for Jehovah’s Witnesses

JWs – FLEE The JW Org!! – Matthew24:15

The “Event” JW Bethel is Planning For

How to Set-Up JWs Like 8th King Sitting Ducks

Timed Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Daniel 8:13-14

FYI – The Verification Events Coming Soon as Timed Period

Kingdom Come: The Final Revelation is the Final Replication of Prophecy

UN Call For One World Currency Relates to Daniel 11:42-43 Cycle Starting Soon

Four Time World War to World Government Formula

Worldwide Globalization Provides 8th King World Government Components

World Recovery After World War 4 – Daniel 11:27-45 3rd and 4th Final United Nations Placements

Great Tribulation Phases and Meanings – 144000 Completion Prelude

8th King United Nations World Government Final Cycle – Final Prophetic Replication and Milestones

144000 Completion First Priority and Christ’s Arrival

Enoch’s Clue of 144000 Completion Manner

Final World Cycle Prophetic Truths Versus Bethel Smokescreen Deceptions

Global Tribulation is Guaranteed, Everything Else is Unknown to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Global Tribulation is Guaranteed, Everything Else is Unknown to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Daniel 12 Repeats – Patterns That Repeat in the Future the Initial Prophetic Patterns of the Past

Major Prophetic Milestones to Armageddon

Connecting Bethel Lawlessness to Final Prophecy

Daniel 8:13-14 Details the Coming Temple Judgment of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Daniel 11:42-45 Converges Into Daniel 12 Final Fulfillment
Global Tribulation is Guaranteed, Everything Else is Unknown to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Daniel 12 Final Prophetic Cycle Images and Graphics

The Final Phase – Final Prophetic Cycle Periods and Sovereign Meanings

Final Prophetic Cycle – Signals of Commencement

All Four United Nations Presentations are Foretold in Bible Prophecy

Fire Purification: Proving the JW Temple Judgment as Daniel 8:13-14 Connection to Revelation 8

The Final Phase – Final Prophetic Cycle Periods and Sovereign Meanings

Daniel Prophecy and 8th King Globalists
Daniel 11:36-41 and Daniel 8:23-25 8th King Globalist Details and the Bethel Apostasy Co-Development

Bethel Apostasy Foretold in Daniel 8 and 11

Comprehensive Completion Requirement of Prophecy, History, World Government and the Messianic Kingdom

Daniel 11:42-43 Explicit in Coming 8th King Globalized Wealth Control

JW UN NGO Prophecy, Information and Details

JW UN NGO – Tip of the Iceberg of Bethel Subversion

World Government Final Cycle

1260 Days Time Signature Cross Links Final Cycle Events in Final Kingdom Warning and World Government Authority

7th King Downfall – Isaiah’s and Ezekiel’s Prophecy – “Egypt” Pronouncements as Modern Nation-State System Parallels in the Final Tribulation Cycle

World Government and Prophecy Repeating Principles

World Government and Prophecy Repeating Principles

Daniel 8 and 11 Final Apostasy and 3rd UN Placement (1990) Connections and Parallels

JW Judgment is First and Will Picture the World Judgment It Will Lead To

8th King/King North World Government as Simple as Possible

Progressive National to Final Globalist World Power in Bible Prophecy


Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! Commentary – Revelation 8 Meanings Must Replicate to Final Fulfillment

Comparing the Christendom Judgment of Revelation 8 First Fulfillment to The Bethel Judgment of Revelation 8 Final Fulfillment

Background to the Revelation 8 Final Fulfillment on Jehovah’s Witnesses




Final Temple Judgment and Jehovah’s Witnesses


PDF “The Man of Lawlessness – Governing Body Based Bethel UN Prophetic Deception Operation”;

8th King United Nations World Government Final Cycle – Final Prophetic Replication and Milestones

8th King United Nations World Government Final Cycle – Final Prophetic Replication and Milestones

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Prophecy Properly
Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost


Complete Report on UN Prophecy Tracking Lost



All Four United Nations Presentations are Foretold in Bible Prophecy


Progressive National to Final Globalist World Power in Bible Prophecy

Daniel 12 Final Prophetic Cycle Images and Graphics

Download Whole Templelijah Public Domain Website 12-11-2013


Final Temple Judgment and Jehovah’s Witnesses

PDF “The Man of Lawlessness – Governing Body Based Bethel UN Prophetic Deception Operation”;

8th King United Nations World Government Final Cycle – Final Prophetic Replication and Milestones

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Prophecy Properly
Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost

Complete Report on UN Prophecy Tracking Lost

All PDFs: JW Temple Judgment and 8th King (UN) World Government Final Phase

Once Upon a Time JWs Tracked UN Prophecy Properly
Bethel Apostasy 1990 – Jehovah’s Witnesses UN NGO and the UN Prophecy Tracking Lost

Jehovah’s Witnesses – Temple Judgment Prophetic Reference Guide



Graphics of Prophecy National 7th King to Globalist 8th King

Reduced Size Images

1. Seven National Powers Four Globalist Cycles One World Government

2. Four Globalist Cycles to One World Government

Full Size Posters

1. Seven National Powers Four Globalist Cycles One World Government

2. Four Globalist Cycles to One World Government